Nfpa 54 (Ansi Z223.1), 2021
Nfpa 54 (Ansi Z223.1), 2021
Nfpa 54 (Ansi Z223.1), 2021
Copyright© 2020 National Fire Protection Association®and the American Gas Association . All Rights Reserved.
NFPA® 54
ANSI Z223.l-2021
2021 Edition
This edition ofNFPA 54/ANSI Z223.l, National Fuel Gas Code, wa5 prepared by the Technical
Committee on National Fuel Gas Code. It was issued by the Standards Council on March 15, 2020,
with an effective date of April 4, 2020, and supersedes all previous editions.
This edition of NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.l was approved as an American National Standard on April
4, 2020. The ANSI designation, Z223.1-2021, was approved on April 2, 2020. The NFPA designation is
NFPA 54-2021.
NFPA and National Fire Protection Association are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169.
The 2015 edition revised the bonding requirements for CSST so that the bonding connection can be placed on any metalli c
fitting in the piping system as long as the bonding jumper d oes not exceed 75 ft (22 m ) in length. Overpressure protection
requirements were re\vritten and overpressure prote ction is required on any system containing an appliance with a maximum
inlet pressure of 14 in. w.c . (3.5 kPa) that is supplied with gas at the point of delivery at a pressure greater tha n 2 psig (14 kPa) .
Annex G, Recommended Procedu re for Safety Inspection of an Existing Appliance Installation, was expanded and revised to
reflect modern appliances and test methods .
In the 2018 edition, revisions to piping included allowing listed arc-resistant jacket or coated CSST to use the appliance's
electrical grounding connector as the bonding means and recognizing stainless steel smooth wall pipe and tubing products as
acce ptable piping materials . The minimum allowed wall thickness of carbon a nd stainless stee l pipe was revised to Sch edule 10,
but joints o n Schedule 10 pipe cannot be with screwed fittings. Press-connect fittings were added as an acceptable j o ining
method for pipe .
Revisions to the venting requirements included req uir ing listing to the appropriate UL standards for plastic venting
materials, factory-built chimneys, Type Band 8'.V vents, chimney lining systems, and special gas vent~. Direct vent clearan ces to
building openings for appliances with an input above 150,000 Btu ( 44 kW) to be in accordance with the a ppliance
manufacturer's installation instructions.
Finally, in Chapte r 9 a requirement was added that an existing gas appliance installation be inspected for combustion air
and venting code compliance when the building structure that it is installed in is modified with specific air infiltration-
reducing changes.
The 2021 edition includes revisions in Chapter 10 that now require appliances to be listed to and in complia nce with the
a.pprop1-iate ANSI/CSA appliance listing standard, thereby providing an increased level of safety. Installation requirements for
unlisted appliances have been removed, and they will now have to be evaluated through the application of equivalency.
A table for through the wall vent terminal clearances has been added to Chapter 12, along with a n associated annex figure
that coordinates this code with the clearances in ANSI product standards. Eng ineering methods a1-e now defined in Chapter 4
to provide guidance to authorities having jurisdiction on acceptable engineering methods that \\/ill e liminate the need to
approve individually all engineering methods used.
Finally, e le ctric isolation requirements for gas piping installation have been revised and reorganized to better reflect wh ere
the dielectric union is to be installed in the system and what it is protecting.
2021 Edition
Dmitry Antonov, l ntertek, NY [RT/ AR-TL] James Kendzel*, American Supply Association, IL [U]
Eric Adiart, H earth, Patio & Barbecue Association, VA [M] J eff Kleiss, Lochinva1~ TN [M/ M]
Thomas Andrews, Michigan Technical Education Center, Ml Rep. Air-Conditioning, H eating, & Refrigeration Institute
[SE/ SE] Vladimir Kochkint, National A%ociation of Home Builde rs, DC
David Berningt, Product Design Engineering, SC [M] [1-M]
JonathanBrania, ULLLC, NC [RT/ AR-TL] Marek Kulik*, Technical Standards and Safety Authority, Canada
James P. Brewer, Magic Sweep Corporation, VA [ IM/ 1-M]
Rep. National Chimney Sweep Guild Theodore C. Lemoff, Naples, FL [SE/ SE]
Chris Dale Byers, Piedmont Natural Gas, SC [U/ ES] Timothy McNulty*, RM Manifold Gro up Inc., dba US D raft
Thomas R. Crane, Crane Engineering, MN [SE/ SE] Company, TX [M]
Gerald G. Davis*, Williams Meter Company, MD [ IM] WilliamJ Murray*, Corning Incorporated, NY [U ]
Tung Nguyen*, Emerson Automation Solution , TX [M]
Mike Deegan, Clearwater Gas System, FL [U/ ES]
Rep. American Public Gas Association Andrea Lanier Papageorge, Southern Company Gas, GA [JM/ ES]
Mark Fasel, Viega LLC, IN [M/ M]] Rep. American Gas Association
Alberto Jose Fossa*, NEWEN Creative Engineering, Brazil [SE] Dale L. Powell, Copper Development Association, Inc., PA [M/ M]
Rep. Copper Development Association Inc.
Rep. NFPA Latin American Section
Phillip H. Ribbs*, PHR Consultants, CA [ L]
Richard L. G ilbert*, Texas Propane Gas Association, TX [ IM]
Rep. California State P ipe Trades Council
Enrique Trejo Gonzalez, International Association of Plumbing &
April Dawn Richardson , Railroad Commission of Texas, TX [E/ EA]
Mechanical Officials (lAPMO), CA [E/ EA]
Rep. International Association of Pltm1bing & Mechanical Brian Rygiewicz*, Chimney Design Solutions Inc., NJ [M]
Officials Eric C. Smith, State of Nevada, NV [E/ EA]
Mike Gorham, Northwest Gas Company, MN [lM/ ES] Rep. International Fire Marshals Association
Rep. National Propane Gas Association Jason Stanek , Metropolitan Utilities District (MUD), NE [IM/ ES]
G regg A Gress, International Code Council, LL [E/ EA] Rep. American Gas Association
Roger W. G riffith*, Griffith Engineering, TN [U] Peter C. Swim*, Whirlpool Corporation, Ml [M]
Steen Hagensen, ENERVEX, GA [M/ M] Franklin R. Switzer,Jr., S-afe, Inc., NY [SE/ SE]
William T. Hamilton*, UGI Utilities Inc., PA [IM] Mathew Williamst, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers,
Rep. American Gas Association DC [M]
PeterT. Holmes*, Maine Fuel Board, ME [E]
Diane Jakobs, Rheem, AR [M/ M]
Rep. Air-Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration lnstinne
Hugo Aguilar, International Association of Plumbing & Mec hanical Fred Grable, International Code Council, LL [E/ EA]
Officials (lAPMO), CA [E/ EA] (Alt. to Gregg A. Gress)
(AlL to Enrique Trejo Gonzalez) Paul G ugliottat, National Grid, NY [ES]
J eremy R. Conjura*, Corning Incorporated, NY [U ] (Alt. to Jason Stanek)
(AIL to William .J Murray) Travis F. Hardin*, U L LLC, NC [RT]
Kody N. Daniel , EMC Insurance Companies, LA [ I/ I] (Alt. to Jonathan Brania)
(AIL to FrankJ. Mortimer) John Kory, CSA America, Inc., OH [RT/ AR-TL]
John P. Doucette, State of CT Department of Administrative (Voting Alt.)
Services, CT [E/ EA] DonaldJ. MacBride, Dominion East Ohio Gas, OH [JM/ ES]
(AIL to Peter T. Ho lmes) (Alt. to William T. Hamilton)
Craig Drumhellert, National Asso ciation of Home Builders, DC J ean L. McDowell*, McDowell Owe ns Engineering Inc., TX [ IM]
(1-M] (Alt. to Ric hard L. Gilbert)
(Alt. to Vladimir Koch kin)
John R. Puskar, P rescient Technical Services LLC, OH [SE/ SE]
Ralph Euchner, PSNC Energy, NC [JM/ ES] (Alt. to Theodore C. Lemoff)
(AIL to Andrea Lanier Papageorge) Phillip W. Stephens, Weil Mclain, IN [M/ M ]
Pennie L. Feehan, Pennie L. Feehan Consulting, CA [M/ M] (Alt. to Jeff Kleiss)
(Alt. to Dale L. Powell)
Bruce J. Swiecicki, National Propane Gas Association, LL [IM/ ES]
(Alt. to Mike Gorham)
2021 Edition
Andy john Thielen, Crane Engineering, MN [SE/SE] Robert Torbin, Omega Flex, Inc., MA [M/ M]
(AJL to Thomas R. Crane) (Alt. to Diane j akobs)
Kent Lowery Thompson*, Railroad Commission of Texas, TX [E]
(AJL to April Dawn Richardson)
*NFPA 54 Committee only. t Z223 Committee only. [NFPA Interest Category/ ASC Z223
Interest Category]
This list rejmsenls the membership al the lime the Commillee was balloted on lhefinal /£xl ofthis edition.
Since lhat time, changes in the membershijJ nwy have occurred. A key to classifications is found at the
back of /he document.
NOTE: Membership on a com mittee shall not in and of itself constitute an endorsement of
the Association or any document developed by the committee on which the member serves.
The National Fue l Gas Code Committee is a committee functioning jointly under American
National Standards Institute Accredited Standard Committee Z223 procedures and the
National Fire Protection Association and, accordingly, tl1e National Fuel Gas Code bears two
designations, ANSI Z223.l and NFPA 54. In the ANSI context, the code is prepared by the
Accredited Standards Committee on National Fuel Gas Code, Z223, sponsored by tl1e
American Gas Association (Administrative Secretariat). In the NFPA context, the committee
is an NFPA Technical Committee submitted to ANSI under NFPA audited designation.
Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents on safety
code for gas piping systems on consumers' premises and the installation of gas utilization
equipment and accessories for use with fuel gases such as natural gas, manufactured gas,
liquefied petroleum gas in the vapor phase, liquefied petroleum gas-air mixtures, or
mixtures of these gases, including: a. The design, fabrication, installation, testing, operation,
and maintenance of gas piping systems from the point of delivery to tl1e connections with
each gas utilization device. Piping systems covered by this Code are limited to a maximum
operating pressure of 125 psig. For purposes of this Code, tl1e point of delivery is defined as
tl1e outlet of the meter set assembly, or the outlet of the service regulator or ser.•ice shutoff
valve where no meter is provided. b. The installation of gas utilization equipment, related
accessories, and their ventilation and venting systems.
2021 Edition
Chapter 1 Administration .. ............................................. . 54- 7 Chapter 8 Inspection, Testing, and Purging .................. . 54- 67
I.I Scope.................................................. ...................... 54- 7 8.1 Pressure Testing and Inspection ........................... . 54- 67
1.2 Purpose ..................... .............................. ................ . 54- 7 8.2 Piping System Leak Check.................................... . 54- 68
1.3 Re troactivity........................... .......... ....................... . 54- 8 8.3 Purging Requirements ............................................ 54- 68
1.4 Equivalency.............. .......... ..................................... . 54- 8
1.5 Enforcement. ......................................................... .. 54- 8 Chapter 9 Appliance, Equipment, and Accessory
Installation ..................................................... . 54- 69
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications .............................. .. 54- 8 9.1 General. .................................................................. . 54- 69
2.1 General. .................................................................. . 54- 8 9.2 Accessibility and Clearance ...................... ............. . 54- 70
2.2 NFPA Publications . ................................................ . 54- 8 9.3 Air for Combustion and Ventilation ................. .... . 54- 71
2.3 Other Publications................................................. . 54- 8 9.4 Appliances on Roofs................................. ............. . 54- 72
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections . ... 54-10 9.5 Appliances in Attics............................................... .. 54- 73
9.6 Appliance and Equipment Connections to
Chapter 3 Definitions ................................... ................... 54- 10 Building Piping . ..................................................... . 54- 73
3.1 General .......................................... ......................... . 54- 10 9.7 Electrical ............................................... .................. . 54- 75
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions ....................................... 54- 10 9.8 Room Temperature Thermostats ........................ ... 54- 75
3.3 General Definitions................................................ . 54- 10
Chapter 10 Installation of Specific Appliances ............... . 54- 75
Chapter 4 General ...................... ............... ..................... . 54-17 10.l General. .................................................................. . 54- 75
4.1 Qualified Agency................................................... .. 54-17 10.2 Air-Conditioning Appliances.................................. 54- 75
4.2 Interruption of Service. ......................................... . 54-17 10.3 Central Heating Bo ilers and Furnaces................. . 54- 77
4.3 Prevention of Accidental Ignition ......................... . 54-17 10.4 Clothes Dryers ........................................................ . 54- 79
4.4 Noncombustible Material. ............................ ........ . 54-1 8 10.5 Conversion Burners............................................... . 54- 80
4.5 Engineering Methods .... ........................................ . 54-1 8 10.6 Decorative Appliances for installation in Vented
Fireplaces................................................................ . 54- 80
Chapter 5 Gas Piping System Design, Materials, and
10.7 Gas Fireplaces, Vented ........................................... . 54- 80
Components .................................................. . 54-1 8
10.8 Direct Gas-Fired H eating and Forced Ventilation
5.1 Piping Plan ............................ ................................. . 54-1 8
Appliances.............................................................. . 54- 80
5.2 Interconnections Between Gas Piping Systems .... . 54-1 8
10.9 Duct Furnaces........................................................ . 54- 81
5.3 Sizing of Gas Piping Systems................................. . 54-1 8
10.10 Floor Furnaces....................................................... . 54- 81
5.4 Operating Pressure............................................... .. 54-1 8
10.11 Food Service Appliance, Floor-Mounted .............. . 54- 82
5.5 Piping Materials and J oining Methods................ .. 54-19
10.12 Food Service Appliances, Counter Appliances.... . 54- 83
5.6 Gas Meters............................................................. .. 54-21
10.13 Household Cooking Appliances ........................... . 54- 83
5. 7 Gas Pressure Regu lators............................ ........... .. 54-22
10.14 Lll uminating Appliances........................................ . 54- 83
5.8 O verpressure Protection Devices ......... .................. 54-22
10.l.5 Incinerators, Commercial-Industrial. ........... ........ . 54- 84
5.9 Back Pressure Protection ....................................... . 54-2 3
10.16 Infrared H eaters..................................................... . 54- 84
5.10 Low-Pressure Protection ......... ............... ................. 54-2 3
10.17 Open-Top Broiler Units........................................ .. 54- 84
5.11 Shutoff Valves.. .............................. ......................... . 54-2 3
10.1 8 Outdoor Cooking Appliances........... ................... .. 54- 84
5.12 Excess FlowValve(s) .............................................. . 54-2 3
10.19 Pool H eaters................................................ ........... . 54- 84
5.13 Expansion and Flexibili ty................................... ... . 54-2 3
10.20 Refrigerators.................... ............... .................... ... .. 54- 85
5.14 Pressure Regulator and Pressure Control
10.21 Room H eaters........................... ............... .............. . 54- 85
Venting.................................................................... . 54-2 3
10.22 Stationary Gas Engines...................... ................... .. 54- 85
Chapter 6 Pipe Sizing ..................................................... . 54- 24 10.23 Gas-Fired Toilets.............................. ...................... .. 54- 85
6. L Pipe Sizing Methods . ............................................. . 54- 24 10.24 Uni t H eaters....................... ......................... .......... .. 54- 85
6.2 Sizing Natural Gas Piping Systems......................... 54- 24 10.2.5 Wall Furnaces..................................... .................... . 54- 86
6.3 Sizing Propane Piping Systems . ............................ .. 54- 24 10.26 Water Heaters .......................................................... 54- 86
6.4 Sizing Equations..................................................... . 54- 24 10.27 Compressed Narural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel
Systems..................................................................... 54- 87
Chapter 7 Gas Piping Installation .................................. . 54-62 10.28 Appliances for Installation in Manufactured
7. L Installation of Underground Piping.......... ........... . 54-62 Housing ................................................................. .. 54- 87
7.2 Installation of Aboveground Piping ...... ............... . 54-63 10.29 Fuel Cell Power Plants.......................................... .. 54- 87
7.3 Concealed Piping in Buildings.............................. . 54-64 10.30 Outdoor Open Flame Decorative Appliances ..... .. 54- 87
7.4 Piping in Vertical Chases ................... ................... .. 54-64 10.31 Outdoor Infrared Heaters ...................................... 54- 87
7.5 Gas Pipe Turns.................................................... .. .. 54-64
7.6 Drips and Sediment Traps..................................... . 54- 65 Chapter 11 Procedures to Be Followed to Place
7.7 Outlets ....................................... ..... .................... .... . 54- 65 Appliance in Operation ................................. . 54- 87
7.8 Manual Gas Shutoff Valves.................................... . 54-65 11.l Adjusting tl1e Burner Input. .................................. . 54- 87
7.9 Prohibited Devices .................................................. 54-65 11.2 Primary Air Adjustment. ........................................ . 54- 87
7.10 System s Containing Gas--Air Mixrures Outside 11.3 Safety Shutoff Devices ................... ......................... . 54- 87
tl1e Flammable Range.................. .......................... . 54-65 11.4 Automatic Ignition ................................................. . 54- 87
7.11 System s Containing Flammable Gas--Air 11.5 Protective Devices .................................................. . 54- 87
Mixrures ... ............................................................ ... . 54-65 11.6 Checking tl1e Draft. ............................................... . 54- 88
7.12 Electrical Bo nding and Grounding..................... .. 54-66 11.7 Operating Instructions .......................................... . 54- 88
7.13 Electrical Circuits.......................................... .......... 54-67
Chapter 12 Venting of Appliances ....................... ............ . 54- 88
7.14 Electrical Connections.................................... ........ 54-67
12.l Minimum Safe Per formance . ........... .......... ........... . 54- 88
2021 Edition
12.2 General. .......................... .......... ......................... ..... . 54- 88 Annex D Suggested Emergency P rocedure for Gas
12.3 Specification for Venting . ....... .......... ...................... 54- 88 Leaks ... ... .. ..... .......... ..... ... .. ....... ... ... .. ..... ..... ..... 54- 139
12.4 Design and Construction ................. .......... ............ . 54- 88
12.5 Type of Venting System to Be Used . ....... ............... 54- 89 Annex E Flow o f G as Through Fixed Orifices ..... ..... .. 54- 139
12.6 Masonry, Metal, and Factory-Built Chimneys. ....... 54- 89
Annex F Sizing of Venting Systems Serving
12.7 Gas Vents. .......................... ......................... ............. 54- 91
Appliances Equipped with Draft Hoods,
12.8 Single-Wall Metal Pipe .......................... .......... ........ 54- 92
Category I Appliances, and Appliances
12.9 Through-the-Wall Vent Termination .................... . 54- 93
Listed for Use with Type B Vents ................. . 54- 145
12.10 Condensation Drain . ........ ......................... ............. 54- 94
12.11 Vent Connectors for Category I Appliances......... . 54- 94 Annex G Recommen ded Procedure for Safety
12.12 Vent Connectors for Category II, Category Ill , Inspection of an Existing Appliance
and Category IV Appliances............... .................... 54- 97 Installation ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... 54- 153
12.13 Draft H oods and Draft Controls........... ................ . 54- 97
12.14 Manually Operated Dampers............... .......... ........ 54- 97 Annex H Indoor Combustion Air Calculation
12.15 Automatically Operated Vent Dampers. ..... ..... ..... . 54- 97 Examples ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... 54- 158
12.16 Obstructions..... ................................... .................... 54- 97
Annex I Example of Combination of Indoor and
Chapter 13 Sizing o f Category I Venting Systems ........... . 54- 97 Outdoor Combustion and Ventilation
13.1 Additional Requirements to Single Appliance Opening D esign .... ..... ..... ..... ... .. ..... .... . ...... ...... 54- 159
Vent. ............................... ......................................... . 54- 97
13.2 Additional Requirements to Multiple-Appliance Annex J Enforcement ... ...... .... . ..... ..... ... .. ..... .. ... .......... . . 54- 160
Vent. ............................... ......................................... . 54- 106
Annex K Informational References .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 54- 161
Annex A Explanatory Material ............ ..... ..... ..... ........... 54- 11 7
Index 54- 164
Annex B Sizing and Capacities of Gas Piping.............. 54- 129
2021 Edition
NFPA54 (B) This code shall apply to natural gas syste ms operating at a
pressure of 125 psi (862 kPa) or less.
ANSI Z223.l-2021
(C) This code shall apply to LP-Gas systems operating at a
pressure of 50 psi (345 kPa) or less.
National Fuel Gas Code
(D) This code shall apply to gas-ai1- mixture systems operating
2021 Edition within the flammable range at a pressure of 10 psi (69 kPa) or
IMPORTANT NOTE: This AGA and NFPA document is made avail- (E) Requirements for pi ping systems shall include design,
able for use subjed to imporlant notices and legal disclaimers. These materials, components, fabrication, assembly, installation, test-
1wtices and disclaimers appear in all publications containing this ing, inspection, operation, and maintenance.
document and may be found under the heading "Important Notices
and Disclaimers Concerning AGA and NFPA Standards. " They can (F) Requirements for appliances, equipment, and related
also be obtained on request from NFPA or viewed at accessories shall include installa tion, combustion, and ventila-
disclaimersAGA. tion air and venting.
UPDATES, ALERTS, AND FUTURE EDITIONS: New editions of This code shall not apply to the following items:
NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (i.e.,
NFPA Standards) are released on scheduled revision cycles. This (1) Portable LP-Gas appliances and equipment of all types
edition may be superseded by a later one, or it may be amended that are not con nected to a fixed fuel piping system
(2) Installation of appliances such as brooders, dehydrators,
outside of its scheduled revision cycle through the issuance of Tenta-
tive Interim Amendments (TIAs). An official NFPA Standard at any dryers, and irrigation equipment used for agricultural
point in time consists of the current edition of the docmnent, together purposes
(3) Raw material (feedstock) applications except for piping
with all TIAs and Errata in effect. To verifY that this document is the
current edition or to determine if it has been amended by TlAs or to special atmosphere generators
Errata, please consult the National Fire Codes® Subscription Service (4) Oxygen-fuel gas cutting and welding systems
or the "List of NFPA Codes & Standards" at!docinfo. (5) Industrial gas applications using such gases as acetyle ne
In addition to TIAs and Errata, the document information pages also and acetylenic compounds, hydrogen, ammonia, carbon
include the option to sign up for alerts for individual documents and monoxide, oxygen, and nitrogen
(6) Petroleum refineries, pipeline compressor or pumping
to be involved in the development ofthe next edition.
NOTICE: An asterisk (*) following the number 01- letter stations, loading terminals, compounding plants, refin-
designating a paragraph indicates that explanatory material on ery tank farms, and natural gas processing plants
(7) Large integrated chemical plants or portions of such
the paragraph can be found in Annex A.
A refe1-ence in brackets [ l following a section or paragraph plants where flammable or combustible liquids or ga~es
indicates material that has been exu-acted from another NFPA are produced by chemical reactions or used in chemical
document. Exu-acted text may be edited for consistency and
style and may include the revision of internal paragraph refer- (8) LP-Gas installations at utility gas plants
ences and other references as appropriate. Requests for inter- (9) Liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations
( 10) Fuel gas piping in e lecu-ic utility power plants
pretations or revisions of extracted text shall be sent to the
technical committee responsible fo1- the SOlll"Ce document. (11) Proprietary items of equipment, apparatus, or insu-u-
Information on referenced publications can be found in ments such as gas generating sets, comp1-essors, and
Chapter 2 and Annex K.
All pressures used in this code are gauge presslu-e unless (12) LP-Gas equipment for vaporization, gas mixing, and gas
otherwise indicated. manufacturing
(13) LP-Gas piping for buildings under construction or reno-
vations that is not to become part of the permanent
Chapter 1 Administration building piping system - that is, temporary fixed piping
for building h eat
I.I Scope. ( 14) Installation of LP-Gas systems for railroad switch heating
(15) Installation of LP-Gas and compressed natural gas
I.I.I Applicability. (CNG) systems on vehicles
1.1.1.l This code is a safety code that shall apply to the instal- ( 16) Gas piping, meters, gas pressure regulators, and other
lation of fuel gas piping systems, appliances, equipment, and appurtenances used by the serving gas supplier in disu-i-
r·elated accessories as shown in 1.1. l. l (A) through 1.1.l .l (F) . bution of gas, other tl1an undiluted LP-Gas
( 17) Building design and consu-uction, except as specified
(A)* Coverage of piping systems shall extend from the point herein
of delivery to the appliance connections. For other than undi- (18) Fuel gas systems on recreational vehicles manufactured
luted Liquefied peu·oleum gas (LP-Gas) systems, the point of in accordance with NFPA 1192
delivery shall be the outlet of the service meter assembly or the ( 19) Fuel gas systems using hydrogen as a fuel
outlet of the service regulator or service shutoff valve where no (20) Consu-uction of appliances
meter is provided. For undiluted LP-Gas systems, the point of
delivery shall be considered to be the outlet of the final pres- 1.1.2 Other Standards. In applying this code, reference shall
sure regulator, exclusive of line ga~ regulators where no meter also be made to tl1e ma nufacturers' instructions and tl1e serv-
is installed. \<\1here a meter is installed, the point of delivery ing gas supplier regulations.
shal l be the outlet of the meter.
1.2 Purpose. (Reserved)
2021 Edition
1.3 Retroactivity. Unless othenvise stated, the proV1s1ons of ANSI/ASME Bl 6.5, PifJe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1/i
this code shall not be applied 1-eu-oactively to existing systems through NPS 24 Metric/inch Standard, 2017.
that were in complia nce with the provisions of the code in
ANSI/ ASME Bl6.20, Metallic Gaskets fm· PifJe Flanges: Ring-
effect at the time of installation.
joint, Spiral-Wound and jacketed, 2017.
1.4 Equivalency. T he provisions of this code are not intended
to prevent the use of any material, appliance, equipment, ANSI/ASME Bl6.21 , Nonmetallic Flat Gaskel5 for Pipe Flanges,
method of construction, or installation p rocedure, provided 2016.
that any such alternative is acceptabl e to the a uthority having ANSI/ASME B 16.24, Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and flanged
jurisdiction . The authority havingjurisdiction shall require that Fittings: Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500, 201 6.
sufficient evidence be submitted to substantiate any claims
made regarding the safety of such alternatives. ANSI/ASME Bl 6.33, Manually operated Metallic Gas Valves for
Use in Gas Piping Systems up to 175 psi (Sizes NPS 1/2 through NPS
1.5 Enforcement. This code shall be administered and 2), 2012.
enforced by the authority having jurisdiction designated by the
govern ing authority. ANSI/ ASME Bl 6.42, Ductile iron Pipe Flanges and flanged
Fittings: Classes 150 and 300, 2016.
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications ANSI/ ASME Bl 6.44, Manually operated M etallix Gas Valves for
Use in Above Ground Piping Systems up to 5 psi, 2012 (R2017) .
2.1 General. The documents or portions thereof listed in this
ANSI/ ASME Bl 6.47, Large Diameter Steel Flanges: NPS 26
chapter are referenced within this code and sha ll be consid- through NPS 60 Metric/inch Standard, 201 7.
ered part of the requirements of this document.
ANSI/ ASME B36.10M, Welded and Seamless Wnntght Steel Pipe,
2.2 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association,
201 8.
l Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471.
2.3.2 ASTM Publications. ASTM International , 100 BatT
NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Consho hocken, PA
Garages, 2021 edition . 19428-2959, (610) 832-9585. www.astm .org
NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationmy
Combustion .Engines and Gas Turbines, 2018 edition . ASTM A53, Standard SjJecification for Pipe, Steel, Black and H ot-
NFPA 51, Standard for the Design and Installation of Oxygen-Fuel Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless, 2018.
Gas Systems fm· Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, 2018 edition .
AST M Al 06, Standard Specification for Seaml.ess Carbon Steel Pipe
NFPA 52, Vehicular Natural Gas Fuel Systems Code, 2019 for High-Temperature Service,2019.
NFPA 58, Liquefied Petrolewn Gas Code, 2020 edition. ASTM A254, Standard Specification for Copper-Brazed Steel
NFPA 7rfP, National Elechical Code®, 2020 edition . Tubing, 2012.
NFPA 82, Standard on Incineratm·s and Waste and Linen ASTM A268, Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded
Handling Systems and Equipment, 2019 edition . Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service,
NFPA 88A, Standard fm· Pm1•ing Structures, 2019 edition. 2010, reaffirmed 2016 .
NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and
Ventilating Systems, 2021 edition. ASTM A269, Standard Specification j<Jr Seamless and Welded
A iL5tenitic Stainl..f'ss Steel Tubing for General Service, 2015a.
NFPA 90B, Standard for the Installation of Warm A irHeating and
Ai1~Conditioning Systems, 2021 edition. ASTM A312, Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and
NFPA 96, Standard fm· Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Heavily Cold W011•ed Austenitic Stainl.ess Steel Pipes, 20 l 8a.
Commercial Cooking Operations, 2021 edition .
NFPA 211 , Standard fm· Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid ASTM B88, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water
Fuel-Burning Appliances, 2019 edition . Tube, 2016.
NFPA 409, Standard on A ircraft Hangars, 2016 edition. ASTM B210, Standard Specification for Aluminum and
NFPA 780, Standard fm· the Installation ofLightning Protection Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless ?ubes,2019 .
Systems, 2020 edition.
AST M B24 1, Standard Specification for Aluminum and
NFPA 853, Standard fm· the Installation of Stationm)' Fuel Cell
Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seaml.ess Extruded 71tbe,2016.
Power Systems, 2020 edition.
NFPA 1192, Standard on Recreational Vehicles, 2021 edition. ASTM B280, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube for
A ir Conditioning and Refiigeration Fzeld Service, 2018.
2.3 Other Publications.
ASTM D2513, Standard Specification for Pol)1ethylene (PE) Gas
2.3.1 ASME Publications. American Society of Mechanical Pressure PifJe, Tubing, and Fittings, 2018a.
Engineers, Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990, (800)
843-2763. www.asm ASTM £136, Standard Test Method for Behavior of Mate1-ials in a
Vertical 7ube Fu:rnace at 750°C, 2019.
ANSI/ASME Bl. 20.1 , Pipe Threads, General Purpose, Inch,
2013. ASTM £2652, Standard Test Method f01· Behavior of Materials in
a Tube Furnace with a Cone-shaped Aiiflow Stabilizei; at 750°C,
ANSI/ ASME Bl 6.l , Gray Iron PifJe flanges and Flanged Fittings: 2018.
Classes 25, i25, and 250, 2015.
2021 Edition
ASTM F1973, Standard Specification for Factory Assembled Anode- ANSI Z21.41/CSA 6.9, Quick-Disconnect Devices for Use with Gas
less Risers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide Fuel Appliances, 201 4.
11 (PAll) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel Gas Distribution Systems,
2013, reaffirmed 20 18. ANSI Z21.47/ CSA 2.3, Gas-Fired Central Furnaces, 2016.
ASTM F2509, Standard Specification for Field-Assembled Anodeless ANSI Z21.50/ CSA 2.22, U!nted Decorative Gas Apf1liances, 2019.
Riser Kits for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas ANSI Z21.54/ CSA 8.4, Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor
Distribution Pipe and Tubing, 201 5. GrLs-Fired Appliances,201 9 .
ASTM F2945, Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas Pres- ANSI Z21.56/ CSA 4.7, Gas-Fired Pool H eaters, 2017.
sure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings,2018.
ANSI Z21.60/ CSA 2.26, Decorative Gas Appliances for Installa-
2.3.3 CSA Group Publications. CSA Group, 178 Rexdale tion in Solid-Fuel Burning Fireplaces, 20 l 7.
Boulevard, Toronto, ON M9W 1R3, Canada, (216) 52+4990.
\ ANSI Z21.69/ CSA 6.1 6, Connectors for Movable Gas Appliances,
201 5.
ANSI/CSA FC 1, Fuel Cell Technologies -Part 3-100: Stationary
Fuel Cell Power Systems - Safety, 201 4, 1-eaffinned 201 8. ANSI Z21.75/CSA 6.27, Connectms for Outdoor Gas Appliances
and Manufactured H omes, 2016.
ANSI/CSA NGV 5.1 , Residential Fueling Appliances, 2016.
ANSI Z21.80/ CSA 6.22, Line Pressure Regulators,20 19.
ANSI/ CSA NVG 5.2, Vehicle Fueling Appliances (WA), 2017.
ANSI Z21.86/ CSA 2.32, 14mted Gas-Fired Space H eating Appli-
ANSI LC 1/ CSA 6.26, Fuel Gas Piping Systems Using Comtgated ances, 2016.
Stainl.ess Steel Tubing (CSST), 201 8.
ANSI Z21.90/ CSA 6.24, Gas Cmivenience Outlets and Optional
ANSI LC 4/ CSA 6.32, Press-Connect Metallic Fittings for U5e in Enclosures, 2015.
Fuel Gas Distribution Systems, 2012, reaffirmed 2016.
ANSI Z21.93/ CSA 6.30, Excess Flow Valves for Natural and LP-
ANSI Z21.l / CSA 1.1, Household Cooking Gas Appliances, 2018. Gas with Pressures Up to 5 psig, 2017 .
ANSI Z21.5 .1/CSA 7.1 , Gas Clothes Dl)1ers, Volume I, Type ANSI Z21.97/ CSA 2.41, Outdoor Decorative Gas Appliances,
1 Clothes Dryers, 2017. 2017.
ANSI Z21.5.2/CSA 7.2, Gas Clothes D 1)1e1s, Volume II, Type ANSI Z83.4/CSA 3.7, Non-R ecirculating Direct Gas-Fired Heating
2 Gothes Dryers, 2016. and Forced Ventilation Appliances for Commercial and Industrial
ANSI Z21.8, Installation of Domestic Gas Conversion Burneis, Application, 20 l 7.
1994, reaffi rmed 2017. ANSI Z83.8/CSA 2 .6, Gas Unit H eaters, as Packaged H eaters,
ANSI Z21.10. l / CSA 4.1 , Gas Water Heater~s, Volmne I, Storage Gas Utility H eateis, and Gas-Fired Duct Furnaces, 201 6.
Water Heaters with Input Ratings of 75,000 Btu per Hour or Less, ANSI Z83 .11 I CSA 1. 8, Gas Food Ser·vice Equipment, 2016.
ANSI Z83.18, Recirculating Direct Gas-Fired Heating and Forced
ANSI Z21.10.3/ CSA 4.3, Gas Water· H eaters, Volume III, Storage Ventilation Appliances far Commercial and Industrial Application,
Water H eater·s with Input Ratings Above 75,000 Btu per Hom; Circu- 201 7.
lating or Instantaneous, 2017.
ANSI Z83.19/ CSA 2.35, Gas-Fired H igh-Intensity Infrared Heat-
ANSI Z21. l l .2, Gas-Fired Room Heaters - Volume II, Unvented er·s, 2017.
Room Heateis, 2016.
ANSI Z83.20/ CSA 2.34, Gas-Fired Tulndar and Low-Intensity
ANSI Z21.1 3/ CSA 4.9, Gas-Fired Low-Pressure Steam and Hot Infrared H eaters, 2016.
Water Boilm, 2017.
ANSI Z83.26/CSA 2. 27, Gas-Fired Outdoor Infrared Patio Heat-
ANSI Z21 .15/CSA 9.1, Manually oper·ated gas valves for applian- el"S,2014.
ces, appliance connector valves and hose end valves, 2009, reaffirmed
2014. 2.3.4 MSS Publica tions. Manufacturers Standardization Soci-
ety of the Valve and Fitti ngs Industry, 127 Park Street, NE,
ANSI Z21.18/CSA 6.3, Gas Appliance Pressure Regulators, 2007, Vien na, VA 22180-4602, (703) 281-6613. www.msshq .org
reaffirmed 2016.
ANSI/MSS SP-58, Pipe Hangeis and Supports - Materials,
ANSI Z21.19/ CSA 1.4, Refriger·ators Using Gas Fuel, 2014. Design, Manufacture, Selection, Application, and Installation, 2018.
ANSI Z21.22/ CSA 4.4, Relief Valves for Hot Water· Supply 2.3.5 UL Publications. Un derwriters Lab oratories Inc., 333
Systems, 2015. Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096. www.ul. com
ANSI Z21.24/ CSA 6.10, Connectors for Gas Appliances, 2015. UL 103, Chimneys, Factm·y-Built, Residential 1)1pe and Building
ANSI Z21.40.l / CSA 2.91, Gas-Fired H eat Activated Air Condi- H eating Appliances, 2010, revised 2017.
tioning and H eat Pump Appliances, 1996, reaffirmed 2017. UL 441 , G(L5 U!nts, 2016.
ANSI Z21.40. 2/CSA 2.92, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump UL 467, Grounding and Bonding Equipment, 2013.
Appliances (Internal Combu5tion), 1996, 1-eaffinned 2017.
2021 Edition
UL 641, 1ype L Low-Temperature Venting Systems, 2010, revised 3.2.4 Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been
2018. attached a label, symbol, or othe1- identifying mark of an organ-
ization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction
UL 651, Schedide 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings, and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains peri-
2011, revised 2018. odic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materi-
UL 959, Medium H eat Appliance Factory-Built Chimneys, 2010, als, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates
revised 2014. compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a
specified manner.
UL 1738, Venting Systems for Gas Burning Appliances, Categories
II, Ill and JV, 2010, revised 2014. 3.2.5* Listed. Equipment, materials, or services included in a
list publ ished by an organization that is acceptable to the
UL 1777, Chimney Liners, 2015, revised 2019. authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of
products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of
UL 2158A, Clothes D1)1ei· Transition Ducts, 2013, revised 2017.
production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evalua-
UL 2561, 1400 Degree Fahrenheit Factory-Built Chimneys, 2016, tion of services, and whose listing states that either the equip-
revised 2018. ment, material, or service meets appropriate designated
standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified
UL 378, Draft Equipment, 2006, revised 2013. purpose .
2.3.6 US Government Publications. US Government Publish- 3.2.6 Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement.
ing Office, 732 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC
20401-0001. 3.3 General Definitions.
Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 192, "Transporta- 3.3.1 Accessible. Having access to but which first 1·equires the
tion of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal removal of a panel, doot~ or similar covering of the item de-
Standards." scribed.
2.3.7 Other Publications. Readily Accessible. Having direct access without the
need of removing or moving any panel, door, or similar
Meniam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, Merriam-
covering of the item described.
Webster, Inc., Springfield, MA, 2003.
3.3.2 Air.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. Circulating Air. Air for cooli ng, heating, or ventila-
NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment,
tion distributed to habitable spaces.
2016 edition.
NFPA 7rP, National Electrical Code®, 2017 edition. Dilution Air. Air that e nters a draft hood or draft
NFPA SSA, Standard for Parking Structures, 2019 edition . regulator and mixes with the flue gases.
NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Excess Air. Air tha t passes through the combustion
Ventilating Systems, 2018 edition. chamber and t11e appliance flue s in excess of tlrnt which is
NFPA 101®, Life Safety Code®, 2018 edition. theoretically required for complete combustion .
NFPA 501, Standard on Manufactured Housing, 2017 edition.
NFPA 500rP, Building Construction and Safety Code®, 2018 Primary Air. The air introduced into a burner that
edition. mixes with the gas before it reaches the port 01- ports.
3.3.3 Anodeless Riser. An assembly of steel-cased plastic pipe
Oiapter 3 D efinitions used to make the transition between plastic piping installed
underground and metallic piping installed aboveground.
3.1 General. The definitions contained in this chapter shall 3.3.4 Appliance. Any device that utilizes a fuel to produce
apply to the terms used in this code. Where terms are not light, heat, power, refrigeration, or air conditioning, or any
defined in this chapter or within another chapte1~ they shall be device that compresses fuel gas.
defined using their ordinarily accepted meanings within the
context in which they ai·e used . Merriam-Webster's Colkgiate Decorative Appliance for Installation ·in a Vented Fire-
Dictionary, 11th edition, shall be the source for the ordinarily place. A self-contained, freestanding, fue l gas-burning
accepted meaning. appliance designed for installation only in a vented fireplace
and whose primary function lies in the aesthetic effect of
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions. the flame.
3.2.1 * Approved. Acceptable to the authority having jurisdic- Direct Vent Appliances. Appliances that are construc-
tion . ted and installed so that a ll air for combustion is derived
3.2.2* Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). An organization, directly from the outdoors and all flue gases are discharged
office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements to the outdoors.
of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, Fan-Assisted Combustion Appliance. An appliance
an installation, or a procedure. equipped with an integral mechanical means to e ither draw
3.2.3* Code. A standard that is an extensive compilation of or force products of combustion through the combustion
provisions covering broad subject matter or that is suitable for chamber or heat exchanger.
adoption into law independently of other codes and standa1-ds.
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223.I DEFINITIONS 54-ll Food Service Appliance. Category II Vt!nted Appliance. An appliance that
operates with a nonpositive vent static pressure and with a Baking and Roasting Oven. An oven p1·imarily vent gas temperature that can cause excessive condensate
intended for volume food preparation that is composed of production in the vent.
one or more sections or unit5 of the following types:
(1) cabinet oven, an oven having one or mo1·e cavities Category m Vented Appliance. An appliance that
heated by a single burner or group of burners; (2) reel-type operates with a positive vent static pressure and with a vent
oven, an oven employing trays that are moved by me chan i- gas temperamre that avoids excessive condensate produc-
cal means; or (3) sectional oven, an oven composed of one tion in d1e vent.
or more independently heated cavities. Category IV Vented Appliance. An appliance d1at Gas Counter Appliance. An appliance su ch as a gas operates with a positive vent static pressure and with a vent
coffee brewe1· and coffee urn and any appurtenant water gas temperature that can cause excessive condensate
heating appliance, food and dish warmer, hot plate, and production in the vent.
3.3.5 Appliance Categorized Vent DiameterI Area. The mini- Gas Deep Fat Fryer. An appliance, including a mum vent diameter/ area permissible fo1· Category I appliances
cooking vessel in which oils or fats are placed to such a to maintain a nonpositive vent static pressure when tested in
depth that the cooking food is essentially supported by accordance with nationally recognized standards.
displacement of the cooking fluid or a perforated container
immersed in the cooking fluid rather than by the bottom of 3.3.6 Automatic Ftrecheck. A device for stopping the progress
of a flame front in burner mixmre lines (flashback) and for
the vessel, designed primarily for use in hotels, restaurants,
clubs, and similar institutions. automatically shutting off the fuel-air mixnire . Kettk. An appliance with a cooking chamber d1at 3.3.7 Automatic Vent Damper. A device that is intended for
installation in the venting system, in the oudet of or down-
is heated either by a steam jacket in which steam is gener-
ated by gas heat or by direct gas heat applied to the cooking stream of the appliance draft hood, of an individual automati-
chamber. cally operated appliance and that is designed to automatically
open the venting system when the appliance is in operation Steam Cooker. An appliance that cooks, defrosts, and to automatically close off the venting system when the
or reconstitutes food by direct contact with steam. appliance is in a standby 01· shutdown condition. Steam Generator. A separate appliance primarily 3.3.8 Backfire Preventer. See 3.3.86, Safety Blowout.
intended to supply steam for use with food service applian-
ces. 3.3.9 Baffle. An object placed in an appliance to change the
direction of or reta1·d the flow of air, air-gas mixtmes, or flue Gas Counter Appliances. See gases. Household Cooking Appliance. An appliance for 3.3.10 Boiler.
domestic food preparation, providing at least one function
of (1) top or surface cooking, (2) oven cooking, or Hot Water Heating Boiler. A boiler designed to heat
water for circulation through an external space heating
(3) broiling.
system. Household Broiler Cooking Appliance. A unit that
cooks primarily by radiated heat. Hot Water Supply Boiler. A boiler used to heat water
for purposes other than space heating. Household Built-In Unit Cooking Appliance. A unit
designed to be recessed into, placed upon, or attached to Low Pressure Boiler. A boiler for generating steam
the construction of a building, but not for installation on at gauge pressures not in excess of 15 psi (gauge pressure of
103 kPa) or for furnish ing water at a maximum temperature
the floor.
of 250°F (121 °C) at a maximum gauge pressure of 160 psi Low-Heat Appliance. An appliance needing a chim- (gauge pressme of 1100 kPa). [31, 2016]
ney capable of withstanding a continuous flue gas tempera- Steam Boiler. A boiler designed to convert water
ture not exceeding 1000°F (538°C).
into steam that is supplied to an external system. Medium-Heat Appliance. An appliance needing a
chimney capable of withstanding a contin uous flue gas 3.3.11 Bonding Jumper. A reliable conductor to ensm·e the
required eleco·ical conductivity between metal parts required
temperature not exceeding 180U°F (982°C) .
to be electrically connected. r10:1001 Outdoor Cooking Appliance. A gas-fired cooking
appliance for outdoor use only that is provided with a 3.3.12 Branch Line. Gas piping that conveys gas from a supply
line to the appliance.
means of support by the manufacturer and is connected to a
fixed gas piping system. 3.3.13 Breeching. See 3.3.1 00, Vent Connector. Vented Appliance. 3.3.14 Broiler. A general term including broilers, salaman-
ders, barbecues, and other devices cooking primarily by radi- * Category I Vt!nted Appliance. An appliance that
operates with a non.positive vent static pressure and with a ated heat, excepting toasters.
vent gas temperature drnt avoids excessive condensate Unit Broiler. A broiler constructed as a separate
production in the vent. appliance.
2021 Edition
3.3.15 Btu. Abbreviation for British thermal unit, which is the 3.3.21 Combustion Products. Constituents resulting from the
quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound combustion of a fuel with the oxygen of the air, including the
of water l degree Fahrenheit (equivalent to 1055 joules) . inert but excluding excess air.
3.3.16 Burner. A device for the final conveyance of gas, or a 3.3.22 Condensate. The liquid that separates from a gas
mixture of gas and air, to the combustion zone . because of a 1·eduction in temperature or an increase in pres-
sure. Forced-Draft Burner. See 3.3.1 6.5, Power Burner.
3.3.23 Controls. Devices designed to regulate the gas, air, Gas Conversion Burner. A unit consisting of a wate1·, or elecu·ical supply to an appliance, either manually or
burner and its conu·ols utilizing gaseous fuel for installation automatically.
in an appliance originally utilizing another fuel. Limit Control. A device responsive to changes in Injection- (Bunsen-) Type Burner. A burner employ- p1·essure, temperauu-e, or liquid level for turning on, shut-
ing the energy of a jet of gas to irtject air for combustion ting off, or tl1rottling the gas supply to an appliance.
into the burner and mix it with the gas.
3.3.24 Copper Alloy. A homogenous mixture of t:\110 or more Main Burner. A device or group of devices essen- metals in which copper is the primary component, such as
tially forming an integral unit for the final conveyance of brass and bronze.
gas or a mixuire of gas and air to the combustion zone and
on which combustion takes place to accomplish the func- 3.3.25 Cubic Foot (ft3) of Gas. The amount of gas that would
tion for which the appliance is designed. occupy 1 ft3 (0.03 m 3 ) when at a temperauire of 60°F (16°C), Power Burner. A burner in which either gas or air, saturated with water vapor and under a pressure equivalent to
that of 30 in. mercmy (101 kPa) .
or both, are supplied at a pressure exceeding, for gas, the
line presstu-e, and for air, atmospheric p1·essure; this added 3.3.26 Deep Fat Fryer. See, Gas Deep Fat Fryer.
pressure being applied at the burner. A burner for which air
for combustion is supplied by a fan ahead of the appliance 3.3.27 Device.
is commonly designated as a forced-draft burner. Automatic Gas Shutoff Device. A device constructed Fan-Assisted Power Burner. A burner that uses so that tl1e attainment ofa water temperature in a hot water
either induced or forced draft. supply system in excess of some predetermined limit acts in
such a way as to cause the gas to the system to be shut off.
3.3.17 Chimney. One or more passageways, vertical or nearly
so, for conveying flue or vent gases to the outdoors. Pressure Limiting Device. Equipment that under
abno1·mal conditions will act to reduce, restrict, or shut off Exterior Masonry Chimneys. Masonry chimneys the supply of gas flowing into a system in order to prevent
exposed to the outdoors on one or more sides below the the gas pressure in that system from exceeding a predeter-
roof line. mined value . Factory-Built Chi11mey. A chimney composed of Quick-Disronnect Device. A hand-operated device
listed factory-built component5 assembled in accordance that provides a means for connecting and d isconnecting an
with the manufa.cturer's installation insu-uctions to form the appliance or an applian ce connector to a gas supply and
completed chimney. that is equipped with an automatic means to shut off the gas Masonry Chimney. A field-consu·ucted chimney of supply when the device is disconnected.
solid masonry units, bricks, stones, listed masonry ch imney Safety Shutoff Device. A device that will shut off the
units, or reinforced Portland cement concrete, lined with gas supply to the controlled burner(s) in the event tl1e
suitable chimney flue line1·s. source of ignition fai ls. This device can interrupt the flow of Metal Chimney. A field-constructed chimney of gas to main burner(s) only or to pilot(s) and main
burner(s) under its supervision.
3.3.18 Oothes Dryer. An appliance used to dry wet laundry by 3.3.28 Diversity Factor. Ratio of the maximum probable
means of heat. demand to the maximum possible demand.
3.3.29 Draft. A pressure differe nce that causes gases or air to Type I Clothes Dryer. Primarily used in family living
environment. May 01· may not be coin-opernted for public flow through a chimney, vent, flue, or appliance.
use. Mechanical Draft. Draft produced by a fan or an
air or steam jet. \!\Then a fan is located so as to push the flue Type 2 Clothes Dryer. Used in business with direct
intercourse of the function with the public. May or may not gases through the chimney or vent, the draft is forced .
be operated by public or hired attendant. May or may not When the fan is located so as to pull the flue ga5es through
the c himney or vent, the draft is induced.
be coin-operated.
3.3.19 Combustion. A chemical process of oxidation that Natuml Draft. Draft produced by the d iffe rence in
occurs at a rate fast enough to produce heat and usually light the weight of a colu11.U1 of flue gases within a chimney 01·
vent system and a corresponding column of air of equa l
in the form of eitl1er a glow or flame. (5000, 20181
dimension outside ilie chimney or venting system. f31,
3.3.20 Combustion Chamber. The portion of an appliance 20161
within which combustion occurs.
2021 Edition
3.3.30 Draft Hood. A nonadjustable device built into an 3.3.42 Flame Arrester. A nonvalve device for use in a ga~-a ir
appliance, or made a part of the vent connector from an appli- mixture line containing a means for tempora1-ily stopping the
ance, that is designed to ( 1) provide for the ready escape of the progress of a flame front (flashback) .
flue gases from the appliance in the event of no draft, back-
draft, or stoppage beyond the draft hood, (2) prevent a back- 3.3.43 Flue.
draft from entering the appliance, and (3) neuU'alize the effect Appliance Rue. The passage (s) within an appliance
of stack action of the chimney or gas vent upon the operation through which combustion products pass from the combus-
of the appliance. tion chamber of the appliance to the draft hood inlet open-
3.3.31 Drip. The container placed at a low point in a system ing on an appliance equipped with a draft hood or to the
of piping to collect condensate and from which it may be outlet of the appliance on an appliance not equipped with a
1-emoved. draft hood.
3.3.32 Dry Gas. A gas having a moisuire and hydrocarbon Chimney Rue. The passage(s) in a chimney fo r
dew point below any normal temperature to which the gas conveying the flue or vent gases to the outdoors.
piping is exposed. 3.3.44 Flue Collar. That portion of an appliance designed for
3.3.33 Effective Ground-Fault Current Path. An intentionally the attachment of a draft hood, vent connector, or ve nting
constructed, low impedance electrically conductive path system.
designed and intended to carry current under ground-fault 3.3.45 Furnace.
conditions from the point ofa ground fault on a wiring system
to the electrical supply source and that facilitates the operation Central Furnace. A self-contained appliance fm
of the overcurrent protective device or ground-fault detectors. heating air b y transfer of heat of combustion through metal
[70: 1001 to the air and designed to supply heated air through d ucts
to spaces remote from or adjacent to the appliance location.
3.3.34 Engineering Methods. Design methods that rely on the
application of mathematics, sciences, empirical evidence, and Direct Vent Wall Furnace. A system consisting of an
engineering principles. appliance, combustion air, and flue gas connections
between the appliance and the outdoor atmosphere, and a
3.3.35 Equipment. Devices other than appliances. vent cap supplied by the manufacuirer and consu-ucted so
3.3.36 Explosion Heads (Soft Heads or Rupture Discs). A that all air for combustion is obtain ed from the outdoor
protective device for relieving excessive pressure in a premix atmosphere and all flue gases are discharged to the outdom
atmosphere .
system b y bursting of a rupturable disc.
3.3.37 FAN Max. The maximum input rating of a Category I, Duct Furnace. A fornace normally instal led in
fan-assisted appliance attached to a vent or connector. distribution ducts of air-conditioning systems to supply
warm air for heating. This defin ition applies on ly to an
3.3.38 FAN Min. The minimum input rating of a Category I, appliance that, for air circulation, depends on a blower not
fan-assisted appliance attached to a vent or connector. fornished as part of the furnace .
3.3.39 FAN+FAN. The maximum combined appliance input Enclosed Furnace. A specific heating, or heating
rating of t\vo or more Category I, fan-assisted appliances and ventilating, fornace incorporating an in tegral total
attached to the common vent. enclosure and using only outdoo1- air fo1- combustion.
3.3.40 FAN+NAT. The maximum combined appliance input floor Furnace. A completely self-con ta ined unit
rating of one or more Category I, fan-assisted appliances and furnace suspended from the floor of the space being
one or mor-e Category I, draft hood-equipped appliances heated, taking air for combustion from outside this space.
attached to the common vent. Forced-Air Furnace. A furnace equipped with a fan
3.3.41 Fireplace. A fire chamber and hearth constructed of or blower that provides th e primary means for circulation of
noncombustible material for use with solid fuels and provided air.
with a chimney. Vented Wall Furnace. A self-contained, vented, fue l Gas Fireplace. gas-burning appliance complete with grilles or equivalent,
designed for incorporation in or permanent attachment to Direct Vent Gas Fireplace. A system consisting of the su-ucture of a building and furni shing heated a ir, circu-
(1) an appliance for indoor installation that allows the view
lated by gravity or by a fan, directly into the space to be
of flames and provides the simulation of a solid fuel fire- heated through openings in the casing.
place, (2) combustion air connections b et\Veen the appli-
ance and the vent air intake terminal, (3) flue-gas 3.3.46 Furnace Plenum. A comparunent or chamber that is
connections bet\ve en the appliance and the vent-air intake supplied with the furnace or constructed of ductwork that is
terminal, and ( 4) a vent air intake terminal for installation attached to the inlet or outlet of a furnace or ai r-handling unit
outdoors, constructed such that all air for combustion is and has one or more circulating a ir ducts connected to it.
obtained from the outdoor atmosphere and a ll flue gases
are discharged to the outdoor aunosphere. 3.3.47 Garage. Vented Gas Fireplace. A vented appliance that 3.3.47.l Repair Garage. A building, su-ucture, or portions
thereof wherein major repair, painting, or body and fender
allows the view of flames and provides the simulation of a
solid fuel fireplace. work is performed on motorized vehicles or automobiles,
2021 Edition
and includes associated floor space used for offices, parking, 3.3.55 Grounding Electrode. A conducting object through
and showrooms. which a direct connection to earth is established. [70:1001 Residential Garage. A building or room in which 3.3.56 Heater.
self~propelled pa5senger vehicles are or can be stored and
that will not normally be used for other than mino1- se1·vice 3.3.56.l Infrared Heater. A heater that direct5 a substantial
or repair operations on such stored vehicles. amount of its energy output in the form of infrared e ne1-gy
into the area to be heated . Such heaters may be of either
3.3.48 Gas Convenience Outlet. A permanently mounted, the vented or unvented type.
hand-operated device providing a means for connecting and Nonrecirculating Direct Gas-Fired Heating and Forced
disconnecting an appliance or an appliance connector to the
Ventilation. Appliances for Commercial and Industrial Applica-
gas supply piping.
tion. A nonrecirculating direct gas-fired heating and forced
3.3.49 Gases. Include naniral gas, manufactured gas, lique- ventilation appliance in whic h all the products of combus-
fied peu-oleum (LP) gas in the vapor phase only, liquefied tion generated by the appliance are released into the
petroleum gas-air mixnu-es, and mixtures of these gases, plus outdoor airstream being heated.
gas-air mixtures within the flammable range, with the fuel gas
or the flammable component of a mixture being a commer- Pool Heater. An appliance designed for heating
nonpotable water stored at atmospheric pressu re, such as
cially distributed product.
water in swimming pools, therapeutic pools, and similar Flue Gases. Products of combustion plus excess air applications.
in appliance flues or heat exchangers. Recirculating Direct Gas-Fired Heating and Forced Utility Gases. Natural gas, manufactured gas, lique- Ventilation. Appliances for Commercial and ltulustrial Applica-
fied petroleum gas-air mixtures, or mixtures of any of these tion.. A recirculating direct gas-fired heati ng and forced
gases. ventilation appliance in which a ll of the products of
combustion generated b y the appliance are released into Ven.t Gases. Products of combustion from applian- the airstream being heated.
ces plus excess air, plus dilution air in the venting system
above the draft hood or draft regulator. Unit Heater. A self-contained, automatically
controlled, vented, fuel gas-burning, space-heating appli-
3.3.50 Gas-Fired Air Conditioner. An automatically operated ance intended for installation in the space to be heated
appliance for supplying cooled and/ or dehumidified air or without the use of ducts, having integral means for circula-
chilled liquid.
tion of air.
3.3.51 Gas-Fired Heat Pump. An automatically operated Unvented &om Heater. An mwented, self-
appliance utilizing a refrigeration system for supplying either con tained, freestanding, nonrecessed, fuel gas-burning
heated air or liquid or heated and/ or cooled air or liquid .
appliance for furnishing warm air by gravity or fan circula-
3.3.52 Gas-Mixing Machlne. Any combination of automatic tion to the space in which installed, directly from the heater
proportioning conu-ol devices, blowers, or compressors that without duct connection.
supply mixtures of gas and air to multiple burner installations Water Heater. An appliance for supplying hot
where control devices or other accessories are installed water for domestic 01- commercial pm·poses.
benveen the mixing device and burner.
3.3.57 Heating Value (Total). The number of British thermal
3.3.53* Gas Vent. A passageway composed of listed factory-
units produced by the combustion, at constant pressure, of 1 ft3
built components assembled in accordance with the manufac-
turer's installation insUllctions fo1- conveying vent gases from (0.03 m 3) of gas when the products of combustion are cooled
appliances or their vent connectors to the outdoors. to the initial temperature of the gas and air, when the water
vapor formed during combustion is condensed, and when a ll Common Vent. That portion of a vent or chimney the necessary corrections have been applied.
system that conveys vent gases from more than one appli-
ance. 3.3.58 Hot Plate. See, Gas Counter Appliance. Domestic Hot Plate. A fue l gas-burning appliance special,..Type Gas Ven.t. Gas vents for venting listed
Category II, III, and IV appliances. consisting of one or more open-top-type burners installed
on short legs or a base. Type B Gas Vent. A gas vent for venti ng listed gas
3.3.59 Ignition.
appliances with draft hoods and other Category I appliances
listed fo1- use with Type B gas vents. Automatic Ignition. Ignition of ga5 at the burner(s) Type B-W Gas Ven.t. A gas vent for venting listed when the gas-controlling device is turned on, including re-
ignition if the flames on the burner(s) have been extin-
wall furnaces.
guished by means other than by the closing of the ga5- Type L Gas Vent. A gas vent for venting appliances controlling device.
listed for use with Type L vents and appliances listed for use
with Type B gas vents. Sources of Ignition.. Appliances or equipment that,
because of their intended modes of use or operation, are
3.3.54 Gravity. See 3.3.91, Specific Gravity. capable of providing sufficient thermal energy to ignite
flammable gas-air mi..xtures.
2021 Edition
3.3.60 Insulating Millboard. A factory-fabricated board physical or mental disability, or because of security measures
formed with noncombustible materials, normally fibers, and not under the occupants' control. [5000, 20181
having a thermal conductivity in the range of 1 Btu/ in./ Residential Board and Care Occupancy. An occu-
ft2 /°F / hr (0.1 4 W / m/°K).
pancy used for lodging and boarding of four or more resi-
3.3.61 Kettle. See dents, not related by blood or man-iage to the owners or
operators, for the purpose of providing personal care serv-
3.3.62 Manifold. ices. (5000, 2018) Common Jient Manifold. A horizontal extension of 3.3.71 Orifice. The opening in a cap, sp ud, or other device
the common vent within the room in which the appliances whereby the flow of gas is li mited and through which the gas is
are installed. discharged to the burner. Gas Manifold. The conduit of an appliance that 3.3.72 Oven, Baking and Roasting. See , Baking and
supplies gas to the individual burners. Roasting Oven .
3.3.63 Manufactured Home. A su·ucture, transportable in one 3.3.73 Parking Structure. A building, su·ucu.ire, or portion
or more sections, that, in the traveling mode , is 8 body-ft thereof used fo1· the parking, storage, 01· both, of motor veru-
(2 .4 m) or more in width or 40 body-ft (12.2 m) or more in cles. [88A, 2019)
length or, that on site is 320 ft2 (29.7 m 2 ) or more, is built on a
pennanent chassis, is designed to be used as a dwelling with or Basement or Underground Parking Structure. A park-
without a permanent foundation, whether or not connected to ing structure or portion thereof located below finished
the utilities, and includes plumbi ng, heating, air-conditioning, ground level.
and elecu-ical systems contained therein. Such terms shall Enclosed Parking Structure. Having exterior enclos-
include any structure that meets all the requirements of this
ing walls that have less than 25 percent of the total wall area
paragraph except the size requirements and with respect to
open to aonosphere at each level using at least t\vo sides of
which the manufacu.irer voluntarily files a certification
the structure.
required by the regulatory agency. Calculations used to deter-
mine the number of square feet in a strucu.ire are based on the 3.3.74 Pilot. A small flame that is utilized to ignite the gas at
structure 's exte1·ior dimensions, include all expandable rooms, the main burner or burners.
cabinets, and other projections containing interior space, but
do not include bay windows. (501, 20171 3.3.75 Pipe. Rigid conduit used to convey fuel gas or other
3.3.64 Material. Equivalent Length Pipe. The resistance of valves, * Combustible (Material). A material that, in the controls, and fittings to gas flow expressed a~ equivalent
form in which it is used and under the conditions anticipa- lengtl1 of su·aight pipe for convenie nce in calculating pipe
ted, will ignite and burn; a material that does not meet the sizes.
definition of noncombustible. [ 101, 20151
3.3.76 Piping. Pipe or tubing. Noncombustible Material. A material that, in the
form in which it is used and under tl1e conditions anticipa- Concealed Gas Piping. Gas piping that, when in
place in a finished building, would require removal of
ted, will not ignite, burn , support combustion, or release
flammable vapors when subjected to fire or heat. permanent construction to gain access to the piping.
3.3.65 Meter. An instrument installed to measure ilie volume Control Piping. All piping, valves, and fittings used
to interconnect air, gas, or hydraulically operated conu·ol
of gas delivered through it.
apparatus or insu·ument transmitters and receivers.
3.3.66 Mixing Blower. A moto1·-<friven blowe1· to produce gas-
a ir mixtures for combustion . 3.3.77 Plenum. A compartme nt or chamber to which one or
more ducts are connected and that forms part of me a ir d isu·i-
3.3.67 NA. Vent configuration that is not allowed due to bution system. f90A, 2018)
potential for condensate formation or pressurization of the
venti ng system or tl1at is not applicable due to physical or 3.3.78 Point of Delivery. The location point where the
customer-owned fuel gas piping begins [see 1.1.1.l(A)].
geomeu·ic resu·aints.
3.3.68 NAT Max. The maximum input rating of a Category I, 3.3.79 Pressure. Unless othenvise stated, a measurement
draft hood-equipped appliance attached to a vent or connec- expressed in pounds per square inch above atmospheric pres-
tor. sure.
3.3.69 NAT+NAT. The maximum combined appliance input Ahnospheric Pressure. The pressure of the weight of
rating of two or more Category I , draft hood-equipped appli- air on the surface of the earth, approximately 14.7 pounds
ances attached to the common vent. per square inch (psia) (101 kPa absolute) at sea level.
2021 Edition
54-16 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE ANSI Z223.l Design Pressure. The maximum operating pressure stoppage beyond the draft hood and to permit inspiration of
permitted by tills code, as determined by the design proce- air into the draft hood in the event of a strong c himney
dures applicable to the materials involved. updraft. Maximum Working Pressure. The maximum pres- 3.3.86 Safety Blowout (Backfire Preventer). A protective
sure at which a piping system can be operated in accord- device incorporating a btll"sting disc fo1- excessive pressure
ance with the provisions of this code. release, means for stopping a flame front, and an electric
switch or other release mechanism for actuating a built-in or Supply Pressure. The gas pressure measured at the separate safety shutoff.
inlet to the appliance.
3.3.87 Service Head Adapter. A transition fitting for use with
3.3.80 Pressure Drop. The loss in pressure due to friction or
plastic piping (which is encased in non-pressure-carrying metal
obstruction in pipes, valves, fittings, regulators, and burners. pipe) that connects the metal pipe casing and plastic pipe and
3.3.81 Purge. To free a gas conduit of air or gas, or a mixture tubing to the remainder of the piping syste m.
of gas and air.
3.3.88 Service Meter Assembly. The meter, valves, piping,
3.3.82 Qualified Agency. Any individual, firm, corporation, or fittings, and equipment installed by the serving gas supplie 1- to
company that either in person or through a representative is connect the gas supply to the customer's house or yard piping.
engaged in and is responsible for (1) the design, installation, 3.3.89 Service Regulator. See, Pressure Regulator;
testing, or replacement of ga~ piping or (2) the connection, and, Service Regulator.
installation, testing, 1-epair, or servicing of appliances and
equipment; that is experienced in su ch work; that is familiar 3.3.90 Shutoff. See 3.3.98, Valve.
vvith all precautions required; and that has complied with all
the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. 3.3.91 Specific Gravity. As applied to gas, the ratio of the
weight of a given volume to that of the same volume of air,
3.3.83 Refrigerator (Using Gas Fuel). An appliance that is both measured under the same conditions.
designed to exn·act heat from a suitable chamber.
3.3.92 Steam Cooker. See, Steam Cooker.
3.3.84 Regulator.
3.3.93 Steam Generator. See, Steam Generator. Draft Regulator. A device that functions to main-
3.3.94 Stress. The resultant internal force that resists change
tain a desired draft in the appliance by automatically reduc-
ing the drah to the desired value. in the size or shape of a body acted on by external forces. In
this code, the term stress is often used as be ing synonymous with l Barometric Draft Regulator. A balanced dam per tmit stress, which is the sn-ess per w1it area (psi) .
device attached to a chimney, vent connector, breeching, or
flue gas manifold to control chimney draft. 3.3.94.l Hoop Stress. The stress in a pipe wall, acting
c ircumferentially in a plane perpendicular to the longitudi-
3.3.84. 2 Gas Appliance Pressure Regulator. A pressure regula- nal axis of the pipe and produced by the pressure of the
tor for controlling pressure to the appliance manifold. fluid in the pipe. Line Pressure Regulator. A pressure regulator 3.3.95 System.
placed in a gas line between the service regulator and the
3.3.95.l Central Premix System. A system that distributes
applian ce regulator.
flammable gas-air mixtures to two or more remote stations.* Monitor Regulator. A pressure regulator that is
installed in series with another pressure regulator for the Fan-Assisted Combustion System. An appliance
equipped with an integral mechanical means to e ither draw
purpose of preventing an overpressure in the downstream
piping system. or force products of combustion through the combustion
chamber or heat exchanger. Pressure Regulator. Equipment placed in a gas line Hybrid Pressure System. A piping system in wh ich
for reducing, controlling, and maintaining the pressure in
that portion of the piping system downstream of d1e equip- the pressure at the point of delivery is reduced by one or
ment. mo1-e line pressure regulato1-s prior to the appliance connec-
tion. Regulator Vent. The opening in the annospheric
side of the regulator housing permitting the in and out 3. 3.95.4 Mechanical Exhaust System. Equipment instal led in
movement of air to compensate for the movement of the and made a part of the vent to provide the required flow of
regulator diaphragm. gases through the vent.
