PBL Modul 1 Batuk Respi
PBL Modul 1 Batuk Respi
PBL Modul 1 Batuk Respi
Written by Group 14 :
Praise is merely to the Almighty Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and
tremendeous blessing that enable writer for finishing the Modul assignment
entitled Cough. The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude
for those who have guided in completing this assignment, especially to dr. Hasta
Handayani Idrus, M.Kes writers tutor. In completing this paper, the writer faced
many problems, but with the help of many people, all the problems could be
passed. May Allah SWT give the blessing for them. The writer realizes that this
paper is far from perfect in the arrangement or in the content of the paper. The
writer hopes that the suggestions from the reader can be a support to make
her better in the next paper project.
Finally, the writer expects that it can be a medium for the reader to deepen
the knowledge about the figure of speech and its application.
Group 14
Scenario 1
A man aged 33 years came to the hospital because the cough he experienced
since one month ago. These complaints accompanied by fever, runny nose and
sweating at night. He also complained of pain in the whole body especially the
chest, headaches especially in the mornings and lack of appetite. History treatment
in public health center does not improve.
(McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. 2002 by The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.)
B. Keywords
A man aged 33 years came to the hospital because the cough he since one
month ago.
These complaints accompanied by fever, runny nose and sweating at night.
He also complained of pain in the whole body especially the chest,
headaches especially in the mornings and lack of appetite.
History treatment in public health center does not improve
D. Answer
1. How about the anatomy, histology, and physiology based on the
Anatomy Respiration
Structures that make up the respiratory system can be divided into the
main structure (principal structure), and complementary structures (accessory
structure). Which includes the main structure of the respiratory system is the
respiratory airways, consisting of the airway, and respiratory tract, and pulmonary
(lung parenchyma) .The referred to as upper respiratory airways (airway) is nares,
nose outside, the inside of the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, and larynx,
whereas the lower respiratory airways (airway) is the trachea, bronchi, and
What is meant by the lung parenchyma is the organ form alveoli groups
that surrounds the branches of the bronchial (airway generations 1-24). Bronchus
starting from the right and left bronchus principalis (generation 1). Then right
bronchus principales lobar bronchi branch off into superior, medial, and inferior
(generation 2) . Bronchus principales left lobar bronchi branch off into superior
and inferior. And each lobar bronchus branched into bronchial segmentalis and
subsegmental (3-9 generations). 10-14 airway generation are the terminal
bronchioles, respiratory tract generation respiratorius. generation respiratory
bronchioles 15-18 19-24 alveolar ducts, alveolar sacculus, and alveoli.
The complementary structure is chest wall consisting of ribs and muscles, the
abdominal muscles and other muscles, the diaphragm, and pleura.
Respiratory Muscles
The main inspiratory muscle (principal), namely:
M. intercostal externa,
M. interkatiliginus parasternal, and
diaphragm muscle.
Histology Respiration
Composed of bones, cartilage, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, olfactory
epithelium, and connective tissue. Sebaceous glands and tiny hairs quasi-layered
coated cylindrical epithelium with ciliated mucous glands. On the nose there is a
special epithelium.
Cavity widened, irregular shape, between the nasopharynx and trachea.
1. Microscopic :
Cartilage :
Figure 1.5 histology larynx
Biochemical Respiration
N2 : 79% P N2: 79% x 760 = 600 mmHg
O2 : 21% P O2: 21% x 760 = 159 mmHg
CO2 : 0.04% P CO2: 0.04% X 760 = 0.3 mmHg
Carrier O2 CO2
Hemoglobi 98.5 % 30 %
Blood 1.5 % 10 %
(H2CO3)- - 60 %
Physiology Respiration
The purpose of breathing is to provide oxygen / O2 for all body tissues and
dispose of the carbon dioxide / CO2 into the atmosphere. It was the Cardinal
function of the Lung.
Figure 1.7 Anatomy Respiration
2. Explain the etiology and pathology mechanism based on the scenario :
a. Cough
b. Fever
c. Runny Nose
d. Lack of appetite
e. Headache
A. Cough
Inhaled irritants (smoke, smoke, dust, etc.) or aspirated
(Postnasal drip, foreign body, the stomach contents)
All disorder that causes inflammation, constriction, infiltration,
and compression of the airway
Lung cancer
interstitial lung disease, pneumonia, and lung abscess
Congestive heart failure
The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (5 to 20% of
patients taking these agents)
According to Weinberger (2005) cough could be initiated together
there voluntarily or reflexively. As a defense reflex, he has afferent and
efferent pathways. Afferent pathways including the receptors located on
sensory nerve distribution trigemineus, glossopharyngeal, superior
laryngeus, and vagus. Efferent pathways also include laryngeus nerve and
spinal nerves. Cough starts with a deep inspiration followed by closure of
the glottis, relaxation of muscle contractions of the diaphragm and the
closure of the glottis. Positive intrathoracic pressure causes constriction of
the trachea. If the glottis is open, a large pressure difference between the
atmosphere and accompanied by tracheal narrowing airways produce high
levels of air flow rapidly through the trachea. As a result, the high pressure
can help in eliminating mucus and foreign matter.
