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Imaging Services

Document No: DD+DIS103.10E

This number is needed for production line only:
F7.5146.9029.0 CR 85-X
Type 5148/100

CR 75.0
Type 5146/105

Installation Instructions for

Digitizer Software ACP_5103

► Purpose of this Document

This enclosure is part of the digitizer software ACP_5103 and provides

the installation instructions.
The digitizer software ACP_5103 is delivered with following spare parts:
• USB Memory Stick with spare part number*: CM+9 5148 8810 2
• OBERON 3 PCB with spare part number*: CM+9 5146 1501 4

* The last digit in the spare part number indicates the spare part revision at release of
this document. When ordering, the actual revision of the spare part is delivered.

► Referenced Documents

Document Title
DD+DIS378.05E Chapter 3.2 - Tools and auxiliary means

Dispose the enclosure document after finishing your task
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04-2010 printed in Germany Document Node ID: 29771013
Agfa Company Confidential Copyright © 2010 Agfa HealthCare N.V.
DD+DIS103.10E Enclosure

► Manufacturer
Agfa HealthCare N.V.

Agfa-Gevaert HealthCare GmbH
Tegernseer Landstraße 161
D - 81539 München
Copyright © 2010 Agfa HealthCare N.V.
All rights reserved.
Technical modifications reserved.
AGFA and the Agfa-Rhombus are trademarks of Agfa HealthCare N.V.

Improper operation or service activities may cause damage or injuries.

(1) Read the "Generic Safety Directions" document
(see MEDNET GSO => General Info => Agfa HealthCare => Publications =>
Service Manual) prior to attempting any operation, repair or maintenance task on
the equipment.
(2) Strictly observe all safety directions within the "Generic Safety Directions" and on
the product.


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1 APPLICATION RANGE OF DIGITIZER SOFTWARE ACP_5103............................................4

2 PREREQUISITES FOR INSTALLATION .................................................................................4
AS OF SN ≥ 6500, CR 85-X TYPE 5148/100 AS OF SN ≥ 4000)...........................................6
3.1 Making USB Memory Stick ready for Installation......................................................................6

3.2 Creating a Backup with an USB Memory Stick.........................................................................8

3.3 Installation Procedure of Software ACP_5103 with USB Memory Stick ..................................9

3.3.1 Installing Software ACP_5103 via Boot up ...............................................................................9

3.3.2 Installing Software ACP_5103 via Service Menu ...................................................................10

3.3.3 Installing Software ACP_5103 on a new Hard Disk or in Case of corrupted Files .................11

3.4 Restart Digitizer ......................................................................................................................13


SN < 4000, CR 75.0 TYPE 5146/105 UP TO SN < 6500)......................................................14
4.1 Creating Installation Floppy Disks...........................................................................................14

4.1.1 Creating Installation Floppy Disks with the Wizard.................................................................14

4.1.2 Creating Installation Floppy Disks manually ...........................................................................15

4.2 Creating a Backup with a Floppy Disk ....................................................................................17

4.3 Installation Procedure of ACP_5103 with Floppy Disks .........................................................18

4.3.1 Installing Software ACP_5103 as Upgrade of an older Software Version..............................18

4.3.2 Installing Software ACP_5103 on a new Hard Disk or in Case of corrupted Files .................20

4.4 Restart Digitizer ......................................................................................................................23

5 INSTALLATION OF ACPL5103 LANGUAGE FILES..............................................................24

6 CONCLUDING THE INSTALLATION.....................................................................................25
7 VERIFICATION OF SUCCESSFUL INSTALLATION.............................................................25


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1 Application Range of Digitizer Software ACP_5103

Digitizer software ACP_5103 can be used for the following CR applications:

• General Radiography (GenRad),
• Mammography (Mammo),
• General Radiography 50 µm (Extremities) and
• Full Leg – Full Spine (FLFS)

The software cannot be used for radiotherapy applications.

