Accessing Unily On Mobile Devices
Accessing Unily On Mobile Devices
Accessing Unily On Mobile Devices
Mobile Devices
To make sure users can keep connected whilst on the move, Unily is
available to users on their mobile device. This guide explains your
options for offering mobile access to your users.
To make sure users can keep connected whilst on the move, Unily is available to users
on their mobile device. This guide explains your options for offering mobile access to
your users.
Mobile browser
Unily can be accessed in the same way as on desktop and, as standard, pages and
content within Unily are responsive, meaning they automatically adapt to the device the
user is using. In addition to being responsive, there are 3 capabilities that can give
users an experience that's completely tailored based on their access on a mobile
• Content variants of Site pages can be created and targeted to mobile platforms
to, for example, remove or reorder content included in the desktop view.
• Content variants of Content views can be created so that Stories have a view
tailored to mobile platforms.
• Homepages can be targeted based on a user accessing on a mobile platform so
that you can, for example, prioritise and surface completely different content
based on what you believe to be important to users on the move or the front line
of your workplace.
• Header configurations can be created so that, when a user is accessing Unily on
a mobile platform, they have a navigation that reflects their needs.
Once downloaded, users need to enter the six-digit code for your site (which is the
same for all users and can be requested from your Onboarding Manager or Customer
Success Manager), and then their login credentials. The Unily Mobile Application offers
a few key benefits over access via mobile browser
• Push notifications give the ability for users to be notified of activity in Unily, and
for admins to use Broadcast Notifications to message mobile application users.
• Offline reading allows users to save content for viewing without a data
Please note, for any Branded Application developments, 1 iOS app, and 1 Android app
are developed.
We carry out the majority of setup. However, there are some tasks that need to be
completed by you or someone within your company. There is also a risk that Apple or
Google makes changes to the setup, requirements or distribution of applications that
require updates to be made to the application at a later date – many of which we can’t
carry out on your behalf.
Configuration of your device policies and other access control mechanisms is also a key
part of setup and can’t be done on your behalf by Unily.
Distributing the app can be a complex process and, depending on whether you need to
distribute to iOS devices, Android devices, or both, there will be various aspects that
you’ll need to consider.
For iOS devices, distribution is via Custom Apps for Business, which supports an MDM
option for managed devices. The app cannot be submitted to the public App Store, and
app bundles cannot be distributed directly. These limitations are imposed by Apple’s
policies and are outside of our control. Custom Apps for Business submissions require
approval from Apple and, while we will make every effort to ensure the app passes this
approval process, we can make no guarantees.
For Android devices, distribution can be via the Play Store or directly from MDM. We
provide the app bundle and you would be responsible for distribution.
More details on the setup and distribution of the Branded Application can be
found below under iOS and Android Application Setup, iOS Branded Application
Distribution and Android Branded Application Distribution.
Branded apps can optionally support Intune MAM SDK app protection policies, which
would give you extra control to setup app protection policies for things like not allowing
copy and pasting. See
get-started for more information on Intune MAM SDK.
In addition to authentication that’s in place during the login process, the Branded mobile
apps also support Microsoft Authenticator and MSAL.
• That you’re enrolled into the Apple Business Manager. More details can be found
• You have Custom Apps enabled in Apple Business Manager
• Your Organisation ID (as displayed in Apple Business Manager)
• Your Organisation name (as displayed in Apple Business Manager)
• App name to display in the App Store, with a 30 character limit. This can be
different to the app display name we show on the iOS device. This has to be
unique across the Apple platform.
• Primary language E.g. English UK
• Whether the app will be globally available
• Privacy Policy URL
• A Support URL which can be used by users to find support resources or contact
information for the app.
• If required, A Marketing URL, with any information about how you market the
app. This can also just be the URL to your company.
• One or more keywords that describe your app, which will help to make App Store
search results more accurate. Separate keywords with an English or Chinese
comma (or a mix of both), with a 100 character limit.
• Description of what the app does and who the target audience is, with a 4,000
character limit
• Login credentials for the Apple review process. Please do not use usernames
containing the words "test" or "demo", as we’ve found that Apple can reject
submissions on this basis. It’s best to use real sounding names.
• A minimum of 3 screenshots, and a maximum of 10. Apple requires screenshots
of the app as part of the review process, so these can be taken once the
Branded app has been built and uploaded to TestFlight, and before submitting
the app for review. Screenshots should:
o Show the app in use
o Not have device bezels or round corners
o Be in JPG or PNG format, in the RGB colour space, with no transparency
or alpha channel
o Be in 2 different sizes to cover 6.5 inch screens (for iPhone XS Max,
iPhone XR) and 5.5 inch screens (for iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus,
iPhone 8 Plus)
1242 x 2688 pixels at 72 dpi (portrait)
1242 x 2208 pixels at 72 dpi (portrait)
Unily will develop your branded app and distribute it on the Apple App Store privately
and securely to your organisation. Once the Branded App is approved by Apple and
published by Unily, you’ll find it in Apple Business Manager.
Custom Apps have the same management options as App Store apps, and can be
deployed using either managed licences (via MDM) or redemption codes. If using the
redemption code option, you'll need to have a way to distribute these to your
users. Each code allows one user to install the app.
Please note: For customers intending to distribute the Application to multiple countries,
redemption codes cannot be requested in Apple Business Manager and reused on
Apple IDs tied to other Country stores. Multiple instances of Apple Business Manager
need to be set up for each country.
Apple Business Manager and MDM don’t have this limitation.
For more information on Custom Apps for Business, head
Having submitted the branded app to Apple TestFlight and verified that it works as
expected, Unily will submit the branded app to Apple for review and approval before it
can be published to Apple Business Manager.
New apps, as well as each updated version, goes through the app review process with
Apple. The same app review guidelines used for App Store apps also apply to branded
apps. More information about why Apple must review the app can be found
here: The review process
typically takes 1–2 days, and more information can be found
In order to verify that the branded app meet the review guidelines, Apple will need to
sign in and operate the app, and our Onboarding team will help determine how to meet
this requirement with appropriate handling of proprietary or sensitive business data.
You can make the branded application available for installation from Google Play, to
anyone in the world. You’ll require a Google Play Console account, and more
information can be found at
Private availability using Mobile Device Management (MDM)
or G Suite
Your .apk package can be added to your MDM system for automatic distribution to
enrolled devices in line with the configuration you’ve set up. For example, on Microsoft
Intune, you can add the .apk directly as a Line-of-Business app.
For more information on the options for making your branded application available
privately, head to
This document is a guide on the steps required from the Client to enable Universal
Links on their branded mobile app.
Q: Is Universal Links supported in the generic Unily app from the App Store / Google
A: No because the app has to include at build time all the information required like the
server URL that will be handled by the app. This means that the Unily app would have
to include the server address of all our clients and constantly be kept up to date. It
would also be a leak of confidential information and thus only branded apps are