B. Fever
Fever can be caused by infection or non-infectious factors. Fever due to
infection can be caused by infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or
The bacterial infection that generally cause a fever include pneumonia,
bronchitis, osteomyelitis, appendicitis, tuberculosis, bacteremia, sepsis,
bacterial gastroenteritis, meningitis, encephalitis, cellulitis, otitis media,
urinary tract infection, and others.
Viral infections are generally cause fever include viral pneumonia,
influenza, dengue fever, chikungunya fever and common viruses such as
Fungal infections are generally cause a fever, among others Coccidioides
imitis, criptococcosis, and others.
A parasitic infection that usually cause fever, among others malaria,
toxoplasmosis, and helminthiasis
Fever due to non factor infection can be caused by several things, among
others, environmental factors (temperature environments externally is too
high, the state of teething, etc.), autoimmune diseases (arthritis, systemic
lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, etc.), malignancies (Hodgkin's disease,
lymphoma non-Hodgkin's, leukemia, etc.), and use of drugs (antibiotics,
difenilhidantoin, and antihistamines)
Fever started from the stimulation of white blood cells (monocytes,
lymphocytes, and neutrophils) by exogenous pyrogens in the form of
toxins, inflammatory mediators, or an immune reaction. White blood cells
will release chemicals known as endogenous pyrogen (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-
and IFN). Pyrogen exogenous and endogenous pyrogens will stimulate the
hypothalamus to form prostaglandin endothelium (Dinarello & Gelfand,
2005). Prostaglandins formed later will raise the standard thermostat in
hypothalamic thermoregulatory center. The hypothalamus will assume the
current temperature is lower than the temperature of the new benchmark so
that it triggers mechanisms in order to increase the heat, among others
shivering, cutaneous vasoconstriction and mechanisms such as the
blankets. So that there will be an increase in heat production and decreased
heat reduction that will eventually cause the body temperature rises to the
new benchmark
C. Runny Nose
Rhinorrhea or Runny Nose characterized by an excessive amount of
mucus produced by the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. mucous
membranes to produce mucus mucus faster than the process itself, causing mucus
in the pouch of rice reserves. Once the cavity is filled, the air flow is blocked,
cause difficulty breathing through the nose. Air trapped in the pouch of rice, sinus
cavity, which can not be released and generate pressure, causing headache or
facial nyeripada. If the sinuses remain blocked, can cause sinusitis. If the mucus
continues to flow back toward the tube eustachi, can cause ear pain or ear
infection. Excessive mucus that accumulates in the throat or back of the nose
causing post-nasal drip, resulting in a sore throat or cough. Additional symptoms
may include sneezing, nosebleed, and nasal discharge. Rhinorrhea caused nasal
infections usually clear up bilateral purulent. Secretions that is clear like water and
polynomial typical for nasal allergies, is usually not due to infection. If the fluid is
yellow indicates an allergy or infection, if the green liquid indicates infection.
When the yellow-green secretions usually derived from nasal sinusitis If CSF
rhinorrhea unilateral indicate a leak or a malignancy. If the color of blood: if
unilateral showed a tumor, foreign body; If bilateral showed granulomatous
disorder or diathesis and bleeding. Secretions from the nose down to the throat
known as post nasal drip possibility of the paranasal sinuses. In children when
secretions that there is only one side and smelled likely be a foreign object in the
nose. However, if the running nose constituted by serious traumatic
complications, symptoms such as fainting, uncontrolled bleeding, and frequent
vomiting. It was triggered due head injury or injury to the spine, thus affecting
the nervous system.
D. Lack of Appetite
Neurotransmitters and hormones play an important role. Biochemical
substance that determines whether to be inhibited appetite (satiety) or triggered
(hungry). For it is known categorization as follows:
(1) Substance orexigenic which are substances that trigger hunger, such as:
- Neuropeptide Y (NPY) from the nucleus arcuata released when lower energy
savings, and
- Agouti Related Protein (AGRP)
(2) anorexigenic substance that inhibits appetite (in other words, full). as:
- Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (-MSH) along with Cocaine and
Amphetamine-Related Transcript (CART) produced by Neuron pro-
opiomelanocortin (POMC)
POMC neurons work by releasing -MSH which binds to the
melanocortin receptors (MCR) in the paraventricular nucleus. Activation of the
MCR will reduce retrieval -increase food and energy consumption, by contrast
inhibition (defects) by AGRP will improve decision foods and reducing energy
consumption that can lead to obesity. POMC activity can also be inhibited by
NPY, thereby reducing the activity of MCR and enhances the food.
