Geopolymers and Other Alkali Activated Materials: Why, How, and What?

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Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25

DOI 10.1617/s11527-013-0211-5


Geopolymers and other alkali activated materials:

why, how, and what?
John L. Provis

Received: 22 July 2013 / Accepted: 29 October 2013 / Published online: 5 November 2013
Ó RILEM 2013

Abstract This paper presents a review of alkali- hydroxides in alkali-activated slags) are of significant
activation technology, moving from the atomic scale importance in determining the final properties of the
and chemical reaction path modelling, towards mac- materials, particularly in the context of durability. The
roscopic observables such as strength and durability of production of highly durable concretes must remain
alkali-activated concretes. These properties and length the fundamental aim of research and development in
scales are intrinsically interlinked, and so the chem- the area of alkali-activation. However, to enable the
istry of both low-calcium (‘geopolymer’) and high- term ‘highly durable’ to be defined in a satisfactory
calcium (blast furnace slag-derived) alkali-activated way, the underlying mechanisms of degradation—
binders can be used as a starting point from which which are not always the same for alkali-activated
certain engineering properties may be discussed and binders as for Portland cement-based binders, and
explained. These types of materials differ in chemis- cannot always be tested in precisely the same ways—
try, binder properties, chemical structure and micro- need to be further analysed and understood. The
structure, and this leads to the specific material process of reviewing a topic such as this will
properties of each type of binder. The secondary inevitably raise just as many questions as answers,
binder products formed during alkali-activation (zeo- and it is the intention of this paper to present both, in
lites in low-Ca systems, mostly layered double appropriate context.

Keywords Alkali-activation  Geopolymer 

This paper corresponds to the 2013 Robert L’Hermite Medal Chemical reaction modelling  Binder chemistry 
lecture of Prof. John L. Provis at the 2013 RILEM Annual Durability
Week in Paris, France. He was awarded the medal in
recognition of his outstanding contributions to the research and
development of geopolymers and other construction materials.
His research centres on the development, characterisation and 1 Introduction—why are alkali-activated
exploitation of advanced and non-traditional cement and materials attracting such interest?
concrete technology. Many of his projects involve alkali-
activated and geopolymer binders for use in infrastructure and
waste immobilisation applications. This paper is structured as a review spanning areas of
science and engineering related to the uptake of alkali-
J. L. Provis (&) activated binders as construction materials. This is an
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
area in which scientific and technological develop-
University of Sheffield, Sir Robert Hadfield Building,
Mappin St, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK ments are currently being made at a rapid pace, and so
e-mail: [email protected] it is both timely and necessary to consider the context
12 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25

