Design Erm 1

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Thomas G. Quine
Northstar Industries

INTRODUCTION and methods for analyzing your system. Seek advice on

matters that you are unsure of, but get correct solutions
This presentation is intended to illustrate the to problems based on a solid foundation of good
implementation of a successful project. These principles documented engineering and practices participating in
can be applied to measurement and control projects, that process as a team member.
LNG projects, and LPG projects.
Community Standards
The strategy presented involves performing through
preliminary engineering, performing final design and The design must meet community standards or customer
procurement, qualification of installers, construction, standards for noise, aesthetics, building codes and gas
testing, commissioning and finally, training and characteristics.
Company or Industry Standards and Practices
This presentation focuses on the following items:
Current practice should be applied so as to give the
• Developing a project perspective design consistent appearance. If company standards are
• Establishing a sound baseline from which to not being applied, the engineer should become a training
proceed resource in clarifying them to operating personnel. If
• Examples of actual designs standards are not adequate, the engineer should take a
• Typical design deliverables leadership role in fixing them.
• Conclusion
Permitting and Work Requirements
Often restrictions are placed on operating companies by
In order for an employee to properly understand the permitting agencies that are unplanned and unbudgeted.
process of implementing successful projects in the gas Typically, these permits involve environmental construction
distribution and transmission area, it is important to place standards, OSHA requirements, emissions requirements,
this process in the context of six sometimes conflicting noise requirements, and mechanisms for extra work on
areas. contracts.

• Codes and Standards Understanding Company Interdepartmental

• Sound Engineering Practice Interactions
• Company Practice
• Community Standards It is critical for the successful engineer to fully understand
• Permitting Requirements and appreciate the company’s method of justifying and
• Departmental Interactions adding new customers during the course of day to day
Codes and Standards
Too often departments within companies conflict as to
Relevant codes and standards must be understood and department needs:
applied to the process. An examination of Title 49 CFR
Section 192 instructs the natural gas engineer in decision • The Executive Group is balancing stockholder,
making in the design process. The engineer must employees, the Board of Directors, and
become the company expert in these matters and take customers.
responsibility for interpreting these codes. • The Marketing Group is mandated to add new
load and explore the opportunities of deregulation.
Sound Engineering Practices • The Engineering Department is mandated to
estimate costs, design safe systems, specify
All calculations and assumptions need to be based on installation of facilities and support other areas
accepted engineering practice. Utilize accepted formulas as needed.


• The Service Department has many service 5. What is the MAOP of the burner train or service
calls, meter exchanges, and installations to regulator?
• The Distribution Department is maintaining 6. Is there a gas or electric pilot?
and installing depending on daily needs
• The Corrosion Department is protecting the 7. What is the MAOP of the distribution system feeding
integrity of the system. the facility?
• The Gas Supply and Production Group is
balancing firm, best offers, and dual fuel loads, 8. What is the minimum and maximum pressure that
peak shaving transportation, and order 636. can be expected during design load?
• The Measurement and Control Group is
balancing accuracy, safety and cost. 9. What is the minimum and maximum that can be
• The Financial Group is processing invoices and expected for the load?
ordering new equipment, billing and bottom line
budget. 10. Based on the MAOP, what ANSI rating or flanges
are required?
Clearly, there are many conflicting interests within the
company itself that make the design and implementation 11. What grade and wall thickness of pipe is required?
process even more challenging. Each department has a
unique role that, when properly administered, can be a 12. What method of regulation is appropriate?
vital resource to the company.
13. What type of overpressure is required?
14. Is preheating required?
15. If yes, how many BTU’s?
In order to accomplish a project, the company must apply
a sound methodology to the problem. Design criteria 16. Will this location be part of a SCADA system?
must be established, codes and standards need to be
applied, calculations must be made, cost effective 17. What types of isolation valves are required?
equipment must be selected, a project must be designed
in its entirety and qualified installers must be instructed 18. Does the customer have any unusual aesthetic or
on what to do by means of drawings and specifications. noise concerns?
After installation, the facility must be operated and
maintained properly with your support and by company 19. Is filtering required?
20. What is the maximum velocity of the gas pipe?
Companies often make the mistake of processing gas
requests from the office, thereby isolating themselves 21. What are the cathodic protection requirements?
from the customer.
22. What is the actual cost of the project?
The best marketing tool is often a well-informed team
set up to meet the client’s needs. The engineer should 23. Is it economically justified?
make an appointment with the marketing representative
from the gas company and visit the new customer’s After answering as many questions as possible about
facility. the design criteria and becoming familiar with applicable
codes and standards, the engineer must complete the
The following design criteria need to be estimated before design by sizing the pipe, selecting and sizing metering
beginning final design: and regulating devices, and selecting the method of
overpressure protection.
1. What is the customer’s name and address and who
is the site engineer? The American Gas Association provides excellent
guidelines to the gas engineer in selecting measurement
2. Who is the manufacturer of the equipment items and devices and designing their piping configurations for
what is the input rating of each piece of equipment? optimum design.

