Sla Dss Nit04
Sla Dss Nit04
Sla Dss Nit04
CHECK LIST.........................................................................................................3
“NIT NO CMC/BY/19-20/RB/AK/04”
1.1.1 BYPL invites sealed tenders from eligible Bidders for the above-mentioned
Estimated cost of Contract: ₹ 4.92 Crores
Earnest money Deposit: ₹ 9.84 Lacs
Cost of Tender (Non-Refundable): ₹ 1180/-
Completion period of the Contract: One year or as defined in the
Date & time of Pre Bid Meeting: 26.04.2019 at 03:30 PM at
Shakti Kiran Bldg,
Date & time of Submission of Tender: 30.04.2019 till 14:30 HRS
Date & time of opening of Tender: 30.04.2019 at 15:30 HRS
(Opening of technical bid)
The tender document can be obtained from address given below against
submission of non-refundable demand draft of ₹ 1180/- drawn in favor of
BSES YAMUNA Power Ltd, payable at Delhi:
Head of Department
Contracts & Material Deptt.
BSES YAMUNA Power Limited
IIIrd Floor, ‘A’ Block
Shakti Kiran Building
The tender document will be issued on all working days up to the date
mentioned as above. The tender documents & detail terms and conditions can
also be downloaded from the website In case tender
papers are downloaded from the above website, then the bidder has to
deposit a separate demand draft covering the cost of bid documents.
1.2.4 The Contract shall be governed by the details listed in Para 1.2.3 above.
1.2.5. BSES YAMUNA Power Ltd reserves the right to accept/reject any or all
Tenders without assigning any reason thereof and alter the amount and
quantity mentioned in the Tender documents at the time of placing
purchase/Work orders. Tender will be summarily rejected if:
1. The bidder must be a contractor for providing manpower services in the same
or similar area of work or in the SLAs of similar nature having its office in NCT
of Delhi or adjoining towns of NCR. The office should have fully fledged
statutory compliance team. The Head/ incharge of this office should be
competent enough to take all decision related to the contract. The agency
should have requisite skills, knowledge, expertise, experience and system as
per the requirement of the company and capability to act as DSS operations
agency with trained and experienced person with requisite skill and
knowledge to perform the function.
6. Company reserves the right to carry out capability assessment of the Bidders
and company’s decision shall be final in this regard without assigning the
reasons thereof and preference will be given to the Bidders who have
provided services in same or similar SLAs in BYPL or any other utility
companies. The Agency need to submit performance certificates for the works
undertaken including in BYPL or sister concern along with the technical bid.
The bidder shall submit all necessary documentary evidence to establish that
the Bidder meets all the above qualifying requirements
Please Note:
1) Firms who are debarred/ blacklisted in other utilities in India will not be
2) Company reserves the right to carry out technical/ commercial capability/
infrastructure assessment of the firms by inspection or by any other means
and company’s decision shall be final in this regard.
Also, the Firm shall furnish the following commercial & technical documents
along with the Tender:
A. Covering letter on Letter Head.
B. Notarized Power of attorney for signing of bidding documents
C. Agency’s Profile
D. Financial capabilities of the firm:
• Latest balance sheet
• Detail of Banker & Cash Credit limit
• Turnover certificate issued by C.A for the last three Financial Years.
E. Details of constitution of the company (Proprietary/ Limited/ Pvt. Ltd.)
F. Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company/Partnership deed.
G. Organization Chart of the company
H. Details of manpower engagement capability
I. Experience with credentials and performance certificates
J. Copy of ESI/PF Registration certificate
K. Copy of PAN/Service tax no.
L. Electrical License or Consortium Agreement
M. Premises Detail.
The bidders are required to submit the bid in 2(two) parts and submit in
original + one copy to the following address
Head of Department
Contracts & Material Deptt.
BSES Yamuna Power Ltd
III Floor, “A” Block, Shakti Kiran Building,
New Delhi-110032
The bidders should complete the following within the dates specified as under:
Technical bid along with all 30.04.2019,
Technical and
2 documents as mentioned in this 14:30 PM
Commercial Bid
bidders will
Price strictly in the Format enclosed
3 Financial Bid intimated
(Section V)
This is a two part bid process. Bidders are to submit the bids in 2(two) parts
Both these parts should be furnished in separate sealed covers super scribing
NIT no. DUE DATE OF SUBMISSION, with particulars as PART-A
FINANCIAL BID and these sealed envelopes should again be placed in
another sealed envelope which should be super scribed with —“Tender
Notice No.& Due date of opening”. The same shall be submitted before the
due date & time specified.
Part – A: Technical Bid should not contain any cost information whatsoever
and shall be submitted within the due date. After technical evaluation, the list
of qualified bidders will be posted immediately on BSES website.
PART B: This envelope will be opened after technical evaluation and only of
the qualified bidders and the date of opening of the same shall be intimated in
due course of time.
a) Company intends to award the business on a lowest bid basis but should
cover the cost of resources required to execute the work along with
reasonable profit, so contractors are encouraged to submit the bid
competitively. The decision to place order/LOI solely depends on Company on
the cost competitiveness across multiple lots, quality, delivery and bidder‘s
capacity in addition to other factors that Company may deem relevant.
b) The Company reserves all the rights to award the contract to one or more
bidders so as to meet the execution requirement or nullify the award decision
without assigning any reason thereof.
c) In case any contractor is found unsatisfactory during the execution process,
the award will be cancelled and BYPL reserves the right to award the work to
other contractor(s) who will be found eligible/fit.
We have a fair and competitive marketplace. The rules for bidders are
outlined in the Terms & Conditions. Bidders must agree to these rules prior to
participating. In addition to other remedies available, we reserves the right to
exclude a bidder from participating in future markets due to the bidder’s
violation of any of the rules or obligations contained in the Terms &
Conditions. Bidder(s) who violate the marketplace rules or engage in behavior
that disrupts the fair execution of the marketplace restricts a bidder to length
of time, depending upon the seriousness and conditions of the violation.
Examples of violations include, but are not limited to:
1.4.4 Confidentiality
All information contained in this RFQ is confidential and may not be disclosed,
published or advertised in any manner without written authorization from
BYPL. This includes all bidding information submitted.
All RFQ documents remain the property of BYPL and all bidders are required
to return these documents to BYPL upon request.
Bidder(s) who do not honor these confidentiality provisions will be excluded
from participating in future bidding events.
Technical Commercial
Head (DSS) Head (C & M)
Contact Mr. Nathi Singh Mr. Rakesh Bansal
Person [email protected] [email protected]
BSES YAMUNA Power Ltd, hereinafter referred to as “The Company” is
desirous for “Providing Various Activities at Door Step Services Department of
BYPL” and it has now floated tender as notified earlier in this bid document
3.01 This Document includes statements, which reflect various assumptions, which
may or may not be correct. Each Bidder/Bidding Consortium (to the extent
allowed) should conduct its own estimation and analysis and should check the
accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this Document and
obtain independent advice from appropriate sources in their own interest.
