Mapinfo Userguide
Mapinfo Userguide
Mapinfo Userguide
Version 7.0
Title Page
User’s Guide
MapInfo Corporation
Troy, New York
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
the vendor or its representatives. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of MapInfo Corporation,
One Global View, Troy, New York 12180-8399.
1992–2002 MapInfo Corporation. All rights reserved. MapInfo, MapInfo Professional, MapBasic, and the MapInfo
Logo are registered trademarks of MapInfo Corporation.
Contact MapInfo Corporation on the Internet at:
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Technical Support Fax: please use the Technical Support Fax number.
(518) 285-6080
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libtiff 1988–1995 Sam Leffler, copyright 1991–1995 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
libgeotiff 1995 Niles D. Ritter.
Portions Copyright 1999 3D Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
HIL – Halo Imaging Library™ Copyright 1993, Media Cybernetics Inc. Halo Imaging Library is a trademark of Media
Cybernetics, Inc.
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Portions Copyright 1993–2002 Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen. All Rights Reserved.
This software uses patented LZW technology for .GIF image compression and/or decompression. (Unisys United
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Blue Marble 1993–2002.
ECW by ER Mapper 1998–2002.
VMGrid by Northwood Technologies, Inc., a Marconi Company 1995–2002 ™.
Portions 2002 Earth Resource Mapping, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Portions of this software are copyrighted by MERANT, 1991–2002.
MrSID, MrSID Decompressor and the MrSID logo are trademarks of LizardTech, Inc. used under license. Portions of
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under US and international patent & copyright treaties and foreign patent applications are pending. Unauthorized
use or duplication prohibited.
Universal Translator by Safe Software, Inc. 2002.
Crystal Reports® is proprietary trademark of Crystal Decisions. All Rights Reserved.
Products named herein may be trademarks of their respective manufacturers and are hereby recognized.
Trademarked names are used editorially, to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intent to infringe on the
This documentation reflects the contributions of almost all of the women and men that work for MapInfo
Corporation. It was specifically produced by Marie Costa and Gayle Patenaude, with the help of Juliette Funiciello
and Ed McElroy. Colleen Cox, Managing Editor. The Documentation Department is indebted to MapInfo’s Quality
Assurance Department and, of course, to all the members of the Product Development team that engineered this
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Desktop Mapping at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Making MapInfo Professional Work for You. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
MI Pro Documentation Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
MI Pro and the Microsoft IntelliMouse™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Ensuring Success with MapInfo Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Training Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Technical Support Offerings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Chapter 2: Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Before Installing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Navigating the MapInfo Professional 7.0 CD Browser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Install Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
MapInfo Professional 7.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Installation Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Removing MapInfo Professional from Your System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Controlling Advanced System Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Windows Compatibility
MI Pro is Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP
Professional and Windows XP Home and Office compatible, so you will feel right at
home with its windowing environment. MI Pro is designed to fit smoothly into your
work environment, so it only changes the results you get, not the way you work.
Feature Rundown
MI Pro gives you the processing power of databases (including powerful SQL
queries) and the visual power of maps, plus charts and graphs. It’s an essential
business tool for data analysis, sales, and presentations.
Here is a look at some of the things MI Pro offers:
• Direct opening of files created with dBASE or FoxBASE, delimited ASCII,
shapefiles, Lotus 1–2–3, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Access; importing of
graphics files in a variety of formats; a function for creating database files
from within MI Pro.
• Multiple views of your data in three formats: Map, Browser, and Graph
windows. Hot Views technology allows you to open multiple views of the
same data simultaneously and update all views automatically when you
make a change to any one view.
• Live ODBC access to remote database data such as Oracle and SQL Server.
• Seamless map layers that allow you to handle several map layers as if they
were one layer.
• Cartographic legends, enabling you to create and customize legends for any
map layer.
• Thematic maps to create analyses of your data with high visual impact,
including grid surface themes, 3DMaps, and Prism maps.
• Use raster underlay capabilities to enhance your work session.
• Querying capabilities ranging from simple selections of data from a single file
to complex SQL queries from one or more files.
• Workspaces that save all your settings and views so you can start where you
left off at the end of your last work session.
• HotLinks that let you launch files or URLs directly from a Map window.
• OLE embedding of Map windows into other applications
• A comprehensive array of drawing and editing tools and other functions for
customizing your maps.
• Thousands of ready-made maps and functions for creating your own maps.
• Crystal Reports, the industry-standard report-writing program, allows you to
create reports of your tabular data directly in MI Pro.
• A layout window for preparing output.
• Improved printing and export capabilities for high-quality output
• The ability to change the projection of your map for display or digitizing.
• Object processing functions that help to correct errors in data, set node snap
tolerances for different objects, as well as thin nodes and polygons.
When it’s time to run MI Pro, you’ll feel right at home with its windowing
environment. After you’ve organized your data visually, you’ll save the results to
files, or send them to your printer or plotter.
Getting Started
If you have your data on hand and you can read a map, you’re just about ready to
begin. Soon, we’ll show you an example of how easy it is to put MI Pro’s power to
work for you.
But first, install MI Pro following the instructions in Chapter 2. Read through What’s
New in MapInfo Professional to get a feel for the range of mapping possibilities.
Chapter 4 provides an overview of basic mapping terms and concepts, a must read for
the new user. Do the web-enabled tutorial to learn MI Pro’s features, and become
accustomed to the more common tasks and functions.
For more product and service information, you can connect directly from MI Pro to
our forum on the Microsoft Network (Help > Connect to MapInfo Forum). Or, consult
our World Wide Web site (
MI Pro Reference
MI Pro’s online Reference is a complete guide to all MI Pro menu commands, tools, and
functionality. Alphabetically organized, each entry provides step-by-step instructions
for completing dialogs and carrying out the various operations.
MapBasic® Reference
The MapBasic online Reference is a complete guide to all MapBasic commands. See
Chapter 24, Using the MapBasic Window, for a discussion of which MapBasic
commands can be used.
Customer Service
• Hours: Monday through Friday, 8AM to 7PM EST
• Telephone Number: (800) 552–2511, option 3
• Queue/Voice mailbox: 6329
• Internet address: [email protected]
Online Help
MI Pro’s comprehensive Online Help system provides the information you need to
learn and use MI Pro more effectively. You can reach the information in several ways:
• Use the Help Contents screen to choose topics from books. Click on a book to
display its topics, and choose a topic from the list.
• Use the Find feature to search on a specific word. Type the word you want to
search for, and click Rebuild. MI Pro displays a list of words to help narrow
your search. Click on a word, and a list of topics displays that contain the
selected word. Double-click on the topic you want or click Display to display
the topic.
• Use the Index feature to find a topic quickly. Type the first few letters of the
word you are looking for. The topic that most closely matches what you typed
is highlighted. Click the index entry you want to display.
• Context-Sensitive Feature: Press the F1 key to receive more information on
any menu command or dialog. The Help window for that item displays. Also
click on the Help button in the MI Pro dialogs to display information on the
current dialog.
• See Also information: Click on the green underlined text in any Help window
to bring up information on related tasks or key words and phrases.
Online Help has been designed to display in half of your window so that you can
view your maps, Browser windows, and dialogs alongside the Help window. Of
course, you can always change the size of the Help window to work the way you are
most comfortable. Choose Help > Always On Top to keep the Help window on your
screen so you can continue to work in MI Pro. Or use Alt-Tab to toggle between the
Help screen and the MI Pro desktop.
Online Tutorial
Get started quickly with MI Pro’s Web-enabled online tutorial designed to give novice
users a quick introduction to MI Pro. Let the tutorial guide you through MI Pro’s main
features. Try the lessons live in MI Pro or run a live demonstration. You can go at your
own pace.
To access the tutorial directly from the MI Pro 7.0 CD Browser, choose Run MapInfo
Tutorial. You can also copy the files to a local or network area and run it locally. See
the first tutorial page to find out how.
MI Pro’s StatusBar along the lower edge of your screen provides helpful information
during your mapping session and allows you to make some changes directly in the
StatusBar. Choose Options > Show/Hide StatusBar to control the display of the
• StatusBar Help: For instantaneous answers to “What does that command do”
simply move the cursor over the command. A brief description of the
command displays in the left pane of the StatusBar along the lower edge of
your screen.
• Zoom, Map Scale, Cursor Location: View any one of these settings in the
StatusBar. You can change which one is displayed directly from the StatusBar.
Click the arrow on the right side of the box to display a popup list of the three
options. Click on the setting you want to display. The StatusBar automatically
updates. These display settings are also controlled in the Map Options dialog
• Editable Layers: To keep track of which layer is currently editable, MI Pro
displays the layer in the StatusBar. You can change the editable layer directly
in the StatusBar Click on the arrow to the right of the box to display a popup
list of the layers in the Map window. Click on the layer you want to make
editable. The StatusBar automatically updates, showing the new editable
• Selectable Layers: The StatusBar indicates which layer the current selection is
from. If there is nothing selected, the StatusBar reads: “Selecting: NONE.”
• Browser window Records: When viewing a table in a Browser, the record
count displays in the StatusBar.
• Snap-to-Node: This S-key toggle feature is in use when SNAP displays in the
Document Scrolling
In the Map, Layout, Browser, and MapBasic windows, hold down the Control key and
move the wheel to scroll the document vertically; the effect is the same as clicking on
the arrow at the end of the scroll bar.
Document Panning
In the Map and Browser windows, hold down the wheel button on the IntelliMouse™
and move the mouse to pan the document. Release the button to end the panning.
There are three panning speeds. The speed of the panning is based on the cursor’s
distance from the starting point, indicated by the origin mark. In the Map window, the
distance moved at each speed is a percentage of the zoom distance. For example, the
amount to move at slow speed is. 005 * ZoomDistance, medium speed is. 01 *
ZoomDistance, and super speed is .1 * ZoomDistance. In the Browser, the window is
scrolled by 1, 3, and 7 lines or columns for slow, medium and super speeds. When the
cursor is within 15 pixels of the starting point, there is no panning.
In the Map and Browser windows, click and release the wheel button to activate
AutoScroll. When the mouse cursor is moved away from the starting point the
document starts to scroll in whatever direction you move the mouse. When the cursor
is returned to the starting point, scrolling stops. AutoScroll is turned off by any mouse
click or key stroke. AutoScroll is also turned off when MI Pro loses the focus, for
example, when you Alt-Tab to another application.
In the Map and Layout windows, move the wheel forward to zoom in on the
document. Roll back the mouse wheel to zoom out on the document. The wheel has a
series of detents; each “click” is the same as one click with a zoom tool. The mouse
wheel does not recenter the view.
On occasion, problems with Internet mail result in lost postings. If users are aware of
recent postings that are not in the database, please do not re-post to MapInfo-L!
Instead, please forward a copy of the posting to either Bill Thoen or the MapInfo Test
Drive Center ([email protected]).
Utilize support along the way. When you’re stopped at a critical point, Technical
Support is here to help. See the contact information section below for details on
contacting your local support center.
Training Requirements
The best way to ensure success with MI Pro software is to make certain that users are
trained in the product and version of the MI Pro software being used. Since MapInfo
recognizes that it is not always possible for the designated contact to be trained
immediately, MapInfo offers a 30-day grace period on this requirement. At the end of
the 30-day grace period, MapInfo Technical Support reserves the right to withhold
support from untrained designated contacts.
Note: Trained contacts can place an unlimited number of support calls during
the time period of a valid technical support contract.
Contact Information
To receive more information on MapInfo’s technical support programs, contact a
representative in your area or one of our technical support offices.
Exchanging Information
Occasionally a Technical Support representative will ask you to provide sample data
in order to duplicate your scenario. In the case of our developer tools (such as MapX
and MapXtreme), a small subset of sample code may be requested to help duplicate
the issue.
The preferred method of exchanging information is either via e-mail or our FTP site.
Use following e-mail addresses:
• United States – [email protected]
• Europe – [email protected]
• Australia – [email protected]
Software Defects
If the issue is deemed to be a bug in the software, the representative will log the issue
in MapInfo Corporation’s bug base and provide you with an incident number that can
be used to track the bug.
Future upgrades and patches have fixes for many of the bugs logged against the
current version.
Other Resources
System Requirements
Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 And Windows XP
Memory: MapInfo Professional Version 7.0 requires 32 megabytes of RAM with a
minimum of a Pentium PC.
Disk space: The space requirement for each component displays during installation.
Monitor: 16- or 24-bit color SVGA recommended.
The MapInfo Professional Installer requires that your TEMP variable be set to
a valid directory.
You must have Windows 98, 2nd edition and NT 4.0 SP6 with at least IE 4.01
SP2 installed.
Before Installing
Before installing MapInfo Professional, record your serial number in an easy-to-
remember place, such as a manual title page. A valid serial number is required for
installation. Also, please complete the postage-paid registration card provided and
return it to MapInfo Corporation. Additionally, register online by accessing the
Contact Info option on the CD Browser.
If the MapInfo Professional 7.0 installer detects an existing version of MapInfo
Professional, 6.0 or earlier, or detects that MapInfo Professional had been installed at
some time, the MapInfo 7.0 installer will copy MAPINFOW.WOR, STARTUP.WOR
and MAPINFOW.PRF from the operating system's system directory to <user profile
root>\Application Data\MapInfo\MapInfo.
Application data (appdata) files are the non-executable data files that MapInfo
Professional uses during execution. See Appendix C: Data and Settings Management.
Please note that MAPINFOW.PRF might need to be modified to point to the correct
directories for MapInfo Professional 7.0. Please perform the following:
1. Start MapInfo Professional 7.0.
2. Choose Options > Preferences > Directories.
3. Change the paths for Theme Templates and Graph Support Files to point to
where they now reside in MapInfo Professional 7.0.
• Theme Templates: <user profile root>\Application
• Graph Support Files: <All Users>\Application
Data\MapInfo\MapInfo\Prof. . . \700
Install Products
Click the Install Products button to install MapInfo Professional, DBMS Support,
Data, online reference manuals, and Utilities, including: ECW Compressor, Meta Data
Browser, GPS, and to learn more about MapInfo Discovery Publisher.
Choose this installation to install MapInfo Professional program files, Online Help,
Tools, Universal Translator, and Crystal Reports. ArcLink is not selected.
To install the Typical Workstation Installation:
• Choose Typical Workstation Installation; the Destination Folder screen
• Choose Next to accept the destination folder indicated, and continue the
installation process, or choose Change to display the Change Current
Destination Folder dialog.
• The Ready to Install the Program screen displays; click Install to begin the
Installation process. Click Back to return to the previous screen.
• The Installing MapInfo Professional 7.0 screen displays with a progress bar
indicating the status of the installation process.
• The Installation Complete screen displays. Choose Finish to return to the
Install Products screen.
Network Installation
If you choose to install an option to your hard drive, the Space button is
enabled; choose this button to display the Disk Space Requirement dialog.
Additionally, you can choose to not install a feature.
See the section: “Installing MapInfo Professional on a Network Drive” for
additional details.
DBMS Support
Select DBMS Support from the Install These Products screen of the MapInfo
Professional CD Browser to install DBMS Support and the IUS Driver. Close all open
applications before installing.
To install DBMS Support from the Install These Products screen:
1. Choose Install Products from the MapInfo Professional CD Browser.
2. Choose DBMS Support. The MapInfo Professional RDBMS Support screen
displays presenting two options: DBMS Support and Install IUS Driver.
DBMS Support: Click this button to install Database Management System for
MapInfo Professional 7.0. MapInfo Professional DBMS Support provides the
ODBC drivers listed in the ODBC Driver List.
If you will be using MapInfo Professional 7.0’s remote database connectivity
feature, and need to install additional ODBC drivers, see the following
section: Adding ODBC Drivers.
Installing Data
To install the free data provided with MapInfo Professional 7.0:
1. Choose Install Products from the MapInfo Professional CD Browser.
2. Choose Data; the MapInfo Professional Data screen displays.
3. Choose Install Free Data.
4. The Welcome screen displays. Choose Next to continue the installation
5. The License Information screen displays. Choose YES to accept the terms of
the agreement and to continue the installation process.
6. The Choose Destination Location screen displays. Specify the directory where
the data will be installed.
7. The Setup Type screen displays:
Custom Install: Choose which datasets to install. The size of each dataset
displays, as well as space required and space available. Respond Yes to the
“Would you like setup to display workspace Icons”prompt if you want to
create an icon for each data set you choose. Choose Next.
Typical Install: Install all datasets. Respond Yes to the “Would you like setup
to display workspace Icons”prompt if you want to create an icon for each
data set you choose. Choose Next.
8. The Select Program Folder screen displays if you chose to set up Workspace
icons. Select the program folder where the icons will be created. Choose Next.
9. The Start Copying Files screen displays; choose Back to return to any screen
to change selections.
10. The Setup Complete dialog displays; click Finish.
Online Reference
MapInfo Professional 7.0 provides the following online reference documents:
MapInfo Professional Reference Guide, MapInfo Professional User Guide, MapBasic
Reference Guide, Crystal Reports User Guide, ArcLink, and EasyLoader
documentation, as well as the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
To install the documentation locally:
1. Install the Acrobat Reader.
2. Copy the files from the [CD_ROM]:\PDF_DOCS folder to a local directory.
3. From Windows Explorer, double-click on any of the PDF files to automatically
launch the Acrobat Reader and the online book.
Installing GPS
To install Global Positioning Software from Blue Marble:
1. Choose Install Products > Install Utilities from the MapInfo Professional CD
2. Choose GPS. You will be prompted to exit all applications before installing.
Choose OK.
3. The MapInfo Special Edition dialog displays. Choose OK.
4. The Select Destination Location screen displays. Specify the directory where
GPS will be installed.
5. The Software License screen displays. Choose YES to accept the terms of the
agreement and to continue the installation process.
6. The Add to the Start Menu dialog displays: choose Yes to add a shortcut to
the Start menu.
7. The ReadMe displays; choose OK to exit the ReadMe.
Setting Up Clients
To permit a user to use this network installation of MapInfo Professional, run Setup as
described below:
1. Map a drive to the MapInfo Professional Install directory.
2. Select Run from the Start menu.
3. Run SETUP.EXE from the [MapInfo install directory]\AddClient.
4. The MapInfo Professional 7.0 Client Welcome screen displays. Select Next.
5. The License Information screen displays. Choose “I accept the terms.” Select
6. The Customer Information screen displays with the network install values as
the default. Modify for the current instance and select Next.
7. Select Install to continue the installation.
8. Select Finish to complete the client installation.
Installation Troubleshooting
Temp Variable
The MapInfo Professional Installer requires that your TEMP variable is set to a valid
directory to which the user can write.
Other Issues
The Installer must be run from a drive with a letter such as G: and not from an explicit
UNC path. For example, you might have the MapInfo Professional CD in your
computer as USERSPC. Other users may share this device as USERSPC; however, it
would not contain a drive letter. The MapInfo Professional Installation program
requires a drive letter. To remedy this situation:
1. Right-click on the shared directory or CD-ROM and select Map Network
2. Choose a drive letter to map.
3. Run the Installation Program again from the newly mapped drive letter.
For example, to set MapInfo Professional’s DDE time-out setting, locate the following
key in the registry:
Within that key, edit the DDeTimeout value. If there is no value by that name, create a
new value of type string (this data type is referred to as REG_SZ on Windows NT),
and assign the name DDeTimeout to the value. Set the value’s data to be a number,
representing the number of milliseconds (e.g., enter 30000 to specify a time-out of
30,000 milliseconds, or 30 seconds).
For more information on editing the registry, see the online help for REGEDIT or
Descriptions of Settings
This section describes advanced settings that are stored in the registry.
DDeTimeout = number
This setting controls MapInfo Professional’s time-out setting in DDE conversations
where MapInfo Professional is the client (the application that initiates a conversation).
The number represents milliseconds. The default value is 10,000 milliseconds (ten
seconds). If you run a MapBasic application that attempts to initiate a DDE
conversation, but the conversation fails because the server application does not
respond within the time-out period, you may need to increase the DDeTimeout
OffscreenBitmap = number
The number is 0 (zero) or 1 (one). A value of 1 (the default) indicates that MapInfo
Professional will process off-screen bitmaps when drawing a map. This means that if
you cover a Map window, and then bring the Map window to the front again, the map
redraws instantly. If you set this setting to zero, MapInfo Professional will not process
off-screen bitmaps. This means that when you bring a Map window to the front, you
may have to wait as MapInfo Professional redraws the map.
If you are using a video driver that is uncommon or buggy, and if you encounter
video problems with Map windows, you may be able to eliminate those problems by
setting the OffscreenBitmap number to 0.
MaxFiles = number
This setting must be an integer from 10 to 100, indicating how many files MapInfo
Professional can open simultaneously. This setting does not limit the number of tables
you can open, but it does limit the number of tables you can edit at one time (the
number of tables that have unsaved edits). The default value is 29. If you need to
work with more files simultaneously, set number to 100.
A value from 0 = unlimited tiles to infinity.
Improving Performance
To improve MapInfo Professional’s performance, increase the speed of the processor
in the machine. A video accelerator card will increase the speed of the redraw. It will
not speed up the initial draw of the map, but all subsequent redraws will be faster. A
faster disk cache will also improve performance, as will adding memory.
For IT persons responsible for a large number of MapInfo Professional installs it is not
practical to manually move application data files to realize the desired configuration.
To solve this problem we have developed a solution that allows IT persons to specify
the location of application data files by creating a setting file, call MODE.INI, prior to
installing MapInfo Professional.
1. Create a MODE.INI file in the root directory of the installer.
2. Open MODE.INI into any text editor.
3. Edit MODE.INI, modifying the code of the application data file/group whose
location you wish to change.
4. Install MapInfo Professional.
The following is a list of predefined locations for application data files supported by
MapInfo Professional, and the corresponding numeric code to be used in MODE.INI.
The following is a list of application data files/groups and their default location:
Database Connectivity
MapInfo Professional 7.0 supports:
• The latest versions of Oracle Spatial, 9i and 9i Locator, while continuing
support for 8.1.6 and 8.1.7.
• SpatialWare 4.6 on all of its supported platforms, including SpatialWare for
Microsoft SQL Server versions 7 and 2000 and Informix 9.21 with linked
tables and live access.
• Microsoft Access 2000 and SQL Server, versions 7.0 and 2000.
And, to make your database work more productive, MI Pro 7.0 provides a new
interface for opening remote tables; the ability to easily save tables to a remote
database using Save Copy As and to create new tables on remote databases; as well
the means to create a new table from existing tables.
Have a favorite connection setting? Use the new Startup preference setting to
automatically use that connection when beginning your MapInfo Professional
session. Or, choose to make a connection from within three dialogs: Open Table,
Create New Table, and Save Copy As.
Finally, resolving database conflicts is now simplified using the improved Conflict
Detection for Live Access.
Easy Loader
The Easy Loader user interface has had a face-lift! There are now both Main and
Options dialogs to make the Easy Loader process more efficient. If a directory is
specified, automatically generate TAB files to access tables on a remote server.
Additionally, upload text objects to an SQL server if a text-supported SpatialWare
(4.6) or later is found on the server. You can create an Identity Property which
automatically generates new keys on an SQL server: it is now the default. The “not
null” constraint is also added for other servers.
Live Access
MapInfo Professional’s support for live access to remote tables now includes
SpatialWare 4.6 on SQL Server 2000.
Open Dialog
The Open dialog has been redesigned—opening new possibilities for efficient access
and management of your files. Now you can open MapInfo workspaces, as well as
DBMS tables, from this dialog; you can make a new connection; and access the Places
Bar, which speedily takes you to the directories you designated in the Preferences
option. And, where appropriate, these changes appear throughout the interface, to
make such frequently used tasks as saving a simpler process.
• Create files in JPEG 2000 format during the Save Window As process. Also,
display images in JPEG 2000 format.
• Enhanced support for Microsoft Excel data import option.
• For individual value themes, save categories and their associated styles in a
theme template.
• Erase and Erase outside support point, multipoint, and collection objects.
Shapefile Support
Ability to open and read shapefiles directly from the File > Open dialog. And, there is
a cache option for optimal perfomance.
Raster Handlers
MapInfo Professional 7.0 includes the government raster handlers that support raster
formats frequently used by government agencies, including: ASRP; ADRG; CADRG;
CIB; NITF. Additionally, the MrSID and ECW raster handlers are now installed as part
of the default MapInfo Professional installation.
We have added the ability to import OSGB format GML files.
Rotate Objects
Since rotating text and labels proved to be a much appreciated feature, we have added
the ability to rotate objects—again helping you to create effective presentations. You
can interactively rotate objects by dragging the new rotate handle.
• Use the arrow keys to move a selected object in an editable layer in a Map or
Layout window. One press moves the object one pixel—use the Shift key to
move the object ten pixels.
• The backspace key can be used as a delete key to undo the last node when
using these tools: polyline, polygon, custom polyline, custom polygon,
polygon search, ruler tool.
Voronoi Polygon
The simple interface of the Voronoi polygon feature provides access to a dynamic and
effective method for data presentation—and presenting your data clearly is what it is
all about. Create a Voronoi polygon to turn your point data into exclusive coverage
and trade areas, displaying information in a unique and dramatic way.
Polyline Split
Split by polyline, a new object processing feature, lets you easily create custom
objects. Split points, multipoints, and collections, as well as closed and linear objects.
Use a road, or a line you create, to split both closed and linear objects—and, analyze
these custom geographies using the full range of MapInfo Professional's data analysis
• Label partial objects supports labeling both polylines and regions.
• The Change View dialog allows you to change the coordinates of the Map
window’s center using Military Grid Reference coordinates.
Use MapInfo MapX Mobile to create powerful, feature rich applications for any
mobile workforce. In the commercial sector, these include applications for service and
repair representatives, sales professionals, field engineers, technicians, or claims
representatives. Within government sectors, these include applications for law
enforcement professionals, health, building, and agricultural inspectors, social
services caseworkers, and other mobile professionals.
New Preferences
You want to set your MapInfo Professional work environment so that you can do your
real work—and not spend time adjusting the many variables we offer. Therefore, as
we add program options to enhance your mapping and data presentation capabilities,
we also add preference settings to make those options manageable. MI Pro 7.0
includes these new preferences:
Default Projection: designate a default table projection for creating new tables and
for importing MIF, MBI, and IMG files, as well as setting a default projection for the
Choose Projection dialog option. The Session Projection preference makes the option
available for MapBasic applications.
Default Styles: designate defaults for Line, Region, Symbol, and Text Styles—and
highlight controls for selected and target objects.
Default DBMS connection: designate your most frequently-used DBMS connection
as your default and it will automatically reconnect at StartUp.
Auto scroll: enable or disable auto scroll for each newly created Map or Layout
• Double Stereographic Projection for Canada
• Austrian Projection
• New Zealand Projection
• Japan JGD 2000 Projection
MapBasic Support
In addition to exposing all new features via MapBasic’s programmable interface, new
MapBasic options have also been added. For example, New Document Window
allows the display of map or layout windows in a dialog.
Emergency medical calls thematically shaded by type of call and time of call, with response
zones shaded by number of calls
• Somefile.dat or somefile.wks, dbf, xls: These files contain your tabular data. If
you are working with a dBASE/FoxBASE, delimited ASCII, Lotus 1–2–3,
Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft Access file, your MI Pro table will consist of a
.tab file and your data or spreadsheet file. For raster tables, the equivalent
extension might be bmp, tif, or gif.
Your data may also contain graphic objects. Once you assign X and Y coordinates to
your data records, your table will also contain graphic objects. In Chapter 8, you will
learn how to assign X and Y coordinates to your data records so you can display them
on a map. If you already have graphic objects in your table, you will have two more
files associated with the table:
• This file describes the graphic objects.
• This file is a cross reference file that links the data with the
For a Microsoft Access table, there will be a file Somefile.aid associated with the table
instead of This file is a cross reference file that links the data with the
objects for a Microsoft Access table.
Your table may also include an index file. The index file allows you to search for map
objects using the Find command. If you want to locate an address, city, or state using
the Find command, those fields must be indexed in your table. The index is located in:
• somefile.ind.
MI Pro supports raster image display. Raster images are computerized pictures. These
graphic images can be used as backgrounds for maps you create in MI Pro and can
serve as a reference for your displayed data.
When you bring in a raster image to MI Pro, you may need to register it (specify its
map coordinates) so MI Pro can display it properly. Choosing the Raster Image file
format from the Open dialog will bring you to the Image Registration dialog where
you can specify the appropriate map coordinates. Once you register the image, a
process that creates a .tab file for the image, you can open it as you would open any
table in a Map window. Images that you purchase from MI Pro will already be
If a raster image is georeferenced it will be automatically opened. If a raster image has
an associated world file, you will be prompted to choose the projection. If you open a
raster image that does not have any georeferencing information, you will be
prompted to display or register the image.
For a full discussion of raster image display, see Chapter 19, Displaying Raster
Map layers form the building blocks of maps in MI Pro. Once you have created your
map of layers, you can customize the layers in a variety of ways, add and delete
layers, or reorder them. For a full discussion, see Chapter 7, Mapping in Layers.
Map Windows
Use Map windows to display the geographic objects in your table. They can display
information from many tables at once, with each table a separate layer.
You can create your maps or edit existing maps. You can open a Map window directly
through File > Open or by selecting Window > New Map window.
Browser Windows
Use Browser windows to view and manipulate your data records in traditional row
and column form, typically used in spreadsheets and databases. Each column
contains information about that particular field, such as name, address, phone
number, cable ID number, or order amount. Each row contains all information relating
to a single record.
You can edit records in your table, copy records, add new ones, or delete existing
records. To open a Browser directly, choose Window > New Browser Window.
To create a report of your data, use the Crystal Reports functionality included with
this version of MI Pro (Tools > Crystal Reports).
Graph Windows
The Graph window allows you to visualize statistical relationships in graph format.
You can create many different kinds of graphs: 3D, bar, line, area, historgram, scatter,
bubble, and pie graphs. You can also choose from a number of different graph
templates. To create a Graph, choose Window > New Graph Window.
Layout Windows
The Layout window allows you to combine Browsers, Map windows, Graph
windows, and other graphic objects into one layout which can then be sent to a
printer or plotter. To use a Layout window, choose Window > New Layout Window.
Legend Windows
There are two legend windows available in MI Pro: the theme legend window and the
cartographic legend window.
The theme legend window is automatically created and details the meaning of colors,
symbols and styles on a thematic map. Display or hide this legend by using the
Options > Show/Hide Theme Legend Window menu option.
The cartographic legend displays legend frames for any map layer, not just thematic
map layers. The legend window displays the legend, or key, to the cartographic data
on your map. The legend frames can all be in one window, or can be split among
several legend windows for the same map. Therefore, each map can have one or more
cartographic legend windows containing the frames of your choice. Additionally, you
can customize the text and style of the information presented. Modifications to the
legend can be made through shortcut menus you access by right-clicking in the
legend window or through the Legend menu. To create a cartographic legend, choose
Map > Create Legend. A Map window must be active for this menu command to be
Hot Views
MI Pro allows you to display your data in many different windows and with different
views at the same time. For instance, you can display the World table of country
boundaries in a Map window to view the geographic boundaries. At the same time
you can display the tabular data of the World table in a Browser window to see the
country names, population, and other data in the file. If you make a change in either
window, it is reflected in the other.
Only one view can be active at a time. To make a different window active, click on its
title bar. Notice that the menu bar changes depending on which window is active. For
instance, when you are working in a Map window when you also have a Browser
open, only the Map menu is available on the menu bar. Make the Browser active. The
Browse menu replaces the Map menu.
Map Objects
We mentioned earlier that maps in MI Pro are made up of layers of map objects. There
are four basic types of objects:
• Regions: closed objects that cover a given area. These include polygons,
ellipses, and rectangles. For example, country boundaries, postal code
boundaries, sales territories.
• Point objects: represent single locations of data. For example, customer
locations, restaurants, parking meters. Points can also be combined into
multipoint objects.
• Line objects: open objects that cover a given distance. These include lines,
polylines, and arcs. Examples are streets, rivers, powerlines.
• Text objects: text that describe a map or another object, such as labels and
• Collection objects: combination of region, line, and multipoint objects.
You can have each type of object in a separate layer (most common), or you can
combine objects in the same layer. MI Pro lets you create, edit, customize, and display
these objects to make maps that meet your needs.
Standard Toolbar
The Standard toolbar contains tools for commonly performed menu functions from
the File, Edit, and Window menus. It also contains tools for quick access to a new
Redistricting window and online Help.
Undo Cut
Print Help
Main Toolbar
The Main toolbar contains tools to select objects, change the view of the Map window,
get information about an object, and show distances between objects. It also contains
command buttons that allow you to change layer attributes and open a legend or
statistics window.
Info tool button Accesses the Info tool so you can view
the tabular data that is associated with a
map object.
Set Target District Sets the target district from the map
from Map button during a Redistricting session.
Drawing Toolbar
The Drawing toolbar contains tools and commands that are used to create and edit
map objects.
Add Node button Accesses the Add Node tool, which
allows you to add a node to regions,
lines, or polylines when you are in
Reshape mode.
Arc button Accesses the Arc tool, which allows
you to draw an arc the size and shape
of one quarter of an ellipse.
Tools Toolbar
The Tools Toolbar contains tools for working with MapBasic and buttons that display
when the tools are loaded.
Run MapBasic Accesses the Run MapBasic Program
Program button dialog where you can choose an
application to run under MI Pro.
DBMS Toolbar
The DBMS Toolbar contains tools and commands that are used to access tables
residing on a remote database.
Open DBMS Table Accesses the Open dialog, which allows
button you to access a remote database. If a
connection has not previously been
established, you will be prompted to
open a connection. This button is also
found in the Open dialog if DBMS is
Make DBMS Table Accesses the Make DBMS Table
Mappable button Mappable dialog, which allows you
make a table linked to a remote
database mappable in MI Pro.
Refresh DBMS Table Accesses the Refresh DBMS Table
button dialog, which allows you to refresh an
MI Pro linked table with the most recent
data residing on the remote database for
that linked table.
Unlink DBMS Table Accesses the Unlink DBMS Table dialog,
button which allows you to unlink a
downloaded table from its remote
Change Symbol for a Accesses the Change Symbol for a
Mappable DBMS Mappable DBMS Table dialog, which
Table button allows you to change the symbol style
of a mappable DBMS table.
DBMS Disconnect Accesses the Close DBMS
Disconnection dialog, where you can
close a connection to a remote database.
Making selections from your table allows you to extract new information from sets
and subsets of your data or see patterns and distributions, getting answers to such
questions as: Which of my customers bought more than $5000 of equipment? Which
of my customers is located within a 200 mile radius of my warehouse? Which of my
customers bought more than $5000 of equipment and is located within a 200 mile
radius of my warehouse? For more on selecting, see Chapter 9, Selecting, and Chapter
10, Selecting Using Queries.
You can shade boundaries (counties, towns, states, countries) according to the total
number of customers in each one or according to the number of customers who
purchased within the last year. MI Pro refers to this as thematic mapping. For more
information about thematic mapping, see Chapter 11.
Using MI Pro, you can quickly and easily bring this information into focus and make
informed decisions about which radio stations to use to advertise your tire service.
You want to begin by viewing your service centers on a map in relation to the radio
stations, looking for the stations that reach the areas where your centers are located.
To begin building your map, open the MI Pro tables you will need: the state, county,
and street maps.
Next, open your file of service centers and tell MI Pro to geocode it by matching the
street addresses of the service centers with the street locations in your StreetInfo map.
A few more keystrokes telling MI Pro to add the tire centers to the map, and your data
suddenly leaps into view. Blue stars tell you at a glance the distribution of your tire
centers across the state. You use the same method to put the red circles representing
the radio stations on the map.
Using your file of county demographics, you ask MI Pro to shade the counties where
most of your target market (males 35 and older) lives
Consulting your list of radio transmission ranges, select the Buffer command and
create a buffer circle around each radio station, the circle representing each station’s
broadcast area. Just by looking you can tell which broadcast areas include the highest
concentration of tire service centers or you can ask MI Pro to give you an exact count
of the number of tire centers within each area. Tell MI Pro to shade the buffer circles in
order according to the number of service centers that fall within each circle. Shade the
circles with the most service centers red.
With the radius of each station’s transmission range marked, you can see which
stations broadcast in areas where your target market is (the shaded counties). But how
well do these stations penetrate that market? Which stations will reach the people
who are most likely to use your service centers?
Join the demographic information supplied by each station to the broadcast area
shown on your map. Now you can click on any point within that area and see all the
demographic information: the age and income distributions of the station’s listeners,
and the times of day when particular age and income groups are tuned in, for
Even better, ask MI Pro to cross-check the radio stations that reach your best
customers with the areas where that population is highest. Fill the broadcast areas of
those stations with crosshatching.
Look at the map and choose the stations that reach your best customers in the areas
where you have the most locations. Your best bets are green-shaded circles in
crosshatched areas. Now you know where your target customers are. Click the Info
tool on these areas to see the time of day your target market is listening. Now you
know when to purchase air time.
You can save this map and use it for future planning. For example, it can help you
spot a good location for a new tire center or coordinate radio advertising with direct
marketing. Do you want to increase advertising in key areas of the state?
Use the MI Pro Layout window to prepare a visually exciting and informative
presentation that features this map along with graphs and tables.
As you become better acquainted with MI Pro, you will find that its applications are
limited only by your imagination.
If you had been working in MI Pro earlier, you could return to the previous mapping
session by choosing Restore Previous Session or use last workspace. Because this is
your first look at MI Pro, choose the Open a Table option to begin. The Quick Start
dialog will disappear, and the Open dialog displays.
Opening a Table
Just about everything in MI Pro starts with opening a table. As you learned in the
previous chapter, you can display the information in your tables in a number of ways
in MI Pro. This chapter presents the most common ways to view your data: by
mapping, browsing or graphing. Viewing a layout of your maps and displaying raster
images are discussed in separate chapters.
To open your table:
1. Choose File > Open. The Open dialog displays.
2. Choose the drive and directory for the table you want to open.
3. Choose the appropriate table (.tab file). When opening multiple tables, use
Shift-click to select adjacent tables and Control-click to select non-adjacent
4. Choose New Mapper from the Preferred View list.
5. Click Open.
A window containing the data from the table displays as a map.
To set a default path you want MI Pro to use when opening tables, click Directories in
Options > Preferences to display the Directory Preferences dialog. Select the Tables
path and click Modify directory. Choose the drive and directory you want in the
Choose Directory dialog and click OK. You can also set default paths for workspaces,
MapBasic programs, Import files, and DBMS SQL queries.
You can open additional tables from File > Open to add more information (layers) to
the Map window. If you want the second table to be displayed in the current Map
window, leave the Automatic option selected in the Preferred View list. MI Pro will
display the table in the current Map window automatically.
If you do not want the table to display with the first map, choose New Mapper. MI
Pro opens the second table in its own Map window.
If your data file does not contain graphic objects, you will not be able to display the
table in a Map window. You can only bring it up in a Browser. You must first geocode
the table to display it as a map. Geocoding is discussed more fully in Chapter 8.
You can also open tables without displaying them, making the data available for other
uses. In this case, choose No View from the Preferred View list box in the Open
Use the Places Bar to quickly access the specified directory. There are four MI Pro
Professional Places options: Table; Workspaces; Import Files; Remote Tables.
Designate each directory path in Options > Preferences> Directories.
If the operating system is Windows 2000, select MapInfo Places to display MapInfo
Professional specific folders, or choose Standard Places to display the default places.
Mapping a Table
Opening a table as a map creates a Map menu on the menu bar. Use the Map menu to
control the look and function of the map. You can change certain aspects of the active
Map window in the Map Options dialog (Map>Options), such as the map units, and if
the Map window’s projection is appropriate, specify Cartesian calculation methods.
With the Layer Control command, you can reorder the layers in the map, change the
display, add new layers, create and modify thematic maps, change the view, add
labels and text, and set/change map units and projection. These options are further
discussed in Chapter 7, Mapping in Layers, and Chapter 11, Thematic Mapping.
To create a new map:
1. Choose Window > New Map Window.
2. Choose the table(s) you wish to display in a Map window and click OK.
You can create two kinds of legends in MapInfo Professional: cartographic and theme
legends. Theme legends are those associated with thematic maps. Cartographic
legends enable you to create a legend for any map layer(s) in your Map window. The
combination of the two types makes it possible to provide cartographic data for all of
your map layers.
Cartographic Legends
Cartographic legends display cartographic data for a map layer. A legend is created
for each layer in your Map window that you choose to include in the legend.
Cartographic legends can be displayed in a layout, expanding MapInfo Professional’s
presentation capabilities. You can create a legend for an individual layer, giving it
particular emphasis, or you can place legends for several layers in one legend
window. You can also customize many elements of the cartographic legend and the
legend window, including the window title, legend frame borders, and the legend
title and subtitle. Here is a brief description of how to create a cartographic legend:
1. Choose Map > Create Legend. The Create Legend – Step 1 of 3 dialog
2. Select the layers you want to use in the legend and click Next. The Create
Legend – Step 2 of 3 dialog displays.
3. Specify the legend properties and legend frame elements and click Finish.
Your legend displays on the screen.
For more details on the options available in the cartographic legend feature, see
Chapter 16, Creating a Cartographic Legend.
Theme Legends
Theme legends are created automatically when you create a thematic map. They
provide a key of the colors, symbols, and styles used in the map. Their display is
controlled via the Show/Hide Theme Legend Window command in the Options
menu. Use the appropriate command in the Map menu to modify them (Map
>Modify Thematic Map), or simply double-click on the legend to display the Modify
Thematic Map dialog.
If a theme legend is part of a cartographic legend, and you click on it to modify it, the
Modify Thematic Map dialog displays. Click the Legend button to modify the legend.
For more on theme legends and thematic mapping, see Chapter 11.
Browsing a Table
There are times when viewing the tabular data in a table is necessary. In MapInfo
Professional, this is called browsing the table.
To browse a table:
1. Choose Window > New Browser Window.
2. Choose the table you wish to browse and click OK
The Browser shows the fields of the data table (column headings) and the records of
data (rows).
A Browse menu item is now available to give you further functionality. Choose
Browse > Pick Fields to display only the columns of data you want to see. If you wish
to show information that is only implicit in the base table, in the Pick Fields dialog
choose Expression from the Fields in Table list. For more on expressions see Deriving
Columns in Chapter 10, Selecting Using Queries, or Expression in the MapInfo
Professional Reference.
If you wish to show or hide the Browser window grid, choose Browse > Options.
You can add new records to the Browser. First, choose Edit > New Row to add a row
(or use Ctrl-E). You can enter text directly into each field. As you type, press Tab or
Shift-Tab to move from field to field. You must remember to save the new
information to the base table before exiting the program.
The square box to the left of each record in the Browser window is the select box. Click
on it to select the record in the Browser window and also in the corresponding Map
window. To add records to the selection, shift and drag to select consecutive records,
or shift-click on non-consecutive records.
Selecting records creates a subset of the table that you can browse, map, or graph, just
like the full table. More on selecting is found later in this chapter and also in Chapter
9, Selecting.
You can also create a report of your tabular data using the Crystal Reports
functionality included with MapInfo Professional. The Crystal Reports User’s Guide
has also been included online to help you get the most out of this powerful report
writing program. See the Installation chapter for information on how to access the
User’s Guide.
MapInfo Professional’s graphing feature enables you to create detailed graphs that
allow you to visually compare your data. You can create 3D, bar, line, area, histogram,
bubble, scatter, and pie graphs. To create a graph:
1. Choose Window > New Graph Window. The first step of the Graph wizard
2. Choose a graph type, and choose a template. Click Next. Step 2 of the wizard
3. Choose the table and fields you want to graph, and click OK.
Your data now appears as a graph in a new Graph window. The Graph menu now
displays on the menu bar. Use the Graph menu to customize the look of your graph.
There are many formatting and editing options to choose from. Some of these are
specialized, based on the type of graph you created.
If you are using graphs created in versions of MapInfo Professional prior to version
5.5, and you bring them into version 7.0, you will not be able to use the new graphing
options on those graphs. The pre-5.5 Graph menu displays for these graphs. For
information on the older graphing options, see the MapInfo Professional Reference.
A fundamental function of MapInfo Professional is selecting objects or records so that
you can perform additional tasks on them.
Selections are temporary tables. When you make a selection, MapInfo Professional
creates this temporary table to store the records you’ve selected. You can perform
many of the tasks with a selection table that you can perform with a permanent (base)
• View it in a Browser, Map (if it has graphic objects), Graph, or Layout
• Cut and copy it into the clipboard and paste it into another table, or even into
another application.
• Use it to edit a table. If you want to edit only certain records in a table, you
can get those records into a selection and then edit that selection.
• Make a further selection from it.
To convert selections into permanent tables, use the File > Save Copy As command.
Once you’ve saved the temporary selection table as a permanent table, you can treat
the new table like any other table.
Selection tables are totally dependent on the table from which they were created. If
you close a base table, all associated selection tables are deleted.
Making Selections
MapInfo Professional gives you a number of commands and tools for making
selections. They fall into two categories:
• Selecting from the screen: Select tool, Invert Selection tool, Radius Select tool,
Marquee Select tool, Boundary Select tool, Select All command.
To select records with the tools, click on or encircle the associated graphic objects. To
select records with the Select All command, choose Select All from the Query menu. If
you are selecting objects with Select All in a Map window, MapInfo Professional
displays the menu option with the name of the topmost Selectable layer, for instance,
Select All from Cosmetic Layer; Select All from States.
• Selecting with queries: Select, SQL Select.
When you select records with either of these methods, you actually create a logical
expression that MapInfo Professional uses to select the records. The selected records
are stored in a query table. For example, the expression SALES > 20000 means that MI
Pro will select only those records with sales higher than $20,000.
In some situations, you might want to combine selecting from the screen and
querying to get the records you want. For example, you want to select all the clients
who live within 20 miles of a proposed shopping mall and earn more than $30,000.
You could first select all clients that live within the 20 mile radius using the Radius
Select tool. Then perform a query on the temporary table, selecting those clients who
make more than $30,000 a year.
MapInfo Professional calls the current selection, Selection. Once you act on the
selection (view it in a Browser or Graph window, for example), MI Pro calls it Query1,
Query2, Query3, and so forth, depending on its order in the current session.
If you make a selection through Select or SQL Select, you can override MI Pro’s
default name and give the selection a descriptive name.
See Chapter 9, Selecting, and Chapter 10, Selecting Using Queries, for more on these
Inverting a Selection
Using the Invert Selection tool or the correcponding menu command (Query>Invert
Selection), you can reverse the current selection in a Map or Browser window. Invert
Selection cancels the current selection and selects all the previously unselected objects
or records. It is available when there are records or objects selected.
Invert Selection provides a quick and easy way to select a large number of objects
from the screen. For example, you have a large table of points displayed on a street
map. You need to select most of the points for your mapping task. Instead of selecting
all of the points you need, select the ones you do not need. Then click the Invert Select
tool or choose Query>Invert Selection. Your current selection is inverted. Every object
that was not part of the current selection is now selected, and the current selection is
Click here
with the
Info tool to
display all
data at this
Note: If a layer is editable, you can make changes directly in the Info tool data
fields when outline boxes surround the data fields. If the layer is not
editable, no outline boxes will appear. The information in the Info tool List
window is not editable at any time.
Closing Tables
Closing a table removes it from active use in your current session. Choose the Close
command from the File menu to close tables. When you close a table, you
automatically close all views of that table. If you close a table that is displayed in a
Map window with other tables, MapInfo Professional removes that table from the
window, but the Map window remains open.
In addition, any subset tables of the original table (known as query tables) also close.
You can use the Close command for any table, whether or not it is displayed in a
Opening and closing tables is different from opening and closing windows in which
you view your tables. You can open a table without opening any views of the data.
Similarly, closing a window does not close the table (or tables) you are viewing in the
window. They are still open and available for use. To close a window, click the
Control-menu box in the upper-left corner of any window and select Close.
If you have made changes to a table but have not yet saved those changes, MapInfo
Professional will ask you if you want to save them before closing the table. To save
your changes, choose Save Table from the File menu.
Once you have created the perfect map or graph, you can easily print the individual
For presentation, use the Layout menu to bring together all views of your mapping
session. Here, you can combine different types of windows to create an attractive and
more informative presentation. Choose Window > New Layout Window to display a
Layout window that you can use to arrange your maps, browse tables, graphs,
legends, titles, logos, etc. See Chapter 21, for tips and techniques about working in the
Layout window.
Click the Options button to fine-tune the look of the output. A Print Options dialog
corresponding to the type of window you are printing will display (Map, Browser,
Graph, 3DMap). For maps, for example, the Map Print Options dialog displays. Here
you can specify the size of the map, how its contents will display, the scale, and its
width and height. For details on all the Print Options dialogs, see the MapInfo
Professional Reference.
The options that are selected when you initally display this dialog are the default
settings, which are set in the Output preferences. The Advanced Printing dialog
enables you to override the default print settings for individual windows. To actually
change the default print settings, you must go to the Output preferences
(Options>Preferences>Output) and change the print settings there. See Chapter 6,
Working with Preferences for more information.
Output Methods
You can choose from two types of output methods. Click the button next to the
method you want to use. The Print Directly to Device method is the printing method
used in previous versions of MI Pro. The Print using Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
method generates an Enhanced Metafile from the print contents, which is then sent to
the printer. This method produces good quality output while reducing printing time
and spool sizes, but your printer must be able to handle the metafile.
Note: If you are printing a map/layout that contains a translucent image, you
must select Print Using Enhancement Metafile (EMF). The Print Directly to
Device option does not support translucent images.
• File>Page Setup. In the Page Setup dialog, click the Printer to display the
preferences dialog for the default printer. Click the Name drop-down list to
see a list of the available printers, and select the one you want to use. This
selection overrides the default printer settings for this print job.
Note that the printer override applies only to the window you are currently printing.
To actually change the default settings, you must go to the Printer preferences and
specify a new default printer. See Chapter 6, Working with Preferences for more
Exporting Files
You can export your Map window to other file formats with the Save Window As
command (File>Save Window As). This enables you to use your map in another
application, such as word processing, presentation, or desktop publishing packages.
To export a file:
1. Choose File > Save Window As. The Save Window As dialog displays.
2. Specify the Image Size settings. You can keep the image the same size as the
window or choose a custom size. If you choose Custom, also make any
desired changes to the width and height of the image. You can make these
changes in inches or in pixels.
3. If you are saving the window to a raster format, select a resolution for the
image. Metafile formats do not use the resolution option (WMF, EMF files).
4. Click the Advanced button. The Advanced Exporting Options dialog
If you are exporting a simple map or layout that does not contain raster or
grid images, or any transparent fill patterns, you may be able to bypass the
advanced settings. If you would like to include a border for your exported
file, though, be sure to select the Export Border check box.
5. Complete the dialog according to information in the following section, and
click OK.
6. Click Save in the Save Window As dialog. The Save Window to File dialog
Using Workspaces
If you work with the same tables repeatedly, you know that opening each one
individually every time you use it can be tedious. With MI Pro’s workspace feature,
you can automate this process so you can get back to the business of creating maps
and analyzing data sooner.
When you work with MI Pro you generally use many different tables and windows. A
Map window, for instance, is likely to be built of several layers. MI Pro uses workspaces
to save your work setup from session to session. Workspaces prevent you from
having to reassemble all the pieces of your earlier setup from scratch. So, you don’t
have to reopen tables, re-create maps or layouts, resize windows, or do anything else
just to duplicate what was on your desktop the last time you were using MI Pro.
Contents of a Workspace
The workspace is a list of all the tables and windows you are using, stored in a file
with the extension .wor. The workspace keeps track of the following elements:
• Map, Browser, Graph, 3DMap, and Layout windows, including their size and
position on the screen
• Query tables created from base tables using either the Select or SQL Select
statements (queries will not be saved)
• Graphs
• Thematic maps
• Legend windows
• Cosmetic objects
• Labels
• Styles for fonts, symbols, lines, and fill patterns used to display objects
To view the contents in the workspace file, open the .wor file in a text editor or word
Saving a Workspace
To save your current work setup, choose File > Save Workspace. MI Pro displays a
dialog in which you name the workspace and set the directory to which it should be
saved. When you start your next session, you can open this workspace right from the
Quick Start dialog and continue where you left off.
You can change the directory path that MI Pro uses for opening or saving workspaces
in Directories preferences (Options > Preferences >Directories). In the Directory
Preferences dialog, click the Workspaces path in the Initial Directories for File Dialogs
group, and click modify. You can also simply double-click the path. The Choose
Directory dialog displays. Select the path you want to use, and click OK.
If you have edited a table (added, deleted, or modified items) you must explicitly save
those changes first using Save As or Save commands in the File menu. Saving a
workspace will not save edits you have made to tables in the workspace.
If you close a window or table and you have thematic maps, graphs, label settings or
label edits, or cosmetic objects pending, MI Pro will prompt you to save the session to
a workspace.
Opening a Workspace
When you start MI Pro, the Quick Start dialog displays, and the last workspace you
had open is identified in the dialog. Click on it and MI Pro opens it automatically. You
can now begin working where you left off.
To open a different workspace at startup, choose Open a Workspace from the Quick
Start dialog (or File > Open and choose Workspace from Files of type.) to display the
Open dialog. Choose the workspace you want. All the tables and windows you saved
to the workspace will display.
If you are already in a mapping session and wish to open a workspace, choose File >
Open and choose Workspace from Files of type. Choose the appropriate workspace
from the list provided.
You can also open more than one workspace at a time the same way you can open
multiple files in other Windows applications using the Shift and Control keys.
If you are currently working with data in various windows, adding a workspace will
add the workspace to your current setup. This can be very useful if you have files and
windows in several workspaces to be analyzed. You can save this entire complex —
the workspace you added plus the material you added it to, by saving it as a new
Use the Close All command to close all tables and windows. For more information
about opening workspaces, see the sections Open and Preferences in the
MapInfoProfessional Reference.
To save your setup to the workspace, check the Save MAPINFOW.WOR option in the
Startup Preferences dialog. To display MAPINFOW.WOR, clear the Display Quick
Start Dialog check box when you enter MapInfo and select Load MAPINFOW.WOR.
Additional Tools
MI Pro contains many additional tools that simplify mapping tasks, convert MI Pro
files to different file formats and vice versa, automate tasks for working with DBMS
tables, and more. The Tool Manager helps you run and manage these many utilities
Use the Tool Manger to run, add, edit, or remove tools from the currently registered
list of tools in the Tools menu. You can also configure a tool to run automatically upon
startup. If you performed a Custom installation, you may have elected to not install
the tools. In this case when you open the Tool Manager dialog, the list box will be
empty (Tools > Tool Manager).
A brief description of all the tools is provided below.
• AutoLabeler – Places text object style labels in the Cosmetic Layer of the
active Map window.
• CoordSys Bounds Manager– Enables you to check and set the coordinate
system bounds for mappable MI Pro base tables.
• Concentric Ring Buffer – Creates concentric ring buffers around one or more
map objects. The tool also computes aggregated values for underlying data
that occur within each ring. Therefore, it can be used to count how many
customers occur within each ring and their total sales. You can graph the
• Coordinate Extractor – Extracts x, y coordinates for each record in your table
using any projection in the MAPINFOW.PRJ file and places them in
designated columns.
• Create Line by Length – Draws lines in the Cosmetic Layer of a specific length
and angle.
