2013 Demand-And-Supply-Of-Wood-Products
2013 Demand-And-Supply-Of-Wood-Products
2013 Demand-And-Supply-Of-Wood-Products
REDD-Forestry and Climate Change Cell, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MFSC), Babarmahal, Kathmandu www.mofsc-redd.gov.np
policy brief
Forest and land use areas of Nepal
The government of Nepal is the predominant The demand for fuel wood will continue to increase
supplier of wood products in Nepal. In other words, significantly due to mainly population increase in
it has a monopoly market mainly in the timber the Terai. The demand in the Hills and Mountains
will increase but at a slower rate. The share of the
The demand for timber and fuel wood from Terai total population in the mountain is very small.
(productive area) currently is way above the supply
of the products in the 20 districts of the region. The projected demand for timber is significantly
different in different physiographic regions of Nepal.
The total current fuel wood demand for Nepal is From Figure-2, it is obvious that the projected
about 10.5 million tons per year. The demand would Timber demand is highest in the Terai and lowest
increase to 11.7 million tons in 2020, and to about
in the mountain.
13 million tons by 2030.
2011 Department of Forest Nepal reference
2011 Community Forest Division report
REDD-Forestry and Climate Change Cell, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MFSC), Babarmahal, Kathmandu www.mofsc-redd.gov.np
policy brief
From Figure-3, it is evident that the fuel-wood Population increase and the demand of wood
demand for Terai will rise from 5.3 million tons to products from the forests
7 million tons over a period of 20 years due to high
The population of Nepal was 26.6 million out of
population growth.
which 17 percent reside in urban areas in 2011.
For the hills, the total demand would rise from 4.4 to The population is estimated to increase to 28.2
5.2 million tons while in the mountain is estimated to million in 2015, to 30.2 million in 2020 and 34.5
increase from 0.8 to about 0.9 million tons in 2030. million in 2030. Similarly, the total number of
household is estimated to increase to 6.41 million
In 2030 there will be a gap in timber supply for in 2015, to 7.35 million in 2020 and to 9.73 million
increased demand for house construction. Likewise in 2030 (CBS 2011). The increase in demand for
fuel wood production in Terai region would be wood products is dictated by the population growth,
negative due to high demand of fuel- wood related increase in household numbers and the type of fuel
with different socio-economic conditions. The and construction materials used at household level.
projected demands are however counteracted by
rise in price of timber and use of alternative energy
REDD-Forestry and Climate Change Cell, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MFSC), Babarmahal, Kathmandu www.mofsc-redd.gov.np
policy brief
Impact of demand and supply of wood products on Nepal’s REDD+ program
Deforestation and over-exploitation of forest and timber affects the growing stock and the area of
resources is the most important sources of carbon forests and hence the carbon storage in the forests.
emission in Nepal. The high consumption of
The increased demand for timber and fuel-wood is
forest product, mainly in fuel wood and timber, for
due to increased demand in Terai. By the year 2030,
subsistence and commercial purpose is one of the there will be an excess demand of 562 and 202
main drivers of deforestation and degradation in thousand cubic meters timber and fuel respectively.
Nepal. Harvesting and removal of biomass from the This implies increased pressure on the forests in
forests for meeting the domestic needs of fuel wood the area.
The Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation itself Box 1: Enabling policies in place:
has identified gaps in present policy implementation • Objectives of Forest Act 1993; Stipulates
of community forests and has proposed amendment Industrial, Community and Leasehold Forests,
in the present forest act (Practical Action, 2011),
which include: • Government is committed to extend forest cover in
40 percent land mass of the country;
• Providing joint responsibility to DFO staff • Highly educated forestry professionals and
and user groups in preparing, implementing, improving Infrastructure/ Facilities.
harvesting and selling of CF products.
• Devolved Forest Tenure and Governance practice in
• Optimum (viable) area per household in place.
allocating Community Forest
• The forest act of 1993 and forest regulations
• Institute and implement a service charge of 1995 Policy need to be consistent so that
when timber is collected, commercially sold decisions on hand over, harvest and sales
and distributed. This will increase investment of forest products can be made based on the
for effective planning, management and written and formal legal provisions.
monitoring of forests to enhance production
• The prices of timber bidding and harvest plan
capacity of the forests.
should also be made public and timely by
Sustainable management of forest could, thus, the Department of Forests to enable loggers
not only increase and stabilize the supply of forest and timber traders to plan accordingly. Use of
products, but it would also help in contributing the Information Communication Technology could
livelihood of the 17, 685 CFs and CFUGs and 2.18 facilitate transparency in the sale of the forest
million households involved in community forest products.
management (DoF, 2012). • The compensation (payment mechanism) for
REDD+ should entail better management and
Based on the demand and supply analysis, the reduced harvesting of forest products. This will
following reforms in policies are necessary: certainly reduce forest product harvesting from
the national forests including community forests
of Nepal.
Joyce V. Engoke: VSO Volunteer, Nepal
Resham Bahadur Dangi: Chief, REDD Forestry and Climate Change Cell, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation
Shobha Subedi: Assistant Forest Officer, REDD Forestry and Climate Change Cell
REDD-Forestry and Climate Change Cell, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MFSC), Babarmahal, Kathmandu www.mofsc-redd.gov.np