surrounding these developments, and also the scien- inventory databases to enable fully accurate descrip-
tific underpinnings of alkali-activation technology. A tion of the various aspects of the emissions footprint of
much more detailed overview of many of the an alkali-activated binder, particularly with regard to
engineering aspects of alkali-activation, in particular the contribution of alkali silicates used as activators in
durability testing, is presented in the State-of-the-Art these materials [15].
Report of RILEM TC 224-AAM [1]. So, this paper The availability of such information will bring
will be focused on understanding fundamental chem- more consistency to the currently very diverse
ical mechanisms and the application of advanced outcomes of published life-cycle analysis studies of
characterisation tools to alkali-activated materials, alkali-activated binder systems. The current state of
particularly highlighting the application of advanced the art in this area is that a strong dependence of
spectroscopic methods and chemical reaction engi- emissions profiles on mix design and geographic
neering techniques in the development of novel parameters has been made evident [16], and the
construction materials. importance of some non-CO2 emissions categories
Alkali-activated binders, including the materials highlighted [17]. It is undoubtedly possible to produce
referred to as ‘geopolymers’, have attracted much alkali-activated binders with a CO2 emission profile
interest in academic and commercial spheres over the which provides savings compared to Portland cement-
past decade or more. These materials are produced based concretes, if the supply chain and mix design are
through the reaction of an aluminosilicate—normally developed with sustainability outcomes in mind.
supplied in powder form as an industrial by-product or However, neglecting these issues throughout the
other inexpensive material [2]—with an alkaline acti- materials design process can also lead to a situation
vator, which is usually a concentrated aqueous solution in which an alkali-activated material shows an emis-
of alkali hydroxide, silicate, carbonate or sulfate [1, 3]. sions profile worse than that of Portland cement-based
The name ‘geopolymer’ was introduced by Davidovits concretes. The widely-advertised high levels of CO2
in the 1970s [4], but the technology of alkali-activation emissions savings are not necessarily intrinsic to the
predates this terminology by more than 60 years, with a whole class of materials, but rather can be achieved
patent awarded to Kühl in 1908 [5], research and through careful and appropriate design of fit-for-
commercial work conducted in Belgium by Purdon purpose materials for the correct applications.
from the 1930s–1950s [6, 7], and an extensive program Alkali-activated binders have also been widely
of research, development and commercial-scale pro- advertised as showing potential for commercially
duction growing from the work of Glukhovsky in Kiev attractive properties are in applications requiring
from the 1950s onwards [8, 9]. More recent commercial chemical (acid) resistance or high-temperature resis-
development work has led to the larger scale availabil- tance [4, 18]. These properties are generally achieved
ity, and regulatory standardisation, of alkali-activated through the presence of an alkali aluminosilicate gel,
concretes in various parts of the world [1, 10–12]. as opposed to a calcium silicate hydrate type gel; the
The key reason why alkali-activation is gaining highly crosslinked (Q4) nature of the aluminosilicate
increasing recognition and interest, after more than ‘geopolymer’-type gel [19], and the resulting low
100 years of sporadic utilisation, is related to the bound water content, provide these properties to low-
potential for CO2 emission reductions when alkali- calcium alkali-activated binders. Some higher-cal-
activated materials are used in place of Portland cium alkali-activated binders can also show good
cement-based materials. Because the majority of the chemical durability [20, 21], while the high-temper-
material in an alkali-activated binder is generally ature properties of alkali-activated slag have been
derived from industrial by-products, to which little or shown to be improved through blending with metaka-
no environmental footprint is usually attributed [13], olin as a secondary Al source [22]. The high early
these binders have been identified as offering the strength of some alkali-activated binder mixes has
potential for notable Greenhouse emissions savings been widely advertised as a potentially advantageous
when compared with Portland cement [12, 14]. It is not property, but this is mainly achievable in slag-rich
the purpose of this review to address this issue in binders or metakaolin-based alkali-activated materi-
detail, beyond making the comment that it is evident als, and is much less widely observed in fly ash-based
that there is an urgent need for updated life-cycle systems cured under an ambient environment.
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25 13

For this and other reasons, it is critical to recognise generic information which is of value in moving any
that alkali-activated binders—and even the subset of new binder technology from being a solution in search
these materials which are known as geopolymers—are of a problem to a solution to an actual problem.
an extremely diverse grouping of materials. Their The global construction materials community is
properties can thus fall almost anywhere in the range currently facing increasing commercial and technologi-
from ‘high’ to ‘low’ according to almost any criterion cal pressures from multiple competing factors, including:
by which the performance of a material can be
– The need to reduce emissions of CO2 and other
measured, and so it is impossible to provide a list of
environmental pollutants on both national and
properties which are in any way ‘characteristic’ of
international levels, under different regulatory
alkali-activated materials in general. Because of this
regimes worldwide
diversity, it is essential to develop a detailed molec-
– Increasing demand for cement and concrete in
ular-level understanding of the chemical and physical
developing and middle-income nations, in parallel
characteristics which control the macroscopically
with reducing or stagnant demand in developed/
measurable performance of alkali-activated materials,
OECD nations
to enable the engineered design of materials which
– Increasing material performance requirements
provide desirable properties in a predictable and
resulting from more ambitious architectural, struc-
reliable way.
tural and/or engineering design
– Increased durability (service life) requirements,
including the consideration that, on a full life-
2 Binders for the future: diversification
cycle basis, sustainability and durability must be
for performance and sustainability
viewed in parallel
– The desire (and requirement) to recycle industrial
In many academic studies, novel cements are pre-
wastes and by-products, rather than landfilling
sented—in common with many other types of new
these potentially valuable materials
materials discussed in the broader materials science
– The need to avoid generation of human or
literature—as a solution in search of a problem. The
environmental health hazards through release of
attitude of many researchers has been that if a new
contaminants from consumer products containing
material is are able to be discussed from a scientific
recycled industrial wastes or by-products
perspective, the attractiveness of technical properties
will necessarily lead to some form of commercial These factors are all providing strong incentives for
uptake for a particular application. In the context of innovation in the development and use of construction
waste utilisation (or beneficiation, or valorisation), materials. However, the fact that the production of
this often takes the form of a publication in an construction materials is inherently a high volume/low
academic journal, which shows that an existing margin industry requiring large capital investment to
widely-used material can be blended with a given develop any new production facility, operating within
percentage of waste derived from a specific process/ a regulatory framework which is necessarily conser-
source, without compromising its performance to an vative, is a significant hindrance to the uptake of novel
unacceptable degree. However, considering the rela- technologies. Nonetheless, advances such as organic
tively limited volume of waste materials generated superplasticisers, blended Portland cement binders
from any single process when compared with the usual and ultra-high-performance concretes are meeting
throughput of a commercial-scale cement or concrete with broad market acceptance. There are now stan-
production facility, and the high variability from dards regimes in force in various parts of the world
month to month (or even from day to day) in many which allow the use of binders not based on Portland
such waste streams, it is essential for researchers to cement chemistry—including explicit description of
provide information on a more fundamental chemical/ non-Portland binders in standards in force in some
mineralogical level, to enable published results to be parts of the EU, several former Soviet nations,
more broadly useful beyond the very limited number China, and some states of Australia, as well as
of workers who happen to have access to exactly the via the performance-based standards which are gain-
same supply of raw (or waste) materials. It is this more ing in acceptance in the USA. These regulatory
14 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25

