Introduction : To meet the needs of fast changes in the present days construction industry, it is essential to develop the skills and techniques to match the requirements in this ever growing industry. In view of the above, the curriculum on "Public Health Engineering Technician" course has been designed and developed for a two-years course at the plus two stage of Higher Education. Among all building services to be provided in a building, be it a residential or a public building, water supply and sanitary arrangements are the most essential services and well trained members with necessary skill sets are in great demand to attend the minor to major jobs in the buildings. This course provides the student, the techniques and the knowledge of plumbing systems in the building in addition to latest technology developed in Rural Water Supply and sanitation, Solar heaters, in hot water supply and wind energy in pumping water. This course imparts knowledge in all other subjects related to civil engineering field. Applications of computer software is also incorporated in drafting, estimating and documentation of civil works dealing in detail especially in water supply and sanitary works. The skills and techniques acquired during this course develop the required competency in performing job effectively whether one is placed in a waged employment or a self employment.
II. Objectives
5 5
To provide skills in handling the jobs in plumbing systems To train the students in various techniques in the building services with more emphasis on water supply and sanitary services to develop competencies in assisting supervision, engineers and contractors and prepare them for self/wage employment. train the students in various techniques in civil engineering field.
5 To
Knowledge of plumbing tools, plumbing materials, fittings of water supply and sanitary items Knowledge of preparing layouts for hot water supply Knowledge of Installation of hot water supply appliances Knowledge of Rural Water Supply and sanitation Knowledge of Solar Heaters, their installation and preparation of layout of plumbing system. Knowledge of wind mills in pumping water Preparation of building drawings works
5 5 5 5
5 5
5 5
Aquire the skill in surveying of the field Apply the knowlege of computers in preparation of drawings, estimates, table, reports etc. using computer software Estimation of different types of civil engineering works
IV. Job Opportunities : a) Wage Employment : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Plumber, Painter, Carpenter, Superviser for Civil Engineering Works. Draughtsman Civil Quantity surveyor of water supply and sanitary fittings and other related Civil Engineering works Store keeper in construction industries for inventory control of plumbing materials. Work Inspector in construction sites (Water supply and sanitary works and all other Civil Engineering related works) Contractor in water supply and sanitary works or in civil engineering works As a licensed technician in plumbing works/Draughtsman/ in civil engineering works. Dealer of a store in supplying the water supply and sanitary fittings to the market. Dealer of a store in supplying civil engineering materials to the market.
b) Self Employment : 1. 2. 3. 4.
V. SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION & EXAMINATION I & II YEAR Part - A Theory Practicals Total Periods Marks Periods Marks Periods Marks 185 75 185 75 185 75 185 75
1. English 2. G.F.C. Part - B 3. Vocational Subjects Paper - I 160 Paper - II 160 Paper - III 160 Part - C 4. On the Job Training Total 850
50 50 50 300
50 50 50 50 200
Scheme of Instruction per week for Vocational Courses Part - A Theory Practicals Total 1. English 6 6 2. G.F.C. 6 6 Part - B 3. Vocational subjects Paper - I 5 5 10 Paper - II 5 5 10 Paper - III 5 5 10
Sl.No. Paper Subject Periods I Year Theory 1. I Water Supply Engineering 160 2. II Surveying Theory 160 3. III Engineering Mechanics 160 Practicals 4. I Civil Engineering Laboratory-1 160 5. II Surveying Practice 160 6. III Engineering Drawing 160 On the Job Training 210 II Year Theory 1. I Environmental Engineering 160 2. II Building Materials & Construction 160 3. III Estimating and Costing 160 Practicals 4. I Civil Engineering Laboratory-2 160 5. II Civil Engineering Drawing 160 6. III Computer Lab 160 On the Job Training 210 Marks
50 50 50 50 50 50 50
50 50 50 50 50 50 50
PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN WATER SUPPLY ENGINEERING THEORY - PAPER I FIRST YEAR (Max. Marks : 50, Periods per Week : 5, Periods per Year : 160) Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Major Topics Introduction Water Demand Sources of Water Supply Quality of Water Treatment of Water Distribution System Water Supply Plumbing systems in Buildings and Houses Rain water Harvesting Hydraulics Total 10 5 5 160 No.of Periods 5 10 10 20 30 30
Detailed Syllabus : 1.0. Introduction 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Importance and Necessity for planned water supplies Wholesome water Status of protected water supply in India Planning and Execution of Modern water supply schemes
2.0. Water Demands 2.1. Various types of water Demands 2.1.1. Domestic Demand 2.1.2. Industrial Demand 2.1.3. Institutional and Commercial water demand 2.1.4. Demand for Public uses 2.1.5. Fire demand 2.1.6. Losses and wastes 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Per capita demand Factors affecting per capita demand Variations in demand
2.4.1. Seasonal variations 2.4.2. Daily variations 2.4.3. Hourly variations 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. Design Period Total requirement of water for a town or a city Population forecasting methods and problems
2.7.1. Arithmetical increase method 2.7.2. Geometrical increase method 2.7.3. Incremental increase method, etc. 3.0. Sources of water supply 3.1. Hydrological concepts
3.1.1. Definition 3.1.2. Precipitation, Infiltration, Run off, Evaporation, Evapo Transpiration 3.2. Surface sources 3.2.1. Natural ponds and lakes 3.2.2. Streams and rivers 3.2.3. Impounding reservoirs 3.3. Sub surface sources 3.3.1. Infiltration galleries 3.3.2. Infiltration wells 3.3.3. Springs 3.3.4. Wells (a) shallow wells (b) Deep wells 3.4. Intakes for collecting surface water, definitions and general introduction
4.2.1. Physical Characteristics Turbidity Colour and Temperature Taste and Odour 4.2.2. Chemical Characteristics Total Solids and suspended solids PH value of water Hardness of water Chloride content Nitrogen content