3.3.84. 7 Series Regulator. A pressure regulator in series with 3. 3.95.5 Natuml Draft Venting System. A venting system that
one or more other pressure regulators. relies on naturnl draft to convey the products of combus-
tion. Service Regulator. A pressure regulator installed by
the serving gas supplier to reduce and limit the service line Piping System. All pipe , tubing, valves, and fittings
gas pressure to delivery pressure. from the point of delivery to the outlets of the appliance
shutoff valves.
3.3.85 Relief Opening. The opening provided in a draft hood
to permit the ready escape to the atmosphe1-e of the flue prod- 3. 3.95.7* Venting System. A continuous open passageway
ucts from the draft hood in the event of no draft, backdraft, or from the flue collar or draft hood of an appliance to the
outdoors for the purpose of removing flue or vent gases.
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223.I GENERAL 54-17 Mechanical Draft Venting System. A venting system 3.3.101 Vent Offset. An arrangement of two or more fittings
designed to remove flue or vent gases by mechanical means, and pipe installed for the purpose of locating a vertical section
which can consist of an induced draft portion under of vent pipe in a different but paralle l plane with respect to an
nonpositive static pressure or a forced draft portion under adjacent section of vertical vent pipe.
positive static pressure.
3.3.102 Venting. The con veyance of combustion products to
3.3.96 Tensile Strength. The highest unit tensile su·ess (refer- the outdoors.
red to the original cross section) a material can sustain before
failure (psi). 3.3.103 Wall Head Adapter. A transition fitting for terminat-
ing plastic pipe inside of buildings at the building wall.
3.3.97 Tubing. Semi rigid conduit of copper, steel, aluminum,
3.3.104 Zero Governor. A regulating device that is normally
corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST), or plastic.
adjusted to deliver ga5 at atmospheric pressure within its flow
3.3.98 Valve. rating. Appliance Shutoff Valve. A valve used to shut off the
fuel gas to an individual appliance. Chapter 4 General Automatic Valve. An automatic or semiautomatic 4.1 Qualified Agency. The fo llowing shall be performed only
device consisting essentially of a valve and operator that
by a qualified agency:
control the gas supply to the burner(s) during operation of
an appliance. (1) l11e design, installation, testing, purging, and replace-
ment of gas piping, appliances, equipment, and accesso- Excess Flaw Valve (EW) . A valve designed to acti- ries
vate when the fuel gas passing through it exceeds a pre- (2) The repair and servicing of appliances and equipment
scribed flow rate.
4.2 Interruption of Service. Manual Reset Valve. An automatic shutoff valve
installed in the gas supply piping and set to shut off when 4.2.l Notification of Interrupted Service. When the gas
unsafe conditions occur. The device remains closed until supply is to be turned off, it shall be the duty of the qualified
manually reopened. agency to notify all affected users. v\There two or more users are
served from the same supply system, precautions shall be exer- Relief Valve. A safety valve designed to forestall the cised to ensure that service only to the proper user is turned
development of a dangerous condition by relieving either off
pressure, temperature, or vacuum in a hot water supply
system. Exception: In cases of emeigency, affected u5ers shall be notified as soon
as possibl£ of the actions taken by the qualified agency. Pressure Relief Valve. A valve that automatically
opens and closes a relief vent, depending on whether the 4.2.2 Work Interruptions. When interruptions in work occur
pressure is above or below a predetermined value. while repafrs or alterations are being made to an existing
piping system, the system shall be left in a safe conditi on. Temperature Relief Valve. A valve that automati-
cally opens and automatically closes a relief vent, depending 4.3 Prevention of Accidental Ignition.
on whether the temperature is above or below a predeter- 4.3.l Potential Ignition Sources. Where work is being
mined value. performed on piping that contains or has contained gas, the Vacuum Relief Valve. A valve that automatically following shall apply:
opens and closes a vent for relieving a vacuum within the (1) Provisions for electrical continuity shall be made before
hot water supply system, depending on whether the vacuum alterations are made in a metallic piping system.
is above or below a predetermined value. (2) Smoking, open flames, lanterns, welding, or othe1· sour-
ces of ignition shall not be permitted. Service Shutoff Valve. A valve, installed by the serv-
ing gas supplier benveen the source of supply and the (3) A metallic elecu·ical bond shall be installed around the
customer piping system , to shut off the fuel gas to the entire location of cuts in metallic gas pipes made by other than
cutting torches. vVhere cutting torches, welding, or other
piping system.
sources of ignition are to be used, it shal l be determined System Shutoff Valve. A valve installed after the that all sources of gas or gas-air mixmres have been
point of delivery to shut off the fuel gas to the entire piping secured and that all flammable gas or liquids have been
system. cleared from the area. Piping shall be purged as required
in Section 8.3 before welding or cutting with a tmch is
3.3.99 Valve Member. That part of a gas valve rotating within attempted.
or in respect to the valve body that, by its position with respect ( 4) Artificial illumination sha ll be restricted to listed safety-
to the valve body, con u·ols the flow of gas. type flashlights and safety lamps. Electric switc hes shall Nondisplaceable Valve Member. A valve member that not be turned on or turned off.
cannot be moved from its seat by a force applied to the 4.3.2 Handling of Flammable Liquids.
handle or to any exterior portion of the valve.
4.3.2.l * Drip Liquids. Liquid that is removed from a drip in
3.3.100 Vent Connector. The pipe or duct that connects a fuel existing gas piping shall be handl ed to avoid spillage or igni-
gas-burning appliance to a vent or chimney.
2021 Edition
54-18 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE ANSI Z223.1 Other Flammable Liquids. Flammable liquids used by 5.2.2 Interconnections for Standby Fuels.
the installer shall be handled with p1·ecaution and shall not be
left within the premises from the end of one working day to the Where a supplementary gas fo1· standby use is connec-
ted downsu-eam from a meter or a service regulator where a
beginning of the next.
meter is not provided, equipment to prevent backflow shall be
4.4* Noncombustible Material. A material that complies with installed.
any of the following shall be considered a noncombustible
material: A three-way valve installed to adm it the standby supply
and at the same time shut off the regular supply shall be
( 1) A material that, in the form in which it is used and under permitted to be used for this purpose.
the conditions anticipated, will not ignite, burn, support
combustion, or 1·elease flammable vapors when subjected 5.3 Sizing of Gas Piping Systems.
to fire or heat
5.3.1* General Considerations. Gas piping systems shall be of
(2) A material that is reported as passing ASTM El 36, Stand- such size and so installed as to provide a supply of gas sufficient
ard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube to meet the maximum demand and supply gas to each appli-
Furnace at 750°C
ance inlet at not less than the minimum supply pressure
(3) A material that is reported as complying with the pass/ fail requit-ed by the appliance.
criteria of ASTM El36 when tested in accordance with
the test method and procedure in ASTM E2652, Standard 5.3.2* Maximum Gas Demand.
Test Method for Behavior of Material5 in a Tube Furnace with a
Cone-shaped Airflow Stabili.ze1; at 750 °C * The volumetric flow rate of gas to be provided shall
be the sum of the maximum input of the appliances served.
4.5 Engineering Methods. \/{here an engineering method is The volumetric flow rate of gas to be provided shall be
used to calculate flow of air or gas, or to determine the size of
gas pipe or a gas vent, the authority havingjmisdiction shall be adjusted for altitude where the instal lation is above 2,000 ft
permitted to require subm ittal of any or all of the following: (609.6 m) .
(1) Calculations including documentation that the method The total connected hourly load shall be used as the
used is published and recognized as being valid for the basis for piping sizing, assuming all appliances are operating at
calculations provided full capacity simultaneously.
(2) The name of any software used, input and output devel- Exception: Si.zing shall be permitted to be based upon established load
oped, and documentation that the software is recognized
diversity factors.
as being valid for the calculations provided
(3)* The name of the person that performed the calculation 5.3.3* Sizing Methods. Gas piping shall be sized in accord-
or design, along with their qualifications to perform the ance with one of the following:
calculation or design (1) Pipe sizing tables or sizing equations in Ch apter 6
(2) Sizing tables included in a listed piping system manufac-
Chapter 5 Gas Piping System Design, Materials, and turer's installation instructions
Components (3) Engineering methods
5.3.4 Allowable Pressure Drop. The design pressure loss in a
5.1 Piping Plan.
piping system from the poin t of delivery to the inlet connection
5.1.1 Installation of Piping System. Where required by the of all appliances served shall be such that the supply pressure at
authmity having jurisdiction, a piping sketch or plan shall be each appliance inlet is greater than or equal to the minimum
prepared before proceeding with the installation. The plan pressure required by the appliance .
shall show the proposed location of piping, the size of different 5.4 Operating Pressure.
branches, the va1·ious load demands, and the location of the
point of delivery. 5.4.1 Piping System Operating Pressure Limitations. The
maximum operating pressure for any piping system shall not
5.1.2 Addition to Existing System. When additional applian- exceed 125 psi (862 kPa) .
ces are being connected to a gas piping system, the existing
piping shall be checked to determine whether it has adequate 5.4.2 Flammable Gas-Air Mixtures. The maximum operating
capacity. If the capacity of the system is determined to be inade- pressure for piping systems for gas-air mixnires within the
quate for the additional appliances, the existing system shall be flammable range shall be 10 psi (69 kPa) .
enlarged as required, or separate gas piping of adequate
5.4.3 LP-Gas Piping Systems. The maximum operating pres-
capacity shall be provided.
sure for LP-Gas piping systems shall be 20 psi (140 kPa), except
5.2 Interconnections Between Gas Piping Systems. as p1·ovided in 5 .4.4(8) .
5.2.1 Interconnections Supplying Separate Users. \!\There two 5.4.4 Maximum Operating Pressure in Buildings. The maxi-
or more meters, or two or more service regulators where mum operating pressure for any piping systems located inside
meters are not provided, are located on the same premises and buildings shall not exceed 5 psi (34 kPa) unless one or more of
supply separate users, the gas piping systems shall not be inter- the following conditions are met:
connected on the outlet side of the meters or se1vice regula- (l)* The piping joints are welded or brazed.
tors. (2) The piping is joined b y fittings listed to ANSI LC 4 / CSA
6.32, Press-Connect Metallic Fittings for Use in Fuel Gas Distri-
2021 Edition
bution Systems, and installed according to the manufactur- that the use of alloy 5456 is prohibited), and shall be marked at
er's installation insu·uctions. each end of each length indicating compliance. Aluminwn
(3) The piping joints are flanged and all pipe-to-flange alloy pipe shall be coated to protect against external corrosion
connections are made by welding or brazing. where it is in contact with masonry, plaster, or insulation or is
(4) The piping is located in a ventilated chase or other.vise subject to repeated wettings by such liquids as water, deter-
enclosed for protection against accidental gas accumula- gents, or sewage.
tion .
(5) The piping is located inside buildings or separate areas of Aluminum Installation. Aluminum alloy pipe shall not
buildings used exclusively for one of d1e following: be used in exterior locations or underground.
2021 Edition
Conduit and Fittings. PVC vent piping shall not be installed Thread joint sealing materials shall be compatible
indoors. with the pipe and fitting material on which the compounds are
used. Anodeless Risers. Anodeless risers shall comply with
the following: Thread joint sealing materials shall be non-
(I) Factory-assembled anodeless risers shall be recommended hardening and shall be resistant to the chemical constituents of
the gases to be conducted through the piping.
by the manufacturer for the gas used and shall be leak
tested by the manufactm·er in accordance with written 5.5.7 Metallic Piping Joints and Fittings. The type of piping
procedures. joint used shall be suitable for the pressure and temperature
(2) Service head adapters and field-assembled anodeless conditions and shall be selected giving consideration to joint
rise1·s incorporating se1vice head adapters shall be recom- tightness and mechanical so·ength under the service condi-
mended by the manufacturer for the gas used and shall tions. The joint shall be able to sustain the maximum end force
be design-certified to meet the requirements of Category due to the internal pressure and any additional forces due to
I of ASTM D2513, Standard Specification/or Polyethylene (PE) temperature expansion or cono·action, vibration, fatigue, or
Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings, and 49 CFR the weight of the pipe and its contents.
192.281 (e) . The manufacturer shall provide the user
qualified installation inso·uctions as prescribed by 49 CFR* Pipe Joints. Schedule 40 and heavier pipe joints shall
l 92.283(b) . be threaded, flanged, brazed, welded, or assembled with press-
(3) The use of plastic pipe, tubing, and fittings in undiluted connect fittings listed to ANSI LC 4/CSA 6.32, Press-Connect
LP-Gas piping systems shall be in accordance with Metallic Fittings for Use in Fuel Gas Distrilmtion Systems.
(A) Pipe lighter than Schedule 40 shall be connected using
5.5.5 Workmanship and Defects. Gas pipe, tubing, and press-connect fittings, flanges, brazing, 01· welding.
fittings shall be clear and free from cutting burrs and defects in (B) \.\'here nonferrous pipe is brazed, the brazing materials
structure or threading and shall be thoroughly brushed and shall have a melting point in excess of 1000°F (538°C) .
chip and scale blown. Defects in pipe, n1bing, and fittings shall
not be repaired. Defective pipe, n1bing, and fittings shall be (C) Brazing alloys shall not contain more than 0.05 percent
replaced. phosphorus.
5.5.6 Metallic Pipe Threads. Copper Tubing Joints. Copper n1bing joint5 shall be
a~sembled with approved gas tubing fit tings, shall be brazed Specifications for Pipe Threads. Metallic pipe and with a material having a melting point in excess of 1000°F
fitting threads shal l be taper pipe threads and shall comply with
(538°C), or shall be assembled with press-connect fittings listed
ANSI/ ASME Bl.20.1 , Pipe Threads, General Pmpose, Inch. to ANSI LC 4/ CSA 6.32, Press-Connect M etallic Fittings for Use in Damaged Threads. Pipe with threads that are strip- Fuel Gas Distribution Systems. Brazing alloys shall not contain
ped, chipped, corroded, or otherwise damaged shall not be more than 0.05 percent phosphorus.
used. Where a weld opens during the operation of cutting or Stainless Steel Tubing Joints. Stainless steel joints shall
threading, that portion of the pipe shall not be used . be welded, assembled with approved tubing fittings, brazed Nwnber of Threads. Field threading of metallic pipe with a material having a melting point in excess of 1000°F
shall be in accordance with Table (538°C), 01· assembled with press-connect fittings listed to ANSI
LC 4/CSA 6.32, Press-Connect Metallic Fittings for Use in Fuel Gas* Thread Joint Sealing. Distrilnttion Systems. Brazing alloys and fluxes shall be recom- Threaded joints shall be made using a thread joint mended by the manufacturer for use on stainless steel a lloys.
sealing material . Flared Joints. Flared join ts shall be used on ly in
systems constructed from nonferrous pipe and tubing where
experience or tests have demonstrated that the joint is suitable
for the conditions and where provisions are made in the design
Table Specifications for Threading Metallic Pipe to prevent separation of the joints.
5.5. 7.5 Metallic Pipe Fittings. Metallic fittings shall comply
Approximate with the following:
Iron Pipe Length of Approximate
(1) Threaded fittings in sizes large1· than 4 in. (100 mm) shall
Size Threaded Portion No. of Threads
not be used.
(in.) (in.) to Be Cut
(2) Fittings used with steel, stain less steel, or wrought-iron
\12 '% 10 pipe shall be steel, stain less steel, copper alloy, malleable
Yi % 10 iron , or cast iron.
1 ?lg 10 (3) Fittings used with copper or copper alloy pipe shall be
1 Y. 1 11 copper or copper alloy.
1 !t2 1 11 (4) Fittings used with aluminum alloy pipe shall be alumin um
2 1 11 alloy.
(5) <Ast-Iron Fittings. Cast-iron fittin gs shall comply with the
2~ l~ 12
3 l~ 12
4 1% 13 (a) Flanges shall be permitted.
For SI units, l in. ~ 25.4 mm. (b) Bushings shal l not be used.
2021 Edition
2021 Edition
5.8 O verpressure Protection Devices. Th e devices in shall be installed e ither as an
integral part of the service or line presstu-e regulator or as sepa-
5.8.l Where Required. \!\There the serving gas supplier deliv- rate units. \!\' here se parate overpressure protection devices are
ers gas at a pressure greater than 2 psi (14 kPa) for piping installed, they sha ll comply with 5.8.4 through 5.8.9.
systems serving appliances designed to operate at a gas pres-
5.8.4 Construction and Installation. All overpressure protec-
sure of 14 in . w.c. (3.4 kPa)or less, overpressure protection
devices shall be installed. Piping systems serving equipment tion devices shall meet the following requirements:
designed to operate at inlet pressures greater than 14 in . w.c. (1 ) Be constructed of materials so that the operation of the
(3.4 kPa) shall be equipped with overpressure protection devi- device is not impaired by corrosion of external parts by
ces as 1·equired by the appliance manufacttu-er's installation the atmosphere or of inte rnal parts by the gas.
instructions. (2) Be designed and installed so they can be operated to
determine whether the valve is free . The devices shall also
5.8.2 Pressure Limitation Req uirem en ts. be designed and installed so they can be tested to deter- \!\There piping systems serving appliances designed to mine the pressure at which they operate and be exam-
operate with a gas supply pressure of 14 in . w.c. (3.4 kPa) or ined for leakage when in the closed positi on.
2021 Edition
5.8.5 External Control Piping. External control piping shall limited to, mechanical, d iaphragm-operated, or electrically
be designed and installed so that damage to the control piping operated low-pressure shutoff valves.
of one device does not render both the regulator and the over-
5.11 Shutoff Valves. Shutoff valves shall be selected in accord-
pressure protective device inoperative.
ance with Table 5.11. Shutoff valves of size 1 in. (25 mm)
5.8.6 Setting. Each pressure lim.iting or pressure relieving National Pipe Thread and smaller shall be listed and labeled.
device shall be set so that the gas pressure supplied to the vVhere used outdoors, such use shall be in accordance with the
connected appliance(s) does not exceed the limits specified in manufacturer's recommendation . and .
5.8.7 Unauthorized Operation. Where tmauthorized opera- Table 5.11 Manual Gas Valve Standards
tion of any shutoff valve could render a pressure relieving valve
or pressure lim.iting device inoperative, one of the following Valve Meeting the Following
shall be accomplished: Shutoff Valve Application Standards
(1) The valve shall be locked in the open position. Insu·uct Appliance shutoff valve ANSI Z21.15/ CSA 9.1
authorized personnel in the importance of leaving the up to \!.; psi ANSI/ASME Bl 6.44
sh utoff valve open and of being present while the shutoff ANSI/ASMEB16.33 marked 125 G
valve is closed so that it can be locked in the open posi- ANSI LC 4 / CSA 6.32
tion before leaving the premises .
(2) Duplicate relief valves shall be installed, each having Valve up to Y2 psi ANSI/ASME Bl6.44
adequate capacity to protect the system, and arrange the ANSI/ASME Bl6.33 marked 125 G
isolating valves or three-way valve so that only one relief ANSI LC 4/ CSA 6.32
valve can be rendered inoperative at a time.
Valve up to 2 psi ANSI/ ASME Bl6.44 labeled 2G
5.8.8 Vents. ANSI/ASME Bl6.33 marked 125 G
ANSI LC 4 / CSA 6.32 with ANSI/ The discharge stacks, vents, or outlet parts of all pres-
ASME Bl6.44 labeled 2G or
sure relieving and pressure limiting devices shall be located so
that gas is safely discha1·ged to tl1e outdoors. Discharge stacks labeled 5G
or vents shall be designed to prevent the enu·y of water, insects, ANSI LC 4 / CSA 6.32 with ANSI/
or other foreign material that could cause blockage. ASME Bl6.33 marked 125 G The discharge stack 01· vent line shall be at least the Valve up to 5 psi ANSI/ ASME Bl6.44 labeled 5G
same size as the outlet of the pressure relieving device. ANSI/ASME Bl6.33
ANSI LC 4 / CSA 6.32 witl1 ANSI/
5.8.9 Size of Fittings, Pipe, and Openings. The fittings, pipe, ASME Bl6.44 marked 5G
and openings located beaveen the system to be protected and ANSI LC 4 / CSA 6.32 with ANSI/
the pressure relieving device shall be sized to prevent hammer- ASME Bl6.33 marked 125 G
ing of the valve and to prevent impairment of relief capacity.
Valve up to 125 psi ANSI/ ASME B16.33 marked 125 G
5.9 Back Pressure Protection.
ANSI LC 4 / CSA 6.32 with ANSI/
5.9.l Where to Install. ASME Bl6.33 marked 125 G
For SI units, 1 psi gauge = 6.895 kPa. Protective devices shall be installed as close to the
equipment as practical where the design of equipment connec-
ted is such that air, oxygen, or standby gases could be forced 5.12 Excess Flow Valve(s). Where automatic excess flow valves
into the gas supply system. are installed, they shall be listed in accordance with ANSI
Z21.93/ CSA 6.30, Excess Flow ttzlves for Natural and LP-Gas with Gas and air combustion mixers incorporating double Pressures Up to 5 psig, and shall be sized and installed in accord-
diaphragm "zero" or "aunosphere" governors or regulators ance with the manufacturern' instructions.
shall require no further protection unless connected directly to
compressed ai1· or oxygen at p1·essures of 5 psi (34 kPa) or 5.13 Expansion and Flexibility.
5.13.1 Design. Piping systems shall be designed to prevent
5.9.2 Protective Devices. Protective devices shall include but failure from thermal expansion or conu·action.
not be limited to the following: 5.13.2 Special Local Conditions. Where local conditions
(1) Check valves include earthquake, tornado, unstable ground, or flood
(2) Thre e-way valves (of the type that completely closes one hazards, special consideration shall be given to increased
side before starting to open the other side) strength and flexibility of piping supports and connections.
(3) Reverse flow indicators controlling positive shutoff valves
(4) Normally closed air-actuated positive shutoff pressure 5.14 Pressure Regulator and Pressure Control Venting. The
regulators venting of the atmospheric side of diaphragms in line pressure
regulators, gas appliance regulators, and gas pressme limit
5.10* Low-Pressure Protection. A protective device shall be controls shall be in accordance with a ll of the following:
installed between the meter and the appliance or equipment if (1) An independent vent pipe to the outdoors, sized in
the operation of the appliance or equipment is such that it
accordance with the device manufactu rer's insu-uctions,
could produce a vacuum or a dangerous reduction in gas pres- shall be provided where the location of a device is such
sure at the meter. Such protective devices include, but are not
2021 Edition
that a discharge of fuel gas will cause a hazard. For devi- 6.2 Sizing Natural Gas Piping Systems. Sizing of p1p1t1g
ces other than appliance regulato1·s, vents a1·e not systems shall be in accordance with 6.2.1 or 6.2.2.
required to be independent where the vents are connec-
6.2.1 Table 6.2.1 (a) through Table 6.2.1 (x) shall be used in
ted to a common manifold designed in accordance with
engineering methods to minimize backpressure in the conjunction with one of the methods described in 6.1.1
event of diaphragm failure and such design is approved . through 6.1.3 for piping materials other than non-corrngated
stainless steel nibing.
Exception No. 1: A regulator and vent limiting means combina-
tion listed as compf)1ing with ANSI Z21.80/CSA 6. 22, L ine 6.2.2 Section 6.4 shall be used in conjunction with one of the
Pressure Regulators, shall not be req'llired to be vented to the methods described in 6.1.1 through 6.1.3 for non-corrugated
outdoors. stainless steel tubing.
Exception No. 2: A listed gas appliance regulator factory 6.3 Sizing Propane Piping Systems. Sizing of piping systems
equipped with a vent limiting device is not required to be vented shall be in accordance with 6.3.1 or6.3.2.
to the outdoors. 6.3.1 Table 6.3.1 (a) through Ta ble 6.3 .1 (m) shall be used in
(2) Materials for vent piping shall be in accordance with conjunction with one of the methods described in 6.1.1
Section 5.5. through 6.1.3 for piping materials other than non-corrugated
(3) The vent terminus shall be designed to prevent the entry stainless steel nibing.
of water, insects, and other foreign matter that could
cause blockage . 6.3.2 Section 6.4 shall be used in conjunction with one of the
(4) Vent piping shall be installed to minimize static loads and metl10ds described in 6.1 .1 through 6.1.3 for non-corrngated
bending moments placed on the 1·egulators and gas pres- stainless steel nibing.
sure conu-ol devices.
6.4 Sizing Equations. The inside d iameter of smooth wall pipe
(5) Vent5 shall terminate not less than 3 ft (0.9 m) from a 01· tubing shall be determined by the sizing equations in 6.4.1
possible source of ignition. and 6.4.2 using the equivalent pipe length determined by tl1e
(6) At locations where a vent termination could be
methods in 6.1.1 through 6.1.3 .
submerged during floods or snow accumulations, an
antiflood-type breather vent fitting shall be installed, or 6.4.1 * Low-Pressure Gas Formula. Less than 1.5 psi
the vent terminal shall be located above the height of the (10.3 kPa):
expected flood waters or snow.
(7) Vent piping from p1·essure 1·egulators and ga5 pressure
controls shall not be connected to a common manifold
Q 0381
that serves a bleed line from a diaphragm-type gas valve.
D= ( !:!,.H Jo.200
19.17 - -
Chapter 6 Pipe Sizing CrxL
6.1 * Pipe Sizing Me thods. Where the pipe size is to be deter- where:
mined using any of the methods in 6.1.1 tl1rough 6.1. 3, the D =inside diameter of pipe (in. )
diameter of each pipe segment shall be obtained from the pipe Q = input rate appliance(s) (cubic feet per hour at 60°F and
sizing tables in Section 6.2 or Section 6 .3 or from the sizing 30 in . mercury column)
equations in Section 6.4. For SI units, 1 ft3 = 0.028 m 3, 1 ft = !'J.H = p1·essure drop [in . w.c. (27.7 in . H 20 = 1 psi)]
0.305 m, 1 in. w.c. = 0.249 kPa, 1 psi= 6.894 kPa, 1000 Btu/hr= L = equivalent length of pipe (ft)
0.293 kW. See Table 6.4.2 for values of Cr.
6.1.l * Longest Length Method. The pipe size of each section 6.4.2* High-Pressure Gas Formula. 1.5 psi (10.3 kPa) and
of gas piping shal l be determined using the longest length of above:
piping from the point of delivery to the most remote outlet and
the load of the section.
6.1.2* Branch Length Method. Pipe shall be sized as follows: Q 0381
D= -------~~
(1) Pipe size of each section of the longest pipe run from the P. 2 - P,} ). ylo.200
point of delivery to the most remote o utlet shall be deter- 18.93 [( I -
mined using the longest run of piping and the load of the CrxL
section .
(2) The pipe size of each section of branch piping not previ- where:
ously sized shall be determined using the length of piping D = inside diameter of pipe (in. )
from the point of delivery to the most 1·emote outlet in Q = input rate appliance(s) (cubic feet per hour at 60°F and
each branch and the load of the section . 30 in. mercury colwnn)
P1 = upstream pressure [psia (P1 + 14. 7)]
6.1.3 H ybrid Pressure. The pipe size for each section of
higher pressure gas piping shall be determined using the P2 = downsu-eam pressure [psia (P2 + 14.7)]
longest length of piping from tl1e point of delivery to the most L = equivalent length of pipe (ft)
remote line pressure regulator. The pipe size from the line See Table 6.4.2 for values of Cr and Y.
pressm·e regulator to each outlet shall be determined using the
lengtl1 of piping from the regulator to the most remote outlet
served by the regulator.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 0.3 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Pipe Size (in.)
Nominal: Y. 'l4 I I Y., I Y2 2 2'!, 3 4 5 6 8 IO 12
Actual ID: 0.622 0.824 I.049 I.380 I.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 4.026 5.047 6.065 7.981 10.020 11.938
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 131 273 514 1,060 1,580 3,050 4,860 8,580 17,500 3 1,700 51,300 l 05,000 191,000 303,000
20 90 188 353 726 1,090 2,090 3,340 5,900 12,000 21,800 35,300 72,400 132,000 208,000
30 72 151 284 583 873 1,680 2,680 4,740 9,660 17,500 28,300 58,200 106,000 167,000
40 62 129 243 499 747 1,440 2,290 4,050 8,270 15,000 24,200 49,800 90,400 143,000
50 5.5 114 215 442 662 1,280 2,030 3,590 7,330 13,300 21,500 44, 100 80,100 127,000
60 50 104 195 400 600 1,160 1,840 3,260 6,640 12,000 19,500 40,000 72,600 115,000
70 46 95 179 368 552 1,060 1,690 3,000 6,110 11,100 17,900 36,800 66,800 106,000
80 42 89 167 343 514 989 1,580 2,790 5,680 10,300 16,700 34,200 62, 100 98,400
90 40 83 157 322 482 928 1,480 2,610 5,330 9,650 15,600 32, 100 58,300 92,300
100 38 79 148 304 455 877 1,400 2,470 5,040 9,110 14,800 30,300 55,100 87,200
125 33 70 131 269 403 777 1,240 2,190 4,460 8,080 13,100 26,900 48,800 77,300
150 30 63 119 244 366 704 1,120 1,980 4,050 7,320 11,900 24,300 44,200 70,000
175 28 58 109 224 336 648 1,030 1,820 3,720 6,730 10,900 22,400 40,700 64,400
200 26 54 102 209 313 602 960 1,700 3,460 6,260 10,100 20,800 37,900 59,900
250 23 48 90 185 277 534 851 1,500 3,070 5,550 8,990 18,500 33,500 53,100
300 21 43 82 168 251 484 771 1,360 2,780 5,030 8,1.50 16,700 30,400 48,100
350 19 40 75 1.54 231 445 709 1,250 2,560 4,630 7,490 15,400 28,000 44,300
400 18 37 70 143 215 414 660 1,170 2,380 4,310 6,970 14,300 26,000 41,200
450 17 35 66 135 202 389 619 1,090 2,230 4,040 6,540 13,400 24,400 38,600
500 16 33 62 127 191 367 585 1,030 2,110 3,820 6,180 12, 700 23,100 36,500
550 15 31 59 12 l 181 349 556 982 2,000 3,620 5,870 12, LOO 21,900 34,700
600 14 30 56 115 173 333 530 937 1,910 3,460 5,600 11,500 20,900 33,100
650 14 29 54 110 165 318 508 897 1,830 3,310 5,360 11,000 20,000 3 1,700
700 13 27 .52 106 159 306 488 862 1,760 3,180 5,1.50 10,600 19,200 30,400
750 13 26 .50 102 153 295 470 830 1,690 3,060 4,960 10,200 18,500 29,300
800 12 26 48 99 148 285 454 802 1,640 2,960 4,790 9,840 17,900 28,300
850 12 25 46 95 143 275 439 776 1,580 2,860 4,640 9,530 17,300 27,400
900 II 24 45 93 139 267 426 752 1,530 2,780 4,.500 9,240 16,800 26,600
950 II 23 44 90 135 259 413 731 1,490 2,700 4,370 8,970 16,300 2.5,800
1,000 11 23 43 87 131 252 402 711 1,450 2,620 4,250 8,720 1.5,800 25,100
1,100 10 21 40 83 124 240 382 675 1,380 2,490 4,030 8,290 15,100 23,800
1,200 NA 20 39 79 119 229 364 644 1,310 2,380 3,850 7,910 14,400 22,700
1,300 NA 20 37 76 114 219 349 617 1,260 2,280 3,680 7,570 13,700 21,800
1,400 NA 19 35 73 109 210 335 592 1,210 2,190 3,540 7,270 13,200 20,900
1,500 NA 18 34 70 105 203 323 571 1,160 2,110 3,410 7,010 12,700 20,100
1,600 NA 18 33 68 102 196 312 5.5 1 1,120 2,030 3,290 6,770 12,300 19,500
1,700 NA 17 32 66 98 189 302 533 l,(J90 1,970 3,190 6,550 11,900 18,800
1,800 NA 16 31 64 95 184 293 517 1,050 l ,!HO 3,090 6,350 11,500 18,300
1,900 NA 16 30 62 93 178 284 502 1,020 1,850 3,000 6,170 11,200 17,700
2,000 NA 16 29 60 90 173 276 488 1,000 1,800 2,920 6,000 10,900 17,200
NA: A flow of less than 10 cfh.
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 sign ificant digits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inle t Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 0.5 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Pipe Size (in.)
Nominal: Y. ';. 1 l Y. l Y, 2 2Y2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12
Actual ID: 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 4.026 5.047 6.065 7.981 10.020 11.938
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 172 360 678 1,390 2,090 4,020 6,400 11,300 23,100 41,800 67,600 139,000 252,000 399,000
20 118 247 466 957 1,430 2,760 4,400 7,780 1.5,900 28,700 46,500 95,500 173,000 275,000
30 95 199 374 768 1,150 2,220 3,530 6,250 12,700 23,000 37,300 76,700 139,000 220,000
40 81 170 320 657 985 1,900 3,020 .5 ,350 10,900 19,700 31,900 65,600 119,000 189,000
.50 72 151 284 583 873 1,680 2,680 4,740 9,660 17,500 28,300 58,200 106,000 167,000
60 65 137 257 .528 791 l,520 2,430 4,290 8,760 15,800 25,600 52,700 9.5,700 152,000
70 60 126 237 486 728 l,400 2,230 3,950 8,050 14,600 23,600 48,500 88, 100 139,000
80 56 117 220 452 677 1,300 2,080 3,670 7,490 13,600 22,000 45, 100 81,900 130,000
90 52 LIO 207 424 635 1,220 1,950 3,450 7,030 12,700 20,600 42,300 76,900 122,000
100 50 !04 195 400 600 1,160 1,840 3,260 6,640 12,000 19,500 40,000 72,600 Ll 5,000
125 44 92 173 355 532 1,020 1,630 2,890 5,890 l (),600 17,200 35,400 64,300 !02,000
150 40 83 157 322 482 928 1,480 2,610 5,330 9,650 15,600 32,100 58,300 92,300
175 37 77 144 296 443 854 1,360 2,410 4,910 8,880 14,400 29,500 53,600 84,900
200 34 71 134 275 412 794 1,270 2,240 4,560 8,260 13,400 27,500 49,900 79,000
250 30 63 119 244 366 704 1,120 1,980 4,050 7,320 11 ,900 24,300 44,200 70,000
300 27 57 108 221 331 638 1,020 1,800 3,670 6,630 10,700 22, 100 40,100 63,400
3.50 25 53 99 203 305 587 93.5 1,650 3,370 6, 100 9,880 20,300 36,900 58,400
400 23 49 92 189 283 546 870 1,540 3,140 5,680 9,190 18,900 34,300 54,300
450 22 46 86 177 266 512 8 16 1,440 2,940 5,330 8,620 17,700 32,200 50,900
500 21 43 82 168 2.51 484 771 1,360 2,780 5,030 8,150 16,700 30,400 48,100
550 20 41 78 1.59 239 459 732 l ,290 2,640 4,780 7,740 15,900 28,900 45,700
600 19 39 74 152 228 438 699 l ,240 2,.520 4,560 7,380 15,200 27,500 43,600
650 18 38 71 145 218 420 669 1,180 2,410 4,360 7,070 14,500 26,400 4 1,800
700 17 36 68 140 209 403 643 1,140 2,320 4,190 6,790 14,000 25,300 40,100
7.50 17 3.5 66 135 202 389 619 1,090 2,230 4,040 6,540 13,400 24,400 38,600
800 16 34 63 130 195 375 598 1,060 2,160 3,900 6,320 13,000 23,600 37,300
8.50 16 33 61 126 189 363 .5 79 1,020 2,090 3,780 6,11 0 12,600 22,800 36,100
900 15 32 59 122 183 352 561 992 2,020 3,660 5,930 12,200 22, 100 35,000
950 15 31 58 118 178 342 54.5 963 1,960 3,550 5,760 11,800 21,500 34,000
1,000 14 30 56 11.5 173 333 530 937 1,910 3,460 5,600 1 1,500 20,900 33,100
1, 100 14 28 53 109 164 3 16 503 890 1,810 3,280 5,320 10,900 19,800 3 1,400
1,200 13 27 51 104 156 301 480 849 1,730 3,130 5,070 10,400 18,900 30,000
1,300 12 26 49 100 150 289 460 813 1,660 3,000 4,860 9,980 18, 100 28,700
1,400 12 25 47 96 144 277 442 781 1,590 2,880 4,670 9,590 17,400 27,600
1,500 LI 24 45 93 139 267 426 752 l ,530 2,780 4,500 9,240 16,800 26,600
1,600 11 23 44 89 134 258 4LI 727 1,480 2,680 4,340 8,920 16,200 25,600
1,700 11 22 42 86 130 250 398 703 1,430 2,590 4,200 8,630 1.5, 700 24,800
1,800 10 22 41 84 126 242 386 682 1,390 2,520 4,070 8,370 15,200 24,100
1,900 10 21 40 81 122 235 375 662 1,350 2,440 3,960 8,1 30 14,800 23,400
2,000 NA 20 39 79 119 229 364 644 1,310 2,380 3,850 7,910 14,400 22,700
NA: A flow of less than 10 cfh.
Note: All table enrries are rounded to 3 significan t digits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 3.0 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
INTENDED USE: Initial supply pressure of 8.0 in. w.c. or greater
Pipe Size (in.)
Nominal: ~ Y. I I Y., l~ 2 2 Y2 3 4
Actual ID: 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 4.026
Length (ft) Capacity in Thousands of Btu per H our
10 454 949 1,790 3,670 5,500 10,600 16,900 29,800 60,800
20 312 652 1,230 2,520 3,780 7,280 11 ,600 20,500 41,800
30 250 524 986 2,030 3,030 5,840 9,310 16,500 33,600
40 214 448 844 1,730 2,600 5,000 7,970 14,100 28,700
50 190 397 748 1,540 2,300 4,430 7,060 12,500 25,500
60 172 360 678 1,390 2,090 4,020 6,400 11,300 23,100
70 158 331 624 1,280 1,920 3,690 5,890 10,400 21,200
80 147 308 580 1,190 1,790 3,440 5,480 9,690 19,800
90 138 289 544 1,120 1,670 3,230 5,140 9,090 18,500
100 131 273 514 1,060 1,580 3,050 4,860 8,580 17,500
125 116 242 456 936 1,400 2,700 4,300 7,610 15,500
150 105 219 413 848 1,270 2,450 3,900 6,890 14,100
175 96 202 380 780 1,170 2,250 3,590 6,340 12,900
200 90 188 353 726 1,090 2,090 3,340 5,900 12,000
250 80 166 313 643 964 1,860 2,960 5,230 10,700
300 72 151 284 583 873 1,680 2,680 4,740 9,660
350 66 139 261 536 803 1,550 2,470 4,360 8,890
400 62 129 243 499 747 1,440 2,290 4,050 8,270
450 58 121 228 468 701 1,350 2,150 3,800 7,760
500 55 114 215 442 662 1,280 2,030 3,590 7,330
550 52 109 204 420 629 1,210 1,930 3,410 6,960
600 50 104 195 400 600 1,160 1,840 3,260 6,640
650 47 99 187 384 575 1,110 1,760 3,120 6,360
700 46 95 179 368 552 1,060 1,690 3,000 6,110
750 44 92 173 355 532 1,020 1,630 2,890 5,890
800 42 89 167 343 514 989 1,580 2,790 5,680
850 41 86 162 332 497 957 1,530 2,700 5,500
900 40 83 157 322 482 928 1,480 2,610 5,330
950 39 81 152 312 468 901 1,440 2,540 5,180
1000 38 79 148 304 455 877 1,400 2,470 5,040
1100 36 75 141 289 432 833 1,330 2,350 4,780
1200 34 71 134 275 412 794 1,270 2,240 4,560
1300 33 68 128 264 395 761 1,210 2,140 4,370
1400 31 65 123 253 379 731 1,160 2,060 4,200
1500 30 63 119 244 366 704 1,120 1,980 4,050
1600 29 61 115 236 353 680 1,080 1,920 3,910
1700 28 59 111 228 342 658 1,050 1,850 3,780
1800 27 57 108 221 331 638 1,020 1,800 3,670
1900 27 56 105 215 322 619 987 1,750 3,560
2000 26 54 102 209 313 602 960 1,700 3,460
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 6.0in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.6
INTENDED USE: Initial supply pressure of 11.0 in. w.c. or greater
Pipe Size (in.)
Nominal: 'h % l l \;,I l 'h 2 2'h 3 4
Actual ID: 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.38 1.61 2.067 2.469 3.068 4. 026
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 660 1,380 2,600 5,340 8,000 15,400 24,600 43,400 88,500
20 454 949 1,790 3,670 5,500 10,600 16,900 29,800 60,800
30 364 762 1,440 2,950 4,410 8,500 13,600 24,000 48,900
40 312 652 1,230 2,520 3,780 7,280 11 ,600 20,500 41,800
50 276 578 1,090 2,240 3,350 6,450 10,300 18,200 37,100
60 250 524 986 2,030 3,030 5,840 9,310 16,500 33,600
70 230 482 907 1,860 2,790 5,380 8,570 15,l 00 30,900
80 214 448 844 1,730 2,600 5,000 7,970 14,100 28,700
90 201 420 792 1,630 2,440 4,690 7,480 13,200 27,000
100 190 397 748 1,540 2,300 4,430 7,060 12,500 25,500
125 168 352 663 1,360 2,040 3,930 6,260 11,100 22,600
150 153 319 601 1,230 1,850 3,560 5,670 10,000 20,500
175 140 293 553 1,140 1,700 3,270 5,220 9,230 18,800
200 131 273 514 1,056 1,580 3,050 4,860 8,580 17,500
250 116 242 456 936 1,400 2,700 4,300 7,610 15,500
300 105 219 413 848 1,270 2,450 3,900 6,890 14,100
350 96 202 380 780 1,170 2,250 3,590 6,340 12,900
400 90 188 353 726 1,090 2,090 3,340 5,900 12,000
450 84 176 332 681 1,020 1,960 3,130 5,540 11,300
500 80 166 313 643 964 1,860 2,960 5,230 10,700
550 76 158 297 611 915 1,760 2,810 4,970 10,100
600 72 151 284 583 873 1,680 2,680 4,740 9,660
650 69 144 272 558 836 1,610 2,570 4,540 9,250
700 66 139 261 536 803 1,550 2,470 4,360 8,890
750 64 134 252 516 774 1,490 2,380 4,200 8,560
800 62 129 243 499 747 1,440 2,290 4,050 8,270
850 60 125 235 483 723 1,390 2,220 3,920 8,000
900 58 121 228 468 701 1,350 2,150 3,800 7,760
950 56 118 221 454 681 1,310 2,090 3,690 7,540
1,000 55 114 215 442 662 1,280 2,030 3,590 7,330
1,100 52 109 204 420 629 1,210 1,930 3,410 6,960
1,200 50 104 195 400 600 1,160 1,840 3,260 6,640
1,300 47 99 187 384 575 1,110 1,760 3,120 6,360
1,400 46 95 179 368 552 1,060 1,690 3,000 6,110
1,500 44 92 173 355 532 1,020 1,630 2,890 5,890
1,600 42 89 167 343 514 989 1,580 2,790 5,680
1,700 41 86 162 332 497 957 1,530 2,700 5,500
1,800 40 83 157 322 482 928 1,480 2,610 5,330
1,900 39 81 152 312 468 901 1,440 2,540 5,180
2,000 38 79 148 304 455 877 1,400 2,470 5,040
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant digi ts.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: 2.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 1.0 psi
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Pipe Size (in.)
Nominal: Y:i % 1 I Y:i 2 2Y:i 3 4
Actual ID: 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 4 .026
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 1,510 3,040 5,560 11,400 17,100 32,900 52,500 92,800 189,000
20 1,070 2,150 3,930 8,070 12,100 23,300 37,100 65,600 134,000
30 869 1,760 3,210 6,590 9,880 19,000 30,300 53,600 109,000
40 753 1,520 2,780 5,710 8,550 16,500 26,300 46,400 94,700
50 673 1,360 2,490 5,110 7,650 14,700 23,500 41,500 84,700
60 615 1,240 2,270 4,660 6,980 13,500 21,400 37,900 77,300
70 569 1,150 2,100 4,320 6,470 12,500 19,900 35,100 71,600
80 532 1,080 1,970 4,040 6,050 11 ,700 18,600 32,800 67,000
90 502 1,010 1,850 3,810 5,700 11 ,000 17,500 30,900 63,1 00
100 462 934 1,710 3,510 5,260 10,100 16,100 28,500 58,200
125 414 836 1,530 3,140 4,700 9,060 14,400 25,500 52,100
150 372 751 1,370 2,820 4,220 8,130 13,000 22,900 46,700
175 344 695 1,270 2,601 3,910 7,530 12,000 21,200 43,300
200 318 642 1,170 2,410 3,610 6,960 11 ,100 19,600 40,000
250 279 583 1,040 2,140 3,210 6,180 9,850 17,400 35,500
300 253 528 945 1,940 2,910 5,600 8,920 15,800 32,200
350 232 486 869 1,790 2,670 5,150 8,210 14,500 29,600
400 216 452 809 1,660 2,490 4,790 7,640 13,500 27,500
450 203 424 759 1,560 2,330 4,500 7,170 12,700 25,800
500 192 401 717 1,470 2,210 4,250 6,770 12,000 24,400
550 182 381 681 1,400 2,090 4,030 6,430 11 ,400 23,200
600 174 363 650 1,330 2,000 3,850 6,130 10,800 22,100
650 166 348 622 1,280 1,910 3,680 5,870 10,400 21,200
700 160 334 598 1,230 1,840 3,540 5,640 9,970 20,300
750 154 322 576 1,180 1,770 3,410 5,440 9,610 19,600
800 149 311 556 1,140 1,710 3,290 5,250 9,280 18,900
850 144 301 538 1,100 1,650 3,1 90 5,080 8,980 18,300
900 139 292 522 1,070 1,600 3,090 4,930 8,710 17,800
950 135 283 507 1,040 1,560 3,000 4,780 8,460 17,200
1,000 132 275 493 1,010 1,520 2,920 4,650 8,220 16,800
1,100 125 262 468 960 1,440 2,770 4,420 7,810 15,900
1,200 119 250 446 917 1,370 2,640 4,220 7,450 15,200
1,300 114 239 427 878 1,320 2,530 4,040 7,140 14,600
1,400 110 230 411 843 1,260 2,430 3,880 6,860 14,000
1,500 106 221 396 812 1,220 2,340 3,740 6,600 13,500
1,600 102 214 382 784 1,180 2,260 3,610 6,380 13,000
1,700 99 207 370 759 1,140 2,1 90 3,490 6,170 12,600
1,800 96 200 358 736 1,100 2,120 3,390 5,980 12,200
1,900 93 195 348 715 1,070 2,060 3,290 5,810 11,900
2,000 91 189 339 695 1,040 2,010 3,200 5,650 11,500
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: 3.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 2.0psi
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Pipe Size (in.)
Nominal: Y. I I Y2 2 2Y2 3 4
Actual ID: 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 4.026
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 2,350 4,920 9,270 19,000 28,500 54,900 87,500 155,000 316,000
20 1,620 3,380 6,370 13,100 19,600 37,700 60,100 106,000 217,000
30 1,300 2,720 5,110 10,500 15,700 30,300 48,300 85,400 174,000
40 1,110 2,320 4,380 8,990 13,500 25,900 41,300 73,100 149,000
50 985 2,060 3,880 7,970 11 ,900 23,000 36,600 64,800 132,000
60 892 1,870 3,520 7,220 10,800 20,800 33,200 58,700 120,000
70 821 1,720 3,230 6,640 9,950 19,200 30,500 54,000 110,000
80 764 1,600 3,010 6,180 9,260 17,800 28,400 50,200 102,000
90 717 1,500 2,820 5,800 8,680 16,700 26,700 47,100 96,100
100 677 1,420 2,670 5,470 8,200 15,800 25,200 44,500 90,800
125 600 1,250 2,360 4,850 7,270 14,000 22,300 39,500 80,500
150 544 1,140 2,140 4,400 6,590 12,700 20,200 35,700 72,900
175 500 1,050 1,970 4,040 6,060 11,700 18,600 32,900 67,100
200 465 973 1,830 3,760 5,640 10,900 17,300 30,600 62,400
250 412 862 1,620 3,330 5,000 9,620 15,300 27,100 55,300
300 374 781 1,470 3,020 4,530 8,720 13,900 24,600 50,100
350 344 719 1,350 2,780 4,170 8,020 12,800 22,600 46,100
400 320 669 1,260 2,590 3,870 7,460 11 ,900 21,000 42,900
450 300 627 1,180 2,430 3,640 7,000 11 ,200 19,700 40,200
500 283 593 1,120 2,290 3,430 6,610 10,500 18,600 38,000
550 269 563 1,060 2,180 3,260 6,280 10,000 17,700 36,100
600 257 537 1,010 2,080 3,110 5,990 9,550 16,900 34,400
650 246 514 969 1,990 2,980 5,740 9,150 16,200 33,000
700 236 494 931 1,910 2,860 5,510 8,790 15,500 31,700
750 228 476 897 1,840 2,760 5,310 8,470 15,000 30,500
800 220 460 866 1,780 2,660 5,130 8,180 14,500 29,500
850 213 445 838 1,720 2,580 4,960 7,910 14,000 28,500
900 206 431 812 1,670 2,500 4,810 7,670 13,600 27,700
950 200 419 789 1,620 2,430 4,670 7,450 13,200 26,900
1,000 195 407 767 1,580 2,360 4,550 7,240 12,800 26,100
1,100 185 387 729 1,500 2,240 4,320 6,890 12,200 24,800
1,200 177 369 695 1,430 2,140 4,120 6,570 11,600 23,700
1,300 169 353 666 1,370 2,050 3,940 6,290 11 ,100 22,700
1,400 162 340 640 1,310 1,970 3,790 6,040 10,700 21,800
1,500 156 327 616 1,270 1,900 3,650 5,820 10,300 21,000
1,600 151 316 595 1,220 1,830 3,530 5,620 10,000 20,300
1,700 146 306 576 1,180 1,770 3,410 5,440 9,610 19,600
1,800 142 296 558 1,150 1,720 3,310 5,270 9,320 19,000
1,900 138 288 542 1,110 1,670 3,210 5,120 9,050 18,400
2,000 134 280 527 1,080 1,620 3,120 4,980 8,800 18,000
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: 5.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 3.5 psi
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Pipe Size (in.)
~ 1 'l4 2~
Nominal: Yt I 2 3 4
Actual ID: 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 4.026
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 3,190 6,430 11,800 24,200 36,200 69,700 111,000 196,000 401,000
20 2,250 4,550 8,320 17,100 25,600 49,300 78,600 139,000 283,000
30 1,840 3,720 6,790 14,000 20,900 40,300 64,200 113,000 231,000
40 1,590 3,220 5,880 12,100 18,100 34,900 55,600 98,200 200,000
50 1,430 2,880 5,260 10,800 16,200 31,200 49,700 87,900 179,000
60 1,300 2,630 4,800 9,860 14,800 28,500 45,400 80,200 164,000
70 1,200 2,430 4,450 9,130 13,700 26,400 42,000 74,300 151,000
80 1,150 2,330 4,260 8,540 12,800 24,700 39,300 69,500 142,000
90 1,060 2,150 3,920 8,050 12,100 23,200 37,000 65,500 134,000
100 979 1,980 3,620 7,430 11 ,100 21,400 34,200 60,400 123,000
125 876 1,770 3,240 6,640 9,950 19,200 30,600 54,000 110,000
150 786 1,590 2,910 5,960 8,940 17,200 27,400 48,500 98,900
175 728 1,470 2,690 5,520 8,270 15,900 25,400 44,900 91,600
200 673 1,360 2,490 5,100 7,650 14,700 23,500 41,500 84,700
250 558 1,170 2,200 4,510 6,760 13,000 20,800 36,700 74,900
300 506 1,060 1,990 4,090 6,130 11 ,800 18,800 33,300 67,800
350 465 973 1,830 3,760 5,640 10,900 17,300 30,600 62,400
400 433 905 1,710 3,500 5,250 10,100 16,100 28,500 58,100
450 406 849 1,600 3,290 4,920 9,480 15,100 26,700 54,500
500 384 802 1,510 3,100 4,650 8,950 14,300 25,200 51,500
550 364 762 1,440 2,950 4,420 8,500 13,600 24,000 48,900
600 348 727 1,370 2,810 4,210 8,110 12,900 22,900 46,600
650 333 696 1,310 2,690 4,030 7,770 12,400 21 ,900 44,600
700 320 669 1,260 2,590 3,880 7,460 11 ,900 21,000 42,900
750 308 644 1,210 2,490 3,730 7,190 11,500 20,300 41,300
800 298 622 1,170 2,410 3,610 6,940 11,100 19,600 39,900
850 288 602 1,130 2,330 3,490 6,720 10,700 18,900 38,600
900 279 584 1, 100 2,260 3,380 6,520 10,400 18,400 37,400
950 271 567 1,070 2,190 3,290 6,330 10,100 17,800 36,400
1,000 264 551 1,040 2,1 30 3,200 6,150 9,810 17,300 35,400
1,100 250 524 987 2,030 3,030 5,840 9,320 16,500 33,600
1,200 239 500 941 1,930 2,900 5,580 8,890 15,700 32,000
1,300 229 478 901 1,850 2,770 5,340 8,510 15,000 30,700
1,400 220 460 866 1,780 2,660 5,130 8,180 14,500 29,500
1,500 212 443 834 1,710 2,570 4,940 7,880 13,900 28,400
1,600 205 428 806 1,650 2,480 4,770 7,610 13,400 27,400
1,700 198 414 780 1,600 2,400 4,620 7,360 13,000 26,500
1,800 192 401 756 1,550 2,330 4,480 7,140 12,600 25,700
1,900 186 390 734 1,510 2,260 4,350 6,930 12,300 25,000
2,000 181 379 714 1,470 2,200 4,230 6,740 11 ,900 24,300
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 0.3 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Tube Size (in.)
K&L: Y. % ~ % 'Y. 1 1Y. 11/i 2
ACR: % Yi o/s 'Y. 'iii 1Ys 1% - -
Outside: 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.125
. 0.305 0.402 0.527 0.652 0.745 0.995 1.245 1.481 1.959
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 20 42 85 148 210 448 806 1,270 2,650
20 14 29 58 102 144 308 554 873 1,820
30 11 23 47 82 116 247 445 701 1,460
40 10 20 40 70 99 211 381 600 1,250
50 NA 17 35 62 88 187 337 532 1,110
60 NA 16 32 56 79 170 306 482 1,000
70 NA 14 29 52 73 156 281 443 924
80 NA 13 27 48 68 145 262 413 859
90 NA 13 26 45 64 136 245 387 806
100 NA 12 24 43 60 129 232 366 761
125 NA 11 22 38 53 114 206 324 675
150 NA 10 20 34 48 103 186 294 612
175 NA NA 18 31 45 95 171 270 563
200 NA NA 17 29 41 89 159 251 523
250 NA NA 15 26 37 78 141 223 464
300 NA NA 13 23 33 71 128 202 420
350 NA NA 12 22 31 65 ll8 186 387
400 NA NA 11 20 28 fil 110 173 360
450 NA NA 11 19 27 57 103 162 338
500 NA NA 10 18 25 54 97 153 319
550 NA NA NA 17 24 51 92 145 303
600 NA NA NA 16 23 49 88 139 289
650 NA NA NA 15 22 47 84 133 277
700 NA NA NA 15 21 45 81 128 266
750 NA NA NA 14 20 43 78 123 256
800 NA NA NA 14 20 42 75 119 247
850 NA NA NA 13 19 40 73 115 239
900 NA NA NA 13 18 39 71 111 232
950 NA NA NA 13 18 38 69 108 225
1,000 NA NA NA 12 17 37 67 105 219
l,100 NA NA NA 12 16 35 63 100 208
1,200 NA NA NA ]] 16 34 60 95 199
1,300 NA NA NA 11 15 32 58 91 190
1,400 NA NA NA 10 14 31 56 88 183
1,500 NA NA NA NA 14 30 54 84 176
1,600 NA NA NA NA 13 29 52 82 170
1,700 NA NA NA NA 13 28 50 79 164
1,800 NA NA NA NA 13 27 49 77 159
1,900 NA NA NA NA 12 26 47 74 155
2,000 NA NA NA NA 12 25 46 72 151
NA: A flow ofless than 10 dh.
Note: All cable entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
*Table capacities are based on Type K copper cubing inside diame ter (shown), which h as che smallest inside diame ter of che copper wbing products.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 0.5 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Tube Size (in.)
K&L: Y., % Y2 'Ys :v. 1 1Y., l~ 2
ACR: % ~ 'Ys :v. % l Yg l o/g - -
Outside: 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.125
Inside:· 0.305 0.402 0.527 0.652 0.745 0.995 1.245 1.481 1.959
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 27 55 111 195 276 590 1,060 1,680 3,490
20 18 38 77 134 190 406 730 1,150 2,400
30 15 30 61 107 152 326 586 925 1,930
40 13 26 53 92 131 279 502 791 1,650
50 11 23 47 82 116 247 445 701 1,460
60 10 21 42 74 105 224 403 635 1,320
70 NA 19 39 68 96 206 371 585 1,220
80 NA 18 36 63 90 192 345 544 1,130
90 NA 17 34 59 84 180 324 510 1,060
100 NA 16 32 56 79 170 306 482 1,000
125 NA 14 28 50 70 151 271 427 890
150 NA 13 26 45 64 136 245 387 806
175 NA 12 24 41 59 125 226 356 742
200 NA 11 22 39 55 117 210 331 690
250 NA NA 20 34 48 103 186 294 612
300 NA NA 18 31 44 94 169 266 554
350 NA NA 16 28 40 86 155 245 510
400 NA NA 15 26 38 80 144 228 474
450 NA NA 14 25 35 75 135 214 445
500 NA NA 13 23 33 71 128 202 420
550 NA NA 13 22 32 68 122 192 399
600 NA NA 12 21 30 64 116 183 381
650 NA NA 12 20 29 62 111 175 365
700 NA NA 11 20 28 59 107 168 350
750 NA NA 11 19 27 57 103 162 338
800 NA NA 10 18 26 55 99 156 326
850 NA NA 10 18 25 53 96 151 315
900 NA NA NA 17 24 52 93 147 306
950 NA NA NA 17 24 50 90 143 297
1,000 NA NA NA 16 23 49 88 139 289
1,100 NA NA NA 15 22 46 84 132 274
1,200 NA NA NA 15 21 44 80 126 262
1,300 NA NA NA 14 20 42 76 120 251
1,400 NA NA NA 13 19 41 73 116 241
1,500 NA NA NA 13 18 39 71 111 232
1,600 NA NA NA 13 18 38 68 108 224
1,700 NA NA NA 12 17 37 66 104 217
1,800 NA NA NA 12 17 36 64 101 210
1,900 NA NA NA 11 16 35 62 98 204
2,000 NA NA NA 11 16 34 60 95 199
NA: A flow of less than I 0 cfh.
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 sign ificant digits.
*Table capacities are based on Type K copper tubing· inside diame ter (shown), which has the smallest inside diameter of the copper tubing products.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 1.0 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
INTENDED USE: Tube Sizing Between House Line Regtdator and the Appliance.
Tube Size (in.)
K&L: Y. % ~ % ~ 1 IY. l~ 2
ACR: % Y:! 'Ys o/., 'YB 1 Vs 1% - -
Outside: 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 l.125 1.375 1.625 2.125
Inside:* 0.305 0.402 0.527 0.652 0.745 0.995 1.245 1.481 1.959
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 39 80 162 283 402 859 1,550 2,440 5,080
20 27 55 111 195 276 590 l,060 1,680 3,490
30 21 44 89 156 222 474 853 l,350 2,800
40 18 38 77 134 190 406 730 1,150 2,400
50 16 33 68 119 168 359 647 1,020 2,130
60 15 30 61 107 152 326 586 925 l ,930
70 13 28 57 99 140 300 539 851 l,770
80 13 26 53 92 131 279 502 791 l,650
90 12 24 49 86 122 262 471 742 1,550
100 11 23 47 82 116 247 445 701 1,460
125 NA 20 41 72 103 219 394 622 l ,290
150 NA 18 37 65 93 198 357 563 l ,170
175 NA 17 34 60 85 183 329 518 1,080
200 NA 16 32 56 79 170 306 482 1,000
250 NA 14 28 50 70 151 271 427 890
300 NA 13 26 45 64 136 245 387 806
350 NA 12 24 41 59 125 226 356 742
400 NA 11 22 39 55 117 210 331 690
450 NA 10 21 36 51 11 0 197 311 647
500 NA NA 20 34 48 103 186 294 612
550 NA NA 19 32 46 98 l 77 279 581
600 NA NA 18 31 44 94 169 266 554
650 NA NA 17 30 42 90 l 62 255 531
700 NA NA 16 28 40 86 155 245 510
750 NA NA 16 27 39 83 150 236 491
800 NA NA 15 26 38 80 144 228 474
850 NA NA 15 26 36 78 140 220 459
900 NA NA 14 25 35 75 135 214 445
950 NA NA 14 24 34 73 132 207 432
1,000 NA NA 13 23 33 71 128 202 420
l,100 NA NA 13 22 32 68 l 22 192 399
l,200 NA NA 12 21 30 64 116 183 381
1,300 NA NA 12 20 29 62 111 175 365
1,400 NA NA 11 20 28 59 107 168 350
1,500 NA NA 11 19 27 57 103 162 338
l,600 NA NA 10 18 26 55 99 156 326
l,700 NA NA 10 18 25 53 96 151 315
1,800 NA NA NA 17 24 52 93 147 306
1,900 NA NA NA 17 24 50 90 143 297
2,000 NA NA NA 16 23 49 88 139 289
NA: A flow of less than 10 dh.
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
*Table capacities are based on Type K copper tubing inside diameter (shown), which has the smallest inside diameter of the copper rubing products.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 17.0 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Tube Size (in.)
K&L: Y. o/s ~ 'Ys v. l I V.,
·- ~
ACR: % ~ Ya v. % •Ys 1o/s -
Outside: 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.125
Inside:* 0. 305 0.402 0.527 0.652 0.745 0.995 1.245 1.481 1.959
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 190 391 796 1,390 1,970 4,220 7,590 12,000 24,900
20 130 269 547 956 1,360 2,900 5,220 8,230 17,100
30 105 216 439 768 1,090 2,330 4,190 6,610 13,800
40 90 185 376 657 932 1,990 3,590 5,650 11,800
50 79 164 333 582 826 1,770 3,180 5,01 0 10,400
60 72 148 302 528 749 1,600 2,880 4,540 9,460
70 66 137 278 486 689 1,470 2,650 4,180 8,700
80 62 127 258 452 641 1,370 2,460 3,890 8,090
90 58 119 243 424 601 1,280 2,310 3,650 7,590
100 55 113 229 400 568 1,210 2,180 3,440 7,170
125 48 100 203 355 503 1,080 1,940 3,050 6,360
150 44 90 184 321 456 974 1,750 2,770 5,760
175 40 83 169 296 420 896 1,610 2,540 5,300
200 38 77 157 275 390 834 1,500 2,370 4,930
250 33 69 140 244 346 739 1,330 2,100 4,370
300 30 62 126 221 313 670 1,210 1,900 3,960
350 28 57 116 203 288 616 1,110 1,750 3,640
400 26 53 108 189 268 573 1,030 1,630 3,390
450 24 50 102 177 252 538 968 1,530 3,180
500 23 47 96 168 238 508 914 1,440 3,000
550 22 45 91 159 226 482 868 1,370 2,850
600 21 43 87 152 215 460 829 1,310 2,720
650 20 41 83 145 206 441 793 1,250 2,610
700 19 39 80 140 198 423 762 1,200 2,500
750 18 38 77 135 191 408 734 1,160 2,410
800 18 37 74 130 184 394 709 1,120 2,330
850 17 35 72 126 178 381 686 1,080 2,250
900 17 34 70 122 173 370 665 1,050 2,180
950 16 33 68 118 168 359 646 1,020 2,120
1,000 16 32 66 115 163 349 628 991 2,060
1,100 15 31 63 109 155 332 597 941 1,960
1,200 14 29 60 104 148 316 569 898 1,870
1,300 14 28 57 100 142 303 545 860 1,790
1,400 13 27 55 96 136 291 524 826 1,720
1,500 13 26 53 93 131 280 505 796 1,660
1,600 12 25 51 89 127 271 487 768 1,600
1,700 12 24 49 86 123 262 472 744 1,550
1,800 11 24 48 84 119 254 457 721 1,500
1,900 11 23 47 81 115 247 444 700 1,460
2,000 11 22 45 79 112 240 432 681 1,420
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 sign ificant d igits.
*Table capacities are based on Type K copper tubing inside cliameter (shown), which has the smallest inside diamete r of the copper tubing produces.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: 2.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 1.0 psi
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Tube Size (in.)
K&L: Y. % Y2 % % 1 1 Y. I 'I, 2
ACR: % Y, % % % l Ys 1% - -
Outside: 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.125
Inside:* 0.305 0.402 0.527 0.652 0.745 0.995 1.245 1.481 1.959
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 24.'\ 506 1,030 1,800 2,550 5,450 9,820 15,500 32,200
20 169 348 708 1,240 1,760 3,750 6,7.'\0 10,600 22,200
30 135 279 568 993 1,410 3,010 5,420 8,550 17,800
40 116 239 486 850 1,210 2,580 4,640 7,310 15,200
50 103 212 431 754 1,070 2,280 4,110 6,480 13,500
60 93 192 391 683 969 2,070 3,730 .'\,870 12,200
70 86 177 359 628 891 1,900 3,430 5,400 11,300
80 80 164 334 584 829 1,770 3,190 5,030 10,500
90 75 154 314 548 778 1,660 2,990 4,720 9,820
100 71 146 296 518 735 1,570 2,830 4,450 9,280
125 63 129 263 459 651 1,390 2,500 3,950 8,220
150 57 117 238 416 590 1,260 2,270 3,580 7,450
175 52 108 219 383 543 1,160 2,090 3,290 6,8.'\0
200 49 100 204 356 505 1,080 1,940 3,060 6,380
2.50 43 89 181 315 448 956 1,720 2,710 5,650
300 39 80 164 286 406 866 1,560 2,460 5,120
350 36 74 150 263 373 797 1,430 2,260 4,710
400 33 69 140 245 347 741 1,330 2, 100 4,380
450 31 65 131 230 326 696 1,250 1,970 4,110
500 30 61 124 217 308 657 1,180 1,870 3,880
550 28 58 118 206 292 624 1,120 1,770 3,690
600 27 55 112 196 279 595 1,070 1,690 3,520
6.50 26 53 108 188 267 570 1,030 1,620 3,370
700 25 51 103 181 256 548 986 1,550 3,240
750 24 49 100 174 247 528 950 1,500 3,120
800 23 47 96 168 239 510 917 1,450 3,010
850 22 46 93 163 231 493 888 1,400 2,920
900 22 44 90 158 224 478 861 1,360 2,830
950 21 43 88 153 217 464 836 1,320 2,740
1,000 20 42 85 149 211 452 813 1,280 2,670
1,100 19 40 81 142 201 429 772 1,220 2,540
1,200 18 38 77 135 192 409 737 1, 160 2,420
1,300 18 36 74 129 183 392 705 1,110 2,320
1,400 17 35 71 124 176 376 678 1,070 2,230
1,500 16 34 68 120 170 363 653 1,030 2,140
1,600 16 33 66 116 164 350 630 994 2,070
1,700 15 31 64 112 159 339 610 962 2,000
1,800 15 30 62 108 154 329 592 933 1,940
1,900 14 30 60 105 149 319 575 906 1,890
2,000 14 29 59 102 145 310 559 881 1,830
Note: All cable entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
*Table capacities are based on Type K copper tubing inside diameter (shown), which has the smallest inside d iameter of che copper tubing p roducts.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: 2.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 1.5 psi
Specific Gravity: 0.60
INTENDED USE: Pipe Sizing Between Point of Delivery and the House Line Regulator. Total Load Supplied by a
Single House Line Regulator Not Exceeding 150 Cubic Feet p er Hour.*
Tube Size (in.)