The new software is upgradeable from every previous version of ACP_xxxx* software.
*XXXX = Version number of the software

2 Prerequisites for Installation

• For installation via floppy disk applicable for:
CR 75.0 Type 5146 / 105 up to SN < 6500,
CR 85-X Type 5148 / 100 up to SN < 4000:
o 1 floppy disk for the backup of site specific data
o 7 floppy disks for the installation files
o Service PC with floppy disk drive

• For installation via USB Memory Stick applicable for:

CR 75.0 Type 5146 / 105 as of SN ≥ 6500,
CR 85-X Type 5148 / 100 as of SN ≥ 4000:
o Service PC with USB port
o 1 USB Memory Stick with at least 15 MB free disk space

USB Memory Stick will be part of delivery in the following digitizers:
• CR 75.0 Type 5146 / 105 as of SN ≥ 6500
• CR 85-X Type 5148 / 100 as of SN ≥ 4000


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For the installation on a blank (or corrupted) hard disk is additionally required:
• CD-ROM or USB Memory Stick with test images. For current version
refer to the service documentation, Chapter 3.2, Tools and auxiliary means.
• Service PC which is equipped with a terminal program.
• Serial cable (RS232) with Sub D plugs (commercially available,
see Figure 1), to connect the Service PC for data logging.

9 pins 25 pins

Figure 1

• Approximately 30 minutes for the software upgrade via floppy disks
• Approximately 60 minutes for the installation via floppy disks on the
blank hard disk
• Approximately 10 minutes for the installation via USB Memory Stick
(software upgrade/blank hard disk)

Register this software installation in the local service management system
as modification, e.g. in SMS as “MOD”.


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3 Installation procedure via USB Memory Stick

(CR 75.0 Type 5146/105 as of SN ≥ 6500,
CR 85-X Type 5148/100 as of SN ≥ 4000)

Following steps are necessary to install software via USB Memory stick:

# Type of software installation Section

1 Preparing USB Memory Stick 3.1
2 Creating a backup 3.2
3 Installing Software 3.3

3.1 Making USB Memory Stick ready for Installation

(1) Download the Digitizer Software ACP_5103 (File size approximately 8 MB) from
MEDNET GSO Library Path:
MEDNET GSO => Computed Radiography => CR Digitizers
=> CR 85-X => Freeware => CR 85-X - Software - Device
Software - ACP_5103
(2) Extract all files from the downloaded zip file into a folder on the Service PC.
Among the extracted files is the zip file acp_5103.zip.

(3) Extract all files from acp_5103.zip.

Be sure to have checkbox “use folder
names” activated.
Folder ACP_5103 including seven
sub-folders is created automatically.

Figure 2


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(4) Copy the folder ACP_5103 to the USB Memory Stick. The created structure
shown in Figure 3 must be maintained
(“Root” is the USB Memory Stick).

(Root) ─┬─ acp_5103 ─┬─ portex_installer_1

│ ├─ portex_installer_2
│ ├─ harddisk_formatter
│ ├─ disk1
│ ├─ disk2
│ ├─ disk3
│ └─ languages
└─ ACP_<SerialNumber>.BAC

Figure 3

ACP_<SerialNumber>.bac is optional, for the case that a backup has been
made previously.


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3.2 Creating a Backup with an USB Memory Stick

Before the software update:

Update the USB Memory Stick with the latest machine specific data.

For this, execute these actions:

(1) Switch on and wait until the digitizer shows the ready screen.
(2) Open the left front door of the digitizer to access the USB port.

The digitizer checks light incidence.
Following error message may appear on the screen of the digitizer:

Close right side panel.
Code 24791

Figure 4

If this error message appears, lean the cover against the left side of the device.
Then continue with next steps.

(3) Enter the Service menu on the digitizer keypad and select:
<3 Save data> Æ <2 Machine specific data>
(4) Follow the instructions on the digitizer display.

Result Backup on USB Memory Stick is created.


