Exam-Bct 4162 Building Services 2018-2019
Exam-Bct 4162 Building Services 2018-2019
Exam-Bct 4162 Building Services 2018-2019
P.O. Box: 3900 Kigali, Rwanda, Tel: +250 252 574696/ 574698, Fax: +250 252 571925/ 924,E-mail: [email protected]
+250 788 80 20 40 [email protected]
Enclosed with:
1. The place of building services in the construction process, relevant legislation, design and
installation standards
2. Safety, Fire and Air conditioning: Safety measures in Building-Firefighting equipments. Types of
fire and Fire Extinguishers. Fire hazards. Dry and wet risers -Ventilation and Air-conditioning:
Different types, Functional details, Arrangements in a building, uses.
3. Cold Water Supply: Types of cold water systems Types of pipes used for conveyance of water.
Joints. Pipe laying and testing. Pipe corrosion and Prevention. Physical and chemical properties
of water. Different methods of laying of distribution pipes Pipe accessories. Water supply
arrangements for buildings.
4. Hot Water Supply: Hot water storage cylinders: types and uses – Types of hot water
distribution systems. Methods of heating water. Joints and fittings. Pipe and pipe layouts in
buildings. Problems and remedies in hot water distribution system. Lagging: definition, types.
5. Building Drainage: Definition for drain, drainage and sewer. Types of drainage systems.
Principles and requirements of house drainage systems. Drainage arrangements in buildings.
Types, functions, Materials and specifications of all sanitary appliances Fixing in position-one,
two, single and modified stack systems: -sizing: piping, regulations and fixing.
6. Sewer Accessories: Manhole, Drop manhole, catch basin inlet, Grease, Oil and Sand Traps.
Flushing Tanks-Traps. Bends. Gullies. Septic Tank. Piping materials. Joints. Inspection. Testing
and maintenance of sanitary fittings-Sanitary appliances and fixing positions
7. Circulation Services :(a) Circulation: horizontal, vertical, people, goods (b) Systems: lifts and
escalators, types of elements (c) Installations: schedules and builders work-Lighting design
Common to:CIV &BCT
2. In regard to relevant legislations being applied in Rwanda for Building Services, please
indicate the website or link to which an Engineer must refer to: [2Pts]
3. In regard to safety measures in Building Services, what does DfCS abbreviation refers
to? [2Pts]
5. Give at least 5 factors related to Building design phase that Contribute to actual
Construction Accidents? [2Pts]
6. In Building Services, define the hierarchy of controls for construction hazards. [2Pts]
7. Each phase of fire suppression may require certain tools and equipment. Define the
basic phase of fire suppression in Buildings [2Pts]
8. In Building Services, what does this graph refers to? Please elaborate or explain [2Pts]
9. According to Rwanda Building Code (issued in 2015), under General Provisions; “Air Conditioning
Control System” is: [2Pts]
a) A start up system, designed to mechanically induce air movement within a designated fire
compartment, actuated by extinguishers provided with a central operated back up facility.
b) A system of mechanical ventilation where air that has been cleansed is supplied to a
building under conditions of controlled temperature, humidity, distribution and movement.
c) The process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, purity,
distribution and movement to meet the requirements of the air conditioned space and air
d) An automatic control system, designed to stop mechanically induced air movement within a
designated fire compartment, actuated by smoke detectors and provided with a central,
manually operated back up facility.
10. According to Rwanda Building Code (issued in 2015), Buildings that have to comply with
accessibility requirements for the disabled persons include: [2Pts]
a) All public buildings and governmental facilities and institutions plus office buildings.
b) All public buildings, governmental facilities and institutions, office buildings, residential
buildings, commercial buildings, health facilities, educational institutions restaurants,
recreational facilities, sports facilities, religious buildings and all other building types
normally used by the general public.
c) All public buildings, governmental facilities and institutions, office buildings, residential
buildings, commercial buildings, health facilities, educational institutions restaurants,
recreational facilities, sports facilities, religious buildings.
d) Governmental facilities and institutions, office buildings, residential buildings, commercial
buildings, health facilities, educational institutions restaurants, recreational or sport facilities.
Question: 2 [15]
Question: 3 [15]
Question: 4 [15]
a) Mention applications of unitary refrigerant based systems /5 marks
b) Explain the functions of the following parts/10 marks
i) Service pipe
ii) Distribution pipe
iii) Riser
iv) Fixture branch
v) Fixture supply
Question: 1 [20]
1. In connection to Building Services, please indicate tasks performed by a Facilities
Manager: [2Pts]
A Facilities Manager plans the organisation of the buildings interior. Organises renovations
and office moves. Organises maintenance. - Ensures all IT, phone and security systems are
effective. Responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of the building.
A facilities manager is a job role that is responsible for making sure that buildings and their
services meet the needs of the people that work in them. Facilities managers are
accountable for services such as cleaning, security and parking, to make sure the
surrounding environment is in a suitable condition to work.
2. In regard to relevant legislations being applied in Rwanda for Building Services, please
indicate the website or link to which an Engineer must refer to: [2Pts]
3. In regard to safety measures in Building Services, what does DfCS abbreviation refers
to? [2Pts]
Answer: Design for Construction Safety (DfCS)
What DfCS is….
