Cystic Fibrosis MRI in CF Tecnica
Cystic Fibrosis MRI in CF Tecnica
Cystic Fibrosis MRI in CF Tecnica
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common inherited and life-shortening pulmonary diseases in the Caucasian popu-
lation. With the widespread introduction of newborn screening and the development of modulator therapy, tremendous
advances have been made in recent years both in diagnosis and therapy. Since paediatric CF patients tend to be younger and
have lower morbidity, the type of imaging modality that should be used to monitor the disease is often debated. Computed
tomography (CT) is sensitive to many pulmonary pathologies, but radiation exposure limits its use, especially in children
and adolescents. Conventional pulmonary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a valid alternative to CT and, in most cases,
provides sufficient information to guide treatment. Given the expected widespread availability of sequences with ultra-short
echo times, there will be even fewer reasons to perform CT for follow-up of patients with CF. This review aims to provide
an overview of the process and results of monitoring CF with MRI, particularly for centres not specialising in the disease.
Keywords Bronchiectasis · Chest · Children · Computed tomography · Cystic fibrosis · Eichinger score · Fourier
decomposition · Magnetic resonance imaging · Pulmonary · Ultra-short echo times
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common, inherited and Physical examination, microbiological and pulmonary func-
life-limiting diseases in the Caucasian population. The mean tion tests and laboratory parameters are used to monitor the
prevalence in European Union (EU) countries is 0.74/10,000, progression of the disease. Structural lung changes occur in
with an incidence of 1/3,000 to 1/6,000 live births [1, 2]. A gene infancy and during the preschool period and may be missed
defect encoding a chloride channel causes this multisystemic in asymptomatic children [7, 8]. However, high-resolution
disease whereby progressive lung disease is the leading cause of cross-sectional imaging can detect abnormalities in the lungs
death [3]. While in the past CF often resulted in demise in child- more sensitively than lung function diagnostics and, thus,
hood and adolescence, improvements in therapy and diagnostics direct therapy at an early stage [8, 9]. It has been shown that
have increased the median life expectancy into mid-adulthood in infants and young children, magnetic resonance imaging
[4]. Two factors have significantly altered the management of CF (MRI) correlates well with the (sensitive) lung clearance
and, thus, survival in recent years: the widespread introduction index [10]. In addition, imaging can sometimes identify
of newborn screening, resulting in presymptomatic therapy [5] the cause of pulmonary deterioration or even distinguish
and the development of modulator therapies, allowing treatment between fungal and other microbial causes of infection, ena-
of the defective chloride channel [6]. bling targeted therapy [11].
* Daniel Gräfe
[email protected]
What do clinicians need to know?
Department of Pediatric Radiology,
Leipzig University Hospital, Ideally, the treating pulmonologist needs precise and com-
Liebigstraße 20a, 04103 Leipzig, Germany prehensible parameters by which to assess the progression
Department of Pediatrics, of the disease and from which they can immediately derive
Leipzig University Hospital, clues for patient management. The imaging modality is not
Liebigstraße 20a, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Pediatric Radiology
the primary objective for the clinician. The radiologist, on since the haemorrhage may be treated by interventional
the other hand, must be aware of the perspective and requests occlusion [18].
of the referring physician, even if they have not been explic-
itly phrased. Before any examination, consider:
a) Are there changes over time that have prognostic or Why MRI?
therapeutic relevance for the patient? Multiple scores for
each imaging modality are useful for such quantification of Traditionally, imaging of the lungs has been based on con-
longitudinal trends [12–15]. ventional projection radiography. Over the past decades,
b) Is there an acute event that requires immediate ther- multiple chest radiograph-based scores have been developed
apy? Examples include acute respiratory tract infective to objectify the findings in CF [19, 20]. However, a consider-
exacerbations or pulmonary haemorrhage. The radiologic able amount of subjectivity persists in reporting, especially
assessment should, irrespective of the score, explicitly evalu- in the evaluation of conventional radiographic images. Many
ate and report this aspect. lesions are only visualised as nonspecific surrogate findings
The basis for each score is the morphological, patho- (e.g., ring shadows, mottled shadows and soft shadows)
logical alteration of the lung. These appear with different [21]. Artificial intelligence-based software has potential to
emphasis depending on the imaging modality: bronchial wall enhance the consistency of radiographic assessment, but still
thickening, bronchiectasis, consolidations, bullae, mucus requires further development [22].
