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Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047

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Behavior of steel monopoles strengthened with high-modulus CFRP materials

B. Lanier a, D. Schnerch b, S. Rizkalla c,
American Tower, 400 Regency Forest Drive, Suite 300, Cary, NC 27518, USA
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., 245 First Street, Suite 1200, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
Constructed Facilities Laboratory, North Carolina State University, 2414 Campus Shore Drive, Campus Box 7533, Raleigh, NC 27695-7533, USA

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Available online 23 December 2008 This paper introduces a strengthening technique for steel monopole towers using high-modulus carbon
Keywords: ber reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials. The technique is based on a theoretical and analytical
Elastic modulus investigation including testing large scale steel monopole towers strengthened with different CFRP
Carbon ber reinforced polymers materials and connection details. Based on the research ndings, design aspects and installation
Steel structures procedures are introduced. The recommended installation procedure describes the surface preparation,
Design recommendations application of the adhesives and the sequence of CFRP application. The design aspects are based on
Monopole towers exural elastic analysis and material properties of the CFRP and steel monopole shaft. This paper
recommends specic connection details to ensure the development of the forces from the CFRP to the
steel tower baseplate. The research ndings conclude that CFRP materials provide a viable alternative
for strengthening steel monopoles that can be easily designed and installed to increase their exural
strength and stiffness.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction and corrosion resistance properties, which could signicantly

improve serviceability over the lifespan of the monopole.
During the past two decades, the telecommunications industry The main objective of the research summarized in this paper is
has experienced signicant growth in the wireless sector. to determine the effectiveness of high-modulus CFRP in increasing
Introduction of wireless phones, email, and internet have the exural strength and stiffness of steel monopole towers.
increased the demand on existing cellular networks to support This paper discusses design aspects for existing full-scale mono-
new consumer services. Monopole towers are typically used to pole towers based on tests to failure of scaled steel monopole
support the necessary cellular equipment, coaxial cables and towers strengthened with three different CFRP strengthening
antennas. Community resistance to building new towers is congurations. Measured experimental data provides detailed
common, so reuse and strengthening of existing towers is vital information on the behavior and effectiveness of the three CFRP
and often the only option to support the additional services. congurations at increasing the scaled monopole exural strength
As the need to install additional cellular equipment grows, and stiffness, as well as the failure modes. The study also provides
existing monopoles, shown in Fig. 1, are frequently structurally insight into the installation process, presenting the methodology
inadequate to support the cellular equipment expansion due to of material handling and the proper connection to transfer the
the increased lateral wind loads. Thus, there is a need to develop a forces from the shaft to the baseplate of the tower.
cost effective, durable strengthening system that signicantly
increases the strength and stiffness of monopoles.
Research conducted at North Carolina State University indi- 1.1. Current design and strengthening practice
cates that high-modulus carbon ber reinforced polymer (CFRP)
materials can provide an excellent solution to enhance the exural Monopoles are typically made of high-strength steel and vary
strength and stiffness of monopoles. The inherent strength and between 7 and 75 m in height. Their cross-section consists of a
stiffness qualities of CFRP offer signicant load carrying improve- round or polygonal shape with shaft thicknesses varying from
ment while eliminating welding or bolting steel members to the 15 to 120 mm. The structures are either directly embedded into
existing structure. High-modulus CFRP also has excellent fatigue the concrete foundation or installed atop various concrete
foundations through connections with anchor rods. Monopoles
are designed and fabricated to resist various combinations of
dead, wind, seismic, and ice loads, with most of the applied design
 Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 919 513 1733; fax: +1 919 513 1765. load resulting from wind and seismic lateral forces. Typical wind
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (S. Rizkalla). loads comprise of 8090% of the structure design criteria for these

0263-8231/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.


1038 B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047

Nomenclature Fy yield strength of tower shaft

R ratio of CFRP rupture or crushing strain to tower steel
Mn exural nominal strength of tower shaft shaft yield strain
St,min minimum transformed section modulus of tower