The cause of muscle tension headache is still unknown. allegedly can they
are due to psychological factors and physical factor. Psychologically, this
headache arising from the body's reaction to stress, anxiety, depression and
emotional conflict.
and neck is performed in conjunction with activities that require increased
eye function in the long term such as reading can also cause this type of
In addition to the causes mentioned above, there are several triggers that
can cause the incidence of this type of headache, among others, the
consumption of chocolate, cheeses and flavoring dishes (MSG). People
who used to drink coffee will also experience headaches when the
concerned not forget to drink coffee. If the headache is due to muscle
strain psychic influence then it will usually disappear after a period of
stress passed.
Some theories that cause headaches continue to grow until now. Such as,
the theory of cranial vasodilatation, activation of trigeminal peripheral,
localization and physiology second order trigeminovascular neurons,
cortical spreading depression, activation rostral brainstem.
cervical dorsal root segments. Trigemino cervical reflex can be demonstrated by
way of stimulation n.supraorbitalis and recorded by means of mounting electrodes
sternocleidomastoid muscle. Exteroceptive and nociceptive input from trigemino-
cervical reflex polysinaptic transmitted through the route, including the spinal
trigeminal nuclei and reach cervical motorneuron. Given this connection it is clear
that the area of the neck pain can perceived or forwarded towards the head and
vice versa.
One of the most popular theories about the causes of headache are
contraction of facial muscles, neck, and shoulders. The muscles are usually
involved, among others m. splenius capitis, m. temporalis, m. masseter, m.
sternocleidomastoideus, m. trapezius, m. cervical posterior, and m. levator
scapulae. The study said that people with headache. This may have facial muscle
tension and a larger head than people Another cause them more susceptible to
headaches after contraction muscle. These contractions can be triggered by body
position long maintained that cause tension in the muscles or wrong sleeping
position. There is also a said that patients with chronic headaches can be very
sensitive to pain general or increased pain to muscle contraction. A theory also
said the strain or stress which produces contractions the muscles around the skull
causes vasoconstriction of blood vessels that flow reduced blood oxygen and
causing delays accumulated results metabolism which will eventually cause pain.
Researchers are now starting to believe that the headache may occur as a result
of changes of certain chemicals in the brain "serotonin, endorphins, and several
other chemicals" which assists in nerve communication. This is similar to
biochemical changes associated with migraine. Although it is not known how
these chemicals fluctuate, there Assuming that this process activates pain
pathways to the brain and interfere the brain's ability to suppress pain. On the one
hand, the muscle tension in the neck and skin the head can cause headaches in
people with impaired chemicals.
3. What is the differential diagnose and main diagnose based on the
1. TB (Tuberculosis)
Etiology :
Typically caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (sometimes also by
Mycobacterium africanum and Mycobacterium bovis).
Epidemiology :
In 1995 approximately 1/3 of the world's population is infected by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In 1998 there were 3,617,047 cases of TB
were recorded around the world. Most of these TB cases (95%) and death
(98%) occurred in countries that are developing. Among them 75% are in
the productive age 20-49 years. Indonesia is a country with a TB
prevalence 3rd highest in the world after China and India. In 1998 an
estimated TB in China, India, and Indonesia respectively 1.828 million,
1.414 million, 591,000 cases.Estimates of the incidence of sputum smear
positive in Indonesia is 266 000 1998.
Clinical manifestation:
1. Fever. Usually subfebril resemble influenza fever. But sometimes it
can reach 40-41C body heat. Fever can be cured for a while and
can recur.
2. Cough / coughing up blood. Symptoms of this are found.
Coughing occurred because an irritation of the bronchi. Coughing
is necessary to out an inflammatory products out. The nature of the
cough begins with a dry cough (non-productive) and then after the
onset of inflammation becomes productive (produce sputum).
Further circumstances are such as coughing up blood because there
is a ruptured blood vessel. Usually persistent cough more than 2
when the infiltration of inflammatory cells has reached the pleura,
causing pleurisy.
