2014AlChamietal - Evaluationofflashandslowpyro
2014AlChamietal - Evaluationofflashandslowpyro
2014AlChamietal - Evaluationofflashandslowpyro
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Ziad Al Chami a,*, Nasser Amer b,c, Koen Smets d, Jan Yperman d,
Robert Carleer d, Stefano Dumontet c, Jaco Vangronsveld d
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari e CIHEAM, Via Ceglie 9, 70010 Valenzano, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze per l’Ambiente, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, Via F. Acton, 38, 80133
Napoli, Italy
Swaida Research Center, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research e GCSAR, Swaida, Syria
Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Agoralaan Building D, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
Article history: Treatment and/or disposal of metal contaminated biomass are still an unsolved problem.
Received 7 May 2013 Knowledge of the metal distribution is of prime importance concerning the application of
Received in revised form pyrolysis product streams. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench was cultivated in a semi-hydroponic
12 February 2014 system to assess its potential use in phytoremediation and biomass production. Plants
Accepted 17 February 2014 were grown in a greenhouse using perlite as substrate, half-strength Hoagland’s solution
Available online xxx as control (CTR) and the same solution supplemented with a mixture of Ni and Zn (CTM;
10 g m3 each). Shoot and root biomass were determined and analyzed for their metals
Keywords: content. Flash and slow pyrolysis were performed on S. bicolor shoots at 450 C. Biomass
Pyrolysis and pyrolysis products were analyzed focusing on metal distribution. Mass and energy
Zinc balances were determined. S. bicolor delivered good shoot biomass with relatively moderate
Nickel concentrations of Ni and Zn. Metal concentrations in the pyrolysis oils were below
Bioenergy detection limits and almost all metals accumulated in the char. In fact, 99% of Ni and 98%
Biomass of Zn were recovered in the char when a slow pyrolysis process was applied, while in flash
Char pyrolysis conditions both metals were found back in the char and in the heating transfer
medium. Furthermore, the percentages of char and oil were higher in slow pyrolysis
compared to flash pyrolysis. Energy recovery in the char from slow pyrolysis was higher
than flash pyrolysis. Flash and slow pyrolysis can likely offer a valuable processing method
for metal contaminated biomass, thus limiting the waste disposal problem associated with
phytoremediation of metals.
ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ39 080 4606 223; fax: þ39 080 4606 206.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (Z. Al Chami).
0961-9534/ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
2 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2 3
production [28,29]. The pyrolysis oil can be easily stored and the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for
transported, and/or being directly used as a fuel imitative or for plant uptake and translocation test [31]. The composition of
producing chemicals with high added value [30]. the nutrient solution was: 2.5 mol m3 Ca(NO3)2; 2.5 mol m3
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the potential KNO3; 1 mol m3 MgSO4; 0.2 mmol m3 KH2PO4; 50 mmol m3
use of S. bicolor for phytoremediation and bioenergy produc- NaFeEDTA; 0.2 mmol m3 Na2MoO4; 10 mmol m3 H3BO3;
tion. This paper focuses on the fate of Ni and Zn, present in the 2 mmol m3 MnCl2; 0.5 mmol m3 CuSO4; 1.0 mmol m3 ZnSO4
growth substrate, during uptake and translocation in S. bicolor. and 0.2 mmol m3 NiSO4. The solution was buffered with
The behavior of Zn and Ni during pyrolysis of harvested 0.5 mol m3 MES (2-[N-morpholino]ethanesulphonic acid).
contaminated S. bicolor biomass was of special interest. The pH of the nutrient solution (pH z 5.5e6.0) was controlled
all over the incubation period [32].
Five pots were irrigated using half strength Hoagland’s
2. Materials and methods nutrient solution (control treatment e CTR) and other five pots
were irrigated using half strength Hoagland’s nutrient solu-
2.1. Chemicals tion supplemented with Ni and Zn at concentrations of
10 g m3 each (contaminated treatment e CTM). Nutrient so-
All chemicals used for nutrient solution [i.e., Ca(NO3)2, KNO3, lutions were stored in 100 L plastic containers equipped with a
MgSO4, KH2PO4, NaFeEDTA, Na2MoO4, H3BO3, MnCl2, CuSO4, water pump and wrapped with black plastic bags to avoid the
ZnSO4 and NiSO4] were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (Ger- development of algae. An automatic drip irrigation system
many). NiSO4.6H2O and ZnSO4.7H2O were supplied by Merck was used; six emitters (4 L h1 flow rate) were spread in each
KGaA (Germany). Deionized water (Elix; Millipore Corporation) container. Irrigation schedule (frequency and quantity) was
was used to prepare the plant nutrient solution. For sample settled in order to prevent leaching from the pots and to
mineralization and chemical analysis, HNO3 and H2O2 Trace- maintain the moisture at 50% humidity.