• DBMS Catalog – Allows a DBA to create a MI Pro MapCatalog table in a
remote database. The catalog is needed for downloading coordinate
information to MI Pro from a remote database.
• DBMS Count Rows in Table – Updates the MapCatalog entry of a table to the
correct number of rows.
• DBMS SQL Builder – Allows you to connect to an SQL database server, build
queries and execute SQL statements. Additionally, issue queries to preview
data and download query results to a local MI Pro table.
• Degree Converter – Converts a column of data containing DMS coordinates
to Decimal Decimals and Decimal Degrees to degrees/minutes/seconds.
• Disperse Points – Disperses points located at the same position. Points can be
dispersed systematically or randomly.
• EasyLoader – Uploads MapInfo .tab files into remote databases.
• Grid Maker – Draws a grid of longitude/latitude lines on your map, i.e., a
• Grid Tools – Provides three grid tools: create a MI Pro native grid file from a
table of points; convert grids from any format that MI Pro can read into MI
Pro grid format (.MIG); display x, y, and z coordinates, and row and column,
of where you clicked on the grid.
• HTML Image Map – This tool allows you to create an HTML image map from
a MI Pro Map window for use in a Web page.
• Labeler – Transfer layer’s labels into permanent text objects; label current
selection; make individual labels created with the Label tool into permanent
text objects.
You can also edit the name, path, and description of a tool. Click on a tool to highlight
it and click the Edit Tool button to make the desired changes.
For more information on the Tool Manager, see the MapInfo Professional Reference.
Many more MapBasic tools are available from and other MapInfo-
related web sites
Accessing Preferences
All preferences are accessed via Options > Preferences. Here is a brief description of
the preference categories:
• System Settings – Controls what information is copied to the clipboard, color
defaults, aspect ratio, paper and layout units, the number of Undo objects
permitted, how symbol types used prior to version 4.0 are drawn, and how
MI Pro handles 2-digit years.
• Map Window – Controls settings for resizing a Map window; moving
duplicate nodes; snap tolerance; units for distance and area; display of scroll
bars in the Map window; display of degrees in either decimal or degrees,
minutes, seconds form; and the display of InfoTips.
• Legend Window – Controls the legend frame default settings.
• Startup – Controls whether MAPINFOW.WOR is saved upon exiting and
loaded upon starting MI Pro; whether queries are saved in workspaces; and
the display of the Quick Start dialog upon startup.
• Address Matching – Controls the placement of house numbers when
specifying street addresses.
• Directories – Specifies default directories for opening and saving tables,
workspaces, MapBasic programs, import files, ODBC SQL queries, theme
templates, graph support files, saved queries, new grids, and Crystal Report
files. Also specifies the directories MI Pro searches for tables without fully
qualified paths referenced in workspaces or MapBasic programs.
• Output Settings – Controls the on-screen display of a raster file, the printer
output, and exporting choices.
• Printer – Controls which printer information is used for all new windows.
This printer can be the Windows default printer, or a printer you designate as
your MapInfo Preferred printer. This choice can be overridden on a per
window basis using either the File > Print, or File > Page Setup dialogs.
• Styles--Designate highlighting for selected and targeted objects, as well as
designating default object styles for region, line, symbol, and text.
Files are stored on a per-user basis. See Appendix C, Data Setting and Management
for file locations.
Copy to Clipboard
Specify what items you want to copy to the clipboard: text, bitmaps, or metafiles. MI
Pro now copies metafiles in Enhanced Metafile format (EMF). All three are copied to
the clipboard by default. Clear the appropriate check box(es) to prevent the item from
being copied to the clipboard.
Color Defaults
This preference controls how MI Pro shades thematic map layers. By default, Monitor
Setting is selected. MI Pro uses the color settings of the monitor to shade the map
when this option is selected. Click the Black & White button if you are using a color
monitor and want to shade your thematic map in gray scale. Click the color button if
you are using a black and white monitor and want to print a thematic map in color on
a color printer.
Pre-Version 4 Symbols
Use this setting to indicate how you want to draw symbols from versions of MI Pro
earlier than 4.0. Check the Display Using True Type Font box to draw vector symbols
with characters from the MI Pro Symbols font. Clear the check box to draw vector
symbols. By default, vector symbols are drawn.
Default Projections
Designate a default table projection for creating new tables, importing MIF, MBI, and
IMG files, and for Choose Projection options in dialogs. Override the defaults by
accessing the Choose Projection option. This feature is not available for Universal
Translator, ArcLink, or Importing DXF files.
Use the Session Projection option to designate a default MapBasic projection for
returning coordinate values using a MapBasic window or Update Column. Compiled
MapBasic applications are not affected by this preference.
• Windows Device Clipping (no points, text) – Use this method to emulate the
Erase Outside clipping method used in previous versions of MapInfo
Professional. All objects are clipped using Erase Outside except points and
labels. Points and labels will be completely displayed only if the point or label
point lies inside the Clip Region object. Text objects, raster files, and grid files
are always displayed and never clipped.
• Erase Outside (no points, text) – This method uses the MI Pro Erase Outside
functionality. This clipping method is used in all versions prior to MI Pro 6.0.
The Clip Region object is the Cutter object, and all other objects are Target
objects for this operation. All objects are clipped using Erase Outside,
excepts points and labels. In addition, points and labels will be completely
displayed only if the point or label point lie inside the Clip Region object.
Text objects are always displayed and never clipped.
Distance/Area Calculations
Use these settings to specify the default type of distance/area calculation that MI Pro
uses for new Map windows. Spherical is the default. Spherical calculations measure
distance according to the curved surface of the Earth. The data is first converted to
Latitude/Longitude and then a calculation is produced. Lat/Long data will always
use spherical calculations.
The Cartesian method performs calculations on data projected onto a flat plane.
Cartesian coordinates (x,y) define the position of a point in two-dimensional space by
its perpendicular projection onto two axes which are at right angles to each other.
Long/Lat projections cannot use Cartesian calculations.
To specify a calculation method for the currently active Map window, use the Map
Options dialog (Map>Options).
Displaying Coordinates
By default, MI Pro displays coordinates in decimal degrees. MI Pro displays
coordinates of objects in the Object Info dialogs, and of the cursor location in the
status bar if that display option is selected. To change the format in which coordinates
display, select one of the options in the Display Coordinates group. In addition to
decimal degrees, you can display coordinates in degrees, minutes, seconds or in
Military Grid Reference System format. Coordinates are converted to the Military
Grid Reference System format using the World Geodetic System (WGS) of 1984
To override this preference in individual maps, use the Map Options dialog
(Map>Options). Overrides to the default coordinate setting will be saved to your
When Military Grid Reference System format is selected in either the Map window
preferences or the Map Options dialogs, the format will display in the status bar, but
not in the Object Info dialogs. If you display any Object Info dialog for an object on a
map that uses the Military Grid Reference System, the coordinates will be displayed
in decimal degrees.
In the Style Name Pattern box, the default pattern is the ‘%‘ character. The Style Name
is the text that describes each symbol in a legend frame. The % character is used as a
placeholder for the type of object the legend symbol corresponds to: point, line, or
region. You can type in your own default Style Name Pattern, either using the %
character or not. For example, in a legend frame based on the States layer, a Style
Name Pattern that reads “% of # ” will display as “Region of States” next to the
symbol in the legend. The % character can only be used in the Style Name Pattern box.
To change the defaults of the style attributes for the titles the style name, or the legend
frame border, click on the desired style box to display the corresponding style dialog
and make your changes.
For more information on legends and legend preferences, see Chapter 7, Mapping in
Startup Preferences
In general, the Startup preferences control how MI Pro behaves when you start the
program, allowing you to control the MAPINFOW.WOR workspace, as well as
whether printer information and queries are saved to workspaces
Printer Information
The Printer Information preferences enable you to specify whether you want your
printer information to be stored in a workspace. The Save printer information into
Workspaces check box saves the printer name, paper orientation, paper size, and the
number of copies from your printer settings into the workspace. This also includes
any overrides you might have made to the default printer settings in the Printer
When this preference is on, the workspace is written as a version 6.0 workspace. It is
recommended that you leave this preference on. However, if you will be sharing
workspaces with other users, particularly if they are using earlier versions of MI Pro,
you may want to leave the preference turned off.
To restore printer information from a workspace, check the Restore Printer
Information to Workspaces box. When you open the workspace, the printer name,
paper orientation, paper size, and the number of copies are restored. This is useful if
you are sharing workspaces with other MapInfo Professional (6.0 or later) users who
are also using the same printers. If this preference is turned off, or if the printer
indicated is not available, the printer settings for the workspace revert back to the
default printer set in the Printer preferences.
It is set to display by default, but you can set it so that it does not display at all when
you start MI Pro. Clear the Display Quick Start Dialog check box to prevent it from
displaying when you start subsequent MapInfo sessions.
Directory Preferences
The Directory preferences enable you to control in what directories MI Pro looks for
Display Settings
The Display settings control the on-screen display of a raster or grid file. Check the
Display Raster In True Color When Possible box to display raster and grid images in
24-bit true color. This option can be executed when the image is 24-bit and the screen
color depth is greater than 256 colors.
The Dither Method list enables you to choose a dither method when it is not possible
to display the image in true color. Choose from either the halftone or error diffusion
dither methods. The selected method will be used if a 24-bit image must be converted
to 256 colors. This happens when the image is 24-bit, but the screen color depth of the
monitor is less than 256 colors.
Printer Settings
The Output Method options give you the choice of printing your maps and layouts
using the same method used in previous versions of MapInfo Professional (Print
Directly to Device), or using the new Enhanced Metafile printing method (Print Using
Enhanced Metafile). This process generates an enhanced metafile containing the print
contents and sends the enhanced metafile to the printer. This option can result in
much better printing performance without sacrificing quality, but your printer must
be able to handle the metafile.
A number of check boxes allow you to specify various output settings. These are:
• Print Border For Map Window – Select this check box to place a black border
around your output.
• Internal Handling for Transparent Vector Fills and Symbols – Select this check
box to have MapInfo handle transparent fill patterns and bitmap symbols for
vector images internally. Clear the box to have the printer handle them.
• Use ROP Method to Display Transparent Raster: ROP method determines
how to display transparent images. When this option is checked, the same
method is used as is used for on-screen display of transparent images. This
method may not be suitable for printed output. You should determine the
setting appropriate to your output requirements.
• Print Raster in True Color When Possible – This is similar to the Display
settings above, except it is applied to your printed output. Select the check
box to print your raster and grid images in 24-bit true color, if possible.
Also choose a dither method from the Dither Method list. Choose either halftone or
error diffusion. The selected dithering method will be used when your image cannot
be printed in 24-bit true color.
The Printing settings are used as the defaults for the Advanced Printing dialog. To
access them, choose File>Print. The Print dialog displays. Click the Advanced button
to display the Advanced Printing dialog. Change the output settings as appropriate to
override the preferences. Any changes you make will be saved to your workspace.
When you open the workspace the next time, your changes will be restored to the
Printer Preferences
Use the Printer preferences to specify the printer you want to use as the default for
your work in MapInfo. You can use the Windows default printer, which is set in the
Windows Control panel, or set up a MapInfo preferred printer.
If you select the Windows Default printer, MapInfo will always use the printer that is
currently set as the default in Windows. The settings for that printer will display in
the MapInfo Preferred Printer Setup group. You will not, however, be able to change
them in the Printer Preferences dialog. To change the Windows default printer, go
back to the Windows Control Panel.
To set up a MapInfo preferred printer, click the MapInfo Preferred button. The options
in the MapInfo Preferred Printer Setup group are activated. This enables you to
specify a preferred printer for new windows. Select the printer name and path from
the Name drop-down list. The printer status, type, and location display in the Status,
Type, and Where fields. Next, specify a paper size, and choose the orientation you
want: portrait or landscape.
To use a printer other than the one indicated in the Printer preferences for a particular
window (Map, Layout, etc.), choose either:
• File>Print. You can change the printer you are using in the Print dialog,
overriding the default printer settings.
• File>Page Setup. In the Page Setup dialog, click the Printer to display the
preferences dialog for the default printer. Select a different printer in the
Name drop-down list. This will override the default printer set in the Printer
Note: The printer override applies only to the window you are currently
printing. To actually change the default settings, you must go back to the
Printer preferences and specify a new default printer.
Styles Preferences
Highlighting Objects
Specify the line and fill styles of selected and target objects, as well as highlighting
specifications in the Map window. Additionally, specify the style of selected and
target Multipoint objects. The default settings are shown in the Style boxes of the
Highlight Control group. Click on one of the boxes to display the corresponding style
dialog and change its settings.
Maps as Layers
You have already been introduced to the concept of computer maps as a collection of
layers in the previous chapter. Each database table that contains graphic objects can be
displayed as a layer in a Map window. For example, you can display a table of
customers, a table of streets, and a table of county boundaries.
Think of these layers as transparencies where each layer contains a different part of
the map. The layers are stacked one on top of the other and allow you to see all
aspects of the map at the same time. For example, one layer may contain country
boundaries, a second layer may have symbols that represent capitals, and a third layer
might consist of text labels. Laying these transparencies one on top of the other builds
a complete map.
If you have geographic locations associated with the records in your database, you
can open it as a layer in a Map window. (If not, you can add them by geocoding your
table, a process that is discussed in the next chapter.)
For example, you have a table of public telephone locations with information on
frequency of use and maintenance records for Arlington, Virginia. Display the table in
a Map window. You can also display a table of city streets and a table of your service
zones as additional layers in the same Map window.
You can now see how many public telephones are in each service area just by counting
how many symbols appear within each boundary (or let MapInfo Professional® count
them for you). MI Pro can thematically shade the boundaries according to the number
of phones per area.
The point markers for the calls can also be shaded. You can use different colors or
symbols for the point markers to indicate the number of calls per phone.
Now let’s get into the specifics of creating a map.
Creating a Map
Creating a map in MI Pro begins once you open your table(s). For instance, if you
want to create a map consisting of a layer of U.S. cities and a layer of states, you can
do it in one of several ways.
No Tables Open
Choose File > Open, and select the states table and the city_1k table. Remember, to
select nonadjacent tables, hold down the Ctrl key as you click on each table. Choose
Automatic from the Preferred View list, and Click OK. MI Pro places the layers in the
correct order and displays the map.
If, for example, you opened both the states and the city_1k tables, but only displayed
the states table in a Map window, you can display the city_1k table with the states
table using the New Map Window command.
Choose Window>New Map Window. Choose city_1k in the first list box, and choose
states in the second list box. MI Pro draws the layers from the bottom up in the order
you list them. To ensure that your boundaries do not cover your points, list the
boundary layers below the point layers. Click OK. A new Map window of the city_1k
and states tables displays.
• Map > Layer Control > Add
You can also go through the Layer Control dialog and add the layer(s) you want to the
current map. For example, you opened both the states and the city_1k tables, but only
displayed the states table in the Map window. When you open the Layer Control
dialog, all the layers currently displaying in the Map window are listed in the dialog:
the states layer and the Cosmetic layer. The Cosmetic layer is part of every Map
window and is always the topmost layer. It is discussed later in this chapter. Click the
Add button and choose the cities layer from the popup menu. Click OK. The city_1k
layer is added to the Layer list in the Layer Control dialog. MI Pro automatically
places it in its proper position, above the states layer. Click OK in Layer Control to
display the cities.
Note: You cannot add a layer to a Map window unless the corresponding table is
• You can also use the Copy Map Window command in the Edit menu to copy a
Map window to the clipboard and then paste a copy of it back to your MI Pro
Clipping a Map
Map clipping enables you to clip a portion of your map and display it by itself. Any
thematic maps, labels, or points displayed on the map will display only for the
clipped area. You can also save the clipped map in a workspace.
First, select the region you want to clip. It must be in a selectable layer. You can use
any of the selection tools. Then choose Map>Set Clip Region or click the Set Clip
Region button. The map redraws, displaying only the selected region. To revert back
to the full map, click the Clip Region On/Off button or choose Map>Clip Region Off.
To retrieve the clipped map, choose Map>Clip Set Region On or click the Clip Region
On/Off button. MI Pro remembers the clipped map until you create a new one or
discard the Map window. Using the Clip Region button, it is easy to toggle back and
forth between the clipped and the full map. When you try to clip a region when one
already exists, MI Pro will ask you if you want to replace the existing clip region.
Below is an example of a clip, using the country of Spain as the Clip Region. The
Windows device clipping method was used, which clips all text, labels, points, raster
and grid images at the clipping boundary.
Clipping Methods
You can choose from three clipping methods. Set the default clipping method in the
Map window preferences. This method will be used for all subsequent mapping
sessions, until you go into the preferences to change it. The clipping method is also
saved in a workspace. When you reopen the workspace, the clipping method you
chose will be restored. See Chapter 6, Working with Preferences, for more
To override the clipping method for the current Map window, use the Map Options
dialog (Map>Options) to specify a different method.
objects, raster files, and grid files are always displayed and never clipped
with this method.
• Erase Outside (no points, text) – This method uses the MI Pro Erase Outside
functionality. This clipping method is used in all versions prior to MI Pro 6.0.
The Clip Region object is the Cutter object, and all other objects are Target
objects for this operation. All objects are clipped using Erase Outside, excepts
points and labels. In addition, points and labels will be completely displayed
only if the point or label point lie inside the Clip Region object. Text objects
are always displayed and never clipped with this method.
The dialog shows all the layers that make up the current Map window and the status
of the layer attributes. These attributes are: visible, editable, selectable, and auto label.
The icons above each check box column represent the attributes. ToolTips display over
the attribute icons when you move your cursor over them to help familiarize yourself
with each icon. It is easy to change a layer’s, or multiple layers’, attributes using the
check boxes. You also have options available to change the Display and Label settings;
modify any thematic maps you have displayed; and reorder, add, or remove layers.
Reordering Layers
Map layers display in the order that they are listed in the Layer Control dialog, with
the bottom layer drawn first and the top layer (which is always the Cosmetic Layer)
drawn last. It is important to order your layers correctly.
For example, you have a layer of customer points and a layer of census tracts. If the
layers are incorrectly ordered in the Map window, MI Pro might draw the customer
points first and then display the census tract layer second. Your points would be
obscured by the census tract layer.
You can reorder how layers are displayed in a Map window two ways. You can still
use the Reorder buttons. Select the layer(s) you want to reorder and choose either the
Up or Down button to move the layer(s) to a position above or below its current
position. Another way to do it is to click on the layer and drag it to its new position.
When you click and drag a layer, the cursor changes. As you move the cursor, a
marker displays to the left of the layers indicating the layer’s new position when you
release the mouse. If you cannot move a layer to a particular position (e.g., attempting
to move a layer above the Cosmetic layer), the cursor changes to a circle with a slash
through it to let you know that you cannot move the layer to the proposed position.
You can also do this with multiple layers at a time. Since the Cosmetic layer is always
the top layer, reordering has no effect on it.
Layer order is also important when you use the Select tool. The Select tool selects
objects from the topmost Selectable layer. If you have several objects at the same
location, it is difficult to select the exact one you want. You can reorder your layers in
Layer Control so that the layer you want to select from is the new topmost layer.
Display Options
The Display Options dialog enables you to customize the display for each layer in a
Map window. In Layer Control, either select a layer and click on the Display button,
or double-click on the layer to bring up the Display Options dialog. There, you can
change the default styles for the layer, set the zoom at which a layer displays, and
show line direction, object nodes and centroids.
Display Mode
When you first open a Map window, boundaries, lines, points, and text are all
displayed using defaults in the map file. You can change how objects display by using
the Display Mode section of the Display Options dialog.
For example, you want to change the display of your streets to dashed red line. In
Layer Control choose the street layer and choose the Display button. This brings up
the Display Options dialog. Select the Style Override check box to activate the Style
Override button (large gray button). MI Pro only displays the override buttons that
are appropriate for the type of objects in the layer. For example, if the layer contains
streets, a line style override button displays. Click on it to access the Line Style dialog
where you can change the width, style, and color of the streets. If the layer contains
labels, a font style override button also displays.
For boundary layers, the Style Override button brings up the Region Style dialog
where you can change both the fill and borders of boundaries. The Symbol Style
dialog displays when you want to override the style for layers containing symbols or
points. The Style Override is only in effect during the current work session, as are the
other display settings. To make them permanent, save the table to a workspace.
For raster layers, the Style Override button brings up the Adjust Image Styles dialog.
where you can adjust the brightness, contrast, grayscale, translucency, and
Zoom Layering
Sometimes you want a map layer to display only at certain zoom levels. Zoom Layering
controls the display of a map layer so that it displays only when the map’s zoom level
falls within a preset distance.
For example, you have a layer of streets and a layer of ZIP Code boundaries. When
you zoom out past 10 or so miles, the streets look like a black smudge in the window.
This is because the zoom (window width) is too wide to show detailed street maps.
Use Zoom Layering to tell MI Pro to display the street layer only when the zoom is set
to a distance that allows you to see the street detail properly, for instance, less than 5
The first map doesn’t have zoom layering set for its street layer. At a zoom of 15 miles
across, notice how difficult it is to see any detail. The second map has zoom layering
set to display the streets when the zoom is less than five miles. Therefore, the streets
layer does not display when the window is set at 15 miles.
To set zoom layering, select a layer in the Layer Control dialog, and choose the
Display button. The Display Options dialog displays. Click the Display within Zoom
Range box to activate the zoom distance boxes. Specify a minimum and maximum
distance within which you want the layer to display. Note that you cannot change
Display settings for more than one layer at a time. If you have more than one layer
selected, the Display, Label, and Thematic options are unavailable.
Different layers in the same Map window can be displayed at different zoom levels.
For example, you have a layer of streets, a layer of county boundaries, and a layer of
state boundaries. You want the streets layer to be visible only when the zoom level is
less than eight miles. You want the county boundary layer to display when the zoom
level falls between 20 miles and 200 miles. You want the states boundary layer to be
visible only when the zoom level is greater than 100 miles. You can set a different
zoom level for every layer in your Map window.
The default zoom layering mode for raster and grid images can be set from the Map
window preferences. Select the Automatic Raster Zoom Layering and Automatic Grid
Zoom Layering check boxes to activate automatic zoom layering for these images
(Options > Preferences>Map Window).
used in the Map window. Choose the layer you want to make editable. Its name
displays in the Status Bar. To deactivate editability for all the layers, choose None.
If you only want to select objects for further analysis rather than change the objects,
make the layer selectable. More than one layer can be selectable at a time. If a layer is
editable, it is automatically selectable.
To make a layer selectable, select the Selectable check box that corresponds to the
layer you want to make selectable. To make more than one layer at a time selectable,
select the layers you want, and select the Selectable check box for one of the layers. All
the selected layers are now selectable. The multi-select functionality does not work for
the Editable attribute because only one layer at a a time can be editable in a Map
For example, you want to find all customers who live within a fifty mile radius of
Boston. To create this subset, the customer layer must be selectable. If the map also
includes a layer of hospitals (which you do not want to include in the radius search),
turn off the Selectable option for the hospital layer.
Keep in mind that the Editable or Selectable options only apply to the Map window
itself. You can always select objects using the Select or SQL Select commands
regardless of whether a layer is selectable.
You can also view an object’s label expression in an InfoTip when you use the Select,
Info, or Label tools. InfoTips work very much like ToolTips. Using one of these tools,
place your cursor over an object. An InfoTip displays the label expression for the
object in the topmost selectable layer. To set InfoTips for a particular layer, adjust the
Selectable attribute in the Layer Control dialog so that the Tips display for the layer
you want. InfoTips are active by default, but you can turn them off in the Map
window preferences (Options>Preferences>Map window).
Labeling Objects
The auto label attribute in Layer Control is, by default, cleared for map layers. To
activate auto labels, simply select the check box for the layer you want to label. When
you return to your Map window, the map will be labeled automatically.
Even if you choose not to label your map, you can still see the value of an object’s
label expression using InfoTips.
If you prefer, you can label individual objects interactively using the Label tool from
the Main toolbar. When you click on the Label tool, the cursor becomes a cross hair.
Click wherever you want a label. MI Pro labels the location with information from the
layer. If more than one layer is at that location, MI Pro will label with the information
from the topmost layer.
Whether you choose to label objects automatically or with the Label tool, you control
the display, content, position, and style of the labels within Layer Control in the Label
Options dialog. For a complete explanation of labeling and the different options
available, see Chapter 15, Labeling Your Map.
Notice at first glance that the seamless layer looks like any other MI Pro table.
However, the Dcmetrow seamless map layer is made up of the following base tables:
• vaarliw.tabArlington Virginia water areas.
• vaalexw.tabAlexandria Virginia water ares.
• dcwashw.tabWashington DC water areas.
The structure of each seamless layer includes the path name of each base table plus a
description that defaults to the table name (alias). To view the table structure, turn the
seamless layer off and display the seamless table in a browser. Refer to Turning the
Seamless Layer On and Off.
Other sample seamless tables include dc_water and are in the mapinfo\data\USA\
seamless directory.
Notice the seamless layer is referred to by one name, dcwater, in the Layer Control
dialog. You can add, remove or reorder seamless layers as if they were a conventional
MI Pro layer. You can also set Label and Display options for all the tables in the
seamless layer as if they were one table. Notice the editable option for the seamless
layer is grayed.
Choose your seamless layer and experiment with order, display and labeling options.
To retrieve information from a seamless layer:
1. From the Main Toolbar, click the Info tool.
2. Click on the object for which you want information.
The Info Tool Window displays. It contains the information about the object
you selected including the name of the base table in which it is stored.
2. Type the name of the base table you want to browse. We typed XX an
unknown table.
A Browser window with the base table you selected displays. If a base table
matching your description is not found, a list of possibilities displays. Keep in
mind, base tables are treated like any other MI Pro tables. Once a base table
from a seamless table is browsed, it will be opened as any other regular MI
Pro table.
For example, you want to assign X and Y coordinates to a customer record whose
address is 127 Winston Ave. MI Pro reads that address and looks for a matching
address in the search table, such as a StreetPro table. (This search table already has X
and Y coordinates associated with its records.)
When MI Pro matches 127 Winston Ave in your table to 127 Winston Ave in the search
table, it assigns the corresponding X and Y coordinates to your record. The geocoded
point becomes part of your database. You can then view these points by displaying
your table in a Map window.
Geocoding Methods
Now let’s look at the variety of ways you can geocode your table.
Geocoding by Address
When you geocode your table with street addresses, MI Pro matches the addresses in
your table to the street names and address ranges in a StreetPro table (which is sold by
MI Pro) and assigns X and Y coordinates to your records. When you display your
records, MI Pro will spot the record at the location of the record’s address. MI Pro
places the record on the proper side of the street, offsets it from the side of the street to
the specified distance, and insets it from the end of the street the specified percentage
of the line.
Geocoding by Boundary
In desktop mapping, the term boundary is used to designate enclosed regions or areas
such as countries, cities, and ZIP Codes. When you geocode your table with
boundaries, MI Pro matches the boundary name in your table with the boundary
name in the search table. MI Pro assigns the boundary centroid X and Y coordinates to
your data records. The centroid of a boundary is its approximate center point.
For example, you have a table of wholesale outlet stores. You want to assign X and Y
coordinates to each record according to county. MI Pro reads the county name from
your table, matches it with the county name in the search table, and assigns the
county centroid coordinates to each of your records. The outlet locations will display
at the county centroid in a Map window.
The dialog also offers you the option of geocoding your data automatically or
interactively. When you geocode a table automatically, MI Pro geocodes exact matches
only and ignores all other records. It is the faster method, since MI Pro requires no
user interaction once the geocoding process begins. When you geocode a table
interactively, MI Pro pauses when it fails to match a record and lets you select from a
list of close matches.
We recommend that you geocode your table automatically first and then go back and
geocode interactively to match the remaining records.
Street Offset
The street offset is the distance the geocoded point is set from the side of the street. To
set this distance:
1. Choose Table>Geocode. The Geocode dialog displays. Fill in the table and
column information for the dialog.
2. Click the Options button. The Geocode Options dialog displays.
3. In the Offset Address Location group, specify a distance and distance unit. If
you choose 12 meters, the point will be offset 12 meters back from the side of
the street. You can specify any distance from 0–32,767.
4. At this point, you can specify a street inset, or click OK to return to the
Geocode dialog.
Street Inset
The street inset is the distance a geocoded point is set from the end of the street. You
can specify a distance, or you can set the inset to be a percentage of the length of the
street. To avoid skewing the position of inset points, MI Pro performs a proportional
calculation that insets the points located at either end of the street the specified
percentage or distance, but that decreases the inset as point locations approach the
center. Points located at the center of the street remain in their original position. To set
the street inset:
1. With the Geocode Options dialog still open, choose how you want to specify
the street inset in the Inset Address Location group: as a percentage of the
length of the street, or as a distance. Click the radio button next to the option
you want.
2. Specify one of the following:
Percentage–Specify a percentage to calculate the street inset. The percentage
can be from 0–50.
Distance–Specify a distance and distance unit. You can specify any distance
from 0–32,767.
3. Click OK to return to the Geocode dialog. Double-check your geocoding
settings, and click OK to geocode the table.
MI Pro uses the last inset and offset settings you specified as the default settings for
your next session.
If you specify a street offset of a given distance and set the street inset to zero, you
may get unexpected, albeit correct, display results. Points located at the end of
adjoining or intersecting streets might overlap each other. On your screen, they will
look like they are located on the wrong street. If you specify a street inset, the problem
will correct itself.
Incompatible Abbreviations
If you geocode automatically and find that you have an extremely low hit rate, your
database of street addresses may use abbreviations that MI Pro does not recognize.
For example, all of your records might use Str as the abbreviation for Street. MI Pro,
on the other hand, uses the abbreviation St for Street. Another example: Your database
contains addresses that spell out the street numbers (127 Fourteenth St) while MI
Pro’s table uses the numbers (127 14th St).
Instead of editing all your records, a potentially time-consuming task, you can change
which abbreviations are recognized. There is an abbreviation file ( that
you can modify so that MI Pro will recognize your abbreviations. For more, see the
Advanced Geocoding appendix.
By telling MI Pro to search against the street table and a boundary table, there is a
much better chance of finding a correct match. MI Pro can then differentiate between
200 Washington St in Chicago and 200 Washington St in Urbana.
To refine a search, select the column in your table that contains boundary information
(TOWN, CITY, ZIPCODE). Next, select a MI Pro table that also contains that
boundary information you need. If you purchased your county street map from MI
Pro, two of the files included are (where filename is the state and county
abbreviation), which contains the street information, and, which
contains the town boundaries (minor civil divisions) for that county and (city boundaries). Use these files to refine your search.
When refining your search, it is sometimes better to use ZIP Codes rather than town
boundaries. Town boundaries tend to fluctuate more than ZIP Code boundaries.
Furthermore, town boundaries are subject to regional interpretation.
If refining the search with a boundary is still not enough, you can tell MapInfo
Professional to search in additional boundaries for the match. Choose the Options
button in the Geocode dialog to bring up the Geocoding Options dialog. Select the
item that is labeled Use a match found in a different boundary.
Note: Keep in mind that even though ZIP Codes are more effective for geocoding
than town boundaries, you cannot use the US_ZIPS.TAB file that comes
with MI Pro for refining your search because it is a point file. Searches can
only be refined using boundaries. Use USZIPBDY.TAB for this purpose.
Manual Geocoding
Automatic and interactive geocoding work well for records that have easy matches.
Sometimes, however, you know where a point should be on the map, but the location
data does not allow for a match. Manual geocoding is the process of placing your data
records on the map by clicking its location on the map. Use the following steps to
connect a browser record with a location on the map:
1. Open the table with the reference map in it.
2. Open your table and add it to the current Map window.
3. Choose Map > Layer Control. Select your table and make that layer editable.
Click OK.
4. Choose Window > New Browser Window. Select the table to geocode.
5. Choose Window > Tile Windows. You will now see the Map and Browser
windows displayed side by side.
6. Scroll through the Browser to find the record that you would like to geocode.
Click in the box to the left of the row to select the record.
7. Click in the title bar of the Map window. The Symbol tool on the Drawing
Toolbar is now available.
8. Select the Symbol tool.
9. Click on the map where you want the point placed for the selected record.
10. Choose File > Save. The selected record is now geocoded. Repeat steps 6–10
for each record you would like to manually geocode.
The Find dialog is very similar to the Geocode dialog. You can specify a table to
search, a column to search, and an optional refining boundary column. Additional
options provide the same options as in the Geocode Options dialog: offset and inset of
address locations and fallback settings that give you more choices when an exact
match cannot be found. As in the Geocode Options dialog, MI Pro remembers your
Find Options settings and uses them as the default for your next session. If you have
multiple windows open, select the Find in Front Window Only prompt to search in
the front window
Once you have filled in the dialog, MI Pro prompts you to enter the object’s name (or
geographic location) in a second dialog. MI Pro searches the table, highlights the
found record in a Browser window, locates the object on the map, and marks it with a
symbol as specified in the dialog.
You can use the Find command only on an indexed field in a table. For more
information on indexed fields, see Table Structure in the MapInfo Professional
Reference. For more information on the Find command, see Find in the MapInfo
Professional Reference.
Creating Points
You may have a file that contains X and Y coordinates that you want to display in MI
Pro. While the geographic information exists in the table, no points have been created
so you cannot display the table in a Map window. The Create Points command under
the Table menu allows you to create points for each record in your database that has
X-Y or longitude/latitude coordinate information.
MI Pro uses the coordinate fields in your table to create point objects. Records that
already have graphic objects associated with them will be skipped during the Create
Points operation.
For example, you have a table showing transmitter tower locations that was created
by recording coordinates using a global positioning system. You want to display the
locations on a map in MI Pro. The table already has X and Y coordinate information. It
cannot display in a Map window, however, until you create points for the file that MI
Pro can read.
To create points:
1. Open the table for which you want to create points.
2. Choose Table>Create Points. The Create Points dialog displays.
3. Choose the appropriate table from the drop-down list. In the Get X and Y
coordinate information lists, the lists default to XCOORD and YCOORD.
4. The Multiply X and Y coordinates allows the user to place a multiplier on the
coordinate columns if necessary. If you want to specify a projection other than
longitude/latitude or the default Table Projection preference, choose
projection. In some cases you will need to specify a negative multiplier
depending on the locations quadrant. For locations in North America the X
coordinate is negative. In Africa and Australia, the Y coordinate is negative.
For locations in and around South America both coordinates are negative.
7. Check your table structure to ensure that your coordinate columns are
numeric. Many times, numeric columns containing coordinate information
are brought in as character columns because the first row is used as a header.
Choose Table > Maintenance > Table Structure. The Modify Table Structure
dialog displays listing each field name and type. If the coordinate fields are
decimal, integer or float, click OK and go to step 13. If your coordinate fields
are listed as character, follow steps 8–11.
8. Choose File > Save Copy As. Give your table a new name, e.g.,
Click Save. A copy of your worksheet is saved.
9. Choose File > Close and close the worksheet that was opened.
10. Choose File > Open. Choose the new table that you saved, e.g.,
Click Open. An editable copy of your original worksheet displays.
11. Choose Table > Maintenance > Table Structure. The Modify Table Structure
dialog displays. Select your coordinate columns and change the type to Float.
Click OK.
12. You will be asked to verify the changes. Click OK. Your browser closes,
indicating that the changes have been made.
13. Next, determine whether your points are in longitude/latitude or in another
projection. Follow the instructions in the next section for each of these cases. If
you are unsure of what projection your coordinates are in, contact the source
of the data.
2. Determine the multiplier for the X and Y columns based on the quadrant of
the Earth in which the points fall. For example, if the points are expected to
fall in Kansas, the X value is expected to be between -102 and -94. In the above
browser, the data for X (Lon) is close to +98. The multiplier should be -1 to
create the points correctly. The Y (Lat) values are in the correct range and
require a multiplier of +1 ( +1 will not change the value).
3. Choose Table > Create Points.
4. Insert the proper values in the Get X coordinates, Get Y Coordinates boxes,
and the Multiply X and Multiply Y boxes. Click OK.
3. Click on the Projection button and choose the projection category and
Click OK.
Degree Converter
The Degree Converter tool is part of the toolset that ships with MI Pro. It converts
coordinate information to decimal degrees from a degrees, minutes, seconds format. It
can also convert the columns back to degrees, minutes, seconds from decimal degrees.
Before using this program, make sure that you have two new columns available to
hold the converted data. You can also use the Degree Converter to convert a single
Latitude/Longitude coordinate to either decimal degrees or d/m/s.
To load the Degree Converter from the Tool Manager, choose Tools>Tool Manager and
select the Loaded check box next to the name of the program. Degree Converter will
be added to the Tools menu for your current session of MI Pro. To have the tool load
automatically each time you open MI Pro, select the Autoload check box.
You can also run this program with the Run MapBasic Program command, as well as
any of the other tools in the Tool Manager.
3. Enter the DMS Separator. You should be able to look at your table and
identify the character separating the degrees, minutes, and seconds.
4. Choose the column for the converted results. This must be a decimal or float
field. Click OK.
5. Browse your table to see the new column of coordinate information in
decimal degrees. Repeat this procedure for your other coordinate column.
You are now ready to use the Table > Create Points command.
Note: The Degree Converter may also be used to convert decimal degrees back to
degrees, minutes, seconds. Use this functionality if you must return the
data to its original format.
Dispersing Points
Depending on how you have geocoded your table, you may have several points that
are placed at the same location, making it difficult to tell if you are viewing one point
or many. For example, if you geocode a table of students by census tract, and view the
results on your map, it appears that there is one dot at the center of each tract when
there actually may be several there. To see all of your data, you may want to disperse
the points over a small area. There are three methods for dispersing points: the
Disperse Points tool (a utility that comes with MI Pro), equal dispersion, and
dispersion to the right.
3. Choose the appropriate method for dispersing points and click OK. Each
method is described below:
Systematically “Around The Points are dispersed roughly one symbol width
Clock” away in a clockwise fashion.
4. The Zoom Level dialog displays. Enter the zoom level at which you will
typically view the table. This is so the dispersal distance can be customized to
that particular zoom level. Click OK.
Note: The program works slightly faster if you do not display the table you are
Warning This program permanently changes the table. Save a copy of the table
before running this program.
Equal Dispersion
The equal dispersion method disperses points at equal distances from the center.
1. First, select all of the points that have the same location. This can be done with
either the Radius Search Select tool or the Marquee Select tool.
2. Choose Options >Show MapBasic Window to open the MapBasic window.
3. Click so that your cursor is in the MapBasic window. Type RANDOMIZE and
press Enter.
(0.01)/(COS(CENTROIDY(OBJ) * .01745)))*(RND(1) - .5), CENTROIDY(OBJ)
+ 0.01*(RND(1) - .5)) and press Enter.
3. Click so that your cursor is in the MapBasic window. Type RANDOMIZE and
press Enter.
0.01 * RND(1), CENTROIDY(OBJ)) and press Enter.
The table will be automatically updated. If the new Map window has not distributed
the points satisfactorily, click on the title bar of the Map window choose Edit > Undo
to restore the objects to their original positions.
To disperse points for the entire table, substitute your tablename in the above
examples wherever it says SELECTION.
Note: The dispersal weight, in the equation of the update statement above, is a
number that regulates the object’s new X and Y coordinates. In the above
example, the dispersal weight is 0.01 degrees (longitude and latitude). The
maximum X or Y distance (in miles) that the point is dispersed is equal to
(69 * the dispersal weight). The dispersal weight is adjustable — the larger
the weight, the greater the dispersal distance. In the example above, the
dispersal weight is about right for dispersing points on a county-wide or
state-wide basis, but not for a street-level dispersal. If you find that your
objects are not being dispersed enough or are dispersed too much, increase
or decrease the weight.
5. Choose File > Save Copy As and save the resulting table.
6. Open the newest table and ungeocode it. Choose Table > Maintenance > Table
Structure and clear the Table Is Mappable box.
7. Then geocode the unmapped table to one of the copies of the street file.
Note: You may have duplicate points at the same location if a street intersects
another street of the same name more than once.
Note: Any columns from the CUSTOMER table that you would like to appear in
the CUSCOORD table should be listed in the Select Columns box; then add
the centroidX(obj) and centroidY(obj) functions to this list.
3. Click OK to execute the query.
4. Choose File > Save Copy As and save the resulting CUSCOORD table.
Original Table:
Resulting Table:
2. After adding the columns, click OK. When you return to your main MI Pro
window, the file will not be displayed. To redisplay your table, choose
Window > New Browser Window.
3. Next, choose Table > Update Column. Specify your table and your column to
update. In the example below, we are updating the Xcoord column. The Get
Value from Table portion of the dialog will be the same table as specified in
the Table to Update box. In the Value portion of the dialog, you can type in
Centroidx(obj) or you can click on the Assist Button to display the Expression
dialog. There, click on Functions and choose Centroidx from the list and click
Fill in the Update Column dialog as shown below and click OK.
query read-only
seamless remote
It is recommended that you use float type columns for the coordinates. Other column
types may not be able to fit all the coordinate information in the column. If you select
character columns, the coordinate values will include six digits after the decimal
To take out the coordinate information after you have used Coordinate Extractor,
revert the table.
Guide to Geocoding
This section includes some tasks that will be useful in handling records after you have
geocoded your table.
5. Choose Map > View Entire Layer. Select your table and click OK. This should
put all of the points from your table in view. You may see that your points are
on the map, but are not in the location you expected them to be. If they seem
misplaced, see the section on Ungeocoding a Table.
6. If your points still do not display, choose Map >Layer Control. Select the layer
containing your geocoded points, and click Display.
7. Select the Style Override check box and choose a symbol style that will stand
out on your map. Click OK, and click OK again to exit Layer Control.
After following these steps, if you have not found the points that you geocoded, try to
select all of the ungeocoded records as described in the section Selecting Points Not
Ungeocoding a Table
To ungeocode an entire table:
1. Choose Table > Maintenance > Table Structure. The Modify Table Structure
dialog displays.
2. Clear the Table Is Mappable check box. Click OK.
Warning This action will remove all graphic objects from your table. This action
cannot be undone. If you are unsure of losing your points, save a copy of the table
3. A warning dialog appears. If you are sure about removing all the objects, click
All graphic objects have now been removed from your table.
Make sure that you don’t ungeocode your source tables. Unless you have created a
backup of that table, you will no longer be able to display that table as a map or use it
for geocoding.
What Is a Selection?
While MI Pro allows you to attach data to objects on a map, its true analytical power is
its ability to group and organize data. Once your data is broken down into logical
groups, you can analyze it based on one or more variables.
For example, you have a basket of fruit. You want to organize the fruit into different
categories, based on one or more variables:
• Put all the apples into one group
• Put all the citrus fruit into one group (oranges, lemons, grapefruit)
• Put all the fruit that begins with a vowel into one group (oranges, apples,
There are many different ways that you could group the fruit. Some fruit would fall
into more than one category (oranges are citrus fruit and also begin with a vowel).
You could also use more than one variable to group your fruit — put all the citrus fruit
that begins with a vowel into one group.
MI Pro can create similar groups with your data. MI Pro refers to these groups as
selections. A selection is a subset of data that has been grouped together based on one
or more variables.
For example, you have a table of customer records. You could create a subset of all
customers who live within a 50 mile radius of Prague. Or, you could create a subset of
all customers who purchased over $1000 of merchandise. Or, you could create a
subset of all customers whose last name begins with the letter “B”.
The statements above used to create these subsets are known as queries. A query is just
another word for a question — which of my customers spent more than $1,000?
Which of my customers lives within 50 miles of Prague?
As with the fruit example, there are many different ways to group your data. Some
data records will obviously fall into more than one category. You could also use more
than one variable to group your data. Which of my customers lives within 50 miles of
Prague and purchased over $1000 of merchandise?
Characteristics of Selections
Selections are temporary tables. When you make a selection, MI Pro creates this
temporary table to store the records you’ve selected.
You can perform many of the tasks with a selection table that you can perform with a
permanent (base) table such as:
• View it in a Browser, a Map window (if it has graphic objects), a Graph or a
Layout window.
• Cut and copy it into the clipboard and paste it into another table, or even into
another application.
• Use it to edit a table. If you want to edit only certain records in a table, you
can get those records into a selection and then edit that selection.
• Make a further selection from it.
To convert selections into permanent tables, use File > Save Copy As. Once you’ve
saved the temporary selection table as a permanent table, you can treat the new table
like any other table.
Selection tables are totally dependent on the table from which they were created. If
you close a base table, all associated selection tables are deleted.
Making Selections
MI Pro gives you a number of commands and tools for making selections. They fall
into two categories:
• Selecting from the screen: Select tool, Radius Select tool, Boundary Select tool,
Polygon Select tool, Marquee Select tool, Invert Selection tool,Select All
command. To select records with the tools, click on or encircle the associated
graphic objects. To select records from a layer at the same time, choose Query
> Select All.
• Selecting with queries: Select, SQL Select. When you select records with either
of these methods, you create a logical expression that MI Pro uses to select the
records. For example, the expression SALES > 20000 means that MI Pro will
select only those records with sales higher than $20,000. (Select and SQL
Select will be explained in the next chapter).
If you have more than one Selectable layer in a Map window, MI Pro selects objects
from the topmost Selectable layer. For example, you have a Selectable layer of county
boundaries and a Selectable layer of state boundaries. If the county boundaries are in
the topmost layer in the Map window, MI Pro selects objects from the county layer. If
the state boundaries are in the topmost layer in the Map window, MI Pro selects
objects from the states layer. When you use the Select tool, MI Pro also displays
InfoTips for the topmost Selectable layer. As you move your cursor over the objects,
InfoTips display the object’s label expression. You can turn off the InfoTips in the Map
window Preferences (Options>Preferences>Map window).
Likewise, if you perform a boundary search, the boundary object that you want to
search should be in the topmost layer. For example, you have a layer of ZIP Code
boundaries and a layer of state boundaries. If you want to select all objects that fall
within a ZIP Code boundary, the ZIP Code layer should be the topmost boundary
layer. If you want to select all objects that fall within a given state, the state layer
should be the topmost boundary layer. You can reorder the layers by choosing Map >
Layer Control.
If you want to select objects from tables other than the topmost table, hold down the
Ctrl key when you are selecting an object. For example, you have a layer of states, a
layer of counties, and a layer of cities. All three layers are Selectable. You want to
select objects in the states table, but it is the bottommost layer in the Map window.
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the map with the Select tool. You are now in the
second layer. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the map again with the Select tool.
You are now selecting objects from the third layer, the states layer.
Selecting Tools
MI Pro includes several tools on the Main toolbar to allow you to choose records for
further viewing and analysis, including:
• Select tool
• Radius Select tool
• Marquee Select tool
• Polygon Select tool
• Boundary Select tool
• Invert Selection tool
Each tool is discussed below.
Select Tool
Use the Select tool to select objects one at a time or to select all objects that are
generally in the same area. You select an object by clicking on it.
To select an object:
1. Make the layer that you want to select objects from Selectable (Map > Layer
2. Choose the Select button from the Main toolbar.
3. Click on an object in the Map window. If that object’s layer is Selectable, MI
Pro highlights the object. If the layer is Editable, MI Pro puts edit handles
around the extents of the object. If the layer is neither Editable nor Selectable,
MI Pro does not allow you to select the object.
4. Choose Window > New Browser Window to display selected records in a
Browser. Choose Selection from the list of tables. MI Pro creates a Browser of
the new temporary table. To select records from the Browser, simply click on
each record with the Select tool.
To select multiple objects individually, click on the first object to select it. Hold down
the Shift key and click on another object. MI Pro selects that object, too. If you select a
second object without holding down the Shift key, MI Pro unselects the first object
and selects the second object.
When selecting a point object, you generally want to position the Select tool in the
center of the symbol. However, some symbols have a hot spot that you must hit in
order to select it. For example, the hot spot on the golf flag symbol is the base of the
You can also move the selected object(s). Hold down the mouse button and drag the
object to its new location or press the up, down, left and right arrow keys to move the
selected objects 1 screen pixel in the corresponding direction. If you press the Shift key
when the arrow key is selected, the object will move 10 pixels. Since the moves are
made in screen pixels, the zoom level affects how far the object is moved.
Finally, you can also rotate selected objects, select an object. The object is highlighted
and bounded by four edit handles and a fifth handle below the lower right corner.
Click on the fifth handle (rotate handle) and hold down the mouse button. Rotate the
highlighted box to the desired angle. A rubber banding box is drawn representing the
rotated object. If the Shift key is pressed while the rubber banding box is being
drawn, the rotation will be limited to 45 degree increments. The following objects
types can be rotated: Line, Polyline, Polygon, MultiPoint, Collection, Arc, Ellipse,
Rectangle, Round Rect (Points cannot be rotated).
In the case of Select, you have a table of information and you ask MI Pro to select a
subset of it. For example,
• Which of my customers spent more than $20,000?
• Which of my customers live in Vermont?
In the case of SQL Select, you have a table(s) of information and you ask MI Pro to:
• Derive new columns – columns that calculate new values based on the
contents of your existing columns.
• Aggregate your data so that you see only a listing of subtotals instead of
seeing your entire table.
• Combine two or more tables into one results table.
• Show only the columns and rows that interest you.
What Is Select?
Select allows you to query a table. It allows you to select records and objects from a
table according to their attributes. You can use it to highlight objects in a Map or
Browser window that meet certain criteria. You can also create a results table that you
can browse, map, or graph like any other table.
For instance, by formulating queries with Select, you can ask MI Pro to:
• Show only ZIP Code regions where the average household income is above
• Show only ZIP Code regions where the median age is 42.
• Show only the ZIP Code regions where the household income is above
$65,000 and the median age is 42.
• Show only records for all orders received in July or September.
• Show cities of over 100,000 people in Texas, California and Florida.
When you are working in a Browser, MI Pro highlights the records meeting the
criteria of the query. When you are working in a Map window, the graphic objects of
the chosen records are highlighted. When you are working in both windows, the
objects in both are highlighted. In all cases, MI Pro automatically creates a working
table called Selection that contains the results of the query. You can browse, map, or
graph this table like any other table. The table can also be saved as a separate table
with Save Copy As.
Creating Expressions
To perform a Select query, you must create an expression. An expression is a logical
statement that is used to ask your question. For example, you have a table of
apartments for rent. If you want to create a temporary table of all apartments that cost
less than $800 a month, you could use the expression:
• RENT < 800
where RENT is the name of a numeric column that contains the per month rent rate.
MI Pro searches the apartment table for all records that satisfy this condition and puts
those records in a temporary table that you can map, browse, graph or carry out
additional queries.
You can also perform mathematical operations on your data. For example, you want
to create a temporary table of all apartments that have a total cost of less than $800.
Total cost is equal to the sum of the rent and the monthly utilities.
This pop up lists every column in the table from which you are selecting. If the table
contains derived columns from previous queries, those columns will also be listed.
This pop up contains mathematical and logical operation symbols. The mathematical
operators in this pop up include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
greater than, less than, and equal signs. You can use these symbols to create
mathematical formulas.
For example, from your table of sales representatives you want to select those sales
representatives who, on the average, gross more than $2000 per month. Gross sales is
computed by adding together sales and commission.
You have two columns in your table: TOTAL_SALES, which is total sales for the year
for each representative and COMMISSION, which is total commission for the year for
each representative. You could build the following expression:
• (TOTAL_SALES + COMMISSION) / 12 < 2000
This expression tells MI Pro to add the number in the TOTAL_SALES column with the
number in the COMMISSION column. However, this gives you gross sales for the
year. We want average gross sales for the month. Therefore, we divide the sum by 12,
which will give us a monthly average. We then compare that figure with 2000.
The Operators pop up also includes logical operators conjunctions AND, NOT, OR
and LIKE. The LIKE operator can be used with two wildcard characters: ’%’ and ’_’.
The ’%’ character matches zero or more characters. The ’_’ character matches only one
This pop up contains mathematical functions that take one or more parameters and
return a value. You use functions to perform basic mathematical functions on the data
in that column. For example:
• abs(<number>)
takes the absolute value of the numbers in the specified column.
For example, a meteorologist wants to select all days where the temperature in her
city was more than 10 degrees warmer or cooler than the national average. She has a
column in her table, AVG_DIFF, that contains the difference between the national
average and city average. She could create the following expression:
• AVG_DIFF < –10 Or AVG_DIFF > 10
This expression tells MI Pro to select all records that have an average difference less
than -10 or greater than +10. However, she could also create the following expression:
• abs(AVG_DIFF) > 10
This expression tells MI Pro to select all records where the absolute value of the
average difference is greater than ten.
The Functions pop up contains many other functions, including area, perimeter, sin,
cos, and date-related functions. For a complete list of functions, see Appendix D,
Creating Expressions, in the MapInfo Professional User’s Guide.
MI Pro names the table Query1. It will name the next temporary selection table
Query2. You can override MI Pro’s default name and give the selection a descriptive
name. Type the new name into the Store Results in Table box. The table can also be
saved as a separate table with Save Copy As.
Example: Selecting
MI Pro makes finding information and locations easy. You can use the Select feature to
create subset databases of your information. As an example, we will use the sample
world table to select particular countries with a literacy rate greater than 90%.
Open the table, and choose Query > Select to display the Select dialog.
Do the following:
1. Complete the Select dialog:
From the Select records from table drop-down list, choose World.
Click on Assist. The Expression dialog displays.
Type 90.
Click Verify to confirm the syntax of your expression. Click OK to close the
Verify dialog.
Click OK to close the Expression dialog. The Select dialog redisplays.
Make sure the the Browse Results check box is selected.
3. Click OK to select the countries.
MI Pro creates a Browser that contains the selections. Notice that the
selections display in both the World map and Browser.
Note: Many of the queries on the following pages can be done either by using
Query > SQL Select or through the simpler Query > Select dialog. Because
SQL Select is more versatile and more commonly used, the SQL Select
dialog is used in the following examples.
3. Choose File > Save Copy As and save the Selection table. The table can be
saved with any filename.
While MI Pro’s Select command lets you formulate sophisticated queries, SQL Select
goes even further. The records in the query table generated by the Select command
don’t have any information in them that isn’t contained in the records of the base
table. They are, in fact, the same records. They have been arranged so that they can be
viewed together.
With SQL Select you can create query tables containing information that was only
implicit in the base table(s).
The SQL Select dialog is one of the most elaborate ones in MI Pro. But don’t be
intimidated. Once you learn what each box is used for, it is fairly simple to create
powerful selection statements. You can type directly into the boxes or you can use the
pop up menus on the right to enter items into the boxes.
The easiest way to describe the dialog is to walk you through an example, step-by-
step. This example uses data from the WORLD table included in MI Pro, so you can
try out this SQL Select exercise yourself. We have included a brief description of the
parts of the dialog with each step. A complete description of each box is given after
the example.
3. Place your cursor in the Select Columns box and delete the asterisk (*). In this
example, we will specify a list of columns to be included in the resulting
query table, instead of including all columns.
Remember, the query table is the temporary table that MI Pro creates to store
the results of the query.
4. Select Country from the Columns drop-down list.
5. Select pop_1994 from the Columns drop-down list.
Now, we need to compute population density. Remember, population density
is computed by dividing population by area. There is no area column in the
table. However, there is a function, Area, which will compute the area of any
mappable object. Since the world table is mappable, MI Pro can compute the
area of each country and, therefore, the population density of each country.