5. Malaise. TB disease is a chronic inflammatory disease.
Symptoms of anorexia, malaise often found to be no appetite, the
more lean body (BB down), headaches. Fever, muscle pain, night
sweats, etc. The symptoms of this malaise more and more severe
and occur irregularly intermittent.
the upper lobes or the apical segment of the lower lobe), but also on the
lower lobe (inferior part) or in the hilum area resembles lung tumors (eg
on endobronchial tuberculosis). At the beginning of the disease when the
lesion is still the hotbeds of pneumonia, radiology form of patches like a
cloud and with indistinct boundaries. When the lesion has been covered
with the shadow visible connective tissue in the form of spheres with
indistinct boundaries. These lesions are known to tuberculoma.
Radiological Another frequently accompanies pulmonary tuberculosis is a
thickening of the pleura (pleurisy), the mass of liquid in the bottom of the
lungs (pleural effusion / empyema), a black shadow on the edge
radiolucent lung / pleura (pneumothorax).
2. Pneumonia
Definition of Pneumonia:
pneumonia is not a single disease. The causes can vary and there are
known sources of infection, with the main source of bacteria, viruses,
mikroplasma, mushrooms, various chemicals and particles. The disease
can occur at any age, although the most severe clinical manifestations
appear in children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases (Elin,
Pneumonia can be caused by a variety of microorganisms, namely
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Table 2.1 lists the microorganisms
and pathological problems that cause pneumonia (Jeremy 2007).
Streptococcus Mycoplasma Aspergillus
pneumoniae pneumoniae Histoplasmosis
Haemophillus influenza Legionella Candida
Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumophillia Nocardia
Pseudomonasaeruginosa Coxiella burnetii
Gram-negative (E. Coli) Chlamydia psittaci
Classification of Pneumonia
a. Community-acquired pneumonia (community acquired pneumonia, CAP):
pneumonia acquired in the community is that of infection outside the hospital
environment. LRT infections that occurred within 48 hours after being treated
at the hospital in patients who had never been hospitalized for > 14 days
b. Acquired pneumonia of hospital (nosocomial): pneumonia that occur during
or more than 48 hours after hospital admission. This kind obtained during the
patient hospitalized (Farmacia, 2006). Nearly 1% of patients treated in the
hospital getting pneumonia during treatment. Similarly, patients who were
treated in the ICU, more than 60% will suffer from pneumonia
c. Aspiration pneumonia / anaerobic: infection by bacteroids and other
anaerobic organisms after aspiration of oropharyngeal and gastric juices.
Pneumonia is the usual type obtained in patients with depressed mental status,
and patients with impaired swallowing reflex (Jeremy 2007).
d. Opportunistic pneumonia: patients with immune suppression (eg, steroids,
chemotherapy, HIV) susceptible to infection by viruses, fungi, and
mycobacteria, in addition to other bacterial organisms.
e. Recurrent pneumonia: results and aneorob aerobic organisms that occur in
cystic fibrosis and bronchietacsis
happened a serious infection .. Recurrent respiratory infections caused by
various components of pulmonary defense system that does not work well.
b. Colonization of bacteria in the respiratory tract
In the airway or quite a lot of bacteria that are komnesal. When their
number is increasing and reaches a concentration sufficient, the bacteria
then enter the lower respiratory tract and lungs, and failure mechanisms of
airway clearance, this situation manifests as disease. Microorganisms that
does not stick to the mucosal surface anaps channel will join with
respiratory secretions and carried along with the cleaning mechanism, so
there is no colonization.
The main complaint that often occurs in patients with pneumonia are
breathing, increased body temperature, and cough. In patients with
cough usually occurs suddenly and does not decrease after taking a cough
medicine that is usually available in the market. Initially the cough is
nonproductive, but will further develop into a productive cough with
purulent mucus yellowish, greenish, and often malodorous. Patients
usually complain of high fever and chills. Their complaints of chest pain,
shortness of breath, increased respiratory rate, fatigue, and headaches
(Supandi, 1992; Jeremy, 2007; Alberta Medical Association, 2011).
The goal is to diagnose, identify complications, assess severity, and
determine the classification to help select antibiotics (Jeremy 2007).
Diagnosis is based principally on clinical pneumonia, whereas the chest x-
ray examination needs to be done to support the diagnosis, diamping to see
the extent of pathological abnormalities more accurately (Supandi, 1992).
