623 Exam 1 Solutions

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Math 623 Exam 1 Solutions

1. Suppose that A ∈ Mn (F) has RREF of In . Prove that A may be written as the product of elementary
See Ex. 0.18. We put A into RREF using elementary matrices E1 , . . . , Ek ; i.e. I = Ek Ek−1 · · · E2 E1 A.
We then multiply both sides by the same matrix (repeatedly) to get E1−1 E2−1 · · · Ek−1 −1
Ek−1 = A.
The last observation we need is that the inverse of an elementary matrix is elementary, so in fact
E1−1 , . . . , Ek−1 are each elementary matrices.

2. Let J ∈ Mn (R) be the matrix all of whose entries are 1. Find σ(J), and for each eigenvalue find a
basis for the corresponding eigenspace.
See Ex 1.1.5. Set e = (1, 1, . . . , 1); we have Je = ne, so (n, e) is an eigenvalue-eigenvector pair. Set
xi = e − nei ; we have Jxi = 0 = 0xi , so (0, xi ) is an eigenvalue-eigenvector pair. However {x1 , . . . , xn }
is too big (it is dependent, since the sum is zero). Any subset of size n − 1 will be a basis for the
eigenspace corresponding to eigenvalue 0. Note: there are no other eigenvalues since the ones we have
found already have total multiplicity n.

3. Give an example of a matrix M ∈ M3 (C) that is diagonalizable but not diagonal, and has fewer than
3 distinct eigenvalues.
See Ex. 1.3.9. The simplest approach is to start with a diagonal matrix
h 2 0 0Λ,
i then hcalculate
i SΛS h 1– 0this iis
101 −1 −1
guaranteed to be diagonalizable. We can try something like Λ = 0 2 0 , S = 0 1 0 , S = 0 1 0 ,
h 2 0 −1 i 001 001 00 1
which yields M = SΛS −1 = 0 2 0 .
00 1
h1 2 3i
4. Calculate the adjugate and eigenvalues of B = 321 .
1 1 −4
h i
See Ex. 0.31. This is a straightforward computation; adjA = −2 −2 8 , σ(B) = {−1, 0, 5}.
1 1 −4

5. Set P3 (t) to be the set of all polynomials of degree at most 3, in variable t, with real coefficients. Find
the rank and nullity of linear transformation T : P3 (t) → P3 (t) given by T (f (t)) = t dfdt(t) .
See Ex. 0.10. A basis for P3 (t) is {1, t, t2 , t3 }, and we calculate T (1) = 0, T (t) = t, T (t2 ) = 2t2 , T (t3 ) =
3t3 . Hence the range of T is spanned by {t, 2t2 , 3t3 }; these are clearly linearly independent, hence the
rank of T is 3. By the rank-nullity theorem, the rank plus the nullity is the dimension of P3 (t), namely
4. Hence the nullity of T is 1.

6. A matrix A ∈ M3 (C) is a square root of B if A2 = B. Prove that every diagonalizable B ∈ M3 (C)

has a square root.
See 1.3.P7. Suppose B is diagonalizable; √ then
√ √there is invertible S where B = SDS , where
D = diag(a, b, c). Now, set E = diag( a, b, c) (choose either square root if ambiguous), and
A = SES −1 . We calculate A2 = SES −1 SES −1 = SE 2 S −1 = SDS −1 = B.
[Note: C is necessary, else we might not be able to take square roots.]

7. Let A ∈ M3 (C) be skew-symmetric. Prove that PA (t) = −PA (−t), and that if λ is an eigenvalue of
A, so is −λ.
See 1.4.P2. Since A is skew-symmetric, we have A = −AT . We calculate PA (t) = det(tI − A) =
det(tI − (−AT )) = (−1)3 det(−tI − AT ) = −det((−tI − AT )T ) = −det(−tI − A) = −PA (−t). Suppose
now that (λ, x) is a (right) eigenvalue-eigenvector pair for A. Then Ax = λx. We take transposes to
get xT AT = λxT , then negate to get xT (−AT ) = (−λ)xT or xT A = (−λ)xT . Hence (−λ, x) is a (left)
eigenvalue-eigenvector pair for A, and hence −λ is an eigenvalue for A.

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