3.02 Neither Company nor its employees will have any liability whatsoever to any
Bidder or any other person under the law or contract, the principles of
restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expense or damage
whatsoever which may arise from or be incurred or suffered in connection with
anything contained in this Document, any matter deemed to form part of this
Document, provision of Services and any other information supplied by or on
behalf of Purchaser or its employees, or otherwise arising in any way from the
selection process for the Supply.
3.03 Though adequate care has been taken while issuing the Bid document, the
Bidder should satisfy itself that Documents are complete in all respects.
Intimation of any discrepancy shall be given to this office immediately.
3.04 This Document and the information contained herein are Strictly Confidential
and are for the use of only the person(s) to whom it is issued. It may not be
copied or distributed by the recipient to third parties (other than in confidence
to the recipient‘s professional advisors).
The Bidder shall bear all cost associated with the preparation, submission and
processing of its Bid and the company will in no case be responsible or liable
for the costs.
5.01 The Scope of Contract, Bidding Procedures and Contract Terms are
described in the Bidding Documents. In addition to the covering letter
accompanying Bidding Documents, the Bidding Documents include:
5.02 The bidder is expected to examine the bidding documents, including all
Instructions, Forms, Terms and Specifications. Failure to furnish all
information required by the bidding Documents or submission of a bid not
substantially responsive to the bidding Documents in every respect may result
in the rejection of the Bid.
6.01 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the Company may for
any reason(s), whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification
requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the Bidding Documents by
6.02 The Amendment shall be part of the Bidding Documents, pursuant to Clause
5.01, and it will be notified in writing by Fax/e-mail to the Bidders or by way of
uploading the corrigendum on BSES website, and will be a binding.
6.03 In order to afford prospective Bidders a reasonable time in which to take the
Amendment into account in preparing their Bids, the Company may, at its
discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Bids.
The Bid prepared by the Bidder, and all correspondence, documents etc.
relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser, shall be
written in the English Language. Any printed literature furnished by the Bidder
may be written in another Language, provided that this literature is
accompanied by a Hindi/English translation, in which case, for purposes of
interpretation of the Bid, the Hindi/English translation shall govern.
• Bid Form, Price & other Schedules (STRICTLY AS PER FORMAT) and
Technical Data completed in accordance with Technical Specification.
• All the Bids must be accompanied with the required EMD and Tender Fees
against each tender.
9.02 EMD
Pursuant to Clause 8.0(b) above, the bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, an
EMD of requisite amount as already specified in the Section-I. The EMD is
required to protect the Company against the risk of Bidder‘s conduct which
would warrant forfeiture. The EMD shall be denominated in any of the
following form:
(a) Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDR)/ DD/ Pay Order/ Banker’s Cheque from a
nationalized or scheduled bank in favor of BSES YAMUNA Power Limited
valid for 3 (three) months after the last date of receipt of tenders
Earnest money deposit given by all the bidders except the successful
bidder(s) shall be refunded within 4 (Four) weeks from the date of opening of
price bid. The amount of EMD by the lowest bidder shall be adjustable in the
security bank guarantee
12.01 Bids shall remain valid & open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the
date of opening of the Bid.
12.02 Notwithstanding Clause12.01 above, the Company may solicit the Bidder‘s
consent to an extension of the Period of Bid Validity. The request and the
Bidders shall submit Bids, which comply with the Bidding Documents.
Alternative Bids will not be considered. The attention of Bidders is drawn to
the provisions regarding the rejection of Bids in the terms and conditions,
which are not substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bidding
14.01 The original Bid Form and accompanying documents (as specified in Clause
9.0), clearly marked "Original Bid", must be received by the Company at the
date, time and place specified pursuant to Clauses15.0 and16.0.
14.02 The original copy of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall
be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to sign on
behalf of the Bidder. Such authorization shall be indicated by written Power-
of-Attorney accompanying the Bid. All pages of the bid shall be initialed by the
signatory accompanied with seal of the Agency.
15.01 Bid submission: One original (hard copies) of all the Bid Documents shall be
sealed and submitted to the Company before the closing time for submission
of the bid.
15.02 The Technical Documents and the EMD shall be enclosed in a sealed
envelope and the said envelope shall be super scribed with – “Technical Bid &
Commercial Terms & Conditions”. The price bid shall be inside another sealed
envelope with super scribed – “Financial Bid” Both these envelop shall be
sealed inside another big envelope. All the envelopes should bear the Name
and Address of the Bidder and marking for the Original. The envelops should
be super scribed – “Tender Notice No. & Due Date of opening”
15.03 The Bidder has the option of sending the Bids in person. Bids submitted by
Email/Telex/Telegram /Fax will be rejected. No request from any Bidder to the
Company to collect the proposals from Courier/Airlines/Cargo Agents etc shall
be entertained by the Company.
16.02 The Company may, at its discretion extend the deadline for the submission on
of bids by amending the Bidding Documents in accordance with Clause 6.0,in
which case all rights and obligations of the Company and Bidders previously
subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended
Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid by itself. A Bidder who submits or
participates in more than one Bid will cause all those Bids to be rejected.
Any Bid received by the Company after the deadline for submission of Bids
prescribed by the Company, pursuant to Clause 16.0, will be declared "Late"
and rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder.
The Bidder is not allowed to modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bid‘s
The bids will be evaluated technically on the compliance to tender terms and
BYPL reserves the right to ask the bidders to provide breakup of the prices as
quoted by them against line items. In case it is observed that the bidders have
under quoted the prices against these line items in view of applicable
minimum requirement of resources, BYPL reserves the right to out –rightly
reject these bid(s).
22.01 Company will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete,
whether any computational errors have been made, whether required sureties
have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and
whether the Bids are generally in order.
22.03 Prior to the detailed evaluation, Company will determine the substantial
responsiveness of each Bid to the Bidding Documents including execution
capability and acceptable quality of the services offered. A substantially
responsive Bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the
Bidding Documents without deviation.
23.01 The evaluation of Bids shall be done based on the delivered cost
competitiveness basis.
23.02 The evaluation of the Bids shall be a stage-wise procedure. The following
stages are identified for evaluation purposes: In the first stage, the Bids would
be subjected to a responsiveness check later on the Technical Proposals and
the Conditional ties of the Bidders would be evaluated.
23.03 The Company's evaluation of a Bid will take into account, in addition to the Bid
price, the following factors, in the manner and to the extent indicated in this
(a) Contract completion schedule
(b) Conformance to Qualifying Criteria
(c) Deviations from Bidding Documents
(d) Conformity and compliance to the conditions/details provided in pre-bid
(e) Change in the quantity from mentioned in the tender
The cost of all quantifiable deviations and omissions from the specification,
terms and conditions specified in Bidding Documents shall be evaluated.
23.04 Any adjustments in price, which result from the above procedures, shall be
added for the purposes of comparative evaluation only to arrive at an
“Evaluated Bid Price”. Bid Prices quoted by Bidders shall remain unaltered.
24.01 From the time of Bid opening to the time of contract award, if any Bidder
wishes to contact the Company on any matter related to the Bid, it should do
so in writing.
24.02 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Company and/or in the Company‘s
decisions in respect of Bid evaluation, Bid comparison or Contract Award, will
result in the rejection of the Bidder‘s Bid.