developments are discussed in more detail in the State- underpinning the science and technology of alkali-
of-the-Art Report of RILEM TC 224-AAM [1], and activation. This section will address issues in this area,
research and innovation are leading to a fundamental particularly focusing on the role of particle–fluid
philosophical shift towards performance-based stan- reaction processes in enabling the development of
dards regimes in the global construction industry [23], alkali-activated binders with more attractive perfor-
and this is driving larger-scale development of tech- mance in either the fresh or hardened state.
nologies such as alkali-activation. In this context,
some discussion of key results from the past decade of 3.1 Conceptual and mathematical models
research in this field will be presented in the following for alkaline activation processes
The reaction mechanism involved in the alkaline
activation of an aluminosilicate source is often
3 Reaction mechanisms and processes in alkali described, following the initial concepts developed
activation by Glukhovsky in the 1950s–1970s, and since
expanded and refined by many others [24], as a process
In any discussion of a material formed through a of dissolution, rearrangement, condensation and re-
chemical reaction process, a logical place to com- solidification. The first detailed mechanistic model of
mence the structural and chemical analysis of the this system was developed by Provis and Van Deventer
material is through understanding the mechanism by [25], parameterised and validated by comparison with
which it is formed. In the case of alkaline activation, data obtained through energy-dispersive X-ray dif-
this is a solution-mediated process, and so the fractometry (EDXRD) [26] and alternating current
reactions taking place between the alkaline activating impedance spectroscopy (ACIS) [27]. The model
solution and the solid aluminosilicate precursors framework itself was based on an earlier description
define the nature of the product formed. This extends of the weathering of aluminosilicate minerals [28],
beyond simple chemical effects, as the importance extended to incorporate the formation of multiple
(beneficial or detrimental) of any chemical reaction is aluminosilicate products with different degrees of
defined fundamentally not only by what the reaction cross-linking, as well as inclusion of the oligomeri-
is, but also when it takes place, and where within the sation which takes place among silicate species in
structure of the reaction mixture. This means that concentrated solution [29, 30]. Figure 1 presents a
chemical reaction engineering is fundamental in schematic depiction of this mathematical model.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram

of a conceptual/
mathematical model for
alkaline activation of a low-
Ca aluminosilicate source
such as metakaolin or low-
Ca (siliceous/Class F) fly
ash. Developed from
concepts presented in [25]
and extended in [27]
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25 15

The application of this model to the description of additional reaction pathways or components—meaning
the reaction processes taking place during the reaction that, for example, it has not yet proven possible to
of metakaolin to form a geopolymer gel has proven describe alkaline-activation reactions involving calcium
successful, particularly in comparison with ACIS data using this methodology, because the fundamental
[27], which were able to provide a quantitative time reaction steps are defined in terms of the formation of
scaling to the model, Fig. 2. Si–O–(Si,Al) bonds, and the greater crystal-chemical
This approach to modelling provides detailed insight complexity of the Ca-containing reaction products
into the influence of various chemical parameters (water (partially ordered silicate chain structures as well as
content, Si/Al ratio, temperature), and some simple discrete Ca-rich hydrate phases) is not so readily
physical parameters (particle surface area), on the described by an essentially polymerisation-based mod-
reaction processes taking place during the reaction elling framework. The products of alkaline activation of
between a solid aluminosilicate and an alkaline solution. slag have been described by thermodynamic [31],
However, it is limited by its lack of scalability to include stoichiometric [32] and gel nanostructural [33, 34]
models, but no detailed reaction-path description of this
process has yet been published.
The other main shortcoming of a purely reaction
kinetics-based approach to the description of alkali
activation is that the influence of spatially-resolved
processes (particularly those which take place at parti-
Conductivity (S/m)

