6827 26361 3 PB
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University of Westminster, UK
The sustainability concept has developed in a policy context. Its main relevance has been in
policy forums such as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and
the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. In the realm of information and
communication technologies (ICTs), sustainability has played a policy role in the context of
the World Summit on the Information Society. This article asks: How can we think of
sustainability and ICTs in the context of a critical theory of society? How is the sustainability
of ICTs related to capitalism and class? It provides a critique of the dominant reductionist
and dualistic understandings of information technology sustainability in an information
society context. The question that arises in this context is whether, from a critical theory
perspective, the sustainability concept should be discarded. The view advanced in this article
is that a critical social theory should provide an ideology critique of information technology
sustainability; at the same time, it should not discard, but transform, the sustainability
concept into a critical notion of un/sustainable information technology sustainability in the
context of the information society.
Sustainability has to do with the question of how present and future generations can lead a good
life in society (for a review of its genesis, see Fuchs, 2017). It is a concept that has been developed in
forums such as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and the United Nations
Conference on Sustainable Development. In the realm of information and communication technologies
(ICTs), the sustainability concept has played a role in the context of the World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS). Sustainable ICTs involve the question of whether and how ICTs contribute to and/or harm
the development of society in ways that allow present and future generations to lead a good life.
The research presented in this article was conducted with funding provided by the EU Horizon 2020 project
netCommons: Network Infrastructure as Commons, http://netcommons.eu/, grant agreement number
Copyright © 2017 (Christian Fuchs). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No
Derivatives (by-nc-nd). Available at http://ijoc.org.
2432 Christian Fuchs International Journal of Communication 11(2017)
This article asks: How can we think of sustainability and ICTs in the context of a critical theory of
society? How is the sustainability of ICTs related to capitalism and class? The approach taken stands in the
tradition of critical sociology, which “seeks to make problematic existing social relations in order to uncover
the underlying structural explanations for those relations” (Fasenfest, 2007, p. 17). Critical sociology is
opposed to functionalism, is antipositivist, uses the tradition of critical political economy, asks questions of
power at large, and deconstructs ideologies (Fasenfest, 2007). Critical sociology is “a critique of the social
order in the exploration of extant power relationships existing within a society organized under the principles
of capitalist social relations” (Fasenfest, 2007, p. 22). Its knowledge addresses “how to influence change
toward a more progressive and positive vision for the future” (Fasenfest, 2007, p. 20). Given such a focus,
it is evident that critical sociology is an approach suited for the study of un/sustainable development.
This article discusses the relationship of technology and capitalism, identifies four ways to think
about sustainability in the context of the information society, and criticizes reductionist understandings of
information technology sustainability. It provides a critique of dualistic understandings of information
technology sustainability. Dualism and reductionism are the predominant mainstream concepts of
sustainability in an ICT context. This article suggests an alternative framework that uses critical theory as
the foundation for a critical theory of sustainability in the information society.
The term technology has its roots in the Greek term techné [τέχνη] (Feenberg, 2006; Reydon,
2012; Williams, 1983), which means the knowledge, art, and craft of making something. Technology as
techné was considered in subjective terms oriented to humans’ skills, capacities, and knowledge to create
something in a purposeful manner and thereby change the world. With the rise of modern large-scale
industry and machinery, the dominant meaning of the category of technology shifted toward a more
objective understanding. Technology has come to be understood as things, systems, machines, tools,
artifacts, and hardware that apply the results of science for controlling humans and nature (see Dusek,
2006, Chapter 2; Li-Hua, 2009; Williams, 1983).
Georg Lukács (1971) argues that, with the rise of capitalism, “human relations (viewed as the
objects of social activity) assume increasingly the objective forms of the abstract elements of the conceptual
systems of natural science and of the abstract substrata of the laws of nature” (p. 131). The economy
thereby became “transformed into an abstract and mathematically orientated system of formal ‘laws’” (p.
105) that is governed by “the abstract, quantitative mode of calculability” (p. 93). Technology in such a
system is a machine that is used for controlling and instrumentalizing nature and human activities for partial
interests such as corporations’ monetary profits and commodity production, bureaucratic power, possessive
individualism, and consumerism.
Alfred Sohn-Rethel (1978) argues that this instrumental understanding of knowledge and
technology goes back to the division of labor between manual and mental labor in class societies. The “logic
of the market and of mechanistic thinking is a logic of intellectual labour divided from manual labour” (Sohn-
Rethel, 1978, p. 73). For Sohn-Rethel, the logic of mechanistic, quantifying, mathematical reasoning is not
something that emerged with the existence of capitalism, but rather is much older. He argues that it goes
International Journal of Communication 11(2017) Information Technology and Sustainability 2433
as far back as ancient Greek slavery, which instituted a division between manual labor performed by slaves
and the mental labor of philosophers, politicians, and scientists: “It is Greek philosophy which constitutes
the first historical manifestations of the separation of head and hand in this particular mode” (Sohn-Rethel,
1978, p. 66). This division of labor has, for Sohn-Rethel, to do with the rise of the mathematical logic of
measurement and quantification. Class society’s division of labor would in the realm of thinking and logic be
accompanied by quantifying reason and in the realm of the economy by exchange value.
