Deformation-Based Strut-and-Tie Model For Interior Joints of Frames Subject To Load Reversal
Deformation-Based Strut-and-Tie Model For Interior Joints of Frames Subject To Load Reversal
Deformation-Based Strut-and-Tie Model For Interior Joints of Frames Subject To Load Reversal
This paper presents a strut-and-tie model for reinforced concrete be designed in the elastic state for design purposes. The
(RC) interior beam-column joints to investigate shear strength effect of plastic hinge deformation in the beam on the shear
degradation depending on the deformation of plastic hinges of strength of the beam-column joint has not been clearly
adjacent beams. Two primary factors are considered in the included; however, as the yield penetration of beam bars
development of a deformation-based strut-and-tie model: 1) shear
occurs into the joint, the shear strength damage mechanism
force and moment transmitted from adjacent beams and columns;
and 2) strain distribution of beam longitudinal bars within the is likely to change from the combined truss and diagonal
joint. The bond stress distribution along the beam bars within the strut action to the clear diagonal strut action. Accordingly, it
joint is used to depict appropriate force transfer patterns within is necessary to investigate the relationship between beam
the interior joint. Based on comparisons between the predicted plastic hinge deformation and joint shear strength under
values of strength and deformation capacity and test results from substantial deformation in an effort to propose basic
the literature, the proposed model successfully predicted the concepts that may inspire future design directions for interior
strengths and deformation capacities of interior beam-column beam-column joints. Figure 1 illustrates a deformation-
subassemblages influenced by joint shear failure. based design strategy that is used in this study.
This paper proposes a strut-and-tie model capable of
Keywords: frames; joints; load; strut-and-tie model.
simulating the shear strength degradation of RC interior
beam-column joints dependent on the behavior of adjacent
INTRODUCTION beam plastic hinges. Additionally, the proposed model
Beam-column joints of reinforced concrete (RC) building estimates the attainable shear strength of joints for a given
frames are susceptible to high shear in the event of story drift ratio of beam-column frames and the ductility
earthquakes. In most design practices, one treats beam- limit defined by joint shear failure.
column joints as weak links and attempts to ensure sufficient
shear strengths of joints by providing appropriate detailing
and materials to resist the loads transmitted from beams and
columns, even after the formation of beam plastic hinges. Current ACI 318-081 code provisions provide limits on
The complexity and uncertainty of the load-transfer the shear strength of beam-column joints and detailing rules
mechanism in the joint regions generally leads to an to ensure sufficient joint shear strength. The complexity of
ambiguous design methodology; design code provisions load-transfer mechanisms within a joint and the treatment of
such as ACI 318-081 and NZS 3101-952 provide simplified a joint isolated from the adjacent members have led to a
procedures for the design of beam-column joints.3 simplified design with little consideration of the interaction
Shear strengths of RC flexural members are significantly
affected by the post-yield deformation. In other words, the
shear strengths tend to decrease as the displacement ductility
increases. Wight and Sozen4 first acknowledged the reduction
in the shear resistance of RC flexural members due to the
post-yield deformation. Subsequently, the Applied Technology
Council (ATC-65) proposed a conceptual model of shear
strength degradation depending on the displacement
ductility. Previous experimental research6,7 reported that
bond stress loss along flexural bars with yield penetration
and softening of the concrete struts for shear transfer are the
two main influential factors affecting the degradation of
shear strength.
This type of shear strength degradation due to the post-
yield deformation of plastic hinges applies to both flexural Fig. 1—Deformation-based design strategy for beam-column
members and beam-column joints where flexural reinforcement subassemblages.
passes through or terminates. Hakuto et al.7,8 verified the
degradation in the joint shear strength due to the loss of the
bond along beam bars within the joint. As most plastic ACI Structural Journal, V. 108, No. 4, July-August 2011.
MS No. S-2009-304.R2 received April 20, 2010, and reviewed under Institute
hinges of building frames are designed to occur at the beam publication policies. Copyright © 2011, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved,
ends according to the capacity design concept, a beam- including the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
Pertinent discussion including author’s closure, if any, will be published in the May-June
column joint has been regarded as an isolated component to 2012 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is received by January 1, 2012.
M y1 + M y2 V b h c
V jh = A s1 f y1 + A s2 f y2 – ------------------------
- – ----------- (2)
h h
Fig. 4—(a) Equilibrium along beam bars passing through joint at three different ductility levels; (b) strain distributions; (c) stress
distributions; (d) bond stress distributions; and (e) admissible stress fields.
Fig. 5—(a) Stress fields of interior beam-column joint; and (b) strut-and-tie model.
Strut-and-tie model
Using the relations identified in the preceding sections, a
strut-and-tie model is proposed for an interior beam-column
joint subject to moment reversals. One admissible stress Fig. 6—Stain distributions in horizontal direction: (a) top
field determined by the required strain level εreq in the beam chord; (b) joint core; and (c) bottom chord.
⎛ ( a bf cos α 2 – V n2 ) ⁄ cos α 2
C D2 = minimum of ⎜ d2 ce (18)
⎝ ( F h – V n2 ) ⁄ cos α 2
where ad2 is the effective depth of Strut D2, and in that Strut D2
results from the fan-shaped (that is, triangular-shaped) stress
field in State-III (Fig. 4(e)), it is approximated as the average of
the depths (that is, the depth of the middle part of the fan)
Fig. 7—Geometries within C-C-C nodal zone (Node N2). as follows
Fig. 8—Relationships of interstory drift and member deformations: (a) elastic deformation
of beam and column; (b) plastic hinge deformation; and (c) joint shear deformation.
60 ·.Test Results
Flexural Behavior 15
. .
... Test Results
.<: "
.<: .<:
"'cE 40
10 "'
c "'cE 10
~ ~ ~ ~
0 0 0 0
<J <J <J <J
20 5
0 0
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Drift Angle (rad) Drift Angle (rad)
A3 25
z~ 100 i;g, z~ 140
.. .!i
Flexural Behavior
0 120
.c \ "
.c .c
c \ 10 "'E
c "'E
Flexural Behavior 80
~ Test Results ~ 60
0 0 0
<J <J <J
Test Results · 40
Joint Shear Strength 5
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 o.or 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Drift Angle (rad) Drift Angle (rad)
812 160-
z~ 140
i;g, z~ 140
.."e .
500 Joint Shear Strength
.c .c .c 400 .c
"'cE Flexural Behavior 80
"'cE "'cE 300
~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~
0 0 0 0
<J <J <J 200 <J
·40 40
20 100 20
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Drift Angle (rad) Drift Angle (rad)
700 500
z~ 600
c. z~
400 ;g.
Joint Shear Strength 120 g. Joint Shear Strength .
."e . "e
500 80
0 100 0 0 0
li 400 li
li 60
.c 80
.c "
.c Flexural Behavior-. .c
c 300
60 "'E
c "'E
c 200
Test Results:-\ \ "'E
~ TestR~s~l~~ ~
0 200 0 0 0
<J 40 <J <J <J
Flexural Behavior \ 20
100 20
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Drift Angle (rad) Drift Angle (rad)
X'5 120 u;
z 500 c.
~ 100
Joint Shear Strength
80 ~
.j .
Joint Shear Strength
80 ...e
., ! .c
c 200
Te~~es~Hs~ c
~ ~ 40
<J 0 8 I 0
100 Flexural Behavior 20 " Flexural Behavior j_
0 0 0
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 O.Q1 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Drift Angle (rad) Drift Angle (rad)