K&L: Y, % 'I, % 'Y. I I Y. I 'I, 2
Nominal: I
ACR: % Y, 'Ys ~ % IYs 1% - -
Outside: 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.125
Inside:t 0.305 0.402 0.527 0.652 0.745 0.995 1.245 1.481 1.959
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 303 625 1,270 2,220 3,150 6,740 12,l 00 19,100 39,800
20 208 430 874 1,530 2,170 4,630 8,330 13,100 27,400
30 167 345 702 l,230 1,740 3,720 6,690 10,600 22,000
40 143 295 601 l,050 1,490 3,1 80 5,730 9,030 18,800
50 127 262 532 931 1,320 2,820 5,080 8,000 16,700
60 115 237 482 843 1,200 2,560 4,600 7,250 15,100
70 106 218 444 776 1,100 2,350 4,230 6,670 13,900
80 98 203 413 722 1,020 2, 190 3,940 6,210 12,900
90 92 190 387 677 961 2,050 3,690 5,820 12, 100
100 87 180 366 640 907 1,940 3,490 5,500 11,500
125 77 159 324 567 804 1,720 3,090 4,880 10,200
150 70 144 294 514 729 1,560 2,800 4,420 9,200
175 64 133 270 472 670 1,430 2,580 4,060 8,460
200 60 124 252 440 624 1,330 2,400 3,780 7,870
2.50 53 110 223 390 553 1,180 2,130 3,350 6,980
300 48 99 202 353 501 1,070 1,930 3,040 6,320
350 44 91 186 325 461 984 1,770 2,790 5,820
400 41 85 173 302 429 916 1,650 2,600 5,410
450 39 80 162 283 402 859 1,550 2,440 5,080
500 36 75 153 268 380 811 1,460 2,300 4,800
550 35 72 146 254 361 771 1,390 2, 190 4,560
600 33 68 139 243 344 735 1,320 2,090 4,350
6.50 32 65 133 232 330 704 1,270 2,000 4,160
700 30 63 128 223 317 676 1,220 1,920 4,000
750 29 60 123 215 305 652 1,1 70 1,850 3,850
800 28 58 11 9 208 29.5 629 1, 130 1,790 3,720
8.50 27 57 115 201 28.5 609 1,100 1,730 3,600
900 27 55 111 19.5 276 590 1,060 1,680 3,490
950 26 53 108 189 268 573 1,030 1,630 3,390
1,(JOO 25 52 105 184 261 558 1,000 1,580 3,300
1,100 24 49 100 175 248 530 954 1,500 3,130
1,200 23 47 9.5 167 237 505 910 1,430 2,990
1,300 22 45 91 160 227 484 871 1,370 2,860
1,400 21 43 88 153 218 465 837 1,320 2,750
1,500 20 42 85 148 210 448 806 1,270 2,650
1,600 19 40 82 143 202 432 779 1,230 2,560
1,700 19 39 79 138 196 419 753 1,190 2,470
1,800 18 38 77 134 190 406 731 1,150 2,400
1,900 IS 37 74 130 184 394 709 1,120 2,330
2,000 17 36 72 126 179 383 690 1,090 2,270
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant d igits.
*When this table is used to size the rubing upstream of a line pressure regulator, the p ipe or tubing downstream of the line pressure regulator shall be
sized using a pressure drop no greater t han 1 in . w.c.
tJable capacities a re based on Type K copper tubing inside diameter (sh own ), which has the smallest inside diameter of the copper mbing products.
2021 Edition
Ga5: Natural
Inlet Pressure: 5.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 3.5 psi
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Tube Size (in.)
K&L: Y. % ';,, % % 1 1v. l ';,, 2
ACR: % Y., % % % 1Y,, 1% - -
Outside: 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.125
Inside:* 0.305 0.402 0.527 0.652 0.745 0.995 1.245 1.481 1.959
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Ga5 per Hour
10 511 1,050 2,140 3,750 5,320 11,400 20,400 32,200 67,100
20 351 724 1,470 2,580 3,650 7,800 14,000 22,200 46,100
30 282 582 1,180 2,070 2,930 6,270 11,300 17,800 37,000
40 241 498 1,010 1,770 2,510 5,360 9,660 15,200 31,700
50 214 441 898 1,570 2,230 4,750 8,560 13,500 28,100
60 194 400 813 1,420 2,020 4,310 7,750 12,200 25,500
70 178 368 748 1,310 1,860 3,960 7,130 11,200 23,400
80 166 342 696 1,220 1,730 3,690 6,640 10,500 21,800
90 156 321 653 1,140 1,620 3,460 6,230 9,820 20,400
100 147 303 617 1,080 1,530 3,270 5,880 9,270 19,300
125 130 269 547 955 1,360 2,900 5,210 8,220 17,l 00
150 118 243 495 866 1,230 2,620 4,720 7,4.50 15,500
175 109 224 456 796 1,130 2,410 4,350 6,850 14,300
200 101 208 424 741 1,050 2,2.50 4,040 6,370 13,300
250 90 185 376 657 932 1,990 3,580 5,650 11,800
300 81 167 340 595 844 1,800 3,250 5,120 10,700
350 75 154 313 547 777 1,660 2,990 4,710 9,810
400 69 143 291 509 722 1,540 2,780 4,380 9,120
450 65 134 273 478 678 1,4.')0 2,610 4, 110 8,560
500 62 127 258 451 640 1,370 2,460 3,880 8,090
550 58 121 245 429 608 1,300 2,340 3,690 7,680
600 56 115 234 409 580 1,240 2,230 3,520 7,330
650 53 110 224 392 556 1,190 2,140 3,370 7,020
700 51 106 215 376 534 1,140 2,050 3,240 6,740
750 49 102 207 362 514 1,100 1,980 3,120 6,490
800 48 98 200 350 497 1,060 1,910 3,010 6,270
850 46 95 194 339 481 1,030 1,850 2,910 6,070
900 45 92 188 328 466 1,000 1,790 2,820 5,880
950 43 90 182 319 452 967 1,740 2,740 5,710
1,000 42 87 177 310 440 940 1,690 2,670 5,560
1,100 40 83 169 295 418 893 1,610 2,530 5,280
1,200 38 79 161 281 399 852 1,530 2,420 5,040
1,300 37 76 154 269 382 816 1,470 2,320 4,820
1,400 35 73 148 259 367 784 1,410 2,220 4,630
1,500 34 70 143 249 353 75.5 1,360 2, 140 4,460
1,600 33 68 138 241 341 729 1,310 2,070 4,310
1,700 32 65 133 233 330 705 1,270 2,000 4,170
1,800 31 63 129 226 320 684 1,230 1,940 4,040
1,900 30 62 125 219 311 664 1,200 1,890 3,930
2,000 29 60 122 213 302 646 1,160 1,830 3,820
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
*Table capacities are based on Type K copper tubing inside diameter (shown), which has the smallest inside d iameter of the copper mbing products.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 0.5 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Tube Size (EHD)
Designation: 13 15 18 19 23 25 30 31 37 39 46 48 60 62
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
5 46 63 115 134 225 270 471 546 895 l ,037 1,790 2,070 3,660 4,140
10 32 44 82 95 161 192 330 383 639 746 l ,260 l,470 2,600 2,930
15 25 35 66 77 132 157 267 310 524 615 l ,030 l ,200 2,140 2,400
20 22 31 58 67 116 137 231 269 456 536 888 1,050 1,850 2,080
25 19 27 52 60 104 122 206 240 409 482 793 936 1,660 l ,860
30 18 25 47 5.'> 96 112 188 218 374 442 723 856 1,520 1,700
40 15 21 41 47 83 97 162 188 325 386 625 742 1,320 l ,470
50 13 19 37 42 75 87 144 168 292 347 559 665 1,180 l ,320
60 12 17 34 38 68 80 131 153 267 318 509 608 1,080 1,200
70 11 16 31 36 63 74 121 141 248 295 471 563 1,000 1,1 10
80 10 15 29 33 60 69 113 132 232 277 440 527 940 1,040
90 10 14 28 32 57 M 107 125 219 262 41.') 498 887 983
100 9 13 26 30 54 62 101 118 208 249 393 472 843 933
150 7 10 20 23 42 48 78 91 171 205 320 387 691 762
200 6 9 18 21 38 44 71 82 148 179 277 336 600 661
250 5 8 16 19 34 39 63 74 133 161 247 301 538 591
300 5 7 15 17 32 36 57 67 95 148 226 275 492 540
EHD: Equivalent hyd raulic diameter: A measure of the relative hydraulic efficiency between different tubing sizes. The greater the value ofEHD, the
greater the gas capaciry of the tubing.
(1) Table includes losses for four 90 degree bends and rwo end fictings. Tubing runs wich larger numbers of bends and/o r fittings shall be increased
by an equivalent length of tubing to d1e following equation: L = L3n, where L is add itional lengd1 (ft) of tubing and n is the number of additional
fittings and/ or bends.
(2) All table enu-ies are rounded to 3 significant digits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 3.0 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
INTENDED USE: Initial Supply Pressure o f 8.0 in. w.c. or Greater.
Tube Size (EHD)
Designation: 13 15 18 19 23 25 30 31 37 39 46 48 60 62
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
5 120 160 277 327 .529 649 l,180 1,370 2, 140 2423 4,430 .5 ,010 8,800 10,100
10 83 112 197 231 380 462 828 958 1,530 1740 3,200 3,560 6,270 7,160
15 67 90 161 189 313 379 673 778 1,250 1433 2,540 2,910 5,140 5,850
20 57 78 140 164 273 329 580 672 1,090 1249 2,200 2,530 4,460 5,070
25 51 69 125 147 245 295 518 599 978 1123 1,960 2,270 4,000 4,540
30 46 63 115 134 225 270 471 546 895 1029 1,790 2,070 3,660 4,140
40 39 54 100 116 196 234 407 471 778 897 1,550 l ,800 3,1 80 3,590
50 35 48 89 104 176 210 363 421 698 806 1,380 l ,610 2,850 3,210
60 32 44 82 95 161 192 330 383 639 739 1,260 l ,470 2,600 2,930
70 29 41 76 88 150 178 306 355 593 686 1,170 l ,360 2,420 2,720
80 27 38 71 82 141 167 285 331 555 644 1,090 l ,280 2,260 2,540
90 26 36 67 77 133 157 268 311 524 609 1,030 l ,200 2,140 2,400
100 24 34 63 73 126 149 254 295 498 579 974 1,140 2,030 2,280
150 19 27 52 60 !04 122 206 240 409 477 793 936 1,660 1,860
200 17 23 45 52 91 106 178 207 355 415 686 812 1,440 1,610
250 15 21 40 46 82 95 159 184 319 373 61 3 728 1,290 1,440
300 13 19 37 42 75 87 144 168 234 342 559 665 1,180 1,320
EHD: Equivalent hydraulic diameter. A measure of the relative hydraulic efficiency between different Lubing sizes. The greater Lhe value of EHD, the
greater the gas capacity of the n1bing.
(l ) Table includes losses for four 90 degree bends and two end fittings. Tubing runs with large r numbers of be nds and/ or fittings shall be increased
by an equivalent length of mbing to the following equation: L = l .3n, where Lis additional length (ft) of tubing and n is the number o f additional
fittings a nd/ or be nd~.
(2) All table e ntries are rounded to 3 significant di git~ .
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 6.0 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
INTENDED USE: Initial Supply Pressure of 11.0 in. w.c. or Greater.
Tube Size (EHD)
Designation: 13 15 18 19 23 25 30 31 37 39 46 48 60 62
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
5 173 229 389 461 737 911 1,690 1,9.50 3,000 337.5 6,280 7,050 12,400 14,260
10 120 160 277 327 529 649 1,180 1,370 2,140 2423 4,430 5,010 8,800 10,100
15 96 130 227 267 436 532 960 1,110 1,760 1996 3,610 4, 100 7,210 8,260
20 83 112 197 231 380 462 828 958 1,530 1740 3,120 3,560 6,270 7,160
25 74 99 176 207 342 414 739 855 1,370 1564 2,790 3,190 5,620 6,400
30 67 90 161 189 313 379 673 778 1,250 1433 2,540 2,910 5,140 5,850
40 57 78 140 164 273 329 580 672 1,090 1249 2,200 2,530 4,460 5,070
50 51 69 125 147 245 295 518 599 978 1123 1,960 2,270 4,000 4,540
60 46 63 115 134 225 270 471 546 895 !029 1,790 2,070 3,660 4,140
70 42 58 106 124 209 250 435 505 830 956 1,660 1,920 3,390 3,840
80 39 54 100 116 196 234 407 471 778 897 1,550 1,800 3,180 3,590
90 37 51 94 109 185 221 383 444 735 848 1,460 1,700 3,000 3,390
100 35 48 89 104 176 210 363 421 698 806 1,380 1,610 2,850 3,210
150 28 39 73 85 145 172 294 342 573 664 1,130 1,320 2,340 2,630
200 24 34 63 73 126 149 254 295 498 579 974 1,140 2,030 2,280
250 21 30 57 66 114 134 226 263 447 520 870 1,020 1,820 2,040
300 19 27 52 60 104 122 206 240 409 477 793 936 1,660 1,860
EHD: Equivalent hydraulic diameter. A measure of the relative hydraulic efficiency between different tubing sizes. The greater the value of EHD, the
greater the gas capacity of the tubing.
(l) Table includes losses for four 90 degree bends and two end fittings. Tubing runs with larger numbers of bends and/ or fittings shall be increased
by an equiva lent length of tubing to the following equation: L = l .3n, where Lis additional length (ft) of tubing and n is the number of additional
fittings and/ or bends.
(2) All cable ena-ies are rounded to 3 significant digit~.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: 2.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 1.0 psi
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Tube Size (EHD)
Designation: 13 15 18 19 23 25 30 31 37 39 46 48 60 62
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 270 353 587 700 1,100 1,370 2,590 2,990 4,510 5,037 9,600 10,700 18,600 21,600
2.5 166 220 374 444 709 876 1,620 1,870 2,890 3,258 6,040 6,780 11,900 13,700
30 151 200 342 405 650 801 1,480 1,700 2,640 2,987 5,510 6,200 10,900 12,500
40 129 172 297 351 567 696 1,270 1,470 2,300 2,605 4,760 5,380 9,440 10,900
50 115 154 266 314 510 624 1,140 1,310 2,060 2,343 4,260 4,820 8,470 9,720
75 93 124 218 257 420 512 922 l,o70 1,690 1,932 3,470 3,950 6,940 7,940
80 89 120 211 249 407 496 892 1,030 1,640 1,874 3,360 3,820 6,730 7,690
100 79 107 189 222 366 445 795 920 1,470 1,685 3,000 3,420 6,030 6,880
150 64 87 155 182 302 364 646 748 1,210 1,389 2,440 2,800 4,940 5,620
200 5.5 75 135 157 263 317 557 645 1,050 l,212 2,110 2,430 4,290 4,870
250 49 67 121 141 236 284 497 576 941 1,090 1,890 2,180 3,850 4,360
300 44 61 110 129 217 260 45 3 52.5 862 999 1,720 l ,990 3,520 3,980
400 38 52 96 l 11 189 225 390 45 3 749 871 1,490 l ,730 3,060 3,4.50
500 34 46 86 lOO 170 202 348 404 552 783 1,330 1,550 2,740 3,090
EHD: Equivalent hydraulic diameter. A measure of the relative h ydraulic efficiency be tween different tubing sizes. The greater the value of EHD, the
greater the gas capacity of the nibing.
(l ) Table does not include effect of pressure drop ac ross the line regulator. Whe re regulator loss exceeds 'Y.. psi, do not tL~e this table. Consult with
regulator manufacturer for pressure drops and capacity factors. Pressure drops across a regulator may vary with flow rate.
(2) CAUTION: Capacities shown in table may exceed maximum capacity for a selected regulator. Co nsult with regulator o r tubing manufac nirer for
(3) Table includes losses fo1· four 90 degree bends and two end fittings. Tubing runs with larger numbe r of be nds and/or fittings shall be increased by
an equivale nt length of n1bing according to the following equation: L = l .3n, where Lis additional le ngth (ft) of tubing and n is the number of
additional fittings and/ or b e nds.
(4) All table entries are 1·ot111ded to 3 significant digitS.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
htlet Pressure: 5.0psi
Pressure Drop: 3.5psi
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Tube Size (EHD)
Flow Designation: 13 15 18 19 23 25 30 31 37 39 46 48 60 62
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas p er Hour
10 .523 674 1,080 1,300 2,000 2,530 4,920 5,660 8,300 9,140 18,100 19,800 34,400 40,400
2.5 322 420 691 827 1,290 1,620 3,080 3,540 5,310 5,911 11,400 12,600 22,000 2.5,600
30 292 382 632 755 1,180 1,480 2,800 3,230 4,860 5,420 10,400 11,500 20,1 00 23,400
40 251 329 549 654 1,030 1,280 2,420 2,790 4,230 4,727 8,970 10,000 17,400 20,200
50 223 293 492 586 926 1,150 2,160 2,490 3,790 4,251 8,020 8,930 15,600 18,100
75 180 238 403 479 763 944 1,750 2,020 3,110 3,.506 6,530 7,320 12,800 14,800
80 174 230 391 463 740 915 1,690 1,960 3,020 3,400 6,320 7,090 12,400 14,300
100 154 205 350 415 665 820 1,510 1,740 2,710 3,057 5,650 6,350 11,100 12,800
150 124 166 287 339 548 672 1,230 1,420 2,220 2,521 4,600 5,200 9,130 10,500
200 107 143 249 294 478 584 1,060 1,220 1,930 2,199 3,980 4,510 7,930 9,090
250 95 128 223 263 430 524 945 1,090 1,730 1,977 3,550 4,040 7, 110 8,140
300 86 116 204 240 394 479 860 995 1,590 1,813 3,240 3,690 6,500 7,430
400 74 100 177 208 343 416 742 858 1,380 1,581 2,800 3,210 5,650 6,440
500 66 89 159 186 309 373 662 766 1,040 1,422 2,500 2,870 5,060 5,760
EHD: Equivalent hydraulic diameter. A measure of the relative hydraulic efficiency between d ifferent tubing sizes. The greater the value of EHD, the
greater the gas capacity of the tubing.
( 1) Table does not include effect of pressure drop across li ne regulator. Where regulator loss exceeds l psi, do not use this table. Consult with
regulator manufacturer for pressure drops and capacity factors. Pressure drop across regularor may vary with the flow rate.
(2) CAUTION: Capacities shown in table may exceed maximum capacity of selected regulator. Consult with tubing manufacturer for guidance.
(3) Table includes losses for four 90 degree bends and two encl fittings. Tubing runs with larger numbers of bends and/ or fittings shall be increased
by an equivalent length of tubing to the following equation: L = l.3n, where Lis additional length (ft) of tubing and n is the number of additional
fittings and/ or bends.
(4) All table entdes are rounded to 3 significant digits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 0.3 in. w.c.
Specific Graviiy: 0.60
Pipe Size (in.)
Nominal OD: Y2 'Y.i I l 'l4 I Y:i 2 3 4
Designation: SDR9.3 SDRll SDR 11 SDR 10 SDR 11 SDR 11 SDR 11 SDRll
Actual ID: 0.660 0.860 1.077 1.328 1.554 1.943 2.864 3.682
Length (ft) Capacily in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 153 305 551 955 1,440 2,590 7,170 13,900
20 105 210 379 656 991 1,780 4,920 9,520
30 84 169 304 527 796 1,430 3,950 7,640
40 72 144 260 451 681 1,220 3,380 6,540
50 64 128 231 400 604 1,080 3,000 5,800
60 58 116 209 362 547 983 2,720 5,250
70 53 107 192 333 503 904 2,500 4,830
80 50 99 179 310 468 841 2,330 4,500
90 46 93 168 291 439 789 2,180 4,220
100 44 88 159 275 415 745 2,060 3,990
125 39 78 141 243 368 661 1,830 3,530
150 35 71 127 221 333 598 1,660 3,200
175 32 65 117 203 306 551 1,520 2,940
200 30 60 109 189 285 512 1,420 2,740
250 27 54 97 167 253 454 1,260 2,430
300 24 48 88 152 229 411 1,140 2,200
350 22 45 81 139 211 378 1,050 2,020
400 21 42 75 130 196 352 974 1,880
450 19 39 70 122 184 330 914 1,770
500 18 37 66 115 174 312 863 1,670
Note: All cable e ntries are rounded to 3 significant digi ts.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2 psi
Pressure Drop: 0.5 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Pipe Size (in.)
Nominal OD: ~ % I 1 'l4 I~ 2 3 4
Designation: SDR9.3 SDR II SDR 11 SDRIO SDR Il SDR Il SDRlI SDRll
Actual ID: 0.660 0.860 1.077 1.328 1.554 1.943 2.864 3.682
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 201 403 726 1,260 1,900 3,410 9,450 18,260
20 138 277 499 865 1,310 2,350 6,490 12,550
30 111 222 401 695 1,050 1,880 5,210 10,080
40 95 190 343 594 898 1,610 4,460 8,630
50 84 169 304 527 796 1,430 3,950 7,640
60 76 153 276 477 721 1,300 3,580 6,930
70 70 140 254 439 663 1,190 3,300 6,370
80 65 131 236 409 617 1,110 3,070 5,930
90 61 123 221 383 579 1,040 2,880 5,560
100 58 116 209 362 547 983 2,720 5,250
125 51 103 185 321 485 871 2,410 4,660
150 46 93 168 291 439 789 2,180 4,220
175 43 86 154 268 404 726 2,010 3,880
200 40 80 144 249 376 675 1,870 3,610
250 35 71 127 221 333 598 1,660 3,200
300 32 64 115 200 302 542 1,500 2,900
350 29 59 106 184 278 499 1,380 2,670
400 27 55 99 171 258 464 1,280 2,480
450 26 51 93 160 242 435 1,200 2,330
500 24 48 88 152 229 411 1,140 2,200
Note: All cable e ntries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: 2.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 1.0 psi
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Pipe Size (in.)
Nominal OD: ~ ~ 1 l Y.; l~ 2 3 3
Designation: SDR9.3 SDRll SDR 11 SDR 10 SDRll SDR 11 SDR 11 SDRll
Actual ID: 0.660 0.860 1.077 1.328 1.554 1.943 2.864 3.682
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 1,860 3,720 6,710 11,600 17,600 31,600 87,300 169,000
20 1,280 2,560 4,610 7,990 12,100 21,700 60,000 116,000
30 1,030 2,050 3,710 6,420 9,690 17,400 48,200 93,200
40 878 1,760 3,170 5,490 8,300 14,900 41,200 79,700
50 778 1,560 2,810 4,870 7,350 13,200 36,600 70,700
60 705 1,410 2,550 4,410 6,660 12,000 33,100 64,000
70 649 1,300 2,340 4,060 6,130 11,000 30,500 58,900
80 603 1,210 2,180 3,780 5,700 10,200 28,300 54,800
90 566 1,130 2,050 3,540 5,350 9,610 26,600 51,400
100 535 l,o70 1,930 3,350 5,050 9,080 25,100 48,600
125 474 949 1,710 2,970 4,480 8,050 22,300 43,000
150 429 860 1,550 2,690 4,060 7,290 20,200 39,000
175 395 791 1,430 2,470 3,730 6,710 18,600 35,900
200 368 736 1,330 2,300 3,470 6,240 17,300 33,400
250 326 652 1,180 2,040 3,080 5,530 15,300 29,600
300 295 591 1,070 1,850 2,790 5,010 13,900 26,800
350 272 544 981 1,700 2,570 4,610 12,800 24,700
400 253 506 913 1,580 2,390 4,290 11,900 22,900
450 237 475 856 1,480 2,240 4,020 11,100 21,500
500 224 448 809 1,400 2,120 3,800 10,500 20,300
550 213 426 768 1,330 2,010 3,610 9,990 19,300
600 203 406 733 1,270 1,920 3,440 9,530 18,400
650 194 389 702 1,220 1,840 3,300 9,130 17,600
700 187 374 674 1,170 1,760 3,170 8,770 16,900
750 180 360 649 1,130 1,700 3,050 8,450 16,300
800 174 348 627 1,090 1,640 2,950 8,160 15,800
850 168 336 607 1,050 1,590 2,850 7,890 15,300
900 163 326 588 1,020 1,540 2,770 7,650 14,800
950 158 317 572 990 1,500 2,690 7,430 14,400
1,000 154 308 556 963 1,450 2,610 7,230 14,000
1,100 146 293 528 915 1,380 2,480 6,870 13,300
1,200 139 279 504 873 1,320 2,370 6,550 12,700
1,300 134 267 482 836 1,260 2,270 6,270 12,100
1,400 128 257 463 803 1,210 2,180 6,030 11,600
1,500 124 247 446 773 1,170 2,100 5,810 11 ,200
1,600 119 239 431 747 1,130 2,030 5,610 10,800
1,700 115 231 417 723 1,090 1,960 5,430 10,500
1,800 112 224 404 701 1,060 1,900 5,260 10,200
1,900 109 218 393 680 1,030 1,850 5,110 9,900
2,000 106 212 382 662 1,000 1,800 4,970 9,600
Note: All table e nu-ies are rounded to 3 significant digi ts.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 0.3in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Plastic Tubing Size (CTS) (in.)
Nominal OD: Y:i I
Designation: SDR7 SDRll
Actual ID: 0.445 0.927
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 54 372
20 37 256
30 30 205
40 26 176
50 23 156
60 21 141
70 19 130
80 18 121
90 17 113
100 16 107
125 14 95
150 13 86
175 12 79
200 11 74
225 10 69
250 NA 65
275 NA 62
300 NA 59
350 NA 54
400 NA 51
450 NA 47
500 NA 45
CTS: Copper rube size.
NA: A flow ofless than 10 dh.
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant d igits.
2021 Edition
Gas: Natural
Inlet Pressure: Less than 2.0 psi
Pressure Drop: 0.5 in. w.c.
Specific Gravity: 0.60
Plastic Tubing Size (CTS) (in.)
Nominal OD: Y:i I
Designation: SDR7 SDR 11
Actual ID: 0.445 0.927
Length (ft) Capacity in Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour
10 72 490
20 49 337
30 39 271
40 34 232
50 30 205
60 27 186
70 25 171
80 23 159
90 22 149
100 21 141
125 18 125
150 17 113
175 15 104
200 14 97
225 13 91
250 12 86
275 11 82
300 11 78
350 10 72
400 NA 67
450 NA 63
500 NA 59
CTS: Copper rube size.
NA: A flow ofless than 10 dh.
Note: All cable entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
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Nominal: Y2 o/., I I Y., 2 2 Y2 3 4
Actual ID: 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 4.026
Length (ft) Capacity in Thousands of Btu per Hour
10 2,680 5,590 10,500 21,600 32,400 62,400 99,500 176,000 359,000
20 1,840 3,850 7,240 14,900 22,300 42,900 68,400 121 ,000 247,000
30 1,480 3,090 5,820 11,900 17,900 34,500 54,900 97,100 198,000
40 1,260 2,640 4,980 10,200 15,300 29,500 47,000 83,100 170,000
50 1,120 2,340 4,410 9,060 13,600 26,100 41,700 73,700 150,000
60 1,010 2,120 4,000 8,210 12,300 23,700 37,700 66,700 136,000
70 934 1,950 3,680 7,550 11,300 21,800 34,700 61,400 125,000
80 869 1,820 3,420 7,020 10,500 20,300 32,300 57,100 116,000
90 815 1,700 3,210 6,590 9,880 19,000 30,300 53,600 109,000
100 770 1,610 3,030 6,230 9,330 18,000 28,600 50,600 103,000
125 682 1,430 2,690 5,520 8,270 15,900 25,400 44,900 91,500
150 618 1,290 2,440 5,000 7,490 14,400 23,000 40,700 82,900
175 569 1,190 2,240 4,600 6,890 13,300 21 ,200 37,400 76,300
200 529 1,110 2,080 4,280 6,410 12,300 19,700 34,800 71,000
250 469 981 1,850 3,790 5,680 10,900 17,400 30,800 62,900
300 425 889 1,670 3,440 5,150 9,920 15,800 27,900 57,000
350 391 817 1,540 3,160 4,740 9,120 14,500 25,700 52,400
400 364 760 1,430 2,940 4,410 8,490 13,500 23,900 48,800
450 341 714 1,340 2,760 4,1 30 7,960 12,700 22,400 45,800
500 322 674 1,270 2,610 3,910 7,520 12,000 21,200 43,200
550 306 640 1,210 2,480 3,710 7,140 11 ,400 20,100 41,100
600 292 611 1,150 2,360 3,540 6,820 10,900 19,200 39,200
650 280 585 1,100 2,260 3,390 6,530 10,400 18,400 37,500
700 269 562 1,060 2,170 3,260 6,270 9,990 17,700 36,000
750 259 541 1,020 2,090 3,140 6,040 9,630 17,000 34,700
800 250 523 985 2,020 3,030 5,830 9,300 16,400 33,500
850 242 506 953 1,960 2,930 5,640 9,000 15,900 32,400
900 235 490 924 1,900 2,840 5,470 8,720 15,400 31,500
950 228 476 897 1,840 2,760 5,310 8,470 15,000 30,500
1,000 222 463 873 1,790 2,680 5,170 8,240 14,600 29,700
1,100 210 440 829 1,700 2,550 4,910 7,830 13,800 28,200
1,200 201 420 791 1,620 2,430 4,680 7,470 13,200 26,900
1,300 192 402 757 1,550 2,330 4,490 7,150 12,600 25,800
1,400 185 386 727 1,490 2,240 4,310 6,870 12,100 24,800
1,500 178 372 701 1,440 2,160 4,150 6,620 11,700 23,900
1,600 172 359 677 1,390 2,080 4,010 6,390 11 ,300 23,000
1,700 166 348 655 1,340 2,010 3,880 6,180 10,900 22,300
1,800 161 337 635 1,300 1,950 3,760 6,000 10,600 21,600
1,900 157 327 617 1,270 1,900 3,650 5,820 10,300 21,000
2,000 152 318 600 1,230 1,840 3,550 5,660 10,000 20,400
Note: All table e ntries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
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2021 Edition
N ominal:
K&L: v. % Y, 'Ys % I I V. I Y2 2
ACR: % Y; 'Ys Ya ~ 1Y8 l o/a - -
Outside: 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 l.125 1.375 1.625 2.125
Inside:* 0.305 0.402 0.527 0.652 0.745 0.995 1.245 1.481 1.959
Length (ft) Capacity in Thousands of Btu per Hour
10 413 852 1,730 3,030 4,300 9,170 16,500 26,000 54,200
20 284 585 1,190 2,080 2,950 6,3 10 11,400 17,900 37,300
30 228 470 956 1,670 2,370 5,060 9,120 14,400 29,900
40 195 402 818 1,430 2,030 4,330 7,800 12,300 25,600
50 173 356 725 1,270 1,800 3,840 6,920 10,900 22,700
60 157 323 657 1,150 1,630 3,480 6,270 9,880 20,600
70 144 297 605 1,060 1,500 3,200 5,760 9,090 18,900
80 134 276 562 983 1,390 2,980 5,360 8,450 17,600
90 126 259 528 922 1,310 2,790 5,030 7,930 16,500
100 11 9 245 498 871 1,240 2,640 4,750 7,490 15,600
125 105 217 442 772 1,100 2,340 4,210 6,640 13,800
150 95 197 400 700 992 2,120 3,820 6,020 12,500
175 88 181 368 644 913 1,950 3,510 5,540 11,500
200 82 168 343 599 849 1,810 3,270 5,150 10,700
250 72 149 304 531 753 1,610 2,900 4,560 9,510
300 66 135 275 481 682 1,460 2,620 4,140 8,610
350 60 124 253 442 628 1,340 2,410 3,800 7,920
400 56 116 235 411 584 1,250 2,250 3,540 7,370
450 53 109 22 1 386 548 1,170 2, 11 0 3,320 6,920
500 50 103 209 365 517 1,11 0 1,990 3,140 6,530
550 47 97 198 346 491 1,050 1,890 2,980 6,210
600 45 93 189 330 469 1,000 1,800 2,840 5,920
650 43 89 181 316 449 959 1,730 2,720 5,670
700 41 86 174 304 431 921 1,660 2,620 5,450
750 40 82 168 293 415 888 1,600 2,520 5,250
800 39 80 162 283 401 857 1,540 2,430 5,070
850 37 77 157 274 388 829 1,490 2,350 4,900
900 36 75 152 265 376 804 1,450 2,280 4,750
950 35 72 147 258 366 781 1,410 2,220 4,620
1,000 34 71 143 25 1 356 760 1,370 2,160 4,490
1,100 32 67 136 238 338 721 1,300 2,050 4,270
1,200 31 64 130 227 322 688 1,240 1,950 4,070
1,300 30 61 124 217 309 659 1,190 1,870 3,900
1,400 28 59 120 209 296 633 1,140 1,800 3,740
1,500 27 57 115 201 286 610 1,100 1,730 3,610
1,600 26 55 Ill 194 276 589 1,060 1,670 3,480
1,700 26 53 108 188 267 570 1,030 1,620 3,370
1,800 25 51 104 182 259 553 1,000 1,570 3,270
1,900 24 50 101 1 77 251 537 966 1,520 3,170
2,000 23 48 99 1 72 244 522 940 1,480 3,090
Note: All table entries are rounded to 3 significant digit~.
*Table capacities are based on Type K copper tubing inside diameter (shown), which has the smallest inside diameter of the copper tubing products.
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2021 Edition
10 826 1,070 1,710 2,060 3,150 4,000 7,830 8,950 13,100 14,441 28,600 31,200 54,400 63,800
25 509 664 1,090 1,310 2,040 2,550 4,860 5,600 8,400 9,339 18,000 19,900 34,700 40,400
30 461 603 999 1,190 l ,870 2,340 4,430 5,100 7,680 8,564 16,400 18,200 3 1,700 36,900
40 396 520 867 l ,()30 l ,630 2,030 3,820 4,400 6,680 7,469 14,200 15,800 27,600 32,000
50 352 463 777 926 l,460 1,820 3,410 3,930 5,990 6,717 12, 700 14,100 24,700 28,600
75 284 376 637 757 l ,210 1,490 2,770 3,190 4,920 5,.539 10,300 11,600 20,300 23,400
80 275 363 618 731 1,170 1,450 2,680 3,090 4,770 5,372 9,990 11 ,200 19,600 22,700
100 243 324 553 656 1,050 1,300 2,390 2,760 4,280 4,830 8,930 10,000 17,600 20,300
150 196 262 453 535 866 1,060 1,940 2,240 3,510 3,983 7,270 8,2 10 14,400 16,600
200 169 226 393 464 755 923 1,680 1,930 3,0.50 3,474 6,290 7,130 12,500 14,400
250 150 202 352 415 679 828 1,490 1,730 2,740 3,124 5,620 6,390 11,200 12,900
300 136 183 322 379 622 757 1,360 1,570 2,510 2,865 5,120 5,840 10,300 11,700
400 117 158 279 328 542 657 1,170 1,360 2,180 2,498 4,430 5,070 8,920 10,200
500 104 140 251 294 488 589 1,050 1,210 1,950 2,247 3,960 4,540 8,000 9,1 LO
EHD: Equivalent hydraulic diameter. A measure of the relative hydraulic efficiency between different tubing sizes. The greater the value of EHD, the
greater the gas capacity of the nibing.
(l) Table does not include effect of pressure drop across the line regulator. Where regulator loss exceeds Y2 psi (ba~ed on 13 in. w.c. outlet pressure),
do not use this table. Consult with regulator manufacturer for pressure drops and capacity factors. Pressure drops across a regulator may vary with
flow rate.
(2) CAUTION: Capacities shown in table may exceed maximum capacity for a selected regulator. Consult witl1 regulator or tubing manufacn1rer for
(3) Table includes losses for four 90 degree bends and two end fittings. Tubing runs with larger number of bends and/ or fittings shal l be increased by
an equivalent length of rubing according to the following equation: L ~ l .3n, where Lis additional length (ft) of tubing and n is the number of
additional fittings and/or bends.
(4) All table entries are rounded to 3 significant digits.
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2021 Edition
Table 6.4.2 Cr and Y for Natural Gas and Undiluted Propane at Standard Conditions
Formula F actors
Gas Cr y
2021 Edition
Chapter 7 Gas Piping Installation (l ) A pipe-to-soil voltage of -0.85 volts or more negative 1s
produced, with reference to a sanirated copper-copper
7.1 Installation of Underground Piping. sulfate half cell
(2) A pipe-to-soil voltage of -0.78 volts or more negative is
7.1.1 Clearances. produced, with reference to a san1rated KCI calome l half Underground gas piping shall be installed with suf~ cell
cient clearance from any other underground strucnire to avoid (3) A pipe-to-soil voltage of -0.80 volts or more negative is
contact therewith, to allow maintenance, and to protect against produced, with reference to a silver-silver chloride half
damage from proximity to other stru cnires. cell
(4) Compliance with a method described in Appendix D of Underground plastic piping shall be installed with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 192
sufficient clearance or shall be insulated from any source of
heat so as to prevent the heat from impairing the serviceability Sacrificial anodes shall be tested in accordance with
of the pipe. the following:
(1) Upon installation of the cathodic protection syste m,
7.1.2 Protection Against Damage. Means shall be provided to
prevent excessive stressing of the piping where ~ehicular ~raffic except where prohibited by c limatic conditions, in which
is heavy or soil conditions are unstable and settling of p1p111g or case the testing shall be performed not later than 180
foundation walls could occur. Piping shall be buried or covered days after the installation of the system
in a manner so as to protect the piping from physical damage . (2) 12 to 18 months after the initial test
Piping shall be protected from physical damage where it passes (3) Upon successful verification testing in accordance with
( 1) and (2), periodic follow-up testing shall be performed
through flower beds, shrub beds, and other such culuvated
areas where such damage is reasonably expected. at intervals not to exceed 36 months Cover Requirements. Underground piping systems Systems failing a test s hall be repaired not more than
180 days after the date of tl1e failed testing. The testing sched-
shall be installed with a minimum of 12 in. (300 mm) of cover.
ule shall be restarted as required in 7 .1. 3.4(1) and 7 .1.3.4(2),
(A) The minimum cover shall be increased to 18 in. (460 mm) and the results shall comply with 7.1.3 .3 .
if external damage to the pipe or tubing from external forces is
likely to result. I mpressed current cathodic protection system s shall be
inspected and tested in accordance with the following sched-
(B)* \!\'here a minimum of 12 in. (300 mm) of cover cannot ule:
be provided, the piping shall be installed in conduit. (1) The impressed c urrent rectifier voltage output shall be Trenches. The trench shal l be graded so that the pipe checked at intervals not exceeding months.
has a firm, substantially continuous bearing on the bottom of (2) The pipe-to-soil voltage s hall be tested at least annually.
the trench . Documentation of the results of the two most recent Backfilling. \!\'here flooding of the u·ench is done to tests shall be retained.
consolidate the backfill, care shall be exercised to see that the Where dissimilar metals are joined underground, an
pipe is not floated from its firm bearing on the trench bottom.
insulating coupling or fitting shall be used.
7.1.3* Corrosion Protection of Piping. Steel pipe and steel Steel risers, otl1er th an anodeless 1·isers, connected to
rnbing installed underground shall be installed in accordance plastic piping shall be cathodically protected by means of a
with the 7 .1.3 .1 through
welded anode. Zinc coating (galvanizing) shall not be deemed 7.1.4* Protection Against Freezing. Where the formation of
adequate protection for undergrotmd ga~ piping. hydrates or ice is known to occm~ p iping shall be protected Underground piping shall comply with one or more ~f against freezing.
the following unless approved technical justification is provi- 7.1.5 Piping Through Foundation Wall. Piping tlu·ough a
ded to demonstrate that protection is unnecessary: foundation wal l shall comply witl1 all of the following:
(1) The piping shall be made of corrosion-resistant material (1) Undergrow1d piping, where installed through the outer
that is suitable for the environment in wh ich it will be foundation or basement wall of a building, shall be
encased in a protective sleeve or protected by an
(2) Pipe sh a ll have a factory-applied, electrically insulating approved device or method.
coatin g. Fittings and joints between sections of coated (2) The spaces between the gas piping and the sleeve and
pipe shall be coated in accordance with the coating
between the sleeve and the wall shall be sealed to prevent
manufacturer's instructions. en UT of gas and water.
(3) The piping shall have a cathodic protection system in- (3) Sealing materials shall be compatible with the piping and
stalled, and the system shall be maintained in accordance
with 7 .1. 3.3 or 7.1.3 .6.
7.1.6 Piping Underground Beneath Buildings. \i\7he1·e gas Cathodic protection systems shall be monito1·ed by test- piping is installed underground beneath buildings, the p iping
ing and the results shall be documented. The test results shall
shall be either of the following:
demonsu·ate one of the following:
(1) Encased in an approved condu it designed to withstand
the imposed loads and installed in accordance with
7.1. 6.1or7.1.6.2
2021 Edition
(2) A piping/ e ncasement system listed for installation (2) Where passing through an exterior wall , the piping shall
beneath buildings. al so be protected from corrosion by coating or wrapping
with an inert material approved for such applications. Conduit with One End Terminating Outdoors. The (3) The piping shall be sealed around its circumference at
conduit shall extend into an accessible portion of the bui lding the po int of the exterior penetration to prevent the entry
and, at the point wh ere the conduit tenninates in the buildin g, of water, insects, and rodents.
the space between t he conduit and the gas piping shall be (4) Whe1·e piping is encased in a protective pipe sleeve, the
seale d to prevent the possible enu-ance of any gas leakage. annular spaces between the gas piping and the sleeve and
v\fh ere t11e e nd sealing is of a type that retains the full pressure between the sleeve and the wall opening shall be sea led.
of tl1e pipe, the conduit shall be designed for the same pr~s (5) Piping installed outdoors shall be e levated not less d1an
sure as t11e pipe. The conduit shall extend at least 4 111. 3!12 in. (89 mm) above the ground.
(100 mm) outside the building, be vented outdoors above (6) Sealing materials shall be compatible with the piping and
finish ed ground level, and be installed so as to preve nt the sleeve.
entrance of water and insects.
7.2.2* P rotective Coating. V.There piping is in contact with a Conduit with Both Ends Terminating Indoors. Where mate rial or an annosphere corrosive LO d1e piping syste m, the
the conduit originates and terminates within the same build- p iping and fittings shall be coated with a corrosion-resistant
ing, the co nduit shall originate and terminate in an accessible mate ria l. Any such coating used on piping or compone nts shall
portio n of the building and shall not be sealed. not be considered as adding sn·ength to the system.
7.1.7 Plastic Piping. 7.2.3 Building Structure. Connection of Plastic Piping. Plastic piping sha ll be The installation of gas piping shall not cause struc nirnl
installed outdoo rs, unde rground only. stresses within bui lding components to exceed al lowable design
Exception No. J: Plastic piping shall be peimitted to terminate abaue- limit5.
givund where an mwdeless 1isPr is used. Approval shall be obtained before any beams 01· j oists
Exception No. 2: Plastic piping shall be pei·mitted to tenninale with a are cut or notched.
wall head adapter abovegivund in buildings, including basements, 7.2.4 Gas Piping to Be Sloped. Piping for ot11e r tl1an dry gas
where the jJlastir piping is inserted in a piping material permitted for conditions shall be sloped not less than Y.i in. in 15 ft (7 mm in
use in buildings. 4.6 m) to prevent n·aps. Connections Between Metallic and Plastic Piping. 7.2.5* Prohibited Locations. Gas piping inside an y building
Connections made between metallic and plastic piping shall be shall not be instal led in or through a clothes chute, c himney or
made with fittings conforming to one of the following: gas vent, dumbwaiter, e levator shaft, or air duc t, othe r than
( 1) ASTM 02513, Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas combustion air ducts.
Pressure Pipe, 'fabing, and Fittings, Category l transition
fi ttings 7.2.6 Hangers, Supports, and Anchors.
(2) ASTM FI 973, Standard Specification for Factory AssemblPd Piping shall be supported with metal pipe hooks, metal
Anodeless Risers and 'fransition Fittings in Pol)•eth)'lene (PE) pipe straps, meta l bands, metal brackets, metal. ha nge'.s·. or
and Polyamide 11 (PAJ 1) and Polyamide 12 (PA 12) Fuel Gas building su-ucrnral componen ts, suitable for tl1e size of p1pmg,
Distribution Systems of adequ ate strength and qua lity, a nd locate d a t in tervals so as
(3) ASTM F2509, Standard Specification for Field-Assembled to prevent or damp out excessive vibt-ation. Piping shall be
Anodeless Riser Kits for Use on OuJside Diameter Contivlled a nchored to prevent undue su-ains on connected applia nces
Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing and equipment a nd shall not be supported by o t11er piping. Tracer Wire. An e lecnically continuous corrosion- Pipe hangers and suppo rts shall conform to t11e requirem~nts
resist.ant u-acer shall be buried with the plastic pipe to facilitate of ANST/ MSS SP-58, Pipe H angers and Supports - Matenals,
Design Manufacture, Selection, Application, and Installation.
locating. Spacings of support5 in gas piping installations shall The trncer shall be o ne of the following:
not be greater than shown in Table Spacing of suppo rts
(l ) A product specifically designed for that purpose of CSST shall be in accordance with the CSST manufacturer's
(2) Insulated copper conductor not less than 14 AWG instructions. Where tracer wire is used, access shall be provided Supports, hangers, and anchors sha ll be installed so as
from aboveground or one end of the u-acer wire or tape shall not to interfere with the free expansion a nd contra ction of d1e
be brought a boveground at a building wall or riser. piping between anchors. All parts of d1e supp~rtin g system
7.1.8 CSST piping systems shall be instal led in accordance sha ll be designed and installed so tl1ey a re not d isengaged by
with this code a nd the manufacnirer's installation instructions. moveme nt of the supported piping. Piping on Roofs.
7.2 Installation of Aboveground Piping.
7.2.1 Piping installed aboveground shall comply with a ll of the Gas piping installed on the roof surfaces sha ll be
following: supported in accordance with Tab le
(1) Piping shall be securely supported and located whe re it Gas piping shall be elevated not less than 3~ in.
will be protected from physical dan1age. (89 mm) above d1e roof surface.
2021 Edition
Table Support of Piping trically neutral conductors. All piping, fittings , and risers shall
be protected against cot-rosion in accordance wim 7.2.2. Piping
Steel Pipe, Nominal Size shall not be embedded in concrete slabs containing quickset
Nominal Size Spacing of of Tubing Spacing of additives or cinder aggregate.
of Pipe Supports Smooth Wall Supports 7.3.6 Shutoff Valves in Tubing Systems. Shutoff valves in
(in.) (ft) (in. O.D.) (ft) tubing systems in concealed locations shall be rigidly and
Y2 6 Y2 4 secure ly supported independently of the ttibing.
'Y.. or l 8 % or'Y.. 6
7.4 Piping in Vertical Chases. Where gas piping exceeding
l Y. or larger JO 'lg or l 8 5 psi (34 kPa) is located wimin vertical c hases in accordance
(horizontal) (horizontal)
with 5.4.1, the requirements of7.4.l through 7.4.3 shall apply.
l Y. or larger Every floor 1 or larger Every floor
(vertical) level (vertical) level 7.4.1 Pressure Reduction. Where pressure reduction is
For Sl units, 1 ft= 0.305 m. required in bran ch connections for compliance with 5.4.1 ,
such reduction shall take place eimer inside me chase or
immediately adjacent to the outside wall of the chase. Regula-
7.2.7 CSST. CSST piping systems shall be installed in accord- tor venting and downsu·eam overpressure protection shall
ance with this code and the manufacturer's installation instruc- comply with 5.7.5 and Section 5.8. The regulator shall be acces-
tions. sible for service and 1·epai.r a nd vented in accordance wi th one
7 .3 Concealed Piping in Buildings. of the following:
(1) Where me fuel gas is lighter than air, regulato1·s equipped
7.3.1 General. Gas piping in concealed locations shall be
with a vent limiting means shall be permitted to be
installed in accordance with this section .
vented into the chase. Regulators not equipped with a
7.3.2 Fittings in Concealed Locations. Fittings installed 1n vent limiting means shall be permitted to be vented
concealed locations shall be limited to the following types: eitl1er directly to the outdoors or to a point wimin tl1e top
1 ft (0.3 m) of the chase.
(1) Threaded elbows, tees, couplings, caps, and plugs
(2) Where the fuel gas is heavier than air, the regulator vent
(2) Brazed fittings
shall be vented only directly to the outdoors.
(3) Welded fittings
(4) Fittings listed to ANSI LC l /CSA 6.26, Fuel Gas Piping 7.4.2 Chase Construction. Chase construction shall comply
Systems Using Corrugated Stainless Steel 11tbing (CSST), or with local building codes witl1 respect to fire resistance and
ANSI LC 4/ CSA 6.32, Press-Connect Metallic Fittings f<1r Use protection of horizontal and vertical openings.
in Fuel Gas Distri/Jution Systems
7.4.3* Ventilation. A chase shall be ventilated to the outdoors
7.3.3 Piping in Partitions. Concealed gas piping shall not be and only at the top. The opening(s) shall have a minimum free
located in solid partitions. area fin square inches (square meters) l equal to me product of
one-half of tl1e maximum pressure in the piping fin pounds
7.3.4 Tubing in Partitions. This provision shall not apply to
per squa1·e inch (kilopascals) ] times the largest nominal diame-
tubing that pierces walls, floors, or partitions. Tubing installed
ter of that piping [in inches (millimeters)], or the cross-
vertically and horizontally inside hollow walls or partitions with-
sectional area of the chase, whichever is smaller. v\There more
out protection along its entire concealed length shall meet the
than one fuel gas piping system is present, the free area fo1·
following requirements:
each system shall be calculated and me largest area used.
(1) A steel su-iker barrier not less than 0.0508 in. (1.3 mm)
thick, or equivalent, is installed between the tubing and 7.5 Gas Pipe Turns. Changes in d irection of gas pipe shall be
the finished wall and extends at least 4 in. (100 mm ) made by the use of fittings, factOt)' bends, or field bends.
beyond concealed penetrations of plates, firestops, wall 7.5.1 Metallic Pipe. Metallic pipe bends shall comply wi th me
studs, and so on. following:
(2) The tubing is installed in single runs and is not rigidly
secured. (1) Bends shall be made only with bending tools and proce-
dures intended for that purpose.
7.3.5 Piping in Floors. (2) All bends shall be smooth and free from buckling, cracks,
or other evidence of mechanical damage. Industrial Occupancies. In indusu·ial occupancies, gas
(3) The longit1.1dinal weld of the pipe shall be near me
piping in solid floors such as concrete shall be laid in channe ls
neutral a.xis of the be nd.
in the floor and covered to permit access to the piping with a
(4) Pipe shall not be bent through an arc of more man 90
minimum of damage to the building. Where piping in floor
channels could be exposed to excessive moisture 01· corrosive
(5) The inside radius of a bend shall be not less than 6 times
substances, the piping shall be protected in an approved
the outside diameter of the pipe.
7.5.2 Plastic Pipe. Plastic pipe bends shall comply with the Other Occupancies. In other than industrial occupan-
cies and where approved by the authority having jurisdiction,
gas piping embedded in concrete floor slabs constructed with (1) The pipe shall not be damaged, and the internal diame-
Portland cement shall be surrow1ded wim a minimum of 1 ~ ter of the pipe shall not be effectively reduced.
in. (38 mm) of concrete and shall not be in physical contact (2) Joints shall not be located in pipe bends.
with other metallic structtu-es such as reinforcing rods or elec- (3) The radius of the inner curve of such bends shall not be
less than 25 times the inside diameter of the pipe.
2021 Edition
(4) \!\There the ptpmg manufacturer specifies the use of 7 .8 Manual Gas Shutoff Valves.
special bending tools 01- procedures, such tools or proce-
dures shall be used. 7.8.1 Accessibility of Gas Valves. System shutoff valves shall be readily accessible for
7.5.3 Elbows. Factory-made welding elbows or transverse
segments cut therefrom shall have an arc length measured operation and installed so as to be protected from physical
along the crotch of at least 1 in. (25 mm) for pipe sizes 2 in. damage.
(50 mm) and larger. System shutoff valves shall be marked with a metal tag
7 .6 Drips and Sediment Traps. or other permanent means attached by the installing agency so
that the gas piping systems supplied tlu-ough them can be read-
7.6.l Provide Drips Where Necessary. For other than dry gas ily identified.
conditions, a drip shall be provided at any point in the line of
pipe where condensate could collect. v\lhere required by the 7.8.2 Valves at Regulators. An accessible gas shutoff valve
authority having jurisdiction or the serving gas suppHer, a drip shall be provided upstream of each gas pressure regulator.
\\There nvo gas pressure regulators are installed in series in a
shall also be provided at the outlet of the meter. T his drip shall
be installed so as to constintte a trap wherein an accumulation single gas line, a manual valve shall not be required at the
of condensate shuts off the flow of gas before it runs back into second regulator.
the meter. 7 .8.3 Valves Con trolling Multiple Systems.
7.6.2 Location of Drips. All drips shall be installed only in 7.8.3.l Shutoff Valves for Multiple House Lines. In multiple-
such locations that they are readily accessible to permit clean- tenant buildings supplied through a master meter, through one
ing or emptying. A drip shall not be located where the conden- service regulator where a meter is not provided, or where
sate is likely to freeze . meters or service regulators are not readily accessible from the
7.6.3 Sediment Traps. T he installation of sediment u-aps shall appliance or equipment location, an individual shutoff valve
be in accordance with 9 .6.8. for each apartment or tenant line shall be provided at a
convenient point of general accessibility. In a common syste m
7.7 Outlets. serving a number of individual buildings, shutoff valves sha ll be
installed at each bui lding.
7. 7 .1 Location and Installation. Emergency Shutoff Valves. An exterior shutoff valve to The outlet fittings or piping shall be securely fastened permit turning off the gas supply to each building in an emer-
in place. gency shall be provided. The emergency shutoff valves shall be Outlets shall not be located behind doors. plainly marked as such and their locations posted as required
by the authority havingjtu-isdiction. Outlets shall be located far enough from floors, walls,
patios, slabs, and ce ilings to permit the use of wrenches without Shutoff Valve for Laboratories. Each laboratory space
straining, bending, or damaging the piping. containing two or more gas outlets install ed on tables, ben ches,
or in hoods in educational, research, commercial, and indus- The unthreaded portion of gas piping outlets shall trial occupancies shall have a single shutoff valve tlu·ough
extend not less than 1 in. (25 mm) through finished ceilings or which all such gas outlet5 are supplied. The shutoff valve shall
indoor or outdoor walls. be accessible, located within the laboratory 01- adjacent to the
laboratory's egress door, and identified. The unthreaded portion of gas piping outlets shall
extend not less than 2 in. (50 mm) above the surface of floors 7.8.4* System Shutoff Valves. \!\There a system shutoff valve is
or outdoor patios or slabs. installed, the valve sha ll comply with Section 5.11 . The provisions of and 7 .7.1 .5 shall not apply to 7.9 Prohibited Devices. Devi ces shall not be placed witl1in the
listed quick-disconnect devices of the fl ush-mounted type or interior of gas piping o r fittings wh ere such devices reduce the
listed gas convenience outlets. Such devices shall be installed in cross-sectional ai·ea or otherwise obsu-uct the free flow of gas,
accordance with the manufacturers ' installation instructions. except where allowance in the pipi ng syste m design has been
7.7.2 Cap All Outlets. made for such devices. Each outlet, including a valve, shall be closed gastight 7.10 Systems Containing Gas-Air Mixtures Outside the Flam-
mable Range. Where gas-air mixing machines are employed
with a tl1readed plug or cap immediately after instal lation and
shall be left closed until the appliance or equipment is connec- to produce mixtures above or below the flammable range, they
ted thereto. \\Then an appliance or equipment is disconnected shall be provided with stops to prevent adjustment of the
mixture to wi.tl1in or approaching the flammable range.
from an outlet and the outlet is not to be used again immedi-
ately, it shall be capped or plugged gastight. 7.11 Systems Containing Flammable Gas-Air Mixtures.
Exception No. 1: Laborat01y appliances installed in accordance with 7.11. 1 Required Components. A central premix system with a
9.6.2(1 ) shall be permitted. flammable mixture in the blower or compressor shall consist of
Exception No. 2: The use of a listed quick-disconnect device with inte- the following components:
gral shutoffor listed gas convenience outlet shall be permitted. (1) Gas-mixing machin e in the form of an automatic gas-air
proportioning device com bined with a downstream Appliance shutoff valves installed in fireplaces shall be blowe1- or compressor
1-emoved and the piping capped gastight where the fireplace is (2) Flammable mixmre piping, minimum Schedule 40
used for solid fuel burn ing.
2021 Edition
(3) Automatic firecheck(s) backfire preventers shall be provided in piping systems distrib-
(4) Safety blowout(s) or backfire p1·evente1·s for systems utiliz- uting flammable air-gas mixntres from gas-rnixing mac hines to
ing flammable mixnire lines above 2 ~ in. (64 mm) nomi- protect the piping and the machin es in the event of flashback,
nal pipe size or the equivalent in accordance with the following:
7.11.2 Optional Components. The following components (1 )* Approved automatic firechecks shall be installed
shall also be permitted to be utilized in any type of central upsu·eam as close as practical to the burner inlets follow-
premix system: ing the firecheck manufacturers' insu·uctions.
(2) A separate manually operated gas valve shall be provided
(1) Flowmeter(s)
at each automatic firecheck for shutting off the flow of
(2) Flame arrester(s) the gas-air rnixture through the firec heck after a flash-
7.11.3 Additional Requirements. Gas-mixing machines shall back has occurred. The valve shall be located upsu-eam as
have nonsparking blowers and shall be constructed so that a close as practical to the inlet of the automatic firecheck.
flashback does not rupnire machine casings. Caution: these valves shall not be reopened afte1· a flash-
back has occurred until the firecheck has cooled suffi-
7.11.4* Special Requirements for Mixing Blowers. A mixing ciently to prevent re-ignition of the flammable mixture
blower system shal l be limited to applications with minimum and has been reset properly.
practical lengths of mixnire piping, limited to a maximum (3) A safety blowout or backfiring preventer shall be provided
mixture pressure of 10 in. w.c . (2.5 kPa) and limited to gases in the mixnire line near the outlet of each gas-mixing
containing no more than 10 percent hydrogen . The blower machine where the size of the piping is larger than 2\.-2 in.
shall be equipped with a gas control valve at its air entrance (64 mm) NPS, or equivalent, to protect the mixing equip-
arranged so that gas is admitted to the airsu·eam, entering the ment in the event of an explosion passing through an
blower in proper proportions for correct combustion by the automatic firecheck. The manufacnu-ers' insu·uctions
type of burners employed, the said gas control valve being of shall be followed when installing these devices, particu-
either the zero governor or mechanical ratio valve type that larly after a disc has burst. The discharge from the safety
controls the gas and air adjustment simultaneously. No valves blowout or backfire preventer shall be located or shielded
or other obstructions shall be install ed between the blower so that particles from the ruptmed disc cannot be d irec-
discharge and the burner or burners. ted toward personnel. Wherever there are interconnected
7.11.5 InstaIJation of Gas-Mixing Machines. installations of gas-mixing machines with safety blowouts
or backfire preventers, provision shall be made to keep* Location. The gas-mixing machine shall be located the mixnire from other machines from reaching any
in a well-ventilated area or in a detached building or cutoff ruptured disc opening. Check valves shall not be used fo1·
room provided with room construction and explosion vents in this purpose .
accordance with engineering methods. Such rooms or below- (4) Large-capacity premix systems provided with explosion
grade installations shall h ave adequate positive ventilation. heads (rupnire discs) to re lieve excessive pressure in
pipelines shall be located at and vented to a safe outdoor Electrical Requirements. Where gas-mixing machines
location. Provisions shall be provided for a utomatically
are installed in well-ventilated areas, the type of electrical shutting off the supply of the gas-air mixture in the event
equipment shall be in acco1·dance with NFPA 70 for general of rupture .
service conditions tmless other hazards in the area prevail.
Where gas-mixing machines are installed in small detached 7.12 Electrical Bonding and Grounding.
buildings 01· cutoff rooms, the electrical equipment and wiring
shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70 for hazardous 7.12.1 Pipe and Tubing Other than CSST. Each aboveground
locations (Articles 500 and 501, Class I, Division 2) . portion of a gas piping system, other than CSST, that is likely to
become energized shall be e lectrically continuous and bonded
7 .11.5.3 Air Intakes. Air intakes for gas-mix mg machines to an effective ground-fault current path . Gas piping, other
using compressors or blowers shall be taken from outdoors than CSST, shall be considered to be bonded when it is connec-
wheneve r practical. ted to appliances that are connected to the appliance ground-
ing conductor of t11e circuit supplying that appliance.* Controls. ControL5 for gas-mixing machines shall
include interlocks and a safety shutoff valve of the manual reset 7.12.2* CSST. CSST gas piping systems, and gas piping
type in the gas supply connection to each machine arranged to systems containing one or more segments of CSST, shall be
automatically shut off the gas supply in the event of high or low e lectrically continuous and bonded to the elecu·ical service
gas pressure. Except for open burner installations only, the grounding electrode system or, where provided, lightning
controls shall be interlocked so that the blower or compressor protection grounding electrode system.
stops operating following a gas supply failure. v\There a system
employs pressurized air, means shall be provided to shut off the The bonding jumper shall connect to a metallic pipe,
pipe fitting, or CSST fitting.
gas supply in the event of air failure . lnstaIJation in Parallel. Centrifugal gas-mixmg 7. 12.2.2 The bonding jumper shall not be smaller than 6 AWG
machines in parallel shall be reviewed by the user and equip- copper wire or equivalent.
ment manufacturer before instal lation, and means or plans for* The length of the jumper between the connection
minimizing the effects of downstream pulsation and equipment to the gas piping system and the grounding electrode syste m
overload shall be prepared and utilized as needed. shall not exceed 75 ft (22 m ). Any additional grounding e lec-
7 .11.6 Use of Automatic Firechecks, Safety Blowouts, or Back- trodes installed to meet tl" requirement shall be bonded to
fire Preventers. Automatic firechecks and safety blowouts or the electrical service grounding elecu·ode system or, where
provided, lightning protection grounding electrode system.
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I INSPECTION, TESTING, AND PURGING 54-67 Bonding connections shall be 111 accordance with noncorrosive leak-detecting fluid or other leak-detecting meth-
NFPA 70. ods approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Devices used for the bonding connection shall be Where new branches are installed to new appliance(s) ,
listed for the application in accordance with UL 467, Gnrunding only the newly installed branch (es) shall be required to be
and Bonding Equipment. pr·essure tested. Connections between the new piping and the
existing piping shall be tested with a noncorrosive leak-
7.12.3 Arc-Resistant Jacketed CSST. CSST listed with an arc-
detecting fluid or approved leak-detecting methods.
resistantjacket or coating system in accordance with ANSI LC
I / CSA 6.26, Fuel Gas Piping Systems Using Corrugated Stainkss A piping system shall be tested as a complete unit or in
Steel Tubing, shall be elecu-ically continuous and bonded to an sections. Under no circumstances shall a valve in a line be used
effective ground fault current path. v\ihere any CSST compo- as a bulkhead between gas in one section of the piping syste m
nent of a piping syste m does not have an arc-resistant jacket or and test medium in an adjacent section, unless a double block
coating system, the bonding requirements of 7.1 2.2 shall apply. and bleed valve system is installed. A valve shall not be subjec-
Arc-resistant jacketed CSST shall be considered to be bonded ted to the test pressure u nless it can be determined that the
when it is connected to appliances that are connected to the valve, including d1e valve closing mec hanism , is design ed to
appliance grounding conductor of the circuit supplying that safely withstand the pressme.
appliance. Regulator and valve assemblies fabricated independ-
7.12.4 Electrical Isolation. ently of the piping system in which they a 1·e to be installed shall
be permitted to be tested with inert gas or air at the time of* Gas piping shall not be used as a grounding conduc-
fabrication .
tor or electrode .* Prior to testing, the interior of the pipe shall be Underground metallic piping shall be provided with cleared of au foreign material.
a dielecu·ic fitting installed at building peneu-ations.
8.1.2 Test Medium. The test medium shall be a ir, niu-ogen, 1 Dielecu·ic fittings s hall not be installed under- carbon dioxide, or an ine n gas. O~')'gen shall not be used as a
ground. test medium.
7.12.5* Lightning Protection Systems. Where a lightning
8.1.3 Test Preparation.
protection system is installed, the b onding of the gas piping
shall be in accmdance with NFPA 780. 8.1.3.l Pipe joints, including welds, shall be left exposed fm
examination during the test.
7.13 Electrical Circuits. Elecu-ical circuits shall not utilize gas
piping or components as conductors. Exception: Covered or concealed pipe end joints that have been previ-
ously tested in accordance with this code.
Exception: Low-voltage (50 V or less) control circuits, ignition circuits,
and electronic flame detection device circuits shall be permitted to make Expansion join ts shall be provided with temporary
use of piping or components as a part ofan ekct1ic circuit. restraints, if required, for the additional thrust load under test.
7.14 Electrical Connections. Appliances and equipment that are not to be included
in d1e test shall be either disconnected from the p iping or
7.14.1 All elecu-ical connections bet\11een wiring and electri-
isolated by blanks, blind flanges, or caps. F la nged joints at
cally operated control devices in a piping system shall conform which blinds are inserted to blank off other equipment during
to the requirements of NFPA 70. the test shall not be required to be tested.
7.14.2 Any essential safety conu·ol depending on elecu-ic
8.l.3.4 Where the piping system is con nected to appliances or
current as the operating medium shall be of a type that shu ts equipment designed fm operating p1·essures of less than the
off (fail safe) the flow of gas in the event of cutTent failure . test pressure, such appliances or equipment shall be isolated
from the piping system by disconnecting them and capping the
Chapter 8 Inspection, Testing, and Purging oudet(s) . Where the piping system is connected to appliances o r
8.1 Pressure Testing and Inspection.
equipment designed for operating pressures equal to or
8.1.1 * General. greater than the test pressure, su c h appliances 01· equipment
shall be isolated from the p iping system by closi ng the individ- Prior to acceptance and initial operation, all pipmg ual appliance or equipment shutoffvalve(s) .
installations shall be visually inspected and pressure tested to
determine that the materials, design, fabrication, and installa- All testing of piping systems shall be perfonned in a
tion practices comply with the 1·equirements of this code. manner that protects the safety of employees and the public
during the test. Inspection shal l consist of visual examination, during
or after manufacmre, fabrication, assembly, or pressure tests. 8.1.4 Test Pressure. V\1here repairs or additions are made following the Test pressure shall be measured with a manometer or
pressure test, the affected piping shall be tested. Minor repairs with a pressure measuring device designed and calibrated to
and additions are not required to be pressure tested, provided read, reco1-d, or indicate a pressure loss due to leakage during
that the work is inspected and connections are tested with a the pressure test period. Th e source of pressure shall be isola-
ted before the pressure tests are made. Mechanical gauges used
2021 Edition
to measure test pressures shall have a range such that the high- ( 1) T he design operating gas pressure is greater than 2 psig
est end of the scale is not greater than 5 times the test pressure. (14 kPag) .