Select from Sigma Aldrich (Germany) and ultrapure water
(18.2 MU cm1) obtained with a Milli-Q purification system 2.3. Pyrolysis experiments setup
from Millipore (Bedford, MA, USA) were used.
2.3.1. Schematic overview
2.2. Plant materials and growth conditions Fig. 1 shows the schematic overview of the slow and flash
pyrolysis set-ups and the conducted analysis. Before the py-
In order to evaluate the potential use of Sorghum bicolor (L.) rolysis, shoots were oven dried at 105 C until constant weight
Moench for heavy metal phytoremediation and biomass pro- was reached. Flash and slow pyrolysis were performed on
duction, an open system hydroponic experiment was per- both contaminated and control samples to study the effect of
formed. Seeds of S. bicolor were purchased from Syngenta pyrolysis on the heavy metal distribution.
Seeds S.A.S (France). Seeds were sterilized with 5% solution of
NaOCl for 10 min, washed with distilled water and germinated 2.3.2. Slow pyrolysis using horizontal tubular reactor
on filter paper with 2 mL of distilled water in closed Petri The reactor is shown in Fig. 2 [25]. It consists of a char (1), a tar
dishes for 5e6 days at 23 C until the primary roots reached a (2) and an oil (3) collector. The char/ash and tar collectors are
length of 3e5 cm. Three uniform seedlings were transferred made of quartz, while the oil collector is made of borosilicate
into each plastic pot. Plastic pots (28 cm height and 33 cm glass. Dried biomass (about 7 g) was introduced in the quartz
diameter) were placed inside an open side’s greenhouse and reactor (1) and the system was assembled and placed in the
filled with perlite (4.5 kg). Modified half strength Hoagland Nabertherm furnace. A nitrogen flow (50 mL min1) was
nutrient solution was used for irrigation as recommended by applied to ensure pyrolysis atmosphere. The furnace heating
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
4 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2
Fig. 2 e Horizontal tubular pyrolysis reactor from outside (A) and inside (B).
rate was 20 C min1 till an end pyrolysis temperature of condensation units made of glass (the first water-cooled and
450 C was reached, then kept isothermal for 30 min. Produced the second ice-cooled) leading to two liquid fractions: (i) a very
pyrolysis oil (aqueous fraction) was collected in part 3, which aqueous liquid fraction named pyrolysis oil, and (ii) a water
was cooled with salty-ice. When the system was cooled down, poor liquid fraction named heavy oil. Non-condensable gases
char was collected from part 1. Tar (viscous fraction) was were leaving the condensation unit as permanent gases. At the
collected at the end of the reactor tube. At the end of the slow end of the pyrolysis process, it was necessary to remove the
pyrolysis experiment char, oil and tar were collected and sand from the char. Sand removal was performed in two steps:
weighed, while the gas yield was calculated by difference. In first the sample was sieved at 0.4 mm; subsequently the
this experiment, a low amount of tar was obtained and no remaining sand was electrostatically removed using a
further analyses could therefore be done. commercially available electrical handhold tool. Finally char
and oil were collected and weighed, while the gas yield was
2.3.3. Flash pyrolysis using semi-continuous reactor calculated by difference.
Flash pyrolysis experiments were performed in a semi contin-
uous lab-scale reactor (Fig. 3). The reactor setup was equipped 2.4. Chemical analysis
with an improved condensation unit in comparison with the
set-up described by Smets et al. [33]. Pyrolysis atmosphere was 2.4.1. Plant preparation
ensured by a double nitrogen inlet system (2 70 mL min1). Plants were harvested at the beginning of the flowering stage
The first nitrogen inlet is located at the storage and the second is (four months). They were gently removed from the pots and
located at the top of the pyrolysis reactor as indicated in Fig. 3. separated into shoots and roots. Roots were washed with tap
The nitrogen is blown through the hollow shaft of the Archi- water to remove perlite and then rinsed with distilled water.