cle–fluid interfaces) is not captured accurately by
equations formulated on a bulk concentration basis. This
0.6 Reaction stages is even the case when the rates are scaled by particle
I II III IV surface area, because the effects of mass transport
through the fluid to the interface, where the reaction takes
place, are still not able to be captured accurately. The fact
0.2 that alkaline activation is controlled to such a large extent
by molecular-scale processes led to this length scale as
0 being the preferred starting point for the development of
1 a spatially-resolved mathematical description of the
process, and this simulation methodology appears to be
more readily scaleable than the reaction path modelling
0.8 Solid described in the preceding paragraphs.
Fraction of Si & Al

In describing the three-dimensional nanostructural

0.6 development of an alkali-activated binder on a molec-
ular length scale, it is obviously necessary to make
some compromises regarding the level of granularity of
the model, to enable a relatively representative volume
of material to be described within a computationally
accessible timeframe. For metakaolin geopolymerisa-
Dissolved tion, the obvious units to use in such a coarse-graining
0 procedure are monomeric silicate or aluminate species,
0 10 20 30 40 50 and so the most fundamental model parameters then
Reaction time (h)
become the interaction energies between these units,
Fig. 2 Correspondence between model predictions of struc- describing the likelihood of Si–O–(Si,Al) bond forma-
tural evolution during the reaction of metakaolin with a sodium tion. These energies can be calculated directly via
silicate solution (SiO2/Na2O molar ratio 2.0), using the model density functional theory [35], which provides infor-
outlined in Fig. 1, and the evolution of conductivity with
mation on the energetics of the bond formation/
reaction time as measured by ACIS. Reaction stages are
identified as: I dissolution, II dissolution and reorientation, III breakage processes when two Si or Al units are in
gelation, and IV cross-linking. Data from [27] close proximity with each other. The use of these
16 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25

interaction energies in a coarse-grained Monte Carlo ongoing, and the scaleability of the fundamental model
modelling framework, where bonds can break and form architecture means that this approach provides scope
between monomers (which are the fundamental units for much broader application and extension in future.
used in the coarse-graining procedure, Fig. 3), and
monomeric units can move in space according to 3.2 Techniques for in situ characterisation
diffusion-like processes, provides an opportunity to of reaction processes
generate three-dimensional information regarding the
fundamental nature of the silicate [36] and aluminosil- Having discussed the theoretical description of alkali-
icate [37] gels which form during the geopolymerisa- activation reaction processes, it is essential to also
tion of metakaolin, and in other related systems such as comment on the techniques available for the charac-
hydrothermal zeolite synthesis. terisation of such processes, using laboratory or beam-
Figure 3 shows that this approach to mathematical line instruments. The focus here is on less-widely-used
simulation of the geopolymerisation process is able to techniques, rather than more standard laboratory meth-
reproduce the fundamental microstructural character- ods such as isothermal calorimetry; while such methods
istics of the reaction process: the layered metakaolin are certainly able to provide useful information
particle is attacked by the alkaline solution, and the regarding alkali-activation [38–44], they are generally
aluminate and silicate units released by its dissolution well-understood, and can be applied in much the same
can then rearrange and grow into a gel which becomes way as for Portland cement-based systems, and have
space-filling. Differences in the nature of the gel, and been reviewed in more detail in [45].
the mechanism of its reaction, can be identified when The rapid reaction of many geopolymer formulations
changing from a hydroxide activating solution to a means that a short measurement time per point is essential
silicate-rich solution, with processes such as Ostwald for in situ analysis; synchrotron radiation is particularly
ripening identifiable through analysis of the evolution valuable in enabling collection of in situ scattering data
of cluster size distributions as a function of time [37]. during geopolymer formation [26, 46–48], while some
The direct mapping of the Monte Carlo reaction steps specialised laboratory instruments can also provide in situ
onto a real-world time scale has not yet proven possible, data [49], and in situ neutron scattering can also be
but work related to the extension of this model is conducted, albeit at a lower time resolution (timescale of