8 Gases Oxygen Demand 4.2.3. Bacterial and Microscopical characteristics 4.3. 4.4. Water Borne Diseases Drinking water standards
5.0. Treatment of Water 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. General Introduction Treatment unit flow diagram Screening Sedimentation
5.4.1. Plain Sedimentation 5.4.2. Sedimentation aided with Coagulation 5.5. Filtration 5.5.1. Theory of filtration 5.5.2. Slow sand filters construction and operation 5.5.3. Rapid sand filters 5.5.4. Pressure filters 5.6. Disinfection 5.6.1. Methods of Disinfection 5.6.2. Chlorination, pre, post, Break-point Chlorination and Dechlorination 5.7. Defluoridation - by Nalgonda technique
6.0. Distribution System 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. General Introduction Requirements of a good distribution system Layouts of Distribution Networks
6.3.1. Dead end system 6.3.2. Grid iron system 6.3.3. Ring system
6.3.4. Radial system 6.4. Systems of Distribution 6.4.1. Gravitational system 6.4.2. Pumping sysytem 6.4.3. Combined system 6.5. Pumps 6.5.1. Types of pumps and their suitability 6.5.2. Centrifugal pumps - Components 6.5.3. Selection of pump horse power 6.5.4. Operation and maintenance 6.5.5. Trouble Shooting 6.6. Requirement of pipe materials 6.6.1. Different types of pipes 6.6.2. Laying and Testing 6.6.3. Maintenance 6.6.4. Pipe Corrosion - Causes and Prevention 7.0. Appurtenances in the distribution system 7.1. 7.2. Understand the various appurtenances in a distribution system Use of
7.2.1. Sluice valves 7.2.2. Check valves or reflux valves 7.2.3. Air valves 7.2.4. Drain valves or Blow off valves 7.2.5. Scour valve 7.2.6. Water meter 7.2.7. Fire Hydrants
8.0. Water supply plumbing systems in buildings and Houses 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. Plumbing System in Water Supplies The House Water Connection Stop Cocks Water taps and Bib cocks Pipe fittings Storage of water in buildings
8.6.1. Estimating Storage Capacity 8.6.2. Overhead Storage, Underground Storage tanks 8.6.3. Types of tanks, RCC, GI and HDPE tanks 8.6.4. General requirements of domestic water storage 8.7. Water piping systems in building
8.7.1. Piping system using direct supply 8.7.2. Piping system using over head tanks 8.7.3. Piping system using underground - overhead tank supply 8.7.4. Pumped systems 9.0. Rainwater Harvesting 9.1. Rain water Harvesting structures into the ground
9.1.1. Collection of rain water 9.1.2. Seperation of first rain flush 9.1.3. Filtration of rain water 9.1.4. Storage of rain water 9.1.5. Distribution of water 9.2. 9.3. Rain water directed to Service wells Rain water harvesting by percolation pit method
10.0 Hydraulics 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 10.5. Intensity of pressure Pressure head Bernoulli's theorem (statement only) Losses in pipe flow with simple problems Water hammer
(Periods Per Week : 5 Periods Per Year : 160, Max.Marks : 50) TIME SCHEDULE : Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Major Topics Introduction Chain Surveying Compass Surveying Plane Table Surveying Levelling Theodolite Surveying Total No.of Periods 15 40 35 20 30 20 160
Detailed Syllabus : 1. Introduction : Concept of surveying - purpose of surveying - linear and angular measurements - classification of surveying. Plane and geodetic surveying, classification based on instruments, engineering surveys Reconnaissance, preliminary location survey, final location survey. 2. Chain Surveying Purpose and principle of chain survey - equipments used and their function - chains, arrows, tapes - ranging rods, pegs plumb bob - cross staff - Conventional signs. Errors in chaining - corrections due to incorrect length of chain or tape. Types of survey lines - base line - tie line - check line-fixing of survey stations - types of survey stations Different operations in chain surveying - chaining - ranging setting out right angles - chaining on sloped ground. Principles used in chain Triangulation. Recording field notes - field book - conventional signs Obstacles in chain surveying. Calculation of Areas - Average Ordinate, Simpson, Trapezoidal methods. Measurement of Volume from cross sections, Spot Levels and Contours. Purpose and Principle of compass survey - description, use and working of prismatic compass. Concept of true meridian - magnetic meridian - Arbitrary meridian. Bearing - Representation of Bearing - WCB - Quadrantal Bearing. Conversin of whole circle bearing to quadrantal bearing. Compass traversing in field. Local attraction - detecting and correcting bearings
3. Compass Surveying
Calculation of included angles in compass traverse. Errors in compass surveying - natural and instrumental. Principle and purpose of plane table surveying, accessories used in plane table surveying - their uses. Methods of plane table - Radiation, Traversing, Intersection. Purpose of Levelling - definition of terms, level surface, datum bench marks, types of bench marks Types of levelling instruments - dumpy level - component parts - relationship between fundamental lines of instrument. Types of Levelling staves - description. Temporary adjustments of dumpy level Field work - field book - reduction of levels by height of collimation method, Rise and fall method. Errors due to curvature and refraction - corrections Classification of levelling - differential levelling, profile levelling, fly levelling, check levelling, cross sectioning, reciprocal levelling. Principles of Theodolite Surveying - component parts, technical terms - temporary adjustments Measurement of Horizantal angles, vertical angles Determination of heights and distances.
5. Levelling
6. Theodolite Surveying
Note : Latest developments on this subject should be noted from time to time.
(Periods Per Week : 5 Periods Per Year : 160, Max.Marks : 50) TIME SCHEDULE : Sl.No. Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Systems of Measurements Forces and Moments Centroid and Moment of Inertia Simple Stresses and Strains Shear force and bending moments Graphic Statics Total No.of Periods 8 28 32 35 42 15 160 Weightage 4 12 14 18 20 68
Detailed Syllabus : 1.0. Systems of Measurements and Units 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. S.I. and M.K.S. System Base/Fundamental and Derived units Units of Physical quantities used in Civil Engineering like length, area, volume, mass, force etc.