Clinical Features:
Clinical features are usually preceded by acute respiratory infections parts
on for several days, followed by fever, chills, body temperature sometimes
exceeding 40oC, sore throat, muscle pain, and joint pain. Also
accompanied by a cough, with purulent sputum, sometimes bloody
(Supandi, 1992). In young or old patients and atypical pneumonia (eg
Mycoplasma), picture nonrespirasi (eg, confusion, rash, diarrhea) can
stand out (Jeremy,
Supporting investigation :
In laboratory tests a routine blood test found an increase in white
blood cells (White blood Cells, WBC) WBC count is usually obtained
15000-40000 / mm3, if it is caused by a virus or mikoplasme WBC count
may be normal or decreased (Supandi, 1992; Jeremy, 2007). In the state of
leukopenia erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is usually increased to
100 / mm3, and C-reactive protein to confirm a bacterial infection. Blood
gas identify respiratory failure (Jeremy 2007). Positive blood culture can
be 20-25% of untreated patients, Sometimes found elevated levels of
blood urea, creatinine but still within normal limits (Supandi, 1992).
Radiological pneumonia can not show significant differences between
viral infection by the bacteria. Pneumonia virus generally showed
interstitial infiltrates picture and hyperinflation. Pneumonia caused by the
bacteria Pseudomonas often show their bilateral infiltrates or
a. Antibiotic therapy beginning: Describe the best guesses based on the
classification of pneumonia and possible organism, because the results of
microbiological unavailable for 12-72 hours. But adjusted if there are
results and antibiotic sensitivity (Jeremy 2007).
b. Supportive measures: includes oxygen to maintain PaO2> 8 kPa (SaO2
<90%) and intravenous fluid resuscitation to ensure hemodynamic
stability. Assisted ventilation: ventilasinon invasive (eg, continuous
positive airway pressure (continuous positive airway pressure), or
mechanical ventilation may be required in respiratory failure.
Physiotherapy and bronchoscopy help sputum clearance (Jeremy 2007).
3. Lun
pathologic process. Failure to recognize and treat lung abscess is
associated with poor clinical outcome.
by the responsible pathogen, such as Staphylococcus lung abscesses and
anaerobic abscess or Aspergillus lung abscess.
Epidemiology :
Patients often present with indolent symptoms that evolve over a period of
weeks to months. The usual symptoms are fever, cough with sputum
production, night sweats, anorexia, and weight loss. The expectorated
sputum characteristically is foul smelling and bad tasting. Patients may
develop hemoptysis or pleurisy
These patients generally present with conditions that are more acute in
nature and are usually treated while they have bacterial pneumonia.
Cavitation occurs subsequently as parenchymal necrosis ensues. Abscesses
from fungi, Nocardia species, and Mycobacteria species tend to have an
indolent course and gradually progressive symptoms.
4. Bronchiectasis
Primary infections
Bronchial obstruction
Cystic fibrosis
Allergic bronchopulmonaryaspergillosis
Immunodeficiency states
Connective-tissue disorders
Autoimmune diseases
Primary infections
(ie, in the absence of intrinsic defects or noninfectious extrinsic insults)
was a particularly common cause of bronchiectasis in developed countries
prior to the widespread use of antibioticsand it remains important in
developing countries, where antibiotics are used inconsistently.
Klebsiella species
Staphylococcus aureus
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Nontuberculous mycobacteria
Measles virus
Pertussis virus
Influenza virus
MAC infection has been observed especially in women who are
nonsmokers; are older than 60 years; do not have a known predisposing
pulmonary disorder; and tend to voluntarily suppress cough. Sputum smear in
these cases is positive for acid-fast bacilli, and CT scan shows small regular
nodules and findings of bronchiectasis.
Bronchial obstruction
In adults, foreign body aspiration often takes place in the setting of altered
mental status and involves unchewed food. Patients may also aspirate chewed
materials from the stomach, including food, peptic acid, and microorganisms.
Cystic fibrosis
Multiple genetic variants of CF exist, and the risk to patients that have
genetic heterozygous mutations remains to be elucidated. However, a reasonable
assumption is that patients with CF can be divided into 2 groups: (1) those with
classic disease that is readily diagnosed based on clinical and laboratory data and
(2) those with less severe disease that manifests later in life and who have
ambiguous genetic testing results.
with genetic variations of the disease. Bronchiectasis associated with CF is
believed to occur secondary to mucous plugging of proximal airways and chronic
pulmonary infection, especially with mucoidP aeruginosa.
Young syndrome
Allergic bronchopulmonaryaspergillosis
Immunodeficiency states
X-linked agammaglobulinemia
in adults who did not have a history of repeated infections. Establishing the
diagnosis is important because gammaglobulin replacement may reduce the
number of infections and resultant lung injury.
Alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency
Clinical Presentation:
Although patients may report repetitive pulmonary infections that require
antibiotics over several years, a single episode of a severe infection, often in
childhood, may result in bronchiectasis. These include tuberculosis, pertussis, or
severe bacterial pneumonia. Today, CF is the most common cause of
bronchiectasis in children and young adults.
