Playing Dead
Playing Dead
Playing Dead
Project Manager & Lead Design: Steve Fidler Inspiration: Dungeon Master’s Guide (5e), Monster
Manual (5e), Mythic Odysses of Theros (5e), Curse
Editor: Laura Hirsbrunner of Strahd (5e), Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (5e),
Libris Mortis (3.5e)
Designers: Alex Tanner, Andrew T. Ha
(LeukuDnD), BornToDoStuff, Caitlin Bradbury Content Warnings: This book convers a wide range
(NotTheSmoooze), Elias Garoufalias (Aevilok), of topics that can be uncomfortable or triggering
heavyarms, Israel Moreira, Proph, Rain-Junkie, for many people. The end of this supplement
Ryan Miller, Ryan Rose (flashpointbrews), Yorviing contains an index of potentially triggering content,
including page numbers. Such content may include
A complete list of each designer’s contributions is the following: animal death, blood, blood drinking,
available at the end of this supplement. body modification via insects, body/flesh manipu-
lation or modification, bones, bugs, cannibalism /
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Steve Fidler corpse eating, corpse / grave desecration, darkness,
death by hypothermia, drowning, eyes, fire, forced
Content Warnings: Basil Wright body manipulation by another, graveyards, heart /
heartbeats, humanoid leatherworking, loss of flesh,
Cover Line Artist: artofblake loss of sight, memory manipulation, multiple mouths
/ orifices, mutilation / dismemberment, necrosis /
Cover Designer: Steve Fidler decay, needles, possession, psychological domina-
tion, psychological trauma, raw meat consumption,
Interior Art: artofblake, b-design, Daniele Ariuolo, religious desecration, religious punishment, religious
David Lewis Johnson, Dean Spencer, freshidea,
J. Laporterie, Jeremy Mohler, Jeshields, Konstantin
Gerasimov, korkin, kuco, likozor, Luigi Castellani,
Maciej Zagorski, Nathan Winburn, oldstores,
zealousness, soul devouring / ghoul-like behavior,
soul manipulation, spiders, suffocation / entomb-
ment, suicide, surgery / organ removal, surgical tools
/ medical equipment, and death
Ronald D. Smite, S Trent Troop, warmtail,
some vectors from Superscript Definitions: The spells in this book are
drawn from several sources. The following abbrevi-
Class Icons: Nathanaël Roux @ ations are used throughout the book to denote spell
sources. If a source is not specified, the spell can be
Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. found in the Player’s Handbook.
All rights reserved.
Some artwork © Cobalt Sages Creations, used with permission. Player’s Handbook: PHB
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the C oast, Forgotten R ealms , R avenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand,
R avnica and all other Wizards of the C oast product names , and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the
C oast in the USA and other countries .
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the C oast and/or other authors . Such material is used with
permission under the C ommunity C ontent Agreement for Dungeon M asters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Vorpal Dice Press and published under the C ommunity C ontent
Agreement for Dungeon M asters Guild.
Introduction . . . . . . . 5 Sorcerous Origin: Dry Vein. . 50 Bone Dance . . . . . . . . . 83
Becoming Undead . . . . . . . . 5 Warlock . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Bonesplitter . . . . . . . . . 84
Undead Class Features. . . . . . 7 Undead Class Features. . . . 52 Breath of Unlife . . . . . . . . 84
Undead Subclasses. . . . . . . . 7 Eldritch Invocation Options. . 52 Call of the Haunted. . . . . . 84
Greater Undeath. . . . . . . . . 7 The Dark Powers. . . . . . . 56 Choir of the Unliving. . . . . 84
Playing as an Undead . . . . . . . 7 Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Eternal Servitude . . . . . . . 85
Undeath Arcana . . . . . . . . . 8 Undead Class Features. . . . 57 False Resurrection. . . . . . 85
Osteomancy . . . . . . . . . 59 Fettered Mind . . . . . . . . 85
Chapter 1: Spellbooks of the Dead. . . . 60 Garden of Bones. . . . . . . 85
Character Options. . 9 Ghost Touch. . . . . . . . . 86
Artificer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter 2: Gravewalker. . . . . . . . . 86
Undead Class Features. . . . . 9 Greater Undeath . . 61 Hel’s Regrets. . . . . . . . . 86
Artificer Grafts. . . . . . . . . 9 Bodiless. . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Locate Hallowed Ground. . . 87
Reanimator . . . . . . . . . . 11 Becoming a Bodiless. . . . . 61 Osseous Embrace . . . . . . 87
Soulweaver . . . . . . . . . . 13 Features. . . . . . . . . . . 62 Ossuary . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Barbarian . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Deathbeast. . . . . . . . . . . 65 Shape Bones. . . . . . . . . 88
Undead Class Features. . . . 14 Becoming a Deathbeast . . . . 66 Skeletal Dance. . . . . . . . 88
Path of the Grave. . . . . . . 15 Features. . . . . . . . . . . 66 Skull Crown. . . . . . . . . 88
Path of the Doomcaller. . . . 16 Lich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Spinal Whip. . . . . . . . . 89
Bard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Becoming a Lich. . . . . . . 68 Summon Monstrosity . . . . . 89
Undead Class Features. . . . 18 Features. . . . . . . . . . . 69 Them Bones. . . . . . . . . 91
College of the Nameless . . . 20 Martyr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Voice of the Gravekeeper. . . 91
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Undead Class Features. . .
Undeath Domain. . . . . .
Zeal Domain. . . . . . . .
. 21
. 21
. 23
. 25
Becoming a Martyr. . . . .
Features. . . . . . . . . .
Restless Spirit. . . . . . . .
Becoming a Restless Spirit.
. 70
. 71
. 72
. 72
Wall of Bones . . . . . . . . . 92
Wings of Death. . . . . . . . 92
The Reliquary . . . . . . . . . 93
Adventuring Gear . . . . . . . 93
Druid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Features. . . . . . . . . . . 73 Embalmer’s Tools. . . . . . 93
Undead Class Features. . . . 26 Revenant. . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Magic Items . . . . . . . . . 93
Circle of the Host. . . . . . . 26 Becoming a Revenant . . . . . 75 Bead of Night . . . . . . . . 93
Circle of the Root. . . . . . . 29 Features. . . . . . . . . . . 75 Collapsible Coffin . . . . . . 94
Fighter. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Vampire . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Hellish Avenger . . . . . . . 94
Undead Class Features. . . . 30 Becoming a Vampire. . . . . 78 Hourglass of Permanence . . 94
Damned Hunter . . . . . . . 31 Features. . . . . . . . . . . 78 Mystic Mask of
Hel-Walker. . . . . . . . . . 33 Misrepresentation . . . 95
t finally happened. In all your years The next step is dying—that is, unless you are
(or was it hours?) of playing Dungeons & planning to pursue a greater undeath (see the “Greater
Dragons, your character died. Look, maybe Undeath” section), in which case you should work
casting fireball in a storage closet because toward the prerequisites first.
a spider crawled on your shoulder wasn’t the best Lastly, you need to reanimate as an undead. This
idea, but we’ve all been there. The question is, what could happen in a myriad of ways, but here are a
do you want to do about it now? few examples:
I mean, you could just curl up and stay dead— Ancient Curse. At some point in your history, you
but that ring of invisibility you carried still needs to or your family were cursed—or some might even
be destroyed in the volcano. And that’s not going to say, blessed—by a powerful entity. This curse may
happen while you sit moping in a smoldering pile of have been revenge on you or your family, an oppor-
ash, waiting for the dungeon’s janitor to sweep you up tunity to complete a unfinished task, or simply a
and find it. So you do the only thing that makes sense: means to ensure you spend longer on the Material
you pull yourself together—literally—and shamble Plane before passing to your final resting place.
out of that closet with that ring in hand.
Death is a difficult subject, but Dungeons &
Dragons is a game of heroic fantasy. Death can be a
tragic end—or the next chapter in an epic adventure.
Dark Magic. Certain magical rituals and artifacts can
imbue the body with enough energy to animate
again. Under rare circumstances, a botched raise
dead or resurrection spell or an upcast animate dead
With the rules and player options presented in Playing might reanimate a creature while maintaining
Dead, you and your Dungeon Master have all the their sentience. The lich-god Vecna’s Book of Vile
tools required to see that quest through to its end, Darkness also contains the power to bring creatures
even past the breaking point. back to life in various forms of undeath, although
Becoming Undead such unlife might carry a significant cost unbe-
knownst to the recipient.
The process of becoming dead is fairly well under- Devil’s Pact. Knowing your days are invariably
stood, but how does one become undead? numbered, you brokered a deal with a powerful
First, if you are a player, work with your DM to fiend to extend your life in exchange for something
determine which options in this book are available to of value to the creature, most often your soul. Such
you, preferably before your untimely death—just in power comes at a cost, and you might never shake
case it influences your decision to pet the tarrasque. the feeling of someone looking over your shoulder.
If you are a DM, we clearly think you should make
Prophecy. The fates are not done with you yet. Their
these options available because you already have this power can’t undo the past and prevent your death,
delightfully creepy book and wouldn’t want it to go but they can keep you from passing on long enough
to waste—but all the same, ensure your players are to complete your task.
okay with exploring these themes in your game. The Soul Transference. As your body fails, your spirit,
roleplaying of an undead creature, even a sentient one, soul, or conscience is captured in a vessel, then
can introduce player agency issues and interpersonal transferred into a lifeless body (such as a homun-
dynamics that a player might not be comfortable with. culus or golem). This new form may not feel
undead, but you know it isn’t the body you died in.
Introduction 5
Regardless of the path you take to unlife, once
RESURRECTION AND UNDEATH you are reanimated, you gain the Reanimated
Ending undeath is typically a matter of either killing Undead trait:
the undead creature or exploiting its weakness (like
a lich’s phylactery). But what happens if your friendly Reanimated Undead
party cleric tries to help by casting a spell intended to As a creature brought back from the beyond, your
restore life? ordeal has changed you in the following ways:
While there are a few spells that resurrect a • Your creature type becomes undead, instead of
creature from death, they generally don’t interact your normal type.
with an undead player in the same way they would • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
a living one. as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it
Raise Dead. This spell has no effect on were dim light.
undead creatures. • You are immune to poison, disease, and exhaustion.
Revivify. This spell revives an undead creature to 1 • You don’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.
hit point, but it does not end its undeath or affect its • You have advantage on death saving throws.
Reanimated Undead trait. • While you remain motionless, you are indistin-
Reincarnate. This spell has no effect on guishable from a corpse.
undead creatures.
Resurrection. This spell has no effect on In addition to this trait, any class features you have
undead creatures. or gain in the future are replaced with the equivalent
True Resurrection. This spell restores an undead Undead Class Features discussed in the next section.
creature to its previous non-undead state and
removes its Reanimated Undead trait.
When using rules from this book, it’s important
for the DM and players to communicate with each
(While your DM could choose to allow some regular
class features, this is not generally recommended, as a
mixture of rules could create unexpected issues.)
This book presents subclass options that exemplify
other before casting true resurrection or taking other your new undead nature. When your class offers you
actions that might reverse an undead player charac- the choice of a subclass, if you wish, you may choose
ter’s nature. As returning to life causes you to cease one of the subclasses in this book. Depending on the
being undead, a resurrected player character would circumstances of your life and subsequent death, you
lose any undead class features, their undead subclass, and your DM may also decide to change a subclass
and any boons from greater undeath. you’ve already chosen to one of the options presented
in this book.
6 Introduction
Undead Class Features Greater Undeath
To better represent undead characters, chapter 1 In Dungeons & Dragons, various archetypical
provides variant class features for each of the official undead creatures, such as liches, willingly undergo the
Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition classes. No process of death and undeath in exchange for unnatu-
longer does the cleric Turn Undead with their rally long life and power. If a player wishes to pursue
Channel Divinity—instead, they Turn the Living. this power for themselves, they may be able to accom-
A fighter’s Second Wind, closely tied to the idea plish this using the rules for Greater Undeath boons in
of catching one’s breath, is replaced with Undead chapter 2. Each option provides a description, roleplay
Endurance, a method of recovery unique to considerations, and prerequisites to become one—as
undead creatures. well as features which you gain at certain levels.
Many class features are held intact, as they don’t However, Greater Undeath is an additional boon
conflict with your newfound unlife, but consider on top of the standard options that a character can
how the flavor of each feature might be affected. For obtain. As a DM, you should treat these like magical
example, does your hunter’s mark allow you to track items, dark gifts, or supernatural charms and boons,
the target with ease through magically enhanced and adjust the level of the characters in your party
observance and keen wit? Or does it amplify their appropriately when balancing encounters.
unfamiliar breathing or the pounding of their heart
as they flee? Playing as an Undead
You can find the Undead Class Features at the Though death is a natural part of the cycle of life,
start of each class’ section, presented in the order undeath is not—and thus, becoming an undead is no
you would obtain them. Each feature denotes what
original feature is being replaced, if any.
Undead Subclasses
simple feat. Sometimes, it requires elaborate planning
and preparation, readying your body to accommo-
date a life after death. Other times, it is the result of
magic, whether curses, special rituals, bizarre arcane
Passing into undeath certainly brings with it new phenomena, or strange magical plagues.
powers and opportunities, which you might feel are If you are creating a new character rather than
better represented by a new subclass. Perhaps you’ve becoming undead over the course of a campaign,
felt limited by the mortal limitations of an Assassin you’ll want to consider how your character came to be
rogue and would prefer to stalk your mark by walking undead in the first place. Was it something they were
between the Ethereal and Material Planes. Or your actively seeking, or was it an unexpected event?
unnatural animation may be an affront to the deity As a life of undeath requires having first died, what
who once blessed you with divine power, and you was your death like? Was it tragic and horrifying, or
scramble to curry the favor of a master of undeath peaceful and quiet?
who bestows upon you new abilities and spells. Also think about how you view life as an undead.
Becoming undead is an opportunity to shed the Was it all you ever hoped for? Or do you view your
life you left behind and try a new path. When you undead self as a mistake, something you would go to
become undead using the options in this book, you any length to reverse if your could?
can choose from the subclasses presented here to Finally, how do others see you now that you are
replace the options you already chose in life. These undead? Do you come from a place where similar
subclasses are designed to be unique to undead char- forms of undeath are common? Or is it abhorrent to
acters; if your DM allows you to take one as a living others, causing them to scorn you and force you into
creature, you may need to rework the theme of some exile or quarantine?
of the abilities and mechanics. The following table presents sample options to get
you thinking about how you became an undead. You
can choose to roll on the table below, pick one of the
options, or use these simply as inspiration for how
your character came to be undead.
Introduction 7
d6 How You Became an Undead
Barkskin: The target’s skin resembles dead or
petrified wood.
1 I was a part of a special order that practiced Commune with Nature: A skeleton or corpse of an
dark and unnatural magic. In order to ascend animal within the spell’s range stirs and walks up
to the pinnacle position in the order, I was to you, its rotted body speaking to provide the
subjected to a strange ritual that imbued my information you wish to learn.
body with necrosis. Eyebite: Your eyes become hollow or emit
2 I was killed suddenly and tragically, perhaps in ghostly flames.
a shipwreck or struck by lightning. I remember Find Familiar: Your familiar resembles a rotting
or skeletal version of the animal you choose.
a moment of darkness, then awakened to find
my body already decaying and slowly rotting. Additionally, your GM may allow for your familiar
to be undead instead of a beast.
3 I was cursed after I incurred the wrath of a
Forcecage: The prison you create resembles a coffin,
god. As punishment for my sins and transgres-
crypt, mausoleum, or ossuary.
sions, I was killed and forced to live as one
Gaseous Form: Instead of mist, the creature assumes
of the undead.
a ghostly version of themselves.
4 I was a part of an expedition into an ancient Grease: The slick liquid is your own blood or that of
ruin. While exploring the main chamber, we another creature you had stored in a vial.
touched an old artifact that drained the life Guards and Wards: Spirits and illusions of undead
from me and all of my companions, turning us wail and moan in the clouds, fogs, and winds
into undead. created by this spell.
Guidance: A spectral figure appears and floats in the
As I lay dead and buried in the earth, some-
thing entered my corpse and instilled a new
and corrupted form of unlife. To this day, I do
not know why this happened, but I have arisen
creature’s space, offering words of comfort and
encouraging them to succeed.
Hallucinatory Terrain: You make the landscape
appear dead and dying, with rotting wood,
as the undead.
withering crops, wilted flowers, and bones
6 I studied day and night, seeking an escape
scattered on the ground.
from the prison of mortality. I scoured tomes
Heroes’ Feast: The food and drink created by this
and writings on every procedure, magic, and
spell appears rotten, decaying, filled with maggots,
process that I could find, and finally stumbled
or even writhing and twitching after death.
upon the key to unlife.
Mass Cure Wounds: The targets’ wounds are
8 Introduction
Character Options
s a player, the choices you make
when you create your character don’t Additional Artificer Spells
always end up defining who they are, and 1st-level artificer feature
certainly not who they become. Those The spells in the Additional Artificer Spells table on
decisions come at the game table—and as your the next page expand the artificer spell list in Tasha’s
character’s story grows, sometimes you’ll want new Cauldron of Everything. The table is organized by spell
character options to support that story. level, not character level.
In this chapter, we provide new and enhanced
class features and subclass options for playing a Grafts
character who prematurely finds themselves at the end 2nd-level artificer feature
of their road. When you pick infusions, you can instead choose to
pick grafts (see “Artificer Grafts” at the end of this
section). Grafts are magical enhancements that alter
a creature’s body, instead of a magic item. Whenever
class. This section offers additional features that you Artificer Grafts
can gain as an artificer. Unlike the features in Tasha’s An artificer who dabbles in fleshcrafting can alter a
Cauldron of Everything, you don’t gain the features creature’s body using the following magical grafts.
here automatically. Instead, if your character has Such magical enhancements are complex and
died and been reanimated as an undead, you gain require an infusion of negative energy from the arti-
any features listed in this section if you meet the level ficer’s own unlife, putting them beyond the craft of
requirement noted in the feature’s description. living artificers.
If you gain a feature that replaces another feature,
you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t
qualify for anything in the game that requires it.
Character Options
Artificer 9
Additional Artificer Spells
Spell Level Spell Name Spell School Conc. Ritual Source
0 infestation conjuration No No XGE
1st cause fear necromancy Yes No XGE
1st command enchantment No No PHB
1st create or destroy water transmutation No No PHB
1st fog cloud evocation Yes No PHB
1st ghost touch transmutation No Yes PD
1st hail of thorns conjuration Yes No PHB
1st ray of sickness necromancy No No PHB
1st unseen servant conjuration No Yes PHB
crown of madness
e transmutation
2nd locate object divination Yes No PHB
2nd suggestion enchantment Yes No PHB
3rd animate dead necromancy No No PHB
3rd blade of pain and fear evocation Yes No PD
Character Options
10 Artificer
Bonemail Soul Crystal
Prerequisite: Bones from a Medium creature worth Prerequisites: 10th level, a crystal or a gem worth at
at least 25 gp least 1,000 gp
You embed the skin of a creature with plates of inter- You infuse the item with your form and soul. If a spell,
locking bone. While not wearing armor, its AC is 12 + such as raise dead, has the sole effect of restoring you
its Dexterity modifier. to life (but not undeath), it functions on you regard-
less of your creature type, and it can’t change your
Enervating Limb creature type even if it changes some of your statis-
Prerequisites: An arm or leg tics (such as your racial traits). Additionally, the caster
You replace the arm or leg of a creature with one doesn’t need material components to cast such spells
infused with negative energy. The bearer’s unarmed on you as long as it provides blood from a creature
strikes with this arm deal 1d8 necrotic damage, that died within the last hour.
instead of their normal bludgeoning damage.
Artificer Specialties
Enfeebling Eye At 3rd level, an artificer gains the Artificer Specialist
Prerequisite: An eye, and the blood of a monstrosity worth feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The
at least 50 gp following options are available to you when making
You replace the eye of the creature with one treated that choice: the Reanimator and the Soulweaver.
with monstrous blood, obscuring the iris with an ever-
shifting swirl of white and black. The bearer of this Reanimator
eye can use its bonus action to cast ray of enfeeblement Designer: Steve Fidler
duration of 1 round.
Integrated Weapon
on a creature within 30 feet of it. When cast in this
way, the spell does not require concentration but has a
While wood, stone, and steel are abundant and easily
worked to create wondrous devices; these specialists
prefer to work with flesh. Their passage through death
and unlife connects them to the negative energies that
animate their own body. They can channel this power
Prerequisites: 6th level, An arm or leg, and a simple or into the mended flesh of deceased creatures, breathing
martial melee weapon unlife into them.
This magic weapon becomes embedded in the
arm or leg it is grafted to. While grafted, it can’t be Tool Proficiency
disarmed, and it loses the thrown property if it had 3rd-level Reanimator feature
it. The weapon can be drawn or stowed at the start You gain proficiency with embalmer’s tools (see
and end of each of the bearer’s turns in combat (no chapter 3) and leatherworking tools. If you already
action required). have either of these proficiencies, you gain proficiency
An integrated weapon grants a +2 bonus to attack with another type of artisan’s tools instead.
rolls made with it.
Undead Skin
Character Options
Artificer 11
Reanimator Spells turn to command it to take one of the actions in its
3rd-level Reanimator feature stat block or the Dash, Disengage, Help, Hide, or
You always have certain spells prepared after you Search actions.
reach particular levels in this class, as shown in When you use your bonus action to instruct the
the Reanimator Spells table. These spells count as creature to take an action that would deal damage, the
artificer spells for you, but don’t count against the damage roll in its stat block is replaced with 1d10 if
number of artificer spells you prepare. the action can only damage one creature, or 1d6 if it
can damage multiple creatures. This damage increases
Reanimator Spells by one die when you reach 5th level (2d10 or 2d6),
Artificer Level Spells 9th level (3d10 or 3d6), and 15th level (4d10 or 4d6).
