w10 Mobile Apps

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Developing apps

for mobile phones

by Scot C. Nelson
Lecture outline:

1. Concept development
2. Outlining the app
3. Design considerations and platforms
4. Budget development
5. Programming
6. Graphic design
7. Submission, approval and updates
8. Common pitfalls
Concept development
Identify the purpose of the application (“app”).

What will the app do?

● Specify the minimum functionality. Will the app
perform a specific task and/or deliver information?
● Most apps do one thing and do it well.
● Avoid overly complex functionality.

Example: The “The Plant Doctor” app provides

interactive diagnosis for plant health problems. Users
submit text and photographs to assist the diagnosis.
Identify the intended users of the app.

Who will use the app?

● What is the target audience?
● Is the app free or for payment?

Example: Users of “The Plant Doctor” app include: Farmers,

gardeners, homeowners, landscape professionals, County
Agents, plant quarantine workers, professionals, and
scientists. To date, users reside in 40 foreign countries and in
41 states in the USA.
Different types of audiences

Various levels of education
Various levels of expertise
Types of devices: Android versus iPhone
Nationalities: Language, translations

Your app and its design should appeal to and serve your
target audiences: appearance, colors, functions, tasks
Specify the device(s) to which the app will be delivered

● Web app vs Native app

● Phones vs Tablets
● iPhone vs Android

The choices determine the programming language and coding


Memory and space considerations

App size is limited only by the space available on a device.

There is no recommended size for apps.

Name the app

The app name should accurately reflect

the function of the app.

The app name should be unique, if

possible, and not replicate the names of
other apps.
Outlining a draft of the app
● Create a draft step chart: Identify each thing the app
will do, in a stepwise fashion.

● Create a draft page chart: Sketch and compose the

appearance of various pages.

● Specify the graphics and navigation buttons needed

for the app functions

● Specify the outputs and calls

Design considerations
Design the app for fingers (not for a mouse)
● 44 x 44 pixels for buttons
● 6 buttons maximum per width of screen (smart phone)

TEXT INPUT: People do not like to type, so keep typing at

a minimum

TEXT OUTPUT: People generally do not like to read, so

keep text at a minimum unless your app is designed
primarily to deliver information in text format
Budget development
How much will it cost to develop the app?

1. Personal vs. contract development

2. By hour or by project development. Costs per hour vary
among countries ($15-20 for India: $50-60 for USA;
$100 for USA technical)

Example: “The Plant Doctor” app development and

deployment cost 80 hours (at the US rate) for each platform
(iOS and Android), for a total cost of $9,600.00 ($4,800.00
for each platform).
Self-programmed versus Contracted programming
(note: people without programming experience should
probably not try to build an app)

Apple (iTunes): programming language = iOS

Google (Android): programming language = Java

Before budget development: Prepare detailed

requirement documents (what the app does). Prepare a
detailed use case document (describe each functionality of
the app)
We contracted the following companies for the
development of “The Plant Doctor” app.

App development company:

Adelante Consulting (Canada)
1 (647) 501-3737

Graphics design company:

AQUASoft (Romania), normally only does large jobs
Sample pages from the Apple Developers
programming software environment appear on the
following screens.

Remember: Developing an app is writing a program

using a specific programming language suited for a
particular device.

Therefore, a developer should be familiar with the

software and the programming language.

The requirements and the use case documents for

the “Wordissimo” app appear on the following
Graphic design
● Appearance of the app is very important and should be a
high priority, with sufficient budget provided for graphics.
● Graphic design is best done professionally.

Romania = $200 to $300 per screen
USA = $500 per screen

One can expect much higher costs for the unique design of
multiple screens. The cost for “The Plant Doctor” graphics
design was $300.
Considerations in graphics design:

● Colors and color theme (background, buttons)

● Art
● Text (size, color, font)
● Layout
● Balance
● Layering
Before professional design After professional design
Before professional design After professional design
Before professional design After professional design
Submission and approval
The app submission process varies by platform

Apple: checks for no crashes; the app does what is says it

will do; and minimum information content may be needed

Developer accounts:
Apple: Developer’s license = $100/year
Google: Developer’s license = $20/year

Note: For the for-sale apps, payment to Apple or Google is

30% of your profit. Free apps do not incur this charge.
developer console
developer console
App description and
download page at the
iTunes store for “The
Plant Doctor” app
Updates for apps may be required as new versions of
phones emerge onto the market.

The new phones may have updated or newer

versions of software which require app updates.

App developers should prepare for this eventuality.

Example: “The Plant Doctor” had to be updated for

use on iPhone 5.
Common pitfalls
1. Do not build an app without having the intended
device nor without having experience using the
device (the environments, menus and appearance
differ among devices)
2. Have a very clear idea of what the app will do
3. Develop the flow of processes clearly and
4. Ensure that your budget is sufficient to completely
fund the development of the app
Presentation prepared by:

Dr. Scot Nelson

University of Hawaii at Manoa
Dept. of Plant & Environmental Protection Sciences
3050 Maile Way
513 Gilmore Hall
Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 956-6741
[email protected]

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