2.0. Forces and Moments 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Definition of Force, Moment, Resultant, Equilibrant and Moment of a couple Resultant of forces at a point, parallelogram law, Triangle law of forces, polygon law of forces Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities, co-planar and non-co-planar forces, parallel and non-parallel forces, like and unlike forces Conditions of Equilibrium of rigid bodies
3.0. Centroid and Moment of Inertia 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. Definition - Centroid, First moment of area, moment of inertia, Radius of gyration Position of centroid of Rectangle, triangle, circle, semi circle. Determine position of centroids of simple built up sections made of rectangle, triangle, circle, semi-circle. Determine M.I. of simple and built-up sections by applying perpendicular axes theorem Radius of gyration, polar M.I. of solid and hollow circular sections
4.0. Simple stresses and strains 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. Stress and strain - tensile, compressive and shear Mechanical properties of materials - elasticity, plasticity, ductility, brittleness, malleability, stiffness, hardness, fatigue Stress-strain curves for ductile materials - Mild steel, elastic limit, yield point, ultimate stress, breaking stress, working stress, factor of safety.
Hooke's Law - Young's modulus of elasticity, deformation under axial load Composite sections - effect of axial loads and due to change of temperature Longitudinal and lateral strain - poisson's ratio - Bulk modulus, relationship between elastic constants. (proof not required) Composite sections - effect of axial loads and due to change of temperature
5.0. Shear Force and Bending Moments 5.1. Types of beams - cantilevers, simply supported, over hanging fixed and continuous beams 5.2. Calculation of S.F. and B.M. values at different sections for cantilevers, simply supported beams, over hanging beams under point loads and uniformly distributed loads - position and significance of points of contraflexure 5.3. Relation between rate of loading, S.F. and B.M. - drawing S.F. and B.M. diagrams - Location of points of contraflexure 6.0. Graphic Statics 6.1. Represent force graphically, bows notation 6.2. Parallelogram law of forces, resultant and equilibriants 6.3. Graphical Method of determination of centre of gravity for I,L,T Sections 6.4. Drawign SFD and BMD by graphical method for SSB and cantilever beams
Note : Latest developments on this subject should be noted down time to time
(Periods Per Week : 5 Periods Per Year : 160, Max.Marks : 50) Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Major Topics No.of Periods 5 5 20 10 10 5 4 8 8 5 10 9 5 8 4 10 8 8 8 10 160
Samples Solutions Titrations Instrumental determinations Solids Microbiology Study of pipe specials Layout of typical pipe system in a building Assembling Preparation of line sketch of pipe system Pipe connections to pumps Tracing leakages of water supply and their repairing Operation of pumps Installation of Geysors Pipe connections to handpump in a borewell Carpentry Fitters Smithy Foundry Tests on Metals Total
Detailed Syllabus 1.0. Samples 1.1. Collection of samples, grab sample, composite sample, sample preservation 2.0. Solution 2.1. Preparation of normal solutions and standardisation 3.0. Titrations 4.0. Instrumental determination 4.1. Determination of hardness of water surface and ground water 4.2. Determination of Alum dosage for given sample of water 4.3. Determination of Residual chlorine of water 4.4. Determination of PH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen using instruments 5.0. Solids 5.1. Determination of total, total dissolved solids, settleable solids, suspendend solids in water 5.2. Determination of C.O.D. of waste water 6.0. Microbiology 6.1. Theoretical demonstration of microbial tests. (like M.P.N., ECoil, plate count) 7.0. Pipe specials (study) 7.1. Coupling, reducer, Elbow, Tee, Union, Cross, plug, ripple bend 8.0. Layout of typical pipe system in a building 9.0. Assembling 9.1. Pipe cutting, threading with die set 9.2. Assembling of a length of line with two joints 9.3. Assembling of a length with one turn and two turns 10.0. Preparation of line sketch of a pipe system 10.1. Single storeyed building 10.2. Multi storeyed building 11.0. Pipe connections to pumps 11.1. Centrifugal pump 11.2. Jet pumps
Tracing leakages in water supply connections and their repairing 12.1. Removal of air lock 13.0. Operation of pumps 13.1. Operation of centrifugal pump 13.2. Operation of Jet pump 14.0. Installation of Geysors 15.0. Pipe connections to handpump in a borewell 16. Carpentry : 16.1. Use and setting of different tools 16.2. Surface planing and finishing 16.3. Making simple joints - Mortise, Tenon, Dovetail etc. 16.4. Demonstration of wood working machine 17.0. Fitters 17.1. Use and setting of different tools 17.2. Marking, chiseling, hacksawing, filing, drilling 18.0. Smithy 18.1. Use and setting of different hand tools 18.2. Preparation of jobs involving bending, swaging, use of power hammers 18.3. Demonstration of Arc and Gas welding, cutting, brazing, soldering 19.0. Foundry 19.1. Use of hand tools 19.2. Preparing moulds and casting simple objects 19.3. Demonstration of Machine Moulding and casting 20.0. Tests on Metals 20.1. Tension test on mild steel 20.2. Double Shear test on mild steel rod 20.3. Rockwell and Brinell hardness tests on steel/brass 20.4. Izod and charpy impact tests on steel/brass
Journals : All leading Civil Engineering Journals with respect to individual subjects
(COMMON TO P.H.E.T & C.T.) (Periods Per Week : 5 Periods Per Year : 160, Max.Marks : 50) TIME SCHEDULE : Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Major Topics Chain Surveying Compass suveying Plane table surveying Levelling Theodolite surveying Plotting Total No.of Periods 30 20 20 40 20 30 160
Detailed Syllabus : 1.0. Chain Surveying 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. Familiarity with instruments used in chain surveying Practicing unfolding and folding of chain Ranging and chaining of lines with offsets to objects and recording in field book Chaining a line involving indirect ranging. Measure of land area / chain triangulation and cross staff methods Chain triangulation around a building covering a small area with other details, taking offsets and recording in the field book. To prepare a layout of the given area covering buildings, roads etc
2.0. Compass Surveying 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Familiarity with Instruments used in compass surveying prismatic compass Setting up the compass - observation of bearings Traversing with prismatic compass and chain - calculation of included angles and check. Traversing with prismatic compass and chain - closed traverse covering the given area recording Traversing with prismatic compass and chain - open traverse and recording
3.0. Plane Table Surveying 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Introduction to plane table equipments and accessories Setting of the plane table and plotting a few objects (points) by radiation method Plotting buildings and other features of the campus by Intersection method Traversing an area by plane table
Calculating the area for the given land and marking plots by using plane table
4.0. Levelling 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. Study of dumpy level, levelling staff Temporary adjustments of dumpy level Taking out levels of various points and booking in a level field book Differential or fly levelling - reduced levels by H.I. method and rise and fall method Differential levelling involving invert levels - Reduction by H.I. and Rise and fall methods
5.0. Theodolite Surveying 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. Study of Theodolite Measure of Horizontal angle between given lines Measurement of vertical angle Determining distance between two inaccessible points by measuring horizontal angle Determining height of object by measuring vertical angle
6.0. Plotting 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. Conventional signs in surveying Plotting of a perpendicular and oblique offsets Plotting of land survey - chain and cross staff surveying calculation of areas Plotting of chain triangulation of small areas around building Plotting of closed traverse by compass surveying - location of details Plotting of open traverse by compass surveys - location of details
Note : Latest deveopments on this subject should be noted from time to time
(Periods Per Week : 5 Periods Per Year : 160, Max.Marks : 50) Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Major Topics Introduction Lettering and Dimensioning Geometrical Constructions Orthographic Projections Isometric Projections Sections of Solids Development of Surfaces Total No.of Periods 6 10 24 45 35 20 20 160
Detailed Syllabus : 1.0. Introduction 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. Scope and objective of the subject Importance of engineering drawing as a communication medium Drawing instruments and their uses Scales : Recommended scales, reduced & enlarged Construction of Plain, Diagonal, Vernier Scales, Scale of Chords and Proportional Scales. Sheet sizes : A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5. Layout of drawing sheet, sizes of title block and its contents Simple exericises on the use of drawing instruments.
