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European Journal of Radiology 86 (2017) 335–342

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Management of COPD: Is there a role for quantitative imaging?

Miranda Kirby (PhD) a,b , Edwin J.R. van Beek (MD PhD) c , Joon Beom Seo (MD PhD) d ,
Juergen Biederer (MD) e,f,g , Yasutaka Nakano (MD PhD) h , Harvey O. Coxson (PhD) a,b ,
Grace Parraga (PhD) i,j,∗
Department of Radiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
UBC James Hogg Research Center & The Institute of Heart and Lung Health, St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, Canada
Clinical Research Imaging Centre, Queen’s Medical Research Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Department of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Republic of Korea
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital of Heidelberg, Germany
Translational Lung Research Center Heidelberg (TLRC), Member of the German Lung Research Center (DZL), Germany
Radiologie Darmstadt, Gross-Gerau County Hospital, Germany
Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science, Shiga, Japan
Robarts Research Institute, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Department of Medical Biophysics, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: While the recent development of quantitative imaging methods have led to their increased use in the
Received 7 August 2016 diagnosis and management of many chronic diseases, medical imaging still plays a limited role in the
Accepted 26 August 2016 management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this review we highlight three pul-
monary imaging modalities: computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and optical
Keywords: coherence tomography (OCT) imaging and the COPD biomarkers that may be helpful for managing COPD
patients. We discussed the current role imaging plays in COPD management as well as the potential
role quantitative imaging will play by identifying imaging phenotypes to enable more effective COPD
Computed tomography
Magnetic resonance imaging
management and improved outcomes.
Optical coherence tomography © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction advantage for some patients with very severe disease. Despite
the modest efficacy reported using existing management strate-
International clinical guidelines reinforce the overwhelming gies, COPD hospitalization and mortality rates continue to rise,
opinion that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a most strikingly in women [10], and health economists warn that
manageable and treatable disease for patients with all grades of this upward trend will continue and very soon overwhelm our
disease severity [1]. This is a very hopeful and optimistic notion healthcare systems [11]. In light of this dire situation, new COPD
given that smoking cessation is the most effective intervention management strategies are being actively pursued and investigated
for managing COPD to-date, and the only intervention yet shown to combat this growing public health emergency.
to slow the rate of lung function decline [2,3]. While it has been With precision medicine methods on the horizon for all patients
reported that pharmacological therapy can improve lung func- with chronic disease, there is a renewed optimism for the possibil-
tion and reduce COPD symptoms [4], COPD exacerbations and ity of finding new ways to reduce the burden of COPD. Precision
hospitalizations [5,6], the effects are not strong and therapeutic medicine depends on a deeper understanding of the individual
developments still lag behind other major chronic illnesses. Pal- patient’s genetic background and the gene-environment interac-
liative treatments such as oxygen therapy [7] and lung volume tions that lead to specific underlying biological processes – the
reduction either surgically [8] or using interventional broncho- disease “endotype” (i.e. inflammation). By understanding how
scopic valve placement [9] also independently offer a survival these distinct underlying biological processes manifest in the indi-
vidual patient – the disease “phenotype” (i.e. emphysema) – it
is thought that precision medicine will enable the “right” treat-
ment to be provided to the right patient at the right time. A better
∗ Corresponding author at: Robarts Research Institute, 1151 Richmond St N, Lon-
understanding of underlying disease endotypes will not only allow
don, N6A 5B7, Canada.
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Parraga).
for better patient management, but will also open doors for the
0720-048X/© 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
336 M. Kirby et al. / European Journal of Radiology 86 (2017) 335–342