If the action requires a saving throw, the DC is equal
3rd fettered mind PD, inflict wounds
to your artificer spell save DC.
5th crown of madness, Nystul’s magic aura Empower. When the corrupted creature hits a
9th animate dead, hypnotic pattern creature with an attack, you can expend a spell slot to
deal extra necrotic damage to the target. The amount
13th blight, sickening radiance XGE of damage is based on the level of the slot used, as
17th danse macabre XGE, seeming shown in the Empowered Damage table.
Empowered Damage
Corruption Slot Level One Target Multiple Targets
3rd-level Reanimator feature
1st 2d10 2d6
As an action, you can infuse a dead creature with
undeath, provided it has been dead no longer than
1 minute, is Medium or smaller, and is either a
beast, dragon, humanoid, giant, or monstrosity. This
creature is a corrupted facsimile of its previous form, 4th or higher 6d10 7d6
but limited by your prowess in reanimating it. You can
only have one creature animated this way, and if you Channel Corruption
attempt to animate another, the first one falls lifeless 5th-level Reanimator feature
to the ground. The size of creatures you can reanimate When you finish a long rest, you can imbue a wand,
increases by one size when you reach 6th level (Large staff, or rod with negative energy. The focus becomes
or smaller) and 10th level (Huge or smaller). inert if you later imbue a new spellcasting focus.
A corrupted creature uses the statistics of the When you cast an artificer spell through an imbued
original creature, with the following changes: focus, roll a d8 and add the result to one of the spell’s
• Its hit points are equal to 5 × your artificer level. damage rolls, or to one of the spell’s rolls to regain hit
• Its AC is equal to 10 + half your artificer level points if the target is undead.
(rounded down).
Character Options
12 Artificer
Release Negative Energy Soulweaver Spells
15th-level Reanimator feature Artificer Level Spells
When an undead creature under your control dies,
3rd command, entangle
you can use your reaction to have it explode with a
burst of potent necromantic energy. Each non-un- 5th mind spike, see invisibility
dead creature within 15 feet of the target must make 9th feign death, life transference
a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d10 necrotic
damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a 13th compulsion, fabricate
successful one. Undead in the area instead gain 3d10 17th dominate person, reincarnate
temporary hit points, which last for 1 minute.
While some who suffer death move on peacefully to You can manipulate the threads that weave souls
the afterlife, others claw at anything they can grasp in between the Material Plane and beyond. The first
order to remain alive. As you’ve gone through such an time you deal damage to a creature each turn using a
experience, you’ve grasped the strands of fate itself, light weapon, you can weave a thread through its soul,
made of pure ether. You’ve learned how to weave the dealing an extra 2d4 force damage. If the creature
soul itself, and your determination has bound you leaves its space before the start of your next turn, it
back to your body. Now, you can grasp what awaits immediately takes 4d4 force damage as the thread rips
you after your death, as you keep puppeteering your forcefully through its soul.
long-dead body.
Tool Proficiency
3rd-level Soulweaver feature
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you
gain proficiency with weaver’s tools. If you already
have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one
other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.
Soulweaver Spells
3rd-level Soulweaver feature
Threadspinner Barbarian
5th-level Soulweaver feature The barbarian class receives new features and
As a bonus action, you can make an attack with subclasses in this section.
a light weapon. If you take this bonus action after
Undead Class Features
taking the Attack action, you can make two attacks
with a light weapon instead. Designer: Ryan Miller
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook
Sympathetic Heartstrings when you reach certain levels in your class. This
9th-level Soulweaver feature section offers additional features that you can gain
If you’ve affected 2 or more creatures with your as a barbarian. Unlike the features in the Player’s
Spirit Thread feature, their pain is shared the next Handbook, you don’t gain the features here automat-
time it occurs. The first time one of these creatures ically. Instead, if your character has died and been
takes damage, all other creatures affected by your
Spirit Thread feature takes one half of the amount of
damage that the first creature took.
Spectral Puppeteer
reanimated as an undead, you gain any features listed
in this section if you meet the level requirement noted
in the feature’s description.
If you gain a feature that replaces another feature,
you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t
15th-level Soulweaver feature qualify for anything in the game that requires it.
When your mortal shell falls, you find it much easier
to quickly latch onto another, even if this connec- One Eye Open
tion is fleeting. If you’re reduced to 0 hit points and 1st-level barbarian feature
you’ve used the Spirit Thread feature within the last Your rage doesn’t end when you are knocked uncon-
minute, you can use your reaction to force the last scious, and while you’re raging and unconscious, you
creature who took damage from that feature to make don’t automatically fail Strength saving throws.
a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC.
On a failed save, you possess its body for 1 minute or Grotesque Hide
until you regain any hit points. While possessing a 1st-level barbarian feature, which replaces
creature this way, you can have it move, take actions, Unarmored Defense
and bonus actions of your choice during your turn. While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor
The creature continues to take turns on its initiative as Class equals 12 + your Constitution modifier and your
normal even while you possess its body. hit point maximum can’t be reduced. You can use a
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again shield and still gain this benefit.
until you finish a long rest, unless you end one of your
artificer infusions. Savage Charge
5th-level barbarian feature, which replaces
Fast Movement
When you take damage, you can use your reaction to
move up to half your speed. This movement doesn’t
provoke opportunity attacks.
Character Options
14 Barbarian
Undead Armory
Primal Paths 3rd-level Path of the Grave feature
At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path When you finish a long rest, you regrow any missing
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The limbs. If any of your former limbs were removed and
following options are available to you when making haven’t been reattached, such as with your Arms of
that choice: the Path of the Grave and the Path of the Grave feature, they turn to ash and are destroyed.
the Doomcaller.
Reach from Below
Path of the Grave 6th-level Path of the Grave feature
Designer: Ryan Miller When you succeed on a death saving throw, you can
The Path of the Grave is taken by those who were immediately make a melee weapon attack and move
restless in life and find themselves unable to sleep up to half your movement speed (in any order).
in death. Whether reawakened by some powerful
necromantic magic, given new life by a deity, or Ruinsight
cursed with the power of Falkovnia, these warriors 10th-level Path of the Grave feature
are fearsome and fearless, thinking little of their own You can see things as they will be long after they are
decrepit bodies as they engage in gruesome combat. gone. You see creatures as withered skeletons, mighty
temples and cathedrals reduced to little more than
Arms of the Grave overgrown ruins, and the land barren. While you have
3rd-level Path of the Grave feature this sight, you have disadvantage on Charisma checks
You can use your own body to fight your foes, ripping but advantage on saving throws made against being
off limbs to use as weapons. When you enter a rage,
or as a bonus action on your turn, you can rip off one
of your arms or legs. You can reattach a limb on your
turn (no action required). A limb is a simple melee
frightened or charmed, and you have advantage on
ability checks and saving throws made to determine if
something you can see is an illusion.
You can lose or regain the benefits of this feature at
weapon that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit, the start of your turn (no action required).
has the thrown (range 20/60) and versatile (1d12)
properties, and while you are raging, you can use the Play with Dead
following special properties: 14th-level Path of the Grave feature
Arm: When you hit a creature with an arm, if the When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points or fails a
target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength death saving throw within 10 feet of you, you can use
saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against
modifier + your Strength modifier) or be grappled a creature within your reach.
by you. The grapple ends if you use the arm to Additionally, you can use a corpse of a Small
attack a different target. When you rip off this or Medium humanoid as a simple melee weapon
limb, you can’t use it as a free hand. that deals 1d12 bludgeoning damage on a hit, has
Leg: When you hit a creature with a leg, the target the thrown (range 20/60) and two-handed proper-
ties. While raging, when you hit a creature with the
Character Options
Barbarian 15
Path of the Doomcaller 10th-level Path of the Doomcaller feature
Designer: Israel Moreira You are immune to being frightened. Additionally,
A barbarian does not choose the Path of the while raging, you have resistance to necrotic damage.
Doomcaller. When the wildfires of fury burn hot
enough, when a barbarian is wronged so completely, Inspire Revenant
their rage collapses inward into one pure-burning 10th-level Path of the Doomcaller feature
and refined flame of black, unrelenting anger. The You can allow the dead a chance of vengeance. When
raw density of malicious emotion that arises from the you cast speak with dead on a humanoid’s corpse using
Doomcaller brings forth the spirits of the unavenged your Kinship of the Undying feature, you can ask the
dead to fight by their side to right the wrong. creature if it seeks vengeance against someone who
wronged it. If it does, it can make a Charisma saving
Call of the Vengeful throw (DC equals 25 minus half your barbarian level).
3rd-level Path of the Doomcaller feature On a successful save, the creature rises as a revenant,
Your rage calls upon the spirits of the wronged. When using the Revenant stat block in the Monster Manual,
you enter a rage, you summon a vengeful spirit in an except it lacks the rejuvenation trait. It is under no
unoccupied space you can see within 15 feet of you. It allegiance to you or your allies, and ventures out alone
is friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys to seek its target.
your commands. See this creature’s game statistics in Once you attempt to raise a revenant with this
the Vengeful Spirit stat block, which uses your profi- feature, you can’t do so again for 7 days.
ciency bonus (PB) in several places. You determine
its game statistics.
the creature’s appearance; your choice has no effect on
modifier for this spell. you had remaining in your animated form.
Once you cast this spell with this feature, you can’t Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
do so again until you finish a long or short rest. until you finish a long rest.
Character Options
16 Barbarian
Vengeful Spirit
Medium or Small undead (your choice), neutral
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages —
Challenge — Proficiency Bonus equals your bonus
Vengeful Assault. Melee Weapon Attack: 4 + PB to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + PB piercing damage.
Grasp of the Dead. The vengeful spirit attempts to latch
on to a Large or smaller creature within 5 feet of it. It
must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw
(target’s choice) against a DC 12 + PB, or it is grappled
by the vengeful spirit. Until this grapple ends, the
vengeful spirit can’t use its vengeful assault on other
creatures, and its vengeful assault deals extra damage
equal to your rage damage bonus. On the target’s
Requiem for the Restless
Bard 2nd-level bard feature, which replaces Song of Rest
The bard class receives new features and subclasses in You perform a dirge as a somber reminder to your
this section. allies of the woes of adventuring. If you or any
friendly creatures who can hear your performance
Undead Class Features regain hit points by spending Hit Dice at the end
Designer: Steve Fidler of a short rest, each of those creatures can gain 1d6
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when temporary hit points.
you reach certain levels in your class. This section The temporary hit points gained increases when
offers additional features that you can gain as a bard. you reach certain levels in this class: to 1d8 at 9th
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, you level, to 1d10 at 13th level, and to 1d12 at 17th level.
don’t gain the features here automatically. Instead, if
your character has died and been reanimated as an
undead, you gain any features listed in this section if
you meet the level requirement noted in the feature’s
If you gain a feature that replaces another feature,
you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t
qualify for anything in the game that requires it.
Character Options
18 Bard
Additional Bard Spells
Spell Level Spell Name Spell School Conc. Ritual Source
0 chill touch necromancy No No PHB
1st cause fear necromancy Yes No XGE
1st command enchantment No No PHB
1st false life necromancy No No PHB
2nd darkness evocation Yes No PHB
2nd enlarge/reduce transmutation Yes No PHB
2nd ghost touch transmutation No Yes PD
choir of the unliving
spirit shroud
3rd vampiric touch necromancy Yes No PHB
4th blight necromancy No No PHB
4th phantasmal killer illusion Yes No PHB
4th shadow of Moil necromancy Yes No XGE
5th antilife shell abjuration Yes No PHB
Character Options
Bard 19
as calloused hands or a different hair color. After you
Bard Colleges finish a short or a long rest, you can choose which of
At 3rd level, a bard gains the Bard College feature, these pseudonyms you’ll assume until your next rest.
which offers you the choice of a subclass. The While you assume the pseudonym, you are considered
following options are available to you when making proficient in their associated skill and tool set, and you
that choice: the College of the Nameless. can speak, read, and write their associated language.
If a creature suspects that you might be the same
College of the Nameless person as another of your pseudonyms, it can use an
Designer: Proph action to make a Wisdom (Insight) check contested
It is said that a person dies twice: the first time is by your Charisma (Deception) check. A creature that
when their heart stops beating, and the second time knows the name of any of your pseudonyms automat-
is when their name is spoken for the last time. In the ically succeeds on this check. On a success, it realizes
moment of your death, you gave up your name instead that you’re the same person. Otherwise, the creature
of letting your heart stop. Forevermore, you are can’t attempt this check again until you finish a short
forgotten by those who once knew you, reliant forever or long rest.
only on nicknames given to those that have been
forgotten in time. Out of Sight
3rd-level College of the Nameless feature
Pseudonyms As an action, you can expend one use of your Bardic
3rd-level College of the Nameless feature Inspiration and choose a number of creatures you
You have the innate ability to draw upon the identi- can see equal to half the result (rounded up). Each
ties of those long forgotten and assume them as your
own. When you gain this feature, choose three of the
pseudonyms listed in the Pseudonyms table, or create
your own by picking a skill, tool, and language profi-
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against
your bard spell save DC. A creature that knows none
of your pseudonyms’ names has disadvantage on this
saving throw. On a failed save, you’re invisible to that
ciency. You gain an additional pseudonym when you creature, and you can’t be perceived by them through
reach 6th and 14th level. any nonmagical senses. This effect lasts for 1 minute
You can give each of the chosen pseudonyms or until you attack a creature or target a creature with
their own name and some visual characteristic that a spell or effect that forces it to make a saving throw.
manifests on you while you impersonate them, such
Character Options
20 Bard
Missed Coldly
6th-level College of the Nameless feature
You can use your bonus action and choose one
creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. The
creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw
against your bard spell save DC. On a failed save, it
becomes invisible to its allies for 1 minute, and they
can’t perceive it through any other nonmagical senses
for the same duration.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell Cleric
slot to use it again. The cleric class receives new features and subclasses
in this section.
Out of Mind
14th-level College of the Nameless feature Undead Class Features
If a creature fails its saving throw against your Out Designer: Steve Fidler
of Sight feature by 5 or more, it forgets everything You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when
about you for the duration of the effect. Additionally, you reach certain levels in your class. This section
attacking this creature or targeting it with attacks or offers additional features that you can gain as a cleric.
spells or effects that force it to make a saving throw Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, you
doesn’t end the effect, but it makes you visible to the don’t gain the features here automatically. Instead, if
creature until the end of its next turn.
Alternatively, when you use your Out of Sight
feature, you can choose to target one creature instead
of many. Doing so increases the duration of the effect
your character has died and been reanimated as an
undead, you gain any features listed in this section if
you meet the level requirement noted in the feature’s
by a number of minutes equal to the number rolled on If you gain a feature that replaces another feature,
the Bardic Inspiration die. you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t
qualify for anything in the game that requires it.
Channel Divinity:
Turn the Living
Character Options
Cleric 21
Additional Cleric Spells
Spell Level Spell Name Spell School Conc. Ritual Source
1st wrathful smite evocation Yes No PHB
2nd breath of unlife necromancy No No PD
2nd ghost touch transmutation No Yes PD
2nd Hel’s regrets necromancy No Yes PD
2nd locate hallowed ground divination No Yes PD
2nd voice of the gravekeeper transmutation No No PD
3rd spirit shroud necromancy Yes No TCE
3rd summon undead necromancy Yes No TCE
3rd vampiric touch necromancy Yes No PHB
phantasmal killer
beckon the rotting saint conjuration
4th sickening radiance evocation Yes No XGE
5th antilife shell abjuration Yes No PHB
5th destructive wave evocation No No PHB
5th negative energy flood necromancy No No XGE
6th circle of death necromancy No No PHB
Character Options
22 Cleric
A turned creature must spend its turns trying
to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t Divine Domains
willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It At 1st level, a cleric gains the Divine Domain
also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass.
the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that The following options are available to you when
prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, making that choice: the Undeath Domain and the
the creature can use the Dodge action. Zeal Domain.
5th-level cleric feature, which replaces Destroy Undead Designer: Israel Moreira
When a humanoid fails their saving throw against Death is merely the beginning to a greater existence,
your Turn the Living feature, the creature is paralyzed or so say the clerics of the Undeath domain. In
as long as it’s turned if its challenge rating is at or addition to worshiping undeath as a means to escape
below a certain threshold, as shown in the Terrify the bonds of mortality, these clerics worship deities
Humanoid table. that would rather see them slip the cycle of life and
death in favor of eternal existence. Wrapped in
Terrify Humanoid negative energy, these clerics assemble armies of
Cleric Level Paralyzes Humanoids of CR … the dead to do their deity’s work, shepherd the next
generation into intelligent unlife, and strive to create
5th ½ or lower
a new world where the superior undead rule and
8th 1 or lower roam freely.
2 or lower
3 or lower
4 or lower
e Deities of this domain include the gods of necro-
mancy and unlife, such as Kiaransalee, Shar, Myrkul,
and Velsharoon. There is a difference between a deity
associated with merely death, and one associated with
propagating undeath.
Character Options
Cleric 23
Domain Spells You can have a number of spirits at a time equal
1st-level Undeath Domain feature to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). When
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the you finish a long rest, any spirits you have are freed.
Undeath Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain You can free any number of spirits on your turn (no
class feature for how domain spells work. action required).
1st disguise self, dissonant whispers 2nd-level Undeath Domain feature
2nd breath of unlife , call of the haunted
You can use your Channel Divinity to cause the life
3rd animate dead, summon undead TCE energy to burst from a dying creature.
Whenever a creature within 30 feet of you that
4th death ward, shadow of Moil XGE you can see is reduced to 0 hit points or dies, you can
5th danse macabre XGE, negative use your reaction to cause its body to explode. Every
energy flood XGE undead within 15 feet of the body gains temporary
hit points equal to 1d10 + half your cleric level.
Every other creature within range must succeed on
Negative Energy Infusion a Charisma saving throw or take necrotic damage
1st-level Undeath Domain feature equal to 1d10 + half your cleric level, as the spiritual
Your spells lack the warmth of positive energy. explosion momentarily stunts its life flow.
Character Options
24 Cleric
Saint of Undeath Determination
17th-level Undeath Domain feature 1st-level Zeal Domain feature
You can use the souls of the living to fuel your undead Your domain bestows upon you a divine ability to
comrades. Whenever an undead is damaged by a succeed on your goals. You have a pool of d6s, called
creature you can see, you can spend one of your your Zeal Dice, that you can spend to succeed when
spirits to bolster its defenses. The damage dealt to you would normally fail. The number of dice in the
the undead is reduced by your cleric level. Then, the pool equals your proficiency bonus.
spirit is freed. When you miss with an attack or fail an ability
check, you can spend dice from this pool to increase
Zeal Domain
the result of the roll, potentially changing its outcome.
Designer: Ryan Rose (flashpointbrews) Roll the dice you spend and add them together. The
Life exerts pressures upon those of faith: avoid being original roll has a bonus to equal to your total.
overly righteous, maintain an acceptable level of Your pool regains a number of dice equal to half
tolerance. But in death, you have found your passion, your proficiency bonus (rounded up) when you finish
and you’ve found it to be consuming, all-important. a short rest, and all expended dice when you finish
Perhaps you have a powerful need for revenge or an a long rest.
unparalleled desire to prove your former domain’s
worthiness. Perhaps you’ve sworn yourself even Channel Divinity: Divine Cause
more dutifully to your previous deity, or perhaps 2nd-level Zeal Domain feature
you’ve devoted yourself to a new deity who presides You can use your Channel Divinity to empower you
over passion and focus. Regardless of your cause or as you pursue a cause.
to whom you’ve become devoted, your death has
brought you a zealot’s focus, and you’ve returned to
life, blazing toward your goal.
Domain Spells
As an action, you can present your holy symbol
and declare one of the following causes, gaining its
benefits for the specified duration:
Inquisition: You designate a creature that you can
see as a nonbeliever. For the next minute, you have
1st-level Zeal Domain feature
advantage on attack rolls against that creature.
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Mission: For the next hour, you can add your
Zeal Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain Wisdom modifier to Charisma checks to convert
class feature for how domain spells work. a creature to a deity or to encourage donations to
religious causes.
Zeal Domain Spells
7th compulsion, freedom of movement Your focused mind resists interference by external
9th dominate person, skill empowerment XGE forces. You have resistance to psychic damage, and
you have advantage on saving throws against illusions.
Character Options
Cleric 25
damage of the same type dealt by the weapon to the
target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage Carrion Shape
increases to 2d8. 2nd-level druid feature
The following additional rules apply while you are
Soul of Ardor transformed with your Wild Shape feature:
17th-level Zeal Domain feature
• You count as both a beast and an undead for the
Your Zeal Die becomes a d8, and you recover all purpose of spells and other effects. Your form takes
of your Zeal Dice on a short rest instead of half. If on a decaying appearance, such as torn sinew,
you spend 2 or more Zeal Dice and you still do not protruding bones, or missing flesh.
succeed on the roll, you can spend any number of • You retain your features gained as a result of being
additional dice remaining in your pool. undead (see the “Becoming Undead” section
in this book’s introduction), you can see in dim
light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
light and in darkness as if it were dim light, and
you are immune to poison, disease, and exhaus-
tion. Furthermore, you don’t require air, food,
drink, or sleep.
Immortal Vessel
18th-level druid feature, which replaces Timeless Body
Druid e
The druid class receives new features and subclasses
You regain 1 hit point at the start of each of your
turns if you have no more than half your hit points
remaining and you aren’t unconscious. You also gain
the ability to regrow one of your severed body parts
in this section. during the course of a long rest.
Additionally, you are immune to any effects that
Undead Class Features would alter your form against your will while you
Designer: Rain-Junkie aren’t incapacitated.