2.0. Lettering and Dimensioning 2.1. 2.2. 2.3 2.4. 2.5. Types of Lettering Guide Lines for lettering Recommended sizes of letters and numbers Single stroke letters. Dimensioning - rules and systems of dimensioning - dimensioning a given drawing
3.0 Geometric Construction 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. Bisecting a line - perpendiculars - parallel lines - division of a line Angles - bisection, trisection Tangent lines touching circles internally and externally Polygons - Regular polygons - circumscribed and inscribed in circles. Conic sections - Definitions of focus, directrix, eccentricity (i) Construction of Ellipse by Concentric circles method. (ii) Construction of parabola by rectangular method. (iii) Construction of Hyperbola when given the position of point from X-axis and Y-axis.
4.0 Orthographic Projection 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. Definition - Planes of Projection - Four quadrants - Reference line. First angle projection - Third angle projection Projections of points Projections of straight lines Projections of planes Projections of solids Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views
5.0. Isometric Projection 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. Definition - Isometric axes, lines and planes Isometric Scale - Isometric view Drawing of isometric views of plane figures Drawing of isometric views of prisms and pyramids Drawing of isometric view of cylinders and cones
6.0. Sections of Solids 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. Need for drawing sectional views - section planes - sections true shape of a section Sections of prisms and pyramids Sections of cones and cylinders.
7.0. Development of Surfaces 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. Need for preparing development of surface Concept of true length - Principal methods of development Development of simple solids like cubes, prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones.
Note : Latest developments and modern techniques on this subject should be followed from time to time.
(Periods Per Week : 5 Periods Per Year : 160, Max.Marks : 50) Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Major Topics Introduction Quantity of sewage Sewerage systems Sewer Appurtenances Sewage Characteristics Sewage Treatment and Disposal Solid waste Management Drainage and sanitation in buildings Rural Water supply and Sanitation Air pollution and Ecology Total 10 20 160 15 30 30 No.of Periods 05 10 15 15 10
Detailed Syllabus : 1.0. Introduction 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Objects of providing sewerage works Definition of terms - Sullage, Sewage, sewer and sewerage Classification of sewage Systems of sewage disposal Types of sewerage systems and their suitability separate, combined and partially seperate systems
2.0. Quantity of Sewage 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Quantity of discharge in sewers, dry weather flow, variability flow Determination of storm water flow Surface drainage - requirements, shapes, laying and construction Use of monograms as per IS 1742 to determine the unknown value of gradient, diameter, discharge and velocity
3.0. Sewerage systems 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Different shapes of cross section for sewers, circular and noncircular, merits and demerits Brief description and choice of types of sewers - stoneware, cast Iron, cement concrete and A.C. pipes Laying of Sewers - setting out alignment of a sewer, excavation, checking the gradient, preparation of bedding, handling, lowering, laying and jointing, testing and back filling
4.0. Sewer Appurtenances 4.1. Brief description, location, function and construction of 4.1.1. Manholes 4.1.2. Drop Manholes 4.1.3. Street inlets 4.1.4. Catch basins 4.1.5. Flushing tanks
4.1.6. Regulators 4.1.7. Inverted siphon 4.2. Necessity of pumping sewage - location and component parts of pumping station
5.0. Sewage Characteristics 5.1. 5.2. Strength of sewage, sampling of sewage, characteristics of sewage, physical, chemical and biological Analysis of Sewage - significance of the following tests. 1. Solids, 2. C.O.D, 3. B.O.D, 4. PH- value, 5. Chlorides (No details of tests) Characteristics of industrial waste water - principles of treatment, reduction of volume, and strength of waste water, equalization, neutralization and proportioning
6.0. Sewage treatment and disposal 6.1. Preliminary treatment - Brief description and functions of the following units 1. Screens, 2. Skimming tanks and 3. Grit chambers Primary treatment - Brief description and functions of plain sedimentation Secondary treatment - Brief description of 1. Trickling filters, 2. Activated sludge process, 3. Oxidation ditches, 4. Oxidation pond, 5. Aerated lagoons and Anaerobic lagoons. Septic tank Sewage disposal - dilution, disposal on to lands, groundwater recharge, reuse etc
6.2. 6.3.
6.4. 6.5.
