P4 UOI 6 - Football Summative Assessment Template
P4 UOI 6 - Football Summative Assessment Template
P4 UOI 6 - Football Summative Assessment Template
Active Living
Parent’s Signature
Assessment Task Design
Able to use emotional awareness and personal skills to self-assess performance and respond to feedback on
performance from others
Football Player
Situation/ Context:
Students will play a football match with their peers and assign according to different football
Football Game
Students are Students are able Students are Students are able
Identity able to adapts to adapts previous able to adapts to adapts previous
previous plans, plans, movement previous plans, plans, movement
reflect on how movement skills skills and movement skills and
they cope with and strategies to strategies to skills and strategies to
change in order generate a generate a strategies to generate a solution
to approach and solution with solution with generate a independently
manage step-by-step some guidance solution with
guidance minimal
situations of
Students are Students are able Students are Students are able
Active Living able to recall to demonstrate able to to demonstrate
and reflect on and reflect on demonstrate and reflect on
self-assess their skills in a their skills in a and reflect on their skills in a
performance and football game by football game by their skills in a football game by
respond to doing peer doing peer football game doing peer
feedback on assessment assessment with by doing peer assessment
performance step-by-step some guidance assessment independently
guidance with minimal
from others
Students are Students are able Students are Students are able
Interaction able to recall to understand able to to understand
different different understand and apply
independently strategies when strategies when and develop different strategies
use different attempting to attempting to different when attempting
strategies to resolve football resolve football strategies when to resolve football
resolve conflict game conflicts. game conflicts. attempting to game conflicts.
resolve football
game conflicts.
Optional Add on
Exemplar - Sample work output
Reflection template
Self Assessment template
Task checklist to help student
Timeline of task - breakdown by weeks