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International Conference on Interllectual Property Rights, 20/02/2021

Information and Communication

Technology in Automobile
Alan Raju1, Midhun Omanakuttan2

Department of Computer Science
Santhigiri College of Computer Science,
[email protected]

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Santhigiri College of Computer Science,
[email protected]

Abstract: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) such as the world-wide application of mobile phones and internet have
contributed substantially to the fast-growing world economy in unprecedented ways, our results indicate that in spite of our previous
prediction that those two technologies contribute positively to the development of Chinese agriculture, we see negative influence of
mobile phones and positive influence of internet. Possible explanations and further discussions are provided. ICT is often studied in the
context of how modern communication technologies affect society. The implementation of ICT in automotive manufacturing is
increasingly important in a highly competitive world. Not only does it enable technologies for lowered costs of manufacturing, adding
value to core business processes; it also supports the development of systems for future automotive requirements. Automotive ICT
products have become crucial for advancing the automotive industry over the last decade and will become even more important in the
next decade and beyond. Today, for example, a luxury car has up to 100 microcomputer-based systems that control nearly all aspects of
the car’s operation. Subapplications include Car GPS, Self parking cars, Augmented reality windscreens and heads up displays, Self
driving cars.

Keywords: ICTs, automation, self-driving cars, self-parking cars

Information Communication Technology (ICT) plays an
important role in enhancing the quality of education. In this Automotive ICT products have become crucial for advancing
paper, review of the literatures regarding applications of ICT, the automotive industry over the last decade and will become
types of applications and their effectiveness for even more important in the next decade and beyond. Today,
administrative activities in automobile is presented. [1]. With for example, a luxury car has up to 100 microcomputer-
ICT, the company can make the business easier to happen based systems that control nearly all aspects of the car’s
with the client, supplier and the distributor. It is also very operation. Technology can enable automotive manufacturers
important in our daily lives. Nowadays ICT cannot be to accurately calculate production times, synchronise
separated with our daily needs. production, and improve planning and control. This
ICT plays a catalytic role increasing opportunities for people ultimately leads to not only reduced costs but also improved
in every walk of life. The integration of Information quality. Today's vehicles have become more efficient, safer,
technology in to automobile industry has added a lot of new and more connected to our lives than ever before. This article
developments in to automobile industry. Today's vehicles explores the intersection of information and communication
have become more efficient, safer, and more connected to technology and automobile industry in order to identify the
our lives than ever before. This seminar explores the value additions created. The article looks in to the latest
intersection of information and communication technology technological developments, safety improvements in
and automobile industry in order to identify the safety automotive industry using ICT and the possible risks that
measures. GPS systems within a car have become a necessity have emerged due to the ICT involvement in the automotive
with the growing complexity of the road network and the industry[3].
increasing unpredictability of the traffic conditions. The
implementation of ICT in automotive manufacturing is 3. Applications
increasingly important in a highly competitive world. Not
only does it enable technologies for lowered costs of ICT has mainly contributed in adding a huge variety of
manufacturing, adding value to core business processes; it sophisticated functionalities to making a car intelligent in
also supports the development of systems for future order to make the driver’s life easy. All these functionalities
automotive requirements[2]. bring us one step closer to the concept of a smart car.

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International Conference on Interllectual Property Rights, 20/02/2021

external objects in front of the driver and display information

about them on the windshield.
3.1. In car GPS

GPS systems within a car have become a necessity with the

growing complexity of the road network and the increasing
unpredictability of the traffic conditions. GPS systems
traditionally helped us to get to a desired destination
particularly when we do not know how to get there, but
today’s GPS technology can also provide below features:

 Identify the best travel routes to a given

destination usually with the aid of digital map.
Figure 1: AR turns up entire car windscreen into
 Provide the details of the nearest location like heads up display
gas stations, supermarkets, hotels etc..