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when
you reach certain levels in your class. This section Druid Circles
offers additional features that you can gain as a druid. At 2nd level, a druid gains the Druid Circle feature,
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, you which offers you the choice of a subclass. The
don’t gain the features here automatically. Instead, if following options are available to you when making
your character has died and been reanimated as an that choice: the Circle of the Hive and the Circle
undead, you gain any features listed in this section if of the Root.
you meet the level requirement noted in the feature’s
description. Circle of the Host
If you gain a feature that replaces another feature, Designer: Israel Moreira
you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t As a denizen of nature, it is only natural that you
qualify for anything in the game that requires it. return your decaying body to the wilds to serve as a
host for new life. In a ritual of bonding, you bind your
Additional Druid Spells lifeforce to an insect colony and make your body their
1st-level druid feature new hive. You are tasked with caring for this hive and
The spells in the Additional Druid Spells table on the seeing that it eats and grows well—for its life is yours
next page expand the druid spell list in the Player’s and your unlife belongs to it.
Handbook. The table is organized by spell level, not You have claimed a swarm of creatures that have
character level. taken over your body as a colony. You can determine
Character Options
26 Druid
Additional Druid Spells
Spell Level Spell Name Spell School Conc. Ritual Source
1st witch bolt evocation Yes No PHB
2nd call of the haunted necromancy Yes No PD
2nd darkness evocation Yes No PHB
2nd invisibility illusion Yes No PHB
2nd Maximillian’s earthen grasp transmutation Yes No XGE
2nd silence illusion Yes Yes PHB
3rd bestow curse necromancy Yes No PHB
3rd clairvoyance divination Yes No PHB
3rd garden of bones conjuration Yes No PD
gaseous form
life transference
spirit shroud
e transmutation
3rd vampiric touch necromancy Yes No PHB
4th fire shield evocation No No PHB
4th Mordenkainen’s faithful hound conjuration No No PHB
4th sickening radiance evocation Yes No XGE
Character Options
Druid 27
the form of the creatures in your body and how your Circle Spells
body has changed those creatures, or you can roll on 2nd-level Circle of the Host feature
the Hive Creatures table. Your symbiotic link to the hive grants access
to certain spells. At 2nd level, you learn the
Hive Creature infestation XGE cantrip, and you can choose to change
d4 Creature Mutation its damage type to piercing or acid whenever you cast
it. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to
1 Ants have riddled your The ants appear
the spells listed for that level in the Circle of the Hive
body with tiny holes. to be made of
Spells table. The effects of these spells take the form
veins and flesh.
of elements of your hive acting in your behest.
2 You are host to gen- They crave attention. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you
erations of moths or They want to be seen. always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against
butterflies. the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you
3 Locusts or wasps They are voracious gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid
convert your body and beg you for food spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
into waxy cells. at all times.
Circle of the Hive Spells
4 Unknown alien They plead for you
Druid Level Circle Spells
parasites have im- to feed them cru-
printed on you. cial knowledge. 3rd blur, spider climb
5th fly, hypnotic pattern
e 7th
giant insect, watery sphere XGE
Bigby’s hand, insect plague
Swarming Instinct
2nd-level Circle of the Host feature
You can feed your swarm magical energy to cause it to
rage around you. As a bonus action, you can expend a
use of your Wild Shape to feed your swarm. You gain
a number of temporary hit points equal to 3 × your
Shape again.
Character Options
28 Druid
Sight of the Swarm
6th-level Circle of the Host feature Circle of the Root
The host sends out its scouts to discover and map its Designer: Rain-Junkie
surroundings. As an action, you can deploy a tiny, Druids of the Circle of the Root weave their bodies
innocuous insect from your body to a location you can with the earth, roots, and trees, allowing the nature
see within 120 feet of you. The insect’s AC is equal they safeguard to find a home in their own once-living
to your Wisdom score and it has 1 hit point. It can flesh. While all druids hold sway over the power of
hear, smell, and see as if it was using your senses in the nature, only those of the Circle of the Root can truly
area within 30 feet of it. You can sense everything the embrace it, replacing limbs and organs with roots and
insect can sense, and can deploy insects to areas other vines, a process that would kill a regular mortal.
insects can see.
You can deploy a number of insects equal to your Lashing Vines
Wisdom modifier. Deploying additional insects while 2nd-level Circle of the Root feature
your maximum are already deployed causes an insect Your arms become a tangle of twisting vines that you
of your choice to return to your body. If you move can unravel to ensnare your foes. You can unravel one
farther than 120 feet from an insect, it also returns or both of your arms, or return them to their normal
to your body. state on your turn (no action required). While one of
your arms is unraveled, it has a reach of 10 feet, and
Agitate the Swarm you can use it to do the following simple tasks: lift,
10th-level Circle of the Host feature drop, hold, push, or pull an object or creature, open or
The swarm has grown strong enough to protect its close a door or a container; grapple someone; or make
host with ardor. Whenever a creature damages you
while it is within Swarming Instinct’s swarm radius,
you roll a d6. On a 1, the swarm reacts, halving the
damage. On a 6, the swarm forces you to cast infesta-
an unarmed strike. Your DM might allow other simple
tasks to be added to that list of options.
Your unraveled arms can’t wield weapons or
shields or do anything that requires manual precision,
tion XGE on the attacker (no action required). such as using tools or magic items or performing the
somatic components of a spell. While you have at
Become the Swarm least one creature grappled by your Lashing Vines,
14th-level Circle of the Host feature you can perform the somatic components of your
You and the swarm are one. As long as one survives, druid spells even when you have a creature grappled
the others follow. When you die, your body splits into by your vines.
2d4 swarms, and your equipment merges into the While at least one of your arms is unraveled, you
swarms. Each swarm uses the Swarm of Insects stat can use it to strike a creature within 10 feet of you
block in the Monster Manual, except it gains a flying that you can see. Make a melee spell attack against
speed of 30 feet and shares your mental statistics and the target using your druid spell attack bonus. On a
proficiencies, as if you were transformed by Wild hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 2d4
Shape. You control each of these swarms, and they + your Wisdom modifier, and if it’s no more than one
use your spell attack bonus in place of their normal size larger than you, it must make a Strength saving
attack bonus. They share the same initiative, and can throw against your druid spell save DC. On a failed
communicate with each other telepathically across save, you can grapple it and pull it 5 feet directly
any distance. toward you, knock it prone, or push it 5 feet directly
As long as at least one swarm lives, you can recon- away from you. You can only have one creature
stitute yourself. After 1 hour, your body reforms grappled by each arm at a time, and you can’t attack
from a swarm of your choice with 1 hit point with with an arm that’s grappling a creature.
your equipment.
Character Options
Druid 29
Shambling Grove
2nd-level Circle of the Root feature
Nature blooms within and around you, shielding you
with bark and root. You have a base AC of 16 (your
Dexterity modifier doesn’t affect this number) while
you aren’t wearing armor. You can still wield a shield
and gain this benefit.
Additionally, as a bonus action, you can expend a
use of your Wild Shape feature to take on a shambling
form, rather than transform into a beast.
While in your shambling form, you retain your
game statistics. Your size becomes Large, and your Fighter
walking speed is reduced to 20 feet (if it wasn’t The fighter class receives new features and subclasses
already lower). At the start of each of your turns in this section.
in your shambling form, the nature that covers you
grows abundantly, granting you temporary hit points Undead Class Features
equal to your Wisdom modifier, which last until Designer: Steve Fidler
the form ends. You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when
Whenever you would gain temporary hit points, you reach certain levels in your class. This section
you can choose a friendly creature within 10 feet to offers additional features that you can gain as a fighter.
instead gain those temporary hit points. This range Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, you
increases to 30 feet at 14th level.
The form lasts for 10 minutes. It ends early if
you dismiss it (no action required), die, or use this
feature again.
don’t gain the features here automatically. Instead, if
your character has died and been reanimated as an
undead, you gain any features listed in this section if
you meet the level requirement noted in the feature’s
Thrashing Roots If you gain a feature that replaces another feature,
6th-level Circle of the Root feature you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t
Each of your arms unravels into two separate lashing qualify for anything in the game that requires it.
vines, which you can use independently of each other.
Additionally, you can attack twice, instead of Fighting Style Options
1st-level fighter feature
gain temporary hit points equal to the total necrotic When a creature you can see hits a target that is
damage taken by all creatures in this way. within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your
reaction to deal 1d6 psychic damage to the attacker.
Walking Forest
14th-level Circle of the Root feature Bonerang
Your size becomes Huge and each of your arms You can make an unarmed strike as a ranged attack
unravel into three separate lashing vines while you’re with a range of 20/60 using your Strength or
in your shambling form. Additionally, while in this Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls.
form, the ground within 30 feet of you is difficult
terrain for creatures of your choice.
Character Options
30 Fighter
Undead Endurance Damned Hunter
1st-level fighter feature, which replaces Second Wind Designer: Israel Moreira
You have a font of negative energy which you can Those who fall unwillingly into the cold embrace of
draw on to restore your unlife. On your turn, you can undeath may find themselves at odds with their very
use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + existence, repulsed by their new selves, new desires,
half your fighter level. new hatred for the living. They feel the instinctive
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short hunger for flesh, for blood, for pain—but some of these
or long rest before you can use it again. You regain dark figures decide they must use their newfound
the use of this feature early if you are reduced to body to hunt other abominations like them.
0 hit points.
Martial Archetypes 3rd-level Damned Hunter feature
At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype You begin to feel the ache for living flesh. Over the
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The course of 10 minutes, which can be done during a
following options are available to you when making short or long rest, you can consume the flesh of a
that choice: Damned Hunter and Hel-Walker. Small or larger creature that was alive within the
past 24 hours. If you do, you become sated and gain
temporary hit points equal to your Constitution
modifier + your fighter level.
If you abstain from eating a creature this way
Character Options
Fighter 31
Hunter’s Tools against being frightened. While you are hungry, you
3rd-level Damned Hunter feature instead gain resistance to radiant damage and have
You always have a tool for the job. When you take the advantage on saving throws that turn undead.
Attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of your
attacks to instead draw an item and take the Use an Prepared
Object action. 15th-level Damned Hunter feature
Additionally, whenever you take the Use an Whenever you use your Undead Endurance (or
Object action, you can replicate the effect of certain Second Wind) feature, you can immediately take the
adventurer’s tools by improvising tools from your Use an Object action as part of that bonus action.
items, environment, and undead body. The items
whose effects you can replicate are: caltrops, ball Death Stroke
bearings, hunting traps, false holy water, treated 18th-level Damned Hunter feature
stakes, hallowed incense, spring-loaded claw, and You can harness your undead hatred into a lucid state
silver oil. Your DM can add more items to this list at of concentrated violence and killing intent. As an
their discretion. action, you cause negative energy to halo your body,
You can do this a number of times equal to your and any creature that can see you feels like prey in
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses the presence of a predator. Until the start of your
when you finish a short or long rest. next turn, you can use your reaction to move up to
If you set a trap or use an item that forces a saving twice your speed (or three times your speed if you
throw, you can use 8 + your proficiency bonus + your are hungry) directly toward a creature you can sense
Wisdom modifier in place of the item’s or trap’s DC. and make one weapon attack against them. If you are
If an item requires an attack roll, you are consid-
ered proficient in the attack. If a trap you set or item
you use deals damage, the damage increases by your
fighter level.
sated, you make this attack with advantage. On a hit,
you deal an extra 7d12 necrotic damage.
Once you use this reaction, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.
Lifesense New Items
7th-level Damned Hunter feature This fighter subclass introduces some new items. Here
You can use your innate bloodlust to fuel your search. are their descriptions:
As a bonus action, you can attune your vision to the False Holy Water (25 gp, 1 lb). This liquid is created
life force of certain creatures within 60 feet of you. from herbs that repel undead when processed together.
The creatures this ability affects depend on your As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask
Hunger feature: while you are sated, it affects undead onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to
and monstrosities, and while you are hungry, it affects 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make
all creature types except undead, monstrosities, a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the
and constructs. holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is an
You can see any affected creatures in the area undead or a fiend, the creature becomes poisoned until
clearly, ignoring any cover (including full cover), until the end of your next turn, even if the target is immune
the start of your next turn. For this duration, your to the poisoned condition.
movement consumes 1 foot for every 2 feet you move Treated Stakes (2 gp, ¼ lb). This stake has been
in a straight line directly toward an affected creature. carved with holy scriptures and symbols. As an action,
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again you make an attack against a creature within 5 feet of
until you finish a short or long rest. you, treating the stake like an improvised dagger. On
a hit, the stake deals damage and is embedded within
Reactive Constitution the target. While embedded within a target, the crea-
10th-level Damned Hunter feature ture’s speed is halved. If the target is undead or a fiend,
While you are sated, you gain resistance to necrotic its speed is instead reduced to 0. A creature can use an
damage and you have advantage on saving throws action, or forgo an attack, to remove the stake.
Character Options
32 Fighter
Hallowed Incense (50 gp). This stick of compressed Winds of Hel
herbs creates an area that repels evil. As an action, you 3rd-level Hel feature
can light the stick and throw it to an area within 20 As an action, you can cause a light to moderate
feet. The stick burns for 1 minute, or until someone in cold wind (1–20 miles per hour) to blow in a single
the same space as it uses an action to put it out. Any direction of your choice within 30 feet of you. This
undead or fiend that starts its turn within 15 feet of wind can quench nonmagical fires up to Large size
the stick, or enters it for the first time on its turn, must and smaller.
succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or be
frightened of the incense until the start of its next turn. Regretful Dead
Spring-loaded Claw (35 gp, 2 lbs). This coiled 7th-level Hel feature
contraption can be used for quick repositioning. As an You learn the Hel’s regrets PD spell and can cast it
action, you can fire the claw at a point within 30 feet without material components and as a ritual.
of you. You are immediately pulled to that location, You can also cast it once as an action, without
then the device breaks from the stress. If you fire it at a expending a spell slot. Once you cast it in this way,
creature, you make a ranged attack against it, treating you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
the claw as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target
must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a Bridge of the Damned
successful save, you are pulled toward the target. On a 10th-level Hel feature
failed one, the target is pulled toward you. The target Your own body becomes a portal through which souls
automatically succeeds if it is Huge or larger. may go to the afterlife. You have resistance to cold
Silver Oil (50 gp, 1 lb). This vial of dense liquid has damage, and whenever a creature with an Intelligence
flakes of metal floating within it. As an action, you can
apply this oil to a slashing or piercing weapon, or up to
three pieces of ammunition. The oil lasts for 1 minute
before it dries. While affected by the oil, the weapon
of 6 or more dies within 30 feet of you, you gain
temporary hit points equal to half your fighter level,
which last up to 1 minute.
Wings of Hræsvelgr
is considered magical and silvered, and creatures
damaged by the weapon can’t regain hit points for the 15th-level Hel feature
next minute. You can cast the spell control winds XGE , choosing
either moderate or strong intensity. When you do
Hel-Walker so, the image of a gargantuan silver eagle flapping
Designer: Andrew T. Ha (LeukuDnD) its wings appears in the far distance, appearing as
Your journey to undeath has brought back with you the source of the wind. When a creature within the
a sliver of Hel, the realm of the dead. A nightmarish spell’s area takes cold damage, it takes an extra 2d6
land of intense, unyielding cold, Hel’s freezing winds cold damage.
make an unbidding agent of you. Any heat for battle You can cast this spell twice without expending a
you once carried is now replaced by a cold, unre- spell slot using this feature. You regain expended uses
lenting resolution to hurry creatures with great regrets when you finish a long rest.
to their deserving afterlives.
Lethal Chill
Hel’s Sliver 18th-level Hel feature
3rd-level Hel feature Even gods may hesitate at the depth of your chill.
As a bonus action, you can embed a piece of your When you use your Hel’s Sliver feature, you can
sliver of Hel into a creature you hit with a weapon choose to affect every creature you hit with at least
attack this turn. That creature takes 1d6 cold damage. one weapon attack this turn. If a creature takes 10 or
In addition, its movement speed is halved and it has more cold damage in this way, it is restrained until
disadvantage on opportunity attacks until the start the start of your next turn as a rime of hoarfrost forms
of your next turn. When you reach 10th level in this on its body.
class, the extra damage increases to 2d6.
Character Options
Fighter 33
the ability to reattach one of your severed body parts
by using an action to put it back in its place. You can
cause a body part of yours to regrow instead of reat-
taching it by consuming an equal amount of raw meat.
Additionally, you are immune to any effects that
would alter your form against your will while you
aren’t incapacitated.
Monastic Traditions
At 3rd level, a monk gains the Monastic Tradition
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The
Monk following options are available to you when making
The monk class receives new features and subclasses that choice: Way of the Still Heart.
in this section.
Way of the Still Heart
Undead Class Features Designer: Caitlin Bradbury
Designer: Caitlin Bradbury Monks of the Way of the Still Heart embrace undeath
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when with open arms, striving to push the limits of the
you reach certain levels in your class. This section flesh well beyond what they could have survived in
offers additional features that you can gain as a monk. life. Their new nature is only another opportunity for
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, you them to master their ki and make the most of the dark
don’t gain the features here automatically. Instead, if
your character has died and been reanimated as an
undead, you gain any features listed in this section if
you meet the level requirement noted in the feature’s
power that now sustains them.
Blush of Life
3rd-level Way of the Still Heart feature
description. The flow of ki through your body allows you to
If you gain a feature that replaces another feature, imitate life. While you have at least 1 ki point, you
you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t can use your action to appear as a living creature;
qualify for anything in the game that requires it. your heart beats, color fills your skin, and you appear
as your original creature type to effects that detect
Desecrated Spirit creature types, such as a paladin’s Divine Sense.
7th-level monk feature
10th-level monk feature, which replaces Purity of Body You can throw your entire body into one devastating
The corrupted ki within you inures you to sinister attack. As an action, you can make a single unarmed
power. You are immune to necrotic damage, and you strike against a creature you can see within reach.
can’t be possessed. On a hit, you deal damage equal to five rolls of your
Martial Arts die + your monk level in place of the
Immortal Vessel attack’s normal damage. You can’t use this action and
15th-level monk feature, which replaces Timeless Body use your bonus action to attack on the same turn.
You can regain 1 hit point at the start of each of your You can spend ki points when you hit with this
turns if you have no more than half your hit points attack to deal necrotic damage to the target. The
remaining and you aren’t unconscious. You also gain maximum number of ki you can spend is equal to your
Character Options
34 Monk
proficiency bonus. For each ki point that you spend,
roll your Martial Arts die, and add the result to the
damage of the attack as necrotic damage.
Spirit Leech
6th-level Way of the Still Heart feature
You can sustain yourself on the ki of others. The first
time each turn that you reduce a creature to 0 hit
points while you have no ki points remaining, you can
regain 1 ki point.
Willing Flesh
11th-level Way of the Still Heart feature
You can spend 1 minute forcing your flesh into a
new shape. You can change your coloration, hair
length, and sex, as well as the sound of your voice.
You can alter your height and your weight, but not
so much that your size category changes, and you
can’t increase your total mass without consuming an
equal amount of raw meat. You can appear as another
race, though none of your statistics change. You can’t
change your basic shape, and you remain visibly
undead unless you use your Blush of Life.
Spirit Feast
17th-level Way of the Still Heart feature
When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points and it
dies, you can feast on its spirit. You regain hit points
equal to half the creature’s hit point maximum, and
you ravage the creature’s soul. That creature can’t be
restored to life by anything other than a wish spell, or
by divine intervention.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.
Character Options
Monk 35
Death Shroud
1st-level paladin feature, which replaces the Lay on
Hands feature
Necromantic energy shields you from harm.
Whenever you finish a long rest, you gain a number of
temporary hit points equal to your paladin level × 5.
2nd-level paladin feature
The spells in the Additional Paladin Spells table on
Paladin the next page expand the paladin spell list in the
The paladin class receives new features and subclasses Player’s Handbook. The table is organized by spell
in this section. level, not character level.
you don’t gain the features here automatically.
Instead, if your character has died and been reani-
mated as an undead, you gain any features listed in
this section if you meet the level requirement noted in
extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8
for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of
5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is a
humanoid or a celestial, to a maximum of 6d8.
the feature’s description.
If you gain a feature that replaces another feature, Shielding Spirit
you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t 3rd-level paladin feature, which replaces the Divine
qualify for anything in the game that requires it. Health feature
While you have temporary hit points, you are immune
Detect Life to effects that turn undead.
1st-level paladin feature, which replaces the Divine
type of any being whose presence you sense, but not increases to 30 feet.
its identity (the drow Drizzt Do’Urden, for instance).
Within the same radius, you also detect the presence Improved Unholy Smite
of any place or object that has been consecrated or 11th-level paladin feature, which replaces the Improved
desecrated, as with the hallow spell. Divine Smite feature
You can use this feature a number of times equal to You are so suffused with malice that all your melee
1 + your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long weapon strikes carry unholy power with them.
rest, you regain all expended uses. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon,
the creature takes an extra 1d8 necrotic damage.
Character Options
36 Paladin
Additional Paladin Spells
Spell Level Spell Name Spell School Conc. Ritual Source
Character Options
Paladin 37
Channel Divinity
Sacred Oaths 3rd-level Oath of the Damned feature
At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath feature, You gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
which offers you the choice of a subclass. The See the Sacred Oath class feature for how Channel
following options are available to you when making Divinity works.
that choice: the Oath of the Damned. Dreadful Aspect. As an action, you can project the
darkest fears of your enemies, using your Channel
Oath of the Damned Divinity. Creatures of your choice within 30 feet of
Designer: heavyarms you that can see you must make a Wisdom saving
Such is the strength of conviction held by some throw. On a failed save, the target is frightened of you
paladins that, should they fall before their cause is for 1 minute. If a creature frightened by this effect
won, their mortal soul blazes on in the afterlife. A ends its turn more than 30 feet away from you, it can
deity can look favorably on such a soul, often the attempt another saving throw to end the effect.
same deity to which the paladin swore their oath. Soul Siphon. When you deal damage to a
Regardless of the cause, a higher power has granted creature with a melee weapon attack, you can use
them a second life, so to speak—an opportunity to do your Channel Divinity to regain hit points equal to
what remains undone. half the damage dealt by the attack. Any hit points
regained in excess of your maximum you gain as
Tenets of the Damned temporary hit points.