The Company reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the
Bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of Contract,
without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any
obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the
Company‘s action.
The Company will award the Contract to the successful Bidder whose Bid has
been Determined to be the lowest-evaluated responsive Bid, provided further
that the Bidder has been determined to be qualified to satisfactorily perform
the Contract. Company reserves the right to award order to other bidders in
the tender, provided it is required for progress of project & provided he agrees
to come to the lowest rate. The full or part of the contract may be awarded to
other bidder(s) on differential rates.
The Company reserves the right to vary the quantity i.e. increase or decrease
the Numbers/ quantities without any change in terms and conditions during
the execution of the Order. BYPL may increase or reduce the area/ scale of
operations after starting of execution of the contract and the size of contract
may be adjusted accordingly. BYPL also reserves the right to implement
optimization plan for resources required by way of improving productivity.
Accordingly the contract size may be adjusted proportionately. No resource
addition/replacement shall be allowed without prior written approval of BYPL’s
concerned department.
29.01 The Company requires that the Bidders observe the highest standard of
ethics during the procurement and execution of the Project. In pursuance of
this policy, the Company:
(a) Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as
"Corrupt practice" means behavior on the part of officials in the public or
private sectors by which they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves
and/or those close to them, or induce others to do so, by misusing the position
in which they are placed, and it includes the offering, giving, receiving, or
soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of any such official in the
procurement process or in contract execution; and "Fraudulent practice"
means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a award process or
the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Company, and includes
collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid submission) designed to
establish Bid prices at artificial non competitive levels and to deprive the
Company of the benefits of free and open competition.
(b) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended
for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the
contract in question ;
(c) Will declare a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to
be awarded a contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in
corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract.
29.02 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provision stated in the Terms and
Conditions of Contract.
General Instructions:
• All the Bids shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with these
• Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and delivery of its
Bid, and the Company will in no case shall be responsible or liable for these
• The Bid should be submitted by the Bidder in whose name the bid document
has been issued and under no circumstances it shall be transferred/ sold to
the other party.
• The Company reserves the right to request for any additional information and
also reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Bidder, if in the opinion of
the Company, the data in support of RFQ requirement is incomplete.
• The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms & conditions
and specifications in the Bid Documents. Failure to furnish all information
required in the Bid Documents or submission of a Bid not substantially
responsive to the Bid Documents in every respect may result in rejection of
the Bid. However, the Company’s decision in regard to the responsiveness
and rejection of bids shall be final and binding without any obligation, financial
or otherwise, on the Company.
1. Definition:
The following terms & expressions as used in this Tender Document shall
have the meaning defined and interpreted here under:
1.1. Company:
The terms "Company" shall mean BSES YAMUNA Power Limited having its
office at Shakti Kiran Building, Karkardooma and Delhi-110032 and shall
included its authorized representatives, agents, successors and assignees.
1.2 Contractor:
Contractor shall mean the successful Tenderer / vendor to whom the contract
has been awarded
1.3 Rate:
The unit rates for the Contract to be carried out at site shall be as per finalized
unit rates through tender. The Invoice of the Contractor will be processed as
per the actual Contract done and the quantities of each items performed by
the Contractor as per the site requirement to be certified by Officer In-charge.
The finalized rates shall be firm for the entire duration of Contract to be
carried out by the Contractor under the Contract order and are not subject to
escalation for any reason whatsoever.
1.5 Site:
The terms "Site" shall mean the Contracting location mentioned in the
Contract order.
The contractor is deemed to have visited all the sites comes under BYPL
licensed area under the Contract order and ascertained therefore all site
conditions and information pertaining to his Contract. The company shall not
accept any claim whatsoever arising out of the difficulties at site/terrain/local
conditions, if any.
The Contract order issued to the contractor by the company and all
correspondence and documents relating to the Contract order placed on the
Contractor shall be written in English language. Metric System shall be
followed for all dimension, units etc.
Value of Contract order will be contracted out on the basis of finalized rates.
The rates shall remain firmed and fixed for the period of contract. They shall
not be subject to escalation and any increase in amount
Prices will be inclusive of all taxes and duties, cess etc.(Except GST).
However, as per applicable rate will be deducted from your bills as Tax
Deduction at Source (TDS). Your letter head stating that you have
deposited/or will deposit the Tax as per the applicable GST laws. The total
order value shall not be adjusted on account of any upward variations in
statutory taxes, duties & levies imposed by competent authorities by way of
fresh notification(s) within the stipulated completion period or any change in
interpretation of law except for GST. However, in case of reduction in taxes,
duties & levies, the benefits of the same shall be passed on to BYPL.
7.1 CONTRACTOR shall furnish the Security Performance Bank Guarantee in the
prescribed format (Appendix I) within 15 days from the date of issue of Order
for due performance of the provisions of Contract Order.
7.2 The Security Performance Bank Guarantee shall be of 5% of the total value of
order and shall be valid till completion, plus three (3) months towards claim
7.3 The Security Performance Bank Guarantee shall be issued from any
nationalized bank as per company format.
7.4 The Company shall reserve the right to invoke the bank guarantee
unconditionally and without recourse to the Contractor, if there is failure to
perform any part of the Contract for whatsoever reason. This clause is
pertaining to performance of contractual obligations and the decision of
Company shall be final in this regard.
7.5 In the event, in Company’s sole judgment, the Contractor has fulfilled all its
obligations under this Contract, Company shall release the security
performance bank guarantee without interest, within seven 7) days from the
last date up to which the performance bank guarantee is to be kept valid or if
it is assessed by the Company that Contractor has not fulfilled its obligation
then the performance bank guarantee shall be extended by the Contractor till
that period as requested by the Company.
8.1 Service Provider shall submit correct monthly running bills to the concerned
Officer-in-Charge, completed during the month.
8.2 Company shall make payments on the bills within 30 days from the date of
submission of the bills duly verified and certified by Officer-in-Charge by
quoting all the applicable clauses of agreement along with documentation in
support of verification, at Vendor Support Cell, Shakti Kiran Building,
Karkardooma, after deduction of taxes required by applicable laws to be
deducted at source.
The Service Provider shall submit to the Company true copies of receipts of
all such taxes paid within 30 days of making such payments. Invoices raised
for work carried out under this order, in the manner indicated above, will be
returned to the Service Provider by Engineer-in-charge within 3 days of its
receipt, duly certified by Engineer-in-charge as under:
"Certified that work and the quantity for which this invoices (with No & Date)
has been raised, has been duly verified and certify with reference to relevant
documents and found to be correct, the terms and condition shall be
satisfactorily completed by the Service Provider. Payment may be made as
per Agreement rates".
8.3 In case of first bill, the billing period shall be till the end of the immediately
following calendar month. The bills shall be made in favor of BSES Yamuna
Power Ltd, Shakti Kiran Building, Karkardooma, Delhi.