3. What is the minimum and maximum flow rate of the It is incumbent upon the engineer to utilize all existing
new load? resources for information on design.

4. What is the required gas pressure for each piece of Performance curves and sizing calculations must be
equipment? reviewed in making the proper choice for pressure and
flow control and overpressure protection devices.


Industry Accepted Options for Metering • A firm or interruptible gas supply must be
available and a tap point along an existing
Diaphragm – Displacement pipeline must be developed.
Rotary – Displacement • A natural gas pipeline must deliver gas to the
Turbine – Inferential facility.
Orifice – Inferential • Gas filtering must take place.
• Custody transfer metering must take place.
Industry Accepted Options for Regulating • Cathodic protection facilities must be
incorporated in the design.
Self Operating
Pilot Operated At least two sites must be developed for the project.
Control Valve with Pneumatic Controllers
Control Valves split range control A. The side tap location

Industry Accepted Options for Overpressure Protection B. The custody transfer measurement and control site
feeding the facility.
Wide Open Monitor
Working Monitor (In some cases, the metering area is located at the
Shutoff Valve side tap area.)
Internal Relief
Separate Relief Devices Codes and Standards

Having completed all of the above, you have completed The design should be in compliance with the following
your design criteria for your project, probably having to codes:
call the customer back on several occasions to seek
input. Title 49, Part 192 Minimum Safety Standards for
Gas Lines
You may have had to seek clarification from the local ANSI B16.5 Steel pipe fittings
building inspector on certain matters. ANSI B16.11 Forged Steel Fittings, Socket
Welding & Threaded Fittings
Company personnel have given you input as to what ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
features they would like to see in the new design. Your API 5L Specification for Line Pipe
company standards and O&M procedures have been API 6D Specification for Pipeline Valves
reviewed and applied to the job.
API 1104 Welding of Pipelines and
The corrosion department has been consulted. You have Related Facilities
evaluated the impact of the load on your gas supply ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant & Petroleum
system. You have reviewed AGA practices on metering/ Refinery Piping
regulating and purging of new systems. All relevant codes ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission &
have been applied. Your calculation for pressure drop, Distribution Piping Systems
stresses, and equipment sizing are complete and in a ASME Section VII Boiler and Pressure Vessel
permanent file. At this time, it is important to help the Code
purchasing department by preparing accurate data NEMA ICS 1 Industrial Controls
sheets for acquiring necessary equipment for a project. NEMA ICS 6 Enclosures for Industrial
The engineer must then communicate the fabrication and NFPA 70 National Electric Code
installation details of the system in drawings and written Local Building Codes
technical specifications. These specifications should
include a qualified welding procedure and X-ray or other Code Highlights (49 CFR Section 192)
non-destructive testing requirements, details on pressure
testing, and any special installation requirements of Materials
This subpart instructs the engineer that steel pipe is
Request for as-built drawings and record of the test can qualified for use only if it was manufactured with a listed
be made here a well. specification.

The site plan allows for proper separation and access, API standard 5L is an approved specification for steel
and the piping and instrumentation diagram pipe which allows the engineer to review in a cookbook
demonstrates redundancy, ease of maintenance and fashion the specific grade, wall thickness, length, end
operations, and overpressure protection. type, and testing and documentation requirements as


Subpart B also instructs the engineer that each length would be typically shown on the conceptual layout. The
of pipe, valve, fitting and component must be marked spacing between buildings will allow good accessibility
by the manufacturer to indicate size, materials, around the site, will meet area classification requirements
manufacturer, pressure rating, temperature rating, type, for electrical designation, and will provide an adequate
grade, and model. Technical specification for steel pipe distance for protection of each building from adjacent
can easily be put together using API-5L. buildings for fire rating purposes.