(2) The piping being purged contains one or more sections The test pressure to be used shall be no less than 1 ~ of pipe or tubing meeting the size and length criteria of
times the proposed maximum working pressure, but not less Table 8.3.1.
than 3 psi (20 kPa), irrespective of design pressure. v\lhere the
test pressure exceeds 125 psi (862 kPa), the test pressure shall
not exceed a value that produces a hoop stress in the piping Table 8.3.1 Size and Length of Piping*
greater than 50 percent of the specified minimum yield
strength of the pipe. Nominal Piping Size Length of Piping
(in.) (ft)* Test dtu-ation shall be not less than ~ hour for each
500 ft3 (14 m 3 ) of pipe volume or fraction thereof. v\lhen test- ~2!12 <3 > 50
ing a system having a volume less than 10 ft3 (0.28 m 3 ) or a ~3<4 > 30
system in a single-family dwelling, the test duration shall be a ~4<6 > 15
minimum of 10 minutes. The duration of the test shall not be ~6 <8 > 10
required to exceed 24 hours. ~8 Any length
For SI units, 1 in.= 25.4 mm; l fl= 0.305 m.
8.1.5 Detection of Leaks and Defects.
* CSST El-ID size of 62 is equivalent to 2 in. nominal s ize pipe or The piping system shall withstand the test pressure tubing.
specified without showing any evidence of leakage or other
defects. Any reduction of test pressures as indicated by pressure Removal from Service. v\lhere ex1Stmg gas p1p111g is
gauges shall be deemed to indicate the presence of a leak opened, the section that is opened shall be isolated from the
unless such reduction can be readily attributed to some other gas supply and the line pressure vented in accordance with
cause. 8 .3.1.3. v\lhere gas piping meeting the criteria of Table 8 .3.1 is The leakage shall be located by means of an approved removed from service, tl1e residual fuel gas in the piping shall
gas detector, a noncorrosive leak detection fluid, or other be displaced with an inert gas.
approved leak detection methods.* Placing in Operation. Where gas piping containing v\lhere leakage or other defects are located, the affec- air and meeting the criteria of Table 8.3.1 is placed in opera-
ted portion of the piping system shall be repaired or replaced tion, the air in the piping shall first be displaced with an inert
and retested. gas. The inert gas shall then be displaced witl1 foe! gas in
accordance with
8.2 Piping System Leak Check. Outdoor Discharge of Purged Gases. The open end of
8.2.1 Test Gases. Leak che cks using fuel gas shall be permit- a piping system being p1-essure vented or purged shall
ted in piping systems that have been pressure tested in accord- discharge directly to an outdoor location. Purging operati ons
ance with Section 8.1. shall comply with all of the fo ll owing requirements:
8.2.2 Turning Gas On. During the process of turning gas on (1) The point of discharge shall be con trolled with a shutoff
into a system of new gas piping, the entire system shall be valve.
inspected to determine that there are no open fittings or e nds (2) The point of discharge sha ll be located at least 10 ft
and that all valves at unused outlets are closed and plugged or (3.0 m) from sources of ignition, at least 10 ft (3.0 rn)
capped. from building openings and at least 25 ft (7.6 m ) from
mechanical air intake openings.
8.2.3* Leak Check. Immediately after the gas is turned on (3) During discharge, the open point of discharge shall be
into a new system or into a system that has been initially continuously attended a nd monitored with a combustible
restored after an in terruption of service, the pipi ng system shall gas indicator that complies with
be checked for leakage. v\lhere leakage is indicated, the gas ( 4) Purging operations introducing fuel gas shall be stopped
supply shall be shut off until tl1e necessary repairs have been when 90 percent fue l gas by volume is detected within the
made. pipe.
8.2.4 Placing Appliances and Equipment in Operation. Appli- (5) Persons not involved in tl1e purging operations shal l be
ances and equipment shall not be placed in operation until evacuated from all areas with in 10 ft (3.0 m) of the po int
after the piping system has been checked for leakage in accord- of discharge.
ance with 8.2.3, the piping system is purged in accordance with* Combustible Gas Indicator. Combustible gas indica-
Section 8.3, and connections to the appliance are checked for tors shall be listed and calibrated in accordance with tl1e manu-
leakage. facrurer's instructions. Combustible gas indicators shall
8.3* Purging Requirements. The purging of piping shall be in numerically display a volume scale from 0 percent to
accordance with 8 .3.1 through 8 .3.3. 100 percent in 1 percent or smaller increments.
8 .3.1 * Piping Systems Required to Be Purged Outdoors. The 8.3.2* Piping Systems Allowed to Be Purged Indoors or
purging of piping systems shall be in accordance with 8 .3.1.1 Outdoors. The purging of piping systems shall be in accord-
through where the piping system meets either of the ance with the provisions of 8 .3.2.1 where the piping syste m
following: meets both of the following:
(1) The design operating pressure is 2 psig ( 14 kPag) or less.
2021 Edition
(2) The p1pmg being purged is constructed entirely from the rema111mg appliances unsafe for continued opera-
pipe or tubing not meeting the size and length criteria of tion.
Table 8.3. l. (3) The venting system is constructed and sized in accord-
ance with the provisions of Chapter 12. vVhere the exist- * Purging Procedure. The p1pmg system shall be ing venting system is not adequate, it shall be upgraded to
purged in acco1-dance with one or more of the following: comply with Chapter 12.
( 1) The pi ping shall be purged with fuel gas and shall
discharge to the outdoors. 9.1.3 Type of Gas(es). The appliance shall be connected to
(2) The piping shall b e purged with fuel gas and shall the fuel gas for which it was designed. No attempt shall be
discharge to the indoors or outdoors through an appli- made to convert the appliance from the gas specified on the
ance bw-ne1- not located in a combustion chamber. Such rating plate for use with a different gas without consulting the
burner shall be provided with a continuous source of igni- installation insn-uctions, the serving gas supplie r, or the appli-
ance manufacmrer for complete instructions. L isted appliances
tion .
(3) The piping shall be purged with fuel gas and shall shall not be con verted unless permitted b y and in accordance
with the manufacmrer's installation instructi ons.
discharge to the indoors or outdoors through a burner
that has a continuous source of ignition and that is 9.1.4 Safety Shutoff Devices for Unlisted LP-Gas Appliances
designed for such purpose. Used Indoors. Unlisted appliances for use with undiluted LP-
(4) T he piping shall be purged with foel gas that is Gases and installed indoors, except attended laboratory equip-
discharged to the indoors or outdoors, and the point of ment, shall be equipped with safety shutoff devices of the
discha1-ge shall be monitored with a listed combustible complete shutoff type.
gas detector in accordance with 8 .3.2.2. Purging shall be
stopped when fuel gas is detected . 9.1.5 Use of Air or Oxygen Under Pressure. Where a ir or
(5) The piping shall be purged by the ga5 supplier in accord- oxygen under pressure is used in con nection with the gas
ance with written procedures. supply, effective means such as a back pressure regulator and
relief valve shall be provided to prevent air or oxygen from Combustible Gas Detector. Combustible gas detectors passing back into the gas piping. Where OJo..')'gen is used, instal-
shall be listed and calibrated or tested in accordance with the lation shall be in accordance with NFPA 51.
manufa.cmrer's instructions. Combustible gas detectors shall be
capable of indi cating the presence of fuel gas. 9.1.6* Protection of Appliances from Fumes or Gases Other
than Products of Combustion.
8.3.3 Purging Appliances and Equipment. After the piping
system has been placed in operation, appliances and equip- v\There corrosive or flammable process fumes or gases,
ment shall be purged before being placed into operation . such as carbon monox ide, hydrogen sul fide, ammonia, chlor-
ine, and halogenated hydrocarbons, as are present, means for
their safe disposal shall be provided.
Chapter 9 Appliance, Equipment, and Accessory Installation Non-direct-vent appliances installed in beauty shops,
9.1 Ge neral. barber shops, or other fac ilities whe re chemicals that generate
corrosive or flammable products suc h as aerosol sprays are
9.1.1 * Appliances, Equipment, and Accessories to Be routinely used shall be located in a mechanical room separate
Approved. Appliances, equipment, and accessories shall be or partitioned off from other areas with provisions for combus-
approved. tion and dilution a ir from outdoors. Direct vent appliances in Listed appliances, equipment, and accessories shall be such facilities shall be in accordance with the appliance manu-
facmrer's installation instructions.
installed in accordance with Chapter 9 and the manufacmrers'
installation insn-uctions. 9.1.7 Process Air. In addition to air needed for combustion in Acceptance of unlisted appliances, equipment, and commercial or industrial processes, process air shall be provi-
ded as required for cooling of appliances, equipment, or mate-
accessories shall be on the basis of engineering methods.
rial; for controlling dew point, heating, dtying, oxidation, The unlisted appliance, equipment, or accessory shall dilution, safety exhaust, odor control, and air for compressors;
be safe and suitable for the proposed service and shall be and for comfort and proper working conditions fo r person ne l.
recommended for the service by the manufacmrer.
9.1.8 Appliance Support.
9.1.2 Added or Converted Appliances. When additional or
replacement appliances or equipment is installed or an appl i- 9.1.8.l Appliances and equipment shall be furnished e ither
with load distributing bases o r with a sufficient number of
ance is converted to gas from another fuel, the location in
which the appliances 01- equipment is to be operated shall be supports to prevent damage to e ither the building sn-ucmre o r
checked to verify the following: the appliance and the equipment.
(1) Air for combustion and ventilation is provided where At the locations selected for installation of applia nces
required, i.n accordance with the prov1S1ons of and equipment, the dynamic and static load carrying capaciti es
Section 9.3. Where existing facilities are not adequate, of the building sn·ucture shall be checked to determine
they shall be upgraded to meet Section 9.3 specifications. whether they are adequate to carry the additional loads. The
(2) T he installation components and appliances meet the appliances and equipment shall be supported and shall be
clearances to combustible material provisions of 9.2.2. It connected to the piping so as not to exert undue stress on the
shall be determined that the installation and operation of connections.
the additional or replacement appliances do not render
2021 Edition
9.1.9 Flammable Vapors. Appliances shal l not be installed in (3) Bleed lines shall not terminate in the appliance flue or
areas where the open use, handling, or dispensing of flamma- exhaust system.
ble liquids occurs, unless the design, operation, or installation (4) In the case of bleed lines entering the combustion c ham-
reduces the potential of ignition of the flammable vapors. ber, d1e bleed line shall be located so the bleed gas is
Appliances installed in compliance with 9.1 .1 0 through 9.1.12 readily ignited b y the pilot and the heat liberated thereby
shall be considered to comply with the intent of this provision . does not adversely affect the normal operation of the
safety shutoff system. The terminus of the bleed line shall
9.1.10 Installation in Residential Garages. be securely held in a fixed position relative to the pilot. Appliances in residential garages and in adjacent For manufactured gas, the need for a flame arrester in
spaces that open to the garage and are not part of the living the bleed line piping shall be determined.
space of a dwelling unit shall be install ed so that all burners (5) A bleed line (s) from a diaphragm-type valve and a vent
and burner ignition devices are located not less than 18 in . Line(s) from an appliance pressure regulator sha ll not be
(460 mm) above the floor unless listed as flammable vapor connected to a common manifold terminating in a
ignition resistant. combustion chamber. Bleed lines shall not terminate in
positive-pressure-type combustion chambers. Such appliances shall be located 01· protected so they
are not subject to physical damage by a moving vehicle. 9.1.19 Combination of Appliances and Equipment. Any
com bination of appliances, equipment, attachmen ts, or devices Where appliances are instal.led in a separate, enclosed used together in any manner shall comply with the standards
space having access only from out5ide of the garage, such appli- that apply to the individual appliance and equipment.
ances shall be permitted to be installed at floor level, providing
the required combustion a ir is taken from the exterior of the 9.1.20* Installation Instructions. The installe1- shall conform
garage. to the appliance and equipment manufacturers' recommenda-
tions in completing an installation. The instal.l er shal.l leave the
9.1.11 Installation in Commercial Garages. manufacnirers' installation, operating, and maintenance
instructions on the premises. Parking Structures. Appliances installed in enclosed,
basement, and underground parking structures shall be in- 9.1.21 Protection of Outdoor Appliances. Appliances not
stalled in accordance with NFPA 88A. Listed fm outdoor installation but installed outdoors shal l be Repair Garages. Appliances installed in repair provided wid1 protection to the degree that the environment
garages shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 30A. requires. Appliances listed for outdoor installation shall be
permitted to be installed without protection in accordance with
9.1.12 Installation in Aircraft Hangars. Heaters in aircraft the manufacturer's installation instructions.
hangars shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 409.
9. 1.22* Existing Appliances. Existing appliance installations
9.1.13 Appliance Physical Protection. Where locating applian- shall be inspected to verify compl iance with d1e provisions of
ces close to a passageway traveled by veh icl es or machinery is Section 9.3 and Chapter 12 where a component of the building
necessary, guardrails or bumper plates shall be installed to envelope is modified as described by one or more of 9.1.22(1)
protect the equipment from damage . through 9.1.22(6) . vVhere the applia nce installation does not
comply with Section 9.3 and C hapter 12, the installation shall
9.1.14 Venting of Flue Gases. Appliances shall be vented in
be altered as necessary to be in compliance with Section 9.3
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12. and Chapter 12.
9.1.15 Extra Device or Attachment. No device or attachment (1) The building is modified under a weatherization
shall be installed on any appliance that could in any way impair program.
the combustion of gas. (2) A building permit is issued for a building addition or
9.1.16 Avoiding Strain on Gas Piping. Appliances shall be exterior building modification .
(3) Three 01- more window assemblies are replaced.
supported and connected to the piping so as not to exert
(4) Three or more storm windows a re installed over existing
undue strain on the connections.
9.1.17 Gas Appliance Pressure Regulators. Where d1e gas (5) One or more exterio1- door and frame assemblies are
supply pressure is higher than that at wh ich the appliance is replaced .
designed to operate or varies beyond d1e design pressure limits (6) A building air barrier is installed or replaced.
of the appliance, a gas appliance pressure regulato1- listed in
9.2 Accessibility and Clearance.
accordance with ANSI Z21.18/CSA 6.3, Gas Appliance Pressure
Regulators, shall be installed. 9.2.1 Accessibility for Service. All appliances shall be located
9.1.18 Bleed Lines for Diaphragm-Type Valves. Bleed lines with respect to building conso-uction and other equipment so
shall comply with the following requirements: as to pennit access to the appliance. Sufficient clearance shall
be maintained to permit cleaning of heating surfaces; the
( 1) Diaplu·agm-type valves shall be equipped to convey bleed replacement of filters, blowers, motors, burners, controls, and
gas to the outdoors or into the combustion chamber adja- vent connections; the lubrication of moving parts whe1-e neces-
cent to a continuous pilot. sary; the adjustment and cleaning of burners and pilots; and
(2) In the case of bleed lines leading outdoors, means shall the proper functioning of explosion ve nt5, if provided. For attic
be employed to prevent water from entering this piping installation, the passageway a nd servicing area adjacent to the
and also to prevent blockage of vent5 by insects and appliance shall be floored.
fo1-eign matter.
2021 Edition
2021 Edition
54-72 NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE ANSI Z223. l* One Permanent Opening Method. One permanent 25 percent free area, and metal louvers and grilles have
opening, commencing within 12 in. (300 mm) of the top of the 75 percent free area. Nonmotorized louvers a nd g1-illes shall be
enclosure, shall b e provided. The appliance shall have clearan- fixed in the open position .
ces of at least 1 in. (25 mm) from the sides and back and 6 in.
(150 mm) from the front of the appliance. T he opening shall 9.3. 7.2 Minimum Screen Mesh Size. Screens shall not be
directly communicate with the outdoors or shall communicate smaller than Y:, in . (7 mm) mesh.
through a vertical or horizontal duct to the outdoors or spaces Motorized Louvers. Motorized louvers shall be inter-
that free ly communicate witl1 the outdoors and shall have a locked with the appliance so they are p roven in the full open
minim um free area of tl1e fo llowing: position prior to main burner igni tion and during main burner
(1) 1 in. 2/3000 Btu/ hi· (700 mm2 /kW) of the total input operation . Means shall be provided to preven t the main burner
rating of all appliances located in the enclosure from igniting should the louver fail to open during burner
(2) Not less than the sum of the areas of all vent connectors startup and to shut down the main burner if the louvers close
in the space during burner operation.
9.3.4 Combination Indoor and Outdoor Combustion Air. The 9.3.8 Combustion Air Ducts. Combustion a ir ducts shall
use of a combination of indoor and outdoor combustion a ir comply with through .
shall be in accordance witl1 the fo llowing: Ducts shall be constructed of galva nized steel or a
(l) Indoor openings. Where used, open ings connecting the material having equivalent corrosion resistance, su-ength , and
interior spaces shall comply with rigidity.
(2) Outdoor opening(s) f.ocation. Outdoor opening(s) shall be
located in accordance with 9.3.3. Exception: Within dwellings units, unobstructed stud and joist spaces
(3) Outdoor opening(~) size. T he outdoor opening(s) size shall shall not be prohibited fmm conveying combustion ai1; provided that
be calculated in accordance witl1 the following: not more than one fireblock is removed.
(a) The rntio of tl1e interior spaces shall be the avai lable Ducts shall terminate in a n uno bstructed space, allow-
volume of a ll communicating spaces divided by the ing free movement of combustion a ir to the appliances.
required volume. Ducts shall serve a single space.
(b) The outdoor size reduction factor shall be 1 minus
the ratio of in terior spaces. Ducts shall not serve both upper a nd lower combus-
(c) The minimum size of outdoor opening(s) shall be tion a ir openings where both such o penings are used. The
the full size of outdoor opening(s) calculated in separation between d ucts serving uppe r and lower com bustion
accordance with 9.3.3, multiplied by the reduction ai r openings shal l be maintained to tl1e source of combustion
factor. The minimum d imension of a ir open ings air.
shall not be less than 3 in. (80 mm) . Ducts shall not be screened where terminating in ai1
9.3.5 Engineered Installations. Engineered combustion a ir attic space .
installations shall provide an adequate supply of combustion,
ventilation, and d ilution air determined using engineering H orizontal upper combustion a ir ducts shall not slope
methods. downward toward the sou rce of combustion a ir.
9.3.6 Mechanical Combustion Air Supply. 'Nhere a ll combus- Th e remaining space surround ing a chimney liner, gas
tion a ir is provided by a mechanical air supply system, the vent, special gas vent, or plastic piping installed within a
combustion air shall be supplied from outdoors at the mini- maso111y, metal, or factory built chimney sha ll not be used to
supply combustion air.
mum rate of 0.35 ft3/ min/ 1000 Btu/ hr (0.034 m 3/ min/ kW)
for all appliances located within the space. Exception: Direct vent appliances designed for installation in a solid
Juel-burning fireplace where installed in accordance with the manufac- Where exhaust fans are instal led, additional air shall
turer's installation instructions.
be provided to replace the exhausted a ir. Combustion air intake o penings located on tl1e exte- Each of tl1e appliances served shall be interlocked to
rior of the building shall have the lowest side of the combus-
the mechanical air supply system to prevent main burner oper-
ation where the mechanical air su pply system is not i n opera- tion air intake openi ngs located at least 12 in. (300 mm)
vertically from tl1e adjoin ing finished ground level.
tion .
9.4 Appliances on Roofs. 'Where combustion air is provided by the building's
mechanical ventilation system , the system shall provide the 9.4.1 General.
specified combustion air rate in addition to the required venti-
lation air. Appliances on roofs shall be desig ned or enclosed so
as to withstand climatic conditio ns in the area in which they are
9.3.7 Louvers, Grilles, and Screens. installed. Where enclosures are provided, each enclosure shall
permit easy enu·y and movement, shall be of reasonable height, Louvers and Grilles. The required size of openings for
ai1d shal l have at least a 30 in. (760 mm) clearance between the
combustion, ventilation, and dil ution air shall be based on the
net free area of each opening. V\There the free area through a entire service access panel(s) of the appliance a nd the wal l of
the enclosure.
design of louver, grille, or screen is known, it sha ll be used in
calculating the size opening required to provide the free area
specified. Where the louver and grille design and free area are
not known, it shall be assumed that wood louvers have
2021 Edition
9.4.l.2 Roofs on which appliances are to be installed shall be The passageway shall be unobstructed and shall have
capable of supporting the additional load or shall be rein- solid flooring not less than 24 in. (610 mm) wide from the
forced to support the additional load. enu·ance opening to the appliance.
9.4.l.3 All access locks, screws, and bolts shall be of corrosion- 9.5.2 Work Platform. A level working platform not less than
r·esistant material. 30 in. x 30 in. (760 mm x 760 mm) shall be provided in front of
the service side of the appliance.
9.4.2 Installation of Appliances on Roofs.
9.5.3 Lighting and Convenience Outle t. A permanent 120 V Appliances shall be installed in accordance with the receptacle outlet and a luminaire shall be installed near the
manufacturers' installation instructions. appliance . The switch conu·olling the luminaire shall be loca- Appliances shall be installed on a well-drained surface ted at the enu·ance to the passageway.
of the roof. At least 6 ft (1.8 m) of clearance shall be available 9.6 Appliance and Equipment Connections to Building Piping.
between any part of the appliance and the edge of a roof or
similar hazard, or rigidly fixed rails, guards, parapets, or other 9.6.1 Connecting Appliances and Equipment. Appl iances and
building structures at least 42 in. (1.1 m) in height shall be equipment shall be connected to the building piping in
provided on the exposed side. compliance with 9.6.5 through 9.6.7 by one of the following: Appliances requiring an external source of electrical (1) Rigid metallic pipe and fittings.
power shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70. (2) Semi1·igid metallic tubing and metallic fittin gs. Aluminum
alloy tubing shall not be used in exterior locations. vVhere water stands on the roof at the appliance or in (3) A connector for gas appliances listed in accordance with
the passageways to the appliance, or where the roof is of a ANSI Z21.24/CSA 6.10, Connectors for Gas Appliances. The
design having a water seal, a suitable platform, walkway, or both connector shall be used in accordance with the manufac-
shall be provided above the water line. Such platfo1·m(s) or turer's installation insu·uctions and shall be in the same
walkway(s) shall be located adjacent to the appliance and room as the appliance. Only one co1mector shall be u sed
control panels so that the appliance can be safely serviced per app liance.
whe1·e water stands on the roof. (4) A connector for outdoor gas appliances and manufac-
9.4.3 Access to Appliances on Roofs. tured homes listed in accordance with ANSI Z21.75/ CSA
6.27, Connectors for Outdoor Gas Appliances and Manufac- Appliances located on roofs or other elevated locations tured H omes. Only one connector shall be used per appli-
shall be accessible. ance.
(5) CSST where installed in accordance with the manufactur- Buildings of more than 15 ft (4.6 m) in height shall
er's installation insu·uctions. CSST shall not be d irectly
have an inside means of access to the roof, unless other means routed into a metallic appliance e nclosure where the
acceptable to the authority havingjurisdiction are used. appliance is connected to a metallic vent that term inates The inside means of access shall be a permanent or above a roofline. CSST shall connect only to appliances
foldaway inside stairway or ladder, terminating in an enclosure, that are fixed in place .
scuttle, or trapdoor. Such scuttles or trapdoors shall be at least (6) Listed nonmetallic gas hose connectors in accordance
22 in. x 24 in. (560 mm x 610 mm) in size, shall open easily and with 9.6.2.
safely under all conditions, especially snow, and shal l be (7) Unlisted gas hose connectors for use in laboratories and
consU"llcted so as to permit access from the roof side unless educational facilities in accordance with 9.6.3.
deliberately locked on the inside. At least 6 ft (1.8 m ) of clear- Protection of Connectors. Connectors and n1bing
ance shall be available between the access opening and the addressed in 9.6.1(2), 9.6.1 (3), 9.6.1 (4), 9.6.1(5), a nd 9.6.1 (6)
edge of the roof or similar hazard, or 1·ig idly fixed rails or shall be installed to be protected against physical a nd thermal
guards a minimum of 42 in . (1.1 m) in height shall be provided
damage. Aluminum alloy tubing and connectors shall be
on the exposed side. V\'here parapet5 or other building struc- coated to protect against external corrosion where they are in
tures a1·e utilized in lieu of guards or rails, they shall be a mini- contact with masonry, plaster, or insulation or are subject to
mum of 42 in. (1.1 m) in height.
repeated wettings by such liquids as detergents, sewage, or Permanent lighting shall be provided at the roof water other than rainwater.
access. Th e switch fo1· such lighting shall be located inside the Materials addressed in 9.6.1 (2), 9.6.1 (3), 9.6.1 (4),
building near the access means leading to the roof.
9.6.1 (5), and 9.6.1 (6) shall not be installed through an open-
9.5 Appliances in Attics. ing in an appliance housing, cabinet, or casing, unless the
tubing or connector is protected against damage .
9.5.1 Attic Access. An attic in which an appliance is installed
shall be accessible through an opening and passageway at least Food Service Appliance Connectors. Connectors used
as large as the largest component of the appliance and not less with food service applia nces that are moved for clea ning and
than 22 in. x 30 in. (560 mm x 760 mm) . san itation purposes shall be installed in accordan ce with the
connector manufacmrer's installation instructions. Such vVhere the height of the passageway is less than 6 ft connecto1·s shall be listed in acco1·dance with ANSI Z21.69/ CSA
(1.8 m), the distance from the passageway access to the appli- 6.1 6, Connectors for Movable Gas Appliances.
a nce shall not exceed 20 ft (6.1 m) mea5ured along the center-
line of the passageway.
2021 Edition
9.6.l.4 Restraint. Movement of appliances with casters shall Where industrial appliances subject to vibration are
be limited by a restraining device installed in accordance with connected to the building piping system by the use of all metal
the connector and appliance manufacturer's installation flexible connectors, the connectors shall be suitable for the
instructions. service required.
9.6.l.5* Suspended Low-Intensity Infrared Tube Heaters. Where flexible conne ctio ns are used, they shal l be of
Suspended low-intensity infrared tube heaters shall be connec- the minimum practical length and shall not extend from one
ted to the building piping system with a connector listed for room to another or pass through any walls, partitions, ceilings,
the application in accordance with ANSI Z21.24/ CSA 6.1 0, or floors. Flexible connections shall not be used in any
Connectors for Gas AfJpliances. concealed location . They shall be protected against physical or
thermal damage and shall be provided with gas shutoff valves
(A) The connector shall be installed in accordance with the in readily accessible locations in 1·igid piping upsu·eam from
tube heater installation instructions and shall be in the same the flexible connections.
room as the appliance.
9.6.5 Appliance Shutoff Valves and Connections. Each appli-
(B) Only one connector shall be used per appliance. ance connected to a piping system shall have an accessible,
9.6.2 Use of Nonmetallic Gas Hose Connectors. Listed gas approved manual shutoff valve with a nondisplaceable valve
hose connectors shall be used in accordance with the manufac- member, or a listed gas convenience outlet. Appliance shutoff
turer's installation instructions and as follows: valves and convenience outlets shall serve a single appliance
only and shall be installed in accordance with
( 1) lndo01: Indoor gas hose connectors shall be u sed only to
connect laboratory, shop, and ironing applian ces requir- The shutoff valve shall be located within 6 ft (1.8 m) of
ing mobility during operation and installed in accordance the appliance it serves except as permitted in 01· .
with the following:
(A) Where a connector is used, the valve shall be installed
(a) An appliance shutoff valve shall be instal led whe1·e upsu·eam of the connector. A union or flanged connection
the connector is attached to the building piping. shall be provided downstream from the valve to permit removal
(b) The connector shall be of minimum length and of applian ce controls.
shal l not exceed 6 ft ( 1.8 m) .
(c) The connector shall not be concealed and shall not (B) Shutoff valves serving decorative appliances in a firep lace
extend from one room to another or pass through shall not be located within the fireplace firebox except where
wall partitions, ceilings, 01· floo1·s . the valve is listed for such use .
(2) Outdoo1: v\There outdoor gas hose connectors are used to Shutoff valves serving appliances installed in vented
connect portable outdoor appliances, the connector shall fit·eplaces and ventless firebox e nclosures shall not be required
be listed in accordance with ANSI Z21.54/ CSA 8.4, Gas to be located within 6 ft (1.8 m) of the appliance where such
Hose Connectm·s for Portable Outdo01· Gas-Fired Appliances, and valves are readily accessible and permanen tly identified. The
installed in accordance with the following: piping from the shutoff valve to within 6 ft (1.8 m) of the appli-
(a) An appliance shutoff valve, a listed quick-disconnect ance shall be designed, sized, installed, and tested in accord-
device, or a listed gas convenience outlet shall be ance with Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8.
installed where the connector is attached to the
supply piping and in such a manner so as to prevent 9.6.5. 3 Where installed at a manifold, tl1e appliance shutoff
valve shall be located wi thin 50 ft (15 m ) of the appliance
the accumulation of water or foreign matter.
(b) This connection shall be made only in the outdoor served and shall be readily accessible and permanently identi-
area where the appliance is to be used. fied. The piping from the manifold to within 6 ft (1 .8 m) of tl1e
appliance shall be designed, sized, installed, and tested in
9.6.3* Injection (Bunsen) burners used in laboratories and accordance with Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 .
educational facilities shal l be permitted to be connected to the
gas supply by an unlisted hose. 9.6.6 Quick-Disconnect Devices. Quick-disconnect devices used to connect appl ia nces
9.6.4 Connection of Portable and Mobile Industrial Applian-
ces. to the building piping shall be listed in accordan ce with ANSI
Z21.41 / CSA 6.9, Quick-Disconnect Devices f01· Use with Gas Fuel Where portable industrial appliances or appliances Appliances.
requiring mobility or subject to vibration are connected to the
building gas piping system by the use of a flexible hose, the V\lhere installed indoors, an approved manual shutoff
hose shal l be suitable and safe for the conditions under which valve with a nondisplaceable valve member shall be installed
upsu·eam of the quick-disconnect device.
it can be used. ·where industrial appliances reqrnnng mobility are 9.6.7 Gas Convenience Outlets. Gas conve nience outlets shall
connected to the rigid piping by the use of swivel j oints or be listed in acco1·dance with ANSI Z21.90/ CSA 6.24, Gas
couplings, the swivel joints or couplings shall be suitable for the Convenience Outlets and optional l!.nclosures, and installed in
service required and only the minimum number 1·equired shall accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
be installed.
2021 Edition
9.6.8 Sediment Trap. V\lhere a sediment trap is not incorpora- Chapter I 0 Installation of Specific Appliances
ted as a part of the appliance, a sediment trap shall be installed
downstream of the appliance shutoff valve as close to the inlet 10.1 General.
of the appliance as practical at the time of appliance installa-
tion . The sediment trap shall be either a tee fitting with a IO.I.I * Application. Appliances shall be installed in accord-
capped nipple in the bottom outlet, as illustrated in Figure ance with the manufacnirers' installation instructions and, as
9.6.8, or another device recognized as an effective sediment elsewhere specified in this chapter~ as applicable to the appli-
trap. Illuminating appliances, gas ranges, clothes dryers, deco- ance. Unlisted appliances shall be instal led as specified in this
rative appliances for instal lation in vented fireplaces, gas fire- chapte1· as applicable to the appliances.
places, and outdoor cooking appliances shall not be required 10. 1.2* Installation in a Bedroom or Bathroom. Appliances
to be so equipped. shall not be installed so their combustion, ventilation, and dilu-
9.6.9 Installation of Piping. Piping shall be installed in a tion air are obtained only from a bedroom or bathroom unless
manner not to interfere with inspection, maintenance, or serv- the bedroom or bathroom has the required volume in accord-
icing of the appliances. ance with 9.3.2.
2021 Edition
Where lhe required clearance wilh no protection from appliance, vent connector,
or single-wall metal pipe is:
36 in. 18 in. 12 in. 9 in. 6 in.
Allowable Clearances wilh Specified Protection (in. )
Use Col. 1 for clearances above appliance or horizontal connector. Use Col. 2 for
clearances from appliance, vertical connector, and single-wall metal pipe.
Type of protection applied to and
covering all surfaces of combustible Sides Sides Sides Sides Sides
material within lhe distance specified as and and and and and
lhe required clearance wilh no Above Rear Above Rear Above Rear Above Rear Above Rear
protection (Col. 1) (Col. 2) (Col. 1) (Col. 2) (Col. 1) (Col. 2) (Col. 1) (Col. 2) (Col. 1) (Col. 2)
(1) 3\-2 in. thick masonry wall withou t - 24 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 5
ventilated a ir space
(2) Y2 in. insulation boa rd over l in. 24 18 12 9 9 6 6 5 4 3
g lass fiber or m ineral wool batts
(3) 0.024 in . (nominal 24 gauge) sheet 18 12 9 6 6 4 5 3 3 3
metal over 1 in. glass fiber or
mineral wool batts reinforced with
wire on rear face with ventilated a ir
(4) 3\-2 in. thick mason ry wall with - 12 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6
ventilated air space
(5) 0.024 in . (nomina l 24 gauge) sheet 18 12 9 6 6 4 5 3 3 2
metal with venti lated a ir space
(6) \-2 in. thick insulation board with 18 12 9 6 6 4 5 3 3 3
venti lated a ir space
(7) 0 .024 in . (nom inal 24 gauge) sheet 18 12 9 6 6 4 5 3 3 3
metal with venti lated air space over
0.024 in. (nominal 24 gauge) sheet
metal with ventilated a ir space
(8) l in . g lass fi ber or mineral wool 18 12 9 6 6 4 5 3 3 3
batts sandwiched between nvo sheets
0.024 in. (nominal 24 gauge) shee t
metal with ventilated a ir space
For SI units, l in. = 25.4 mm.
( 1) Reduction of clearances from combustible materials shall not interfere with combustion air, drati: hood clearance and relief, and accessibi lity of
(2) All clearances shall be measured from the outer surface of the combustible mate rial to the nearest point on the surface of the appliance,
disregard ing any intervening protection applied to the combustible material.
(3) Spacers and ties shall be of noncombustible material. No spacer or tie shall be used <lirectly opposite the appliance or connector.
(4) Where a ll clearance red uction systems use a ventilated air space, adequate provision fo r air circu lation shal l be provided as described.
(5) At least 1 in. (25 mm) shall be between clearance reduction systems and combustible walls and ceilings for reduction systems using a ventilated
air space.
(6) \i\lhere a wall protector is installed on a single flat wall away from corners, it shall have a minimum 1 in. (2.5 mm) air gap. To provide adequate air
circu lation, the bottom and top edges, or only the side and top edges, or all edges shall be left open.
(7) Mineral wool bans (blanket or board) shall have a minimum density of 8 lb/ ft3 (128 kg/ m 3 ) and a minimum melting point of l.500°F (816°C) .
(8) Insulation material used as pan of a clearance reduction system shall have a thermal cond uctivity of 1.0 Btu in./ft 2/ hr-°F (0. 144 W/ m-K) or less.
(9) At least 1 in. (25 mm) shall be between the appliance and the protector. T he clearance between the appliance and the combtL~tible surface shall
not be reduced below that allowed in Table 10.2.4.
(10) All clearances and thicknesses are minimtun; larger clearances and th icknesses are acceptable.
( 11) Listed single-wall connectors shall be installed in accordance with d1e manufacnirers' instal lation instructions.
2021 Edition
10.2.6 Furnace Plenums and Air Ducts. vVhere an air condi- 10.3.3 Clearances.
tioner is installed within an enclosure, the installation shall
comply with 10.3.8 .4. Listed central heating furnaces and low-pressure boil-
ers shall be installed with clearances in accordance with me
10.2. 7* Refrigeration Coils. The installation of refrigeration manufacturer's insu-uctions.
coils shall be in accordance with 10.3.9 and 10.3.10. Unlisted central heating furnaces and low-pressure
10.2.8 Switches in Electrical Supply Line. Means for interrupt- boilers shall be installed with clearances from combusti ble
ing the electrical supply to the air-conditioning appliance and material not less man th ose specified in Table
to its associated cooling towe1- shall be in acco1-dance with
NFPA 70, National El.ectrical Code. Cenu-al heating furnaces and low-pressure boilers
shall be permitted to be installed with reduced clearances to
10.3 Central Heating Boilers and Furnaces. combustible material , provided mat the combustible material
or appliance is protected as described in Table 10.2.4 and
10.3.1 Application. Figure through Figure, and such reduc- Central heating furnaces and bo ilers having input tion is allowed by the manufacturer's installation instructions.
ratings up to and including 400,000 Btu/ hr shall be listed in front clearance shall be sufficient for servicing the
accm-dance with the following as applicable: burner and me furnace or boiler.
(1) Furnaces listed in accordance with ANSI Z21.47 / CSA 2. 3,
Gas-Fired Central Furnaces vVhere the furnace plenum is adjacent to pla~ter on
(2) Low-pressure boilers listed in accordance with ANSI metal lath or noncombustible material attached to combustible
material, the clearance shall be meastired to the surface of the
Z21.13/ CSA 4.9, Gas-Fired Low-Pressure Steam and Hot Water
Boilers plaster or od1er noncombustible finish where d1e clearance
specified is 2 in. (50 mm) or less.* Furnaces and boilers having input ratings greater The clearances to mese appliances shall not interfere
than 400,000 Btu/ hr shall be listed or in accordance with
9.1.1. 2 and with combustion air, draft hood clearance and relief, and acces-
sibility fo1- se1vicing.
10.3.2 Location. Cenu-al heating furnace and low-pressure Supply air ducts connecting to listed cen tral heating
boiler installations in bedrooms or bathrooms shall comply
with one ofd1e following: furnaces shall have me same minimum clearance to combusti-
bles as required for the furnace supply plenum for a d istance of
( 1) Central heating furnaces and low-pressure boilers shall be not less man 3 ft (0.9 m) from the supply plenum. Clearance
installed in a closet equipped with a weather-stripped shall not be required beyond the 3 ft (0.9 m ) distance.
door wid1 no openings, and with a self-closing device. All
combustion air shall be obtained from the outdoors in Supply air ducts connecting to unlisted cenu·al heat-
acco1-dance with 9.3.3. ing furnaces equipped with temperature limit con u-ols wid1 a
(2) Central heating furnaces and low-pressure boilers shall be maximum setting of 250°F (121 °C) shall have a minimum
of the direct vent type. clearance to combustibles of 6 in. (150 mm) for a d istance of
not less than 6 ft ( 1.8 m) from the furnace supply plenum.
Table Clearances to Combustible Material for Unlisted Furnaces and Boilers
2021 Edition
(1) A equals the clearance with no protection specified in Tables
and and in the sections applying to various types of
(2) B equals the reduced clearance permitted in accordance with Table
(3) The protection applied to the construction using combustible material
shall extend far enough in each direction to make C equal to A.
2021 Edition
2021 Edition
10.4.6 Exhaust Ducts for Type 2 Clothes Dryers. 10.7.3 Installation. The installation of vented gas fireplaces
shall comply with the following requit-ements: Exhaust ducts for Type 2 clothes dryers shall comply
with 10.4.5 . (1) Vented gas fireplaces shall be installed in accordance with
the manufacttu-er's installation instructions and where Exhaust ducts for Type 2 clothes dryers shall be installed in or attached to combustible material shall be
constructed of sheet metal 01- other noncombustible material. specifically listed for such installation.
Such ducts shall be equivalent in strength and corrosion resist- (2) Panels, grilles, and access doo1·s that are required to be
ance to ducts made of galvanized sheet steel not less than removed for normal servicing operations shall not be
0.0195 in. (0.5 mm) thick. attached to the building. Type 2 clothes dryers shall be equipped or installed (3) Direct vent gas fir·eplaces shall be installed with the vent
air intake terminal in the outdoors and in accordance
with lint-controlling means.
with the manufacturer's instructions. vVhe1·e ducts pass through walls, floors, or partitions,
the space arotmd the duct shall be sealed with noncombustible 10.7.4 Combustion and Circulating Air. Combustion and
circulating air shall be provided in accordance with Section 9.3.
material. Multiple installations of Type 2 clothes dryers shall be 10.8 Direct Heating and Forced Ventilation Applian-
made in a manner to prevent adverse operation due to bac k ces.
pressures that might be created in the exhaust systems. 10.8.1 Application. Direct gas-fired heating and forced venti-
10.4. 7 Multiple-Family or Public Use. All clothes dryers in- lation appliances for commercial and industrial appl ications
stalled for multiple-family or public use shall be installed as shall be listed in acco1·dance with the following standards as
specified for a Type 2 clothes dryer under 10.4.6.
(1) ANSI Z83.4/CSA 3.7, Non-Recirculating Direct Gas-Fired
10.5 Conversion Burners. Instal lation of conversion burners Heating and Forced Ventilation Appliances for Commercial and
shall conform to ANSI Z21.8, Installation of Domestic Gas Conver-
Industrial Application.
sion Burners. (2) ANSI Z83 .18, Recirculating Direct Gas-Fired Heating and
10.6 Decorative Appliances for Installation in Vented Fi.repla- Forced Ventilation Appliances for Commercial and Industrial
ces. Application.
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I INSTALLATION OF SPECIFIC APPLIANCES 54-81 All air to the non-recirculating direct gas-fired heat- 10.9.5 Location of Draft Hood and Controls. The controls,
ing and forced ventilation appliance shall be ducted directly combustion air inlet, and draft hoods for duct furnaces shall be
from outdoors. located out5ide the ducts. The draft hood s hall be located in
the same enclosure from which combustion air is taken . Ventilation a ir to the recirculating direct gas-fired
heating and forced ventilation appliance shall be ducted 10.9.6 Circulating Air. \.\'here a duct furnace is installed so
directly from outdoors. Air in excess of the minimum ventila- that supply ducts carry air circulated by the furnace to areas
tion air specified on the heater's rating plate shall be taken outside the space containing the furnace, the remrn a ir shall
from the building, ducted directly from outdoors, or a combi- also be handled by a duct(s) sealed to the furnace casing and
nation of both. terminating outside the space containing tl1e furnace. The duct
furnace shall be installed on the positive-pressure side of the \.\'here outdoor air dampers or closing louvers are c irculating air blower.
used, they shall be verified to be in the open position prior to
main burner operation . 10.9.7 Duct Furnaces Used with Refrigeration Systems.
10.8.6 Atmospheric Ve nts or Gas Reliefs or Bleeds. Direct A duct furnace shall not be installed in conjunction
gas-fired heating and fo1-ced ventilation appliances with valve with a 1-efrigeration coil where circulation of cooled air is provi-
train components equipped with atmospheric vents, gas reliefs, ded by tl1e blower.
or bleeds shall have their vent lines, gas reliefs, or bleeds lead
to a safe point outdoors. Means shall be employed on these Exception: Where the blower has sufficient capacity to overcome the
lines to prevent water from entering and to prevent blockage external static resistance imposed by the duct system, the furnace, and
from insects and foreign matter. An atmospheric vent line shall the cooling coil and the ai:r throughput necessa1y for heating or cooling,
not be required to be provided on a valve train component whichever is greatei:
equipped with a listed vent limiter. Duct furnaces used in cortjunction with cooling appli-
ances shal l be installed in paralle l with or on the upstream side
10.8. 7 Relief Openings. The design of the installation shall
include adequate provisions to permit the direct gas-fo-ed heat- of cooling coils to avoid condensation with in heating element5.
ing and forced venti lation appliances to operate at their rated W ith a parallel flow an-angement, the dampers or othe1- means
used to control the flow of air shall be sufficiently tight to
airflow without overpressurizing the space served by the heater
b y taking into account the stn1cnll'e's designed infiltration rate, prevent any circulation of cooled a ir through the unit.
properly designed relief openings, or an interlocked powered Exception: Where the duct furnace has been specifically listed for down-
exhaust system, or a combination of these methods. stream installation. The strucmre's designed infiltration rate and the size* \.\'here a duct furnace is installed downstream of an
of relief opening(s) shall be determined by engineering meth- evaporative cooler or air washer, tl1e heat exchanger shall be
ods. constructed of corrosion-resistant materials. Air washers operat- Louver m counterbalanced gravity damper relief ing with chilled water that deliver air below the dew point of
openings shall be permitted. Where motorized dampers or the ambient a ir at the duct furnace shall be considered as
refrigeration systems.
closable louvers are used, they shall be proved to be in their
open position prior to main burner operation. 10.9.8 Installation in Commercial Garages and Aircraft Hang-
10.8.8 Purging. Inlet ducting, when used, shall be purged ars. Duct furnaces installed in garages for mm·e than three
motor vehicles or in a ircraft hangars shall be installed in
with at least four air changes prior to an ignition attempt.
accordance with 9.1.11and9.1.12.
IO. 9 Duct Furnaces.
IO.IO Floor Furnaces.
10.9.1 Application. Duct furnaces with inputs of 10 MBtu/ hr
IO.IO.I Application. Floor furnaces shall be listed in accord-
or less shall be listed in accordance with ANSI Z83.8/ CSA 2.6,
Gas Unit Heaters, as Packaged Heaters, Gas Utility Heaters, and Gas- ance with ANSI Z21.86/ CSA 2.32, Vented Gas-Fired Space H eating
fired Duct Furnaces. ApfJliances.
10.I0.2 Installation. The installatio n of floor furnace s shall
10.9.2 Clearances. Duct furnaces shall be installed with clear-
ances of at least 6 in. (150 nun) benveen adjacent walls, ceil- comply with the following requiremen ts:
ings, and floors of combustible material, and the furnace draft (1) Floor furnaces shall be instal led in accordance with the
hood and shall comply with the following: manufacnirers' installa ti on insu-uctions.
(1) Duct furnaces listed for installation at lesser clearances (2) Thermostats controlling floor ftu-naces shall not be loca-
ted in a room or space that can be separated from the
shal l be installed in accordan ce with the manufacturer's
installation insU-uctions. room or space in which the register of the floor furnace is
(2) The clearance shall not interfere with combustion air and located.
accessibility. 10.I0.3 Temperature Limit Controls. Automatically operated
10.9.3 Installation of Duct Furnaces. Duct furnaces shall be floor furnaces shall be equipped with temperamre limi t
installed in accordance with the manufacmrers' instructions. controls.
I0.10.4 Combustion and Circulating Air. Combustion and
10.9.4 Access Panels. The ducts connected to duct furnaces
shall have removable access panels on both the upstream and circulating air shall be p rovided in accordance \vith Section 9.3.
downsu-eam sides of the furnace .
2021 Edition
10.10.5 Placement. The following provisions apply to furna- the prov1s10ns of Section 9.3, with access for serv1cmg, m1m-
ces that serve one story: mrnn furnace clearances of 6 in. (150 mm) to all sides and
bottom, and with the enclosure consu-ucted of Portland
(1) Floors. Floor furnaces shal l not be installed in the floor of
any doorway, stainvay landing, aisle, or passage\vay of any cement pla5ter or metal lath or other noncombustible material.
enclosure, public or private, or in an exit\vay from any 10.10.I3 First Floor Installation. Floor furnaces installed in
such room or space. the first or ground floors of buil dings shall not be required to
(2) Walls and Corners. The register of a floor furnace with a be enclosed unless the basements of these buildings have been
horizontal \varm air outlet shall not be placed closer than converted to apartments or sleeping quarters, in which case tl1e
6 in. (150 mm) from the nearest wall. A distance of at floor furnace shall be enclosed as specified for upper floor
least 18 in. (460 mm) from t\vo adjoining sides of the installations and shall project into a nonhabitable space.
floor furnace register to walls shall be provided to elimi-
nate the necessity of occupants walking over the warm air 10. I I Food Service Appliance, Floor-Mounted.
discharge. The remaining sides shall be a minimum of 10.I 1.I Application. Floor-mounted food service appl iances
6 in. (150 mm) from a wall. Wall register models shal l not
shall be listed in accordance with ANSI Z83.ll / CSA 1.8, Gas
be placed closer than 6 in. (150 mm) to a corner. Food Seroice Equipment.
(3) Draperies. The furnace shall be placed so that a doo1~ drap-
ery, or similar object cannot be nearer than 12 in. 10.I 1.2 Clearance for Listed Appliances. Floor-mounted food
(300 mm) to any portion of the register of the furnace. service appliances, su ch as ranges for hotels and restaurants,
deep fat fryers, unit broilers, kettles, steam cookers, steam
IO.I0.6 Bracing. The space provided for the furnace shall be generators, and baking and roasting ovens, shall be installed at
framed with doubled j oists and with headers not lighter than
least 6 in. (150 mm) from combustible material except that at
the j o ists. least a 2 in. (50 mm) clearance shall be maintained between a
I0.10.7 Support. Means shall be provided to support the draft hood and combustible material. Floor-mounted food serv-
furnace when the floor register is removed. ice appliances listed for installation at lesser clearances shall be
installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation
10.I0.8 Clearance. The lowest portion of the floor furnace instmctions. Appliances designed and marked "For use only in
shall have at least a 6 in. (150 mm) clearance from the general noncombustible locations" shall not be installed elsewhere.
ground level. A reduced clearance to a minimum of 2 in .
(50 mm) shall be permitted, provided the lower 6 in. 10.Il.3 Mounting on Combustible Floor.
(150 mm) portion of the floor furnace is sealed by the manu- 10.I 1.3. I Floor-mounted food service appliances that are
facturer to prevent enu-ance of \vater. vVhere these clearances
listed specifically for installation on floors consu-ucted of
are not present, the ground below and to the sides shall be com bustible material shall be permitted to be installed on
excavated to form a "basin-Like" pit under the furnace so that combustible floors in accordance with the manufacturer's
the required clearance is provided beneath the lowest portion installation insu-u ctions.
of the furnace . A 12 in. (300 mm) clearance shall be provided
on all sides except the conu-ol side, which shall have an 18 in . 10.Il.3.2 Floor-mounted food setvice appliances that are not
(460 mm) clearance. listed for installation on a combustible floor shall be installed
in accordance with 10.11.4 or be installed in accordance with
10.I0.9 Access. The space in which any floor furnace is in- one of the following:
stalled shall be accessible by an opening in the foundation not
less than 24 in. x 18 in . (610 mm x 460 mm) or b y a u-apdoor (1) Vl\'here the appliance is set on legs that provide not less
not less than 24 in . x 24 in. (610 mm x 610 mm) in any cross- than 18 in. (460 mm ) open space under the base of the
section thereof, and a pa5sageway not less than 24 in. x 18 in . appliance or where it has no burners a nd no portion of
(610 mm x 460 mm) in any cross-section thereof. any oven or broiler within 18 in. (460 mm) of the floor, it
shall be permitted to be installed on a combustible floo1-
IO.IO.IO Seepage Pan. 'l\'here the excavation exceeds 12 in. without special floor protection, provided at least one
(300 mm) in depth or water seepage is likely to collect, a water- sheet metal baffle is between the burner and the floor.
tight copper pan, concrete pit, or other suitable material shall (2) 'l\1he1-e the appliance is set on legs that provide not less
be used, unless adequate drainage is provided or the appliance than 8 in. (200 mm) open space tmder the base of d1e
is sealed by the manufacture1- to meet this condition. A copper appliance, it shall be permitted to be installed on
pan shall be made of not less than 16 oz/ft2 (4.9 kg/m 2) sheet combustible floors, provided the floo1· under the appli-
copper. The pan shall be anchored in place so as to prevent ance is protected with not less than % in. (9.5 mm) insu-
floating, and the \valls shall extend at least 4 in. (100 mm) lating millboard covered with sheet metal not less than
above the ground level with at least a 6 in. (150 mm) clearance 0.0195 in. (0.5 mm) thick. The pi-eceding specified floo1-
on all sides, except on the conu·ol side, which shall have at least protection shall extend not less than 6 in. (150 mm)
an 18 in. (460 mm) clearance. beyond the appliance on all sides.
(3) 'l\lhere the appliance is set o n legs that provide not less
I0.10.11 Wind Protection. Floor furnaces shall be protected,
than 4 in. (100 mm) under the base of the appliance, it
where necessary, against severe wind conditions.
shall be permitted to be installed on combustible floors,
10.10.12 Upper Floor InstaJlations. Floor furnaces shall be provided the floo1- under the appliance is protected with
permitted to be installed in an upper floor, provided the hollow masonry not less than 4 in. (100 mm) in thickness
furnace assembly projects below into a utili ty room, closet, covered with sheet metal not less than 0.0195 in.
garage, or similar nonhabitable space. In such installations, the (0.5 mm) thick. Such masonry courses shall be laid with
floor furnace shal l be enclosed completely (entirely separated ends unsealed and joints matc hed in such a \vay as to
from the nonhabitable space) with means for air intake to meet provide for free circulation of air through tl1e maso111y.
2021 Edition
(4) \!\There the appliance does not have legs at least 4 in. 10. 13.2 Installation. Floor-mounted and built-in household
(100 mm) high, it shall be permitted to be installed on cooking appliances shall be i nstalled in acco1-dance with the
combustible floors, provided the floor under the appli- manufacturer's installation instructions.
ance is protected by two courses of 4 in. (l 00 mm) hollow
clay tile, or equivalent, with courses laid at right angles 10.13.3 Clearances. Floor-mounted household cooking appli-
and with ends unsealed and joints matched in such a way ances, wher-e installed on combustible floors, shall be set on
their own bases or legs and shall not interfere with combustion
as to provide for free circulation of air through such
masonry courses, and covered with stee l plate not less air, accessibility for operation, and servicing.
than Yi6in. (4.8 mm) in thickness. 10.13.3.l * Vertical Clearance Above Cooking Top. House-
10. ll .4 Installation on Noncombustible Floor. hold cooking appliances shall have a vertical clearance above
the cooking top of not less than 30 in . (760 mm) to combusti- Floor-installed food service appliances that are ble material or metal cabinets. A minimum clearance of 24 in.
designed and marked "For use only in noncombustible loca- (610 mm) shall be permitted when o ne of the following is
tions" shall be installed on floors of noncombustible construc- installed:
tion wid1 noncombustible flooring and surface fmish and with (l) The underside of the combustible material or metal cabi-
no combustible material against the underside thereof, or on
net above the cooking top is protected with not less than
noncombustible slabs or arches having no combustible mate- 1;:J in. (6 mm) insulating millboard covered with sheet
1-ial against the underside the1·eof. metal not less than 0.0122 in. (0.3 mm) thick.
10. ll.4.2 Such construction shall in all cases extend not less (2) A metal ventilating hood of sheet metal not less than
than 12 in. (300 mm) beyond the appliance on all sides. 0.0122 in. (0.3 mm) thick is installed above the cooki ng
top with a clearance of not less than Y, in. (6 mm)
10.ll.5 Combustible Material Adjacent to Cooking Top. Food between the hood and the underside of the combustible
service ranges shall be installed to provide clearance to material or metal cabinet, and the hood is at least as wide
combustible material of not less than 18 in. ( 460 mm) horizon- as d1e appliance and is centered over the appliance.
tally for a distance up to 2 ft (0.6 m) above the surface of the (3) A cooking appliance or microwave oven is installed over a
cooking top where the combustible material is not completely cooking appliance and conforms to the terms of the
sh ielded by high shelving, a wanning closet, or other system . upper appliance's manufacturer's installation insnuc-
Reduced combustible material clearances are permitted where tions.
protected in accordance with Table 10.2.4.
IO.14 Illuminating Appliances.
10.11.6 Use with Casters. Floor-mounted appliances with
casters shall be listed fo1- such c onsnctetion and shall be in- 10.14.l Clearances for Listed Appliances. Listed illuminating
stalled in accordance with the manufacturer"s instal lation appliances shall be installed in accordance with the manufac-
instructions for limiting the movement of the appliance to turer's installation instructions.
prevent strain on the connection. 10.14.2 Clearances for Unlisted Appliances.
10.11.7 Level Installation. Floor-motmted food service appli-
10.14.2.l Enclosed Type. Clearance shall comply with the
ances shall be installed level on a firm foundation . following:
10.ll.8* Ventilation. Means shall be provided to properly (1) Unlisted enclosed illuminating appliances installed
ventilate the space in which a food service appliance is installed outdoors shall be installed with clearances in any direc-
to permit prope r combustion of the gas. tion from combustible material of not less than 12 in.
10.12 Food Service Appliances, Counter Appliances. (300 mm) .
(2) Unlisted enclosed illuminating appliances installed
10.12.l Application. Food service counter applfances shall be indoors shall be installed with clearances in any direction
listed in accordance with ANSI Z83.l l/CSA 1.8, Gas Food Service from combustible material of not less than 18 in.
~Equipment. (460 mm).
10.12.2 Vertical Clearance. A vertical d istance of not less than Open-Flame Type. Clearance shall comply with the
48 in. (1 .2 m) shall be provided between the top of all food following:
service hot plates and griddles and combustible material. (1) Unlisted open-flame illuminating appliances installed
10.12.3 Clearance for Appliances. Food service counter appli- outdoors shall have clearances from combustible material
ances, where installed on combustible surfaces, shall be in- not less than that specified in Table The
stalled with a minimum hor·izontal clearance of 6 i n. (150 mm) distance from ground level to the base of the burner shall
from combustible material, except that at least a 2 in. (50 mm) be a minimum of 7 ft (2.1 m ) wh ere installed with in 2 ft
clearance shall be maintained between a draft hood and (0.6 m) of walkways. Lesse1- clearances shall be permitted
combustible material. Food service counter appliances listed to be used where acceptable to the authority havingjuris-
for installation at lesser clearances shall be installed in accord- diction .
ance with the manufacturer's installation insu-uctions. (2) Unlisted open-flame illuminating appliances installed
outdoors shall be equipped with a limiting orifice or
10.13 Household Cooking Appliances. other limiting devices that maintain a flame height consis-
10.13.l Application. Household cooking appliances shall be tent with the clearance from combustible material, as
given in Table
listed in accordance with ANSI Z21.l / CSA 1.1, Household Cook-
ing Gas Appliances.
2021 Edition
(3) Appliances designed for flame heights in excess of 30 in. 10.16.3 Clearance. The installation of infrared heaters sh all
(760 nun) shall be approved. Such appliances shall be meet the following clearance requirements:
equipped with a safety shutoff device or automatic igni-
(1) Listed heaters shall be installed wi th clearances from
tion . combustible material in accordance the manufacttn-er's
(4) Clearances to combustible material from unlisted open- installation instructions.
flame illuminating appliances shall be approved.
(2) Un listed heaters shall be installed in accordance with
10.14.3 Installation on Buildings. llluminating appliances clearances from combustible material acceptable to the
designed for installation on a wall or ceiling shall be securely authority having jurisdictio n.
attached to substantial structw·es in su ch a manner that they (3) In locations used for the storage of combustible materials,
are not dependent on the gas piping for support. signs shall be posted to specify the maximum permissible
stacking height to maintain required clearan ces from the
10. 14.4 Installation on Posts. Illuminating appliances heater to the combustibles.
designed for installation on a post shall be securely and rigidly
attached to a post. Posts shall be rigidly installed. The strength 10.16.4 Combustion and Ventilation Air.
and rigidity of posts gr·eater than 3 ft (0.9 m) in height shall be \i\ihere unvented infrared heaters are used, natural
at least equivalent to that of a 2~ in. (64 mm) diameter post or mechanical means shall be provided to supply and exhaust
constructed of 0.064 in. (1.6 mm) thick steel or a 1 in . Sched-
at least 4 ft3/ min / 1000 Btu/ hr (0 .38 m 3/ min/ kW) input of
ule 40 steel pipe. Posts 3 ft (0.9 m) or less in height shall not be
installed heaters.
smaller than a Y.! in. Schedule 40 steel pipe. Drain openings
shall be provided near the base of post5 where water collecting Exhaust open ings for removing flue products shall
inside the posts is possible . be above the level of the heaters.
10.14.5 Appliance Pressure Regulators. \i\ihere an appliance 10.16.5 Installation in Commercial Garages and Aircraft Hang-
pressure regulator is not supplied with an illuminating appli- ars. Overhead heaters installed in garages for more than three
ance and the service line is not equipped with a service pres- motor veh icles or in aircraft hangars shall be listed and shall be
sure regulator, an appliance pressure regulator shall be installed in accordance with 9 .1.11 and 9 .1.12 .
installed in the line serving one or more illuminating applian-
10.17 Open-Top Broiler Units.
10. 15 Incinerators, Commercial-Industrial. Commercial- 10.17. 1 Application. Open-top broiler units shall be listed in
indusu-ial-type incinerators shall be constructed and installed accordance with ANSI Z83.11 /CSA 1.8, Gas Food Service Equip-
in accordance vvith NFPA 82. ment, or ANSI Z21.l / CSA 1.1, Househol.d Cooking Gas Appliances,
and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installa-
10.16 Infrared Heaters. tion instructions.
10.16.1 Application. Infrared heaters having an input rating 10.17.2 Protection Above Domestic Units. Domestic open-top
of 400,000 Btu/ hr or less shall be listed in accordance with broiler units shall be provided with a metal ventilating hood
ANSI Z83.19/ CSA 2.35, Gas-Fired High Intensity Infrared Heaters, not less than 0.0122 in. (0.3 mm) thick with a clearance of not
or ANSI Z83.20/ CSA 2.34, Gas-Fired Tubular and Low-Intensity less than Y,1 in. (6 mm) between the hood and the underside of
Infrared Heaters. com bustible mate1·ial or metal cabinets. A clearance of at least
24 in. (610 mm) shall be maintained between the cooking top
10.16.2 Support. Suspended-type infrared heaters shall be
and the combustible material or metal cabinet, and the hood
fixed in position independent of gas and electri c supply lines.
s hall be at least as wide as t he open-top broiler unit and
Hangers and brackets shall be of noncombustible material. centered over the unit. Domestic open-top broiler units incor-
H eaters subj ect to vibration shall be provided with vibration-
porating an integral exhaust system and listed for use without a
iso lating hangers.
ventilating hood shall not be required to be provided wi th a
ventilating hood if installed in accordance with 10.13 .3.1 (1) .
10.17.3 Commercial Units. Commercial open-top broiler
Table Clearances for Unlisted Outdoor Open-Flame tmits shal l be provided with ventilation in accordance with
Illuminating Appliances NFPA96.
10.18 Outdoor Cooking Appliances. Outdoor cooking appli-
Minimum Clearance ances shall be listed in accordance with ANSI Z83.l l / CSA 1.8,
from Combustible Gas Food Service Equipment, ANSI Z21.58/ CSA 1.6, Outdom· Cook-
Flame H eight
Material ing Gas Appliances, or ANSI Z21.89/ CSA 1.18, Outdoor Cooking
Above Burner
(ft)* Specialty Gas Appliances, and installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's installatio n instructions.
(in.) Horizontal Vertical
12 10.19 Pool H eaters.
2 6
18 3 8 10.19.1 Application. P ool heaters shall be listed in accordance
24 3 10 with ANSI Z21.56/ CSA 4 .7, Gas-Fired Pool Heaters.
30 4 12
10.19.2 Location. A pool heater sh all be located oi- protected
For SI units, l in. = 25.4 mm, l ft= 0.305 m.
so as to minimize acciden ta ! con tact of hot surfaces by persons.
*Measured from the nearest portion of rhe burner head.
2021 Edition
10.19.3 Clearance. The installation of pool heaters shall meet rating does not exceed 6000 Btu/hr ( 1760 W/!11) and comlntstion and
the following requirements: ventilation air is provided as specified in 10.1. 2.
(l) The clearances shall not interfere with combustion air, Exception No. 2: Where approved, one listed wall-mounted unvented
draft hood or vent terminal clearance and relief~ and room heater equipped an oxygen depletion safety shutoff system
accessibility for servicing. shall be permitted to be installed in a bedroom, provided that the input
(2) A pool heater shall be installed in accordance with the rating does not exceed 10,000 Btu/hr (2930 W/ hr) and combustion
manufacturer's installation insu·uctions. and ventilation air is provided as specified in 10.1. 2.
10.19.4 Temperature or Pressure Limiting Devices. Where a 10.21.3 Installations in Institutions. Room heaters shall not
pool heater is provided with overtemperature protection only be installed in the following occupancies:
and is installed with any device in the discharge line of the
heater that can restrict the flow of water from the heater to the (1) Residential board and care
(2) Health care
pool (such as a check valve, shutoff valve, therapeutic pool valv-
ing, or flow nozzles), a presstu-e relief valve shall be installed 10.21.4 Wall-Mounted Room Heaters. Wall-mounted room
either in the heater or between the heater and the restrictive heaters shall not be instal led in m- attached to walls of combus-
device . tible material unless Listed for such installation.
10.19.5 Bypass Valves. Whe1·e an integral bypass system is not 10.22 Stationary Gas Engines. The installation of gas engines
provided as a part of the pool heate1~ a bypass line and valve shall conform to NFPA 37.
shall be installed between the inlet and outlet piping for use in
adjusting the flow of water through the heater. 10.22.1 Stationary gas engines shall not be rig idly connected
to the gas supply piping.
10.19.6 Venting. A pool heater listed for outdoor installation
shall be installed with the venting means supplied b y the manu- 10.23 Gas-Frred Toilets.
facturer and in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- 10.23.1 Clearance. A listed gas-fired toilet shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer's installation insu·uctions,
10.20 Refrigerators. provided that the clearance is in any case sufficient to afford
ready accessibiJity for use, cleanout, and necessary servicing.
10.20.1 Application. Refrigerato1·s shall be listed in accord-
ance with ANSI Z21.19/ CSA 1.4, Refrigerators Using Gas Fuel. 10.23.2 Installation on Combustible Floors. Listed gas-fired
toilets installed on combustible floors shall be Listed for such
10.20.2 Clearance. Refrigerators shall be provided with clear- installation.
ances for ventilati on at the top and back in accordance with the
manufacturers' instructions. Where such insu-u ctions are not 10.23.3 Installation. Vents or vent connectors tl1at are capable
available, at least 2 in. (50 mm) shall be provided between the of being contacted during casual use of the room in which the
back of the refrigerator and the wall and at least 12 in. toilet is installed shall be protected or shielded to prevent such
(300 mm) above the top. contact.
10.20.3 Venting or Ventilating Kits Approved for Use with a 10.24 Unit Heaters.
Refrigerator. V11he1·e an accessory kit is used for conveying air 10.24.1 Application. Unit heaters shall be listed in accordance
for burner combustion or unit cooling to the refrigerator from
with ANSI Z83.8/ CSA 2.6, Gas Unit H eaters, Gas Packaged Heat-
areas outside the room in wh ich it is located, or for conveying ers, Gas Utility Heaters, and Gas-Fired Duct Furnaces, and installed
combustion products diluted with ai1· containing waste h eat in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
from the refrigerator to areas outside the room in wh ic h it is
located, the kit shall be installed in accordance with the refrig- 10.24.2 Support. Suspended-type unit heaters shall be safely
erato1· manufacturer's insu-uctions. and adequately supported, with due consideration g ive n to
their weight and vibration characteristics. Hangers and brack-
10.21 Room H eaters.
et5 shall be of noncombustible material.
10.21.1 Application. Room heaters shall be listed in accord- 10.24.3 Clearance for Suspended-Type Unit H eaters.
ance with Suspended-type unit heaters shall meet the following require-
10.21.l.l Vented Room Heaters. Vented room heaters shall ment5:
be listed in accordance with ANSI Z21.86/ CSA 2 .32, l4mted Gas- (1) Unit heaters shall be install ed with clearances from
Fired Space Heating Appliances, or ANSI Z21.88/CSA 2.33, Vented combustible material of not less than 18 in. (460 mm) at
Gas Fireplace Heaters. the sides, 12 in. (300 mm) at the bottom, and 6 in.