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3.3 Installation Procedure of Software ACP_5103 with USB Memory Stick

Following possibilities exist to install software via USB Memory stick:

# Type of software installation To be used in case Section

1 Via boot up (recommended) Digitizer is up and running. 3.3.1
2 Via service menu Digitizer is up and running. 3.3.2
3 Via boot up inclusive formatting New hard disk has been 3.3.3

3.3.1 Installing Software ACP_5103 via Boot up

(1) Switch off the digitizer.

(2) Insert the USB memory stick into the USB port of the Service PC.
(3) Open the file manager on the Service PC.
(4) Click on the letter of the <USB Memory Stick>.
(5) Click on folder <acp_5103> on the USB Memory Stick.
(6) Double-click on <prepare_installation.cmd>.
(7) Unmount the USB Memory Stick and disconnect it from the Service PC.
(8) Insert the USB memory stick into the USB port of the CPU board of the Digitizer.
(9) Switch on the digitizer.
(10) Wait approximately 2 minutes. The digitizer installs the software
(including operating system “Portex” and language files) and restarts.
(11) Wait until the digitizer has started.
(12) Click <ok> in the screen “Confirm Installation…” at the digitizer display.

Result Software ACP_5103 is installed. Continue with section 6.

If the installation fails repeat installation, see section 3.3.3.


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3.3.2 Installing Software ACP_5103 via Service Menu

(1) Enter Service Menu.

(2) Go to <5 – INSTALL data> data and confirm with: <OK>
(3) Go to <1 – Software> and confirm with: <OK>
Following message appears:
“Please insert the storage medium or the first floppy disk ACP_5103
and press <5>”.
(4) Insert the USB Memory Stick into the USB Port of the digitizer.
(5) Press <5> to confirm. The digitizer copies, extracts and installs the software.
Operating system “Portex” will not be installed.
(6) After a few moments the following message appears:
“Please remove the storage medium and press <5>.”
Remove the USB Memory Stick and press <5> to confirm.
(7) After a few moments the following message appears:
“To initialize the new SW a reset is necessary. Press <5> to reset now.”
Close the digitizer. The device will restart automatically.
(8) Wait until the digitizer has rebooted.
(9) Click <OK> in the screen “To Confirm this Installation press OK” at the digitizer
display. Message “new software detected” appears in the digitizer display.
(10) After a few moments the following message appears:
“Please insert the backup medium and press <5>.”
Press <Cancel>, the backup has to be performed later.

Result Software ACP_5103 is installed. Continue with section 5.

If the installation fails repeat installation, see section 3.3.3.


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3.3.3 Installing Software ACP_5103 on a new Hard Disk or in Case of corrupted Files

This procedure must be carried out only if the hard disk of the digitizer is corrupted
or has been replaced by a blank one.

(1) Switch off the digitizer.

(2) Insert the USB Memory Stick into the USB port of the Service PC.
(3) Open a file manager on the Service PC.
(4) Click on the letter of the <USB Memory Stick>.
(5) Click on folder <acp_5103> on the USB Memory Stick.
(6) Double-click on: <prepare_formatting.cmd>
(7) Unmount the USB Memory Stick and disconnect it from the Service PC.
(8) Disconnect the digitizer from the network.
This is necessary since a default IP-Address and hostname is configured.
(9) Switch on the digitizer.
(10) Connect the Service PC to the RS232 port at the CPU-Board.
(11) Start the terminal program by opening Windows menu:
Start Æ Programs Æ Accessories Æ Communication Æ
(12) Create a new connection and select the serial port (e.g., COM1).
(13) Set terminal settings to baud rate 115200, Xon/Xoff, no parity, 8 bit, 1 stop bit.
(14) Press: <ENTER>
The digitizer prompt shell> appears.
(15) Insert the USB memory stick into the USB port of the CPU board of the Digitizer.
(16) Switch off digitizer.
(17) Switch on digitizer.
(18) When asked about formatting the hard disk in the terminal program,
answer with <yes>.
(19) Wait until the digitizer has started.
(20) After a few moments the following message appears:
“Please remove the storage medium and press <5>”.
Press <5> to confirm.
(21) After a few moments the following message appears:
“To initialize the new SW a reset is necessary. Press <5> to reset now.”
Press <5> to confirm.