In a general understanding, technology is neither knowledge nor a thing, but a process in which
humans make use of their skills, knowledge, and capacities and of objects to change the world in an
intentional and purposeful manner. In modern class society, technology is no longer a human-controlled
means for human-defined ends. Means and ends are reversed: Humanity is not an end in itself, but humans
have become means and instruments for dominant classes’ partial interests (Fuchs, 2016, Chapter 15).
Technology is in this context an instrument for domination. Capital, including technology as its means of
production, is a subject that dominates labor. Technology is in such a system not a means to humane ends,
but rather serves a specific instrumental aim—namely, capital accumulation—and as part of this end, it turns
humans into objects.
ICTs are means that humans use for creating, disseminating, and consuming information about the
world. The computer and networked computer systems are particular technologies that, unlike traditional
media (radio, television, newspapers, etc.), allow not just the consumption of information but its production,
coproduction, and dissemination.
The networked computer allows the convergence of the production, dissemination, and
consumption of information in one tool. Given that technology is not independent from society, we cannot
speak of the sustainability of technology only in technological terms; rather, we need to connect this topic
to society. A computer-controlled atom bomb is a particular political technology used for threatening actual
or potential enemies. Its existence has to do with political power relations in the world. Defining technological
sustainability immanently would mean that the atom bomb would be sustainable if it works error-free; has
comprehensive usability; and can be controlled with the help of a user-friendly, secure, and stable computer
interface. The problem of such an understanding is, however, that the computer-controlled atom bomb is
inherently political and conflicts with the goal of a peaceful global society. It is politically unsustainable.
Such immanent definitions of technological sustainability that stay in the realm of technology
without considering society often take on ideological forms. Mulder, Ferrer, and van Lente (2011) argue that
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technological sustainability is not an end in itself: “Rather, sustainability of a technology can only be
determined through a socio-political process” (p. 242).
Computer technology cannot simply be made sustainable by changing chips, cables, variables,
codes, or algorithms. Sustainable computing is not a technological matter because computing is embedded
into environmental, economic, political, and cultural contexts of design, production, and use. It is therefore
necessary to discuss the topic of computing and sustainability in the context of the information society.
Making computing sustainable requires shaping technology and society in an integrated manner (cf. Bijker,
Hughes, & Pinch, 1987; MacKenzie & Wajcman, 1999).
Such an understanding of technology underlies the philosopher Ivan Illich’s (1973) book Tools for
Conviviality. He argues that it is dangerous to base society on what is technologically possible and not on
what is politically and ethically feasible. Illich argues that both society and technology need to be redesigned
in an integrated manner, and he writes of convivial tools in a convivial society: “Such a society, in which
modern technologies serve politically interrelated individuals rather than managers, I will call ‘convivial’. . .
. I have chosen ‘convivial’ as a technical term to designate a modern society of responsibly limited tools”
(p. 12). We cannot assume that technological developments are automatically societally responsible.
Sustainability and technology development should be seen as two interlinked social and political tasks. One
can certainly see the critique of unsustainable developments and technologies as a political task. At the
same time, reflecting on the implications of critical technology assessment for society and the construction
of technology is an important political task. Schot and Rip (1996) argue in this context that constructive
technology assessment and sociotechnical criticism are inherently connected.
For Illich, the problem is that technological innovations have the danger to blind people to potential
negative consequences. Their all-too-optimistic adoption can backfire and result in unforeseen
consequences. In an argument comparable to Illich’s, Horkheimer and Adorno (2002) argue that
enlightenment reason can turn negatively against itself and have dangerous consequences. They call this
the dialectic of the enlightenment. The implication of the problems that technologies can entail is to take an
approach that tries to actively limit negative consequences by designing society and technology in human-
centered ways. Such designs do not think primarily about what is “good for institutions” (Illich, 1973, p.
25), but about what is good for all humans.
Discussions about the un/sustainability of information technology’s role in society have especially
emerged since the First World Summit on the Information Society that was held in two phases in 2003 and
Table 1. Approaches to Sustainability and Information Society Policies (Based on Fuchs, 2010).
International Journal of Communication 11(2017) Information Technology and Sustainability 2435
We can classify information society policy discourses according to how they relate the domains of
ecology and the economy to the realms of politics and culture. According to the information philosopher
Wolfgang Hofkirchner (2013), there are four ways to explain the relationship of two categories, C1 and C2
(see Table 1): reductionism, projectivism, disjunctivism/dualism, and dialectical integrativism. Reductionism
causally reduces the relation C1–C2 to C1. Projectivism projects causality into C2. Dualistic thought argues
that C1 and C2 have independent causalities. A dialectical approach sees C1 and C2 as relatively autonomous
and mutually constituting each other. In a dialectic, C1 and C2 are identical and nonidentical at the same
time. I have in other publications elaborated on and applied, based on Hofkirchner’s typology, a distinction
of four information society policy discourses (Fuchs, 2010; Verdegem & Fuchs, 2013).
Projectivism is an approach that is rarely found in ICT policy discourses on sustainability, because
the notion of sustainability originates in the environmental realm and this kind of discourse tends to be
associated with industry interests. Therefore, either the ecological dimension or the economic dimension or
both normally tend to play a role. Theoretically, ICT sustainability could, of course, be conceived in purely
political or cultural terms with a focus on either digital democracy or fostering online understanding.