8.4 Notwithstanding anything with the release/ payment of bills by the Company
to the Service Provider, the Service Provider shall at all times ensure the due
and timely payment of wages to all persons, including workmen, employed by
the Service Provider pursuant to this Agreement and compliance with other
applicable statutory requirements within time limits. Nothing contained herein
shall establish any link between release / payment of the bill by the Company
to the Service Provider and the payment of any salary, wages or any other
dues whatsoever by the Service Provider to its employees, workmen and
8.5 Service Provider shall, at no point of time, claim or have the right to claim any
additional fees, expenses or charges of any nature whatsoever, other than the
Rates set out in clause no 5.
8.7 The contractor shall submit the invoice along with the checklist duly filled in.
Invoice shall be processed and payment shall be made to contractor on
certification of Officer In Charge for compliance to check points given in check
list. The check list shall be provided by Officer In Charge.
8.8 The company may modify procedure for submission of bills. The vendor shall
be obliged to submit its bill as per the procedure stipulated by the company
time to time.
9.1 The Service Provider shall take all steps, necessary or otherwise, to comply
with the various applicable laws/rules/regulations/ notifications, including, but
not limited to, the provisions of Contract Labor (Regulation & Abolition Act)
1970 as amended, Minimum wages Act, 1948, Workman Compensation Act,
ESI Act, PF Act, Bonus Act and all other applicable laws and rules framed
there under including any statutory approval required from the Central/State
Governments, Ministry of Labor. Service Provider has to comply with all latest
amendments/revisions made during the period of the Agreement in any of
above laws/rules/regulations/notifications as stated above.
9.2 The Service Provider shall, prior to commencement of the jobs under this
Agreement, furnish to the Company the permanent Provident Fund Code
numbers and ESI of its employees.
9.3 Service Provider shall bear the entire responsibility, liability and risk relating to
The Contractor should obtain and must submit the following to Company
before commencement of Contract and these shall renewed from time to time
as and when required:
a) PF Code No. and all employees to have PF A/c No. under PF every Act,
b) All employees to have a temporary or permanent ESI Card as per ESI Act.
c) ESI Registration No.
d) GST registration number.
e) PAN No.
f) Contract Tax Registration Number/ VAT Registration if applicable.
e) To maintain First Aid Box at Site. e) Latest P.F. and E.S.I. challans pertaining
to the period in which Contract was undertaken along with a certificate
mentioning that P.F. and E.S.I. applicable to all the employees has been
deducted and deposited with the Authorities within the time limits specified
under the respective Acts.
h). In order to monitor the performance of each of the employees deployed by the
contractor under the contract, contractor shall implement an effective
measure, such as employee score card.
10. Penalty/Incentive
10.1. Failure by the Contractor's personnel to wear PIC (Personnel Identity Card) /
Dress Code, it shall attract a penalty of Rs 50/- per incident per item per day.
If the same is provided by the company, the cost plus 30% overheads shall be
recovered from the contractor's bills.
c) Rs 50/- per incident per executives in case of not wearing of full dress
For continuous default of any parameters set out in the contract, contract can
be reviewed at any time & can also be terminated after issuing a valid notice.
10.3 In the contractor releases the connection at the premises where dues exist
then a penalty of Rs 5000/-will be imposed against contractor and contractor
will replace the same resource immediately.
10.4 Contractor shall follow FIFO (first in first out) method to process the request
failing which the penalty of Rs.500/case/incident will be imposed.
A Weighted Average Score shall be computed using the aforesaid weight age
and score every month.
More than or equal to 9 but less than 9.5 - Incentive of 1% on billed amount
excluding levies and taxes
First review of the performance shall be held a month after the start of the
contact on receipt of the scorecard for the first month.
Key Performance Indicators and Scores for the preceding month shall be
deliberated in every review meeting and the contractor will be guided and
enquired about the ways to improve its performance scorecard.
Subsequently, as and when deemed appropriate, the company will initiate the
following corrective action if the Weighted Average Score of the contractor is
below the stipulated performance standards:
First instance of the Weighted Average Score falling in the Penalty zone
(below 6 points) during the contract period: Contractor shall be verbally
warned and this fact will be recorded in the Minutes of the Meeting.
Second instance of the Weighted Average Score falling in the Penalty zone
(below 6 points) during the contract period: Contractor shall be issued first
Warning Letter indicating that the company may terminate the contractor if the
performance of the contactor does not improve beyond the stipulated
Third instance of the Weighted Average Score falling in the Penalty zone
(below 6 points) during the contract period: Contractor shall be issued second
warning letter indicating that the company will initiate proceedings to terminate
the contractor if the performance of the contactor falls below the stipulated
benchmark once again.
Fourth instance of the Weighted Average Score falling in the Penalty zone
(below 6 points) during the contract period: A Notice for Termination of
Contract shall be issued to the contractor while giving the stipulated notice
period as mention in contract. After suitable notice period, the contract shall
be treated as terminated and it shall be binding to the contractor and the
Contract Performance bank guarantee submitted by contractor shall be
It implies that if a contractor falls in a penalty zone for more than 3times in a
10.12 There will not be duplicity of penalty for the same default.
The closure of the work and final settlement of the contract/work order shall
be effected only after receiving NOC from BSES".
12.0 Termination:
Either party may terminate this agreement in the case the other party has
committed a breach of any of the terms of this agreement and has not cured
such breach within in a period of Thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of
the notice from the aggrieved. Party requesting it to cure breach, provided that
if and to the extent that the failure to perform its obligation under this
agreement shall be caused by or arise from force Majeure, defined herein
below, such failure shall not constitute a breach of this agreement. Either
party may immediately terminate this Agreement by giving written notice, in
the following circumstances:
• The other party makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors: or
• The other party goes into liquidation, or a winding up order is made against
it, or it suffers the appointment of a receiver, trustee or similar officer of the
whole or parts of its business or assets, or it files a petition seeking
reorganization, composition or a similar relief, or it takes any action under
any law regarding insolvency;
• The representation and warranties made by the other party are false or
• Either party shall be entitled (without prejudice to any right of action accruing
or already accrued to either party) to terminate this Agreement by giving to
the other party not less than 30(THIRTY) days notice in writing to the same
effect. However, Agency shall be entitled to receive payment against all its
Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless COMPANY against and from
any and all liabilities, claims, damages, losses or expenses arising due to or
resulting from:
a) Any breach non-observance or non-performance by contractor or its
employees or agents of any of the provisions of the Contract.
b) Any act or omission of contractor or its employees or agents.
c) Any negligence or breach of duty on the part of contractor, its employees or
agents including any wrongful use by it or them of any property or goods
belonging to or by COMPANY.
Contractor shall at all times indemnify COMPANY against all liabilities to other
persons, including the employees or agents of COMPANY or contractor for
bodily injury, damage to property or other loss which may arise out of or in
consequence of the execution or completion of Contracts and against all costs
charges and expenses that may be occasioned to COMPANY by the claims of
such person.
COMPANY may, without prejudice to any of its other rights or remedies under
the Contract Order or in law, terminate the whole or any part of this Contract
Order by giving written notice to the Contractor, if in the opinion of
COMPANY, contractor has neglected to proceed with the Contracts with due
diligence or commits a breach of any of the provisions of this Contract order
including but not limited to any of the following cases:
a) Failing to complete execution of Contract within the terms specified in the
Contract order.
b) Failing to complete Contracts in accordance with the approved schedule of
c) Failing to comply with any reasonable instructions or orders issued by
COMPANY in connection with the Contract.
d) Failing to comply with any of the terms or conditions of this Contract order.