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(22) Press <5> again to initialize the reset.

Wait till the digitizer has rebooted.
(23) Click <OK> in the screen “Confirm Installation…” at the digitizer display.
Message “new software detected” appears in the digitizer display.

Result Software ACP_5103 is installed. Continue with section Restore Machine specific Data

Without restoring the device-specific parameters, an operation of the digitizer is
impossible. Use the backup storage medium attached to the Digitizer with the most
recent backup date.

(1) Enter the Service menu on the digitizer keypad and select:
<5 Install data> Æ <2 Machine specific data>
(2) Follow the instructions on the digitizer display.
Use the backup storage medium with the most recent backup date. Restore Test Images

(1) Restore the test image files from CD or USB Memory Stick to the directory
E:\testimg on the digitizer. For the current version refer to the service
documentation, Chapter 3.2, Tools and auxiliary means.
(2) Switch off and on the digitizer.
(3) Check if the digitizer performs its self test and afterwards changes
its state to Ready.


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DD+DIS103.10E Enclosure Install CPF File

Between restoring the backup and installing the CPF file, a reset is necessary!
(1) Get the CPF file either from a previous backup or from the Processing Station.
Otherwise generate the CPF file with the QS, the VIPS or the CCM tool.
For details refer to the respective service documentation, Chapter 3.2,
Tools and auxiliary means.
(2) Enter the Service menu on the digitizer keypad and select:
<5 INSTALL data> Æ <6 CPF-File>
(3) Follow the instructions displayed on the digitizer display.
(4) Reconnect the digitizer to the network.
(5) Disconnect the Service PC.
(6) Switch off and switch on the digitizer.
(7) Check if the digitizer performs its self test and afterwards changes
its state to Ready.

Result If digitizer changes its state to Ready:

(1) Proceed with section 6.

Language files will be installed automatically during software
installation from USB Memory Stick.
If the digitizer does not perform the self test, the software may not be installed

(2) Perform again the installation according to section 3.3.3.

3.4 Restart Digitizer

(1) Close the front door and switch off and then switch on the digitizer.
(2) Check if the digitizer performs its self test and afterwards changes
its state to Ready.
If digitizer changes its state to Ready:

(3) Proceed with section 6.

If the digitizer does not perform the self test, the software may not be installed

(4) Perform again the installation according to section 3.3.3.


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4 Installation procedure via Floppy Disks

(CR 85-X Type 5148/100 up to SN < 4000,
CR 75.0 Type 5146/105 up to SN < 6500)

Following steps are necessary to install software via floppy disk:

# Type of software installation Section

1 Preparing floppy disks 4.1
2 Creating a backup 4.2
3 Installing Software 4.3

4.1 Creating Installation Floppy Disks

Create installation floppy disks either using the wizard (see section 4.1.1)
or manually (see section 4.1.2).

4.1.1 Creating Installation Floppy Disks with the Wizard

(1) Download the Digitizer Software ACP_5103 (File size approximately 8 MB) from
MEDNET GSO Library Path:
Computed Radiography => CR Digitizer => CR 85-X =>
Freeware => CR 85-X - Software - Device Software – ACP_5103

(2) Extract all files from the downloaded zip file into a folder on the Service PC.
Among the extracted files is the zip file acp_5103.zip.

(3) Extract all files from acp_5103.zip.

Be sure to have checkbox “use folder
names” activated.
Folder ACP_5103 including seven
sub-folders is created automatically.

Figure 5

(4) Take 7 empty, formatted diskettes.