Reductionist understandings are much more common than projectionist ones.
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Hilty and Ruddy (2010) reject multidimensional definitions of sustainability in general and in the
ICT context in particular, because they argue that nature is the most fundamental dimension of human
survival. They write that “multidimensionality mitigates the radical nature of SD” (p. 11). They define the
central concern of sustainable development as the “sustainability dilemma”—that is, “the physical
impossibility of extending the present consumption patterns of the industrialized countries to all parts of the
world without putting a great burden on future generations” (p. 10)—and reduce the sustainability of
information technology to the ecological dimension.
The emergence of ICTs and the Internet has not dematerialized the economy. The depletion of
nonrenewable natural resources and the massive emission of carbon dioxide continue. Ecological
catastrophe is certainly an important challenge in the information society. But assuming that we had solved
this problem, other ways of destroying humanity could nonetheless persist, especially politically and
ideologically motivated wars and spirals of violence that, in escalation, could result in the large-scale use of
nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that could wipe out humanity. Economic crises also have the
potential to render the lives of many people precarious and can lead to political crises—and, in the last
instance, also to wars. The example of dematerialization’s promises shows that, in a society, where groups
compete for resources (including capital, influence, attention, and support), technological determinism is
used as a means in the struggle for mobilizing resources for political interests.
Hilty and Ruddy (2010) create the impression that the environmental crisis is the only problem that
needs to be solved in the information age. Their approach is a form of environmental reductionism. We also
cannot exclude the possibility that it may indeed be possible to universalize today’s per capita quantity of
physical consumption to all humans if it is at the same time possible to make a large-scale qualitative shift
to green energy and renewable resource use. Given that there is more than one dimension that threatens
the existence of humanity and the attainability of a good society, a one-dimensional use of the category of
the sustainable information society is not feasible.
The European Union in 2010 introduced its new information society policy called A Digital Agenda
for Europe, in which it formulates a policy strategy and goals it wants to reach until 2020: “The overall aim
of the Digital Agenda is to deliver sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market
based on fast and ultra fast internet and interoperable applications” (European Commission, 2010, p. 3).
The notion of sustainability is here used as meaning both (a) the continuous growth of profits and the GDP
as well as (b) the continuous guarantee of social cohesion. There is no consideration that there may be an
antagonism between, on the one side, the focus on companies’ profits, which in past decades has in most
parts of the world meant a neoliberal policy agenda, and, on the other side, the increasing social inequalities
that have come along with neoliberalism. The overall aim formulated in the Digital Agenda is both
economically reductionist and technologically deterministic: The EU assumes that the combination of the
Internet and neoliberalism automatically brings about economic and social sustainability.
The EU expresses its view that the Internet in Europe is not developed enough, is not fast enough,
and that the uptake is not wide enough:
International Journal of Communication 11(2017) Information Technology and Sustainability 2437
More needs to be done to ensure the roll-out and take-up of broadband for all, at
increasing speeds, through both fixed and wireless technologies, and to facilitate
investment in the new very fast open and competitive internet networks that will be the
arteries of a future economy. Our action needs to be focused on providing the right
incentives to stimulate private investment, complemented by carefully targeted public
investments, without re-monopolising our networks, as well as improving spectrum
allocation. (European Commission, 2010, p. 6)
One of the EU’s keywords for creating sustainability is the focus on a “vibrant digital single market”
for Internet services, digital content, and “telecom services” (European Commission, 2010, p. 7), which
includes Internet access and infrastructure:
We need very fast Internet for the economy to grow strongly and to create jobs and
prosperity, and to ensure citizens can access the content and services they want. The
future economy will be a network-based knowledge economy with the internet at its
centre. Europe needs widely available and competitively-priced fast and ultra fast internet
access. The Europe 2020 Strategy has underlined the importance of broadband
deployment to promote social inclusion and competitiveness in the EU. (pp. 18–19,
emphasis in original)
The EU has the objective to achieve “broadband for all” (European Commission, 2010, p. 26) and wants to
specifically foster the deployment of next-generation access networks (p. 20), which are Internet networks
that have a download speed of more than 24 megabits per second. The EU strategy in this respect is to
“encourage market investment in open and competitive networks” (p. 20).
The EU overall fosters a neoliberal approach to digital society’s sustainability. There are, of course,
exceptions, such as the EU research project netCommons (http://www.netcommons.eu), which stresses the
need for alternative technological, legal, political, social, ethical, and economic frameworks for advancing
the sustainability of the information society. The EU sees capitalist businesses as the key to providing
Internet access and services and sees Internet capitalism as the source of the growth of economic
profitability and the creation of wealth and social inclusion. In the quotes above, social goals are reduced to
an economic dimension: the advancement of digital capitalism. The Digital Agenda overlooks that capitalist
investments in Internet access and services do not guarantee social cohesion. Capital has the inherent drive
to increase itself and, as one of its means for accumulation, tends to aim at reducing wage costs. Precarious
and unpaid digital labor—that is, labor that produces digital media technologies and services—has been one
of the effects of the capitalist Internet economy (Fuchs, 2014b).