monopole shaft, as shown in Fig. 2. Intermittent clip angles are

spaced to limit the buckling length of the bars per the
compressive strength demands and to adequately transfer the
shear forces. The bar strengths are developed at each end though
use of extended clip angles with multi u-bolt and blind bolt
connections. The bars are developed by grouting into the existing
concrete foundation of the monopole.
AeroSolutions [3] has designed the AeroForce Monopole and
Tower Upgrade System which utilizes both standard modulus
CFRP and steel plates bonded parallel to the existing monopole
shaft to increase both exural strength and stiffness. CFRP is used
when higher strength increases are required while steel plates
are typically installed when strength demands are lower. This
solution utilizes an epoxy adhesive for both the CFRP and steel
bonds. Ultimately, the AeroSolutions solution demonstrates an
adhesive bond can be reliably developed for either steel or CFRP
materials to support the strengthening system.
Research by Ferreira and Branco [4] has demonstrated
signicant exural and axial strength enhancement can be
developed through use of glass ber reinforced polymers (GFRP)
for fabrication of new monopoles. Their method utilizes carbon
ber pretension tendons to reduce the tensile stresses, similar to a
pre-stressed concrete design, in the monopole shaft. This reduc-
tion in tensile stresses, in addition to the enhanced strength
capacity of glass ber, allows for overall strength increases for
these types of towers.
Fig. 1. Typical monopole supporting wireless services.
Fatigue performance of this structural system can be critical for
a given variable such as multi-directional wind loading. While
types of towers, whereas dead loads typically make up less than bolted connections are preferable to welding when considering
5% of the structure load. Flexural resistance to wind loading is the fatigue performance of a connection, bolted connections
typically the critical structural loading for monopoles due to their are often difcult to implement due to the complex geometry of
height and the loading condition. Monopoles are designed the monopole tower. Adhesive connections can provide a reliable
according to standard ANSI/TIA-222-F or TIA-222-G. These codes alternative to cyclical loading. Scaled steel bridges strengthened
utilize wind, ice and seismic criteria per ASCE7-88 and ASCE7-02, with high-modulus CFRP have been shown to have excellent
respectively with Revision F utilizing an allowable stress steel fatigue performance without notable deterioration of strength [5].
design while Revision G enforces a load and resistance factor steel
Several solutions are currently available for strengthening of 2. Material properties
existing eld installed steel monopoles. The primary design
objective is to enhance the exural strength and stiffness by The proposed strengthening technique in this paper include
bolting, welding or bonding longitudinal steel plates, bars, tubes, high-modulus carbon ber materials with a modulus of elasticity
shells or ber composites along the monopole shaft. [1]Morrison approximately three times that of steel. The bers are typically
Hersheld Group (2004) designed the DualPole system, which fabricated into solid, rigid, pultruded laminate strips that are
increases monopole strength by increasing the lateral stiffness bonded to steel structures as an external reinforcement using an
of the structure. Two sections of high-grade steel are fabricated epoxy adhesive. Another application method is by wet-lay-up,
to t outside shaft surface, completely encasing the monopole. whereby the dry bers are fabricated in exible sheet form and
The two new outside shaft sections are then welded at the seams are impregnated with resin as they are bonded to the monopole to
and baseplate to create a non-composite shell surrounding the form a solid, rigid material.
existing monopole, which increases the exural stiffness of Two types of high-modulus pitch-based carbon bers were
the overall structure. Through increasing the exural stiffness, used in the experimental program. Pitch-based carbon ber
the monopole exural strength is proportionally enhanced. utilizes petroleum pitch ber as its precursor, unlike the more
[2]Westower Communications (2004) developed a strengthen- common polyacrolonitrile (PAN) based carbon ber. Material
ing system using high-strength, threaded bars installed parallel properties for the two types of carbon ber are listed in Table 1.
with the monopole shaft to increase their exural strength The rst monopole was strengthened using high-modulus carbon
and stiffness. The threaded bars are manufactured by Dywidag- ber installed in sheet form and impregnated with resin to
Systems International and range in diameter from 30 to 45 mm. increase the exural capacity of the monopole. The remaining two
The bars are u-bolted to clip angles which are blind bolted to the monopoles were strengthened using CFRP strips, pultruded from

B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047 1039

The rst part of the designation indicates the modulus of the

bers used, either high modulus (HM) or intermediate modulus
(IM), and the second part of the designation indicates the
application method, either by wet lay-up of dry-ber sheets
(WL) or adhesive bonding of CFRP strips (ST). Each test included
three loading and unloading cycles. During the initial loading
cycle, the unstrengthened monopole was loaded elastically to 60%
of its nominal exural yield capacity and unloaded to serve as a
comparison with the later tests. Prior to the second loading cycle,
the monopole was strengthened with CFRP materials to achieve a
calculated 2040% increase in the exural strength and allowed to
cure. The strengthened monopole was then loaded until the
deection at the mid-span was equal to the deection of the rst
cycle. After unloading, the nal loading cycle was up to failure
of the strengthened monopole. A single loading exceeding the
yield exural capacity of the steel monopole was chosen, since
monopole shafts are typically designed to remain elastic while
resisting lateral forces per pressures from a single 50 (TIA-222-F)
to 500 (TIA-222-G) year wind event. Given the rarity of such an
extreme loading event and design criteria, cyclical loading of the
structure beyond its exural yield capacity is not typical of loads
encountered for monopole towers in service.
Design considerations of the tested specimens included
fabrication of a scaled monopole to represent the behavior of
full-scale monopole towers, utilizing a strengthening system that
could be used for a full-scale monopole. Surface preparation and
Fig. 2. Monopole strengthened using traditional technique.
CFRP installation techniques were selected to simulate methods
that would be used in a eld application. The applied load was
designed to simulate moment and shear forces equivalent to eld
Table 1
wind loading conditions. The diameter to thickness ratio, face
Dry ber material properties for high-modulus carbon bers.
width to thickness ratio and shaft taper were similar to
Material property High-modulus carbon monopoles in service.
ber (HM-WL)

