Nephrology Grand Grounds Clinical Issues of Nephro
Nephrology Grand Grounds Clinical Issues of Nephro
Nephrology Grand Grounds Clinical Issues of Nephro
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1 author:
Graham Lipkin
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
All content following this page was uploaded by Graham Lipkin on 19 December 2019.
Nephrology Grand Grounds: The current volume addresses and finally Dr Locatelli describes
Clinical issues of nephrology nine important areas of clinical morbidity and mortality of
Edited by M Zeier and E Ritz nephrology. The aetiology, detec- patients on maintenance haemo-
Karger AG, Switzerland, $200 tion and treatment of coronary dialysis.
ISBN 3-8055-6718-9 artery disease in patients with All in all, this book brings
end stage renal failure is dis- together many important views. It
As the field of clinical nephrology cussed in detail recognising the will help many renal physicians
becomes increasingly diverse, it is to absorb important facts from the
very high incidence of this dis-
impossible for any individual to current literature. All of the art-
ease in uraemic patients. Four
keep up to date in all areas. Up to icles have in fact been published
chapters concern themselves with
date expert reviews of individual in the journal Nephron and have
renal transplantation. Two dis-
areas are therefore essential for appeared between 1996 and 1998.
those involved in the care of renal cussed the results of clinical trials
and potential role of the two It may well therefore be that sub-
patients to practice current evi- scribers to this journal will have
dent-based medicine. The editors new immunosuppressive agents,
Mycophenolate Mofitil and Tac- already been lucky enough to
of the present volume of ‘Neph- catch sight of these chapters. The
rology Grand Rounds’ organised a rolimus, in kidney transplan-
tation. Two further chapters book is somewhat generously
series of conferences at the renal priced around $200 US dollars. I
unit in Heidelberg. Each chapter address important complications
following transplantation, namely am sure that any medical library
in this book represents the pro- would find this book to be exten-
ceedings of one of these sessions. bacterial infection and hyperten-
sively borrowed, although I sus-
They are organised in a standard sion. As the average age of the
pect the individual subscriber
format starting with one or more dialysis population increases, Dr
may be put off a little by the cost.
clinical case presentations, fol- Davison from the UK address fea-
lowed by an expert review of the tures specific to renal disease in G Lipkin
experimental and clinical litera- elderly patients. Department of Nephrology
ture. Then follows an enlight- New aspects underlying the The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
ening discussion in which vari- pathogenesis and treatment of Edgbaston
ous aspects are debated. acute renal failure are examined Birmingham B15 2TH, UK