MSS SP-127-2001
MSS SP-127-2001
MSS SP-127-2001
Standard Practice
Developed and Approved by the
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park Street, N.E.
Vienna, Virginia 22180
(703) 281-6613 I
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This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 403 and
the MSS Coordinating Committee. The content of this Standard Practice is the result of the efforts of
competent and concerned volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive specification that will
benefit the industry as a whole. This MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by
the manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in
itself preclude the manufacture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory
conformance is established only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as
Unless otherwise specifically noted in this MSS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by the date of
issue that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) at the date of issue of this MSS SP. (See ANNEX C.)
In this Standard Practice all notes, annexes, tables, and figures are construed to be essential to the
understanding of the message of the standard, and are considered part of the text unless noted as
"supplemental". All appendices appearing in this document are construed as "supplemental". "Supplemental"
information does not include mandatory requirements.
U.S. customary units in this SP are the standard; the metric units are for reference only.
Non-toleranced Dimensions in this Standard Practice are nominal, and, unless otherwise specified, shall be
considered "for reference only".
Any part of this standard may be quoted. Credit lines should read 'Extractedffom MSSSP-127, 2001, with
permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society Reproduction prohibited under
copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of
the Valve and Fittings Industg Inc.
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This standard was developed by a cooperative effort of representatives of the pipe hanger manufacturers. It
is based on the best practice current at this time and on the collective experience of the industry. There are
three companion standards, MSS SP-58, MSS SP-69 and MSS SP-89, relating to hanger materials, design,
manufacture, fabrication, selection, application and installation. In addition, The MSS Pipe Hanger
Committee has developed guidelines for pipe supports contractual relationships and on hanger terminology as
covered in MSS SP-77 and MSS SP-90 respectively.
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FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 111
1 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
3 OBJECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 1
5 SELECTION PROCEDURE - SINGLE PIPES ...................................................................................................... 3
6 SELECTION PROCEDURE - TRAPEZE HANGERS............................................................................................ 4
7 PIPE BRACING DRAWINGS .................................................................................................................................. 4
8 INSTALLATION........................................................................................................................................................ 5
9 INSPECTION ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
10 SPECIAL TYPES OF BRACES ................................................................................................................................ 6
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S T D - M S S SP-127-ENGL 2002 M 5770b40 05015ÖÖ 4 9 T D
4.6 Longitudinal bracing shall be spaced at a 4.17 Wrapping cable around pipe is not an acceptable
maximum of 80 ft (24 m) and shall be attached directly means of attachment to the pipe.
to the pipe.
4.18 A length of pipe shall not be braced to parts of a
building (walls, ceilings, floors, etc.) that may respond
4.7 Braces, where required, shall be installed at or as
differently during dynamic loading (seismic, or other).
close as practical to a hanger location.
4.19 The last length of pipe at the end of a feed or cross
4.8 Braces shall be designed to withstand a minimum main shall be provided with a lateral brace.
design load rating as shown in TABLE 1.
4.20 Each change in direction of the piping system that
4.9 Where possible bracing should be concentric. All is greater than 12 feet (3.7 m) in length shall be braced.
parts and fittings making up the bracing assembly shall
act in a straight line to avoid eccentric loading on
4.21 Lateral braces shall be allowed to act as
component parts and fasteners.
longitudinal braces if the bracing is installed within 2 ft
(610 mm) of a change in direction.
4.10 Because a brace may act in compression as well as
tension, it is necessary to size the brace to prevent
4.22 C-type clamps (including malleable top beam
buckling. This does not apply to cable braces, which act
clamps) used to attach pipe hangers to the building
in tension only.
structure in areas subject to seismic, wind, and other
dynamic loads shall be equipped with a retaining strap
4.11 For individual braces, the slenderness ratio, Ur, to prevent movement or slipping.
shall not exceed 200, where 1 is the effective length of
the brace and r is the least radius of gyration.
4.23 Single C-type clamps (including malleable iron
top beam clamps), with or without retaining straps, shall
4.12 Expansion and contraction of piping systems shall not be used to attach braces to the building structure.
be considered when designing and locating braces.