Tensile strength (MPa) 2600 3.1. Fabrication of scaled monopoles

Tensile modulus (GPa) 640
Ultimate elongation (millistrain) 4.0
Tested monopoles were fabricated using A572 Grade 65, 5 mm
Effective sheet thickness (mm) 0.19
thick, steel plate and cold-formed into two, equally sized, six-
sided, cross-sections measuring 6096 mm in length. The bend
radius between the at sections measured 40 mm. The two halves
Table 2 of the nal closed cross-section were welded together with a
Material properties for pultruded high-modulus CFRP strips. 5 mm, full length, partial penetration E80 weld, creating a closed

Material property Intermediate-modulus High-modulus

CFRP strip CFRP strip

Fiber volume fraction (%) 55.4 55.2

Tensile strength (MPa) 1224 1186
Tensile modulus (GPa) 229 338
Ultimate elongation (millistrain) 5.08 3.32
Compressive strength (MPa) 471 353
Compressive modulus (GPa) 177 317
Strip thickness (mm) 3.2 1.45

either the high- or intermediate-modulus carbon ber. The

properties for the two types of strips are listed in Table 2. Steel
coupons were taken from the unloaded portion of the monopole
near the tip and tested in accordance with ASTM A 370-02, using
plate-type standard specimens. The average yield strength for the
steel and elastic modulus were 455 MPa based on the 0.2% offset
method and 194 GPa, respectively.

3. Experimental program

The experimental program consisted of three tests, referred to

as Test HM-WL, HM-ST, IM-ST on three separate steel monopoles. Fig. 3. Monopole cross-section dimensions at base.

