10 March 2023

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10 March 2023, Dear Perents/Guardians ‘Today your child has brought home a Holistic Teaching and Planning Framework. This sheet will become a valuable way for your child's teacher fo get to know him or her, and your family. The Framework considers the holistic view ofthe world and allows the teachers to tap into each student's view and knowledge ofthe world The framework is based on the work of Uncle Emie Grant, a Jirbal elder from North Queensland. The framework was introduced 10 staff through work we have done with the Stronger Smarter Institute, based in Queensland, Stronger Smarter is @ program introduced by Dr Chris Sarra during his time as Principal of Cherbourg Stale School. The program ‘began to empower Indigenous students in knowing that they were as strong and as smart as ‘any other student in schools around the nation and that they should not accept anything less because of stereotypes and lower expectations. As 2 school, we have implemented the ideals of the Stronger Smarter program throughout the schoo! for all our students and the Holistic Framework is the first step. The Framework considers the Holistic view of the world ‘and allows the teachers fo tap into each student's view and knowiedge of the world. ‘Your child has brought home the framework because we would like it to be a family activity, lie. we would like you to sit with your child, discuss the elements of the framework and complete it together. You wil find an explanation of each section and a brief example below. Please take the time to complete the framework and have your child return the framework to their class teacher by Friday 17 March so that it can be discussed in class as part of our recognition and celebration of Harmony Day. LAND - What land is important to you? e.g. Where were born? Where do you live? LANGUAGE - What languages do you spaak? ‘CULTURE ~ What events are important to you? What things do you celebrate as a family? What traitions do you have? ‘TIME — What are some importantsignificant events in your life? PLACE — What places are specialVimportant to you and your family? Is there a place where you spend a lot of time? RELATIONSHIPS ~ Who are the important people in your life? Please see over the page for an example of a completed framework. It you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact either your child's teacher, a or mysett Yours sincerely Principal OS Caalia’s Patholic Primary Bochco! ‘35 Sutherland Steet (PO Bax 700, Po Hedland, WA, 672i T (06) 174 7000 _E edmin@sceclia wa odu au W ww sioodliawa.eduau HOLISTIC TEACHING AND PLANNING FRAMEWORK - Uncle Etnie Grant | ano LANGUAGE ccuurure | RON Born sengush -rowe Sorepe] | swe celerrate ait cowed] | + Port Hediorel ~Uve ede, pei earh hoiidaus oret doses of | | + Brey Endend,amenca dee weepatine”) | veyedinse Reming cost vines < Toric: a Au 00 oe Norm a yrome means ~ TIME ace RELATONSHIS Bei os Mortin,wrere at my ciose | | ‘ymin ded | Coen eae | | Rant We 3 + atay pane popatts Reno bempatme : wrote, wor | | + blldtaoy name we 0 AA ny Bind sie's ondunciekieee | Nottm “zee Bae ON EE ES | Ty Gromer B sisers aca v0 wotahd | de uediona rere we | | + wy frends at Scheo! on! se praved 72 Sout t Ba Neon of sereat ond ME 5. -oer to eH. Kv 2002

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