plugs and hyperinflation (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) [16, 17]. Given the limitations of conventional radiography, com-
In addition, functional assessment of regional changes in puted tomography (CT) as a fast, high-resolution, cross-
ventilation and perfusion is also desirable as complementary sectional diagnostic technique is, therefore commonly used
information. by many centres for follow-up in CF [23]. In addition, unlike
Any change in appearance of morphological lesions MRI, CT achieves sufficient quality without sedation in chil-
forms the basis for prophylactic or therapeutic medical dren younger than 5 years of age [24].
treatment and physiotherapy. In infective exacerbations, the The benefits of CT notwithstanding, the risk–benefit
imaging modality should ideally provide evidence of bacte- trade-off of routine CT follow-up needs to be reevaluated
rial or mycotic aetiology. In the rare case of haemoptysis, [25], even when effective dose is very low [26]. As a result
angiographic imaging of the bronchial arteries is necessary of expanding treatment, the number of relatively healthy
Fig. 1 Magnetic resonance
images in a 16-year-old
girl with bronchiectasis in the
upper lobes (arrows). a Coronal
respiratory-triggered T2 fast
spin echo and self-gated ultra-
short echo time sequences with
(b) coronal, (c) axial and (d)
sagittal multiplanar reconstruc-
tions. Please note that air trap-
ping distal to the dilated bronchi
is only depicted in the latter
Pediatric Radiology
Pediatric Radiology
Fig. 5 A 16-year-old boy with cystic fibrosis. A T2 fast spin echo the bronchiectasis in the basal right upper lobe is hyperdense on CT
magnetic resonance (MR) image (a). The mucus in the bronchiectasis (arrow). This combination of MR and CT findings is characteristic of
in the basal right upper lobe is hypointense on T2 (arrow). An axial allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and aspergilloma
unenhanced computed tomography (CT) image (b). The mucus in
Pediatric Radiology
Fig. 6 An example of an
unenhanced functional proton
magnetic resonance image
(MRI) (Fourier decomposition)
for the estimation of ventilation
by means of phase-resolved
functional lung MRI (PREFUL)
[16] in a free-breathing 6-year-
old boy after severe pneumonia
(acquisition time of 60 s). Bul-
lae can be observed in the left
lower lobe (basal) and the right
upper lobe, which ventilate with
delayed filling and emptying
of air (ventilation circle with
arrows around the image). The
automated computation map
(within the ventilation circle)
reveals healthy lung (green) as
well as extensive damage to the
lungs with perfusion deficits
(red) and ventilation-perfusion
mismatch (purple)
GRAPPA generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisition, GRE gradient echo, n/a not applicable,
PD proton density, UTE ultra-short echo time, VIBE volume interpolated breath-hold examination
complete lung in a single breath-hold manoeuvre are pos- available techniques for qualitative assessment of lung per-
sible. High-resolution UTE sequences are often acquired as fusion [45]. Through hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction,
isovoxel 3-D sequences in free breathing and with a voxel perfusion also yields indirect information about ventilation.
size of less than 1.5 mm, like CT, allow multiplanar recon- However, in cases of haemoptysis, with bronchial artery
struction. Once manufacturers adopt these UTE sequences hypertrophy as a treatable cause of bleeding, CT angiogra-
into their standard portfolio, they will become an integral phy remains the modality of choice [46]. Whether routine
part of routine CF imaging. use of contrast-enhanced functional assessments should be
Contrast-enhanced 3-D sequences with high temporal res- recommended outside the research setting remains unclear.
