Iep Semester 2 2022

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St Cecilia’s Individual Education Plan

Catholic Primary Term Three and Four, 2022

Student Information School Personnel
Student name: Chyna Yanawana Principal: Mandy Sheen

Date of Birth: 3rd November 2015 Teacher Responsible for Plan: Joanne Carlos

Year Level: 1 Others: Kristine Lee-Gowland (Library, Phys-Ed and Health)

and Nicole Drysdale (Science)
Parents: Nikkita Newland (Mother) and Tyson Yanawana
(Father) SWD Consultant:

NCCD (Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability)
Disability Category
Choose an item.
Level of Adjustment
DISABILITY. (More information is available at )
Additional Individual Plans External Support Agencies
☐Health Care Plan Chyna is currently seeing a speech pathologist.
☐Individual Behaviour Support Plan Miss Carlos will follow up any recommendations in class.
☐Other Plan (please detail)
Assessment Data Reporting Method
• Dianna Rigg spelling tests (CVC word focus). ☐Standard
• Letter and sounds Mastery Folder that tracks
progress of known letters and sounds. ☐Modified subject specific: ABCDE with comments
• PM reading level 1 however, will continue reading
decodables before moving on to PM reading books. ☒IEP in Some / All Areas: Evaluation comments only
• Class work books – evidence of guided writing, focus
on letter-sound correspondence.
• Seesaw journal – evidence of independent work and
teacher feedback in the comments.
Strengths and Interests Priorities and Additional Information
o Enjoys dressing up. o Recognise all letters and sounds of the alphabet.
o Likes to dance. o Read and write short words e.g. the, is, am, can, mat,
o Enjoys engaging in role-play activities. sit, pen, log, hug, quit, milk
o Enjoys talking about her favourite toys. o Count, in order, to and from twenty and identify
o Likes to put on puppet shows. numbers at random.
o Enjoys drawing animals.
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Learning Area Is the student working at Alternate Year Level OR Person responsible for
Year Level WA Curriulum? ABLEWA Curriculum implementation and
assessment (if not class
If No teacher)
Religious Education No PP
English No PP
Mathematics No PP
Technologies Choose an item. Choose an item.
Health (incl Social & Emotional) Choose an item. Choose an item.
Physical Education Choose an item. Choose an item.
Languages Choose an item. Choose an item.
Science Choose an item. Choose an item.
The Arts Yes Choose an item.
*add other SCSA Learning Choose an item. Choose an item.
Areas as applicable

Environmental Adjustments Instructional Adjustments
o Provide sensory activities / experiences o Provide an overview of lesson prior to learning
o Use of assistive technology (please detail) o Set explicit intentions and success criteria
o Provide clear rules and consistent enforcement o Choose an item.
o Choose an item.

Teacher/s: Parent/s or carer/s:
Joanne Carlos

Last Reviewed: Term 3 2022

Next Review: Term 4 2022
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Priority Goals
o Recognise all letters and sounds of the alphabet.
o Read and write short words e.g. the, is, am, can, mat, sit, pen, log, hug, quit, milk
o Count, in order, to and from twenty and identify numbers at random.

The Curriculum Adjustments below support the achievement of the stated Priority Goals.

(refer to
Learning Area and Objectives Strategies Assessment Method Evaluation
Descriptor Achieved
Religious Education
In Semester Two, Chyna learnt about Prayer, Reconciliation, Baptism and Advent/Christmas. She simply retold the story of
the Woman With the Bent Back. Chyna gave examples of how Jesus taught love, including loving everyone and helping others.
She was absent when we learn about how Jesus gathered the Twelve Apostles and taught them to pray. Chyna was absent for
some key lessons about asking for forgiveness. She described what happens in the Sacrament of Baptism and can develop her
understanding of the purpose of Baptism as joining God’s family. Chyna understood that Baptism helps people become
followers of Jesus. She retold the main events of the Story of Christmas with developing detail.
Retell important Bible Use pictorial cues to Prompted oral Continuing
stories with key words sequence and orally response to
and short phrases, retell learnt Bible assessment questions.
referring to the people stories. Miss Carlos will scribe
present and main the oral responses.
events. Chyna to use the
microphone tool to
record oral responses,
so she does not rely on
written literacy to
express her ideas.
Chyna learnt thirteen of twenty-six letter sounds. She sometimes identified the beginning sound of CVC words; for example,
saying bag and identifying b as the initial sound. Chyna found it challenging to recognise sight words like ‘and, is, the’ and
required substantial support to segment and blend CVC words; for example, sun, pit, fox. With prompting, she identified
ideas, events and characters within texts. As a reading goal, Chyna will need further consolidation of letter sounds before she
can independently read CVC words. Chyna received substantial support to write short imaginative, informative and
persuasive texts, and her writing was scribed by a teacher. Her letter sound knowledge was limited so while she attempted to
spell CVC words with teacher assistance and an alphabet chart, she was unable to independently write a majority of letters. I
encourage Chyna to practise letter formation as some letters were often written reversed; for example, b and d.
Chyna spoke audibly and required support to fluently verbalise her thoughts. She began to use body language and eye
contact more confidently. I would encourage Chyna to prepare for oral presentations as her participation in fortnightly ‘news’
was inconsistent. She participated in group discussions by sharing ideas and can work on listening attentively to others so she
can respond appropriately to others’ ideas.
Recognise and name all Play A-Z games, songs Mastery folder to track Continuing
upper and lower case and videos to reinforce progress of letter
letters and know the the names and sounds names and sounds.
most common sound of all letters. PreLit testing.
that each letter
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Chyna to participate in
the PreLit program for
literacy intervention.