6. Select the division sign (/) from the Operators popup.
7. Select Area from the Functions popup.
This will create a derived column. A derived column is a column that contains
the results of calculations performed on another column or columns. When
MI Pro creates the query table, it will include two columns: The Country
column and the pop_1994/Area(obj, “sq mi”) column, which is our
population density column. MI Pro includes a units statement with all
geographic functions. If you wanted MI Pro to return the area in square
kilometers, you would change “sq mi” to “sq km.”
Now, we need to build an expression that will select only those countries
whose population density is over 500 people per square mile.
8. Tab to the Where Condition box.
9. Select pop_1994 from the Columns drop-down list.
10. Select the division sign (/) from the Operators drop-down list.
11. Select Area from the Functions pop up.
12. Select the greater than sign (>) from the Operators drop-down list.
13. Type the number 500.
We have now built the expression “Select all countries whose population
density (pop_1994/Area(obj, “sq mi”)) is more than (>) 500 people per square
14. Leave the Group by Columns box blank.
15. Tab to the Order by Columns box.
16. Select Country from the Columns pop up.
The Order by Columns box allows you to specify in which order the records
in the query table will be displayed. By selecting Country, MI Pro will list the
records in alphabetical order, according to country name.
17. Tab to the Into Table Named box.
18. Type DENSITY.
By default, MI Pro names the query table Query1. Subsequent query tables
will be named Query2, Query3, and so on. You can change the name of the
query table by typing in a new table name in the Into Table Named box. MI
Pro will name the query table DENSITY.
19. Click Verify.
MI Pro checks the syntax of your SQL statement. If there are any errors in
your statement, MI Pro gives you an error message telling you what the error
is and which box contains the error.
20. Make sure that the Browse Results check box is selected.
MI Pro creates a Browser of the query table. If you do not select Browse
Results, MI Pro still creates the temporary query table but doesn’t display it.
To display the table, you would have to choose the Browse option in the
Window menu and select DENSITY from the drop-down list.
The first column contains the country name. The second column contains the
population density. Note that the countries are listed in alphabetical order (Order By:
Country) and the population density for each country listed is over 500 people per
square mile (pop_1994/ Area(obj, “sq mi”) > 500).
This will create a new table, HIDENSTY, that contains only those states with a
relatively high population density (population divided by total area). The
asterisk (*) in the Select Columns box transfers all of the columns in the
STATES table to the HIDENSTY table.
3. Choose File > Save Copy As and save the Selection table. The table can be
saved with any filename.
Saving Queries
Any query created using the Select or SQL Select commands can be saved as an MI
Pro query table. Query tables consist of a .TAB file and a .QRY file. After you have
executed a Select or SQL Select statement, choose File > Save Query to save the query
as a table. When you open this table, the tables on which the query is based are re-
opened and the query is re-executed.
Note: Queries made against other queries cannot be saved as a table or in a
Query Templates
Query templates enable you to save Select or SQL Select statements as templates and
reload them. This saves you the trouble of having to rebuild a query each time you
want to use it. Both the Select and SQL Select dialogs have Load Template and Save
Template options to enable you to do this easily. Query templates are useful for re-
creating a query with an updated version of the table used in the original query, or for
executing a query on a table that has the same fields as the table on which the query
statement was created.
Saving a Template
After you have finished writing your Select or SQL Select query, click the Save
Template button to save the query to a template, or query file. The Save Dialog to
Query File displays. Give the query file a name, select a folder, and click Save. Query
files are saved with a .QRY extension and are saved in the directory specified in the
Directories preferences (Options > Preferences > Directories).
Note: The query does not need to be complete or syntactically correct to save it to
a template.
Loading a Template
You can load any saved query template. To load a template, click the Load Template
button. The Load Dialog From Query File dialog displays. It lists the .QRY files. Select
the .QRY file you want to use, and click Open. The Select or SQL Select dialog
displays with the values from the template already filled in. Simply execute your
query to create the query browser.
Deriving Columns
A derived column is a column in a query table whose contents are created by
applying an expression to the values of columns already existing in some base table.
In the example above, population density was a derived column.
By default, the Select Columns box contains an asterisk (*), indicating that all of the
columns in the base table are to be included in the query table. If you don’t want all of
those columns, you should delete the asterisk and list only those columns that you
want to use.
You aren’t limited to creating one derived column. You can create as many derived
columns as you want. Note that the more derived columns you create, the longer it
will take MI Pro to execute the query.
You can also created derived columns based on the aggregate functions count, sum,
avg, wtavg, max, and min. For example:
• sum(Population).
would give you the population for the entire world.
• sum(Area(obj), “sq mi”).
would give you the area for the entire world.
You can use aliases to rename any column in a table, not just derived columns. For
example, if each country in your table is a separate sales territory for your
corporation, you might want to rename the Country column “TERRITORY”. The
procedure is identical:
• Country “TERRITORY”, Population / Area(obj, “sq mi”) “POP_DENSITY”
Make sure mapinfo/data is the directory that displays in the Directories list box.
If it is not, you may need to double-click on the data directory in the
directories list box.
5. Press the spacebar once and type the column alias “Total_Pop”.
Remember, an alias has to be separated from its expression by a blank space.
The Sum(Population) column will appear in the results table as Total_Pop.
6. Select Sum from the Aggregates drop-down list.
7. Select Area from the Functions drop-down list.
After you select Area, the cursor will be on the inside of the end parenthesis
[)]. Move it to the outside with the right arrow key.
Sum(Area) will create a derived column that will compute the total area.
8. Press the spacebar once and type a column alias “Total_Area”.
The Sum(Area(obj, “sq mi”)) column will appear in the results table as
9. Leave Where Condition, Group By Columns, and Order By Columns blank.
10. Tab to the Into Table Named box.
Type in TOT_POP_AREA as the name for this table.
11. Click Verify. Click OK.
12. Make sure that the Browse Results check box is selected.
Now that we have the total population and total area, we can compute the world’s
population density by performing an SQL Select on the TOT_POP_AREA table we
just created. In this SQL Select, we will divide the total population by the total area.
Choose Query > SQL Select to display the SQL Select dialog.
Fill in the dialog as follows:
1. In the From Tables Box, choose TOTAL_POP_AREA from the Tables drop-
down list.
2. Tab to the Select Columns box and delete the information from our last query.
3. Select Total_Pop from the Columns drop-down list.
Remember, Total_Pop is the column we created from our last query.
Notice that when you select Total_Pop, COL1 appears in the Select Columns
field. This is the column number of that field. When choosing derived
columns from a previous query, MI Pro uses the column number instead of
the name. Columns can be referred to by name or number, where the number
designates the order the column has in the Select Columns box. COL1 and
COL2 refer to the first and second columns, respectively.
4. Select the division sign (/) from the Operators drop-down list.
5. Select Total_Area from the Columns drop-down list.
COL2 displays in the Select Columns field.
6. Leave Where Condition, Group By Columns, and Order By Columns blank.
7. Tab to the Into Table Named box.
Type WORLD_DENSITY as the name of this table.
8. Click Verify. Click OK.
Aggregating Data
When you aggregate data, you perform a mathematical operation on all of a column’s
values in all of the records in your table. Unlike the Select command, which only
allows you to perform mathematical functions on individual records, SQL allows you
to aggregate (or summarize) data across records.
MI Pro looks for each unique set of data values in the specified column or columns and
creates one row for each such unique set. When you aggregate data, you need to
• How the records will be grouped.
• How the data will be aggregated (summarized).
For example, you have a table of sales representatives and their sales figures for the
past three months:
John May 1200
Cathy May 900
Julie May 1100
John June 900
Cathy June 1400
Julie June 600
John July 1200
Cathy July 700
Julie July 1000
MI Pro could also compute the total sales for each representative by specifying in the
SQL Select dialog:
• Select Columns: SALES_REP, sum(SALES)
• Group by Columns: SALES_REP
John 3300
Cathy 3000
Julie 2700
For more on Group By and Order By, see the discussion under SQL Select in the
MapInfo Reference.
Where Condition
A number of enhancements to formulating the Where condition in SQL joins allows
MI Pro to join tables in a more logical, simpler way.
Order of Fields
The order of fields used in the Join does not matter. Either of the following syntaxes is
Select * from A,B where A.field1 = B.field1
Select * from A,B where B.field1 = A.field1
However, keep in mind that when you switch the order of geographic operands, the
geographic operator must also change. The following statements will produce
identical results:
Select * from states, cities where states.obj contains
Select * from states, cities where cities.obj within
Order of Clauses
The order in which Join clauses are performed does not matter. For example, each of
the following are valid clauses:
Select * from Us_custg,States,City_125
where States.state = City_125.state and States.state =
Us_custg.state and Us_custg.order_amt > 10000
Select * from Us_custg,States,City_125
where States.state = City_125.state and States.state =
City_125.state and Us_custg.order_amt > 10000
Select * from Us_custg,States,City_125
where Us_custg.state = States.state and
Us_custg.order_amt > 10000 and States.state =
Error Handling
If an invalid Where condition that uses an OR as a logical operator is detected, MI Pro
will indicate an error has occurred. Usually this error will display whenever MI Pro
cannot find a join between two tables. For example, if you have specified the
following incorrect condition:
Select * from A,B where A.field1 = B.field1 or A.field1 =
The error “No join specified between A and B. Invalid join
condition in Where clause” displays.
Outer Join
An SQL outer join refers to the process of joining data from a larger table and a
smaller table where you would like the result to be all the records in the larger table
joined to whatever records matched from the smaller table. A problem arises if this is
done as a standard join. A standard join in SQL Select will yield a table of only those
records that matched. You would like to have empty fields where there is no match.
For example, suppose you have a table containing a listing of all of the apartments in
a building. There is also a table containing records for each of the tenants. The tables
each have a field with the apartment number in it. Your task is to generate a table of
all of the apartments and the tenants occupying the apartments. Some of the
apartments will be vacant and have no match in the tenant field.
The first step is to create a subset of the data where you can successfully match the
apartment to the tenant.
1. Choose Query > SQL Select. Set up the following SQL query:
2. Click OK. Your selection appears as a query browser. You will need to save
this query to a base table.
3. Choose File > Save Copy As. The Save Copy As dialog displays. Choose the
appropriate directory for your file and name it RESULT.TAB. Click Save.
4. Choose File > Open Table and open the RESULT table. This table includes all
of the records from both tables where there was a match.
5. Next, you must select the records from the APARTMNTS table that had no
match in the tenants table. Choose Query > SQL Select and set up the
following SQL query:
6. The resulting query table is a list of all of the apartments that are not in the
RESULT table. To include these records in your RESULT table, you must
append them. Choose Table > Append Rows to Table.
7. Append the last query table to the RESULT table. This will append the list of
vacant apartments to the list of occupied apartments. See Chapter 22,
Managing Your Tables, for more information on appending rows.
In the above example, if the InStr function finds the word "Main" anywhere in the
STREET column of the Points table, it will return a value greater than zero (the
position of the first letter of "Main" in the string being searched).
The syntax of the INSTR function is as follows:
INSTR ( position, string, substring)
position is the starting position of the search
string is the text string or field containing the string to be searched
substring is the text string that you are searching for
For example, if you want to find the position of the word "test" in a given text string,
the InStr function will look something like this:
INSTR(1,”This is a test of the Instr function”,”test”)
When this statement is executed, the value 11 will be returned.
Note: If the string that you are searching for does not exist in the larger string, the
value 0 will be returned.
For more information, see Appendix D: Creating Expressions.
Choose Query > SQL Select. Fill in the dialog as shown below:
This will create a new table called HIGHWAYS that contains all the primary
roads contained in the StreetInfo NYSCHES table.
3. Choose File > Save Copy As and save the HIGHWAYS table. The HIGHWAYS
table can now be added to your map as a separate layer.
Note: The above SQL Select statement selects all of the primary roads as defined
by the CFCC codes. To determine the class of the streets that you want to
select, use the Info tool on a few of the streets that you want to select, or
refer to your StreetInfo documentation for explanations of the classes.
The first SQL Select statement produces a query table with two columns. The first
column is a list of all unique values in the data column and the second column lists
the number of times that each unique value occurs. The second SQL statement
compares each data column value with all rows in the Query table where the count is
greater than one.
In the example below, there is a table EMPLOYEE that has two columns Id_Num and
Name. To find the duplicate values, perform the two SQL Selects, modifying them
where indicated.
1. Choose Query > SQL Select and fill in the dialog as shown below.
Substitute the name of your data column for ID_Num and the name of your
table for EMPLOYEE. The number 1 in the Group By Columns box will group
the row by ID_Num (the first column). The 2 Desc in the Order by Columns
box will arrange the records in descending order based on the values in the
count(*) field (the second column).
This SQL Select statement returns a query table with two columns. The first
column contains every identification number possessed by at least one
employee. The second column contains the number of employees that have
that identification number. The rows are sorted by the number of employees
that have each id number (i.e., the count).
2. Next, choose Query > SQL Select and fill in the dialog as shown below.
Also, change EMPLOYEE to the name of your table and ID_Num to the name
of your data column.
In the example, the SQL statement returns a query table containing all of the
rows from EMPLOYEE with duplicated data column values. The where
condition selects all rows from EMPLOYEE that have an identification
number that is the same as one of the ID numbers in the Count_By_ID query
table. This sub-select finds all identification numbers that occur more than
3. Click OK. The resulting query table contains last names and first names plus a
new column called DISTANCE which records the distance between the fixed
location (-101.697209, 36.050036) and the point associated with each row of
the table.
4. To save the results in a permanent table, choose File > Save Copy As, and save
the CUSTDIST table.
You can create thematic maps with MapInfo ➤ Individual Values Maps
Professional using the following methods: ➤ Ranged Maps
ranges of values, graduated symbols, dot
density, individual values, bar and pie charts
➤ Grid Surface Thematic Maps
and continuous grid. There are also several ➤ Prism Maps
variations on and options within these
➤ Graduated Symbol Maps
methods, such as bivariate thematic mapping
and inflection point, that give you even more ➤ Dot Density Maps
ways to analyze your data. ➤ Bar Chart Maps
➤ Pie Chart Maps
➤ Using Update Column with
Thematic Mapping
➤ Bivariate Thematic Mapping
➤ Using an Inflection Point
with Thematic Mapping
➤ Modifying a Thematic Map
➤ Customizing a Thematic
➤ Saving Your Thematic
Chapter 11: Using Thematic Mapping to Analyze your Data
Each has its own purpose and unique attributes. For example, using Ranges of Values,
you could thematically shade a map of the world according to population density.
You could shade the countries with graduated shades of red, the darkest red
representing the most densely populated countries, and the palest red representing
the least densely populated countries. At a glance you can see the distribution of the
world’s population.
You are not limited to representing numeric values with thematic mapping. Nominal
values also may be shaded thematically. For example, you have a table of
underground cables. Those cables that haven’t been serviced in the past six months
are labeled priority status. Using Individual Values, you can shade the cables
according to their repair status. All records with the same value will be shaded the
See the individual sections later in this chapter for more information on each type of
thematic map.
Thematic Variables
The data that you display on your thematic map is called the thematic variable.
Depending on the type of thematic analysis you are performing, your map can show
one or more thematic variables. Ranges of values, grid shading, graduated symbols,
dot density, and individual values maps all examine one variable. With bar or pie
charts, you can display more than one thematic variable at a time.
A thematic variable can also be an expression. Choose Expression from the field list in
place of a data field to construct a statement that derives information from the data in
your table(s). Although an expression can be made up of more than one variable (e.g.,
POP_1990 – POP_1980), for purposes of thematic mapping, a complete expression is
equivalent to one thematic variable. See Chapter 10, Selecting Using Queries, and
Appendix D, Creating Expressions, for more detailed information.
You can also create bivariate thematic maps, where one map object, such as a symbol,
represents two different pieces of data. The symbol color, for example, can represent
one thematic variable, and the symbol size can represent another.
Thematic Layers
When you create a thematic map in MI Pro, the thematic shading is added to your
map as a separate layer. It is drawn on top of the base map layer.
Separate Layers
Separating thematic layers from the base map layer provides you with several
important options:
• Graduated symbol thematic maps do not require that your base map contain
point objects. Instead, graduated symbol objects are built regardless of the
map object type. Therefore, even if your base map contains region or line
objects, you will still be able to create a graduated symbols map.
• You can have multiple thematic layers per base map layer. In some cases, you
do not have to add another base layer to the map to create another thematic
layer. You can display more than one thematic layer at a time, as well as
perform bivariate thematic mapping.
• You can use Layer Control to turn the display on or off for a given thematic
layer. The layer it is based on can continue to display. You can also set
individual zoom layers on thematic maps.
Individual Values maps show points, lines, or boundaries that are shaded by
individual values contained in a particular field. You can use both numerical and
nominal values in individual values maps. MI Pro gives each unique value its own
color or symbol. When an individual values map uses symbol types, the symbols are
taken from the base table.
For example, a soft drink distributor maintains a table of the supermarkets that buy
soft drinks from him. Each supermarket sells the distributor’s brand of soft drink for a
different price. If the distributor shades the supermarket points by price, using
individual values, all stores that sell the soft drink for 49 cents are shaded one color,
all stores that sell the soft drink for 51 cents are shaded another color, and so on. Each
unique value is assigned its own color. The distributor is able to see the price
distribution among the supermarkets and can determine where he should increase his
sales volume, based on the price.
If you are shading your points, lines or boundaries using nominal data, you can shade
only by individual values. Nominal data is either non-numerical data (name, type of
cuisine served, or brand of automobile sold) or numeric data where the numbers
represent non-numeric data like an ID number. Dates are considered numeric data
and can be used in both ranged and individual values maps.
For example, you have the results from a consumer survey. One question on the
survey reads “What is your favorite Sunday afternoon activity?” The possible
responses are:
1. Sleeping
2. Watching TV
3. Taking a drive
4. Reading
5. Playing or watching sports
6. Visiting museums or art galleries
7. Going to the movies
You want to shade each consumer point with the response for the favorite Sunday
activity. The SUNDAY column of your table contains the number that corresponds to
the consumer’s favorite activity. However, the numbers in this column do not
represent quantitative values. Going to the movies is not greater than Playing or
watching sports even though 7 > 5. When numbers are used as names instead of
values, you must shade your objects by individual values. The numbers are only used
to reference the pastimes so color can be assigned to them.
Ranged Maps
When you create a ranged thematic map, MI Pro groups all records into ranges and
assigns each record’s object the color, symbol, or line for its corresponding range. For
example, you have a table of weather stations for your television viewing area, and
you want to shade the locations according to their reported snowfall amounts.
With the Ranged map feature, MI Pro groups the snowfall amounts into ranges. For
instance, all weather stations that received between zero and five inches of snowfall in
the past month are grouped into one range. Stations receiving between five and 10
inches are in a separate range. Sites that received between 10 and 15 inches are in a
third range, while those stations reporting greater than 15 inch snowfall amounts are
in a fourth range.
All records are assigned to a range and then assigned a color based on that range. For
instance, the weather stations reporting the 15 plus inches of snow are shaded red.
The other ranges are shaded in lighter shades of red with the last range in gray
(default colors). When you display the map, the colors make it readily apparent which
locations received the most and least snow accumulation.
Ranges are also useful when the size of the region is not directly related to the
magnitude of the data values. In our population density example at the beginning of
the chapter, countries that are small in size can be very densely populated, and
countries that are large in size may not be densely populated. Differences like these
are more readily apparent when the regions are shaded in this manner.
Ben and Miguel are grouped in the same range (since they have the two lowest
values). This may not produce the results you want since the value for Ben is so much
lower than any of the other values.
Equal Ranges divides records across ranges of equal size. For example, you have a
field in your table with data values ranging from 1 to 100. You want to create a
thematic map with four equal size ranges. MI Pro produces ranges 1–25, 25–50, 50–75,
and 75–100. (Since ranges use "=>" and "<=", they need to overlap.)
Keep in mind that MI Pro may create ranges with no data records, depending on the
distribution of your data. For example, if you tell MI Pro to shade the following
database according to Equal Ranges:
John 100 Andrea 90
Penny 6 Kyle 1
Miguel 4 Angela 92
Linda 95 Elroy 89
Ben 10 Mark 10
MI Pro creates four ranges (1–25, 25–50, 50–75, and 75–100). Notice, however, that
only two of those ranges (1–25 and 75–100) actually contain records.
Natural Break and Quantile are two ways to show data that is not evenly distributed.
Natural Break creates ranges according to an algorithm that uses the average of each
range to distribute the data more evenly across the ranges. It distributes the values so
that the average of each range is as close as possible to each of the range values in that
range. This ensures that the ranges are well-represented by their averages, and that
data values within each of the ranges are fairly close together.
Quantiling enables you to build ranges that determine the distribution of a thematic
variable across a segment of your data. For example, you can quantile state
population by urban population to illustrate how urban population is distributed
across the United States. Your legend will not indicate that you have used Quantile to
build your ranges. You can customize the legend so that it shows which field you
used to quantile the table.
When you create ranges using Standard Deviation, the middle range breaks at the
mean of your values, and the ranges above and below the middle range are one
standard deviation above or below the mean.
You can also define your own ranges using Custom.
When you open an MI Pro table that has a grid filename associated with it, MI Pro
searches for the file if it cannot find it immediately. For example, the search capability
can simplify opening tables if your .TAB file refers to an image that resides on a CD-
ROM drive, and different letters are used to designate the CD-ROM drive on different
MI Pro uses the following search order:
1. Search for the file where specified by the FILE tag in the .TAB file.
2. Search for the file in the same directory as the .TAB file.
3. Search for the file in the Table Search path specified in the Directories
preferences (Options>Preferences>Directories>Search Directories for Tables).
MI Pro either opens the table as though it found the file in the specified location, or it
will report an error because the file could not be found in any location.
Grid Handlers
MI Pro includes read-only grid handlers to support the direct opening of the
following grid file formats:
• DTED–levels 1, 2, and 3 (*.dt0, *.dt1, *.dt2)
• GTOPO30 (*.dem)
• Marconi (*.grd, *.grc)
You can open these grid file types directly from the Open dialog. You will see the file
extensions listed next to the Grid Image file type in the Files of Type drop-down list in
the bottom of the dialog. Because the handlers are read-only, they cannot be used to
create grid files during the thematic mapping process.
If the relief shading option is enabled, a separate file will be created to store the
hillshade information. The hillshade file is stored in the same location as the grid file
and has the same base name as the grid but with the extension ".mih". If the grid file is
read-only, e.g., it’s located on a CD-ROM, the .mih files will be created in the same
location as the .tab file. The .tab file will contain a new metadata key, for example:
"\Grid\Hillshade File" = "d:\tmp\AntiochSouth.mih"
The Vertical Mapper Grid files can also be opened directly in MI Pro. The *.grd
extension is listed with the other Grid Image formats in the Files of Type drop-down
Currently, grids using the Vertical Mapper handler cannot be modified in the Modify
Thematic Map dialog. They are read-only. They must be modified within Marconi
original Vertical Mapper source application. In addition, you cannot create .grd or .grc
files in MI Pro, however, you can convert *.grd fiels to *.mig files with Gridtools.mbx.
You must use the Vertical Mapper application, which runs within MI Pro, to create
Grid Interpolation
MI Pro provides two interpolators for creating grid themes: Inverse Distance
Weighting (IDW) and Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN).
IDW Interpolator
The IDW interpolator is best suited for data values that produce arbitrary values over
the grid, that is, data that does not have any relationship or influence over
neighboring data values, such as population. This method of interpolation also works
well for sparse data.
The IDW interpolator calculates the value of grid cells that cover the mapping area.
Each data point value from your source table that is considered in the calculation for a
cell value is weighted by its distance from the center of the cell. Because the
interpolation is an inverse distance weighting calculation, the farther the point is from
the cell, the less influence its value will have on the resulting cell value.
MI Pro’s grid mapping process begins by determining the minimum bounding
rectangle (MBR) of the source table. The grid is divided into equal sized square cells of
some size. For example, using the Grid default template, the States table in MI Pro’s
sample data set creates a grid dimension of 200 cells by 303 cells. By calculating the
number of cells in the grid and knowing the dimension of the MBR, MI Pro
determines that each cell needs to be 18.1 by 18.1 miles square. (Your cell size will be
in whatever distance units you have set for the Map window. To change the units, go
to Map > Options > Map Units).
The settings for the IDW interpolator are controlled via the Settings button in the Step
3 of 3 dialog. The illustration above shows the settings for the States table if you are
basing the grid theme on the Grid Default or Grid Gray Default templates that ship
with MI Pro. Note the cell size number represents both the height and width of the
cell. Any change to the cell size will result in an automatic update of the grid
With the cell size and the source points and values known, MI Pro calculates a value
for each cell. This value is determined by calculating a distance-weighted average of
the points that lie within the specified search radius. Points are inversely weighted by
their distance from the center of the cell.
In IDW, the exponent determines how much influence each point will have on the
result. The higher the exponent the greater the influence closer points will have on the
cell value. Exponents can range from one to 10.
You can also choose an aggregation method for the z-values of source data points that
are in the same grid cell. Choose from: average, count, sum, min, and max.
TIN Interpolator
The TIN interpolator works best for terrain data and for data points that have a linear
progression or relationship to each other across the grid, such as temperature.
The TIN interpolator produces triangles from a network of points that more closely
reproduces the original map terrain than the IDW interpolator. It draws lines between
points, dividing them into triangles and connecting all the points that it can. It creates
a mesh of connectivity so that the grid points can be interpolated. The interpolation is
not influenced by the neighboring original data values, so you do not get the "false
bumping" of data that you can get with the IDW interpolator.
Included in the Grid templates in the Create Thematic Map–Step 1 of 3 dialog are two
templates that work best with the TIN interpolator. The TIN interpolator settings are
specified in the Step 3 of 3 dialog. Click the Settings button to display the TIN
Interpolator Settings dialog.
As in the IDW interpolator, the cell size indicated in the TIN interpolator is square: the
number represents both the height and width of the cell. The grid dimensions are
automatically updated when the cell size is changed.
The TIN settings can be manipulated to give more or less detail to the map terrain.
The Tolerance setting controls whether closely spaced points are discarded. The
tolerance is a fraction of the diagonal length of the bounding box of the points.
The Distance value controls the output. For non-zero distance values, only edges or
triangles contained within a sphere centered at mesh vertices are output. This is
useful to constrain the triangulated irregular network to a specified distance;
otherwise, the triangulation will cross concave regions.
The Feature Angle setting controls the angle (in degrees) that defines a sharp edge.
This setting is used for smoothing the final grid. If the difference in angle across
neighboring polygons is greater than this value, the shared edge is considered
Grid Appearance
Once the cell values are calculated, MI Pro groups them into a color spectrum that is
bounded by the minimum and maximum values in the table. The grid’s appearance is
controlled in the Grid Appearance dialog, which you can access by clicking the Styles
button in Step 3.
Inflection Methods
You can control how the color is spread by specifying an inflection method, and the
number of inflection points. The Number of inflections drop-down list shows
numbers 2–16, but you can type any number between 2 and 255. You can also apply a
rounding factor to the inflection values. If the inflection method is based on cell count,
you may not see the effects of the rounding factor until the inflection values are
calculated. The inflection methods are listed below:
• Equal Cell Count–Sets the inflections so that approximately an equal number
of grid cells fall between each inflection value.
• Equal Value Ranges–Spreads the inflections evenly between the minimum
and maximum values of the data range.
• Custom Cell Count–Use this method to specify your own percentages.
• Custom Value Ranges–Use this method to specify your own values.
The Grid default template assigns blue to the minimum value and red to the
maximum value. These minimum and maximum values are also expressed as
percentages of the range. These color settings/values are known as inflection points
and will display in the legend with a particular color, value and percentage. If a cell
has the exact value as the inflection point, it will display that color on the map. A cell
value that falls between two inflection points displays with the color that is in
between the colors of those inflection points.
When you increase the number of inflections, MI Pro chooses default colors for the
new inflections. The last inflection color remains the same. New ones are inserted
between the new last inflection and the one before it.
To change the color of an inflection point, double-click on the color swatch and choose
a new color from the palette. To edit the inflection percentages/values, single or
double-click on a value. You can type the new value right over the old value.
Relief Shading
Relief shading allows you to shade your grid surface map according to a virtual light
source. MI Pro adjusts the brightness of each grid cell based on its orientation to the
light source. This enables you to take surface slope and direction into account relative
to the direction of the light.
The brightness values that MI Pro assigns to each cell correspond to light striking the
surface. The light source can be the sun shining on a topographic surface. The
maximum brightness is assigned at points where the sun’s rays are perpendicular to
the surface (the slope directly faces the light source). As the slope faces turn away
from the light source, lower brightness values are assigned.
Grid Translucency
The translucency setting allows you to set how much you can see through the grid
layer. For example, in a boundary map, you may want to be able to see the boundaries
as well as the topological terrain. A translucency setting of 0% produces a completely
opaque image. A setting of 100% produces a completely transparent image. Set the
translucency according to how much of the details in the layers underneath the grid
you want to see.
Final Adjustments
You can make other color adjustments to your grid surface map. You can set the
contrast and brightness level, or show the grid in gray scale. You can also invert the
inflection colors using the Flip Colors button.
Once the inflection settings, any relief shading, and other color settings are finalized,
you are ready to produce the map. MI Pro generates the grid theme map layer as a
raster image. The inflection points grade from one color to another in smooth
transitions to illustrate the distribution of the data.
Zoom Layering
Zoom layering for grid layers is now controlled in the Map window preferences. To
change the zoom layering setting for a grid surface map that you are currently
working with, go to the Map Options dialog (Map>Options) and either activate or
turn off zoom layering. The setting is turned off by default.
The Grid File Converter enables you to convert any grid file supported by a grid
handler to an MI Pro grid file (.mig). You must provide a color file that defines the
inflection points of the new grid file. The tool gives you the option of generating relief
shading for the new file, and opening the file after the conversion. It replaces the
DEM2Grid MapBasic utility included in earlier versions of MI Pro.
To load Grid Tools, choose Tools>Tool Manager, and select the Loaded check box next
to the Grid Tools utility. Then choose Tools>Grid Tools>Create MapInfo Grid from
Other Grid File to display the dialog.
To select the input and output grid files and the color file, use the corresponding
Browse buttons to navigate to their respective locations. Select the Relief shading
check box to activate relief shading for the converted grid file. Click the Relief Shade
Options button to display the Relief Shade Options dialog, where you can specify the
angle of the light source and the vertical scale factor. Select the Open and Map Grid
File check box to have MI Pro display the grid in a Map window.
In addition to the Grid File Converter, Grid Tools enables you to create a MI Pro grid
file from a table of points. This works best if the records in your table represent a
regular grid of points. Choose Tools>Grid Tools>Create MapInfo Grid from Table of
Objects to display the dialog.
Finally, loading Grid Tools places a grid "info tool" on the Tools toolbar that you can
use to display the x, y, and z coordinates of a mouse-click location in a grid layer. Click
on the button to activate it, and then click anywhere on your grid layer to display the
coordinates for that location.
If your source data points do not extend beyond your clipping region, your grid map
will not be completed filled with grid cells. To avoid this, in the Interpolator Settings
dialog for IDW Interpolation (reached by the Settings button in the Step 3 of 3 dialog),
type a value in the Grid Border box to represents the miles you want added to the grid
that will meet or exceed the source table’s MBR. This value will add the same amount
to all four sides of the grid.
3D Viewing
MapInfo Professional contains a 3D viewing capability. Based on Microsoft’s
implementation of OpenGL software graphics interface, it allows freehand tilt and
rotation of the image. The traditional pan, zoom, and Info tools also operate in the
3DMap window.
You can create a 3D view of any map that contains a continuous grid layer. For
example, by importing digital elevation model (DEM) files or interpolate from a layer
of points that contain elevation values. The image of any other layers will be draped
over the 3D surface. Keep in mind, the 3D surface is not limited to representing
elevation. It can also be used to show property value, sales potential, population
density, air temperature, etc.
Use the Create 3DMap command (Map > Create 3DMap) to create a 3D view of a Grid
Thematic map when the Grid Thematic map is in the active window. You can rotate,
zoom, and pan the 3D view. Additionally, you can clone the 3D view.
The 3DMap window is a stand-alone window. Therefore, if you modify the tables in
the Grid Thematic map used to create the 3DMap, choose the Refresh Grid Texture
option in the 3DWindow menu to update the 3DMap. To change the settings in an
existing 3DMap window, select Properties on the 3DWindow menu.
Creating a 3DMap
To create a 3DMap:
1. Create a Grid Thematic map or open an existing grid layer. See Grid Surface
Thematic Maps for more information.
2. Choose Map > Create 3DMap. The Create 3DMap dialog displays.
ViewPoint Control Dialog: In addition to duplicating the functionality you have with
the selection and the zoom tools, the ViewPoint Control Dialog has a Mapper View
button that will reposition the 3DMap window to match the view from the original
Map window.
WireFrame: Toggle between a wireframe and surface representation of the grid. This
option is not saved to a workspace. Additionally, cloned 3DMap windows have the
surface representation of the grid, even if the cloned window is in wireframe mode.
You can also toggle the wireframe mode on and off with the ‘W’ key on the keyboard
when the 3DMap window is active. Here is an example of a wireframe map:
Properties: Display the 3DMap Properties dialog displaying the current 3DMap
settings. Use this dialog to modify the Light and Appearance settings of the active
3DMap. Additionally, display this menu by right-clicking when in the 3DMap
Manipulating a 3DMap
To manipulate the view of a 3DMap window, choose the Select tool. Click and hold
the left mouse button in the 3DMap window. As you move the mouse the viewpoint
will be rotated around the focal point. The Info, Grabber, and Zoom tools are available
for use within the 3DMap window. The Info tool will return the grid elevation value
at a selected point.
Prism Maps
Prism maps offer another way to create a three-dimensional view of your map. In a
Prism map, the height of the geography is raised according to a specified column
value from your table or a derived value from an expression—the greater the value,
the higher the height of the geography. Each geography becomes a prism, allowing
you to compare data values of objects relative to each other according to the height of
each prism.
Prism maps are created using region layers. Other closed objects such as rectangles,
ellipses, and rounded rectangles are also included in the Prism map, as well as the
region portion of Collection objects. Point objects are not included in the Prism Map.
The prism effect does not interfere with the display of other components in a Map
window, including other map layers, themes, or labels. When the Prism map is
created, the image from the original Map window is "pasted" on the resulting 3D
Note: Creating a Prism map from complex geographical objects (e.g. high
resolution boundaries) requires a significant amount of memory and time.
Memory resources may run out on some systems.
The 3DWindow menu is shared between 3DMaps and Prism maps. When a Prism
map is the active Map window, the 3DWindow menu displays on the menu bar.
The commands in the 3DWindow menu for Prism maps are the same as those for
3DMaps. You can control the view of the map, create a duplicate view, and set the
map’s point of view, enabling you to choose the angle that will best emphasize the
prism effect of the raised geographies.
3. In the Choose Layer and Column group, choose the layer to map, and choose
a column value. Only numeric columns from the layer you chose display in
the dialog.
In addition to modifying the Background and Light color settings, you can specify
InfoTips and set a scale for the Z direction (vertical) of the map.
The InfoTip information can come from any column in the table or valid expression.
The values will display when you hover the cursor over an object using a tool that
supports ToolTips.
A scale for the Z direction is calculated during the initial creation of the Prism map. If
you decide to modify it, keep in mind that the values used for the prism height may
greatly exceed the x and y dimensions. For example, in a Prism map of population,
values could easily be in the millions. The scale must be small enough so that the
objects can be viewed. A scale value >1 will exaggerate the topology in the Z
direction; a value <1 will scale down the topological features in the Z direction.
Graduated symbol maps use symbols to represent different values. You can use
graduated symbols regardless of the type of map object with which you are working.
For instance, use graduated symbols to show the number of housing units by city.
When you select the graduated symbols option, MI Pro varies the size of each symbol
according to the value in the sales order field.
Or you can represent how much interest each customer has expressed in a given
product by assigning a symbol whose size is proportional to the customer’s interest.
Graduated symbols maps work best when you use numeric data. If you are working
with a layer of restaurants, it makes no sense to create graduated symbols based on
the type of cuisine each restaurant serves. However, graduated symbols are
appropriate when you want to show the number of hamburgers sold at 20 different
fast food restaurants.
There are three attributes you can customize on a graduated symbols map: the color,
type, and size of the symbol. To change the symbol’s attributes in Thenatic Step 3 of 3,
choose Customize Settings and click on the symbol icon in the Customize Graduated
Symbols dialog to access the Symbol Style dialog. The default symbol is a red circle.
In the Customize Graduated Symbols dialog, the size of the symbol in the Symbol box
is the size for the value listed in the at Value box. All values between the high value
and zero have interpolated point sizes. If you want the symbols at the low end to be
larger, increase the point size.
You can also display symbols for negative data values. To change it, click Options in
the Customize Graduated Symbols dialog. There is a separate symbol picker so that
you can make this symbol as distinct from the symbol for positive values as you want.
When you click the icon a different Symbol Style dialog displays, enabling you to
choose a different symbol type, change the color or the size, or change any
combination of the three attributes. The default symbol for negative values is a blue
circle, and all values between zero and the low value (a negative number) also have
interpolated point sizes.
There are three customizing options for dot density maps. You can specify the value of
one dot. For example, you have a table of population statistics, broken down by
county. There are 20,000 high school students in Rensselaer County, New York. If you
shade Rensselaer County according to the number of high school students using the
dot density method, each dot could represent 200 students. In that case, there would
be 100 dots in Rensselaer County.
When you increase the value each dot represents, you decrease the number of dots
that display on the map. You could modify your dot density map so that one dot
represents 400 students. In that case, there would only be 50 dots in Rensselaer
A second option is to change the size of the dots according to your needs, either large
or small. If you are working with large populations, or large counts of something,
make the dot size smaller so that the distribution of dots is easier to see. Conversely, if
your working with a small data set, making the dot size larger might illustrate your
analysis more clearly.
Note: Distribution of dots is random within the region. If you shade states according
to population, the dots for New York are spread out throughout the state; they are not
concentrated in New York City, where the majority of the state’s population lives.
Thirdly, in the Customize Dot Density Settings dialog, change the color of the dot to
either red or black to add more variety to the final map. You can create multiple dot
density maps on the same layer by varying these options.
You can customize the color of each bar, create a frame around each chart, and fill the
empty space inside the frame with a pattern or color. In addition, you can change the
bar chart’s orientation, such as displaying horizontal bars instead of vertical (the
default). You can also control where to display the chart: over the object’s centroid (the
default) or any of eight other locations.
You can also change the type of bar chart. In our example, you can create a multi-bar
chart, where each thematic variable has its own bar, or a stacked bar chart with each
thematic variable on top of one another, or a graduated bar chart, where the bars are
graduated in size based on some value. You can also scale the bars in a multi-bar chart
independently from one another. To show negative values in a bar chart map, the bars
extend in the opposite direction to the chart’s orientation. Note that negative values
do not display in stacked bar charts.
Both pie and bar charts are particularly useful for analyzing demographic data. For
example, you have a table of demographic information for the United States. Your
table shows the populations of several major demographic groups. Using pie charts,
you can show the population of each demographic group, and see what fraction of the
pie it makes up in each pie. This enables you to see the distribution of demographic
groups on a per state basis, or across the entire United States. You can also look at one
demographic group and see how the population of the group varies in different states.
For best results, use no more than four to six pie wedges per pie chart in your analysis.
You can customize the color of each pie wedge as well as the borders of the wedges
and the whole pie. You can also specify the angle at which you want to place the first
pie wedge, and whether the variables go in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
Like bar charts, you can also change the pie’s orientation. The default is to place the
pie over the centroid of the object.
You can choose from graduated pies or half pies. Graduated pies will graduate the
size of the pies according to the sum of their components. With half pies your data
will be distributed across half a pie instead of a whole pie.
In our example, we are looking for the percentage of the population living in urban
areas in the United States. To perform this calculation, we must obtain a total of the
city_125 population – the total of the population of each city in a given state. The
results are put into the temporary column. Therefore, In the Calculate box choose
Sum. In the of box, choose Tot_pop.
To put the data from the city_125 table into the temporary column of the states table,
there must be a link between the two tables that MI Pro can use to access the data. MI
Pro can often make this link automatically. In this example, both our tables have a
state field. If you choose Join in the Update Column for Thematic dialog, you can see
that MI Pro has already set up the Specify Join dialog with the STATE fields from both
tables. If the join were not calculated automatically it would be necessary to specify
the matching fields or geographic join.
Choose OK. MI Pro calculates the sum and returns you to the Thematic – Step 2 of 3
dialog. The Field list box displays the temporary column you created: SumOfTot_pop.
The states table now contains all of the data you need to create your thematic map.
Now, let’s create the map. We have all the data, but we still need to calculate the
percentage. That information does not exist as a field in the table, so you must build
an expression to derive it.
In the Thematic – Step 2 of 3 dialog, choose Expression in the Field list box to access
the Expression dialog. The expression SumOfTot_pop/Pop_1990 * 100 will give you
the answer as a percent. Choose Verify to ensure that your syntax is correct, and then
choose OK. You are returned to the Thematic – Step 2 of 3 dialog, and the Field list box
displays the expression you created. Choose Next to go on to the Thematic – Step 3 of
3 dialog.
Click the Ranges button and choose either Equal Count or Equal Ranges to customize
the ranges, whichever gives you the best representation of your data. Use Round By
to round to a decimal place or whole number. Customize the styles to best illustrate
your analysis by clicking the Styles button.
When you choose OK, MI Pro displays the map in a Map window.
Displaying Attributes
To display two variables within one symbol, it is important to choose a different
symbol attribute for each variable. For example, you cannot choose color for both
variables because one color will overwrite the other. Choose from the following
• color and symbol type
• color and size
• size and symbol type
Symbol type should only be used for nominal or non-numeric data, as there is no
inherent association between a symbol type and a quantity.
To show the ranges as sized symbols, choose Styles in the Thematic- Step 3 of 3 dialog.
In the Autospread Group choose Size. The symbols in the Styles group change to
graduated size. However, the only variable you want to display is size, as the
symbols’ color is coming from the individual values map. Choose Options to display
the Apply group and choose the Size button again.
Note that the selection in the Apply group overrides any selection you make in the
Autospread group. To specify or change which symbol attributes display, you must
choose Options, and choose the Color or Size button in the Apply group.
The symbols become hollow circles that are graduated in size. Choose OK, and your
ranged map draws over the individual values map. The symbol color from the
individual values map indicates the sales representative, and the size of the symbol
represents a range of total sales figures. The map legend lists the bivariate map as two
separate thematic maps, in effect displaying two legends. The legend does not
combine the two variables.
Note: If you do not see both variables displayed on the map, make sure your
variables did not overwrite each other. Also check Layer Control to see that
the Display box is checked on both maps.
To show population growth, you must create an expression. In our example, the
expression: (POP_1990 – POP_1980)/POP_1980 * 100 will give you the answer as a
percent. Choose Expression from the drop-down list of the Thematic-Step 2 of 3
dialog to create this expression. It will display in the Field list box in the Thematic –
Step 2 of 3 dialog. Choose Next to go on to Step 3.
Choose Ranges to customize your ranges. When you use an inflection point, it is
important that your data distribute well across the ranges. You may want to increase
the number of ranges, or compare the distribution of the data between Equal Count,
Equal Ranges and Natural Break to see which gives the best representation of your
For our example, choose Equal Ranges, and set the number of ranges to 14. You may
also want to use Custom to adjust the range values so that zero is the minimum value
in one range, and the maximum value of the range below it. This is optional. Choose
OK. You are returned to the Thematic – Step 3 of 3 dialog.
Examine the preview before you create the inflection point to locate where you want
to place it. When you choose an inflection point, you must choose a number that
identifies the position of a range in the legend. Count the ranges in the preview
legend until you get to the range with a zero at one of its ends. If your Legend Label
Order is Descending, count the ranges up from the bottom. If it is Ascending, count
down from the top.
Choose Styles in the Thematic – Step 3 of 3 dialog. The styles for each range display.
You can keep the default color spread between the ranges (red to gray), or you can
choose a different color spread. For this example, keep the top range at red, and
change the bottom range to blue. Next, choose Options to display the Inflection
group. In the Inflection at box, choose 2 for the second range, as you determined
above. The default is None, meaning no inflection point.
To choose the style for the inflection point, click inside the Style box in the Inflection
group. The Fill Style dialog displays. Select the color for the inflection point and click
OK. The default style is a white fill with no pattern.
When you have made all of your selections, choose OK. Preview your legend in the
Thematic – Step 3 of 3 dialog. Your legend will not show explicitly where the
inflection point is, as your range colors only approach the inflection point. You can,
however, state what the inflection point is in the legend title or subtitle. Choose OK
again to display your inflection point map.
If you want to display the legend in a particular legend window, at the Thematic –
Step 3 of 3 dialog click the Legend button. The Customize Legend dialog displays.
From the Into Window drop-down list, choose the name of the legend window. You
can also choose to create a new window or to not add your theme to a legend window
at all.
From the Customize Legend dialog you can also change the look of the legend by
editing the titles and subtitles. You can customize how MI Pro displays the ranges in
the legend. For example, to make the ranges easier to read, you can summarize the
top and bottom ranges, as shown below.
Note, however, that changing range labels in the legend does not change the actual
ranges in the map. To combine ranges or create different ranges, you must recalculate
them in the Modify Thematic Map > Customize Ranges dialog.
You can quickly return to the Customize Legend dialog from the cartographic legend
window by double-clicking on a legend frame or by right-clicking on the frame and
choosing Properties. The Modify Thematic Map displays. Click the Legend button
and you are back to the Customize Legend dialog to make any necessary changes.
Note, too, some of the other properties of the cartographic legend window. A right-
click on a selected legend frame displays a shortcut menu where you can add frames,
refresh the legend styles or layout, delete the frame and show frame properties. Click
on the Properties menu to return to the Modify Thematic Map dialog. If you right-
click outside a frame but within the legend window, the shortcut menu would refer to
properties about the legend window, such as legend window title and scrollbar
Selected cartographic
legend frame
Use the theme legend window if you wish to embed your legend in a Map window.
This is accomplished via the Legend Manager, a MapBasic application that you can
add to your Tools menu. Go to the Tools Manager, choose Legend Manager, select the
check box labeled loaded and click OK. For more information about customizing a
legend, see Customizing a Legend under Create Thematic Map in the MapInfo
Professional Reference and Cutomizing the Legend of a Thematic Map in MI Pro’s
Online Help.
For individual value themes you can also save the actual categories in a theme
template. For example, if you choose to build an individual value theme on a table to
show land usage, you can assign a different region style to each type of land usage
(commercial, forest, residential, farm land etc.). You may then want to take those
same assignments and apply them to another table. You can do this by storing the
category in a template, it will be associated appropriately when the template is
applied to the second table.
To save individual categories in a theme template when creating a new thematic map
or for an existing thematic map, from the Modify Thematic Map dialog press the Save
As button and specify a template Name. Check the Save Individual Value Categories
box and click OK. A template is saved that can be used to apply the stored individual
categories to a second table. When you choose Map > Create Thematic Map the
template's name will appear in the Template Name field of the Create Thematic Map -
Step 1 of 3 dialog box.
3D Graphs
The 3D graph option enables you to create a number of 3 dimensional graphs. Most of
the 3D template options are variations of a bar graph. Choose from any of the 3D
templates below for the look you want for your graph. Once you create the basic
graph, many more customizing options enable you to finetune its appearance,
particularly the 3D Viewing Angle feature, where you can set the angle at which your
3D graph displays.
3D Bar – A conventional bar graph in 3 dimensions.
3D Floating Cube – Each value being measured, such as population, is displayed as a
cube. The value is indicated by the placement of the cube in the graph. Cubes that
have higher values appear to float within the graph.
3D Floating Sphere – This graph is the same as the 3D Floating Cube, except that each
value being measured is displayed as a sphere.
3D Line – The values being measured for a category, such as a country or a city, are
displayed as a continuous line across the axis. The line will dip and spike according to
the values.
3D Pyramid – Each value being measured is displayed as a 3-dimensional pyramid.
This graph is based on a bar graph — the higher the value, the taller the pyramid.
3D Round – This graph is the same as the 3D Bar graph, except that the values are
displayed as cylinders instead of bars.
Area Graphs
Area graphs enable you to view your graph series as an area, where the area from the
X axis to the plot line of the data series is filled in with a pattern or color. You can
choose from the following templates:
Clustered – A clustered area graph draws area risers overlapping each other to show
the absolute relationship between data series.
Percent – The percent area graph is an area version of a pie graph. Each group
calculates the percent of the total required for each series. The axis goes from 0 to
Stacked – The area risers are stacked on top of each other. The axis is the cumulative
total of all the groups.
Bar Graphs
Clustered – The clustered bar graph is a side-by-side group of bars. This is the
standard type of two-dimensional graph.
Percent – The percent bar graph is a bar-graph representation of a pie graph. Each
group calculates the percent of the total required for each series. The axis goes from 0
to 100%.
Stacked – The stacked bar graph displays stacked groups of bars. Each stack is made
up of all series in this group, added up to obtain a total. The axis is the total value of
the cumulative points.
Bubble Graphs
The bubble graph allows you to plot values on an X-Y axis and compare a third value,
Z, by the size of the markers in the graph. The bubble graph requires three values per
marker, X, Y, and Z, in that order. Another way to think of it is that the graph is an X-Y
plot where the marker size depends on a third value, Z.
Column Graphs
Clustered – Each group of columns for a category are clustered together.
Percent – The percent column graph is a column-graph representation of a pie graph.
Each group calculates the percent of the total required for each series. The axis goes
from 0 to 100%.
Stacked – The stacked column graph shows stacked groups of columns. Each stack is
made up of all series in this group, added up to obtain a total. The axis is the total
value of the cumulative points.
Histogram Graphs
Histograms show frequency distribution. This graph type groups your values into
ranges based on value. It measures the number of data values that fall within each
range. The ranges are displayed as bars. Choose from these templates:
Horizontal – The orientation of the bars is horizontal.
Vertical – The orientation of the bars is vertical.
Line Graphs
Clustered – In a clustered line graph, lines draw on top of each other to show the
absolute relationships between data series.
Percent – The percent line graph is a line-graph representation of a pie graph. Each
group calculates the percent of the total required for each series. The axis goes from 0
to 100%.
Stacked – In a stacked line graph, lines stack on top of each other. The axis is the
cumulative total of the all the groups.
Pie Graphs
Pie – The pie graph displays percentages of a total as pie wedges.
Ring Pie – The ring pie graph is a variation of the standard pie graph. It looks like a
ring or donut. The total of all the pie slices is placed in the center.
Scatter Graphs
A scatter graph is a standard X-Y plot. It requires two values per marker, X and Y, in
that order.
Surface Graphs
Surface – The surface graph displays all data points as a surface, like a rolling wave.
Surface with Sides – A variation of the surface graph, where the surfaces in the graph
have solid sides.
Surface, Honeycombed – A variation of the surface graph, where the surfaces in the
graph have a honeycombed look.
Creating a Graph
As in earlier versions of MI Pro, you create a graph via the New Graph Window menu
command in the Window menu. You choose tables and fields to graph similarly, but
you are no longer limited to four fields, as you were in versions of the software prior
to 5.5.
2. Click on one of the graph types shown in the Graph group. When you select a
graph type, the templates for that graph type display in the Template group.
3. Next, choose a template. Some graph types have several templates to choose
from. Others, such as the bubble and scatter graph types, have only one
4. Click Next when you have selected a template. The Create Graph – step 2 of 2
dialog displays.
Here, select the table and the fields from the table you want to graph. You can
also choose what column you want to use for your labels.
5. Choose the table you want to graph from the Table drop-down list. The list
displays the currently open tables.
6. Next, choose the fields from the table you want to graph. Select a field from
the Fields from Table list, and either double-click on it, or highlight it (single
click) and click the Add button. Both methods will move the field to the Fields
for Graph list. You can use the Remove button in the same way to move fields
back to the Fields from Table list.
7. Arrange the fields in the desired order using the Up and Down buttons. Select
a field you want to move and use the Up and Down buttons to place it in the
position you want.
Some graph types use the first field for axis labels (bar, 3D, column), and
other graph types use the order of the fields to determine X and Y values. In
the case of bubble graphs, the field order also determines the Z value.
8. If applicable, choose whether you want to graph your series by row or by
column. This option is not available for bubble, histogram, or scatter graphs.
Click the button next to the option you want.
9. Click OK. Your graph displays in a Graph window.
When you select an axis tab, the tabs at the top of the dialog will change to reflect the
available formatting options for that axis. Each axis is described below:
• Category Axis – All graph types, except bubble, histogram, and scatter
graphs, have a category axis. The category axis defines the groups of items
that are being graphed. When category axis labels are displayed, the labels are
taken from the first row in your table.
• Y1 Axis – All graph types except pie graphs have a Y1 axis, or primary
numeric axis. This axis plots the values from the rows and columns in your
• Y2 Axis – Area, bar, bubble, column, line, and scatter charts can be drawn on
two numeric axes, Y1 and Y2. When a dual-axes graph is selected, MI Pro
automatically divides the number of series in half and assigns half of the
series to one axis and the other half to the second axis. The two axes can be
drawn up or out from the same plane/base line or physically split into two
separate sections on the graph.
• X-Axis – Bubble, histogram, and scatter graphs include an X-axis. These
graphs have two numeric axes—a Y1 axis that is drawn on the left side of the
graph and an X axis that is drawn on the bottom of the graph frame.
• Series Axis – A series axis is included only in 3D riser and 3D surface graphs.
The series axis is also called a secondary ordinal or O2 axis. In 2-dimensional
graphs, the series or rows of objects being graphed are shown in the legend
area of the chart. In 3D graphs, these objects are shown on the series axis,
which is on the lower left side of the 3D graph.
in your data, and the secondary numeric (Y2) axis plots other groups of data.
You can use the title to explain what is being plotted on this axis.
• X-Axis title – Displays a title for the X-axis, where applicable. Histogram,
bubble, and scatter graphs include a numeric X-axis.
• Series Axis – Displays series labels along the lower left side of a 3D graph.
Series titles can further describe the information that is being graphed on this
series axis. These titles normally correspond to the series labels displayed in
the legend.
All graphs can include a title, subtitle, and footnote. Most graphs can also include a
Category Axis title and a numeric Y1-Axis title. Other axis titles may be available
depending on the graph type. Titles can be moved from their default positions by
clicking and dragging them to the desired position. To change other elements in the
title, such as the font or the text color, select the title directly in the Graph window and
choose the Formatting command in the Graph menu.
• Number – Specify how you want to display data label numbers. You can
choose from a number of categories: general, number, currency, date, time,
percentage, fraction, scientific, special, and custom. This tab is available when
the Data Labels box is checked in the Data Labels tab.
• Trendlines – Contains formatting and display options for trend lines. This tab
is unavailable for 3D and pie graphs. You can display a trend line according to
different types of regression: linear, logarithmic, polynomial, or exponential.
You also have several other display options. You can display the equation
used to create the trendline, show the coefficient values, or specify that the
trend line display in the same color as the series.
Graphing Examples
This section of the chapter provides some examples of the types of customization you
can have with your graphs. The first example illustrates some of the ways you can
customize a pie graph. The second example demonstrates how you can customize a
3D graph using the 3D viewing angle feature.