medes’ screw to the bottom of the reactor to make sure that the Shoots and roots were first air dried in the greenhouse and
reactor is completely free of oxygen. Before each experiment, subsequently transferred into an oven at 65 C till constant
the reactor was filled with 700 g of white sand (particle size: weight was reached. Residual humidity was determined at
125e500 mm) which served as a heat transfer medium. The sand 105 C.
was pre-heated at 600 C for 6 h to remove all organic Dried plant materials were first ground in a high-speed
contamination. The reactor and the sand (as heat transfer rotary cutting mill to pass through a 1 mm sieve to obtain a
medium) were heated by an electric heating jacket (Horst, homogenous representative sample. Before chemical anal-
GmbH) to reach the final pyrolysis temperature of 450 C. ysis, dried plant materials were homogenized using a Retsch
Temperature was PC monitored. A perforated Archimedes’ MM200 Mixer Mill.
screw ensured a homogenous temperature of the sand and
created a ‘fluidized bed effect’ which allowed maximal mixing 2.4.2. Heavy metal and alkaline earth metals determination
of the biomass and the sand at 450 C. Dried biomass (about 70 g) Total heavy metals and alkaline earth metals in shoots, roots,
was transferred from the storage vessel (at room temperature) char, tar and oil were extracted by wet digestion (1 mL H2O2
into the hot reactor by the screw injection system. The reaction and 5 mL HNO3 for 20 min at 190 C) using a microwave
and residence time were measured as the period of time be- digester (CEM model, MARS Xpress). Samples were then
tween the biomass sample entering the hot reactor and the first cooled, collected in volumetric flasks, and finally measured for
vapors observed in the water cooled condenser. Samples were their metal content by means of ICP-OES (Thermo Electron
heated from room temperature to pyrolysis temperature in a ICAP 6300 Series).
very short period of time (reaction and vapor residence time
less than 5 s) and flash pyrolysis conditions were accomplished. 2.4.3. Shoots thermogravimetric analysis
Resulting vapors were leaving the hot reactor (equipped with Dried samples of shoots were subjected to thermogravimetric
and without a hot gas filter system to prevent aerosol particles analysis (TGA) to mimic the pyrolysis behavior of the used
from entering the condensation vessels) and entered into the biomass and to define the best operational pyrolysis
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2 5
temperature. The biomass was gradually heated at basis (mg kg1 dw) and shoots or roots biomass (g plant1) [36].
20 C min1 to 600 C, under N2 atmosphere (60 mL min1). The indexes were calculated according to the following
Then, temperature was kept isothermal at 600 C for 10 min. equations:
After switching from N2 to O2 (60 mL min1), the sample was
heated to 900 C under oxygen atmosphere with heating rate mg metal kg shoot dw
TF ¼ 1
of 20 C min1. mg metal kg root dw
2.4.4. Energy content MU ¼ mg metal kg shoots or roots dw
Biomass and char energy contents were measured using a kg shoots or roots dw per plant
bomb calorimeter (IKA C5003). The measurement was per-
formed according to the DIN 51900 standard. After calibrating 2.4.7. Mass and energy balance and heavy metal recovery
the bomb calorimeter with benzoic acid, the sample is intro- The mass balance was calculated from the weight of biomass
duced in a quartz crucible and combusted. The analysis was and the weight of the produced char and pyrolysis oil. The
done in duplicate. Oil energy content could not be determined gaseous fraction was calculated by difference. Since the HHV
by the IKA C5003 calorimeter due to its high water content of the pyrolysis oil could not be determined due to its high
even when paraffin strips were used as combustion aid. water content, the energy recovery (%) was calculated using
only the higher heating value (HHV) of the produced char ac-
2.4.5. Oil water content cording to the following equation [21]:
Oil water content was determined by volumetric Karl Fischer
(KF) titration. Titrations were performed with an apparatus of MassðcharÞ HHVðcharÞ
Energy Recoveryð%Þ ¼ 100
Schott Geräte (Titrator TR85). Component solution (Combiti- MassðbiomassÞ HHVðbiomassÞ
trant 5, Merck) was used as titrating agent medium and
where HHV is the higher heating value.