Permanent design features that eliminate a hazard or reduce the risk (i.e.,
eliminate need for fall protection)
How to use safety protective devices or procedures (i.e., how to use fall
5. Give at least 5 factors related to Building design phase that Contribute to actual
Construction Accidents? [2Pts]
6. In Building Services, define the hierarchy of controls for construction hazards. [2Pts]
7. Each phase of fire suppression may require certain tools and equipment. Define the
basic phase of fire suppression in Buildings [2Pts]
• Response/Size-up
• Forcible entry
• Interior attack
• Search and rescue
• Rapid Intervention Crew
• Ventilation
• Overhaul
8. In Building Services, what does this graph refers to? Please elaborate or explain [2Pts]
Design professionals prepare plans and specifications so that the finished building complies
with the building code. The process of addressing construction site safety, health and
planning for future maintenance are better addressed at conceptual design phase of a
project not during construction.
9. According to Rwanda Building Code (issued in 2015), under General Provisions; “Air
Conditioning Control System” is: [2Pts]
10. According to Rwanda Building Code (issued in 2015), Buildings that have to comply
with accessibility requirements for the disabled persons include: [2Pts]
a) All public buildings and governmental facilities and institutions plus office buildings.
b) All public buildings, governmental facilities and institutions, office
buildings, residential buildings, commercial buildings, health facilities,
educational institutions restaurants, recreational facilities, sports
facilities, religious buildings and all other building types normally used by
the general public.
c) All public buildings, governmental facilities and institutions, office buildings,
residential buildings, commercial buildings, health facilities, educational institutions
restaurants, recreational facilities, sports facilities, religious buildings.
d) Governmental facilities and institutions, office buildings, residential buildings,
commercial buildings, health facilities, educational institutions restaurants,
recreational or sport facilities.
Question: 2 [15]
Q2. a) The types of natural ventilation effects are the following:/6 marks
i. Effect of wind on buildings /2marks
Wind causes a positive pressure on the windward side and a negative pressure on the
leeward side of buildings. To equalize pressure, fresh air will enter any windward opening
and be exhausted from any leeward opening. In summer, wind is used to supply as much
fresh air as possible while in winter, ventilation is normally reduced to levels sufficient to
remove excess moisture and pollutants.
ii. Stack effect (Buoyancy) /2 marks
Stack effect is an application of convected air currents. Cool air is encouraged to enter a
building at low level. Here it is warmed by the occupancy, lighting, machinery and/or
purposely located heat emitters. It is well known fact that hot air rises and its place is then
taken up by colder air. A column of warm air rises within the building to discharge through
vents at high level.
This can be very effective in tall office-type buildings and shopping malls, but has limited
effect during the summer months due to warm external temperatures.
This natural effect occurs because the density of the rising column of hot air is less than
that of the falling column of cold air. This process in its continuous operating mode is
encountered in any naturally vented enclosure and also in any chimney that is functioning
properly. It is referred as the “stack effect”.
iii. Venturi effect/ 2 marks
This effect can be explained using the principle of the conservation of energy and by
applying the appropriate equation of continuity. As air is compressible, the analysis of flow
regime is complicated owing to possible change in density, as it passes through the
tapered pipe. In the case of ventilator, any change in density depends on change in
temperature and, because the temperature remains constant, it can be assumed to behave
as an incompressible fluid.
Class A: Ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, paper, and some rubber and
plastic materials. They are common in typical commercial and home settings, but can occur
anywhere these types of materials are found.
This class of fire is fairly simple to fight by simply removing the heat, oxygen, or fuel, or by
suppressing the underlying chemical reaction, the fire tetrahedron collapses and the fire
dies out. The most common way to do this is by removing heat by spraying the burning
material with water; oxygen can be removed by smothering the fire with foam from a fire
Class B: Fires involving flammable liquids such as greases solvents, oil, gasoline, paint,
and other synthetic or oil-based products.
Flammable liquids which do not themselves burn or explode, the gases or vapors formed
when they are heated and evaporated explode; that is, the change of state from liquid to
gas must first occur. As long as they are in a liquid state with no vapors being given off,
there is little or no hazard. For the more volatile liquids, such as gasoline, storage in a
closed container is a necessity. In order for any vapor to explode, it must have the correct
vapor-air ratio.
The danger is when the gases being poured give the vapors to mix with the correct
amount of air to form explosive moisture.
Flammable liquid is not hazardous as long as it is not hot enough to give off vapors which
can mix with the oxygen in air and burn, two things can be done:
i. The liquid can be cooled down to the point where no vapors are given
ii. The supply of oxygen can be blanketed out.
Class B fires often spread rapidly and, unless properly secured, can reflash after the flames
are extinguished
CLASS C: Fires involve energized electrical equipment, such as wiring, controls, motors,
data processing panels or appliances. They can be caused by a spark, power surge or short
circuit and typically occur in locations that are difficult to reach and see.
In fighting an electrical fire there are two important things to be taken into consideration:
(a) Damage to the equipment far beyond what the fire could
(b) Danger to the individuals fighting the fire.