The General Options for pie graphs enable you manipulate the look and rotation of
the pie slices easily. The left side of the dialog shows a preview of what the finished
pie graph will look like. You can change the tilt, or the angle at which you view the
pie. You can give the pie a 3D look by using the Pie Depth setting.
You can also rotate the pie or explode the pie. When you explode the pie, you detach
all the slices away from the center. You can also detach an individual slice away from
the pie center using the Series Options (Graph>Series).
The graph on the next page shows the same pie graph, based on the General Options
settings indicated above.
When you choose the 3D Viewing Angle option, a number of preset angles for your
graph display. You can choose one of these, or use the Advanced options to create
your own angle, position, and rotation. The Advanced portion of the dialog displays
additional controls that allow you to scroll through the presets more quickly, and
manipulate the angle and position of the graph manually.
Use the controls along the bottom of the graph preview to scroll through the preset
viewing angles. You can also select one from the drop-down list.
Above, the same graph that was shown earlier is displayed here using a different
preset angle. The walls of the cube have also been removed, as well as the values for
the Value Axis, in the Display Status tab of the General Options dialog.
All of the 3D Viewing Angle options have been used in this graph. The graph has
been rotated about 90 degrees from the earlier example. The Pan and Move options
have also been used to position the graph. And the Walls option has been used to
increase the thickness of the floor of the cube.
Table Selections
In a graphed table, any selections you make in the table with the Select tool will be
reflected in the corresponding Graph window as long as the selected table row or map
object corresponds to an object in the graph. For example, in a bar graph, one or more
of the bars will be highlighted. In a pie graph, one or more of the pie wedges will be
highlighted. The selection in the Graph window uses the same pen and brush styles
that are used to highlight selected objects in the Map window.
If you select an object in the Graph window that does not correspond to a row in the
table, any other selections in the Graph window are cleared. As in other types of
windows, selecting multiple objects by shift-clicking works the same way in Graph
windows—either adding the target object to, or removing it from, the selection.
Note that selecting graph objects with the Graph Select tool is not the same process as
selecting objects in the Graph window to edit the graph object. The default mode is to
select graph objects with the Select tool in order to edit them. To select graph objects
for the purpose of changing the selections in the table, you must use the Graph Select
In some graph types, there is no relationship between the graph objects and the rows
in the table, e.g., histograms. The Graph Select tool is unavailable for these graph
types. Selections in the Graph window will not highlight any records or map objects
in the table.
Each type of support file stored in the GraphSupport directory is listed in the table
below, according to the name of the folder in which the files are stored:
Location Preferences
Using the Directory preferences, you can change the location where MI Pro looks for
all the support files. To do so:
1. Choose Options>Preferences>Directories. The Directory Preferences dialog
2. In the Initial Directories for File Dialogs group, select Graph Support Files.
3. Click Modify. The Choose Directory dialog displays. It shows the current
location of the Graph Support files. Navigate to the directory where you want
to store the files, and click OK. The new location of the files displays in the
Initial Directories list.
4. Click OK to close the Directory Preferences dialog.
Although the location of the GraphSupport directory can be changed, the names and
locations of the support file folders inside the GraphSupport directory cannot. MI Pro
looks in the GraphSupport directory specifically for the appropriate support folders
and files as listed above.
1. Make the modifications in the Graph window that you would like to save as a
2. Choose Graph>Save As Template. The Save Graph Template dialog displays.
It shows the template folder that corresponds to the type of graph you are
saving as a template.
3. Name your graph template and click Save.
The next time you create a Graph window, the saved template file will be available in
the Graph wizard for that graph type.
Note: You can save a template file to a location other than the
GraphSupport\Templates directory; however, it will not be available unless
you save it to a folder in the Templates directory.
OLE Terms
Before we get into the how-to’s of embedding maps, let’s define some common OLE
Object: Any information that is embedded through OLE, whether it is a map, chart,
spreadsheet data, sound effect, or text. With MI Pro’s OLE embedding, you embed a
Map window as the object.
Embedding: Inserting an OLE object from a server (e.g., MI Pro) into a container
application (e.g., Microsoft Word) to allow editing and output in the context of other
information. An embedded object is a copy of the object from the server. Once in the
container, the object is no longer linked to the source object from which it came.
Embedding vs. Linking: An embedded item is stored as part of the document that
contains it. A linked item stores its data in a separate file. MI Pro only supports the
embedding aspect of OLE.
Container or Client: The application that accepts (contains) the embedded OLE
object. Examples of containers include word processors, spreadsheet programs,
databases, and presentation packages.
Server: The source application that creates OLE objects for use by a container. MI Pro
is the server that creates the MapInfo Map object that can be embedded in OLE
containers such as Microsoft Word or Excel.
Live object vs. static image of object: Embedding an object in a container using OLE
means the object is “live;” that is, you can edit the object in some manner using the
features of the server from which the object came. The container must accept the
object as a live object. If it cannot, only a static picture (bitmap or metafile) will be
Activation: An embedded object must be activated to allow editing. This means that
the server program from which it was created must be running in the background
while you are working in the container application. To activate an object, double-click
on it. Depending on the program, the menu bar of the application will change to
reflect the available features of the server, or the application will open a separate
Because MapInfo Map is a subset of MI Pro features, using them in your container
application is the same as using them in MI Pro. So, Layer Control and Thematic
Mapping work the same way whether you are creating a map in MI Pro or in your
word processor.
Let’s look in more detail about what you can do with MapInfo Map.
MapInfo Map’s Toolbar consists of seven tools to help you change the view of your
Map window, get information associated with a layer, and access MapInfo Map help
topics. These tools include: the Grabber, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Info Tool, Change View,
Drag Map Window, and Help. When you activate the map, these tools replace any
tools the container application displays.
MapInfo Map replaces all container menus except File and Window with five MI Pro
menus: Edit, View, Table, Map and Help. Under each menu, selected MI Pro features
have been included, as outlined below.
Edit: Copy, Paste. Allows you to copy a Map window to the clipboard to transfer it
back to MI Pro or an OLE application.
View: Toolbar, Legend. Controls the display of the Toolbar and thematic map legend
(if any).
Table: Open, Close, Close All. Allows you to open and close multiple tables at the
same time.
Map: Find*, Layer Control, Create Thematic Map, Modify Thematic Map, Change
View, Previous View, View Entire Layer, Options, Redraw Window. Most of
MapInfo Map’s functionality is found here where you can locate objects, control the
display and look of each map layer, analyze and display data thematically, and
manipulate the view of the map contents within the Map window.
Help: Help Topics, About MapInfo Map. Direct access to instructions on embedding
a MapInfo Map in OLE applications.
Shortcut Menu
A shortcut menu is available while you are editing your embedded MapInfo Map in
another application. To access it, click the right mouse button. Choose from Layer
Control, Change View, Previous View and View Entire Layer.
Although MapInfo Map enables you to build a map very easily in your container
application, not all of MI Pro’s features are available in the context of map embedding.
Among them are editing map objects such as regions or polylines, querying a table for
further analysis, geocoding to a table in the Map window, or displaying tables in other
types of windows (Browser, Graph or Layout windows).
However, with MI Pro’s drag and drop capabilities you can still perform these
functions in MI Pro and bring over the Map window to your OLE container
application for final viewing, formatting and editing enhancements.
Getting Started
Although containers vary in their handling of OLE objects, there are some behaviors
that are common to all. There are three ways that containers accept embedded OLE
objects such as a Map window:
• Insert > Object where you can choose the object to embed from a list.
• Edit > Paste (or Paste Special) to embed an object that was previously copied
to the Clipboard.
• Drag and drop from the application to the container using the Drag Map
Window tool.
The method you choose depends on which application you are in at the moment
(server or client) and how much you want to do to create the final map.
3. Highlight the MapInfo Map item and click OK. A default Map window of the
world and MapInfo logo displays. The Map window is also in an active state
(surrounded by a hatched border), meaning that MI Pro is running in the
background. Your application’s menu has changed to reflect MapInfo Map
Object’s menu.
4. To begin building your map, choose Table > Open. The Open MapInfo Table
dialog displays.
5. Choose a table from the appropriate directory. Shift-click or control-click to
choose additional tables to be opened at the same time. Click OK when you
are through.
The tables display as map layers in the Map window. You can now label the
layers, change the display, create or modify thematic layers, resize or
reposition the Map window, or prepare the document for final output.
To copy a Map window from MI Pro using the Drag Map Window tool :
1. With both MI Pro and your container application running, adjust their
placement on the screen so that you can see them side by side (To tile MI Pro
and another application running under Windows, click on the taskbar with
the right mouse button and choose Tile Vertically). Position your cursor in
your container where you want to place the map.
2. In MI Pro, make the Map window active. Click on the Drag Map Window tool
on the Toolbar. The cursor becomes a hand and handle, indicating you can
begin the drag operation.
3. Click anywhere within the Map window (except the title bar). The cursor
changes to the hand grasping the handle for the “dragging” operation.
4. Drag the cursor to the container and click at the point where you want to drop
the map. When positioned over a valid drop target, the cursor changes again
to the DropCopy cursor. If the position cannot accept the object, the cursor
will display a circle with a slash through it.
This operation will only drag and drop a copy of the object. Moving and linking are
not available with MI Pro OLE Embedding. You may find that for some container
applications (for example, Microsoft Excel) you must use the Control key in
combination with the Drag cursor to copy the object.
The Map window is not active after you drop it in the container. Double-click on it to
activate the map if you want to do further editing.
Edit Menu
Copy, Paste
These commands allow you to place the Map window on the clipboard to transfer it
to MI Pro or another OLE application.
View Menu
Display or hide the Toolbar on the menu. To disconnect the Toolbar from the menu,
click and drag it to another location.
Display or hide the legend associated with a thematic layer.
Table Menu
Map Menu
Use the Find command to locate and mark specific map objects in the Map window.
From the first Find dialog, specify the table and column that contains the object you
wish to locate. At the second Find dialog, type the name of the object. When MapInfo
Map locates the object, it marks the location with a symbol. If the object was not
previously in view, MapInfo Map redraws the Map window with the object in its
Layer Control
Control how your map layers look and act from the Layer Control dialog. Change the
layer order, add or remove layers, access the Display Options, Label Options and the
Modify Thematic Map dialogs. Make layers zoom layered by clicking on the
appropriate check box. You cannot make any map layers editable or selectable with
MapInfo Map.
Change View
This command allows you to specify the settings for viewing the Map window,
including window width, map scale, map resizing and center point.
Previous View
If you have changed the view of your Map window at least once during the work
session, the Previous View command is active, allowing you to return to the last view.
The Options command allows you to change the map units for the Map window,
including coordinate units, distance and area units, or the projection of the map.
Redraw Window
This command allows you to redraw the Map window. Use it to refresh the map after
you press ESC to stop an earlier map redraw.
Help Menu
Help Topics
Refer to this command to learn about embedding a MapInfo Map Object in your
When MapInfo Map is active, the following tools are available on the application’s
menu bar:
Grabber tool: Use this to reposition the map contents within the active Map
window by clicking and dragging the map in the appropriate direction. This is the
default tool.
Zoom–in/out tools: Use the Zoom-in tool to get a closer view of the
map contents. Use the Zoom-out tool to get a wider view. Click on the map with either
tool or draw a marquee box to change the zoom.
Info tool: Use this to view the tabular data associated with map objects. Click
on the map. The Info tool window displays on your screen showing the objects and
the associated data at that point. Note: The Info tool window is not embedded in your
container like the Map window. You cannot incorporate the Info tool window into
your document. It is a temporary window only available when the map object is
Change View tool: Use this to access the Change View dialog (see Map >
Change View above).
Drag Map Window tool: Use this to transfer a copy of your active Map
window to MapInfo or to another OLE container. During the process, the cursor will
change to indicate the three stages of drag and drop: “begin drag,” “dragging,” and
“drop copy.” For more on using Drag and Drop, see the section Bringing a Map from
MI Pro into Your Application.
Help button: Use this to access help topics about embedding a MapInfo map.
For example, in Microsoft Word, click outside the object to deactivate it. MapInfo Map
closes and you are returned to the normal Word screen. Click once on the object to
select it. With the cursor over one corner of the image, drag it diagonally to enlarge or
reduce the size of the image (this method retains the correct proportions). Release the
mouse button when you reach the desired size.
In Microsoft Excel, you can simply drag a corner of the Map window to resize it. The
Map window can be either active or inactive during resizing.
For changing the view of the map contents, the object must be active. Use MapInfo
Map’s Change View button to re-display the map at a different scale or position. Use
the Grabber tool to bring a different part of the map into view.
Note: Sharing MI Pro and map data on other systems is limited to the extent of
your license agreement(s).
Active Objects
Active objects are map objects that are associated with files or URLs. The file can be a
bitmap, a MI Pro workspace or table, a MapBasic program, or any type of executable
file whose extension is associated with an application installed on your
Options in Layer Control enable you to control whether the active object is launched
from a map object or label.
To launch an active object:
1. Click the HotLink button. Notice that the cursor displays as a pointing hand.
2. Move the cursor over the map. When you pass the cursor over an active
object, the cursor changes to a hand holding a lightening bolt, as
The link associated with the object or label displays in the Status bar.
3. Click the active object to launch the file, URL, workspace, etc.
You must have active objects in your table for the HotLink tool to be active. You can
easily set up your table for active objects in just a few steps. See the next section for
how to make the appropriate modifications.
Now that your table contains the active objects, you need to set the HotLink options
for the table.
3. Click the HotLink button. The HotLink Options for the table display.
4. Choose the Filename Expression from the drop-down list. This is the name of
the field you added to hold the file link information.
You can also use an expression that concatenates two or more fields to define
the file link. For example, in a map of the United States, you can use this
“http://www.” + State_Name + “.com”
5. To add the table path to the filename before launching it, check the File
locations are relative to table location box.
6. In the Activate on group, choose how you want the active object to launch
when you click the object with the HotLink tool.
Labels–Choose Labels to launch the active object when you click the HotLink
tool on an object’s label.
Objects–Choose Objects to launch the active object when you click the
HotLink tool on an object.
Labels & Objects–Choose Labels & Objects to launch the active object when
you click the HotLink tool on either an object or its label.
7. Check the Save options to metadata box to save the HotLink options to the
table’s metadata.
8. Click OK.
Note: The HotLink options are written to metadata when you click OK in the
HotLink Options dialog. If you click Cancel in the Layer Control dialog, the
HotLink Options you set are not applied to the Map window. However, the
options are still in the metadata.
The HTML Image Map tool is a MapBasic application that ships with MapInfo
Professional. It is available through the Tool Manager (Tools>Tool Manager). To add
the Image Map tool:
1. Choose Tools>Tool Manager. The Tool Manager dialog displays.
2. Check the Loaded box for the HTML Image Map tool. If you want the HTML
Image Map tool to load automatically every time you start MI Pro, check the
Autoload box as well.
3. Click OK. The HTML Image Map menu item is added to the Tools menu.
To create an HTML image map:
1. In MapInfo Professional, open the table(s) you want to use for your map.
2. Arrange the layers the way you want them in a Map window, and set the
zoom, projection, and other display attributes.
3. Choose Tools>HTML Image Map. The HTML Image Map dialog displays.
4. Select the layers for your image map. Use the Add and Add All buttons to
move selected layers to the Layers in image map list. Use the Remove and
Remove All buttons to move layers back to the Layers not in image map list.
5. Select the column that will be used for your map’s tooltips for each layer.
6. Choose a title for your Web page and enter it in the Web page title box.
7. In the Image group, enter the copyright text. Click the handy copyright
button to insert the copyright symbol into your copyright notice. Specify a
size, image format, and clip resolution for your HTML image map.
8. Specify a name and location for the HTML image map file in the HTML file
name box. Click the Browse button to navigate to the location you want.
9. Check the Create HTML landing pages for each object box to create landing
10. Check the Populate landing pages with record content box to use columns in
your table as the content for the landing pages.
11. Click the Columns button. The Choose Columns dialog displays. Choose the
columns you want to include in the landing pages, and customize the column
text. Customization options are explained in the next section. Click OK.
12. Click OK again to generate the HTML image map.
Selecting Columns
You can select which columns you want to display on the landing page. Check the
Populate landing pages with record content box to activate the Columns button. Click
the Columns button to display the Choose Columns dialog. You can add individual
columns or all the columns from your table. By default all the columns in the table are
selected and appear in the Columns on landing page list.
To remove a column from the landing page content, click on a column to highlight it
and click Remove. The column name appears in the Columns not on landing page list.
When you hover your cursor over a region or polygon in your HTML image map, a
tooltip displays. The tooltip information comes from the column you selected in the
Label Design
The design of the label feature in MI Pro is important for understanding how to create
and manipulate labels on your map. Most important among the design elements are
the following:
• Labels are not drawn to the Cosmetic layer.
• Labels are attributes of geographic objects in the map layer. The text is based
on data associated with that object.
• Labels are always selectable and editable.
• Labels are saved to a workspace.
Labels are attributes of geographic objects in the map layer. They are not drawn to the
Cosmetic layer, as in previous versions of MI Pro, and they are not Cosmetic objects.
Their drawn location is based on the location of the geographic object’s centroid and
additional information such as anchor point and offset controlled in the Label Options
As attributes, labels are dynamically connected to their map objects. If the layer is
closed or is made invisible, the labels no longer display. If the data or geographic
information changes, the labels change. If you create an expression for your labels and
change the expression, the current labels are dynamically replaced with new ones.
Labels are always selectable and editable, so you do not have to make the map layer
editable or selectable to work with them. And, since labels are not Cosmetic objects,
you do not have to remember to make the Cosmetic layer selectable or editable to
label your map. They are already part of the map layer.
Saving labels is easy. Because labels are attributes of the map object, you do not have
to remember to save them to a separate table. Any label edits you have pending, or
changes you have made to the Label Options settings, are easily saved to a workspace.
You can label your map automatically through Layer Control, in the Label Options
dialog. All global settings for labels are controlled in the Label Options dialog.
Label Content
When you label your map automatically, or interactively using the Label tool, the
content of the labels is determined by the data associated with the geographic object.
You can obtain the labels from the columns in your table, or the derived result of an
expression using the column information. If the column information or an expression
does not suit your needs, you can edit the label content or type in new text. See
Editing Labels later in this chapter.
Text you create yourself using the Text tool is a text object and behaves like other
objects you draw on your map such as squares and circles. Although labels are no
longer text objects, text objects are still useful for additional map annotation such as
titles. For information on text objects, see Chapter 17, Drawing and Editing Your Map.
The Autolabeler utility, available from the Tool Manager (Tools>Tool Manager),
creates labels as text objects in the Cosmetic Layer, emulating the way labeling
worked in MapInfo 3.0. This application may be useful if you need to create labels
that can be transferred to a permanent table. In addition, you can create text objects
and convert labels into text objects using another tool from the Tool Manager set, the
Labeler utility, which is explained later in this chapter.
For example, you want to label the countries of Africa with their name and population
density on two lines. Your table contains the country names and population figures
for each country. To figure the population density, divide population by each
country’s area. You can let MapInfo calculate the area of each country using the Area
function in the Expression dialog. To create the expression, in Layer Control, highlight
the Africa table and choose the Label button. Select Expression from the Label with
drop-down list in the Label Options dialog. The Expression dialog displays. Using the
drop-down lists, create the following expression:
• Country + Chr$(13) + POPULATION / Area(Object, “sq mi”)
The Chr$(13) function tells MapInfo to add a carriage return to the first line. Now
using the Label tool, click on a country. MapInfo labels it with the result of the
Automatic Labeling
In addition to label content, you control the position, display and look of automatic
labels in Layer Control. The settings in the Label Options dialog allow you to set
conditions for displaying labels, in what style they will display, and in what position
for all the objects in the layer.
You can easily turn the display of automatic labels on or off. In Layer Control, clear
the Label attribute to turn labeling off. Any settings you have specified in the Label
Options dialog will be deactivated. You can also go into the Label Options dialog and
click Off in the Visibility group. Either way, when you go back to your map, the labels
no longer display. These settings also apply to labels you have edited.
To specify the maximum number of labels you want to display on your map, type the
number in the Maximum labels box.
The check boxes on the right side of the Visibility group control which labels display
and determine how they appear on the map. Check the Allow Duplicate Text box to
allow duplicate labels for different objects to display, e.g., Portland, OR and Portland,
ME. This option is also used with street maps to label street segments individually.
Check the Allow Overlapping Text box to allow labels to be drawn on top of each
other. Check the Label Partial Objects box to label polylines and objects whose
centroids are not visible in the Map window.
Overlapping Labels
When labeling a dense table of streets such as a StreetPro Display layer, only a few of
the streets will be labeled when the map is zoomed out.
Other labels will not be displayed because they overlap labels that are have been
given higher priority on the map.
In a table sorted alphabetically by street (like the StreetPro Display layer) this often
means that streets with names beginning with A, B, or C are almost the only labeled
streets on your map. Labeling effectively gives a small side street like "Aberdeen
Street" priority over "State Highway 177" or other major roads that might actually be
useful in navigating or orienting a viewer. This will be true for any dense StreetPro
Display layer.
Labels are displayed following the order of records in the table. To change the order
of priority for displaying labels, it is currently necessary to save a copy of the table in
question, sorted in order of priority -- most important record first -- and use that table
for labeling instead of the original.
Zoom-layering Labels
You can also display labels within a specified zoom range, much the same way that
you display map layers within a certain zoom range. Select a layer, click Label, and in
the Label Options dialog, click the Display within range button. This activates the Min
and Max zoom boxes. Fill in the minimum and maximum zoom distances in the
appropriate boxes.
Label Size
Label size does not change with zoom or scale changes. Labels display at the size you
specify at all zoom levels as well as on printed output. Labels are never hidden behind
other geographic objects because they are always the last objects drawn on the map.
Label Position
Use the Anchor Point and Offset options to specify the label’s placement.
The anchor point is the label’s position relative to the map object. Click on one of the
buttons to select an anchor point. The table below describes each of the nine anchor
point buttons.
Anchor Point
Position Description
Top Left Places the label above and to the left of the anchor point.
Top Center Centers the label directly above the anchor point.
Top Right Places the label above and to the right of the
anchor point.
Left Places the label directly to the left of the anchor point.
Right Places the label directly to the right of the anchor point.
Below Left Places the label below and to the left of the anchor point.
Below Center Centers the label directly below the anchor point.
Anchor Point
Position Description
Below Right Places the label below and to the right of the
anchor point.
The anchor point is an ongoing attribute of the label. For example, if you anchor a
point object’s label at Center Left and you increase the label’s font size, the text will
grow to the left. This way, the text can never overwrite the point.
The default anchor point varies with the type of map object you are labeling:
• Regions default to Center.
• Lines default to Above Center.
• Points default to Right.
If you are working with a layer that has line objects such as a street map, check the
Rotate Label with Line box to position the labels parallel to the lines.
Label offset is how far away a label is from its anchor point. Specify the number of
points you want the label to be from the anchor point in the Label Offset box.
The label’s anchor point and offset move a label with respect to its current location
and the current zoom. Whenever you want to make minor adjustments to the label’s
position, you should use these two options.
You can also select and drag a label to move it, but this is not recommended because
you are actually moving the label location on the map. If you drag a label a few pixels,
the distance you move it is in the current map units, regardless of the zoom. For
example, if you are displaying a map of the United States and drag New York state’s
label a few pixels, at that zoom, the label looks fine. However, if the Map Units
distance is in miles and you zoom in on New York state, the label will display much
farther away than at the previous zoom.
Creating Callouts
Callouts are labels with lines pointing to the objects they are labeling. They are very
useful when there are many labels in a relatively small area. For example, you are
labeling a map of Asia. There are many small countries that are relatively close
together. If you tried to label all the countries, the labels would overlap and be
difficult to read.
To create callouts, set the Label Lines option in the Layer Control > Label Options
dialog to Simple or Arrow for the layer that you want to label. Click the line style
button to choose the style of line you want for your callouts. On the map, select a label
with the Select tool and drag it away from its anchor point. When you release the
mouse, MI Pro draws a line from the label to the anchor point.
You can move the endpoint of the callout to position it more precisely. Select the label
and drag the edit handle at the end of the callout to its new position.
Note: As in previous versions, you can double-click on the text and set the label
line in the Text Object dialog.
Label Styles
The Text Style dialog gives you a number of choices for label and text object styles.
You can also change the styles of multiple selected labels at a time.
To make style changes for all the labels, click on the Style button in the Label Options
dialog to display the Text Style dialog.
To change the styles of a selected label or labels, select the label(s) and either choose
Options>Text Style, or click the Text Style button in the Drawing toolbar to display the
Text Style dialog. If you change the styles of multiple labels at once, hold down the
Shift key as you select each label.
Make the style changes you want. When you return to the map, the selected labels
display with the style changes you specified. The available styles are explained in the
table below.
Option Description
Bold Uses bold text to create the label.
Italic Uses italic text to create the label.
Underline Places a line underneath the text.
Shadow Creates a shadow behind the text. (not shown)
Expanded A space is placed between each character in the
l a b e l o r t e x t o b j e c t.
There are also three background options. Click None to have no background. Choose
Halo to create a halo effect around the text. This puts the text into relief from whatever
it covers (e.g., part of a region, or a street, etc.). Use Box to create a background box
behind the text.
When you choose either the Box or Halo backgrounds, the Color list is activated. Click
on it to choose a color for the halo or the background. A palette of colors choices will
display. The color you choose corresponds to the button that is currently activated.
The color will display in the box and in the Sample.
Interactive Labeling
Although you will probably do most of your labeling automatically, you will need
interactive labeling to edit and create individual labels.
Editing Labels
It is very easy to edit individual labels, either those you have displayed automatically
or those you have created interactively with the Label tool. Using the Select tool,
double-click on the label. The Label Style dialog displays. The changes you make in
Label Style dialog apply only to the selected label. Changes you want to apply to all
the labels must be done through Layer Control in the Label Options dialog
The Label Style dialog allows you to make changes to the text, position, and angle of
the labels. You can also make changes to callouts, add, or delete them.
To change the label content, simply type the new label text into the Text box. The other
controls in this dialog work the same way as in the Label Options dialog.
Moving a selected label is the same as moving other objects; simply drag them with
the mouse. If you move a label that has a callout, the line will reappear automatically
after you move the label.
You can also rotate the label manually about its anchor point. When you select the
label, use the rotation edit handle that appears to the lower right of the label.
Removing Labels
The easiest way to remove all labels in a layer is to use the Visibility controls in the
Label Options dialog. Click the Off button to turn the display of the labels off. It will
disable the display of all the labels in that layer, both automatic and interactive.
If you are displaying only edited labels or those you have created with the Label tool,
choose Map > Clear Custom Labels to remove the labels. You will be prompted to
discard the custom labels and revert back to the default settings. Click Discard. Your
labels will revert back to the automatic labels. If you do not want any labels to display,
turn Visibility off.
Only use the Delete key or Edit > Clear command to delete individual labels from a
Map window. This is useful if you have a number of edited labels. You can delete the
one you don’t want and still keep the rest of your edited labels. It is not recommended
that you use these options to delete more than a few labels from the map.
To replace labels already displaying with new ones, do not delete the old ones first.
You will get unexpected results if you do this. For example, if you create labels with
an expression and want to change the expression, do not delete the labels first. Simply
change the expression in the Label Options dialog. If you delete the labels first, you
are deleting the label for the object, not a piece of text. So, if you go to create labels
with a different expression, they will not display because by deleting the old labels,
you have edited the table so that it does not display labels for these objects. Choose
Map > Clear Custom Labels to revert back to the default settings.
Packing a Table
Note that packing a table that contains customized labels can corrupt the labels. For
example, you delete one or more rows from your table and save the table. Then you
create a map with customized labels and save the labels to a workspace. You pack the
table to purge the deleted rows. Since the Pack command closes the Map window,
you’ll need to reload the workspace. When you do so, your labels are corrupted.
This problem occurs most often when the deleted rows are located near the top of the
Browser. To avoid the problem, pack the table before you create the labels.
Saving Labels
Whenever you manually edit automatic labels (including deleting with Edit > Clear
or the Delete key), change the settings on automatic labels, or create labels with the
Label tool, you will need to save your map to a workspace to have them display in
your next session.
For example, label settings are deactivated by default. You check the Auto label
attribute in Layer Control to display automatic labels on your map and do not save
the change when you close the table. The next time you display your map, the labels
do not display because the settings go back to the defaults. As with the other Layer
Control options, label settings are temporary unless you save the table to a
Manually edited labels and labels created with the Label tool behave differently.
These are edits to the table, not temporary settings. If you close a window or a table
and you have label edits pending, MI Pro will specifically prompt you to save the
session to a workspace.
This also applies to labels you have deleted using Edit > Clear or the Delete key. You
may not have any labels visible on your map, but because deleting a label is an editing
operation, MI Pro will ask you if you want to save the edits to a workspace.
MI Pro displays the Transfer Labels dialog box, which gives you the following
Option Description
From Layer Lets you choose which layer’s labels are converted.
To Layer Lets you choose where to store the labels after they are
converted into text objects.
If you choose <New> from the list, MI Pro creates a new table
to store the text objects. (MI Pro prompts you to type in the
table’s name after you click OK.)
Include Hidden Labels When you create autolabels and manually delete some of those
labels, MI Pro considers each of the deleted labels to be hidden.
If you want to create a text object for each of the hidden labels,
check the box; otherwise, clear the box.
Transfer Labels From: This option is available if the Map window appears in a
Map View Layout. If you are using autolabels, the Layout window might
Layout View display different labels than the Map window, because MI Pro
tries to fit as many autolabels as will fit in the view. Click Map
View or Layout View to choose whether MI Pro creates text
objects that match the Map window or the Layout window
When you click OK, MI Pro converts the labels for the selected layer into text objects.
If you display the Layer Control dialog, you will notice that the layer’s Auto Label
check box is no longer checked. The Labeler utility automatically clears the box to
prevent map features from looking like they are labeled twice. (If the Auto Label box
remained checked, MI Pro would display both a label and a text annotation for each
map feature, causing the map to appear to be labeled twice.)
Cartographic Legends
Cartographic legends are based on the map layers in your Map window. Each legend
in the legend window corresponds to a layer on the map, and each legend is enclosed
in a legend frame within the legend window. The attributes for each legend frame,
such as the title and label styles can now be derived from several sources. These are:
• Map table metadata
• Map table attributes
• Joined tables
• Manual creation
A legend frame is another way to refer to a particular layer’s legend. You can create an
individual legend window for each layer in your map, or you can have several legend
frames in one legend window. The properties for each legend frame can be edited
2. Select the layers you want to include in the legend using the Add and
Remove buttons. Each layer corresponds to one frame in the legend. To
remove a layer, click on the layer in the Legend Frames group to select it and
click the Remove button. In our example, we’ll remove the Usa, Us_cnty, and
Us_cty 8k layers. That will leave only the landmarks and highways layers in
the legend.
3. The frames appear in the legend in the order in which they appear in the
Legend Frames group. You can change the order of the legend frames using
the Up and Down buttons.
5. Use this dialog to set default options across all frames in the legend. Change
the legend properties and legend frame defaults as you wish. In our example,
we’ll change the Legend window title to New York Legend, and leave the
other default options as is.
7. The Legend Frames group on the left displays all the frames selected in Step
1. Each frame corresponds to a map layer. Select a frame from the list (you can
only select one frame at a time). Select the Landmrks layer first.
The frame’s default attribute settings display in the boxes on the right. Notice
that the defaults used are the settings in Step 2. The ‘# ’ character from the
default settings is replaced with the name of the layer.
8. Select attributes for each legend frame, or use the default values. The default
values are based on legend metadata keys in the underlying table, or, if no
metadata keys exist, on the Legend Frame Defaults from Step 2 of the wizard.
In our example, we’ll specify Landmarks for the frame title, obtain the legend
styles from unique values in the Landmark column, and label the legend
styles with the text information in the Landmark column.
10. Type “Highway” in the text box, and click OK. It displays in the Label Style
with box.
11. If you want to save your settings for the title, subtitle, the styles column, and
the styles label for the selected frame to the table metadata, click the Save
frame settings to Metadata button.
12. Click Finish when you have selected the desired attributes for each legend
The cartographic legend displays on your screen.
Use the Up and Down buttons to reorder the layers in this list. To exclude a layer from
the legend, click the layer in the Legend Frames group and click the Remove button.
The layer is added to the Layers group and will not be included in the legend. If you
change your mind, select the layer in the Layers group, and click Add. The layer goes
back to the Legend Frames group for inclusion in the legend.
Selecting Attributes
Select attributes for one legend frame at a time. Click on a legend frame in the Legend
Frames list to select it. The default settings for the selected frame display on the right
side of the Step 3 dialog.
The title and subtitle text is derived either from the table’s metadata, or if there are no
metadata keys for the table, from the defaults indicated in Step 2 of the Create Legend
wizard. You can type in a new title or subtitle or use the default settings.
Legend Styles
The legend styles are the symbols used in the legend to identify the map features.
Each type of object: point, line, or region displays its own symbol in the legend. Point
objects are represented by point symbols, line objects by lines, and region objects by
boxes. In addition, support for the new multipoint and collection objects has been
added to the cartographic legend feature. Multipoint objects will display as a point
symbol in the legend. A collection object will display a combination of symbols
indicating the different object types it contains.
To create a label based on a value derived from your table, use an expression. You can
also perform a join, enabling you to add a temporary column from another table that
you can use for your feature descriptions.
To create an expression, choose Expression from the Label Styles with drop-down list.
Write your expression in the Expression dialog, and click OK. When you click Finish
in the Step 3 dialog. The results of the expression are the labels for your legend
symbols. Note that an expression can be multi-line.
To join tables, choose Join from the Label styles with drop-down list, select Join. (Note
that the Join option is only available when there are at least two tables open.) The
Update Column dialog displays. Choose the table you want to join to, specify the
matching columns, choose the temporary column you want to add to the table, and
click OK. You can now use this column for your feature descriptions. Again, this
column can be any column value, or one that you create. This column is saved
automatically in the workspace.
Note: If the temporary column name is saved to legend metadata, but the
temporary column isn’t saved in the workspace (e.g. you close tables and
undo the join), you’ll get an error when you re-create the legend from
metadata. You must either redo the join to get the temporary column, or
choose a different label expression for the legend text.
2. The Legend Frames list displays the map layers in your Map window that are
not currently included in your legend. The Us_cnty, Usa, and Us_cty 8k layers
display in the box. Let’s remove the Usa and Us_cty 8k layers. Click on the
layer you want to remove and click the Remove button.
3. Click Next. The Add Frames – Step 2 of 3 dialog displays.
Here, specify the legend window properties and legend frame defaults as you
did in the Create Legend wizard. The legend frame defaults you specify here
are used if there are no metadata keys in the table.
4. Click Next. The Add Frames – Step 3 of 3 dialog displays.
The default values that display for the frame title and subtitle are taken either
from the defaults you specified in Step 2, or the table’s metadata. As in the
Create Legend wizard, you specify attributes for one frame at a time.
This dialog works exactly the same way as choosing styles for the initial cre-
ation of the legend. You can select either a column, the Style Name Pattern
(the default settings in Step 2), Expression, or Join.
5. Enter Area Counties as the title for the Legend frame.
6. Click the unique map styles button.
7. In the Label styles with box, choose Expression. In the Expression dialog,
type: “Albany and Rennselaer” and click OK.
8. To save your frame settings to the table’s metadata, click the Save frame
settings to Metadata button. These settings become the new legend frame
9. Click Finish. Your legend redisplays with the added frame(s).
For the New York Legend, clear the Scroll Bars box to remove the scoll bars.
You can edit the title, subtitle, legend symbol text, as well as the title and subtitle text
styles, the border style, and the styles of the legend symbol text. When you edit
legend symbol text, you can add multi-line text in the Edit selected text box.
Let’s choose a different font for the frame title. Click the font style button for the Title
to display the Text Style dialog. Choose a different font, a larger font size, and check
the bold box. Click OK when you are finished with the modifications.
Go into the legend frame properties for each of the other frames and make the same
modifications to the title font.
This is what the legend now looks like. The scrollbars have been removed and the
frame title text has been modified.
Note: If you modify a legend for a thematic map (a theme legend), clicking the
Properties option in the shortcut menu displays the Modify Thematic Map
dialog. Click the Legend button to modify the theme legend. See Chapter 11
for details on thematic mapping and theme legends.
Deleting Frames
You might decide that you want to remove one or more of your legend frames from
the legend. To delete a frame, right-click inside the frame you want to remove to
display the shortcut menu. Click Delete. Here is the updated legend.
Refreshing Frames
If any edits you make in the legend cause changes to the formatting in the window,
choose Legend>Refresh (or right-click to display the short cut menu and click
The Refresh Legend dialog displays. You can refresh the legend styles, the layout, and
the alignment.
When you refresh the legend styles, MI Pro adds new styles associated with t he
legend and removes obsolete styles.
If the layout mode is changed from Portrait to Landscape, or vice versa, or from
Custom to Portrait or Landscape, MI Pro resizes the window to a default size that’s
based on the layout mode (similar to the initial window you get when you first create
a Portrait or Landscape legend).
When you refresh the alignment, your legend styles and text are aligned across all
frames in the legend, regardless of the orientation of the window. For new legend
windows, this means style centroids across all frames will be lined up and style labels
across all frames will be lined up. When new frames are added, the style centroid and
label offset are remembered.
If editing or adding frames to an existing legend causes frame(s) to be formatted
differently than other frames in the same window, users can use the Legend>Refresh
dialog to re-align styles and text across all frames.
To demonstrate how frame alignment works, go back to the Legend Frame properties
and make some changes to the size of the symbol text in each frame. The legend now
looks like the legend on the left, in the illustrations, below.
Choose Legend>Refresh and make sure Refresh alignment is checked. The legend is
re-aligned across all of the frames. The legend now looks like the legend on the right
in the illustration.
You can easily revert the legend symbol text back to its original size through the
Frame properties. Here is how the legend looks with the map.
Drawing Tools
There are nine drawing tools, each located in the Drawing Toolbar:
Line Style button Displays the Line Style dialog where you can
change the color, width, and type of selected
line objects or set new defaults for future
If you wish to modify the table information, you must save a copy of the table.
1. With your table opened, choose File > Save Copy As. In this example, we will
save a copy of an Excel file named Sites.
Drawing Objects
Drawing objects in MapInfo Professional is easy. Once you have made the layer
editable, choose the appropriate tool. Using the shape tools, you can draw arcs,
ellipses, circles, lines, rectangles, and rounded rectangles on your map. You can either
draw the object directly on the Cosmetic Layer (and save it to another or new layer
later) or make a map layer editable now and draw the objects there.
Once you have drawn the object, you can move the object, delete it, copy it to the
Clipboard, or paste it to another Map window.
Also, you can delete the last node of the object by pressing the Backspace key. If there
is only one node left in the object, it will not be deleted.
You can also use the Ruler window with the Marquee Select and Radius Select tools.
Just click the Ruler tool to display the Ruler window.
If the Ruler window is not active, the drawing and selection tools noted above do not
display distance. The rubber-banding line does not display.
Object Styles
MapInfo Professional draws objects using the default color, fill pattern, line type,
symbol, and text settings for the layer you are drawing on. The default style can be set
using Options > Preferences > Styles > Default Object Styles. To change the style of an
existing object, make the layer editable, select the object and choose the appropriate
style command from the Options menu. (The style commands are also available on
the Drawing Toolbar.) These commands also set the styles for any subsequent objects
to be drawn on the layer.
For closed shapes such as circles and squares, you can change the fill pattern and
color, the style and color of the border, and the line width of the border. For arcs and
lines, you can change the type of line, its color, and the width of the line. In addition,
you can use interleaved line styles to create the appearance of intersections for
overlapping intersections and lines within a single layer. Interleaved line styles are
available for use with lines of the same style and color (they can be different widths).
Interleaved line styles are not available for solid lines or borders.
Any edits to an object’s default settings will be applied during the entire work session
until you make new changes. To save the settings, you must save the table where the
object resides.
You can also change the display of an object in Layer Control. In the Layer Control
dialog, click the Display button to bring up the Display Options dialog. Click the Style
Override check box. The Style Override button becomes active. Click the Style button
to bring up the appropriate Style dialog.
Note: The settings you specify through the Display Options dialog are
temporary unless you save the table to a workspace. For more information
on the Display Options dialog, see Chapter 7, Mapping in Layers.
You can then use the Combine command to combine this region with another, reshape
the region, etc.
Polylines are made up of multiple line segments that are treated as one object. Unlike
lines created with the Line tool, you can smooth polylines into a continuous curve
using the Objects > Smooth command. Again, you can delete the last node by pressing
the Backspace key. If there is only one node left in the object it will not be deleted.
Drawing Symbols
To draw symbols, make the layer you want to draw the symbols to editable and
choose the Symbol tool. Place the cursor where you want the symbol to be and click.
The symbol displays using the default symbol style settings.
To change the symbol’s style, select the symbol and click the Symbol Style button, or
choose Options > Symbol Style. The Symbol Style dialog displays, where you can
change the symbol, font, color, and size, as well as create background effects and bold
face for symbols.
Make the desired changes, and click OK. The symbol displays with the style changes
you specified. These settings also apply to any subsequent symbols you draw until
you change the settings.
Supported Fonts
You have many options when drawing symbols. We support a number of TrueType
fonts that carry their own symbol sets. We have also organized a number of symbol
fonts around different industries, such as real estate and transportation, making it
easy for you to find the symbols you need.
The MapInfo Professional Symbols font is the same set of symbols offered in previous
versions of MapInfo Professional, but the symbols are now a TrueType font. The
MapInfo Professional 3.0 Compatible font contains the same symbols offered in
previous versions of MapInfo Professional in the same vector format. When you use
these symbols, the Background and Effects options in the Symbol Style dialog are
unavailable. Please see the MapInfo Professional Reference for a complete list of
symbol fonts.
Warning: If you are creating a map that will be used by MapInfo Professional 3.0
users, avoid using TrueType symbols and custom symbols. Limit your point objects to
the symbols in the MapInfo Professional 3.0 Compatible symbol set.
If you create a table that contains TrueType symbols or custom symbols, and you
display the table using MapInfo Professional 3.0, the symbols will be invisible. If you
then edit the table using MapInfo Professional 3.0, the point objects may be lost.
Custom Symbols
You can also use your own custom bitmaps as symbols in MapInfo Professional. They
will appear in the Font list as Custom Symbols.
To have custom symbols appear in the Font list, you must have already saved the
symbols as bitmaps in the CUSTSYMB directory, which is in the application data
directory created during installation. If you add bitmap files to the CUSTSYMB
directory during a MapInfo Professional session, the new bitmaps will not display in
the Symbol Style dialog until you click the Reload button.
Changing Styles
When you change the style of a custom symbol, the Effects options in the Symbol
Style dialog are different.
You can either show a background or apply a color. Show Background displays the
custom symbol with the background color with which it was created. Apply Color
replaces all non-white pixels with a color you choose from the color palette. The
Background options are grayed.
Drawing Text
Although the labeling feature takes care of most of your text needs, you will still need
to create text objects with the Text tool to annotate your map or layout (e.g., map titles
and subtitles). Unlike labels, text objects have no connection to data.
To create text, make sure the layer you want to draw the text to is editable and choose
the Text tool. The cursor changes to an I-beam. Place the cursor where you want the
text to be and type in the text you want.
To change the style of the text, select the text with the Select tool, and click the Text
Style button, or choose Options > Text Style. The Text Style dialog displays where you
can change the font, the size, color and create various effects such as haloing or drop
shadows. These settings will remain in effect for any text you subsequently draw on
the map until you change them. For a complete description of the Text Style dialog,
see either Chapter 15, Labeling Your Map, or the MapInfo Professional Reference.
To save changes, choose Save from the File menu. To save objects drawn to the
Cosmetic Layer, choose Save Cosmetic Objects from the Map menu.
Editing Objects
In all likelihood, you will need to change or edit some of the objects you have drawn
or mapped. Make the layer that you want to edit editable (Map > Layer Control). To
edit an object, select the object with the Select tool. If the object is a line, edit handles
appear at either endpoint. If the object is a boundary or region, edit handles appear at
the outer corners of the object. You can drag the object to a new position or change its
line style, fill pattern, or symbol.
To delete an object, click on the object with the Select tool. Choose Clear or Cut from
the Edit menu, or press the Delete key. MI Pro deletes the object.
To view an object’s nodes, centroids, and line direction when editing and drawing, set
the conditions in the Layer Control > Display Options dialog.
Also, if you click on the on the fifth edit handle (rotate handle) and hold down the
mouse button, you can rotate the highlighted box to the desired angle. A rubber
banding box is drawn representing the rotated object. If the shift key is pressed while
the rubber banding box is being drawn, the rotation will be limited to 45 degree
Object Attributes
When you double-click on a region, line, point or text object with the Select tool,
MapInfo Professional displays an Object Attribute dialog. This dialog gives you the
object’s size, its position, and other information specific to the object. For example, if
you double-click on a region, MapInfo Professional displays the perimeter, centroid,
and area. It also shows the type of distance calculation that was used to obtain these
If the layer is Selectable but not editable, you can only view these attributes. If the
layer is also editable, then you can change these attributes by typing new values into
the text boxes of the dialog. The illustration above shows the Object Attribute dialog
for a region object in an editable layer. You can also access this dialog by choosing Edit
> Get Info.
Changing an object’s size and position with the Object Attribute dialog box gives you
much greater control over its exact size and position than you have through drawing
it on the screen. For example, you have a list of ten radio towers and their X and Y
coordinates. You could geocode these points using the Create Points command.
However, if you bring up the Points Object Attribute dialog and type the new X and Y
coordinates, you can create ten points with the Symbol tool and then individually
place them in the correct location.
You can also use the Text Object Attribute dialog to change the point’s actual text. For
example, you have typed the title “World Population” on a Map window. You want to
fix your typographical error. Bring up the Object Attribute dialog for the text object.
You can correct your error in the box that displays the text.
For more information on using the Object Attribute dialog to edit your objects, see Get
Info in the MapInfo Professional Reference.
Reshaping Objects
You can reshape regions, polylines, lines, arcs and points. A region is an object created
with the Polygon tool. You cannot reshape objects created with the Rectangle tool, the
Rounded Rectangle tool, or the Ellipse tool.
To reshape an object, select a single object with the Select tool and choose Edit >
Reshape, or use the Reshape button on the Drawing Toolbar. You are now in Reshape
mode. MapInfo Professional draws nodes at every juncture where two polyline or
polygon line segments meet. To reshape the object, move the nodes, add nodes, or
delete nodes from the object.
To move a node, click on it and, while holding down the mouse button, drag the node
to the desired location. The line segments connected to the node are moved to a new
position. To add a node, click on the Add Node tool from the Drawing Toolbar,
position the cursor where you want to add the node, and click the mouse button.
MapInfo Professional adds a node. You can now move this node or delete it, just as
you would any node. To delete a node, position the cursor over the node, click on it,
and press the Delete key.
Note that the maximum number of nodes for regions and polylines is 1,048,572 nodes
for a single polygon region or polyline. The limit drops by seven nodes for every two
additional polygons. If an object with more than 32K nodes is saved and the table is
read in a version of MapInfo Professional prior to version 4.5, the object(s) will not be
visible. Objects in the table that do not exceed the 32K limit will be visible.
The Reshape command is very useful when you are creating sales territories or other
merged boundaries. For example, you are merging ZIP Code boundaries together to
create school districts. Some ZIP Code boundaries fall into more than one school
district. Use the Reshape command to reshape the school district to incorporate a
section of a ZIP Code boundary.
1) Select the object. Turn on Reshape 2) Select the nodes you want to copy.
mode. The nodes display.
3) After Edit > Copy, Paste, the new 4) Click and drag the object to move
object displays with edit handles. to another location.
Select Kentucky to enable Reshape mode. Select the first node with the Select tool.
Shift-click on the last node to be copied. MapInfo selects all nodes in between
following the shortest route between nodes. (To select all nodes except those between
the shortest distance, use Ctrl-click with the Select tool.) Choose Edit > Copy to copy
the nodes to the clipboard. Paste the duplicate nodes onto the map using Edit > Paste.
The object you copied is drawn on top of the original object as a polyline. To move the
polyline click on it, hold down the mouse button, and drag the polyline to a new
For more information on reshaping objects, see Reshape in the MapInfo Professional
Snap to Nodes
Not only can nodes be used to reshape an object, they can also be used to align one
object to another object. MapInfo Professional refers to this process as snapping to a
In the Map window, regions, polylines, lines, arcs and rectangles all have nodes that
can be attached (or snapped) to each other. When the Snap to Nodes option is
enabled, MapInfo Professional searches for these nodes as you move a node. MapInfo
Professional automatically snaps the cursor to a node in an object when the cursor
comes within a certain distance of the node.
To activate Snap to Nodes, press the S key. The status bar displays with the word
“SNAP” when Snap mode is activated. It acts like a toggle on/off switch. You can set
the snap tolerance in pixels in the Map Window Preferences dialog (Options >
Preferences). The Snap Tolerance field allows you to specify a tolerance within which
snap operates. For example, if you set the snap tolerance to 3 pixels, whenever you
move the cursor within 3 pixels of a node, the cursor will snap to the node.
Snap to Nodes applies to all selectable layers—this is useful if you are drawing an
object in one layer and want to attach it to an object in another layer. If you do not
want to snap to objects in certain layers, make those layers unselectable.
You can only autotrace one object at a time. The second node you Shift/Ctrl-click on
must belong to the same object as the first node. If it belongs to a different object,
MapInfo Professional will draw a straight line between the two nodes. If you click on
a node that’s shared by two objects (e.g., a shared border), you can begin autotracing
from either polygon.
Smoothing/Unsmoothing Lines
You can use the Smooth command to convert polyline angles into polyline curves.
Click on a polyline with the Select tool and choose Objects > Smooth. MapInfo
Professional smooths the line so that it appears to be one continuous line with curves
instead of angles. To undo the process choose either the Undo Smooth command or
the Objects > Unsmooth command.
Both the Smooth and Unsmooth command can be used only on polylines. A polyline
is a line drawn with the Polyline tool. Smooth and Unsmooth do not work with
objects drawn with the Line tool. If you attempt to smooth or unsmooth any object
besides a polyline, MapInfo Professional gives you a warning message.
In either case the basic idea is that you have to add a new record to the segments file
and associate that record to the name file through the reference number. Assume we
are working in the San Francisco files; the procedure is the same for any StreetInfo file.
1. Choose File > Open to open the Dcwashs, Dc_strts, and Dc_zip files.
2. Choose Layer Control from the Map menu. Make the dcwash layer Editable
and the dc_strts layer Selectable.
3. Using the Find command or the Info tool, locate the street you want to edit.
Click on the street with the Info tool. Scroll through
the Info window until you locate the MI_REFNUM (MI Pro reference
number) field. Make a note of that number.
4. Go to the Dcwashs layer in the Map window and draw the new segment. By
setting the Snap to Node mode, MI Pro will guide you to connect the node
from the existing street with the node from the new segment.
5. Click on the new segment with the Info tool. Type the appropriate textual
information, address ranges, street type, and MI Pro reference number.
6. Repeat the process for each additional new segment.
Renaming a Street
If you want to rename a street, simply change its name in the name file (Dcwashs2).
Note that changing a name in that way affects all segments that reference it.
For instance, if you want to change the name of Broadway in one town, you have to
make sure there aren’t other towns in the county that also have a Broadway. If there
are, then you have to add the new street name to the names file and give it a reference
number. You would then go into the segments file and give the new reference number
to those segments you want to change.
If you want to rename only a part of the street, you have to add a new record to the
names file, give that record a new reference number, and then assign that new
reference number to the appropriate segments in the segments file.
How do you find those segments? One way would be to call up a Map window of the
town and select the segments using the Select tool. Those segment records will then be
highlighted in the Browser, where you can change their reference number.
What Is Redistricting?
Redistricting is the process of grouping map objects into districts in order to perform
aggregate calculations on the data to provide totals of net values for the districts. MI
Pro creates an individual value thematic map where the variable is the district name.
The color-coded map shows the geographic extent of the districts. A special Districts
Browser displays the districts in tabular form.
But that is only one part of the redistricting process. The real power lies in the Districts
Browser where you can see on-the-fly updates of district record counts and data totals
when you click on a map object and assign it to another district. This allows you to
perform visual “what if” analysis to achieve district realignments, a process
sometimes referred to as load balancing.
When you are satisfied with the distribution, you can make the district assignments
permanent. Later, as the need arises, you can change the assignments and try out new
Redistricting does not create new map objects or permanently change the style of the
map objects. Redistricting is simply a dynamic grouping tool that displays map
objects that share the same district information as a group. While the map objects are
not permanently affected, you can make the district assignments permanent by saving
the table.
You can redistrict any mappable table containing region, line, or point objects. The
redistrict map will reflect the appropriate fill, line, or symbol style for the objects. The
Redistricter limits the number of districts in a table to 594.
Districts Browser
The Districts Browser is the key to the process of creating and changing districts.
While looking like other Browsers in MI Pro, the Districts Browser is actually a
dynamic window that allows you to make changes to the groups and recalculates
total values on the fly. You can immediately see the results of your changes. You then
have the option to make the changes permanent or continue to try out new district
The Browser window lists the districts as specified in your table, the record count for
each district, and aggregate expression columns that contain the net total values of
your data. You specify these columns in the Redistricting dialog when you begin the
redistricting session.
Using Redistricting
In general, the redistricting process follows these steps:
1. Choose Window > New Redistrict Window. Specify your table and field
choices in the Redistrict dialog. MI Pro displays a color-coded map and
Districts Browser.
2. Select the target district, if necessary.
3. Select the map object(s) that you want to go into the target district.
4. Observe the changes to the data values in the Districts Browser.
5. Assign map objects to the target district.
The process is about the same whether you want to create new districts from scratch
or make changes to a table of existing districts. The two situations are discussed
A powerful feature of redistricting is the ability to calculate net total values from the
data in your table. Any numeric field can be aggregated by sum or percent during the
redistricting session. The Available fields list shows you what calculations are
possible for the given table. Choose from this list and click the Add >> button to move
the expression to the Fields to Browse list. Only those items listed in the Fields to
Browse list will be acted upon and displayed in the Districts Browser.
You can reorder the fields using the Up and Down buttons to list them in a certain
order in the Browser. When you are satisfied with the choices in the dialog, click OK.
MI Pro performs the redistricting operation.
When processing is finished, MI Pro displays a map of your table with a single color
and a Districts Browser with a placeholder for a district entry. This is because you told
MI Pro to carry out the redistricting on a column with an empty field.
To create another district, make sure the Districts Browser is active so that the
Redistrict menu is available on the menu bar. Choose Redistrict > Add District. The
new district displays in the Browser with the name DistrictN, where N is the next
higher number. Continue to add districts until you feel you have enough to begin
reassigning objects to them. Enlarge the Browser, if necessary, to see the new district
Note: each district you add will display with a generic name DistrictN, where N is the
next higher number. To change the names, highlight the name and type in the new
To begin building your districts, make one of them the target district. Next, select map
objects in the Map window to add objects to the new district. Notice how the values in
the target district increase as the object(s) are selected.