In the event COMPANY terminates this Contract order, in whole or in part, on
the occurrence of any event of default, COMPANY reserves the right to
engage any other subcontractor or agency to complete the Contract or any
part thereof, and in addition to any other right COMPANY may have under the
Contract order or in law including without limitation the right to penalize for
delay under clause 14.0 of this Contract , the contractor shall be liable to
COMPANY for any additional costs that may be incurred by COMPANY for
the execution of the Contract.
If the Contractor fails to execute the Contract as per specification / as per the
• Governing Law: This Work Order shall be governed by the laws of India and
each party submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in New Delhi.
• Dispute Resolution Mechanism. All disputes and differences arising out of or
in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved amicably by mutual
discussion within 30 days. If the dispute cannot be resolved by mutual
discussions and agreement the parties will take such dispute to an arbitral
panel comprising three arbitrators. The parties shall be entitled to appoint one
arbitrator each and the two arbitrators so appointed shall appoint the third
arbitrator who shall act as presiding arbitrator. The party seeking to invoke
arbitration shall appoint its arbitrator in its notice of arbitration. The other party
shall appoint its arbitrator and intimate the same within thirty days of the
receipt of the notice of arbitration. In the event that such party fails to appoint
its arbitrator within the specified period the arbitrator named in the notice for
arbitration shall decide the dispute as the sole arbitrator. The arbitration shall
be conducted in New Delhi in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration
and Conciliation Act 1996. The award of the arbitral panel shall be final and
binding on all parties. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in
An "Event of Force Majeure" shall mean any event or circumstance not within
the reasonable control, of the Party affected, but only if and to the extent that:
(i) Such event or circumstance, despite the exercise of reasonable diligence,
could not have been prevented, avoided or reasonably foreseen by such
(ii) Such event or circumstance materially and adversely affects the ability of the
affected Party to perform its obligations under this Contract, and the affected
Party has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable
alternative measures in order to prevent or avoid the effect of such event on
the affected party's ability to perform its obligations under this Contract and to
mitigate the consequences thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, if such event
or circumstance would not have materially and adversely affected the
performance of the affected party had such affected party followed good
industry practice, such event or circumstance shall not constitute force
(iii) Such event is not the direct or indirect result of the failure of such Party to
perform any of its obligations under this Contract; and
Subject to the provisions of Article 14.1, Events of Force Majeure shall include
only the following to the extent that they or their consequences satisfy the
above requirements:
1. The following events and circumstances:
a. Effect of any natural element or other acts of God, including but not limited to
storm, flood, earthquake, lightning, cyclone, landslides or other natural
disasters, and\
b. Explosions or fires or flood
2. Public disorder, insurrection, rebellion, sabotage, riots or violent
demonstrations of a local character;
3. Declaration of the Site as war zone.
4. Any order, regulation, directive, requirement from any Governmental,
legislative, executive or judicial authority.
In the event that the Parties are unable in good faith to agree that a Force
Majeure event has occurred to an affected party, the parties shall resolve their
dispute in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. The burden of proof
as to whether or not a force majeure event has occurred shall be upon the
party claiming that the force majeure event has occurred and that it is the
affected party.
The technical information, drawing and other related documents forming part
of order and the information obtained during the course of investigation under
this order shall be the COMPANY's exclusive property and shall not be used
for any other purpose except for the execution of the order. The technical
information drawing, records and other document shall not be copied in any
form, transferred, or divulged and/or disclosed to third party in full/part, not
misused in any form whatsoever except to the extent for the execution of the
order. These technical information, drawing and other related documents shall
be returned to the COMPANY with all approved copies and duplicates
including drawing/plans as are prepared by the Contactor during the
executions of this order, if any, immediately after they have been used for
agreed purpose.
In the event of any breach of this provision, the contractor shall indemnify the
COMPANY against any loss, cost or damage or claim by any party in respect
of such breach.
In order to maintain security and zero fatal accidents, Safety shoes (S3 or SB)
of renowned brand should be provide to the resource deployed in C&M which
are doing testing of meters installed on voltage level 415v at least once in a
year of contract period.
Vendor confirms to have gone through the Policy of BYPL on legal and ethical
code required to be followed by vendors encapsulated in the #Vendor Code of
Conduct# displayed on the official website of BYPL (
also, which shall be treated as a part of the contract/PO/WO.
Vendor undertakes that he shall adhere to the Vendor code of Conduct and
also agrees that any violation of the Vendor Code of Conduct shall be treated
as breach of the contract/PO/WO.
In event of any such breach, irrespective of whether it causes any
loss/damage, Purchaser (BYPL) shall have the right to recover loss/damage
from Vendor.
The Contractor/Vendor herby indemnifies and agrees to keep indemnified the
Purchaser (BYPL) against any claim/litigation arising out of any violation of
Vendor Code of Conduct by the Contractor/Vendor or its officers, agents &
representatives etc.
The Contactor shall take insurance policy under the Workman Compensation
Act to cover such workers who are not covered under ESI and PF by the
VENDER however engaged to undertake the jobs covered under this order
and a copy of this insurance policy will be given to Company for reference and
records. This insurance policy shall be kept valid at all times. In case there are
no worker involve other than those who are covered under ESI and PF by the
VENDER, the VENDER shall certify for the same.
The VENDER shall keep the COMPANY indemnified at all times, against all
claims of compensation under the provisions of Workmen Compensation Act
1923 as amended from time to time or any compensation payable under any
other law for the time being involving workmen engaged by the VENDER in
carrying out the job involved and against costs and expenses, if any, incurred
by the COMPANY in connection therewith and without prejudice to make any
The Agency shall, prior to commencement of the jobs under this Contract,
take out a comprehensive insurance policy against any damage or loss or
injury which may occur to any property or to any person or any employee or
representative of any outside Agency/Company engaged or not engaged for
the work of the Company, by or arising out the execution of the work or
temporary work or in carrying out of jobs under this Work Order.
24.1 If the Company finds any employee of the Service Provider guilty of any
24.2 Service Provider shall keep the Company informed of all resource
replacements and all such data shall be submitted to the Officer-in-Charge
along with personal & qualification details.
24.3 If any employee of the Service Provider found included in unfair practices or
causing direct or indirect damage to Company Image / Property /Revenue
immediate action to be taken by the Service Provider and Company to be
suitably compensate for the loss incurred by the Company.
i) The Contractor would execute these works through their own resources.
ii) The Contractor shall bear all expenses/cost to be incurred towards salary,
allowances, perks, traveling allowances, advances, insurance, safety
measures, security, transportation and all other misc. expenses etc. of their
employees/ workmen during the currency of this Agreement. Also, the
Contractor shall be sole responsible for making payment for Hospitalization,
Compensation thereof in case of any accident & injury.
iii) The Contractor to deploy their resource immediately for carrying out the work
as specified above.
iv) The Contractor should ensure that there are no disputes regarding service,
payment etc of the persons engaged by him, anytime during the currency of
the contract. At no point of time during the currency of contract, the
Contractor's employees shall insist upon the Company for employment,
wages, and allowances or any other related matter, payment etc.
v) The Contractor shall not deploy the resource below the age of 18 years and
also shall not deploy the resource above the age of 60 years.