Fig. 3 Schematic of the

description of metakaolin
geopolymerisation by a
coarse-grained Monte Carlo
model [37], demonstrated as
the reaction of a solid
layered aluminosilicate
particle (top left) into a
solution region filled with
NaOH, with reorientation
and geopolymer gel
formation processes taking
place over time
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25 17

minutes rather than seconds for a synchrotron source) and chemistry, and so they will be discussed in two
[50]. Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) geometry pro- categories according to calcium content here, as this
vides the opportunity to conduct Fourier transform appears to be the main determinant in whether the
infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in situ; it is possible to binder is network-like or chain-like in terms of silicate
collect data in timesteps of less than a minute, as shown in structures.
Fig. 4. Data such as these have been used in the study of Low-calcium aluminosilicate precursors such as fly
geopolymerisation, to provide understanding of the role ash and metakaolin are most commonly activated with
of alkali content [51], seeded nucleation [52, 53], and the alkali metal hydroxide or silicate solutions, and a
release rates and availability of silica and alumina [54, relatively high pH is required to induce the reaction of
55]. The combination of time resolved ATR-FTIR data these precursors. The gel structural units present in a
with spatially-resolved infrared microscopy data [53–55] calcium-free alkali aluminosilicate binder (corre-
has proven to be particularly valuable in understanding sponding to the reaction mechanism in Fig. 1) can
the details of chemical heterogeneity within geopolymer be viewed as the disordered analogue of an alumino-
gels. silicate zeolite-like structure [56], where the local
This understanding of reaction mechanisms is the first ordering of Si and Al is determined by the thermody-
essential step in developing the ability to tailor binders for namic energy penalty associated with Al–O–Al bond
durability and performance [2], which is intrinsically formation [57]. The thermodynamic preference for
interlinked with the next topic to be discussed in this Al–O–Al bond avoidance is sufficiently strong that as
review, the nature of the hardened binder itself. long as the Si/Al ratio is at least slightly higher than
1.0, the materials can be described as following the
‘Loewenstein rule’ [58], which states that Al–O–Al
4 Chemistry and structure of hardened alkali- bonds are strongly disfavoured in tetrahedral struc-
activated binders tures. This explains why crystalline zeolites are the
most common secondary phase identified in low-
4.1 Low-calcium alkali-activated binders calcium alkali-activated binder systems, with com-
(geopolymers) monly observed zeolite species including faujasite-
type structures (particularly zeolite Na–X), chabazite–
The category of materials broadly described as ‘alkali- Na, gismondine-group phases, hydrosodalite and/or
activated materials’ are extremely diverse in structure hydroxysodalite, analcime-group structures (including
the potassium and caesium analogues, leucite and
pollucite), and zeolite Na–A.
On this basis, it is reasonable to expect that the local
structure of the geopolymer gel would be in some
sense similar to the local structure of these types of
zeolites. This was proposed initially by Davidovits
[59] on the basis of initial magic angle spinning
nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectros-
copy studies of metakaolin-derived binders, and the
collection of higher-resolution 29Si MAS NMR spec-
tra for materials derived from both metakaolin [19, 60,
61] and fly ash [62, 63], has provided further support
for this identification. However, NMR spectroscopy
provides limited structural information beyond the
nearest tetrahedral neighbour, due to the broad the
peaks inherent in solid-state analysis of disordered
Fig. 4 Example of the raw spectral data which can be obtained materials, and the same is true for infrared spectros-
from in situ ATR-FTIR analysis of geopolymerisation. Data
copy, and many other atomic or molecular spectros-
shown are one spectrum per minute for the first 50 h of reaction,
in the wavenumber range 500–1,300 cm-1, for the reaction of copy-based techniques. This length scale between the
fly ash with NaOH solution at 40 °C. Data from [51] atomic level (a few Ångstroms) and the length scales
18 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25

