Tarazawi Morphology
Tarazawi Morphology
Tarazawi Morphology
• size
• shape
• colour
• distribution
• presence of various inclusions
Variation in size of erythrocytes
- anisocytosis
• the grade of anisocytosis is
determined by RDW – red
cell distribution width
• anisocytosis is frequent in
microcytic anaemias, iron
deficiency anaemia, aplastic
anaemia, sideroblastic and
megaloblastic anaemia,
thalassaemia major and minor,
acute leukaemias, polycythemias,
idiopathic myelofibrosis with
myeloid metaplasia (MMM)
• Normochromia
• Hypochromia
• Hyperchromia
• Anisochromasia
• Polychromasia or polychromatophilia
• in the blood film we can find
hypochromic erythrocytes
which have a central pale
area more than a third of the
• Associated disease states:
iron deficiency anaemia
(anulocytes), thalassemias
(leptocytes), sideroblastic
anaemia, anaemias related to
chronic diseases, lead
poisoning anaemia
• in the blood film we can find
hyperchromic erythrocytes which
lack a central pale area
• cells are more intensive stained
because of thickness of the red
• Associated disease states:
macrocytosis in blood in
megaloblastic anaemias or
in a newborn