Most individuals have never smoked (55%) or have smoked too little to
account for their degree of cough, findings of obstruction on spirometry testing,
and daily sputum production.
only with acute upper respiratory tract infections, but otherwise they have
quiescent disease.
and clearing secretions. Weight loss suggests advanced disease but is not
diagnostic of bronchiectasis.
Chest x-rays are usually abnormal, but
are inadequate in the diagnosis or
quantification of bronchiectasis. Tram-
track opacities are seen in cylindrical
bronchiectasis, and air-fluid levels may
be seen in cystic bronchiectasis.
Overall there appears to be an increase
in bronchovascular markings, and
bronchi seen end on may appear as
ring shadows. Pulmonary vasculature
appears ill-defined, thought to represent peribronchovascular fibrosis
5. Lung Cancer
The reported prevalence of pain in patients with lung cancer is 28%-51%
The main cause of lung cancer is smoking, although non-smokers can also
develop the condition. Smoking and other risk factors for lung cancer are
described below.
Smoking is the cause of lung cancer in more than 90% of cases and is the
single biggest risk factor for lung cancer. There are more than 60 different
toxins in tobacco smoke that can cause cancer and these are referred to as
Although tobacco smoking is the main risk factor for lung cancer, other
tobacco products such as pipe tobacco, cigars, chewing tobacco and snuff
can also raise the risk of lung cancer and other forms of cancer such as
mouth cancer and esophageal cancer.
Chest pain
Swelling of face and arms
Weight Loss
Bone pain
6. Pneumonia Aspiration
4. Mention the pathogenesis of diagnose based on the scenario?
Although a primary complex can sometimes be seen on chest radiograph,
the majority of pulmonary tuberculosis infections are clinically and
radiographically inapparent. Most commonly, a positive tuberculin skin
test result is the only indication that infection with M. tuberculosis has
taken place. Individuals with latent tuberculosis infection but not active
disease are not infectious and thus cannot transmit the organism. It is
estimated that approximately 10% of individuals who acquire tuberculosis
infection and are not given preventive therapy will develop active
The risk is highest in the first 2 year after infection, when half the
cases will occur. The ability of the host to respond to the organism may be
reduced by certain diseases such as silicosis, diabetes mellitus, and
diseases associated with immunosuppression, e.g., HIV infection, as well
as by corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive drugs. In these
circumstances, the likelihood of developing tuberculosisdisease is greater.
The risk of developing tuberculosis also appears to be greater during the
first 2-yr of life.
organisms that are deposited in the alveoli are likely to be killed by the
cell-mediated immune response. Exceptions may occur, but in
immunocompetent individuals, clinical and laboratory evidence indicates
that disease produced by the inhalation of a second infecting strain is
uncommon. However, reinfection has been documented to occur both in
persons without recognized immune compromise and in persons with
advanced HIV infection.
of disease. Note also that the registration groups for DR-TB are slightly
different and are described in the Companion handbook to the WHO guidelines
for the programmatic management of drug- resistant tuberculosis.New patients
have never been treated for TB or have taken anti-TB drugs for less than 1
- Relapse patients have previously been treated for TB, were declared
cured or treatment completed at the end of their most recent course
of treatment, and are now diagnosed with a recurrent episode of TB
(either a true relapse or a new episode of TB caused byreinfection).
- Other previously treated patients are those who have previously been
treated for TB but whose outcome after their most recent course of
treatment is unknown or undocumented.
Patients with unknown previous TB treatment history do not fit into any
of the categories listed above. New and relapse cases of TB are incident TB
conducted at the time of TB diagnosis or other documented evidence of
enrolment in HIV care, such as enrolment in the pre-ART register or in the ART
register once ART has been started.
monoresistance, multidrug resistance, polydrug resistance or
extensive drug resistance.
These categories are not all mutually exclusive. When enumerating
rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB), for instance, multidrug-resistant TB
(MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) are also
While it has been the practice until now to limit the definitions of
monoresistance and polydrug resistance to first-line drugs only, future
drug regimens may make it important to classify patients by their strain
resistance patterns to fluoroquinolones, second-line injectable agents and
any other anti-TB drug for which reliable DST becomes available.
Special symptoms:
In the case of blockage of bronchi, it would create wheezing sound. This
is cause by the compression by enlarged lymph nodes. Wheezing sound is
weakened voice accompanied by shortness of breath.
Chest pain
Extra PulmonalTuberculosis
-- Bone tuberculosis
When the bone is infected, there will be symptoms such as bone infection
where the surface of the skin excrete pus.