1040 B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047

twelve-sided polygonal shape, as shown in Fig. 3. The cross- The reinforcement ratio of the applied strengthening was 7.0%,
section diameter across ats of the combined sections measured accounting for the ber volume fraction. Anchorage was provided
457.2 mm across ats at the larger, base end and 330.0 mm across for the sheets by continuing the bers past the shaft of the
ats at the smaller, free end, resulting in a tapered shape factor of monopole and bending the bers up onto the base plate. More
21 mm/m. The monopole baseplate was cut from 38 mm thick, resin was applied to the surface of the bers and several steel
A572 Grade 50 steel and was 700 mm along each side. The clip angles were used to mechanically anchor the bers to the
baseplate was welded to the pole shaft using a 5 mm partial base plate. The clip angles were connected by bolting through
penetration E80 weld and topped with an additional 13 mm E80 the anchor bolts at the baseplate, allowing the CFRP sheets
llet weld. Six A325, 32 mm diameter, anchor bolts were centered to be clamped between the clip angles and the base plate.
on a 305 mm by 610 mm bolt square, to allow attachment of the The heels of the clip angles were machined to have a larger radius,
base plate to the reaction wall. Eight stiffeners were welded to the to minimize the stress concentration at the change in geometry.
base of the HM-ST and IM-ST monopoles. These monopoles were Six L6  4  3/8 clip angles were used in total.
loaded before and after installation of the stiffeners to isolate the Half-width sheets were used to wrap the longitudinal sheets
strengthening effect of the CFRP from the effect of the stiffeners transversely to prevent possible premature debonding of the
alone. The stiffener length along the shaft was 200 mm. The length strengthening applied to the compression side of the monopole.
along the baseplate was 100 mm and thickness of the stiffeners These sheets were wrapped around the cross-section in two
was 13 mm. A572 Grade 50 steel was used to fabricate the halves such that they overlapped by 100 mm at mid-depth of the
stiffeners and 7 mm E80 llet welds were applied along at all monopole. The transversely oriented sheets were applied con-
connecting surfaces. tinuously from the base to 1200 mm along the length also to delay
the onset of local buckling of the steel on the compression side.
From this point to the mid-span, the transversely oriented sheets
3.2. Surface preparation
were spaced apart from each other.
The two remaining monopoles were strengthened by exter-
Surface preparation of the steel was conducted to ensure
nally bonding of CFRP strips. Monopole HM-ST used high-
complete chemical bonding between the steel and the adhesive.
modulus CFRP strips and Monopole IM-ST used intermediate-
This typically involves the removal of mill scale, rust and any
modulus CFRP strips. For both monopoles, the same epoxy resin
protective coatings. It was found that the most effective method to
was used to bond the strips to the monopole. Six strips were
achieve a chemically active surface is the use of grit blasting [6].
applied to three at sides on both the tension and compression
Surface preparation prior to strengthening was completed by
sides of the monopole, using twelve strips in total. Strips were
sandblasting the entire monopole and base plate until a rough,
omitted from the ats at the neutral axis depth to make
white steel surface was achieved. Strengthening was completed
economical use of the material for testing, but it is expected that
within 24 hours of sandblasting to minimize the oxidation to the
the strengthening would be applied concentrically about the
surface. Dust was removed by blowing with compressed air. No
major and minor axes since the direction of the wind loading
surface preparation was required for the unidirectional sheets
varies for monopole towers in the eld. Due to the requirement
used for the strengthening. For the two monopoles strengthened
for greatest strength increase at the base, the amount of
with CFRP strips, the strips were lightly abraded with 120 grit
strengthening provided decreased with increasing distance from
sandpaper and cleaning by wiping with methanol until no
the base as shown in the exploded view of the strengthening
additional sanding residue was present.
system in Fig. 5.
For Monopole HM-ST, all twelve CFRP strips had a width
3.3. Strengthening conguration of 75 mm. The applied strengthening for Monopole IM-ST used
two different widths of strips. The four strips located on the center
Monopole HM-WL was strengthened by wet lay-up of 330 mm ats had a width of 75 mm, while the eight adjacent strips had a
wide unidirectional, CFRP sheets in both the longitudinal and width of 50 mm. This resulted in the two specimens having
transverse directions using a saturating epoxy resin. This process approximately equal values of axial stiffness for the applied
allowed the composite material to conform to the surface strengthening material. The reinforcement ratio based on the
conguration of the monopole. Strengthening was performed to CFRP axial stiffness for Monopoles HM-ST and IM-ST was 10.0%
match the demand placed on the monopole due to the cantilever and 17.3%, respectively.
loading condition. From the preliminary analysis, it was found The two monopoles also had stiffener plates welded from the
that most of the strengthening is required at the base of the shaft of the monopole to the base plate. This technique was used
monopole and no strengthening was required from mid-span to to increase the exural stiffness of the monopole shaft at the base,
the tip. As such, the thickness of the applied CFRP sheets was allowing the forces at the ends of the strips to be transferred
tapered from four plys of the sheets at the base to one ply through the stiffeners into the base plate. Research by Lanier and
terminating at mid-length of the monopole as shown in Fig. 4. Rizkalla [7] has indicated full development of the strips can be

Fig. 4. Longitudinal strengthening conguration of Monopole HM-WL.


B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047 1041

Fig. 5. Longitudinal strengthening conguration of Monopoles HM-ST and IM-ST, with exploded view of CFRP strips (symmetric about mid depth).

Fig. 6. Testing conguration for monopoles.

achieved through use of stiffener plates. The monopole specimens monopole was tested as a cantilever with a single applied load
were loaded to 60% of the yield stress initially before installation approximately 5750 mm from the pole base to generate equiva-
of the stiffeners or CFRP strengthening. The monopole specimens lent moments and shear forces. The loading was applied with
were then tested to the same load following installation of the nylon straps or chains to allow free rotation of the pole shaft at the
stiffeners, but before application of the CFRP strengthening. This point of load application, as shown in Fig. 6.
allowed the increased lateral stiffness due to the stiffeners alone Measurements were recorded of the deection and extreme
to be determined. The stiffener plates increased the lateral ber strains at the quarter-points of the monopoles. Displace-
stiffness of the monopole by approximately 6%. ments were measured using wire potentiometers, while the
strains were measured using strain-gauge type displacement
transducers with a gauge length of either 200 or 300 mm.
3.4. Testing conguration and instrumentation Additional electrical foil gauges, with a gauge length of 6 mm
were applied to the surface of the CFRP. Deection was also
The loading applied for the experimental program was measured at the base plate to determine slip and rotation at the
designed to simulate exural wind design loads in eld structures. support. All instrumentation in addition to the applied load was
It was impractical to apply a distributed wind loading, so each recorded at a sample rate of 1.0 Hz.