Work with your DM to determine an appropriate
set of tenets based on your goals, the manner of your Nightmare
Character Options
38 Paladin
• If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily
at a normal pace.
• While tracking other creatures, you also learn their
exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they
passed through the area.
• At 6th level, you can see 60 feet into the Ethereal
Plane when you are on the Material Plane,
and vice versa.
Ranger 2nd-level ranger feature
The ranger class receives new features and subclasses The spells in the Additional Ranger Spells table
in this section. on the next page expand the ranger spell list in the
Player’s Handbook. The table is organized by spell
Undead Class Features level, not character level.
Designer: Andrew T. Ha (LeukuDnD)
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when Fighting Style Options
you reach certain levels in your class. This section 2nd-level ranger feature
offers additional features that you can gain as a ranger. When you choose a fighting style, the following style
Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, you is added to your list of options. When you gain this
don’t gain the features here automatically. Instead, if feature, you can replace one of your previously chosen
your character has died and been reanimated as an
undead, you gain any features listed in this section if
you meet the level requirement noted in the feature’s
fighting styles with one from this list.
When it is between dusk and dawn, you gain the These spells don’t count against the number of ranger
following benefits: spells you know.
• You can see in nonmagical darkness as if it were
bright light.
• You treat nonmagical heavily obscured terrain as
if it were lightly obscured and nonmagical lightly
obscured terrain as if it were not obscured.
• Even when you are engaged in another activity
while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or
tracking), you remain alert to danger.
Character Options
Ranger 39
Border Ethereal Spells • You become translucent with a pale green outline,
gaining a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks
Ranger Level Spell against creatures that rely on the five senses to
3rd fettered mind PD detect creatures. You are plainly visible to creatures
5th see invisibility
who can see into the Ethereal Plane.
• You have resistance to all damage except force,
9th speak with dead psychic, and radiant.
13th locate creature • You can move through other creatures and objects,
spending 2 feet of movement for each 1 foot you
17th contact other plane
move. You take 5 (1d10) force damage if you end
your turn inside an object.
You can cast each of these spells once without
expending a spell slot. Once you cast a spell in this You can use this feature a number of times equal to
way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. your proficiency bonus and it lasts for as long as you
maintain concentration or until you take damage or
Fade into the Ethereal take an action, bonus action, or reaction. You regain
10th-level ranger feature, which replaces Hide all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
in Plain Sight
You can use your action to change your body into a
semi-ethereal state. While in this state, you gain the
following benefits:
Spell Name
armor of Agathys
e Spell School
1st detect evil and good divination Yes No PHB
1st frost fingers evocation No No IDRF
1st inflict wounds necromancy No No PHB
2nd invisibility illusion Yes No PHB
2nd locate hallowed ground divination No Yes PD
Character Options
40 Ranger
Beast Master Companions Undead Primal Companion
As an undead creature, the bond you create tran- 3rd-level Beast Master feature
scends life, and your companion better reflects your The primal beast you summon is undead instead of
current state. a beast and appears either as a skeletal or zombified
If you have the Ranger’s Companion feature, version of itself. It is immune to poison damage and
you gain the Undead Ranger’s Companion feature. the poisoned condition, and it gains the Undead
Alternatively, if you have the Primal Champion Fortitude trait. If it has died within the last hour,
feature from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, you gain you can touch it and expend a spell slot of 1st level
the Undead Primal Champion feature instead. These or higher, causing it to become reanimated after 1
features enhance the Beast Master feature, giving minute with all its hit points restored.
your companion undead traits and abilities. When you finish a long rest, you can summon a
different undead from the remains of a beast. The new
Undead Ranger’s Companion
beast appears in the space where the remains of the
3rd-level Beast Master feature beast was, and you choose its stat block and appear-
Your chosen beast companion is undead instead of ance. If you already have an undead from this feature,
a beast and appears either as a skeletal or zombified it falls apart into a decaying heap of flesh and bone
version of itself. It is immune to poison damage and when the new undead appears. The undead also falls
the poisoned condition, and it gains the Undead apart if you die.
Fortitude trait. If it dies, you can reanimate it by
spending 8 hours conducting a reanimation ritual over Undead Fortitude
Undead Fortitude e
a piece of its remains or the remains of another beast.
Character Options
Ranger 41
Life Chaser Magic
Ranger Archetypes 3rd-level Life Chaser feature
At 3rd level, a ranger gains the Ranger Archetype You learn an additional spell when you reach certain
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The levels in this class, as shown in the Life Chaser Spells
following options are available to you when making table. Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you,
that choice: the Life Chaser and the Light Trapper. but it doesn’t count against the number of ranger
spells you know.
Life Chaser
Designer: Ryan Rose (flashpointbrews) Life Chaser Spells
Reincarnation has left you ravaged with hunger, Ranger Level Spells
craving positive energy to sustain your stagnant veins.
3rd false life
As a life chaser, you hunt the living to devour the
vitality within them like a living being would hunt 5th blindness/deafness
game for food. You’re neither ghoul nor zombie, but a 9th vampiric touch
warrior returned to hunt and drain the warmth of life
using the advantages undeath has bestowed upon you. 13th locate creature
17th far step XGE
Nathan Winburn
Character Options
42 Ranger
Detect Pulse Devourer
3rd-level Life Chaser feature 11th-level Life Chaser feature
You gain the ability to occasionally sense life. As an When you use your Drain Life feature to gain
action, you can hone your hearing to detect heart- temporary hit points, you can deepen your consump-
beats. Until the end of your next turn, you know the tion, forcing the creature to make a Constitution
location of any Small or larger creature that isn’t a saving throw against your spell save DC. On a
construct, an elemental, or an undead within 60 feet successful save, the target is immune to this feature for
of you that isn’t behind total cover. 24 hours. On a failed one, the target’s Strength score
You can use this feature a number of times equal to is reduced by half the number of temporary hit points
your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses you gain. If this feature reduces its Strength to 0, the
when you finish a long rest. creature immediately dies, and if it was humanoid,
a shade rises from its corpse. The shade uses the
Drain Life Shadow stat block in the Monster Manual, except it
3rd-level Life Chaser feature gains a special bonus to its attack rolls equal to your
You draw positive energy into yourself as you drain it Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1), and it can’t create
from the living. The first time you hit a creature with new shadows. Roll initiative for the shade, which has
a weapon attack on your turn, the creature takes an its own turns and obeys your verbal commands.
extra 1d6 necrotic damage from the attack and you The shade remains in your service until the end
gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the of your next long rest, at which point it vanishes to
extra damage dealt. When you reach 11th level in this the afterlife.
class, the extra damage increases to 2d6. Once you bind a shade with this feature, you can’t
You don’t gain temporary hit points from this
feature if the target is a construct or undead.
Osmosis Necrosis
use the feature again until you finish a long rest.
Hunger’s Rebuke
15th-level Life Chaser feature
7th-level Life Chaser feature You grow desperately attached to the stolen energy
As your flesh decays, your body sustains itself by new sustaining you. When you have temporary hit points
means. You gain resistance to necrotic damage. and take damage from a source you can see that
Additionally, when a hostile creature within 30 causes you to lose all your temporary hit points, you
feet of you is targeted by a healing spell, such as can use your reaction to immediately make a weapon
cure wounds, you can attempt to siphon some of that attack against the source. If the attack hits, you gain
positive energy away as a reaction. Make a Wisdom the benefits of your Drain Life feature even if it’s
check (DC equal to the spellcaster’s spell save DC). not your turn.
On a success, you become the target of the spell You can use this this feature a number of times
instead, regaining hit points equal to half the spell’s equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
healing (rounded down). expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Once you have succeeded on your Wisdom check
as part of this reaction, you can’t use this feature again
Character Options
Ranger 43
Spirit Cowl
Light Trapper 3rd-level Light Trapper feature
Designer: Israel Moreira Your dark core offers a comforting warmth to
Many rangers devote themselves to hunting the the spirits of the Shadowfell who scream at the
things that prowl in the dark and beyond death. You, living world. When you take the Attack action,
however, know the truth: the denizens of the light you can enter a wraithlike state until the start of
can overreach, and even angels can throw the balance your next turn.
of the multiverse into question. You have shouldered Wraith State. While in the wraithlike state, you
the burdens of the dark to hunt the lightbringers who gain a flying speed equal to your base walking speed.
overreach, to maintain the cosmic balance between This speed is increased by five times your proficiency
the upper and the lower. You and your fellow Light bonus. Additionally, flying this way doesn’t provoke
Trappers have been led through a rite imbuing you opportunity attacks, and you can move through the
with a seed of negative energy harvested from the space of any creature without expending any addi-
Shadowfell, then given the tools needed to complete tional movement.
your hunts by an organization of like-minded Spectral Attacks. Your Attack action is augmented
individuals. when you enter this state. Choose one of the following
benefits whenever you use this feature:
Light Trapping Magic • When you take the Attack action on your turn,
3rd-level Light Trapper feature
you can forgo all of your attacks to instead strike
You learn an additional spell of 1st level or higher your foes as you pass them. Every time you move
when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown through any creature’s space before the end of
4th shadow of Moil XGE You can enter the wraithlike state a number of
5th destructive wave (necrotic only) times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest. You
can use this feature when you have no uses left by
expending a spell slot of 1st level or higher.
Character Options
44 Ranger
7th-level Light Trapper feature
You can allow yourself to fade partially into the
Shadowfell as you move. While using your Spirit
Cowl in dim light or darkness, you can move through
objects as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your
turn inside an object, you take 1d10 force damage and
you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccu-
pied space that you can occupy.
You can’t use this feature to move into or through
an area encircled in a line of salt, or one affected by Rogue
the hallow spell. The rogue class receives new features and subclasses
in this section.
Raging Cowl
11th-level Light Trapper feature Undead Class Features
Your burgeoning seed attracts the vestiges of Designer: Elias Garoufalias (Aevilok)
long-dead nightshades who hunger for the erasure You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when
of light. When you use your Spirit Cowl, the first you reach certain levels in your class. This section
creature you hit with an attack on your turn takes offers additional features that you can gain as a rogue.
an extra 2d10 necrotic damage. The second creature Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, you
you hit takes an extra 1d10 necrotic damage. If either don’t gain the features here automatically. Instead, if
Orchid of Death
creature that takes this necrotic damage is a celestial, your character has died and been reanimated as an
undead, you gain any features listed in this section if
you meet the level requirement noted in the feature’s
15th-level Light Trapper feature If you gain a feature that replaces another feature,
Your seed has bloomed, and you can unleash its you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t
writhing tendrils to feed the souls that cling to you. As qualify for anything in the game that requires it.
an action, you unleash a number of shadowy tendrils
equal to your ranger level. Choose any number Discorporate
of creatures within 60 feet of you, and divide the 2nd-level rogue feature
tendrils among them (a creature can be targeted by a You can use your bonus action granted by your
maximum number of tendrils equal to half your ranger Cunning Action to shift toward the Border Ethereal,
level). Each target must make a Charisma saving making you partially incorporeal until the start of
throw, taking 1d10 necrotic damage on a failed save your next turn. While you are partially incorporeal,
for each tendril targeted at it, or half as much damage you automatically succeed on ability checks made to
on a successful one. If the target is a celestial, it takes escape a grapple and you can enter spaces occupied
an extra 1d10 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half by other creatures, treating them as difficult terrain.
as much damage on a successful one. If you occupy the same space as another creature at
You gain temporary hit points equal to half the the start of your next turn, you must immediately use
amount of damage you deal, which last for 1 minute. this feature again or be shunted to the nearest unoccu-
While you have these temporary hit points, creatures pied space that you can occupy and take force damage
within 15 feet of you have disadvantage on attack rolls equal to twice the number of feet you are moved.
and plant life rapidly withers and dies. You also gain an additional way to use your Sneak
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again Attack; you do not need advantage on the attack roll
until you finish a long rest. to use your Sneak Attack against a creature if you
occupy the same space as it does. All other rules for
Sneak Attack still apply to you.
Character Options
Rogue 45
Snow Soul
Turn Avoidance 3rd-level Frozen Heart feature
5th-level rogue feature You can use an action to turn into a misty cloud of
While you’re under the effects of your Discorporate snow for 10 minutes or until you attack or cast a spell.
feature, you are immune to any effect that turns While in this form, you gain the following benefits:
undead if its point of origin isn’t in the Ethereal Plane • You have a flying speed of 30 feet.
or the Border Ethereal. • You have resistance to nonmagical damage and
resistance to cold damage.
Grim Senses • While you remain motionless on the ground, you
14th-level rogue feature
are indistinguishable from a normal pile of snow.
As an action, you can extend your Blindsense feature • You can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch
to the Ethereal Plane. For 1 minute or until you lose wide without squeezing, and you can enter and
your concentration (as if concentrating on a spell), occupy the space of another creature.
you are aware of the location of any creature in the • You have advantage on attack rolls against all
Ethereal Plane within 10 feet of you. creatures other than constructs and undead.
Roguish Archetypes If you are occupying the space of another creature
At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish Archetype when this effect ends, you appear in an unoccupied
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The space of your choice within 5 feet of the creature.
following options are available to you when making You can use this feature twice, and regain
that choice: the Frozen Heart and the Umbral Stalker. expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Frozen Heart
Designer: Alex Tanner e
There are tales of those who perish in the biting cold
Return to Snow
9th-level Frozen Heart feature
Petrification affects you differently than other
of snow, their bodies frozen for all eternity, but their creatures. You can choose to fail any saving throw
spirits restless and angry. You draw on the power which would cause you to be petrified. When you
of the winter storm to return to life, clawing your would become petrified, you are instead under the
way back from the eternal freeze of death. Now effects of your Snow Soul feature without expending
you can’t help but drain the heat, the warmth, the a use of it.
light from living creatures around you, and can step In addition, you gain one additional use of your
through any barrier as a flurry of snowflakes to hunt Snow Soul feature, allowing you to use it three times
down your prey. instead of two.
cold damage instead of its normal damage. When nearest to you on your current plane. If you are within
you do so, the target can’t regain hit points or gain 15 feet of such a creature, you can perceive it without
temporary hit points until the start of your next turn relying on sight. This sense doesn’t sense or let you
unless the target has resistance or immunity to cold perceive constructs or undead.
damage. This effect ends early if the target takes any In addition, you have resistance to cold damage,
fire damage. and while in your Snow Soul, you have immunity to
cold damage.
Character Options
46 Rogue
Sap Heat Amorphous
17th-level Frozen Heart feature 3rd-level Umbral Stalker feature
When you deal cold damage to a creature, you can You can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch
expend a use of your Snow Soul feature to attempt to wide without squeezing.
draw all heat, warmth, and life from the target. The
target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC Lurk
equals 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency 9th-level Umbral Stalker feature
bonus), immediately gaining three levels of exhaus- While you are in dim light or darkness, you can
tion on a failed save, to a maximum of five levels of attempt to hide even if you are clearly visible.
exhaustion. The target can repeat the saving throw Additionally, you can remain inside a creature’s
at the end of each of its turns. For each successful shadow for 1 minute and can emerge from it at any
saving throw the target makes, its level of exhaustion point during that time.
is reduced by one.
Umbral Stalker 13th-level Umbral Stalker feature
Designer: Elias Garoufalias (Aevilok) While a creature that doesn’t cast a shadow is fright-
Creatures of darkness, shadows are husks of those ened of you, it is deafened and perceives anything
creatures whose vitality has been completely drained, other than you beyond a 10-foot radius from it as
and you are no different. You walk among the living magical darkness.
as a shadow of the creature who once cast you,
stepping in and out of the comfort of darkness to stalk Carve Shadow
privilege to enjoy.
those who have the gift of life you’ve never had the 17th-level Umbral Stalker feature
As an action while you are merged with a crea-
ture’s shadow, you can change the shadow’s silhou-
ette, causing the creature that casts it to writhe
3rd-level Umbral Stalker feature and contort to match its shadow’s new shape. The
As a bonus action while you are within 20 feet of a creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
hostile creature that casts a shadow, you can disappear or take 12d6 necrotic damage and have its form
and move into its shadow. While you are inside a change according to its shadow for 1 hour, becoming
shadow, you can’t be targeted by any effect, except deformed with its limbs bent in unnatural ways to fit
ones that turn undead. If you are turned, you imme- its new form. The DC for this saving throw is equal
diately appear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of to 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency
the creature and this effect ends. bonus. On the creature’s turn, it can use its action and
At the start of your next turn, you emerge from the repeat the Wisdom saving throw, and on a successful
creature’s shadow, unless you choose to teleport to the save, it breaks free of your hold and returns to its
shadow of another hostile creature within 30 feet of normal form early.
you, emerging from that creature’s shadow instead. You can only alter the creature’s external anatomy
When you emerge from a creature’s shadow, you using this feature. While deformed, a creature only
appear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of it and has a walking speed of 5 feet, can’t use any append-
infuse its shadow into a weapon you are wielding. The ages it used to have, can’t perform the somatic compo-
next time you hit with an attack using that weapon, nents of spells, and can speak only falteringly. It can
the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take any continuous shape you choose, but it remains
be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. in the same size category. The creature’s statistics,
The DC for this saving throw is equal to 8 + your other than its speed, are unchanged.
Charisma modifier + your proficiency modifier. Once you’ve used this feature, you can’t do so
Once you infuse a creature’s shadow into a weapon, again until you’ve finished a short or long rest.
that creature does not cast a shadow for 1 hour.
Character Options
Rogue 47
Corrupting Touch
As an action, you can touch one nonmagical weapon
or spellcasting focus and spend 2 sorcery points
to corrupt it with foul magic for 1 minute. For the
duration, the first time a creature deals damage on
its turn with a corrupted weapon or while wielding a
corrupted spellcasting focus, it can deal an extra 1d6
necrotic damage to one target of the attack or spell.
Infuse Unlife
Sorcerer When a humanoid creature within 30 feet of you is
The sorcerer class receives new features and reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction and
subclasses in this section. spend a number of sorcery points up to your profi-
ciency bonus to roll 1d6 for each point expended. You
Undead Class Features gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the
Designer: Steve Fidler total rolled.
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when
you reach certain levels in your class. This section Metamagic Options
offers additional features that you can gain as a 3rd-level sorcerer feature
sorcerer. Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, When you choose Metamagic options, you have
you don’t gain the features here automatically. access to the following additional option. In addition,
Instead, if your character has died and been reani-
mated as an undead, you gain any features listed in
this section if you meet the level requirement noted in
the feature’s description.
when you gain this feature, you can replace one of the
options you chose for this feature with the Metamagic
options listed here.
Preserving Spell
If you gain a feature that replaces another feature,
you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t When you roll damage for a spell
qualify for anything in the game that requires it. that targets only one creature
and doesn’t have a range of
Additional Sorcerer Spells self, you can spend a number
1st-level sorcerer feature of sorcery points equal to the
The spells in the Additional Sorcerer Spells table number of damage dice rolled
on the next page expand the sorcerer spell list in the to instead cause the target to
Player’s Handbook. The table is organized by spell regain hit points equal to the
level, not character level. amount rolled.
Character Options
48 Sorcerer
Additional Sorcerer Spells
Spell Level Spell Name Spell School Conc. Ritual Source
1st bane enchantment Yes No PHB
1st spinal whip transmutation Yes No PD
2nd bonesplitter evocation No No PD
2nd ghost touch transmutation No Yes PD
2nd ray of enfeeblement necromancy No No PHB
2nd silence illusion Yes Yes PHB
2nd voice of the gravekeeper transmutation No No PD
3rd bestow curse necromancy Yes No PHB
3rd blade of pain and fear evocation Yes No PD
feign death
skull crown
vampiric touch
e necromancy
4th allure of the grave enchantment Yes No PD
4th phantasmal killer illusion Yes No PHB
4th shadow of Moil necromancy Yes No XGE
4th summon monstrosity conjuration Yes No PD
Character Options
Sorcerer 49
Sand Shield
Sorcerous Origins 1st-level Dry Vein feature
At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous Origin Your connection to dust and sand in the air and earth
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The around you allows you to draw it into a protective
following options are available to you when making shield. When a creature you can see hits you with
that choice: Dry Vein. an attack, you can use your reaction to form a shield
between you, granting you a bonus to AC equal to
Sorcerous Origin: Dry Vein your Charisma modifier against the triggering attack.
Designer: Ryan Rose (flashpointbrews) You can use this feature a number of times equal to
The blood of life once flowed through you, but as your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended
your life spilled away, your blood spilled with it. uses when you finish a long rest.