Bracing shall not adversely affect the thermal
4.24 Typical brace members are shown in FIGURE 2.
movement of the piping system.
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S T D - M S S SP-127-ENGL 2001 R 5 7 7 0 b 4 0 050L502 2b2 W
4.28.2 Wind Loads: The assigned loads for both 4.34.1 Welding is an acceptable means of
lateral and longitudinal bracing shall be fastening bracing assemblies.
determined using TABLE 3 - WIND FORCE, F,.
F, is the horizontal wind force, based on a wind 4.35 Purchaser's engineer shall verifj that the structure
speed of 70 mph. itself is adequate to support bracing forces.
When the use of another wind speed is required or 4.36 Many types of standard pipe hangers and supports
permitted by the authority having jurisdiction, the inherently provide bracing and lateral support for piping
loads in TABLE 3 - WIND FORCE, F, shall be systems. See Section 10 for information.
scaled accordingly.
4.28.3 Other Dynamic Loads: The nature and 5. SELECTION PROCEDURE - SINGLE PIPES
variety of dynamic loads are such that the job
specification should clearly define these loads. 5.1 Tentatively space lateral braces at 40 ft (12 m)
maximum or at lesser spacing that corresponds with the
4.28.4 Combined Loads: Combining of seismic spacing of pipe hangers. For example, if pipe hangers
and wind loads is not required unless specified. are spaced at 12 ft (3.7 m), then it generally would be
best to initially space braces at 36 fi (1 1 m) as indicated
4.29 In lieu of using TABLES 2 and 3, horizontal loads in paragraph 4.7.
for braces may be determined by analysis.
5.2 Tentatively space longitudinal braces at twice the
4.30 The loads on brace members shall not exceed the distance of the lateral braces or 80 ft (24 m) maximum.
maximum allowable loads provided in FIGURE 2.
5.3 Determine the total load tentatively applied to
4.31 All bracing components shall be designed in each brace in accordance with paragraph 4.28 including
accordance with MSS SP-58. Braced assemblies may insulation and components such as valves.
result in horizontal loading on components which may
not be presented in manufacturer's catalog. Verifj all 5.4 Based upon the required length and load, choose
necessary load rating and configurations recommended brace members and sizes from FIGURE 2. Brace
with the manufacturers. members should be selected such that the maximum
slenderness ratio Ur, for each brace, does not exceed
4.32 Rod stiffeners may be required to resist buckling 200. The angle of the braces from the vertical should be
of the hanger rods. See FIGURE 2 for allowable at least 30 degrees but preferably 45 degrees or more.
unstiffened lengths. Rod with stiffeners applied shall
not exceed a slenderness ratio lír of 200. See FIGURE 5.5 If the total load is less than the maximum
5 for typical rod stiffeners. permitted in FIGURE 2 for the particular brace and
orientations, then continue to the next step. If not,
4.33 Rod stiffeners, if necessary, are only required at select brace assembly components that have a higher
braced locations. Rod stiffeners are not required where load capacity or reduce spacing by adding braces as a
2 rigid braces are opposed to each other at a single rod means to reduce loading.
type hanger.
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5.6 Select a pipe attachment suitable for the pipe being 6.3 Select pipe attachments to braced trapeze
braced as shown in FIGURE 3. , member so that pipes will be firmly affixed to the
trapeze member.
5.7 Select a structure attachment suitable for the pipe
being braced as shown in FIGURE 4. 6.3.1 Individual pipe attachments to the braced
trapeze member (U-bolts, strut clamps, pipe clips,
5.8 Check to see if rod stiffeners are required per etc.) must be capable of sustaining horizontal
paragraph 4.32. When required, add rod stiffeners to wind, seismic or dynamic force on the pipe and
hanger rods containing braces. Suitable designs for rod maintain their relative positions on the trapeze
stiffeners are shown in FIGURE 5. member.
6.2.3 For trapezes with 1 transverse brace, see 7.2.1 Where job requirements permit, typical
CASE 2 in ANNEX A. details and approximate brace locations may be
used in lieu of individual drawings.