discovery of new drugs/interventions and clinical trials that tar- ease, depicted as large spheres in regions corresponding to greater
get the underlying pathologies embodied by chronic lung disease. spatial clustering of the emphysematous lesions, as well as a quan-
Furthermore, linking the endotype to the phenotype will enable titative measurement.
the identification and stratification of patients with certain dis-
ease features for clinical trials of targeted treatments, as well as 2.2. Large airways
evaluation of treatment efficacy. In light of this, there is renewed
interest in the development and evaluation of the COPD phenotype Airways disease is another important pathological feature in
measurements. In patients with COPD, such phenotype measure- patients with COPD, and the proximal airways can be directly
ments currently include clinical and functional biomarkers as well visualized and quantified using low dose thoracic CT methods.
as recently discovered pulmonary imaging biomarkers. Several approaches have been used to segment the airway tree
The technical development, clinical and commercial translation and then quantify the airway wall dimensions, such as threshold-
of medical imaging technologies and the more recent development based analysis [21] and full-width at half maximum algorithm
of quantitative imaging methods, have led to their increased use in [22], subsequent to three-dimension reconstruction of the airway
the diagnosis and management of many chronic diseases. Until very tree [23–25]. While many of these algorithms are still experimen-
recently however, for patients with COPD, medical imaging has not tal, several have been incorporated into commercially-available
played a major role outside the setting of acute complications or software including VIDA Diagnostics, Inc. (Coralville, IA, USA), FLU-
lung cancer diagnosis. Therefore, in this review we highlight three IDDA (North Brunswick, NU, USA), Pulmo3D Software (Fraunhofer
pulmonary imaging modalities: computed tomography (CT), mag- MEVIS, Bremen, Germany), and Airway Inspector (Harvard Medical
netic resonance imaging (MRI) and optical coherence tomography School, Boston, MA).
(OCT) imaging and the COPD biomarkers that may be helpful for There is a wealth of quantitative airway dimension mea-
managing COPD patients. By summarizing how imaging is currently surements that can be obtained from CT images. One of the
used in COPD patient management and its potential to play a larger measurements used in clinical research is the mean airway wall
role in COPD phenotyping and treatment decisions, we endeavour area (WA), or airway wall area expressed as a percentage (WA%),
to answer the question: Is there a role for quantitative imaging in which was shown to be significantly correlated with histologi-
patients with COPD? cal measures of the small airways [26]. However, the anatomical
locations within the airway tree where WA measurements are
obtained vary across studies, from a single airway location (e.g. RB1
2. X-ray computed tomography measurements and
[27]) to an average of all airways of a particular generation (e.g.
biomarkers of COPD
5th generation airways [28]), and therefore it is difficult to com-
pare measurements between studies. Furthermore, it is difficult to
For over a decade, the clinical standard for COPD patient imag-
compare this measurement between patients because there are dif-
ing has been high resolution x-ray computed tomography (CT).
ferent distributions of airway sizes in different patients. Another
Pulmonary CT enables the direct and regional quantification of a
common CT airway measurement was introduced to avoid the
number of COPD pathologic features and biomarkers that are rele-
potential bias that occurs due to the different distribution of air-