At this point the objects are only temporarily assigned to the district. When you have
made all the additions to the district that you want for the moment, make the Districts
Browser active and choose Redistrict > Assign Selected Objects to make the
assignment permanent. (You can also choose the Assign Selected Objects button
from the Main toolbar.) You cannot build another district until you complete the
current one.
Note: You must save the table at the end of the redistricting session to retain the
new districts.
Continue to add and assign objects to districts until you have created as many
districts as you need. You can now see the geographic extent of each color-coded
district in the map window. You can also see the results of the expression calculations
in the Browser showing the new total values for each district.
Now you can reassign districts to more equitably distribute resources, to include or
exclude certain information, whatever your needs call for.
Now to begin the actual redistricting, or load-balancing, set the district that you want
to add objects to as the target district. Select the map object(s) and watch the data
change in the Districts Browser. You can select objects from more than one district and
assign them to the same target district. Simply shift-click each additional map object
after the first one.
Before realignment, children under 4 were
unevenly distributed among the districts.
As you choose map objects, the Browser immediately reflects the changes among the
districts with new counts per district and new totals based on expressions you
specified in the Redistrict dialog, such as the sum or percent of a column value.
When you are satisfied with the reassigned objects for the target district, choose
Redistrict > Assign Selected Objects to make the changes permanent. You can now
choose a different target object and add other map objects to it. Continue until you are
satisfied with the new distribution of map objects.
Redistricter Options
To control the order of districts in the Districts Browser, choose Redistrict > Options.
The Redistricter Options dialog displays. Choose your preferred sort order from
among: most recently used, alphabetical, or unordered. You can also choose to show
the Browser grid lines and save the options as your default.
As mentioned earlier, the Most Recently Used option can greatly aid you if you have
more districts than the Districts Browser can display in a window. Whenever you
select a map object that belongs to a district that is not currently visible in the Browser,
MI Pro will move that record near the top of the Browser window. You can then more
easily set the new target district or view the changes in the data fields as you carry out
your load-balancing scenario.
Changing the display of your districts is simple. Click on the fill pattern, line style, or
symbol in the Districts Browser that represents the district. The Region Style, Line
Style, or Symbol Style dialog displays, where you can change the tools used to display
the district.
To save the style changes, you must save the redistricting session as a workspace. File
> Save Table will not save the style changes. File > Save will only save the district
assignment changes. The styles belong to a thematic layer, not to the table itself. The
district changes are applied to the table and, thus, can be saved to the table.
In MapInfo Professional, raster images are used as display layers only. They cannot
have any data attached to them like vector map images. Raster images are particularly
well-suited for use as a backdrop for vector map layers because they provide a much
greater level of detail than vector maps.
Some graphics software packages let you save or export images into raster file
formats, such as TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). So if you can create a TIFF file with
your draw or paint package, you can display it in MI Pro.
You can also purchase raster images from MapInfo Professional or other commercial
vendors. Some vendors also offer scanning services.
As a Stand-Alone Image
You may have a satellite image of topography that would be impossible to duplicate
as a vector image that you want to use for a presentation. You can display the image in
MapInfo Professional and then incorporate it into a page layout. See Chapter 21,
Working with Layouts for information on how to copy windows into frames in a
Map Editing
Once you have superimposed map layers on top of your raster image, you can use the
raster image as a reference while you edit your map layers. The process of editing
based on a screen image is known as heads-up digitizing. (To minimize image
distortion, only digitize from map images with known projections or rectified aerial
Color Options
MapInfo Professional can read the following types of raster images:
• Monochrome images: Each pixel in a monochrome image can be displayed
using two colors, usually black and white. These images take up the least
amount of space and will display the fastest. In MI Pro monochrome images
can also display as two different shades of gray.
• Gray-scale images: Each pixel in a gray-scale image can be black, white, or a
shade of gray.
• Color images: Each pixel in a color image can be any color from a palette of
available colors. The set of available colors depends in part on the image file
format and the source of the image. An 8-bit image contains eight bits, or one
byte, of information for each pixel; this means that the image has a palette of
256 different colors. A 24-bit image contains twenty-four bits, or three bytes,
of information per pixel, which means that the image has a palette of over 16
million colors. MI Pro now supports 24-bit, True Color display, with
For best results when viewing a raster image, we recommend using a high resolution
video display.
Unregistered Images
In MapInfo Professional, you can open an unregistered raster image and display it
directly in a Map window without manually registering the image. This is useful
whenever accurate control point coordinates are unnecessary, such as when the image
is not a map (e.g., a logo) or when you are using a stand-alone image.
To open an unregistered raster image without manually registering it:
1. Choose File>Open. The Open dialog displays.
2. In the List Files of Type drop-down list, choose Raster Image.
3. Select the file you want to open, and choose Open. A dialog displays asking
you if you want to display the unregistered image. Choose Display. The
image displays in a Map window.
A TAB file is created for the image using non-earth coordinates. MI Pro will use
dummy registration points to position the image.
If you decide later that you want to use the image with a vector map, you can re-
register the image. Follow steps 1 and 2 above. Since a TAB file has already been
created for the image, MI Pro will tell you that a table definition already exists and ask
you if you want to overwrite it. Choose Register to proceed to the Image Registration
dialog and register the image.
Registered Images
You only have to register a raster image once. Once a .TAB file has been created for it,
you can open the image like any other MI Pro table each subsequent time you open
the file.
The sample raster image files included with MapInfo Professional have already been
registered (contain a TAB file). If you purchased a raster image from another source, it
may already have a TAB file attached. You will not need to register these images
To open a registered raster image:
1. Choose File > Open.
2. Leave the File Format as it is (MapInfo). The registration process already
created a MI Pro readable file (TAB file).
3. Choose the table file (e.g. from the list in the dialog. (The TAB file
contains the control point information supplied during the registration
4. Choose Open. MI Pro opens the raster image table and displays the image in a
Map window.
3. To begin adding control points, click on a location in the preview. The Add
Control Point dialog displays showing the point’s location in pixels. Click
OK. The point with no X and Y coordinates is listed in the Image Registration
dialog. (We will specify the coordinates in a moment.)
4. Choose at least three more control points in the same way. Use the scroll bars
to move to other areas of the image. Choose points that can be easily
identified and selected in a Map window.
5. Open the corresponding vector map table in a Map window. You may have to
move the Image Registration dialog aside to access the Map window.
6. Choose Table > Raster > Select Control Points from Map.
7. Highlight Pt. 1 in the Image Registration dialog. Click on the equivalent point
in the Map window. The Add Control Point dialog displays showing the Map
X and Y coordinates for the vector point location. Click OK to accept the
coordinates. MI Pro transfers them to the Image Registration dialog.
8. Repeat step 7 for the remaining control points.
9. After all control points have been defined, click OK in the Image Registration
dialog. The raster image will display in the Map window under the vector
If you are registering a raster image that does not use longitude and latitude
coordinates, specify the appropriate projection in the Image Registration dialog and
enter your coordinates in the native units of that coordinate system. For instance, if
you are registering a UTM map image, enter the coordinates in meters.
Add more control points to improve the registration. To do this, choose Table > Raster
> Modify Image Registration. Choose the New button from the Image Registration
dialog and choose another point. Choose the equivalent point in the Map window to
transfer the coordinates to the registration dialog. We recommend adding points near
the center of the raster image and in areas where the match is the poorest.
Display Options
You can display more than one raster image in a window at a time. This is limited
only by your computer’s memory. However, if you want to digitize from the raster
image, it is best to use only one image in a Map window. This is because two raster
images will probably have slightly different rotations.
When using two raster images with different projections, keep in mind that MapInfo
Professional will use the projection of the image that takes up the larger portion of the
Map window. This means that the second image is only positioned approximately.
Adjusting Color
Once you have displayed a raster image file in a Map window, you can make
adjustments to the colors in the image. Choose Table > Raster > Adjust Image Styles to
change the settings for that .TAB file. Choose Map > Layer Control > Display > Style
Override to adjust the raster style only in this Map window. The Adjust Image Styles
dialog lets you set the contrast and brightness of the image, set translucency, display
color raster images in shades of gray, and make one color in the image transparent.
Using the Adjust Image Styles dialog does not modify the raster image file; instead, it
changes the way MapInfo Professional displays the raster image file. If you change an
image’s display style, MapInfo Professional records the new display style in the table
file (e.g. or in the workspace for per layer styles, but MI Pro does not alter
the contents of the raster image file (parcels.gif) in any way.
If you change an image’s display style and choose OK, the new display style is
applied immediately. It will also affect all Map windows in which the image is
displayed if you select Table > Raster > Adjust Image Styles. You do not need to
choose File > Save to save the changes.
2. Set the Contrast scroll bar to a low setting, such as 30%. (The default Contrast
setting is 50%.)
3. Set the Brightness scroll bar to a high setting, such as 70%. (The default
Brightness setting is 50%.)
4. Examine the image preview in the lower half of the dialog. If the new display
style suits your needs, choose OK. If you want to go back to the previous
display style, choose Cancel.
Transparent Color
You can also make one color in the image transparent. Making a color transparent will
make the parts of the map displayed under that color visible. In the Adjust Image
Styles dialog, check the Transparent box to activate the Select Color button. Click
Select Color. To select the color you want to be transparent, click on the color in the
preview image. The color you selected appears in a box next to the left of the Select
Color button. The transparent color will display as white in the preview image. When
you redisplay the image in the Map window, the selected color will be transparent.
Translucent Color
MapInfo Professional provides the ability to display a translucent raster image.
Translucent images allow you to partially see through them, enabling you to lay
translucent raster images over other layers so that details of the layers below are
partially visible. An image set to 0% translucency is completely opaque; an image set
to 100% translucency is completely transparent.
Style Override
MapInfo Professional provides the ability to change the display style for raster and
grid images on a per-layer basis through the Layer Control dialog. The Style override
option for raster images works the same way as it does for other map layers. Just
choose Map>Layer Control, and select a raster layer in the Layer list. Click the
Display button. The Display Options dialog for the image displays. Select the Style
Override check box and click on the Style button below it. The Adjust Image Styles
dialog displays. You can change any of the raster image style settings.
Zoom Layering
Zoom layering for raster images controlled from preferences ( Options > Preferences
> Map Windows > Automatic Raster Zoom Layering). To change the zoom layering
setting for a raster layer that you are currently working with, go to the Display
Options dialog (Map>Layer Control > Display) and to either activate or turn off zoom
layering. The setting is turned on by default.
Many of MI Pro’s features cannot be applied to raster image tables. As a general rule,
you cannot use MI Pro to modify a raster image file. Specific limitations of raster
tables are described below.
A raster table does not have columns, therefore, you cannot attach text or numeric
data directly to a raster table, and you cannot perform queries, such as Find, on a
raster table. You can, however, overlay a conventional (vector-based) MI Pro table on
top of the raster image, and attach data to the conventional table.
Map Projections
When a raster image file is displayed in a Map window, the Map window
automatically adopts the map projection used by the raster image. You cannot reset
the projection of the Map window.
If two raster images in a Map window use different map projections, MI Pro will use
the projection of the map that takes up the larger portion of the Map window.
The Map window will redraw slowly when you overlay other map layers on top of a
raster image. The map redraws slowly because MI Pro is re-calculating map
coordinates so that the vector map objects conform to the projection of the raster
Each raster table can contain only one raster image file. You cannot add rows to a
raster table, and you cannot append additional raster image files to the table.
The Set Target editing model in MI Pro allows you to set a map object as the target for
editing, then create a modifying object that will act as the cookie cutter that overlays
the target and performs the editing action on the target. Set Target is located under the
Objects menu.
The Set Target model for editing map objects can be broadly described as a three-step
1. Set the object you want to edit as the target.
2. Choose and select another object or objects to act as the modifying object for
the editing operation.
3. Perform the edit operation (combine, split, erase, erase outside, or overlay
Split, Erase,
Object Type Overlay Nodes Combine
Erase Outside
Cutter Target Cutter Target Target non-
Closed X X X X X X
Linear X X X X X
Points X X X
Multipoints X X X
Collections X X X
You are not limited to working with map objects in the same layer. While the target
objects must be in the Editable layer, you can choose the modifying objects from
another layer.
The set target process is essentially the same whether you want to combine objects
together or create more objects by splitting objects or erasing portions of objects. Each
operation is discussed individually later in this chapter.
In addition to creating new map objects, the Set Target model allows you to control
how the data associated with the target object will be transferred to the new object or
objects. The next section discusses a number of data aggregation and disaggregation
methods that give you tremendous flexibility with editing map objects.
MI Pro will compute the new object and display it as a single object. Use the Info tool
to view the aggregated data (if any) associated with the object.
Keep in mind that the Objects Combine command works with selected map objects.
To apply the combine operation to an entire table, use Query > Select All. To combine
into groups rather than objects, or output to a separate table, use Combine Objects
Using Column, (Table menu), which is explained at the end of this chapter.
Splitting Objects
Splitting Objects allows you to divide the target object into smaller objects, using
another object as a cutter.
For instance, use Split to separate a large territory into smaller units.
To split map objects using Set Target:
1. Select the object(s) in an Editable layer to be the target.
2. Choose Objects > Set Target. The object(s) displays in a different style to
indicate that it is the target object.
3. Select (or create and select) one or more map objects from any layer in the
Map window to be the cutter object. The object must be a closed object.
4. Choose Objects > Split. The Data Disaggregation dialog displays.
5. Choose the appropriate disaggregation method (or No Data) for each field in
the Destination list. Shift-click to apply the same method to consecutive fields
or control-click for non-consecutive fields. Click OK.
MapInfo Professional will compute the new objects and display them. Use the Info
tool to view the disaggregated data (if any) of the split objects.
Erasing Objects
You have two choices in the Objects menu when you want to remove some portion of
the target map object. Use Objects > Erase to erase the portion of the target object that
is overlapped by the cutter object. Use Objects > Erase Outside to remove the portion
of the target object that is not overlapped by the cutter object.
For example, to add a lake to a region, create the lake as the cutter, position it
appropriately and use the Erase command to remove that portion of the target object
under the lake.
Both the Erase and Erase Outside commands support point, multipoint, and
collection objects.
To erase map objects using Set Target:
1. Select the object(s) in an Editable layer to be the target.
2. Choose Objects > Set Target. The object(s) displays in a different style to
indicate that it is the target object.
3. Select (or create and select) one or more map objects from any layer in the
Map window to be the cutter object. The object must be a closed object.
4. Choose Objects > Erase (or Erase Outside). The Data Disaggregation dialog
5. Choose the appropriate disaggregation method (or No Data) for each field in
the Destination list. Shift-click to apply the same method to consecutive fields
or control-click for non-consecutive fields. Click OK.
End result of Set Target - Erase. End result of Set Target - Erase Outside. All
Circular object is removed. but circular object is removed.
MapInfo Professional will compute the new object and display it. Use the Info tool to
view the disaggregated data (if any) of the split objects.
Overlaying Nodes
Overlay Nodes allows you to add nodes to the target objects at the points where the
target intersects the cutter object.
For instance, when adding streets to a map that cross existing streets at intersections,
use the Overlay Nodes command on the new street to add nodes that exactly overlay
the nodes from the existing street.
To overlay nodes with Set Target:
1. Select the object(s) in an Editable layer as the target. This is the object to which
you want to add nodes. The objects may be closed or linear objects.
2. Choose Objects > Set Target. The object(s) displays in a different style to
indicate that it is the target object.
3. Select as the modifying object one or more map objects that intersects the
target from any layer in the Map window. The cutter object may be closed or
linear objects.
4. Choose Objects > Overlay Nodes.
MapInfo Professional adds the intersecting nodes to the target object(s).
Note: No data aggregation or disaggregation is performed with Overlay Nodes.
The data after the operation remains unchanged.
If you want to copy the result object, make the region’s layer Selectable and another
layer Editable. Specify a target object, then select the objects using any selection
method and choose Objects > Combine. This will display the Data Aggregation dialog
where you tell MI Pro how to combine the data. Fill in this dialog and click OK to
combine the objects to combine the objects’ data. This method was discussed earlier in
this chapter.
If you want to combine objects in the original layer, make sure that the layer is
editable, select the objects in the layer, and choose Objects>Combine. Do not set a
target. The data Aggregation dialog displays. After the operation is complete, a new
object will be added to the layer, and the original objects will be deleted.
When performing a Combine Objects Using Column operation, you must specify
which column contains the grouping information. In the preceding example, the
grouping information is located in the SALES_REP column. We want to combine all of
Benita’s individual territories into one large territory. By choosing the SALES_REP
column from the Group Objects By Column popup, MI Pro combines all records that
have common data in the column. In other words, MI Pro combines all records that
have the same sales representative.
You will need to specify the table and the grouping column. If you choose <New>
from the Store results in table drop-down list to create a new table for the combined
objects you will be prompted with a series of dialogs to create a new table. Refer to the
New Table command in the MapInfo Professional Reference for more information. If
you specified an existing table, you need to tell MI Pro how to combine the data. To
aggregate your data, press the Next button to display the Data Aggregation dialog
Once you have completed both dialogs, press OK. MI Pro combines the records based
on the column specified in the Group Objects By Column drop-down list. MI Pro also
aggregates the data and combines any objects associated with the records. For more
information on aggregating data, see Combine Objects Using Column in the MapInfo
Professional Reference.
4. Select the column(s) that you want to use in the aggregation and an
aggregation method.
5. Click OK. The objects are combined into a single object.
Any point obejcts selected are combined to form a multipoint object. Any
polyline objects selected are combined to form a a new region object. The
resulting multipoint (if one exists), polyline (if one exists) and region (if one
exists) are grouped together to form a new collection object. See Combining
Objects with New Object Types.
For an existing multipoint or collection object, you may need to change its styles or
view the bounds information. To do so, either double-click on the object, or right-click
on the object to display the shortcut menu and choose Get Info. The Object Info dialog
for the selected object displays. If the object is not editable, the controls in the Object
Info dialog are read only.
In multipoint objects, you can change the style of the symbol that represents the
multipoint. Click the Style button to display the Symbol Style dialog.
In a collection object, you can change the styles of the different object types in your
collection. Click on the corresponding Style button for each object type you want to
Multipoint Objects
If you are combining point or Multipoint objects, the Combine operation produces a
single Multipoint object comprising all input points.
Combining points is similar to other Combine operations in that the symbol style of
the resulting object is the same as that of the first object to be combined. This object is
normally the first object, in row order, of the table being combined.
Collection Objects
The result of a Combine operation that uses heterogeneous object types as input is a
Collection object. The input objects of a Collection object can be a mix of any of the
• Point or multipoint objects (zero-dimensional)
• Linear objects – lines, polylines, and arcs (one-dimensional)
• Closed objects – regions, rectangles, rounded rectangles, and ellipses (two-
• Collection objects
Heterogeneous Combine operations take place in stages. First, all objects of the same
dimension are combined separately. The Combine operations are done in the
following manner:
• All point and Multipoint objects, as well as the Multipoint component of any
Collection object, in the input are combined into a new Multipoint object.
• All line, polyline, and arc objects, as well as the polyline component of any
Collection objects, in the input are combined into a new polyline object.
• All regions, rectangles, rounded rectangles, and ellipses, as well as the region
component of any Collection objects, in the input are combined into a new
region object.
Note: As in other Combine operations that involve rounded rectangles, all
rounded rectangles are treated as rectangles.
The resulting Multipoint, polyline, and/or region objects are then assembled into a
new Collection object.
The styles for the new Collection object are derived from the styles of the separate
Combine operations. These styles are assigned according to the style of the first object,
in row order, of the table being combined. Keep in mind that the row order of an
object may have nothing to do with the order in which you selected the objects for the
For example, the style of a Multipoint component of a Collection object is the style of
the first point, Multipoint, or Multipoint component of a Collection encountered in
the input, in row order. The style of a polyline component of a Collection object is the
style of the first linear object or polyline component of a Collection encountered in the
input, in row order. The style of a region component of a Collection object is the style
of the first closed object or the region component of a Collection encountered in the
input, in row order.
Enclosing Objects
The Enclose command enables you take polyline objects and create regions from the
polygonal areas formed by the intersecting polylines. You can form a new region
network anyplace where the polylines form an enclosed area. For example, you could
create regions from a road network, where the regions would be the parcels of land
between the roads.
You can also use the Enclose command with region objects.
This command is modeled after the Combine command, but has two important
• Combine always produces one object, while Enclose may produce many
• No data aggregation is performed with the Enclose command.
To use the Enclose command, your Map window must be active, it must contain an
editable layer, and objects in the editable layer must be selected. Below is a highway
map of the greater New York City metropolitan area. A number of the highways have
been selected.
Enclose preserves the original objects. The selected objects are used as the input
objects, and the results of the operation are placed in the current editable layer in the
active Map window.
When you include regions and other closed objects in the Enclose command (regions,
rectangles, rounded rectangles, and ellipses), the input regions are considered
polylines for the purposes of this operation. The regions are converted to polyline
objects, and then the Enclose operation is performed. It is the same as if you were to
first convert any closed objects to polyline objects, and then perform the Enclose
If your selection contains objects that are not linear and are not closed (e.g., points,
multipoints, collections or text objects), you will get an error. If the selection contains
closed objects, and the Ignore Region Objects box is checked, then these closed objects
will be ignored.
Checking Regions
You can check region maps for possibly incorrect data with the Check Regions
command. Check Regions detects errors in your data that may produce problems or
incorrect results when various operations are performed.
Check Regions acts on the currently selected objects. The objects must reside in one
layer, and they must all be closed objects. Results are placed in the current editable
layer in the active Map window. No data aggregation or disaggregation is performed
and no data is associated with the objects created.
The Self-Intersection Detection option enables you to check your regions for self
intersections. When you use this option, Check Regions creates a point at the location
where the data may be incorrect. To change the symbol used to indicate self
intersections, click the Style button in the Self-Intersection Detection group to display
the Symbol Style dialog, You can make the desired changes here.
The Overlap Detection option checks the data for places where regions overlap each
other. When you use this option, Check Regions creates regions that represent any
areas of overlap. To change the fill of the overlap regions, click the Style button in the
Overlap Detection group to display the Region Style dialog. You can make the desired
changes here.
The Gap Detection option checks the data for places where region boundaries do not
line up, causing a space or gap between regions. Some gaps in boundary data may be
naturally occuring, such as a lake. Generally, gaps that are errors are caused by
misaligned boundaries, and are generally small. A maximon gap area must be entered
for gap detection. Gaps larger than this area are ignored and not flagged. This should
help differentiate natural gaps, such as lakes, from misalignment errors. To change the
fill of the gap regions, click the Style button in Gap Detection group to display the
Region Style dialog.
To use the Check Regions command:
1. Make sure your Map window is active and that you have an editable layer.
2. Select the region object(s) that you want to check.
3. Choose Objects>Check Regions. The Check Region Objects dialog displays.
Cleaning Objects
The Clean command available from the Objects menu enables you to remove any self-
intersections in your region data and optionally alter region data to remove overlaps
and/or gaps. Clean is available whenever there are objects selected, and the table that
the objects are in is editable.
Note: All of the objects selected must be closed objects (e.g., regions, rectangles,
rounded rectangles or ellipses).
To use the Clean command:
1. Open any Map window that includes a region layer.
2. Make the region layer editable if it is not already (Map>Layer Control).
3. Select the objects that you want to clean. Ideally, all the objects in the table
would be selected.
4. Choose Objects>Clean. The Clean Objects dialog displays.
5. Select the Enable Overlap Removal check box to remove any overlapping
areas. The area of overlap will be retained in the region that has the largest
area; the overlap will be removed from any other overlapping regions.
6. Select the Enable Gap Removal check box to remove any gaps between
regions, where the area of the gap is less than the area provided. The area of
the gap will be added to the region with the largest area that touches the gap.
Specify a maximum gap area and the area units you want to use.
7. Click OK.
There are several things you should be aware of when using the Clean command.
Although Clean works on a selection of objects, it is designed to be used on an entire
table at once. If clean is used on a selection, rather than on the whole table, problems
can occur. For example, if not all the objects are included in the Clean operation, some
of the object intersections can be missed, and data problems can remain.
In addition, Clean could introduce new overlaps and gaps if not all of the objects in
the table are used as input. The Clean operation places new nodes at the point of each
intersection it encounters. The presence of these nodes can slightly change the size
and shape of objects, although you would have to be zoomed in very close to the site
of the new nodes to notice it. These slight alterations have the potential to create small
gaps and overlaps in what were previously common boundaries with other objects
not included in the Clean operation.
Clean also removes the overlap when one object is completely inside another,
however, if one object is completely inside another object, the object which is inside
(often smaller than the containing object) remains, while a hole is punched in the
containing object. The result does not contain any overlaps.
For polylines, the End Node tolerance must be greater than or equal to the Internal
Node tolerance. You will receive a warning message if they are not. In many instances,
the End Node and Internal Node tolerances should be set to the same value, although
they can be set separately.
For regions, the designation of end nodes and internal nodes is irrelevant, since the
nodes of regions form closed loops. Therefore, when you specify tolerance settings for
regions, the End Nodes Tolerance box is unavailable. The only tolerance value you
specify is the Internal Node Tolerance. This value is used for all nodes in region
Specify the unit of measurement for the snap tolerance in the Tolerance Units drop-
down list.
The Node Separation tolerance is used to thin nodes within an object that are close
together. If two successive nodes in an object are closer than the Distance tolerance,
then one of the nodes is removed from the object. Set the unit of measurement for the
Thinning/Generalization values in the Distance Units drop-down list.
5. Specify the Inter-Object Node Snap settings. Select the Enable Node Snap
check box to activate the settings.
6. Specify the End Node, Internal Node, and the Tolerance units.
All other object types, including Points, Lines, Arcs, Rectangles, Rounded Rectangles,
and Ellipses, will remain unchanged.
To disaggregate objects:
1. Select the objects you want to disaggregate.
2. Choose Objects>Disaggregate. The Disaggregate Objects dialog displays.
3. Choose one of the following:
Select the All Objects button to break up a multi-part object into its
component parts.
Select the Collections Only button to break up Collection objects.
4. If you selected All Objects, check the Retain Holes in Region box to retain
holes in the output objects. If you do not select the check box, a series of single
polygon region objects will be produced, one object for each polygon in the
original object. Holes, or interior boundaries, will produce solid polygon
regions. No output region object will contain any holes.
5. Choose Next. The Data Disaggregation dialog displays.
6. Select the No Data check box to prevent columns from the input table being
carried to the output table.
7. Select a Disaggregation method: Value, Blank, or Area Proportion.
8. Click OK.
You would like to search for all underground cable wires that are buried within 440
yards of Interstate 90. Or, you would like to contact all families with pre-school age
children who live within five miles of a proposed school district. You know that you
can search within regions for objects. But how do you create regions that fit the above
descriptions? You create buffers.
Creating Buffers
A buffer is a region that surrounds a line object, another region, symbol, or any other
object in a Map window. For example, you can create a buffer region that surrounds
Interstate 90 by 440 yards on either side. You can create a buffer region that surrounds
the proposed school district by five miles on all borders. Both the 440 yards and five
miles are their respective regions’ buffer radii. The table of buffers is then joined to
data associated with the original objects buffered.
To create a buffer, make the layer editable, and select the object or objects on which
you will base your buffer region. Choose Objects > Buffer. To create a buffer:
• Specify a buffer radius: either a constant value, a data field from the table, or
an expression.
• Set the number of segments per circle.
Once MI Pro has created the buffer region, it puts it in the editable layer.
Buffer Radius
The buffer radius determines the dimensions of the buffer region. For example, if you
want to create a region that covers an area one mile on either side of a freeway, set
your buffer radius to 1 mile. If you choose to use a field from the table or an
expression, MI Pro will calculate the radius of the buffer based on that value.
You can set the radius to be a constant value or you can choose a data value from the
table to be used as the radius. For example, to create buffers around major cities that
reflect the size of their population, choose the population field as the value.
You can go even farther to calculate the buffer radius using an expression. For
instance, you want to create buffers around cities showing the population density.
Since you do not have a field containing population density, you will need to write an
expression that can calculate density from population and area. This is no different
than writing an expression for thematic mapping or query selection.
Buffer Methods
You can create a single buffer to include all selected objects, or create individual
buffers for each object.
There are two ways you can buffer multiple objects at the same time. The first method
is to create one buffer for all objects. Buffers are produced around each input object,
and the resulting buffer objects are combined into a single output object.
A more powerful method is to create one buffer for each object. For example, you
have a layer of satellite offices. You would like to create a five-mile radius buffer
around every satellite office symbol. You select all office symbols (with either the
Select All command or Select tool), choose Objects > Buffer, and select the option One
buffer for each object. MI Pro creates five mile buffer polygons around each point.
With this method, MI Pro considers the resulting buffers as individual region objects.
The final combine operation is not performed.
Once you create a buffer region, you can search for objects within it, as with any other
To buffer objects:
1. Select the objects that you want to buffer. Make sure there is an editable layer
in the mapper. The output buffered objects will be placed in that layer.
2. Choose Objects > Buffer. The Buffer dialog displays.
3. Select appropriate buffer radius, segments per circle, distance type calculation
to use, and buffer method as described.
6. Specify the radius for each buffer ring, from smallest to largest. To do so, type
the first radius into the radius box, and specify the units in the Units drop-
down list. Click the Add Ring button to add the radius to the Buffer Radii list.
Proceed in this manner for each radius, keeping in mind to go from smallest
to largest.
7. Specify the table in which you want to store the buffers. This table will
include columns containing the ring number, radius value, radius units, area,
and area units for each ring.
8. When you have finished the buffer settings, click OK.
You can change the smoothness setting of the buffer, as well as change or delete rings
in the Buffer Radii list. To change the style of a buffer ring, select it in the Buffer Radii
list, and use the style buttons to change the fill pattern and line style for the buffer.
You can also aggregate data within each buffer ring using the Calculate Ring Statistics
2. Select the type of convex hull objects you want to create. You have two
• The One output object for all input objects button is the default setting. It
creates one convex hull object around all of the selected objects.
• The One output object for each input object button creates a convex hull
object around each selected object.
3. Click OK. Your map redisplays. The convex hull object(s) is displayed over
the input objects.
The convex hull object is selected when it displays. To change the fill of the convex
hull object, do one of the following:
• Double-click on it to display the Region Object dialog. Click on the Style icon
at the bottom of the dialog to display the Region Style dialog. Make any
changes you like and click OK.
• Select the convex hull object, if it is not already, and choose Options>Region
Style. The Region Style dialog displays. Make the changes you want and click
While you can print individual Map, Browser, and Graph windows directly without
the Layout window (File > Print), you can only print a thematic legend by first adding
it to a Layout window. You can also print the data contained in the Info tool, statistics
and message windows from the Layout Window.
The Layout window is available as soon as you open MI Pro. Choose Window > New
Layout window to access it. When the Layout window is active, MI Pro puts a Layout
menu on the menu bar, allowing access to a number of layout features.
When you add your windows to the Layout window, MI Pro places them inside
layout frames. Using frames to hold your maps and browsers allows you to resize and
reposition your windows with ease. The contents of the frame match the contents of
the corresponding Map, Browser or Graph window.
The Layout window provides dynamic linking between it and a parent window. For
instance, if you change the zoom in a Map window, that map will be updated in the
Layout window once you make the Layout window active again.
The rest of this chapter is devoted to learning how best to create a layout, move
around in the Layout window, and customize your layout using a variety of options.
3. As stated previously, there must be a separate Map window for each view
you want to include in a layout. Instead of re-opening the tables to re-create
the Map window, you can use Map > Clone View to create a duplicate Map
window. Choose Map > Clone View.
4. A new Map window displays. Zoom out on this map to create the overview
Note: The new Map window is independent of the original Map window. You
may add or remove layers without changing the original map.
Autolabeler Tool
This application gives you the same labeling functionality as in MapInfo 3.0. This
MapBasic application lets the user determine what layer to autolabel. The labels are
drawn in the Cosmetic layer where they can then be edited and saved.
Labeler Tool
While labels in MI Pro are attributes of the map layer, text objects look like labels but
behave like other annotations you draw on the map. The text objects are stored in the
Cosmetic layer, and you can save them to a table.
The Labeler utility available from the Tool Manager (Tools>Tool Manager) helps you
use text objects to perform several common labeling tasks:
• Convert labels into text objects, so that they can be saved in a permanent
• Create labels for only the currently-selected objects.
• Draw text objects one at a time using the Text Label button. This allows
you to create multiple annotations for a single map feature, which is
something you cannot do using labels.
Rotating Labels
The RotateLabel tool contains support for labels in Layouts. Load the tool through the
Tool Manager, make the Map window active, and choose Tools>Rotate Labels. Make
sure that you select the Prepare labels for use in Layout window check box when you
are setting your Rotate Label options.
Creating a Layout
Creating a layout involves adding your Map, Legend, Graph, and Browser windows
to the Layout window, positioning these items where you want them, and adding any
annotations such as text and titles so that your final layout presents the message you
want to send.
You bring your windows into the Layout window by adding them to placeholders, or
frames. A frame is a graphic object through which you can view a window. Each
frame may contain the contents of one Map, Graph, Browser, or Legend window.
At the New Layout Window dialog, you have three options. You can add one frame to
the layout, add frames for all currently open windows, or create a blank Layout
window (no frames).
Each situation is described below.
Situation Description
One Frame for Window MI Pro places a single open frame in the center of the layout. You
select the contents of this frame through the drop-down menu that
lists all open windows.
If you choose a Map or Graph window from this list and there is an
active map legend, MI Pro automatically places the legend in the
layout. You can reposition or delete this legend from the layout.
Legends are positioned in the same way as Map, Browser, and Graph
windows. Their relative locations are preserved on the screen.
Frames for all This option tells MI Pro to place all open windows in the layout. Since
Currently open MI Pro places windows in the approximate location and size as they
Windows appear in the MI Pro window, you should arrange and size the
windows before you bring them into the layout.
No Frames If you prefer, you can create a blank layout by choosing the No
Frames option. If you do not have any windows open, choosing New
Layout Window automatically creates a blank layout. The New
Layout Window dialog does not display.
Moving Frames
Once you have brought in the windows you wish to include in the layout, you can
reposition or resize them to create a professional looking product.
To move a frame, click on the frame with the Select tool and hold down the mouse
button. When the cursor becomes a four-headed arrow (after about one second), drag
the frame to the new location and release the mouse button.
Each alignment can be performed with respect to each object or to the entire layout.
When you choose the entire layout, the objects are aligned with respect to the top,
bottom, left, and right edges or margins of the layout.
If you want to align objects with respect to each other, the objects are aligned with
respect to an imaginary rectangle, called the bounding rectangle, that completely
encloses the objects. The horizontal and vertical settings you choose position the
objects at the top, bottom, left, right, and horizontal or vertical center lines of the
bounding rectangle, rather than at the edges of the layout.
The Distribute option tells MI Pro to distribute the vertical and horizontal space
between objects evenly.
You can perform multiple alignments in one layout.
To align the small map and text that are located side by side below the large map,
select the small map first. Shift-click to select the text without cancelling the selection
of the small map. (You can also use the Marquee Select tool to select both at once.)
Choose Layout > Align Objects. Align the two objects so that they are vertically
centered with respect to each other. In the Align Objects dialog, disregard the
horizontal component for the moment (make sure it says Don’t change) and choose
Align Center of from the drop-down list in the vertical component. Choose with
respect to each other and click OK.
The layout readjusts by moving the objects vertically to show the centers of the map
and text lined up with each other.
Now you want to align the large and small maps so that their left edges are
horizontally aligned with respect to each other. Select the two objects and choose
Layout > Align Objects. In the Align Objects dialog choose Align left edges of and
with respect to each other in the horizontal component. In the vertical component
choose Don’t change. Click OK.
The map now shows the left edges of the two maps in alignment.
As a final alignment, you want to align the right edges of the large map and the
browser. Select the objects and specify Align right edges of the selected objects with
respect to each other.
Your layout now looks like this:
Map Scale
One of the most difficult tasks in generating good output is setting the scale of the
map. There are two ways to set the map scale. The first method is to choose Map >
Change View. This scale setting affects the on-screen scale of your map according to
your monitor size. This scale setting isn’t used as often, because generally the scale on
screen does not need to be exact. Use the on-screen scale when you are making a
presentation that will be viewed directly in MI Pro.
Accurate scale is more important on the printed map. To get the correct scale for
output, you must coordinate the Map window with the Layout window. You must
also decide on the desired end result. For example, you may want a map that has a
1:25000 scale and fits in a nine inch Layout frame. If this is the case, you will have to
alter the zoom level of your map to fit these conditions. Or, in the case where you
must show a set distance across the map, you may have to allow for a larger page size.
The following two formulas will help you set the right map zoom, scale, and frame
For example, you need to make a map that will be in a scale of 1:24000 and fit in an
eight inch frame. You need to determine the zoom level that will accommodate the
map scale and frame width. Calculate the following:
((8 * 24000) / 12) / 5280) = 3.03
Then use Map > Change View and enter 3.03 miles as your new zoom level.
Note: The objects that make up the scalebar are drawn to the Cosmetic layer. To
move the scalebar, make sure that all of the objects are selected, and click
and drag the scalebar to a new location.
Customizing a Layout
You have tremendous flexibility in designing your layout in MI Pro. You can choose
whether to display the contents of a layout frame at all times, set margins and number
of pages for the layout, add text, and create drop shadows around layout objects.
Status Description
Always MI Pro always displays the contents of the frames in the Layout
window. This option allows you to make changes in the Map or
Browser window, and view those changes in the corresponding frame
in the layout. This applies even when the Layout window is not
active, useful when you are doing precision work in another window.
Only when Layout MI Pro only displays the contents of frames when the Layout window
window is Active is the active window. When another window is active, MI Pro
displays the titles of windows in the frames.
Never MI Pro never displays the contents of the frames. It only displays the
titles of the windows in the frames. Choose this option when
rearranging or resizing frames. This option allows you to reposition
and resize frames quickly without waiting for each one to redraw.
Specify the margins you want for your layout. The screenshot above shows 1-inch
margins: left, right, top, and bottom. The dotted lines around the sample page in the
dialog indicate the margins.
Click OK to return to the Layout window. A gray area displays around the edge of the
layout, indicating the margin. Layout objects can extend into the margin, but you may
not be able to print those objects.
MI Pro also allows you to create multi-page layouts. The layout will be printed in
pieces that you can then assemble to make a large layout. To create a multi-page
layout, specify in the Layout Display Options dialog how many pages high and how
many pages wide you want the layout to be. The pages are tiled with the interior
margins hidden.
For example, in order to show the appropriate level of detail on your map of city
streets, you want to print the map measuring 10 inches high by 15 inches wide. Since
this size map will not fit on a single page, either at portrait (8 1/2 x 11 inches) or
landscape (11 x 8 1/2 inches) orientation, you will need to specify a multi-page layout.
In the Options dialog, choose 2 pages for the width and 1 page for the height of the
layout (for portrait printing) MI Pro will print the 10x15 inch map across the two
You can experiment with different arrangements in the Layout window. MI Pro uses
dotted boxes to differentiate among pages in a multi-page layout. If you do not want
MI Pro to display these page breaks, clear the Show Page Breaks box.
Customizing Text
You will most likely want to annotate your layout titles or labels for individual layout
components. Use the Text tool on the Drawing Toolbar for this. To customize the text,
select the text and choose Options > Text Style. You can change the size, color, and
style of the font and add a background color to make the text stand out on the page.
You can also rotate the text by selecting it and grabbing the rotating text handle that
appears off the lower right corner of the text object. Move it to a new angle and release
the mouse button.
Double-click on the text object to display the Text Object dialog for even more options,
such as justification, line spacing, and adding a label line.
North Arrows
Add a North Arrow to a Map or Layout window and optionally, add a Magnetic
Declination Arrow. Use the North Arrow tool from the Tool Manager or use the North
Arrow button on the Tools Toolbar to draw a rectangle and place the North Arrow at
the specified location.
The NorthArrow.mbx is found in the Tools > Tool Manager, it is not autoloaded by
default. When the North Arrow is loaded, it displays as the Tools > North Arrow
menu option and as a button on the Tools toolbar.
1. Choose Tools > North Arrow.
2. Choose Setup North Arrow to establish defaults for inserting a North Arrow.
Choose Draw North Arrow to insert a North Arrow using the defaults already
designated in Setup North Arrow, or to override those defaults.
Choose Tool Toolbar > North Arrow button.
Select Arrow Style As you choose a number, the corresponding arrow style displays in
the preview box.
Point North Arrow Stretch the North Arrow to fit the contents of the drawn arrow.
to top of map. Available in a both the Map and Layout Window when using the
North Arrow button.
Use aspect ratio of Draw the North Arrow at the original aspect.
rectangle you draw. Available in a both the Map and Layout Window when using the
North Arrow button.
Use aspect ratio of Available in a both the Map and Layout Window when using the
selected North North Arrow button.
Insertion Corner Choose which corner in which to place the North Arrow: NorthWest,
NorthEast, SouthEast, SouthWest.
This is not available if the North Arrow is enabled using the North
Arrow button; the Arrow is placed at the cursor location.
Adding a Logo
As you complete your Layout, you may be required to add information such as the
creation date, author, and project name. This can be accomplished with MI Pro’s
drawing tools. You may also want to add a logo to your final map. MI Pro will let you
add a raster image containing your logo. To add a logo to your Layout window:
1. Set up your Layout window with the map and any other information you
would like to include.
2. Choose File > Open. Set the Preferred View to New Mapper. Change the File
Type to Raster. Switch to the directory containing your logo, and select the file
name. Click Open.
3. A MI Pro dialog displays asking if you would like to register the image or
simply display the image. Click the Display button. Your logo displays in its
own Map window.
4. Click in the title bar of your Layout window to make it the active window.
5. Using the Frame tool from the Drawing toolbar, create a frame where you
want to place your logo.
6. The Frame Object dialog box displays. In the Window box, choose the name
of the Map window containing your logo. Click OK.
7. Your logo displays in the frame.
8. To remove the Frame’s border, select it and choose Options > Region Style. Set
the border style to N and click OK.
Printing a Layout
Now that you have completed your professional looking layout, printing is a simple
Page Setup
First check that your page setup is what you want. Any changes to the page setup will
likely affect the layout, so it is a good idea to view the effect of the changes on your
layout before printing. Choose File > Page Setup. Here, you can specify the page
orientation (portrait or landscape) and margins. You can also specify the paper size
and its source.
In addition, you can override your default printer setting and choose a different
printer for this print job. Click the Printer button to display the Page Setup dialog for
your printer. The printer that initially displays is the default printer that you set in the
Printer preferences (Options>Preferences>Printer). This will either be the Windows
default printer, or the MI Pro preferred printer that you selected. Make any changes
you want to the printer and its properties, and click OK. The settings available in the
Printer Properties dialog will vary according to the printer you are using.
Printing Options
When you are ready to print, make sure the Layout window is active and choose File
> Print. The Print dialog displays. Choose the number of copies you want to print and
whether you want all pages or a specific range of pages to print. As in the Page Setup
dialog, the Print dialog also allows you to override the default printer settings. Click
the Name drop-down list in the Print dialog to select a different printer. All of the
printers available on your system display in the list. You can specify printer properties
here as well, plus specify whether to print to a file.
Use the new advanced print settings to take advantage of additional output options
that help you control transparency and color, particularly for raster images.
Note: Changes you make to these settings override the default settings in the
Output preferences for this printing job.
In the Print dialog, click the Advanced button. The Advanced Printing Options dialog
Indicate whether you want to print your Layout using the new Enhanced Metafile
format, or with the method used in previous versions of MI Pro (Print Directly to
Next, indicate how you want to handle transparency. If you have transparent vector
fill patterns and symbols, check the Internal Handling for Transparent Vector Fills and
Symbols box to have MI Pro handle the transparency internally. If you are using
transparency in a raster image, clear the Use ROP Method to Display Transparent
Raster box to have MI Pro handle the transparency internally. The image will be
broken down into small rectangular regions that do not contain transparency. It is
recommended that you check this option because printers do not always handle
transparent raster images correctly.
Note: This method may produce large plot files.
If you are using 24-bit, true color raster images, check the Print Raster in True Color
When Possible box, and select a dither method from the Dither Method drop-down
The Print Border for Map Window check box is not available for Layout windows.
You can control the border for each frame by selecting the frame and setting Options >
Region Style.
Electronic Output
More and more often, users want to save their maps electronically to files rather than
print them on paper. MI Pro offers many choices for electronic map output.
Exporting a Layout
The easiest way to make electronic copies of maps and layouts from MI Pro is to use
the File > Save Window As command. You can export to Windows Bitmap, Windows
Metafile, Windows Enhanced Metafile, JPEG File Interchange Format, JPEG 2000,
Portable Network Graphics Format, Tagged Image file Format(TIFF), CMYK, and
Photoshop 3.0.
When using the Save Window As command, keep in mind that all additions and edits
must be made in the Map window. When you have the Map window the way you
want it, then create the Layout window.
You can use the new advanced export options to produce better quality output. The
same transparency and raster options available when you print your Layout are also
available when you export the Layout. Click the Advanced button in the Save
Window As dialog to display the Advanced Exporting Options dialog. The same
check box settings are available.
As with the advanced print options, changes you make to the advanced export
settings override the default settings in the Output preferences for this export
operation. See Chapter 6, Working with Preferences for more complete information.
What Is a Database?
A database is a collection of information organized so that it can be readily accessed
through a computer. Databases in MI Pro are often referred to as tables.
To understand MI Pro, you need a basic understanding of database organization, in
particular, three fundamental concepts: record, field, and index.
Consider the following list of typical address information.
Each row in the list contains information about one person. In database terms, each
row is a record. Each record contains several different kinds of information about the
person. Those different kinds of information are called fields. The fields correspond to
the columns so that the table shown above contains four different fields (LastName,
FirstName, Address, and ZIPCode).
Database fields are ordered (first, second, third, fourth, etc.), and the basic convention
is that the first field is displayed as the first column in the database. The second field
is in the column to the right of the first, and so on to the last field, which is displayed
in the rightmost column.
Notice, however, that this table isn’t listed in the order in which address book entries
are usually listed, which is alphabetical. Databases use indices to speed the querying
process. Without indices it would be tedious to find anything in a database with
hundreds of records, not to mention databases with thousands and tens of thousands
of records.
A database index works on the same principle as a book index. A book index lists
topics that appear in the book. The index entries are arranged in alphabetical order,
making it easy for us to find the topic we want. When we find the topic, we also find a
page number (or several page numbers) and we go to those pages in the book to read
about the topic. The page number acts as a pointer to the location of the information.
Database indices work in a similar way, except that they generally work behind the
scenes. You don’t ever see them. But the computer constructs them and allows you to
use them in your work.
The physical order of records in a database is not generally meaningful; it is simply
the order in which the records were entered into the database. Just as the book index is
a list of topics arranged in alphabetic order, a database index is a list of pointers that
allows the computer to work with the records in some coherent order. That order, of
course, must come from the information in the records themselves. The list of pointers
corresponds, or is keyed, to a field in the database. An index allows the computer to
work with the records according to the order of items in the key field.
An index speeds up the process of searching through the database for information. In
fact, MI Pro requires a field to be indexed in order to use the Query > Find command.
Indices are also used to improve performance in SQL Select and joins.
MI Pro Tables
Now that you understand a little more about databases, let’s put it in the context of
MI Pro.
In MI Pro you can work with a variety of table types. Data tables are like the address
table we just discussed. Most tables in MI Pro are of this type. Further subdividing
this class of tables are data tables that contain graphic objects (map objects) and data
tables that do not (such as spreadsheets or external database tables).
Raster tables are graphic images that you can display in a Map window. These
computerized pictures do not have the same table structure of record, field, and index
as data tables do, and therefore, will not be discussed in this chapter. For more on
raster images, see Chapter 19, Displaying Raster Images. You can also work with Grid
The following information applies to data tables.
Linked Tables
A linked table is a special kind of MI Pro table that is downloaded from a remote
database and retains links to its remote database table.
You can perform most operations on a linked table that you do for a regular MI Pro
table. For instance, you can view, edit, copy, save, and rename a linked table just as
you could a regular MI Pro table. However, there are some things you can’t do to a
linked table. For instance, you can’t pack a linked table. You also can’t modify the
table structure of a linked table (but you can modify its MI Pro index structure).
You have live access to remote databases, enabling you to make changes to your
remote database directly. To learn about linked tables and find out about live DBMS/
remote database access, see Chapter 23, Accessing Remote Database Data.
2. Choose Open New Browser so that the new table will be open in its
traditional tabular form in a window.
3. Choose OK. The New Table Structure dialog displays.
4. Choose Add Field to begin building the database’s structure. Give the field a
name, type, width, and specify whether the field will be indexed.
5. Continue to add fields until you have the number you want.
6. Use the Up and Down buttons to reorder the fields. Keep in mind that the
order of fields in this dialog (top to bottom) will actually display as columns
(left to right) in the Browser window.
7. Choose Create. The Create New Table dialog displays.
Note: Do not use “Districts” as a name for your base tables. MI Pro uses
“Districts” internally as a system table when beginning a redistricting
See the section on Microsoft Access Tables later in this chapter for information on
creating a new Access table.
Opening Shapefiles
You can open ESRI® Shapefiles directly from the Open dialog.
To open a shapefile:
1. Choose File > Open. The Open dialog display.
2. In the Files of type drop-down list, choose Shapefile (.shp).
3. Select the shapefile to open; press Open.
4. Specify name and location of newly created TAB file. By default, the TAB file
location is the directory specified in Preferences. The name of the TAB file is
the same name as that of the Shapefile.
5. Press Save: the Shapefile Information dialog displays. This information is
only required the first time a shapefile is opened. The default Styles and
default Projection designated in Options > Preferences are used.
• The Access table being brought into MI Pro must be a flat Access table, i.e.,
the table must not contain fields that point to data in other Access tables.
• Memo, OLE, and Replication ID field types from an Access table will not be
brought into MI Pro.
• Text field length cannot exceed 254 characters. If the length exceeds 254
characters, the field is brought in as read-only.
• Zero length strings are not allowed.
2. Choose Microsoft Access Database from the Files of type menu. The Access
databases (.mdb) for the specified location display.
3. Choose an Access database to open. If database security is turned on, you will
be prompted to give the password for the database.
The Open Access Table dialog displays the tables for the opened database.
4. Choose an Access table or tables to open. The table or tables are opened in MI
MI Pro handles Access files the same way it handles opening files in other formats in
MI Pro. After you open the Access table in MI Pro for the first time, MI Pro creates a
definition for the table and gives it a .TAB extension. This enables you to it treat it like
any other MI Pro table. The next time you open the file, you would open it as you
would any other MI Pro table.
Please note that even though the table now has the .TAB extension in MI Pro, your
data is still in your original Access database table and is not a duplicate.
1. In the Save in field, specify the location where you want to create the MI Pro
table definition of your Access file. The MI Pro table definition is the .tab file.
It is used by MI Pro to keep information about an Access file registered in MI
2. In the Save As Type field choose Microsoft Access Database.
3. Click Save in the Create New Table dialog. The Save Access Table dialog
displays. The default database displays in the dialog. The default is
determined by the name of the .tab file you entered. The default has the same
name as the .tab file. A database for this file may or may not exist.
If the database you specified does not exist, the Save Access Table dialog
enables you to specify the version of Microsoft Access you want to use for the
database. Choose either Microsoft Access 2000 or Microsoft Access ’95/’97
from the Version drop-down list.
If a database does exist, the Save Access Table dialog indicates the version of
the database. It also lists the tables in the database.
4. To create your table in the default database, use the default file name or enter
a new one in the Enter the name of the new Access table box. The default file
name is the same name specified in the Create New Table dialog. Click OK.
MI Pro creates the new table to the default database.
To create your table in a database other than the default, proceed to step 5.
5. Click the Database button. The Select Access Database dialog displays.
6. In the Save in drop-down list, specify the location of the Access database. This
is where you will create the table.
7. Click on the database you want to create the table in. The name displays in
the File Name box. To specify a new database, enter the name in the File name
8. Choose Save. The Save Access Table dialog displays again.
If you chose an existing database, the name and version display in the dialog.
Any tables already in the database are listed in the Existing Tables box.
If you specified a new database, select the database version from the Version
drop-down list. Choose either Access 2000 or Access ’95/’97.
9. The file name you chose in the Create New table dialog is displayed in the
Enter the name of the new Access table box. You can use this name or specify
a different name. Click OK. MI Pro creates the table as a Microsoft Access
table in the database you specified.
2. In the Save in field, specify the location where you want to save the MI Pro
table definition of your Access file. The MI Pro table definition is the .tab file.
It is used by MI Pro to keep information about an Access file registered in MI
3. In the Save As Type field choose Microsoft Access Database.
4. Choose Save. The Save Access Table dialog displays. The default database
displays in the dialog. The default is determined by the .tab file you selected.
It has the same name as the .tab file. A database for this file may or may not
If the database you specified does not exist, the Save Access Table dialog
enables you to specify the version of Microsoft Access you want to use for the
database. Choose either Microsoft Access 2000 or Microsoft Access ’95/’97
from the Version drop-down list.
If a database does exist, the Save Access Table dialog indicates the version of
the database, as shown below. It also lists the tables in the database.
5. To save your table to the default database, use the default file name or enter a
new one in the Enter the name of the new Access table box. The default file
name is the same name specified in the Save Copy As dialog. Click OK. MI
Pro saves the new table to the default database.
To save your table to a database other than the default, proceed to step 6.
6. Click the Database button. The Select Access Database dialog displays.
7. In the Save in drop-down list, specify the location of the Access database. This
is where you will save the table.
8. Click on the database you want to save the table in. The name displays in the
File Name box. To specify a new database, enter the name in the File name
9. Choose Save. The Save Access Table dialog displays again.
If you chose an existing database, the name and version display in the dialog.
Any tables already in the database are listed in the Existing Tables box.
If you specified a new database, select the database version from the Version
drop-down list. Choose either Access 2000 or Access ’95/’97.
10. If you want to use a different file name, enter the name in the Enter the name
of the new Access table box, and click OK. MI Pro saves the table as a
Microsoft Access table in the database you specified.
When choosing a name for your new table that begins with a number, MI Pro adds an
underscore to the beginning of the table name. For instance, your table
will become
Saving a copy of a raster table only saves a copy of the *.TAB file, not the image. You
cannot change the projection of a raster or grid table by using Save Copy As. You
must use Table > Raster > Modify Image Registration.
Since MI Pro supports long filenames, it is easier to give the new table a name that is
descriptive and at the same time distinguishes it from the original file.
Note: MI Pro does not maintain some objects when saving a copy of a Version 3.0
table in Version 2.x format. These objects include multiple polyline objects
and polygons/polylines containing more than 8,000 nodes. In addition,
region objects containing donut objects, while maintained, are handled
differently in MapInfo 2.x.
Renaming a raster file only changes the *.TAB file name. Renaming a grid file changes
both the *.TAB and grid file name.
If the corresponding columns do not have the same data type, a best fit is done to
convert the data to the appropriate type. If the order of the columns is not the same
between the two tables, use Table > Maintenance > Table Structure to reorder the
columns before using Append Rows to Table.
Note: If tables are mappable, the bounds of the map in one table must be large
enough to allow objects from the other table to fit within it. Otherwise, the
objects will be distorted to the bounds of the Mapper. Use the Check/Set
Coordsys Bounds tool to alter the map bounds of the table if this occurs.
