Grade 6 CH 6 Changes Around Us
Grade 6 CH 6 Changes Around Us
Grade 6 CH 6 Changes Around Us
Changes Around Us
Q.2 A potter shapes pots out of clay. He then bakes the pots in an oven. Identify the
reversible and irreversible changes taking place in the process.
Ans: A potter shapes pots out of day. This is a physical change IM'lich can be easily reversed . During this change,
only the shaped the substance changes, without any change ii the texture of the day. The potter then bakes
the pots i1 an oven that makes the day hard and brittle. Thus, there is a change i1 the iitemal structure cl day
which makes the soft day, hard and bittle. This is a chemical change v.tiich is i'reversible.
Q.3 Breaking of a glass tumbler and burning of paper are changes in which we cannot
get back the original substances. What is the difference between these two changes?
3) This is a physical dlange, as no new substances are 3) This is a chemical change, as new substance (ash),
formed . is brmed.
Ans: Cooking food is an irreversible, chemical change. During oooking, the molecules that are ?'"esent in food
changes to form new substances. A,so, oooked food cannot be reversed to the raw state.
Q.5 Do you agree with the statement 'all physical changes are reversible' ? If not give
the correct statement.
Ans: No, there ire some physical changes 'Mlich are ffeversible. For example, tearing c:I a paper. W'hen a
paper is tom, only size iw,d shape c:l the paper cha,ges, but molecules c:I paper remains the same. Since, no
new molecules are formed , learing paper is a physical change. N. the same lime, we cannot gel back the sheet
ci paper from the pieces. Thus, this physical change is irreversible.
Ans: Growth results n ncrease n size rue to i'ltake of bod. The food that we eat. is absorbed by the body and
is used to nourish the cells br frO'Nlh. Therefore, this is a chemical change, 'Mlich l'lcludes the brmation of new
substances during the process of ~wlh.
Q.1 Explain the difference between physical and chemical changes, giving one example
of each .
2 The molecules ci the substances remain 2'J The new substances formed Wring the
the same before a,d after the change.
change have dfferent properties from the
original substance.
3. For example- Tearing of 3) For Example: Curdling c:I rrilk (The molecules of
paper( molecules of paper will remain rrilk are changed n the curdling process to give curd)
same before & after the change)
Q.2 'One way changes are classified is reversible and irreversible'. Explain with
Example 1: When we mix salt with water, the salt dissolves in water forming a salt solution. The salt can be
obtained back by the evaporation ci water a,d water, by oondensation ci the water Y!Y!Qill, Such changes v.tiich
can be easily reversed are called reversible changes.
Example 2 W'hen a, l"on is kept in humid air br some days, a t:x-own substance (rust) deposits on it, v.tiich has
very cifferent properties from that of i"on. There is no simple way b get back the l"on from the rust. Such changes
which cannot be reversed are called irreversible changes.
Example- Take some washing soda and mix it with water n a bottle. Mer making sure Iha! lhe washing soda is
fully cissolved in lhe water, add a few ctops c:l lemon j.lioe to lhe solution . Hold a it match stick near the mouth of
the bottle. You will see lhat lhe matchstick is extinguished showing lhat lhe gas produced is carbon cioxide.
Q.4 Give one example to show that when substances are mixed, it may result in a
chemical or a physical change depending on the conditions.
Ans: \/Vhen substances are mixed bgether, it can result either n a physical mange or a chemical mange.
Example 1: If iron and sulphur c.-e mixed, no memical mange occurs. But 'Mien lhe mixture is heated, a ~ack
substance is formed 'Mlich is different from iron and sulphur. So, heating a mixture c:I iron and sulphur results in a
memical change.
Example 2: When sugar arid water are mixed bgether, sugar cissolves oompletely irl water. No new substances
are formed Wring the change. The sugar and water can be obtained back from the solution. This is a physical
mange 'Mlich can be reversed.
Q.5 When a candle bums, both physical and chemical changes occur. Explain.
Ans: Physical change - The melting c:I wax, 'Mien a candle bum is a physical mange lhat occurs in the process.
The wax again solidifies on cooling . The molecules c:I wax will remain same before & after melting.
Chemical change• The wax near the wick c:l lhe candle ~ . forming ~ . water ~ . heat
& light arid l.Xldergoes a chemical change.