olution rendered by keyhole imaging techniques are widely Acknowledging that even macrocyclic contrast agents lead
Pediatric Radiology
CAIPI controlled aliasing in parallel imaging, GRAPPA generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acqui-
sition, GRE gradient echo, n/a not applicable, PD proton density, SPIRiT iterative self-consistent parallel
imaging, UTE ultra-short echo time, VIBE volume interpolated breath-hold examination
to deposition in the paediatric brain [47] and considering perfusion and ventilation measurement and is based on
that progressively healthier and younger patients will be ordinary proton MRI as opposed to sophisticated methods
given an early diagnosis and new therapies in the future, the employing hyperpolarised gases. The requisite for this tech-
risk–benefit of routine contrast agent administration must be nique is a fast gradient echo sequence, which is available on
questioned. Another promising new method is non-contrast every scanner; hence, the need for expensive investment is
perfusion, such as arterial spin labelling [48] and variants of avoided. Thick coronal slices of about 10 mm are continu-
Fourier decomposition [49]. Since the latter provides highly ously acquired with high temporal resolution at a single slice
encouraging results [50] and is not far from transitioning position in free breathing. For each desired slice position,
into clinical practice, it will be discussed in the next section. the acquisition time required for the reconstruction of one
virtual ventilation and perfusion cycle is about 60 s. Subse-
quently, in postprocessing, ventilation and perfusion video
For specialists clips as well as a quantitative mismatch map are calculated
on any computer using dedicated software [56]. To date, this
The clearest and most elaborate visualisation of ventilation software is not commercially available, which means that
is achieved with hyperpolarised gases such as 3helium and the technology is currently only being used in a research
xenon. Thereby, a 3-D lung volume is acquired during a context; however, clinical rollout is expected soon.
single breath-hold manoeuvre after the preceding inhalation T1 mapping of the lung as a quantitative parameter has
of roughly 1 litre of the polarised gas. Though these methods been proposed and explored for CF in the research context.
represent ventilation disorders with high sensitivity [51, 52], But so far, this method has not found its way into routine
three drawbacks have hindered their introduction into the clinical practice [57].
clinical arena since their initial description 25 years ago:
First, the sourcing and subsequent on-site polarisation of the
gases is costly. Second, dedicated MR hardware enhance- How to report?
ments are required, since standard high-frequency generators
and receiver coils are designed for proton MRI [53]. Finally, As a first step, an assessment of whether the quality of the spe-
handling of gas inhalation followed by immediate scanning cific MRI examination is sufficient or whether some minor or
requires extensive training. Therefore, this technique is per- pronounced diagnostic limitations remain is recommended.
formed only in a few specialised institutions and is not suit- This assessment informs the pulmonologist whether the present
able for routine clinical use even in the medium term. examination is of sufficient quality to answer all questions. In
Fourier decomposition for the assessment of perfusion case of pronounced diagnostic limitations, a short-term repeat
and ventilation is an important and elegant innovation in MRI examination or CT must be arranged, if of acute relevance.
functional lung MRI and an alternative to both contrast After quality assessment, a free or structured report is prepared
administration and ventilation imaging with hyperpolarised regarding acute changes in comparison to the previous exami-
gases (Fig. 6) [54, 55]. This promising technique combines nations focusing on findings that require immediate treatment.
Pediatric Radiology
Table 3 Eichinger score (modified after [13]) for morphological half (1) or present in more than half (2) of a lobe. If lung perfusion is
imaging of the lung in cystic fibrosis. Individual findings are scored recorded, an additional line can be added, which would increase the
according to whether pathology is absent (0), present in less than total score to 72
Bronchiectasis/wall thickening 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Mucus plugging 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Abscesses/sacculations 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Consolidation 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Pleural findings 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Lobar score (total) 10 10 10 10 10 10 60
The challenge of MRI reporting arises from the fact that to the computer-aided diagnosis of CF have already been
the lesions are often multiple and very unevenly distrib- reported for CT [62, 63]. Adapting these algorithms to MRI
uted in the lung and that the irregularly confined typical is complicated by the more heterogeneous image quality of
CF lesions are more difficult to measure than, for example, lung MRI compared with chest CT, but automated quantifi-
nodules. Further, the T2 signal intensity as a relative value of cation seems possible [59, 64].
