Correction Elements

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Dr. Rohit Singh Lather


• The correction element or final control element is the element in a

control system which is responsible for transforming the output of a
controller into a change in the process which aims to correct the
change in the controlled variable. Controller
• The term actuator is used for the part of a correction/final control
element that provides the power, i.e. the bit which moves, grips or
applies forces to an object, to carry out the control action. Thus a
valve might have an input from the controller and be used to vary the
flow of a fluid along a pipe and so make a piston move in a cylinder
and result in linear motion. The piston-cylinder system is termed an

• Process control systems frequently require control of the flow of a fluid.

• The valves used as the correction elements in such situations are frequently pneumatically operated,
even when the control system is otherwise electrical.
• Pneumatic devices tend to be cheaper and more easily capable of controlling large rates of flow.
• The main drawback with pneumatic systems is, however, the compressibility of air.
• Compressibility makes it necessary to have a storage reservoir to avoid changes in pressure
occurring as a result of loads being applied.
• Hydraulic signals do not have this problem and can be used for even higher power control devices.
• They are expensive and there are hazards associated with oil leaks which do not occur with air

• 20 to 100 kPa As a consequence, the coils are then attracted

towards a magnet, the extent of the attraction
• Range 4 to 20 mA depending on the size of the current.

The movement of the coils cause the

lever to rotate about its pivot and so
change the separation of a flapper
from a nozzle.

The current from the The position of the flapper in relation to

controller passes through the nozzle determines the size of the
coils mounted on a output pressure in the system.
pivoted beam.

• In a pneumatic system a source of pressurised air is

provided by an electric motor driving an air compressor.
The air is drawn from the atmosphere via a filter.
• The air compressor increases the temperature of the air, a
cooling system is likely to follow and, since air also
contains a significant amount of moisture, a moisture
separator to remove the moisture from the air.
• A storage reservoir is used to smooth out any pressure
fluctuations due to the compressibility of air.
• A pressure relief valve provides protection against the
pressure in the system rising above a safe level.

• In a hydraulic system a source of pressurised oil provided by a pump driven by

an electric motor.
• The pump pumps oil from a sump through a non-return valve and an
accumulator and back to the sump. The non-return valve is to prevent the oil
being back-driven to the pump.
• A pressure relief valve is included so that the pressure is released if it rises
above a safe level.
• The accumulator is essentially just a container in which the oil is held under
pressure against an external force and is there to smooth out any short-term
fluctuations in the output oil pressure.
• If the oil pressure rises then the piston moves to increase the volume the oil can
occupy and so reduces the pressure. If the oil pressure falls then the piston
moves in to reduce the volume occupied by the oil and so increase its pressure

• Directional control valves: give direction to the flow of fluid through a system, control its pressure and
control the rate of flow
• Termed as finite position valves because they are either completely open or completely closed, i.e. they are
on/off devices, are used to direct fluid along one path or another.
• They are equivalent to electric switches which are either on or off.
• Pressure control valves: Termed pressure regulator valves, react to changes in pressure in switching a
flow on or off, or varying it.
• Flow control valves: termed infinite position valves, vary the rate at which a fluid passes through a pipe
and are used to regulate the flow of material in process control systems.

• Fluid power actuators can be classified in two groups:

• linear actuators which are used to move an object or apply a force
in a straight line and
• rotary actuators which are used to move an object in a circular
path. Single acting
• The hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder is a linear actuator, the principles
and form being the same for both versions with the differences being
purely a matter of size as a consequence of the higher pressures used
with hydraulics.
Double acting
• The hydraulic/pneumatic cylinder consists of a hollow cylindrical tube
along which a piston can slide.
Example: Cylinder with a pressure difference of 500 kPa and internal diameter of 50 mm
Force = 500 x 103 x ¼ x 3.14 x 0.0502 = 982 N

Q = Av
v = Q/A
Diameter = 50 mm
Flow rate = 7.5 x 10-3 m3/s
V = 3.8 m/s
• A hydraulic cylinder is to be used in a manufacturing operation to move a workpiece through a distance
of 250 mm in 20 s.
• If a force of 50 kN is required to move the workpiece, what is the required pressure difference and
hydraulic liquid flow rate if a cylinder with a piston diameter of 150 mm is to be used?