Deleting a Table
Deleting a table allows you to remove the .tab file and all component files associated
with the table.
To delete a table:
1. Choose Table > Maintenance > Delete Table.
2. Choose the table to delete and click OK.
A message displays to inform you that the table will be permanently deleted and the
operation cannot be undone.
3. Click OK and MI Pro deletes the table.
Deleting a raster table will only delete the *.TAB file. Deleting a grid file removes both
the *.TAB and grid file.
Packing a Table
Packing a table allows you to compress tables to take up less disk space. You can
choose to pack only tabular data or graphic objects or both. Packing tabular data
removes deleted records.
When you pack a table, MI Pro requires that you have twice as much free space as the
table takes up to handle a copy of the database as a scratch file.
To pack a table:
1. Choose Table > Maintenance > Pack Table. The Pack Table dialog displays.
2. Choose the appropriate table and whether you want to pack tabular or
graphic data, or both.
3. Click OK.
Note: Packing a table can corrupt customized labels saved to a workspace. If you are
going to be working with customized labels, pack the table before you create the
Notice the Join button is activated when you select Add new temporary colum. In this
example the Join operation will match columns in each table based on a common
column name (where State from table STATES matches State from table CUSTOMER).
In other situations you can match information based on common geography.
At the Calculate list box, choose Sum from the list that includes Value, Avg, Count,
Min, Max, Sum, WtAvg, Proportion Sum, Proportion Avg, and Proportion WtAvg.
(For a discussion of these functions, see Aggregating Data with Update Column later
in this chapter.)
At the Of list box, MI Pro automatically defaults to the first numeric field in the table
when you choose any function other than value.
Click OK when through. MI Pro updates the STATES table and reports the order
amount by state in a Browser.
When the order amount of a customer changes, you can simply make the change in
the CUSTOMER table. MI Pro automatically updates the sum of the order amount for
that state in the STATES table. To save the temporary column, choose File > Save Copy
Click OK. MI Pro creates a query table of the southeastern states with the District
column containing the value Southeast. Be sure to save the table to preserve the new
The Column to update is LAST, and we get the Value from the column that
has the full name in it. Remember we are only working with one table, so the
Table to Update and Get Value From Table should be the same table. In the
following example, the table is TABLE1 and the full name column is
your_full_name_column. You should fill in your own values for these two
4. To parse the first name out of the full name column, choose Table > Update
Column. Fill in the Update Column dialog as shown below.
The Column to Update is FIRST, and the Value is: left$(LAST, instr(1,LAST,” “)).
5. To parse the last name out of the full name column, choose Table > Update
Column. Fill in the Update Column dialog as shown below.
The Column to update is LAST, and the Value is: Right$(LAST, Len(LAST)-
Instr(1,LAST,” “)).
6. To parse the middle name out of the full name column, choose Table > Update
Column. Fill in the Update Column dialog as shown below.
Update the MIDDLE column with the Value: Left$(LAST, Instr(1,LAST,” “)).
7. Then update the LAST column again by choosing Table > Update Column
and filling in the dialog as shown below.
Repeat the process to retrieve the latitude coordinates using the expression
CentroidY(obj). Choose File > Save Table to permanently store the coordinates in the
Note: If you edit the objects, which, in effect, changes the coordinates, you must
go back into the columns to make the changes. It will not automatically
Note that average, count, min, max, sum, and weighted average operate on data
values only. The proportion functions take geographic relationships into account.
The best location of the mall will be at the site that returns the highest value of the
temporary column, as shown in the Browser below.
Oracle 8.1.7
MI Pro’s implementation of v.8.1.7 of Oracle Spatial does contain any significant
changes from from v.8.1.6.
Oracle9i Overview
MI Pro Support
MI Pro supports Oracle Spatial, v. 8.1.6, v.8.1.7, 9i with the same functionality that it
supported for v. 8.1.6. It will read and write spatial tables from the database and
execute spatial queries against them.
4. Select the corresponding check boxes next to the drivers you want to install.
To cancel a selection, clear the check mark by clicking the driver again. Click
Next to complete the driver installation.
After installing the drivers, you can begin creating data sources.
3. Click on the driver you want to associate with the database to select it.
4. Click Finish. A driver-specific Setup dialog box for the data source appears.
(The source of this dialog is the ODBC Administrator.)
Since each driver is different, each data source requires a different
configuration. Because of this, each data source has a unique Setup dialog
In general, configuration usually includes the data source name, description,
and server name. Optional configurations might include server list, default
logon ID and application name. (Refer to the Merant DataDirect ODBC
Drivers Online Help topic, Configuring Data Sources, for the data source you
want to configure.) There is a help file for each driver distributed as part of MI
Pro and is located in the Windows system directory. The help files are named
as follows: MIdrv17.HLP, where drv is the name of a driver. For example,
MIINF17.HLP is the help for Informix.
5. Type the required information about the data source in the Setup dialog.
6. Click OK when you have finished configuring your data source. The driver
writes these values to the ODBC.INI file. These values are now the defaults
whenever you connect to the data source.
You can also create a data source on the fly when you are connecting to a data source.
See Connecting to a Data Source, in the Downloading Linked Tables section of this
chapter for more information.
MI Pro EasyLoader
The MI Pro upload utility, MI Pro EasyLoader, uploads MapInfo .tab files into a
database table. This is a stand-alone, client-side utility that is specific to MI Pro data
sets. A DBMS link is used on the client side for data transfer. EasyLoader now
supports all MapInfo-supported databases.
EasyLoader runs on Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Professional and Windows XP Home, and supports connections to the following
spatial Database Management Systems:
• INFORMIX–Dynamic Server (IDS) with the SpatialWare DataBlade (The IUS
driver must have a version of 2.8 or higher.)
• Oracle Spatial version 8.1.6 or later
• SpatialWare 4.6 for SQL Server
EasyLoader has been expanded to run with the following spatial schemas on standard
• XY tables (Oracle, Informix, Access, SQL Server)
• MICODE tables (Oracle, Informix, Access, SQL Server)
These schemas utilize spatial points in standard databases.
EasyLoader is packaged on both MapInfo Professional and SpatialWare CDs. On
SpatialWare CDs, EasyLoader software is located under the ”pc” subdirectory.
To run the EasyLoader upload utility, copy it from the SpatialWare CD onto a
Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP
Home platform, and then run the ”EasyLoader.exe” executable file.
In MI Pro, EasyLoader is installed to the Tools directory and can be run very easily
from the Tool Manager:
1. Choose Tools>Tool Manager. The Tool Manager dialog displays.
2. Choose EasyLoader from the Tools List and select the Loaded check box.
Select the Autoload box to load the tool automatically when you start MI Pro.
3. Click OK. The EasyLoader utility is added to the Tools menu.
4. Choose Tools>EasyLoader to open the utility.
When you open the utility, the MI Pro EasyLoader dialog displays. The user interface
enables you to connect to a server (using ODBC) or Oracle Spatial server and select
the tables that you want to upload.
When you connect to a server using ODBC, you will be asked to select a data source.
To connect to the Oracle Spatial server, you must have the Oracle client installed.
When you have connected to a server, the Tables button becomes available. It displays
a dialog that enables you to select the MI Pro tables to upload. The selected tables
display in the MI Pro tables list. To change the tables in this list, you must use the
Tables button.
The Upload button becomes available after you have selected the tables to upload. Be
sure to specify your table options before you upload the tables. The Options are
described below:
• Append to Table–The MI Pro table will be appended to the server table if the
server table exists and the structure of the two tables match. Otherwise, you
will get an error and the table will not be uploaded.
• Replace/Create Table–The server table of the same name is first dropped if it
exists, then a new table is created to match the MI Pro table being uploaded.
• Append All to One Table–All MI Pro tables listed are uploaded to a single
server table. The server table name is the one visible in the Server Table box.
This feature is meant to be used to upload tables with the same structure and
symbology to one table. For example, instead of creating a new table for each
street layer, select the Append All to One check box, and only one table will
be created. Then all of the tables will be appended to this table. Note: It is
possible that some tables will not be appended if their structure differs.
When used with the Append to Table option, the tables will all be appended
to the existing server table.
When used with the Replace/Create Table option, the server table will be
dropped, a new table created, and all tables listed will be appended to that
Note: All tables should have the same projection.
• Grant Public Access to Table–PUBLIC is granted all access to the server table.
• Exclusive Use of Table–You can speed up load time on large tables
significantly if you know that you will be the only one attempting to update
the table. Note, however, that specifying this option does not guarantee that
the loader will obtain exclusive use, you must guarantee that to the loader.
The loader checks on the current maximum value of the primary key column
(prinx) after each commit to ensure that it detects any other entries that may
have been made by other processes. This option will prevent that check from
occurring, which can make a significant change to the run time for large
• Create Unique Index–A unique index is created on the column sw_member
for SpatialWare or mi_prinx for Oracle Spatial. The mi_prinx column is a
sequential number that is generated by the loader.
• Create Spatial Index–For SpatialWare tables the index is created on the
geometry column and is called hg<table_name>ind. A spatial index is created
and Update Statistics is executed after an rtree index is created for
For Oracle Spatial tables the spatial index is created on the geometry column
and is called <table_name>_SX. The index tiling level is based on the
SDO_TUNE.ESTIMATE_TILING_LEVEL function. For tables with fewer than
7500 rows, the tiling level is restricted to 8. After the index is built the
ANALYZE table function is run on the index table.
You may also build your own spatial index to suit your specific needs. If you
choose to do this, clear this check box to save time in loading.
For more information on how to run EasyLoader, please view the online help
provided with this utility, ”EasyLoader.HLP”.
2. Click Create Catalog, and select the database for which you want to create a
It is important that the structure of the table is exactly like this statement. The
only substitution that can be made is for the databases that support varchar or
text data types. These data types can be substituted for the Char data type.
3. Create a unique index on the TABLENAME and the OWNERNAME, so only
one table for each owner can be made mappable.
4. Grant Select, Update, and Insert privileges on the
MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG to Public. This allows the users to make the
table mappable. The delete privilege should be reserved for database
The Make DBMS Table Mappable command makes a remote SQL database table
(DBMS table) mappable in MI Pro. Any MI Pro table may be displayed in a Browser,
but only a mappable table may have graphical objects attached. Only mappable tables
may be displayed in Map windows.
In the Make DBMS Table Mappable command you provide MI Pro with the following
information from the remote database table so that the table can be mapped in MI Pro:
• The column(s) containing the spatial data to map the table (not applicable to
relational Oracle SDO).
• The projection used by the remote database table.
• The spatial index column from the remote database table (used by MI Pro to
speed access of the spatial data and improve performance).
• The symbol to use for objects.
• Per row styles, if your table is set up for it, and the MapInfo_ MapCatalog has
the appropriate column structure.
• Object type for Spatial databases.
MI Pro takes this information and stores it in a table called the MapInfo_MapCatalog.
Every time you use a DBMS table MI Pro checks the catalog to see if the table is
mappable. As a result, you only have to make a DBMS table mappable one time. It
will always remain mappable. However, one spatial index column entry per table is
allowed in the Map Catalog. Therefore, only one spatial column can be mappable at a
time. If the table has more than one spatial column and you want to map another
spatial column, you must drop the spatial column currently in the Map Catalog and
make the table mappable using the new column.
Owner This field is present only for data sources that make use of owners
(such as Oracle). This field allows you to list tables owned by
different users.
Filter Tables The Filter button lets the user select which types of tables to list. The
default shows Tables, View, and Synonyms, and hides System tables.
New Connection Press this button to display a series of dialogs to establish a new
button connection. Refer to Open DBMS Connection for more information.
File name Type or select the filename you want to make mappable.
Once you have selected a DBMS Table, the Make Table Mappable dialog displays.
Index Type The spatial index type of the column that has the spatial information
in the DBMS table. The spatial index provides a fast way for MI Pro to
access the spatial data in the table. The four index types to choose
from are SpatialWare, Oracle Spatial, IUS SW Blade, IUS MM XY
Blade, IUS MM SW Blade, MI Pro, and XY Coordinates (i.e., no
Index Column Required for all index types except XY Coordinates. Select the name
of the spatial column, or, in the case of a MI Pro index type, the name
of the MICODE column.
X Coordinate, Y Required only if you selected the XY coordinate or MI Pro index type.
Coordinate Select the X and Y columns that contain the point data you wish to
Object Type For spatial databases, select point, linear, or region object types.
(Defaults to point object type for Oracle SDO, MI Pro, and XY
Coordinates index types.)
If your MapCatalog has the capability to support styles, you can set up the
table to use per row styles. Simply select the Per Row Styles check box and
choose the column that you want to obtain the style attributes. The only
column types available for use with the Per Row Styles option are character or
varchar columns.
This option is only available when the MapCatalog has the structure to
support styles. It must contain the columns RENDITIONTYPE,
4. Next, Open the remote table in MI Pro using File >Open. You will get a blank
mapper. Then use Table > Geocode to geocode your records.
5. Once you have completed geocoding use File >Save Table to save the changes
to the remote database.
1. Choose a Connection Type from the Connection Type list. The connection
types that appear in the list depend on what types of DBMS Support you
have installed: MapInfo ODBC, Oracle, or both.
2. To make a new connection, click the New button. If your connection type is
MapInfo ODBC, the Select Data Source dialog displays.
File Data Source Displays all file DSNs (data source names) and subdirectories contained
within the directory displayed in the Look In box. Double-clicking a DSN
connects to the data source.
Look In Displays the current directory for which the subdirectories and file DSNs
are displayed in the window below. Clicking the down arrow to the right
of the text box displays the entire directory structure.
DSN Name Displays the file DSN name selected in the File Data Sources list, or you
can enter a new file DSN name.
New Adds a new file data source. If you click this button, the Create New Data
Source dialog box appears with a list of drivers. Choose the driver for
which you are adding a file DSN. After you click Next, you may specify
the keywords for the file DSN. See the section “Creating New Data
Sources,” above, for instructions on creating a new data source.
OK Closes the Administrator dialog box, and connects to the file data source
that is highlighted in the list or entered in the DSN Name text box. You do
not have to click OK to accept changes to the File Data Sources list.
Changes to the list are accepted once the OK button in the Data Source
Setup dialog box has been clicked.
Cancel Closes the Administrator dialog box without connecting to the file data
source. Changes to the File Data Sources list are not rejected if the Cancel
button is clicked.
Help Displays Help.
If your connection type is Oracle Spatial, the MI Pro Oracle Connect dialog displays.
Enter the server name, user name, and password, and then click OK.
When you have chosen or created a connection the Open DBMS dialog
displays. It contains a list of tables for that connection, which displays in the
Tables field. The directory path of the database connection or the database
name also displays. This field is not present for data sources that do not
provide this information.
3. Click the name of the table you want to download to highlight it.
4. As an optional step, use the Filter button to select which types of tables to list.
The default shows Tables, View, and Synonyms, and hides System tables.
5. Click Open.
For data sources that make use of owners, such as Oracle, the Owner field is activated.
It allows you to list tables owned by different users.
The default location of the *.TAB file is set in Remote Tables preferences.
Once the data to be downloaded has been determined, you can specify the path name
for the local table in the MI Pro TAB file location path. Click the Column Filter button
if you want only certain columns downloaded. The Column Picker dialog displays.
1. Move the columns you want from the table from the Available group to the
Selected group using the arrow buttons. The single arrow keys move one
selected column at a time. The double arrow buttons move all the columns at
once from one list to the other.
2. Change the order of the selected columns in the Selected list using the Up and
Down buttons. Click on a column to highlight it, and then move it up or
down in the list by clicking the appropriate button.
3. If you wish, click the Expert button to create a SQL query that selects data
from the table.
4. Click OK.
If the table is mappable, the Available list also displays an additional column called
“OBJECT,” which refers to the spatial column. You can select it to download point
objects from the table. If the table is spatialized, it will download lines and polygons
depending on what the table contains.
At the initial display of this dialog, an asterisk (*) appears in the Selected list. If you
leave the asterisk, all the columns will be selected from the table.
Click the Row button to restrict the downloading of data from rows that match the
criteria you specify. (This is the same as specifying the WHERE clause in a SQL query.)
If you select no filtering criteria in this dialog, all rows will be selected. The Row
Picker dialog displays.
1. In the Column list, choose the column(s) from which you want to filter rows.
If you are filtering rows for one column, select a column, operator, and value.
If filtering rows on more than one column, select a column from the next
drop-down list. This will also activate the next row of fields for data entry.
2. Choose how you would like to filter the rows using the Operator and Value
boxes. These are explained below.
3. You can also click the Expert button to bypass the wizard and write a SQL
query to select the rows from the table.
4. Click OK when you have finished filtering the rows.
The Operator list boxes contain all supported operator symbols for their
corresponding selected column. The list of operators will vary depending on the type
of the selected column. For example, the operators <, >, and = (among others) will be
available for numeric columns, but object columns will have only the operator
The type of the Value control also varies depending on the column type.
For object columns, this control will be a list box containing the values
For all other column types, this control will be an edit box, allowing the user to enter
the proper type of data.
If you select an object column using the ‘within’ operator, MI Pro returns only the
objects from the server that are within the selection. In previous versions, if the
selection contained multiple objects MI Pro generated a query using the MBR of the
objects. This would usually return more data than expected. Now multiple objects are
automatically combined into a single object before performing the spatial query,
which returns the correct results. The object is stored in the .tab file so that it is re-
used the next time you open the .tab file to the remote database.
String values are enclosed in single quotes, e.g., ‘New York.’ Numerical values are
entered without any quotes. For example, for a numeric column, the user might select
the operator >, and enter a value of 0. This would select only rows in which that
column contained a value greater than 0.
There are two wildcard characters that can be used with the LIKE operator: ‘%’ and
‘_’. The ‘%’ wildcard character matches zero or more characters. The ‘_’ wildcard
character matches only one character.
When rows are being filtered from more than one column, Conjunction becomes
available. Choose one of these boolean operators: AND, OR, AND NOT, OR NOT.
This is a list of known problems/issues with live access:
• Every table must have a single unique key column.
• FastEdit is not supported.
• With MS ACCESS if the key is character, it will not display rows where the
key value is less than the full column width e.g., if the key is char(5) the value
’aaaa’ will look like a deleted row.
• Changes made by another user are not visible until the data is refreshed from
the server. In addition, if cache is on another user’s updates may not appear
until the cache is invalidated by a pan or zooming out.
• There will be a problem if a client-side join (through the SQL Select menu
item or MapBasic) is performed against two or more SpatialWare tables that
are stored in different coordinate systems. This is inefficient (it is better to do
the join in the SQL statement that defines the table), but it is a problem in the
current release.
• Using the Expert option in the DBMS Connectivity wizard. Type the
following: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX new-index-name ON table-
• Open the MapBasic Window and type the following MapBasic commands:
DIM hdbc as integer (enter)
DIM stmt as integer (enter)
hdbc=Server_Connect(”ODBC”,”DBMS=remote database
stmt=Server_Execute(hdbc,”CREATE UNIQUE INDEX new–index–
name ON table–name(index–column)”)
This method of determining the number of rows is not appropriate for all tables. It
works best on large tables, where the number of rows remains stable; that is, new
insertions or deletions in the table do not occur on a regular basis.
In this case, a large table is defined as one that approaches a quarter of a million rows
or more, or a table that takes a long time to open using the Live Access method.
If the total number of rows stored in the MapCatalog is out of sync with the actual
number of rows in the table, problems occur. The map will always include all of the
map objects, but other things may not work correctly. For example:
• The row count displayed in the Browser will be incorrect.
• The MapBasic statement to fetch last will not return the correct row.
• Thematic maps, particularly ranged thematic maps, may be wrong.
This dialog allows the user to enter queries much more complex than the wizard
allows using the standard DBMS SQL syntax.
To type in multi-line formatted SQL, do the following:
• To get a new line press ENTER.
• To tab press <CTRL> TAB.
• To cut and paste from the clipboard, use <CTRL> X to cut, <CTRL> C to copy,
and <CTRL> V to paste.
Once saved, the SQL statement appears in the list of available *.sql files in the
Load SQL Query dialog.
Last Query Press to load the last query that was executed in this session of MI Pro.
Help Press for online help.
3. Click on the white box to the right of From Tables, and use the Table button
to choose what table to query.
4. Click on the white box to the right of Select Columns, and use the Columns
button to select the columns to be viewed. The asterisk (*) indicates all
5. Click on the white box to the right of Where Conditions: Enter in the
condition of the query.
6. Once the query statements have been entered in, click the Run button. This
will return you to the MapInfo DBMS SQL Runner dialog box. In this dialog
box, the query you built will be in the SQL Statement box.
7. Click on the Execute button to run the query. Choose the fetch type in the next
Preview allows you to view the table without bringing it into MI Pro.
Download brings the query table into MI Pro.
For each conflict found during a commit, the user will be presented with a modal
dialog box. This box will display enough information for the user to decide which
data values to use to update the row in question.
Column Shows the name of the column in the record that has data which is in
conflict and needs to be resolved.
If the column name is too long and does not fit into the list box, a
truncated representation will be shown instead. Its full value is
displayed in the Column field, below.
Original DBMS Shows the original data as it appeared when extracted from the
If the original data is too long and does not fit into the list box, a
truncated representation will be shown instead. Its full value can be
displayed in the Original field, below.
Current MI Pro Shows the data as it appears in the MI Pro linked table you are trying
to save.
The MI Pro field will be blank if the record has been deleted from the
MI Pro database.
If the data from the MI Pro linked table is too long and does not fit into
the list box, a truncated representation will be shown instead. Its full
value can be displayed in the MI Pro field, below.
Current DBMS Shows data as it appears in the remote database at the time of the
update. (This data might have been changed by another user since it
was downloaded into an MI Pro linked table.)
The Current field will be blank if the record has been deleted on the
remote database, after being downloaded into an MI Pro linked table.
If the current data from the remote database is too long and does not fit
into the list box, a truncated representation will be shown instead. Its
full value can be displayed in the Current field, below.
Current MI Pro Check this box to update the remote database with the value from the
MI Pro linked table.
If the current record on the database or the MI Pro record was deleted,
then this check box is not available. Instead, you must use the MI Pro
or Current button, below.
Current DBMS Select to retain the current value on the remote database.
If the current record on the database or the MI Pro record was deleted,
then this check box is not available. Instead, you must use the MI Pro
or Current button, described below.
MI Pro button This button selects all the MI Pro values. If the record you are trying to
resolve was deleted from the MI Pro database, selecting the MI Pro
button will delete the record from the remote database.
If the record you are trying to resolve was deleted from the remote
database, selecting the MI Pro button will insert the new record into
the remote database.
Current button This button selects all the current DBMS values. If the record you are
trying to resolve was deleted from the MI Pro database, selecting the
Current button will ignore the deletion and retain the current record in
the remote database.
If the record you are trying to resolve was deleted from the remote
database, selecting the MI Pro button will insert the new record into
the remote database.
Column Shows the full name of the column highlighted in the list box.
Original DBMS Shows the full value of the original data highlighted in the list box.
Current MI Pro Shows the full value of the MI Pro data highlighted in the list box.
Current DBMS Shows the full value of the current remote database data highlighted in
the list box.
OK Causes the selected values to be used for the update of this record.
Stop Commit The Stop Commit button terminates the entire update. A second dialog
box will pop up to confirm that this is what the user really wants.
Help Accesses online help.
Automatic The Automatic button causes the interactive conflict resolution to end.
A dialog displays that allows you to select which of the automatic
conflict-resolution modes will be used for the remainder of this
update. One of two automatic modes can be selected from the dialog.
You can accept MI Pro values, or the values currently residing on the
remote database.
Press Enter after the line, and the command executes. You should see your selection
displayed in a Map window.
As stated before, the MapBasic window was primarily designed to assist MapBasic
programmers. You can statements and functions in the MapBasic window such as
Buffer( ) function or Insert statement
Refer to the MapBasic Reference Guide in an easy to navigate PDF format on the
MapInfo Professional CD to find the appropriate usage and syntax for these
statements and functions. It provides a comprehensive guide to MapBasic
programming statements and functions along with examples. Choose the appropriate
option from the CD Browser to access the Reference.
Converting a Table of Coordinates to a Table of Lines
The following steps can be used to create lines for each record in a table. You must
have a column for each of the necessary coordinates. It is suggested that you make
any changes on a copy of your table. If there are already objects in a Map window for
this table, they will be lost.
1. Choose Options > Show MapBasic Window. The MapBasic window appears
on the screen.
2. Type the following command in the window:
update point_table set obj=createline(Start_X,
Where point_table is the copy of your original table, Start_X is the column containing
the first X coordinate, Start_Y is the column containing the first Y coordinate, End_X is
the column containing the second X coordinate, and End_Y is the column containing
the second Y coordinate. These columns will be the names that you have already
specified in your table.
MI Pro will go row by row through your table and create a line object based on the
information in that row. You will not see a change in the table until you redraw the
window or open a new Map window for it.
Trouble Shooting
Before you proceed with the update make sure that the table in which the lines will be
stored is mappable. To make the table mappable, choose Table > Maintenance > Table
Structure and check the Table is Mappable box.
If your map is projected, the line objects may not be created properly. To work around
this situation, see the Set Coordsys statement in the MapBasic Reference to change the
MapBasic coordinate system.
Trouble Shooting
This command modifies the object column of your table. The command replaces the
point object with circular objects. If you wish to undo this operation, make sure the
Map window is active choose Edit > Undo or use File > Revert Table and revert the
table to the last time it was saved.
The final parameter in the MapBasic command, 10 in this example, is the radius of the
newly created buffers, in miles. This figure is adjustable. If you perform the command
and find that the radius is too small or too large, perform the command again, with a
different radius.
If your map is projected, the circular objects may not be created properly.
If you wish to convert a table of circular objects back to a table of points, run the
MapBasic command:
Update tablename set
Display Characteristic
Street Feature
Description of Object Graphic Object Details Pen (width, pattern, color)
Primary highways Thin red line Pen (2,2,16711680)
All other roads Thin black line Pen (1,2,0)
Railroads Thin Black railroad Pen (1,26,0)
Pen Width will always be returned as a number from 1–7. One is the narrowest and 7
is the widest. These numbers correspond to the lines you would see in the pull down
menu under Options > Line Style > Width.
The pattern will be returned as a number from 1 to 77. These numbers correspond to
the patterns you see in the pull down menu under Options > Line Style >Style going
left to right.
The two points will be referred to as the origin and the destination. The origin is the
point that is on the horizontal line. The destination is the other point. In the example
below, Hartford is the origin. It lies on the imaginary horizontal line. Boston is the
destination. The hypotenuse is the distance from Hartford to Boston; the adjacent is
the distance from Hartford to the point where the horizontal intersects the vertical
dotted line that passes through Boston.
1. Choose Options > Show MapBasic Window and open the MapBasic window.
2. Double-click on the origin point (Hartford). MI Pro opens a Point Object
window that shows the coordinate information. Write down the X and Y
coordinates. These coordinates will be referred to as OriginX and OriginY.
3. Double-click on the destination point (Boston). MI Pro opens a Point Object
window that shows the coordinate information. Write down the X and Y
coordinates. These coordinates will be referred to as DestX and DestY.
4. In the MapBasic Window, type and run the following command:
Print Distance(OriginX, OriginY, DestX, DestY, ”mi”)
Substitute the values you find in step 2 and 3 for OriginX, OriginY, DestX, and
DestY. MI Pro returns the distance between the origin and destination points
in a Message window. The value is the hypotenuse of the triangle.
5. In the MapBasic window, type and run the following command:
Print Distance(OriginX, OriginY, DestX, OriginY, ”mi”)
Substitute the values you find in step 2 and 3 for OriginX, OriginY, DestX and
DestY. MI Pro returns the distance between the origin and a point on the
horizontal directly below the destination point. MI Pro will display the
distance in a Message window. The value is the adjacent of the triangle.
6. Finally, find the angle with the following MapBasic command:
Substitute the values that you found in step 4 and 5 for adjacent and
hypotenuse. MI Pro returns the angle in degrees. MI Pro will print the angle
in a Message window.
If you would like to find the angle in radians, omit the multiplication at the
end of the statement, leaving:
If, instead of two points, you have one line that has the destination and origin
as endpoints, do the following instead of steps 2 and 3:
Double-click on the line object. MI Pro opens a window that shows the
coordinate information. Write down the Start Point and End Point X and Y
Determine whether the Start Point or the End Point is higher, that is, which
point has a more northerly Y coordinate.
If the destination is above the origin (like the example above), then the
destination will have the coordinates of the most northerly point (determined
in the previous step). The origin would then take the coordinates of the other
endpoint of the line.
If the origin is above the destination, then it takes the coordinates of the more
northerly point.
Continue with step 4.
The Info window should now appear in the center of your screen.
What Is a Projection?
When you transfer objects from the spherical world to the relatively flat computer
screen, there is bound to be some distortion.
Mollweide (Equal-Area)
Think about it in terms of an orange. If you write the phrase “Think Visually with
MapInfo” on an orange with a felt-tipped marker, the words look relatively normal.
However, when you peel the orange and flatten it out, the words are barely legible.
When words or objects drawn on a round surface are transferred to a flat surface some
distortion must occur.
A projection is a method of reducing the distortion that occurs when objects from a
spherical surface are displayed on a flat surface. There are many different types of
projections, each designed to reduce the amount of distortion for a given area
Notice the difference between the two maps below. While the first one flattens Alaska,
the second shows Alaska’s true size. The relative distance between the continental US,
Alaska, and Hawaii is very different in the two pictures. The border between the
continental US and Canada is much more representative of a curved surface in the
second projection.
Projections are most often used for:
• Digitizing a map that has an explicit projection.
• importing a DXF file that has an explicit projection.
• Running a GIS application that requires the geographic precision of a given
• Cosmetically altering your map for output.
For a discussion of the parameters that make up a coordinate system and instructions
on how to create your own, see Appendix H in the MapInfo Professional User’s Guide,
Creating Your Own Coordinate System.
Sinusoidal (Equal-Area)
Earth maps and non-earth maps generally require different treatment. The following
section on projections apply only to earth maps.
An earth map contains objects that have a particular location on the earth’s surface.
All maps that MI Pro sells are earth maps. Coordinates typically represent an object’s
location in longitude and latitude, although other coordinate systems (using various
projections) may be used instead.
Use earth maps to:
• Overlay your map onto any maps that MI Pro supplies.
• Use or change projections.
• Specify objects on the map in terms of longitude and latitude.
A non-earth map contains objects that have no specific location on the earth’s surface.
Floor plans are typical examples of non-earth maps. Even though the floor plan
describes a building that may be located somewhere on the earth, the coordinates of
objects in the floor plan are generally not referenced to positions on the earth. Rather,
the object’s coordinates are referenced to the floor plan itself, generally representing
distance from the lower left corner of the floor plan.
For example, on the earth the area of Greenland is approximately 1/8 the area of
South America. However, on a Mercator map, Greenland and South America appear
to have the same area. While detailed areas of Greenland’s coastline are displayed
with the correct shape, Greenland’s shape, as a whole, is distorted out of proportion.
South America
Longitude/Latitude Mercator
If you are not familiar with the different projections (or you are changing projections
for strictly cosmetic purposes), choosing the optimal projection for display may
involve some trial and error. You cannot destroy or damage your data by displaying
maps in different projections. Technically, you can apply any projection to any earth
map. However, we offer these general guidelines:
• If you are creating a thematic map on regions (countries), an equal-area
projection is recommended, especially if you are mapping the entire world.
• Use the Projections of the World for maps of the entire world. They are
generally unsuitable for mapping smaller areas.
• Use the U.S. State Plane Coordinate Systems for maps of the respective states.
You should not use them for mapping different states or other countries.
Projection Tips
Keep the following points in mind when displaying and saving maps with different
• Every earth map table in MI Pro is stored in a particular projection, known as
its native projection.
• When you display a table in a different projection, new coordinates are
calculated to display each object in that map. These coordinates are only used
to display the table in the current Map window; the coordinates in the table
itself are not affected.
For example, assume you are viewing the States table and want to display it
in the Mercator projection. Choose the Projection button on the Map >
Options menu to choose the Mercator projection. MI Pro redraws the Map
window using the new projection. If you open another Map window of the
States table, it will open in its native projection.
• MI Pro calculates distance and area using the method that is appropriate to
the projection of the Map window (Spherical or Cartesian). Non-earth
projections use only Cartesian calculations. Long/Lat projections use only
Spherical calculations. Changing the Map window’s projection may affect
what type of calculation method is available for use in the Map Options
dialog (Map>Options).
• After you choose a projection for a Map window, any layer added to that
window will be displayed with that projection.
If you select Map > Options > Projection, MI Pro will apply the new projec-
tion to all layers in the Map window. If you add an additional layer to the
Map window, MI Pro will apply the new projection to that layer.
• If you save a map layer with a new projection, do not delete the old map.
You can convert a map from its native projection to some other projection, but
you can’t always convert it back accurately. Use File > Save Copy As. Choose
the Projection button and choose the new projection.
• When you display a map table in a projection other than its native projection,
it takes more time to draw the map. That is because the projection is being
done on the fly. MI Pro must calculate new coordinate values for each object
in the map.
When projections are calculated on the fly, it can take up to ten times longer to
display your map. If you plan on using a desired projection often, you should
save a copy of the map with the new projection.
• Do not edit maps while you are changing projections.
When a map is being projected on the fly, editing that map can have unpre-
dictable results. Furthermore, MI Pro has to redraw, and therefore re-project,
the map after each edit. This is very time consuming. For these reasons, we
don’t recommend editing such maps. You should make your edits before you
project the map or save the map in the desired projection before editing.
• If you open a new Map window that contains several tables with different
projections, MI Pro will display the layers using the projection of the topmost
layer. To change the Map window projection, choose Map > Options >
• When you have two raster images in the same Map window that have
different projections, MI Pro will use the projection of the image that takes up
the greater portion of the window. If you change the view of the Map window
using the Grabber tool or scroll bars causing the other image to dominate the
window, MI Pro will maintain the projection of the first image. If, however,
you use Change View, Previous View, Redraw Window, or the Zoom-In/Out
tools, MI Pro changes to display the images using the projection of the second
For more on raster images, see Chapter 19, Displaying Raster Images.
Choosing a Projection
When digitizing a projected map, use the Projection button in Digitizer Setup to
specify the projection of your paper map. Once you have finished digitizing a map,
use File > Save Copy As to save the table to any other projection. For more
information on digitizing, see Chapter 26, Digitizing with MI Pro, and Digitizer Setup
in the MapInfo Professional Reference.
When importing a MIF file, the CoordSys line of the file specifies the projection of the
map. If there is no CoordSys line in your MIF file, MapInfo assumes the coordinates
are in longitude/latitude. When importing a DXF file, MapInfo presents a series of
dialogs to specify the projection. For more information on importing files, see Import
in the MapInfo Professional Reference.
Creating Points
When creating new points in MI Pro, you specify which coordinate system these new
points are in by choosing the Projection button in the Create Points dialog. For more
on creating points, see Chapter 8, Putting Your Data on the Map, or see Create Points
in the MapInfoProfessional Reference.
Eckert VI (Equal-Area)
You can review the MapInfow.prj file by using a text editor or word processor. Each
coordinate system is identified by name, followed by the values that represent the
coordinate system parameters, including projection, datum, origin, standard parallels,
azimuth, scale factor, false northings and false eastings, and range. Each coordinate
system is on a separate line and each parameter value is separated by a comma, as in
the following examples:
“Sinusoidal (Equal Area)”, 16, 62, 7, 0
“New Zealand Map Grid”, 18, 31, 7, 173, –41, 2510000,
If a particular coordinate system is not listed in the file, you can add it to the file
yourself, providing MI Pro supports the projection. See Appendix F in the MapInfo
Professional User’s Guide for instructions on creating your own coordinate system.
Digitizing Requirements
Digitizing in MI Pro requires special equipment and setup so that MI Pro can read the
information from the paper map.
Digitizer Drivers
You will also need the appropriate device driver or interface that MI Pro recognizes.
MI Pro supports the following digitizer drivers:
• VTI Tablet Interface (version 2.10 or later)
• Wintab
VTI allows you to use a variety of commercial digitizers. It includes a control panel
applet that allows you to configure your digitizer and a template editor and loader
that allows direct access to MI Pro’s menu items from the digitizing tablet. Versions
2.10 or later also allow caching of digitizer events. Users with version 1.0 will need to
upgrade or switch to Wintab. If you have installed an older version of VTI, MI Pro
displays the following message on startup and continues running, but with digitizing
disabled: “Virtual Tablet Interface must be version 2.10 or later for use with MI Pro.”
You will need to obtain the digitizer driver from a third party — either Digitizer
Technology (for VTI) or the tablet manufacturer (for Wintab). In most cases, the tablet
will come with a Wintab driver.
Digitizer Technology Company provides both sales and support for the Virtual Tablet
Interface. Their address is:
Digitizer Technology Company
16541 Redmond Way, Suite 195C
Redmond, WA 98052 USA
Tel: (425) 868–3246
The latest VTI and Wintab drivers support digitizing under Windows XP Home,
Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows 95/98.
Source Map
You can digitize any paper map, aerial photo, or drawing that you can affix to a
digitizing tablet and trace the map features by hand.
Digitizer Setup
To communicate the tracings on the paper map to MI Pro properly, you must provide
some information about your map. In the Digitizer Setup dialog, you specify control
points for your map, the map projection and appropriate map units, and configure the
buttons on your digitizing puck. Choose Map > Digitizer Setup to begin. The Digitizer
Setup dialog displays. Each part of the dialog is discussed below.
Map Projection
Maps are drawn using a particular projection, or distortion, of the earth’s surface to
maintain the relationship of the curved earth’s features on a flat piece of paper. When
you digitize a map using MI Pro, you must specify the projection so that MI Pro can
take the map’s distortion into consideration and maintain the correct relationship
among the map features.
You cannot change the projection after you have begun to digitize, so make sure you
set it correctly now. Click the Projection button in the Digitizer Setup dialog to select a
projection. In general, the projection is specified in the map legend. MI Pro supports a
wide variety of projections. The default projection is specified in the Table Projection
Preference. For aerial photographs, use Longitude/Latitude as the projection.
Map Units
In addition to knowing the projection, you must specify the map units used for the
coordinate system. For instance, a map in the Longitude/Latitude projection will
show map coordinates in degrees.
If you do not have coordinates for the map, you will need to digitize it as a non-earth
map, which means points on the image will only be relative to each other, not to
points on the earth. Create a non-earth map table first and display it in the active Map
Specify the map units from the Map Units drop-down list in the dialog that matches
the coordinate units on the paper map. Degrees will always be available for earth
maps. In addition, other map units may be available if you have identified the map in
a projection other than Longitude/Latitude.
For instance, to add a control point, choose Add. The Pick Tablet Point dialog displays
telling you to choose a point on the tablet and click a digitizer button. Now the Add
Control Point dialog displays prompting you for a label (optional) and the map
coordinates for the point. When you are through, click OK. Repeat this process for
each control point you enter.
Keep in mind that you must enter the coordinates in the units you specified in the
Digitizer Setup dialog. If your map unit is in degrees, be sure to type in the
coordinates as decimal degrees. For a discussion on converting degrees, minutes, and
seconds to decimal degrees see Converting Coordinates in the Appendix.
You can also change the tablet position of the point through this dialog. For instance,
if the coordinates are correct, but you realized that you clicked on the wrong point on
the tablet, you can choose the Tablet X-Y button in the Edit Control Point dialog. This
is easier than adding a new control point and removing the incorrect one.
You can also remove a control point by highlighting the point in the Setup dialog and
choosing the Remove button. To remove all points and reset the projection to that of
the active Map window, choose Clear All.
MI Pro uses the control points to perform an affine transformation, whereby the
digitized objects are skewed, shifted and scaled to fit the control point locations.
MI Pro determines the relative positions of the control points based on the coordinates
you specify. It can then determine where those points should be on the tablet. MI Pro
then calculates an error estimate that is the difference between where the point should
be on the tablet and where you actually clicked.
The error estimates give you an idea of how accurate the resulting computer map will
be. Error values should be quite small, on the same scale as the resolution of your
digitizer. In most cases errors should be in thousandths or hundredths of an inch.
Those errors approaching a tenth of an inch are probably too large.
To minimize the likelihood of a high error estimate, increase the number of control
points and be as precise as possible when specifying the coordinates for control
points. Double-check that you specified the correct projection in Digitizer Setup.
If you only have one button on the puck, you will use it for both drawing and
completing the polyline/polygon. A single click enters a point when drawing an
object; a double-click completes the object. Note: If you use the same button for single-
clicking and double-clicking, MI Pro may mistake rapid single-clicks as a double-
Digitizer Mode
MI Pro automatically turns digitizer mode on after you have entered three or more
control points. Not only does it turn on automatically, but with the additional
capabilities now available in digitizer mode, there is little reason to turn it off.
Digitizer mode no longer locks you in. You do not have to exit from digitizer mode to
do something else. You can now do anything in digitizer mode that you can do in
mouse mode: open tables and windows, use any of the tools, use the mouse, etc.
You can still, however, turn digitizer mode off and on with the D key. Again, similar to
when you have saved control points to a workspace, MI Pro will not turn digitizer
mode on if you have only entered one or two control points or if your control points
run in a straight line.
The details of the new digitizer mode functionality is explained below.
Mouse Cursor
You can now use the mouse and the digitizer at the same time. The mouse is always
active, even when digitizer mode is on. So you no longer need to exit from digitizer
mode to use the mouse. The mouse cursor is always visible, and can always be
controlled with the mouse. Its appearance depends on which tool is selected.
You can also control the mouse with the digitizer using the mouse emulation
capability of the digitizer driver (this must be configured outside of MI Pro). If
digitizer mode is off, or if digitizer mode is on and a Map window is not active, the
digitizer controls the mouse. If a Map window is active and digitizer mode is on, the
digitizer controls the digitizer cursor.
Digitizer Cursor
The digitizer cursor is now a large cross hair that covers the entire width and height of
the Map window. Its appearance does not change to indicate which tool is selected. It
is always a large cross hair, making it much easier to see.
The digitizer cursor is always visible as long as a Map window is active. For example,
if you decide to open a Browser window while you are in digitizer mode and work in
the Browser, digitizer mode will still be on, but because the Browser is now the active
window, you won’t see the digitizer cursor.
The status bar only displays the digitizer cursor location if you choose to display it
(Map > Options). This is different than MI Pro 3.0, where the cursor location always
displayed in the status bar while digitizer mode was on.
Troubleshooting Tips
Digitizer Mode – D Key
You must be in digitizer mode when you begin to trace your paper map. This is so MI
Pro can recognize the coordinates and place the map in the correct geographic context.
If you trace the map in mouse mode, you are only drawing objects that do not have
any tie to your paper map.
You are in digitizer mode when you click the D key or when you have entered at least
three control points in the Digitizer Setup dialog. You should see the digitizer cursor
in the Map window. It is a large cross hair that covers the entire width and height of
the Map window. A Map window must be active for the digitizer cursor to display.
The StatusBar will also say DIG when you are digitizer mode.
The Snap to nodes feature is available while digitizing. However, the snap tolerance is a
pixel value that is based on the current zoom level of the Map window. Press the S key
to turn Snap mode off.
Auto polygon closure does not work in digitizing. You must click on the button you
set up to close a polygon (or double-click on the button if you only have one digitizing
If you change the zoom level of your map, or scroll in the Map window after you have
selected your digitizer points and then switch into digitizer mode, your cursor may
disappear from the screen, because the location in the map corresponding to the puck
is no longer visible in the Map window. The active Map window view must
correspond to the view represented on the paper map to see the cursor when in
digitizer mode. Zoom out to see the cursor again.
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Additional Reading
The following books are available to MapInfo users:
Exact Match
When MapInfo geocodes, it attempts to find an exact match between source and
target street names. That means that the addresses must be the same, character for
character. However, matching is not case sensitive; upper and lower case letters are
successfully matched with one another. MapInfo does not get an exact match in many
cases and can use a file of abbreviation equivalences to improve its “hit rate”. Once
you understand the various ways in which a match can fail, you are in a better
position to understand what you can do to improve things.
The table below illustrates exact matching. The first column contains a street name
from a target table and the second column contains the corresponding street name
from a source table. The third column says why they do not match. The fourth column
indicates whether the particular problem is one which can be corrected through using
the abbreviation equivalence file. This table assumes that the addresses are the
contents of a single column in a table. While the street number would often be in the
same column, we don’t indicate street numbers here because they are handled
differently than street names.
Source with
Target Address Comment
Address Abbreviation
LaSal St LaSalle St “LaSal” is the wrong spelling. No
La Salle St LaSalle St “La Salle” is the wrong spelling. No
LaSalle Ave LaSalle St “Ave” does not match “St”. No
LaSalle Street LaSalle St “Street” does not match “St”. Yes
LaSalle Ave LaSalle Av “Ave” does not match “Av”. Yes
Source with
Target Address Comment
Address Abbreviation
LaSalle St. LaSalle St The target address has a period after Yes
“St”. That period is not in the source
and causes the match to fail.
LaSalle LaSalle St “St” is missing from target. No
LaSalle St LaSalle Target has “St” and source does not. No
LaSalle St North LaSalle St Target has “North,” which is not in No
LaSalle St North LaSalle St N Target has “North” instead of “N”. Yes
North LaSalle St N LaSalle St Target has “North” instead of “N”. Yes
North LaSalle St LaSalle St Target has “North,” which is not in No
LaSalle St Apt 3 LaSalle St Target has an apartment number Yes
which does not match anything in
the source.
Tenth St 10th St “Tenth” and “10th” do not match. Yes
10th Av Tenth Av “10th” and “Tenth” do not match. Yes
Saint John’s Lane St John’s Lane “Saint” and “St” do not match. Yes
MapInfo’s matching process is not case-sensitive; it does not care whether a letter is
upper case or lower case. This means that MapInfo treats the following as the same:
Main, MAIN, main, maIN.
There are various ways of dealing with these issues. MapInfo has a file of substitute
abbreviations which you can use to deal with many of these cases, which will be
discussed later.
When MapInfo cannot match the street name for a particular row, it applies the
abbreviation file to the target address. This file consists of pairs of items, such as
“STREET ST” and “AVE AV”. When MapInfo finds “STREET” in a target address, it
changes it into “ST”; similarly it changes “AVE” to “AV”. MapInfo doesn’t actually
change your data in the target table. It substitutes abbreviations only for the purpose
of making matches. The substitution is only effective during the matching process.
The address in your table remains the same.
Once MapInfo has made an abbreviation substitution it attempts to match the
resulting street name against the street names in the source table. When it fails to find
an exact match at this point it:
• Moves to the next row (when it is geocoding in automatic mode).
• Presents you with the closest matches (when it is geocoding in interactive
mode). You then pick the best match. MapInfo then goes to the next row.
At this point MapInfo will have done the best it can at identifying street names. The
next step is to deal with address numbers for those addresses where it has matched a
To match “343 LaSalle St” MapInfo would scan the address ranges until it finds the
one where “343” goes. Since 343 is between 333 and 375, MapInfo will locate this
address on that street segment (the middle one in the table).
Once MapInfo has matched an address number to a street segment it moves to the
next row. When it fails to match a target street number to an address range on the
appropriate street it:
• Moves to the next row if it is geocoding in automatic mode.
• Presents you with the closest matches if it is geocoding in interactive mode.
You then pick the best match. MapInfo will then go to the next row.
At this point MapInfo will have done the best it can at locating address numbers. Note
that one of the options (on the Geocode Options dialog) is to have MapInfo
automatically pick the closest address range in those cases where there is no exact
match—Use The Closest Address Number. For example, you might have “412” as an
address number, but no range which includes that number. However, there is a range
which goes from 346 to 400. Since that is the range closest to 412, that is where
MapInfo will geocode 412 if you have chosen this particular option.
The next step is to deal with addresses which have been located on more than one
Matching to Region
When MapInfo is geocoding it checks to see how many occurrences of the target
address exist. If there is more than one, MapInfo must decide which source address to
use. If the user’s target table has a column with region data, MapInfo can refine
geocoding within a boundary.
For example, assume that you are geocoding a database of records in Cook county,
Illinois. The address in the database reads 200 Washington St. Within the county of
Cook, there are eight towns. Four of these towns have a Washington St. Three of the
four have a 200 Washington St. MapInfo must now place the target address in the
appropriate town. MapInfo uses region information to do this. MapInfo now matches
a region designation for the target address against the region designator for the source
When you originally set up your geocoding operation, you had an opportunity to
specify a region (boundary) to use in refining your geocoding operation:
You could use any one of several different region types, including county name, town
name, and ZIP Code. Since almost all addresses contain ZIP Codes, this is the most
reliable way to refine your search.
When you set MapInfo to use ZIP Codes to refine its address matching, MapInfo will
match the ZIP Code of the target address against the ZIP Code of the various
matching source addresses. When it finds the correct match, it is finished with the
geocoding process. MapInfo can now get coordinate information from the source
table and use it to place a point object into the target table.
However, once MapInfo has completed this process, many addresses may be
unmatched. You can match each one of them individually by geocoding in interactive
mode. However, if you are working with a large database, you want to do as little of
this as possible. There are other ways of improving MapInfo’s geocoding
In the Geocode Options dialog, you can specify that MapInfo automatically pick a
different boundary, providing there is only one, from the one you specify (Use A
Match Found In A Different Boundary). You might have had MapInfo geocode
addresses to Northtown. One particular address, “223 Locust Ct.” is not in
Northtown, but it is in Westville, and no place else. In this case, MapInfo would
geocode “223 Locust Ct. “ to Westville. However, if MapInfo had found a “223 Locust
Ct.” in Westville and another one in Center Valley, it would not geocode the address
to either town. It would leave “223 Locust Ct.” ungeocoded.
Return Codes
When you are using the result code option (in Geocode Options dialog) MapInfo will
generate a code for each record. These codes indicate the steps MapInfo took to
geocode the record, whether or not the geocoding was successful, and whether or not
the match was exact. You can use return codes to diagnose MapInfo’s geocoding
performance. It will help you spot “false positives” resulting from using various
geocoding options and to analyze why some records have not been geocoded. See the
section on Result Codes, for information on these codes.
Problems with Abbreviations and Substitutions
Your target table may contain address components which MapInfo cannot handle
with its abbreviation file. For example:
Ave. Does not recognize the period.
Suite Does not recognize this at all.
WK Does not recognize this at all.
# Does not recognize this at all.
In many cases, the second alternative is easier. MapInfo’s abbreviation file (see below)
consists of pairs of items. The second item in each line is the abbreviation for the first.
In working with street files MapInfo searches through the address file to match an
item in a target address with the first element in one of the pairs in the abbreviation
file. When it finds a match it replaces the matching items with the proper
MapInfo supplies the following abbreviation file:
!Version 3.0
“P.O. BOX”
You can make additions to this file to take care of various problems. Most importantly,
you can make several different kinds of additions. MapInfo recognizes four classes of
substitution items and it interprets these classes differently. Each class is preceded by
the keyword used to identify it in the abbreviation file:
In order for MapInfo to know how to interpret a line, or set of lines, in the
abbreviation file, you have to precede the line with the keyword which indicates the
appropriate interpretation strategy.
When all of the entries in the abbreviation file use the default interpretation, there is
no need to precede any of them with a keyword. When there is no keyword at the
beginning of the abbreviation file, MapInfo will treat the initial entries as requiring the
default interpretation. Once you add other types of substitution pairs, however, you
have to start adding keywords.
Simple Truncation
In simple truncation, MapInfo finds an item in the address and simply ignores it and
everything after it. These items do not have to be space-delimited. This strategy is
useful for dealing with addresses such as:
123 Appian Way, Mail Stop 829
7305 Van Zandt # 23
In the first case, you want MapInfo to ignore the comma and everything after it. In the
second case you want MapInfo to ignore the number sign and everything after it. To
deal with such cases add the following to your abbreviation file:
“!EOLNOSPACE” is the keyword indicating that the following items are to be treated
as cases of simple truncation. After that we have one line with a comma and one with
a number sign. Whenever MapInfo encounters a comma or a number sign in an
address it will ignore it and everything after. The examples become:
Space-Delimited Truncation
In space-delimited truncation MapInfo looks for items which are space delimited and
eliminates those items and everything following. For example:
73 Appian Way Suite 829
3033 Van Zandt Room 202
To deal with such cases add the following to your abbreviation file:
“!EOLSPACE” is the keyword indicating that the following items are to be treated as
cases of simple truncation. After that we have one line with “Suite”and one with a
“ROOM”. Whenever MapInfo encounters those tokens it will truncate the address.
The examples become:
73 Appian Way
3033 Van Zandt
Simple Substitution
MapInfo uses simple substitution to remove items from an address and otherwise
does nothing. Use it to deal with:
433 Van-Rensselaer
91 St Albans’
The goal is to strip out the hyphen and the apostrophe. Make the following entries to
the abbreviation file:
“NOSPACE” is the keyword calling for simple substitution, and the hyphen and
apostrophe on the following lines are the tokens to be removed. The examples
369 VanRensselaer
91 St Albans
Legitimate Spaces
There are cases where you want to indicate a substitution in which the searched for
string contains spaces. You can use double quotes in such cases. Place a double quote:
• at the beginning of the line
• between the searched for string and the substitution
• at the end of the line.
For example, you might want to substitute “STHWY” for “State Highway”. To do
that, use the following line:
”State Highway”STHWY”
This provides a solution to a subtle problem, that of street names which match items
in the abbreviation file. For example, “North St” and “Park Av” both have initial
strings which match terms in the abbreviation file. Consequently, MapInfo will
substitute “N” for “North” to yield “N St” and “Pk” for “Park” to yield “Pk Av.” You
could add the following lines to the Abbreviation file to rectify these substitutions:
”N ST”North ST”
Note that these lines have to come after the entries which substitute “N” for “North”
and “PK” for “Park”. If they came before, they would have no effect. Thus:
When MapInfo encounters NORTH N it will turn NORTH ST into N ST. When it
encounters “N ST”NORTH ST” it will then turn N ST into NORTH ST. PARK AV is
treated similarly.
Special Characters
MapInfo uses the exclamation point (!), the double quote (”) and the backslash (\) as
special characters. These characters tell MapInfo how to treat strings which follow
them, but are not themselves ordinarily treated as characters in substitution strings.
The exclamation point tells MapInfo that the string should not be interpreted as an
abbreviation. The double quote tells MapInfo that spaces in the string are legitimate.
And the backslash tells MapInfo to treat a special character as an ordinary character.
When you want to use any of these in a line where they are to be treated as simple
characters, precede them by a backslash. Thus:
When you are geocoding interactively, MapInfo displays a dialog that lists close
Use the Up and Down keys to scroll through the list and choose a street.
• Edit the target table.
When you think there are too many errors in your target table, you can edit the target
table before geocoding it. MapInfo’s Update Column function is useful for editing
However, it is possible that the street is spelled incorrectly in the source table.
• Edit the street name in the source table.
3. Add a new row with the alternate name AND the same MI_REFNUM as the
primary name.
4. Save and close the file.
MapInfo will now recognize both names in addresses being geocoded.