* Employee for the Job of Site Verification is having minimum ITI in Electrical
Engineering from any recognized university or as decided by officer-in-charge.
* Employee for the Job of Backend Operations is having minimum Graduation
degree & must be literate in computer basic operations.
Contractor will take sign copy of all responsibilities and duties from field
executives as well as back end executives provided by BYPL time to time and
Contactor will be responsible for any legal and others issues raised due to
false reports/ incorrect punching or wrong connection released.
vii) The Contractor will arrange Training to the all deployed staff on regular basis
viii) The Contractor shall be directly responsible for any / all disputes arising
between him and his persons and keep the Company indemnified against all
losses, damages and claims arising thereof. The Contractor shall resolve any
dispute of their resource. All the legal dues of their resource is to be paid on
due date or within 8 days on the termination of resource.
ix) All safety wears required for the Contractor's resource during the execution of
work must be provided by the Contractor at his own cost and he shall ensure
that his employees regularly use such safety gears.
x) The Contractor shall be responsible for discipline of his resource and shall
adhere to the disciplinary procedure set by the Company. The Company shall
be at liberty to object to the presence of any representative or employees of
the Contractor, if in the opinion of the Company such resource has done any
act of misconduct or negligence or otherwise undesirable, then the Contractor
shall remove such a person objected to and provide a competent replacement
xi) The Contractor shall give a written declaration / undertaking on or before 15th
of the following month that he has complied with the following
- has paid minimum wages to his resource as per the rate notified from time to
time by the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi.
- deducted and deposited ESI and PF contribution. Copies of the same shall be
xii) The Contractor shall submit a list of persons engaged by him for these work
mentioning their qualifications, experience and residential address. In case of
any revision, the same shall be informed to the COMPANY immediately in
xiii) The Company reserves the right to demand the Contractor's services on
holidays as well as beyond the normal working hours.
xiv) The Contractor will ensure that none of their person is engaged in any
unlawful activities subversive of the Company's interest failing which suitable
action may be taken against the Contractor as per the terms and condition of
this order.
xv) The Contractor shall be liable for payment of all taxes and duties as
applicable, to the State/ Central Govt. or any local authority.
xvii) The Contractor shall be responsible and shall comply with the provision of all
the STATUTORY ACTS APPLICABLE. Special attention of the
CONTRACTOR is drawn towards the compliance of provision of the following
statutes: (along with the latest amendments/additions):
xviii) The Contractor shall obtain all registration/permissions licenses etc., which
are/may be required under any labor or other legislations for providing the
services under this Agreement.
xix) Contractor shall take insurance policy under the Workmen Compensation Act
to cover workers, not covered under ESI Act 1948, engaged by it and
Accident Liability Insurance for its employees for payment of compensation on
account of injury, fatal or otherwise due to accident during service. Copies of
these insurance policies will be submitted to company before claiming any
payments for reference and records and these insurance policies shall be
kept valid at all times.
xx) Along with monthly bills contractor shall submit proper Challan for deposit of
PF, ESI, EDLI, tax etc and a declaration stating therein that all the staff
deployed under this job contract have been paid wages timely and not less
than minimum wages applicable and also deposited/ paid the amount/
xxi) The contractor will pay to its employees their salaries/wages (working under
this contract); only thru crossed cheque or ECS (Electronic Transfers in their
respective Bank Accounts)
xxii) The Contractor will maintain all the registers (Attendance, Wages etc) at the
work site. These registers will be signed by the Engineer-in-charge as per
governing laws/rule/regulations.
xxiii) Contractor will ensure that all resource laws are complied with in all respect;
e,g, (but not limited to) issuance of I-Cards, providing Wages Slip, PF
Statement, Providing On-time Wages etc.
Employee not eligible under ESI scheme shall be covered under suitable
mediclaim policy with family floater.
1. The contractor shall deploy adequate resources for the smooth execution of
work assigned to him. The minimum resources shall be agreed upon in the
beginning of this contract and the contractor shall provide complete details
including name, address, and AadharCard number of resource deployed.
5. In case the contractor or the resource deployed by him unable to execute the
work assigned to it as per satisfaction of the company or the workmen of the
CONTRACTOR refuses to work, going on strike or for any other reason likely
to lead to loss of productivity, the company shall have right of engaging any
other agency or resorting to any other suitable means without giving any
reason and to recover the cost incurred out of the amount payable to
The award of this agreement to the Service Provider shall not preclude the
Company from awarding the same agreement for similar services at the same
rates, or on any terms and conditions to other party or parties. The Company
at its discretion places the order on any other party.
The Company reserves the right to vary the quantity i.e. increase or decrease
The Rates are firm and fixed for a period of one year from the Effective Date
of the Agreement. The Rates shall not be subject to escalation or increases
on an account / reason(s) whatsoever.
33.1 Service Provider shall ensure that the jobs are carried out in accordance with
the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If the jobs are not carried out to
the satisfaction of the Officer-in-Charge, whose decision will be final and
binding, including events of delay for reasons attributable to the Service
Provider, the Service Provider shall be liable to pay and / or reimburse to the
Company a sum
i.) Equivalent to charges plus 30% over head charges will be recovered from the
Service Provider's bill;
ii.) Equivalent to 0.5 % of the order value for each week or part thereof on
delayed part or unexecuted part thereof until the actual date when the job is
completed up to a maximum deduction of 5% of order value. Once the
maximum deduction is reached the Company may consider termination of
Agreement, at its sole discretion, without any liabilities to the Company.
33.2 The parties agree that the above amounts, including the amounts set out in
the provisions relating to penalty, are a reasonable estimate of the additional
expenses required to be incurred by the Company due to the breach by
Service Provider of the terms of this Agreement. The Company shall be
entitled to set off the entire amounts due from the Service Provider against the
Rates payable by Company to the Service Provider.
The Service Provider shall not, without Company's prior consent in writing
assign or sublet or transfer any portion of services awarded to the Service
Provider as envisaged herein provider that any such consent shall not
relieved the Service Provider from any obligation, responsibility or duty under
this Order.
Service Provider shall mobilize its resources to carry out the assigned
services under this Agreement immediately so that services are made
available from the date of start
Agency will make ensure that the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)
requirements are clearly understood and faithfully implemented at all levels at
site as per instruction of Company. Agencies must comply with these
(i) Comply with all of the elements of the EHS Plan and any regulations
applicable to the work Atleast 2 times medical check up (i.e BP, Sugar , Hb
and weight) during the contract period of employees engaged in C&M as
preventive measures from any sudden disease.