(5) Double-click on <Start.bat>. The copy process starts automatically.
(6) Insert an empty floppy disk and follow the instructions on the screen.


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(7) When requested, remove floppy disk from the floppy disk drive and label it with
the corresponding floppy name, e.g. ACP5103_1_3 for the first disk of installation
files (for a filename overview refer to table below).
(8) Follow the instructions and insert the next floppy disks.
When all 7 floppy disks were copied, the prompt will be closed automatically.

Check the number of floppy disks after finishing the copy process.
There must be 7 floppy disks.

Result The set of floppy disks for installation are labeled with the correct name and contain
the correct files for the installation.

4.1.2 Creating Installation Floppy Disks manually

(1) Download the Digitizer Software ACP_5103 (File size approximately 8 MB) from
MEDNET GSO Library Path:
Computed Radiography => CR Digitizer => CR 85-X =>
Freeware => CR 85-X - Software - Device Software – ACP_5103

(2) Extract all files from the downloaded zip file into a folder on the Service PC.
Among the extracted files is the zip file acp_5103.zip.

(3) Extract all files from acp_5103.zip.

Be sure to have checkbox “use folder
names” activated.
Folder ACP_5103 including seven
sub-folders is created automatically
(see table below).

Figure 6

Seven sub-folders: Corresponding floppy name:

acp_5103\disk1 ACP5103_1_3
acp_5103\disk2 ACP5103_2_3
acp_5103\disk3 ACP5103_1_3
acp_5103\harddisk_formatter HDFORMAT
acp_5103\portex_installer 1 PORTEX1
acp_5103\portex_installer 2 PORTEX2
acp_5103\languages ACPL5103

For each of these folders, a floppy disk with the corresponding floppy
name must be created. Follow the instructions below.


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(4) Insert an empty floppy disk.

(5) Select the floppy disk drive entry (A:) in the file manager.
(6) Right-click the floppy disk drive entry and select Properties.
(7) Select tab General and enter the corresponding floppy name,
e.g. ACP5103_1_3 refer to table on previous page.
(8) Click: <OK>
(9) Copy the contents of the corresponding folder (e.g. acp_5103\disk1) from
the Service PC to the floppy disk.
(10) Remove the floppy disk from the floppy disk drive and label it with the
corresponding floppy name, e.g.: ACP5103_1_3
(11) Repeat steps (4) to (10) for the other folders to create the floppy disks.
Every sub-folder of ACP_5103 must be on an own floppy disk.

Result The set of floppy disks for installation are labeled with the correct name and contain
the correct files for the installation.


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4.2 Creating a Backup with a Floppy Disk

Before the software update:

Update the Backup floppy disk with the latest machine specific data.

For this, execute these actions:

(1) Switch on and wait until the digitizer shows ready screen.
(2) Open the left cover of the digitizer to access the floppy disk drive.

The digitizer checks light incidence.
Following error message may appear on the screen of the digitizer:



Close right side panel.

Code 24791

Figure 7

If this error message appears, lean the cover against the left side of the device.
Then continue with next steps.

(3) Enter the Service menu on the digitizer keypad and select:
<3 Save data> Æ <2 Machine specific data>
(4) Follow the instructions on the digitizer display.

Result Backup on floppy disk is created.


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4.3 Installation Procedure of ACP_5103 with Floppy Disks

During the installation from floppy disks the digitizer shows no status message.
It is necessary to wait after inserting of a floppy disk, until the LED of the digitizers
floppy disk drive stops flashing.

To see the installation status during the software installation, connect the Service PC
via serial connection cable (RS232) to the digitizer. By using the Hyper Terminal the
several installation steps of the digitizer can be followed.