Pipe Design Mechanical/ Piping

This subpart instructs the engineer of how to calculate All gas piping will be designed for the pressure rating
for required wall thickness and grade of pipe for a and noise characteristics desired. Flanges will be ANSI
particular application. rated for the intended service. The general arrangement
of valves and piping will allow good access for
Design of Pipeline Components adjustment and maintenance purposes. Gas can first
pass through a filter to minimize containment of abrasion
This part informs the engineer that the only qualified during the meter’s and regulator’s service life. Prior to
components can be used in design 1. For example: API- regulation at the site, the gas stream will first be metered
6D qualified valves must be utilized and ANSI or MSS- then heated in a shell and tube heat exchanger. The heat
SP-44 flanges incorporated as well. The standards transfer medium will be a water/ glycol mixture that has
enable the engineer to write specifications for pipeline been heated by a boiler. The water/ glycol flow rate will
components. be controlled so that gas discharge from the station will
be a nominal temperature required.
Welding of Steel in Pipelines
Gas regulation will be carried out via two redundant pairs
This section of DOT 192 requires companies to have arranged in parallel. Gas will first pass through a wide-
qualified welding procedures as a part of its permanent open ball valve configured as a monitor regulator. The
O&M. attached operator will move the ball valve to the
appropriate controlling position to maintain regulation
Customer Meters, Service Regulations and Service should a failure occur to the main regulator that is
Lines regularly located immediately downstream. The main gas
regulator will be normally controlled to the proper
Subpart H instructs the engineer on the allowable pressure. The regulators will be sized such that each
location and required protection of meter sets. one can pass the maximum station flow at an inlet
pressure and a design discharge pressure. The parallel
In order to properly design, a thorough understanding of regulator pipes will be stacked one above the other, side
code requirements is necessary. It is recommended that by side. Each run can be isolated and vented to permit
a design manual be implemented in order to ensure that servicing of valves and instruments. Before entering the
all steps are covered and consistent design is occurring. pipeline, the gas will pass through the station isolation
It also describes qualifying individual welders to work
with your procedure according to API 1104. Custody Transfer Metering

Civil/ Structural Design There are two portions of gas measurement that must be
considered in order to obtain accurate custody transfer
Each site will be designed to allow for required building metering. There is volumetric measure of natural gas, which
separation and yard piping for proper drainage. Grading is compressible fluid, and there is energy content of natural
design will be carried out from topographical survey gas in British Thermal Units. From Charles Law and Boyles
information. Finished elevations and slopes will be Law we know the pressure and temperature of the gas
coordinated with plant personnel in order to maintain determine the number of molecules of gas in a cubic foot.
consistency at the site. Because of this fact, the concept of a standard cubic foot
was developed in order to convert the amount of gas being
Boreholes may be required to determine sub surface geo- transferred to a common base value. Most people consider
technical conditions. These borings are included in the the base condition to be atmospheric pressure at a
engineering scope of work. Foundation design will be temperature of 60º F.
based upon the results of this investigation. The buildings
will be supported on grade beams with spread footings As pressure increases, the amount of molecules in the
or standard foundations. standard cubic foot increases. As temperature decreased
the amount of molecules increases. To further complicate
The boiler building and gas regulation building can be of matters, natural gas is not an ideal gas. It has been
the prefabricated type. The regulator building will feature determined that, as pressure increases, gas behaves in
skylights that will act as relief panels in the event of a a manner such that it compresses more than expected.
major leak or explosion. The location of the buildings The concept of supercompressability was created to