Kingdom (Cornwall, west Wales). Figure 1 illustrates these regions and shows that they are especially
located in Europe’s south and east, which is an indication of uneven development in Europe. As shown in
Table 2, less developed regions, sparsely populated areas, poor households, and individuals with low
education have significantly lower use of the Internet and computers than the average EU citizen.
Table 2. Internet and Computer Use Statistics for the European Union, 2015.
International Journal of Communication 11(2017) Information Technology and Sustainability 2439
Individuals who
regularly (at Households Households Individuals who
least once a with with Households have never
week) use the Internet broadband owning a used the
Internet, % access, % access, % computer, % Internet, %
EU-28 76 (2010 65%) 83 80 82 16
Manual workers 72 – – – 17
Low education 55 – – – 36
Individuals in 48 62 59 62 31
(lowest quartile)
Individuals in 81 97 95 97 5
richest households
(upper quartile)
Households in – – 73 77 23
sparsely populated
areas (< 100
inhabitants/km 2)
Note. All data are from Eurostat (2016a). EU-28 refers to all 28 countries in the European Union.
Data for this category are for 2013.
Figures 2, 3, and 4 illustrate the geographical access to the Internet in Europe. The figures indicate
that there is less Internet use in less developed regions. Tables 3 and 4 show the regions in Europe that in
2015 had the largest percentage of citizens who had never used a computer and the lowest use of broadband
Internet. The tables again indicate that it is the southern and eastern regions of Europe that have the lowest
computer and Internet use.
2440 Christian Fuchs International Journal of Communication 11(2017)
Given the existence of a digital divide in Europe between poor citizens and regions on the one side
and rich citizens and regions on the other side, the question arises whether an approach that fosters private
ownership and for-profit operation of Internet networks is suited for overcoming such divides. For profit
means that operators charge for network access. Access is organized as a commodity. Given income
inequality, people with lower income are less likely to afford the same level and speed of access than those
who are better off. Capitalist markets necessarily bring access inequalities with them.
The EU, however, predominantly follows a market approach in the creation of fast broadband
networks. In 2014, the EU announced the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), a plan of
investing €315 billion into broadband infrastructure, transport, education, research, and innovation in 2015–
17 as a combination of public funding and private investment (Jackson, 2014). About 80% of this amount
comes from private investors, and the rest comes from the European Investment Bank and the European
Investment Fund (European Commission, 2016):
2444 Christian Fuchs International Journal of Communication 11(2017)
The Investment Plan for Europe adopted in November 2014 as the first major initiative of
the Juncker Commission has the potential to bring investments back in line with its
historical trends. Via the EFSI, the European Investment Bank is able to respond quickly
to financing needs in areas where alternative sources of financing are scarce or
unavailable. The Bank’s presence often provides reassurance to other financiers to provide
co-financing. The EFSI projects need to be economically and technically viable, consistent
with Union policies, provide additionality (i.e. they could not be realized without the
backing of the EU guarantee), and maximise the mobilisation of private sector capital. (p.
We need to pursue fiscal responsibility and keep public finances sustainable. We also need
to restore investment levels to overcome the crisis, to kick-start growth and sustain it. . .
. We have to . . . stimulate private capital. We cannot spend money we do not have. So
this is an offer to the private sector where the money is . . . to join the efforts we are
developing. (European Commission, n.d.)
The discussion reveals a policy regime in Europe that tends to foster Internet infrastructure and
access as commodity. There is not just unequal access to the Internet in Europe, but large market
concentration in the broadband market. Since 2012, more than €60 billion was spent on mergers and
acquisitions of telecommunications operators in the EU. In eight of 28 EU countries, the incumbent controls
more than 50% of all broadband subscribers: Luxemburg, Cyprus, Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia,
Croatia, and Lithuania. For all of Europe, incumbents control 41% of the subscribers (European Commission,
2015). Table 5 provides an overview of the dominant market player’s share in broadband subscription for
all European countries.
The calculations of the HHI in Table 6 show minimum levels. We can infer from them that in at
least 15 of 27 EU countries for which data are available, the broadband market was highly concentrated in
2015. The average EU HHI in the broadband market is at least 2,106, which is a very high level.
Mobile broadband has a relatively small share of the broadband market: In 2014, only 8.3% of the
homes in the EU used mobile Internet connections for accessing the Internet (European Commission, 2015).
Table 6 shows that the average minimum HHI for the mobile communications market in 25 EU countries in
2014 was 1,753. Given that this is a minimum value based on the market share of only the incumbent, we
can assume that the actual value is higher than 1,800 and that the European mobile communications market
is highly concentrated.
2446 Christian Fuchs International Journal of Communication 11(2017)
Cyprus 66 4,338
Luxembourg 55 2,973
Slovenia 48 2,345
Portugal 47 2,246
Croatia 46 2,146
Hungary 45 2,049
Malta 44 1,968
Romania 44 1,933
Lithuania 43 1,815
Austria 42 1,776
Latvia 42 1,769
Slovakia 42 1,734
Estonia 41 1,665
Finland 40 1,587
Denmark 39 1,524
Ireland 38 1,439
Bulgaria 37 1,369
Germany 37 1,369
Sweden 36 1,299
France 33 1,106
Spain 32 1,025
Italy 32 996
Strong market concentration means that economic power is asymmetrically distributed. Single
companies have economic advantages at the expense of workers in other companies in the same sector,
whose economic survival is threatened. Market concentration also enables price control. An economy
characterized by corporate monopolies or oligopolies can therefore not be considered sustainable. The EU is
International Journal of Communication 11(2017) Information Technology and Sustainability 2447
The EU example shows that fostering private investments with the help of public aid in an overall
highly concentrated economic realm such as communications tends to reinforce concentration. We can
therefore speak of a vicious cycle of capital concentration in the communications infrastructure market.