Fortunately, the power that coursed through your
veins remains in a new form, for your reincarnation Desiccate and Restore
has suffused the dust in your veins with negative 6th-level Dry Vein feature
energy. Perhaps this came from dark funerary rituals You learn to reabsorb some of the negative energy you
that removed your organs and wrapped you in clothes, expend. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher
maybe you were diseased with the mummy’s rot at that deals necrotic damage, you can expend a number
death, or perhaps your sorcery simply created life after of sorcery points equal to 1 + the spell’s level to regain
death. Regardless of how your reincarnation occurred, hit points equal to half the damage dealt to one target
you now wield this negative energy to control dust of the spell.
and sand like that which trickles through your veins. Additionally, when you use this feature, you can
Withering Magic
1st-level Dry Vein feature e
You learn additional spells when you reach certain
choose for your undead form to appear living (no
action required) for 1 hour. The changes wrought by
this feature fail to hold up to physical inspection, and a
creature can use its action to inspect your appearance
levels in this as class, as shown on the Withering and make an Intelligence (Investigation) check against
Magic table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer your spell save DC to determine that it is an illusion.
spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number
of sorcerer spells you know. Become Dust
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can 14th-level Dry Vein feature
replace one spell you gained from this feature with You can cast the gaseous form spell on yourself at will,
another spell of the same level. The spell must be without expending a spell slot or material components.
an evocation or necromancy spell from the cleric, When you cast it in this way, you can do so as a bonus
sorcerer, or wizard spell list. action, and your form appears as a clearly visible
vortex of sand.
Withering Magic Spells
Sorcerer Level Spells
Soldiers in the Sand
18th-level Dry Vein feature
1st earth tremor XGE, inflict wounds The connection you bridge between negative energy
3rd dust devil XGE, ray of enfeeblement and dust allows you to reach into the sands and call
upon those souls whose particles ride the winds. As
5th bestow curse, wall of sand XGE
an action, you create a howling mass of sand and
7th blight, stoneskin weapons forged from negative energy in a 30-foot-
9th destructive wave, negative long, 10-foot-wide line starting in a space that you can
energy flood XGE see within 60 feet of you and oriented in whatever
direction you choose. The mass remains for 1 minute
or until you use a bonus action to dismiss it. When
you create this mass, each creature in the line must
Character Options
50 Sorcerer
make a Constitution saving throw, taking 4d8 slashing
and 4d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. A creature who
ends its turn in the mass also makes this saving throw.
As a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can
move the mass 20 feet in a direction of your choice.
Alternatively, you can spend 3 sorcery points as a
bonus action to entomb a creature within the mass.
The creature must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or be grappled and restrained in a sarcoph-
agus of sand. While a creature is restrained in this
way, it can’t regain hit points, but it can repeat its
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the entombment on a success. While entombed in
this way, it automatically fails its Constitution saving
throw to resist damage at the end of its turn.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 7 sorcery
points to use it again.
Daniele Ariuolo © Cobalt Sage Creations
Your new body’s appearance may reflect the nature of
your patron. The following provides inspiration for a
warlock with the Pact of the Skin.
The Archfey. Your skin might turn cold and gray,
eyes filled with the bitter chill of winter. You might
gain some aspect of a banshee, horrible as you are
beautiful, or wither and shed hair like a tree in fall.
The Fiend. You might wither even as you grow
stronger, your body animated by diabolical power.
Warlock You might sprout horns or tattered, vestigial wings, or
attract scavengers like rotting carrion.
The warlock class receives new features and
The Great Old One. You might lose color in your
subclasses in this section.
eyes or bodily fluids. Alternatively, you might dry
Undead Class Features up completely, and only feel comfortable while
submerged in several feet of water.
Designers: Israel Moreira and Caitlin Bradbury
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when
you reach certain levels in your class. This section age, and sex. If your race changes, you replace
offers additional features that you can gain as a your original racial traits with the traits of your
warlock. Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook, new race (see chapter 2 of the Player’s Handbook
you don’t gain the features here automatically.
Instead, if your character has died and been reani-
mated as an undead, you gain any features listed in
this section if you meet the level requirement noted in
for race options). If you have missing body parts,
you can restore them. None of your other game
statistics change.
Your new body gives you a base AC of 17 (your
the feature’s description. Dexterity modifier doesn’t affect this number). If the
If you gain a feature that replaces another feature, armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC,
you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t you can determine your AC using this feature. You
qualify for anything in the game that requires it. can still gain this benefit while using a shield.
When you spend Hit Dice to heal during a short
Additional Warlock Spells rest, you can use the maximum value for each die.
1st-level warlock feature
Character Options
52 Warlock
Additional Warlock Spells
Spell Level Spell Name Spell School Conc. Ritual Source
2nd dust devil conjuration Yes No XGE
2nd ghost touch transmutation No Yes PD
2nd Hel’s regrets necromancy No Yes PD
2nd them bones conjuration No No PD
2nd voice of the gravekeeper transmutation No No PD
2nd web conjuration Yes No PHB
3rd blade of pain and fear evocation Yes No PD
3rd osseous embrace conjuration Yes No PD
3rd skull crown transmutation No No PD
spirit shroud
summon shadowspawn
summon undead
e necromancy
4th confusion enchantment Yes No PHB
4th summon monstrosity conjuration Yes No PD
4th vitriolic sphere evocation No No PHB
5th insect plague abjuration Yes No PHB
Character Options
Warlock 53
Knightly (2 undead sacrifices): The undead
You need to supply these undead with addi-
gains the ability to effectively utilize armor and
tional magic power to retain control of them. You
weaponry. The undead becomes proficient with all
must cast animate dead to reassert control over the
armor and weapons.
undead augmented with corpsecrafts, treating the
Ravenous (2 undead sacrifices): The undead gains a
augmented creature as the number of sacrificed
massive maw somewhere on its body. The undead
undead. If the creature has another requirement for
has advantage on attacks against living creatures
it remain under your control, you must fulfill that
that do not have all of their hit points. Additionally,
requirement as well. If you do not reassert control of a
the undead gains a bite attack it can use in place of
corpsecrafted undead every 24 hours, it stops obeying
one of its normal attacks once on each of its turns.
your commands.
The attack uses your spellcasting modifier for its
For example, to give a skeleton animated by
attack bonus, and deals necrotic damage equal
the animate dead spell the Agile craft, you need to
to 1d8 + your warlock level on a hit. The undead
sacrifice 1 undead. Thereafter, to reassert control over
regains hit points equal to half the amount dealt
the skeleton, you treat it as two undead when reas-
by the attack.
serting control over it when casting animate dead.
Spell Storing (variable undead sacrifices): The
Agile (1 undead sacrifice): The undead gains addi- undead is covered in magical glyphs. When you
tional legs, granting it an additional 10 feet of use this craft, choose up to 5 undead to sacrifice.
walking speed, as well as a climb speed equal to The undead is treated as if it were an object under
its walking speed. It can climb difficult surfaces, the effect of the glyph of warding spell. When
including upside down on ceilings, without inscribed this way, the undead can move without
needing to make an ability check. Additionally, if breaking the glyph, and you must choose the Spell
the undead is subjected to an effect that allows it
to make a saving throw to take only half damage,
it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the
saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.
Glyph option of the spell. The glyph can hold a
spell of a level up to the amount of undead sacri-
ficed. The spell remains active for 24 hours, after
which it must be recast into the undead. Each time
Plating (1 undead sacrifice): The undead is plated you cast the spell, you can change the trigger, but
in bonework. It gains a +2 bonus to its AC, and its you can’t change the spell the undead can store
current and maximum hit points increase by your unless you use this craft again.
warlock level.
Exploding (1 undead sacrifice): The undead is
bloated with magical power. When the undead is
Eldritch Body
Prerequisite: Pact of the Skin
Character Options
54 Warlock
Eternal Flesh Once you use this feature to animate a creature,
Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Skin you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. You
You no longer age and can’t be aged magically, and can only have one creature animated this way at a
you are immune to disease and poison. In addition, time. Using this feature while you already have an
when you spend a Hit Die to heal during a short rest, undead animated this way causes the previous undead
you can cause any missing body parts you have—such to revert to bones or a corpse.
as eyes or hands—to grow back.
Revival of the Unhallowed
Grasp of the Fallen Prerequisite: 5th level
Prerequisite: 9th level You can cast animate dead once using a warlock spell
You can cast Maximilian’s earthen grasp XGE at will, slot. When you cast this spell, you can animate and
without expending a spell slot or material compo- reassert control over existing undead at the same time.
nents. When you cast the spell using this invocation, You can’t cast this spell in this way again until you
its school is necromancy, and it appears as a squirming finish a long rest.
wave of undead. When a creature dies while in the Additionally, when you cast animate dead in this
hand’s grasp, you can summon a second hand for the way, you can forgo animating three undead to instead
spell’s duration. When you use your action to direct animate the remains of one Large humanoid or giant.
the hand, you direct only one hand at a time. When The resulting undead uses the stat block of a Minotaur
you command the hand to crush, you can command Skeleton if you target bones, or an Ogre Zombie if
both hands at once. you target a corpse (see the Monster Manual ). You
treat this creature as three corpses when reasserting
Reanimate Beast
Prerequisite: 7th level
Over the course of 10 minutes, you can perform a
ritual while touching the corpse or bones of a beast
control over it.
Unearthly Flight
Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Skin
whose CR is no more than half your proficiency You can use a bonus action to sprout a large pair of
bonus. The beast is animated as an undead, sharing wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to
the same statistics it had in life, aside from the your current walking speed. You can shed your wings
following changes: using another bonus action.
• The beast gains the Reanimated Dead trait, You can’t sprout wings while wearing armor that
detailed in the “Becoming Undead” section of this doesn’t accommodate them, and clothing not made to
The creature is friendly to you and your compan- finish a long rest.
ions. In combat, the creature shares your initiative
count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It
obeys verbal commands that you issue to it (no action
required by you). If you don’t issue any, it defends
itself but otherwise takes no action.
Character Options
Warlock 55
Otherworldly Patrons 1st-level Dark Powers feature
At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron The Dark Powers have wreathed your body in mist.
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The Your space is lightly obscured, and you can see
following options are available to you when making through effects that would lightly obscure your vision
that choice: the Dark Powers. to a range of 15 feet.
Additionally, as an action, you can thicken the
The Dark Powers mist around you, extending it and deepening it. Until
Designer: Ryan Rose (flashpointbrews) the end of your next turn, a heavily obscured aura
Whether you died within the Mists or in some extends from you to a range of 10 feet. While the aura
other land that touches the Ethereal Plane and the is present, you can see through effects that would
Shadowfell, your death drew the attention of those heavily obscure your vision within the aura. This aura
who rule (or torment) the darklords: the Dark Powers. extends to 30 feet at 14th level.
Beings of unknowable intention and form, the Dark Once you use your action in this way, you can’t do
Powers are known only in that they manipulate the so again until you finish a short or long rest.
strands of fate to punish and empower beings of evil
within their Domains of Dread. Undreadlord
In some instances, the Dark Powers choose 6th-level Dark Powers feature
champions of good as scions of their intentions, You have resistance against necrotic damage,
pushing them toward goals that challenge their and you have advantage on saving throws against
darklords. But more often, the Dark Powers scour being frightened.
the lands for beings who might become lords of their
own Domains of Dread. In your death, they found
you. They’ve offered you power and continuation in
the form of undeath, and you’ve accepted, drawing
Additionally, once per turn when you hit a creature
that can’t see you with an attack, you can add your
Charisma modifier to the attack’s damage.
their powers into you and gaining limited control over
your now-demiplane-like body and the Mists that 10th-level Dark Powers feature
prevail within. The Dark Powers pull strings to support your success.
When you fail a saving throw that would result in
Expanded Spell List you taking damage, you can use your reaction to
1st-level Dark Powers feature roll a d4. On a 3 or 4, you fail the saving throw, but
The Dark Powers let you choose from an expanded you take half the damage (rounded down) instead of
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The full damage.
following spells are added to the warlock spell
list for you. Body of Dread
14th-level Dark Powers feature
Dark Powers Expanded Spells Your body becomes your own personal Domain of
Dread. As an action, you can open a portal to your
Character Options
56 Warlock
offers additional features that you can gain as a
wizard. Unlike the features in the Player’s Handbook,
you don’t gain the features here automatically.
Instead, if your character has died and been reani-
mated as an undead, you gain any features listed in
this section if you meet the level requirement noted in
the feature’s description.
If you gain a feature that replaces another feature,
you gain no benefit from the replaced one and don’t
qualify for anything in the game that requires it.
The wizard class receives new features and subclasses Additional Wizard Spells
in this section. 1st-level wizard feature
The spells in the Additional Wizard Spells table
Undead Class Features on the next page expand the wizard spell list in the
Designer: Yorviing Player’s Handbook. The table is organized by spell
You gain class features in the Player’s Handbook when level, not character level.
you reach certain levels in your class. This section
Nathan Winburn
Character Options
Wizard 57
Additional Wizard Spells
Spell Level Spell Name Spell School Conc. Ritual Source
1st Tasha’s caustic brew evocation Yes No TCE
2nd bonesplitter* evocation No No PD
2nd call of the haunted necromancy Yes No PD
2nd ghost touch necromancy No Yes PD
2nd skull crown* transmutation No No PD
2nd them bones* conjuration No No PD
2nd voices of the gravekeeper* transmutation No No PD
3rd blade of pain and fear necromancy Yes No PD
3rd choir of the unliving* conjuration No No PD
garden of bones*
osseous embrace*
spirit shroud
e conjuration
4th allure of the grave* enchantment Yes No PD
4th beckon the rotting saint* conjuration Yes No PD
4th shadow of Moil necromancy Yes No XGE
4th summon monstrosity necromancy Yes No PD
*These spells have the osteomancy tag for the purpose of the Osteomancy subclass in this supplement.
Character Options
58 Wizard
Osteomancy Savant
Arcane Traditions 2nd-level Osteomancy feature
At 2nd level, a wizard gains the Arcane Tradition Beginning when you select this tradition, the gold and
feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The time you must spend to copy a spell with the osteo-
following options are available to you when making mancy tag into your spellbook is halved. In addition
that choice: Osteomancy. to the osteomancy spells from this book (denoted with
an asterisk on the Additional Wizard Spells table
Osteomancy above), the following spells are considered osteo-
Designer: Yorviing mancy spells for you: chill touch, augury, animate dead,
Wizards who practice Osteomancy study anatomy speak with dead, summon undead TCE , raise dead, create
and the magic of bone warping. They master spells undead, finger of death.
that can alter one’s skeletal makeup and reshape
it to their will, and can divine from the layout of Shielding Ossification
tossed bones. 2nd-level Osteomancy feature
Known as osteomancers, wizards of this tradition You can suffuse your bones with protective magic,
often assume societal roles pertaining to medical shaping them into armor. When you cast a spell with
practices, though many find comfort in working a range of Self, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC for
alongside morticians and grave keepers, and are the duration of the spell. If the spell is an osteomancy
common allies of necromancers and undead. spell, you gain a +3 bonus to your AC instead. You
lose this benefit if you don armor or carry a shield.
Uncanny Unlife
e 6th-level Osteomancy feature
You draw residual forces of unlife from your spells to
unnaturally replenish you. Once per turn, when you
cast an osteomancy spell using a spell slot of 1st level
or higher, you regain a number of hit points equal to 3
+ the level of the spell slot used.
Strong Bones
10th-level Osteomancy feature
Osteomantic Mastery
14th-level Osteomancy feature
You have perfected the art of osteomancy. When
you cast an osteomancy spell that deals damage, the
damage die for all of the spell’s damage increases by
Maciej Zagorski
Character Options
Wizard 59
d8 Spellbook
Spellbooks of the Dead 1 Your spellbook is a series of intricately carved
A spellbook is a wizard’s most valuable and prized bones that you keep on a long cord, such as a neck-
possession, and those wizards who have become lace or shoulder strap.
undead are no exception. While spellbooks can
assume a variety of forms, those kept by undead 2 Your spellbook is a hefty tome bound in the cured
wizards often have a unique and macabre flair that and scarred leather of a creature’s skin, and
sets these wizards apart from their living brethren. attached to it is a bookmark—the creature’s long,
Such spellbooks often incorporate blood, bones, flesh, still-moist tongue.
and other remnants plucked from graves. 3 You write the spells in your spellbook using a spe-
While you are in possession of one of these spell- cial ink that is created by mixing cremated ashes,
books, the spellbook serves as the material component grave dirt, and blood.
when you cast a speak with dead spell. 4 Your spellbook is a small collection of shrunken
If you are playing an undead wizard, consider what skulls. You write your spells onto rolls of paper
kind of spellbook you possess and why. What does it and store them in the hollowed heads, and their
look like? Does it represent your new state of undeath, mouths open and move when you cast a spell.
or does it remind you of your life prior to death?
You can roll a d8 on the table below, or select one of 5 Your spellbook appears translucent and ghostly
your choice. to all but you, having been crafted from spectral
essence from the Ethereal Plane.
6 The front cover of your spellbook depicts a skull
e 7
which you claim speaks to you in your sleep and
during the witching hour.
Your spellbook is composed of a book that you
tore from the grasp of a corpse whose stench still
lingers in the pages of the book.
8 Your spellbook is littered with pictographs and im-
ages that depict skeletons, undead, and the various
stages of death and the decay of the body.
© Dean Spencer
Character Options
60 Wizard
Greater Undeath
ometimes death is an unfortunate
accident, an inevitable fate; other times, it Bodiless
can be a calculated move toward a greater Designer: Steve Fidler
goal. In fantasy and myth, countless stories At first, I felt disconnected—lost to the
tell of ghosts, risen corpses, and animated skeletons, void. I mustered what courage remained
but the tales that truly stick out are those of greater for a final, desperate grasp at what I left
creatures like the vampire Strahd von Zarovich. behind, and a sudden rush came over me.
This section provides player options for these The feeling of disconnection was gone,
notable figures of undead lore. These features are replaced with not feeling myself. Who—
gained independently of your class or subclass and or what—am I now?
provide benefits similar to a boon or supernatural
gift that grows alongside you. A Greater Undeath Apparitions come in all sorts. The wailing banshee,
has certain prerequisites, such as being a spellcaster the restless spirit, and the shadows and specters that
or undergoing a certain ritual. And, of course, the creep around each corner. A bodiless, however, never
ultimate prerequisite is the death of the character.
Once the character returns, their class features are
replaced with the Undead Class Features, and they
gain the Greater Undeath features for their level.
loses themselves in death. Their mind is kept intact
with all their memories, personality, and emotion.
Being severed from their body is a harrowing
event, and often comes with a deep sense of loss
Each option provides a feature at 1st, 5th, 11th, and aimlessness. Many of these souls simply wander
and 17th level. until they find themselves drawn into the Ethereal
As a guideline when balancing encounters, it’s and beyond; but others grab hold of whomever or
recommended that DMs consider a greater undead whatever they can.
player character to be one level higher for characters Playing as any undead character in Dungeons &
of levels 5–16, and two levels higher for characters of Dragons is fraught with challenges such as these, but
Becoming a Bodiless
Leaving your body, for any reason, is a dangerous
Maciej Zagorski
Greater Undeath
Bodiless 61
whose body was slain while they were in an out-of- Tethering Yourself
body state, perhaps while traversing the Astral Plane, The inert being of an object or incompatible mind
possessing another creature through the magic jar of another creature is unlikely to be compatible as a
spell, or even scrying. In some circumstances, the permanent host. Nonetheless, as a bodiless you must
disconnect is fatal to both body and mind, but a spend at least 8 hours during each 24-hour period
strong spirit or conviction can subsist the conscious- within a host, else your bodiless mind slips into the
ness until it finds a new form to keep it from drifting Ethereal Plane and becomes lost.
into the beyond.
When you become a bodiless, you gain additional
Before becoming a bodiless, you must meet the features below for your character level. When you
following prerequisites: gain a level, you gain the normal class features you
Untimely Death: Your body must be slain while your would gain at that level plus any features associated
mind is being projected elsewhere, such as the with being bodiless.
magic jar spell or during astral projection.
Incorporeal Form
levels of exhaustion. not have a gold cost.
• You can’t take actions or reactions, except • If you are possessing a weapon you are proficient
to attempt to possess a target with your with, such as a sword, you can take the Attack
Possession feature. action. You can use your Wisdom, Intelligence,
or Charisma modifier in place of your Strength
Possession or Dexterity modifier when making an attack
1st-level bodiless feature in this way.
To interact with the living world, you can tempo- When the possessed takes damage that isn’t
rarily possess a nonmagical object or creature within psychic damage, you can choose to take the damage
5 feet of you as an action. The target must be Medium instead. Psychic damage dealt to the possessed is
or smaller, and if it is a creature, it must have an dealt to you instead. Whenever the possessed takes
Intelligence score of 4 or less. An unwilling creature
can make a Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your
Constitution or Charisma modifier (your choice) +
your proficiency bonus), resisting your possession on a
damage, you must make a Constitution saving
throw to resist the possession ending early. The
DC equals 10 or half the damage taken, whichever
number is higher.
successful save. Any excess damage after the possessed is reduced
Creature. While possessing a creature: to 0 hit points carries over to your incorporeal form.
• Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics If the possessed is destroyed or killed, you take
of the creature, but you retain your alignment, psychic damage equal to your character level and are
personality, and mental ability scores. You also forced out into your incorporeal form. If you were
retain all of your skill and saving throw proficien- concentrating on a spell, you can maintain concentra-
cies, in addition to gaining those of the creature. If tion on it, but the spell’s effects are suppressed while
the creature has any legendary or lair actions, you in your incorporeal form.
can’t use them.
Generic Object Statistics: Armor Class
• You can only benefit from features gained from
your class, race, or another source if the possessed Substance AC
is capable of doing so. Cloth, paper, rope 11
Greater Undeath
Bodiless 63
Generic Object Statistics: Hit Points Haunting Thoughts. As an action, you can link
Size Fragile Resilient your mind to a creature within 60 feet of you. While
linked, you and the creature can speak telepathically
Tiny (bottle, lock) 2 5
with each other. You do not need to share a language
Small (chest, lute) 3 10 for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but
Medium (barrel, chandelier) 4 18 the creature must be able to understand at least one
language. This telepathic link lasts for 1 minute, and
Large (cart, 10 ft. window) 5 27 ends early if you or the target choose to end the link.