probed through traditional crystallography (tens of unheated geopolymer and in the crystalline pollucite,
nanometres) is accessible only through a limited other than some minor differences which are able to be
number of analytical techniques which can be applied identified by partial PDF decomposition as being due to
to complex materials; the one of these which has been rearrangement of Cs? ions upon crystallisation [67].
of the most value to date in the analysis of low-calcium Similar structural identifications through gel crystalli-
alkali-activated binders is pair distribution function sation have also been undertaken for potassium alumi-
(PDF) analysis [64–66]. This technique involves nosilicate geopolymers with Si/Al = 2, which tend to
taking the Fourier transform of high-resolution, resemble leucite [68, 69]; the sodium-containing ana-
high-momentum transfer (‘high-Q’, where logues at this Si/Al ratio do not crystallise as readily to a
Q ¼ 4p sin
k ) X-ray or neutron scattering data, which single phase [70], which limits the use of this specific
provides real-space information regarding interatomic heating-based method for those materials. However, the
correlations, as shown in Fig. 5. Here, a horizontal line identification of analcime-group phases in both the Cs-
represents a structure which is essentially random with and K-containing systems did lead to the suggestion
regard to atomic positions at that length scale, while that the gel structure in a sodium aluminosilicate
peaks and troughs represent either an increased or geopolymer may also share some structural features
decreased probability of finding atoms (or, more with analcime, and this assumption has been used
precisely, scattering density—which may be negative successfully in the thermochemical description of the
in the case of neutrons) separated by a distance r. process of geopolymerisation in the presence of sodium
Figure 5 shows that the local structure of the [38, 39]. Structural features characteristic of sodalite-
geopolymer binder (bottom data set) is highly disor- group minerals, particularly four-membered rings, have
dered beyond a length scale of approximately 10 Å, but also been observed in the PDFs of NaOH-activated
shows significant structural ordering on a length scale metakaolin binders from very early age, long before
below that [67]. Upon heating of the material beyond crystalline phases are able to be observed crystallo-
1,100 °C, the geopolymer crystallises to pollucite, graphically [47].
which has a longer-range ordered structure, as seen by PDF analysis has also been applied in the area of
the distinct structural features at distances of up to 30 Å construction materials science to the analysis of C–S–
in Fig. 6. However, the local structure (below 8–10 Å) H structures [65, 71, 72], and the analysis of the
remains largely unchanged during heating, indicating fundamental nature of metakaolin, a key supplemen-
that the framework structure is very similar in the tary cementitious material as well as an important
geopolymer precursor [73–75]. This is a technique
with enormous potential in enhancing the understand-
Pollucite 1100°C, 24h
ing of nanoscale-ordered phases, such as those which
dominate the strength and durability performance of
1200°C many construction materials, and is likely to gain in
1150°C importance and accessibility as high-Q capabilities are
now becoming available on a wider range of labora-
G(r) (Å )

Longer-range order 1100°C

develops during heating
(crystallisation) 1050°C
tory diffractometers [76].
Another key structural characteristic of low-cal-
cium geopolymeric materials is the fact that alkali
cations are present in non-framework sites, compen-
Local structure Unheated
largely unchanged
sating for the net negative framework charge induced
during heating Geopolymer by the substitution of tetrahedral Al for Si. The cations
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0
will generally be associated with the oxygen atoms in
r (Å) the framework, rather than being located directly next
to Al atoms (as is often drawn in structural sketches of
Fig. 5 Example of X-ray pair distribution function data for a geopolymer structures in the literature). There is a
geopolymer of composition Cs2OAl2O34SiO2nH2O, both as-
preference for larger alkali cations over smaller
synthesised (bottom), and heated to temperatures as marked at a
heating rate of 10 °C/min, with no hold time for all samples cations, with Cs noted to be preferentially bound (less
other than the 1,100 °C, 24 h sample. Data from [67] leachable) compared to Na [77], and K known to be
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25 19