Visual sounds and

letters chart to remind
Chyna of letter-sound
Recognise how capital Continuing
letters are used for Guided writing
names, and that capital Writing activities to be observations.
letters and full stops scribed for Chyna so Verbal and written
signal beginning and end Chyna can copy the feedback about written
of sentences writing, which is still her work.
(ACELA1432). own words.
Videos and songs
about punctuation. Continuing
Understand how to use Spelling test results.
knowledge of letters and Verbal and written
sounds to spell words Fine-motor activities feedback on Seesaw
(ACELA1438). e.g. playdough, activities, accessible to
beading, tracing. parents.

Create short texts to Continuing

record ideas and events Guided writing
using familiar words and Use a handwriting chart observations.
beginning writing to remind Chyna of A-Z Verbal and written
knowledge letter formation. feedback about written
(ACELY1651). Writing activities to be work.
scribed for Chyna so
she can copy the
writing, which is still her
Share feelings and own words. Achieved
thoughts about the Reading observations.
events and characters in Draw pictures of what
texts (ACELT1783). is liked or disliked
about different texts.

Chyna counted to 16 and recognised numbers to 9, relying on her fingers to count numbers above five. She wrote numbers
mostly correctly, with 3 sometimes reversed. Chyna used concrete materials to carry out simple addition and subtraction
problems. She recognised some Australian coins and can practise describing them as she often confused dollars and cents.
Chyna used informal units to measure and order the length, mass and capacity of objects. She was absent when we learnt to
tell the time to the half hour. Chyna followed simple directional language to move from place to place and attempted to
direct others to familiar locations.
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Count to and from 20 Songs about counting Guided maths Continuing

with fluency to 20. observations.
(ACMNA001). Games to practise Feedback on Seesaw
number recognition and activities.
association of the value
and quantity of each

Connect number names, Play experiences to Guided maths Continuing

numerals and quantities reinforce the counting observations.
up to 20 (ACMNA002). sequence e.g Feedback on Seesaw
playdough, toys activities.
Play counting games to
reinforce the counting
sequence and connect
with number quantities.

Use hands-on materials

Represent practical to add small groups of Guided maths
situations to model numbers e.g. dots on observations. Continuing
addition and sharing Lego bricks, animals of Verbal and written
(ACMNA004). interest, coins. feedback on Seesaw
activities, accessible to
Who the people in their Paint and draw a family Verbal and written Achieved
family are, where they tree to show and feedback, accessible to
were born and raised explain family relations. parents through
and knowing how they Discuss photos of Seesaw.
are related to each family through oral Speaking and listening
other, using simple presentation. records.
family trees
Draw family traditions
How they, their family and celebrations e.g. Continuing
and friends birthdays, reunions Verbal and written
commemorate past feedback.
events that are important
to them (ACHASSK012).

How stories of families Discuss technology

and the past can be Continuing
from the past through
communicated and oral presentation.
passed down through Photographic evidence.
Play experiences of a Verbal and written
generations ‘museum’ to explore
(ACHASSK013). feedback, accessible to
photographs, artefacts parents through
and past and present Seesaw.
items e.g. cup phones, Speaking and listening
old camera records.

Teacher/s: Parent/s or carer/s:
Joanne Carlos
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Last Reviewed: Term 3 2022

Next Review: Term 4 2022

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