(150 mm) above the top where the unit heater has an
10.21.l.2 Unvented Room Heaters. Unvented room heaters
shall be listed in accordance with ANSI Z21.11 .2, Gas-Rred Room internal draft hood, or 1 in. (25 mm) above the top of the
H eaters-Volume II, Unvented Room H eaters. sloping side of a vertical draft hood. A unit heate 1· listed
for reduced clearan ces shall be installed in accordance
10.21.2* Prohibited Installations. Unvented room heaters with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
shall not be installed in bathrooms or bedrooms. (2) Clearances for servicing shall be in acco1·dance with the
manufacturers' installation instructions.
Exception No. 1: \!Vhere approved, one listed wall-mounted, unvented
room heater equipped with an oxygen depletion safety shutoff system 10.24.4 Combustion and Circulating Air. Combustion and
shall be permitted to be in5talled in a bathroom, provided that the input circulating air shall be provided in accordance with Section 9.3.
2021 Edition
10.24.5 Ductwork. A unit heater shall not be attached to a Installation of 8-W gas Firestop spacers supplied
warm air duct system unless listed and ma1·ked for such installa- vent for each subsequent by manufacturer of 8-W
tion . ceiling or floor level of gas vent
multistory buildings
10.24.6 Installation in Commercial Garages and Aircraft Hang-
ars. Unit heaters installed in g-arages for mo1·e than three
motor vehicles or in aircraft hangars shall be installed in
accordance with 9.1.11 and9.1.12 .
~ I Plate cut away to provide
/passage of 8-W gas vent
2021 Edition
capacity or the rated steam relief capacity of the device shall Chapter I I Procedures to Be Followed to Place Appliance in
not be less than the in put rating of the water heater. Operation
I0.26.7 Automatic Instantaneous Type: Cold Water Supply.
I I.I Adjusting the Burner Input.
The water supply to an automatic instantaneous water heater
that is equipped with a water flow-actuated control shall be I I.I.I * Adjusting Input. The input rate of the burne1- shall be
such as to provide sufficient pressure to properly operate the adjusted to the proper value in accordance with the appliance
control when water is drawn from the highest faucet served b y manufacturer's instructions. Firing at a rate in excess of the
the heater. nameplate rating shall be prohibited .
10.26.8* Antisiphon Devices. Means acceptable to the author- I I.I.I.I The input rate can be adjusted by eitl1er changing
ity having jurisdiction shall be provided to prevent siphoning in the size of a fixed orifice, changing the adjus tment of an adjust-
any water heater or any tank to which a circulating water heater able orifice, or readjusting the appliance's gas pressure regula-
that incorporates a cold water inlet tube is attached. tor outlet pressure (where a regulator is provided in the
appliance) .
10.27 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems.
The installation of comp1-essed natural gas (CNG) fueling The input rate shall be determined by one of the
(dispensing) systems shall be in accordance with NFPA 52. Resi- following:
dential CNG fueling appliances shall be listed in accordance (1) Checking burner input by using a gas meter
with ANSI/ CSA NGV 5.1 , Residential Fueling Appliances, and (2) Checking burner input by using manifold pressure and
installed in accordance to the appliance manufacturer's instal-
orifice size
lation instructions. Non-residential CNG fueling appliances
shall be listed in accordance with ANSI/CSA NGV 5.2, Vehicle Overfiring shall be prohibited.
Fueling Appliances (W-A), and installed in accordance with the
11.1.2 High Altitude. Gas input ratings of appliances shall be
appliance manufacturer's installation instructions.
u sed for elevations up to 2000 ft (600 m). The input ratings of
10.28 Appliances for Installation in Manufactured Housing. appliances operating at elevations above 2000 ft (600 m) shall
Appliances installed in manufactured housing after the initial be reduced in accordance with one of the following methods:
sale shall be listed for installation in manufactured housing, or (1) At the rate of 4 percent fo1· each 1000 ft (300 m) above
approved, and shall be installed in accordance with the sea leve l before selecting appropriately sized appliance
requirements of this code and the manufacturers' instal lation
(2) A5 permitted by tl1e authority havingjurisdiction
instructions. Appliances installed in the living space of manu- (3) In accordance with the manufacturer's installation
factured housing shall be in accordance with the requi1-ements instructions
of Section 9.3.
II.2* Primary Air Adjustment. The primary air for injection
10.29 Fuel Cell Power Plants. Fuel cell power plants with a (Bunsen)-type burners shall be adjusted for proper flame char-
power output of less than 50 kW shall be listed in accordance acteristics in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's
with ANSI/CSA FC 1, Fuel Cell Technowgies - Part3-100: Station-
instructions. After setting the primary air, the adjustment
ary Fuel Cell Power Systems - Safety, and installed in accordance means shall be secured in position.
with the manufacturer's instructions. Fuel ce ll power plants
with a power output of greater than 50 kW shall be installed in Il.3 Safety Shutoff Devices. Vllhere a safety shutoff device is
accordance with NFPA 853. provided, it shall be checked for proper operation and adjust-
ment in acco1·dance with the appliance manufacturer's instruc-
10.30 Outdoor Open Flame Decorative Appliances. Penna-
tions. Vllhere the device does not turn off the gas supply in the
nently fixed in place outdoor open flame decorative appliances event of pilot outage or other ignition malfunction, the device
shall be installed in accordance with 10.30.l through 10.30.2. shall be serviced 01· replaced with a n ew device.
10.30.1 Application. Outdoor open flame decorative applian- 11.4 Automatic Ignition. Appliances supplied with means for
ces shall be listed in accordance with ANSI Z21.97 / CSA 2.41,
automatic ignition shall be checked for operation within the
Outdoor Decorative Gas Appliances, and shall be installed in parameters provided by the manufactw·er. Any adjustments
accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. made shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installa-
10.30.2 Connection to Piping System. The connection to the tion insu·uctions.
gas piping syste m shall be in accordance with 9.6.1(1 ), 9 .6.1 (2), 11.5 Protective Devices. Where 1-equired by the manufactm-
9.6.1 (4), or9.6.1 (5) . er's installation instructions, all protec tive devices furnished
10.31 Outdoor Infrared Heaters. Outdoor infrared heaters with the appliance, such as a limit control, fan control to
for residential and commercial applications shall be listed in blower, temperature and pressure relief valve, low-water cutoff
accordance with ANSI Z83.26/ CSA 2.27, Gas-Fired Outdoor Infra- device, or manual operating features, shall be checked for
red Patio H eaters, and shall be instal led in accordance with the operation within the parameters provided by the manufacturer.
manufacturer's installation instructions. Any adjusUnents made shall be in accordance witl1 the manu-
facturer's installation instructions.
2021 Edition
11.6* Checking the Draft. Draft hood-equipped appliances 12.3.3* Ventilating Hoods. The use of ventilating hoods and
shall be checked to verify that there is no draft hood spillage exhaust syste ms to vent appliances shall be Limited to industrial
after 5 minutes of main burner operation. appliances and appliances installed in commercial applications.
11. 7 Operating Instructions. Operating instructions shall be 12.3.4 Well-Ventilated Spaces. The flue gases from industrial-
furnished and shall be left in a prominent position near the type appliances shall not be required to be vented to the
appliance for use by the consumer. outdoors where su ch gases are discharged into a large and well-
ventilated industrial space.
Chapter 12 Venting of Appliances 12.3.5 Direct Vent Appliances. Listed direct vent appliances shall be installed in
12.1* Minimum Safe Performance. Venting systems shall be
designed and constructed to convey all flue and vent gases to accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
the outdoors. Through-the-wall vent terminations for listed direct
vent appliances shall be in accordance wit1112.9.l.
12.2 General.
12.2.1 Installation. Listed chimneys and vents shall be in- 12.3.6 Appliances with Integral Vents. Appliances incorporat-
stalled in accordance with Chapter 12 and the manufacturers' ing integral venting means shal l be installed in accordance with
instal.lation instructions.
12.3 Specification for Venting. 12.3.7 Incinerators. Incinerators shall be vented in accord-
ance with NFPA 82.
12.3.1 Connection to Venting Systems. Except as permitted in
12.4 Design and Construction.
12.3.2 through 12.3.6, all appliances shall be connected to vent-
ing systems. 12.4.1 Appliance Draft Requirements. A venting system shall
12.3.2 Appliances Not Required to Be Vented. The following satisfy the draft requirements of the appliance in accordance
wit11 the manufacmrer's insu·uctions.
appliances shall not be required to be vented:
(1) Listed ranges 12.4.2 Design and Construction. Appliances required to be
(2) Built-in domestic cooking unit5 listed and marked for vented shall be connected to a venting system designed and
optional venting installed in accordance with the provisions of Sections 12.5
(3) Listed hot plates t11rough 12.16.
(4) Listed Type 1 clothes dryers exhausted in accordance 12.4.3 Mechanical Draft Systems.
with Section 10.4
(5) A single listed booster-type (automatic instantaneous) Mechanical draft systems shall be listed in accordance
water heater, when designed and used solely for the san i- with UL 378, Draft Equipment, and installed in accordance with
tizing rinse 1·equirements of a dishwashing machine, both t11e appliance and the mechanica l draft system manufac-
provided that the appliance is installed with the draft turer's installation insu·uctions.
hood in place and unaltered, if a draft hood is required,
in a commercial kitchen having a mechanical exhaust Appliances requiring venting shall be permitted to be
system [v\There installed in this manner, the draft hood vented b y mean s of mechanical draft systems of e ithe1· forced
outlet shall not be less than 36 in. (910 mm) vertically or induced draft design.
and 6 in. (150 mm) horizontally from any surface other Forced draft systems and all portions of induced draft
than the appliance.] systems under positive pressure during operation shall be
(6) Listed refrigerators designed and installed so as to prevent leakage of flue or vent
(7) Cotmte1· appliances gases into a building.
(8) Room heaters listed for unvented use
(9) Direct gas-fired make-up air heaters Vent connectors serving applia nces vented by nan1ral
(10) Other applian ces listed for unvented use and not provi- draft shall not be connected into any portion of mechanical
ded with flue collars draft systems operating under positive pressure.
(11) Specialized appliances of limited input such as labora- Where a mechanical draft system is employed, provi-
tory burners 01· gas lights sion shall be made to prevent the flow of gas to the main burn- Where any or all of the appliances in 12.3.2(5) ers when t11e draft system is not performing so as to satisfy t11e
through 12.3.2(11) are installed so the aggregate input rating operating requirements of the appliance for safe performance.
exceeds 20 Bn1/ hr/ ft3 (207 W/ m 3 ) of room or space in which 12.4.4* Ventilating Hoods and Exhaust Systems.
it is installed, one or more shal l be provided with venting
systems or other approved means for conveying the vent gases '"There automatically operated appliances, other than
to the outdoors so that the aggregate input rating of the food service appliances, a1·e vented through a ventilating hood
remaining unvented appliances does not exceed 20 Bn1/ hr/ ft3 or exhaust system equipped with a damper o r with a power
(207 W/ m 3 ) . means of exhaust, provisions shall be made to allow the flow of
gas to the main burners only when the damper is open to a v\There tl1e calculation includes the volume of an adja- position to properly vent the appliance and whe n t11e power
cent room or space , t11e room or space in which the appliances means of exhaust is in operation .
are installed shall be directly connected to tl1e adjacent room
or space by a doorway, archway, or other opening of compara-
ble size that cannot be closed.
2021 Edition
12.4.5 Circulating Air Ducts, Above-Ceiling Air-Handling Table 12.5. l Type of Venting System to Be Used
Spaces, and Furnace Plenums.
12.4.5.l Venting systems shall not extend into or pass through Type of Venting Location of
any fabricated air duct or furnace plenum. Appliances System Requirements vVhere a venting system passes through an above- LisLed Category I Type B gas ven l 12.7
ceiling air space or other nonducted portion of an air-handling appliances
system, it shall conform to one of the following requirements: Listed appliances Chimney 12.6
equipped wiLh
(1) The venting system shall be a listed special gas vent, other drafL hood
system serving a Category III or Category IV appliance, or Appliances listed Single-wall metal 12.8
other positive pressure vent, with joints sealed in accord- for use with pipe
ance with the appliance or vent manufacturer's instruc- Type B gas vent
tions. LisLed c himney 12.6. l.3
(2) The vent system shall be installed such that no fittings or lining sysLem for
joints between sections are installed in the above-ceiling
gas venling
space . 12.5.4
Special gas venL
(3) The venting system shall be installed in a conduit or
!isled for Lh ese
enclosure with joints between the interior of the enclo-
sure and the ceiling space sealed.
Listed vented wall T)1pe B-W gas vent 12.7, 10.25
12.5 Type of Venting System to Be Used.
12.5.1 The type of venting system to be used shall be in 12.5.2, 12.5.4
CaLegory II, As specified or
accordance with Table 12.5.1.
CaLegory Ill, fmnished by
12.5.2 Plastic Piping. vVhere plastic piping is used to vent an and CaLegory IV man ufacLU1-ers
appliance, the appliance shall be listed for use with such vent- appliances of listed
ing materials and the appliance manufacturer's installation appliances
instructions shall identify the specific plastic piping material.
Incinerators l n accordance wiLh NFPA 82
The plastic pipe venting materials shall be labeled in accord-
ance with the product standards specified by the appliance Appliances LhaL can
manufacturer or shall be Listed and labeled in accordance with be convened Lo
UL 1738, Venting Syst,ems for Gas-Burning Appliances, Categories II, use solid fuel
Ill, and IV. Unlisted combination
12.5.3 Plastic Vent Joints. Plastic pipe and fittings used to vent
appliances shall be installed in accordance with the appliance
manufacturer's installation instructions. Plastic pipe venting
CombinaLion gas- Chimney 12.6
materials listed and labeled in acco1-dance with UL 1738, Vent-
ing Systems for Gas-Burning Appliances, Categories II, Ill, and IV, and solid fuel-
shall be installed in accordance with the vent manufacturer's
installation instructions. VVhere primer is required, it shall be appliances
of a contrasting color. Appliances listed for
use wilh chimneys
12.5.4 Special Gas Vents. Special gas vents shall be listed and only
la beled in accordance with UL 1738, Venting Systems for Gas- UnlisLed appliances
Burning Appliances, Categories II, llI, and IV, and installed in
accordance with the special gas vent manufacturer's installation Listed combination Type L ven l 12.7
instructions. gas-and Chimne)' 12.6
12.6 Masonry, Metal, and Factory-Built Chimneys. appliances
12.6.1 Listing or Construction. Decorative Chimney 10.6.3
appliance Factory-built chimneys shall be listed in acco1-dance
in venLed fireplace
with UL 103, Chimneys, Factory-Built, Residential 1)pe and Building
H eating Appliances; UL 959, Medium Heat Appliance Factory-Built Ga5-fired LoileLS Single-wall meLal 12.8, 10.23.3
Chimneys, 01- UL 2561, 1400 Degre,e Fahrenheit Factory-Built Chim- pipe
neys. Factory-built chi mneys used to vent appliances that oper-
ate at positive vent pressure shall be listed for such application.
DirecLvenl 12.3.5
appliances Metal chimneys shall be built and installed in accord-
ance with NFPA 21 1. Appliances with 12.3.6
integral venLS
2021 Edition
12.6. 1.3* Masonry chimneys shall be built and installed in and shall be cleaned if previously used for venting solid or
accordance with NFPA 211 and lined with one of the following: liquid fuel-burning appliances 01- fireplaces.
(1) Approved clay flue lining Chimneys shal l be lined in accordance \vith
(2) A chimney lining system listed and labeled in accordance NFPA 211.
with UL 1777, Chimney Liners
(3) Other approved material that resists corrosion, erosion, Cleanouts shall be examined and where they do not
softening, or cracking from vent gases at temperatures up remain tightly closed when not in use, they shall be repaired or
to 1800°F (982°C) replaced.
J!.'xception: Masonry chimney fl'Ues lined with a chimney lining system When inspection reveals that an existing chimney is
specifically listed for use with listed appliances with draft hoods, Cate- not safe for the intended application, it shall be repaired,
gory 1 appliances, and other appliances listed for use with Type B vents rebuilt, lined, relined, or replaced with a vent or chimney to
shall be permitted. 77ie liner shall be installed in accordance with the conform to NFPA 211 and shall be suitable for the appliances
liner manufacturer's installation instructions. A permanent identij)iing to be attached.
label shall be attached at the point where the connection is to be made to 12.6.5 Chimney Serving Appliances Burning Other Fuels.
the line1: The label shall read "This chimney liner is for appliances that
burn gas only. Do not connect to solid or liquid fuel-lntrning applian- An appliance shall not be connected to a chimney
ces or incinerators. " flue serving a separate appliance designed to burn solid fuel.
12.6.2 Termination. Where one chimney serves gas appliances and liquid
fuel-burning appliances, the appliances shall be connected* A chimney for residential-type or low-heat applian-
through separate open ings or connected through a single
ces shall extend at least 3 ft (0.9 m) above the highest point
opening where joined by a suitable fitting located as close as
where it passes through a roof of a building and at least 2 ft practical to tl1e chimney. \\'here two or more o penings are
(0.6 m) higher than any portion of a building within a horizon- provided into one chimney flue, they shall be at different
tal distance oflO ft (3 m) .
levels. Where the gas appliance is automatically controlled, it A chimney for medium-heat appliances shall extend shall be equipped with a safety shutoff device .
at least 10 ft (3 m) higher than any portion of any building* A listed combination gas- and solid fuel-burning
within 25 ft (7.6 m) .
appliance connected to a single chimney flue shall be A chimney shall extend at least 5 ft (1.5 m) above the equipped with a manual reset device to shut off gas to the main
highest connected appliance draft hood outlet or flue collar. burner in the event of sustained backdraft or flue gas spillage.
The chimney flue shall be sized to properly vent the appliance. Decorative shrouds shall not be instal led at the termi-
nation of factory-built chimneys except where such shrouds are A single chimney flue serving a listed combination
listed and labeled for use with the specific factory-built chim- gas- and oil-burning appliance shall be sized in accordance with
ney system and are installed in accordance with the manufac- the appliance manufacturer's instructions.
turers' installation instructions. 12.6.6 Support of Chimneys. All portions of chinmeys shall
12.6.3 Size of Chimneys. be supported for the design and weight of the materials
employed. Listed factory-built chimneys shall be supported and The effective area of a chimney venting system serv- spaced in accordance with the manufacturer's installa tion
ing listed appliances vvith draft hoods, Category I appliances, instructions.
and other appliances listed for use \vith Type B vents shall be in
accordance \vi th one of the following methods: 12.6.7 Cleanouts. '.\'here a chimney that formerly carried flue
products from liquid or solid fuel-burn ing appliances is used
( 1) Those listed in Chapter 13. \vith an appliance using fuel gas, an accessible cleanout shall be
(2) The effective areas of the vent connector and ch imney
provided. The cleanout shall have a tight-fitting cover and be
flue of a venting system serving a single appliance \vith a installed so its upper edge is at least 6 in. (150 mm) below tl1e
draft hood shall be not less than the area of the appliance lower edge of the lowest chimney inlet openi ng.
flue collar or draft hood outlet or greater than seven
times the draft hood outlet area. 12.6.8 Space Surrounding lining or Vent.
(3) The effective area of the chimney flue of a venting system
serving two appliances with draft hoods shall be not less The remaining space surrounding a chimney liner,
than the area of the larger draft hood outlet plus gas vent, special gas vent, or plastic piping installed \vithi n a
50 percent of the area of the smaller draft hood outlet or masonry chimney shall not be used to vent another appliance.
greater than seven times the smal ler draft hood outlet Exception: '17ie insertion of another liner or vent within the chimney as
area. provided in this code and the liner or vent manufacturer'.~ instructions.
(4) Chimney venting systems using mechanical draft shall be
sized in accordance \vith engineering methods. The remaining space surrounding a chimney liner,
(5) Other engineering methods. gas vent, special gas vent, or plastic piping installed \vithin a
masonry, metal, or factory-buil t ch imney flue shall not be used
12.6.4 Inspection of Chimneys. to supply combustion air. Before replacing an existing appliance or connecting Exception: Direct vent appliances designed for installation in a solid
a vent connector to a chimney, the chimney passageway shall be fuel-burning fireplace wliere installed in accordance with the manufac-
examined to ascertain that it is clear and free of obstructions turer's installation instructions.
2021 Edition
12.6.9 Insulation Shield. Where a factory-built chimney passes (3) A Type B-W gas vent shall terminate at least 12 ft (3.7 m )
through insulated assemblies, an insulation shield consu-ucted in vertical height above the b ottom of the wall furnace .
of steel having a minimum thickness of 0.0187 in. (0.4712 mm) ( 4) A gas vent extending through an exterior wall shall not
(nominal 26 gage) shall be installed to provide clearance terminate adjacent to the wall or below eaves o r parapets,
bel\veen the chimney and the insulation material. The clear- except as provided in 12.3.5 and 12.4.3.
ance shall not be less than the clearance to combustibles speci- (5) Decorative shrouds sha ll not be installed at the termina-
fied by the chimney manufacturer's installation instructions. tion of gas vents except where such shrouds are listed for
Whe1-e chimneys pass through attic space, the shield shall u se with the specific gas venting system and a1-e installed
terminate not less than 2 in. (51 mm) above the insulation in accordance with the manufacturer's insta llation
materials and shall be secured in place to prevent displace- instructions.
ment. (6) All gas vents shall extend through the roof flashing, roof
jack, or roof thimble and terminate with a listed cap or
12. 7 Gas Vents.
listed roof assembly.
12.7.1 Materials. Type Band Type BW gas vents shall be listed (7) A gas vent shall terminate at least 3 ft (0.9 m) above a
in accordance with UL 441, Gas vent~. Vents for listed combina- forced air inlet located with in 10 ft (3 .0 m).
tion gas- and oil-burning appliances shall be listed in accord-
12.7.4 Size of Gas Vents. Venting systems shall be sized and
ance with UL 641, Type L Low-Temj>erature Venting S)•stems. constructed in accordance with throug h and
12. 7.2 Installation. The installation of gas vents shal l meet the the appliance manufacturer's instructions.
following requirements:
(1) Gas vents shall be installed in accordance with the manu-
facturer's installation instructions.
Table 12. 7.3 Roof Slope Heights
(2) A Type B-W gas vent shall have a listed capacity not less
than that of the listed vented wall furnace to which it is
connected. H(minimum)
(3) Gas vent5 installed within masonry chimneys shall be Roof Slope ft m
installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installa-
tion insu-u ctions . Gas vents installed within masonry Flat to 6/ 12 1.0 0.30
chimneys shall be identified with a permanent label Over 6/ 12 to 7 / 12 1.25 0.38
installed at the point where the vent enters the chimney. Over 7 / 12 to 8/ 12 1.5 0.46
The label shall contain the following language: 'This gas Over 8/ 12 to 9/ 12 2.0 0.61
vent is for appliances that burn gas. Do not connect to
Over9/ 12 to 10/ 12 2.5 0.76
solid or liquid fuel-burning appliances or incinerntors."
Overl0/ 12to 11/12 3.25 0.99
(4) Screws, rivets, and other fasteners shall not peneu-ate the
Over 11/ 12 to 12/ 12 4.0 1.22
inner wall of double-wall gas vents, except at the transi-
tion from the appliance draft hood outlet, flue collar, or Overl2/ 12to 14/ 12 5.0 1.52
single-wall metal connector to a double-wall vent. Over 14/ 12 to 16/ 12 6.0 1.83
12. 7.3 Gas Vent Termination. The termination of gas vents Over 16/ 12 to 18/ 12 7.0 2.13
shall comply with the following requirements: Over 18/12 to 20/ 12 7.5 2.27
Over 20/ 12 to 21/ 12 8.0 2.44
(1) A gas vent shall terminate in accordance with one of the
(a) Gas vents that are 12 in. (300 mm) or less in size
and located not less than 8 ft (2.4 m) from a vertical
wall or similar obstruction shall terminate above the
roof in accordance with Figure 12.7.3 and Table
(b) Gas vents that are over 12 in. (300 mm) in size or
are located less than 8 ft (2.4 m) from a vertical wall
01- similar obsu-uction shall terminate not less than
2 ft (0.6 m) above the highest point where they pass
through the roof and not less than 2 ft (0.6 m) Roof pitch is x/12
above any portion of a building within 10 ft (3.0 m)
horizon tally.
H (minimum) -
(c) Indusu-ial appliances as provided in 12.3.4. Minimum height from roof
(d) Direct vent systems as provided in 12.3.5. to lowest discharge opening
(e) Appliances with integral vents as provided in 12.3.6.
(f) Mechanical draft systems as provided in 12.4.3 .
(g) Ventilating hoods and exhaust systems as provided
in 12.4.4. FIGURE 12. 7 .3 Termination Locations for Gas Vents with
Listed Caps 12 in. (300 mm) or Less in Size at Least 8 ft
(2) A Type Bora Type L gas vent shal l terminate at least 5 ft
(2.4 m) from a Vertical Wall.
(1.5 m) in vertical height above the highest connected
appliance draft hood or flue collar.
2021 Edition
12.7.4.F Category I Appliances. The sizing of natural draft (2) T he size of the connector for a segment is determined
venting systems serving one 01- more listed appliances equipped from the appliance's gas input rate and available connec-
with a draft hood or appliances listed for use with a Type B gas tor rise and shall not be smaller man the draft hood
vent, installed in a single story of a building, shall be in accord- outlet or flue collar size.
ance with one of the following: (3) The size of the common vertical vent segment, and of the
interconnection tee at me base of that segme nt, is based
(1) The provisions of Chapter 13.
(2) Vents serving fan-assisted combustion system appliances, on the total appliance's gas input rate entering that
or combinations of fan-assisted combustion system and segment and its available total height.
draft hood-equipped appliances, shall be sized in accord- 12.7.6 Support of Gas Vents. Gas vents shall be supported
ance with Chapter 13 01- other engineering med10ds. and spaced in accordance with the manufacturer's installation
(3) For sizing an individual gas vent for a single, draft hood- instructions.
equipped appliance, the effective area of the vent connec-
tor and the gas vent shall be not less than the area of the 12.7.7 Marking. In those localities where solid and liquid
appliance draft hood outlet or greater than seven times fuels are used extensively, gas vents shall be permanently identi-
d1e draft hood outlet area. fied by a label attached to the wall 01- ceiling at a point where
(4) For sizing a gas vent connected to two appliances wim the vent connector enters the gas vent. The label shall read:
draft hoods, the effective area of the vent shall be not less "This gas vent is for appliances that burn gas. Do not connect
than the area of d1e larger draft hood outlet plus to solid or liquid fuel-burning appliances or incinerators." The
50 percent of the area of the smaller draft hood outlet or authority having jurisdiction shall determine whether its area
greater than seven times the smaller draft hood outlet constitutes such a locality.
area. 12.8 Single-Wall Metal Pipe.
(5) Enginee1-ing methods.
12.8.1 Construction. Single-wall metal pipe shall be construc- Vent Offsets. Type B and Type L vents sized in
ted of galvanized sheet steel not less than 0.0304 in . (0.7 mm)
accordance with (3) or shall extend in a thick or of othe1· apprnved, noncombustible, corrosion-
generally vertical direction with offsets not exceeding resistan t material .
45 degrees, except that a vent system having not more than one
60 degree offset shall be permitted. Any angle g reater than 12.8.2* Cold Clin1ate. Uninsulated single-wall metal pipe
45 deg1-ees from the vertical is considered horizontal. The total shall not be used outdoors for venting appliances in regions
horizontal distance ofa vent plus the horizontal vent connector where the 99 percent winte r desig n temperature is below 32°F
serving draft hood-equipped appliances shall not be greater (O°C) .
man 75 percent of the venical height of the vent.
12.8.3 Termination. The termination of single-wall metal pipe Category II, Category III, and Category IV Applian- shall meet the following requirements:
ces. The sizing of gas vents for Category II, Category III, and (1) Single-wall metal pipe shall tenninate at least 5 ft ( 1.5 m)
Category IV appliances shall be in accordance with the appli- in vertical height above the highest connected appliance
ance manufacturers' instructions. The sizing of plastic pipe
draft hood outlet or flue collar.
specified by the appliance manufacttu-er as a venting material (2) Single-wall metal pipe shall extend at least 2 ft (0.6 rn)
for Category II, III, and IV appliances shall be in accordance above the highest point where it passes through a roof of
with the appliance manufacturers' i nstructions.
a building and at least 2 ft (0.6 m ) higher than any Sizing. Ch imney venting systems using mechanical portion of a building wimin a horizontal distance of 10 ft
draft shall be sized in accordance with engineering methods. (3m) .
(3) An approved cap or roof assembly shall be attached to the
12. 7.5 Gas Vents Serving Appliances on More than One Floor. terminus of a single-wall metal pipe. Where a common vent is installed in a multistory 12.8.4 Installation with Appliances Permitted by 12.5.1.
installation to vent Catego1-y I appliances located on more than
one floor level, the venting system shall be designed and in- * Prohibited Use. Single-wall metal pipe shall not be
stalled in accordance with engineering methods. Crawl spaces, used as a vent in dwellings and residential occupancies.
basements, and attics shall be considered as floor levels. Single-wall metal pipe shall be used only for runs'All appliances connected to the common vent shall directly from the space in which the appliance is located
be located in rooms separated from occupiable space. Each of through the roof or exte1-ior wall to the outer air. A pip e pass-
these rooms shall have provisions for an adequate supply of ing through a roof shall extend wimout interruption through
combustion, ventilation, and dilution air that is not supplied the roof flashing, roof jacket, or roof thimble .
from occupiable space. Single-wall metal pipe shall not originate in any unoc- The size of the connectors and common segmen ts of cupied attic or concealed space and shall not pass mrough any
multistory venting systems for appliances listed for use with a attic, inside wall, concealed space, or floor.
Type B double-wall gas vent shall be in accordance with Table Minimum clearances from single-wall metal pipe to
13.2(a)' provided all of me following apply: com bustible material shall be in accordance with Table
(1) The available total height (H) for each segment of a Reduced clearances from single-wall metal pipe to
multisto1-y venting system is the vertical distance b etween com bustible material shall be as specified for vent connectors
d1e level of the highest draft hood outlet or flue collar on in Table 10.2.4.
that floor and the centerline of the next highest intercon-
nection tee.
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I VENTING OF APPLIANCES 54-93 Where a single-wall metal pipe passes through a roof each shall not be less than the area of the appliance
consu-ucted of combustible material, a noncombustible, flue collar 01- draft hood outlet, whichever is
nonventilating thimble shall be used at the point of passage . smaller. The vent area shall not be greater than
The thimble shall extend at least 18 in. (460 mm) above and seven times the draft hood outlet area.
6 in . (150 mm) below the 1-oofwith the annular space open at (c) Engineering methods.
the bottom and closed only at the top. The thimble shall be (2) Where a single-wal l metal pipe is used and has a shape
sized in accordance with other than round, it shall have an equivalent effective
area equal to the effective area of the round pipe fo r Single-wall metal pipe shall not pass through a which it is substituted and the minimum internal dimen-
combustible exterior wall unless guarded at the point of
sio n of the pipe shall be 2 in. (50 mm).
passage by a ventilated metal thimble not smaller than the (3) The vent cap or a roof assembly shall have a venting
following: capacity not less than that of the pipe to which it is
(1) For listed appliances with draft hoods and applian ces attached.
listed for use with Type B gas vents, the thimble shall be a
minimum of 4 in. (100 mm) larger in diameter than the 12.8.6 Support of Single-Wall Metal Pipe. All portions of
metal pipe. v\There there is a run of not less than 6 ft single-wall metal pipe shall be supported for the design and
(1.8 m) of metal pipe in the opening between the draft weight of the material employed.
hood outlet and the thimble, the thimble shall be a mini- 12.8.7 Marking. Single-wall metal pipe shal l comply with the
mum of 2 in. (50 mm) larger in diameter than the metal marking provisions of 12.7.7.
(2) For unlisted appliances having draft hoods, the thimble 12.9 Through-the-Wall Vent Termination.
shall be a minimum of 6 in. (150 mm) larger in d iameter 12.9. l The clearance for through-the-wall d irect vent and non.-
than the metal pipe. direct vent terminals shall be in accordance with Table 12 .9.1
(3) For residential and low-heat appliances, the thimble shall
and Fig ure 12.9.1.
be a minimum of 12 in. (300 mm) larger in diameter
than the metal pipe. Exception: The clearances in Table 12. 9.1 shall not apply to the
cornbustion air intake ofa direct vent appliance.
Exception: Jn lieu of thirnble protection, all combustible material
in the wall shall be rernoved a sufficient distanceJram the rnetal 12.9.2 V\ihere vents, including those for d irect-vent a ppliances
pipe to pmvide the specified clearance frorn such rnetal pipe to or combustion air intake pipes, penetrate outside walls of
cornlntstible rnaterial. Any material used to close up such opening buildings, the annular spaces around such penetrations shall
shall be noncornlnlStible. be permanently sealed using approved materials to prevent
entry of combustion products into the building.
12.8.5 Size of Single-Wall Metal Pipe. Single-wall metal piping
shall comply with the following requirements: 12.9.3 Vent systems for Category IV appliances that terminate
(l)* A venting system ofa single-wall metal pipe sha ll be sized through an outside wall of a building and discharge flue gases
in accordance with one of the following methods and the perpendicular to the adj acent wall shall be located not less
tl1an 10 ft (3 m ) horizontally from an operable opening in an
appliance manufacturer's instrnctions:
adjacent building.
(a) For a draft hood-equipped appliance, in accord-
ance with Chapter 13. Exception: This shall not afJply to vent terrninafs that are 2 ft (0.6 m)
(b) For a venting system for a single appliance with a or rnore above or 25 ft (7. 6 rn) ar more below operable openings.
draft hood, the areas of the connector and the pipe
2021 Edition
Figure Minimum Clearances for Direct Vent Minimum Clearances for Non-
Clearance Clearance Location Terminals Direct Vent Terminals
A Clearance above finished grade level, 12 in. 12 in.
veranda, porch, deck, or balcony
B Clearance to window or door that is 6 in. Applian ces~ 10,000 Btu/ hr 4 ft below or to side of opening o r
openable 9 in. Appliances> 10,000 Btu/ hr~ 1 ft above opening
50,000 Btu/ hr
12 in. Appliances> 50,000 Btu/hr~
150,000 Btu/ hr
Appliances> 150,000 Btu/ hr, in
acc01·dance with the appliance
manufacturer's instru ction s and not
less than the clearances specified for
non-direct vent terminals in row B
c Clearance to non-openable window None unless otherwise specified by the appliance manufacturer
D Vertical clearance to ventilated soffi t None unless oth erwise specified b y the applia nce manufacrnrer
located above the terminal within a
horizontal distance of2 ft (610 mm)
from the center line of the terminal
E Clearance to tmventilated soffit None unless otherwise specified by the applia n ce manufacturer
F Clearance to o u tside corner of building None unless otherwise specified by the applia nce manufacturer
G Clearance to inside corner of building None unless otherwise specified by the applia n ce manufacturer
H Clearance to n on-mechan ical air Same clearance as specified for row B
supply inlet to building and the
combustion air inlet to any other
I Clearance to a mechanical a ir supply 10 ft horizontally from inlet or 3 ft above inlet
J Clearance above paved sidewalk or 7 ft and not l ocated above public walkways or othe r a reas where condensate
paved driveway located on public or vapor can cause a nuisance or hazard
property or other areas where
condensate or vapor can cau se a
nuisance or h azard
K Clearance to underside of veranda, 12 in. wh ere the area beneath the veranda, porch, deck, or balcony is open
porch, deck, or balcony on not less than two sides. The vent terminal is prohibited in this location
where only one side is open.
For SI units, l in. = 25.4 mm, 1 ft= 0.3 m, 1 Btu/ hr= 0.293 W.
2021 Edition
~ = Vent terminal Vent connectors for residential-type appliances shall Table Minimum Thickness for Galvanized Steel Vent
comply wid1 me following: Connectors for Low-Heat Appliances
(1) Vent connectors fo1- listed appliances having draft hoods,
appliances having draft hoods and equipped with listed Diameter of Minimum
conversion burners, and Category I appliances that are Connector Thickness
not insta lled in attics, crawl spaces, or other uncondi- (in.) (in.)
tioned areas shall be one of the following:
Less than 6 0.019
(a) Typ e B 01-Type L vent material 6 to less than 10 0.023
(b) Galvanized sheet stee l not less man 0.018 in. 10 to 12 inclusive 0.029
(0.46 mm) mick 14 to 16 inclusive 0.034
(c) Aluminum (1100 or 3003 alloy or equivalent) sheet Over 16 0.056
not less man 0.027 in. (0.69 mm) mick
(d) Stainless steel sheet not less than 0.012 in. For SI units, l in.= 25.4 mm, I in. 2 = 645 mm2 .
(0.31 mm) mick
(e) Smoom interior wall metal pipe having resistance to or steel of a thickness not less than that specified in Table
heat and corrosion equal to or greater than d1at of and shall comply wim me following: (b), (c), or (d)
(f) A listed vent connector (1) A stee l vent connector for an appliance wim a ven t gas
(2) Vent connectors shall not be covered with insulation. temperature in excess of 1000°F (538°C) measured at me
entran ce to me connector shall be lined with medium-
Exception: Listed insillated vent connectors shall be installed in duty fire brick or me equivalent.
accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. (2) The lining shall be at least 2\1.z in. (64 mm ) mick for a
vent connector having a diameter or greatest c1-oss- A ve nt connector for a nonresidential low-heat appli- sectional dimension of 18 in. (460 mm) or less.
ance shall be a factory-built chimney section or steel pipe
(3) The lining shall be at least 4\1.z in. (110 mm) d1ick laid on
having resistance to heat and corrosion equivalent to mat for
the 4!0 in . (110 mm) bed for a ven t connecto1- having a
me appropriate galvanized pipe as specified in Table
diameter or greatest cross-sectiona l dimension greater
Factory-built chimney sections shall b e j oined together in
than 18 in. (460 mm).
accordance wim me ch imney manufacturer's insu-uctions.
(4) Whe1·e facto1-y-built chimney sections a1-e installed, mey Vent connectors for medium-heat appliances shall shall be joined together in accordance wi th me c himney
be constructed of factory-built, medium-heat chimney sections manufacturer's instructions.
2021 Edition
Table Minimum Thickness for Steel Vent Connectors (2) The connectors shall be attach ed to tll e vertical portion
for Medium-Heat Appliances of the chimney or vent at a n angle of 45 degrees o r less
re lative to the vertical.
Vent Connector Size '"There l\vo or more vent connectors e nter a
Diameter Area Thickness com mo n vent, chirrmey flue, o r sing le-wall m etal p ipe, the
(in.) (in. 2) (in.) smaller connector shall e nte r at the highest level consistent
with tl1e available h eadroom or clearance to combustible ma te-
Up to 14 Up to 154 0 .053 rial.
Over 14 to 16 154 to 201 0 .067 Vent connectors serving Category I appliances shall
Over 16 to 18 201to254 0 .093
not be connected to any portion of a m echa ni cal draft syste m
Over 18 Larger than 254 0 .123
operating under positive static pressure, such as those serving
For S I units, Lin.= 25.4 mm, l in. 2 = 645 mm 2. Category III or Category IV applia nces.
12.11.5 Clearance. Minimum clearances from vent connec-
tors to combustible material shall be in accordance with Table
12.11.3* Size of Vent Connector. 12.8.4 .4 . A vent connector for an appliance with a single draft Exception: The clearance between a vent connector and combustible
hood m- for a Category I fan-ass isted combustion system appli- material shall be permitted to be reduced where the combustible material
ance shall be sized and installed in accordance with Chapter 13 is protected as specified for vent connectors in Table 10.2.4.
or engineering methods. 12.11.6 Joints. Joints bel\vee n section s of connector p iping Where a single appliance having more than one and connections to flue collars o r draft hood outlets sh all be
draft hood outlet or flue collar is in.stalled, the manifold shall fastened in accordance with one of the following methods:
b e constructed according to the insn·uctions of the appliance (1 ) Sheet metal screws
manufacturec Where there are no instructions, the manifo ld (2) Vent connectors of listed vent material assembled and
shall be designed and constructed in accordance with engi- connected to flue collars or draft hood outlets in accord-
neering methods. As an alternative method, the effective area ance witl1 the manufacturers' instructions
of the manifold shall equal the combined area of the flue (3) Other approved means
collars or draft hood outlets, and the vent connectors shall
have a minimum 1 ft (0.3 m ) rise. 12.11.7 Connector Junctions. '"'here ven t connectors are
joined together, the cormection shall be m ade with a m anufac- Where two or m ore appliances are connected to a tured tee or wye fitting.
common vent or chimney, each vent connector shall be sized in.
accordance with Chapter 13 or engineering methods. 12.11.8 Slope. A vent connector shall be installed withou t any
dips or sags and shall slope upward toward t he ven t or c himney As an. alternative method applicable on ly where all at l east Y.i in./ ft (20 mm/ m) .
of the appliances are draft hood-equipped, each vent connec-
tor sha ll have an effective area not less than the area of the Exception: Vent connectors attached to a mechanical draft system in-
draft hood outlet of the appliance to which i t is connected. stall.ed in accordance with appliance and the draft system maniifactu1'
ers' instructions. Where two or more appliances are vented through a
common vent connector or vent manifold, the common vent 12.11.9* Length of Vent Connector.
co1rnector or vent manifold s hall be located at the highest level The maximum horizontal le ng th of a single-wall
consistent with available headroom and clearance to combusti-
connector sh all be 75 percent of the he ight of tl1e chimney or
ble material and sized in accordance with Chapter 13 or engi- vent, except for engineered systems.
neering m ethods. The maximum horizontal leng th of a Type B As an alternative method applicable only where
double-wall connector shall be 100 percent of the h e ig ht of the
there are l\vo draft hood-equipped a ppliances, the effective chi mn ey or ven t, except for engi neered systems. The m aximum
area of the common vent connector or vent m anifold and a ll length of an individua l conn ector for a chimney or vent syste m
junction fittings shall be not less tha n the area of the larger
serving multiple a ppliances, fro m the a ppliance outlet to the
vent connector plus 50 percent of the area of t he smaller flue junction with the common vent or a n other connector, shall be
collar outlet. 100 percent of the heig h t of the chimney or ven t. Where the size of a vent connector is increased to
12.11.10 Support. A vent connector sha ll be supported for
overcom e installation limitati ons and obtain connector the design and weig h t of tl1e material employed to maintain
capacity equal to the appliance input, the size increase shall be clearances and prevent physical damage a nd sepa ra tion of
made at the appliance draft hood outlet. join ts.
12.11.4 Two or More Appliances Connected to a Single Vent. 12.11.11 Chimney Connection. Where l\VO or more openings are provided into one "'There entering a flue in a masonry or metal chim-
ch imney flue or vent, either of the following shall apply:
ney, the vent connector sh all be installed ab ove the extre me
( 1) The openings shall b e at different leve ls. bottom to avoid stoppage .
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I SIZING OF CATEGO RY I VENTING SYSTEMS 54-97 vVhere a thimble or slip joint is used to facilitate 12. 13.5 Location. Draft hoods and baromeu·ic draft regula-
1·emoval of the connecto1·, the connector shall be firmly to1·s shall be installed in the same room 01· enclosure as the
attached to or inserted into the thimble or slip j oint to prevent appliance in such a manner as to prevent any difference in
the connector from falling out. pressure between the hood or regulator and tl1e combustion
air supply. Means shall be employed to prevent the connector
from entering so far as to restrict the space between its end and 12.13.6 Positioning. Draft hoods and draft regulators shall be
the opposite wall of the chimney flue. installed in the position for which they were designed with
reference to the horizontal and vertical planes and shall be
12.11.12 Inspection. The entire length of a vent connector located so that the relief opening is not obsu·ucted by any part
shall be readily accessible for inspection, clean ing, and replace- of the appliance or adjacent consU·uction. The appliance and
ment. its draft hood shall be located so that the relief opening is
12.11.13 Fireplaces. A vent connector shall not be connected accessible for checking vent operation.
to a chimney flue serving a fireplace unless the fireplace flue
12.13.7 Clearance. A draft hood shall be located so that its
opening is permanently sealed. relief opening is not less than 6 in. (150 mm) from any surface
12.11 .14 Passage Through Ceilings, Floors, or Walls. except that of the appliance it serves and the venting system to
which the draft hood is connected. vVhere a greater or lesser Single-wall metal pipe connectors shall not pass clearance is indicated on the appliance label, tl1e clearnnce
through any wall, floor, or ceiling except as permitted b y shall not be less than tl1at specified o n the label. Such clearan- and ces shall not be reduced . Vent connectors for medium-heat appliances shall 12. 14 Manually Operated Dampers.
not pass through walls or partitions constructed of combustible
material. 12.14.1 A manually operated clamper shall not be placed in
any appliance vent connector. Fixed baffles and balancing
12.12 Vent Connectors for Category II, Category III, and Cate- baffles shall not be cla~sified a~ manually operated dampers.
gory IV Appliances. The vent connectors for Category II ,
Category III, and Category IV appliances shall be in accordance 12.14.2* Balancing baffles shall be mechanically locked in the
witl1 Section 12.5. desired position before placing the appliance in service.
12.13 Draft Hoods and Draft Controls. 12.14.3 Balancing baffles shall be listed in accordance with
UL 378, Draft Equipment.
12.13.1 Appliances Requiring Draft Hoods. Vented applian-
ces shall be installed with draft hoods. 12.15 Automatically Operated Vent Dampers. An automati-
cally operated vent clamper shall be listed.
l!,xception: Dual oven-type combination ranges; direct vent appliances;
Jan-assisted combustion S)'Stem appliances; appliances requiring chim- 12.16 Obstructions. Devices that retard the flow of vent gases
ney draft for operation; singl,e-firebox boilers equipped with conversion shall not be installed in a vent connector, chimney, or vent. The
burners with inputs greater than 400, 000 Btu/hr ( 117 kW); applian- following shall not be considered as obstructions:
ces equipped with blast, powei; or pressure burners that are not listed for (1) Draft regulators and safety controls specifically listed for
use with draft hoods; and appliances designed jar forced venting. installation in venting systems a nd installed in accordance
with the manufacturer's installation instructions
12.13.2 Installation. A draft hood supplied with or forming a
part of a listed vented appliance shall be installed without alter- (2) Approved draft regulators and safety controls designed
ation, exactly as furnished and specified by the appliance and installed in acco1·clance with engineering metl1ocls
(3) Listed heat reclaimers and automatically operated vent
dampers installed in accordance with the manufacturers' If a draft hood is not supplied by the appliance installation insu·uctions
manufacturer where one is required, a draft hood shall be ( 4) Vent dampers serving listed appliances installed in
installed, be of a listed or approved type, and, in the absence of accordance with 13.1.l or 13.2.1 or engineering methods
other instructions, be of the same size as the appliance flue (5) Approved economizers, heat reclaimers, and recupera.tors
collar. Where a draft hood is required with a conversion installed in ventin g systems of appliances not required to
burner, it shall be of a I isted or approved type. be equipped with draft hoods, provided the appliance
manufacnu-er's instructions cover the installation of such
12.13.3 Draft Control Devices. Where a draft control device is a device in the venting syste m and performance in
part of the appliance or is supplied by the appliance manufac- accordance with Section 12.1 and12.4.l is obtained
turer, it shall be installed in accordance with the manufactur-
er's insu-uctions. In the absence of manufacturer's instructions,
the device shall be attached to the flue collar of the appliance Chapter 13 Sizing of Category I Venting Systems
or as near to the appliance as practical.
13.l Additional Requirements to Single Appliance Vent. This
12.13.4* Additional Devices. Appliances requiring conu·olled section shall apply where Table 13.l(a) through Table 13.l(f)
chimney draft shall be permitted to be equipped with listed are used to size single appliance venting syste ms. Subsections
double-acting barometric draft regulators installed and adjus- 13.1.l through 13.1.18 apply to Table 13.l (a) tlu·ough Table
ted in accordance with the manufacturer's insu-uctions. 13 .1 (f) .
2021 Edition
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Appliance Input Rating in Thousands of Btu p er H o ur
( ft) (ft) Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max
6 0 0 78 46 0 152 86 0 251 14J 0 375 205 0 524 285 0 698 370 0 897 470
2 13 5J 36 18 97 67 27 157 105 32 232 157 44 321 2J7 53 425 285 63 543 370
4 21 49 34 30 94 64 39 153 103 50 227 153 66 316 211 79 419 279 93 536 362
6 25 46 32 36 91 6J 47 149 JOO 59 223 149 78 3JO 205 93 4J3 273 JJO 530 354
8 0 0 84 50 0 J65 94 0 276 J55 0 4J5 235 0 583 320 0 780 4J5 0 1006 537
2 12 57 40 J6 J09 75 25 178 120 28 263 J80 42 365 247 50 483 322 60 619 4 J8
5 23 53 38 32 J03 7J 42 17J 115 53 255 J73 70 356 237 83 473 3J3 99 607 407
8 28 49 35 39 98 66 5J 164 109 64 247 165 84 347 227 99 463 303 1J7 596 396
10 0 0 88 53 0 J75 JOO 0 295 J66 0 447 255 0 631 345 0 847 450 0 1096 585
2 12 6J 42 J7 118 8J 23 194 J29 26 289 195 40 402 273 48 533 355 57 684 457
5 23 57 40 32 113 77 41 187 124 52 280 188 68 392 263 8J 522 346 95 67J 446
10 30 51 36 41 J04 70 54 176 ll5 67 267 J75 88 376 245 104 504 330 J22 651 427
J5 0 0 94 58 0 191 112 0 327 J87 0 502 285 0 716 390 0 970 52:) 0 1263 682
2 lJ 69 48 15 J36 93 20 226 150 22 339 225 38 475 3J6 45 633 414 53 815 544
5 22 65 45 30 130 87 39 219 142 49 330 2J7 64 463 300 76 620 403 90 800 529
10 29 59 41 40 121 82 51 206 135 64 315 208 84 445 288 99 600 386 116 777 507
15 35 53 37 48 112 76 61 195 128 76 301 198 98 429 275 115 580 373 134 755 491
20 0 0 97 61 0 202 119 0 349 202 0 540 307 0 776 430 0 1057 575 0 1384 752
2 JO 75 51 14 149 100 J8 250 J66 20 377 249 33 531 346 41 711 470 50 917 612
5 21 71 48 29 J43 96 38 242 J60 47 367 241 62 5J9 337 73 697 460 86 902 599
10 28 64 44 38 J33 89 50 229 J50 62 35J 228 81 499 321 95 675 443 112 877 576
J5 34 58 40 46 J24 84 59 217 142 73 337 217 94 481 308 ll I 654 427 129 8:?3 557
20 48 .?2 35 55 ll6 78 69 206 J34 84 322 206 107 464 295 125 634 410 145 830 .?37
30 0 0 100 64 0 213 128 0 374 220 0 587 336 0 853 475 0 ll73 650 0 1548 855
2 9 81 56 13 166 112 14 283 J85 18 432 280 27 613 394 33 826 .?35 42 1072 700
5 21 77 54 28 160 108 36 275 J76 45 421 273 58 600 385 69 8JI 524 82 1055 688
10 27 70 50 37 150 102 48 262 J7l 59 405 261 77 580 371 91 788 :?07 J07 1028 668
J5 33 64 NA 44 141 96 57 249 J63 70 389 249 90 560 357 105 765 490 J24 1002 648
20 56 58 NA 53 J32 90 66 237 J54 80 374 237 102 542 343 ]]9 743 473 139 977 628
30 NA NA NA 73 ]]3 NA 88 214 NA 104 346 2J9 131 507 321 149 702 444 J 7J 929 594
50 0 0 101 67 0 216 134 0 397 232 0 633 363 0 932 518 0 J297 708 0 1730 952
2 8 86 61 11 183 122 14 320 206 J5 497 3J4 22 715 44:? 26 975 615 33 1276 813
5 20 82 NA 27 177 Jl9 35 312 200 43 487 308 55 702 438 65 960 605 77 1259 798
JO 26 76 NA 35 168 Jl4 45 299 J90 56 47J 298 73 681 426 86 935 589 JOl 1230 773
J5 59 70 NA 42 158 NA 54 287 180 66 455 288 85 662 413 100 911 572 ll7 1203 747
20 NA NA NA 50 149 NA 63 275 J69 76 440 278 97 642 401 ll3 888 5.?6 131 1176 722
30 NA NA NA 69 J31 NA 84 250 NA 99 410 259 123 605 376 141 844 522 161 1125 670
100 0 NA NA NA 0 218 NA 0 407 NA 0 665 400 0 997 560 0 J411 770 0 1908 1040
2 NA NA NA JO 194 NA 12 354 NA 13 566 375 18 831 5JO 21 ll55 700 25 1536 935
5 NA NA NA 26 189 NA 33 347 NA 40 5.?7 369 52 820 504 60 IJ41 692 71 1519 926
10 NA NA NA 33 182 NA 43 335 NA 53 542 361 68 801 493 80 JIJ8 679 94 1492 910
15 NA NA NA 40 174 NA 50 321 NA 62 528 353 80 782 482 93 1095 666 109 1465 895
20 NA NA NA 47 J66 NA 59 311 NA 71 513 344 90 763 471 105 1073 653 122 1438 880
30 NA NA NA NA NA NA 78 290 NA 92 483 NA 115 726 449 l3J 1029 627 J49 J387 849
50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA J47 428 NA 180 651 405 197 944 :?75 217 1288 787
2021 Ed ition
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Appliance Input Rating in l11ousand<ii of Btu pe r Hour
(ft) ( l't) Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min M ax Max Min M ax Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max
6 0 0 1121 570 0 1645 850 0 2267 1170 0 2983 1530 () 3802 1960 0 4721 2430 0 5737 2950 0 6853 3520
2 75 675 455 103 982 650 138 1346 890 178 1769 1170 225 2250 1480 296 2782 1850 360 3377 2220 426 4030 2670
4 110 668 445 147 975 640 191 1338 880 242 1761 1160 300 2242 1475 390 2774 1835 469 3370 2215 555 4023 2660
6 128 66I 435 I 7I 967 630 2I9 I330 870 27!; I753 I 150 34I 2235 1470 437 2767 I820 523 3363 22IO 6I8 40I7 2650
8 0 0 126I 660 0 I858 970 0 2571 I320 0 3399 I740 0 4333 2220 0 5387 2750 0 6555 3360 0 7838 40IO
2 7I 77() 515 98 1124 745 I30 1543 1020 I68 2030 I340 212 2584 I700 278 3I96 2110 336 3882 2560 40I 4634 3050
5 115 758 503 154 1110 733 I99 1528 1010 251 2013 I330 311 2563 I685 398 3180 2090 476 3863 2545 562 46I2 3040
8 I37 746 490 I80 I097 720 231 1514 1000 289 2000 I320 354 2552 1670 450 3163 2070 537 3850 2530 630 4602 3030
IO 0 0 I377 720 0 2036 I060 0 2825 1450 0 3742 19~5 0 4782 2450 0 5955 3050 0 7~54 3710 0 8682 4450
2 68 852 560 93 I244 850 I24 1713 1130 161 2256 I48(1 202 2868 1890 264 3556 2340 319 4322 2840 378 5153 3390
5 112 839 547 I49 1229 829 I92 I696 I 105 243 2238 I461 300 2849 1871 382 35% 2318 458 4301 28I8 540 5132 3371
10 I42 817 525 187 I204 795 238 1669 1080 298 2209 I43() 364 28I8 I840 459 3504 2280 546 4268 2780 64I 5099 3340
I5 0 0 1596 840 0 2380 I240 0 3323 1720 0 4423 227() 0 5678 2900 0 7099 3620 0 8665 4410 0 10,393 5300
2 63 1019 675 86 I495 985 114 2062 1350 147 27I9 1770 186 3467 2260 239 4304 2800 290 5232 34IO 346 6251 4080
5 105 I003 660 140 I476 967 I82 204I I327 229 2696 I748 283 3442 2235 355 4278 2777 426 52(!4 3385 501 6222 4057
10 135 977 635 177 I446 936 227 2009 1289 283 2659 I712 346 3402 2193 432 4234 2739 510 5159 3343 599 6175 4019
I5 155 953 610 202 I418 905 257 I976 I250 318 2623 I675 385 3363 2150 479 4I92 2700 564- 51 I5 3300 665 6I29 3980
20 0 0 1756 930 0 2637 1350 0 3701 I900 0 4948 252() 0 6376 3250 0 7988 406(1 0 9785 4980 0 11,753 6000
2 59 1150 755 81 I694 1100 I07 2343 1520 139 3097 2000 175 3955 2570 220 4916 3200 269 5983 3910 32I 7154 4700
5 IOI 1133 738 135 I674 I079 174 2320 1498 219 3071 1978 270 3926 2544 337 4885 3174 403 5950 3880 475 7119 4662
10 I30 1HJ5 710 172 I64I I045 220 2282 1460 273 3029 I940 334 3880 2500 4I3 4835 3130 489 5896 3830 573 7063 4600
I5 I50 1078 688 I95 I609 1018 248 2245 I425 306 2988 I9IO 372 3835 2465 459 4786 3090 541 5844 3795 63I 7007 4575
20 I67 1052 665 217 I578 990 273 2210 1390 335 2948 I880 404 3791 2430 495 4737 3050 585 5792 3760 689 6953 4550
30 0 0 I977 I060 0 3004 1550 (I 4252 2170 0 5725 2920 0 7420 3770 0 9341 4750 0 11,483 5850 0 13,848 7060
2 54 I35I 865 74 2004 I3IO 98 2786 1800 127 3696 2380 159 4734 3050 199 5900 3$IO 24I 7I94 4660 285 86I7 5600
5 96 I332 851 I27 I98I I289 I64 2759 I775 206 3666 2350 252 4701 3020 3I2 5863 3783 373 7155 4622 439 8574 555~
IO 125 I30I 829 I64 I944 1254 209 2716 I733 259 3617 2300 316 4647 2970 386 5803 3739 456 7090 4574 535 8505 547I
I5 I43 I272 807 I87 I908 I22() 237 2674 I692 292 3570 2250 354 4594 2920 43I 5744 3695 507 7026 4527 590 8437 5391
20 I60 I243 784 207 I873 1185 260 2633 1650 319 3523 2200 384 4542 2870 467 5686 3650 548 6964 4480 639 8370 5310
30 I95 1189 745 246 I807 1130 305 2555 1585 369 3433 2130 440 4442 2785 540 !)574 3565 635 6842 4375 739 8239 5225
50 0 0 2231 ll95 0 3441 I825 0 4934 255() 0 6711 3440 () 8774 4460 0 11,129 5635 0 13.767 6940 0 16,694 8430
2 41 1620 1010 66 2431 I513 86 3409 2125 113 4554 2840 141 5864 3670 17I 7339 4630 209 8980 5005 251 10,788 6860
5 90 I600 996 I 18 2406 I495 151 3380 2102 19I 4520 2813 234 5826 3639 283 7295 4597 336 8933 5664 394 10,737 6818
IO 118 I567 972 154 2366 I466 I96 3332 2064 243 4464 2767 295 5763 3585 355 7224 4542 4I9 8855 5585 49I 10,652 6749
15 I36 1536 948 177 2327 I437 222 3285 2026 274 44{)9 272I 330 5701 3534 396 7155 451 I 465 8779 5546 542 10,570 6710
20 151 I505 924 I95 2288 I408 244 3239 I987 300 4356 2675 36I 5641 348I 433 7086 4479 506 8704 5506 586 I0,488 6(;70
30 I83 I446 876 232 22I4 I349 287 3150 I910 347 4253 263I 412 5523 343I 494 6953 442I 577 8557 5444 672 10.328 6603
100 0 0 249I 1310 0 3925 2050 0 5729 2950 0 79I4 4050 0 10,485 5300 0 13,454 6700 0 16,8I7 8600 0 20,578 10,300
2 30 1975 I I70 44 3027 I820 72 43I3 2!>50 95 5834 3500 120 7591 4600 138 9577 5800 169 11,803 7200 204 14,264 8800
5 82 1955 1159 107 3002 I803 I36 4282 2531 172 5797 3475 208 7548 4566 245 9528 5769 293 11,748 7162 341 14,204 8756
HI 108 1923 1142 142 2961 I775 180 4231 250(1 223 5737 3434 268 7478 4509 318 9447 5717 374 11,658 71()0 436 14,!05 8683
15 I26 1892 1124 163 292(1 I 747 206 4182 2469 252 5678 3392 304 74lm 4451 358 9367 5665 418 11,569 7037 487 14,007 8610
20 I41 1861 I I07 I8I 2880 I719 226 4133 2438 277 5619 3351 330 7341 4394 387 9289 5613 452 11,482 6975 523 13,910 8537
30 I70 1802 107I 215 2803 I663 265 4037 2375 319 5505 3267 378 7209 4279 446 9136 5509 514 I l,3IO 6850 592 13,720 8391
50 241 I688 IOOO 292 2657 1550 350 3856 2250 415 5289 3IOO 486 6956 4050 572 8841 5300 659 10,979 6(:{){1 752 13,3:>4 8IOO
For SI units, l in. =25.4 mm, I fi. =0.305 m, 1000 Btu/ hr = 0.293 kW, l in.2 =64.5 mm2 .
NA: Not applicable.
2021 Edition
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
Appliance Input Rating in TI1ousanch of Btu pe r Hour
(ft) (ft) Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max
6 0 38 77 45 59151 85 85 249 140 126 3i3 204 165 522 284 211 ff.l5 369 207 894 4ff.) 3il 1118 569 537 1fi39 849
2 39 51 36 GO 96 G6 85 l5G 104 123 231 156 159 320 213 201 423 284 251 541 3G8 34i 6i3 453 498 9i9 (>48
4 NA NA 33 74 92 63 102 152 102 146 225 152 l8i 313 208 237 416 277 295 533 360 409 664 443 584 9il 638
6 NA NA 31 83 89 60 114 l4i 99 163 220 148 207 30i 203 263 409 2il 32i 526 352 449 G56 433 638 962 G27
8 0 37 83 50 58 164 93 83 273 154 123 412 234 lGl 580 319 20G 777 414 258 1002 536 360 1257 658 521 1852 96i
2 39 56 39 59 108 75 83 176 119 121 261 li9 155 363 246 197 482 321 246 617 417 339 768 513 486 1120 i43
5 NA NA 3i 77 102 69 IOi 168 114 151 252 l ii 193 352 235 245 4i0 311 305 604 404 418 754 500 598 1104 i30
8 NA NA 33 90 95 64 122 161 IOi 175 243 163 223 342 225 280 458 300 344 591 392 470 i40 486 G65 1089 715
10 0 37 87 53 57 174 99 82 293 165 120 444 254 158 628 344 202 844 449 253 1093 584 351 13i3 il8 50i 2031 105i
2 3\) GI 41 59 lli 80 82 193 128 119 287 194 153 400 2i2 193 531 354 242 681 456 332 849 559 475 1242 848
5 52 56 39 i6 111 i6 105 185 122 148 277 186 190 388 261 241 518 344 299 66i 443 409 834 544 584 1224 825
10 NA NA 34 97 100 68 B2 171 112 188 261 l ii 23i 369 241 29G 49i 325 363 643 423 492 808 520 G88 1194 i88
15 0 36 93 57 56 !!JO Ill 80 325 186 116 499 283 153 713 388 195 966 523 244 1259 681 336 1591 838 488 23i4 1237
2 38 69 4i 57 136 93 80 225 149 115 33i 224 148 4i3 314 187 f)31 413 232 812 543 319 1015 6i3 457 1491 983
5 51 63 44 75 128 86 102 21G 140 144 326 21 i 182 459 298 231 fi16 400 287 795 526 392 997 657 562 1469 963
10 NA NA 39 95 116 79 128 201 131 182 308 203 228 438 284 284 592 381 349 if'8 501 470 966 628 G64 1433 928
15 NA NA NA NA NA i2 158 18G 124 220 290 192 272 418 269 334 568 367 404 742 484 540 937 601 750 1399 894
20 0 35 9G GO 54 200 118 i8 346 201 114 537 306 149 772 428 190 1053 5i3 238 1379 i<><> 326 1751 927 473 2G3l 1346
2 37 74 50 5G 148 99 78 248 165 113 375 248 144 528 344 182 i08 4G8 22i 914 611 309 1146 i54 443 1689 1098
5 50 68 47 i3 140 94 100 239 158 141 363 239 li8 514 334 224 692 457 279 896 596 381 1126 i34 547 1665 10i4
10 NA NA 41 93 129 86 125 223 146 177 344 224 222 491 316 2i7 666 437 339 866 570 457 1092 i02 646 1626 103i
15 NA NA NA NA NA 80 155 208 136 216 325 210 264 469 301 325 f>'IO 419 393 838 549 526 1060 677 730 1587 1005
20 NA NA NA NA NA NA 186 rn2 126 254 306 196 309 448 285 3i4 616 400 448 810 526 592 1028 651 808 1550 973
30 0 34 99 63 53 211 127 76 372 219 110 584 334 144 849 472 184 1168 f>47 229 1542 852 312 l9il 1056 454 2996 1545
2 3i 80 56 55 164 111 iG 281 183 109 429 279 139 610 392 175 823 533 219 1069 698 296 1346 863 424 1999 1308
5 49 74 52 i2 157 106 98 271 173 136 4li 271 171 595 382 215 806 521 269 1049 f)84 366 1324 846 524 1971 1283
10 NA NA NA 91 144 98 122 255 168 lil 397 257 213 570 367 265 i77 501 32i lOli 662 440 1287 821 620 1927 1243
15 NA NA NA 115 131 NA 151 239 157 208 377 242 255 547 349 312 750 481 379 985 638 507 1251 i94 i02 1884 1205
20 NA NA NA NA NA NA 181 223 NA 246 357 228 298 524 333 360 723 4Gl 433 955 Gl5 570 1216 768 780 1841 1166
30 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 389 477 305 461 670 426 541 895 574 i04 ll4i i20 937 1759 1101
50 0 33 99 66 51 213 133 73 394 230 105 629 361 138 928 515 176 1292 704 220 1724 948 295 2223 1189 428 3432 1818
2 36 84 Gl 53 181 121 73 318 205 104 495 312 133 il2 443 168 9il fil3 209 12i3 811 280 1615 IOOi 401 2426 1509
5 48 80 NA 70 174 117 94 308 198 131 482 305 164 696 435 204 953 rm 25i 1252 i95 347 1591 991 496 2396 1490
10 NA NA NA 89 160 NA 118 292 186 162 461 292 203 6il 420 253 923 583 313 12li 765 418 1551 963 589 2347 1455
15 NA NA NA 112 148 NA 145 275 174 199 441 280 244 646 405 299 894 F'-02 3G3 1183 736 481 1512 934 G68 2299 1421
20 NA NA NA NA NA NA 176 257 NA 236 420 26i 285 622 389 345 8GG 543 415 1150 i08 544 1473 906 741 2251 1387
30 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 315 370 NA 373 5 i3 NA 442 809 502 521 1086 649 674 1399 848 892 2159 1318
100 0 NA NA NA 49 214 NA G9 403 NA 100 659 395 131 991 555 166 1404 765 20i 1900 1033 273 2479 1300 395 3912 2042
2 NA NA NA 51 192 NA iO 351 NA 98 563 3i3 125 828 508 158 1152 698 196 1532 933 259 1970 1168 3il 3021 18li
5 NA NA NA 67 186 NA 90 342 NA 125 551 366 156 813 501 194 1134 f'88 240 1511 921 322 1945 1153 460 2990 1796
10 NA NA NA 85 175 NA 113 324 NA 153 532 354 191 789 486 238 1104 6i2 293 1477 902 389 1905 1133 547 2938 1763
15 NA NA NA 132 162 NA 138 310 NA 188 511 343 230 764 4i3 281 1075 ff,6 342 1443 884 44i 1865 1110 618 2888 li30
20 NA NA NA NA NA NA !GS 295 NA 224 487 NA 2i0 739 458 325 1046 G39 391 1410 864 50i 1825 1087 690 2838 l69G
30 NA NA NA NA NA NA 231 264 NA 301 448 NA 355 685 NA 418 988 NA 491 1343 824 631 l 74i 1041 834 2i39 1627
50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 540 584 NA 617 86fi NA ill 1205 NA 895 1591 NA 1138 254i 1489
2 2
For SI unirs, l in.= 25.4 mm, I ft.= 0.305 m, 1000 Bm/hr = 0.293 kW, l in. = 645 mm .