6.2.4 Select a hanger rod size from Table 3 of
MSS SP-58 which meets or exceeds the maximum 7.2.2 Where required, the conventional 8V2 x 11
hanger rod tension. inch bracing drawing shall contain the information
necessary for shop fabrication and field
6.2.5 Hanger rods for uniformly loaded installation of the bracing assembly. In the case of
non-braced trapeze assemblies may be selected complex assemblies, 11 x 17 inch sheets may be
based on 1/2 the dead-weight load of all the pipes used. See sample brace drawing in ANNEX B.
being camed by the trapeze assembly.
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S T D - M S S SP-LZ7-ENGL 2001 6 5770b90 0 5 0 1 5 0 ~035
a) The overall dimension from the supporting 7.7.1 Each individual brace assembly drawing
structure to the center line or bottom of the pipe. shall have a unique identifying number.
b) The orientation, elevation, size and type of 7.7.2 Typical brace assemblies shall have a type
supporting structure. number.
d) Pipe elevation. 8.1 All braces shall be installed per the submittal
drawings at the selected or specified locations.
e) Other dimensions necessary for the
fabrication and installation of the complete
8.2 Installed braces or bracing components shall be
bracing assembly. used for their intended purpose. They shall not be used
for rigging or erection purposes.
f) Unless otherwise required, all dimensions
shall be to the nearest one eighth inch (3 mm).
8.3 When installed, all braces shall be adjusted to
ensure that rigid braces are tight and braces that are
7.4 Bill of Material designed to allow for pipe expansion or movement, do
so except as excluded in Subsection 4.13.
7.4.1 An itemized bill of material shall be
provided listing all components of the bracing 9. INSPECTION
assembly. Identification of standard catalog
components shall be made by manufacturers’
figure number, type and size. The appropriate 9.1 Bracing assemblies should be verified against the
material specification shall be shown for special submittal drawing to assure that all components have
components. been installed and are in their proper position for their
intended function.
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STD*MSS SP-LS'7-ENGL 2001 R 5770b90 050150h 908 9
Ratings at Normal
Temperature Range 1. Applicable to all components of the complete bracing
assembly including pipe attachments, brace member,
mm Pounds Newtons
building attachments and hardware.
15 50 23
2. See MSS SP-58 Section 4 for allowable stresses and
20 75 34
25 75 34
3. Normal temperature range is -20" F to 650" F (-29" C to
32 150 68
343" C) for carbon steel and -20" F to 450" F (-29" C to
40 150 68 23 1" C) for cast and malleable iron.
50 150 68
4. See Section 6 for minimum rod diameter restriction on braces
65 150 68
for trapeze hangers.
80 150 68
5. For loads greater than those tabulated, brace component load
90 150 68
ratings shall be established by the manufacturer. Design shall
1O0 170 77 be in accordance with all criteria as outlined in MSS SP-58.
125 240 109
6. Pipe attachment ratings for temperature ranges between 650"
150 320 145 F to 750" F (343" C to 398" C) shall be reduced by the ratio
200 510 232 of allowable stress at service temperature to the allowable
250 750 34 1 stresses at 650" F (343" C).
300 1020 464 7. For services over 750" F (398" C), attachment in direct
350 1230 559 contact with the pipe shall be designed to allowable stresses
400 1600 727 listed in MSS SP-58 Tables 2 and A2.
450 2020 918 8. Minimum design loads are based upon a 10 foot span of
500 2440 1109 schedule 40 water filled steel pipe. With a minimum design
600 3460 1573 load of not less than 150 pounds for NPS 1V4 thm 31/2 and not
750 5110 2323 less than the friction force associated with the slip through a
strut clamp for NPS 1 and less.
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5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 80
18 22 25 29 32 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 288
2 5.1 26 31 36 41 46 51 77 102 128 153 179 204 408
2'12 7.9 40 47 55 63 71 79 119 158 198 237 277 316 632
1. TABLE 2 gives the water filled weight of schedule 40 steel piping for the noted spans. This table must be modified
for other pipe types and to include the weight of additional materials such as insulation, valves, fittings, etc.