7.0. Solid Waste Management 7.1. Municipal, Industrial, Hazardous solid wastes, their characteristics, study of solid waste treatment systems Sources - collection methods - transportation - disposal methods - dumping, sanitary land fill, incineration - composting preparation
8.0. Drainage and sanitation in Buildings 8.1. Aims of building drainage and its requirements - General layout of Sanitary fittings to a house, drainage arrangements for a single and multi storeyed buildings as per IS code of practice Sanitary fittings - traps, water closets, flushing cisterns, urinals, inspection chambers, antisiphonage inspection, testing and maintenance of sanitary fittings
9.0. Rural water supply and sanitation 9.1. 9.2. Disinfection of wells Rural Sanitation and sanitary latrines, brief description and operational details of bio-gas plant using cow dung, night soil and agricultural waste Definition - sources of air pollution - effects of air pollution Control of air pollution - methods - air pollution control at source - zoning - installation of control devices and equipment - brief description of internal separators, gravity settling chamber, cyclones, fabric filters, electrostatic precipitator Air pollution control by stacks and vegetation Environment - Biosphere - Atmosphere - Acid rains, Greenhouse effect - Ozone layer depletion Ecology and Ecosystem - Components of Ecosystem flow of matter in an ecosystem - flow of energy in an ecosystem Ecological balance and stability of Eco system.
Journals : 1. 2. 3. All leading Journals on Environmental Engineering All leading Journals on Air Pollution All leading Journals on Solid Waste Management
(Periods Per Week : 5 Periods Per Year : 160, Max.Marks : 50) Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Major Topics Stones Bricks Cement Sand Mortar Concrete Timber Types of buildings Foundations Masonry Floors Roofs Damp Proof & Fire Proof Construction Total 8 160 No.of Periods 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 19 05 10 10
Detailed Syllabus : 1. Stones 1.1. Classification of rocks 1.1.1 Geological Classification 1.1.2.Physical Classification 1.1.3.Chemical Classification 1.2. Uses of Stones 1.3 Requirements of good building stones marble 1.5. Selection of Stones and marble 1.6. Artificial Stones 1.7. Introduction of aggregate - grading of aggregates 2. Bricks 2.1. Definition - Composition of good brick earth - Manufacturing process 2.2. Classification of bricks 2.3. Properties of bricks 2.4. Special types of bricks and their uses 2.5. Compressive strength of bricks 2.6. Grade of bricks as per B.I.S. 3. Cement 3.1. Definition - Composition of ordinary portland cement - Functions of cement, ingredients 3.2. Different types of cements 3.3. Grades of cement (33, 43 and 53) 3.4. General Uses of Cement 3.5. Admixtures - uses 3.6. Lime as basic ingredient of cement - importance of lime in construction - classification of lime - Fat, Hydraulic and poor lime - modern usage of lime as cem.
4. Sand 4.1. Sources of sand 4.2. Characteristics of good sand 4.3. Grading of sand 4.4. Bulking of sand 5. Mortar 5.1. Definition - Properties and uses of mortar 5.2. Types of mortar - Cement, Lime mortar 5.3. Preparation of cement mortar 6. Concrete 6.1. Definition - Constituents of concrete and their requirements 6.2. Uses of Concrete - Types of Concrete 6.3. Preparation of cement concrete - Hand mixing, Machine mixing and Ready mix concrete 6.4. Compaction of concrete - Methods 6.5. Curing of concrete - Methods 7. Timber 7.1. Common Varieties of Timber 7.2. Defects in timber - Seasoning of timber 7.3. Wood based products 7.4. Characteristics of good timber 8. Miscellaneous building Materials 8.1. Metals 8.1.1.Types of metals used in construction - cast iron - steel - Mild steel - Galvanised iron - Aluminium - Copper and Alloys. 8.1.2.Uses of different types of metals 8.2. Plastics 8.3. Asbestos - Uses of asbestos 8.4. Adhesives - Uses of Adhesives 8.5. Glass 8.6. Thermocole
8.7. Plaster of Paris 8.8. Linoleum 8.9. Wall paper 8.10. P.V.C 8.11. Bitumen and tar 8.12. Plasti crete 8.13. Fal-G Concrete 9. Types of Buildings 9.1. Classification of building as per NBC 9.2. Component parts of building 10. Foundations 10.1. Definition - Functions of Foundation 10.2. Classification of Soil 10.3. Types of foundations - Shallow and deep 10.4. Bearing capacity of soil 10.5. Requirements of good foundation 10.6. Causes of failures of foundations and remedial measures 11. Masonry 11.1. Stone Masonry - Definition - Material required for stone masonry - tools required - types of masonry - rubble and ashlar 11.2. Brick masonry - Definition - Types of brick masonry - English and flemish bonds 12. Floors 12.1. Types of floor - Method of construction, cement concrete, Mosaic, and Terrazzo floors 13. Roofs 13.1. Types of roofs - Pitched and flat roofs. 14. Damp Proof and Fire Proof Construction : 14.1. Different methods of construction used for damp proofing of foundations, super structure and roofs. 14.2. Different methods of construction used for fire proofing of buildings.