1042 B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047

4. Test results and discussion from the rst and second load cycles of the Monopole HM-ST test.
Similar results were obtained for the tests of Monopoles HM-WL,
Results from the three tests indicate signicant additional and IM-ST. Fig. 8 shows the load deection behavior to ultimate
exural yield and ultimate strength and stiffness can be devel- for the three tests.
oped due to the use of CFRP strengthening while the pole steel Apart from some minor, localized debonding observed in the
remains within elastic limits. Stiffness increases, which parallel third load cycle, the installed high-modulus CFRP sheets used for
elastic exural strength increases, varying between 13% and 64% Monopole HM-WL remained intact throughout the second and
were measured at various locations along the monopole shaft third load stages. This was the only test to be unloaded and
from the three tested specimens. This was determined by reloaded past yield due to the large deections obtained. Fig. 9
comparing the applied lateral loads from the rst and second shows Monopole HM-WL just prior to the ultimate lateral load
loading cycles, shown in Table 3, as the second loading was of 95 kN. Failure was due to local buckling, which resulted in the
terminated once mid-span deection equivalent to the rst rupture of the transversely applied CFRP sheets. The rupture
loading was achieved. Measured elastic longitudinal strains were occurred, shown in Fig. 10, just outside the clip angles at a tip
also reduced by 2050% along the monopole shaft from the three deection of 353 mm or L/17. Inspection of the remainder of the
tested specimens. Table 4 lists the stiffness of the unstrengthened monopole shaft after failure found the adhesive bond in excellent
and unstrengthened monopoles at the tip and mid-span for each condition outside of the buckled region. No deterioration of the
of the three tests. Fig. 7 illustrates the measured deection results adhesive bond or high-modulus CFRP material was found under
the clip angles. As evident from the tests with the adhesively
bonded CFRP strips, the presence of the transversely applied
Table 3 sheets delayed the onset of local buckling.
Summary of applied load (Equivalent to 60% of unstrengthened exural yield
capacity) resulting in equivalent mid-span deections.
No deterioration of the high-modulus CFRP strip or adhesive
bond was observed following the second load stage for Monopole
Monopole test Loading cycle Applied load at L (kN) HM-ST. Crushing of the strips in compression at 230 mm from the
base, at the end of the stiffeners, occurred as load increased from
Monopole HM-WL Unstrengthened 32.0
48 to 63 kN, as shown in Fig. 11. Strain at strip crushing was
Strengthened 36.3
measured at 0.15%. Complete debonding and rupture of the strips
in tension, also at 230 mm, occurred as load increased to 63 kN.
Monopole HM-ST Stiffeners alone 32.6
Rupture strain was measured at 0.18%. Beyond 63 kN, the behavior
Strengthened 42.8
was dominated by the steel cross-section properties, due to the
rupture of the strips on the tension side and the crushing of
Monopole IM-ST Stiffeners alone 32.6
the strips on the compression side. Ultimate load capacity of the
Strengthened 41.5
monopole, with the high-modulus CFRP strips providing no

Table 4
Summary of elastic stiffness increase (Maximum loading equivalent to 60% of unstrengthened exural capacity).

Monopole test Loading cycle Stiffness at 0.5L (kN/mm) Stiffness at L (kN/mm)

Monopole HM-WL Unstrengthened 1.18 0.38

Strengthened 1.48 0.44

Monopole HM-ST Stiffeners alone 1.33 0.40

Strengthened 1.91 0.57

Monopole IM-ST Stiffeners alone 1.29 0.39

Strengthened 2.11 0.57

Fig. 7. Comparison of load-deection behavior of Monopole HM-ST before and after strengthening.

B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047 1043

Fig. 8. Load-deection behavior to ultimate for each test.

Fig. 9. Monopole HM-WL near the ultimate load. Fig. 11. Crushing of high-modulus CFRP strip bonded to compression side of
Monopole HM-ST.