 Suggesting the most efficient routes to take

The AR display will overlay information on top of what a
assessing the real-time traffic conditions.
driver is seeing in real life. These systems can highlight the
actuallane you need to be in and show you where you need to
 Helps to track the distance travelled on a
turn down the road without you ever having to take your
particular trip, vehicle mileage and speed.
eyes off the road. Prominent automobile manufacturers such
as Audi, Benz, General Motors, have also come up with their
 It can keep a record of driving activity, own head up display technologies and augmented reality
including the address of each destination, windscreens.
names of streets travelled and how long the
vehicle remained at each location which helps
owners to track the use of their cars by other 3.4. Self-driving cars
Self-driving cars that can drive them selves without human
 In some GPS systems even issues warnings involvement is no longer a concept. Several innovators have
when the car is speeding and when the car is made this concept a reality. They use lasers beam scanners,
approaching a speed trap. GPS sensors, Gyro sensors, HD, cameras, Radars, Proximity
Sensors, Infra-red sensors and speed sensors in order
 It can also help in the recovery of the stolen automate the driving process. Concept behind auto driven car
car. is the robotic science and the super-fast computational
power. Once the sensors capture the details of objects which
 Today's sophisticated GPS can even monitor is in front and besides the vehicle, it formulates a 360 degree
the car condition, and issues warnings when the digital image. The car determines the location of objects
battery is low or when it is time for an oil around the vehicle by referring to this digital image. Then it
change. sends commands accordingly to the controllers of the vehicle
(Electronic steering wheel accelerator, the breaks and etc.)
Not only are these cars able to detect radio and light waves
3.2. Self Parking Cars that humans can't, they also never get drowsy and they can
see in all directions at the same time[4].
Self-parking cars are already there. They can not only detect
available parking spots but also they can park themselves
sensing the environment around it through its sensors. Latest
systems can find a spot and park the car as the driver
commands it to park itself using a smart phone. When the
user is ready to leave, the vehicle can also drive itself to the
user when it is commanded through the smart phone. Several
automotive manufacturers like Volvo, Audi and Lexus has
already built these functionalities in to its vehicles. They
have perfected the technology through its learning curves as
we speak.

3.3. Augmented Reality Windscreens and

Figure 2: Technology driving car
Heads up Displays
Some high-end vehicles even have displays on the
4. Safety
windshield, but in the near future cars will be able to identify
Safety is becoming an increasingly important concern as the
technologies advances automotive industry has also offered

Santhigiri College of Computer Sciences, Idukki, Kerala, India 23

International Conference on Interllectual Property Rights, 20/02/2021

many safety improvements that elevate the quality of human

life by reducing the risks a driver is exposed to. Even though these novel technological advances have
immensely improved quality of human life, there are also
4.1. Intelligent Speed Adaptation some vulnerability these technological advances bring along
with them. While any new technology will be appreciated for
These are systems that constantly monitor vehicle speed and its positive it is inevitable that there will also be inherent
the local speed limit on a road and implement an action when negatives that compromises certain aspects and limits the
the vehicle is detected to be exceeding the speed limit. This boundaries of our comfort zones.
can be done through an advisory system or through a
supportive/warning system or through an intervention 5.1. When our Car Got Hacked
system. Passive systems simply warn the driver that they are
speeding. An active system controls the speed of the vehicle, Computers as we all know are very vulnerable to different
limiting how fast it can travel. types of security attacks. The integration of computers in to
the automobiles can make the vehicles vulnerable too. For an
4.2. Sleep Prevention Technologies example what if the hackers hack in to the break system and
deactivated it for an instance. The driver may no longer have
Many accidents have happened due to the driver falling control over the vehicle. Currently, a user with malicious
asleep while driving. There are systems that prevent a driver intent and some computer-programming skills can take
falling asleep. There are image based, sensor based and command of your vehicle. After gaining access, a hacker
dialog based systems that Identifies when a driver is falling could control everything from which song plays on the radio
asleep and alarms him appropriately. Even mobile apps have to whether the brakes work. The extent of control that can be
come to help you cope with this problem nowadays for an gained by these attacks improves as the cars get more and
example iPhone anti sleep application can be taken. These more automatic functions in it. The automobile
systems can become particularly useful when driving manufacturers are looking in to the potential security
through long boring highways during night. measures that can be taken[6].