Resilience Intrusion
5th-level bodiless feature 17th-level bodiless feature
Whenever you possess an object, you always refer You can attempt to possess a creature of higher
to the Resilient column of the Hit Points table when Intelligence. The target must be Medium or smaller
determining the object’s hit points. and have an Intelligence of 10 or lower. Regardless of
When the object or creature you are possessing whether the creature is hostile or not, it must make
takes damage, if the damage taken after modifiers is a Charisma saving throw (DC equal to 13 + your
less than or equal to your character level, you auto- Constitution modifier) to resist your intrusion. On a
matically succeed on your Constitution saving throw failed save, you possess the target for up to 1 minute.
to resist being forced out. The only action the target can take on each of its
turns is to attempt to push you out, repeating the
Incorporeal Powers saving throw and ending the possession early on a
11th-level bodiless feature
While in your incorporeal form, you can perform the
following actions in addition to possessing a creature.
Scare. As an action, you briefly end your invisi-
success. Whenever a creature successfully resists your
intrusion or pushes you out, the ordeal takes its toll
on your mind, and you take 2d10 psychic damage for
every 2 points of Intelligence the creature has above 4.
bility. Each creature within 15 feet of you that can see For example, if a creature with an Intelligence score of
you now that couldn’t see you before must succeed 9 succeeds on its saving throw, you take 4d10 psychic
on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 13 + your damage. The target also becomes immune to your
Constitution modifier) or be frightened of you for 1 possession for 24 hours.
minute. You remain visible to that creature while it is You can also possess magical objects. However, if
frightened this way. A frightened creature can repeat the object is sentient, such as Blackrazor, you must
this saving throw at the start of each of its turns, treat it as a creature for the purposes of determining if
ending the effect early on a success. Once a creature you can possess it.
succeeds on its saving throw, it becomes immune to
this feature for 1 hour.
Manipulate Object. As an action, you can interact
with an object—such as opening an unlocked door
or container, lifting and throwing a book, or pouring
Greater Undeath
64 Bodiless
Designer: Ryan Rose (flashpointbrews)
The pain was unimaginable as my bones Enter the deathbeast, a creature not quite
cracked, twisted, and reshaped them- humanoid and not yet beast, though fully undead.
selves. I tried to focus on something Though their means of creation vary, the curse of
else, but my mind was addled, not lycanthropy can affect the reanimation process,
entirely my own. Much like my physical warping it with negative energy.
form, my thoughts were being reorga- Deathbeasts come in every imaginable hybridiza-
nized. Instinct replaced reason, survival tion of beast and humanoid; though not so limited as
replaced doubt, and I became over- lycanthropes, deathbeasts are not true shapechangers.
whelmed with the thrill of the hunt. While they have the ability to change, their undead
form holds their identity. Deathbeasts are united
Werewolves and other lycanthropes are common in their desire for flesh and their hardiness against
focal points for living terrors, and some characters further death, but they can be creatures of benevo-
Nathan Winburn
even become them. But what happens when those lence or creatures of insatiable hunger. They might
characters die and return? Does lycanthropy return be a hybrid of an animal companion they once loved
with them? And what of other undead horrors? dearly or a chimeric cross between a humanoid and an
What undead beasts wander the land of the living in unfamiliar beast.
search of prey?
Greater Undeath
Deathbeast 65
Playing as any undead character in Dungeons &
Dragons is fraught with challenges such as these, but Features
as a deathbeast, you should consider the following: When you reanimate as a deathbeast, you gain the
• Did you revere nature before your death? How additional features below for your character level.
have your feelings about the beasts of the world When you gain a level, you gain the normal class
changed as a result? features you would gain at that level, plus any features
• Are you at odds with your bestial nature, or do you associated with being a deathbeast.
embrace it at any given opportunity—succumbing
to the hunger?
Beast Body
1st-level deathbeast feature
• Does your bestial mind cause you to see other
undead as members of your pack, or as an As a deathbeast, you are not only undead, but have a
encroaching threat on your hunting grounds? unique undead anatomy which grants you following
traits in addition to the general traits granted by
being undead.
Becoming a Deathbeast Beast Hide. You develop unnatural physical char-
Not quite a lycanthrope, not quite an undead, a acteristics of the beast that affected your changes.
deathbeast is an unliving hybrid of both—a walking These may appear as patches of dead fur, molted
cross between two creatures that reached an untimely feathers, continuously shedding skin, or another
death together. physical feature.
Blood Sense. You manifest an uncanny sense for
Prerequisites blood. You add your proficiency bonus to Wisdom
following prerequisites:
Before becoming a deathbeast, you must meet the
companion, such as that provided by the Beast change that develops as a natural weapon, which you
Master ranger subclass or the find familiar spell. At can use to make unarmed strikes. Based on the beast
the time of your death, the creature was within 5 that affected your change, choose one of the following
feet of you and had no more than half its hit points, damage types for this weapon: bludgeoning, piercing,
which allowed your body to pull its soul within it. or slashing. The weapon deals damage of that type
• Beast Form: You are killed outright while in the equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier, instead of the
form of a beast, such as that provided by the damage normal for an unarmed strike.
druid’s Wild Shape, the polymorph spell, or the Survivalist Soul. When you are reduced to 0
Path of the Beast barbarian’s Form of the Beast. hit points through any means other than a silvered
• Coincidental Timing: You and a beast creature are weapon, you project your soul into the nearest beast,
killed within 1 minute of each other while you are provided there is at least one beast on the same plane
within 120 feet of each other. of existence. While your soul occupies a beast in this
• Reanimated Lycanthrope: You died while cursed way, your game statistics, including mental ability
with lycanthropy or after being reduced to 0 hit scores, are replaced by the statistics of the beast,
points by an attack that spreads lycanthropy, such though you retain your alignment and personality.
as the wereboar’s Tusk Attack. Your soul re-enters your deathbeast form if you are
buried alongside a beast with 0 hit points before the
Greater Undeath
66 Deathbeast
next dawn, or if your body regains at least 1 hit point.
If neither of these conditions are met before the next Lich
dawn, you take over the body of the beast, losing your Designer: Alex Tanner
alignment and personality over 1d4 days. My life’s work is too precious to fail. I
will find the solution. No immaterial
Become Beast thing will stand in my way, least of all my
5th-level deathbeast feature own mortality. What matters the cost of
Your hybrid nature allows you to shift. You can cast a few lives—even my own—compared to the
the polymorph spell without components and without lives that will be saved? I seek no glory
expending a spell slot. When you cast polymorph in for this act and expect only scorn; even
this way, you must target yourself and transform into if all my other good deeds are soured, it
the beast associated with your change into a death- is no matter.
beast, or another beast closely associated with it.
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again The lich is an undead creature that sought out their
until you finish a short or long rest. fate. While many undead are dragged back to life
by forces beyond their control, the lich plans exten-
Death Lycan sively for the day they can achieve undeath. The lich
11th-level deathbeast feature is wholly dedicated to the pursuit of gaining magical
Your undead blood becomes much like that of lycan- power and uses every means at their disposal to
thropes, sharing a similar anatomy. You gain resis- cobble together a form that can never be killed —a
tance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage body that always lives on, tied to a powerful magical
ability for this spell. When you cast this spell, the Playing any undead character in Dungeons &
summoned creatures are considered undead instead of Dragons is fraught with challenges such as these, but
fey, and they obey commands that you issue to them as a lich you should consider the following:
with body language rather than words. • There is no return from lichdom. Is my character
Once you have used this action, you can’t do so ready to abandon the normal afterlife and all that
again until you use your Become Beast feature again. it includes, such as reunions with loved ones or the
Greater Undeath
L ich 67
Becoming a Lich
Becoming a lich requires planning, the gathering of
materials, and the completion of a special ritual to
create a phylactery.
Before becoming a lich, you must meet the
following prerequisites:
Forbidden Magic: You must be proficient in the
Arcana skill, having studied long-lost magics to
understand and perform the ritual of creating
a phylactery.
Powerful Spellcaster: You must have the
ability to cast at least one 6th-level spell, as
lichdom can only be reached by the most
powerful spellcasters.
Phylactery: Creating your phylactery
(detailed below) signifies the ascent to
lichdom. Once the ritual is complete
and the phylactery has been created,
you are a lich.
Many classic stories of liches include a fundamental
feature that isn’t represented in this book’s rules for
becoming a lich: the necessity of sacrificing the souls
of the living to create their phylactery, and the need to
keep sacrificing souls in order for the object to retain
Greater Undeath
68 L ich
Creating a Phylactery is generated within 5 feet of your phylactery. When
To create the repository that holds your life force, your new body is generated, you regain all hit points
you must find an object to turn into your phylactery. and become conscious again.
It can be any object you can hold in your hands, but A new body generated by your phylactery is
typically takes the form of an amulet in the shape of undead, gaining the Reanimated Undead trait (see
a small box, sometimes encrusted with gemstones. this book’s introduction). In addition to those traits,
Each day for seven consecutive days, you must hold you have immunity to necrotic and poison damage,
this object and expend a spell slot of 6th level or magic can’t put you to sleep or reduce your maximum
higher. When you expend a spell slot in this way, no hit points or ability scores, and you are immune to
spell is cast, and the spell’s magic is drawn into and effects that turn undead.
absorbed by the object. If 24 hours pass without you
expending a spell slot in this way, you must start the Necromantic Soul
process over again. 11th-level lich feature
After seven days have passed, you must spend 8 All spells from the necromancy school of magic are
hours performing the ritual to create your phylac- added to your class’s spell list.
tery, expending raw materials worth at least 100,000 In addition, choose two necromancy spells of 1st
gp, which you use to brew a foul potion of unlife that or 2nd level. You can cast each of these spells at their
instantly kills the drinker. The object you prepared for lowest level at will, without expending a spell slot.
your phylactery must be within reach for the duration.
At the end of the ritual you must drink the potion, Lich’s Lair
at which point your soul is bound to the phylactery 17th-level lich feature
and you immediately die. If you don’t consume the
potion at the end of the ritual, the ritual fails and has
no effect, and the potion of unlife becomes inert 10
minutes after you finish the ritual.
The area in a 1-mile radius around your phylactery
becomes your lair, which takes on cosmetic alterations
of your choice such as creeping fog, moving shadows,
or faint whispers on the breeze. While within your
This completes the process of creating your lair, you can cause one of the following magical effects
phylactery, and you return to unlife within 10 days as a bonus action on your turn, with the DC for any
of the completion of the ritual (as described in the saving throw being equal to your spell save DC; you
Phylactery feature below). can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
• You roll a d4 and regain a spell slot of that level or
Features lower. If you have no spent spell slots of that level
When you become a lich, you gain the additional or lower, nothing happens.
features below for your character level. When you • You target one creature you can see within 30 feet
gain a level, you gain the normal class features you of you. A crackling cord of negative energy tethers
would gain at that level, plus any features associated you to the target. Whenever you take damage
with lichdom. while this cord exists, the target must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you
Greater Undeath
L ich 69
Phylactery Protections
17th-level lich feature Martyr
You can perform a ritual over the course of 1 hour Designer: Ryan Miller
while holding your phylactery to grant it up to two of Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A
the following protections, which last until you perform servant is not greater than their master.’
the ritual again: If they persecuted me, they will also
Calling: If a creature on the same plane of existence persecute you. If they kept my word, they
as you touches your phylactery, you immedi- will also keep yours.
the area within 30 feet of your phylactery, and Martyrs are extraordinary individuals who left their
you can use a reaction to instantly teleport to an mark on the world—and died for it. Often tied to
unoccupied space of your choice within 30 feet of religions, these people are brought back to a second
your phylactery. life by a deity. Though the purpose of their resurrec-
Guarded: A duplicate of you is created, as if through tion varies, it commonly revolves around a martyr
the simulacrum spell. The simulacrum doesn’t furthering a deity’s goals or being rewarded for their
follow your orders, other than to take any actions deeds done in life.
it deems necessary (subject to your GM’s discre- Playing as any undead character in Dungeons &
tion) to protect the phylactery with its life from all Dragons is fraught with challenges such as these, but
creatures except you and those you designate. If as a martyr you should consider the following:
the simulacrum is further than 120 feet from your • Was my death meaningful? Will my actions inspire
phylactery, it uses any means at its disposal to people in the future?
return to the area.
Hidden: Your phylactery is under the effect of the
sequester spell for all creatures except you, and
this effect is permanent and can’t be removed
• Now that I have returned to life, how can I further
my god’s message?
• Do I wish to rebel against my fate, or do I under-
stand the meaning of my deity’s actions?
by any means.
Impassible: You cast the mirage arcane spell centered
on your current space.
Becoming a Martyr
Indestructible: Your phylactery is immune to all Becoming a martyr requires unsurpassed belief and
nonmagical damage (in addition to its immunity to self-sacrifice. A martyr’s life is filled with conviction
poison and psychic damage) and has resistance to of a greater cause, and their death shows others the
Greater Undeath
70 Martyr
When you become a martyr, you gain the additional
features below for your character level. When you
gain a level, you gain the normal class features you
would gain at that level, plus any features associated
with martyrdom.
Martyr’s Conviction
1st-level martyr feature
When you roll initiative, you gain temporary hit
points equal to half of your missing hit points.
5th-level martyr feature
You have advantage on saving throws made to
avoid being frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
stunned, or turned.
Saintly Legend
11th-level martyr feature
You are immune to effects that would instantly kill
you, such as the power word kill spell.
11th-level martyr feature
When you take damage from a creature you can see,
you can use your reaction to reduce that damage
by 1d8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom or
Charisma modifier (your choice). The attacker imme-
diately takes radiant damage equal to that amount.
Last Stand
17th-level martyr feature
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you do not
become unconscious, though you still must make
death saving throws and suffer the normal effects of
taking damage while at 0 hit points. Additionally,
Greater Undeath
Martyr 71
Restless Spirit
Designer: Elias Garoufalias (Aevilok) Playing as any undead character in Dungeons &
To the living, my scream must have ended Dragons is fraught with challenges such as these, but
with my life—but I carried it with me as a restless spirit you should consider the following:
beyond the veil. The anguish and torment • Am I aware of my undead nature? Do I
served as an anchor… or more like a leash remember my death?
to the world of the living. • What denied my entrance to the afterlife and is it
truly important to me?
Oftentimes death comes when it’s least expected, • How do I feel about those who still enjoy the life I
leaving loose ends in a person’s life. A few cling to
Restless spirits are creatures that were denied the Fear, anger, frustration, or sadness are emotions that—
prospect of a peaceful transition to the afterlife due when experienced intensely enough at the time of
to their unfortunate and early death. An aspect of death—can prevent passing into the afterlife. Instead,
their previous life keeps them tethered to this world, you carry this emotion with you, only able to pass
sometimes against their will. peacefully once you have quenched its fire.
Greater Undeath
72 Restless Spirit
Prerequisites and you can’t be restored to life by any means short of
Before becoming a restless spirit, you must meet the a wish spell.
following prerequisites:
Untimely Death: You must die from exhaustion, star-
5th-level restless spirit feature
vation, dehydration, or from damage you didn’t
expect to take, such as that from a house fire, being You gain a flying speed equal to your current speed,
pushed off a flight of stairs, or being assassinated. can hover, and don’t take falling damage. You
Unfinished Business: Discuss with the DM and can’t use this flying speed to fly higher than 5 feet
define a specific burden that kept you from above the ground.
reaching the afterlife. It can be something as simple
as having to reclaim one of your possessions, relay
11th-level restless spirit feature
a message to a loved one, or fulfill a promise.
You can move through creatures and objects using
your Incorporeal Nature regardless of whether you
Features are frightened.
When you reanimate as a restless spirit, you gain the Additionally, your Morbid Reminder feature no
additional features below for your character level. longer affects you, and if you die, you move on to
When you gain a level, you gain the normal class the afterlife even if your unfinished business hasn’t
features you would gain at that level, plus any features been resolved.
associated with being a restless spirit.
Embraced Undeath
Incorporeal Nature
1st-level restless spirit feature
You are immune to being grappled or restrained, but
you can’t grapple other creatures.
17th-level restless spirit feature
Though you may miss your mortal past and still fear
your eventual death, you’ve come to truly accept your
current state, unlocking its potential. You gain the
Additionally, you can move through other following abilities.
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, Etherealness. As an action, you can enter the
but due to still hanging onto your mortal past, you Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa.
can’t willingly do so unless you are frightened. You are visible on the Material Plane while you are in
You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn the Ethereal Plane, and vice versa, yet you can’t affect
inside an object. or be affected by anything on the other plane. After 1
Greater Undeath
Restless Spirit 73
Designer: Elias Garoufalias (Aevilok)
… did I die? Everything feels… cold… no,
wait, not cold… it just doesn’t feel like
anything at all. What happened, I wonder?
How did I die…? Right, I remember… What
is this feeling… red? A rush of warmth—
no, heat. Red hot… is this anger? Hatred. I
feel like I’m being consumed…
Nathan Winburn
Greater Undeath
74 Revenant
Creatures of pure determination or vengeance,
revenants chose to stay in the world of mortals to
All it takes for a creature to return as a revenant is a
finish what they have started. These beings spend
conviction strong enough to deny even the prospect
their days in anguish, souls in a body deprived of the
of an afterlife for a cause. This conviction doesn’t
warmth of life that can no longer function properly,
always come naturally, and is sometimes planted into
constantly thinking of their one and only purpose: the
the revenant by extremely powerful beings toying
goal for which they chose to return.
with the mortal’s soul.
Playing as any undead character in Dungeons &
It is not rare for cruel and powerful beings to trick
Dragons is fraught with challenges such as these, but
mortals into a pact of eternal life in exchange for
as a revenant you should consider the following:
servitude, nor is it rare for mortals afraid of their
• How do I feel about my eventual true death? inevitable demise to seek out such a pact. Servants
• Will I try to get others to join my cause, or warn of such beings under these pacts end up forced into
them to live while they still can? revenancy, not being absolved of duty even after their
• Is there anything more important to me than death. They are best known as deathlocks.
completing my goal?
Becoming a Revenant
Many have a cause they are determined to see Inescapable Goal
through to the end, but some never get the chance, 1st-level revenant feature
as death takes them far too soon. A number of those When you rise as a revenant, discuss with your DM
they’ve started. e
souls deny their fate, clawing their way back into the
world of the living as an undead horror to finish what
Greater Undeath
Revenant 75
Eternal Purpose Denial
5th-level revenant feature 17th-level revenant feature
Choose one of the following features: If you would make a death saving throw, you can
Vengeful Glare. None can stand in your way. As an instead choose to immediately stand up, regain 1 hit
action, you can target a creature that you can see point, and gain temporary hit points equal to 5 times
within 30 feet of you, forcing it to make a Wisdom your character level, which last for 1 minute.
saving throw. On a failed save, the target is fright- While these temporary hit points last, you are
ened of you for 1 minute or until it takes damage. driven by your determination to stay alive and
The DC for this saving throw is equal to 10 + your complete your goal. You can use the feature you chose
proficiency bonus. If the target is a subject of your for your Eternal Purpose feature at will, without
Instinctive Tracker feature, it is also paralyzed expending any of its uses.
while frightened in this way. Once you’ve used this feature, you can’t do so
Vigilant Protector. No threat can go through you. again until you finish a short or long rest.
As a reaction when a hostile creature attempts to
harm or ends its turn within 30 feet of a subject
of your Instinctive Tracker feature, you can move
up to your speed toward the hostile creature. This
movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.
Zealous Campaigner. Nothing can stop you. As a
reaction to taking damage that would reduce your
hit points to below half of your hit point maximum,
you can grant yourself resistance to the triggering
damage. If the triggering damage is from envi-
ronmental hazards you encounter while traveling
toward a subject of your Instinctive Tracker
feature, you can instead reduce the damage
you take to 1. Examples of damage from envi-
ronmental hazards include cold damage from a
blizzard or other extreme weather conditions, fire
damage from swimming through a lava stream,
or bludgeoning damage from being crushed by a
rolling boulder.
Greater Undeath
76 Revenant
Designer: Steve Fidler
I remember my last living thoughts: the safety of their resting place for fear of an end to their
tethered to the night and their place of rest—unable to • Knowing how vampirism is spread, am I willing or
walk freely through the day and unwilling to leave the reluctant to pass this curse on?
Greater Undeath
Vampire 77
According to the Monster Manual, when a vampire (or
Vampirism is a special disease-like curse, passed
one of its variations) uses its bite action, the target’s
from a vampire to another living creature. The
maximum hit points are reduced until it finishes
most common transference method of this disease
a long rest. If the target’s maximum hit points are
is through a bite from a vampire, although other
reduced to 0, it is slain and, under certain conditions,
methods may exist (and might alter the prerequisites
reanimates as a vampire spawn. While this remains
unchanged, if a target’s hit points are reduced by a
vampire’s bite but it dies from its wounds without
its maximum hit points being reduced to 0, that is
Before becoming a vampire, you must meet the
enough to meet the prerequisites for contracting the
following prerequisites:
vampire’s curse as described above.
Untimely Death: You must contract vampirism from
If a player character’s hit points are reduced to 0
a vampire’s bite, and then die. by a vampire’s bite, or they are slain while under a
Burial: You must be buried in a coffin within 72 hours vampire’s curse, the DM might choose to have them
of your death. use this book’s rules instead of becoming a vampire
Succumb to Curse: While buried in the coffin, your spawn, allowing that player to regain control of their
body either fights off or succumbs to the curse of character if the original vampire is destroyed.
vampirism (detailed below).
in running water.