Note : Latest developments and modern techniques on this subject should be noted from time to time 35
PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN ESTIMATING AND COSTING THEORY - PAPER lll SECOND YEAR (Max. Marks : 50, Periods per Week : 5, Periods per Year : 160) Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Major Topics Introduction Methods of Building Estimates Analysis of Rates Estimation of Open drains and roads Estimation of Public Health Engineering works Total No.of Periods 10 35 35 40 40 160
Detailed Syllabus : 1.0. Introduction 1.1. 1.2. Definition - Purpose Types of estimates
1.2.1. Detailed Estimate - Abstract estimate - Definitions - formats for detailed and abstract estimates 1.2.2. Preliminary estimate or Approximate estimate - plinth area estimate - cubic rate estimate 1.3. Units of measurement of various Items of work as per IS Code 1200
2.0. Methods of Building Estimates 2.1. Preparation of detailed estimates of building using centre line method/long wall - short wall method a) Single room building b) Single room with varandah c) Two rooms building d) Two rooms building with Varandah e) Single bedroom house including with RCC staircase f) Double bedroom house including with RCC staircase g) Compound wall and steps 3.0. Analysis of Rates 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. Cost of material at source and at site Standard Schedule of Rates (SSR) of different materials Types of Labour - Wages as per SSR Lead and lift - preparation of lead statement Preparation of unit rates for finished items of works using standard data & SSR Methods of claculating quantities of ingredients of various proportions of cement concrete
4.0. Estimation of Open Drains and Roads 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. Estimation of open drain in rural area Estimation of earthwork by trapeziodal Rule Estimation of earthwork by prismoidal method Estimation of roads (abstract estimates) of a) Gravel road b) Water bound Maccadam c) Cement Concrete Road 5.0. Estimation of public health engineering works 5.1. Preparation of detailed estimates of a) Septic tank b) RCC overhead tank c) Estimation of quantity of sanitary pipes and pipe specials and fittings for a building from the plan of the building
Note: Latest developments on this subject should be followed from time to time
PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN CIVIL ENGINEERING LABORATORY 2 PRACTICAL - PAPER I SECOND YEAR (Max. Marks : 50, Periods per Week : 5, Periods per Year : 160) Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Major Topics No.of Periods 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 10
Construction of Brick Bonds Construction of Stone Masonry Water absorption test for bricks Fineness modulus of aggregates - Sieve Analysis Bulking of sand Standard Proctor compaction test Initial setting of cement Slump Test Consistency of Cement Layout of stone ware pipes from water closet to septic tank Collecting of waste water samples Preparation of conversion tables Study of plumbing tools Layout of Cold Water Distribution Layout of Hot Water Supply in a residential building Layout of sanitation system in a building Preparation of Electrical diagrams for a building Layout of Fire fighting arrangements Rainwater harvesting plan, section Observation of solid waste schemes, sanitary land fills, composting plants, by local visit Study of Pollution Control Equipments and about Air Pollution
20 20
Detailed Syllabus: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Construction of Brick Bonds Construction of Stone Masonry Water absorption test for bricks Fineness modulus of aggregates - Sieve Analysis Bulking of sand Standard Proctor compaction test Initial setting of cement Slump Test Consistency of Cement Layout of stone ware pipes from water closet to septic tank using pipe specials Collecting of waste water samples - grab and composite Preparation of conversion tables between different units (Length, area, volume, discharge, pressure) Study of plumbing materials and tools with sketches. Preparing a layout showing the coldwater distribution for a highrate building indicating the components Preparing a layout for hotwater supply in a residentail building indicating the appliances, their insulation by following systems a) direct system b) indirect system Using electric water heater, gas heater and solar water heater. 16. Preparing a layout of sanitation system in a building using the following systems a) fully vented one pipe system b) fully vented two pipe system c) single stack system d) partially ventilated single stack system
Prepare electrical distribution diagram for the following a) Schematic diagram main switch board b) layout drawing of main switch board panel c) Electrical Connections for centrifugal pump
18. 19.
Preparing a typical layout showing the fire fighting arrangements Preparation of plans and sections of rain water harvesting structures by percolation pit method and connecting to service wells Observation of solid waste schemes, sanitary land fills, composting plants, by local visit. Study of Pollution Control Equipments and about Air Pollution
20. 21.
Journals : All leading Civil Engineering Journals should be followed with respect to concerned subjects.
PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWING PRACTICAL - PAPER - II SECOND YEAR (Max. Marks : 50, Periods per Week : 5, Periods per Year : 160) Sl.No. 1. Major Topics Conventional Signs Doors, windows, footings, single wall 2. 3. Building Drawing Detailed drawings of water supply and drainage connections to building 15 4. Layout of various water supply and sanitary fittings in bath and W.C 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Overhead tank Septic tank, manhole, dispersion trench Layout sketch of water purification plant Layout sketch of sewage treatment plant Tracing and preparation of ammonia prints Total 20 160 5 5 15 10 5 25 60 No.of Periods
Detailed Syllabus 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.3. 1.3.1. 1.3.2. 1.4. 1.4.1. 1.4.2. 1.5. Conventional signs Conventional signs used in civil engineering Doors Panelled door Glass door Windows Panelled window Glazed window Footings Square footing Rectangular footing Plan and section of single wall
2. Building Drawing 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 2.1.5. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of Single room house Two rooms house Sigle bedroom house Double bedroom house Two storeyed building
3. Detailed drawings of water supply and drainage connections to building 3.1. Showing the position of various fittings like manhole, gully trap, etc.
4. Layout of various water supply and sanitary connections in 4.1. 4.2. Bathroom Water closet
5. Overhead tank 5.1. Detailed drawing of overhead tank with complete pipe system
7.0. Layout sketch of water purification plant 8.0. Layout sketch of sewage treatment plant 9.0. Tracing and preparation of ammonia prints 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. Buildings Water supply and sanitary units Layouts of water supply and sanitary units Air Pollution and Solid Waste Management Units
Note : Latest developments and modern techniques on this subject should be followed from time to time
PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN COMPUTER LAB PRACTICAL - PAPER - III SECOND YEAR (Max. Marks : 50, Periods per Week : 5, Periods per Year : 160) Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Major Topics Introduction to Computer Concpets Data representation MS-Windows MS-Office Computer Networks Internet Auto CAD Total 10 20 10 30 15 15 60 160 No.of Periods
Detailed Syllabus : 1. Introduction History of Computers - Computer Generations, Classification of Computers, Characteristics of Computers, Advantages and disadvantages of Computers, basic computer architecture, input and output devices, memories, storage media. 2. Data Representation Number system, conversions, software concepts - types of software, types of languages, operating systems - History and evoluation, Dos - Booting, directories, files, wild cards, various commands in Dos. 3. MS-Windows 3.1. Practice on elements of Windows-98 like My Computer, My Documents, Internet Explorer, Network Neighbourhood, Recycle Bin, My Briefcase, etc. Practice on Starting a Program (Application) like Start Menu, Programs Menu, Documents Menu, Find and Help Menu. Creating and Editing Text files - Deleting and Restoring files and folders. Copying and Moving objects - Drag and Drop feature - using Keyboard - using Standard Tool bar - Right Dragging Method. Printing from Windows
Prepare a document report using MS-Word properly formatted with tables for test reports of sieve analysis Using MS-Excel prepare a graph for experiment conducting in Civil Engineering Laboratory. Prepare a comparitive statement for purchase of materials and equipment using MS-Word/MS-Excel software.
Prepare a lead statement, data sheet of abstract estimate for C.R.S Masonry in foundation of buildings using MS-Word/MSExcel/MS-Access. Working with MS-Power point create a presentation on any selected topic. Working with MS-Access create a database on any selected topic
4.5. 4.6.