describe this phenomenon. The American Gas regulator and metering building. The data acquisition
Association has published a great deal of detailed data building and boiler building should be designed as non-
to guide the engineer to the proper calculation of these hazardous areas.
factors. It is generally recognized that in order to properly
calculate the supercompressability of gas, a flow Buried conduit design can be PVC coated rigid steel.
computer is required as well as the gas properties. Exposed conduit can be galvanized rigid steel. Buried
gas piping should be designed with cathodic protection.
Constituents such as CO2, N2, specific gravity, and BTU
are commonly input into flow computers for real time A ground grid system should be developed for the station.
calculating. The system should be designed to tie in all buildings
including all electrical equipment, motors, duct lines and
Energy Content (Therm Billing) station fence. The system design can consist of a grid of
buried conductors with galvanized ground rods.
At its inception, natural gas energy content was less
important to custody transfer applications than the Area Classification Plan
amount of cubic feet that were delivered. Gas is
commonly delivered between1000 – 13000 BTU’s per A common error seen at many natural gas facilities is
cubic foot in the United States. Over the last 20 years, the misapplication of Section 500 of the National Electric
the price of gas has increased in order of magnitude. Code. This section instructs the engineer in the
Because of this the concept of the therm was introduced. appropriate electrical equipment and seals that should
As opposed to buying standard cubic feet, most pipeline be utilized in various classified areas.
corporations bill therms.
It is incumbent upon the engineer to classify these areas
A therm is defined as 100,000 BTU’s of energy. properly prior to proceeding with final design of the
In order to properly calculate the amount of BTU’s per
cubic feet, most people recognize that several The location of non-hazardous equipment in a Class I,
constituents should be available, such as BTU, N2, and Division I, or Division II areas would be considered a
CO2 content of the gas. serious violation of the code.

This information can be obtained from a chromatograph The first step in any electrical design of a gas facility
or a therm titrator. should be the creation of an area classification plan.
Having developed this plan, the engineer can properly
Shared Measurement apply the requirements of Section 500 of NEC 70.

One definition of good measurement is a single meter In addition to Section 500, the engineer would be aware
that two parties agree upon. of the application of Section 400 as it relates to
intrinsically safe circuits. With the increased use of
In one example a single auto adjust signal is split after frequency output auto adjust turbine meters, the
the SER by using a 7003NS splitter. requirements of Section 400 are critical. The engineer is
instructed to provide clearly labeled isolated circuits so
This splitter can handle the 0-1000Hz signal. as to prevent a surge on the “Safe” circuit.

A high-speed input can receive the split signal and Odorant Design
separate inputs for pressure, temperature, and gas
composition that allows an RTU to perform a calculation Odorization is performed by LDC’s for two reasons: code
for corrected volume. compliance and public safety. The odorant injection into
the gas stream is the only safety warning agent the gas
Electrical Design industry has to alarm the general public in the event of
leaks. Tighter regulations, and increased litigation in
Electrical power design can be 120/240V, single phase, recent years, have increasingly placed odorization in the
from a utility pole at the corner of the site. Buried conduit spotlight.
can be used to bring the power cable to the main panel
in the data acquisition building and for all power control No longer is it acceptable to simply odorize using
and instrument cable between buildings. A spare conduit differential-pressure-driven devices that do not provide
for telephone use can be provided from the utility pole remote SCADA monitoring of odorization system
to the data acquisition building. A sub-panel for electrical performance. Modern odorizers can provide 24-hour
power distribution can be provided in the boiler building. remote monitoring capabilities of both system
performance and actual injection rate. It is critical to
Electrical design for the regulating building should be maintain consistent, adequate odorization throughout the
for Class 1, Division 2, Group D for 10 feet from the distribution system in order to protect the public, ensure
outside wall and Class 1, Division 1, Group D inside each compliance, and avoid costly litigation.


At the same time, it is also important (and code required) acquisition building. This process controller will calculate
to design the system to prevent unnecessary odors and the flow from the turbine meters. This controller will
odor releases around the station. perform pressure or flow control as requested.