more rapidly and tightly included into the gel structure carbonate and sulfate solutions in addition to the
(preferentially partitioned from the pore solution into hydroxides and silicates which are used in lower-
the solid state) than Na at early age [78, 79]. Sodium calcium systems [1, 11, 90]. However, the majority of
cations are to some extent exchangeable, particularly published work in these systems has related to higher-
in samples synthesised at high water/solids ratios [80], alkalinity activators, particularly silicates, as these
which raises questions around the possible leaching of provide more rapid setting and strength development
alkalis from such materials, and potential conse- under ambient curing conditions.
quences related to efflorescence. Efflorescence in The products of the reaction between blast furnace
geopolymers is often observed as the formation of slag and an alkali metal silicate or hydroxide solution
alkali carbonate deposits on the surfaces of samples are generally dominated by an aluminium-substituted
which have been held partially in contact with water calcium silicate hydrate gel [91]. This gel is toberm-
[81–83], but can be controlled either through the orite-like in structure, broadly comparable to the gel
provision of adequate sealed curing duration to enable structure which results from Portland cement hydra-
the formation of a tortuous pore network, or by tion (dominated by Q1 and Q2 silicon environments),
addition of Al-rich secondary binder components such but with a lower Ca content and more Al substitution
as calcium aluminate cement or metakaolin [81]. into tetrahedral sites, particularly the bridging sites in
While much of the discussion in the preceding few the dreierketten type chains [33, 91]. This leads to a
paragraphs has focused on metakaolin-based systems higher degree of polymerisation, and also a significant
rather than those derived from fly ash, due largely to degree of crosslinking between tobermorite chains,
the greater amenability of metakaolin-based binders to evidenced by the presence of Q3 sites, and consistent
analysis by advanced analytical techniques, many of with the Crosslinked Substituted Tobermorite Model
the same structural concepts also hold true for fly ash- developed recently for application to these binders
based geopolymers [24, 25, 84]. The work that has [34]. However, once the Al content of the C–A–S–H
been conducted on these systems indicates a similar gel passes a certain limiting value (approximately one
Q4-structured, pseudo-zeolitic gel as the reaction site in every 6–10 chain sites, depending on the chain
product of most low-calcium (Class F or siliceous) length), the degree of crosslinking will start to
fly ashes undergoing geopolymerisation [62, 85, 86], decrease with further Al incorporation, as the forma-
and so the structural similarities between these tion of Al–O–Al bonds between tetrahedral sites is
systems and the materials derived from metakaolin strongly disfavoured. So, crosslinking will not take
are often used to provide analogies between the place between chains which are saturated in Al, and
systems. There are certainly important differences in this leads to a decrease in both crosslinking extent and
gel chemistry between the two systems, particularly mean chain length [34].
the fact that the fly ash-based binders can be produced There are also a wide range of secondary phases
at a much lower water/binder ratio than metakaolin- observed in alkali-activated binders derived from
based systems due to the more amenable particle metallurgical slags, as shown schematically in Fig. 6.
morphology of fly ash [87]. This couples with the Ca This is a very approximate depiction of a chemically
supplied by most fly ashes to give a more stable complex system, where the concentrations of at least six
microstructure in these materials, which retain or gain components (Ca, Mg, Si, Al, Na, S), as well as
strength with very long-term curing, compared to the alkalinity, water/binder ratio and curing environment
often-observed partial crystallisation and gradual (duration, humidity and temperature), are all important
strength decrease of metakaolin-based geopolymers in determining the exact phase assemblage formed.
when kept in a warm and moist environment [88, 89]. Some key points to note from Fig. 6 include:
– The C–A–S–H gel will include significant quan-
4.2 Higher-calcium alkali-activated binders
tities of Na, in defined charge-balancing sites and/
or sorbed onto the gel itself, and so may also be
Blast furnace slag is more reactive at moderately
written C–(N)–A–S–H. The role of the alkalis in
alkaline pH than fly ash or metakaolin, and so alkali-
the gel structure is beginning to be understood [97,
activation of slags can be achieved with a much
98], but the importance of the various secondary
broader range of activators, including alkali metal
20 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25

binders which are much more amorphous in crystallo-

graphic terms [99]. The C–(N)–A–S–H gel in alkali
silicate-activated slag systems is quite disordered, or at
least ordered only on a length scale too short to measure
by traditional crystallographic techniques. Both these
and the more ordered NaOH-activated slag systems have
been analysed by the PDF technique [47, 48], and show
significant evolution in local structure between early age
(2 days) and more mature (128 days) binders. This is
consistent with the earlier electron diffraction data of
Richardson et al. [91] for KOH-activated slag binders,
which are both relatively ordered (by the standards of
cementitious gels) and have a sufficiently high Al/Si
ratio that the degree of crosslinking is low [91].
Fig. 6 Schematic representation of phase formation within The chemical environments within alkali-activated
alkali-activated binders; ordered products are shown in green binders are complex in terms of pore solution speci-
and disordered products in blue. Zeolites form as the main ation and redox environments, and so much further
crystalline secondary products in systems with low Ca content
work is required to fully validate the influence of pore
and/or low Mg content, while hydrotalcite forms from Mg-rich
slags, and AFm-type phases form in most blast furnace-slag solution chemistry on steel corrosion in particular. The
based binders in the presence of sufficient Al. Data collated from ability of the highly alkaline pore solution to resist pH
many published studies including [1, 31, 34, 44, 62, 92–96]. changes provides potentially interesting performance
(Color figure online)
characteristics to these materials, although there are
certainly complicating influences related to binder
phases in determining the structural role of alkalis
chemistry which remain to be fully unravelled [100].
remains to be explored in detail.
This discussion thus leads to analysis of the charac-
– The degree of uptake of Al into the C–A–S–H gel is
teristics of alkali-activated binders which enable (or in
restricted by the chain structure of the tobermorite-
some cases hinder) the use of these binders to produce
like gel, and the thermodynamic preference for
durable concretes, which is in the end the key aim of
avoidance of Al–O–Al bonding within this gel phase
almost all cementitious binders used worldwide.
[33, 34]. This means that the secondary phases will
often be enriched in Al compared to the gel itself.
– Mg substitution into C–A–S–H type gels is
limited, and so this element will react with Al to 5 Using alkali-activated binders to make durable
form hydrotalcite-type phases [34], often inti- concretes
mately intermixed with the silicate gel [91]. The
use of slags with low Mg content will lead to the The key steps towards producing a useful alkali-
formation of zeolites instead of hydrotalcite [44]. activated concrete revolve around the design of an
– AFm type phases which form in alkali-activated appropriate combination of binder, aggregates and
binders at early age are often disordered and admixtures which will give performance (rheology,
identifiable mainly by NMR; they become more strength and durability) which is fit for purpose in the
distinct and crystalline at later ages [62]. desired application. In this context, it is important to
– N–A–S–H type gels are very likely to coexist as a consider various aspects of durability, including how it
minor secondary product in addition to C–A–S–H can be tested. This is discussed in detail in [1], but
type gels within much of the compositional range some brief comments follow:
of alkali-activated blast furnace slags [34], and in
– Carbonation of alkali-activated binders in service
increasing prevalence in blends with fly ash [93] or
appears to be acceptably slow, in disagreement
metakaolin [22, 44].
with the results of accelerated laboratory tests
The binder structure is more ordered when hydroxide [100, 101]. This is related to the pH changes
activators are used, compared to silicate-activated induced by different partial pressures of CO2 in
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25 21