NA: Nor applicable.
2021 Edition
8 NA NA 29 NA NA 55 NA NA 93 NA NA 145 NA NA 198 NA NA 266 84 .>90 350 100 i28 446 139 !024 651
NA NA 26 NA NA 52 NA NA 88 NA NA 134 NA NA 183 NA NA 247 NA NA 328 149 i 11 423 201 IOOi 640
8 NA NA 24 NA NA 48 NA NA 83 NA NA 12i NA NA 175 NA NA 239 NA NA 318 173 695 410 231 990 623
10 NA NA 31 NA NA 61 NA NA 103 NA NA 162 NA NA 221 68 519 298 82 655 388 98 8IO 491 136 1144 i24
NA NA 28 NA NA 57 NA NA 96 NA NA 148 NA NA 204 NA NA 277 124 638 36.> 146 791 466 196 1124 712
IO NA NA 25 NA NA 50 NA NA Bi NA NA 139 NA NA 191 NA NA 263 155 610 347 182 i62 444 240 !093 668
15 NA NA 35 NA NA 67 NA NA 114 NA NA 179 53 4i5 250 64 613 336 77 779 441 92 968 562 127 1376 841
NA NA 3i'l NA NA 62 NA NA 107 NA NA 164 NA NA 231 99 594 313 118 759 416 139 946 533 186 1352 828
IO NA NA 28 NA NA 55 NA NA 9i NA NA 153 NA .'<A 216 126 56!> 296 148 727 394 li3 912 56i 229 1315 777
15 NA ~A :-.IA NA :-.IA 48 NA NA 89 NA NA 141 NA NA 201 NA NA 281 171 698 375 198 880 48.> 259 1280 742
20 NA NA 38 NA NA 74 NA NA 124 NA NA 201 51 522 274 61 678 375 73 867 491 87 1083 627 121 1548 953
5 NA ~A 36 NA :-.IA 68 NA NA 116 NA NA 184 80 503 254 95 658 3.50 113 845 46.3 133 1059 597 179 1523 933
IO ~ NA .\JA :-.IA NA 60 NA ~ 107 NA NA 172 NA .\JA 237 122 627 332 143 811 440 167 1022 066 221 1482 879
15 NA :-.IA :-.IA :-.IA NA NA :-.IA NA 97 NA :-.IA 159 NA NA 220 NA :-.IA 314 165 780 418 191 987 541 251 1443 840
20 :-.IA :-.IA NA :-.IA NA NA NA NA 83 NA NA 148 NA NA 206 NA :-.IA 296 186 750 397 214 955 513 277 1406 807
30 ~ NA 41 :-.IA NA 82 NA '.'JA 137 NA NA 216 47 581 303 57 762 421 68 985 558 81 1240 717 Ill 1793 1112
5 NA NA :-.IA :-.IA NA 76 NA NA 128 NA NA 198 75 561 281 90 741 393 I06 962 526 125 1216 683 169 1766 1094
IQ NA :-.IA NA NA NA 67 NA NA 115 NA NA 184 NA NA 263 115 709 3i3 135 927 500 158 II i6 648 2IO 1721 I02.5
15 NA NA :-.IA NA NA NA NA NA 107 NA NA 171 NA :-.IA 243 NA :-.IA 3.53 156 893 476 181 1139 621 239 1679 981
20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 91 NA NA 159 NA NA 227 NA NA 332 176 860 450 203 1103 592 264 1638 940
30 NA NA NA NA NA :-.IA NA NA :-.IA NA NA NA :-.IA NA 188 :-.IA NA 288 NA NA 416 249 103.5 555 318 1560 877
50 NA NA NA NA NA 9'l NA NA 161 NA NA 2.51 NA 3.>I 51 840 4i7 61 1106 633 i2 1413 812 99 2080 1243
5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 151 NA NA 230 :-.IA 323 83 819 445 98 1083 596 116 1387 774 155 2052 1225
IO NA NA :-.IA NA NA :-.IA NA NA 138 :-.IA NA 215 :\IA 304 :-.IA :-.IA 424 126 1047 567 147 1347 733 195 2006 1147
15 NA NA :-.IA NA NA NA NA NA 127 NA NA 199 NA 282 NA NA 400 146 IOIO 539 170 1307 702 22'2 1961 IO!IH
20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 185 NA 264 NA NA 376 165 977 511 190 1269 669 246 1916 !050
30 NA NA :-.IA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA :-.IA :-.IA NA :-.IA NA NA 327 NA :-.IA 468 233 1196 623 295 1832 984
Maximum internal Seven Limes th<: listed appliance categorized ve11t area, f11 1c wllar an:a, or dr.Jft hood oulletal"cas.
area of d limney
For SI units, I in. = 25.4 mm, I ft= 0.305 m, 1000 Btu/ hr= 0.293 kW, I in.2 = 645 mm2 .
NA: Not applicable.
2021 Edition
8 NA NA 29 NA NA 55 NA NA 93 NA NA 145 NA 197 >JA NA 265 NA NA 349 382 725 445 549 1021 650
NA NA 26 NA NA 51 NA NA 87 NA NA 133 NA 18'1 NA NA 246 NA NA 327 NA NA 422 673 1003 638
NA NA 23 NA NA 47 NA NA 82 NA NA 126 NA 174 NA NA 237 NA NA 317 NA NA 408 747 985 621
10 NA NA 31 NA NA 61 NA NA 102 NA NA 161 NA 220 216 518 297 271 654 387 3 73 808 490 536 1142 722
5 NA NA 28 NA NA 56 NA NA 95 NA NA 147 NA 203 NA NA 276 334 635 364 459 789 465 657 1121 710
10 NA NA 24 NA NA 49 NA NA 86 NA NA 137 NA 189 NA NA 261 NA NA 345 547 758 441 771 1088 66'i
15 NA NA 3.'i NA NA 67 NA NA 113 NA NA 178 166 473 249 211 611 335 264 776 440 362 965 560 520 1373 840
5 NA NA 32 NA NA 61 NA NA 106 NA NA 163 NA NA 230 261 591 312 325 755 414 444 942 531 637 1348 825
10 NA NA 27 NA NA 54 NA NA 96 NA NA 151 NA NA 214 NA NA 294 392 i'Z! 392 531 907 504 749 1309 774
15 NA NA NA NA NA 46 NA NA 87 NA NA 138 NA NA 198 NA NA 278 452 692 372 606 873 481 841 1272 738
20 NA NA 38 NA NA 73 NA NA 123 NA NA 200 163 520 273 206 675 374 2.?8 864 490 252 1079 625 508 1544 950
5 NA NA &; NA NA 67 NA NA 115 NA NA 183 NA NA 252 255 655 348 317 842 461 433 1055 594 623 1518 930
10 NA NA NA NA :-JA 59 NA NA 105 NA NA 170 NA NA 23.5 312 622 330 382 806 437 517 1016 562 733 1475 875
15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 95 NA NA 156 NA NA 217 NA NA 311 442 773 414 591 979 539 8'13 1434 835
20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 80 NA NA 144 NA NA 202 NA NA 292 NA NA 392 663 944 510 911 1394 800
30 NA NA 41 NA NA SI NA NA 136 NA NA 215 158 578 302 200 759 420 249 982 556 340 1237 715 489 1789 1110
5 NA NA NA NA NA 75 NA NA 127 NA '.\JA 196 NA NA 279 245 737 391 306 958 524 417 1210 680 600 1760 I 090
10 NA NA NA NA NA 66 NA NA 113 NA NA 182 NA NA 260 300 703 370 370 920 496 500 11 f.S 644 708 1713 1020
15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.;") NA NA 168 NA NA 240 NA NA 349 428 884 471 572 1128 615 798 1668 975
20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 88 NA NA 155 NA NA 223 NA NA 327 NA NA 445 643 1089 585 883 1624 932
30 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 182 NA NA 281 NA NA 408 NA NA 544 1055 1539 86'i
50 2 NA NA NA NA NA 91 NA NA 160 NA NA 2:30 NA NA 350 191 837 475 238 1103 631 323 1408 810 463 2076 1240
5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 149 NA NA 2'28 NA NA 321 NA NA 442 293 1078 593 398 1381 770 571 2044 1220
10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 136 NA NA 212 NA NA 301 NA NA 420 3.55 103..~ 562 44 7 1337 728 674 1994 1140
15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 124 NA NA 195 NA NA 278 NA NA 395 NA NA 533 546 1294 695 761 1945 1090
20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 180 NA NA 258 NA NA 370 NA NA 504 616 1251 660 844 1898 1040
30 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 318 NA NA 458 NA NA 610 1009 1805 970
Minimum 12 19 28 38 50 63 78 95 132
internal a1·ea
of chimney
Maximum Seven times rhc listed appliance categorized vc111 area, flue collar area, or d raft hood ottLlc1.areas.
i1nernal a1·ca
For SI units, l in. = 25.4 mm, I ft= 0.305 m, 1000 Btu/ hr = 0.293 kW, 1 in.2 = 645 mm 2 •
NA: Not applicable.
2021 Edition
2021 Edition
2021 Edition
13.1. l Obstructions and Vent Dampers. Venting Table 13.1 (a) 13. I.7* Corrugated Chimney Liners. Listed corrugated metal-
through Table 13.1 (f) shall not be used where obsu-uctions a1·e lic chimney liner systems in masonry chimneys shall be sized by
installed in the venting system . The installation of vents serving using Table 13.1 (a) or Table 13.1 (b) for Type B vents, with the
listed appliances with vent dampers shall be in accordance with maximum capacity reduced by 20 percent (0 .80 x maximum
the appliance manufacturer's instructions or in accordance capacity) and the minimum capacity as shown in Table 13.1 (a)
with the following: or Table 13.1 (b) . Corrugated metallic liner syste ms installed
(1) The maximum capacity of the vent system shall be deter- with bends or offsets shall have their maximum capacity further
mined using the "NAT Max" column . reduced in accordance with 13.1.3. The 20 pe1-cent 1-eduction
(2) The minimum capacity shall be determined as though for corrugated metallic chimney liner systems includes an
the appliance were a fan-assisted appliance, using the allowance for one long radius 90-degree n irn at the bottom of
"FAN Min" column to determine the minimum capacity the line1·.
of the vent system. Where the corresponding "Fan Min" is 13. 1.8 Connection to Chimney Liners. Connections between
"NA," the vent configuration shall not be permitted and chimney liners and listed double-wall connectors shall be made
an alternative venting configuration shall be utilized. with listed adapters designed for such purpose .
13.1.2 Vent Downsizing. v\There the vent size determined from 13.1.9 Vertical Vent Upsizing/ 7 x Rule. Where the vertical
the tables is smaller than the appliance draft hood outlet or vent has a larger diameter than tl1e ven t connector, the vertical
flue collar, the use of the smal ler size shall be permitted, provi- vent diamete1- shall be used to determine the minimum vent
ded that the installation complies with all of the following capacity, and the connector diameter shall be used to deter-
r·equirements: mine the maximum vent capacity. The flow area of the vertical
(1) The total vent height (H) is at least 10 ft (3 m) . vent shall not exceed seven times the flow a rea of the Listed
(2) Vents fo1- appliance draft hood outlets or flue collars appliance categorized ve nt area, flue collar area, or draft hood
12 in. (300 mm) in diameter or smaller are not reduced outlet area unless designed in accordance with engineering
more than one table size. methods.
(3) Vents fo1- appliance draft hood outlets 01" flue collars 13.1.10 Draft Hood Conversion Accessories. Draft hood
larger than 12 in. (300 mm) in diameter are not reduced
conversion accessories for use with masonry chimneys venting
more than two table sizes. listed Category I fan-assisted appliances shall be listed and
(4) The maximum capacity listed in the tables for a fan- installed in accordance with the listed accessory manufacturers'
assisted appliance is reduced by 10 percent (0.90 x maxi- installation insu-uctions.
mum table capacity) .
(5) The draft hood outlet is greater than 4 in. (100 rrun) in 13. 1.11 Chimneys and Vent Locations. Table 13.l (a) through
diameter. A 3 in. (80 mm) diameter vent shall not be Table 13.l (e) shall be used on ly fo r chimneys and vents not
connected to a 4 in. (100 mm) diameter draft hood exposed to the outdoors below the roof line. A Type B vent or
outlet. This provision shall not apply to fan-assisted appli- listed chimney lining system passing through an unused
ances. masonry chimney flue shall not be considered to be exposed to
the outdoors . V\There vents extend outdoors above the roof
13.1.3 Elbows. Single-appliance venting configurations witl1 more than 5 ft (1.5 m) higher tlrnn required by Table 12.7.3,
zero (0) lateral lengths in Table 13.l(a) , Table 13.l (b), and and where ve nts terminate in accordance with 12.7.3( 1) (b), the
Table 13.l (e) shall not have elbows in the venting system .
outdoor portion of the ve nt shall be enclosed as required by
Single-appliance venting with lateral lengths include two 90 this paragraph for vents n ot considered to be exposed to the
degree e lbows. For each additional elbow up to and including outdoors, or such venting system shall be engineered. A Type B
45 degrees, the maximum capacity listed in the venting tables vent passing through an unventilated enclosure or chase insula-
shall be reduced by 5 percent. For each additional elbow ted to a value of not less than RS shal l not be conside1·ed to be
greater than 45 degrees up to and including 90 deg1·ees, the exposed to the outdoors. Table 13.1 (c) in combination wim
maximum capacity Listed in the venting tables shall be reduced
Table 13.1 (f) shall be used for clay tile-lined exterior masonry
b y 10 percent. Where multiple offsets occur in a vent, the total chimneys, provided all of the following requirements are met:
lateral length of all offsets combined shall not exceed that
specified in Table 13.1 (a) through Table 13.1 (e) . (1) The vent connector is Type B double wall.
(2) The vent connector length is limited to 18 in.Jin.
13.1.4 Zero Lateral. Zero (0) lateral (L) shall apply only to a (18 mm/mm) of vent connector diameter.
su-aight vertical vent attached to a top outlet draft hood or flue (3) The appliance is draft hood equipped.
collar. (4) The input rating is less than the maximum capacity given
in Table 13.l (c) .
13.1.5 High-Altitude Installations. Sea level input ratings shall
be used when determining maximum capacity for high-altin1de (5) For a water heater, the o u tdoor design temperarure shall
installation . Actual input (derated for altitude) shall be used not be less than 5°F (-15°C) .
(6) For a space-heating appliance, the input rating is greater
for determining minimum capacity for high-altirude installa-
tion. than the minimum capacity given b y Table 13.1 (f).
13.1.6 TWo-Stage/ Modulating Appliances. For appliances 13.1.12 Corrugated Vent Connector Size. Corrugated vent
connectors shall not be smaller than the listed appliance cate-
with more than one input rate, the minimum vent capacity
(FAN Min) determined from the Chapter 13 tables shall be less gorized vent diameter, flue collar diameter, or draft hood
than the lowest appliance input rating, and the maximum vent outlet diameter.
capacity (FAN Max/NAT Max) determined from the tables 13.1.13 Upsizing. Vent con nectors shall not be upsized more
shall be g1·eater than the highest appliance rating input. than two sizes greater than the listed appliance categorized
2021 Edition
vent diameter, flue collar diameter, or draft hood outlet diame- 13.2.3 Vent Connector Exceeding Maximum Length. The vent
tec connector shall be routed to me vent utilizing the shortest
possible route. Connectors with longer horizontal lengths than
13.1.14 Multiple Vertical Vent Sizes. In a single run of vent or
iliose listed in Table 13.2.2 perm itted under the following
vent connector, more than one diameter and type shall be conditions:
permitted to be used, provided d1at all the sizes and types are
permitted by the tables. (1) The maximum capacity (FAN Max or NAT Max) of ilie
vent connecto1· shall be reduced 10 percent for each addi-
13.1.15 Interpolation. Interpolation shall be permitted in tional multiple of the le ngili Listed in Table 13.2.2. For
calculating capacities for vent dimensions that fall between example, the maximum length listed for a 4 in. (100 mm)
table enu·ies. connector is 6 ft ( 1.8 m). With a connector lengd1 greater
d1an 6 ft (1.8 m) but not exceeding 12 ft (3.7 m), me
13.1.16 Extrapolation. Extrapolation beyond ilie table entries
shall not be permitted. maximum capacity must be reduced by 10 percent (0.90 x
maximum vent connector Willi a connector
13.1.17 Sizing Vents Not Covered by Tables. \.\There a vent length greater than 12 ft (3.7 m) but not exceeding 18 ft
height is lower than 6 ft (1.8 m) or higher d1an shown in the (5.5 m) , the maximum capacity must be reduced by
Chapte1· 13 tables, an engineering med1od shall be used to 20 pet-cent (0.80 x ma.ximrnn vent .
calculate ilie vent capacity. (2) For a connector serving a fan-assisted appliance, ilie mini-
mum (FAN Min) of the connector shall be deter-
13. 1.18 Height Entries. Vlfhere the actual height of a vent falls mined by referring to ilie corresponding single appliance
beuveen enu·ies in ilie height column of me applicable table in table. For Type B double-wall connectors, Table 13.1 (a)
Table 13.l(a) ilirough Table 13.l (f) either of the following
shall be used. For single-wall connectors, Table 13 .1 (b)
shall be used: shall be u sed. The height (H) and lateral (L) shall be
(1) Interpolation measured according to ilie procedures for a single appli-
(2) The lower appliance input rating shown in ilie table ance vent, as if the oilier appliances were not present.
enu·ies for FAN Max and NAT Max column values; and
d1e higher appliance input rating for the FAN Min 13.2.4 Vent Connector Manifolds. Where the vent connectors
are combined prior to entering ilie vertical portion of me
column values
common vent to form a common vent manifold, the size of ilie
13.2 Additional Requirements to Multiple-Appliance Vent. common vent manifold and the common vent shall be deter-
This section shall apply where Table 13.2(a) through Table mined by applying a 10 percent reduction (0.90 x maximum
13.2(i) are used to size multiple appliance venting systems . common vent capacity) to ilie common vent pa.rt of
Subsections 13.2.1 ilirough 13.2.30 apply to Table 13.2(a) me common vent tables. The lengili of the common vent mani-
through Table 13.2(i) . fold (LM) shall not exceed 18 in ./in. (18 mm / mm) of
common vent diameter (D) .
13.2. 1 Obstructions and Vent Dampers. Venting Table 13.2(a)
through Table 13.2(i) shall not be used where obstructions are 13.2.5 Vent Offsets. Vlfhere me common vertical vent is offset,
installed in the venting system. The installation of vents serving the maximum capacity of me common vent shall be reduced in
listed appliances with vent dampers shall be in accordance wiili accordance with 13.2. 6 and ilie horizontal length of ilie
the appliance manufacturer's instructions, or in accordance common vent offset shall not exceed 18 in./ in. (18 mm/ mm)
wiili the following: of common vent diameter (D) . Where multiple offsets occur in
( 1) The maximum capacity of the vent connector shall be a common vent, ilie total horizontal lengili of all offsets
determined using d1e NAT Max column . combined shal l not exceed 18 in./in. (18 mm / mm) of ilie
common vent diameter.
(2) The maximum capacity of ilie vertical vent or chimney
shall be determined using ilie FAN+NAT column when 13.2.6 Elbows in Vents. For elbow up to and including
me second appliance is a fan-assisted appliance, or the 45 degrees in the common vent, the max imum common vent
NAT+NAT column when the second appliance is capacity listed in the venting tables shall be reduced by
equipped wiili a d1·aft hood. 5 percent. For each elbow greater than 45 degrees up to and
(3) The minimum capacity shall be determined as if the including 90 degrees, the maximum common vent
appliance were a fan-a~sisted appliance, as follows: listed in the venting tables shall be reduced by 10 percent.
(a) The minimum capacity of me vent connector shall
13.2.7 Elbows in Connectors. The vent connector capacities
be determined using ilie FAN Min column . listed in the common vent sizing tables include allowance for
(b) The FAN+FAN column shall be used when the two 90 degree elbows. For additi ona l elbow up to and
second appliance is a fan-assisted appliance, and the including 45 degrees, the maximum vent connector capacity
FAN+NAT column shall be used when ilie second listed in ilie venting tables shall be reduced by 5 percent. Fo1·
appliance is equipped with a draft hood, to deter- elbow greater than 45 degrees up to and including 90
mine wheilier the vertical vent or chimney configu-
degrees, the maximum vent connector capacity listed in ilie
ration is not permitted (NA) . Vlfhere ilie vent venting tables shall be reduced by 10 percent.
configuration is NA, the vent configuration shall
not be permitted and an alternative venting config- 13.2.8 Common Vent Minimum Size. The cross-sectional area
uration shall be utilized. of d1e common vent shall be equal to or greater d1a.11 d1e cross-
sectional area of me la.1·gest connector.
13.2.2 Vent Connector Maximum Length. The maximum vent
connector horizontal lengili shall be 18 in./ in. (18 mm/ mm)
of connector diameter as shown in Table 13.2.2, or as permit-
ted b y 13.2.3.
2021 Edition
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vent Connector Appliaitce Input Rating Lim.its in Titous.ai1tk of Btu per Hour
(ft) (ft) Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max
6 I 22 37 26 35 66 4fi 4fi 106 i'l 58 164 104 ii 225 142 92 296 185 109 37() 237 128 46() 289
2 23 41 31 37 75 55 48 121 86 60 183 124 79 253 168 95 333 220 112 424 282 131 526 345
3 24 44 35 38 81 62 49 132 96 62 199 139 82 275 189 97 363 248 114 463 317 134 575 386
8 1 22 40 27 35 72 48 49 114 76 64 176 109 84 243 148 100 320 194 118 408 248 138 507 303
2 23 44 32 36 80 57 51 128 90 66 195 129 86 269 175 103 356 230 121 454 294 141 564 358
3 24 47 36 37 87 64 53 139 101 67 210 145 88 290 198 105 384 2:>8 123 492 330 143 612 402
10 1 22 43 28 34 78 50 49 123 78 65 189 113 89 257 154 106 341 200 125 436 257 146 542 314
2 23 47 33 36 86 59 51 136 93 67 206 134 91 282 182 109 374 238 128 479 305 149 596 372
fi7 146 104 fi9 111 2fi,';I 131 342 642 417
21 50
'° 37
33 89
47 142 83 64
163 110
493 273
30 1 20 62 33 31 113 59 45 181 93 60 288 134 83 391 182 103 512 238 125 649 305 151 802 372
2 21 64 39 33 118 70 47 190 110 62 299 158 85 408 215 105 535 282 129 679 360 155 840 439
3 22 (j(i 44 34 123 79 48 198 124 64 309 178 88 423 242 108 555 317 132 706 405 1 [>8 874 494
50 1 19 il 36 30 133 64 43 216 101 57 349 145 78 477 197 97 627 257 120 797 330 144 984 403
2 21 73 43 32 137 7fi 45 223 119 59 358 172 81 490 234 100 645 306 123 820 392 148 1014 478
3 22 i5 48 33 141 86 46 229 134 fil 3GG 194 83 502 2G3 103 661 343 126 842 441 151 1043 538
100 1 18 82 37 28 158 66 40 262 104 53 442 150 73 fill 204 91 810 2G6 112 1038 341 135 1285 41 i
2 19 &1 44 30 161 79 42 267 123 55 447 178 75 619 242 94 822 316 115 1054 405 139 1306 494
3 20 84 50 31 163 89 44 272 138 57 452 200 78 G2i 272 97 834 355 118 1069 455 142 1327 555
Common Venl Capacity
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vent Combine d Appliance Input Rating in Thousands of Btu per Hour
H e ight
6 92 81 65 140 116 103 204 161 147 309 248 200 404 314 260 547 434 335 672 520 410
8 101 90 73 155 129 114 224 178 163 339 275 223 444 348 290 602 480 378 740 577 465
10 110 97 79 169 141 124 243 194 178 367 299 242 477 377 315 649 522 405 800 627 495
15 125 112 91 195 164 144 283 228 206 427 352 28() 556 444 365 753 612 465 924 733 5G5
20 136 123 102 215 183 160 314 255 229 475 394 310 621 499 405 842 688 523 1035 826 640
30 152 138 118 244 210 185 361 297 266 547 459 300 720 585 470 979 8()8 005 1209 975 740
50 167 153 134 279 244 214 421 353 310 641 547 423 854 706 550 11G4 9ii 705 1451 1188 860
100 175 163 NA 311 277 NA 489 421 NA 751 658 479 1025 873 625 1408 1215 800 1784 1502 975
2021 Edition
12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Vent CotUlector Appliance Input Rating Lirnit.s in Tito of Btu pe r Hour
(fl) (fl) Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Ma.~ Min Max Max Min Max Max
6 2 l 74 764 496 223 1046 G53 281 1371 853 346 17i2 1080 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 180 897 616 230 1231 827 287 1617 rn31 352 2069 1370 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
8 2 186 822 516 238 1126 696 298 1478 910 365 1920 1150 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 192 952 644 244 1307 884 305 1719 1150 372 2211 1460 471 2737 1800 560 3319 2180 662 3957 2590
6 198 1050 772 252 1445 1072 313 1902 1390 380 2434 1i70 478 3018 2180 5()8 3665 2G40 669 4373 3130
JO 2 196 870 536 249 1195 730 311 1570 955 379 2049 1205 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 201 997 664 256 1371 924 318 1804 1205 387 2332 1535 486 2887 1890 581 3:>02 2280 686 4175 2710
6 207 1095 792 263 1509 1118 325 1989 1455 395 2556 1865 494 3169 2290 589 3849 2760 694 4593 3270
15 2 214 9G7 568 272 1334 790 336 1760 1030 408 2317 1305 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 221 1085 712 279 1499 1006 344 1978 1320 416 2579 1665 523 3197 2060 624 3881 2490 734 4631 2960
6 228 1181 856 286 1032 1222 351 2157 1610 424 2796 2025 533 3470 2510 634 421G 3030 743 5035 3600
20 2 223 1051 596 291 1443 840 357 1911 1095 430 2533 1385 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 230 1162 748 298 1597 1064 365 2116 1395 438 2778 1765 554 3447 2180 661 4190 2mo 772 5005 3130
6 237 1253 900 307 1726 1288 373 2287 1695 450 2984 2145 567 3708 2650 671 4511 3190 785 5392 3790
30 2 216 1217 632 286 1664 910 367 2183 1190 461 2891 1540 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 223 1316 792 294 1802 1160 376 2366 1510 474 3110 1920 619 3840 2365 i28 4861 2860 847 5606 3410
6 231 1400 952 303 1920 1410 384 2524 1830 485 3299 2340 632 4080 2875 741 4976 3480 860 5961 4150
50 2 206 1479 689 273 2023 1007 350 2()59 1315 435 3548 1665 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 213 1561 860 281 2139 1291 359 2814 1685 447 3730 2135 580 4601 2633 709 5569 3185 851 6633 3790
6 221 1631 1031 290 2242 1575 369 2951 2055 461 3893 2605 594 4808 3208 724 5826 3885 867 6943 4620
JOO 2 192 1923 712 254 2644 1050 326 3490 1370 402 4707 1740 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 200 1984 888 263 2i31 1346 336 3606 1760 414 4842 2220 523 5982 2750 639 7254 3330 769 8650 3950
6 208 2035 1064 272 2811 1642 346 3714 2150 42G 4968 2700 539 6143 3350 654 7453 4070 786 8892 4810
Common Vent Capacity
12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Vent Combined Appliance Input Rating in Thousands of Btu per H our
H eight
6 900 696 588 1284 990 815 1735 1336 1065 2253 1732 1345 2838 2180 1660 3488 2677 1970 4206 3226 2390
8 994 773 652 1423 1103 912 1927 1491 1190 2507 1936 1510 3102 2439 1860 3890 2998 2200 4695 3616 2680
10 1076 841 712 1542 1200 995 2093 1625 1300 2727 2113 1645 3444 2665 2030 4241 3278 2400 5123 3957 2920
15 1247 986 825 1794 1410 1158 2440 1910 1510 3184 2484 1910 402fi 3133 2360 4971 3862 2790 f>Ol6 4670 3400
20 1405 1116 916 2006 1588 1290 2722 2147 1690 355·1 2798 2140 4548 3552 2640 5573 4352 3120 6749 5261 3800
30 1658 1327 1025 2373 1892 1525 3220 2558 1990 4197 3326 2520 5303 4193 3110 6539 5157 3680 7940 6247 4480
50 2024 1640 1280 2911 2347 1863 3964 3183 2430 5184 4149 3075 6567 5240 3800 8116 fi458 4500 9837 7813 5475
100 2569 2131 1670 3i32 3076 2450 5125 4202 3200 6749 5509 4050 8597 6986 5000 10.681 8648 5920 13.004 10,499 7200
For SI uniLs, l in. = 25.4 mm, l in .2 = 645 mm 2, l ft= 0.305 m, 1000 Blu/hr = 0.293 kW.
2021 Edition
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vent Connector Appliance Input Rating Lllnits in Thousands of Btu per Hour
H eight Rise
( ft) (ft) Min Max Ma.x Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max M in Ma.x Max Min Max Max Min Max Ma.x Mi n Max Max
6 1 NA NA 26 NA NA 46 NA NA 71 NA NA 102 207 223 140 262 293 1 8-~ 325 373 234 447 463 286
2 NA NA 31 NA NA 55 NA NA 85 168 182 123 215 251 167 271 331 219 334 422 281 458 524 344
3 NA NA 34 NA NA 62 121 131 95 175 198 138 222 273 188 279 361 247 344 462 3 16 468 574 385
8 1 NA NA 27 NA NA 48 NA NA 75 NA NA 106 226 240 145 285 3 16 19 1 352 403 244 481 502 299
2 NA NA 32 NA NA 57 125 126 89 184 193 127 234 266 173 293 353 228 360 450 292 492 560 355
3 NA NA 35 NA NA 64 130 138 100 19 1 208 144 241 287 197 302 381 256 370 489 328 501 609 400
10 1 NA NA 28 NA NA 50 119 121 77 182 186 11 0 240 253 150 302 335 196 372 429 252 506 534 308
2 NA NA 33 84 85 59 124 134 91 189 203 132 248 278 183 311 369 235 381 473 302 517 589 368
3 NA NA 36 89 91 67 129 144 102 197 217 148 257 299 203 320 398 265 391 511 339 528 637 413
15 1 NA NA 29 79 87 52 11 6 138 81 177 214 116 238 291 158 312 380 208 397 482 266 556 596 324
2 NA NA 34 83 94 62 121 150 97 185 230 138 246 3 14 189 321 411 248 407 522 3 17 568 646 387
3 NA NA 39 87 100 70 127 160 109 193 243 157 255 333 215 331 438 281 418 557 360 579 690 437
20 1 49 56 30 78 97 54 11 5 152 84 175 238 120 233 325 165 306 425 217 390 538 276 546 664 336
2 52 59 36 82 103 64 120 163 101 182 252 144 243 346 197 317 453 259 400 574 331 558 709 403
3 55 62 40 87 107 72 125 172 113 190 264 164 252 363 223 326 476 294 412 607 375 570 750 457
30 1 47 60 31 77 110 57 ll 2 175 89 169 278 129 226 380 175 296 497 230 378 630 294 528 779 358
2 51 62 37 81 115 67 ll 7 185 106 177 290 152 236 397 208 307 521 274 389 662 349 541 8 19 425
3 54 64 42 85 119 76 122 193 120 185 300 172 244 412 235 316 542 309 400 690 394 555 855 482
50 1 46 69 34 75 128 60 109 207 96 162 336 137 217 460 188 284 604 245 364 768 3 14 507 951 384
2 49 71 40 79 132 72 ll 4 215 113 170 345 164 226 473 223 294 623 293 376 793 375 520 983 458
3 52 72 45 83 136 82 ll 9 221 123 178 353 186 235 486 252 304 640 331 387 816 423 535 1013 518
100 1 45 79 34 71 150 61 104 249 98 153 424 140 205 585 192 269 774 249 345 993 321 476 1236 393
2 48 80 41 75 153 73 11 0 255 115 160 428 167 212 593 228 279 788 299 358 1011 383 490 1259 469
3 51 81 46 79 157 85 l 14 260 129 168 433 190 222 603 256 289 801 339 368 1027 431 506 1280 527
Common Vent Capacity
6 NA 78 64 NA 113 99 200 158 144 304 244 196 398 3 10 257 54 1 429 332 665 5 15 407
8 NA 87 71 NA 126 lll 218 173 159 331 269 2 18 436 342 285 592 473 373 730 569 460
10 NA 94 76 163 137 120 237 189 174 357 292 236 467 369 309 638 5 12 398 787 617 487
15 121 108 88 189 159 140 275 221 200 416 343 274 544 434 357 738 599 456 905 718 553
20 131 ll8 98 208 177 156 305 247 223 463 383 302 606 487 395 824 673 512 1013 808 626
30 145 132 113 236 202 180 350 286 257 533 446 349 703 570 459 958 790 593 11 83 952 723
50 159 145 128 268 233 208 406 337 296 622 529 4 10 833 686 535 1139 954 689 1418 1157 838
100 166 153 NA 297 263 NA 469 398 NA 726 633 464 999 846 606 1378 11 85 780 1741 1459 948
For Sl units, 1 in.= 25.4 mm, 1 in. 2 = 645 mm 2, l ft= 0.305 m, 1000 Btu/ hr = 0.293 kW.
2021 Edition
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO
Vent Connector Appliance Input Raling Limits in Thous.ands of Btu per Hour
11 R
(ft) (ft) Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Ma.~ Miu Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max
6 l 24 33 21 39 62 40 52 106 67 65 194 101 87 274 141 104 370 201 124 479 253 145 599 319
2 26 43 28 41 79 52 53 133 85 67 230 124 S9 324 173 107 436 232 127 562 300 148 694 378
3 27 49 34 42 92 Gl 55 155 97 69 262 143 91 369 203 109 491 270 129 G33 349 151 795 439
8 l 24 39 22 39 72 41 55 lli 69 71 213 105 94 304 148 113 414 210 134 539 2fi7 156 682 335
2 26 47 29 40 87 53 57 140 86 73 246 127 97 350 179 116 473 240 137 615 311 lGO 776 394
3 27 52 34 42 97 62 59 159 98 75 269 145 99 383 206 119 51 i 276 139 672 358 163 848 452
10 l 24 42 22 38 so 42 55 130 71 74 232 108 101 324 153 120 444 216 142 582 277 165 739 348
2 26 50 29 40 93 54 57 153 Si 7G 261 129 103 366 184 123 498 247 145 652 321 168 825 407
3 27 55 35 41 105 63 58 liO 100 78 284 148 106 397 209 126 540 281 147 705 3GG l i1 893 463
15 l 24 48 23 38 93 44 54 154 74 72 277 114 100 384 164 125 511 229 153 c,o;3 297 184 824 375
2 25 55 31 39 105 55 56 l 74 89 74 299 134 103 419 192 128 558 260 156 718 339 187 900 432
3 2G 59 35 41 115 64 57 189 102 7G 319 153 105 448 215 131 597 292 159 760 382 190 9GO 486
20 l 24 52 24 37 102 46 53 l 72 i7 71 313 119 98 437 173 123 584 239 150 752 312 180 943 397
2 25 58 31 39 114 56 55 190 91 73 335 138 101 467 199 126 625 270 153 805 354 184 1011 452
3 26 63 35 40 123 65 57 204 104 75 353 157 104 493 222 129 GGl 301 150 851 396 187 1067 505
30 l 24 54 25 37 lll 48 52 192 82 69 357 127 96 504 187 119 680 255 145 883 337 175 1115 432
2 25 60 32 38 122 58 54 208 95 72 376 145 99 531 209 122 715 287 149 928 378 l~) 1171 484
3 26 64 36 40 131 66 56 221 107 74 392 163 101 554 233 125 746 317 152 968 418 182 1220 535
50 l 23 51 25 36 116 51 51 209 89 67 405 143 92 582 213 115 798 294 140 1049 392 168 1334 506
2 24 59 32 37 127 Gl 53 225 102 70 421 161 95 604 235 118 827 326 143 1085 433 172 1379 558
3 26 64 36 39 135 69 55 237 115 72 435 180 98 624 260 121 854 357 147 1118 474 l 7(i 1421 fill
100 l 23 46 24 35 108 50 49 208 92 65 428 155 88 640 237 109 907 334 134 1222 454 161 1589 596
2 24 53 31 37 120 60 51 224 105 Gi 444 174 92 G60 260 113 933 368 138 1253 497 lfi5 1626 fi5l
3 25 59 35 38 130 68 53 237 118 69 458 193 94 G79 285 116 956 399 141 1282 540 169 1661 705
12 19 28 38 50 63 78 113
VenL Combined Appliance Input Rating in Thousand) of Btu per Hour
H eight
G NA 74 25 NA 119 46 NA 178 i1 NA 257 103 NA 351 143 NA 458 188 NA 582 246 1041 853 NA
8 NA 80 28 NA 130 53 NA 193 82 NA 279 119 NA 384 163 NA 501 218 724 636 278 1144 937 408
lO NA 84 31 NA 138 56 NA 207 90 NA 299 131 NA 409 177 606 538 236 776 686 30'2 1226 1010 454
15 NA NA 36 NA 152 G7 NA 233 106 NA 334 152 523 467 212 G82 611 283 874 781 365 1374 ll5G 546
20 NA NA 41 NA NA 75 NA 250 12'2 NA 368 172 565 508 243 742 668 325 955 858 419 1513 1286 fi48
30 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 270 137 NA 404 198 G15 564 278 816 747 381 1062 969 496 1702 1473 749
50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 620 328 879 831 4Gl 1165 1089 606 1905 1692 922
100 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 348 NA NA 499 NA NA f,69 2053 1921 10r,s
? ?
For SI units, l m. = 25.4 mm, l m.· = 645 mm·, I ft= 0.305 m, 1000 Bru/hr = 0 .293 kW.
2021 Edition
Vent Connector Appliance Input Rating Limits in Thousands of Btu per Hour
(ft) (ft) Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Ma..x Max Min Max Max Min Max Max Min Max Max
G 1 NA NA 21 NA NA 39 NA NA 66 179 191 100 231 271 140 292 36G 200 362 474 252 499 594 316
2 NA NA 28 NA NA 52 NA NA 84 18G cr-11 123 239 321 172 301 432 23·1 373 557 299 509 696 376
3 NA NA 34 NA NA 61 134 153 97 193 258 142 247 365 202 309 491 269 381 634 348 519 793 437
8 1 NA NA 21 NA NA 40 NA NA 68 195 208 103 250 298 146 313 407 207 387 530 263 529 672 331
2 NA NA 28 NA NA 52 137 139 85 202 240 12.'i 258 343 177 323 465 238 397 fi07 309 540 766 391
3 NA NA 34 NA NA 62 143 156 98 210 264 145 2G6 376 205 332 509 274 407 fi63 356 551 838 450
10 1 NA NA 22 NA NA 41 130 151 70 202 2'15 lOG 267 31fi 151 333 434 213 410 571 273 5c'8 727 343
2 NA NA 29 NA NA 53 136 150 86 210 255 128 276 358 181 343 489 244 420 640 317 5fi9 813 403
3 NA NA 34 97 102 62 143 166 99 217 277 147 284 389 207 352 530 279 430 694 363 580 880 459
15 1 NA NA 23 NA NA 43 129 151 73 199 271 112 268 376 161 349 502 225 445 646 291 623 808 3fi6
2 NA NA 30 92 103 54 135 170 88 207 295 132 277 411 189 359 548 256 450 706 334 634 884 424
3 NA NA 34 96 112 63 141 185 101 215 315 151 286 439 213 3G8 586 289 466 755 378 646 945 479
20 1 NA NA 23 87 99 45 128 1G7 76 197 303 117 26.'j 425 169 345 569 235 439 734 306 G14 921 387
2 NA NA 30 91 111 55 134 185 90 205 325 136 274 455 195 355 610 266 450 787 348 G27 986 443
3 NA NA 35 !JG 119 64 140 199 103 213 343 154 282 481 219 365 644 298 461 &11 391 639 rn42 496
30 1 NA NA 24 86 108 47 126 187 80 193 347 124 259 492 183 338 665 250 430 864 330 600 1089 421
2 NA NA 31 91 119 57 132 203 93 201 366 142 2G9 518 205 348 699 282 442 908 372 613 1145 473
3 NA NA 35 95 127 65 138 216 105 209 381 160 277 540 229 358 729 312 452 946 412 G26 1193 524
50 1 NA NA 24 85 113 50 124 204 87 188 392 139 252 567 208 328 778 287 417 1Cf22 383 582 1302 492
2 NA NA 31 89 123 60 130 218 100 196 408 158 262 588 230 339 806 320 429 1058 425 596 1346 545
3 NA NA 35 94 131 68 136 231 112 205 422 li6 271 607 255 349 831 351 440 1090 466 610 1386 597
100 1 NA NA 23 84 104 49 122 200 89 182 410 15'1 243 617 232 315 875 328 402 118·1 444 5fi) 1537 580
2 NA NA 30 88 115 59 127 215 102 190 425 1G9 253 636 254 326 899 361 415 1210 488 575 1570 634
3 NA NA 34 93 124 67 133 228 115 199 438 188 262 654 279 337 921 392 427 1238 529 589 1G04 687
12 19 28 38 50 63 78 113
Venl Combine d Appliance Inpul Rating in Thousands of Btu per Hour
H eigh t
6 NA NA 25 NA 118 45 NA l7G 71 NA 255 102 NA 348 142 NA 455 187 NA 579 245 NA 846 NA
s NA NA 28 NA 128 52 NA 190 81 NA 276 118 NA 380 162 NA 497 217 NA 633 277 1136 928 405
10 NA NA 31 NA 136 56 NA 205 89 NA 295 129 NA 405 175 NA 532 234 771 680 300 1216 1000 450
15 NA NA 36 NA NA fJ6 NA 230 105 NA 335 150 NA 400 210 677 602 280 866 772 360 1359 1139 540
20 NA NA NA NA NA 74 NA 247 120 NA 362 170 NA 503 240 765 661 321 947 849 415 1495 1264 640
30 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 135 NA 398 195 NA 558 275 808 739 377 1052 957 490 1682 1447 740
50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 612 325 NA 821 456 1152 1076 600 1879 1672 910
100 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 494 NA NA 663 2006 1885 1046
For SI units, l in.= 25.4 m m, l in. 2 = 645 mm 2, l ft= 0.305 m, 1000 Btu/ hr = 0 .293 kW.
2021 Edition
Total Vent 4 5 6 7 8 IO 12
H eight H Combined Appliance Input Rating in Thousands of
(ft) Btu per Hour
6 48 78 111 155 205 320 NA
8 55 89 128 175 234 365 505
10 59 95 136 190 250 395 560
15 71 115 168 228 305 480 690
20 80 129 186 260 340 550 790
30 NA 147 215 300 400 650 940
50 NA NA NA 360 490 810 1190
For SI units, I in.= 25.4 mm, I in.2 = 645 mm 2, I ft= 0.305 m, I 000 Btu/ hr= 0.293 kW.
Note: See Figure F. l (t) and Section 13.2.
2021 Edition
13.2.9 Tee and Wye Fittings. Tee and wye fittings connected each system, and systems with an offset shall comply with all of
to a common gas vent shall be considered as part of the the following:
common gas vent and constructed of materials consistent with ( 1) The offset angle shall not exceed 45 degrees from verti-
that of the common gas vent. cal.
13.2. IO Tee and Wye Sizing. At the point where tee or wye (2) The horizontal length of the offaet shall not exceed
fittings connect to a common gas vent, the opening size of the 18 in./ in. (18 mm/ mm) of common vent diameter of the
fitting shall be equal to the size of the common vent. Such segment in which the offset is located.
fittings shall not be prohibited from having reduced size open- (3) For the segment of the common vertical vent containing
ings at the point of connection of appliance gas vent connec- the offset, the common vent capacity listed in the
tors. common venting tables shall be reduced by 20 percent
(0.80 x maximum com mon vent capacity) .
13.2.ll High-Altitude Installations. Sea level input ratings (4) A multistory common ve nt shall not be reduced in size
shall be used when determining maximum capacity for high- above the offset.
altitude installation. Actual input (derated for altitude) shall be
used for determining minimum capacity for high-altitude 13.2.18 Vertical Vent Size Limitation. Where l\vo or more
installation . appliances are connected to a vertical vent or chimney, the flow
area of the largest section of vertical vent or chimney shall not
13.2.12 Connector Rise. The connector rise (R) for each exceed seven times the smallest listed appliance categorized
appliance connector shall be measured from the draft hood vent areas, flue collar area, or draft hood outlet area tmless
outlet or flue collar to tl1e centerline whe1·e the vent gas designed in accordance with engineering methods.
streams come together.
13.2.19 Two-Stage/ Modulating Appliances.
13.2.13 Vent H eight. The available total height (H) for multi-
ple appliances on the same floor shall be meastu-ed from the The minimum vent connector capacity (FAN M in)
highest draft hood outlet or flue collar up to the level of the of appliances with more than one input rate shall be deter-
outlet of the common vent. mined from the tables and shall be less than the lowest appli-
ance input rating.
13.2.14 Multistory Vent Height. Where appliances are located
on more than one floor, the available total height (H) for each The maximum vent connector capacity (FAN Max
segment of the system shall be the vertical distance bel\veen the or NAT Max) shall be determined from the tables and shall be
highest draft hood outlet or flue collar entering that segment greater than the highest appliance in put ratin g.
and the centerline of the next higher interconnection tee .
13.2.20* Corrugated Chimney Liners. Listed corrugated
13. 2.15 Multistory Lowest Vent and Vent Connector Sizing. metallic chimney liner systems in masom-y chimneys shall be
The size of the lowest connecto1- and of the vertical vent lead- sized by using Table 13.2(a) or Table 13.2(b) for Type B vents,
ing to the lowest interconnection of a multistory system shall be with the maximum capacity reduced by 20 percent (0.80 x
in accordance with Table 13.1 (a) or Table 13.1 (b) for available maximum capacity) and the minimwn capacity as shown in
total height (H) up to the lowest interconnection. Table 13.2(a) or Table 13.2(b) . Corrugated metallic liner
systems instal led with bends or offsets shall have their maxi-
13.2.16 Multistory B Vents Required. Where used in multi- mum capacity further reduced in accordance with 13.2.5 and
story systems, vertical common vents shall be Type B double 13.2.6. The 20 percent reduction for corrugated metall ic chim-
wall and shall be installed with a Listed vent cap. ney liner systems includes an allowance for one long radius 90-
13.2.17 Multistory Vent Offsets and Capacity. Offsets in multi- degree turn at the bottom of the liner.
story common vent systems shall be limited to a single offset in
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2021 Edition
13.2.21 Connections to Chimney Liners. Where double-wall categorized vent diameter, flue collar diameter, or draft hood
connectors are required, tee and wye fittings used to connect outlet diameter. Vent connectors for draft hood-equipped
to the common vent chimney liner shall be listed double-wall appliances shall not be smaller than the draft hood outlet
fittings. Connections between chimney liners and listed double- diameter. Where a vent connecto1- size(s) determined from the
wall fittings shall be made with listed adapter fittings designed tables for a fan-assisted appliance(s) is smaller than the flue
for such purpose . collar diameter, the use of the smaller size(s) shall be permit-
ted, provided that the installation complies with all of the
13.2.22 Chimneys and Vent Locations. Table 13.2(a) through following conditions:
Table 13.2(e) shall be used only for chimneys and vents not
exposed to the outdoors below the roof line. A Type B vent or (1) Vent connectm-s for fan-assisted applia nce flue collars
listed chimney lining system passing through an unused 12 in . (300 mm) in dian1eter or smaller are not reduced
masonry chimney flue shall not be considered to be exposed to r
b y more than one table size e .g., 12 in. to 10 in.
the outdoors. A Type B vent passing through an unventilated (300 mm to 250 mm) is a one-size reduction], and those
enclosure or chase insulated to a value of not less than RS shall larger than 12 in. (300 mm) in diameter are not reduced
not be considered to be exposed to the outdoors. Where vents more than two table sizes fe .g., 24 in. to 20 in. (610 mm
extend outdoors above the roof more than 5 ft (1.5 m) higher to 510 mm) is a t\vo-size reduction] .
than required by Table 12.7.3, and where vents terminate in (2) The fan-assisted appliance(s) is common vented with a
accordance with 12.7.3(1) (b), the outdoor portion of the vent draft hood-equipped appliance(s) .
shall be enclosed as required by this paragraph for vents not (3) The vent connector has a smooth interi01-wall.
considered to be exposed to the outdoors, or such venting 13.2.25 Multiple Vent and Connector Sizes. All combinations
system shall be engineered. Table 13.2(£), Table 13.2(g), Table of pipe sizes, single-wall metal pipe, and double-wall metal pipe
13.2(h), and Table 13.2(i) shall be used for clay tile lined exte- shall be allowed within any connecto1- nm.(s) 01- within the
rior masonry chimneys, provided all the following conditions common vent, provided ALL of the appropriate tables permit
are met: ALL of the desired sizes and types of pipe, as if they were used
(1) The vent connector is Type B double wall. for the entire length of the subject connector or ve nt. V\There
(2) At least one appliance is draft hood equipped. single-wall and Type B double-wall metal pipes are used fo r
(3) The combined appliance input rating is less than the vent connectors within the same venting system, the common
maximum capacity given by Table 13.2(f) (for NAT+NAT) vent shall be sized using Table 13.2(b) or Table 13.2 (d) as
orTable 13.2(h) (forFAN+NAT) . appropriate .
(4) The input rating of each space-heating appliance is
greater than the minimum input rating given by Table 13.2.26 Multiple Vent and Connector Sizes P ermitted. V\There
a Chapter 13 table permit5 more than one d iameter of pipe to
13.2(g) (for NAT+NAT) or Table 13.2(i) (for FAN+NAT) .
(5) The vent connector sizing is in accordance with Table be used for a connector or ve nt, all the permitted sizes shall be
13.2(c) . permitted to be used.
13.2.27 Interpolation. Interpolation shal l be permitted in
13.2.23 D raft Hood Conversion Accessories. Draft hood
conversion accessories for use with masonry chimney venting calculating capacities for vent d imensions that fall between
table enu-ies.
listed Category I fan-assisted appliances shall be listed and
installed in accordance with the listed accessory manufacturer's 13.2.28 Extrapolation. Exu·apolation beyond tl1e table enu-ies
installation instnictions. shall not be permitted.
13.2.24 Vent Connector Sizing. Vent connectors shall not be
increased more than two sizes greater than the listed appliance
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ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX A 54-ll 7
Table 13.2.2 Vent Connector Maximum Length standards. In the absence of such standards, said authority may
requi1·e evidence of proper installation, procedure, or use. The
Maximwn authority having jurisdiction may also refer to the listings or
Connector labeling practices (see 3. 2.4) of an organization that is
Connector Horizontal concerned with product evaluations and is thus in a position to
determine compliance with AGA, ANSI, CSA, NFPA, or appro-
Diameter Length
priate standards for the current production oflisted items.
(in.) (ft)
A.3.2.2 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The phrase
3 4~
"authority having jurisdiction," or its acronym AHJ, is used in
4 6
NFPA documents in a broad manner, since jurisdictions and
5 7\-2 approval agencies vary, a5 do thei1· responsibilities. VI/here
6 9 public safety is primary, the authority having jurisdiction may
7 10~ be a federal, state, local, or other reg ional department or indi-
8 12 vidual such as a fire chief; fire marshal; chief of a fire p1·even-
9 13\-2 tion bureau, labor department, or health department; building
10 15 official; electrical inspector; or others having stanHory author-
12 18 ity. For insurance purposes, an insurance inspection depart-
14 21 ment, rating bureau, or other insurance company
16 24 representative may be the authority having jurisdicti on. In
18 27 many circumstances, the property owner 01· h is or her designa-
20 30 ted agent assumes the role of the authority having jurisdiction;
22 33 at government installations, the commanding officer or depart-
24 36 mental official may be the authority having jurisdiction.
For SI units, l in. = 25.4 mm, l ft= 0.305 m. As used in the definiti on of Authority Havi ng Jurisdiction,
equipment includes appl iances and materials.
13.2.29 Sizing Vents Not Covered by Tables. For vent heights A.3.2.3 Code. The decision to designate a standa1·d as a
lower than 6 ft (1.8 m) and higher than shown in the tables, "code" is based on such factors as the size and scope of the
engineering methods shall be used to calculate vent capacities. document, its intended use and form of adoption, and whether
13.2.30 Height Entries. 'l\'here the actual height of a vent falls it contains substantial enforcement and administrative provi-
bet\veen entries in the height column of the applicable table in sions.
Table 13.2(a) through Table 13.2(i), either of the following A.3.2.5 Listed. Th e means for identifying listed appliances
shall be used: and equipment may vary for each 01·ganization concerned with
(1) Interpolation product evaluation; some organ izations do not recognize appli-
(2) The lower appl iance input rating shown in the table ances and equipment as listed unless it is also la beled. The
entries, for FAN Max and NAT Max column values; and authority having jurisdiction should util ize the system
the higher appliance input rating for the FAN Min employed by the listing organization to identify a listed prod-
column values uct.
As used in the definition of Listed, equipment includes
Annex A Explanatory Material appliances and materials.
Annex A is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document but is A. Category I Vented Appliance. For additi ona l
included for informational purposes rmly. This annex contains explan- information on appliance categorization as shown in 0.1
atmy material, numbered to cm-respond with the applicable text para- ilirough, see the appropriate Z21 and Z83 American
graphs. National Standards.
A.1.1.1.l(A) The final pressure regulator in an undiluted A.3.3.53 Gas Vent. This definition does not apply to plastic
Liquefied petroleum gas (LP-Gas) system can include any one plumbing piping that is specified as a ven ting material in the
of the following: manufacturer's instructions for gas-fired appliances that are
(1) The second stage regulator or integral t\vo-stage regulator listed for venting with such piping.
(2) A 2 psi (14 kPa) service regulator or integral 2 psi A. Combustible (Material). Materials are considered
(14 kPa) service 1·egulator to be combustible even if they have been fire-retardant treated.
(3) A sing le-stage regulator, where single-stage systems are
permitted by NFPA 58. A. Monitor Regulator. A monitor regulator is part of a
t\'i'o-regulator set in whic h one regulator is doing the work (i.e .,
A.3.2.1 Approved. The American Gas Association, American the working regulator) and the second regulator (i.e., the
National Standards Institute, and d1e National Fire Protection monitor) is installed to back up the working regulatm should it
Association do not approve, inspect, or certify any installations, fail. The monitor regulator remains in a nearly full-open posi-
procedures, applian ces, equipment, or materials; nor do they tion until it senses a rise in the downstream pressure . Each
approve or evaluate testing laboratories. In determining the regulator senses the same downstream pressure, which a llows
acceptability of installations, procedures, appliances, equip- either regulator to limit that downsu·eam pressure.
ment, or materials, the authority having jurisdiction may base
acceptance on compliance with NFPA or other appropriate
2021 Edition
A. Venting System. A venting system is usually Table A. Approximate Gas Input for Typical Appliances
composed of a vent 01- a chimney and vent connecto1-(s), if
used, assembled to form the open passageway. Appliance Input Btu/ hr (Approx.)
A. Gas supplie rs intend to provide gas that is free of Space Heating Units
liquids. Where liquids 01- condensates are removed from a drip, Warm airfurnace
the gas supplier can be notified if it is determined that the
Single family 100,000
liquid accumulation impedes the appliance operation or if the
Multifamily, per unit 60,000
liquid accumulation appears to be at an unusual rate. This
could mean that the gas supplier's liquid removal equipment Hydronic boiler
Single family 100,000
has failed or is in need of service .
Multifamily, per unit 60,000
Handling and disposal ofliquids might need to be done with Space and Water Heating Units
the consideration of an indusu-ial hygienist to avoid possible Hydronic boiler
contact with trace amounts of benzene. Contact the gas Single family 120,000
supplier for a safety data sheet (SOS) or consider laboratory Multifamily, per unit 75,000
sampling before handling or disposing of liquids. Water Heating Appliances
A.4.4 The provisions of Section 4.4 do not require noncom- Water heater, automatic storage 35,000
bustible materials to be tested in 01-der to be classified as 30 gal to 40 gal tank
noncombustible materials. Materials such as steel, concrete, 'Wate1· heater, automatic storage 50,000
and cement blocks are generally accepted to be noncombusti- 50 gal tank
ble. Water heater, automatic
A.4.5(3) The person performing the calculation or design can
Capacity at 2 gal/min 142,800
be one or more of the follmving:
Capacity at 4 gal/min 285,000
(1) A registered/ licensed professional enginee1~ with d1eir Capacity at 6 gal/min 428,400
stamp or registration/license number and state of regis- 'i\i'ater heater, domestic, 35,000
tration/license c irculating or side-arm
(2) A degreed engineer who is not registered/ licensed Cooking Appliances
(3) Anyone who has experience in using the calculation Range, freestanding, domestic 65,000
method, along with a statement of their experience Built-in oven or broiler unit, 25,000
A.5.3.1 The size of gas piping depends on the follo\ving domestic
factors: Bui It-in top unit, domestic 40,000
(1) Allowable loss in pressme from point of delivery to appli- Other Appliances
Refrigerator 3,000
(2) Maximwn gas demand Clothes dryer, Type l (domestic) 35,000
(3) Length of piping and number of fittings Gas fireplace direct vent 40,000
(4) Specific gravity of the gas Gas log 80,000
(5) Dive1-sity factor Barbecue 40,000
(6) Foreseeable future demand Gas light 2,500
The requirement of 5.3.1 that the piping system provide A suggested procedure for using the Chapter 6 tables to size
a gas piping system is illustrated in Annex B.
sufficient gas to each appliance inlet must be complied with.
A.5.4.4(1) For welding specifications and procedures that can
be used, see the API STD 1104, Welding of Pipelines and Related
Facilities; AWS B2.l / B2.1M, Specification for Welding Procedure and
2021 Edition
Peiformance Qualification; or ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Table A.6. 1 Nominal Pipe
Section IX.
A. An average of 0.3 grains of h ydrogen sulfide per No minal P ipe D iameter
100 scf of gas (0.7 mg/ 100 L) is equivalent to a u-ace as deter- in. mm
mined by ASTM D2385, Test Method for Hydrogen Sulfide and
Mercaptan Sulfur in Natural Gas (Cadmium Sulfate - Iodometri.c Yi, 6
Titration Method), or ASTM D2420, Test Method for H ydrogen o/16 7
Sulfide in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (Lead Acetate Method). ~ 8
% 10
A. Copper and copper alloy and fittings (except ~ 15
tin-lined copper tubing) should not be used if the gas contains % 18
more than an average of 0.3 grains of hydrogen sulfide per
100 scfofgas (0.7 mg/ 100 L) .
% 20
1 25
A. The reference to UL 651, Schedule 40 and 80 R igid H '.1 32
PVC Conduit and Fittings, is to require that PVC be a minimum 1 Y2 40
of Schedule 40 and that it be resistant to the effects of ulu-avio- 2 50
let light because it is likely to be exposed to the outdoors when 2~ 65
used for regulator ven t5. 3 80
A. Joint sealing compounds are used in tapered pipe 3~ 90
thread joints to provide lubri cation to the joint as it is tight- 4 100
ened so that less tightening torque is "used up" to overcome 4~ 115
friction and also to provide a seal of the small leak paths d1at 5 125
would otherwise remain in a metal-to-metal threaded joint. 6 150
8 200
Commonly used joint sealing compounds include pipe dope 10 250
and polytetrafluoroethylene tape, also known as PTFE tape. 12 300
Some pipe dopes also contain PTFE. Joint sealing compound5
for pipe sizes >12 in . diam., use l in.= 25 mm.
should be applied so that no sealing compound finds its way
into the interior ofa completed joint.
some segments of a piping system when compared with the
Pipe dope application should be made only to the male pipe
Longest Length Method.
thread of the joint and should coat all of the th1-eads commenc-
ing one dlread back from the end of the threaded pipe. A.6.4. 1 The Low-Pressure Formula is the standard flow
formula located in Annex B but rearranged to solve fo1- the
PTFE tape application should be made by wrapping cile tape
pipe diameter.
tightly around the male thread in a clockwise direction when
viewed from cile encl of cile pipe to which the tape is being A.6.4.2 The High-Pressure Formula is the standard flow
applied. Tape application should wrap all of the threads fonnula located in Annex B but rearranged to solve for the
commencing one thread back from the end of the th1·eaded pipe diameter.
pipe .
A.7.1.2. l (B) Conduit as used here is intended to represent
A.5.5. 7.1 For welding and brazing specifications and proce- metallic or nonmetallic surround, which provides mechanical
dures dnt can be used, see API STD 1104, Welding Pipelines and protection for the underground piping.
Related Facilities; AWS B2 .1/B2 .1 M, Specification for Welding Proce-
dure and Performance Qualification; AWS B2.2/ B2.2M, Specification A.7.1.3 For information on corrosion protection of under-
for Brazing Procedure and Peifonnance Qualification; or ASME Boiler ground pipe, see NACE SP0169, Control of 1'.xternal Corrosion on
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX. Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems. Information on
installation, maintenance, and corrosion protection m ight be
A.5.6 This section applies to premises-Qwned meters. available from the gas supplier.
A.5. 7 This section applies to premises-Qwned regulators. A.7.1.4 The gas supplier can be consulted for recommenda-
A.5.10 Appliances that can produce a vacuum o r dangerous tions.
reduction in pressure include, but are not limited to, gas A.7.2.2 Painting can be an acceptable method of corrosion
compressors. protection.
A.6.1 Table A.6.1 provides nominal meu-ic pipe size equiva- A.7.2.5 The intent is that gas piping, shutoff valves required by
lents. this code, and regulators be allowed to be installed in accessi-
A.6.1.1 The Longest Length Med1od is die u-ad.itional method ble portions of plenums, accessible ducts used to supply
combustion and ventilation air in accordance with Section 9.3,
used to determine the equivalent piping length L d1at is then
and accessible spaces benveen a fixed ceiling and dropped ceil-
used along with the pipe sizing tables to determine the appro-
priate pipe diameter size. ing.
A.7.4.3 Only vertical c hases are recognized by the coverage. It
A.6. I.2 The Branch Length Method is an alternate s1zmg
is believed that we lded joints for a horizontal gas line would be
method d1at could permit slightly smaller pipe diameters in
preferable to a horizontal chase.
2021 Edition
A. 7.8.4 System shutoff valves can se1ve as the emergency sh ut- ted for grounding electrodes but must be bonded to the light-
off valve required by ning protection grounding system. v\lhere galvanic corrosion is
of concern, the bond may be made via a spark gap or gas
A. 7.11.4 The mixing blower is acknowledged as a special case
discharge tube.
because of its inability to tolerate control valves or comparable
1-estrictions benveen mixing blower(s) and burner(s) . With A.8.1.1 Because it is sometimes necessary to d ivide a p1p111g
these limitations, mixing blower installations are not required system into test sections and install test heads, connecting
to utilize safety blowouts, backfire preventers, explosion heads, piping, and other necessary appurtenances for testing, it is not
flame arresters, or automatic firechecks that inu-oduce p1-essure required that the tie-in sections of pipe be pressure-tested. Tie-
losses. in connections, however, should be tested with a noncorrosive
leak detection fluid after gas ha5 been introduced and the pres-
A. For information on venting of deflagrations, see sure has been increased sufficiently to give some indications
NFPA68. whether leaks exist.
A. Additional interlocks might be necessary for safe
The test procedure used should be capable of disclosing all
operation of appliances supplied by the gas-mixing machine. leaks in the section being tested and should be selected after
A. 7.11.6(1) Two basic methods a1-e generally used. One calls giving due consideration to the volumetric content of the
for a separate firecheck at each burner, the other a firecheck at section and to its location.
each group of burners. The second method is generally m ore Under no circumstances should a valve in a lin e be used as a
practical if a system consist5 of many closely spaced burners. bulkhead between gas in one section of the piping syste m and
An approved automatic firecheck should be installed as near test medium in an adjacent section, unless two valves are in-
as practical upstream from a flame arrester used for local stalled in series with a valved "telltale " located between these
protection where test burners or lighting torches are valves. A valve should not be subjected to the test pressure
employed. unless it can be determined that the valve, including the valve
closing mechanism, is designed to safely withstand the test p1-es-
A. 7.12.2 The required bonding connection may be made sure.
from the piping to the electrical service equipment enclosure,
to the grounded conductor at the electrical se1vice, to the A. Fuel gas piping operating above 125 psi should be
grounding electrode conductor (where of sufficient size), or cleaned in accordance with NFPA 56.
directly to the grounding elecu-ode. The bond may also be A. DLU-ing pressure tests conducted over long periods
made to a lightning protection system grounding electrode
of time, such as overnight, the effects of temperature on pres-
(but not to down conductors) if the resulting length of the sure should be c onsidered. Temperantre drops can cause a
bonding conductor is shorter. Lightning protection grounding drop in pressure great enough to be indicated by the test
systems are bonded to the electrical service grounding electro- gauge. These temperanire drops can cause test evaluators to
des, in accordance with NFPA 780, using a method to minimize think that a leak exist5 in th e piping system when in fact the
impedance between the systems. pressure drop was caused by a decrease in the ambien t temper-
Listed clamps are manufactured to facilitate attachment of ature. See Example 5 in B.7.5.
the bonding conductor to either a segment of rigid pipe or to a A.8.2.3 See Annex C for a suggested method.
CSST-copper alloy fitting. Clamps sh ould be installed to 1-emain
accessible when building construction is complete . A.8.3 The process of purging gas piping that contains fuel gas
or charging gas piping that contains a ir must be performed in
State and local laws can limit who can attach the bonding a manner that will minimize the potential for a flammable
connection to the building grounding system . mixture to be developed within the piping.
The size of the bonding conductor, a 6 AWG copper wire, is Natural gas and propane suppliers add a distinctive odor to
a minimum size, and larger wire can be used. T he requirement their gas. Pei-sons conducting purging operations should not
also permits conductors of different materials (of equivalent rely upon their sense of smell. When a gas piping system is
size) and both single wire and multi-strand.
brought into se1vice and unodorized gas is detected, the
A. The maximum length of the bonding connection company supplying the gas should be contacted to inform it of
was established based on studies conducted by the Gas Tech- the situation and to determine what action should be taken.
nology Institute in Project Number 21323, Validation of Installa- (More information on odorization of fue l gas is available in the
tion Methods for CSST Gas Piping to Mitigate Indirect Lightning National Fuel Gas Code Handbook, "Fue l Gas Odorization" supple-
Related Damage. The shonest practical length should always be ment.)
used. A.8.3.1 Subsection 8.3.l describes the characteristics of gas
If the bonding jumper required would be longer than 75 ft piping systems that are required to be purged only to the
(22 m), an additional grotmding electrode can be installed to outdoors. The criteria were selected to distin guish between
allow a bonding jumper that is 75 ft (22 m) or less. piping systems located in in dustrial, large commercial, and
large multifamily buildings from those located in light
A. This requirement does not preclude the bonding commercial and smaller residential buildings. The gas piping
of metallic piping to a grounding system. systems installed in industrial, la rge commercial and large
A.7.12.5 Section 4.1 4 ofNFPA 780 requires that all grounding multifamily buildings are conside1-ed to be larger, more
media, including underground metallic piping systems, be complex systems for the purposes of defining their purging
interconnected to provide a common ground potential. These requirements. Because of their larger pipe volumes or potential
underground piping systems are not permitted to be substitu- for higher flow rates, these syste ms require procedures to
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX A 54-121
ensure that a large volume of fuel gas is not released to the compliance wim appropriate standards for the current produc-
indoors and that flammable mixtures do not occtu- within the tion oflisted items.
piping itself. Installers of these complex systems deal with
A.9.1.6 Halogenated hydrocarbons are particularly injurious
considerably more variables that can result in a higher poten-
tial for discharge of large gas volumes during purging opera- and corrosive after contact with flames or hot surfaces.
tions. A.9.1.20 The instructions are needed for reference and guid-
ance for d1e authority having j urisdiction, service person ne l,
Specific occupancy categories such as industrial, manufactur-
ing, commercial and large multifamily were not included in the and the owner or operator.
fuel gas code. United States building codes define these occu- A.9.1.22 Building envelope changes made under weatheriza-
pancies for the purpose of construction and safety require- tion practices intended to reduce air infilo·ation and contractor
ments. There is no general relation between the occupancy activities, such as the replacement of whole windows and exte-
types, as defined by the building codes, and the size of gas rior doors and extensive exterior modifications, will reduce the
piping system to be installed in that occupancy. The gas piping amount of infiltration air and could impact the amoun t of
size and operating pressure are based on the nature of the combustion air that is available for existing appliance installa-
piping system and gas appliances to be installed and are not tions. Proper vent sizing and configuration is crucial to main-
dependent upon a building's occupancy type or cla5sification. taining the required vent performance in strucnires mat have
A. It is recommended that the oxygen levels in the reduced air infiltratio n.
piping be monitored during the purging process to determine A.9.3 Operation of exhaust fans, ventilation systems, clothes
when suffi cient inert gas has been ino·oduced. T he manufac- dryers, or firep laces can create conditions requiring special
turer's instructions fo1· monito1·ing inso·uments must be attention to avoid unsatisfactory operation of installed applian-
followed when performing purge operations. ces.