Things to specify when designing an odorization system Design of the local operator interface with the process
include: controller, including monitoring flow and assigning a
setpoint for the working pressure regulator, will be via a
• Size storage tank for maximum of one fill per year. keypad on the controller front or laptop for changing
• Utilize ASME rated pressure vessels (Preferably parameters.
ASME 250.)
• Fill tanks directly from bulk supplier’s trailer or The controller can be designed to monitor alarm
from pressurized DOT rated cylinders. Avoid conditions, including LEL, smoke/heat, and UV fire. The
transferring from drums – they are not pressure occurrence of any of these alarm conditions can be
vessels! designed to illuminate a local visual device in the data
• Tank connections should be all top connections acquisition building. The exact condition in alarm can
and should include vapor connection, liquid fill be viewed locally or remotely.
connection, relief valve (with locking ball valve
for isolation) liquid withdrawal diptube, blanket The process controller will monitor the outlet temperature
pressure connection, and level indication (avoid of the heater and position a temperature control valve
site glasses; they can be a source of leaks). via a control function to control the heater outlet
• Utilize good quality stainless steel valves, tubing, temperature to an operator assignable setpoint. This
and fittings. function can also be performed with a pneumatic
• Minimize pipe thread connections and other temperature controller.
potential sources of leaks.
• Select a pumping system with an integral A plant instruction manual should include a section giving
odorant meter that provides real time specific direction to the use of the operation of this
measurement (temperature compensated!) installation.
• Utilize a pump that prevents leakage should
internal components fail and that will handle the The software to be provided and installed (by vendor) in
entire range of flows through the station. the process controller should include capability for both
Consider future load growth. custom programming and general take station control
• Design tubing to allow for close loop purging (M&R package). In general, the standard M&R will be
and priming of all system tubing. Consider the used, unaltered, whenever possible.
use of filters, scrubbers, flares and vapor
compressors when depressurizing for fills of The process controller hardware and software are
maintenance. intended to be suitable to allow this process controller
• Select a system with a controller separate from to act as an RTU in a SCADA network. The process
the RTU or SCADA system. controller itself is furnished with an integral modem
• Utilize a controller that is Class I, Division I rated. intended for dedicated phone line communication to the
System performance can then be noted while dispatch area or radio interface.
standing directly at the unit.
• Select a controller that in itself will provide ENGINEERING DELIVERABLES
information on odorant usage, pump
performance, and real-time system conditions. The following is a typical list of items, which are required
The controller should communicate with the in the installation of facilities in the natural gas industry.
SCADA system to provide alarm information,
instantaneous odorization rate, daily summaries • Drug and Alcohol Compliance
of odorant injected, and remote shut off • Engineering Calculations
capabilities. • Design Criteria
• Monitor many points in the distribution system • Process Flow Diagram
continuously with distinct Odor Level Test to • P&IDs
establish and ensure adequate injection rate. • Site Plot/ Grading Plan (2)
• Foundation & Support Details (2)
Controls Design • Yard Piping Plan & Details (2)
• Piping Plans & Elevations
The configuration can consist of meters for flow – Regulator Building (1)
measurement, followed by a heat exchanger and then – Heater Building (1)
parallel runs for pressure regulation. – Metering Building (1)
• Grounding, Conduit, Hazardous Area Plan (1)
The control design is based on a process controller • Electrical Arrangement & Conduit Plan (2)
mounted in a freestanding rack located in the data • Cable Schedules, Routing, Terminations (4)


• Instrument Installation Details The employee has the unique role of presenting himself
• Final Instrument List or herself as a resource for the entire company to utilize
• Control System I/O List for evaluating options for growth.
• Process Controller Custom Operating
Descriptions It is incumbent upon the employee to understand and
• Final Configuration Software Printout communicate his/her individual role in this process and
• Bill of Materials (2) Gas Glycol/ Water help your company succeed.
• Construction Specifications – Mechanical, Civil,
Structural, Electrical, Controls Express your ideas positively and strongly. Be available
• Material/ Instrumentation Data Sheets for consultation. If you don’t know the right answer,
• Installation Test Reports always be able to get the answer. Listen to the input
• Cathodic Protection Details from operators of the equipment. Valuable design input
• Operations Manual (1) is readily available from them.
• Boreholes
• Survey Listen to the needs of other departments, and especially
• As Built Drawings your customers.
• Electrical Power to Site
• Telephone to Site Express your willingness to be a company resource and
• Permits you will achieve personal success and your company
• Telephone Company Interface will achieve team success by adding new customers
effectively and keeping the ones it already has.

One of the best marketing tools for a company is a

successful team project.

In order to implement a successful project, the company

must present a team that is able to provide an
inexpensive, cost efficient, properly billed, reliable and
safely delivered product. This can only be achieved by:

• Marketing
• Engineering
• Gas Supply
• Production
• Service
• Measurement & Control
• Corrosion
• Finance
• Inventory Control
• Administration

All understanding their respective roles in this process.



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