OIML Reference
OIML Reference
OIML Reference
OIML Weight Classification and Selection Weights used for the verification
of weighing instruments
OIML is a worldwide, intergovernmental organization whose
primary aim is to harmonize the regulations and metrological The classes of accuracy of the weights used for the verification
controls applied by national metrological services, or related of weighing instruments shall be specified in the appropriate
organizations of member states. International Recommendations relating to these instruments.
The two main categories of OIML publications are: Weights used for the verification of weights
• International Recommendations (OIML R), which are model of a lower class of accuracy
regulations that establish the metrological characteristics E1 Weights intended to ensure traceability (see OIML R
required of certain measuring instruments and which specify 33, paragraph A.3) between national mass standards
methods and equipment for checking their conformity; the OIML (with values derived from the International Prototype
Member States shall implement these Recommendations to of the kilogram) and weights of class E2 and lower.
the greatest possible extent. Class E1 weights or sets of weights shall always be
• International Documents (OIML D), which are informative in nature accompanied by a calibration certificate.
and intended to improve the work of metrological services.
E2 Weights intended to be used for the initial verification of
International Recommendations and International Documents weights of class F1. They may be used as class E1 weights
are published in French (F) and English (E), and are subject if they comply with the requirements for surface roughness
to revision. and magnetic susceptibility of class E1 weights and if their
OIML publications may be obtained from the Organization’s calibration certificate gives the appropriate data.
headquarters: F1 Weights intended to be used for the initial verification of
Bureau International de Metrologie Legale 11 weighs of class F2.
Rue Turgot - 75009 Paris F2 Weights intended to be used for the initial verification of
France Telephone: 33 (1) 48 78 12 82 and 42 85 27 11 weights of class M1 and possibly M2.
Fax: 33 (1) 42 82 17 27
Telex: 234 444 SVP SERV F ATTN. OIML M1 weights intended to be used for the initial verification
www.OIML.org of weights of class M2.
General Information on Weight Classes: E1, F1, F2 Weights used with instruments of accuracy class I.
E2, F1, F2, M1, M2 F2 Weights intended to be used for important commercial
This Recommendation contains the principle physical characteristics transactions (e.g. gold and precious stones) on weighing
and metrological requirements for weights which are used: instruments of accuracy class II.
•For the verification of weighing instruments, M1 Weights intended to be used with weighing instruments
of accuracy class II.
•For the verification of weights of a lower class of accuracy.
M2 Weights intended to be used in normal commercial
The nominal values of mass of the weights covered by this
Recommendation range from 1 milligram (mg) to 50 kilograms (kg). transactions and on weighing instruments of accuracy
class III.
This recommendation applies to weights in classes of accuracy
as follows: E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M2 and M3. M3 Weights intended to be used on weighing instruments of
accuracy classes III and IIII.
The accuracy of weights used with weighing instruments shall
be chosen in accordance with the requirements of OIML R 76
“Nonautomatic weighing instruments.”
Certain categories of new weights may either be calibrated obtained from the values of a number of quantities, it is equal to
individually or be subject to initial verification, depending on their the positive square root of the appropriate sum of the variances
intended use and the national legislation of the country. and covariances of these quantities. The variance of quantity is
the square of its standard deviation.
Calibration weights shall be accompanied by a certificate
which gives at least the conventional mass of each weight, its Expanded uncertainty
expanded uncertainty and the value of the coverage factor k The expanded uncertainty U is obtained by multiplying the
(see coverage factor k). combined standard uncertainty by the coverage factor k. U =
Class E1 weights shall always be accompanied by certificates. k . uc
The certificate for class E1 weights shall mention at least the Coverage factor k — level of confidence
values of conventional mass, the expanded uncertainty and the In most cases, it is appropriate to use the factor k = 2.
coverage factor k, and the density or volume for each weight.
For the normal distribution, the factor k = 2 signifies that the
The optional certificate for class E2 weights shall mention at least: limits of expanded uncertainty apply when the confidence level
• T he values of conventional mass of each weight is approximately 95%.
and the extended uncertainty and the coverage factor k,
Uncertainties for Weights
u2 = u2 ÷ u2 with uA, uB: standard uncertainties of category
• The information required for class E1 weights certificates
A and B, respectively.
(under the conditions of the above paragraph).