Similar behavior was observed for Test IM-ST, although the

initial strength loss was due to debonding of the strips in tension.
At loading of 55 kN, almost all strips in tension debonded and
ruptured near the end of the stiffeners. The strips in compression
remained bonded until loading exceeded 85 kN, which was the
ultimate load capacity of the monopole, when all remaining strips
simultaneously debonded or crushed just outside the stiffener
ends. The compressive crushing strain was measured to be 0.25%.
After loss of strength to 78 kN, the monopole was loaded until
buckling occurred outside the ends of the stiffeners at 83 kN, as
shown in Fig. 12. As with the test of Monopole HM-ST, the
adhesive bond and strip matrix remained intact throughout the
loading between the stiffeners.
Based on comparison of the ultimate load capacities from the
HM-WL and HM-ST tests, a minimum ultimate load increase of
16 kN, or 20% exural strength increase, was found from the HM-
WL test. The IM-ST found an ultimate load increase of 6 kN, or 8%
Fig. 10. Local buckling of Monopole HM-WL showing rupture of transversely
exural strength increase. The HM-ST monopole buckled at the
applied CFRP sheets.
ultimate load with the high-modulus CFRP strips debonded and
ruptured, thus the ultimate strength of this specimen may be
resistance, was measured at 79 kN. Local buckling of the considered as the ultimate strength of a control specimen.
monopole shaft occurred outside the ends of the stiffeners. Post
failure inspection of the adhesive bond found signicant voids
between the strips to shaft and strip to strip interfaces, due to slip 5. Analytical model
during installation. However, within the stiffener boundary, no
deterioration or delaminating of the strip matrix or adhesive bond An elastic stiffness model was designed to account for lateral
was found. exural stiffness and strength of the monopoles both with and

1044 B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047

strengthened monopoles. These assumptions are:

1. Strains are assumed to vary linearly across the depth of the

2. Perfect composite action was considered. No bond slip or
failure between the monopole shaft and the high-modulus
CFRP was assumed to occur.
3. Clip angles were assumed to have no impact on the deection
or stress calculations, but the moment of inertia of the
stiffeners was included in the analysis.
4. Both the steel and high-modulus CFRP are linear elastic
5. Shear deformations are not included in the analysis.
6. The boundary condition at the base is rigid, with no rotation or
7. The adhesive thickness is ignored.

5.2. Model results

Based on the predicted load deection slope, the calculated

elastic exural stiffness values of the unstrengthened monopole
model at mid-span and tip were 1.28 and 0.37 kN/mm, respec-
tively. The exural stiffness values predicted from the HM-WL
model resulted in calculated stiffness of 1.76 and 0.46 kN/mm at
mid-span and tip, respectively. Comparison of the calculated
stiffness values at the respective locations reveals that the
strengthened monopole stiffness increased 38% and 26%. These
predicted stiffness increases are signicantly higher as compared
to measured stiffness values of 25% and 17%.
The predicted elastic exural stiffness values calculated at the
mid-span and tip before and strengthening of the HM-ST monopole
was 1.40 and 0.39 kN/mm versus 2.08 and 0.53 kN/mm, respec-
tively. Calculation of the stiffness values from the HM-ST model at
mid-span and tip resulted in stiffness increases of 48% and 37%,
respectively. Like the results from the HM-ST model, these results
Fig. 12. Local buckling and debonding of CFRP strips for test of Monopole IM-ST.
conform very well with respect to the measured stiffness
increases of 43% and 41%. Measured versus calculated deection
from the rst and second load cycles of monopole HM-ST are
without the sheets and strips. The model was limited to within illustrated in Fig. 13.
the steel elastic range as the strip compressive strain would not Calculated elastic exural stiffness values of the IM-ST
allow development of the steel beyond its yield strain. This limits unstrengthened monopole were identical from HM-ST as the
ultimate strength design as the model is limited to the crushing monopoles had identical dimensions of shaft and stiffeners.
strain of the CFRP or the yield strain of the monopole steel. Predicted stiffness values from the IM-ST monopole model were
However, the intent was to model the elastic behavior of the calculated to be 2.21 and 0.59 kN/mm at the mid-span and tip,
monopole as steel monopole shafts are typically designed to respectively. The resulting monopole stiffness increase was
elastic exural limits. The model, therefore follows current design calculated as 68% and 52%. Measurements taken from IM-ST test
practice [8,9]. indicated stiffness increases of 64% and 44%. This indicates the
model is largely accurate in predicting mid-span deection, but is
not particularly accurate in determining tip deection.
Comparison of the calculated elastic longitudinal strain of the
5.1. Elastic exural stiffness model of the HM-WL monopole before and after strengthening shows
the strains were reduced by an average of 31% from the base
The exural stiffness model used to predict shaft deection is to mid-span due to the strengthening system. This resulted in
based on the moment-area method and the transformed-section overestimation of the expected strain reductions as compared to
method [10]. The moment-area method is especially effective as it the measured strain reduction of 20%. Average elastic calculated
allows for non-prismatic pole sections to easily be modeled using strain reduction from the HM-ST test was 39% from the base
a nite number of elements. The transformed-section method to mid-span. This compares well to the measured 31% reduction.
allows for easy conversion of materials with un-similar modulus Fig. 14 illustrates the measured versus calculated longitudinal
to be modeled together. Since the model was limited to within the strains from the rst and second load cases of the HM-ST test.
elastic range of both materials, no special accommodations were Comparison of the elastic monopole strain before and after
applied to the model, aside from the strip crushing strain. Strain strengthening the IM-ST test revealed a calculated 55% decrease
was calculated based on transformed-section mechanical proper- in strain from the base to the mid-span. Measured strain
ties and moments derived from both methods. reduction was found to be 52%, thus the calculated results
Several assumptions were included in the model to predict the conformed very well to the measured values. Strains calculated
load deection and strain behavior of the unstrengthened and at the mid-span to the tip for all three models before and after the