Furthermore, communications corporations such as Verizon, Vodafone, EE, O2 (see Garside & Griffiths,
2013a, 2013b; Syal, 2013), Hutchison, Tele Columbus, Tele2, and Telecom Italia (Galizia, Cabra, Williams,
Díaz-Struck, & Rudder, 2014) seem to have avoided paying taxes in Europe. The argument that private
investment is needed because public finances are under strain overlooks the fact that public funding could
certainly be increased if tax avoidance structures could be overcome and large corporations be made
Such processes constitute together a vicious cycle of neoliberalism that operates in the
communications market and other markets (see Figure 5): Neoliberal policies and ideology foster the
commodification of services, society’s resources, and infrastructures (Harvey, 2005). The result is the
emergence of capitalist markets. Markets in general have a tendency to concentrate and form oligopolistic
and monopolistic structures. Communications markets are affected by concentration in a particular way:
Investment into network infrastructures and information technologies is expensive, which fosters
concentration. Advertising-funded media tend to attract advertisers if they attract large numbers of viewers,
readers, listeners, and users, which fosters the concentration of advertising via an advertising–audience
share spiral (Furhoff, 1973). Selling media content is a high-risk business, in which survival is difficult. All
of these mechanisms foster concentration of communications markets. Neoliberalism also fosters a tendency
for corporate tax avoidance that, together with concentration tendencies, strengthens the power of
corporations. Building, maintaining, and operating communications infrastructure is expensive. Given
market concentration, especially existing incumbent operators tend to be able to afford necessary
investments so that dominant market actors tend also to control new communications infrastructures.
Corporate tax avoidance not only strengthens the financial power of corporations but also puts pressure on
public finances to further foster neoliberal policy agendas. Increasing corporate power fosters the tendency
that corporations are enabled to threaten state institutions to withdraw or outsource their capital, which
may result in unemployment. The neoliberal competition state competes with other states for attracting
capital and so tends to foster ever more commodification, privatization, and market liberalization. The
outcome is a vicious cycle of neoliberalism, in which neoliberal policy and ideology, capitalist markets,
2448 Christian Fuchs International Journal of Communication 11(2017)
market concentration, and corporate power are reinforced. The example analysis shows that such a vicious
cycle operates in the European Union’s information society.
Overall, the example of broadband markets in Europe confirms the analysis that the EU’s Digital
Agenda is based on a neoliberal economic reductionism that fosters the market and capitalism in the realm
of digital media and sees the market as primary force for sustainability (for a critique of neoliberalism,
see also Harvey, 2005; Saad-Filho & Johnston, 2005).
A third type of information society policy discourse is dualistic in character. WSIS was a summit
that the United Nations organized. It took place in two phases with one event in 2003 in Geneva,
Switzerland, and another in 2005 in Tunis, Tunisia.
WSIS identified the potential of ICTs to eradicate hunger and poverty and foster education, gender
equality, health care, environmental sustainability, peace, prosperity, freedom, democracy, human
understanding, cultural diversity, and human rights (WSIS, 2003a, Sections 2, 3, 51). It argued that GDP
growth and social equality can be advanced at the same time through ICTs:
International Journal of Communication 11(2017) Information Technology and Sustainability 2449
WSIS’s logic of argumentation is dualistic because it assumes that, through ICT development, both
capitalist growth and social equality can be achieved at the same time. ICT development is seen as a realm
of capitalist investment, both in developed and developing countries: WSIS promoted ICT and Internet
development in developing countries through the support of foreign direct investment and transfer of
information technology (WSIS, 2003a, Section 40; see also WSIS, 2005a, Sections 54, 90b). It encouraged
“private-sector participation” (WSIS, 2005a, Section 13) and identified a “powerful commercial basis for ICT
infrastructural investment” in developing countries (Section 14). It wanted to “promote and foster
entrepreneurship” in the realm of ICTs in developing countries (WSIS, 2005a, Section 90b) and wrote of
“sustainable private-sector investment in infrastructure” (Section 20). We find here a peculiar understanding
of sustainability as “private-sector investment in infrastructure.” Sustainability is not related to the common
good that benefits all, but to the growth of the profits of private companies that own Internet infrastructure.
In a comparative passage, WSIS called for “adequate and sustainable investments in ICT infrastructure and
services” (WSIS, 2005a, Section 8). WSIS simultaneously calls for both private ownership and social benefits
for all.