4.3. Weather and Pedestrian Detection Systems 5.2. Possibility of Malfunctioning

These systems can detect the weather condition using Introducing smartness meaning the people in the vehicle
various sensors and inform the driver or take actions increasingly depend on the decisions made by vehicle for
accordingly, rain detectors to activate vipers and control their them. It is true that the technologies are perfected to nearly
speed appropriately, fog detectors to engage lights and fog eliminate the possibilities of malfunctioning. But still there
lamps and inform the driver. Pedestrian detection systems can be a possibility. Since the vehicle is on the move the
can identify the pedestrians on the road and the distance to consequences for the passengers in the vehicle can be
them. System can take action when the distance to a disastrous in such a situation.
particular pedestrian is decreasing drastically in a dangerous
fashion. Latest systems with night vision cameras are a very 6. Advantages of ICT in Automobile
useful development when driving in nights. These not only
visualize the pedestrians and animals that we can't see in the  Reduction in production time.
night and bad weather conditions, it can also takes actions
accordingly. System sends an auditory warning to the driver  Increase in accuracy and repeatability.
first. Then the system can even apply full breaks depending  Less human error.
on the movements of the pedestrians if driver fails to take
action.  Less employee.
 Increased safety.
4.4. Parents can Monitor Dangerous Teenage
 Higher volume production
Drivers Remotely

This type of systems can be useful to avoid dangerous 7. Disadvantages of ICT in Automobile
driving behaviours of teenage drivers. These systems can
monitor whether the teen is wearing a seat belt, whether they  Less versatility
are speeding, the engine RPM of the vehicle, whether they're
hard cornering, hard braking. An alarm goes off when the  More pollution
driving behaviour of the teenager is risky. Parents can  Large initial investment
monitor the performance of the teenager by downloading the
information from a memory card inside the black box[5].  Increase in unemployment
 Unpredictable costs

5. Risk Introduced

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International Conference on Interllectual Property Rights, 20/02/2021

8. Conclusion [6] MIT Technology Review. 2013. Could Your Car Be

Hacked? | MIT Technology Review. [online] Available at:
ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information car-be-hacked/ [Accessed: 1 Dec 2013].
through telecommunications. There is a lot that ICT can offer
to improve automotive industry. Particularly the Author Profile
sophisticated developments mentioned in the first section,
the article can elevate the standards of automotive industry to Alan Raju pursuing Bachelor of Computer
unimaginable heights. The safety aspects are also major Application from Santhgiri College of
value additions because the world is increasingly worried Computer Sciences, Vazhithala in
about health and safety and when it comes to safety they are 2018-2021.
ready to pay premium. But it is important to understand that
there are risks that are introduced with the novel
developments. The Industry has to face these challenges in a
constructive manner and convince its consumers on
acceptable level of mitigation in these risks for them to
embrace the new developments. ICT for tracking vehicles Midhun Omanakuttan received M.E
and proposes the model for tracking vehicles and proposes (Computer Science and
the model for tracking in real time vehicles. This paper is Engineering), B-Tech Computer
focusing in proposing a model for tracking vehicles Science in Computer Science.
over-speeding in Tanzania, upcountry buses in particular. Currently working as Assistant
The proposed system will constantly track buses in real time Professor in Santhgiri College of
and update the central database. The system will promptly Computer Sciences, Vazhithala.
pop up warning messages in case of over-speeding for
appropriate action. Analyzed data from the central database
could be used as the evidence in case of traffic case
prosecution. The system will allow for easy tracking of
drivers with a habit of over-speeding and therefore
appropriate disciplinary action could be taken against
them, such as ceasing of their driving license. The proposed
system will make use of the potential of Global Positioning
System (GPS), Global Positioning Satellites and Global
System for Mobile communications (GSM) Technology in
delivering its services.


[1] Atwiki.assistivetech.net. 2013. Intelligent parking assist

systems - ATWiki. [online] Available at:
assist_systems [Accessed: 1 Dec 2013].
[2] Csa.com. 2013. Global Positioning System (GPS)
Technology and Cars. [online] Available at:
[Accessed: 1 Dec 2013].
[3] Cvel.clemson.edu. 2013. Clemson Vehicular Electronics
Laboratory: Pedestrian Detection Systems. [online]
Available at:
Mayyas_project.html [Accessed: 1 Dec 2013].
[4] Google Books. 2013. Patent US6236968 - Sleep
prevention dialog based car system. [online] Available at:
https://www.google.com/patents/US6236968 [Accessed: 1
Dec 2013].
[5] Mail Online. 2013. What the brain of Google's self-
driving car sees: The 'Terminator's-eye-view' that shows just
what it takes to navigate a city. [online] Available at:
[Accessed: 1 Dec 2013].

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