vant to the evaluation and management of COPD patients.
way sizes is a standardized measure for airway wall thickness [29].
This measure, called the Pi10, is derived by plotting the square root
2.1. Parenchyma microstructure: emphysema of the airway wall area versus the internal perimeter of each mea-
sured airway and using the regression line to calculate the square
Regional tissue destruction or emphysema is very common in root of the airway wall area for a representative airway with an
COPD patients and appear as regions of low attenuation on CT internal perimeter of 10 mm. More recently, Smith and colleagues
images acquired at suspended full-inspiration. To quantify low [30] proposed another way to overcome this potential measure-
attenuating regions, the most commonly used approaches make ment bias by only including measurements from airway segments
use of the histogram of all CT densitometry values in the lung and that were anatomically matched for all subjects.
a CT density threshold cut-off or a percentile of the CT density his- Most commercially available lung analysis software, such as is
togram to generate “CT density masks.” Although various threshold shown in Fig. 1C (Apollo, VIDA Diagnostics Inc. Coralville, IA, USA),
values and percentile points have been investigated, the −950 HU allows the three-dimensional reconstruction and labeling of the
threshold [12–14] and the 15th percentile on the frequency distri- airway branching structure. This approach allows investigators to
bution curve [15] are the most widely accepted. select an individual airway (e.g. RB1 ) and obtain specific regional
A limitation of CT histogram measurement approaches for quan- airway measurements.
tifying the extent of emphysema is that these do not take into
account the size of the low attenuation areas in the lung or how 2.3. Functional small airways disease
they cluster together, which may be an important consideration
in COPD patient management. One approach that does account for It has long been known that small airway obstruction may
clusters of values is the analysis of low attenuation clusters (LAC) be identified using evidence of CT lucency, or gas trapping,
[16,17] which quantifies low attenuation regions as “emphysema- on CT expiratory images in the absence of emphysema [31].
tous holes.” Studies show that the LAC measurement is correlated Although numerous approaches have been evaluated, including the
with mathematical models of emphysematous cluster formation inspiratory-to-expiratory volume change of voxels with attenua-
and agrees with radiologist emphysema scores [18–20]. tion values from −860 to −950 HU (RVC−860to−950 ) [32] and the
Fig. 1A shows a centre slice, coronal CT image with all lung expiratory-to-inspiratory ratio of mean lung density in HU (E/I
voxels less than the −950 HU threshold highlighted in red. The ratio) [33,34], a more regionally quantitative approach was recently
three-dimensional reconstruction of the CT airway tree and the low introduced. This approach provides a way to quantify regional gas
attenuation clusters (colour-coded for the different lung lobes) are trapping, or “functional small airways disease,” on a voxel-by-voxel
shown below in Fig. 1B. Although it is clear in the CT density mask basis by registration of the full-inspiration and full-expiration tho-
for the subject with moderate and severe COPD that emphysema racic CT images [35,36]. While measurements generated using this
is located predominantly in the upper and middle lobes, the LAC approach have not yet been histologically validated, such measure-
analysis provides both a visual representation of the localized dis- ments were shown to be reproducible over short periods of time
M. Kirby et al. / European Journal of Radiology 86 (2017) 335–342 337