In contrast to WSIS, the winners of the Noble Prize in Economics, Joseph Stiglitz (winner in 2001)
and Amartya Sen (winner in 1998), argue that capitalist growth is no guarantee for social justice as an
aspect of sustainability. Stiglitz, Sen, and Fitoussi (2010) write that the GDP is of limited use for measuring
social progress and that it is “an inadequate metric to gauge well-being over time” (p. 8). Measuring well-
being by the GDP could, for example, “send the aberrant message that a natural catastrophe is a blessing
for the economy, because of the additional economic activity generated by repairs” (Stiglitz, Sen & Fitoussi,
2010, p. 265). They call for a shift in emphasis “from measuring economic production to measuring people’s
well-being“ (p. 12, emphasis in original) in policy making and research in the context of sustainability.
The WSIS meetings in 2003 and 2005 were based on a neoliberal policy agenda that advances a
dualistic agenda that sees social sustainability and capitalist growth of profits as achievable by capitalist
ownership and development of ICT infrastructure. Since the rise of neoliberal politics that advanced
privatization, the commodification of common goods and public services: market liberalization, and the
deregulation of social policies, inequality understood as the distribution of income between labor and capital
and between the rich and the poor, resource inequality, and inequality of health and death has increased:
In March 2008, before the bubble burst, Forbes magazine listed 1,125 of the world’s
billionaires. Together, they owned $4.4 trillion. That was almost the entire national income
of 128 million Japanese or a third of the income of 302 million Americans. (Therborn,
2012, p. 584)
The WSIS propagated a so-called multistakeholder approach that in Internet governance fosters
the cooperation of “governments, the private sector, civil society and other stakeholders, including the
2450 Christian Fuchs International Journal of Communication 11(2017)
international financial institutions” (WSIS, 2003a, Section 60; see also WSIS, 2005a, Sections 29, 34, 80,
83, 97, 98). Such formulations create the impression that these actors possess equal shares of power in the
world. Transnational corporations have significant shares of money, reputation, and influence and may
therefore be more capable than civil society actors of being heard in policy debates and policy formulations.
It is therefore not a surprise that, in contrast to the official multistakeholder documents published by WSIS
in 2003 and 2005 that have a corporate-friendly character, the 2003 Civil Society Declaration to the World
Summit on the Information Society formulated a different vision:
WSIS saw public-service investment and provision of Internet access as feasible only in poor
regions: “We recognize that public finance plays a crucial role in providing ICT access and services to rural
areas and disadvantaged populations including those in Small Island Developing States and Landlocked
Developing Countries” (WSIS, 2005a, Section 21). It did not consider that capitalist ownership of
communications infrastructure tends to be, as we have already seen, economically highly concentrated,
which means a high concentration of power and private wealth. Public service infrastructure in a world of
high inequality and concentrated capitalist ownership may therefore be a feasible alternative not just for
developing regions. The argument that the public should only step in where private investors cannot easily
make profits overlooks the fact that the market also fails in other areas, where transnational corporations
make large profits and such accumulation results in market concentration.
Ten years after the WSIS, the WSIS+10 High Level Event conducted a progress review (Geneva,
June 10–13, 2014) and published outcome documents. The approach had not changed after 10 years, and
it remains dualist: ICTs are “cross-cutting enablers for achieving the three pillars of sustainable
development” (WSIS, 2014, p. 10). WSIS+10 recognizes some problems, such as the gender digital divide,
the lack of youth empowerment, the lack of Internet access in the least developed countries, that the
voluntary digital solidarity fund does not work, e-waste, and privacy issues resulting from mass surveillance.
But overall it is just like the WSIS outcome documents in 2003 and 2005—overconfident that capitalism and
the market are the right way to social and economic progress.
The WSIS agenda is still dualist: “ICTs should be fully recognized as tools empowering people, and
providing economic growth” (WSIS, 2014, p. 12). And it is also still neoliberal, although the new world
economic crisis has shed doubts on this approach. “To attract private investment, competition and adequate
market liberalization policies to develop the infrastructure, financing, and new business models need to be
studied and deployed, taking into account national circumstances” (WSIS, 2014, p. 36). “We recognize the
critical importance of private sector investment in information and communications technology
infrastructure, content and services, and we encourage Governments to create legal and regulatory
frameworks conducive to increased investment and innovation” (United Nations General Assembly, 2015,
Section 38).
International Journal of Communication 11(2017) Information Technology and Sustainability 2451
WSIS simply ignores certain important issues that concern the development of the information
society and show the latter’s contradictions in capitalism: the concentrated wealth of the rich (including the
owners and chief executive officers of the largest transnational communications corporations), precarious
labor (especially in the younger generation), computerization- and automation-induced unemployment, the
crisis of capitalism, profit/wage inequality, income and wealth inequality, the concentration of ownership in
the communications industries, unpaid and precarious digital and crowdsourced labor, communications
corporations’ tax avoidance, and so on.
In 2015, there were 241 information companies among the world’s 2,000 largest transnational
companies. 2 Together they had combined profits of US$537.3 billion (Forbes, 2015). These profits exceeded
the combined GDP of the world’s 33 least developed countries (US$474.0 billion) and the combined GDP of
the world’s 74 smallest economies (US$536.2 billion) (United Nations, 2015 [GDP at market prices in current
U.S. dollars]). Table 7 lists the world’s 10 most profitable transnational information corporations in 2015.