--Meningitis TuberculosisTuberculosis can affect the brain (especially on the layer
that surround the brain) referred to as meningitis (inflammation of the lining of
the brain), the symptoms are high fever, the loss of consciousness and
7. Mention the general and supportive examination based on the scenario?
Loss of appetite
Night sweats
Chest pain
How Do You Evaluate Persons Suspected of Having TB Disease?
1. Medical History
Clinicians should ask about the patients history of TB exposure, infection, or disease.
It is also important to consider demographic factors (e.g., country of origin, age, ethnic or
racial group, occupation) that may increase the patients risk for exposure to TB or to drug-
resistant TB. Also, clinicians should determine whether the patient has medical conditions,
especially HIV infection, that increase the risk of latent TB infection progressing to TB
2. Physical Examination
A physical exam can provide valuable information about the patients overall
condition and other factors that may affect how TB is treated, such as HIV infection or other
The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) or the TB blood test can be used to test
for M. tuberculosis infection. Additional tests are required to confirm TB disease. The
Mantoux tuberculin skin test is performed by injecting a small amount of fluid called
tuberculin into the skin in the lower part of the arm. The test is read within 48 to 72 hours by
a trained health care worker, who looks for a reaction (induration) on the arm.
The TB blood test measures the patients immune system reaction to M. tuberculosis.
4. Chest Radiograph
5. Diagnostic Microbiology
6. Drug Resistance
For all patients, the initial M. tuberculosis isolate should be tested for drug resistance.
It is crucial to identify drug resistance as early as possible to ensure effective treatment. Drug
susceptibility patterns should be repeated for patients who do not respond adequately to
treatment or who have positive culture results despite 3 months of therapy. Susceptibility
results from laboratories should be promptly reported to the primary health care provider and
the state or local TB control program.
a. Massive hemoptysis (bleeding from the lower respiratory tract) that can cause death
due to airway obstruction or hypovolemic shock
d. Pnemotoraks spontaneously, that collapse spontaneously because the bull / blep
e. The spread of infection to other organs such as the brain, bones, joints, kidneys, etc.
b. Preventing death.
c. Prevent recurrence.
d. Reduce transmission.
OAT must be given in the form of a combination of several types of drugs, in sufficient
quantities and appropriate doses according to the category of treatment. Do not use OAT
alone (monotherapy). usage OAT Combination Fixed Dose (OAT-KDT) more profitable
and highly recommended.
In the intensive phase (early) patients received the drug every day and need directly
supervised to prevent the development of drug resistance. When The intensive phase of
treatment given correctly, usually infectious patients become non-infectious within 2
Most patients with sputum smear positive TB negative (conversion) within 2 months.
2. Secondary Phase
In the advanced stages patients received fewer types of drugs, but in a longer period
of time. Advanced stages it is important to kill germs persistent so as to prevent the
occurrence of recurrence.
a. Category I
b. Category II
Alloy drugs recommended is 2 RHZES / 1 RHZE before No resistance test results. If the
test of resistance have been there, give according to the drug resistance test results.
Alloy drugs recommended are the second-line drugs before there are results resistance
test (example: 3-6 months kanamycin, ofloxacin, ethionamide, cycloserine followed 15-
18 months ofloxacin, ethionamide, cycloserine).
Under no circumstances do not allow the initial phase can be given 2 RHZES / 1 RHZE.
3. Pulmonary TB withdrawing treatment.
1. Treated 4 months
- BTA is currently negative. Clinical and radiological inactive or no repair the OAT
treatment is stopped. when the picture radiology active, perform further analysis to ensure
TB diagnosis by also considering the possibility of another lung disease. If confirmed TB,
the treatment begins from the start with a stronger regimen and run longer treatment time
(2 RHZES / 1 RHZE / 5R3H3E3).
- BTA is currently positive. Treatment starts from the beginning with alloy stronger
medication and treatment period longer.
2. Treated 4 months
- When the smear-positive, treatment starts from the beginning with alloys stronger
medication and long treatment times long (2 RHZES / 1 RHZE / 5 R3H3E3).
- When the smear negative, positive chest X-ray picture of active TB,treatment continued.
c. Category III
d. Category IV
e. Category V
- MDR TB, the recommended treatment regimen in accordance with the resistance test
plus OAT lines 2 or H lifetime.
TB drugs have side effects including:
1. Isoniazid can cause liver damage which would cause nausea, vomiting, and jaundice.
sometimes can cause numbness in the limbs.
