6 Injury Severity Coding v2
6 Injury Severity Coding v2
6 Injury Severity Coding v2
Injury Severity
Accident Severity
Collision severity
Injury severity
Early Severity Scales
Burden of injury – live or dead
Live - bleeding or not bleeding
Injured – treated or not treated
Treated – physician, doctor’s office
emergency room
released or admitted
Injury Severity
Department of Transport
Fatal Injury - injuries which caused death in
less than 30 days after the accident.
Serious Injury - inpatient or fracture,
concussion, internal injuries, crushings,
severe cuts, severe shock type of injury or
death after 30 days.
Slight Injury - minor sprain, bruise, cut, or
requiring only roadside attention
Greece, Portugal, Spain use within 24
France uses within 6 days.
Italy uses within 7 days.
Most other states use within 30 days.
Introduced in 1971
Probability of threat to
life scale based on
individual injury
7 digit code
used to classify an injury.
The code describes
type of injury
location of injury
severity of injury
Abbreviated Injury Scale
1 Body Region
2 Type of Anatomical Structure
3/4 Specific Anatomical Structure
5/6 Level
7 Severity Score
1 Body Region
1 Head 6 Spine
2 Face 7 Upper Extremity
3 Neck 8 Lower Extremity
4 Thorax 9 Unspecified
5 Abdomen
2 Type of Anatomic Structure
1 Whole Area
2 Vessels
3 Nerves
4 Organs (inc. muscles/ligaments)
5 Skeletal (inc. joints)
6 Loss of Consciousness (head only)
3/4 Specific Anatomic Structure
Whole Area Head - Loss of Consciousness (LOC)
02 Skin Abrasion 02 Length of LOC
04 Contusion 04-08 Level of Consciousness
06 Laceration 10 Concussion
08 Avulsion
10 Amputation Spine
20 Burn 02 Cervical
30 Crush 04 Thoracic
40 Degloving 06 Lumbar
50 Injury - NFS
60 Penetrating Vessels, Nerves, Organs, Bones, Joints
These are all assigned consecutive
two digit numbers beginning with 02
5/6 Level
Injury Severity Data
• Eppinger et al (1999) (NHTSA)
• Foret-bruno et al (1998) 42nd STAPP
• Mertz