• Directional control valves are widely used in control systems as elements for switching on or off hydraulic or
pneumatic pressures which can then, via some actuator, control the movement of some item.
• A directional control valve on the receipt of some external signal, which might be mechanical, electrical or a
pressure signal, changes the direction of, or stops, or starts the flow of fluid in some part of a pneumatic/hydraulic

Flow path shut-off Input connections

Two position valve

Three position valve

• The basic symbol for a control valve is a square.
• For a directional control valve two or more squares are used, with each square representing the
positions to which the valve can be switched.
• Lines in the boxes are used to show the flow paths with arrows indicating the direction of flow.
• Shut-off positions indicated by terminated lines.
• The pipe connections, i.e. the inlet and outlet ports of the valve, are indicated by lines drawn on the
outside of the box and are drawn for just the 'rest/initial/neutral position', i.e. when the valve is not
• You can imagine each of the position boxes to be moved by the action of some actuator so that it
connects up with the pipe positions to give the different connections between the ports
• Directional control valves are described by the number of ports and the number of positions.
• A 2/2 valve has 2 ports and 2 positions,
• A 3/2 valve 3 ports and 2 positions,
• A 4/2 valve 4 ports and 2 positions,
• A 5/3 valve 5 ports and 3 positions.
Some commonly used examples and their switching options

Commonly used direction valves: P or1indicates the pressure supply ports, R

and S or3 and 5 the exhaust ports, A and B or 2 and 4 the signal output ports
The means by which valves can be switched between positions.
• The symbol for a 3/2 valve with solenoid activation and return by
means of a spring.
• When the solenoid is not activated by a current through it, the signal
port 2 is connected to the exhaust 3 and so is at atmospheric pressure.
• When the solenoid is activated, the pressure supply P is connected to
the signal port 2 and thus the output is pressurised.

• Valve used to cause the piston in a single-acting

(when a pressure signal is applied to only one side of
the piston) cylinder to move When the switch is
closed and a current passes through the solenoid, the
valve switches position and pressure is applied to
extend the piston in the cylinder. Solenoid not activated Solenoid activated

• Situations often occur where it is necessary to activate a number cylinders in some sequence. Thus
event 2 might have to start when 1 is completed, event 3 when event 2 has been completed.
• Sequential control can be used for, consider the control required with an automatic machine to perform a
number of sequential actions such as positioning objects, operating clamps and then operating some
machine tool.
• This requires the switching in sequence of a number of cylinders, the movements of the cylinder pistons
being the mechanisms by which the actions are initiated.
Example Sequential Control

• The most common form of directional control valve is the shuttle or spool valve.
• Shuttle valves have a spool moving horizontally within the valve body.
• Raised areas, termed lands, block or open ports to give the required valve operation.
• The shuttle can be made to move between these two positions by manual, mechanical, electrical or
pressure signals applied to the two ends of the shuttle.
• Example: State what happens for the pneumatic circuit shown when the push-button is
pressed and then released.

• The right-hand box shows the initial position with the pressure source, i.e.
the circle with the dot in the middle, connected to a closed port and the
output from the right-hand end of the cylinder connected to the exhaust
port, i.e. the open triangle.
• When the push-button is pressed the connections between the ports push-button
become those indicated in the left-hand box. The pressure source is then
connected to the output port and hence to the right-hand end of the
cylinder and forces the piston back against its spring and so from left to
• When the push-button is released, the connections between the ports
become those in the right-hand box and the right-hand end of the cylinder
is exhausted. The piston then moves back from left to right
• In many control systems the rate of flow of a fluid along a pipe is controlled by a valve which uses
pneumatic action to move a valve stem and hence a plug or plugs into the flow path, so altering the size
of the gap through which the fluid can flow.

Air pressure Air pressure

Body globe valve increase to close increase to open

Basic elements of a common form of a control valve

• The movement of the stem, and hence the position of the plug or plugs in the fluid flow, results from the
use of a diaphragm moving against a spring and controlled by air pressure.
• The air pressure from the controller exerts a force on one side of the diaphragm, the other side of the
diaphragm being at atmospheric pressure, which is opposed by the force due to the spring on the other
• When the air pressure changes then the diaphragm moves until there is equilibrium between the forces
resulting from the pressure and those from the spring.
• Thus the pressure signals from the controller result in the movement of the stem of the valve.
Forms of plug
• There are many forms of valve body and plug.
• The selection of the form of body and plug determine the characteristic of the control
valve, i.e. the relationship between the valve stem position and the flow rate through it.

• Linear Plug : change in flow rate = k (change in stem displacement)

𝑄!"# 𝑆!"#

• Such valves are widely used for the control of liquids entering cisterns when
the liquid level is being controlled.

• Quick Opening Plug: on and off applications

• Equal Percentage: The amount by which the flow rate changes is proportional
to the value of the flow rate when the change occurs

𝑄 𝑄!"# !"#
𝑄!$% 𝑄!$%
𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 = the ratio of the maximum to minimum rates of controlled flow.

