ToL Lore 3

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ToL Lore


°Austria get a Wittelsbach on their throne in 1156 which leads to them getting
annexed by Bavaria during their unification in 1503

°The Hanseatic League united first into a loose confederation after the Golden Bull
of 1356, because the states in the league had no power in imperial affairs and the
Bull was too biased towards Southern Germany. After the Hanseatic-Imperial Wars the
Duchy of Utrecht and the City of Lübeck aquired Electorate status, both part of the
Hanseatic League via the council of Lübeck, making the total number of electors 9
in 1360


°The Duchy of Silesia got ceded to Saxony from Bohemia after an unlawful czech King
in Bohemia took the throne, the Duke of Silesia pledged allegiance to Saxony which
lead to the Silesian wars which resulted in a pseudo Stalemate, with the czech King
remaining on the Bohemian throne, but Silesia being ceded to Saxony


°Valois Revival Attempt of Burgundy never happened and the Nation of Burgundy was
split with the County of Burgundy getting ceded to Lorraine and the Duchy of
Burgundy was ceded to France in the Treaty of Saarbrücken of 1532 kick-starting
Lorraines rise

°Seeing the Revolution brewing in France, LouisXVII left fort he Amouldi Colony
declaring Home Rule in 1803 leaving Louis-Antoine now LouisXIX to fend for himself
in an increasingly hostile environment with corrupt officials and terror in the
country side

°The Occitanians never get controlled by northern french dukes not ending the
occitan Golden Age, which leads to them never getting assimilated 

The failure of Northern French dukes to control Occitania leads to Calvinism

thriving amongst the Occitans, which is why their majority religion (90%) is
Huguenot. The kingdom of Navarre eventually followed suit and became a Huguenot
nation too, which explains the Jesuites Order in the South Colombian continent
(Wink wink)

This combined with the relative strength of the Basques (colonial empire), means
that the Gaskons (Occitans with noticeable Basque influence) still survive, albeit
with no national consciousness/cores of their own.

All this led the Northern French dukes to be reactionary, even more than the regime
in our timeline . On top of the above, the lack of easy land to redistribute lead
to the elites adopting serfdom. France TTL is, essentially, Tsarist Russia in otl. 
-The Netherlands-
°After gaining electorate status the Duchy of Utrecht left the Council of Lübeck
along with Brabant, Utrecht, Flanders and Gelderland and formed the monarchical
Council of Utrecht with the Duke of Orange at its head and started a heanseatic
schism/independence war. The CoU won and took the Duchy of Frisia in the Peace
Treaty of Minden in 1545
°After converting to Protestanism the Frisians did not comply and started multiple
rebellions against the Dutch Empire leading tot he Dutch setting up a penal colony
in West Africa.
°Frisia saw a lot of french settlement, following the persecution of french
Protestants in Normandy and Iles de France

-Eastern Europe-

°The Nobles of the Novgorod republic manage to be the ones forming Russia. The
Russian capital is in Novgorod and the veche ruling structure stays in the Russian
republic til 1836. 

°Venice and Genoa parted the world in two with Genoa getting the West and Venice
the East in the Treaty of Bergamo.
°Venice aided the Pope and got Ferrara in exchange
°Milan stayed independant, even though it got a bavarian duke on the throne

°The short lived Iberian union failed when the inquisition did.They collapsed back
into the Kingdoms of Toledo, Portugal, León - Navara-Galicia and Aragon.Later
Granada broke free from Toledo.
°León kept Galicia but lost Navara shortly after.

-Isa Ber Caliphate-

°The Songhai Duchy of Timbuktu conquered the Sahel in the name of Islam.
°At first the Caliphate was tolerant of other beliefs, but slowly the core oft he
empire started to rot and soon enough the empire was despised by many.