2. Rifampicin can cause liver damage, discoloration of water eyes, sweat, and urine
4. Ethambutol can cause blurred vision and impaired color vision because the drug affects
the optic nerve
5. Streptomycin can cause dizziness and hearing loss due to nerve damage in the ear.
Treatment Results
a. Heal the outcome of patients with sputum smear or culture-positive before treatment,
and the results of sputum smear or culture negative at the end of treatment and at least
one inspection previous sputum negative and the chest X-ray, radiology picture serial
(minimum 2 months) remains the same / repair.
b. Detailed treatment of a patient who has completed treatment but did not have the
results of the examination of sputum or culture at the end of treatment.
c. Died of a patient who died with any cause during the treatment.
d. Failing a patient with sputum or culture-positive results in or more in the fifth month of
e. Default / drop-out is lost in the treatment of patients with two consecutive months or
f. Moving a patient who moved into unit (recording and reportingdifferent and the final
outcome of treatment is unknown.
10. Mention the prevention based on the scenario?
The best way to prevent tuberculosis is the treatment of patients with TB infection so
that the chain of transmission was interrupted.
Early diagnosis and management is the best way to reduce exposure to TB.
The risk exposure contained in TB wards and wards, where the medical staff and
other patients receive repeated exposure of patients who are exposed to TB. There are
several factors that may affect the transmission among others :
a. How to cough
Patients should use a handkerchief to cover your mouth and nose when
coughing or sneezing so that no transmission occurs through the air.
Sunlight can kill the TB germs and good ventilation can prevent the
transmission of TB germs in the room.
- Filtration
c. Mask
Use of masks regularly will reduce the spread of germs through the air. If
possible, TB patients with uncontrolled cough are advised to use a mask at all times.
The medical staff also recommended to use a mask when exposure to respiratory
secretions can not be avoided.
- Immediate hospitalization of patients with pulmonary TB BTA (+) for the intensive
phase of treatment, if needed.
- Patients are isolated should not leave the room without wearing a mask.
a. tuberculin test
Neonates and infants up to 3 months old with no history of contact with TB,
can be given the BCG vaccination without prior tuberculin test.
b. Routine Vaccination
3. Prevention Therapy
direct observation.
Babies who are breast-feeding mothers with pulmonary TB, should receive
isoniazid for 3 months. After 3 months, carried out the tuberculin test. If the result is
negative then be vaccinated, if positive then continued isoniazid for 3 months again. If
there is evidence of disease, it is necessary to be given the full treatment.
Children with symptoms, but the examination did not show TB, isoniazid
prophylaxis (Wieslaw et al, 2001).
11. How do you see the case in the view of Islams perspective based on the scenario?
2 (QS. An Nisaa:9)
Dan hendaklah takut kepada Allah orang-orang yang seandainya meninggalkan
dibelakang mereka anak-anak yang lemah, yang mereka khawatir terhadap
(kesejahteraan) mereka. Oleh sebab itu hendaklah mereka bertakwa kepada Allah dan
hendaklah mereka mengucapkan perkataan yang benar
Hai anak-anakku, pergilah kamu, maka carilah berita tentang Yusuf dan saudaranya
dan jangan kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa
"dari rahmat Allah, melainkan kaum yang kafir
Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu segolongan umat yang menyeru kepada kebajikan,
menyuruh kepada yang maruf dan mencegah dari yang munkar; merekalah orang-
orang yang beruntung
5 )(QS. Al-Hujurat: 13
Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan
seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku
supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara
kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling takwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah
Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal.
)6 (QS. Al-Maidah: 2
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu melanggar syiar-syiar Allah, dan
jangan melanggar kehormatan bulan-bulan haram, jangan (mengganggu) binatang-
binatang had-ya, dan binatang-binatang qalaa-id, dan jangan (pula) mengganggu
orang-orang yang mengunjungi Baitullah sedang mereka mencari kurnia dan
keridhaan dari Tuhannya dan apabila kamu telah menyelesaikan ibadah haji, maka
bolehlah berburu. Dan janganlah sekali-kali kebencian(mu) kepada sesuatu kaum
karena mereka menghalang-halangi kamu dari Masjidilharam, mendorongmu berbuat
aniaya (kepada mereka). Dan tolong-menolonglah kamu dalam (mengerjakan)
kebajikan dan takwa, dan jangan tolong-menolong dalam berbuat dosa dan
pelanggaran. Dan bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah amat berat
Orang mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih disenangi di mata Allah dari pada
orang mukmin yang lemah. (HR. Muslim)
Dan Allah selalu menolong seorang hamba selagi hamba-Nya mau menolong
saudaranya. (HR. Muttafaq alaih)
Sabda Rasulullah, Sesungguhnya Allah SWT menciptakan penyakit dan obat, maka
berobatlah tetapi janganlah kalianberobatdengan yang haram
Islam itu bersih maka peliharalah kebersihan karena sesungguhnya tidak masuk
surga kecuali orang-orang yang bersih. (Al-Hadis)
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