Fig. 1. CT density mask generated using the −950 HU threshold cut-off of the CT densitometry histogram (A) with the low attenuation cluster analysis (B) and three-
dimensional reconstruction of the airway tree generated (C) using VIDA Diagnostics, Inc. (Coralville, IA, USA) for an at risk, GOLD I, GOLD II and GOLD III+ COPD subject.
At risk subject is a 66 year old male ex-smoker with a 25 pack-year smoking history (FEV1 = 103%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.94); GOLD I subject is a 79 year old female ex-smoker
with a 8 pack-year smoking history (FEV1 = 88%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.71); GOLD II subject is a 66 year old male ex-smoker with a 50 pack-year smoking history (FEV1 = 59%pred ,
FEV1 /FVC = 0.46); GOLD III+ subject is a 78 year old male ex-smoker with a 20 pack-year smoking history (FEV1 = 38%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.28).

[37], they correlated with pulmonary function [31,32], showed spa- information may also be derived using physiologic signal alter-
tial agreement with functional abnormalities identified with other ations such as pulsatile blood flow or ventilation stemming from
imaging modalities [38], and were associated with longitudinal the 1 H MRI signal itself or using intravenous or inhaled contrast
changes in FEV1 [39]. agents.

2.4. Functional information: dual-energy CT 3.1. Non-contrast enhanced 1 H MRI

Conventional anatomical CT cannot provide direct informa- Clinical non-contrast enhanced 1 H MRI is used to visualize and
tion regarding which parts of the lung receive ventilation or detect tissue abnormalities in the body. However, direct visual-
perfusion – functional information. Therefore, other approaches ization of lung tissue is difficult due to the low proton density
such as dual-energy CT (DECT) [40–42] are being developed and rapid signal decay due to the very short transverse mag-
and evaluated. A recent study investigating DECT with combined netization relaxation time (T2*) of aerated lung tissue [46]. This
xenon-enhanced ventilation and iodine contrast enhanced perfu- results in multiple susceptibility artifacts at air-tissue interfaces
sion imaging demonstrated the feasibility of obtaining regional and of the alveoli. Therefore, clinical MRI for pulmonary applications
quantitative ventilation and perfusion measurements and, impor- necessarily focuses on abnormalities with high signal intensity
tantly, the measurements of the ventilation-perfusion relationship against the dark background of the lung tissue [47]. For example,
on a voxel-by-voxel basis [43]. In patients with COPD, these DECT fluid accumulation or solid pathology and atelectasis are visualized
ventilation-perfusion measurements were shown to be signifi- with excellent signal-to-background ratio. Lung tissue abnormali-
cantly associated with measures of pulmonary function [43]. ties in COPD patients such as focal emphysema, bronchiectasis and
consolidation may be detected and quantified/scored using MRI
3. Magnetic resonance imaging measurements of COPD despite a slightly lower spatial resolution compared to CT [48].
Already in clinical use, steady state gradient echo and T2-weighted
There is growing interest in the use of pulmonary MRI for fast spin echo techniques help to differentiate healthy lung tissue
research, not only because of the relative speed in which images can from focal emphysema, bullae and pneumothorax [47,48]. Beyond
be generated, and excellent safety and tolerability profile [44,45], such “clinical” scans, experimental pulmonary MRI offers tremen-
but also because of the unique combination of morphological dous flexibility in the type of images and information that can be
and functional information MRI provides. Morpho-functional pul- obtained.
monary measurements can be achieved using conventional 1 H MRI One approach used to generate images with greater signal from
using the inherent signal of the parenchyma. In addition, functional the lung parenchyma involves pulse sequences that incorporate
338 M. Kirby et al. / European Journal of Radiology 86 (2017) 335–342