methanol (Normapur AR1, VWR) as working medium. The
Heavy metal recovery was calculated using the following
endpoint of the titration was detected with a double platinum
electrode (type Pt1400). The KF apparatus was calibrated by
titrating six amounts of pure water in triplicate. The calibra- Metal ContentðPPÞ
Metal Recoveryð%Þ ¼ 100
tion curve is made according to the method of the least Metal ContentðbiomassÞ
squares [34]. The pyrolysis oil samples were weighed on a
where PP is the pyrolysis product (char/oil/gas).
plastic container with an analytical balance (Mettler Toledo
AG245). After weighing the sample (17e30 mg) it was brought
into the titration vessel of the KF apparatus. When the sample 2.5. Statistical analysis
was completely dissolved, the titration was started. Each
sample was measured in triplicate. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out and
separation of means was performed using LSD test at P ¼ 0.05
2.4.6. Translocation factor and total uptake index significance level. The means of the 5 measurements are re-
The translocation factor (TF) is the ratio of metal concentra- ported for each of the studied parameters. All statistics were
tion in shoots to that in roots [35]. Metal uptake (MU) is defined computed using SAS software version 9 (SAS Institute, Cary,
as the product of metal concentration in shoots or roots on dry NC).
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
6 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2 7
were expected to not significantly increase the yield of the py- 3.2.3. Biomass energy content
rolysis oil, but only to result in higher energy costs. The calorific value (Table 3), measured as Higher Heating
Biomass characteristics are shown in Table 3. Results Value (HHV), of the control sample was higher than that of the
pointed out that the control sample contains 2.3 wt% mois- contaminated sample (17.6 vs 15.2 MJ kg1), because of its
ture, whereas the contaminated sample contains 3.7 wt%. The higher ash content as one of the reasons. Calorific value of the
ash content of the contaminated sample (12.5 wt%) was control was close to the value of 18.3 MJ kg1, which has been
higher than that of the control sample (5.6 wt%). This differ- reported by Librenti et al. [3].
ence was expected since ash stands for the inorganic matter
in the biomass and this was higher in the contaminated 3.3. Flash and slow pyrolysis experiments
sample [48]. Raveendran et al. [49] mentioned that ash
strongly affects both the pyrolysis characteristics and the 3.3.1. Yields
product distribution. Product yields from flash and slow pyrolysis are presented in
Fig. 8. The char yield ranged from 22% for the control produced
by flash pyrolysis to 55% for the control produced by slow
pyrolysis. Pyrolysis oil yield ranged from 16% for the
contaminated sample with flash pyrolysis to 33% for the
control with slow pyrolysis. Slow pyrolysis produced higher
amounts of char and pyrolysis oil compared to the flash
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
8 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2
pyrolysis. Char yield in all our treatments was higher than the of the biomass sample was composed of very small particles
typical value (20e35% of the original mass) which is in (almost dust) that were blown through the hot zone of the
accordance with Fahmi et al. [43]. pyrolysis reactor without complete conversion/pyrolysis.
Slow pyrolysis produced higher amounts of char and oil Therefore, we used a filter inside the reactor to prevent this as
compared to the flash pyrolysis. A possible explanation for the much as possible. However, a considerable amount was still
higher oil yield in case of the slow pyrolysis compared to the found in the condensation system when this filter was used.
flash pyrolysis is that the biomass sample was not completely Furthermore, no differences were found in the percentage
pyrolyzed during the flash pyrolysis experiment. Hence, part of different flash pyrolysis fractions of the contaminated
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2 9
Table 3 e Proximate analysis: mass fraction determined Table 4 e Water mass fraction in the oils from flash and
by TGA, and HHV calorific value of S. bicolor shoots slow pyrolysis.
determined by bomb calorimetry. CTR CTM
Proximate analysis CTR CTM
Moisture (%) 2.3 3.7
Water content (%) 61.0 2.8 61 2.3 76 1.1 66 2.3
Volatile matter (%) 70.8 63.3
Fixed carbon (%) 21.3 20.5 Values are means standard deviation (n ¼ 3).
Ash (%) 5.6 12.5
HHV calorific value (MJ kg1) 17.6 15.2
Fig. 8 e Pyrolysis product yields as mass fraction of dry S. bicolor shoots by flash (FP) and slow pyrolysis (SP). * Gas yield was
calculated by difference
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
10 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2
Table 5 e HHV calorific value and energy recovery of the Table 7 e Heavy metal recovery in the different pyrolysis
char from flash and slow pyrolysis. products obtained by flash (FP) and slow (SP) pyrolysis of
Parameter CTR CTM Sorghum bicolor shoots.