Following possibilities exist to install software via floppy disks:

# Type of software installation To be used in case See section

1 Via boot up Digitizer is up and running. 4.3.1
2 Via boot up inclusive formatting New hard disk has been 4.3.2
installed or corrupted files

4.3.1 Installing Software ACP_5103 as Upgrade of an older Software Version Install PORTEX1

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled PORTEX1 into the floppy disk drive of the digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(3) Wait until the control LED of the floppy disk drive is off.
(4) Remove the floppy disk. Install PORTEX2

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled PORTEX2 into the floppy disk drive of the digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(3) Wait until the control LED of floppy disk drive is off.
(4) Wait additionally 1 minute, to be sure that all files are unzipped.
(5) Remove the floppy disk.

Do not insert any other floppy disk!


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(6) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.

Wait approximately 2 minutes.

Result The files of the Portex operating system are installed. Install ACP5103_1_3

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled ACP5103_1_3 into the floppy disk drive
of the digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(3) Wait until the control LED of floppy disk drive is off.
(4) Remove the floppy disk. Install ACP5103_2_3

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled ACP5103_2_3 into the floppy disk drive
of the digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(3) Wait until the control LED of floppy disk drive is off.
(4) Remove the floppy disk. Install ACP5103_3_3

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled ACP5103_3_3into the floppy disk drive
of the digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(3) Wait until the control LED of floppy disk drive is off.
(4) Wait additionally 1 minute, to be sure that all files are unzipped.
(5) Remove the floppy disk.

Do not insert any other floppy disk!


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(6) Close the digitizer. The device will restart automatically.

(7) Check if the digitizer performs its self test and afterwards changes
its state to Ready.

Result The digitizer software ACP_5103 is installed. Concluding with section 5.

If the installation fails repeat installation, see section 3.3.3.

4.3.2 Installing Software ACP_5103 on a new Hard Disk or in Case of corrupted Files

This procedure must be carried out only if the hard disk of the digitizer has been
replaced by a new one or if corrupted files have been detected on the hard disk.
In this case the hard disk must be formatted using the installation disk HDFORMAT.

(1) Disconnect the digitizer from the network.

This is necessary since a default IP-Address and hostname is configured.
(2) Connect the Service PC to the RS232 port at the CPU-Board.
(3) Start the terminal program by opening Windows menu:
Start Æ Programs Æ Accessories Æ Communication Æ
(4) Create a new connection and select the serial port (e.g., COM1).
(5) Set terminal settings to 9600 baud, Xon/Xoff, no parity, 8 bit, 1 stop bit.
(6) Press: <ENTER>
The digitizer prompt shell> appears. Install HDFORMAT

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled HDFORMAT into the floppy disk drive
of the Digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(3) Confirm partitioning/formatting of the hard disk on the terminal with <y>.
(4) Wait until the system prompt is displayed on the terminal.
(5) Remove the floppy disk.


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DD+DIS103.10E Enclosure Install PORTEX2

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled PORTEX2 into the floppy disk drive of the digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(3) Wait until the system prompt is displayed on the terminal.
(4) Remove the floppy disk.

Do not insert any other floppy disk! Install ACP5103_1_3

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled ACP5103_1_3 into the floppy disk drive
of the digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(3) Wait until the system prompt is displayed on the terminal.
(4) Wait additionally 1 minute, to be sure that all files are unzipped.
(5) Remove the floppy disk. Install ACP5103_2_3

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled ACP5103_2_3 into the floppy disk drive
of the digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(3) Wait until the system prompt is displayed on the terminal.
(4) Remove the floppy disk.


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DD+DIS103.10E Enclosure Install ACP5103_3_3

(1) Insert the floppy disk labeled ACP5103_3_3 into the floppy disk drive
of the digitizer.
(2) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board..
(3) Wait until the system prompt is displayed on the terminal.
Wait additionally 1 minute, to be sure that all files are unzipped.
(4) Remove the floppy disk.
(5) Press the <Reset> switch on the CPU-Board.
(6) Wait until the system prompt is displayed on the terminal.
The system extracts the ACP_5103 software.
(7) Switch the digitizer off and on again.
(8) Wait until the digitizer is ready.

