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Dear JOHN CASEY QULIARO Good Day! ‘You HAVE SUCCESSFULLY ‘CONFIRMED YOUR PASSPORT [APPOINTMENT BOOKING. The following ae the detalsof your appointment ‘APPOINTMENT: 00082028062700248 ‘cover SITENAME —:OFANCR Central {Robinsons Galleria) pate “Tuesday. Jun 27,2023 TIME 0800-09100 (NEXT STEPS: 1.Print the attached application form and this email confirmation; ensure thatthe form is printed in ful, 2.Bring the printed application form, email confirmation and necessary documents (including [Photocopies on the date of your ‘ppoiniment 3. Yau wil be intructed to sign the passport application frm in font ofthe attending consular official IMPORTANT REMINDERS: 1. Applicants are encouraged to be at the site at least 10 minutes before their scheduled appointment 2.Due to the limited space in our consular area, minor applicants, senior cftzens (60 years old and above), visibly pregnant, and peraons with a disability (PHD) are only alowed to have one (1) companion during thelr ‘appointment schedule ‘all_applcants. are expected to fbserve proper attire, decorum ‘and health protocols while inside cour premises 4.18 an_ appointment schedule is cancelled, a new appointment ‘must be made through assport. gov ph S.For an applicant that has selected a courier for hisiher passport delivery this willbe your twacking number . Please click HERE for your tracking link Sincerely, Passport Unit DFA NCR Gentral- (Robinsons Galeri) ‘#8 This an auto-generated eral (00 NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE (PHT) (AQUA seme usta acces i, JOHN CASEY! You sent ® 1,150.00 as payment for DFA-passport and Related Services P 1,150.00 DFA-passport and Related Services TRANSACTION DETAILS status enn Payment Date and 18.Jun 2023, Time 9:15PM Transaction No. ons20280627002 Payment Method @ GCash Account This is system-generatednotifcation Pease donot rep If you have any questions, email Customer Service or go to Maya ‘Support. Dear JOHN CASEY QUIJARRO Good Day! YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY ‘CONFIRMED YOUR PASSPORT APPOINTMENT BOOKING. The following are the details of your ‘appointment APPOINTMENT : 00052023062700248 ‘cope SITENAME —: DFANCR Central - (Robinsons Galleria) DATE “Tuesday, Jun 27, 2023, TIME 08:00 - 09:00 NEXT STEPS: 1.Print the attached application form and this email confirmation; ‘ensure that the form is printed in tall 2.Bring the printed application orm, email. confirmation and necessary documents (including photocopies) on the date of your ‘appointment. 3. You will be instructed to sign the passport application form in front of the attending consular offical, IMPORTANT REMINDERS: 1. Applicants are encouraged to be fat the site at least 10 minutes before their acheduled appointment. 2.Due to the limited space in our consular area, minor applicants, senior citizens (60 years old and above), visibly pregnant. and persons with a disability (PWD) are only allowed to have one (1) companion during their appointment schedule. 3. All applicants are expected to observe proper attire, decorum and health protocols while inside ‘our premises. 4.1f an appointment schedule is cancelled, a new appointment must’ be made through passport.gov.ph, S.For an applicant that has selected a courier for his/her passport delivery, this will be your tracking number . Please click HERE for your tracking link. Sincerely, Passport Unit DFA NCR Central - (Robinsons Galleria) ‘022 This is an auto-generated eal DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE

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