The return code is a three-digit number, with each digit indicating a particular aspect
of the geocoding operation. MapInfo “scores” each record on each aspect and adds
the three numbers together to get the result code for that record. For example, a result
code of 122 means:
• The address was found in one other boundary: 100
• The exact address range was not found: 20
• Abbreviation file substitutions were made: 2
The tables below indicate the significance of each element in the code.
<0 Not matched
0 Not tried
1 Exact match
>1 Inexact match
The return codes have been designed so that non-matches will have a negative value
and matches will have a positive value. A record which has not been tried will have a
return code of zero.
1 Exact match found
2 Abbreviation file applied
3 (-) Exact match not found
4 (-) No street specified
5 User picked a name from the list
Codes indicating how MapInfo has treated street names appear in the one’s place of
the result code.
00 Exact address range and side of street found
10 Address range found, but could not determine side of street
20 (+/-) Address range not found, but within minimum and maximum ranges
30 (+/-) Address range not found, but beyond minimum and maximum ranges
40 (+/-) Address range not specified, but matched to minimum range
50 (-) Streets do not intersect
60 (-) Signifies the row has no object
70 User picked an address from the list
Codes indicating how MapInfo has treated address ranges appear in the ten’s place of
the result code.
Refining-Boundary Codes
100 (+/-) Address range found in only one boundary other than specified boundary
200 (-) Address range found in more than one boundary other than specified
300 (+/-) No boundary specified, but found in only one
400 (-) No boundary specified, and found in more than one
500 Exact street address found more than once in the specified boundary
600 User picked a boundary from the list
1000000 (+/-) User typed something new
Codes indicating how MapInfo has treated refining boundaries appear in the
hundred’s place of the result code.
Once you have result codes, you need to find out how your records were handled.
You can use the following SQL Select statement to find out which result codes
appeared in your table and how many records were returned with each code value:
The resulting query table will have a row for each different three-digit result code and
a count of how many records had that code. You can then use Select or SQL Select to
select all the records with a particular code. You can then browse these various
selections and determine how to handle each class of records.
Examples of Codes
675 User pick street name, address range, and boundary.
101 Exact match found in exactly one boundary other than boundary specified.
Filename Description
mapinfow.prf Preference file
mapinfow.wor Default workspace
startup.wor Startup workspace
mapinfow.clr Color file
mapinfow.pen Pen file
mapinfow.fnt Symbol file
custsymb Custom symbol directory
thmtmplt Theme template directory
graphsupport Graph support directory
Prior to version 6.5 these files were kept in the Windows directory or the Program
directory, and MapInfo Professional searched those directories for the appdata files.
Since the introduction of version 6.5, the strategy is to install application data files in a
per-user location, and also search for them in other areas to allow support for sharing
application data files between MapInfo versions/products.
Appendix C: Data Setting and Management
Now the application searches for appdata files in the following directories, in this
common_appdata (new in version 7.0)
Note: Refer to the Glossary for definitions of each of these directory types.
The following table gives the default (installed) location for each appdata file in
version 7.0:
Default installed
mapinfow.clr appdata_dir
mapinfow.pen appdata_dir
mapinfow.fnt appdata_dir program_dir
mapinfow.prj program_dir
mapinfow.mnu program_dir
custsymb appdata_dir
thmtmplt appdata_dir
graphsupport common_appdata_dir
mapinfo.prf pref_dir*
*This file is not created during installation. It is created the first time you
exit MapInfo Professional.
After installation, you can manually move appdata files between the predefined
locations. For example, by manually relocating mapinfow.prj a user can share one
customized projection file between different versions of MapInfo Professional.
The default installed location of one or more of the appdata files/directories can be
modified by defining a mode.ini file prior to the installation. See Chapter 2,
Installation for particulars on the mode.ini file.
Registry Changes
MapInfo Professional's use of the registry must be organized to allow each user to
work with their own data. The following changes were made to support this
• The Tool Manager entries are now installed under HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
• The graph engine now stores custom colors and number formats under
The root of the user directory structure. Each user has write access to the
subdirectories of this area. The location varies depending on the Windows
Windows 2000/XP: c:\Documents and Settings\<username>
Windows 98: <Windows dir>
Windows NT 4.0: <Windows dir>\profiles\<username>
In 6.0 MI Pro expects to find many of the appdata files in this location.
6.0: location of mapinfow.exe
6.5 (and following): location of mapinfow.exe
This is a per-user directory. Many of the appdata files will be installed in this
6.0: n/a
6.5 (and following): <user profile root>\Application
Note: If this directory does not exist at startup, MI Pro does not create it.
Programmers must not assume this represents a valid path.
This is also a per-user directory, similar to appdata_dir, except files here do
not roam.
6.0: n/a
6.5 (and following): <user profile root>Local Settings\Application
Note: If this directory does not exist at startup MI Pro does not create it.
Programmers must not assume this represents a valid path.
common appdata_dir
Constructing Expressions
Simple Expressions
You formulate expressions using column (field) names and constants (i.e. specific data
values), on the one hand, and functions and operators, on the other. Think of the
column names and constants as nouns, and functions and operators as verbs,
prepositions and conjunctions. You always need at least one column name or a
constant in an expression. How many operators and functions you need depends on
what you want to do with your expression.
The simplest possible expression consists of a column name, for example:
1. POP_1990
You could use such an expression in Thematic Mapping to indicate what data is to be
represented on the map. In Update Column such an expression would tell MapInfo
Professional what data to use in updating a column in the target table.
Here are some slightly more complex expressions:
3. POP_1990 > 17893
4. POP_1990 <= POP_1980
5. COUNTY <> ”Orange”
6. POP_1980 * 1.2
7. POP_1990 / TOTAL_AREA
8. round(POP_1990/TOTAL_AREA,.1)
Appendix D: Creating Expressions
The first three examples use comparison operators. The first tests to see whether the
1990 population is greater than (>) some constant (17893). The second tests to see
whether the value of one column, POP_1990, is less than or equal to (<=) the value of
another column, POP_1980. The third tests to see whether or not the county is Orange.
When the county does not equal (<>) “Orange” the record is selected. You could use
any of these expressions in Select or in the Where Condition clause of SQL Select.
These commands allow you to select a subset of the records in a table. The expression
defines the characteristics of the subset.
Examples 6 and 7 use arithmetic operators. Example 6 multiplies (*) the value of
POP_1980 by a constant (1.2) while example 7 divides one column, POP_1990, by the
value of another column, AREA.
Example 8 uses the round function to round the value of the expression “POP_1990/
TOTAL_AREA” to the nearest tenth (.1).
Expressions 6, 7 and 8 don’t have comparison operators and therefore they would not
be suitable for use in Select or in the Where Condition clause of SQL Select. However,
you could use them alone in Thematic Mapping, Update Column, or Select columns
in SQL Select.
Complex Expressions
Now consider examples 9 and 10, that are a bit more complex than 1 through 8:
9. POP_1990 > POP_1980*1.2
10. round((POP_1980*1.2)/TOTAL_AREA,.1)
We created expression 9 by taking expression 3 and replacing the constant “17893”
with the whole of expression 6. Similarly, we created expression 10 by taking
expression 8 and replacing “POP_1990” with expression 6.
In general, you create complex expressions by combining simple expressions. Perhaps
the best way to learn how to do this is look at some of the examples we have provided
(above and following) and create your own expressions based on those examples.
However, there are two very general techniques for creating complex expressions.
• Replace a column name or a specific value with a simple expression.
• Combine expressions using logical operators (and, not, or).
Example six illustrates the first technique. There are many examples of the second
technique throughout this entry. See particularly the discussion following “Logical
Character Strings
When typing a particular string into an expression, you should enclose it in double
quotes so that MapInfo Professional knows to treat it as a string, rather than treating it
as a column name. Examples 11 and 12 are valid string constants, but 13 and 14 are
11. ”Orange”
12. ”New York”
13. Orange
14. New York
When entering specific numerical values, do not use thousands separators or
currency symbols (such as dollar signs) or any characters other than numerals, the
decimal sign (.) or commas (,) and the minus sign for negative numbers.
Dates consist of a month, a day, and an optional year. The year is specified by two or
four digits and should be enclosed in double quotes. The components of a date can be
separated by hyphens or slashes. The following are valid data constants:
15. ”1–20–92”
16. ”01/20/1992”
17. ”1/20”
Mathematical operators:
Operator Description Example
+ plus A+B
- minus A - B (subtraction)
-A (negative)
* times A*B
/ divided by A/B
^ exponentiation A^B
\ integer division A\B
mod modulo arithmetic A mod B
String operator:
+ “concatenation” — connects strings and string expressions.
& (can be used if preceeded by a space)
Comparison operators:
Operators Description
= “equals”
<> “not equals”
> “greater than”
< “less than”
>= “greater than or equal to”
<= “less than or equal to”
Numerical Comparison
Numerical comparisons are based on the numerical values of the expressions and
numerical constants.
English: All rows where the household income is above $65,000.
18. HH_INC>65000
Comment: Don’t add the dollar sign or comma. MapInfo Professional doesn’t know
what to do with it and gives you an error message.
English: All rows where the median age is 42.
19. MED_AGE=42
Comment: This expression selects only those records where the median age is exactly
42. When your median age data contains a decimal portion (which is the case for
MapInfo Professional-supplied demographic data) then it is unlikely that there are
many regions with a median age of exactly 42.
The following expression gives you better results:
20. Round(MED_AGE, 1)=42
Comment: The function “round(somenumber, somenumber)” rounds the first number in
the way specified by the second. In this example, the first number is the median age
(MED_AGE) and the second is 1, indicating that median age is to be rounded to the
nearest whole number.
English: All rows where the amount does not equal $23,000.
21. AMOUNT<>23000
Comment: You might want to use the Round function, as in 10, if you are not
concerned that the value be exactly 23000.
String Comparison
String comparisons are based on the exact character content of the string. In this case
“>” means “alphabetically greater than” (i.e. comes after in the alphabet) and “<”
means “alphabetically less than.”
When typing a string into an expression, you should enclose it in quotes so that
MapInfo Professional knows to treat it as a string, rather than treating it as a column
English: All rows where the vendor is Acme.
22. VENDOR=”Acme”
Comment: Note that Acme is in quotes so that MapInfo Professional knows to treat it
literally (as a character string) rather than to search for a column named Acme.
English: All rows where the vendor is not Acme.
23. VENDOR<>”Acme”
Date Comparison
English: All entries received on October 9, 1991.
24. RECEIVED=”10–9–91”
• The date is enclosed in quotes.
• It is in the form: Month, Day, Year.
• The numbers in the data are separated by a hyphen or a slash (/).
• Two characters were used for the year. You can also use four characters (1991).
English: All received after October 9, 1991.
25. RECEIVED>”10–9–91”
Comment: This expression does not select those received on October 9, 1991. When
you want them as well:
26. RECEIVED>=”10–9–91”
English: Records for all received before August.
27. Month(RECEIVED)<8
Comment: This expression uses the Month function to extract the month in the date. It
doesn’t specify any particular year. When your database has records for several years,
this expression does not pay attention to the particular year.
Logical Comparison
English: All that have shipped.
28. Shipped
Comment: The column “Shipped” is a logical column. It contains “T” for true, or yes,
and “F” for false, or no. When an order is shipped, it is marked “T”. Otherwise, it is
not shipped. For orders that are shipped, expression 28 evaluates to true. For orders
not shipped it evaluates to false.
English: All that have not shipped.
29. Str$(Shipped)=”F”
30. Not Shipped
Geographic operators
MapInfo Professional has several geographic operators. Use them to select objects on
the basis of their spatial relationship to some other object. MapInfo Professional has a
special keyword you use with geographical operators: “obj” or “object”. This
keyword tells MapInfo Professional that it has to get values based on the graphical
objects in the table rather than the tabular data.
The geographic operators go between the objects being specified. Select the
geographic operators from the Operators menu.
Here are the geographic operators:
Contains Object A Contains object B if B’s centroid is anywhere within A’s boundary.
Contains Entire Object A Contains Entire object B if B’s boundary is entirely within A’s
Contains Part Object A Contains Part object B if B’s boundary is partly within A’s
Within Object A is Within object B if its centroid is inside B’s boundary.
Entirely Within Object A is Entirely Within object B if A’s boundary is entirely within B’s
Partly Within Object A is Partly Within object B if A’s boundary is partly within B’s
Intersects Object A Intersects object B if they have at least one point in common.
“Contains Part” and “Partly Within” are exactly equivalent to “Intersects” -- these are
all treated the same way by MapInfo Professional, so the standard syntax “Intersects”
is almost universally used.
“Contains” and “Within” are concerned only with objects' centroids.
“Contains Entire” and “Entirely Within” are concerned with the area covered by a
region object; the location of the centroid doesn't matter.
✭- Object Centroid
If A, B, C, and D are all polylines, then the Contains and Within operators are not
applicable, but:
Object B intersects Object A
Object B intersects Object C
Object C does not intersect Object D
Object D does not intersect Object C
Similarly, a polyline can not contain a point, but it can intersect a point; a point can not
be within a polyline, but it can intersect a polyline.
Logical operators:
Operator Description
and is “true” if (and only if) both of its arguments (the expressions it joins
together) are true. A record must satisfy both of these conditions if it is to be
or is “true” if either one, or both, of its arguments (the expressions it joins
together) are true. A record need satisfy only one of these conditions if it is to
be selected. It is also selected if both of its conditions are satisfied.
not is “true” if its argument (the expression it applies to) is false. A record is
selected if it does not meet the stated condition.
“And”, “or”, and “not” are logical operators. You use them to combine expressions in
Select and the Where Condition clause of SQL Select. MapInfo Professional treats each
such expression as a test which it applies to each record in the table. For each test it
gets a yes/no (true/false) answer. MapInfo Professional uses the logical operators to
tell it how to combine the individual yes/no answers into an overall yes/no answer:
Does the current record meet the selection condition?
Suppose you want to select all properties that are worth $250,000 or more and are in
Columbia county. Each record has to meet two criteria, each of which can be
formulated as a simple expression:
31. VALUE >= 250000
32. COUNTY = ”Columbia”
You could perform one selection for all properties worth $250,000 or more. Then you
could perform another selection on that result, looking for all properties in Columbia
county. However, it is easier to combine the two operations into one using the logical
operator “and”.
33. COUNTY = ”Columbia” and VALUE >= 250000
When MapInfo Professional examines a record to see whether or not it meets the
condition set by this expression, it makes the two tests: Does COUNTY equal
Columbia? Is the VALUE equal to or greater than 250000? When the answer to both of
these questions is true (or yes), then the record is accepted into the current selection.
When the answer to one or both of the questions is no (or false), then the record is not
accepted into the current selection.
Now, what if you want all properties worth $250,000 or more and not in Columbia
county? You can use “not” to negate the first clause of expression 33, yielding
expression 34:
34. not (COUNTY=”Columbia”) and VALUE>=250000
Only records where the county is not Columbia satisfy the first clause of expression
34. Now consider expression 35:
35. not (COUNTY=”Columbia” and VALUE>=250000)
Expression 35 is simply the negation of expression 33. Any record that would satisfy
33 does not satisfy 35. Any record that does not satisfy 33 satisfies 35.
You can use “or” when you want to specify alternative conditions, such as:
36. COUNTY=”Columbia” or COUNTY=”Greene”
Any record evaluated against this condition is accepted if its county is any one of the
two specified counties. One could, of course, use numerical tests as well. For example:
37. TOTAL_AREA>40 or VALUE>250000
This tests to see whether the area is greater than 40 or the value is greater than 250000.
When either one is true of a record, then that record is accepted into the selection.
In formulating expressions using logical operators you have to be careful how you use
them. The following expression, while it seems OK, does not work:
38. COUNTY=”Columbia” or ”Greene”
Judging from its English translation—COUNTY equals Columbia or Greene—this
expression should operate just like expression 36 and give us any record containing
Columbia County or Greene County. But the rules of computational logic and the
rules of English are a bit different.
When MapInfo Professional reads expressions it reads them from left to right. One of
the things it has to do is to determine how the items in the expression are grouped.
Think of this operation as inserting parentheses into the expression. MapInfo
Professional reads expression 35 as though it were grouped like expression 39 (below)
which is what we intend. It reads expression 38 as though it were grouped like 40
(below) which is not at all what we want.
39. (COUNTY=”Columbia”) or (COUNTY=”Greene”)
40. (COUNTY=”Columbia”) or (”Greene”)
Both 39 and 40 have the same first clause. But their second clauses (after the “or”) are
quite different. The second clause of 40 is simply a literal string, “Greene.” By
convention, MapInfo Professional evaluates a record against a literal string as being
true if that record is not blank. When MapInfo Professional evaluates records against
expression 40, all non-blank records are evaluated as true and be accepted into the
selection. It does not make any difference how a record evaluates on the first clause.
Any non-blank record evaluates true on the second clause, and one “true” is all it
takes to evaluate the entire expression as true.
Let us consider one final example, which is the negation of expression 36:
41. not (COUNTY=”Greene” or COUNTY=”Columbia”)
Expression 39 is satisfied if the county is Greene or if it is Columbia, but not if it is
Montgomery or Warren. Expression 41 is satisfied by any county other than Greene or
Columbia, including Montogomery and Warren.
Numeric Clauses
English: All the household income is above $65,000 and the median age is 42.
42. HH_INC>=65000 and Round(MED_AGE, 1)=42
Comment: This expression simply consists of two clauses. The clauses are connected
by “and”, that means that both clauses must be true of a record for it to be selected.
English: All with a price between $50,000 and $100,000.
43. PRICE>=50000 and PRICE<=100000
Comment: Now we are setting two conditions that a record must satisfy in order to be
selected. By using the operators “greater than or equal to” (>=) and “less than or equal
to” (<=) we ensure that the records with the exact prices of $50,000 and $100,000 are
selected. When we had simply used “greater than” (>) and “less than” (<), the
expression would select $50,001 and $99,999 but not $50,000 or $100,000.
English: All with a price between $50,000 and $100,000 or between $150,000 and
44. (PRICE>=50000 and PRICE<=100000) or (PRICE>=150000 and
Comment: This expression has the overall form: (expression1) or (expression2). Each of
these expressions has the same form as expression 36. When a row meets the
condition specified by either expression1 or expression2, MapInfo Professional puts the
row into the selection.
String Clauses
English: All customers from N to Q.
45. LAST_NAME >= ”N” and LAST_NAME <”R”
Comment: The first part of the expression checks for names that are either
alphabetically equal to “n” or that are alphabetically greater than (after) “n”. The
second part of the expression checks for names that are alphabetically less than
(before) “r”. Any name starting with letters “n” through “q” satisfies this condition.
English: All customers from N to Z.
Note: MapInfo Professional comparison operators for strings are not case-
46. LAST_NAME >= ”N”
Comment: Since “z” is the last letter in the alphabet, there is no need to test for it.
There cannot be any customers with a last name starting with some letter beyond “z”.
English: All customers whose last name begins with C.
47. LAST_NAME>=”C” and LAST_NAME<”D”
Comment: The logic of this expression is the same as the logic for expression 48.
English: All customers whose last name is between “Ce . . .” and “Cn . . .”
Comment: The logic of this expression is the same as the logic for expression 46.
English: All not from Texas.
49. not STATE=”TX”
Comment: The expression causes MapInfo Professional to check the contents of the
STATE column. When there is an entry other than “TX” the row is selected.
Date Clauses
English: Records for all received in August 1990
50. Month(RECEIVED)=8 and Year(RECEIVED)=1990
Comment: In this expression we specify the year explicitly, using the
“year(<somecolumn>)” function to extract it from the date.
51. RECEIVED>=”8–1–90” and RECEIVED<=”8–31–90”
Comment: In this expression we don’t explicitly ask for month and year. Instead, we
rethink a bit and use an expression that might more accurately be rendered in English
as: Records for all received on or after August 1, 1990 and on or before August 31,
1990. The two expressions give equivalent results, but they are formulated differently.
English: Records for all received in July or September
52. Month(RECEIVED)=7 or Month(RECEIVED)=9
Comment: As in a previous example, no year for the dates. Depending on the data in
your table and what you’re trying to achieve, that may or may not be a problem.
When you want to specify the year:
English: Records for all received in July or September of 1989
53. month(RECEIVED)=any(7, 9) and year(RECEIVED)=89
Comment: The first clause of this expression uses the keyword “any”, discussed
below. The first clause is satisfied if any of the items in parenthesis match the month
received — in this case, the months of July and September.
MapInfo Professional supports the use of keywords “any”, “all”, “in” and “between”.
These keywords must be typed into expressions.
Use “any” to select any item in a set of items.
54. ABBR = any(”AL”, ”MN”, ”TX”)
Expression 54 is true of any record where the state is Alabama, Minnesota, or Texas.
To understand the use of “all” consider expression 55:
55. ABBR <> all(”AL”, ”MN”, ”TX”)
This statement says: Give me all orders where the state does not equal Alabama,
Minnesota, or Texas. It selects all orders except those from Alabama, Minnesota or
Texas. Consider what would happen if we issued 56:
56. ABBR <> any(”AL”, ”MN”, ”TX”)
Orders from Alabama would be selected because they are not from either Minnesota
or Texas; and orders from Minnesota and Texas would be selected for a similar reason.
This example, shows the use of “in”:
57. ABBR in(”AL”, ”MN”, ”TX”)
This produces the same result as 54.
Note that “in” is equivalent to “=any” and “not in” is equivalent to “<>all”.
Finally, consider 58 and 59, which illustrate “between”:
58. PRICE between 50000 and 100000
59. (PRICE between 50000 and 100000) or (PRICE between 150000
and 200000)
These are equivalent to expressions 43 and 44 respectively. You can also use between
with character strings (such as are in examples 48, 50, and 51).
Operator Precedence
When MapInfo Professional evaluates expressions it needs to know which
components of an expression to evaluate first. This is called precedence. By
convention, certain operators are assigned different levels of precedence. Those with
the highest level are evaluated first. The following table lists MapInfo Professional’s
operators in the order in which they are evaluated. Operators at the same level of
precedence are evaluated from left to right. Exponentiation evaluates from the right.
This affects expressions with multiple exponents: 2 ^ -3 ^ -4 = 2 ^ ( - (3 ^ (-4)))
Highest Priority:
multiplication, division
addition, subtraction
geographic operators
comparison operators
Lowest Priority:
For example, the expression 3+4*2 produces a result of 11. That is because
multiplication has a higher precedence than addition and is performed first, in effect:
We can add parenthesis to force MapInfo Professional to do the addition first:
Now consider expression 60, which is intended to select all records July or September
of 1989.
60. year(RECEIVED)=89 and month(RECEIVED)=7 or
Because “and” has higher precedence than “or”, MapInfo Professional treats this
expression as though “year(RECEIVED)=89 and month(RECEIVED)=7” was enclosed
in parentheses.
61. (year(RECEIVED)=89 and month(RECEIVED)=7) or
In this case, any record for July of 89 or for September of any year would be selected.
That’s probably not what you want. However, by adding parentheses to the second
expression, you can get what you want:
62. year(RECEIVED)=89 and (month(RECEIVED)=7 or
In this expression, the parentheses tell MapInfo Professional that
“month(RECEIVED)=7” and “month(RECEIVED)=9” are alternatives in the second
clause of the expression. MapInfo Professional treats this the same as it treats number
21 above.
Note: When you are not sure how MapInfo Professional evaluates an expression
with several operators, you should use parentheses to group elements as
you want them.
Functions take data values and perform some operation on them to produce a new
value. Functions have the following form:
Most of MapInfo Professional’s functions take one or two parameters. A parameter
can be a column or it can be another expression.
MapInfo Professional uses the keyword “obj” or “object” with the geographic
functions: Area, CentroidX, CentroidY, ObjectLen, Perimeter. This keyword tells
MapInfo Professional that it has to get values based on the graphical objects in the
table rather than the tabular data.
Syntax: Abs(num_expr)
Action: Returns the absolute value of a numerical expression. When the expression
has a value greater than zero, Abs returns that value. When the expression has a value
less than zero, Abs returns a value equal to the value of the expression multiplied by
negative one.
Example: Consider the following expression:
63. Abs(numA-numB)
(returns the absolute difference between numA and numB, regardless of
which is larger)
The following illustrates how Abs works:
Abs(5) = 5
Abs(-3) = 3
Abs(-0.02) = 0.02
Syntax: Area(obj, units)
Action: Returns the area of the object. 0 is returned if the object has no area or there is
no object for the record. Arcs, text, points, lines, and polylines do not have areas.
When you choose Area from a menu the “obj” keyword is placed between the
parentheses along with the current unit in double-quotes. In most cases the current
unit is square miles. When you want area to be in some other unit, you should type
the unit in, between quotes.
The units available are: Unit Name
square miles “sq mi”
square kilometers “sq km”
square inches “sq in”
square feet “sq ft”
square survey feet “sq survey ft”
square yards “sq yd”
square millimeters “sq mm”
square centimeters “sq cm”
square meters “sq m”
square chains “sq ch”
square links “sq li”
square rods “sq rd”
perches “perch”
roods “rood”
acres “acre”
hectares “hectare”
Examples: To select all rows for objects that have an area greater than 59 square miles:
64. Area(obj,”sq mi”)>59
To calculate the population density for an object:
65. Population/Area(obj,”sq mi”)
To select all rows for objects with a population density less than 250 people per unit
66. Population/Area(obj,”sq mi”)<250
When you want the area in hectares:
67. Area(obj,”hectare”)
When you want the area in square kilometers:
68. Area(obj,”sq km”)
Syntax: CentroidX(object)
Action: Returns the x coordinate of the centroid of the object, which is the longitude
value for earth maps. The centroid is usually the center of the object’s minimum
bounding rectangle (MBR).
The value is in decimal degrees if the coordinates are latitudes and longitudes. The
value is in whatever units were specified for the table if its coordinates are not
latitudes and longitudes.
Examples: To select all objects west of New York City:
69. CentroidX(obj)<-73.997890
To select all objects east of New York City:
70. CentroidX(obj)>-73.997890
To select all objects northeast of New York City:
Syntax: CentroidY(object)
Action: Returns the y centroid of the object, which is the latitude value for earth maps.
The value is in decimal degrees if the coordinates are latitudes and longitudes. The
value is in whatever units were specified for the table if its coordinates are not
latitudes and longitudes.
Examples: To select all objects north of New York City:
71. CentroidY(obj)>40.750450
To select all objects south of New York City:
72. CentroidY(obj)<40.750450
73. CentroidX(obj)>-73.997890 and CentroidY(obj)>40.750450
The first clause in the expression selects objects east of New York City while the
second clause in the expression selects objects north of New York City. Because the
two clauses are joined by “and” an object must satisfy both clauses to be selected.
To select all objects that are either north or east of New York City:
74. CentroidX(obj)>-73.997890 or CentroidY(obj)>40.750450
The first clause in the expression selects objects east of New York City while the
second clause in the expression selects objects north of New York City. Because the
two clauses are joined by “or” an object needs to satisfy only one of them in order to
be selected.
Syntax: Chr$(num_expr)
Action: Chr$ interprets the value of num_expr as a character value. It returns the
character corresponding to that value. Accordingly, num_expr should be an integer
between 0 and 255.
Example: You might want to have labels with information on two lines. You can use
Chr$ to insert a carriage return into a label expression. The ANSI value for a carriage
return is 13. Assume that you want the first line of a label to be a country name and
the second line of a label to be the county population.
The following expression produces that result:
75. Proper$(County)+Chr$(13)+Population
Note: Some BASIC languages use the convention Chr$(10) to represent a line
feed. MapBasic allows you to specify either Chr$(13) or Chr$(10).
Syntax: Cos(num_expr)
Action: The Cos function returns the cosine of the value of a numeric expression,
where that expression represents an angle expressed in radians.
Syntax: CurDate()
Action: Returns a date value representing the current date.
Examples: To enter the current date into a column:
76. CurDate()
You might use this in conjunction with Update Column where you want to enter the
current date into some column.
Syntax: Day(datefield)
Action: Returns the day of the month from the date. The day is represented as an
integer from one (1) to thirty-one (31).
Examples: To select all rows where the date is the first of the month:
78. Day(date)=1
To select all rows where the day is Friday and the date is not the thirteenth:
79. Weekday(date)=6 and Day(date)<>13
This expression has two clauses. The first clause uses the Weekday function to select
records where the day of the week is a Friday. The second clauses uses the Day
function to select records where the day of the month does not equal (<>) 13. Since the
two clauses are connected by “and” both clauses must be true for a row to be selected.
Syntax: Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2, units)
x1 and x2 are East-West (Longitude) coordinates for earth maps
y1 and y2 are North-South (Latitude) coordinates for earth maps
Units is the current distance unit
Action: Calculates the distance between two points.
When you choose Distance from a menu the “obj” keyword is placed between the
parentheses along with the current unit in double-quotes. In most cases the current
unit is miles. When you want distance to be in some other unit, you should type the
unit in, between quotes. The units available are:
Unit Name Unit Represented
“mi” miles
“km” kilometers
“in” inches
“ft” feet
“survey ft” survey feet
“li” links
“rd” rods
“ch” chains
Examples: To calculate the distance between some objects and New York City, located
at -73.997890 longitude and 40.750450 latitude:
80. Distance(-73.997890, 40.750450, CentroidX(obj),
To select all objects west of New York and not more than 20 miles from it:
81. CentroidX(obj)<-73.997890 and Distance(-73.997890,
40.750450, CentroidX(obj), CentroidY(obj),”mi”)<=20
This expression has two clauses. The first clause specifies that an object must be west
of New York to be selected. The second clause specifies that an object must be no more
than twenty miles from New York in order to be selected. Since the two clauses are
connected by “and” both must be true if an object is to be selected.
Syntax: Format$ ( value , pattern )
value is a numeric expression
pattern is a string that specifies how to format the results
Action: Produces a string representation of the numeric value num_expr.
Examples: The Format$( ) function produces a specially-formatted character string
that incorporates a numeric value (specified by the value parameter). The Format$( )
function can embed a variety of formatting characters (e.g. currency symbols such as
$, %, periods, and commas) to make the result string more readable or more
aesthetically pleasing. Given a numeric value such as 12345.67 , your program can use
the Format$( ) function to produce formatted results, such as $12,345.67 .
The Format$( ) function’s value parameter represents the numeric value that you want
to format. The pattern parameter is a string of code characters, carefully chosen (by
you) to produce a particular type of formatted result. The pattern string should
include one or more special format characters, such as # , 0, % , the comma character,
the period, or the semicolon character; these characters control how the results looks.
The pattern string can also include one or more cosmetic characters, such as $ , - , ( , or
) , to make the results more attractive.
The table below summarizes the format characters.
control Role in formatting results
# The result includes one or more digits from the value. However, if the control
string contains one or more # characters to the left of the decimal place, and the
value is between zero and one, the formatted result string may not include a
zero before the decimal place.
0 A digit placeholder similar to the # character; however, if the control string
contains one or more 0 characters to the left of the decimal place, and the value
is between zero and one, the formatted result string includes a zero before the
decimal place.
. The period character is used in conjunction with the # character. When the
pattern string includes a period character, then the number of # characters to
the right of the period dictates the number of decimal places that the result
string displays.
, When you include a comma character before the first # character, the result
string includes a comma every three digits to the left of the decimal place. The
number ten million would appear as “10,000,000” rather than “10000000”.
% The result represents the value multiplied by one hundred; a value of 0.75
produces a result string of “75%”. When you wish to include a percent sign in
your result, but you do not want MapBasic to multiply the value by one
hundred, place a \ (backslash) character before the percent sign (see below)
E+ The result is formatted according to scientific notation; for example, the value
1234 produce the result “1.234e+03”. When the exponent is positive, a plus
sign appears after the “e”. When the exponent is negative (which is the case
for fractional numbers), a minus sign appears after the “e”.
E- This string of control characters functions just as the “E+” string, except that
the result never shows a plus sign following the “e”.
; By including a semicolon in your pattern string, you can specify one format for
positive numbers and another format for negative numbers. The semicolon
should appear after the first set of format characters, and before the second set
of format characters. The second set of format characters applies to negative
numbers. If the pattern string includes a second semicolon, the third format
string (following the second semicolon) will be used to format the special-case
value of 0 (zero).
control Role in formatting results
- When your pattern string includes both positive and negative formats in this
fashion, the result does not automatically include a minus sign. When you
wish to include a minus sign in the results, you should include a “-” character
in the second set of format characters. See examples in table below.
\ When the backslash character appears in a pattern string, MapBasic does not
perform any special processing for the character that follows the backslash.
This allows you to include special characters (such as the percent sign) in the
results, without causing the special formatting actions described above.
In the table below, the left column shows sample strings that you could use as the
Format$( ) function’s pattern parameter. The middle column shows sample numbers,
such as you might use as the value parameter. The right column shows the results that
Format$( ) would return, given the parameters from the left columns.
Pattern value parameter Format$( ) returns:
“,# ” 12345 ”12,345”
“,# ” -12345 ”-12,345”
“$# ” 12345 ”$12345”
“$# ” -12345 ”-$12345”
“$,# ” 12345 ”$12,345”
“$,# ” -12345 ”-$12,345”
“$,# .## ” 12345.678 ”$12,345.68”
“$,# .# # ” -12345.678 ”-$12,345.68”
“$,# .# # ;($,# .# # )” 12345.678 ”$12,345.68”
“$,# .# # ;($,# .# # )” -12345.678 ”($12,345.68)”
“,# .# # # ” 12345.6789 ”12,345.679”
“,# .# ” 12345.6789 ”12,345.7”
“# .# ” 12345.6789 ”12345.7”
“# .# # # E+# # ” 12345.6789 ”1.235e+04”
“# .# # # E+# # ” -12345.6789 ”-1.235e+04”
“# .# # # E+# # ” 0.054321 ”5.432e-02”
“# .# # # E-# # ” 12345.6789 ”1.235e04”
“# .# # # E-# # ” 0.054321 ”5.432e-02”
“# %” 0.054321 ”5%”
“# .# # %” 0.054321 ”5.43%”
“# .# # \%” 0.054321 ”.05%”
“0.# # \%” 0.054321 ”0.05%”
Syntax: InStr(position, string, substring)
Action: InStr tests whether of not some string has a specific substring. MapInfo
Professional searches string starting at the character position specified by position.
When position is one, MapInfo Professional starts searching at the beginning of string.
When it has the value 6, MapInfo Professional starts searching at the sixth character
in string.
When string contains substring, InStr returns the character position where substring
Note: When string does not contain substring, InStr returns zero.
Example: You are preparing to geocode a file and you want to identify all the entries
with Post Office boxes for addresses. That means you want all entries that have the
string “box” in their address column. They may also have “P.O.”, but you cannot be
sure of that. Nor can you be sure of how “box” is capitalized in the entries. Here is
your expression:
82. InStr(1,UCase$(ADDRESS),”BOX”)>0
This expression directs MapInfo Professional to search the Address column for the
string “BOX”. All entries containing this string are selected.
For example, If your data looks like this:
“This is a test of the insert function.”
You want to find the position of “test.” The INSTR function will look like this:
INSTR(1,”This is a test of the insert function”,”test”)
When this statement is executed, the value 11 will be returned.
Note: If the string that you are searching for does not exist, the value 0 will be
Syntax: Int(num_expr)
Action: Returns the nearest integer that is less than or equal to the specified value
Examples: The following table shows how Int treats various values:
Number Int(Number)
5.2 5
5.999 5
-7.8 -8
-7.2 -8
When you apply Int to a Logical variable type, it will produce a 1 if the Logical value
is TRUE, or 0 if the Logical value is FALSE.
It is also possible to evaluate logical expressions with Int. For example,
83. Int(STATE_NAME="Maine")
returns an integer value of 1 if the State_Name column or variable contains the string
"Maine", or an integer value of 0 if State_Name contains any other string value.
Syntax: LCase$(string)
Action: Returns the lower case of the string.
Examples: Consider the following expression:
84. LCase$(CITY)
The following table shows how LCase$ converts an input string (from a column in
your table) into a returned string:
Input String Returned String
NEW YORK new york
New yorK new york
new york new york
Syntax: Left$(string, number)
Action: Returns a string that consists of the leftmost number of characters in string.
Examples: Consider the following expression:
85. Left$(CITY,5)
The following table shows how that expression converts an input string into a
returned string:
Input String Returned String
New York City New Y
Denver Denve
Singapore Singa
Syntax: Len(string)
Action: Returns the number of characters in a string.
Syntax: LTrim$(string)
Action: LTrim$ removes any non-printing characters (e.g. spaces, TABs) from the
beginning of string.
see also: RTrim$
Syntax: Maximum(num_expr, num_expr)
Action: Maximum returns the larger of two numbers.
Example: To find the highest address number for a street segment in a StreetInfo file:
ToLeft is the highest address number on the left side of a segment and ToRight is the
highest address number of the right side of a segment.
Syntax: Mid$(string, position, length)
string is a character expression
position is an integer indicating a starting position in string
length is an integer indicating the number of characters to extract
Action: Mid$ returns a string of a set length, starting at given position, in a specified
Examples: Consider the following expression:
88. Mid$(CITY,5,4)
The following table shows how that expression converts an input string into a
returned string:
Input String Returned String
New York City York
Denver er
Singapore apor
Note: The expression only returned two characters from “Denver”. That is
because “Denver” is too short to have a four-character string starting at its
fifth character.
Syntax: Minimum(num_expr, num_expr)
Action: Minimum returns the smaller of two numbers.
Examples: To find the lowest address number for a street segment in a StreetInfo file:
FromLeft is the highest address number on the left side of a segment and FromRight is
the highest address number of the right side of a segment.
Syntax: Month(datefield)
Action: Returns the month of the date as a number, 1 through 12.
Examples: To select all received in August:
90. Month(received)=8
To select all received before August:
91. Month(received)<8
To select all received in August 1990:
92. Month(received)=8 and Year(received)=1990
This expression has two clauses. The first specifies that the month must be August
and the second that the year must be 1990. The clauses are connected by the AND
operator and so both must be True for a row to be selected.
To select all received in August or September:
93. Month(received)=8 or Month(received)=9
This expression has two clauses. The first selects rows where the month is August and
the second selects rows where the month is September. Since the clauses are
connected by “or” only one must be True for a row to be selected.
To select all received in August or September:
94. Month(received)=any(8,9)
This expression achieves the same result as 92, but is formulated using the keyword
To select all received in August or September of 1990:
95. Month(received)=any(8,9) and Year(received)=1990
This expression has two clauses. The first selects rows where the month is August or
September and the second selects rows where the year is 1990. The clauses are
connected by the AND operator and so both must be True for a row to be selected.
Syntax: ObjectLen(obj, unit)
Action: Returns the length of lines and polylines. Returns a value of 0 for other
When you choose ObjectLen from a menu the “obj” keyword is placed between the
parentheses along with the current unit in double-quotes. In most cases the current
unit is miles. When you want length to be in some other unit, you should type the unit
using double quotes. The units available are:
Unit Name Unit Represented
“mi” miles
“km” kilometers
“in” inches
“ft” feet
“survey ft” survey feet
“yd” yards
“mm” millimeters
“cm” centimeters
“li” links
“rd” rods
“ch” chains
“m” meters
“nmi” nautical miles
(1 nautical mile = 1852 meters)
Syntax: Perimeter(obj, unit)
Action: Returns the perimeter of the object for regions, ellipses, rectangles, and
rounded rectangles. When you choose Perimeter from a menu the “obj” keyword is
placed between the parentheses along with the current unit in double-quotes. In most
cases the current unit is miles.
When you want perimeter to be in some other unit, you should type the unit using
double quotes. See the table above for the available units.
Examples: To calculate the perimeter of an object:
100. Perimeter(obj, ”mi”)
To calculate the perimeter in kilometers:
101. Perimeter(obj, ”km”)
To calculate the Perimeter in meters”
102. Perimeter(obj, ”m”)
To select all objects with a perimeter greater than 35 miles long:
103. Perimeter(obj, ”mi”)>35
Syntax: Proper$(string)
Action: Returns a string that has the first letter of each word capitalized and all other
letters lowercase.
Examples: Consider the following expression:
104. Proper$(CITY)
This table shows how the Proper$ function reformats a column in your table:
Original text Reformatted text
New yorK New York
new york New York
New York New York
Right$( )
Syntax: Right$ (string_expr, num_expr)
Action: Returns part or all of a string beginning at the right end of the string.
105. Right$(CITY, 4)
The following table shows how that expression converts an input string into a
returned string:
Input String Returned String
New York City City
Denver nver
Singapore pore
Syntax: Round(number1, number2)
Action: Returns the rounded number1. number2 specifies how to round it.
Examples: Consider the following expression:
106. Round(number1,number2)
The table below gives examples. The first column contains the function arguments
(number1, number2) and the second column contains the rounded result.
Arguments Rounded Number
14347,10000 10000
14347, 100 14300
14347, 10 14350
12.18353, .1 12.20000
12.18353, .001 12.18400
To select all rows where the median age is 42, you might use the following expression:
107. Round(MED_AGE, 1)=42
Depending on your data, this expression may give better results than one that
compares median age directly with a target value (MED_AGE=42). The median age
column in MapInfo Professional’s states table has the median age calculated to one
decimal place. When we compare those values directly with 42 MapInfo Professional
would not select records where the median age is, for example, 41.7, 42.1, or 42.4. Yet
we probably want those records. By rounding the median age value to a whole
number, we can get those values.
Syntax: RTrim$(string)
Action: RTrim$ removes any white-space characters (e.g. spaces, and TABs) from the
end of string.
see also: LTrim$
Syntax: Sin(num_expr)
Action: The Sin function returns the sine of the value of a numeric expression, where
that expression represents an angle expressed in radians.
Syntax: Str$(expr)
Action: Str$ converts a numerical expression into a string that represents it. When the
numerical expression is negative the first character in the string with be a negative
sign (-). The first character returned for a positive value is the first number. If the
expression is an object, Str$() returns a string describing the type of object (e.g.,
“region”). If the expression is a Logical (true/false) value, Str$ returns "T" for true or
"F" for false.
When applied to a Float variable type, Str$ will produce a text string representing the
floating-point number rounded to:
• six digits of precision (total of 6 non-zero digits, including any number of
leading or trailing zeroes depending on the location of the decimal point) if
the number is less than 100,000.
• the nearest .01 (hundredth) if the number is greater than 100,000.
If you need to control the number of digits of accuracy displayed in a string, use the
Format$() function.
Syntax: UCase$(string)
Action: Returns the upper case of the string.
Examples: Consider the following expression:
108. UCase$(CITY)
The following table shows how it converts an input string (from a column in your
table) into a returned string:
Input String Returned String
new york NEW YORK
Syntax: Val(char_expr)
Action: The Val function extracts a numerical value from a character expression. It
ignores any tabs, spaces, and line feeds at the start of a string and then tries to
interpret the first sequence of numeric characters as a numerical value. It stops
processing the string as soon as it finds a non-numeric character.
Note: Except that it will also accept a minus (hyphen) sign and a decimal point
(period), e.g., Val (”-9.9”) = -9.9. When the first character after initial tabs,
spaces, and line feeds is not a numeric character, Val returns a value of zero.
Examples: The following table illustrates how Val extracts a numerical value from an
input string:
char_expr Val(char_expr)
12 thousand 12
52 - 62 Brunswick 52
Eighteen 0
Box 239 0
Syntax: Weekday(datefield)
Action: Returns the day of the week from the data. The day is given as a number
between 1 and 7. 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday.
Examples: To select all rows where the weekday is Wednesday:
109. Weekday(date)=4
To select all rows where the weekday is Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday:
110. Weekday(date)=any(4,5,6)
The “any” keyword directs MapInfo Professional to select any row where the week
day is one of the specified days.
To select all rows where the day is Friday and the month is July:
111. Weekday(date)=6 and Month(date)=7
This expression has two clauses. The first clause uses the Weekday function to select
records where the day of the week is a Friday. The second clause uses the Month
function to select records where the month is July. Since the two clauses are connected
by the AND operator, both clauses must be True for a row to be selected.
Syntax: Year(datefield)
Action: Returns the year of the date.
Examples: To find all orders received in 1990:
112. Year(date)=1990
To find all orders received in 1990 or 1991:
113. Year(date)=any(1990,1991)
To find all orders received between 1985 and 1990, including those orders received in
1985 and 1990:
114. Year(date)>=1985 and Year(date)<=1990
This expression has two clauses. The first selects all rows where the date is 1985 or
greater. The second clause selects all rows where the date is 1990 or less. Both clauses
must be satisfied for a row to be selected.
This appendix describes how to use information in SPOT and Geospot™ files to register the
image in MapInfo. The advantage of using this information in this way is the increased
accuracy that can be achieved over manually aligning the image with vector data.
This appendix assumes you have some familiarity with manually registering raster images. If
the subject is new to you, see Register Raster Image earlier in this reference.
The process described here is not foolproof. Because of inaccuracies in the header file settings or
problems in companion vector data, you may occasionally need to manually readjust the
control points using the Register Raster Image dialog. Refer to Register Raster Image earlier.
Part of registering a SPOT image is assigning the proper coordinate system. The standard
coordinate systems for most US SPOT images are Universal Transverse Mercator and State
Plane. But in other cases a SPOT image may use a different coordinate system and may even
require that you add a new coordinate system to MapInfo. This appendix will help you identify
what settings to use for a SPOT image, as well as when to add a coordinate system to MapInfo,
should you need to.
.HDR file–A header file in ASCII form that contains information about the image’s size,
coordinate system,(SPOTView™ only) and location on the earth.
.BIL file–A binary file that contains the image’s raw raster data.
.CLR file–A palette file that contains a list of suggested colors to be used with the image. This
file is only provided with color images, and MapInfo reads the contents of this file when
A report (.REP) file in ASCII form also accompanies each Geospot™ product. Although
MapInfo does not read this file, you may find that it too contains useful information for
registering the image, particularly image rotation and coordinate system information.
Appendix E: Registering SPOT Images
If you open a SPOTView™ image’s .HDR file using an ASCII editor, you’ll see that it contains
settings like the following. The settings for your image will likely differ.
SPOTView™ Settings
PRODUCT_NAME SPOTView Custom Frame Special Change Detection
MAP_FRAME 22’ X 30’
SCENE_ID 2_595272_910701_165923_2X
! 2_595272_930410_171958_2P
! 2_595272_930729_170345_2X
! 10 APR 93
! 29 JUL 93
NCOLS 4276
NROWS 4251
ULXMAP 522147
ULYMAP 4086917
XDIM 10.00
YDIM 10.00
MAP_NAME St Louis, MO Change Detection
Geospot™ Settings
The .HDR and .REP files will contain settings similar to these.
PROJ_ID Albers Equal Area
Occasionally you’ll want to open a SPOT image that uses a coordinate system not currently
supported in MapInfo. When this is the case, you’ll need to modify MapInfo’s list of supported
coordinate systems by adding a new line to the MAPINFOW.PRJ file; this is an ASCII file that
can be easily modified with a text editor. Appendix F: Creating Your Own Coordinate System gives
a complete description of how to edit this file and what elements to use within a line for a given
coordinate system.
For example, in the sample .HDR files settings above, the PROJECTION and DATUM settings
might lead you to believe that one of MapInfo’s standard Albers Equal-Area Conic coordinate
systems would be appropriate for the sample SPOT image. But if you examine the
MAPINFOW.PRJ file, you’ll see that the Albers Equal-Area Conic coordinate system lines look
like this.
PIXEL_ROTATION_COS are optional rotation settings within the image’s .REP file; this file is
only present with Geospot products. If a .REP file is not present or the .REP file does not
contain any PIXEL_ROTATION_SIN and PIXEL_ROTATION_COS settings, here are the values
to use for these settings when calculating control points:
The following table shows the pixel coordinates and corresponding equations for determining
the three control points. The column on the right of the table shows the results of calculating the
control points using the sample data from above. In this case, the image has no .REP file.
Notice that the control points are at the top left corner of the image (0,0), one pixel to the left
(1,0), and one pixel below (0,1); no additional accuracy is gained by choosing control points that
are any further apart. Here are the settings you would enter in the Register Raster Image dialog
when registering the sample SPOT image:
See Register Raster Image earlier in this reference if it is unclear to you where to enter this
You can contact SPOT Image Corporation directly for more information on SPOT images and
the SPOTView product line.
Fax (703)648-1813
Appendix F: DBMS Connectivity Support
Driver Installation
The MapInfo Professional driver installation allows you to install drivers redistributed by
1. The redistributed Merant ODBC Drivers are only licensed to be used by the MapInfo
2. They may not be used by other ODBC applications.
3. The drivers created when you install these drivers intentionally are labeled “MapInfo
<database name>.” This is to signal that this driver is only for use within MapInfo.
4. If you do use it elsewhere you will get a warning message at connect time that you are
not licensed to use this ODBC datasource in this application, but it will let you
continue. This message will also be displayed after every 50 or so records fetched
from this datasource.
5. The critical side effect is that it also places an entry in the ODBC.INI entry for that
datasource. This will then prevent MapInfo from using this datasource in the future
without receiving the same message.
6. If you get an unlicensed message when using a datasource from within MapInfo:
• Edit the ODBC.INI and remove all keys for QEWSD.
• If there is a key for your INI filename (ODBC.INI), then this key will
point to the place in the registry containing the information that the INI
file would normally contain. If you wish to use the INI file, delete this
Note: If you try to add a new datasource with a driver that requires additional software
that is not installed you get the following message:
The setup routines for the <driver name> driver could not be loaded. You may be low on
memory and need to quit a few applications.
This means that the driver DLL could not be loaded, most likely because it could not load
dependent DLLs.
To get a useful message indicating which DLL is required but not found, try DLLMGR.EXE, or
double-check that you have properly installed all required drivers and your path is set correctly.
ODBCINST.INI contains the list of the installed and registered drivers.
ODBC.INI contains the list of datasources that use the drivers. These are what are presented
during a connect dialog.
To access data from you database, you must have an appropriate ODBC driver installed and an
ODBC datasource set up for that driver.
To see the list of available datasources, run the ODBC Administrator. The list displayed is the
same list of available datasources provided by the MapInfo OPEN ODBC Table Connection
To ensure an existing datasource is valid, select it and press Setup. This will try to load any
prerequisite drivers and verify that they are available. Ensure that the driver is set up correctly.
For File base databases, the setup usually points to a default directory where the files are
located. For server databases, some form of network information is required. The Oracle
TNSNAME, server host name, TCP\IP address, and port are examples of required files for
Oracle databases.
To check:
1. Use the ODBC Administrator and look for an Access datasource. Pick it and press
Setup to ensure it is configures as desired.
2. If one is not there, press Add... and see if the Access driver is installed.
Install the MS Access drivers. These are included with MS Access, MS Office Professional,
ODBC SDK, Visual C++, MapInfo Professional or purchased separately.
The service to the database must be configured. Run the configuration utility that Oracle
provides to configure the service. The utility is called Net 8 Configuration Assistant for v. 8.1.6,
v. 8.1.7 or later, and Net Configuration Assistant for 9i.
• Oracle Spatial will be a spatial schema, number 13. It provides support for
points, lines, and polygon spatial types.
• MapInfo will still support XY and MICODE index types via ODBC
• MapInfo will not support HH_CODE and the old version of SDO index types
• Linked Table – same as the other databases
• Live table – same as the other databases
• Editing – same as the other databases
The new MapInfo Professional object types, Multipoint and Collection, are translated into
Oracle MULTIPOINT and COLLECTION objects, respectively, via the Oracle OCI and vice
versa. However, Oracle’s COLLECTION object is broader in scope than MapInfo’s Collection
object. The MapInfo Collection allows one region, one polyline, and one Multipoint. Therefore,
converting between MapInfo to Oracle and from Oracle to MapInfo may not produce a one-to-
one conversion. The table below illustrates the realtionship between Oracle and MapInfo
MapInfo will be able to download some or all of an Oracle Spatial table through either a spatial
query or attribute query. Spatial Query supports both a rectangular arc query and a Spatial
query on a selected object(s).
Note: To select a Multipoint object within a region (e.g., Select Object within Selection),
the first point of the Multipoint object must be within the region. Otherwise, the
Select statement will fail. The same rule applies to Collections containing Multipoint
objects. Lines and Polygons in Collections should work correctly.
MapInfo captures many Oracle data types and translates them into MapInfo native types.
When the column is updated, Oracle data makes sure that the data being bound is translated
into the column format (i.e., MapInfo can bind a character as a long and send it through to
Oracle and on the other end it will be translated into a long number in the table).
Spatial Objects
from Oracle Spatial: GTYPES to MapInfo
0 UNKNOWN_GEOMETRY (Spatial ignores this geometry.) NULL
1 POINT Geometry contains one point. Point
2 LINESTRING Geometry contains one line string. Line (if only 2 pts)
or Polyline if >2 pts)
3 POLYGON Geometry contains one polygon. Region
4 Collection Geometry is a heterogeneous collection of Collection
5 MULTIPOINT Geometry has multiple points. Multipoint
6 MULTILINESTRING Geometry has multiple line strings. Polyline
7 MULTIPOLYGON Geometry has multiple polygons Region
(more than one exterior boundary).
NULL object NULL object
Note, however, when you drop an Oracle Spatial table that these entries are not removed. To
manually remove these entries, you would issue SQL commands such as the ones below:
Commit complete.
Only some fields in a linked table may be editable. You will be prevented from making edits to
non-editable fields.
These are the primary key or unique index columns. They enable updates to be reliably
committed to the server table. If you insert a new row or edit an existing row, the value in these
fields must be unique within the ODBC Database table or you will receive an error during the
If you make a SpatialWare table mappable with the Object Type default of Point and try to
insert a Line or Region object into it, the same message “Cannot Upload Object—format is not
supported in SpatialWare (Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle, or Arc)” displays. This is because you
are trying to insert objects other than a point. You need to make the table mappable with the
Object type specified as ALL. To fix the problem, delete the table from the Map Catalog using
the Delete Entry option in the application MIODBCAT.MBX, described in Chapter 21 of the
MapInfo Professional User’s Guide, “Accessing Remote Database Data.” Then re-add the table
to the Map Catalog with an Object type of ALL using the Make Table Mappable option.
“Some objects were lost—they were too large to download. Increase Registry entry for
Decimal Degrees
= 42.7583333
The number 42.7583333 is the decimal degree equivalent of the original number that was in
degrees, minutes, and seconds.
To obtain minutes:
(Where .213458 is the decimal part of the entire decimal degree coordinate)
= (12.807480)
To obtain seconds:
Standard Parallel 1
Standard Parallel 2
Origin, Longitude
Origin, latitude
False Northing
False Easting
Scale Factor
Albers Equal-Area Conic X X X X X X X X
Azimuthal Equidistant X X X X* X
Cassini-Soldner X X X X X X
Cylindrical Equal Area X X X X
Double Stereographic X X X X X X X
Eckert IV X X X
Eckert VI X X X
Equidistant Conic X X X X X X X X
Gall X X X
Hotine Oblique Mercator X X X X X X X X
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area X X X X† X
Lambert Conformal Conic X X X X X X X X
Longitude-Latitude X
Mercator X X X
Miller X X X
Mollweide X X X
New Zealand Map Grid X X X X X X
Polyconic X X X X X X
Regional Mercator X X X X
Robinson X X X
Sinusoidal X X X
Stereographic X X X X X X X
Swiss Oblique Mercator X X X X X X
Transverse Mercator X X X X X X X
* MapInfo supports the Azimuthal Equidistant and Lambert Azimuth Equal-Area projections in the polar aspect only. The Origin Latitude for
these projections must be either 90 or -90.