The Vampire’s Coffin Hit Dice: You don’t regain Hit Dice at the end of a
Upon reanimating as a vampire, you become bound long rest, unless you spent at least 4 hours of that
to the coffin you were buried in. You can bind to a rest sleeping in your coffin.
new coffin by performing an hour-long ritual, which Misty Escape: When you are reduced to 0 hit points,
must take place over midnight. The new coffin must you turn into a cloud of mist (as per the gaseous
be within 30 feet of either your old coffin, a handful
Greater Undeath
78 Vampire
above half your maximum hit points. If you take Spider Climb: You can climb difficult surfaces,
radiant damage or damage from holy water, this including upside down on ceilings, without
trait doesn’t function at the start of your next turn. needing to make an ability check.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity: While in sunlight, you
take radiant damage equal to your character level Empower Abilities
at the start of each of your turns, and you have 11th-level vampire feature
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
You’ve learned to fuel your abilities with the life
force you drain from others. When you use certain
Fangs vampire features, you can spend Hit Dice to empower
1st-level vampire feature those abilities. You must have at least 1 Hit Die to
Your fanged bite is a natural weapon, which counts spend to do so.
as a simple melee weapon with the finesse property Daywalker. When you use your action to
with which you are proficient. Your bite deals 1d4 + transform into a bat, you can expend a Hit Die to
your attack modifier piercing damage. If your target grant yourself immunity to the deleterious effects of
is missing half or more of its hit points, you have the sun while in this form. You ignore the Sunlight
advantage on your attack roll. Hypersensitivity and Regeneration gained by your
When a creature that has blood takes damage from vampirism feature for the next hour, or until you
your bite, you can use your bonus action to drain revert into your true form.
the target, dealing an extra 1d4 + your proficiency Paralyzing Bite. When you use your bonus action
bonus necrotic damage. If you do, you gain one of the to drain your target after hitting them with an attack
following benefits: made with your fangs, you can expend a Hit Die to
• You regain one expended Hit Die.
• You gain temporary hit points equal to the amount
of necrotic damage dealt, which last for 1 minute.
inject a paralyzing agent into the target instead. It
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (equal
to 10 + your proficiency bonus) or become paralyzed
until the end of your next turn.
Teleport. You can use your action and expend a
Shapechange Hit Die to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied
5th-level vampire feature space you can see.
Your physiology continues to develop, unlocking
new abilities: Trueform
17th-level vampire feature
Bat Shape: You can use your action to polymorph
into a Tiny bat, or back into your true form. While At night, you can use your action to transform into
in bat form, you can’t speak, your walking speed the form of a true vampire. You gain the following
is 5 feet, and you have a flying speed of 30 feet. benefits until dawn:
Your statistics, other than your size and speed, are • You have immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and
unchanged. Anything you are wearing transforms slashing damage from nonmagical weapons, and
with you, but nothing you are carrying does. You vulnerability to radiant damage.
revert back to your normal form if you die. • Your size becomes Large, and you have advantage
Emulate Life: By focusing, you can appear to on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
breathe and allow blood to course through your • Wings sprout from your shoulders, granting you a
body, restoring your appearance to that of a living flying speed equal to your walking speed.
creature. You can choose to do this at any time (no • Your bite causes the target to lose an extra
action required) but must concentrate on it, as if 3d4 hit points.
concentrating on a spell. This effect ends immedi-
ately if you are rendered unconscious or if you take This effect ends early if you are incapacitated.
damage from the sun or running water. Abilities Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
that reveal the true nature of things, such as true you finish a long rest in your coffin.
seeing, see you in your undead form.
Greater Undeath
Vampire 79
Morbid Miscellany
This chapter presents several feats, spells, and magic
items to supplement the options in this book. Each Endure Sunlight
of these options builds upon the flavor of playing Prerequisite: Sunlight Sensitivity or Sunlight
an undead character, using your unique physi- Hypersensitivity
ology the story around your death to develop your You’ve managed to find a way to endure the dele-
character further. terious effects of the sun, either by building a
tolerance to its burn or altering your physiology in
Feats some manner.
New feats are presented here in alphabetical order, Every 24 hours, you can spend 1 hour in sunlight
which can be taken if you are using the optional rules with lessened effects from the sun, all at once or in
for feats in the Player’s Handbook. intervals of 1 minute until you’ve spent 1 complete
hour in sunlight. Until you exceed this limit, the
Empowered Turning effects of sunlight are lessened; you ignore the disad-
Prerequisite: A spell or feature that causes creatures vantage on attack rolls and ability checks imposed by
to be turned
The impact of your censures can be bolstered by
your divine charge. When you use a feature that
can turn a creature, such as a cleric’s Turn Undead,
the sun, and you take half as much radiant damage
from exposure to sunlight.
You can select this feat multiple times. Each time
you do so, you double the amount of time during a
you can choose one of the following ways to 24-hour period you can spend in the sun.
increase the effect:
Distant: The range or area of effect is doubled.
Greater: The turned effect does not end automat-
ically when the target takes damage. Instead,
when the target takes damage, it can repeat the
Morbid Miscellany
80 Feats
Graft Flesh must spend at least 1 hour of the rest within 60 feet
Prerequisite: Proficiency with embalmer’s kit of you. While bound to a living creature in this way,
Studying the anatomy of creatures, you have learned you gain the following benefits while you are within
the necessary skills to create magical enhancements 60 feet of it:
called grafts: you learn one Artificer Graft option of • You have advantage on saving throws made to
your choice from the artificer class. If the graft has resist being turned.
a prerequisite of any kind, you can choose that graft • If you and the bonded creature are each forced to
only if you meet the prerequisite. make a saving throw from a single spell or effect,
Enhancing a creature with a graft follows the rules you can choose to make your save with disadvan-
for the Grafts undead artificer class feature. tage to give the living bonded creature advantage
Whenever you gain a level, you can replace the on its saving throw.
graft with another one from the artificer class.
If the bonded creature is reduced to 0 hit points,
Heavencast the bond immediately ends and you enter a berserking
You have been exiled from life beyond in the Upper state. For the next minute, all of your attack rolls are
Planes. You gain the following benefits: made with advantage and attack rolls made against
• Your creature type is celestial for the purposes of you are made with disadvantage. In addition, your
spells that detect your creature type. attacks deal extra necrotic damage equal to your
• You are resistant to radiant damage. proficiency bonus to the source that reduced the
• You can use your bonus action to enter a state of bonded creature to 0 hit points.
heightened awareness for 1 minute, or until you fall
Necromantic Presence
unconscious. While in this state, you know when
you hear a deliberate lie. You regain the use of this
ability after completing a long rest.
Prerequisite: The ability to cast a spell or use a feature
that allows you to control undead
You exude an aura of unlife that bolsters your flock.
• Increase your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma
Incinerated Soul by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You’ve experienced the agonizing death in a massive • Undead creatures you control within 60 feet of you
fire. Due to this, you’ve lost the sensation of smell and have advantage on saving throws made to resist
taste. However, you gain the following benefits: being turned.
• You are resistant to fire damage. If you take any • If an undead creature you control within 60 feet
cold damage, you lose this resistance until you that you can see is hit with an attack, you can use
finish a short or long rest. your reaction to grant it a +4 bonus to its AC until
• You can see clearly in any lightly or heavily the start of your next turn, including against the
obscured area caused by smoke or fire, and you can triggering attack.
breathe normally in such an environment.
• You learn the control flames and produce flame
Writhe Contortionist
Morbid Miscellany
Feats 81
• You advantage on Constitution and Strength
Spells checks, as well as Strength saving throws.
• You can’t be charmed or frightened.
The spells presented in this tome grant special power
• You can attack three times instead of once when
to those who have returned from what lies beyond.
you take the Attack action on your turn.
Spells that appear in this section are added to the class
lists and expanded spell lists of certain subclasses for Immediately after the spell ends, your flesh returns
a character that is undead, using the Undead Class back to its original form.
Features and other rules in this book.
If you are playing one of the options in this book Allure of the Grave
as a living creature, some spells might include some 4th-level enchantment (osteomancy)
disturbing imagery. We recommend that every player Casting Time: 1 action
at the table be on board with using these options. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a chameleon scale)
Abandon Flesh Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
9th-level transmutation (osteomancy)
Classes: Sorcerer, wizard
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self The ground in a 20-foot cube centered on a point
Components: V, S within range transforms into a massive graveyard with
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes spirits and skeletal hands emerging within it, uttering
Classes: Sorcerer, wizard cries of woe and beckoning others to join them. The
area becomes difficult terrain for the duration. Each
Your flesh temporarily melts and slides off your
bones as your skeleton transforms into a grotesque,
monstrous form fueled by osteomantic magic. Until
the spell ends, you can’t cast spells, and you gain the
creature within 20 feet of the graveyard when it first
appears must make a Wisdom saving throw or become
charmed by the graveyard’s inhabitants. While
charmed, a creature can only move 5 feet toward the
following benefits: graveyard and can take no other action, allured by the
• You gain 70 temporary hit points. embrace of death.
• You are immune to necrotic and poison damage. When a creature charmed by the graveyard moves
• Your limbs become natural weapons, which you into or within the area of the graveyard, it must make
can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target
them, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 4d6 takes 4d6 psychic damage and is restrained by the
+ your spellcasting ability modifier, instead of the graveyard’s inhabitants for the spell’s duration.
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. To break out, the restrained target can use its
• Your size doubles in all dimensions, and your action to make a Wisdom saving throw to resist the
weight is multiplied by eight. This growth allure of the graveyard. On a successful save, the
increases your size by one category—from target escapes and is no longer charmed and restrained
Medium to Large, for example. If there isn’t by the graveyard’s inhabitants. On a failed save, the
target takes 3d6 psychic damage.
Morbid Miscellany
82 Spells
Avasculate Blade of Pain and Fear
7th-level necromancy 3rd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self (100-foot line) Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (shards of metal or bone) Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard Classes: Artificer, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
A bolt of crackling black energy extends from your Out of thin air, you draw a horrific blade of screaming
outstretched hand in a straight line. Each creature mouths full of fangs and teeth. This magic sword
within 5 feet of the line must make a Constitution lasts until the spell ends. It counts as a simple melee
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 2d10
necrotic damage equal to half its current hit points necrotic damage on a hit and uses your spellcasting
and is stunned until the start of its turn. This spell has modifier for attack and damage rolls.
no effect on undead or constructs. As a bonus action, you can command the sword to
emit a dreadful shriek. Each creature within 15 feet
Beckon the Rotting Saint must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become
4th-level conjuration (osteomancy) frightened of the blade and its wielder for the duration
Casting Time: 1 action of the spell, or until the creature takes damage. This
Range: 90 feet shriek has no effect on undead or constructs.
Components: V, S, M (a saint’s bone worth at If you drop the weapon, it dissipates at the end of
least 100 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Classes: Cleric, wizard
the turn. Thereafter, while the spell persists, you can
use your bonus action to cause the sword to reappear
in your hand.
Bone Dance
You beckon forth the spirit of a saint to act under
your command. A spectral figure whose bone you Transmutation cantrip (osteomancy)
possess appears in an unoccupied space of your choice Casting Time: 1 action
within range. Range: Self (5 feet)
The saint uses the stat block of a Wraith in the Components: S
Monster Manual, and is friendly to you and your Duration: Instantaneous
companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the Classes: Sorcerer, wizard
saint, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal
commands that you issue to it (no action required by You quickly grow forth bones out of your flesh that
you). If you don’t issue any commands to the saint, detach and momentarily swirl around you in a circle.
it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise Each creature within range, other than you, must
takes no actions. The saint can’t raise other specters. succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6
If your concentration is broken, the saint doesn’t piercing damage.
disappear. Instead, you lose control of the saint, and The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you
it becomes hostile toward you and your companions, reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th
actively seeking to attack you before any other. An level (4d6).
uncontrolled saint can’t be dismissed by you, and it
disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.
Morbid Miscellany
Spells 83
Bonesplitter Call of the Haunted
2nd-level evocation (osteomancy) 2nd-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a chameleon scale) Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Sorcerer, wizard Classes: Cleric (Undeath domain), druid, wizard
You unleash a devastating and vicious blast of painful The grasping hands of the dead reach up from the
energy. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature ground and begin pulling creatures down in a 10-foot
you can see within range. On a hit, the target takes radius centered on a point within range. Creatures
4d8 necrotic damage and can’t regain hit points until within the radius must succeed on a Strength saving
the end of its next turn. throw or be restrained. The hands ignore undead
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a creatures. A creature restrained by the hands can use
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases its action to make a Strength check against your spell
by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd. save DC. On a success, it frees itself.
Any creature that ends its turn in the radius takes
Breath of Unlife 2d6 cold damage from the deathly presence.
2nd-level necromancy At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Casting Time: 1 action spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases
Range: Self (15-foot cone) by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Cleric, paladin
e Choir of the Unliving
3rd-level conjuration (osteomancy)
Casting Time: 1 action
A wave of black smoke wisps from your mouth and Range: 60 feet
quickly spreads out in front of you. Each creature in Components: V, S, M (the skull of a bard or minstrel)
a 15-foot cone must succeed on a Constitution saving Duration: Instantaneous
throw, taking 2d12 necrotic damage on a failed save. Classes: Bard, wizard
Undead creatures don’t make a saving throw.
Instead, roll 2d12. Each undead creature in the area A collection of skulls affixed to bones and elongated
regains that many hit points. spines appear in a location you choose within range.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell The area of the skulls consists of up to five 10-foot
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage cubes, which you can arrange as you wish. Each
and healing increases by 1d12 for every two slot cube must have at least one face adjacent to the face
levels above 2nd. of another cube. Each creature in the area must
make a Wisdom saving throw. It takes 4d8 psychic
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
Morbid Miscellany
84 Spells
Eternal Servitude Fettered Mind
9th-level necromancy 1st-level divination
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (black onyx stones worth at Components: V, S, M (a pound of flesh)
least 5,000 gp, which the spell consumes) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Artificer (Reanimator), ranger
Classes: Bard, cleric, warlock, wizard
You establish a telepathic hold over an undead creature
You touch the corpse of a humanoid that has been you touch that is friendly to you, charmed by you, or
dead for no longer than 10 days and impose a goal that has an Intelligence score of 4 or less. Until the spell
of vengeance on its soul. It rises as a revenant under ends, the hold is active while you and the undead are
the DM’s control (using the Revenant stat block in within line of sight of each other. Through the hold, the
the Monster Manual ) and swears vengeance against a undead can understand your telepathic messages to it,
creature of your choice. and it can communicate simple thoughts and concepts
back to you. While the hold is active, when the undead
False Resurrection attempts to target a single creature with an attack, you
7th-level necromancy (ritual) can use your reaction to grant it advantage on that
Casting Time: 1 action attack roll, or to relinquish control over it and choose a
Range: Touch different target within range, if any is available.
Components: V, S
Garden of Bones
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Bard, cleric, warlock, wizard
the false soul doesn’t allow it to rest before its goal is on a point within range. The area becomes difficult
complete. If the creature doesn’t have a goal it needs terrain for the duration. When a creature moves into or
to complete, this spell fails. within the area, it takes 3d4 piercing damage for every
If the creature is reunited with its original soul, it 5 feet it travels.
is restored to its non-undead form. After 1 year has For the duration of the spell, the skulls speak in
passed, if the creature is still a revenant, it dies and a language of your choice or emit laughter, screams,
can’t be the target of a false resurrection spell again, as or whispers.
its false soul expires. A creature in the area when you cast the spell must
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by
the bones until the spell ends. A creature restrained by
these bones can use its action to make a Strength check
against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.
If a creature with bones dies from damage dealt by
this spell, that creature’s bones are ripped from their
bodies and added to the garden.
When the spell ends, the bones dissolve into
bone dust.
Morbid Miscellany
Spells 85
You gain the ability to enter a corpse, pile of bones,
Ghost Touch or similar remains, and move from inside it to inside
2nd-level transmutation (ritual) another corpse within 500 feet. Both corpses must be
Casting Time: 1 action your size or larger. You must use 5 feet of movement to
Range: Touch enter a corpse. You instantly know the location of all
Components: V, S, M (ectoplasm) other corpses within 500 feet and, as part of the move
Duration: 1 hour used to enter the corpse, can either pass into one of
Classes: Artificer, bard, cleric, sorcerer, those corpses or step out of the corpse you’re in. You
warlock, wizard appear in a spot of your choice within 5 feet of the
destination corpse, using another 5 feet of movement.
You touch a nonmagical weapon or shield and choose If you have no movement left, you appear within 5
one of the following options: feet of the corpse you entered.
Incorporeal Touch. The weapon or shield becomes
deeply connected to the Ethereal Plane, allowing
incorporeal creatures to hold and interact with it
while incorporeal. A weapon connected in this way
You can use this transportation ability once per
round for the duration. You must end each turn
outside a corpse.
Hel’s Regrets
ignores an incorporeal creature’s resistances and deals
an extra 1d4 force damage on attacks against them. A 2nd-level necromancy (ritual)
shield connected in this way prevents an incorporeal Casting Time: 1 action
creature from moving through the space occupied by Range: Touch
the wielder. Components: V, S, M (a small chain scorched
Incorporeal Censor. The weapon or shield discon- by lightning)
Morbid Miscellany
86 Spells
Locate Hallowed Ground Ossuary
2nd-level divination (ritual) 6th-level conjuration (osteomancy)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Self Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (saltwater worth at least 1 sp, Components: V, S, M (several bones and a holy
which this spell consumes) symbol worth at least 5 gp)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 24 hours
Classes: Cleric, ranger Classes: Cleric, wizard
By honing your senses to the presence of holy or You conjure a chapel to spring into existence on
unholy power (your choice), you learn the direction ground you can see within range. The chapel must fit
and distance to the closest edge of consecrated (holy) within an unoccupied cube of space, up to 90 feet on
or desecrated (unholy) terrain within 5 miles, if any each side. The chapel is composed of stone, wood, and
are present. bones and remains for the duration.
You make all decisions about the chapel’s appear-
Osseous Embrace ance. The interior is enclosed by a floor, walls, and a
3rd-level conjuration (osteomancy) roof, with one door granting access to the interior and
Casting Time: 1 action as many windows as you wish. Only you, creatures
Range: 60 feet you designate when you cast this spell, and undead
Components: V, S, M (a piece of bone or a pinch of can open or close the door.
grave dirt or bone dust) The chapel’s interior is an open space with an altar
To break out, the restrained target can use its the magic within it hinders it; whenever it makes an
action to make a Dexterity check against your spell attack roll, ability check, or a saving throw inside
save DC. On a failure, the target takes 1d6 blud- the chapel, it must roll a d4 and subtract the number
geoning damage and 1d6 piercing damage. On a rolled from its roll.
success, the target escapes and is no longer restrained. In addition, the sensors created by divination spells
As an action, you can cause the skeletal figures to can’t appear inside the chapel, and creatures within
reach for a different creature or to move to a different can’t be targeted by divination spells.
unoccupied space within range. The skeletal figures Finally, whenever an undead creature in the chapel
release any restrained target if you do either. regains hit points from a spell of 1st level or higher,
If a creature dies as a result of taking damage from or from its Life Drain trait (if it has one), the creature
this spell, you gain temporary hit points equal to the regains additional hit points equal to your spellcasting
damage dealt. ability modifier (minimum of 1 point). An undead
A dispel evil and good spell ends this effect. creature that completes a long rest in the chapel gains
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using temporary hit points equal to your level.
a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the bludgeoning The chapel is made with a magical force that
damage or the piercing damage (your choice) extends into the Ethereal Plane, thus blocking ethereal
increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd. travel into the temple’s interior unless a creature
Morbid Miscellany
Spells 87
traveling through the Ethereal Plane to enter the Skeletal Dance
chapel is undead. Nothing can physically pass through 3rd-level transmutation (osteomancy)
the chapel’s exterior. It can’t be dispelled by the dispel Casting Time: 1 action
magic spell, and the antimagic field spell has no effect Range: 30 feet
on it. A disintegrate spell destroys the chapel instantly. Components: S
Casting this spell on the same spot every day for a Duration: Instantaneous
year makes this effect permanent. Classes: Wizard
Shape Bones You cause sharp bones to quickly grow out of your
Transmutation cantrip (osteomancy) flesh, transforming them into sharp points and edges
Casting Time: 1 action before suddenly moving to unleash a fury of lacera-
Range: 30 feet tion. Choose up to three creatures that you can see
Components: S within range. Make a melee spell attack against each
Duration: Instantaneous or 4 hours (see below) target. On a hit, a target takes 3d10 piercing damage
Classes: Druid, sorcerer, wizard or slashing damage (your choice for each hit).