A. Combustible gas indicators are available with differ- A. See Table A.
ent scales. For purging, it is necessary to use the percent gas in
air scale and to follow d1e manufacnu-er's operating instruc- A. See Table A. and Table A. .
tions. The percent lower explosible limit ( % LEL) scale should A. See Figure A. .
not be used because it is not relevant to purging.
A. See Figure A.9.3.3.l (l)(a) and Figure
Users should verify that the indicator will detect fuel gas in
A. (1) (b) .
the absence of oxygen . Many combustible gas indicators will
not indicate fuel gas concenu·ation accurately if no oxygen is A. See Figure A. (2).
A. See Figure A.
A.8.3.2 The criteria were selected to describe typical gas
piping systems located in light commercial and the smaller 1·esi- A. The expansion and conu·action of th e heater and
dential family buildings. Gas piping systems installed in these the vibration from the blower moto1· can lead to w01·k harden-
ing of me rigid pipe or semirigid metall ic tubing, which can
buildings are considered to be smaller and less complex
systems for the purposes of defining their purging require- ultimately lead to fractures a nd leakage. Connectors for mis
ments. Installers have familiarity with purging these systems type of heater should have adequate flexibility, temperature
rating, and vibration resistance to accommodate d1e character-
and the potential for discharge of large gas volumes during
purging operations is low. Also see A.8 .3.1. istics of d1e heater. Such flexible connectors for suspended
heaters should meet the following criteria:
A. Where small piping systems contain air and are
(1) Be determined to be appropriate for the application
purged to either the indoors or outdoors with fuel gas, a rapid (2) Be specified by the heater manufacturer
and trninterrupted flow of fuel gas must be inu·oduced into (3) Be installed in accordance with d1e manufacturer's instal-
one end of the piping system and vented out of the other end lation insl:i-uctions
so as to prevent the development of a combustible fuel-air
mixture. Purging these systems can be done either using a A.9.6.3 Laboratory burners, commonly called Bunsen burn-
source of ignition to ignite me fue l gas or b y using a listed ers, are a type of burner used in laboratories. T he orig ina l
combustible gas detector that can detect the presence of fuel Bunsen burner was invented by Ro bert Bunse n in 1852. The
gas. use of the term in NFPA 54 is intended to include all types of
portable laboratory burners used in laboratories and educa-
A.9.1.1 The American Gas Association, American National
tional facilities.
Standards Institute, Inc., and the National Fire Protection Asso-
ciation do not approve, inspect, 01- certify any installations, A.IO.I.I This chapter is applicable prima1·ily to nonindustrial-
procedures, appliances, equipment, or materials; nor do mey type appliances and installations a nd, un less speci fically ind ica-
approve or evaluate testing laboratories. In determining accept- ted, does not apply to industrial appliances and installations.
a bility of installations, procedures, appliances, equipment, or
materials, the authority having jurisdiction can base acceptance For additional information concerning particular gas appli-
ances and accessories, including indusu-ial types, reference can
on compliance with AGA, ANSI, CSA, or NFPA, or other appro-
priate standards. In the absence of such standards, said author- be made to the standards listed in Chapter 2 and Annex K.
ity can require evidence of proper installation, procedure, or A.10.1.2 Also see prohibited installations in 10.6 .2, 10.7.2,
use. The authority havingjurisdiction can also refer to the list- 10.8.2, 10.9.2, and 10.21.2.
ings or labeling practices of an organization concerned with
product evaluations and is mus in a position to determine A.10.2.7 Reference can be made to NFPA 90A or to
2021 Edition
Table A. Standard Method: Required Volume, All Table A. Known Air Infiltration Rate Method:
Appliances Minimum Space Volume for Appliances Other than Fan-
Assisted for Specified Infiltration Rates (ACT/)
Appliance Input Required Volume
(Btu/ hr) (ft3) Appliance Space Volume (ft3)
5,000 250 (Btu/ hr) 0.25ACH 0.30ACH 0.35ACH
10,000 500
15,000 750 5,000 420 350 300
20,000 1,000 10,000 840 700 600
25,000 1,250 15,000 1,260 1,050 900
20,000 1,680 1,400 1,200
30,000 1,500 25,000 2,100 1,750 1,500
35,000 1,750
40,000 2,000 30,000 2,520 2,100 1,800
45,000 2,250 35,000 2,940 2,450 2,100
50,000 2,500 40,000 3,360 2,800 2,400
45,000 3,780 3,150 2,700
55,000 2,750 50,000 4,200 3,500 3,000
60,000 3,000
65,000 3,250 55,000 4,620 3,850 3,300
70,000 3,500 60,000 5,040 4,200 3,600
75,000 3,750 65,000 5,460 4,550 3,900
70,000 5,880 4,900 4,200
80,000 4,000 75,000 6,300 5,250 4,500
85,000 4,250
90,000 4,500 80,000 6,720 5,600 4,800
95,000 4,750 85,000 7,140 5,950 5,100
100,000 5,000 90,000 7,560 6,300 5,400
95,000 7,980 6,650 5,700
105,000 5,250 100,000 8,400 7,000 6,000
110,000 5,500
115,000 5,750 105,000 8,820 7,350 6,300
120,000 6,000 110,000 9,240 7,700 6,600
125,000 6,250 115,000 9,660 8,050 6,900
120,000 10,080 8,400 7,200
130,000 6,500 125,000 10,500 8,750 7,500
135,000 6,750
140,000 7,000 130,000 10,920 9,100 7,800
145,000 7,250 135,000 11 ,340 9,450 8,100
150,000 7,500 140,000 11,760 9,800 8,400
145,000 12,180 10,150 8,700
160,000 8,000 150,000 12,600 10,500 9,000
170,000 8,500
180,000 9,000 160,000 13,440 11 ,200 9,600
190,000 9,500 170,000 14,280 11 ,900 10,200
200,000 10,000 180,000 15,120 12,600 10,800
190,000 15,960 13,300 11,400
210,000 10,500 200,000 16,800 14,000 12,000
220,000 11,000
230,000 11,500 210,000 17,640 14,700 12,600
240,000 12,000 220,000 18,480 15,400 13,200
250,000 12,500 230,000 19,320 16,100 13,800
240,000 20,160 16,800 14,400
260,000 13,000 250,000 21,000 17,500 15,000
270,000 13,500
280,000 14,000 260,000 21,840 18,200 15,600
290,000 14,500 270,000 22,680 18,900 16,200
300,000 15,000 280,000 23,520 19,600 16,800
For SI units, l ft3 = 0.028 m 3, 1000 Btu/ hr = 0.293 kW. 290,000 24,360 20,300 17,400
300,000 25,200 21,000 18,000
For SI units, I ft3 = 0.028 m 3 , 1000 Bni/ hr = 0.293 kW.
ACH: Air change per hour.
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223.I ANNEX A 54-123
Table A. Known Air Infiltration Rate Method: - Chimney or gas vent
Mitllmwn Space Volume for Fan-Assisted Appliance, for
Specified Infiltration Rates (ACH)
2021 Edition
Furnace Water
Inlet air duct
[ends 1 ft (300 mm)
D above floor]
&@I :: : :::: :
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX A 54-125
~ IJ
P_ +--'-
(B _ x_ l_
3_.5_9 6_)
Wall cabinet
or metal)
cabinet II Wall cabinet
or metal) where:
A. I0.26.8 A hole near the top of a cold water inlet tube that where:
enters the top of the water heater 01- tank is commonly accep- Q = gas flow rate at standard conditions (ft3 / hr)
ted for this purpose. F = pressure correction factor
A.11.1.I For most burners, the input rate can be changed only C = timed gas flow rate (ft3 / hr)
slightly by changing the input pressure. Burner input should be The gas input rate I is calculated with the following
checked in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's formula:
installation instn1ction s. If no appliance instn1ctions are provi-
ded, burner input rate can be checked as follows: [A.Il.l.ld]
( 1) Checking Burner Input U~ing a Meter (Clocking). To check l = Q XHHV
the Btu/ hr input rate, the test hand on the gas meter
should be timed for at least one revolution and the input where:
determined from this timing. Test d ials are generally I= gas input rate (Btu/ hr)
marked !I:?, 1, 2, or 5 ft3/ revolution depending on the size Q = gas flow rate at standard conditions (ft3/ hr)
of the meter. Instructions for converting the test hand HHV = average higher heat value of the gas at standard
readings to cubic feet pe1- hour are given in Table temperature and pressure conditions (Btu/ ft3 ),
A.11 .l. l. This table is provided for specific gas pressures which can be obtained from the gas supplier
within the meters and gives gas flow rate (corrected to Appliances can be seriously overfired if the timed
standard conditions) in cubic feet of gas per hour. Stand- meter gas flow rate used to set input rate is not acljusted
ard temperature is 60°F (16°C), and standard pressme is for meter pressure. At 2 psi (14 kPa) meter pressure, an
30.00 in. of mercury. Measure the time for at least one appliance would be 13 percent overfired if the gas flow
revolution of a dial. Look up the gas flow rate in Table rate is not adjusted for mete r pressure.
A.11.1.1. Gas flow rates can be calculated for meter pres- (2) Checking Burner Input IJy Using Orifice Pressure Drop and
sures other than in these tables in the following manner. Orifice Siu. The fixed orifice size for each burner can be
A pressure con-ection factor F should be determined for determined in accordance with Table E.1.1 (a) for utility
use in the gas input calculation for the gas pressure differ- gases and Table E.1.1 (b) for undiluted LP-Gases.
ence ~p between the meter inlet and tl1e atmosphere.
The gas supplier can provide the pressure at the meter
inlet. The pressure correction factor F is calculated with
the fo llowing formula . Table A.1 1.1.1 was calculated using
this formula .
2021 Edition
Table A.I I.I.I Gas Flow Rate to Burner in Cubic Feet per Hour at Standard Temperature and Pressure
Meter Pressure: 7.0 in. w.c. or 0.25 psi 11.0 in. w.c. or 0.40 psi 55.4 in. w.c. or 2 psi
Size of Test Meter Dial
Seconds for
One Revolution l-2 ft3 l ft3 2 ft3 5 ft3 l-2 ft'I l ft3 2 ft3 5 ft3 ~ ft3 lft3 2 ft3 5 ft3
10 183 366 732 1831 185 370 739 1849 204 409 818 2044
11 166 333 666 1664 168 336 672 I680 186 372 743 1859
I2 153 305 610 1526 154 308 616 1540 170 341 681 1704
13 141 282 563 1408 142 284 569 1422 157 315 629 1573
14 131 262 523 1308 132 264 528 1320 146 292 584 1460
15 122 244 488 1221 123 246 493 1232 136 273 545 1363
16 114 229 458 1144 116 231 462 1155 128 256 511 1278
17 108 215 431 1077 109 217 435 1087 120 241 481 1203
18 102 203 407 1017 103 205 411 1027 114 227 454 1136
19 96 193 385 964 97 195 389 973 108 215 430 1076
20 92 183 366 915 92 185 370 924 102 204 409 1022
21 87 174 349 872 88 176 352 880 97 195 389 974
22 83 166 333 832 84 168 336 840 93 186 372 929
23 80 159 318 796 80 161 321 804 89 178 356 889
24 76 153 305 763 77 154 308 770 85 170 341 852
25 73 146 293 732 74 148 296 739 82 164 327 818
26 70 141 282 704 71 142 284 711 79 157 315 786
27 68 136 271 678 68 137 274 685 76 151 303 757
28 65 13I 262 654 66 132 264 660 73 I46 292 730
29 63 126 253 63I 64 127 255 637 70 141 282 705
30 61 122 244 610 62 123 246 6I6 68 I36 273 681
3I 59 118 236 591 60 119 239 596 66 132 264 660
32 57 114 229 572 58 116 231 578 64 128 256 639
33 55 llI 222 5.55 56 112 224 .560 62 I24 248 620
34 54 108 2I5 538 54 109 2I7 544 60 I20 241 60I
35 52 105 209 523 53 106 211 528 58 117 234 584
36 51 102 203 509 51 103 205 513 57 114 227 568
37 49 99 198 495 50 100 200 500 55 Ill 221 553
38 48 96 I93 482 49 97 195 486 54 108 215 538
39 47 94 188 469 47 95 190 474 52 105 210 524
40 46 92 183 458 46 92 185 462 51 102 204 511
41 45 89 179 447 45 90 180 451 50 100 199 499
42 44 87 174 436 44 88 176 440 49 97 195 487
43 43 85 170 426 43 86 172 430 48 95 190 475
44 42 83 166 416 42 84 168 420 46 93 186 465
45 41 81 163 407 41 82 164 411 45 91 182 454
46 40 80 I59 398 40 80 161 402 44 89 178 444
47 39 78 156 390 39 79 157 393 43 87 174 435
48 38 76 153 381 39 77 154 385 43 85 170 426
49 37 75 149 374 38 75 151 377 42 83 167 417
50 37 73 146 366 37 74 148 370 41 82 164 409
51 36 72 144 3.59 36 72 145 362 40 80 160 401
52 35 70 141 352 36 71 142 355 39 79 157 393
53 35 69 138 345 35 70 140 349 39 77 154 386
54 34 68 136 339 34 68 137 342 38 76 151 379
55 33 67 133 333 34 67 134 336 37 74 149 372
56 33 65 131 327 33 66 132 330 37 73 146 365
57 32 64 128 321 32 65 130 324 36 72 143 359
58 32 63 126 316 32 64 127 319 35 70 141 352
59 31 62 124 310 31 63 125 313 35 69 139 347
60 31 61 122 305 31 62 123 308 34 68 136 341
62 30 59 118 295 30 60 119 298 33 66 132 330
64 29 57 114 286 29 58 116 289 32 64 128 319
66 28 55 Ill 277 28 56 112 280 31 62 124 310
68 27 54 108 269 27 54 109 272 30 60 120 301
70 26 52 105 262 26 53 106 264 29 58 117 292
(contin ues)
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX A 54-127
Meter Pressure: 7.0 in. w.c. or 0.25 psi 11.0 in. w.c. or 0.40 psi 55.4 in. w.c. or 2 psi
Size of Test Meter Dial
Seconds for
One Revolution \,2 ft3 1 ft3 2 ft3 5 ft3 \,2 rt.3 1 ft3 2 ft3 5 ft3 ~ ft3 l ft3 2 ft3 5 ft3
72 25 51 102 254 26 51 103 257 28 57 114 284
74 25 49 99 247 25 50 100 250 28 55 111 276
76 24 48 96 241 24 49 97 243 27 54 108 269
78 23 47 94 235 24 47 95 237 26 52 105 262
80 23 46 92 229 23 46 92 231 26 51 102 256
82 22 45 89 223 23 45 90 225 25 50 100 249
84 22 44 87 218 22 44 88 220 24 49 97 243
86 21 43 85 213 21 43 86 215 24 48 95 238
88 21 42 83 208 21 42 84 210 23 46 93 232
90 20 41 81 203 21 41 82 205 23 45 91 227
94 19 39 78 195 20 39 79 197 22 43 87 217
98 19 37 75 187 19 38 75 189 21 42 83 209
100 18 37 73 183 18 37 74 185 20 41 82 204
104 18 35 70 176 18 36 71 178 20 39 79 197
108 17 34 68 170 17 34 68 171 19 38 76 189
112 16 33 65 163 17 33 66 165 18 37 73 183
116 16 32 63 158 16 32 64 159 18 35 70 176
120 15 31 61 153 15 31 62 154 17 34 68 170
130 14 28 56 141 14 28 57 142 16 31 63 157
140 13 26 52 131 13 26 53 132 15 29 58 146
150 12 24 49 122 12 25 49 123 14 27 55 136
160 11 23 46 114 12 23 46 116 13 26 51 128
170 11 22 43 108 11 22 43 109 12 24 48 120
180 10 20 41 102 10 21 41 103 11 23 45 114
190 10 19 39 96 10 19 39 97 11 22 43 108
200 9 18 37 92 9 18 37 92 10 20 41 102
Note: To convert to Btu per hour, multiply the cubic feet per hour of gas by the Btu per cubic foot heating value of the gas used.
A.11.2 Normally, the primary a ir adjustment should first be set contained in the manufacturer's a pplia nce installatio n insUl.IC-
to give a soft blue flame having lumin ous tips and then tions.
increased to a point where the ye llow tips just disappear. If the
burner cannot be so adjusted, the manufacturer or serving gas A.12.3.3 Information on the consu-uction and installation of
ventilating hoods can be ob tained from NFPA 96.
supplier should be contacted.
A.11.6 A procedure for checking draft can be found in G.5.2. A.12.4.4 See A.12.3.3.
A.12.1 This chapter recognizes that the choice of venting A. For information o n the installation of gas vents in
existing masonry chimneys, see Section 12.7.
materials and the methods of installation of venting systems are
dependent on the operating characteristics of an y connected A. Chimn ey clearance requirements are illusu-ated in
applian ces. The operating characteristics of vented appliances Figure A.
can be categorized with respect to whether greater-than-
atmospheric or sub-atmospheric pressure exists within the A. Reference can a lso be made to the chapter on
operating vent syste m and to whether an appliance generates chimney, gas vent, and fireplace systems of the ASHRAE Hand-
flue or vent gases that can condense in the venting system . book - HVAC Systems and Equipment.
Draft hood-equipped appliances requfre a vent design that A. Additional informatio n on sizing venting systems
provides a draft to draw vent products in to and through the can be found in the foll owing:
vent system . Vent design tables and the requirements with in (1) Tables in Chapter 13
this code, both for vents and for provision of combustion ai1-, (2) The appliance manufacturer's instructions
should be used to ensure that vents wi ll provide this draft. (3) The vent system manufacturer's sizing instructions
( 4) Drawings, calcula tio ns, and specifications provided by the
Higher efficiency appliances that generate low-temperature
vent gases that can condense require a venting system that can vent system manufacturer
accommodate the condensate produced. Desig n of these vent- (5) Drawings, calculations, and specifications provided by a
ing systems is accomplished by the appliance manufacturer. competent person
Vent system installation requirements for these appliances a1-e (6) The chapter on c himney, gas vent, and fireplace systems
of the ASHRAE Handbook - HVAC Systems and Equipment
2021 Edition
10 ft (3 m) or
t 2ft(0.6m) f
3ft (0.9m)
Wall or
(a) Termination 10 ft (3 m) or Less from Ridge, Wall, or Parapet
Note: No height
pc: above parapet
required when
Wall or ::: distance from walls
parapet::::-:·. or parapet is more Chimney
than 10 ft (3 m).
FIGURE A. Typical Termination Locations for Chimneys and Single-Wall Metal Pipes
Serving Residential-Type and Low-Heat Appliances.
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX B 54-129
g[ ~ ~
B.2 General Pipe Sizing Considerations. To determine the
•~•~• lo or ~I
size of piping used in a gas piping system, th e following factors
must be considered:
(1) Allowable loss in pressure from point of delivery to appli-
~ ~Incorrect
""'- lntorrect
(2) Maximum g<is demand
~ Incorrect .l_M~ (3) Length of piping and number of fittings
(4) Specific gravity of the gas
(b) Incorrect Locations (5) Diversity factor
FIGURE A.12.13.4 Locations for Barometric Draft For any gas piping system, or special appliance, or for condi-
Regulators. tions other than those covered by the tables provided in this
code, such as longer run s, greater gas demands, or greater
pressure drops, the size of each gas piping system should be
A.12.13.4 A device that automatically shuts off ga~ to the dete1-mined by standard engineering practices acceptable to
bmner in the event of sustained backdraft is recommended if the authority havingjuri sdiction.
such backdraft might adversely affect burner operation or if
flue gas spillage might introduce a hazard. Figure A12.13.4 B.3 Description of Tables.
shows examples of correct and incorrect locations for baromet- B.3. 1 General. The quantity of gas to be provided at each
ric draft regulators. outlet should be determined, whenever possible, directly from
A.12.14.2 Balancing baffles are typically used in engineered the manufacturer's ga~ input Bn1/ hr rating of the appliance to
systems and are provided to allow draft adjustment during be installed, adjusted fo1- altitude whe1-e appropriate. In case
appliance and venting system commissioning. They are fixed in the ratings of the appliances to be installed are not known,
place and not adjusted after commissioning. Table A. shows the approximate consumption (in Btu
per hour) of certain types of typical household appliances.
A.13.1.7 A long radius n1rn is a turn where the centerline
radius is equal to or greater than 1.5 times the vent diameter. To obtain the cubic feet per hour of gas required, divide the
total Bn1/ hr input of a ll appliances by the average Btu heating
A.13.2.20 A long radius turn is a turn where the centerline value pe1- cubic foot of the gas. The average Bn1 per cubic foot
radius is equal to or greater than 1.5 times the vent diameter. of the gas in the area of the installation can be obtained from
the serving ga~ supplier.
Annex B Sizing and Capacities of Gas Piping B.3.2 Low-Pressure Natural Gas Tables. Capacities for gas at
77iis annex is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document low pressure [2.0 psi (14 kPa gauge) or less] in cubic feet per
but is included for informational pmposes only. hour of 0 .60 specific gravity gas for d ifferent sizes and lengths
are shown in Table 6.2.l (a) throug h Table 6.2.l(d) for iron
B.l Sizing Factors. The first goal of determining the pipe pipe or equivalent rigid pipe, in Table 6.2.1 (h) through Table
sizing of a fuel gas piping system is to be assured that the g<is 6.2.l (k) for smooth wall semirigid n1bing, in Table 6.2.l (o)
pressure at the inlet to each appliance is sufficient. The major- through Table 6.2.1 (q) for corrugated stainless steel n1bing,
ity of systems are residential, and the appliances all have the and in Table 6.2.1 (t)and Table 6.2.1 (u) for polyethylene plastic
same, or nearly the same, requirement for minimum gas pres- pipe. Table 6.2.1 (a) and Table 6.2.1 (h) are based on a pressure
sure at the appliance in.let. This pressure is about 5 in. drop of 0.3 in. w.c. (75 Pa), whereas Ta ble 6.2.l (b) , Table
(1.2 kPa) w.c., which is enough for proper operation of the 6.2.l (i), and Table 6.2.l (o) are based on a pressure drop of
appliance regulato1- to delive1- about 3.5 in. (0.87 kPa) w.c. to 0.5 in. w.c. ( 125 Pa) . Table 6.2.1 U), Table 6.2.l (p), and Table
the burner it.self. The pressure drop in the piping is subtracted 6.2.l (q) are special low-pressure applications based on pressure
from the source delivery pressure to verify that the minimum is drops greater than 0. 5 in. w.c. (125 Pa) . In using Table 6.2.l U),
available at the appliance. Table 6.2.l (p), or Table 6.2.l (q), an allowance (in equivalent
length of pipe) shou ld be considered for any piping run with
There are otl1er systems, howeve1~ where the required inlet
four or more fittings (see Table B.3.2).
pressure to the different appliances could be quite varied. In
such cases, the g1-eatest inlet pressm-e required must be satis-
fied, as well as the farthest appliance, which is almost always the
critical appliance in small systems.
2021 Edition
\-2 0.622 0.73 1.55 3.47 3 .10 0.83 0.62 0.47 0.36 0.47 0.62
% 0.824 0.96 2.06 4.60 4.1 2 1.10 0.82 0.62 0.48 0.62 0.82
1 1.049 1.22 2.62 5.82 5.24 1.40 1.05 0.79 0.61 0.79 1.05
l~ 1.380 1.61 3.45 7.66 6.90 1.84 1.38 1.03 0.81 1.03 1.38
l \-2 1.610 1.88 4.02 8.95 8.04 2.14 1.6 1 1.21 0.94 1.21 1.61
2 2.067 2.41 5 .1 7 11.5 10.3 2.76 2.07 1.55 1.21 1.55 2.07
2 \12 2.469 2.88 6.1 6 13.7 12.3 3.29 2.47 1.85 1.44 1.85 2.47
3 3.068 3.58 7 .67 17.1 15.3 4.09 3.07 2.30 1.79 2.30 3.07
4 4.026 4.70 10.1 22.4 20 .2 5.37 4.03 3.02 2.35 3.02 4.03
5 5.047 5.88 12.6 28.0 25 .2 6.72 5.05 3.78 2.94 3.78 5.05
6 6.065 7.07 15.2 33.8 30.4 8.09 6.07 4.55 3.54 4.55 6.07
8 7.981 9.31 20.0 44.6 40.0 10.6 7.98 5.98 4.65 5.98 7.98
10 10.02 11.7 25 .0 55.7 50.0 13.3 10.0 7.51 5.85 7.51 10.0
12 11.94 13.9 29.8 66.3 59.6 15.9 11.9 8.95 6.96 8.95 11.9
14 13.1 3 15.3 32.8 73.0 65 .6 17.5 13.1 9.85 7.65 9.85 13. l
16 15.00 17.5 37.5 83.5 75 .0 20.0 15.0 11.2 8.75 11.2 15.0
18 16.88 19.7 42.l 93.8 84.2 22.5 16.9 12.7 9.85 12.7 16.9
20 18.81 22.0 47.0 105 94.0 25.1 18.8 14.l 11.0 14.l 18.8
24 22.63 26.4 56.6 126 113 30.2 22.6 17.0 13.2 17.0 22.6
Miter Elbows3 (No. of Miters) Welding Tees Valves (Screwed, Flanged, or Welded)
1-45° 1-60° 1-90° 2-90° 3-90° Forged Miter3 Gate Globe Angle Check
0.45 0.90 1.80 0.60 0.45 1.35 1.80 0.21 10 5.0 2.5
15 30 60 20 15 45 60 7 333 167 83
Ci [S'.J
L =Equivalent Length in Feet of Schedule 4 0 (Standard Weight) Straight Pipe6
A 5 ~ a
0.78 1.55 3.1 0 1.04 0.78 2.33 3.1 0 0.36 17.3 8.65 4.32
1.03 2.06 4.1 2 1.37 1.03 3.09 4.12 0.48 22.9 11.4 5.72
1.31 2.62 5.24 1.75 1.3 1 3.93 5.24 0.6 1 29.1 14.6 7.27
1.72 3.45 6.90 2.30 1.72 5.17 6.90 0.81 38.3 19.1 9.58
2.01 4 .02 8.04 2.68 2.01 6.04 8.04 0.94 44.7 22.4 11.2
2.58 5.17 10.3 3.45 2.58 7.75 10.3 1.21 57.4 28.7 14.4
3.08 6.1 6 12.3 4.11 3.08 9.25 12.3 1.44 68.5 34.3 17.1
3.84 7.67 15.3 5.11 3.84 11.5 15.3 1.79 85.2 42.6 21.3
5.04 10.1 20.2 6.71 5.04 15.1 20.2 2.35 112 56.0 28.0
6.30 12.6 25.2 8.40 6.30 18.9 25.2 2.94 140 70.0 35.0
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223.I ANNEX B 54-131
Miter Elbows3 (No. of Miters) Welding Tees Valves (Screwe d , Flanged, or Welded)
1-45° 1-60° 1-90° 2-90° 3-90° Forged Miter3 Gate Globe Angle Check
0.45 0.90 1.80 0.60 0.45 1.35 1.80 0.21 10 5.0 2.5
15 30 60 20 15 45 60 7 333 167 83
CZ> CZ> 9J ~
L =Equivalent Length in
Q ~ ! i
Feet of Schedule 4 0 (Standard Weight) Straight Pipe 6
~ 0
7.58 15.2 30.4 10.1 7.58 22.8 30.4 3.54 168 84.l 42.1
9.97 20.0 40.0 13.3 9.97 29.9 40.0 4.65 222 111 55.5
12.5 25.0 50.0 16.7 12.5 37.6 50.0 5.85 278 139 69.5
14.9 29.8 59.6 19.9 14.9 44.8 59.6 6.96 332 166 83.0
16.4 32.8 65.6 21.9 16.4 49.2 65.6 7.65 364 182 9 1.0
18.8 37.5 75.0 25.0 18.8 56.2 75.0 8.75 4 17 208 104
21.1 42.1 84.2 28.1 21.1 63.2 84.2 9.85 469 234 117
23.5 47.0 94.0 31.4 23.5 70.6 94.0 11.0 522 261 13 1
28.3 56.6 113 37.8 28.3 85.0 113 13.2 629 3 14 157
For SI units, 1 fr~ 0.30.~ m.
Note: Values for welded fillings are for conditions where bore is not obstructed by weld spatter or backing rings. If appreciably obstructed, use values
for "Screwed Fittings."
Flanged fittings have three-fourths the resistance of screwed e lbows and tees.
Tabular figures g ive the extra resistance due to curvature alone to which should be added the full length of travel.
Small size socket-welding fittings are equivalent to m iter elbows and miter tees.
Equivalenr resistance in number of diameters of straight pipe computed for a value of/- 0.0075 from the relation n - k/ 4f
''For condition of minimum resistance where d1e centerline length of each miter is between d and 2Y,d.
For pipe having other inside diameters, the equivalent res istance may be computed from the above n values.
Source: From Piping Handbook, Table XJV, pp. 100- 101. Used by permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.
B.3.3 Undiluted LP-Gas Tables. Capacities in thousands of Table B.3.4 SPECIAL USE: Multipliers to Be Used with Tables
Btu per hour of und iJuted LP-Gases based on a pressure drop 6.2.1 (a) Through 6.2.1 (x) When the Specific Gravity of the Gas
of 0.5 in. w.c. (125 Pa) for different sizes and lengths are shown Is Other than 0.60
in Table 6 .3.1 (d) for iron p ipe or equivalent t-igid pipe, in
Table 6.3.1 (f) for smooth wall semi.rigid tubing, in Table Specific Specific
6.3.1 (h) for corrugated stainless steel tubing, and in Table Gravity Multiplier Gravity Multiplier
6.3.1 (k) and Table 6.3.1 (m) for polyethylene plastic pipe and
tubing. Table 6 .3.1 (i) and Table 6 .3.1 U) for corrugated stain- 0.35 l.31 LOO 0.78
0.40 1.23 1.1 0 0.74
less steel tubing and Ta ble 6.3.1 (I) for polyethylene plastic pipe
0.45 1.1 6 L20 0.71
are based on operating pressures greater than 0.5 psi (3.5 kPa)
and pressure drops greater than 0.5 in. w.c. (125 Pa) . In using 0.50 1.1 0 L30 0.68
these tables, an allowance (in equivalent length of pipe) should 0.55 1.04 1.40 0.66
be considered for any piping run with four or more fittings (see 0.60 LOO L50 0.63
Tab/,e B.3.2). 0.65 0.96 L60 0.61
0.70 0.93 L70 0.59
B.3.4 Natural Gas Specific Gravity. Gas piping systems that
0.75 0.90 L80 0.58
are to be supplied with ga5 of a specific gravity of 0.70 or less
can be sized directly from the tables provided in th is code, 0.80 0.87 L90 0.56
unless the authority having jurisdiction specifies that a gravity 0.85 0.84 2.00 0.55
factor be applied. Where the specific gravity of the gas is 0.90 0.82 2. 10 0.54
greater than 0.70, the gravity factor should be applied.
Application of the gravity factor converts the figures given in B.3.5 Higher Pressure Natural Gas Tables. Capacities for gas
the tables provided in this code to capacities for another gas of at pressures of2 psi (14 kPa) and greater in cubic feet per hour
different specific gravity. Such application is accomplished by of 0 .60 specific gravity ga~ for d ifferent sizes a nd lengths are
multiplying the capacities given i.n the tables by the multipliers shown in Table 6.2.1 (e) a nd Ta ble 6.2.1 (f) for iron pipe or
shown in Table B.3.4. In case the exact specific gravity does not equivalent rigid pipe, Table 6 .2 .1 (1) through Table 6.2.1 (n) for
appear in the table, c hoose the next higher value specific grav- semirigid tubing, Table 6.2.l (r) and Tabl e 6.2.l (s) for corruga-
ity shown . ted stainl ess stee l tubing, a nd Ta ble 6.2.1 (u) and Table 6.2 .1 (v)
for polyethylene plastic pipe.
2021 Edition
B.4 Use of Capacity Tables. plyi ng the actua l inside diame ter of the pipe in inches by n/ 12,
or the actual inside diameter in feet by n. N can be read from
B.4.1 The Longest Length Method. This sizing method is the table heading. The equivalent length values can be used
conservative in its approach by applying the maximum o perat- witl1 reasonable accuracy for coppe r or copper alloy fittings
ing conditions in the syste m as the n~rm for ~e system and by and bends, a lthough the resistance per foot of copper or
setting the length of pipe used to size any given pan of the copper a ll oy pipe is less than that o~ steel. For copper. or
piping system to the maximum value. coppe1- a ll oy valves, howeve1·, the equivalent length of pipe
To determ ine the size of each section of gas piping in a should be taken as 45 percent longer than the va lues in the
system with in the range of the capacity tables, proceed as table, which are for steel pipe.
fo llows (also see sampl,e ralculalions included in this annex): B.4.2 The Branch Lengtli Method. This sizing me thod
( 1) Divide the piping system into approp1-iate segments reduces the a mount of conservatism built into tl1e traditional
consistent with the presence of tees, branc h lines, and Longest Length Method. The longest le ngth as m easured fr~ 1·n
main runs. For each segment, determine the gas load the meter to the farthest remote applia nce is used o nly to size
(assuming a ll appliances operate simultaneously) and its the initia l parts of the overall piping system. The Bra nch
overall length. An allowance (in equivalent length .of Lengtli Method is applied in the fo llowing ma nner:
pipe) as determ ined from Ta ble B.3.2 should be consid- ( J) Determine tile gas load for each of til e conn ected appli-
ered for piping segments that include four or more ances.
fittings. (2) Starting from the mete1~ d ivide the piping syste~ in to a
(2) Determine the gas demand of each appliance to be number of connected segm ents, a nd detenrnne the
attach ed to the piping system. vVhere Table 6.2. l (a) le n gth and an1ount of gas tl1at each segment would carry,
through Tabl e 6.2. 1 (x) a re to be used to select the piping assuming that all applia nces were operated sim.ultane-
size, calculate the gas demand in terms o f cubic feet per ously. An a llowance (in equivalent length o'. pipe) as
hour for each piping system outlet. Where Table 6.3. l (a) determined from Table B.3.2 should be considered for
tlirough Table 6.3. 1(m) are to be used to select the piping segments tl1at include four or more fittings.
piping size, calculate the gas demand in terms of tl1ou- (3) Determine the d istance from the o u tlet of the gas meter
sands of Bl.ll per hour for each piping system outlet. to tile appliance farthest removed from the meter.
(3) \.\'here the piping system is for use with otl1er than undi- (4) Using the longest distance (found in Step 3), size eac~
luted LP-Gases, determ ine tl1e design system pressure, the p iping segment from the meter to tl1e most remote appli-
a llowable loss in pressure (pressure drop), and specific ance outlet.
gravity of the gas to be used in the piping sys.rem. . (5) For each oftl1ese piping segm ents, use tl1e longest length
(4) Determ ine the le ngth of piping from the po1ntofde l1very and the calculated gas load for a ll of the connected appli-
to the most remote o utlet in the building/ piping syste m. ances for the segment and begin the sizing process in
(5) In the appropriate capacity table, select the row sh owing Steps 6 through 8.
the measured length or tile next longer le ngth 1f the (6) Refe rring to the appropriate sizing table (based o n oper-
table does not give tile exact length. This le ngth is the ating conditions and piping materia l), find tl1e longest
o nly le ngth used in determ ining the size of any section of length distance in the fi rst column o r the next larger
gas piping. If the gravity facto r is to be app li ~d'. the values distance if the exact distance is not listed. The use of
in the selected row of the table are multiplied by the alternative o perating pressures a nd/ or pressure drops
appropriate multipli er from Table B.3.4. requires the use of a different sizing table but does not
(6) Use this horizontal row to locate ALL gas demand figures a lter the sizing methodology. ln many cases, the use of
for this particul ar system of piping. alternative o perating pressures and/ or pressure drops
(7) Starting at the most remote outlet, find the gas demand requires tl1e approval of both the a utl1ority having j uris-
for tllat outlet in the horizontal row just selected. If the diction and the local gas serving uti lity.
exact figure of demand is not sh own, ch oose the next (7) Trace across this row until the gas load is found or the
larger figure left in the row. closest larger capacity if tl1e exact capacity is not listed.
(8) Opposite this demand figure, in tl1e first row at the top, (8) Read up tl1e table column and select the appropriate p~pe
tlle correct size of gas piping will be found . s ize in the top row. Repeat Steps 6, 7, and 8 for each p ipe
(9) Proceed in a similar manner for each outlet and each segment in the longest nm. . . .
section of gas piping. For each section of piping, deter- (9) Size each re maining section of branch p1p111g not preVJ-
mine the total gas demand supplied by that section. ously sized by measuring the distance from the gas meter
V1'hen a large number of piping components (st'.ch as location to the most remote ou tlet in tllat branch, using
elbows, tees, and valves) are installed in a pipe run, additional the gas load of attached appliances, and fo llow the proce-
pressure loss can be a ccounted for by the use of equivalent dures of Steps 2 tluough 8.
le ngths. Pressure loss across any piping component. can be B.4.3 Hybrid Pressure Method. The sizing of a 2 psi ( 14 kPa)
equated to the pressure drop through a length of pipe. The gas piping system is performed using the Longest
equivalent le ngth of a combination of only four elbo~vs / ~ees Length Method but with modificatio ns. The 2 psi (14 kPa)
can result in a jump to the n ext larger le ngth row, resulting m a system consists of two independent pressure zones, ~ nd e~ch
significant reduction in capacity. The equivale nt le ng.ths in feet zone is sized separately. The H ybrid Pressure Me thod is a pplied
shown in Table B.3.2 have b een computed o n a basis that the using the fo llowing steps.
inside d iameter corresponds to that of Schedule 40 (standard
weight) steel pipe, wh ich is close e nough for most ~urposes
involving other chedules of pipe. Where a more specific so l t~
tion for equivalent length is desired, this can be made by mulu-
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX B 54-133
T he 2 psi (14 kPa) section (from the meter to the line regu- (b) Trace across this row until the appliance gas load is
lator) is sized as follows: found or the closest la rger capacity if the exact
capacity is not listed.
(l) Calculate the gas load (by adding up the nameplate
ratings) from all connected appliances. (In certain (c) Read up the table column to the top row and select
circumstances the installed gas load can b e in creased up the appropriate pipe size.
to 50 percent to accommodate future addition of applian- (d) Repeat this process for each segme nt of the piping
ces.) Ensure that the line regulator capacity is adequate system.
for the calculated gas load and that the required pressure B.4.4 Pressure Drop per 100 ft Method. This sizing method is
drop (across the regulator) for that capacity does not less conservative than the others, but it allows the designer to
exceed % psi (5.2 kPa) for a 2 psi ( 14 kPa) system. If the immediately see where the largest pressure drop occurs in the
pressure drop across the regulator is too high (for the syste m. With this information, modifications can be made to
connected gas load), select a larger regulator. bring the total drop to the critical appliance within the limita-
(2) Measure the distance from the meter to the line regulator tions that are presented to the designer.
located inside the building.
(3) If multiple line regulators are used, measure the distance Follow the procedures described in the Longest Length
from the meter to the 1-egulator farthest removed from Method for steps ( l ) through (4) and step (9) .
the meter.
For each piping segment, calculate the p ressure drop based
(4) The maximum allowable pressure drop for the 2 psi on pipe size, l ength as a percentage of 100 ft, and gas flow.
(14 kPa) section is 1 psi (7 kPa) . Table B.4.4 shows pressure d rop per 100 ft for pipe sizes from
(5) Referring to the appropriate sizing table (based on
~ in. through 2 in. The sum of pressure drops to the critical
piping material) for 2 psi (14 kPa) systems with a 1 psi appliance is subtracted from the supply pressure to verify that
(7 kPa) pressure drop, find this distance in the fast sufficient pressure is available. If not, the layout can be exam-
column, or the closest larger distance if the exact distance
ined to find the high drop section(s), and sizing selections
is not listed. modified.
(6) Trace across this row until the gas load is found or the
closest larger capacity if the exact capacity is not listed.
(7) Read up the table column to the top row and select the Table B.4.4 Thousands of Btu/ hr of Natural Gas per 100 ft of
appropriate pipe size . Pipe at Various Pressure Drops and Pipe Diameters
(8) If multiple regulators are used in this portion of the
piping system, each line segment must be sized for its Pipe Sizes (in.)
Press. Drop/
actual gas load, using the longest length previously deter-
100 ft (in. w.c.) '12 o/., 1 1 Y. l Y:? 2
0.2 31 64 121 248 372 716
The low-pressure section (all piping downstream of the line 0.3 38 79 148 304 455 877
1-egulator) is sized as follows: 0.5 50 104 195 400 600 ll60
( 1) Determine the gas load for each of the connected appl i- 1.0 71 147 276 566 848 1640
ances. Note: Other values can be obtained using the following equation:
(2) Starting from the line regulator, divide the piping system
into a number of connected segment5 and/or independ-
ent parallel piping segments and detennine the amount [B.4.4a]
of gas that each segment would carry, assuming that all Desired Drop
appliances were operated simultaneously. An allowance Desired Value= thousands of Btu/ hrx
T able Drop
(in equivalent length of pipe) as determined from Table
B.3.2 should be considered for piping segments that
include four or more fittings. For example, if it is desired to get flow through 'Y. in. pipe at 2 in. w.c./
(3) For each piping segment, use the actual length or longest LOO ft, multiply the capacity of 'Y. in. pipe at L in ./ LOO ft by the square
length (if there are sub-branch lines) and the calculated root of the pressure ratio:
gas load for that segment and begin the sizing process as
fo llows: [B.4.4b]
(a) Referring to the appropriate sizing table (based on 2 in . w.c.
operating pressure and piping material), find the L47,000 Bm/ hr x 1--- = L47,000x l.4 L4 = 208,000 Btu/ hr
longest length d istance in the first column or the Lin . w.c.
closest larger distance if the exact distance is not
listed. The use of alternative operating pressures
and/ or pressure drops requires the use of a differ-
ent sizing table but does not alter the sizing meth-
odology. In many cases, the use of alternative
operating pressures and/ or pressure drops could
require the approval of the authority having juris-
2021 Edition
B.5 Use of Sizing Equations. Capacities of smooth wall pipe Table B.6(b) Copper Tube Standard Sizes
or tubing can also be determined by using the following fonnu-
las: Nominal Nominal
( 1) High Pressure [ 1.5 psi ( 10 .3 kPa) and above]: or or
Standard Internal Standard Internal
Tube Size Diameter Tube Size Diameter
[B.5a] Type (in.) (in.) Type (in.) (in.)
D5. (P.2 - P/). y K '!.. 0.305 K 1 0.995
Q = 181.6 I -
L '!.. 0.315 L 1.025
Cr ·jba ·L
ACR(D) Ys 0.315 ACR l Ys 1.025
p2 p2 y Oll<l l (D,A)
= 2237 D2 62:l ( I - 2 ). Y.
ACR(A) Ys 0.3ll K l 1.245
[ Cr·L ]
K % 0.402 L 1 Y. 1.265
(2) Low Pressure [less than 1.5 psi (10.3 kPa)]: L Ya 0.430 ACR 1% 1.265
(D, A)
ACR (D ) ~ 0.430 K 1 'It 1.481
[B.5b] ACR(A) ~ 0.436 L l\,'2 1.505
K ~ 0.527 ACR 1% 1.505
D5 ·D.H (D,A)
Q = 187.3
Or·jba·L L ~ 0.545 K 2 1.959
0.5•11 ACR (D ) % 0.545 L 2 1.985
= 2313D2623 D.H % 2\lg
Cr· L J
ACR(A) 0.555 ACR
K % 0.652 K 2~ 2.435
where: L % 0.666 L 21it 2.465
Q = rate (cubic feet per hour at 60°F and 30 in. mercury ACR (D ) Y. 0.666 ACR 2% 2.465
column) (D,A)
D = inside diameter of pipe (in.) ACR(A) Y. 0.680 K 3 2.907
P, = upsu·eam pressure (psia) K Y. 0.745 L 3 2.945
P2 = downsu·eam pressure (psia) L Y., 0.785 ACR 3\lg 2.945
Y = superexpansibility factor= l / supercompressibility (D,A)
factor ACR '.Is 0.785
Cr= factor for viscosity, density, and temperature (D, A)
fba = base friction factor for air at 60°F (CF= 1)
L = length of pipe (ft)
H = pressure drop [in . w.c. (27.7 in. H 20 = 1 psi) = The gas to be used has 0.60 specific gravity and a heating value
0.00354 ST(Z/S)° 152 l oflOOO Bn1/ ft3 (37.5 MJ/ m 3 ) .
See Table 6.4.2 for values of Cr and Y for nan1ral gas and
propane. (1) Maximum gas demand for outlet A:
B.6 Pipe and Tube Diameters. \'\There the internal diamete1· is
determined by the formulas in Section 6.4, Table B.6(a) and []
Table B.6(b) can be used to select the nominal or standard
pipe size based on the calculated internal diameter. Consumption ( ;;1~~7~ g~.~. l~f~~c~~sary)
B.7 Examples of Piping System Design and Sizing. Btu of gas
B.7.1 Example 1 - Longest Length Method. Determine the = 35,000 Btu/ hr rating = 35 ft 3 / hr = 35 cfh
required pipe size of each section and outlet of the piping
1000 Btu/ft
system shown in Figure B.7.1, with a designated pressure drop
of 0.50 in. w.c. (125 Pa), using the Longest Length Method.
Maximum gas demand for outlet B:
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX B 54-135
Maxi mum gas demand for outlet D: (3) Using the following steps, determine if sizing tables can
be used:
[B.7.ld] (a) Total gas load shown in Figure B.7.2 equals 110 chf
(3.11 m 3/ hr) .
Consumption = 100,000 = cfh
100 (b) Determine pressure drop across regulator [see
Bn1 of gas 1000 notes in Table 6.2.l (r)] .
(2) The length of pipe from the point of deliveq' to the most (c) If pressure drop across regulator exceeds % psi
remote outlet (A) is 60 ft (18.3 m). This is the on ly (5 .2 kPa), Table 6.2.1 (r) cannot be used . Note that
distance used. if pressure drop exceeds Y. psi (5 .2 kPa), a larger
(3) Using the row marked 60 ft (18.3 m) in Table 6 .2.1 (b): r·egulator must be selected or an alternative sizing
method must be used.
(a) Outlet A, supplying 35 dh (0.99 m 3 / hr) , requires ~ (d) Pressure drop across the lin e regulator [for 110
in. pipe. dh / (3.11 m 3/ hr)) is 4 in. w.c. (0.99 kPa) based on
(b) Outlet B, supplying 75 cfh (2.12 m 3 / hr), requires Y. manufacturer's performance data.
in. pipe. (e) Assume the CSST manufacturer has nibing sizes or
(c) Section 1, supplying outlets A and B, or 110 cfh EHDs ofl3, 18, 23, and 30.
(3.11 m 3 / hr), requires % in. pipe. (4) From Section A (2 psi (14 kPa) zone] :
(d) Section 2, supplying outlets C and D, or 135 cfh
(3.82 m 3 / hr), requires% in. pipe. (a) Determine distance from meter to regulator= 100 ft
(e) Section 3, supplying outlets A, B, C, and D, or 245 (30 .48 m) .
cfh (6.94 m 3/ hr), requires 1 in. pipe. (b) Determine total load supplied by A = llO cfh
(4) If a different gravity factor is applied to this example, the (3.11 m 3/ hr) (furnace + water heater + dryer) .
values in the row marked 60 ft (18.3 m) of Table 6.2.1 (b) (c) Table 6.2.l (r) shows that EHD size 18 should be
would be multiplied by the appropriate multiplier from used. Note that it is not unusual to oversize the
Table B. 3.4, and the resulting c ubic feet per hour values supply line by 25 to 50 percent of the as-installed
would be used to size the piping. load. EHD size 18 has a capacity of 189 cfh
(5.35 m 3/ hr) .
B.7.2 Example 2 - Hybrid or Dual Pressure Systems. Deter- (5) From Section B (low-pressure zone):
mine the required CSST size of each section of tl1e piping
system shown in Figure B.7.2, with a designated pressure drop (a) Distance from regulator to furnace is 15 ft (4.57 m).
(b) Load is 60 cfh (1 .70 m 3 / hr) .
of 1 psi (7 kPa) for the 2 psi (14 kPa) section and 3 in. w.c.
(c) Table 6.2.l (p) shows that EHD size 13 should be
(0.75 kPa) pressure drop for t11e 10 in. w.c. (2.49 kPa) section .
used .
T he gas to be used has 0.60 specific gravity and a heating value
(6) From Section C (low-pressure zone):
of 1000 Btu/ ft3 (37 .5 MJ/ m 3 ) .
(a) Distance from regulator to water heater is 10 ft
Solution (3 m) .
(1) Size 2 psi (14 kPa) line using Table 6.2.l (r) . (b) Load is 30 cfh (0.85 m 3 / hr) .
(2) Size 10 in. w.c. (2.5 kPa) lines usingTable 6.2.l (p) . (c) Table 6.2.l (p) shows that EHD size 13 should be
(7) From Section D (low-pressure zone):
OutletD (a) Distance from regulator to dryer is 25 ft (7.62 m) .
furnace (b) Load is 20 cfh (0.57 m 3 / hr) .
100,000 Btu/hr (c) Table 6.2.l (p) shows that EHD size 13 should be
40 gal automatic used.
water heater
35,000 Btu/hr B. 7.3 Example 3 - Branch Length Method. Determine the
Section 2 required semirigid copper tubing size of each section of the
20ft piping system shown in Figure B.7. 3, with a designated p1·essure
Section 3 Section 1 drop of 1 in. w.c. (250 Pa) (using tl1e Branch Length Method) .
r---- +- 20 ft 10 ft 15 ft The gas to be used has 0.60 specific gravity and a heating value
I ~~~--''-~~- I A-~~~~
of 1000 Bn1/ ft3 (37.5 MJ/ m 3 ) .
2021 Edition
Section 75cfh
B Furnace
60 cfh Section C
Gas meter
110 cfh Water
35 cfh
Furnace Dryer
2psi + 1 0 i n. 80cfh 30 cfh
Zone w.c. Dryer
Zone 20cfh
Length of runs: Key:
40 cfh
(b)Use this branch length to size Section B only.
(c)Using the row marked 30 ft (9.1 4 m) in Table
Section G
6.2.l U). Section B supplying 75 cfh (2.1 2 m 3/ hr)
for the range/ oven requires~ in. (15 mm) tubing. Section A Section B Section C
M 1--1--....::::.::.::.:.:::::..:...:....:....~~:::..::::.::.:::..:....:::_.?-~--'
(3) Section C:
Section E
(a) The length of tubing from the point of delivery to Section F
the dryer at the end of Section C is 50 ft (15 m), A+ Section D
(b)Use this branch length (which is also the longest Water
length) to size Section C. Furnace 30cfh
(c) Using the row marked 50 ft (15 m) in Table 6.2.l U), 80cfh Range/oven
Section C supplying 30 cfh (0.85 m 3/ hr) for the
75 cfh
dryer requires Ya in. (10 mm) tubing.
(4) Section D: Length of runs: Key:
The length of tubing from the point of delivery to A=15ft E=5ft X Shutoff valve
the water heater at the end of Section D is 30 ft B=10ft F = 10ft
C=15ft G=15ft
~Gas meter
(9.1 4 m), A+ D.
(b) Use this branch length to size Section D only. D =20ft
(c) Using the row marked 30 ft (9.1 4 m) in Table
FIGURE B.7.4 Piping Plan Showing Modification to an
6.2.l U), Section D supplying 35 cfh (0.99 m 3 / hr)
Existing Piping System.
for the water heater requires Ya in. (10 mm) tubing.
(5) Section E:
(a) The length of tubing from the point of delivery to Solution
the furnace at the end of Section Eis 30 ft (9.1 4 m), (1) The length of pipe and CSST from the point of delivery
A+E. to the reu·ofit app liance (barbecue) at the end of
(b) Use this branch length to size Section E only. Section G is 40 ft (12.19 m), A+ B + G.
(c) Using the row marked 30 ft (9.1 4 m) in Table (2) Use this branch length to size Section G.
6.2.1 U). Section E supplying 80 cfh (2.26 m 3 / hr) (3) Assume the CSST manufacnirer has tubing sizes or EHDs
for the furnace requires~ in. ( 15 mm ) tubing. of 13, 18, 23, and 30.
(4) Using the row marked 40 ft (12.19 m) in Table 6.2.l (o) ,
B.7.4 Example 4 - Modification to Existing Piping System.
Section G supplying 40 cfh (1.13 m 3 / hr) for the barbecue
Determine the required CSST size for Section G (retrofit appli- requires EHD 18 CSST.
cation) of the piping system shown in Figure B.7.4, with a
(5) The sizing of Sections A, B, F, and E must be ch ecked to
designated pressure drop of 0.50 in. w.c. (125 Pa) using the
ensm-e adequate gas carrying capacity since an appliance
Branch Length Method. The gas to be used has 0 .60 specific
has been added to the piping system. See B.7.1 fo r details.
gravity and a heating value oflOOO Bn1/ ft3 (37.5 MJ/ m 3) .
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX B 54-137
B.7.5 Example 5 - Calculating Pressure Drops Due to (3) Section 1 = 10 ft , with 110,000 Btu/ hr. H ere a choice is
Temperature Changes. A test piping system is installed on a available:
warm autumn afternoon when the temperature is 70°F (21°C) . For 1 in. pipe:
In accordance with local custom, the new piping system is
subjected to an air pressure test at 20 psi (138 kPa) . Overnight,
the temperature drops, and when the inspector shows up first [B.7.6c]
thing in the morning the temperature is 40°F (4°C) . 10 ft . .
/'J.H = - - x0.2 111 . w.c. = 0.02 m . w.c.
100 ft
If the volume of the piping system is unchanged, the
formula based on Boyle's and Charles' law for determining the
For% in. pipe:
new pressure at a reduced temperanire is as follows:
( 1)
[B.7.5a] [B.7.6d]
10 ft
Af/ =JOO ft x
l0.5 in. w.c.
+[:~~:~: ::~;~::-11
147,000 Btu/ hr -
104,000 Btu/ hr
where: x (1.0 in. w.c. -0.5 in. w.c.)
T, =initial temperanire (absolute (7~ + 459 )] = 0.1 x0.57 in. w.c. ~ 0.06 in. w.c.
72 = final temperanire [absolute ( 72+ 459) l
P1 = initia l pressure (psia (P1 + 14.7)] Notice that the pressure drop for 110,000 Btu/hr between
P2 =final pressure [psia (P2 + 14.7) ] 104,000 Btu/hr and 147,000 Btu/hr has been interpolated.
(2) (4) Section 2 = 20 ft, with 135,000 Btu/ hr. Here a choice is
[B.7.5b)] available:
(70+459) (20 + 14.7) For l in. pipe:
(40 + 459) (P2 + 14.7)
[B.7.5c] !:iH ZO ft [ 0.2, .in. w.c. + 14,000 Bni/ hrl
529 34.7 = l OO ft X . 27,000 Btu/ hr
xtiO.l 111. w.c.
499 ( p2 + 14.7) = 0.05 in. w.c.
[B.7.5d] For % in. pipe:
The refore, you could expect the gauge to register 18 psi Notice that the pressure drop for 135,000 Btu/hr between
(124 kPa) when the a mbient temperature is 40°F (4°C) . 121,000 Btu/hr and 148,000 Btu/hr has been inte1polated, but
interpolation was not used for the 11, in. pi/Je (trivial for
B.7.6 Example 6 - Pressure Drop per 100 ft of Pipe Method.
104,000 Btu/hr to 147,000 Btu/hr).
Using the layout sh own in Figure B.7.1 and l'-,.H = pressure
(5) Section 3 = 30 ft, with 245,000 Btu/ hr. Here a ch oice is
drop, in. w.c. (27.7 in. H 2 0 = 1 psi), proceed as follows:
( 1) Length to A= 20 ft, with 35,000 Btu/ h r: For 1 in. pipe:
For ~ in. pipe:
30 -
/'J.H = - ft x 10 " . w.c.= 03
. 111 . ·in. w.c.
20 ft . . 100 ft
/'J.H = lOO ft x 0.3 111. w.c. = 0.06 111 . w.c.
For 1 Y1in. pipe:
(2) Length to B = 15 ft, with 75,000 Btu/ hr:
For% in. pipe:
[B.7.6b] 20-ftx 0 .3 m
/'J.H = - . . w.c. = 0 . 06 111.
. w.c.
15ft . . 100 ft
/'J.H = - - x0.3 111 w.c. = 0.045 111. w.c.
100 ft
Notice that interpolation was not used for these options, since the
tabl.e values are close to the 245,000 Btu/hr carried by that
2021 Edition
(6) The total pressure drop is the sum of the section C.3 Leak Check Not Using a Meter. This test can be done
approaching A, Section 1, and Section 3, or either of the using one of the following methods:
following, depending on whether an absolute minimum
(1 ) For Any Gas System.
is required or the larger drop can be accommodated:
Minimum Pressure Drop to farthest appliance: (a) Attach a manometer or pressure gauge be twee n the
/':,.H = 0.06 in. w.c. + 0.02 in . w.c. + 0.06 in. w.c. inlet to the piping system and the first regulator in
0.14 in. w.c. the piping system, momentarily n1rn on the gas
Larger Pressure Drop to the farthest appliance: supply, and observe the gauging device for pressure
/':,.H = 0.06 in . w.c . + 0.06 in. w.c. + 0.3 in. w.c. = drop with the gas supply shut off. No discernible
0.42 in. w.c. drop in pressure should occur during a period of
Notice that Section 2 and the run to B do not enter into this 3 minutes.
calculation, provided that the appliances have similar input (b) Attach an in-line flow meter between the meter
pressure requirements. outlet and piping system inlet prior to the first l·egu-
For SI units, 1 Btu/ hr = 0.293 W, 1 ft3 = 0.028 m3, 1 ft = lator in the piping system. Slowly mrn on the gas
0.305 m, 1 in. w.c . = 249 Pa. supply and observe the metering device. If flow does
not drop to zero, leakage is indicated.
(2) For Gas Systems Using Undiluted LP-Gas System Preparation for
Annex C Suggested Method of Checking for Leakage Propane. A leak check performed on an LP-Gas syste m
17iis annex is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA. document being placed back in service can be perfo rmed by using
but is included for informational pmposes only. one of the following methods:
C.l Use of lights. Artificial illumination used in connection (a) Insert a pressure gau ge between the container gas
shutoff valve and the first-stage regulator or integral
with a search for gas leakage should be restricted to battery-
operated flashlights (p1·eferably of the safety type) or approved two-stage regulator in the syste m, admitt ing full
safety lamps. In searching for leaks, electric switches should not container pressure to the syste m and then closing
the container sh utoff valve . Enough gas should then
be operated. If electric lights are already n1rned on, they
should not be mrned off. be relea5ed from the system to lower the pressure
gauge reading by 10 psi (69 kPa) . The syste m
C.2 Leak Check Using the Gas Meter. Immediately prior to should then be allowed to stand for 3 minutes with-
the leak check, it should be determined that the meter is in out showing an increase or a decrease in the pres-
operating condition and has not been bypassed. sure gauge reading.
(b) Insert a gauge/ regulator test assembly between the
The leak check can be done by carefully watching the test
container gas shutoff valve and first-stage regulator
dial of the meter to determine whether gas is passing through or integral twcrstage regulator in the system. If a
the meter. To assist in observing any movement of the test g-auge/ regulator test assembly with an inches water
hand, wet a small piece of paper and paste its edge directly over column gauge is inserted, follow the test require-
the centerline of the hand as soon as the gas is turned on. This ments in C.3(2) (c); if a gauge/ regulator test assem-
observation should be made with the test hand on the bly with a 30 psi gauge is inserted, follow the test
upstroke. Table C.2 can be used for determining the length of requirements in C.3(2)(d) .
observation time. (c) For systems with an integral two-stage, one 01· more
In case careful observation of the test hand fix a sufficient second-stage, or one or more line pressure regula-
length of time reveals no movement, the piping should be tors serving appliances that receive gas at pressures
purged and a small gas burner turned on and lig hted and the of~ psi (3.5 kPa) or less, insert a water manometer
hand of the test dial again observed. If the dial hand moves (as or inches water column gauge into the system dovm-
it should), it shows that the meter is operating properly. If the stream of the final stage regulator, pressurizing the
test hand does not move or register flow of gas through the system with e ithe1· fuel gas or air to a test pressure of
meter to the small burner, the meter is defective and the gas 9 in. w.c . ± \.-f in. w.c. (2.2 kPa ± 0.1 kPa), and observ-
should be shut off and the serving gas supplier notified. ing tl1e device for a pressure change. If fuel gas is
used as a pressure source, it is necessary to pressur-
ize tl1e syste m to full operating pressure, close the
container service valve, and then release enough gas
Table C.2 Observation Times for Various Meter Dials from the syste m through a range burner valve 01·
other suitable means to drop the system pressure to
Dial Styles Test Time 9 in. w.c . ± ~ in. w.c . (2.2 kPa ± 0.1 kPa) . This
(ft3 ) (min) e nsures that all regulators in the system upstream of
the test point are unlocked and that a leak
Y.i 5 anywhere in the system is communicated to the
~ 5 gauging device . The gauging device should indicate
1 7 no loss or gain of pressure for a period of
2 10 3 minutes.
5 20
10 30
For SI units, l tt3 = 0.028 m 3 .
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEXE 54-139
(d) When testing a system that has a fi rst-stage regula- (5) Shut off the supply of gas to the a reas involved.
tor, 01- an integral two-stage regulator, insert a 30 psi (6) Investigate other buildings in the immediate area to
(207 kPa) pressure gauge on the downstream side determine the presence of escaping gas therein .
of the first-stage regulator or at the interm ediate
pressu1-e tap of an integral tw·o-stage regulator,
admitting normal operating pressure to the system Annex E Flow of Gas Through Fixed Orifices
and then closing the container valve. Enough gas This annex is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document
should be released fro m the system to lower the Intl is included for informational purposes only.
pressure gauge reading by a minimum of 2 psi
R 1 Use of Orifice Tables.
(13.8 kPa) so that the first-stage regulator is
unlocked. The syste m should be allowed to stand RI.I To Check Burner Input Not Using a Meter. Gauge the
for 3 minutes without showing an increase or a size of the burner orifice and determine flow rate at sea level
decrease in pressure gauge reading. from Table E.l.l(a), Utility Gases (cubi c feet per hour), o r
(e) Insert a gauge/ regulator test assembly on the down- from Table E.1.1 (b) , LP-Gases (Bn1 per hour) . '<\Then the
su-earn side of the first stage regulator or at the specific grnvity of the utility gas is other than 0.60, se lec t the
intermedia te pressure tap of an integral two stage multiplier from Table E.1.1 (c) for the specifi c gravity of the
regulator. If a gauge/ regulator test assembly with an u tility gas served and apply to the flow rate as d etermined from
inches water column gauge is inserted, follow the Table E.l.l (a) . When the altitude is above 2000 ft (600 m ), first
test requirements in C .3(2 ) ( c); if a gauge/ regulator select the e quivalent orifice size at sea level using Ta ble
test assembly with a 30 psi gauge is inserted, follow E.1.l (d), then determine the flow rate from Table E.1.l (a) or
the test requirements in C.3(2) (d) . Table E.l.l(b) as directed. H aving dete1-mined t he flow rate (as
adjusted for specific gravity and/ or a ltitude where necessary),
C.4 When Leakage Is Indicated. If leakage is indicated by a
test device, all appliances and equipment or outlets supplied check the burner input at sea level with the manufacturer's
throug h the system sh ould be examined to see whether they rated input.
are shut off and do not leak. If they are found to be tight, the E.1.2 To Select Correct Orifice Size for Rated Burner Input.
piping system h as a leak. The selection of a fixed orifi ce size for any rated burner input
is affected by many variables, including orifice coefficient, and
it is recommended that the appliance ma nufacturer be consul-
Annex D Suggested Emergency Procedure for Gas Leaks
ted for that purpose. When the correct orifice size can not be
This annex is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document readily detennined, the 01-ifice flow rates, as stated in the tables
but is included for informational p-mposes only. in this annex, can be used to select a fixed orifice size with a
D.l v\There an investigation discloses a concentration of gas flow rate to approximately equal the required rated burner
inside of a building, it is suggested the following immediate input.
actions be taken: For gases of the specific gravi ty and pressu re conditions
(1) Clear the room, building, or area of all occupants. Do not stipulated at e levations under 2000 ft (600 m ), Ta ble E.1.l (a)
re-enter the room, building, or area until the space has (in c ubi c feet per h our) or Table E.1.1 (b) (in Btu pe1- h our)
been determined to b e safe. can be used directly.
(2 ) Use every practical means to eliminate sources of igni-
'<\There the specific gravity of the gas is other than 0.60, selec t
tion . Take precautions to prevent smoking, striking the multiplier from Table E.1.1 ( c) for th e utility gas served a nd
matches, operating e lectrical switches or devices, opening divide the rated burner input by the selected factor to deter-
furnace doors, and so on . If possible, cu t off all elecu-ic
min e equivalent input at a specifi c gravity of 0.60, then select
circuits at a remote sou rce to eliminate operation of a uto- orifice size.
matic switch es in the dangerous area. Safety flashlights
designed for use in hazardous atmospheres are recom- Where th e appliance is located at an altitude of 2000 ft
mended for use in such emergencies. (600 m ) or above, first use th e ma nufacturer's rated input at
(3) Notify all personnel in the area and call 911 from an area sea level to select the o rifi ce size as di1-ected, then use Ta ble
re m ote from the leak. E.1.1 (d) to select the equivale n t o rifice size for use at the
(4) Ventilate the affected portion of the building by opening higher altitude .
windows and doors.