5. Computer Networks Local area network, Metropolitan area networks, wide area network, network topologies. 6. Internet Definition of Internet, Intranet and extranet, Network, client and servers, Host and terminals, www, Hypertext, URL, web browsers, Intranet. 7. Auto CAD 7.1. Introduction to Auto CAD as drafting package. 7.2. Practice on Auto CAD with necessary commands. 7.3. Draw the Orthographic views of regular solids using Auto CAD commands. 7.4. Section of Solids - Draw sectional Views of given objects using Auto CAD commands 7.5. Using Auto CAD software draw & print the following drawings 7.5.1. Draw conventional signs a per I.S. 7.5.2. Draw the important joinery components of the building like elevation of fully panelled double leaf door, elevation of partly glazed and partly panelled window. 7.5.3. Draw the important building components like section of load bearing wall, foundtion to parapet. 7.5.4. Prepare plan and section of rain water harvesting pits. 7.5.5. Preparation of building drawings prepare plan, section and elevation of 2 bed roomed residential building with R.C.C., flat roof from the given line diagram and specifications
7.5.6. Prepare layout of electrical, water supply and sanitary lines in a residential building on number of layers. 7.5.7. Preparation of approval drawing to be submitted to corporation or municipality showing required details in one sheet such as Site Plan Plan, section & Elevation Key plan Septic tank, plan & section Rainwater harvesting pit Typical foundation details Title block
Journals : 1. 2. 3. 4. Journal of Management Computers Today, New Delhi Date Quest, New Delhi Vikas, Ahmedabad
VII. Additional Equipment for revised course 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Chemicals and glassware Jar test apparatus Chlorine comparator kit i.e. chloroscope PH meter Conductivity meter D.O. meter Muffle furnace 10 x 10 x 20 cm - upto 9000C Desicator Reflux assembly Computer with peripherals Software MS Office [MS Excel, MS Word, Access, Power Point] Auto CAD release 2002 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Pipe specials G.I. pipe 1/2" diameter 5 lengths Die set, Pipe wrench, Bench vice, spanner set etc Centrifugal pump 0.5 H.P. Jet pump 0.5 H.P. Borewell hand pump Theodolite Plane Table Carpentry tools Fitter tools Smithy tools Foundry tools Drawing table with drawing boards. T.Square/Mini drafter Drawing instruments set.
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.
Set Square set, Compass set Plumb bob cross staff Tapes Spirit level Bar bending bench Bar bending tools (complete set with different diameters) Survey chain (30 meters) Dumpy level with stand Cross staff Theodolite with stand Plane table with stand Helmets Gum boots 1mt x 1 mt x 0.01 nt (Mixing tray) Weighing balance Trowels Cement Concrete cube moulds Slump cone apparatus. Compressive testing Machine (100 tonnes capacity) Set of sieves 80 mm, 40 mm, 20mm 10mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 0.6 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm Sieve Shaker for coarse aggregate. (30 cm Dia) Vicat apparatus I.S. Testsieve - sieve No. 90 Microns Weighing Balance (wt. 50 gm - to 5 kgs) Fractional weight Box Table Vibrator Needle vibrator
55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.
Drawing Models Drawing Model with sections. Electric Oven Universal testing machine Shear tool assembly Rockwell hardness Testing Machine Brinell Hardness Testing Machine (TKB - 3000 Model) Brinell Microscope with light arrangement Impact testing machine (Izod, Charpy) Procter Mould with Metal Rammer
VIII. IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS 1. Local visits to the buildings under construction such as residential buildings, multi-storey buildings, factory buildings and water supply treatment plants, etc. shall be arranged for practicals wherever necessary. Local visits to sewage treatment plants, multi-storey buildings, study of water supply and sanitary fittings, etc. may be arranged. Educational tour and visits to Engineering works may be arranged. The On the Job Training program may be arranged in specific areas like masonry work, plumbing, carpentry, bar-bending, painting, etc. For all Practical subjects Field visits should be there as per the syllabus (according to Vocational Pattern) Scientific Calculators are allowed for this course students in the public examinations.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
IX. a. Collaboration Institutions for Curriculum transaction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Panchayat Raj Department Municipalities Metro Water Works and Sewerage Board Municipal Corporation Public Health Department Effluent treatment plants/industries Roads and Buildings Department Irrigation Department etc., Transportation Departments etc. (Highways, Railways, airways, Water Ways) Technical training institutes (like Polytechnics, survey of India, Technical Teachers training institutes, Testing labs, (NAC) Nationald Academy of Construction
b. On the Job Training : Sites : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Local Water Supply (protected) authority Sewage Board or local bodies managing sewage pollution Control Board, Pollution related activities etc., Sanitation - Municipal Corporation / Municipalities / Gram Panchayats All activities/works, related to Transportation Engineering, etc., (Highways, Railways, Air ways, Water ways) All activities / works related to Solid Waste Management Government Departments like R & B, MCH, Huda, MES, Concrete ready Mix plants, Private builders and contractors. Building Materials Manufacturing Units like Tiles/ Bricks industries / precast units / cement industries. Survey of India and survey camps Environment Pollution Training Research Institute (EPTRI, Gachibowli) All works related to civil Engineering field
8. 9. 10.
X. Qualification of Lecturers 1. 2. B.E. / B.Tech (Civil), B.Tech.(Structural) or AMIE (Civil) or Equivalent DCE/LCE with three years of teaching experience Qualification of Lab Assistants a) Vocational passouts of WS & SE/Public Health Engineering Technician / S&E / R & B Course / C.T. b) NCVT/ITI passed or any equivalent XI. Vertical Mobility Passouts of this course may continue education in the following courses On Completion of Bridge Course : 1. 2. 3. 4. B.E. / B.Tech through EAMCET Diploma in Civil Engineering A.M.I.E. B.Sc. (Mathematics) etc., Graduation in arts like B.A., B.Com., B.B.A, B.Sc,B.B.M, B.Com (Computers), C.A, I.C.W.A., A.C.S., LL.B., etc.
Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering G.S.Birdie Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering Rangwala Waste Water treatment & Disposal Medcaff & Graw Water Supply Engineering Santosh Kumar Garg Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering S.K. Garg Plumbing Designes & Practice S.G.Deolalikar Water Treatment & Sanitation Simple Methods for Rural areas - H.P.Mann & D. Willianson Water supply & Sewarage E.W.Steel Water Supply & Waste Water Disposal W.A.Hardenbergh & E.R.Rodie Water Supply & Waste Water Disposal G.M. Fair, J.C.Geyar & Oken Environmental Lab Manual Shivaji Rao Solid Waste Management Shivaji Rao Environmental Engineering Balijeet Kapoor Environmental Engineering Ramachandraiah Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering V.N. Vazirani Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering Duggal 3. Building Materials Building Materials Rangala Construction Materials G.J. Kulkarni Building & Components A. Komar, Mir Publication A text book of building construction S.P. Arora & S.P.Bindra
Engineering Materials Punmia A text book of Building Construction R.S. Desh Pande A text book of Building Construction Rangawala A text book of Building Construction Sushil Kumar 4. Surveying : Survey I and II B.C. Punmia Surveying and levelling T.P. Kanetkar Surveying and levelling S.K. Hussain and Nagaraj Surveying and levelling A. Kamala. Plane & Geodedic Surveying David Clark Surveying Norman Thomas Surveying Higgins 5. Engineering Mechanics : Engineering Mechanics R.S. Kurmi Engineering Mechanics N. Srinivasulu Engineering Mechanics A. Kamala & AVRT Sharna Engineering Mechanics K.L. Narsimham Engineering Mechanics Ramamrutham Engineering Mechanics Prasad Engineering Mechanics G. Venkateswar Rao Engineering Mechanics Statics Dayarathnam Engineering Mechanics Punmia 6. Engineering Drawing : Engineering drawing N.D. Bhatt Engineering drawing B.R. Gupta Engineering drawing Srinivasulu
Engineering drawing Gurucharan Singh Engineering drawing Gopala Krishna 7. Estimating and Costing : Estimating and Costing B.N Dutta Estimating and Costing Birdie Quantity surveying A.K. Kamala Quantity Surveying ( Estimating & Costing) P.L. Bhasin Estimating & Costing R.L.Peurifoy Estimating & Costing Subramanyam 8. Civil Engineering Drawing : Civil Engineering Drawing I and II A. Kamala Civil Engineering Drawing 'A' Series V.V.S. Murthy Civil Engineering Drawing B.P. Vermon Principles of Building Drawing M.G. Shah & C.M.Kale Design of Houses (Low, middle and upper income group) A Sahu Cement Service Publication National Building Code 9. Computers : Computer Science E. Balaguru Swamy & B. Sushila M.S. Office Ron Mansfield, BPB Publisher Inside Auto CAD Raiter Auto CAD David Frey, BPB Publications Deepak Bharihoke, Fundamentals of Information Technology, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2000 Leon & Leon, Fundaamentals of Information Technology, Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, New Delhi, 2001.
Curtain, Dennis P, Foley, Kim.Sen.Kunal & Morin and Cthleen, Information Technology, the Breaking Wave, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1999. Leon & Leon, Introduction to computers with MS-Office 2000, Tata MC Graw Hills Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002 Sanjay Saxena, A First course in computers, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2003. SOME IMPORTANT INDIAN STANDARD CODE OF PRACTICE BOOKS ON CIVIL ENGINEERING : SP35 (S & T) 1987; Hand book on Water Supply and Drainage with special emphasis on Plumbing by Bureau of Indain Standards IS 2065 : 1983 code of practice for water supply in buildings by BIS IS 12183 (Part-I) : 1987 code of Practice for plumbing in Multi storeyed buildings by BIS IS 7558 : 1974 Code of practice for Domestic Hot Water Installations by BIS SP7 - 1983 National Building Code of India (Part IX - Plumbing Services) by BIS Solar Water Heater (Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, U.P. 1965) by M.L. Gupta and B.C Srivastava IS : 1172 - 1993, Code of Basic Requirements for water supply, Drainage and Sanitation (4th Revision) by BIS
(with effect from the AcademicYear 2005-2006)
The National Policy on Education (1986) while proposing educational reorganization, placed high priority on the programme of vocationalisation of education. It emphasized that well planned, systematic and rigorously implemented vocational education will create a distinct stream to prepare students for identified occupations encompassing several areas of activity. The primary aim of vocational courses was to cut across several occupational fields and prepare students with employable skills in organized sectors and self employment. Vocationalisation through re-orientation of educational strategies focused on creating a talent pool of skilled youth who are trained in courses relevant to the market and emerging needs of the various sections of the economy. Inspired by this vision of the National Policy, the Government of Andhra Pradesh introduced Vocational Education at +2 level with an aim to diversify a sizeable segment of students at the senior secondary stage to the world of work. The State Government aimed at reducing the pressures on higher education through empowering youth by harnessing their capabilities. The requirement of skilled manpower industry is being fulfilled by charting a student's career with right options based on aptitude and talent. A right alternative to medical and engineering courses is envisaged in vocationalisation of education in the State. In view of the changing needs of the students and growing demand for a spectrum of skill competencies in the economy, the Board of Intermediate Education has reviewed the curriculum of Vocational Courses inorder to re-orient them based on their viability and practicability. The revised curriculum for Vocational Courses at Intermediate Level will come into effect from the Academic Year 2005-06 for 1st Year and from the Academic Year 2006-07 for 2nd Year students. I am confident that the revised curriculum will attract more and more students into vocational stream and help them train in need-based, productive courses leading to gainful employment.
1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction Objectives of the course Skills to be Provided Job Opportunities
a) Wage Employment b) Self Employment
1 2 2 3
5. 6.
Scheme of Instructions and Examination Syllabus List of Equipment Important Suggestions a) Collaborating Institutions for curriculum transaction b) On The Job Training Sites
4 5 49 52 53 53 54 54 55 59 70 71
8. 9.
10. Teaching Staff and their Qualifications 11. Vertical Mobility 12. Reference Books 13. Model Question Papers 14. Equivalence of Papers 15. List of Participants