2. The seismic factor (C,) is normally conveyed in the project specifications. When not available in this manner it is
recommended that a request be made that it be provided by the project design engineer. If necessary, this information
may be obtained from the applicable building code in the structural forces chapter and depends on many variables:
geographic (zone), soil type, building type, system type, etc. Prior confirmation on its use, when obtained in this
manner, should be obtained from the owner.
Determine the horizontal seismic force (FJ for a 4" pipe with braces every 40', using a seismic factor (C,) of .25g.
F,= C, W,
F, =(.25)(652 lbs) = 163 lbs
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1. TABLE A2 gives the water filled weight of schedule 40 steel piping for the noted spans. This table must be
modified for other pipe types and to include the weight of additional materials such as insulation, valves, fittings, etc.
2. The seismic factor (C,) is normally conveyed in the project specifications. When not available in this manner, it is
recommended that a request be made that it be provided by the project design engineer. If necessary, this information
may be obtained from the applicable building code in the structural forces chapter and depends on many variables:
geographic (zone), soil type, building type, system type, etc. Prior confirmation on its use, when obtained in this
manner, should be obtained from the owner.
Determine the horizontal seismic force (F,) for a DN1.50 pipe with braces every IOm, using a seismic factor (C,) of
F,= C , W,
F, =(.2.5)(4597) = 1149 N
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S T D - M S S SP-LZ7-ENGL 2001 5770b4U 0503507 bL7 =
18.00 114 137 159 182 205 228 341 455 569 683 796 910 1820
20.00 126 152 177 202 228 253 379 506 632 759 885 1011 2023
24.00 152 182 212 243 273 303 455 607 759 910 1062 1214 2427
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STD*MSS SP-127-ENGL 2001 M 577Ob110 0501510 337
Diameter Distance between lateral braces (m)
(mm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25
48 35 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 525 700 875
60 44 88 132 175 219 263 307 351 395 439 658 877 1097
73 53 106 159 212 265 318 372 425 478 531 796 1062 1327
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1. Assumes a specific gravity, SG, of .51 minimum.
2. 3/8 through 5/8" lag bolts must have a minimum embedment of 3" for shear loads; 3/4" must have a minimum
embedment of 5".
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S T D - M S S SP-127-ENGL 2 O O L Ë5770bLl0 0501512 101
TABLE A4.1 Load Data And Torque Values For Metric Bolts
Stress Max. Load Max.Load I Bolt Toraue In Newton Meters M-mì
1. Values are for carbon steel with a minimum tensile strength of 414 MPa. Allowable shear stress is 82.8 MPa.
2. Shear values are 80% of tension.
3 . Metric thread pitch is indicated by size.
4. Values are valid for temperatures up to 343" C.
5 . Torque values are based on fixed head and nut being turned. If head is turned and nut is fixed, increase values by 20%.
6. The torque values result in clamping loads (pre-load) greater than the maximum allowed load in tension. This reduces
fatigue and the loosening of the bolthut connection.