2021 Edition
Table E. l. l(a) Utility Gases (cubic feet per hour at sea level)
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223.I ANNEXE 54-141
2021 Edition
Table E.l.l(b) LP-Gases (Btu per hour at sea level) Table E. l.l (b) Continued
Orifice Orifice
or or
Drill Size Propane Butane Drill Size Propane Butane
0.008 519 589 35 98,312 111 ,454
0.009 656 744 34 100,175 113,566
0.01 0 812 921 33 103,797 117,672
0.011 981 1,112 32 109,385 124,007
0.012 1,169 1,326 31 117,043 132,689
80 1,480 1,678 30 134,119 152,046
79 1,708 1,936 29 150,366 170,466
78 2,080 2,358 28 160,301 181,728
77 2,629 2,980 27 168,580 191,114
76 3,249 3,684 26 175,617 199,092
75 3,581 4,059 25 181,619 205,896
74 4,119 4,669 24 187,828 212,935
73 4,678 5,303 23 192,796 218,567
72 5,081 5,760 22 200,350 227,131
71 5,495 6,230 21 205,525 232,997
70 6,375 7,227 20 210,699 238,863
69 6,934 7,860 19 223,945 253,880
68 7,813 8,858 18 233,466 264,673
67 8,320 9,433 Notes:
66 8,848 10,031 P ropane Bu tane
(l) Btu per cubic foot 2.5 16 3280
65 9,955 11,286
(2) Specific gra\~ ty 1.52 2.01
64 10,535 11,943
(3) Pressure at orifice (in. w.c.) 11 11
63 11,125 12,612 (4) Orifice coefficient 0.9 0.9
62 11 ,735 13,304 (5) For altimdes above 2000 ft (610 m), first select the equivalent
61 12,367 14,020 orifice size at sea level from Table E.l.l (d) .
60 13,008 14,747
59 13,660 15,486 Table E.1.1 (c) Multipliers for Utility Gases of Another Specific
58 14,333 16,249 Gravity
57 15,026 17,035
56 17,572 19,921 Specific Specific
55 21,939 24,872 Gravity Multiplier Gravity Multiplier
54 24,630 27,922 0.45 1.155 0.95 0.795
53 28,769 32,615 0.50 1.095 1.00 0 .775
52 32,805 37,190 0.55 1.045 1.05 0.756
51 36,531 41,414 0.60 1.000 1.10 0.739
50 39,842 45,168 0.65 0.961 1.15 0.722
49 43,361 49,157 0.70 0.926 1.20 0 .707
48 46,983 53,263 0.75 0.894 1.25 0.693
47 50,088 56,783 0.80 0.866 1.30 0 .679
46 53,296 60,420 0.85 0.840 1.35 0.667
0.90 0.817 1.40 0.655
45 54,641 61,944
44 60,229 68,280
43 64,369 72,973
42 71,095 80,599
41 74,924 84,940
40 78,029 88,459
39 80,513 91,215
38 83,721 94,912
37 87,860 99,605
36 92,207 104,532
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEXE 54-143
Table E. l. l(d) Equivalent Orifice Sizes at High Altitudes (includes 4% input reduction for each
1000 ft above sea level)
2021 Edition
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX F 54-145
Annex F Sizing of Venting Systems Serving Appliances
Equipped with Draft Hoods, Category I Appliances, and
Appliances Listed for Use with T}'pe B Vents
Tile-lined masonry-
77iis annex is not a part of the requi:rernents of this NFPA document chimney
but is included for informational pmposes only.
For SI units, 1 Btu/ hr = 0.293 W, 1 ft3 = 0.028 m 3 , 1 ft = H
0.305 m, 1 in. w.c . = 249 Pa. 1-----L- H
F.1 Examples Using Single Appliance Venting Tables. See Type B double-wall
FigureF.l(a) through FigureF.l(n). gas vent used as - T
connector D
Vent cap- '== ~
_, A
double-wall -
gas vent 1
Table 13.1(c) is used when sizing a Type B double-wall
gas vent connector attached to a tile-lined masonry
H chimney.
,, Notes:
(1) A is the equivalent cross-sectional area of the tile liner.
T (2) The appliance can be either Category I draft
D hood-equipped or fan-assisted type.
gas vent
vent connector
(1) A is the equivalent cross-sectional area of the tile liner.
(2) The appliance can be either Category I draft
Table 13.1(b) is used when sizing a single-wall metal
hood-equipped or fan-assisted type.
2021 Edition
r H
-Type B double-wall
common vent
1 ~""-~~~,..,C..:..+-1-'L.
Single-wall vent
rise R
FIGURE F.l (e) Asbestos Cement Type B or Single-Wall Note: Each appliance can be either Category I draft
Metal Vent System Serving a Single Draft Hood-Equipped hood-€quipped or fan-assisted type.
FIGURE F.l(g) Vent System Serving Two or More
Appliances with Type B Double-Wall Vent and Single-Wall Metal
Vent Connectors.
Tile-lined masonry
Type B chimney
double-wall A
gas vent
used as
D Co~~ector
rise R
Type B
gas vent used
as connectors
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223.I ANNEX F 54-147
Tile-lined masonry
Manifold common
vent connector ~
1-- LM H
rise R
Table 13.2(d) is used when sizing single-wall metal vent Example: Manifolded common vent connector LM can
connectors attached to a tile-lined masonry chimney. be no greater than 18 times the common vent connector
manifold inside diameter; that is, a 4 in. ( 100 mm) inside
Notes: diameter common vent connector manifold should not
( 1) A is the equivalent cross-sectional area of the tile liner. exceed 72 in. (1800 mm) in length. (See 13.2.4.)
(2) Each appliance can be either Category I draft
hood-equipped or fan-assisted type. Note: This is an illustration of a typical manifolded vent
connector. Different appliance, vent connector, or
FIGURE F.l (i) Masonry Chimney Serving Two or More common vent types are possible. (See Section 13.2.)
Appliances with Single-Wall Metal Vent Connectors.
FIGURE F.l (k) Use of Manifolded Common Vent
-vent cap
-..- - - - - - - - - -'"rr-,.,...-vent cap
13.2.5 See
Common vent
2021 Edition
Tee same size as Use individual vent for top-floor Use available total
segment above appliance if connector height for top-floor
requirement for rise or total appliance and
/ height cannot be met List~ cap combined input of
~,-, ~
all appliances on
common vent
vent Use available total
connector table height for second-floor
input size if appliance and combined
necessary Other inputs Available total
Third-floor -+- 3 height for second- heat input of two
from below
~~~;/, appliance floor appliance appliances
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223.I ANNEX F 54-149
gas vent
TI '
gas vent
---sft i+--- 1Oft lateral ----1~
Elbow~ i.--- - - --
Vent connector
Fan-assisted appliance
80,000 Btu/hr input
Draft hood-equipped
120,000 Btu/hr input
For SI units, 1 ft = 0.305 m.
For SI units, 1 ft= 0.305 m.
FIGURE F.1.2 Single Fan-Assisted Appliance - Example 2.
FIGURE F.1.1 Single Draft Hood-Equipped Appliance--
Example 1.
and is also Type B. Can this appliance be vented using a 4 in .
diameter vent?
F.1.2 Example 2: Single Fan-Assisted Appliance. An installer
h as an 80,000 Btu/hr input fan-assisted appliance that must be Solution
installed using 10 ft of lateral connector attached to a 30 ft
high Type B vent. Two 90-degree elbows are needed for the Table 13.l(a) is used in the case of an all Type B vent syste m.
installation . Can a single-wall metal vent connector be used for H owever, Table 13.1 (a) does not have an enu·y for a height of
this application? See Figure F.1.2. 12 ft, and interpolation must be used. Read down the 4 in.
diameter NAT Max column to d1e row associated wim 10 ft
Solution height and 5 ft lateral to find the capacity value of
77,000 Btu/ hr. Read farther down to the 15 ft height, 5 ft
Table 13.1 (b) refers to the use of single-wall metal vent lateral row to find the capacity value of 87,000 Btu/ hr. The
connectors with Type B vent. In the first column find the row
difference between d1e 15 ft heigh t capacity val ue and me 10 ft
associated with a 30 ft height and a 10 ft lateral. Read across
height capacity value is 10,000 Btu/ hr. The capacity for a vent
this row, looking at the FAN Min and FAN Max columns, to
syste m with a 12 ft height is equal to the capacity for a 10 ft
find that a 3 in. diameter single-wall metal vent connector is
height pl us % of the differe nee between the l 0 ft and 15 ft
not recommended. Moving to the next larger size single-wall
height values, or 77,000 + % x 10,000 = 81,000 Btu/ hr. There-
connector ( 4 in.), we find that a 4 in. diameter single-wall fore, a 4 in. diameter vent can be used in the installation.
metal connector has a 1·ecommended minimum vent capacity
of 91,000 Btu/ hr and a recommended maximum vent capacity F.2 Examples Using Common Venting Tables.
of 144,000 Btu/ hr. The 80,000 Btu/ hr fan-assisted appliance is
outside this rnnge, so the conclusion is d1at a single-wal l metal F.2.1 Example 4: Common Venting Two Draft H ood-Equipped
vent connector cannot be used to vent this appliance using Appliances. A 35,000-Btu/ hr water heater is to be common
10 ft of lateral for the connector. vented with a 150,000 Btu/ hr furnace, using a common vent
with a total height of 30 ft. The connector 1·ise is 2 ft for the
However, if the 80,000 Btu/ hr input applian ce could be water heater with a horizontal length of 4 ft. The connector
moved to within 5 ft of the vertical vent, a 4 in. single-wall metal rise for the furnace is 3 ft with a horizontal length of 8 ft.
connector could be used to vent the appliance. Table 13.1 (b) Assume single-wall metal conn ectors will be used with Type B
shows the acceptable range of vent capacities for a 4 in. vent vent. v\That size connectors and combined vent should be used
with 5 ft of lateral to be between 72,000 Btu/ hr and in this installation? See Figure F.2.1.
157,000 Btu/ hr.
If the appliance cannot be moved close1· to the vertical vent,
a Type B vent could be used as the connector material. In this Table 13.2(b) should be used to size single-wall metal vent
case, Table 13.1 (a) shows that, for a 30 ft high vent with 10 ft of connectors attached to Type B vertical vents. In the vent
lateral, the acceptable range of vent capacities for a 4 in . diam- connecto1· capacity portion of Table 13.2(b), find the row asso-
eter vent attached to a fan-assisted appliance is between ciated with a 30 ft vent height. For a 2 ft rise on me vent
37,000 Btu/ hr and 150,000 Btu/ hr. connector for the water heate r, read the shaded columns for
draft hood-equipped appliances to find that a 3 in. diameter
F.1.3 Example 3: Interpolating Between Table Values. An vent connector has a capacity of 37,000 Btu/ hr. Therefore, a
installer has an 80,000 Btu/ hr input appliance with a 4 in. 3 in. single-wall metal vent connector can be used wim me
diameter draft hood outlet that needs to be vented into a 12 ft water heater. For a draft hood-equipped furnace with a 3 ft
high Type B vent. The vent connector has a 5 ft laternl length rise, read across the appropriate row to find mat a 5 in. diame-
ter vent connector has a maximum capacity of 120,000 Btu/ hr
2021 Edition
(which is too small for the furnace) and a 6 in. diameter vent input rating of 67,000 Btu/ hr and is equal to the draft hood
connector has a maximum vent capacity of 172,000 Btu/ hr. outlet diameter. A 4 in. vent connecto1· is se lected. Since the
Therefore, a 6 in. diameter vent connector should be used with water heater is equipped \vith a draft hood, there are no mini-
the 150,000 Btu/ hr furnace. Because both vent connector hori- mum in put rating restrictions.
zontal lengths are less than the maximum lengths listed in
13.2.2, the table values can be used without adjustments. Furnace 14int Connector Diamete1: Using the Vent Connecto1·
Capacity portion of Table 13.2(b), read down the Total Vent
In the common vent capacity portion of Table 13.2(b) , find Height (H) column to 30 ft and across the 3 ft Connector Rise
the row associated with a 30 ft vent height and read ove1· to the (R) row. Because the furnace has a fan-assisted combustion
NAT + NAT portion of the 6 in. diameter column to find a syste m, find the first FAN Max column \vith a Btu/ hr rating
maximum combined capacity of 257,000 Btu/ hr. Since the two greater than the furnace input rating. The 4 in. vent connector
appliances total only 185,000 Btu/ ht~ a 6 in. common vent can has a maximwn input rating of 119,000 Btu/ hr and a rnini-
be used. m um input ratingof85,000 Btu/ h r.
F.2.2 Example 5(a): Common Venting a Draft Hood-Equipped The 100,000 Btu/ hr furnace in th is example falls \vithin this
Water Heater with a Fan-Assisted Furnace into a 1YJ>e B Vent. rnnge, so a 4 in. connector is adequate. Because the furnace
In this case, a 35,000 Btu/ hr input draft hood-equipped water vent connector horizontal length of 6 ft is less than the maxi-
heater with a 4 in. diameter draft hood outlet, 2 ft of connector mum value listed in 13.2. 2, the venting table values can be u sed
rise, and 4 ft of horizontal length is to be common vented with \vithout adjustment. If the furnace had an input rating of
a 100,000 Btu/ hr fan-assisted furnace with a 4 in. diameter flue 80,000 Btu/ hr, a Type B vent connector would be needed in
collar, 3 ft of connector rise, and 6 ft of horizontal length. The order to meet the minimum capacity limit.
common vent consists of a 30 ft height of Type B vent. vVhat are
the recommended vent diameters for each connector and the Common VentDiametei: The total input to the common vent is
common vent? The installer would like to use a single-wall 135,000 Btu/ hr. Using the Common Vent Capacity portion of
metal vent connector. See Figure F.2.2. Table 13.2(b), read down the Total Vent Height (H) column to
30 ft and across this row to find the smallest vent diameter in
Solution the FAN + NAT column tllat has a Btu/ hr rating equal to or
greater than 135,000 Btu/ hr. The 4 in. common vent has a
Water Heater Vent Connector Diamele1: Since tlle water heater capacity of 132,000 Btu/ hr, and the 5 in. common vent has a
vent connector horizontal length of 4 ft is less than the maxi- capacity of 202,000 Btu/ hr. Therefore, the 5 in. common vent
mum value listed in Table 13.2(b), the venting table values can
should be used in this example .
be u sed without adjustments. Using the Vent Connector
Capacity portion of Table 13.2(b), read down the Total Vent Summary. In this example, the instal ler can use a 4 in. d iam-
Height (H) column to 30 ft and read across the 2 ft Connector ete 1~single-wall metal vent connector for the \vater heater and
Rise (R) row to the first Btu/ hr rating in the NAT Max column a 4 in. diameter, single-\vall metal vent connector for the
that is equal to or greater than the water heater input rating. furnace . The common vent should be a 5 in. diameter Type B
The table shows that a 3 in. vent connector has a maximum vent.
input rating of 37,000 Btu/ hr. Although this rating is greater
than the wate1· heater input rating, a 3 in. vent connector is
prohibited by 13.2.24. A 4 in. vent connector has a maximum
Combined capacity
35,000 + 100,000 =
135,000 Btu/hr
Draft hood-
equipped Draft hood-
equipped furnace Fan-assisted furnace Water heater
water heater
150,000 Btu/hr 100,000 Btu/hr input 35,000 Btu/hr
35,000 Btu/hr
input input
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX F 54-151
F.2.3 Example 5(b): Common Venting into an Interior Masonry Table F.2.3 Masonry Chimney Liner Dimensions with Circular
Chimney. In this case, the water heater and fan-assisted Equivalents
furnace of Exa mple 5(a) are to be common-vented into a clay-
tile-lined masonry chimney with a 30 ft height. The chimney is Inside
not exposed to the outdoors below the roof line. The internal Inside Diameter
dimensions of the clay tile liner are nominally 8 in. x 12 in . Equivalent
Nominal Dimensions or Equivalent
Assuming the same vent connector heights, laterals, and mate- Area
Liner Size of Liner Diameter
rials found in Example 5(a), what are the 1·ecommended vent
(in.) (in.) (in.) (in. 2)
connector diameters, and is this an acceptable installation?
4x8 4.0 12.2
5.0 19.6
Table 13.2(d) is used to size common venting installations 6.0 28.3
invo lving single-wall connectors into masonry chimneys. 7.0 38.3
8x8 6% x 6% 7.4 42.7
Water Heater ltnt Connector Diameter. Using Table 13.2(d) ,
8.0 50.3
Vent Connectm Capacity, read down the Total Vent Height (H)
column to 30 ft, and read across the 2 ft Connector Rise (R) 8 x 12 6~ x lOY; 9.0 63.6
row to the first Btu/ hr rating in the NAT Max column that is 10.0 78.5
equal to or greate1· than the water heater input The 12 x 12 9% x 9% 10.4 83.3
table shows that a 3 in. vent connector has a maximum input of 11.0 95.0
only 31,000 Btu/ hr, while a 4 in . vent connector has a maxi- 12 x 16 9~ x 13Y; 11.8 107.5
mum input of 57,000 Btu/ hr. A 4 in. vent connector must 12.0 113.0
therefore be used. 14.0 153.9
16 x 16 13!1.; x 13Y., 14.5 162.9
Furnace Vent Connector Diamete1: Using the Vent Connector 15.0 176.7
Capacity portion of Table 13.2(d), read down the Total Vent 13 x 17
16 x 20 16.2 206.1
Height (H) column to 30 ft and across the 3 ft Connector Rise
18.0 254.4
(R) row. Because the furnace has a fan-assisted combustion
20 x 20 1 6~ x 16% 18 .2 260.2
system, find the first FAN Max column with a Btu/ hr rating
greater than the furnace input rating. The 4 in. vent connector 20 .0 3 14.1
has a maximum input rating of 127,000 Btu/ hr and a mini- 20 x 24 16 ~ x 20Y2 20.1 3 14.2
mum input rating of 95,000 Btu/ hr. The 100,000 Btu/ lu· 22.0 380.1
furnace in this example falls within this range, so a 4 in . 24 x 24 20 !1.; x 20 Y., 22.1 380.1
connector is adequate. 24.0 452.3
24 x 28 20Y. x 24!1., 24.1 456.2
Masonry Chimney. From Table F.2.3, the Equivalent Area fo1· a 28 x 28 24Y. x 24Y,, 26 .4 543.3
Nominal Liner size of 8 in. x 12 in. is 63.6 in. 2 . Using Table 27.0 572.5
13.2(d) , Common Vent Capacity, read down the FAN + NAT 30 x 30 25~ x 25Y; 27 .9 607.0
column under the Minimum Internal Area of Chimney value of
30.0 706.8
63 to the row for 30 ft height to find a capacity value of
30 x 36 25~ x 31 ~ 30.9 749.9
739,000 Bn1/ hr. The combined input rating of the furnace and
33.0 855.3
water heater, 135,000 Btu/ hr, is less than the table value, so this
is an acceptable installation. 36 x 36 3 l ~x31 Y; 34.4 929.4
36.0 1017.9
Subsection 13.2.18 requires the common vent area to be no For SI units, l in.= 25.4 mm, l in. 2 = 645 mm 2 .
greater than seven times the sma llest listed appliance catego- Note: When liner sizes differ dimensionally from those shown in this
rized vent area, flue collar area, or draft hood outlet area. Both table, equivalem diameters can be determined from published tables
appliances in this installation have 4 in. diameter outlets. From for square and rectangular ducts of equivalent carrying capacity or by
Table F.2.3, t11e equivalent a1·ea for an inside diameter of 4 in . is other engineering methods.
12.2 in. 2 . Seven times 12.2 equals 85.4, which is greater than
63.6, so this configuration is acceptable.
and Table 13.2(i) to size FAN+NAT common venting installa-
F.2.4 Example 5(c): Common Venting into an Exterior tions involving Type B double-wall connectors into exterior
Masonry Chimney. In this case, the water heater and fan- masonry chimneys.
assisted furnace of Examples 5(a) and 5(b) are to be common-
vented into an exterior ma~onry chimney. The chimney height, The local 99 percent winter design temperature needed to
clay-tile-liner dimensions, and vent connector heights and later- u se Table 13.2(h) and Table 13.2(i) can be found in ASHRAE
als are the same as in Example 5(b) . This system is being in- Handbook - Fundamentals. For Charlotte, North Carolina, this
stalled in Charlotte, North Carolina. Does this exte1·ior design temperature is l9°F.
masonry chimney need to be relined? If so, what corrugated
Chimney Liner Requirement. As in Example 5(b), use the
metallic liner size is recommended? ·what vent connector diam-
63 in. 2 Internal Area columns for this size clay tile liner. Read
ete1·s are 1·ecommenclecl? See Table F.2.3 and Figure F.2.4.
clown the 63 in. 2 column of Table 13.2(h) to the 30 ft height
Solution row to find that the Combined Appliance Maximum Input is
747,000 Btu/ hr. The combined input rating of the applia nces
According to 13.2.22, Type B vent connectors are required in this installation, 135,000 Btu/ hr, is less than the maximum
to be used with exterior masonry chimneys. Use Table 13.2 (h) value, so this criterion is satisfied. Table 13.2(i), at a 19°F
2021 Edition
Design Temperature, and at the same Vent Height and Internal Chimney Liner Diamete1: The total input to the common vent
Area used earlier, shows that the minimmn allowable input is 135,000 Bn1/ hr. Using the Common Vent Capacity portion of
rating of a space-heating appliance is 470,000 Btu/ hr. The Table 13.2(a), read down the To tal Vent Height (H) column to
furnace input rating of 100,000 Btu/ hr is less than this mini- 30 ft and across this row to find the smallest vent diameter in
mum value. So this criterion is not satisfied, and an alternative the FAN+NAT column that has a Btu/ h r rating greater than
venting design needs to be used, such as a Type B vent shown 135,000 Btu/hr. The 4 in. common vent has a capacity of
in Example 5(a) or a listed ch imney liner system shown in the 138,000 Bn1/ hr. Reducing the maximum capacity by 20 percent
remainder of the example. results in a maximum capacity for a 4 in. corrugated lin er of
110,000 Btu /ht~ less than the total input of 135,000 Btu/ hr. So
According to 13.2.20, Table 13.2(a) or Table 13.2(b) is used
a larger liner is needed. The 5 in. common vent capacity listed
for sizing corrugated metalli c liners in masonry chimneys, with in Table 13.2(a) is 210,000 Btu/ hr, and after 1-educing by
the maxim tun common vent capacities reduced by 20 percent. 20 percent is 168,000 Btu/ hr. Therefore, a 5 in. corrugated
This example will be continued assuming Type B vent connec-
metal liner should be used in this example.
Single-Wall Connectors. Once it has been established that
Water H eater Vent Connector Diarnete1: Using Table 13.2(a), relining the chimney is necessary, Type B double-wall vent
Vent Connector Capacity, read down the Total Vent Height (H)
connectors are not specifically required. This example could be
column to 30 ft, and read across the 2 ft Connector Rise (R) redone using Table 13.2(b) for single-wall vent connectors. Fo1-
row to the fit-st Btu/hour rating in the NAT Max column that is this case, the vent connector and liner diameters would be the
equal to or greater than the water heater input rating. The
same as found for Type B double-wall connectors.
table shows that a 3 in. vent con nector has a maximum capacity
of 39,000 Btu/ hr. Although this rating is greater than the water
heater input rating, a 3 in. vent connector is prohibited b y
13.2. 24. A 4 in. vent connector has a maximum input rating of
70,000 Btu/hr and is equal to the draft hood outlet diameter. A
4 in. vent connector is selected.
Furnace Vent Connector Diarnetei: Using Table 13.2(a), Vent
Connecto1- Capacity, read down the Total Vent Height (H)
column to 30 ft, and read across the 3 ft Connector Rise (R)
row to the first Btu/ hr rating in the FAN Max column that is
equal to 01- greater than the furnace input rating. The
100,000 Btu/ hr furnace in this example falls within this range,
so a 4 in. connector is adequate.
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ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX G 54-153
FIGURE F.2.4 Range of Winter Design Temperatures Used in Analyzing Exterior Masonry Chimneys in the United
2021 Edition
tested in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In the appliance and advise the owner of the unsafe condition.
addition, it is recommended that the detecto1-s have the follow- "''here a gas leak is found that may result in an unsafe condi-
ing minimum specifications: tion, advise the owner of the unsafe condition a nd call the gas
(1) Gas Detector: The CGD should be capable of indicating supplier to turn off the gas supply. The inspector should not
the presence of the type of fuel gas for which it is to be continue a safety inspection on an operating appliance, ve nting
system, and piping system until repairs have been made.
used (e.g. natural gas or propane) . The combustible gas
detector should be capable of the following: G.3 Gas Piping and Connection Inspections.
(a)PPM: Numeric display with a parts per million G.3.1 Leak Checks. Conduct a test for gas leakage using
(ppm) scale from 1 ppm to 900 ppm in 1 ppm either a noncorrosive leak detection solution or a CGD
confirmed with a leak detection solution .
(b) lEL: Numeric display with a percent lower explosive
limit (% LEL) scale from 0 percent to 100 percent The preferred method fo r leak checking is by u se of gas leak
in 1 percent increments detection solution applied to aUjoints. This method provides a
(c) Audio: An audio sound feature to locate leaks reliable visual indication of significant leaks.
(2) CO Detecto1-: The CO detecto1- should be capable of the
following functions and have a numeric display scale as The use of a CGD in its audio sensing mode can quickly
locate suspect leaks but can be overly sensitive indicating insig-
nificant and false leaks. All suspect leaks found through the u se
(a) PPM: For measuring ambient room and appliance of a CGD should be confirmed using a leak detection solut ion.
emissions a display scale in parts per million (ppm)
from 0 to 1,000 ppm in 1 ppm incremen ts Where gas leakage is confirmed, the owner should be noti-
(b) Alarm: A sound alarm function where hazardous fied that repairs must be made. The inspection should include
levels of ambient CO is found (see Section G.2 for the following components:
alarm leveLs) (1) All gas piping fittings located within the appl iance space
(c) Air Free: Capable of converting CO measurements to (2) Appliance connector fittings
an air-free level in ppm . Where a CO detector is (3) Appliance gas valve/ regulator housing and connections
u sed without an air-free conversion function, the
CO air free can be calculated in accordance with G.3.2 Appliance Connector. Verify that the appliance connec-
Footnote 3 in Table G.6. tion type is compliant with Section 9.6. Inspect flexib le appli-
ance connections to determin e if they are free of cracks,
G.2 Occupant and Inspector Safety. Prior to entering a build- corrosion, and signs of damage. Verify that there are no uncoa-
ing, the inspector should have both a combustible gas detector ted copper alloy co1mectors. "''here connectors are determined
(CGD) and CO detector turned on, calibrated, and operating. to be unsafe or where an uncoated copper aUoy connector is
Immediately upon entering the building, a sample of the ambi- found, the appliance shutoff valve should be placed in the off
ent atmosphere should be taken . Based on CGD and CO detec- position and the owner n otified that the connector must be
tor readings, the inspector should take the following actions: replaced.
(1) '!\'here the CO detector indicates a carbon monoxide G.3.3 Piping Support. Inspect piping to determ in e that it is
level of 70 ppm or greater, the inspector should immedi- adequately supported, that there is no undue stress on the
ately notify the occupant of the need for themselves and piping, and if there are any improperly capped pipe open ings.
any building occupant to evacuate; the inspector should
immediately evacuate and call 911. G.3.4 Bonding. Verify that the electrical bonding of gas
(2) "''here the CO detector indicates a reading between 30 piping is compliant with Section 7.1 2.
ppm and 70 ppm, the inspector should advise the occu-
G.4 Inspections to Be Performed with the Appliance Not
pant that high CO levels have been found and recom-
mend that all possible sources of CO be turned off Operating. The following safety inspection procedures are
immediately and windows and doors be opened. \!\'here it performed on appliances that are not operating. These inspec-
tions are applicable to all appliance installations.
appears that the source of CO is a permanently instal led
appliance, advise the occupant to shut the appliance off G.4.1 Preparing for Inspection. Shut off all gas and electrical
and have the appliance serviced by a qualified servicing power to the appliances located in the same room being
agent. inspected. For gas supply, use the shutoff valve in the supply
(3) "''here the CO detecto1- indicates CO be low 30 ppm, the line or at the manifold serving each appliance. For e lectrical
inspection can continue. (See U.S. Consumer Product power, place the c ircu it breaker in the off position or remove
Safety Commission, Responding to Residential Carbon Monox- the fuse that serves each appliance. A lock type device o r tag
ide Incidents, Guidelines For Fire and Other Emergency Response should be installed on each gas shutoff valve and at the electri-
Personnel) cal panel to indicate that the service has been shut off foi-
(4) "''here the CGD indicates a combustible gas level of inspection purposes.
20 percent LEL or greater, the inspector should immedi-
ately notify the occupant of the need for themselves and G.4.2 Vent System Size and Installation. Verify that the exist-
any building occupant to evacuate; the inspector should ing venting system size and installation are compliant with
immediately evacuate and call 911. Chapters 12 and 13. The size and installation of venting systems
(5) '!\'here the CGD indicates a combustible gas level below for other than natural draft and Category I appliances should
20 percent LEL, the inspection can continue. be in compliance with the manufacrm-e1-'s installation instruc-
If dw-ing the inspection process it is determined a condition tions. Inspect the venting system to determine that it is free of
exists that could result in unsafe appliance operation, shut off blockage, resu-iction, leakage, corrosion, and other deficiencies
that could cause an unsafe condition. Inspect masonry chim-
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX G 54-155
neys to determine if they are lined. Inspect plastic venting G.4.8 Placing Appliances Back in Operation. Ren1rn all
system to determine that it is free of sagging and it is sloped in inspected appliances and systems to their pre-existing state by
an upward direction to the outdoor vent termination. reinstalling any removed access panels and components. Turn
on the gas supply and electricity to each appliance found in
G.4.3 Combustion Air Supply. Inspect provisions for combus- safe condition. Proceed to the o perating inspections in
tion ai1- as follows: Section G.5 through Section G.6.
( 1) Non-Direct Vent Appliances. Determine that non-direct vent
appliance installations are compliant with the combustion G.5 Inspections to Be Performed with the Appliance Operat-
air requirements in Section 9.3. Inspect any interior and ing. The following safety inspection procedures are to be
exterior combustion air openings and any connected performed on appliances that are o perating where there are
combustion air ducts to determine that there is no block- no unsafe conditions or where corrective repairs have been
age, restriction, corrosion, or damage . Inspect to deter- completed.
mine if horizontal combustion air ducts are sloped G.5.1 General Appliance Operation.
upward toward the air supply somce.
(2) Direct Vent Appliances. Verify that the combustion air (1) Initial Startup. Adjust the thermostat or other conu-ol
device to start the appliance . Verify that the appliance
supply ducts and pipes are securely fastened to direct vent
appliance and determine that the1-e are no separations, starts up normally and is operating properly.
blockage, restriction, corrosion, or other damage . Deter- Determine that the pilot(s), where provided, is burn-
mine that the combustion air source is located in the ing properly and that the main burner ignition is satisfac-
outdoo1-s or to areas that freely communicate to the tory by interrupting and re-establishing the electrical
outdoors. supply to the appliance in any convenie nt manner. If the
(3) Unvented Appliances. Verify that the total input of all appliance is equipped with a continuous pilot(s), test a ll
unvented room heaters and gas-fit-ed refrigerators in- pilot safety devices to determine whether they are operat-
stalled in the same room or rooms that freely communi- ing properly by extinguishing the pilot(s) when the main
cate with each other does not exceed 20 Bm/ hr/ ft3 . burner(s) is off and determining, after 3 minutes, that
G.4.4 Flooded Appliances. Inspect the appliance for signs the main burner gas does not flow upon a call for heat. If
that the appliance has been damaged by flooding. Signs of the appliance is not provided with a pilot(s), test fo r
flooding include a visible water submerge line on the appliance proper operation of the ignition system in accordance
housing, excessive surface or component rust, deposited debris with the appliance manufacn1rer's lighting and operating
on internal components, and mildew-like odor. Inform the instructions.
(2) Flame Appearance. V isually inspect the flame appearance
owner that flood-damaged appliances should be replaced.
for proper color and appearance. Visually determine that
G .4.5 Flammable Vapors. Inspect the room/ space where the the main burner gas is burning properly (i.e., no floating,
appliance is installed to determine if the area is free of the stor- lifting, or flashback) . Adjust the primary air shutter as
age of gasoline or any flammable products su ch as o il-based required. If the appliance is equipped with high and low
solvents, varnishes 01- adhesives. v\There the appliance is in- flame conu·olling or fla me modulation, check for proper
stalled where flammable products will be stored o r used, such main btu-ner operati on at low flame.
as a garage, verify that the appliances burner is a minimum of (3) Appliance Shutdown. Adjust the thermostat or other
18 in. above the floo1- unless the appliance is listed as flamma- conu·ol device to shut down d1e a ppliance . Verify that the
ble vapor ignition-resistant. appliance shuts off properly.
G.4.6 Clearances to Combustibles. Inspect the immediate G.5.2 Test for Combustion Air and Vent Drafting for Natural
location whe1-e the appl iance is installed to determine if the Draft and Category I Appliances. Combustion air a nd vent
area is free of rags, paper, or other combustibles. Verify that the draft procedures are for namral draft and category I applia nces
appliance and venting system is compliant with clearances to equipped with a draft hood and connected to a natural draft
combustible building compon ents in 9.2.2. venting system .
G.4.7 Appliance Components. Inspect internal components (1) Preparing for Inspection. Close a ll exterior building doors
by removing access panels or other components for the follow- and \llindows and all interior doors between the space in
ing: which the appliance is located and od1e r spaces of the
building that can be closed. Turn on any clothes dryer.
(1) I nspect burners and crossovers for blockage and corro- Turn on any exhaust fans, such as range hoods and bath-
sion. The presence of soot, debris, and signs of excessive room exhausts, so they will operate at maximum speed.
heating could indicate incomplete combustion due to Do not operate a summer exhaust fan . Close fireplace
blockage or improper burner adjustments. dampers and any fireplace doo1·s.
(2) Metallic and non-metallic hoses for signs of cracks, split- (2) Placing the Appliance in Operation. Place the appliance
ting, corrosion, and loose connections
being inspected in operation . Adjust the thermostat or
(3) Signs of improper or incomplete repairs conu·ol so the appliance will operate conti nuously.
(4) Modifications that override controls and safety systems (3) Spillage Test. Verify that a ll applia nces located within the
(5) Electrical wiring for loose connections; cracked, missing,
same room are in their standby mode and ready for oper-
or worn electrical insulation; and indications of excessive ation . Follow lighting insu·uctions for each appliance as
heat N e lectrical shorting. Appliances requi1-ing an exter- necessary. Test for spillage at the draft hood relief open-
nal electrical supply should be inspected for proper elec- ing as follows:
trical connection in accordance with NFPA 70.
(a) After 5 minutes of main burner operation, check
for spillage using smoke.
2021 Edition
(b)Immediately after the first check, n irn on all other Table G.6 CO Thresholds
fuel gas burning appliances within the same room
so they will operate at their full inputs and repeat Appliance Threshold Limit
the spillage test.
(c) Shut down all appliances to their standby mode and Central furnace
wait for 15 minutes. (all catego1ies) 400 ppm" air freeb,c
(d) Repeat the spillage test steps (a) through (c) on Floor furnace 400 ppm air free
each appliance being inspected.
(4) Additional Spillage Tests: Determine if the appliance vent- Gravity furnace 400 ppm air free
ing is impacted by other door and air handler settings by Wall furnace 200 ppm air free
performing the following tests:
Wall furnace (direct vent) 400 ppm air free
(a)Set initial test condition in accordance with
G.5.2(1) . Vented room heater 200 ppm air free
(b) Place the appliance(s) being inspected in opera- Vent-free room heate r 200 ppm air free
tion . Adjust the thermostat or control so the appli-
ance(s) will operate continuously. Boi lers (all catego1ies) 400 ppm air free
(c) Open the door between the space in which the Water heate r 200 ppm air free
appliance(s) is located and the rest of the building.
Aher 5 minutes of main burner operation, check Oven/ Broiler 225 ppm as measured
for spillage at each appliance using smoke . Top burner 25 ppm as measured (per burner)
(d) Turn on any other central heating or cooling air
handler fan that is located outside of the area where Clothes dryer 400 ppm air free
the appliances are being inspected. After 5 minutes Refrigerator 25 ppm as measured
of main burner operation, check for spillage at each
appliance using smoke. The test should be conduc- Gas log (gas fireplace) 25 ppm as measured in vent
ted with the door between the space in which the Gas log (installed in wood-
appliance(s) is located and the rest of the building bLtrning fireplace) 400 ppm air free in firebox
in the open and in the closed position.
(5) Return doors, windows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers, No res:
"Parts per million
and any other fuel gas burning appliance to their previ-
bAir-free emission levels are based on a mat hematical equation
ous conditions of use.
(involving carbon monoxide and oxygen o r carbon dioxide readings)
(6) If spillage occurs during testing, the owner should be
to convert an actual diluted flue gas carbon monoxide testing sample
notified, be instructed as to which configuration of the
to an undiluted air-free flue gas carbon monoxide level utilized in the
home would lessen its impact, and arrange for corrective
appliance certification standards. For natural gas or propane, using as-
action by an HVAC or venting professional. Where it is
measured CO ppm and 0 2 percentage:
believed that the venting system performance is inade-
quate, the owner should be notified that alternative vent
sizing, design, or configuration is needed in accordance [G.6a]
with Chapters 12 and 13. Where it is believed that suffi-
cient combustion air is not available, the owner should be 20.9 )
notified that additional combustion air is needed in COAF/1,,• = [ 20.9 - 0 2 xCOPP"'
accordance with Section 9.3.
G.6 Appliance-Specific Inspections. The following appliance- where:
specific inspections are to be performed as part of a complete C0,11j,pm = Carbon monoxide, aircfree ppm
inspection. These inspections are performed either with the cq,1,,. = As-measured combustion gas carbon monoxide
appliance in the off or standby mode (indicated by "OFJI') or 0 2 = Percentage of oxygen in combustion gas, as a
on an appliance that is operating (indicated by "ON' ) . The CO percentage
measurements are to be taken only after the appliance is deter- An alternate method of calculating the CO air-free when access to an
mined to be venting properly. The CO detector should be oxygen merer is nor avai lable:
capable of calculating CO emissions in ppm air free . Table G .6
contains CO thresholds for specific appliances. [G.6b]
G.6.1 Forced Air Furnaces.
(1) OFF. Verify that an air filter is installed and that it is not
excessive ly blocked with dust.
(2) OFF. I nspect visible portions of the fornace combustion where:
chamber for cracks, ruptures, holes, and corrosion . A UC02 = Ultimate concentration of carbon dioxide for the fuel
heat exchanger leakage test should be conducted. be ing burned in pe1-cent for natural gas (12.2 percen t)
(3) ON. Verify that both the Limit and fan controls are operat- and propane (14.0 percent)
ing properly. Limit control operation can be checked b y C02 = Measured concentration of carbon dioxide in combus-
blocking the circulating air inlet or temporarily discon- tion products in percent
necting the electrical supply to the blower motor and CO = Measured concentration of carbon monoxide in
determining that the limit conn·ol acts to shut off the combustion products in percent
main burner gas.
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX G 54-157
(4) ON. Verify that the blower compartment door is installed (3) ON. Measure the CO in the vent after 5 minutes of main
properly and can be resecured properly if opened. Verify burner operation . The CO should not exceed threshold
that the blower compartment door safety switch operates in Table G.6.
G.6.6 Vent-Free Heaters.
(5) ON. Check for flame disturbance before and after blower
comes on, which can indicate heat exchanger leaks. (1) OFF Verify that the heater input is a maximum of
(6) ON. Measure the CO in the vent after 5 minutes of main 40,000 Btu/ hr input, but not more than 10,000 Btu/ hr
burner operation. The CO should not exceed th1-eshold whe1-e installed in a bedroom, and 6,000 Btu/ hr where
in Table G.6. installed in a bathroom.
(2) OFF. Inspect the ceramic logs p rovided with gas log-type
G.6.2 Boilers. vent-free heaters to verify that they a1-e located and
( 1) OFF and ON. Inspect for evidence of water leaks around aligned properly.
boiler and connected piping. (3) OFF. Inspect th e heater to verify that it is free of excess
(2) ON. Ve1-ify that the wate1- pumps are in operating condi- lint build-up and deb1-is.
tion . Test low water cutoffs, automatic feed controls, pres- ( 4) OFF. Verify that d1e Ol\.')'gen depletion safety shutoff syste m
sure and temperature limit controls, and relief valves in has not been altered or b ypassed.
acco1-dance with the manufacturer's recommendations to (5) ON. Verify that the main burner shuts down within
determine that they are in operati ng condition . 3 minutes by extinguishing the pilot light. The test is
(3) ON. Measure the CO in the vent after 5 minutes of main meant to simulate the operation of the oxygen depletion
burner operation. The CO should not exceed threshold syste m (ODS) .
in Table G.6. (6) ON. Measure the CO after 5 minutes of main burner
operation. The CO should not exceed threshold in Table
G.6.3 Water Heaters. G .6 .
( 1) OFE Verify that the pressure-temperature relief valve is in
G.6. 7 Gas Log Sets and Gas Fireplaces.
operating condition. Water in the heater should be at
operating tempernture. (1) OFF. For gas logs installed in wood-burning fireplaces
(2) OFE Verify that inspection covers, glass, and gaskets are equipped with a dampe t~ verify that the fireplace damper
intact and in place on a flammable vapor ignition resist- is in a fixed open position .
ant (FVIR)-type water heater. (2) ON. Measure the CO in the firebox (log sets installed in
(3) ON. Verify that the thermostat is set in accordance with wood burning firep laces or in the vent [gas fireplace])
the manufacturer's operating instructions and measure after 5 minutes of main burner operation. The CO
the water temperatu1-e at the closest tub 01- sink to verify should not exceed threshold in Table G.6 .
that it is no greater than 120°F.
G.6.8 Gas Clothes Dryer.
(4) OFE Where required by the local building code in
earthquake-prone locations, inspect that the water h eater (1) OFF Where installed in a closet, verify that a source of
is secured to the wall studs in two locations (high and make-up air is provided and inspect that any make-up a ir
low) using appropriate metal strapping and bolts. openings, louvers, and ducts are free of blockage.
(5) ON. Measme the CO in the vent after 5 minutes of main (2) OFF Inspect for excess amotmts of lin t around d1e dryer
burner operation. The CO should not exceed threshold and on dryer components. Verify d1at the lint trap is
in Table G.6. installed properly and that it does n ot have holes or tears.
Verify d1at it is in a clean condition.
G.6.4 Cooking Appliances. (3) OFF. Inspect visibl e portions of d1e exhaust duct and
(1) OFE Inspect oven cavity and range-top exhaust vent for connections for loose fittings and connections, blockage,
blockage with aluminum foil or other materia ls. and signs of corrosion. Verify that the duct termination is
(2) OFF: Inspect cook top to verify that it is free from a build- not blocked and that it terminates in an outdoor location.
up of grease . Verify that only approved metal vent ducting material is
(3) ON. Measure the CO above each burner and at the oven installed (plastic and vinyl materials are not approved for
exhaust vents after 5 minutes of bmner operation. The gas dryers) .
CO should not exceed threshold in Table G .6 . (4) ON. Verify mechanical compone n ts, including drum and
blowe1-, are operating proped y.
G.6.5 Vented Room Heaters. (5) ON. Operate the clothes dryer and verify that exhaust
(1) OFF: For built-in room heaters and wall furnaces, inspect system is intact and exh aust is exiting the termination .
that the burner companment is free oflint and debris. (6) ON. Measure the CO at the exhaust duct or termination
(2) OFF. Inspect that filrnishings and combustible building after 5 minutes of mai n burner operation. The CO
components are not blocking the heater. should not exceed threshold in Table G.6 .
2021 Edition
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANNEX I 54-159
being installed in a new single-family house. It was determined (c) Total required volume: Subsection 9.3.2 states that the
(either by use of the ASHRAE calculation method or blower total required volume to use indoo1· air is the sum of
door test) that the house has 0.30 air changes per hour (ACH) . the required volumes for all appliances located in
T he furnace and water heater being instal led in a 20 ft x the space:
35 ft basement with an 8 ft ceiling height. Total Required = 5000 ft3+ 2800 ft3 = 7800 ft3
(2) Determine available volume: The available volume is deter-
mined as follows:
( 1) Determine the required volume: Because tw·o types of applian-
ces are located in d1e space - a fan-assisted furnace and
a draft hood-equipped water heater - the required
volume must be determined for each appliance and then (20 ftx 35 ft) x8 ft= 5600 ft 3
combined to determine the total required volume:
(a) Fan-assisted furnace: For structures for which d1e air Omclusion: T he installation cannot use indoor a ir alone,
infilu·ation rate is known, the med10d shown in because dle available volum e of 5600 ft3 is less than d1e permits dle use of Equation to total required volume of 7800 ft3 . Outdoor a ir openings
determine the required volume for a fan-assisted can be sized in accordance widl all air from the outdoors
appliance. Paragraph limits the use of the or by use of dle combination of indoor/ outdoor a ir
equation to air change rates equal to or less than medlod.
0.60 ACH. Because 0.30 ACH is less than 0.60 ACH,
0.30 can be used to calculate the required volume. Annex I Example of Combination of Indoor and Outdoor
Using Equation, the required volume for a Combustion and Ventilation Opening Design
100,000 Btu/ hr fan-assisted furnace is calculated as
follows: This annex is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document
lmt is included for informational purposes only.
2021 Edition
(3) Determine the ratio of the available volume to the regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and prop-
required volume: erty from fire or explosion and providing fix issuance of
permits and collection of fees.
[Lib] SECTION 2 Any person who shall violate any provision of
3 this code or standard hereby adopted or fail to comply there-
3600 ft = 0.51 with; or who shall violate or fail to comply witl1 any order made
7000 ft 3 thereunder; or who shall build in violation of any detailed state-
(4) Determine the reduction factor to be used to reduce the ment of specifications or plans submitted and approved there-
full outdoor air opening size to the minimum required under; or failed to operate in accordance with any certificate or
ba5ed on ratio of indoo1· spaces: permit issued thereunder; and from which no appeal has been
1.00 - 0.51 (from Step 3) = 0.49 taken; or who shall fail to comply with such an order as
(5) Determine the single outdoor combustion air opening affirmed or modified by or by a court of competent jurisdic-
size as though all combustion air is to come from tion, within the time fixed herein, shall severally for each and
outdoors. In this example, the combustion air opening every such violation and noncompliance, respectively, be guilty
directly communicates with tl1e outdoors: of a misdemeanor, ptmishable by a fine of not less than $
_ _ _ _ nor more than $ or by imprison ment for
not less than _____ days nor more than______ days 01·
by both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of one
140,000 Btu/ hr _ . 2 penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or
• - 47 111.
3000 Btu/ in .· permit it to continue; and all such pe1·sons shall be requi1·ed to
correct or remedy such violations or defects wiili in a reasona-
(6) Determine the minimum outdoor combustion air open-
ble time; and when not otherwise specified the application of
ing area:
the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced
Outdoor opening area= 0.49 (from Step 4) x 47 in. 2 = 23 in.2
removal of prohibited conditions. Each day that prohibited
Paragraph 9.3.4(3) (c) requires the minimum dimension of the
conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense.
air opening should not be less than 3 in .
SECTION 3 Additions, insertions, and changes - that the
2021 edition of NFPA 54/ ANSI Z223.l , National Fuel Gas Code,
AnnexJ Enforcement
is amended and changed in the following respects:
17iis annex is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document
but is included for informational purposes only. List Amendment5
J.l The following sample ordinance is provided to assist a SECTION 4 That ordinance No. of [jurisdic-
jurisdiction in the adoption of this code and is not part of this tion] entitled [fill in the title of the ordinance or ordinances in effect at
code. the present time] and all oilier ordinances 01· parts of ordinances
in conflict herewiili are hereby repealed.
SECTION 5 That if any section, subsection, sentence, clause,
An ordinance of the [ju1isdiction] adopting the 2021 edition 01· phrase of this ordinance is, for any 1·eason, he ld to be invalid
of NFPA 54/ANSI Z223. l, National Fuel Gas Code, documents or unconstitutional, such decision shal l not affect ilie val idity
listed in Chapter 2 of that code; prescribing regulations govern- or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordi-
ing conditions haza1·dous to life and property from fire or nance. The [governing body] he reby declares that it would have
explosion; providing for tl1e issuance of permits and collection passed iliis o rdinance, and each section, subsec tion, clause, or
of fees; repealing Ordinance No. ____ of the [jurisdiction] and phrase hereof~ irrespective of the fact that any one or more
aU other ordinances and parts of 01-dinances in conflict there- sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be
with; providing a penalty; providing a seve rability clause; and declared unconstitutional.
providing for publication; and providing an effective date.
SECTION 6 That the [jurisdiction'.5 keeper of rewrds] is hereby
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE [governing body] OF THE {ju:ti5- 01-dered and di1-ected to cause this ordinance to be published.
diction]: [NOTE: An additional provision may be required to direct tl1e
number of times the ordinance is to be published and to spec-
SECTION 1 That the National Fuel Gas Code and documents
ify that it is to be in a newspaper in general circulation. Posting
adopted by Chapter 2, three (3) copies of which are on file and
may also be required.]
are open to inspection by the public in the office of the [juris-
diction'.5 keeper of records] of the [jurisdiction], are hereby adopted SECTION 7 That iliis ordinance and the rules, regulations,
and inco1·porated into this ordinance as fully as if set out at provisions, requirements, orders, and matte rs establis hed and
length herein, and from tl1e date on which this ordinance shall adopted hereby shall take effect and be in full force and effect
take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within [time period] from and after the date of its final pa5sage and
the limit~ of the [jurisdiction]. The same are hereby adopted as adoption.
the code of the [jurisdiction] for the purpose of prescribing
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANN EX K 54-161
NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-Omditioning and Kl.2.7 NACE Publications. NACE International, 15835 Pa rk
Ventilating Systems, 2021 edition . Ten Place, Houston, TX 77084-4906. www.nace.o rg
NACE SP0169, Control of J!,x ternal Corrosion on Underground <Jr
NFPA 90B, Standard for the Installation of Warm Air H eating and
Systems, 2021 edition. Submerged Metallic Piping Systems, 2013.
NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fzre Protection of Kl.2.8 UL Publications. Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333
Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, lL 60062-2096. www.ul. com
Commercial Cooking operations, 2021 edition.
NFPA 780, Standard for the l nstartation of L ightning Protection U L 651, Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings,
Systems, 2020 edition. 2011, revised 2018 .
National Fuel Gas Code Handbook, 2018 edition. UL 795, Commercial-Industrial Gas H eating Equipment, 2016.
2021 Edition
NFPA 21 1, Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid ANSI Z21.23, Gas Appliance Thermostats, 2010, reaffirmed
Fuel-Burning Appliances, 2019 edition. 2015.
NFPA 501A, Standard Jr;r Fire Safety Criteria for Manufactured ANSI Z21.24/CSA 6.10, Connectm-s for Gas AfJPliances, 2015.
Home Installations, Sites, and Communities, 2017 edition.
ANSI Z21.35/CSA 6.8, Pilot Gas Filters, 2005, reaffirmed 2015.
K2.2 CSA Group Publications. CSA Group, 178 Rexdale
Boulevard, Toronto, ON M9W 1R3, Canada, (216) 524-4990. ANSI Z21.40.l /CSA 2.91, Gas-Fired, Heat Activated Air-
Conditioning and Heat Pump Appliances, 1996, reaffirmed 2017.
ANSI/AGA NGV 3.1 /CSA 12.3, Fuel System Components for ANSI Z21.40.2/CSA 2.92, Gas-Fired, Work Activated Air-
Compressed Natural Gas Powered Vehicles, 2014, reaffirmed 2019. Conditioning and H eat Pump Appliances (Internal Combustion),
1996, reaffirmed 2017.
AGA/CSA NGV 1, Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel-
ing Connection Devices, 2017. ANSI Z21.40.4/CSA 2.94, Perfmmance Testing and R ating of
Gas-Fired, A ir-Conditioning and H eat Pump Appliances, 1996, reaf-
ANSI/CSA FC 1, Fuel Cell Technologies - Part 3-100: Stationary firmed 2017.
fuel cell power systems -Safety, 2014, reaffirmed 201 8.
ANSI Z21.42, Gas-Fired Illuminating Appliances, 2013, reaf-
ANSI/CSA NGV 2, Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Containers, 2016. firmed 2018.
ANSI/LC 2A, Direct Gas-Fired Circulating H eaters for Agricitl- ANSI Z21.47/CSA 2.3, Gas-Fired Central Furnaces, 2016.
turctl Animal Confinement Buildings, 1998, reaffirmed 2015.
ANSI Z21.54/CSA 8.4, Gas H ose Connectors for Portabl£ Outdoor
ANSI/LC 2, D irect Gas-Fired Circulating H eaters for Agricultural Gas-Fired Appliances, 2019.
Animal Confinement Buildings, 1996, reaffirmed 2015.
ANSI Z21.56/CSA 4.7, Gas-Fired Pool H eaters, 2017.
ANSI Z21.l /CSA 1.1 , H ousehold Cooking Gas Appliances, 2018.
ANSI Z21.57, Recreational Vehicle Cooking Gas Appliances, 201 0.
ANSI Z21.5.l /CSA 7.1, Gas Qothes D')'ers - Volume I -
Type 1 Clothes Dryers, 2017. ANSI Z21.58/CSA 1.6, Outdoor Cooking Gas Appliances, 2018.
ANSI Z21.5.2/CSA 7.2, Gas Clothes Dryers - Volume II - ANSI Z21 .60/CSA 2.26, Decm·ative Gas Appliances for Installa-
Type 2 Qothes Dryers, 2016. tion in Solid-Fu.el Burning Fireplaces, 201 7.
ANSI Z21.10.l / CSA 4.1 , Gas Water H eaters- Volume I - Stor- ANSI Z21.61, Gas-Fired 1oil£ts, 1993, reaffirmed 2013.
age Water Heaters with Input Ratings of 75,000 Btu per Hour m· Less, ANSI Z21.66/CSA 6.14, Automatic Vent Damper Devices for Use
2017. with Gas-Fired Appliances, 2015.
ANSI Z21.10.3/CSA 4.3, Gas Water H eaters - Volume Ill - ANSI Z21.69/ CSA 6.1 6, Connectors for M ovable Gas Appliances,
Storage Water H eaters with Input Ratings above 75, 000 Btu per H ow; 2015.
Circulating and Instantaneous, 2017.
ANSI Z21.71, Automatic l nte1mittent Pilot Ignition Systems for
ANSI Z21. ll.2, Gas-Fired Room H eaters - Volume II - Unven- Field Installations, 1993 reaffirmed 2016.
ted Room Heaters, 2016.
ANSI Z21.77 /CSA 6 .23, Manually-operated Piezo-Elecl1ic Spark
ANSI Z21.12, Draft H oods, 1990 reaffirmed 201 5. Gas Ignition Systems and Components, 2005, reaffirmed 2015.
ANSI Z21. 13/ CSA 4.9, Gas-Fired Low-Pressure Steam and H ot ANSI Z21.78/ CSA 6.20, Combination Gas Controls for Gas
Water Boilers, 2017. Appliances, 2010, reaffirmed 2015.
ANSI Z21.15/CSA 9.1, Manually Operated Gas Valves for Appli- ANSI Z21.84, Manually Lighted, Natural Gas Decorative Gas
ances, Appliance Connector Valves, and H ose l!.nd W"tlves, 2009, reaf~ Appliances for Installation in Solid-Fu.el Burning Appliances, 201 7.
firmed 2014.
ANSI Z21.86/CSA 2.32, Vented Gas-Fired Space H eating Appli-
ANSI Z21.17/CSA 2.7, Domestic Gas Conversion Burners, 1998, ances, 2016.
reaffirmed 2014.
ANSI Z21.87/CSA 4.6, Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for H ot
ANSI Z21.18/CSA 6.3, Gas Appliance Pressure Regulatm·s, 2007, Water Supply Systems, 2007, reaffirm ed 2016.
1·eaffinned 2016.
ANSI Z21 .88/CSA 2.33, Vented Gas Fireplace Heaters, 2017.
ANSI Z21.19/CSA 1.4, Refrigeratm·s Using Gas Fuel, 2014.
ANSI Z21.91, Ventless Firebox 1'.nclosures fm· Gas-Fired Unvented
ANSI Z21.20/CSA C22.2 - No. 60730-2-5, Automatic Electrical Decorative R oom Heaters, 2017.
Controls for Household and Similar u~e - Part 2: Particular Require-
ments for Automatic Burner Ignition Systems and Components, 2014, ANSI Z83.4/CSA 3.7, Non-Recirculating Direct Gas-Fired Indus-
reaffirmed 2019. trial Air H eaters, 2017.
ANSI Z21.21 /CSA 6.5, Automatic Valves for Gas Appliances, ANSI Z83.8/CSA 2.6, Gas Unit H eaters, Gas Packaged H eaters,
2019. Gas Utility H eate1-s, and Gas-Fired Duct Furnaces, 2016.
ANSI Z21.22/CSA 4.4, Relief Valves fm· Hot Water Supply ANSI Z83.ll/CSA 1.8, GasFoodServiceEquipment, 2016.
Systems, 2015.
2021 Edition
ANSI Z223 .I ANN EX K 54-163
ANSI Z83.19/CSA 2 .35, Gas-Fired H igh-Intensity Infrared H eat- UL 441 , Gas Venl5, 2016.
ers, 2017.
U L 641, Type L Low-Temperature Venting Systems, 2010, revised
ANSI Z83.20/CSA 2 .34, Gas-Fired tubular and L ow-Intensity 201 8.
Infrared H eaters, 201 6.
UL 1738, Venting Systems for Gas Burning Appliances, Categ01ies
ANSI Z83.21 /CSA C 22.2 No.1 68, Commercial Dishwashers, II, III and IV, 2010, revised 2014.
UL 1777, Chimney Line1s, 2015, revised 2019.
K2.3 MSS Publications. Manufacturers Standardization Soci-
ety of the Valve and Fittings Industry, 127 Park Street, NE, K2.5 US Government Publications. US Governmen t Publish-
Vienna, VA 22180-4602. www.msshq .org ing Office, 732 North Capitol Su·eet, NW, Washington, DC
MSS SP-6, Standard Finishes f(Jr Contact FaCPs of Pipe Flanges and
CMnecting-.End Flanges of Valves and Fittings, 2017. Title 24, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 3280, "Manufac-
tured H (Jme Construction and Safety Standard."
ANSI/MSS SP-58, Pipe H angrrs and Supports - Materials,
Design and Manufacture, 2018.
K3 References for Extracts in Informational Sections.
K2.4 UL Publications. Underwriters La boratories Inc., 333
Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096.
UL 103, Chimneys, Factory-Built, Residential Type and Building
H eating Appliances, 2010, 1-evised 2017.
2021 Edition
Copyright© 2020 Na tional Fire Protection Association . Al l Rights Reserved.
. T he copyrig~t in this index is separate and d istinct from the copyright in the document that it indexes. The Licen sing provi-
s10ns set forth for the document are not applicable to this index. T h is index may not be reproduced in wh ole o r in part by any
means with out the express written permission ofNFPA.
2021 Edition
LNDEX 54-165
2021 Edition
Maso n ry,,,,, 12.7.2(3), Table Combustible material
13.l(c), Table 13.l (d), Table 13.l (t), 13.1.7, 13.2.20, Clearances to, see Clearances
13 .2.23, A.12.6.l.3, A.13.1.7, A.13.2.20, F.2.3 Definition, 3.3.64. l , A.3.3.64.l
Food service appliances mounted o n/ adjacent to, 10. ll.3,
Metal,,, 10.11.5
Definition, Household cookjng appliances mounted on/adjacent
Obsu-uctions, 12.16, 13 .1.1 lO, 10.13.3
Vent connectors, 12.11.l, 12.ll.2.4,,, Roof or exterior walls, metal pipe passing through ,,
Ve nting system , Table 12.5.1 ,, Tab le 13(c), Table 13(d), Combustion (definition), 3.3.19
Table 13.l (f), 13.1.7, 13.1.11 , Table 13.2(c), Table Combustion air, 9. 1.2 (1),9.3, 12.9.2, A.9.3
13.2(d ), Tables l 3.2(t) to (i), 13.2.20, 13.2.21,
Combination indoo r and outdoor, 9 .3.4, Annex I
A.13.1.7, A.13.2.20, F.2.3
Ducts, 9.3.8
Circuits, electrical, 7.13, 9.7.3
Enginee red installatio ns, 9.3.5
Circulating air, 10.7.4, l 0.9.6, 10.10.4, 10.24.4, I 0.25.4
floor furnaces, L0.10.4
De fini tion, 3.3.2.l
Gas fireplaces, vemed, 10. 7.4
Clearances, 9.2.2
lndoo1; 9.3.2, A.9.3.2.l to A.
Air-conditioning equipment, indoor installation, 10.2.4
Calculation examples, Annex H, Annex I
Boile rs, central heating, 10.3.3, Table
Infrared heaters, 10.16.4
C lothes dryers, l 0.4.2
Mechanical supply, 9.3.6
Draft hoods, 12.13.7
Outdoor, 9.3.3, A.9.3.3.l ( l ) to A.9.3 .3.2
Food service appliances
Calculation examples, Annex I
Above cooking top, A.10.1 3.3 . l
Uni t heaters, 10.24.4
Counter appliances, l 0.12.2 to 10.12.3
Wall heate rs, I 0.25.4
Floor-mounted , 10.11.2
Combustion chamber, 8.3.2. l (2), 9 .1.18
Definition, 3.3.20
Central, 10.3.3
Combustion products, 10.20.3, 12.9.2
Fo r co nnectors, Table
Definition, 3.3.21
Duct, 10.9 .2
Commercial cooking appliances, Se£ Food service appliances
Floor, 10.10.8
Common vent, see Gas ven ts
Gas-fired toilets, 10.23.1
Common vent manifolds, see Manifolds
H eaters
Compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicular fuel systems, 10.27
Industrial air, 10.8.4
Concealed gas piping
Infrared, 10.16.3
In buildings, 7.3
Pool, 10.19.3
Definition, 3.3. 76.1
Unit, 10.24.3
Condensate (condensation)
Water, 10.26.3
Definition, 3.3.22
Household cooking appliances, 10.13.3, A. 10.1 3.3.1
Drain, 12.10
Ulumjnating appliances, l 0. 14.1, l 0.14.2
Refrigerators, gas, 10.20.2
Air conditione rs, 10.2.3
Single-wall metal pipe for ven ts,
Chimney, 12.l l.l l
Underground piping, 7.1.l
Electrical, 7.14, 9.7.l
Vent connectors, 12. l l .5
Equipmem and appliances, 9.6, A., A.9.6.3
Clothes dryers
Gas, 5.13.2
Definition, 3.3.1 8
Branch, 7.4.l
Installation, 10.4
Concealed piping, 7.3.2
Multiple family o r public use,, L0.4.7
Plastic and metallic p iping, 7.1.7. l ,
Type l, 10.4.2(1 ), 10.4.3, 10.4.5, 12.3.2(4)
Omdoor open tlame decorative applian ces, 10.30.2
Definition, 3.3.18.l
Portable and mobi le industrial applia nces, 9.6.4
Type 2, 10.4.2(2), 10.4.3, 10.4.6
Definitio n, 3.3.1 8.2
Gas hose, to appliances and equipme m, 9.6.2
Ve nting,, 10.4.3 to 10.4.6, 12.3.2 (4)
Ve n t, see Vent connectors
Coal basket, Se£ Decorative appliances for installation in vented
fireplaces Construction
Code (definition), 3.2.3, A.3.2.3 Ch ase, 7.4.2
Code enforcement, Annex J Overpressure protection devices, 5.8.4
Combustible gas detector, 8 .3.2.2 Single-wall metal pipe, 12.8. l
Combustible gas indicator,, A.8.3. l .4
2021 Edition
LNDEX 54-167
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2021 Edition
LNDEX 54-169
2021 Edition
2021 Edition
LNDEX 54-171
2021 Edition
2021 Edition
LNDEX 54-173
2021 Edition
Definition, 3.3.83 Safety shutoff devices, 11.3 see also Amomatic gas shutoff devices;
Venting, 12.3.2(6) Valves
Regulations, gas supplier, 1.1.2 Definition,
Regulator vents, 5 .5.4.2 Unlisted LP-gas equipment used indoors, 9.1.4
Definition, Scope of code, 1.1, A.l.l.l.l (A)
Regulators Screens, 9.3.7
D raft, see D raft regulawrs Seepage pan, 10.10.10
Equipment, 5.7.l Separate users, interconnections between, 5.2. l
Monitoring, 5 .8.3. l (2) Ser vice h ead adapters, 5 ..5.4.3(2)
Definition,, A. Defin ition, 3.3.87
Pressure, 1.1.1.l(A), 5.7, 7.4. l, A.l.l.l.l (A), A.5.7 see also Gas Service meter assembly, 1.1. l.l (A), A.l.l.l .l (A)
appliance pressure regulators; Line pressure Defin ition, 3.3.88
regulators; Overpressure protection devices Service regulators, see Regulato rs
Definition, Service shutoff valves, see Valves
Gas shutoff valves at, 7.8.l Shall (definition), 3 .2.6
Pressure testing, 8.1.l.6 Shutoff procedure, 4.2 .1 see also Safety shutoff devices; Valves
Protection of; 5.7.4 Shutoff valves, see Valves
Series, 5.8.3.l (3) Sources of ignition, 4 .3. l
Definition, Defi nition,
Service, 1.1. l.l (A), 5.2. l, 5.2.2. l, Table 6.3. l (c), Table 6.3. l (g), Spaces
Table 6.3.l (i), Table 6.3.l (I), 7.8.2, A.l.1.1.l (A)
Surrounding ch imney lining or vent, 12.6.8
Well-ventilated, 12.3.4
Relief openings
Specific gravity
Definition, 3.3.85
Defin ition, 3.3.91
Industrial air heaters, 10.8. 7
Sizing of gas pipe and, B.3.4
Relief valves
Standby fuels, interconnections for, 5.2.2
Steam cooker, 10.11.2
Pressure relief
Definition, l
Steam generator, 10.11.2
For steam and hot water boilers, L0.3.7, A.10.3.7
Temperature relief, L0.26.6
Steam safety valves, L0.3.7, A. 10 .3. 7
Vacuum relief, L0.26.6
Definition, 3.3.94
Definition, 3.3.94.l
Gas shutoff prior to, 4.2.2
Pressure testing, after,
Chimneys, 12.6.6
Residential board and care occupan cy, l 0.2 l.3 ( 1)
Equipment, 9.1.8
Floor furnaces, 10.10.7
Retroactivity of code, l.3 Gas vents, 12. 7.6
Anodeless, Infrared, 10.16.2
Definition, 3.3.3
Uni t, 10.24.2
Corrosion, protection against, 7 .3.5.2
Meters, gas, 5.6.3
Pipes and piping, 5.13.2, 7.2.l, 7.2.6, 12.8.6
Appliances on, 9.4
Vent connectors, 12.11.10
Piping on,
Suspended low-intensity infrared tube heaters, 9.6. l.5, A.9.6.l.5
Room heaters, 10.21,A.10.21.2
Suspended-type unit heaters, 10.24.3
Institutions, installations in, 10.21.3
Switches, electrical supply line , 10.2.8
Prohibited installations, 10.21.2, A.10.21.2
Systems, see also Central premix system; H ybrid pressure system;
U nvented,, 10.21.2, 12.3.2 (8), A.l 0.21.2 Mechanical exhaust systems; Piping systems, gas;
Definition, Venting systems
Wall, 10.21.4 Fan-assisted combustion system (definition), see also Fan-
assisted combustion appliances
Safety blowouts (backfire preventers), 7.11.1 (4), 7.1 1.6, A.7.11.6( 1) -T-
Definition, 3.3.86 Temperature change, calculating pressure drop due to, B. 7.5
Safety inspection, existing appliance installation, Annex G Temperature limit controls/d evices, 10.3.5
2021 Edition
LNDEX 54-175
2021 Edition
2021 Edition