Total: 240.0
Note. Data are from Forbes (2015)
The combined profits of the world’s 10 largest transnational information corporations (US$240.0
billion) are larger than the combined GDP of the world’s 16 least developed countries (US$229.2 billion) and
larger than the combined GDP of the world’s 54 smallest economies (US$234.2 billion; United Nations, 2015
Data [GDP at market prices in current U.S. dollars]). Vodafone was, in 2015, the world’s most profitable
transnational information corporation. Its profits amounted to US$77.4 billion. Vodafone’s profits were larger
than the individual economic performance of 114 of the world’s countries (World Bank Data, GDP at market
The following industries were for this purpose classified as information industries: advertising, broadcasting
and cable, communications equipment, computer and electronics retail, computer hardware, computer
services, computer storage devices, consumer electronics, electronics, Internet retail, printing and
publishing, semiconductors, software and programming, and telecommunications.
2452 Christian Fuchs International Journal of Communication 11(2017)
prices in current U.S. dollars for 2015), including populous countries such as Ethiopia (100 million
inhabitants), the Democratic Republic of Congo (75 million), Tanzania (52 million), Kenya (45 million), and
Uganda (38 million) (United Nations, 2015). Vodafone, a British telecommunications company that uses “a
Luxembourg entity to reduce tax bills,” according to reports, paid no corporation tax in 2014/2015 (Ungoed-
Thomas, 2016, p. 14).
These data show the power of transnational information corporations. They are very profitable
companies. Their individual economic power is often larger than that of entire countries. Their profitability
is often enhanced by tax avoidance. At the same time, there is large inequality between profits and wages,
and neoliberalism and austerity measures have resulted in cuts of social expenditures and the rollback and
privatization of public services. Talking about the sustainability of the information society without talking
about the profits of information corporations and the wealth of the rich, as the World Summit on the
Information Society does, has a quite ideological character. Dualistic thought formulates the goal of
corporate profitability together with a wish list of social equality goals and ignores the contradiction between
the first and the second. Can there be an alternative, critical understanding of sustainability in an information
society and information technology context?
This article argues that there are two dominant versions of ICT sustainability discourse: neoliberal
reductionism and neoliberal dualism. They have in common a similar role in society as ideologies that try to
legitimize the dominant way of how corporations and politicians organize information technologies as
instruments for corporate and bureaucratic control.
Habermas (1968/1989) stresses in this context, based on Herbert Marcuse (1964), that technology
becomes a form of technological rationality that is a form of domination and ideology. The analysis presented
in this article reveals that Marcuse and Habermas’s insights about technological rationality remain highly
relevant in the time of social computing, the Internet, cloud computing, the Internet of things, and big data.
Reductionist and dualist versions of ICT sustainability are one-dimensional and instrumental concepts of the
relationship between information technology and society. They are means for domination and ideological
legitimation. Langdon Winner (1986) speaks of “mythinformation” as the “conviction that a widespread
adoption of computers and communication systems along with easy access to electronic information will
automatically produce a better world for human living” (p. 105). My thin formation is the ideology of those
“who build, maintain, operate, improve, and market” (p. 113) as well as regulate and analyze computing
systems in an instrumental manner. Reductionist and dualist versions of ICT sustainability believe in specific
versions of mythinformation—namely, that the combination of computing and capitalism will produce a
better world.
Winner (1986) describes how, in respect to computing, political questions such as “How can we
live gracefully and with justice?” (p. 162), “Are we going to design and build circumstances that enlarge
possibilities for growth in human freedom, sociability, intelligence, creativity, and self-government? Or are
we headed in an altogether different direction?” (p. 17), or “How can we limit modern technology to match
International Journal of Communication 11(2017) Information Technology and Sustainability 2453
our best sense of who we are and the kind of world we would like to build?” (p. xi) are often simply not
asked. Today, the moral values of computing are discussed in the context of buzzwords such as sustainability
and corporate social responsibility. Corporations, managers, bureaucrats and instrumentalists can no longer
simply ignore moral philosophy. Today, moral questions tend to be asked, but the answers remain one-
dimensional and naive, often stressing that information technology will fix society’s problems (technological
reductionism), or capitalist adoption of information technology will fix society’s problems (economic
reductionism), or we want to have capitalism, capitalist information technologies, and a good society
Critical theorists of technology and society share the insight that alternative models of technology
and society that transcend instrumental reason are needed. Marcuse writes in this context of the need for
dialectical rationality (Marcuse, 1964) and technologies of liberation (Marcuse, 1969), Habermas
(1968/1989) of communicative action, Illich (1973) of convivial tools, and Raymond Williams (1976) of
democratic communications. Winner (1986, Chapters 4 and 5) reminds us in his critique of decentralized,
appropriate technologies that there is no alternative technology fix and no alternative consumer culture fix
to society’s problems. “Appropriate technologists were unwilling to face squarely the facts of organized social
and political power” (Winner, 1986, p. 80). The implications for alternative computing, networking, and
online and Internet technologies today are that centralized power exists in a technologically decentralized
world and that alternative digital technologies require not just alternative designs that foster democratic
alternatives but also struggles for the democratization of the institutions, contexts, and society in which alt-
tech is used. The struggle for alternative technologies must at the same time be the struggle for an
alternative society, a participatory democracy.