ultra-short echo times or UTE MRI [49]. Short echo times (TE) or results in a bright display of the contrast-enhanced lung vessels
zero-echo times (where echo time is typically defined as the time and parenchyma [66]. Lung perfusion deficits due to hypoxic vaso-
between the end of radiofrequency excitation and the beginning constriction are used for the indirect visualization of ventilation
of data acquisition), effectively reduce 1 H signal loss from the lung defects in obstructive lung disease. Furthermore, visualizing per-
parenchyma. As a result, UTE MR images may be used to identify fusion dynamically during image acquisition not only allows for
many of the same pulmonary pathological features as CT [50,51]. perfusion abnormalities to be detected at peak enhancement, but
Measurements generated using this approach often quantify the also for other conditions such as delayed perfusion to be detected
1 H signal intensity directly [52] or T2* [53]. Longitudinal relax- [67]. Semi-quantitative analysis of contrast-enhanced studies is
ation times (T1) themselves may be used for direct quantitative based on the calculation of signal-time curves, signal-to-noise
imaging of lung parenchyma alterations in COPD [54]. Studies have ratios, and contrast-to-noise ratios with region-of-interest analysis
determined that in COPD patients there are significantly shorter of lung tissue signal. Absolute quantification remains difficult due
T1-relaxation times and intra-individual regional differences of T1 to the non-linear relationship of contrast material concentration
correspond to lung parenchyma differences on CT at the lobar or and T1-shortening effects; hence the injected amount of contrast
segmental level [55,56]. material has to be chosen carefully [68,69]. Because perfusion MRI
Regarding functional information, fast-time-resolved imaging relies on contrast material that is approved for clinical use and stan-
(obtained with gradient echo or steady state gradient echo based dard MRI scanner hardware, it is one of the most straightforward
sequences) can be used to detect impaired respiratory mechanics and robust functional pulmonary MRI approaches [47]. A nearly
[56,57]. Regional ventilation maps can also be generated using vol- finalized multi-centre trial of 600 COPD patients that evaluates first
umetric analysis of inspiratory and expiratory 4D data sets [57]. pass perfusion MRI and CT will certainly provide insights into the
Moreover, the inherent signal alterations from blood flow may be clinical value and feasibility of first pass perfusion MRI [56,70].
used to generate lung perfusion maps. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) Another method for assessing pulmonary ventilation uses
uses the intrinsic contrast of magnetized, inflowing blood into the gadolinium-DTPA that is typically administered intravenously but
imaging plane or volume. Since ASL does not rely on exogenous con- can also be aerosolized and inhaled. Using this approach, pul-
trast, it may be used for serial or longitudinal studies with virtually monary ventilation appears as bright T1-signal in lung regions
unlimited repetition of measurements [58]. However, pulmonary where contrast is retained. This approach has been used for exper-
ASL imaging has not yet made its way into clinical applications, and imental imaging in large animals and human volunteers, but use in
successful implementation in COPD patients has not been reported COPD has not yet been documented [71].
Fourier Decomposition MRI [60,61] is another recently intro- 3.4. Multinuclear MRI with inhaled gas-contrast
duced 1 H-based MRI approach. This technique acquires images
during free breathing and then co-registers the images such MRI with inhaled hyperpolarized 3 He or 129 Xe gas provides
that the changes in MR signal intensity over time in each voxel another way of obtaining pulmonary structural and functional mea-
due to the breathing and cardiac cycle can be decomposed to surements [72]. Parenchyma microstructural information can be
yield ventilation-weighted and perfusion-weighted MR images. In obtained using a variety of diffusion-weighted MR pulse sequences.
ventilation-weighted images, measurements of the “ventilation During inspiration breath-hold, the gas diffuses within the lung
defects” have been shown to agree well with dynamic contrast micro-structure and the “apparent” diffusion coefficient (ADC) is
enhanced MRI in patients with cystic fibrosis [62] and with hyper- derived such that it reflects the level of restriction of the gas to dif-
polarized 3 He MRI and CT emphysema measurements in patients fusion. Studies have shown that 3 He and 129 Xe diffusion-weighted
with COPD [63]. measurements are significantly correlated with histology in ex-
vivo lungs [73,74]. In addition to lung microstructural information,
3.2. Oxygen-enhanced 1 H MRI ventilation images that show the regional distribution of inhaled
gas may be acquired. Static ventilation images have been quanti-
Oxygen-enhanced MRI exploits the signal inherent to T1 sig- fied in a number of ways, including ventilation defect counting or
nal alterations stemming from the presence of O2 in tissue and air. scoring [75,76], as well as more automated measurements using
Pulmonary 1 H images obtained during inhalation of different con- manual segmentation [75], thresholding [77] or more complex
centrations of O2 (i.e., room air and 100% of O2 ) can be subtracted algorithms [78–80]. Finally, unlike hyperpolarized 3 He gas, hyper-
to depict signal changes in the ventilated lung related to a com- polarized 129 Xe gas is soluble in blood and tissues making it possible
bination of ventilation, membrane function, and perfusion effects to measure regional perfusion [81] and alveolar transport kinet-
[59,64]. In COPD patients, Ohno and colleagues [65] demonstrated ics [82]. While there is still limited clinical experience using this
that measurements of the mean relative enhancement ratio (the approach in COPD patients, measurements have been shown to
difference in signal intensity between images acquired during 100% be strongly associated with the diffusing capacity of the lung for
oxygen and room-air breathing, normalized to the signal intensity carbon monoxide (DLCO ) in patients with idiopathic pulmonary
of room air breathing) showed greater heterogeneity in subjects fibrosis [83], and therefore there is strong potential to phenotype
with emphysema compared to healthy volunteers. COPD patients using hyperpolarized 129 Xe MRI.
3 He and 129 Xe static ventilation images and diffusion-weighted