B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047 1045

Fig. 13. Experimental and calculated net deection proles for rst and second load cases of tested Monopole HM-ST at 60% of yield.

Fig. 14. Experimental and calculated strain proles for rst and second load cases of tested Monopole HM-ST at 60% of yield.

monopole was strengthened were equivalent in magnitude and consider the ultimate strain of the strips in compression, which
conformed very well to the measured results. may be more critical the rupture strength. Strengthening with
Comparison of the tested results versus the calculated results high-modulus sheets, particularly in the transverse direction, may
indicates the calculated values are not effective for the HM-WL be benecial in delaying the onset of local buckling, but additional
model and fairly accurate for the ST models. The reason for the HM- study is necessary before further recommendations can be
WL model being somewhat higher than observed is likely due to developed. The high-modulus sheets have also demonstrated that
lack of full initial development of the ber modulus. The sheet signicant ultimate exural strength capacity can be achieved
modulus in tension and compression is likely slightly less than the through their use, but additional research is necessary to conrm
coupon values due to out of straightness and any waviness of the the extent of this strength increase. The design procedure for
bers installed on the monopole. This behavior would reduce utilizing high-modulus strips for strengthening monopoles should
the expected strengthened increases. Reasons for the good con- consider the following criteria; elastic exural design of the high-
formity of the strip models are likely due to the exact compressive modulus strips, strength of the adhesive bond and development of
and tensile modulus provided by the manufacturer. Also, the the high-modulus strips, specically at the base of the structure. A
stiffeners may have helped create a more rigid, moment resisting load and resistance factor design approach is presented, although
base, which more closely replicated the model assumption. the allowable stress approach is still used in practice and remains
a viable design approach with appropriate factors of safety.

6. Design aspects 6.1. High-modulus CFRP strip design

High-modulus strips are recommended for strengthening Use of any set of reasonable assumptions can be used for
structurally decient monopoles as opposed to high-modulus determining the exural elastic stiffness of the monopole shaft
sheets due to their ease of installation and much better strengthened with high-modulus strips. The simplest approach
conformance of tested compared to the modeled results. Also, for modeling the combined cross-section of steel shaft and strip
lesser amounts of material are necessary to generate equivalent shapes is using the transformed area method. Use of this method
strength and stiffness results when compared to the intermediate- will generate reliable results assuming the effective exural
modulus strips. Yield strength design of the monopole should stresses are limited to the ultimate compressive or rupture strain