A dialectical perspective on the information society is based on these insights and sees
unsustainable development as the result of contradictions in society that are mediated by information
technology and result in destruction and inequalities. Table 8 gives an overview of the dimensions of
un/sustainable ICTs and an un/sustainable information society.
What do we mean if we speak of a dialectic (for a more detailed discussion, see Fuchs, 2011,
Chapter 2.4; Fuchs, 2014a)? A dialectic is a contradictory relationship between two entities. They
simultaneously are identical and different. They require and exclude each other. Dialectical logic challenges
classical binary and reductionist thought. It questions the reduction of the world to just one dimension. It
is, however, not just relational and multidimensional; it also sees the world as being in flux and development.
Development potentialities emerge out of poles that contradict each other. At a certain level of organization,
everything constantly develops. There are, however, also continuous processes that change only at specific
critical points. Dialectical development includes situations of crisis and change and the emergence of novelty
at such critical points. In society, there are two basic forms of the dialectic: One has to do with the very
basic conditions and the basic development of society. So, for example, there is a social dialectic among
humans: In order to exist, humans have to communicate with one another. They are different individuals,
but they can only inform themselves by mutual symbolic interaction. The second form of societal dialectic
has to do with power relations. In a power dialectic, we find conflicting interests and conflicting structures.
Table 8. A Dialectical View of the Un/Sustainability of ICTs and the Information Society.
2454 Christian Fuchs International Journal of Communication 11(2017)
Dimension of Dimension of
Dimension sustainability Question unsustainability Question
Nature Environmental To what degree Environmental To what degree does
sustainability of does ICT use unsustainability of ICT use result in the
ICTs: respect the ICTs: depletion of
biodiversity protection and contradiction nonrenewable natural
(questions preservation of between nature resources, the
concerning e- natural resources and society consumption of
waste and the so that the (environmental nonrenewable energy
energy survival of nature pollution, resources, the
consumption of and society is degradation, and production of
ICTs) guaranteed? To depletion) nonrecyclable
what degree is (e-)waste, and in
there an pollution? To what
equitable degree is there an
distribution of unequal and
ICTs’ inequitable distribution
environmental of ICTs’ environmental
harms and harms and benefits to
benefits to certain groups and
certain groups places?
and places?
Society: Digital cultural To what degree Digital cultural To what degree does
Cultural sustainability: does digital unsustainability: digital culture limit
system recognition culture enable contradiction mental development
(questions about the development between the and production, the
online community of the human cultural elite and recognition of
and e-learning) mind, the everyday people identities, and the
recognition of (disrespect and reproduction of the
identities in malrecognition) human body?
society, and the
reproduction of
the human body?
The dimensions of sustainability do not exist independently, but are interdependent—that is, a lack
of a certain dimension eventually will have negative influences on other dimensions, whereas enrichment of
one dimension will provide a positive potential for the enrichment of other dimensions. So, for example,
2456 Christian Fuchs International Journal of Communication 11(2017)
people who live in poverty are more likely to not show much interest in political participation. Another
example is that an unsustainable ecosystem advances an unsustainable society and vice versa: If man
pollutes nature and depletes nonrenewable natural resources—that is, if he creates an unhealthy
environment—problems such as poverty, war, totalitarianism, extremism, violence, and crime are more
likely to occur. And conversely, a society that is shaken by poverty, war, a lack of democracy and plurality,
and so on is more likely to pollute and deplete nature. So sustainability should be conceived as being based
on dialectics of ecological preservation, human-centered technology, economic equity, political participation,
and cultural recognition. These dimensions are held together by the logic of cooperation—the notion that
systems should be designed in ways that allow all involved actors to benefit. Cooperation is the unifying and
binding force of a participatory, cooperative, sustainable information society. The logic of cooperation
dialectically integrates the various dimensions of sustainability.
The World Summit on the Information Society Civil Society Plenary (WSIS, 2005b) argues that, in
the WSIS process, civil society interests were not adequately taken into account (for a critique of WSIS, see
also Servaes & Carpentier, 2006).
In its own declaration—which is very different from the official dualistic WSIS outcome documents—
the WSIS Civil Society Plenary (WSIS, 2003b) argues for an information society that is based on 34 inclusive
principles. Among them are the promotion of free software and the establishment of a public domain of
global knowledge that challenges intellectual property. The focus is on public goods and redistribution. The
Plenary stresses that distributive justice is needed and that economic resources should not simply be
produced within economic growth models, but rather need to be redistributed:
This article demonstrates that sustainability in the information technology context has played an
ideological role that aims to advance a neoliberal policy framework that conceives ICTs as a realm of private
capital accumulation and advances the commodification of communications and society. The question that
arises in this context is whether, from a critical theory perspective, the sustainability concept should
therefore be discarded. The view advanced in this article is that a critical social theory should provide an
ideology critique of information technology sustainability; at the same time, it should not discard, but sublate
International Journal of Communication 11(2017) Information Technology and Sustainability 2457
the sustainability concept into a critical notion of un/sustainable information technology sustainability. Such
a concept stands in the context of the quest for an alternative framework for information technology that
goes beyond capital accumulation and aims to advance communications as a commons.
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