You then end your movement in an unoccupied
You choose either yourself, a portion of a creature space you can see within range.
with bones, a portion of a corpse with bones, or a At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
portion of a pile of bones that you can see within a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can target one
range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You manipu- additional creature for each slot level above 3rd.
late the bones in one of the following ways:
Skull Crown
• You cause bones to grow out of your flesh or
the flesh of another willing creature with bones,
shaping them to serve as eating utensils, writing
utensils, or to form strange shapes and designs. The
3rd-level transmutation (osteomancy)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
changes last for 1 hour. Components: V, S, M (a skull worth at least 5 cp)
• If you target a pile of bones, you can instanta- Duration: 10 minutes
neously excavate it, move it along the ground, and Class: Sorcerer, warlock, wizard
deposit it up to 5 feet away. This movement doesn’t
have enough force to cause damage. You cause the skull to shape and configure itself
• If the corpse or pile of bones you target is on the around your head, transforming into a crown, helm,
ground, you cause it to become difficult terrain by or other facial protection in a design of your choice.
shaping the bones. Alternatively, you can cause For the duration of the spell, you can’t be charmed or
the target to become normal terrain if it is already frightened by undead, you are immune to poison and
difficult terrain. This change lasts for 1 hour. disease, and undead sense your connection to death
• If you target a corpse or pile of bones, you can and become hesitant to attack you or cause you harm.
cause the corpse or bones to become animated, When an undead creature attacks you, that creature
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
Morbid Miscellany
88 Spells
Spinal Whip Body Composition
1st-level transmutation (osteomancy) d4 Body Type
Casting Time: 1 bonus action 1 Plains Body. The monstrosity’s body is that of a
Range: Self large lowland creature, such as a bull or a bear. It
Components: V, S lacks wings and loses its flying speed.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
2 Coast Body. The monstrosity’s body is that of a
Classes: Sorcerer, warlock, wizard
coastal or aquatic creature, such as a heron or a
Leaning forward, you draw forth an elongated and shark. The monstrosity can breathe air and water.
serrated spine that grows from your back, creating a 3 Mountain Body. The monstrosity’s body is that
whip of vicious bones in your hand. This magic whip of a mountain-dwelling creature, such as a ram
counts as a martial weapon with which you are profi- or a dragon. The monstrosity doesn’t provoke
cient. It deals 1d8 slashing damage on a hit and has an opportunity attack when it flies out of an
the finesse, light, and reach properties. In addition, enemy’s reach.
when you use this whip to attack a target and score
a critical hit, you regain hit points equal to half the 4 Swamp Body. The monstrosity’s body is that of a
damage dealt. swamp- or cavern-dweller, such as a giant lizard
If you drop the whip or throw it, it dissipates or spider. It can climb difficult surfaces, includ-
at the end of the turn. Thereafter, while the spell ing upside down on ceilings, without needing to
persists, you can grow another spinal whip out of your make an ability check.
back, causing a new one to appear in your hand (no
action required).
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases
by 1d8 and the reach increases by 5 feet for every
Head Attack
Head Attacks
Bull Horns. If the monstrosity moves at least 20
feet straight toward a target then hits it with a
other slot level above 1st.
head attack on the same turn, the target takes an
Summon Monstrosity extra 2d6 piercing damage. If the target is a crea-
4th-level conjuration ture, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw
against your spell save DC or be knocked prone.
Casting Time: 1 action
2 Shark Bite. The monstrosity has advantage on a
Range: 90 feet
You call forth the spirit of a monstrosity. It manifests 4 Cockatrice Beak. A creature hit by the monstros-
in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. ity’s head attack must succeed on a Constitu-
This corporeal form uses the Monstrous Spirit stat tion saving throw against your spell save DC or
block. When you cast the spell, roll a d4 for each of be restrained as it begins to turn to stone. The
the following traits: Body Composition, Head Attack, restrained creature must repeat the saving throw
Tail Attack, and Breath Weapon. The result deter- at the end of its next turn. On a successful save,
mines the specifics used for the creature in each trait. the effect ends. On a failed one, the creature is
The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points petrified for 24 hours.
or when the spell ends.
Morbid Miscellany
Spells 89
Tail Attack Breath Weapon
d4 Tail Attack d4 Breath Weapon
1 Venomous Tail. When the monstrosity hits a 1 Lightning Breath. The monstrosity exhales
creature with its tail, the creature must succeed lightning in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide.
on a Constitution saving throw against your spell Each creature in that line must make a Dexterity
save DC or become poisoned for 1 minute. A poi- saving throw against your spell save DC, taking
soned target can repeat the saving throw at the 18 (4d8) + 4 × the spell’s level lightning damage
end of each of its turns, ending the effect early on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
on a success. successful one.
2 Perplexing Tail. The monstrosity has an addition- 2 Tidal Wave Breath. The monstrosity exhales a
al head where its tail should be. The monstrosity torrent of acidic water in a 60-foot line that is 5
loses its tail attack. It can make one additional feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a
head attack when it takes the Multiattack action. Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC.
On a failed save, a creature takes 11 (2d10) + 5 ×
3 Shark Tail. When the monstrosity hits a creature
the spell’s level damage and is knocked prone.
with its tail, the creature is also pushed up to
On a successful save, it takes half as much dam-
10 feet away.
age and isn’t knocked prone.
4 Constricting Tail. If the monstrosity hits a creature
3 Venom Spray. The monstrosity exhales a spray
with its tail, the target is grappled (escape DC
of poison in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in
equals your spell save DC) if it is Large or smaller.
that area must succeed on a Constitution saving
Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained,
other target. e
and the monstrosity can’t use its tail on an-
throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned
for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, a target
takes 18 (5d6) + 3 × the spell’s level poison dam-
age at the start of each of its turns. A target can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
4 Necrotic Breath. The monstrosity exhales ne-
crotic energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in
that area must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw against your spell save DC, or it takes 14
Morbid Miscellany
90 Spells
Monstrous Spirit Them Bones
Large monstrosity, unaligned 2nd-level conjuration (osteomancy)
Armor Class 11 + the level of the spell (natural armor) Casting Time: 1 action
Hit Points 40 + 10 for each spell level above 4th Range: 60 feet
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. (Swamp Body only), fly 30 ft., Components: V, S, M (a small skeletal doll bound in
swim 30 ft. (Coast Body only) miniature chains)
Duration: 1 minute
Classes: Warlock, wizard
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Choose one creature within range that you can see.
Damage Resistances cold and fire (Plains Body only)
You cause a menagerie of bones to burst forth from the
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
ground and surround it. If the creature is unwilling,
Languages Understands the languages you speak
it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be
Challenge — Proficiency Bonus equals your bonus
trapped within the bones.
Body Composition. When this monstrosity is created, While trapped in the bones, the target is inca-
a d4 is rolled to determine which Body Composition pacitated and has total cover from attacks and other
trait is used. effects outside the bones. The target can only see
Head Attacks. When the monstrosity is created, a d4 is through small cracks.
rolled to determine which Head Attacks trait is used. The bones have an AC of 16 and 20 hit points, The
target can’t damage the bones. When the bones reach
Tail Attacks. When the monstrosity is created, a d4 is
0 hit points, the target escapes and is no longer inca-
rolled to determine which Tail Attacks action is used.
Multiattack. The monstrosity makes a number of
attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded
pacitated. The bones then fade into dust.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the mirror’s hit points
increase by 10 for each slot level above 1st.
down). When its breath weapon is available, it can
use its breath in place of one of these attacks. Voice of the Gravekeeper
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier 2nd-level transmutation (osteomancy)
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 4 + the spell’s Casting Time: 1 action
level slashing damage. Range: Self
Head. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier Components: V, S, M (a jawbone)
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d12 + 4 + the spell’s Duration: 1 hour
level (+ 1d8; Unicorn only) piercing damage. Classes: Cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier
to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 4 + the For the duration of the spell, you can communi-
spell’s level bludgeoning (piercing; Venomous Tail cate with undead as if you and it shared a language.
only) damage. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check
when interacting with undead, your proficiency bonus
Morbid Miscellany
Spells 91
Wall of Bones bonus action to cause the skeletal arms or skulls in
6th-level conjuration (osteomancy) the wall to hit or bite the creature, dealing 6d8 blud-
Casting Time: 1 action geoning or piercing damage respectively. You can
Range: 90 feet also have both the arms and skulls attack the creature
Components: V, S, M (a handful of small bones) while restrained, dealing 5d8 bludgeoning and 5d8
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes piercing damage.
Classes: Druid, wizard If a creature with bones dies from an attack by
the wall, that creature’s body and bones are absorbed
You conjure a nonmagical wall of writhing and and added into that section of the wall, and the wall
moving bones into existence at a point you choose regains 10 hit points.
within range. The wall is 6 inches thick and is If you maintain your concentration on this spell
composed of ten 10-foot-by-10-foot sections of bone. for its whole duration, the wall becomes permanent
Each section must be contiguous with at least one and can’t be dispelled. Otherwise, the wall disappears
other panel. Alternatively, you can create 10-foot-by- when the spell ends.
20-foot sections that are only 3 inches thick.
If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when Wings of Death
it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the 5th-level transmutation (osteomancy)
wall (your choice). If a creature would be surrounded Casting Time: 1 action
on all sides by the wall (or the wall and another solid Range: Self
surface), that creature can make a Dexterity saving Components: V, S, M (the bone of a winged creature)
throw. On a successful save, it can use its reaction to Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
by the wall.
move up to its speed so that it is no longer enclosed
supports. You can crudely shape the wall to create Additionally, as an action, you can cause your
ramparts, battlements, and so on. skeletal wings to unleash a shower of sharp bone
The wall is an object made of bones that can be shards upon your foes. Each creature in a 30-foot
damaged and thus breached. Each section has AC cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
14 and 30 hit points per inch of thickness. Reducing 5d6 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much
a panel to 0 hit points destroys it, and might cause damage on a successful one.
connected panels to tear from each other at the When you use this action, you lose your flying
DM’s discretion. speed until the start of your next turn as the skeletal
Whenever a creature begins its turn or moves wings reform. If you’re in the air when you use this
within 10 feet of the outer part of the wall, the action or when the spell ends, you fall if nothing else is
creature must make a Strength saving throw. On holding you aloft.
a failed save, skeletal arms and skulls connected
to elongated spines on the side of the wall grab the
creature, and the creature is restrained. A creature can
use its action to repeat the saving throw, breaking free
and ending the effect on a success.
While a creature is restrained, you can use your
Morbid Miscellany
92 Spells
The Reliquary Medicine and Investigation. Proficiency with
Possessions are a constant among the dead. Many embalmer’s tools allows you to unlock more informa-
cultures have rites and rituals about what you bring tion on Wisdom and Intelligence checks involving
with you—or don’t bring with you—into the afterlife: corpses or the undead.
dragons are known to covet hoards of valuables to pay Preparing the Dead. You can use this tool profi-
a tithe upon their death, the Ferryman at the River ciency to manipulate a corpse. A character can spend
Styx requires two copper pieces as a toll to cross, 1 hour—which can be part of a short or long rest—
and some cultures believe that you simply pass more to preserve a corpse, protecting it from decay and
comfortably into the beyond if you are surrounded by rendering it unable to become undead for 10 days.
memories of your life.
As such, it’s not by chance that such items are often
trinkets of power. And what of those who rise from
beyond? Perhaps those items they are buried with
These tools can also be used to remove and preserve
parts of a corpse such as organs and tissues for use as
reagents in alchemy, rituals, and spellcasting.
prepare them for this afterlife. Magical masks to hide Embalmer’s Tools
their grotesque figure, globes of inky blackness that Activity DC
can shield from the light’s divine rays—treasures such
Remove an organ intact 10
as these are wasted on the living.
Perform a common autopsy: beast, humanoid, 10
Adventuring Gear giant, plant
This section presents an adventuring tool kit useful to Perform an uncommon autopsy: dragon, fey, 15
those who work with the dead. While any character monstrosity, undead
can make use of the fine metal instruments and salves,
proficient hands are required to properly preserve a Perform a rare autopsy: aberration, elemental, 20
body or extract an organ intact. ooze, celestial, fiend
Artisan’s Tools, 50 gp, 8 lb. The baubles and armaments below are wondrous
Embalmer’s tools contain the necessary equipment to creations masterminded by dabbling liches, cults who
prepare a body for a lasting burial. worship the undead, and aspirants of a waking death.
Components. Embalmer’s tools include metal tools:
Bead of Night
David L ewis Johnson
Morbid Miscellany
The Reliquary 93
You can speak another command word as an action Hourglass of Permanence
to make the darkened bead rise into the air and float Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
no more than 5 feet off the ground. The bead hovers This exquisite hourglass is carved from ebony,
this way until you or another creature grasps it. If you inlaid with white opal, and filled with blackened
move more than 60 feet from the hovering bead, it sand. Gazing into it makes you feel microscopic
follows you until it is within 60 feet of you, taking the as compared to the inconceivably long stretch of
shortest route to do so. If prevented from moving, the time itself.
bead sinks gently to the ground and becomes inactive, Timeless Knowledge. While attuned to this item,
rendering it an inert black bead once more. you gain proficiency with Intelligence (History)
checks and you double your proficiency bonus when
Collapsible Coffin making an Intelligence (History) check.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Ageless Magic. While attuned to this item, any
While collapsed, this coffin is a 1-foot by 1-foot square divination spell you cast that has a cumulative chance
of 1-inch-thick wood. While attuned to the coffin of failing, such as augury, or divination, no longer has
and within 5 feet of it, you can activate (no action a random chance to fail.
required), causing it to expand into a wooden box Additionally, when you can see a creature casting
that fits your size. The box can be as ornate or plain a ritual or a spell with a casting time longer than 1
as you wish. action, you know exactly what is being cast and when
While you are attuned to the coffin, you remove the ritual or spell will complete.
one additional level of exhaustion after completing Everlasting Presence. You can use this hourglass
a short or long rest where you spend at least 1 hour to cast imprisonment, choosing the Minimus
inside the coffin. Once you’ve removed a level of
exhaustion in this way, you can’t do so again until
the next dusk.
Hellish Avenger
Containment form of imprisonment only (spell save
DC 18). When you cast imprisonment this way, you
can choose to target the corpse of a creature that has
died within the last hour. A corpse automatically fails
its saving throw.
Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement) You do not need components when you cast
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made imprisonment this way, except for an object of great
with this magic weapon. When you hit a living worth such as a gemstone, phylactery, or the hourglass
humanoid with it, that creature takes an extra 2d10 itself to imprison the target within.
necrotic damage. If you use this feature again, the previous target is
While you hold the drawn sword, it creates an aura immediately freed from its binding. After using this
in a 10-foot radius around you. You and all creatures feature, you can’t use it again for the next 2d6 days.
friendly to you in the aura have advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Curse. If you are a living humanoid, you take 1d4
+ 1 necrotic damage every time you attack with this
weapon. This damage can’t be reduced or resisted in
Morbid Miscellany
94 The Reliquary
Mystic Mask of Misrepresentation Otherworldly Heart
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
While wearing this masquerade half-mask, your mind A dark purple heart steadily beats inside this small
and aura is masked as well. hardwood chest. All creatures within 60 feet of the
After finishing a long rest, you can choose a race box can hear a quiet heartbeat and feel the rhythmic
of humanoid from the following: dwarf, elf, gnome, thump deep within them.
halfling, human, or the undead creature type. Until Mortal’s Fragility. As an action, you can point at
you choose a new type after finishing another long a creature you can see within 60 feet and force it to
rest, you appear as the chosen type to spells and magic make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw as it feels a
effects that detect creature types, such as a paladin’s tremor in its heart. On a failed save, the creature takes
Divine Sense, or the trigger of a symbol spell. 3d6 necrotic damage and its hit point maximum is
Additionally, any creature or effect that tries to reduced by an amount equal to the damage dealt. On
read your mind can find no evidence that you are any a successful save, it takes half as much damage and its
type other than the one you chose. hit points are not reduced. This reduction lasts until
the creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this
Nightwalker Amulet effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) A creature with no heart automatically succeeds
This amulet is carved from black horn and its center- this saving throw.
piece is a brilliant black opal that never feels hot, nor Immortal’s Resistance. If you are killed while
cold, to the touch. attuned to this heart, you are brought back to life at
To attune to this amulet, you must endure the the next dawn as if by the resurrection spell, even if
effects of its Void’s Grasp for at least 4 turns without
falling unconscious. Once attuned, however, you
can breathe while wearing it, and as a bonus action
can activate or deactivate its Void’s Grasp effect on
you are undead. Your body forms around this heart as
if it is your own. After being resurrected in this way,
you can’t die to an injury to, or failure of, your heart,
though your mortality is otherwise unchanged.
other creatures. Curse. If you have a heart and are not undead,
Void’s Grasp. Each creature that ends its turn each time you use the Mortal’s Fragility property,
within 5 feet of the amulet must succeed on a DC 14 you must also make the saving throw against taking
Constitution saving throw or begin suffocating. A necrotic damage, though your hit point maximum is
suffocating creature can survive a number of rounds not reduced.
equal to its Constitution modifier before it drops to 0 Additionally, if you are resurrected by the
hit points. This effect ends when the creature starts Immortal’s Resistance property, you are now consid-
its turn farther than 5 feet from the amulet, or when ered undead (see the “Becoming Undead” section
it drops to 0 hit points. Creatures that do not need to in this book’s introduction), and have the Sunlight
breathe are immune to this effect. Sensitivity trait: while in sunlight, you have disad-
vantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
Obol of Peaceful Rest (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Wondrous item, common
Morbid Miscellany
The Reliquary 95
Potion of the Daywalker Ritual Vial of Vampiric Blood
Potion, uncommon Wondrous item, rare
For the next hour after consuming this potion, you no This vial contains the cursed blood of a vampire. If
longer suffer from the Sunlight Sensitivity or Sunlight applied to a deep wound, it can introduce the disease-
Hypersensitivity traits if you did before. like curse that transforms a creature into a vampire, as
you are buried in a coffin within the next 72 hours, Sanctifying Amulet
you transform into a vampire, using the stat block in Wondrous item, rare
the Monster Manual (a player character can instead This amulet bears a teardrop shaped crimson gem
gain the vampire Greater Undeath), at the end of hanging from a silver chain, blessed by a powerful
those 72 hours. creature associated with the divine domain of life.
While wearing this amulet, you can’t reanimated as a
L uigi Castellani
Morbid Miscellany
96 The Reliquary
Trollsblood Potion Vial of Temporal Twilight
Potion, very rare Wondrous item, rare
As an action, you can pour this potion over a section This glass bottle has a swirling cloud within that
of a creature’s body that is severely damaged or seems to dim even the light around it. When you open
missing, such as a hand, toes, tail, or even a limb. the vial, it creates a 30-foot-radius sphere of dim light
Over the course of 5 minutes, the missing or damaged that spreads around corners. This area of dim light is
section is completely restored. not daylight and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it.
Curse. Any creature who has had a body part It lasts for 10 minutes, or until dispelled by a 3rd-level
restored by a trollsblood potion feels an unnatural spell or greater.
interest in fresh humanoid blood. Additionally, any A creature that starts its turn in the radius must
limbs that have been restored by trollsblood are cursed succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be
as well. If the creature does not consume humanoid blinded until the beginning of its next turn. Undead
blood for 30 days, any limbs that have been restored and fiends automatically succeed on this saving throw.
by the potion shrivel and become unusable until the Once used, this vial can’t be used again until the
creature consumes humanoid blood. next day at dawn.
you die while attuned to this item, you come back
as a revenant, using the stat block from the Monster
Manual (a player character can instead gain the
revenant Greater Undeath). If you complete the goal
of linen to fleck off.
While wearing these bandages, you gain a bonus
to the attack rolls and the damage rolls you make with
dead or undead creatures or their limbs. The bonus is
you’ve defined, you unattune from this item and it is determined by the bandage’s rarity, and such attacks
destroyed. You can’t unattune from this item by any also count as magical, if they didn’t already.
other means short of a wish spell.
You can craft this item by spending 1 minute to
swear an oath while tying a piece of string around one
of your limbs. You can’t attune to this item if it was
Morbid Miscellany
The Reliquary 97
Alex Tanner Rain-Junkie
Frozen Heart, Lich. Druid Undead Class Features, Circle of the Root.
Regrets, Locate Hallowed Ground. Martyr, Writhe Contortionist, Wraps of the Cadaver.
Caitlin Bradbury
e NotTheSmoooze
Monk Undead Class Features, Way of the Still Heart,
Warlock Pact of the Skin Features and Invocations.
Specialist, Bard Undead Class Features, Cleric
Undead Class Features, Fighter Undead Class
Features, Sorcerer Undead Class Features, Bodiless,
Vampire, Empowered Turning, Endure Sunlight,
Lifebond, Necromantic Presence, Avasculate, Blade
Elias Garoufalias Aevilok of Pain and Fear, Breath of Unlife, Fettered Mind,
Rogue Undead Class Features, Umbral Stalker, Ghost Touch, Summon Monstrosity, Embalmer’s
Restless Spirit, Revenant, Eternal Servitude, Tools, Bead of Night, Collapsible Coffin, Potion of
False Resurrection, Obol of Peaceful Rest, Willing Transformation (vampirism), Ritual Vial of
Undying Promise. Blood (vampiric), Sanctifying Amulet.
heavyarms Yorviing
Paladin Undead Class Features, Oath of the Damned. Wizard Undead Class Features, Osteomancy,
Abandon Flesh, Allure of the Grave, Beckon the
Israel Moreira Rotting Saint, Bone Dance, Bone Splitter, Choir of
Path of the Doomcaller, Undeath Domain, Circle of the Unliving, Garden of Bones, Gravewalker, Osseous
the Host, Damned Hunter, Light Trapper, Warlock Embrace, Ossuary, Shape Bones, Skeletal Dance,
Undead Class Features, Call of the Haunted. Skull Crown, Spinal Whip, Them Bones, Voice of the
Gravekeeper, Wall of Bones, Wings of Death.
Soulweaving Specialist, College of the Nameless,
Heavenscast, Incinerated Soul.
98 Acknowledgments
Content Warnings
Animal Death 8, 41 Heart/Heartbeats 95
Humanoid Leatherworking 60
Blood 8, 11, 50, 78–79, 96–97 L
Blood Drinking 97 Loss of Flesh 82
Body Modification via Insects 26, 28–29 Loss of Sight 47, 97
Body/Flesh Manipulation or Modification
8, 11, 29, 35, 54, 59–60, 65, 81, 83, 88–89 M
Bones 11, 59–60, 88–89, 92 Memory Manipulation 21
Bugs 8, 26, 28–29 Multiple Mouths / Orifices 83
Mutilation/Dismemberment 15, 85, 92
Cannibalism / Corpse Eating 31
Corpse / Grave Desecration
8, 12, 24, 60, 84–86, 93 e Necrosis/Decay 8, 26, 52, 65
Needles 8
Darkness 47 Possession 14, 62–64
Death by Hypothermia 46 Psychological Domination 85
Drowning 8 Psychological Trauma 56
Content Warnings 99