(ii) Comply with the procedures provided in the interests of Environment, Health
and Safety
(iii) Ensure that all of their employees designated to work are properly trained and
(iii) Ensure that all plant and equipment they bring on to site has been inspected
and serviced in accordance with legal requirement and manufacturer’s or
suppliers’ instructions
(iv) Make arrangements to ensure that all employees designated to work on or
visit the site present themselves for site induction prior to commencement of
(v) Provide details of any hazardous substances to be brought onsite
(vi) Ensure that a responsible person accompanies any of their visitors to site
All agencies’ staff is accountable for the following:
• Use the correct tools and equipment for the job and use safety equipment and
protective clothing supplied, e.g. helmets, goggles, ear protection, etc. as
2. Keep tools in good condition
3. Report to the Supervisor any unsafe or unhealthy condition or any defects in
plant or equipment
4. Develop a concern for safety for themselves and for others
5. Prohibit horseplay
6. Not to operate any item of plant unless they have been specifically trained
and are authorized to do so.
Contractor's Scope of work:
Contractor shall be fully responsible for the smooth running of the DSS
operations to complete all Field & Backend activities as per the Company
schedule with the requisite number of the resource to meet the desired
performance level up to the Company satisfaction.
Contractor shall:
1.1 At all times perform fully and properly all functions required to be performed
for DSS operations for our all three circles of BYPL, always in accordance and
full compliance with the procedures and specifications set out. The Contractor
shall carry out DSS Operations monthly basis as required. The Contractor
shall deploy & organize the resource accordingly. This Contract will involve
operation of following activities:-
A. New Connection:
All front end and back end activity to close the case end to end i.e. As per
SOP Document collection and Online form filling and processing through
Sewa Kender/ form site( if Decided by Company ) after Original Verification,
Initial CF ,allocation of job , Tele-calling to applicant regarding Site visit ,site
verification for technical feasibility and Commercial feasibility(energy &
enforcement dues verification), issuing of deficiency in case of any deficiency,
scanning of files and other documents ,feedback and final punching, CF/TF
demand note punching ,record keeping, dispatch of demand note and
rejection letter, tele-calling for demand note and rejected cases, revisit and
processing of rejected cases, allocation of job other activity related to new
connection and activity added time to time by company with in DERC time
B. Existing Connection:
All front end and back end activity to close the case end to end i.e. As per
SOP Document collection and Online form filling and processing through
Sewa Kender/ form site( if Decided by Company ) after Original Verification,
Initial CF ,allocation of job , Tele-calling to applicant regarding Site visit ,site
verification for technical feasibility and Commercial feasibility(energy &
enforcement dues verification), issuing of deficiency in case of any deficiency,
scanning of files and other documents ,feedback and final punching, CF/TF
demand note punching ,record keeping, dispatch of demand note and
rejection letter, tele-calling for demand note and rejected cases, revisit and
processing of rejected cases, allocation of job other activity related to new
connection and activity added time to time by company with in DERC time
limit. The activities of existing connections are below:-
The Contractor shall provide services for Six days a week. However he may
be required to provide the services for 7 days a week as per requirement /
need of the job.
1.2 The Contractor shall, call the Applicant, educate about documents
requirements. reminding their appointment date and time, re-fix the
appointment in case of applicant requirement
1.3 The Contractor shall responsible for smooth working of all 14 divisions Sewa
kendra Desks and their smooth functioning. The Contractor will collect the
required documents from registered applicant only (not from third person) in
division offices Seva Kendra desk as per check list provided for new as well
as existing connections. The contractor will follow seva Kendra operation in
following manner strictly:
a) Checking / Verification of documents with original copy from applicant, as per
SOP decided by company on application appointment date and time and on
FIFO basis
b) Issuing of deficiency to applicant in case of incomplete documents with a copy
for record purpose or processing for next desk in case of no deficiency
c) Online form filling, punching/editing of correct details as per documents,
applicant photo capturing, digital sign of applicant, scanning and uploading of
all forms along with documents, Giving copy of acknowledgement to applicant
with all information and details to applicant in FIFO manner
d) Proper maintain of office decorum (punctuality, Timings, wearing of dress, soft
behavior with applicant etc)
e) Implement the changes in process as per company requirement time to time
f) Providing facility of seva kendra at applicant home/other than BYPL premises
(through Laptop or other instrument /gadgets as decided by company
g) The Contractor will submit the filled application form along with all documents
physically in CBD-III office from all the divisions on daily basis in case of
Mobile seva Kendra Operations
1.4 The Contractor shall check the commercial feasibility at initial stage in DSS /
SAP module as per address provided by the Applicant uploading of all dues
list and allocate the cases to TF Eng for Technical feasibility and dues
1.5 The contractor shall rotate/change the area/division of all TFE's after a fixed
interval or as decided by company
1.6 The Contractor shall, call the Applicant, regarding site visit by TF Eng. with
date and time
1.8 The contractor through their TF engineer will capture all details accurately
from site as per Performa (manually/online/through gazette ) given by
company and fill the same in inspection report cleanly and Contractor will be
submit the same on daily basis after dully signed and stamps of TF engineer.
and in case of any variance from the guideline issued by BYPL, TF eng will
issue deficiency letter to applicant on the Spot and submit one copy of the
same with his report..Contractor will follow the same process in case of revisit
of cases required by company.
1.9 The contractor will take the photograph of building, Roof of building, meter
place (that should be outside of premises), nearby pole, installed ELCB
applicant and TF engineer at site. Contractor is responsible to download and
upload these photographs in the data base / SAP.
1.10 The contractor will scan all documents provided by consumer/TF Engg/ i.e IR
sheet, deficiency letter, ownership / occupancy proof, ID proof, I-Bond, self
declaration, filled application form etc on daily basis
1.11 The Contractor shall verify the details collected from site as per guideline
issued by company, submit the Feedback on collected documents and
Inspection reports. The Contractor shall punch / upload the commercial
feasibilities/ Technical feasibilities details in PSM/SAP properly and accurately
and within DERC timeline.
1.12 The Contractor shall ensure the uploading of scan documents and
photographs collected from the Applicants and TFE's in Online
Database/system/SAP on daily basis
1.13 The Contractor shall assist in printing the Demand Note and Rejection letter
and dispatch the same to the Applicant with proper record. and also
correspond with applicant thru tale-calling also for DN issued cases as well as
rejected cases.
1.14 The Contractor shall ensure the proper record keeping of all Files, reports and
all communications to applicants
1.16 The Contractor shall also arrange feedback survey on sample basis by tele
callers to improve the standards of performance.
1.17. Contractor will be responsible for all allowance, like washing allowance,
Conveyance allowance etc.
1.18. The Contractor shall provide the dress to his employee as instructed by
Officer-in-charge. Dress shall include the following items:
Trousers -3, Shirts-3, Tie-1, Badge-1, Shoes-1, Socks-2, Sweater-1, Blazer-1
and hanging bag-1 etc. Quality, Color and design to be approved by Officer-
1.19. The contractor shall arrange the electronic attendance monitoring system to
ensure the timely presence of office staff.
1.20. The contractor shall arrange the shift duty plan and provide the resource in
two shifts in the field for the collection of documents as per the requirement of
1.21. Contractor shall be responsible for taking photographs of the building, the
premises where meter is to be installed and the existing meter (if any) along
with the RC or authorized representative.