Result Software ACP_5103 is installed. Continue with section Restore Machine specific Data

Without restoring the device-specific parameters, an operation of the digitizer is
impossible. Use the backup floppy disk attached to the Digitizer with the
most recent backup date.

(1) Enter the Service menu on the digitizer keypad and select:
<5 Install data> Æ <2 Machine specific data>
(2) Follow the instructions on the digitizer display.
Use the backup floppy disk with the most recent backup date. Restore Test Images

(1) Restore the test image files from CD or USB Memory Stick to the directory
E:\testimg on the digitizer. For current version refer to the service
documentation, Chapter 3.2, Tools and auxiliary means.
(2) Switch off and on the digitizer.
(3) Check if the digitizer performs its self test and afterwards changes
its state to Ready.

Result The test images are restored.


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DD+DIS103.10E Enclosure Install CPF File

Between restoring the backup and installing the CPF file, a reset is necessary!

(1) Get the CPF file either from a previous backup or from the Processing Station.
Otherwise generate the CPF file with the QS, the VIPS or the CCM tool.
Refer to the respective service documentation, Chapter 3.2, Tools and auxiliary
means, for details.
(2) Enter the Service menu on the digitizer keypad and select:
<5 INSTALL data> Æ <6 CPF-File>
(3) Follow the instructions displayed on the digitizer display.
Have a floppy disk ready for the backup of device-specific parameters.
(4) Reconnect the digitizer to the network.
(5) Disconnect the Service PC.
(6) Switch off and switch on the digitizer.
(7) Check if the digitizer performs its self test and afterwards changes
its state to Ready.

Result CPF file is installed.

4.4 Restart Digitizer

(1) Close the front door and switch off and then switch on the digitizer.
(2) Check if the digitizer performs its self test and afterwards changes
its state to Ready.

If digitizer changes its state to Ready:

(3) Proceed with section 5.

If the digitizer does not perform the self test, the software may not be installed
successfully. This can be caused by a corruption of the file system on the hard disk.

(4) Perform the installation according to section 4.3.2, Installing Software ACP_5103
on a new Hard Disk or in Case of corrupted Files and then section 5, Installation
of ACPL5103 Language Files.

The messages of the calibration screen have been adapted.
Therefore the ACPL5103 language files have to be installed together with
the digitizer software ACP_5103.


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5 Installation of ACPL5103 Language Files

With software version ACP_5103 the term “floppy disk” has been exchanged with
the term “medium” or "storage medium".

To install ACPL5103 language files and to change the language of the digitizer user
interface perform following procedure:

(1) Ensure that the digitizer is switched on.

(2) Open Service menu on the local key pad of the digitizer.
(3) Choose: <5 INSTALL data>
(4) Choose: <7 Language Files>
(5) Open left side cover.
(6) Insert medium with language data and choose: <OK>
(7) After a few moments the following message appears:
“Please remove the storage medium and press <5>”.
Remove the USB Memory Stick and press <5> to confirm.
(8) Following message appears in the Service menu:
<Do you want to change user interface language>
To change the user interface language press <5>.
To leave the menu without changing the language press <5>.
(9) Select user interface language from the list and press <5>.
(10) Exit Service menu by pressing <5> and <5>.
(11) When the system requests to confirm the changes press <5> and
follow the instructions on the screen.

Result Installation of C25L3103 language files completed.

Continue with section 6.


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6 Concluding the Installation

(1) Refresh backup by following the guidelines of Service Menu:

<3 Save data> Æ <2 Machine specific data>
(2) Close the digitizer.

If the digitizer is used for Mammography applications, enable “Mammo” manually
in the Service Menu of the digitizer.

7 Verification of successful Installation

(1) Enter the Service menu on the digitizer keypad and select:
<1 INFO> Æ <1 Device info>
(2) Check the entry Software.

Result If the entry Software is ACP_5103, the software installation was successful.
Otherwise repeat the installation.


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