Ijaerv13n20 05
Ijaerv13n20 05
Ijaerv13n20 05
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 20 (2018) pp. 14498-14504
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
Fc = m𝜔2rc Eqn.2
Figure 1: 3-D axis symmetry and mathematical model of
rotor coupling Fc∗Nb
PB = Eqn.3
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 20 (2018) pp. 14498-14504
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
3. Thermal load From the figure 3 it is observed that maximum at mid span of
the bolt. The bolt pretention is provided in the bolts to increase
Loads due to change in temperature are produced by the non-
the contact stress in the flange retaining the tensile load parallel
uniform distribution of temperature in the disc under service
to the axis of the rotor. Due to centrifugal pull, each bolt is
conditions. The external region of the rotor that is closer to the
subjected to shear loading since each stage of the rotor tries to
hot gasses, in fact, is hotter than the internal area. This non-
radially grow outward resulting in combination of bolt bending
uniform temperature gradient causes a deformation of the
and shear. The first principal stress in bolt indicates the shear
material, along with the coefficient of thermal expansion.
loading dominance in the bolt and the equivalent stress
indicates the stress intensity due to bolt bending. The obtained
stresses are well with the design limits therefore the design is
Service conditions for disc: safe under these conditions
Turbine disc experiences centrifugal loads, thermal loads and
blade pressure under operating conditions. The loading
conditions of the disc for the present work are classified into
three cases: first case is by considering centrifugal force only,
second case is combination of centrifugal and blade pressure,
third case is by considering all three loads as mentioned above.
Figure 2 represents the schematic diagram of disc loading.
The above figure 4 shows the total deformation obtained for the
cyclic symmetry analysis for the given Boundary condition.
The radial growth is 0.534 mm which is safer under allowable
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 20 (2018) pp. 14498-14504
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
in disc failure. Hoop stress considered for evaluating the safety evaluating the safety margins. When passing from engineering
margins. The deformation induced in the turbine disc is less stress to true stress, the following relations must be applied:
than ‘1 mm’ which is desired result.
𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 = ln(1 + 𝜀𝑒𝑛𝑔 ) Eqn.5
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 20 (2018) pp. 14498-14504
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
occurs between the two formulations; while if the disc is made 3. Bi-linear Kinematic Analysis:
of brittle material it is more appropriate to weight the influence
The isotropic model indicates that, yield strength in tension and
of the maximum stress by applying the Hallinan Formula.
compression are same in the beginning, i.e. the yield surface is
symmetric about the stress axes; they remain equal as the yield
1. Linear Static Analysis: surface develops within plastic strain. In Isotropic hardening
the material hardens till it responds elastically. To overcome
From the behavior constraints mentioned over-speed ≥ 118%
this, alternate laws i.e. kinematic hardening laws is introduced.
of the 100% speed. Hence, for evaluating the safety margins
As per hardening laws, the material become softer in
121% speed (16940 rpm) is considered as per API standards,
compression and thus yield surface remains same shape and
𝜎𝑦𝑒𝑖𝑙𝑑 size but turns in stress space, which gives the real behavior of
Over speed Margin = √ Eqn.9 the material. Hence, this approach gives the real behavior burst
𝜎 𝑐,𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛
speed obtained are acceptable.
For burst speed,
Particulars Case1 Case2 Case3
𝜔𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑡 = 𝜔 √ Over-Speed limits 1.34 1.29 1.27
Burst Speed 181.37% 150.34% 149.75%
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 20 (2018) pp. 14498-14504
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
= (2𝑁𝑓 )𝑏 + 𝜖𝑓′ (2𝑁𝑓 )𝑐
Nf = 296319.69 cycles
Figure 9: Burst limits varying with two different approaches The sensitivity analysis and design checks conducted
through blending the classical equations and
methodologies has thrown light on various aspects
In the above figure 7, 8 and 9 represents linear, isotropic, namely design considerations, parametric and design
kinematic analysis respectively. It is observed that burst limits constraints along with behavior constraints to achieve
obtained from Hallinan is conservative and safe when compare design goal. A non-linear analysis is must for
to Robinsons limits. evaluating the safety limits as per regulations to
ensure integrity.
FATIGUE LIFE ASSESSMENT From the present study for evaluating the safety limits
for disc a bi-linear kinematic approach is
Fatigue is a critical failure phenomenon as it is the reason to recommended. The safety limits obtained from this
more than 90% of all service failures of machine components. analysis provides a conservative result in a range of 6-
Therefore, fatigue life estimation is extremely important in 8% when compared to other two approaches
extremely loaded components design. The turbo machines are
the most critical parts of gas turbine engines. These parts have The burst limits obtained from Hallinan’s criteria is
colossal kinetic energies that are at the peak during maximum considered since, the results are 5-7% conservative
thrust conditions. Such processes incite intense cyclic stresses when compare to Robinsons criteria. By incorporating
in turbo machines. Hence, the absence of life prediction leads this criterion in FE code would help in evaluating
to low cycle fatigue failures. The expected life of small gas burst limits.
engine is much less than large engines. Hence certain degree of The estimated fatigue life of the disc obtained from
plastic deformation is permissible in this class of engines. Coffin-Manson and Universal Slope method is greater
Manson- Coffin’s method (Strain approach) [9] is the best than 1*e6 cycles. For, estimating the fatigue life of
suited life estimation method for the case under study. For such disc Coffin-Manson method is optimum since, it
application the strain approach is better than the stress approach provides a factor of safety 1.66 when compare to
which basically ignores plasticity. universal slope method. Universal Slope method is
utilized for approximation of fatigue life when there is
lack of material data.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 20 (2018) pp. 14498-14504
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
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