To avoid these two possibilities, deenergize the circuit and use only the types of
extinguishment recommended for class C fires such as ABC Powder, Monnex Dry Powder
and CO² Gas Extinguishers.
Class D:Combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, sodium, potassium, lithium,
and zirconium. Combustible metal fires are unique industrial hazards which require special
dry powder agents. It IS recommended that metal fires be fought with "dry powder"
extinguishing agents. Dry powder agents work by smothering and heat absorption. The
most common of these agents are sodium chloride granules and graphite powder. In
recent years powdered copper has also come into use.
Class K: Fires involving commercial cooking appliances with vegetable oils, animal oils, or
fats at high temperatures commonly found in commercial kitchens.
Special wet chemical extinguishing agent is specially suited for extinguishing and
suppressing these extremely hot fires that have the ability to reflash. . Saponification can
be used to extinguish such fires. . Wet potassium acetate, low pH-based agent is used for
this class of fire.
Efficiency = usually taken as 0.9 since hot water cylinders are insulated.
3600 = To convert hours to seconds.
Question 3 (Answers)
a) Comfort air conditioning requires the proper control of the following:
Temperature control, humidity control, air velocity control and air quality control.
Temperature control:
Temperature control is one of the most essential factors for giving comfort to the user. The
temperature range within which this comfort is obtained for the major of people is called
comfortable zone which is different during summer and winter conditions. Effective
temperatures, defined earlier, are an index which combines temperature, humidity and air
motion in one single factor. Effective temperature comfort zone varies from 20 0c to 23 0c
in summer and 18 0c to 22 0c in winter.
Humidity control:
Humidification is the addition of moisture to dry air which otherwise would cause great
strain and irritation on membranes of nasal passages. During summer air conditioning,
humidification is done so that relative humidity is between 40 to 50 %. During winter air
conditioning, dehumidification is done (extraction of moisture from cooled air) so that
relative humidity is between 50 and 60%.
Air velocity control:
High velocity of conditioned air may cause greater temperature difference outside and
inside. A velocity of 6 t0 9 m per second is considered desirable.
Air quality control:
The air should be free from odour, toxic, gases, bacteria, and other micro- organism.
Q3.b) A diagram of an indirect hot water cylinder/ 4marks
An indirect hot water cylinder, known as indirect because the hot water from the boiler
(primary circulation) doesn't come into direct contact with the hot water in the cylinder
(secondary circulation) - this water being used for washing and cooking.
The hot water cylinder, indirect coil and pipe work are made of copper. It is feasible to use
‘plastic’ pipe work for this and poly butylene is more frequently installed especially in
concealed locations.
A vent is required on the hot water outlet pipe at the top of the cylinder to allow for water
expansion and prevent the cylinder becoming pressurised when heated.
The temperature of water in the cylinder must be controlled in accordance with the
building regulations. See CONTROLS section. This is achieved by an immersion thermostat
in the cylinder or clamp-on thermostat either switching on and off a pump or control valve
Q3.c) Four Advantages and disadvantages of unitary refrigerant based
1. Individual room control is simple and inexpensive.
2. Each conditioned space has individual air distribution with simple adjustment by the
3. Performance of the system is guaranteed by the manufacturer.
4. System installation is simple and takes very less time.
5. Operation of the system is simple and there is no need for a trained operator.
6. Initial cost is normally low compared to central systems.
7. Retrofitting is easy as the required floor space is small.
Disadvantages of unitary refrigerant based systems:[1.5Pts]
1. As the components are selected and matched by the manufacturer, the system is less
flexible in terms of air flow rate, condenser and evaporator sizes.
2. Power consumption per TR could be higher compared to central systems.
3. Close control of space humidity is generally difficult.
4. Noise level in the conditioned space could be higher.
5. Limited ventilation capabilities.
6. Systems are generally designed to meet the appliance standards, rather than the
building standards.
7. May not be appealing aesthetically.
8. The space temperature may experience a swing if on-off control is used as in room air
9. Limited options for controlling room air distribution.
10. Equipment life is relatively short.
Question 4.
a) Applications of unitary refrigerant based systems: /5marks
Unitary refrigerant based systems are used where stringent control of conditioned space
temperature and humidity is not required and where the initial cost should be low with a
small lead time. These systems can be used for air conditioning individual rooms to large
office buildings, classrooms, hotels, shopping centers, nursing homes etc. These systems
are especially suited for existing building with a limitation on available floor space for air
conditioning systems
b)Explain the functions of the following parts/10marks
i)Service pipe [2marks]
The pipe from the water main or other source of potable water supply to the water
distribution system of the building served.
ii)Distribution pipe [2marks]
A pipe within the structure or on the premises which conveys water from the water
service pipe to the point of utilization.
iii)Riser [2marks]
A water supply pipe that extends one full story or more to convey water to branches or to
a group of fixtures.
iv)Fixture branch [2marks]
The water supply pipe between the fixture supply pipe and the water distributing
v)Fixture supply [2marks]
A water supply pipe connecting the fixture with the fixture branch.