1046 B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047

of the strips or yield strength of the steel shaft. The design should 6.2. Adhesive bond design
be considered fully composite, with the adhesive thickness being
ignored when calculating the section modulus. The compressive Specic design of the adhesive bond is dependent upon many
modulus should be considered in addition to the tensile modulus variables such as surface preparation, specic epoxy, strip
when calculating the transformed section. The nominal moment thickness, and environmental conditions that make general
capacity should be limited lesser of the crushing or rupture strain recommendations for adhesive bond design very difcult. Bond
(er) of the strips or the steel yield strain (ey), as follows: design should be based on recommendation by the adhesive
manufacturer as well as tested results shown through published
M n St;min F y R
research or data provided by the manufacturer. Detailing of the
where Smin is the minimum transformed-section modulus, based high-modulus CFRP strip ends can signicantly enhance most
on steel elastic modulus, Fy is the effective steel yield strength, R is adhesive connections by limiting localized stress concentrations
the er/ey, not to exceed 1.0. and should be implemented when using high-modulus CFRP
Flexural tower strength design is typically limited to the yield strips to strengthen monopoles. Tapering strip ends has proven to
strength of the steel as standard tower design practice for signicantly relieve stress concentrations. Allan et al. [13]
polygonal shaped tubular poles [8,9] is to limit the nominal recommended detailing strip ends to a taper of 10:1 (5.71 from
moment capacities to the steel yield strength. Local buckling horizontal) to alleviate stress concentrations. Increasing adhesive
criteria, which could potentially lead to inelastic behavior, can thickness at the strip ends has also been shown by Wright et al.
limit the effective exural yield strength of the sections and are [14] to lower adhesive layer stiffness, which in turn reduces shear
applicable. stress increase at the end of the strip. This ultimately has proven
Plastic design is allowed for round tubular poles as per TIA- more effective than tapering the strip ends alone. Combining
222-G and is expected to be a design alternative for polygonal these two effects has provided the best results (price and moulds
shaped tubular poles with future editions of the TIA-222 standard. [15]) and should be implemented in strengthened monopole
Assuming that both the tensile rupture and compressive crushing design.
strain of the strip material exceed a strain of 0.004, plastic design Maximum bond stress should also be limited to 2030% of the
can be an alternative. However, scaled testing is recommended published ultimate strength of the adhesive as fatigue loading
prior to utilizing plastic design. The 0.004 strain limit is based beyond the adhesive elastic strength can result in poor creep
on identical limits placed on tension-controlled exural strength performance [6]. Effective small scale testing can be accomplished
of reinforced concrete sections (ACI, 2005). Also, full development through single or double lap shear coupon tests, assuming
of the steel shaft at the extreme ber strain of 0.004 can be identical materials, adhesive, surface preparation and application
expected and 0.004 will provide ductility of approximately twice techniques are followed. Maximum normal and shear stresses can
that of the steel yield. be calculated using established bond models [16], with maximum
Strengthening using high-modulus strips should be limited to principle stress being derived from these values. Appropriate
the exural nominal capacity of the structure to ensure that the factors of safety can then be applied to complete the adhesive
monopole remains safe in case of possible loss of the strengthen- design [17].
ing system. The exural nominal capacity of the strengthened
monopole should be limited to the strength of the unstrengthened
monopole as follows: 6.3. Development of high-modulus CFRP strips at monopole base

M y; Strengthened p1:6M y; Unstrengthened Development of the high-modulus CFRP strips at the base
The justication for allowing up to 60% increase in strength is of the monopole can be achieved through use of steel stiffeners.
design wind loads are factored by 1.6, thus even during an The intent of stiffener design is to limit the stress on the monopole
extreme design wind event, signicant unused capacity of the shaft surface such that gradual transfer of the design forces can
steel shaft is available. The monopole will still meet the imparted into high-modulus CFRP strips. Stiffener installation also
unfactored wind design loading. reduces stresses in the base weld connecting the shaft to the base
Although the intended strengthened tower design of this paper plate that cannot be accounted for using strips alone unless the
considers a ductile steel cross-section resisting exural loads, the strips can be effectively grouted through the base plate and into
potential failure of the strengthened system is very similar to the existing concrete foundation. A stiffener should be installed on
reinforced concrete or steel shear connection design. Failure both sides of the strip, although strips installed on adjoining shaft
mechanisms include failure of the strip in compression or tension, ats can share stiffeners. Stiffener thickness, height away from
or by ductile yielding of the steel shaft. The recommended exural monopole shaft and material grade should be designed to carry
strength reduction factor (fb) for strip design is based similar the full design moment at the base without assistance from the
failure mechanisms for CFRP strengthened concrete or steel high-modulus CFRP material. The stiffener height should be
exure design criteria, per ACI440R-07 [11] and AISC LRFD Steel tapered back to the monopole shaft thorough the required
[12] manuals. If the CFRP tensile rupture strain (er) controls the development length of the adhesive bond.
design, then a factor of 0.85 may be used for fb, whereas if the
yield strain (ey) controls, a factor of 0.90 may be used due to
the greater ductility of this failure mode. No existing guidelines 7. Conclusions
indicate appropriate factors for the CFRP material in a compres-
sion controlled failure. It is anticipated that this factor would be Initial testing has shown that high-modulus CFRP materials
lower numerically, providing a higher factor of safety against this may be used to provide exural stiffness and strength increases
undesirable failure mode. High-modulus CFRP strips should be within the elastic range of the monopole. Strengthening with
installed though the decient section of the monopole into shaft high-modulus CFRP sheets in the transverse direction, may also
sections with sufcient nominal exural capacity. The length of provide ultimate strength increases by delaying the onset of local
the high-modulus CFRP strips used will be dependent on the buckling. Additional research is required to conrm this observa-
length of shaft that does not have the required exural capacity tion. Simple analytical tools can be use to determine the exural
and the adhesive bond design. behavior of the strengthened material and to design the

B. Lanier et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 47 (2009) 10371047 1047

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