pathology is not readily quantifiable, although there are early
encouraging results in this regard [13, 58, 59]. Attempts
have been made to address these challenges with several What to expect for the future?
semiquantitative CF scores for MRI [12–14]. To quantify
the extent of pulmonary pathology and to reflect disease Ultra-short echo time sequences will become standard
progression in a single parameter, a semiquantitative score additions to conventional CF lung MRI as soon as these
can now be applied. It must be emphasised that CF scores, sequences are made widely available by manufacturers. In
whether for CT or MRI, have a certain investigator depend- addition, with non-contrast perfusion and ventilation meas-
ence and are not well validated in terms of their predic- urements of the lung, these sequences will eliminate the
tive power for clinically relevant outcomes [60]. However, need for contrast administration, which is still standard in
there is sufficient evidence that they correlate adequately some centres due to its sensitivity.
with other surrogate parameters of disease severity, such as A few fundamental disadvantages of MRI compared
forced expiratory volume in 1 s [12] or the lung clearance to CT will linger on: First, the lengthy acquisition time of
index [10]. MRI sequences usually requires sedation in children up to
A simple and feasible score is the Eichinger score [13], about 5 years of age. Second, there are no studies on the
which consists of a morphological and an independent func- cost effectiveness of MRI compared to CT. However, it is
tional (MR perfusion) component (Table 3). An extension likely that such a comparison will favor CT even beyond
of this score for mosaic signal intensities has been recently the age of infants. Finally, standardisation of MRI protocols
proposed [61]. To estimate this score, the different lobes of between different manufacturers is much more challenging
the lung (upper lobe, lower lobe, middle lobe and lingula) than for CT. Standardisation of MRI protocols and report-
are considered separately. For each lobe, alterations of the ing is strongly advocated for the future [65] and is being
bronchial wall, mucus plugging, abscesses, consolidation advanced by the imaging group of the Clinical Trial Network
and pleural alterations are scored semiquantitatively on a of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society.
scale from zero to two, depending on whether the lesion is Even today, lung MRI for pulmonary monitoring in CF is
absent in the corresponding lobe or whether it affects less performed as a preferred method in many specialised insti-
or more than half of the lobe. An improvement in the quan- tutions [31, 32]. However, the preference for lung MRI in
titative assessment of hyperinflation can be expected in the CF in these institutions has so far been based on individual
future from the incorporation of ventilation inhomogenei- experience. A robust assessment of advantages and disad-
tes as shown by contrast-enhanced or unenhanced perfu- vantages regarding sensitivity of MRI compared to CT can
sion, ventilation or UTE imaging. A generic disadvantage be anticipated from a large ongoing multicentre study in
of scores is that it is often uncertain what weights should France (
be assigned to the individual components. This might be As a full evaluation of the lung can be achieved in free
revolutionized by deep-learning algorithms that can inde- breathing in about 15 min, pulmonary MRI might soon
pendently determine prognostic criteria. First approaches replace chest CT as a standard in CF imaging in children.
Pediatric Radiology
Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt 15. Helbich TH, Heinz-Peer G, Eichler I et al (1999) Cystic fibrosis:
DEAL. CT assessment of lung involvement in children and adults. Radiol-
ogy 213:537–544
Declarations 16. Glandorf J, Klimeš F, Voskrebenzev A et al (2020) Comparison of
phase-resolved functional lung (PREFUL) MRI derived perfusion
Conflicts of interest None and ventilation parameters at 1.5T and 3T in healthy volunteers.
PLoS One 15:e0244638
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri- 17. Hansell DM, Bankier AA, MacMahon H et al (2008) Fleisch-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta- ner Society: Glossary of terms for thoracic imaging. Radiology
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long 246:697–722
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, 18. Ittrich H, Bockhorn M, Klose H, Simon M (2017) The diagnosis
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permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will chest radiograph in cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Radiol 2:101–105
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a 21. Davis SD, Fordham LA, Brody AS et al (2007) Computed tomog-
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22. Zucker EJ, Barnes ZA, Lungren MP et al (2020) Deep learning to
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