1.24 Each TF Executives should be equipped with bike/two wheeler for carrying
out visit from company office to applicant premises and vice versa. BSES logo
may be used on the these vehicle for branding purposes if needed
1.25 The contractor shall have to submit indemnity bond as per rate of
equipment/gadgets if the same is provided by the company. If any
equipments/gadgets are provided by company, contractor shall return them to
the company in good working conditions after the completion of assignment.
Contractor shall take all the steps and measures for healthiness of cameras.
They will be responsible for any loss/damage to cameras during operation/use
of the same by employees of the contractor. Company may also direct
contractor to buy/arrange additional equipment/gadgets at any time during the
contract period as per requirement
1.27 The resource deployed by agency shall be on 26 days in a month basis as per
Minimum Wages Act prevailing NCT of Delhi. All the resources shall be
deployed after prior clearance of the Engineer In Charge.
1.28 Agency will submit all relevant documents as stipulated in the contract to
Engineer Incharge for verification before the commencement of the work and
thereafter as and when required in addition to Compliance Cell / C&M /
Finance / HR Cell
1.31 The contractor will submit police verification report for all the workforce
deployed before submission of the first running bill.
1.32 The contractor shall provide uniform to their resource as specified by BYPL
1.33 Further it need to be mentioned that many people are taking leave with/
without information in advance frequently for which agency is not doing
anything. The agency should keep well trained people for different fields of at
least 5% work force ready all the time to substitute the absenteeism so that
the work flow will not get effected.
2.2.2. The Company shall take prompt action to render all possible assistance in
case of any problem in execution of the work.
1.2.3 Company shall provide the help to contractor for any uploading / updation of
the software at contractor cost.
2.3.2 Contractor shall submit to the Company written detailed execution plan,
resource deployment plan and details at least Seven days prior to
commencement of work under this Work Order and have the same approved
by the company.
2.4.2 If the data / reports are delayed, Company shall reserve the right to get the
same job carried out through another Contractor and in such case; all
expenses incurred/ deemed to be incurred towards carrying out the work
along with overheads of 50% shall be recovered from the bills of the
2.4.3 In case Company finds connivance of Contractor with the consumers in such
event, Company has the right to recover the dues from the Contractor.
Company may also terminate the services of Contractor without prejudice to
its right or take legal action as well as recovery of loss from the bills.
Any additional work beyond the scope enumerated in the Work Order above
shall be carried out by the Contractor only after written confirmation from the
signatory of the contract order. The Company shall not entertain any claim or
increase in the order value due to execution of such additional work beyond
the scope defined in the contract order. Any such claim shall stand
automatically null and void unless accompanied with a formal amendment to
the contract order.
Average beyond
Amount Per
S.No Activity Qty Per Rate (Rs.) variation of
Month* + 5% of
Yearly Qty
New Connection
Rate for Front and Back
1 5500 Nos
End Activities for New
Existing Connection
Rate for Front and Back
2 3000 Nos
End Activities for Existing
TabletMobile /other
As per
3 gadgets for online
capturing of data
1. *Qty mentioned shall be minimum guaranteed. Minimum guarantee will be set
off quarterly
2. Variation in aggregate of annual quantity in S. No. 1 & 2 upto + /- 5% shall be born
by the contractor. The variation will be checked and finalised at the end of the
3. GST will be extra
Head of Department
Contracts & Material Deptt.
IIIrd Floor, A Block
Shakti Kiran Building, Karkardooma
Delhi 110032
1 We understand that BYPL is desirous of procuring of
……………………………….. in it‘s licensed distribution network area in Delhi
2 Having examined the Bidding Documents for the above named works, we the
undersigned, offer to deliver the goods in full conformity with the Terms and
Conditions and technical specifications for the sum
(figures........................................................................) or such other sums as
may be determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
contract .The above amounts are in accordance with the Price Schedules
attached herewith and are made part of this bid.
3 If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to deliver the entire goods as per delivery
schedule mentioned in Section IV from the date of award of purchase
order/letter of intent.
4 If our Bid is accepted, we will furnish a performance bank guarantee for an
amount of 5% (Five)percent of the total contract value for due performance of
the Contract in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
5 We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 90 days from the due date of bid
submission and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any
time before the expiration of that period.
6 We declare that we have studied the provision of Indian Laws for supply of
equipments/materials and the prices have been quoted accordingly.
7 Unless and until Letter of Intent is issued, this Bid, together with your written
acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
8 We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest, or any bid you
may receive.
9 There is provision for Resolution of Disputes under this Contract, in
accordance with the Laws and Jurisdiction of Contract.
Dated this............................... day of................................................. 2019
Signature.............................................. In the capacity of
..................................................................duly authorized to sign for and on
behalf of
(IN BLOCK CAPITALS)...............................................................................
The Contractor should obtain and must submit the following to Company before
commencement of Contract and these shall renewed from time to time as and when
a) PF Code No. and all employees to have PF A/c No. under PF every Act,
b) All employees to have a temporary or permanent ESI Card as per ESI Act.
c) ESI Registration No.
d) GST registration number.
e) PAN No.
f) Contract Tax Registration Number
(To be issued in a Non Judicial Stamp Paper of ₹ 100/- purchased in the name of the
Whereas [name of the Bidder] (herein after called the “Bidder“) has submitted its bid
dated[date of submission of bid] for the supply of [name and/or description of the
goods] (here after called the “Bid”). KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE
[name of bank] at [Branch Name and address],having our registered office
at[address of the registered office of the bank](herein after called the “Bank“),are
bound unto BSES YAMUNA Power Ltd., with its Corporate Office at SHAKTI KIRAN
BUILDING, KARKARDOOMA, Delhi 110032 ,(herein after called —the
“Purchaser“)in the sum of …………………… (Rupees
…………………………………… only) for which payment well and truly to be made to
the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors, and assigns by these
presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this_____ day of________
2019. The Conditions of this obligation are: If the Bidder withdraws its Bid during the
period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form; or
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Purchaser
during the period of bid validity:
(a) Fails or refuses to execute the contract form, if required: or
(b) Fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, In accordance with the
instructions to Bidders/Terms and Conditions.
We undertake to pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its
first written demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand,
provided that is its demand the purchaser will note that amount claimed by it is due
to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two condition(s), specifying the
occurred condition or condition(s). This guarantee will remain in force up to and
including 90 days after the due date of submission bid, and any demand in respect
thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
(Stamp & signature of the bank)
Signature of the witness(s)
Bank Details:
Bank Name - Axis Bank
Address - Swasthya Vihar
IFSE - UTIB0000055
Change in existing connection(Name Process & close the Name change within 15 100% within 15 Any case of more than
1.2 SAP-ISU 10 N/A
change,Load,category change) days from Doc Acceptance date days 15 days
2 TF (site visit done ) All TF done with in 2 days from TALR SAP-ISU 10 100% >=98 & <100 <96% cases done
8 Wearing Uniform by TFEs Verification of TFEs dress by Supervisor Supervisor 5 No instance N/A 1 or more instances
within time
9 Reward & Recognition policy based On basis of Monthly Performance Vendor 5 (10th day of the N/A If Not done within time