7. For propnetaryíbranded fasteners, use manufacturer's torque recommendations.
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Cable Brace Assembly
Tension ._-
. to - onlv
he -...I moiioh
] Wire Rope
to remove sag from cable
Wedge Socket
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1 Least
Radius I
Length 1 Maximum Horizontal Load Obs)
Angle from Vertical
TYPE / SIZE of(;vi-dtionîinì (Ur = 200) 30-44 I 45-59 I 60-90
Pipe (Schedule 40)
1 in. 0.420 7 ft. O in. 1591 2250 2755
i 114 in. 0.540 9 ft. O in. 2154 3046 373 1
1112 in. I 0.623 I 10ft.4in. I 2573 I 3638 I 4456 I
Pipe (Schedule 10)
1 in. 0.430 7 fi. 2 in. 1330 1881 2303
1114 in. 0.550 9 ft. 2 in. 1710 2418 2961
1112 in. 0.634 10 ft. 7 in. 1974 2791 3419
2 in. 0.802 13 ft. 4 in. 2495 3529 4322
1112 x 1112x 114 in. 0.292 I 4 ft. 10 in. I 2215 I 3133 I 3837
2 x 2 x 1' 4 in. 0.391 6 ft. 6 in. 3020 4271 523 1
2112 x 2112 x 114 in. 0.491 8 A. 2 in. 3832 5419 6637
3 x 3 x 114 in. 0.592 9 fi. 10 in. 4637 6557 803 1
Threaded Rod
318 in. 0.094 I 1 fi. 7 in. 219 I 309 I 379
112 in. I 0.125 I 2ft. 1 in. I 406 I 574 I 703 I
518 in. I 0.156 I 2ft.7in. I 651 I 920 I 1127 I
3/4 in. 0.188 I 3 ft. i in. I 973 I 1376 I 1685
1 in. 0.250 I 4 ft. 2 in. I 1775 I 2510 I 3075 I
Flat Bar
1112 x 114 in. 0.072 1 R. 2 in. 1207 1708 2091
2 x 114 in. 0.072 1 ft. 2 in. 1610 2277 2789
2 x 31s in. I
0.109 I
1 ft. 9 in. I
2415 I
3415 I
12 Ga. Strut Channel I
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l. Maximum loads are based on the compression (buckling) capacity of the axially loaded brace member (except
for cable assemblies).
2. Loads include a 1.11 safety factor against buckling at the maximum brace length, except for stnit channels that
include a safety factor of 2.
3. Horizontal loads are based on the smallest angle listed.
* Some jurisdictions may require back-to-back channels to be MIG welded rather than spot welded.
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STD.MSS SP-127-ENGL 2001 5770bq0 0 5 0 1 5 1 b 857
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4a 4c
18 --``,,,,````,,,,``````,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
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S T D - M S S SP-Ii27-ENGL 2001 5770bli0 0501518 b2T a
5c 5d
~~~ .
. ~~~
I ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~
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FIGURE 6 Pipe Supports That Also Act As Braces
6e 6f UP
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Force in hanger rods: Force in hanger rods:
max. tension =
W F w
- + 2= - (lH+ CJT) max. tension =
W + FT = w
- (* +
2 2 2 2
max. compression* =
W FT w
-- - = - ( I H
2 2 2
max. compression* = 2
-- (k
FT = w -- Cs 1r )
max. compression = 0.707FT= 0.707csW& max. compression = 1.414Fr = 1.414CswZ7
w = weight of system (lbs/fl)
lH = hanger support spacing (fi)
W = total weight at each support (lbs)
- 'r F,
w =wlfl
t IT= transverse brace spacing (fi)
Force in hanger rods: IL = longitudinal brace spacing (fi)
C, = seismic force value (g's)
max. tension = W+Fr=w(ZH+CSI,)
F,= Transverse seismic Force (lbs)
max. compression* = W - F r = w (ZH- CSlr) FT= CSWIT
Force in braces: FL= Longitudinal seismic Force (lbs)
max. tension = 1.414Fr= 1.414Csw17
The above formulae determine forces for transverse braces. Substitute I, for I , to determine forces for longitudinal
* Compression results if negative 21
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S T D * M S S SP-LZ7-ENGL 2001 = 5770bli0 0503521 LLV D
7 $
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A 307-2000 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60 O00 PSI Tensile Strength
A 492-1995 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Rope Wire
A 603-1998 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Steel Structural Wire Rope
SP-58-1993 Pipe Hangers and Supports- Materials, Design and Manufacture
SP-69-1996 Pipe Hangers and Supports- Selection and Application
SP-89-1998 Pipe Hangers and Supports- Fabrication and Installation Practices
13-1999 Installation of Sprinkler Systems
5429-1999 Mechanical and Material Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners
MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park Street, N.E., Vienna, VA 22180 Ph: (703) 281-6613
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S T D O M S S SP-127-ENGL 2001 W 5 7 7 0 b 9 I l 0501523 T97
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