3.3. 1H MRI with application of intravenous contrast material images are shown in Fig. 2 for a single healthy volunteer and
three COPD patients in whom 3 He and 129 Xe ventilation defects are
First pass perfusion contrast-enhanced imaging uses an intra- readily visualized. The 3 He and 129 Xe ADC maps are also brighter
venous bolus injection of a clinically approved contrast medium reflecting larger ADC numbers for the COPD subjects indicative of
based on gadolinium chelates. The bolus is injected during con- airspace enlargement and/or emphysematous tissue destruction.
tinuous acquisition of time-resolved T1-weighted ultrashort TR Other approaches, such as MRI with inhaled fluorinated gases
and TE gradient-echo (GRE) imaging. When incorporated with have also been investigated in patients with COPD. Although 19 F
parallel imaging and view-sharing technology, dynamic volume MRI has reduced image quality in comparison to hyperpolarized
studies (one full lung volume/second) can be employed. The visual noble gas MRI, 19 F MRI has the advantage that it does not require
evaluation of the image sets is facilitated by subtraction of the specialized and expensive polarization equipment, and therefore
non-enhanced from the contrast-enhanced image signal, which has potential for more widespread use. 19 F MRI is still very early
M. Kirby et al. / European Journal of Radiology 86 (2017) 335–342 339

Fig. 2. Hyperpolarized 3 He and 129 Xe static ventilation images and ADC maps for a healthy volunteer and three COPD subjects.
Subject in column 1 is a 79 year old female never-smoker (FEV1 93%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.70); Subject in column 2 is a 77 year old female ex-smoker with a 40 pack-year smoking
history (FEV1 50%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.50); Subject in column 3 is a 68 year old female ex-smoker with a 52 pack-year smoking history (FEV1 59%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.53); Subject
in column 4 is a 76 year old male ex-smoker with a 70 pack-year smoking history (FEV1 35%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.31).

in development and although quantitative measurements have yet yet been demonstrated in COPD patients, OCT has been shown
to be developed, 19 F MRI images show more heterogeneous signal to identify changes in the airway wall following bronchial ther-
intensity with observable ventilation defects in COPD compared to moplasty in asthma [89]. It is also possible to obtain information
healthy volunteers [84]. related to the elastic properties of the airway using OCT by measur-
ing the airway diameter at various airway pressures and deriving
airway compliance measurements [90].
4. Optical coherence tomography imaging measurements
5. Pulmonary imaging to improve COPD patient
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is most commonly used for management
coronary artery and retinal imaging. Recently, investigators have
begun to explore the use of OCT for airway diseases because of 5.1. How is imaging currently used in COPD patient
the very high resolution (approximately 15 ␮m axial resolution) management?
images that may be acquired. OCT imaging can be performed dur-
ing bronchoscopic procedures and are limited only by the diameter In current clinical practice, imaging is not routinely acquired
of airway that can be accessed using the OCT probe. Typical OCT for COPD patients. Moreover, chest imaging was not included in
probes are 1.5 mm in diameter, and therefore the small airways that recommendations for COPD patient management from the Cana-
are the site of airflow limitation in COPD [85] can be evaluated. Fig. 3 dian Thoracic Society [91] or in European reports [92], and imaging
shows OCT images obtained in a proximal airway (approximately was only noted as valuable in excluding alternative diagnoses and
3 mm in diameter) and a peripheral airway along the same airway establishing the presence of comorbidities in the GOLD Execu-
path with the same diameter as the 1.5 mm diameter OCT probe for tive Summary [1]. In fact, one of the only instances where CT has
four ex-smokers with and without airflow limitation. In compari- been mentioned as useful in COPD management decisions was for
son to the ex-smokers without COPD, who have notably thickened lung volume reduction therapies [93]. The National Emphysema
airway walls, the ex-smokers with COPD have larger alveoli and Treatment Trial (NETT) [8] demonstrated that patients with severe
greater destruction of the airway wall. COPD with a predominance of CT emphysema in the upper lobes
While OCT airway imaging has been used more extensively to and reduced exercise capacity may experience improved outcomes
evaluate cancer [86,87], in COPD patients airway wall OCT measure- and survival following lung volume reduction surgery compared
ments are highly reproducible [88] and are significantly associated to standard medical therapy. Thoracic imaging is also used in
with pulmonary function measurements and CT airway wall mea- COPD patient management when planning endobronchial valve
surements [28]. Although measuring treatment changes have not placement. Significant improvements in pulmonary function have
340 M. Kirby et al. / European Journal of Radiology 86 (2017) 335–342