† Versions of MapInfo prior to 6.0 support the Azimuthal Equidistant and Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projections in the polar aspect only.
The Origin Latitude for these projections must be either 90 or -90. An Oblique Azimuthal Equidistant projection was introduced in version 6.0
that supports all Origin Latitudes, including the poles. For version 6.5 a new Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection has been added that
also supports all Origin Latitudes, including the poles.
The projection is the equation or equations used by a coordinate system. The
following list names the projections MapInfo uses and gives the number used to
identify the projection in the MAPINFOW.PRJ file:
Number Projection
9 Albers Equal-Area Conic
28 Azimuthal Equidistant (all origin latitudes)
5 Azimuthal Equidistant (polar aspect only)
30 Cassini-Soldner
2 Cylindrical Equal-Area
31 Double Stereographic
14 Eckert IV
15 Eckert VI
6 Equidistant Conic, also known as Simple Conic
17 Gall
7 Hotine Oblique Mercator
4 Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area (polar aspect only)
29 Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area
3 Lambert Conformal Conic
19 Lambert Conformal Conic (modified for Belgium 1972)
1 Longitude/Latitude
10 Mercator
11 Miller Cylindrical
13 Mollweide
18 New Zealand Map Grid
27 Polyconic
26 Regional Mercator
12 Robinson
16 Sinusoidal
20 Stereographic
25 Swiss Oblique Mercator
8 Transverse Mercator, (also known as Gauss-Kruger)
Number Projection
21 Transverse Mercator, (modified for Danish System 34 Jylland-Fyn)
22 Transverse Mercator, (modified for Danish System 34 Sjaelland)
23 Transverse Mercator, (modified for Danish System 34/45 Bornholm)
24 Transverse Mercator, (modified for Finnish KKJ)
Assume you want to work with a simple system based on the Transverse Mercator
projection and using the NAD 1983 datum. You might have a line such as the
following in your MAPINFOW.PRJ file:
"UTM Zone 1 (NAD 83)", 8, 74, 7, -177, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 0
Now let’s say that you want a system based on this, but with an affine transformation
specified by the following parameters (see "Affine Transformations" later in this
appendix): Units=meters; A=0.5; B=-0.866; C=0; D=0.866; E=0.5; and F=0. The
required line in the MAPINFOW.PRJ file is:
"UTM Zone 1 (NAD 83) - rotated 60 degrees", 1008, 74, 7, -177, 0, 0.9996,
500000, 0, 7, 0.5, -0.866, 0, 0.866, 0.5, 0
Alternatively, if you want to bound the system to (x1, y1, x2, y2)=(-500000, 0, 500000,
1000000), the required line is:
"UTM Zone 1 (NAD 83) - bounded", 2008, 74, 7, -177, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 0,
-500000, 0, 500000, 1000000
To customize the system using both of these modifications, the line is:
"UTM Zone 1 (NAD 83) - rotated and bounded", 3008, 74, 7, -177, 0, 0.9996,
500000, 0, 7, 0.5, -0.866, 0, 0.866, 0.5, 0, -500000, 0, 500000, 1000000
The datum is established by tying a reference ellipsoid to a particular point on the
earth. The following table lists these details for each datum:
• The number used to identify the datum in the MAPINFOW.PRJ file.
• The datum’s name
• The maps for which the datum is typically used
• The datum’s reference ellipsoid
See Appendix I for further information on special datums 999 and 9999.
The following table lists the available coordinate units and the number used to
identify the unit in the MAPINFOW.PRJ file:
Number Units
6 Centimeters
31 Chains
3 Feet (also called International Feet)*
2 Inches
1 Kilometers
30 Links
7 Meters
0 Miles
5 Millimeters
9 Nautical Miles**
32 Rods
8 US Survey Feet (used for 1927 State Plane)***
4 Yards
For the Transverse Mercator projection the origin’s longitude defines the central
meridian. In constructing the Transverse Mercator projection a cylinder is positioned
tangent to the earth. The central meridian is the line of tangency. The scale of the
projected map is true along the central meridian.
In creating a Hotine Oblique Mercator projection it is necessary to specify a great
circle that is not the equator nor a meridian. MapInfo does this by specifying one
point on the ellipsoid and an azimuth from that point. That point is the origin of the
coordinate system.
Polyconic Projection
The following description is copied from “Map Projections – A Working Manual”,
USGS Professional Paper 1395, by John P. Snyder.
The Polyconic projection, usually called the American Polyconic in Europe, achieved
its name because the curvature of the circular arc for each parallel on the map is the
same as it would be following the unrolling of a cone which had been wrapped
around the the globe tangent to the particular parallel of latitude, with the parallel
traced onto the cone. Thus, there are many (”poly-”) cones involved, rather than the
single cone of each regular conic projection.
The Polyconic projection is neither equal-area nor conformal. Along the central
meridian, however, it is both distortion free and true to scale. Each parallel is true to
scale, but the meridians are lengthened by various amounts to cross each parallel at
the correct position along the parallel, so that no parallel is standard in the sense of
having conformality (or correct angles), except at the central meridian. Near the
central meridian, distortion is extremely small.
This projection is not intended for mapping large areas. The conversion algorithms
used break down when mapping wide longitude ranges. For example,,
from the sample data shipped with MapInfo Professional, may exhibit anomalies if
reprojected using Polyconic.
There are other ways you can edit this file. When you want a shorter list remove
coordinate systems from the file. You can also change the names, change group
headings and reorder the file to suit your needs.
Note: Group headings are distinguished by the hyphen at the beginning of the
name. Names of coordinate systems cannot begin with a hyphen or a space.
Affine Transformations
MapInfo provides the ability to define rotated or skewed coordinate systems by
allowing an optional affine transformation in any coordinate system definition. You
can also define a coordinate system with bounds and an affine transformation. In that
case, add 3000 to the projection number, enter the Affine parameters (A,B,C,D,E,F)
and then list the bounds (x1,y1,x2,y2). The general form is:
Name, Projection Number + 3000, projection components
(see previous section), Affine units, A, B, C, D, E, F,
x1, y1, x2, y2
An example of a Mapinfow.prj line with a rotated Affine transformation might look
like this with the affine parameters in Bold and bounds in Italics:
”Equal Area for GA (NAD 27)”, 3009, 62, 7, -96, 23, 29.5, 45.5, 0, 0, 7, -0.00000000001, 1,
-116.071, -1, -0.00000000001, -50.5312, -6972009.20702, -16901023.2253, 26829936.181,
An affine transformation has the following form:
x’ = Ax + By + C
y’ = Dx + Ey + F
In these equations, the base coordinates (x, y) are transformed to produce the derived
coordinates (x’, y’). The six constants A through F determine the effect of the
transformation and we use the post multiply method for homogenous 2D coordinate
This can be considered a matrix operation as follows:
A B C X X’
D E F * Y = Y’
0 0 1 1 1
So to Translate to (5,2) Rotate 60 degrees and then Shear 5 units in Y, set up and
multiply the following matrices:
1 0 0 0.5 -0.866 0 1 0 5
5 1 0 * 0.866 0.5 0 * 0 1 2
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 1
Therefore, the required values are: A=.5, B=-.866, C=0.768, D=3.366, E=-3.83, F=9.17.
Answer: The GRS 80 datum is exactly identical to NAD 83 datum. MapInfo uses the
numeric parameters, not the name, to decide which coordinate system to highlight in
the Choose Projection dialog. Since GRS 80 has the same numeric parameters as NAD
83, and GRS 80 comes earlier in the list, MapInfo chooses GRS 80 instead of NAD 83.
(There are several other datums identical to GRS 80, e.g., EUREF 89, GDA 94, etc.)
Contact Information
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 100
Bethesda, MD 20814?2212
(301) 493-0200
usually zero. However, some datums use a different location as the prime
meridian. For example, the NTF datum uses Paris as its prime meridian,
which is 2.33722917 degrees east of Greenwich. If you use the NTF datum in
a coordinate system, all longitudes in that coordinate system are relative to
Paris instead of Greenwich.
You can define a custom datum in any coordinate system definition. Appendix F
describes how to define a coordinate system. To define a custom datum in a
coordinate system, you use datum number 9999 followed by the datum parameters,
in this order:
9999, EllipsoidNumber, dX, dY, dZ, EX, EY, EZ, m, PrimeMeridian
Some datums specify only an ellipsoid and shift parameters (dX, dY, dZ), with no
rotation parameters, scale correction, or prime meridian. In those cases, you can use
datum number 999 instead of 9999, to simplify the definition:
999, EllipsoidNumber, dX, dY, dZ
The ellipsoid number must be chosen from the following list. Currently, there is no
way to define a custom ellipsoid. If you need to use an ellipsoid that does not appear
on this list, please notify MapInfo Technical Support so that we can add your ellipsoid
to a future MapInfo release.
Two ellipsoids have been added. These are: Everest Pakistan #50, and ATS 77
(Average Terrestrial System) # 51.
The ellipsoid names for Everest ellipsoids have been standardized according to NIMA
specs to conform to the most current standards used in in the GIS and mapping
The name changes are summarized below:
The additions and the new names are reflected in the full chart below.
The shift and rotation parameters describe the ellipsoid’s orientation in space, as
compared to the WGS 84 datum. It’s important to make sure that these parameters
have the correct signs (positive or negative). Usually, a document describing a local
datum will list the parameters required to convert coordinates from the local datum to
WGS 84. (This is the same as saying that the parameters were derived by subtracting
the local datum from WGS 84.) In that case, you can use the parameters exactly as
they appear in the document. However, if you have a document that lists parameters
for converting coordinates in the opposite direction — from WGS 84 to the local
datum — then you must reverse the signs of the shift, rotation, and scale correction
It’s also very important to list the parameters in the correct order. Some documents
list the rotation parameters with EZ first, like this: EZ, EY, EX. In those cases, you must
reverse the order of the rotation parameters when defining the custom datum. This is
especially easy to overlook when your document uses Greek letters to denote the
parameters. If the document lists the parameters in order as w, y, e, then you must
reverse their order in the custom datum definition.
Here’s an example of a local datum description (we’ll call it LD-1) as it might appear
in a technical article:
LD-1 ellipsoid: International
a 6378388.0 m
f 1 / 297.0
Converting from WGS 84 to LD-1
DX 93.5 m
DY 103.5 m
DZ 123.3 m
eX -0.25??
eY 0.11??
eZ 0.07??
m -2.1 ppm
This datum uses the International ellipsoid, which is number 4 in the ellipsoid table
above. The other parameters describe a conversion from WGS 84 to the local datum,
so we must reverse their signs. No prime meridian is listed, so we can assume that
Greenwich is used. The custom datum definition in MapInfo would look like this:
9999, 4, -93.5, -103.5, -123.3, 0.25, -0.11, -0.07, 2.1, 0
You can insert this string of numbers in place of the datum number in any line in the
MAPINFOW.PRJ file. For example, you could define the following coordinate
systems using this custom datum:
Note: Strings must be entered on a single line.
”Longitude / Latitude (LD-1)”, 1, 9999, 4, -93.5, -103.5,
-123.3, 0.25, -0.11, -0.07, 2.1, 0
”UTM Zone 30 (LD-1)”, 8, 9999, 4, -93.5, -103.5, -123.3,
0.25, -0.11, -0.07, 2.1, 0, 7, -3, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 0
Here’s another sample local datum description, called LD-2 this time:
LD-2 ellipsoid: Krassovsky
a 6378245.0 m
f 1 / 298.3
Converting from LD-2 to WGS 84
u +24 m
v –123 m
w –94 m
w +0.13??
y +0.25??
e -0.02??
m +1.1 ⋅ 10-6
This datum uses the Krassovsky ellipsoid, which is number 3 in the ellipsoid table
above. We do not need to reverse the signs of the parameters, since they describe a
conversion from the local datum to WGS 84. However, the rotation parameters are
listed with w first, so we must reverse their order in the custom datum definition:
9999, 3, 24, -123, -94, -0.02, 0.25, 0.13, 1.1, 0
Here’s a final example, LD-3, that provides only the ellipsoid and shift parameters:
LD-3 ellipsoid: Clarke 1880
a 6378249.145 m
f 1 / 293.465
WGS 84 minus local datum LD-3
dX -7 m
dY 36 m
dZ 225 m
This datum uses the Clarke 1880 ellipsoid, which is number 6 in the ellipsoid table
above. We do not need to reverse the signs of the parameters or worry about the
order of the rotation parameters (since they aren’t present). In this case, you can use
datum number 999 instead of 9999 in the custom datum definition. These two
defintions are equivalent, and you can use either one:
999, 6, -7, 36, 225
9999, 6, -7, 36, 225, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
As with the other custom datum defintions, you would insert one of these defintions
in place of the datum number in a MAPINFOW.PRJ line, as follows:
”Longitude / Latitude (LD-3)”, 1, 999, 6, -7, 36, 225
”UTM Zone 30 (LD-3)”, 8, 999, 6, -7, 36, 225, 7, -3, 0,
0.9996, 500000, 0
Datum Conversion
When converting coordinates from one datum to another, MapInfo has used the
Molodensky (3-parameter) and Bursa-Wolfe (7-parameter) methods. These are
general-purpose methods that can convert coordinates from any datum to any other
After the NAD 83 datum was introduced, NOAA developed a program called
NADCON, which stands for North American Datum CONversion. This is a very
specialized program that converts coordinates only from NAD 27 to NAD 83 and vice
versa. For this specialized task, it’s much more accurate than the Molodensky
general-purpose method; NADCON is accurate to about 0.1 meter, and Molodensky
is accurate to only 10–30 meters. Most U.S. government agencies, including the
Census Bureau, have standardized on NADCON for converting between NAD 27 and
NAD 83.
Beginning with MapInfo 4.1.2, the NADCON algorithm is used to convert coordinates
between NAD 27 and NAD 83 if those coordinates lie within the areas covered by
NADCON (United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands). If the coordinates lie
outside those areas, or if they use datums other than NAD 27 or NAD 83, MapInfo
uses the Molodensky or Bursa-Wolfe conversion methods.
Due to the file access required, the NADCON conversion method can be slightly
slower than the Molodensky method. If you want to turn off the NADCON
conversion, add a “NADCON” entry to the registry. The registry entry should have
this path:
If this entry is set to zero, then the Molodensky conversion method will be used
instead of NADCON.
If using the 16-bit version of MapInfo, add this line to the [MAPINFO COMMON]
section in MAPINFO.INI to turn off the NADCON conversion:
• TAB files are always saved as 300 unless noted below.
• WOR files are always saved as 400 unless noted below.
• Once a table is 'upgraded' to a later version, MapInfo Professional does not
'downgrade' it to an earlier version if the feature which forced the 'upgrade' is
• Workspaces are written fresh each time, and so can be 'downgraded' if there
are no features that require the 'upgrade'.
• MIF/MID files created by exporting TAB files from MapInfo Professional
match the version of the TAB file.
• Pen(0,0,0) and Brush(0,0,0) which were valid in 4.1 are not valid in 4.5 and
• Line widths in points are encoded in the Pen clause by multiplying the line
width value by 10 and adding 10 do the result (.2 -> 12, 1.0 -> 20, etc.). This
forces a 450 in the MIF file header.
• Interleaved line styles are encoded in the Pen clause by increasing the line
style value by 128. This does not force a 450 workspace, appears to be 4.x
compatible, and gets a 400.
File versions:
The Charset clause specifies which character set was used to create text in the table.
For example: Specify “WindowsLatin1” to indicate that the file was created using the
Windows US & Western Europe character set; specify “MacRoman” to specify the
Macintosh US & Western Europe character set; or specify “Neutral” to avoid
converting the text into another character set. If you are not using one of these
character sets, you can determine the correct syntax for your character set by
exporting a table and examining the .MIF file in a text editor.
Specify the delimiting character in quotation marks, for example:
The default delimiter is Tab; if you are using the default, you do not need the
Specify a number. This number refers to a database column; 3 is the third column, 7 is
the seventh column, and so forth. What happens to columns in the UNIQUE list is
subtle. For example, imagine that you have a database with highways in it. Each
highway has only one name, but it might be represented by several segments. You
would put the NAME column in the UNIQUE list, while the column containing data
for the individual segments would not be in that list. This has the effect of creating
two related tables; one with names, and one with the other attributes of the objects.
This is how MapInfo’s various street maps (StreetInfo) are prepared.
To indicate that columns in the table are indexed, include a number (or a comma-
separated list of numbers) in the Index clause. Each number refers to a database
column; 3 is the third column, 7 is the seventh column, and so forth. Columns in the
INDEX list will have indexes prepared for them.
CoordSys Clause
Specify the COORDSYS clause to note that the data is not stored in longitude/latitude
form. When no COORDSYS clause is specified, data is assumed to be stored in
longitude/latitude forms.
All coordinates are stored with respect to the northeast quadrant. The coordinates for
points in the United States have a negative X while coordinates for points in Europe
(east of Greenwich) have a positive X. Coordinates for points in the Northern
hemisphere have a positive Y while coordinates for points in the Southern hemisphere
have a negative Y.
CoordSys Earth
[ Projection type,
[ , origin_longitude]
[ , origin_latitude ]
[ , standard_parallel_1 [ , standard_parallel_2
] ]
[ , azimuth ]
[ , scale_factor ]
[ , false_easting ]
[ , false_northing]
[ , range ] ]
[ Affine Units unitname, A, B C, D, E, F ]
[ Bounds ( minx, miny) ( maxx, maxy) ]
CoordSys Nonearth
[ Affine Units unitname, A, B C, D, E, F ]
Units unitname
Bounds ( minx, miny) ( maxx, maxy)
CoordSys Layout Units paperunitname
CoordSys Table tablename
CoordSys Window window_id
Transform Clause
When you have MIF files with coordinates stored with respect to the northwest
quadrant (quadrant 2), you can transform them to the northeast quadrant
(quadrant 1) with a transform clause.
Quadrant 2: Quadrant 1:
Northwest Quadrant Northeast Quadrant
Quadrant 3: Quadrant 4:
Southwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant
Specify the number of columns. Then, for each column, create a row containing the
column name, the column type, and, for character and decimal columns, a number to
indicate the width of the field.
Note: Field names cannot have spaces.
Valid column types are:
• char (width)
• integer (which is 4 bytes)
• smallint (which is 2 bytes, so it can only store numbers between -32767 and
• decimal (width,decimals)
• float
• date
• logical
rounded rectangle
A point object takes two parameters; an X coordinate and a Y coordinate. As an
option, specify the symbol that represents the point. Symbols are designated by
numbers. If you omit the SYMBOL clause, the current symbol is used.
[ SYMBOL (shape, color, size)]
Each MapInfo version supports variations on the SYMBOL clause; see Symbol
discussion later in this appendix.
A line objects requires four parameters; an X and a Y coordinate for each end point.
As an option, specify a pen type. When no pen type is specified, the current pen type
is used.
LINE x1 y1 x2 y2
[ PEN (width, pattern, color)]
A polyline object consists of one or more sections. If the polyline has more than one
section, include the MULTIPLE keyword, followed by the number of sections. For
each section, specify a numpts argument (which indicates the number of nodes in that
section), followed by an x/y coordinate pair for each node. Use the optional PEN
clause (described later in this appendix) to specify the line style. If you include the
optional SMOOTH keyword, the polyline is smoothed.
PLINE [ MULTIPLE numsections ]
x1 y1
x2 y2
[ numpts2
x1 y1
x2 y2 ]
A text object consists of a text string, up to 255 characters long. To make the text string
wrap onto multiple lines, insert the characters \n within the textstring argument (e.g.
“First line \nSecond line \nThird line”). The x1, y1, x2, and y2 arguments specify the
location of the text on the map. Spacing can be 1.0 (single spacing), 1.5, or 2.0 (double
spacing). Use the Font clause (described later in this appendix) to control the typeface,
TEXT ”textstring”
x1 y1 x2 y2
[ FONT...]
[ Spacing {1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0}]
[ Justify {Left | Center | Right}]
[ Angle text_angle]
[ Label Line {simple | arrow} x y ]
A rectangle requires the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corners. As an option,
specify pen and brush types.
RECT x1 y1 x2 y2
[ PEN (width, pattern, color)]
[ BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor)]
A rounded rectangle requires the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corners and
the degree of rounding (a). As an option, specify pen and brush types. Degree of
rounding is expressed in coordinate units.
ROUNDRECT x1 y1 x2 y2
[ PEN (width, pattern, color)]
[ BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor)]
An ellipse object requires the coordinates of the diagonally opposite corners of its
bounding rectangle. As an option, specify pen and brush types.
ELLIPSE x1 y1 x2 y2
[ PEN (width, pattern, color)]
[ BRUSH (pattern, forecolor, backcolor)]
COLLECTION num_parts
Collection 3
Region 3
4.850832 10.077456
5.850832 11.077456
6.850832 13.077456
12.850832 19.077456
4.850832 10.077456
-5.149168 0.077456
-4.149168 1.077456
-3.149168 3.077456
-5.149168 0.077456
14.850832 20.077456
15.850832 21.077456
16.850832 23.077456
14.850832 20.077456
Pen (1,2,0)
Brush (2,16777215,16777215)
Center 8.850832 14.577456
Pline 3
-7.149168 0.077456
-3.149168 -2.922544
-2.149168 2.077456
Pen (1,2,0)
Multipoint 2
-6.149168 -0.922544
-5.149168 0.077456
Symbol (35,0,12)
Pen Styles
The Pen clause specifies the width, pattern, and color of a linear object, such as a line,
polyline arc, or the border of a region. The Pen clause has the following syntax:
PEN (width, pattern, color)
Width is a number from 1 to 7. 1–7 is the width in screen pixels. 11–2047 are values
that will be converted to points:
penwidth = (number of points * 10) + 10
0 is only valid when the pen pattern is 1 for invisible lines.
Color is an integer, representing a 24-bit RGB color value.
Pattern is an integer from 1 to 118; pattern number 1 is invisible. The pattern number
corresponds to a pen number in the pen file. The pen file can be modified using a pen
Valid pen numbers are from 1 to maximum number of pens in the pen file, which
should not exceed 127. If a pen style is interleaved, 128 will be added to the pen
number. Interleaved styles are in the range 129–255. Because the pen file can be
modified, and interleaved can be specified, the pen pattern can be a number between
Brush Styles
Brush specifies the pattern, foreground color, and background color of a filled object,
such as a circle or region. The Brush clause has the following syntax:
Brush (pattern, forecolor [, backcolor ])
The forecolor and backcolor arguments are both integers, representing 24-bit RGB
color values.
Pattern is a number from 1 to 71. Note: Pattern number 1 is “no fill,” and pattern
number 2 is a solid fill. Pattern numbers 9–11 are reserved. The following table
illustrates the available styles:
Tip: To specify a transparent fill style, use pattern number three or larger, and omit the
backcolor argument. For example: Brush( 5, 255 )
Symbol Styles
The Symbol clause specifies the appearance of a Point object. There are three different
forms of the Symbol clause, described below.
The following table lists the default symbols provided with MapInfo:
To specify two or more style attributes, add the values from the left column. For
example, to specify Bold and Drop Shadow, use 33.
The rotation argument is a floating-point number, representing a rotation angle, in
The customstyle argument is an integer that controls whether color and background
attributes are used. The following table lists the values you can use as customstyle:
Font Styles
The Font clause specifies the appearance (typeface, color, etc.) of text objects. The Font
clause has the following syntax:
FONT (”fontname”, style, size, forecolor [, backcolor] )
Fontname in double quotation marks is the typeface to be displayed. Style is the text
attribute of the typeface as shown in the following table. Size must be 0 in a MIF file,
because each text object on a Map is attached to the map itself (thus the text size
chagnes as you zoom in or out). Forecolor is an integer representing a 24-bit RGB
color. The background color is optional; if you include it, MapInfo fills the area behind
the text with the color you specify.
style value Effect on Font Appearance
0 Plain
1 Bold
2 Italic
4 Underline
16 Outline (only supported on the Macintosh)
32 Shadow
256 Halo
512 All Caps
1024 Expanded
To specify two or more style attributes, add the values from the left column. For
example, to specify Bold and All Caps, use 513.
Colors are often defined in relative concentrations of red, green, and blue. Each color
is a number from 0 to 255, inclusive; the RGB value of a color is calculated by the
following formula:
(red * 65536) + (green * 256) + blue
These are some often used colors and their values:
Red: 16711680
Green: 65280
Blue: 255
Cyan: 65535
Magenta: 16711935
Yellow: 16776960
Black: 0
MID File
The MID file contains data, one record of data per row, delimited by the character
specified in the delimiter statement. The default delimiter is Tab. Each row in the MID
file is associated with a corresponding object in the MIF file; first row with first object,
second row with second object.
If delimiter character is included as part of the data in a field, enclose the field in
quotation marks.
The MID file is an optional file. When there is no MID file, all fields are blank.
Source: Copyright and Intellectual Property in the attached data sets rests with one of
the following: The Australian Government represented by the Australian
Bureau of Statistics; The Government of New South Wales represented by
The Land Information Centre. MapInfo Australia Pty Ltd and PSMA
Australia Ltd.
Data: Locations of the state boundaries and capitals and over 4000 major and minor
cities. Map of major rivers and major roads.
Local government area boundary for Manly.
Tasmania area boundaries, feature points and water boundaries.
Map of New South Wales.
Sydney feature points, rivers, suburbs, towns, census collection district and
postcode boundaries, and customer database.
Component street table and grid surrounding for Sydney. Streetworks
Source: MapInfo Corporation from National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
Source: MapInfo from Digital Chart of the World
Data: Over 5,000 major and minor cities and major highways.
Source: MapInfo Corporation from National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
Source: GisNET data licensed to MapInfo by GISdata Limited. © GDC Ltd 1993
Data: 142 major and minor cities including all prefecture capitals.
Source: MapInfo Corporation from National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
Source: Risk Management Solutions, Inc
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Deutschland, Espana,
France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden,
Switzerland, United Kingdom.
Source: 2001 Tele Atlas B.V. 's-Hertogenbosch. All Rights Reserved.
Source: GisNET data licensed to MapInfo by GISdata Limited. © GDC Ltd 1993
Data: Water and highway/roadway maps.
Source: MapInfo Corporation from National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
Great Britain
Source: 2001 Tele Atlas B.V. 's-Hertogenbosch. All Rights Reserved. This product
includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey (R). (c) Crown 2001.
License number 100020348
North America
Source: Geographic Data Technology Canada
Data: (Prince Edward Island) Airports, Census subdivisions, Major Primary and
Secondary Highways, Institutions, Large Areas land use, Parks, Road
Buffers, Streets, Transportation points, Urban Agglomeration, Province,
Railways, Utility lines and Water areas.
Data: Over 3000 major and minor cities and generalized map of major highways.
Source: MapInfo Corporation
Data: Generalized map of major highways and locations of all state capitals, major
and minor cities.
United States, DC
Source: 1997 Geographic Data Technology, Inc. ©
United States
Source: 1997- 1998 Schlosser Geographic Systems, Inc. ©
Data: Location of the state capitals and the location of 8875 cities. Point elevation
data in feet and meters.
Data: Updated County boundaries from Census 2000 including Puerto Rico. Map
containing the location of 125 major cities and locations of 208,857 points of
interest and landmarks.
Data: MapInfo grid file of Mt. St. Helens before and after eruption. MapInfo grid
file of Crater Lake, Oregon
Data: Raster image of Alaska, DC, Big Bend TX, Florida, Gulf Coast, Mid-Atlantic,
Mississippi River, North Central, Northeastern US, Northern US
Northwestern US, Rockies, Southwestern US.
Seamless raster of 50 US states.
Source: MapInfo Corporation
Data: Military Grid Reference System 84 NL to 80 SL, North & South Polar Regions.
Grid of latitude and longitude at 15 degree increments.
Source: MapInfo Corporation from National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)
Data: World Boundaries.
The name assigned to an expression or a column when you are working in the Select
Columns field in the SQL Select dialog. This name appears as the column title for that
expression or column in a Browser.
A computer program used for a particular kind of work, such as word processing.
Application is often interchangeable with the word program.
The acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII is a
standard code used in most microcomputers, computer terminals, and printers for
representing characters as numbers. It not only includes printable characters, but also
control codes to indicate carriage return, backspace, and so forth.
Used in a graph, these are graduated lines bordering the plot area of a graph. Location
coordinates are measured relative to the axes. By convention the X-axis is horizontal,
the Y-axis is vertical.
Base Map
Usually the dominant or underlying layer in a given map. (These are typically the data
layers that MapInfo® offers as ready products.) Users usually layer their own data on top
of these base maps or use these base maps to geocode or to make new layers.
Examples are joining industry data to zip code boundaries for analysis and then
combining arrangements of the ZIP Codes into new territory layers.
Glossary of Terms
Base Table
A permanent table, as opposed to a query table, which is temporary. Unlike query
tables, you can edit the contents of base tables, and you can change their structure (by
editing, deleting, reordering columns and adding or deleting graphic objects). See
Query Table.
A screen image displayed as an array of dots or bits. Software usually generates either
bit-mapped (raster) or object-oriented (vectored) files. MapInfo can work with both.
Boundary Region
In GIS a boundary is a region on a map enclosed by a border. Cambria County,
Manitoba, and Argentina would all be represented as boundaries on a map. Note that
a single boundary could encompass several polygons. Thus, Indonesia is a single
boundary but consists of many polygons.
A window for viewing a table (or database, spreadsheet or text file) in tabular form.
A type of proximity analysis where areas or zones of a given distance are generated
around selected map objects. Buffers are user-defined or can be generated for a set of
objects based on those objects’ attribute values. The resulting buffer zones form region
objects representing the area that is within the specified buffer distance from the
A map set used to graphically define the cadastre or land ownership in a given area. A
tax map is an example of a cadastral map. The land registration, assessment roles, and
tax maps comprise the cadastre.
A coordinate system using an x,y scale not tied to any “real-world” system. Most
CAD drawing uses this method of registering objects (e.g., a drawing of a ball-bearing
assembly, floor plans). If a drawing uses Cartesian coordinates, one corner of the
drawing probably has coordinates 0, 0.
Cartesian Coordinates
The conventional representation of geometric objects by x and y values on a plane.
Cartographic Legend
A MapInfo legend window that enables you to display cartographic information for
any map layer in the Map window.
The art and science of making maps. In GIS it is also the graphic presentation and
visual interpretation of data.
Usually the center of a map object. For most map objects, the centroid is located at the
middle of the object (the location halfway between the northern and southern extents
and halfway between the eastern and western extents of the object). In some cases, the
centroid is not at the middle point because there is a restriction that the centroid must
be located on the object itself. Thus, in the case of a crescent-shaped region object, the
middle point of the object may actually lie outside the limits of the region; however,
the centroid is always within the limits of the region.
In MapInfo, the centroid represents the location used for automatic labeling,
geocoding, and placement of thematic pie and bar charts. If you edit a map in
Reshape mode, you can reposition region centroids by dragging them.
Check Box
A small square box that appears in a dialog box. You can click in the check box or on
the text in order to select the option. Check boxes are generally present when multiple
options can be selected at one time.
A word or phrase, usually found in a menu, that displays a dialog box and/or carries
out an action.
Conflict Resolution
When conflicts exist between the data residing on a remote database and new data
that you want to upload to the remote database via a MapInfo linked table. The
conflict resolution process is invoked whenever an attempt to save the linked table
detects a conflict in an update.
Control Points
The points on a raster image whose coordinates serve as a reference for associating
earth coordinates with any location on the image. See Registration.
An x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system, or a Latitude, Longitude location in
an earth coordinate system. Coordinates represent locations on a map relative to other
locations. Earth coordinate systems may use the equator and the Greenwich prime
meridian as fixed reference points. Plane coordinate systems describe a two-
dimensional x,y location in terms of distance from a fixed reference and are usually in
the first quadrant so that all coordinates are positive numbers.
Coordinate System
A coordinate system is used to create a numerical representation of geometric objects.
Each point in a geometric object is represented by a pair of numbers. Those numbers
are the coordinates for that point. In cartography, coordinate systems are closely
related to projections. You create a coordinate system by supplying specific values for
the parameters of a projection. See Cartesian Coordinates, Projection, Spherical
Cosmetic Layer
The topmost layer of a Map window. Objects may be placed in this layer such as map
titles and graphic objects. It is always displayed, and all objects placed in the
Cosmetic Layer must be saved to a new or existing layer.
Data Aggregation
A process that occurs when combining separate map objects into a single object.
MapInfo calculates what the column values for the new object should be, based on
sums or averages of the values of the original objects.
Data Disaggregation
A process that occurs when splitting a map object(s) into smaller parts where MapInfo
splits the data associated with the map object(s) into smaller parts to match the new
map objects.
Data Sources
An ODBC data source is an SQL database and the information you need to access that
database. For example, an SQL Server data source is the SQL Server database, the
server on which it resides, and the network used to access that server.
Any organized collection of data. The term is often used to refer to a single file or table
of information in MapInfo.
Decimal Degree
The decimal representation of fractions of degrees. Many paper maps express
coordinates in degrees, minutes, seconds (e.g., 40_30i10I), where minutes and seconds
are fractions of degrees. 30 minutes equal half a degree, and 30 seconds equal half a
minute. MapInfo, however, expresses coordinates in decimal degrees (e.g., 72.558
degrees), where fractions of degrees are expressed as decimals. Thus, the longitude: 40
degrees, 30 minutes, would be expressed in MapInfo as 40.5 degrees.
The value or option used in the absence of explicit specification. Often the original
setting or value for a variable.
Derived Column
In a table created through the SQL Select, a derived column is one created by using an
expression. The column is derived in the sense that it isn’t just a copy of the data in
one of the tables being accessed by the SQL Select command.
Derived Field
The same as a derived column.
The process of undoing a selection. The object or area you deselect will not be affected
by subsequent commands. Performed by selecting another area, by clicking in a blank
area, or by executing the Unselect All command.
Districts Browser
A special browser that displays when redistricting. It differs from other Browser
windows in the following respects: one row can only be selected at one time, one row
is always selected, and the selected row becomes the target district into which you can
add other objects.
Drawing Toolbar
A MapInfo window containing twelve buttons that access tools for drawing and
modifying objects on your map or layout.
Edit Handle
The small boxes that appear at the four corners of the minimum bounding rectangle of
an object in an editable layer of a Map window or in a Layout window.
The process whereby a program saves information in a file to be used by another
A statement containing two parts: 1) column names and constants (i.e., specific data
values), and 2) functions (e.g., area) and operators (e.g., +, -, >), in order to extract or
derive information from a database. Expressions are used in Select, SQL Select, Update
Column, Create Thematic Map, and Label with Column.
A field in a table corresponds to a column in a Browser. A field contains a specific type
of information about an object, such as, name, abbreviation, land area, price,
population, and so forth. The record for each object consists of that object’s values for
each of the fields in the database.
A collection of information that has been given a name and is stored on some
electronic medium such as a tape or disk. A file can be a document or an application.
Fill Pattern
The design and color used to fill a closed object.
A character set based on a particular style used for text characters.
The process of simplifying a data set to a size that can be easily manipulated and
represented. For example, a river may have many twists and turns; however, if a map
covers a very large area, the river may be represented as a straight line. Similarly, in a
map of a very large area, a city might be represented as a point marker.
The process of assigning X and Y coordinates to records in a table or database so that
the records can be displayed as objects on a map.
Graph window
A window that displays numerical data in the form of a graph.
A grid of horizontal (latitude) and vertical (longitude) lines displayed on an earth
map, spaced at a regular distance (e.g., every five degrees, every fifteen degrees).
Used to establish a frame of reference.
Heads-Up Digitizing
A method of digitizing where the user creates vector objects by tracing over a raster
image displayed on the screen. Thus, heads-up digitizing does not require a digitizing
Hot Views
MapInfo technology that automatically updates all the windows you have open for a
particular table when you make a change in any one of the windows. For example, if
an item is selected in a Map window, it will be selected in all other Map windows and
Browsers you have open for that table.
The process whereby a program loads a file that is the output of another program.
The process of creating a relational link between two tables (databases).
Text graphics or parts of graphics that provide links to other Help topics or more
information on the current Help topic.
The horizontal lines on a map that increase from 0 degrees at the Equator to 90
degrees at both the North (+90.0 degrees) and South (-90.0 degrees) poles. Used to
describe the North-South position of a point as measured usually in degrees or
decimal degrees above or below the equator.
Basic building block of MapInfo maps. A MapInfo map typically consists of several
superimposed layers (e.g., a layer of street data superimposed over a layer of county
or ZIP Code boundaries). When a table appears in a Map window, it occupies a layer
in that Map window. Typically, each map layer corresponds to one open table; there is
also a special Cosmetic Layer that contains map objects representing temporary map
annotations (e.g., labels). See Cosmetic Layer.
Layout Window
A window where you arrange and annotate the contents of one or several windows
for printing.
Legend Window
A window that displays the key to the different colors, shapes, or fill patterns used on
the map. A legend can also include a scale. See Cartographic Legend and Theme
Linked Table
A linked table is a special kind of MapInfo table that is downloaded from a remote
database and retains links to its remote database table. You can perform most
operations on a linked table that you do for a regular MapInfo table.
The vertical lines on a map, running from the North to South poles, used to describe
the east-west position of a point. The position is reported as the number of degrees
east (to -180.0 degrees) or west (to +180.0 degrees) of the prime meridian (0 degrees).
Lines of longitude are farthest apart at the Equator and intersect at both poles, and
therefore, are not parallel.
MapInfo’s default coordinate system for representing geographic objects in a map.
Main Toolbar
A window containing buttons for choosing tools, accessing dialogs, and showing or
hiding windows.
Map Scale
A statement of a measure of the map and the equivalent measure on the earth. Often
expressed as a representative ratio of distance, such as 1:10,000. This means that one
unit of distance on the map (e.g., one inch) represents 10,000 of the same units of
distance on the earth.
The term scale must be used carefully. Technically, a map of a single city block is large–
scale (e.g., 1:12,000), while a map of an entire country is small–scale (e.g., 1:1,000,000). A
1:1,000,000 map is considered small-scale because of the small numeric value obtained
when you divide 1 by 1,000,000.
Map Segment
In a street map, a segment is a single section of the street. In urban maps, segments are
generally one block long. Address ranges are stored at the segment level.
The programming language used to customize and/or automate MapInfo. To create
MapBasic applications, you need the MapBasic compiler, which is a separate product.
However, you do not need the MapBasic compiler to run a compiled MapBasic
Map window
A window that allows you to view a table as a map.
A line or a portion of a line running from the North to the South pole. A longitudinal
Native Projection
The projection in which a map’s coordinate points are stored. MapInfo allows you to
display maps in other projections, but not as fast as displaying maps in their native
An end-point of a line object, or an end-point of a line segment which is part of a
polyline or region object.
Non-Earth Map
A map in which objects are not explicitly referenced to locations on the earth’s surface.
Floor plans are typical examples.
ODBC Drivers
An ODBC driver is a dynamic-link library (.DLL) file that MapInfo uses to connect to
an SQL database. Each type of SQL database requires a different ODBC driver.
ODBC Table
An ODBC table is a table residing in a remote SQL database.
Outer Join
A type of multi-table join where all the records in the specified tables are included in
the result table, even records that do not match the join criteria. MapInfo does not
perform outer joins.
The process of compressing MapInfo tables so that they use less disk space.
The acronym for picture element. The smallest dot that can be displayed on a
computer screen. If a screen is described as having a resolution of 1,024 x 768, the
screen shows 1,024 pixels from right to left, and 768 pixels from top to bottom. Each
character, object, or line on the screen is composed of numerous pixels.
Point Size
A unit of measurement equal to 1/72 of an inch. Used to measure character size.
An arrow-shaped cursor on the screen that can be manipulated by a mouse.
Polygon Overlay
A spatial operation that merges overlapping polygons from two layers to analyze
those intersected areas or to create a third layer of new polygons.
A mathematical model that transforms the locations of features on the earth’s surface
to locations on a two-dimensional surface, such as a paper map. Since a map is an
attempt to represent a spherical object (the earth) on a flat surface, all projections have
some degree of distortion. A map projection can preserve area, distance, shape or
direction but only a globe can preserve all of these attributes. Some projections (e.g.,
Mercator) produce maps well suited for navigation. Other projections (e.g., equal-area
projections, such as Lambert) produce maps well suited for visual analysis.
Query Table
A temporary table produced as the result of a Select, SQL Query, or by choosing
objects in a Map window or records in a Browser and mapping, graphing, or
browsing that selection. You cannot make edits and structural changes on query
tables, but you can edit a selected set of rows in your source table through a query
table. See Selection and Source Table.
Ranged Map
A type of thematic map that displays data according to ranges set by the user. The
ranges are shaded using colors or patterns.
Raster Image
A type of computerized picture consisting of row after row of tiny dots (pixels).
Raster images are sometimes known as bitmaps. Aerial photographs and satellite
imagery are common types of raster data found in GIS. See Scanning, Vector Image.
A type of computerized picture consisting of row after row of tiny dots (pixels). Raster
images are sometimes known as bitmaps. Aerial photographs and satellite imagery
are common types of raster data found in GIS. A computer image can be represented
in raster format or in vector format. See Scanning.
All the information about one object in a database or table. A record in a table
corresponds to a row in a Browser.
The process of assigning map objects to groups. As you assign map objects, MapInfo
automatically calculates totals for each group and displays the totals in a special
Districts Browser. This process is sometimes known as load-balancing.
Usually the first stage of the digitizing process or when opening a raster image for the
first time in MapInfo. Before you can digitize a paper map or work with a raster
image, you must point to several control points across the map, and enter their
coordinates (e.g., longitude, latitude). After you have registered the map, MapInfo can
associate a longitude, latitude position with any point on the map surface; this allows
MapInfo to perform area and distance calculations, and overlay multiple map layers
in a single map. CAD systems as well as GIS systems utilize this process. See Control
Scale Bar
A map element that graphically depicts the map scale (e.g., 0 —— 5 —— 10 km).
The process of inputting data into a raster format using an optical device called a
Scroll Bar
Bars along the right and bottom sides of each window that allow you to scroll the
window view. Clicking on the shaded area moves one window screen at a time.
A data item or set of data items chosen for inspection and/or analysis. Regardless of
the kinds of windows on the screen, selections can be made using the Select and SQL
Select Query commands in MapInfo’s Query menu. In Browsers and Map windows,
items can be placed in the selection set by clicking on them individually. Map
windows also have special tools for selecting multiple items on a spatial basis.
Snap To Nodes
A feature that helps in drawing, moving and positioning map objects. In Snap mode
(S key) the cursor snaps to a node of a map object when it comes within a certain
Spatial Analysis
An operation that examines data with the intent to extract or create new data that
fulfills some required condition or conditions. It includes such GIS functions as
polygon overlay or buffer generation and the concepts of contains, intersects, within
or adjacent.
Spherical Coordinates
Latitude and longitude values that represent objects on the surface of the globe.
SQL Query
The selection of information from a database according to the textual attributes and
object relationships of the items. In MapInfo, queries are created with the SQL Select
and Select commands or with MapBasic commands in the MapBasic window.
Standard Deviation
A measurement of the variation of a set of data values around the mean.
Standard Toolbar
A window containing buttons for quick access to the most commonly used menu
commands such as Cut, Copy, and Paste.
Statistics Window
A window containing the sum and average of all numeric fields for the currently
selected objects/records. The number of records selected is also displayed. As the
selection changes, the data is re-tallied, and the statistics window updates
A bar at the bottom of the screen that displays messages that help in using MapInfo.
The StatusBar also displays messages that pertain to the active window. In a Map
window, the StatusBar indicates what layer is editable, the zoom display of the map,
and the status of Snap and Digitizing modes. In a Browser window, the StatusBar
indicates the number of records currently displaying and the total number of records.
In a Layout window, the StatusBar indicates the zoom display as a percentage of the
actual size of the map.
A select statement that is placed inside the Where Condition field of the SQL Select
dialog. MapInfo first evaluates the subselect and then uses the results of the subselect
to evaluate the main SQL Select statement.
MapInfo databases are organized as tables. Tables are made up of rows and columns.
Each row contains information about a particular geographic feature, event, etc. Each
column contains a particular kind of information about the items in the table.
MapInfo can contain graphic objects representing geographic objects. Such tables can
be displayed as maps.
See Base table and Query table.
Table Row
In a table, a row contains all the information for a single item. It corresponds to a
record in a table.
Target District
The district that is selected in a Districts Browser to be affected by subsequent
redistricting operations.
Text Cursor
A blinking vertical bar that shows the position where text can be edited, inserted, or
Thematic Layer
A layer containing the thematic settings for a map layer. Thematic layers are drawn
directly over the map layer on which the thematic settings are based. They are also
drawn in a particular order, depending on the number of thematic layers you have
and the type of thematic map objects you are creating.
Thematic Map
A type of map that uses a variety of graphic styles (e.g., colors or fill patterns) to
graphically display information about the map’s underlying data. Thus, a thematic
map of sales territories might show one region in deep red (to indicate the region has
a large number of customers), while showing another region in very pale red (to
indicate the region has relatively few customers).
Thematic Shading
Map objects — points, lines, regions — that have been shaded, using a pattern and/or
color, according to some point of information about the object, or theme (population,
size, annual rainfall, date, and so forth).
Thematic Variable
The data values displayed on a thematic map. A thematic variable can be a field or
Theme Legend
MapInfo’s original style legend that allows you to display legends for thematic maps
and graphs. MapInfo automatically creates a theme legend window for a thematic
map. Customize its display through the Modify Thematic Map dialog. See
Cartographic Legend.
MapInfo windows that contain a variety of buttons used to access tools and
commands for mapping and drawing. There are four Toolbars: the Standard Toolbar
provides tools for commonly performed tasks, the Main Toolbar provides primary
tools (e.g., Zoom-in, Select, Info, etc.) and the Drawing Toolbar contains all drawing
tools. The Tools Toolbar contains the Run MapBasic Program and the Show/Hide
MapBasic Window buttons. All four Toolbars may be reshaped and hidden.
The process of converting coverage coordinates from one coordinate system to
another through programmatic translation. The transformation of CAD generated
Cartesian coordinates into earth coordinates is an example.
The process of removing X and Y coordinates from records in a table or database. Can
also describe a table that has not been geocoded, e.g., an ungeocoded table.
Vector Image
A coordinate-based data structure commonly used to represent map features. Each
object is represented as a list of sequential x,y coordinates. Attributes may be
associated with the objects. See Raster Image.
A coordinate-based data structure commonly used to represent map features. Each
object is represented as a list of sequential x,y coordinates. Attributes may be
associated with the objects. A computer image can be represented in vector format or
in raster format.
Weighted Average
An average that gives more weight to one value over another when averaging.
In MapInfo, Map windows, Browser windows, Graph windows and Layout windows
are the major types of windows. They display the data stored in tables. The Toolbars,
map legends, and the Info tool window are other types of windows.
A saved configuration of open MapInfo tables and windows.
Zoom Layering
A setting that determines the range (e.g., 0–3 miles, 2–5 miles, etc.) at which a layer is
visible in a Map window.
E Editing tables
Earth maps 550–551 DBMS linked tables 649
EasyLoader SpatialWare tables 650
supported DBMS connections 502 Ellipse objects
uploading to spatial databases 502–505 drawing tool button 350
ECW Compressor Embedding maps
installing 24 into applications 289–291
ECW Raster Handler MapInfo Map Object 285–295
raster format 384 Microsoft Data Map 297–298
ECW raster handler OLE terms 284
direct installation of 34 printing 296
Edit handles resizing and repositioning 295
defined 719 saving 296
Editable layers sharing documents 297
Cosmetic layer 124 using containers 288–289
editing objects 122–123 Encapsulated Postcript files
making a layer editable 352–353 with layouts 461
StatusBar 7–8 Enclose command 418–420
with drawing tool buttons 352–353 Enhanced Metafile Format files
Editing file export format 81
MAPINFOW.PRJ file 668–670 Equal area projections 551
Editing a map Equal Count
raster images 384 ranged map type 219
street maps 366–369 Equal dispersion
Editing objects dispersing points 154
aggregating/disaggregating data 402 Equal Ranges
attributes 360–361 ranged map type 219–220
buffers 429–434 Erasing objects 400–401, 407–408
Combine command 409–410 ESRI shapefiles
Combine Objects Using Column command opening 469
410–412 Exact geocoding matches 578–579
combining 403–404 Excel files. See Microsoft Excel files
commands 351–352 Exiting MapInfo
converting to regions and polylines 365 MAPINFOW.WOR 86
creating territories 409–412 Export
erasing 407–408 defined 719
moving arc endpoints 362 Exporting files
overlaying nodes 408 advanced options 81
positioning and sizing 359 file formats 81
reshaping 361–363 layouts 460–461
selecting multiple nodes 362–363 Save Window As command 79–81
set target 400–401 setting resolution 79
smoothing/unsmoothing lines 365 setting window defaults 107
snap to nodes 363–365 to raster file formats 382–383
splitting 405–406
splitting with polylines 406
tracing existing objects 364–365
L Layout windows
Labeler tool aligning objects 445–447
labelling with text objects 321–323 combining for output 438
using text objects 441 combining windows for output 49
Labels customizing 452–457
automatic 125, 313–318 defined 722
content 311–312 Frame tool button 444
controlling display 313–314 frames 442
creating callouts 316–317 ordering overlapping objects 449
current selection 322 zoom levels 448
design 310 Layouts, creating
editing 318 adding a logo 457
in layouts 441 adding a north arrow 455–457
interactive 318 adding windows 442
Label tool button 125, 319 combining windows for output 49, 438
legend styles 336 customizing text 454
packing a table 320, 482 drop shadows 455
partial regions and polylines 37 multiple views of a map 439–440
position 315–316 scale 449–451
removing 319 setting up Map windows 439–442
saving 320 templates 458
size 315 using labels 441
styles 317 using legends 442
using expressions 311–312 Layouts, managing
zoom layering 314 exporting to files 460–461
Lambert conformal conic projection 551 moving frames 444
Latitude print options 459–460
defined 722 printing 458–460
Layer Control command LCase$ function
Cosmetic layer 124 in expressions 625
display options 119–122 Left$ function
editable and selectable layers 122–124 in expressions 626
Label Lines option 316–317 Legend frames
Label Options dialog 311–312 adding 338–341
zoom layering 121–122 alignment 345–347
Layers borders 334
adding and removing 119 default settings 333
defined 722 deleting 344
display options 119–122 modifying 342–344
displaying lines, nodes, and centroids 122 selecting attributes 335–338
map 112–113 symbols in 334
reordering 118 titles 334
seamless 126–131 Legend Manager utility 258
thematic 131, 214–215 Legend styles
visibility 118 labels 336
symbols 336
Q displaying 556
Quantile exporting into raster file formats 382–383
ranged map type 220 file search when opening 388
Queries georegistration 386–387
DBMS tables 528–529 layers 131
saving in workspaces 102 obtaining 382–383
using DBMS SQL Builder on remote tables opening 45–46, 385–388
529–531 overriding style 396
See also Selecting by querying projections 393, 396, 554
Query tables registering 388–391
closing 74–75 registration error values 392
creating templates 188 ROP display method 78, 106
default open and save directories 104 storage 397
defined 182, 726 supported file formats 384
saving 167, 187 translucent images 395, 397
Quick Start dialog World files 387
disabling 64 zoom layering 396
display preference 102 Raster layers
zoom layering 99
Raster tables
R data limitations 396
Radius (buffer) Read-only tables
calculating 430–431 making editable 352–353
Radius Select tool button Reassigning existing districts 377–378
using 171–172 Records
Random point dispersion 153–154 defined 727
Range Rectangle objects
projections 667 drawing tool button 351
Ranged maps Redistricting
bivariate thematic maps 250–252 aggregating data 375–377
defined 218–221, 726 Assign Selected Object button 376
styles 220 closing a redistricting session 380
types 219–220 creating new districts 375–377
using 58 defined 727
Raster handlers 34 districts browser 372, 379–380
Raster images grouping map objects 372
adding a logo to a layout 384, 457 individual values maps 372, 377–378
as base map layers 383 procedure 375
as stand-alone images 383 reassigning existing districts 377–378
bringing images into MapInfo 383 records with no graphic objects 380
color options 385, 393–396 saving new districts 380
converting coordinates manually 651 target districts 374
creating with a scanner 382–383 thematic layers 380
defined 382, 727 Refining boundaries 141–143
digitizing considerations 393 Region objects
display settings 105 converting to 365
defined 727
Enclose command 418–420
map object type 50
node limits 361
T Tables, opening
TAB files georeferenced raster 386–387
registering a raster image 387 in workspaces 104
table structure 42–43 Microsoft Access tables 470–471
Table rows procedure 43–44, 64–65
defined 730 raster images 385–388
Tables specifying default directories 104
defined 730 specifying search paths 64–65
Tables, closing 74–75 Tables, saving
Tables, creating Microsoft Access tables 475
choosing a projection 555 options with Save Copy As command 479–
procedure 466–468 480
using a subset of a file 181–187 saving changes 74–75
working with spreadsheets 468 Tablet
Tables, displaying digitizing 562, 572–573
browser windows 48, 68–69 Tagged Image File Format files
graph windows 48 file export format 81
hot views 49 raster format 384
map layers 46–47 Targa files
New Graph Window command 69–70 raster format 384
New Map Window command 66, 145 Target districts
viewing data 47–49 defined 730
viewing table structure 479 specifying 374
Tables, managing Target objects
copying 480 specifying highlighting 109
deleting 482 Technical Support
exporting 719 automated fax support 14
file structure 42–43 MapInfo Test Drive Center 13
importing 555, 721 services 10–13
indices 43, 464–465 Tech Tip Archive 9
packing 320, 482 Temp variable
renaming 85, 480 installation 26
updating 485 Templates
Tables, modifying creating for layouts 458
adding data to a table 483–490 merging thematic 255
aggregating data 490–493 query 188
appending rows 481 saving thematic 258–259
converting coordinates to lines in MapBasic Temporary columns
539–540 adding to a table 483–484
displaying coordinates in a table 489–490 saving 483–484
joining 58, 196, 200–201, 213 See also Update Column command
parsing data from one column to another 486– Temporary tables
488 selections 71–72
structure 479 See also Query tables
creating 409–412
See also Redistricting
Workspaces Y
cosmetic objects 125 Y2K support
default open and save directories 104 handling 2-digit years 95
default search paths 65 Year function
defined 732 in expressions 634
digitizer mode 566
items saved 83
labels 320 Z
opening 84 geocoding by 135
packing a table 320, 482 Zoom layering
preserving your setup 82–83 defined 732
renaming tables 85 grid layers 229
saving 83 labeling 314
saving graphs 279 map layers 121–122
saving queries 102 raster and grid layers 99
saving queries in 188 raster layers 396
saving style changes in a redistricting session Zoom levels
379–380 cosmetic objects 124
specifying search paths 84 digitizing 573
storing printer information 87, 102 displaying layout windows 448
table search paths 104 setting map default via MapBasic 545
thematic maps 258 StatusBar 7–8
World files with Microsoft Intellimouse 9
raster images 387 ZSoft Paintbrush files
raster format 384
X and Y coordinates
assigning to records 134–135
extracting from geocoded tables 156–160