Treatments Product yields CTM
HHV calorific value (MJ kg ) 21.7 26.9 19.7 18.2 Ni % Zn %
Energy recovery (%) 27.4 76.9 40.0 65.5 FP Char 51a 60a
Oil 0 0
Tar 4 2
SP Char 99 98
Energy recovery results (Table 5) pointed out that slow Oil 0 0
b b
pyrolysis was more efficient than flash pyrolysis, in case only Tar
the chars were taken into account. In fact, the energy recovery Rest of heavy metals is bound in the sand (as heat transfer
in the control sample was 76.9% for slow pyrolysis while it was medium).
only 27.4% for flash pyrolysis. A similar trend was observed for Trace amount of tar was produced during the slow pyrolysis and
therefore heavy metal concentration could not be determined.
the contaminated sample, energy recovery was 65.5% when
slow pyrolysis was applied and 40% when flash pyrolysis was
applied. These results are mainly caused by the higher char
production in case of slow pyrolysis. below 450 C. This result is also in agreement with Lievens
et al. [55] who reported that the oil was free of heavy metals
3.3.4. Fate and recovery of heavy metals when fast pyrolysis of heavy metal contaminated willow
The total content of heavy metals in the char, oil and tar containing high amount of heavy metals (e.g. Zn at 656 and
produced by flash and slow pyrolysis are shown in Table 6. To 4500 mg kg1) was applied at 350 C. In addition, Kistler and
understand better the fate of heavy metals during the pyrol- Widmedz [56] found that for a pyrolysis temperature main-
ysis process, recoveries of Ni and Zn in each pyrolysis product tained between 500 and 600 C metals are retained within the
were calculated based on the total amount of heavy metals in char.
the raw materials (Fig. 4) and the total amount of heavy metals
obtained in the different pyrolysis fractions (Table 6). The re-
coveries results, presented in Table 7, demonstrate that 4. Conclusion
almost all Ni and Zn were recovered in the char when slow
pyrolysis was applied, while low percentages were recovered Phytoextraction is a long-term remediation effort, requiring
in the char fraction when flash pyrolysis was applied. In this many cropping cycles to decontaminate soils from metal
case, when the char fraction is collected, it is mixed with sand pollutants to acceptable levels. Metal phytoextraction per-
from the pyrolysis reactor used as heating transfer. Therefore, formance depends on the amount of biomass production and
sand is separated carefully from the char fraction [21]. the metal concentration in shoots and roots. Based on these
Consequently, fractions of the heavy metals are found back in criteria and on our results, S. bicolor could be a good candidate
the sand. However, many previous studies confirmed that for phytoremediation and biomass production in moderately
heavy metals are retained/bound in the heat transfer medium contaminated soils as it is able to concentrate metals in roots
[54]. as well to translocate low but substantial amounts to shoots,
For both types of pyrolysis, pyrolysis oil contained no yielding a considerable harvestable biomass.
detectable concentrations of Ni and Zn. This result was in As a result of the flash and slow pyrolysis, heavy metal
agreement with Stals et al. [21] who reported that only negli- contaminated biomass was reduced in weight and volume.
gible amounts of heavy metals were found in the oil when fast Furthermore, it is important to mention that heavy metals
pyrolysis of heavy metal contaminated hardwoods from were mainly recovered in the char fraction when the slow
phytoremediation containing high amount of heavy metals pyrolysis process was applied, while the metals were retained
(e.g. Zn at 349 and 822 mg kg1) was applied at temperature in the char and the heating transfer medium sand in case of
Table 6 e Heavy metal recovery in the different pyrolysis products obtained by flash (FP) and slow (SP) pyrolysis of Sorghum
bicolor shoots.
Treatment Product CTM CTR
Ni (mg kg1) Zn (mg kg1) Ni (mg kg1) Zn (mg kg1)
FP Char 115 302 33 76
Pyrolysis oil <DL <DL <DL <DL
Heavy oil 36 55 14 14
SP Char 137 347 5 143
Pyrolysis oil <DL <DL <DL <DL
a a a a
Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 e1 2 11
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Please cite this article in press as: Al Chami Z, et al., Evaluation of flash and slow pyrolysis applied on heavy metal contaminated
Sorghum bicolor shoots resulting from phytoremediation, Biomass and Bioenergy (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
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