Fig. 3. OCT image acquired in a proximal and peripheral airway along the same airway path for four ex-smokers with and at risk of COPD.
Subject A is a 61 year old male ex-smoker, with 44 pack-years smoking history (FEV1 = 96%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.81; Subject B is a 67 year old female ex-smoker with 51 pack-year
smoking history (FEV1 = 102%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.82); Subject C is a 65 year old female ex-smoker with a 85 pack-year smoking history (FEV1 = 41%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.57); Subject
D is a 63 year old male ex-smoker with a 100 pack-year smoking history (FEV1 28%pred , FEV1 /FVC = 0.29).

been shown in COPD patients with heterogeneous emphysema and 6. Conclusions

intact interlobar fissures [9,94].
The challenges inherent to managing patients with COPD and
reducing the overall disease burden demands more and better
treatment options, and new approaches that can help to individual-
5.2. Potential role of quantitative imaging? ize patient management strategies. Towards this goal, new imaging
methods and measurements have been developed over the last
The quantitative imaging field is rapidly developing, and in con- several decades. The development of low dose CT and the commer-
cert with emerging imaging informatics tools, large quantities of cialization of CT analysis tools have led to the incorporation of CT
imaging information can be mined to determine image features in large-scale, multi-center studies, enabling new discoveries and
that predict outcomes following interventions. For example, the a better understanding of COPD pathogenesis and phenotypes at
NETT study demonstrated that the regional distribution of emphy- the population level. Furthermore, the number of MRI techniques
sema is a clinically important feature to help select patients who for pulmonary evaluation has experienced a large growth over the
better respond to lung volume reduction surgery [8], however last two decades, and continues to grow, as evidence is mounting
there have been numerous others, particularly from the large, mul- that pulmonary MRI measurements provide very sensitive COPD
ticentre cohort studies, including COPDGene [95], ECLIPSE [96] biomarkers. Finally, OCT provides unique information and remains
and SPIROMICS [97]. For instance, the presence of CT emphysema the only imaging modality that can directly visualize and quan-
predicts lung function decline [94]; CT emphysema extent pre- tify the small airways – an important therapeutic target in COPD
dicts response to certain COPD treatments [98]; CT emphysema patients. Despite the advances in imaging methods and measure-
extent and airway dimension measurements predict mortality ments, the road towards precision medicine in COPD is still long and
[99]; CT emphysema extent and airway dimension measurements will require the standardization of imaging protocols and methods,
[100], as well as MRI ventilation defect measurements [101], may development and validation of imaging biomarkers, and demon-
predict COPD exacerbations that require hospitalizations. Other strating efficacy in clinical trials. Initiatives such as the Quantitative
quantitative imaging measurements, namely pulmonary artery Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA) and the Xenon Clinical Trials
enlargement (PA:A ratio measured on CT >1) were also shown to be Consortium are an important step forward, and will be critical in
associated with severe exacerbations of COPD [102]. Importantly, achieving this goal. Furthermore, it is unlikely there is a “one size
the genetic determinants of these quantitative imaging phenotypes fits all” imaging modality, and future studies must investigate how
are also being investigated [103,104], and large multi-centre cohort we can incorporate multi-modality imaging information for indi-
studies incorporating multi-modality imaging, such as the German vidual patients. These challenges, once surmounted can cement the
ASCONET study, will certainly help provide more insight into the role of quantitative imaging in guiding the management of patients
clinical value and feasibility of thoracic imaging in COPD patients with COPD.
More research is required to investigate whether quantitative Conflicts of interest
imaging may help identify phenotypes that will enable effective
COPD management to improve outcomes. Furthermore, linking None.
information from multiple scales, from disease endotype to imag-
ing phenotype, may improve how COPD patients are managed at
all levels from drug discovery, such that there are more treatment References
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