-Yoruba nations-
°After the violent fall of the Greater Ife Empire in 1375 many have assumed owner
ship and claimed to be the successor to the Ife.
°All Tribes and City states who once united Yorubaland
Ife-Abomey-Benin-Oyo-Egba-> present

°The Bantu never moved past the Kongo Basin, making it extremely over populated,
which decimated the Area with large deforestation in Order to feed its Inhabitants
----N/S America----

-Akino League-
°Hanseatic Fur Traders built Trading outposts alongside the Coast and the St.Lorenz
River since the 1600s, they were never truly part oft he Hanseatic Empire and were
quite independant and individualist making their independence in the late 1700s

-Zakatlan Euskarra
The Basque conquistadors did what the Castillians did in OTL, but only ruled the
entirety of Mexico for a century, because a Nahua revolt led by Moctezuma III
overthrew them, which lead to them fleeing into the relatively poor Mountains and
Deserts of Northern Mexico. Despite the relative closeness of their capital,
Enekoatlan, to the Nahua cradle of Mexihco-Tenotxtitlan, their loyal vassals, the
Otomi of Great Tlaxcala, bar the way to directly attack them. Since the Otomi king
is childless due to the recent war, however, the second he dies, Mexico descends
into a bloodbath 

-The Tenotx Empire

Moctezuma III’s alliance of Nahuas, Mayans and Zapotecs successfully overthrew the
hated half-whites. Unfortunately, he was unable to finish the job due to a
(fated?!) series of unfortunate events: first, the Zapotecs rebelled against the
dual alliance over rumors (vehemently denied by the Nahua-Mixtec and Mayan rulers)
that they would be forcefully assimilated. After 50 years (1656-1706)
unsuccessfully spent on the Zapotecs, the Genoese piratas became a threat, and
almost made the Mayans to secede out of Nahuan inability to resist them before the
great naval battle of Tikal bay turned the tide of the Tenotx around.Then, the
conquest of the Erdiko Colonbiarra (Middle Colombian) Minor tribes who lived along
with- and south of the Mayans preoccupied the Nahua-Mixtec from 1792-1812. Finally,
the second Tenotx revolt (1815-1835) ended in stalemate, as the Tenotx lightning
advance was stopped at the walls of Enekoatlan when the Miskito and Ngabe took the
opportunity to try to take over the Erdiko Colonbiarra tribes‘ lands.  

-Amouldi kingdom-
°The French colonized Southern America up to Nouvelle Paris (NYC) purely for profit
and transported a lot of Slaves there.

°Seeing the Revolution brewing in France, LouisXVII left fort he Amouldi Colony
declaring Home Rule in 1803 leaving Louis-Antoine now LouisXIX to fend for himself
in an increasingly hostile environment

°The Former Slave/Plantation Colony of the Germans gained Independence and
Liberated Karib (Cuba) and Texas and conquered the former Veldleuwer capital of Neu

°The Dutch colonized the Louisiana Territory which started in Neu Hague which was
conquered by the Germans after both gained independence.

-Gekke Staat-
° Gekke Staat is a Veldleuwer break away state. Some veldleuwerians went on the
Oregon trail en-masse, in search of gold and a better life. They were nicknamed
gekke (crazy) by the velds who didn't want to risk expanding to the west (and
honestly can't blame them, who would like to cross the Rocky Mountains for
something that couldn't even be there?). Eventually, the gekke estabilished a
nation in otl California's coasts. I guess the idea of unification was always kinda
present from the start, as they are basically sister nations: their people share
basically the same roots, both are liberal republics, and certainly relations have
always been kinda friendly.

-Jesuit Order-

The Jesuite Order a christian order that existed in OTL, it was responsible for
most conversions in Latin America, similarly in ToL, they were established early on
to protect natives and drive out slavery, all whilest they were converting
natives.Their Population consists of mixed Fraco-Italian decent.
The Pope and the French monarchy ordered the jesuits to aid them during and after
the reformation with the Huguenots and Protestants.After the Jesuits refused the
Pope accused them of not fulfilling their duties. Thus, when the Jesuit aid never
came, the Pope excommunicated.This started the second Roman Cathollic schism.
Eventually, all remaining pure whites were assimilated into the mestizo ruling
class/majority of the nation, the Enseignants (teachers).

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