Jake Levinson Midterm2 Au17
Jake Levinson Midterm2 Au17
Jake Levinson Midterm2 Au17
All work on this exam is my own.
• You are allowed a calculator and notesheet (handwritten, two-sided). Hand in your
notesheet with your exam.
• Other notes, devices, etc are not allowed.
• Unless the problem says otherwise, show your work (including row operations if
you row-reduce a matrix) and/or explain your reasoning. You may refer to any
theorems, facts, etc, from class.
• All the questions can be solved using (at most) simple arithmetic. (If you find
yourself doing complicated calculations, there might be an easier solution...)
1 /20
2 /25
3 /20
4 /20
5 /5
Good luck!
1 −1 4
(1) (a) Let A = 0 2 0 . Compute A−1 , showing all work. [10 points]
−1 1 −3
(b) Let L ⊆ R be the line through the origin spanned by ~v = 1 .
Find linear equations that define L.
(That is, find a system of equations with solution set L.) [10 points]
(2) Let T : R4 → R3 be the transformation T (~x) = A~x. The matrix A, and an echelon
form for A, are given below.
3 −2 −1 3 1 0 1 7
A = −1 1
1 2 ∼ 0 1
2 9
0 1 2 9 0 0 0 0
(a) Is T is one-to-one? Is T onto? [5 points each]
(b) Give a basis for row(A) and a basis for col(A). [5 points each]
(a) Find a 3 × 3 matrix A such that T (~x) = A~x. (The entries in A should be
numbers. They should not involve t or x1 , x2 , x3 .) [10 pts]
(b) Find a basis for ker(T ). If ~x ∈ ker(T ), what does that tell us in terms of the
polynomial f (t)? (Hint: it’s a familiar fact from calculus.) [5 pts]
(c) In terms of the polynomial f (t), what is the meaning of the transformation
S(~x) = A2~x? Explain in a sentence. [5 pts]
(4) Let A, B be n × m matrices. Let S ⊆ Rm be the set
S = {~x ∈ Rm : A~x = B~x}.
(a) Show that S is a subspace of Rm . [10 pts]
(You may use either the definition, or any theorems or facts from class.)
3 0 2 2 0 1
(b) Suppose A = and B = . Find a basis for S. [10 pts]
1 1 1 1 0 2
(Hint: S is the set of all ~x satisfying certain equations.)
(5) (a) Suppose A, B, D are square matrices and A = B −1 DB.
Simplify Ak to show Ak = B −1 Dk B, where k is a positive integer.
(If you wish, you can set k = 3). [5 pts]