• If the minimum controllable flow is 2.0% of the maximum controllable flow, then the rangeability is 100/2.0 = 50.
Valves are often not required to handle the maximum possible flow and the then turndown is used.

𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑛 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤

𝑻𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏 =
𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤

• A valve might be required to handle a maximum flow which is 70% of that possible. With a minimum flow rate of
2.0% of the maximum flow possible, then the turndown is 70/2.0 = 35.
• Control valve sizing is used for the procedure of determining the correct size, i.e. diameter, of the valve
• A control valve changes the flow rate by introducing a constriction in the flow path. But introducing such
a constriction introduces a pressure difference between the two sides of the constriction.
Basic equation relating to rate of flow and pressure drop

K is a constant which depends

𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑄 = 𝐾 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑝 on the size of the constriction
produced by the presence of
the valve.

∆𝑝 3
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑄 = 𝐴𝑣 𝑚 /𝑠

∆𝑝 3
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑄 = 0.75 × 10'( 𝐶𝑣 𝑚 /𝑠
• Example: Determine the valve size for a valve that is required to control the flow of water when the
maximum flow rate required is 0.012 m3/s and the permissible pressure drop across the valve at this
flow rate is 300 kPa.

• Frictional forces and unbalanced forces on the plug may

prevent the diaphragm from positioning the plug
• In order to overcome this, valve positioners may be fitted
to the control valve stem.
• They position the valve stem more accurately and also
provide extra power to operate the valve and so increase
the speed of valve movement.
• The output from the controller is applied to a spring-loaded bellows.
• A flapper is attached to the bellows and is moved by pressure applied to the bellows.
• An increase in this pressure brings the flapper closer to the nozzle and so cuts down the air escaping
from it.
• As a consequence, the pressure applied to the diaphragm is increased.
• The resulting valve stem displacement takes the flapper away from the nozzle until the air leakage from
the nozzle is just sufficient to maintain the correct pressure on the diaphragm.

• Electric motors are frequently used as the final control element in position or speed-control systems.
• The basic principle on which motors are based is that a force is exerted on a conductor in a magnetic
field when a current passes through it.
• For a conductor of length L carrying a current / in a magnetic field of flux density B at right angles to
the conductor, the force F equals BIL.
• There are many different types of motor.
• Commonly used motors in control systems are
• D.C. motors and
• Stepper motor. A stepper motor is a form of motor that is used to give a fixed and consistent angular
movement by rotating an object through a specified number of revolutions or fraction of a revolution.
• The stepper or stepping motor produces rotation through equal angles, the so-called steps, for each
digital pulse supplied to its input.
• For example, if with such a motor 1 input pulse produces a rotation of l.8o then 20 input pulses will
produce a rotation through 36o, 200 input pulses a rotation through one complete revolution of 360°.
• It can thus be used for accurate angular positioning.
• By using the motor to drive a continuous belt, the angular rotation of the motor is transformed into linear
motion of the belt and so accurate linear positioning can be achieved.
• Such a motor is used with computer printers, x-y plotters, robots, machine tools and a wide variety of
instruments for accurate positioning.
One method of how a flow control valve can be used to
control the level of a liquid in a container.
• Because there may be surface turbulence as a result of liquid
entering the container or stirring of the liquid or perhaps boiling,
such high frequency 'noise' in the system is often filtered out by
the use of a stilling well.
• However, it must be recognised that the stilling well constitutes
a U-tube in which low frequency oscillations of the liquid level
can occur.
Directional control valves can be used for a control system of a robot.

• When there is an input to solenoid A of valve 1, the piston

moves to the right and causes the gripper to close.
• If solenoid B is energised, with A de-energised, the piston
moves to the left and the gripper opens.
• When both solenoids are de-energised, no air passes to either
side of the piston in the cylinder and the piston keeps its
position without change.
• Likewise, inputs to the solenoids of valve 2 are used to extend
or retract the arm. Inputs to the solenoids of valve 3 are used to
move the arm up or down.
• Inputs to the solenoids of valve 4 are used to rotate the base in
either a clockwise or anticlockwise direction
a stepper motor can be used to control the movement of the workpiece in
an automatic milling machine

• The stepping motor rotates by controlled steps and gives, via a

lead screw and gears, controlled displacements of the worktable
in the xx direction.
• A similar arrangement is used for displacement in the yy
• The system is open-loop control with no feedback of the work
table position.
• The system relies on the accuracy with which the stepper motor
can set the position of the work table.

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