alkaline solutions, and the consequent changes in binders are now attracting a great deal of attention for
gel structure [62, 101]. reasons of both technical and environmental perfor-
– Alkali-aggregate reactions in alkali-activated mance, but their chemistry, reaction processes (includ-
binders seem to be restricted by the high content ing rheology), structure and durability must be better
of Al present, leading to the formation of non- understood if the real capabilities of the materials are
expansive gels rather than damaging expansive to live up to their advertised properties. Much progress
products [102–105]. has been made toward this end during the past decade,
– Chloride penetration testing of alkali-activated but further understanding is needed, particularly in
materials has given results ranging from ‘almost multi-scale characterisation linking length scales on
zero’ to much higher than Portland cement con- which transport processes and chemical reaction take
crete. This is largely a function of the fact that: place. This requires multidisciplinary insight spanning
(a) some standard testing methods are much more fields including, but not limited to: physics, chemistry
sensitive to pore solution chemistry than to actual (aqueous, solid-state and interfacial), materials sci-
chloride movement, leading to unreliable results ence, chemical engineering, and civil engineering;
when applied to non-Portland cements [1]; and each of these fields provides a different viewpoint
(b) the pore structures of alkali-activated materials from which the key questions can be addressed,
do actually span the range from highly imperme- bringing additional value by providing pathways
able to highly permeable, and this needs to be around some of the subconscious assumptions which
understood and better controlled [106]. are specific to researchers in each other field. The
– Sulfate resistance of alkali-activated concretes chemical and physical processes involved in the
depends very much on the nature of the exposure synthesis and durability of concretes—either tradi-
environment; sodium sulfate, as commonly used in tional or alkali-activated—take place across many
standard laboratory tests, has very little influence orders of magnitude in both length and time scales,
on most alkali-activated binders, while alkali- and thus provide complex questions requiring multi-
activated slag is subject to degradation by decal- faceted answers. This paper has been intended to
cification induced by the Mg in MgSO4 solutions sketch some answers while identifying further impor-
[107]. However, whether this should really be tant questions related to the future of alkali-activation
considered ‘sulfate attack’ is another matter as a viable method of production of useful, durable
entirely, as it is really a process induced by Mg. concretes with reduced environmental impact com-
pared to many of the materials currently in use. Much
These, and many other aspects of durability, are
is now known about these materials, but much still
essential to the commercial-scale deployment of alkali-
remains to be known, and this provides both oppor-
activated concretes. While acceptable field perfor-
tunities and challenges to researchers, practitioners,
mance has been achieved by commercial alkali-
regulators and end-users.
activated concretes, and the scientific understanding
of the phenomena which control these aspects of Acknowledgments The work described here has been made
durability is rapidly increasing, it is essential to possible through collaboration with many people over a number
continue to build consensus regarding validation of of years. A good share of the credit for the RILEM Robert
testing methods for these materials. It is only in this way L’Hermite Medal certainly belongs to the colleagues and
students with whom I have worked over the past decade, and
that the community will be able to build the technical so I thank them for their input and hard work which has enabled
confidence required for further standardisation of these me to write this review. First and foremost, I owe a major debt to
materials in a wider range of jurisdictions and appli- Professor Jannie van Deventer, who has been my mentor,
cations according to their technical potential. supervisor and longstanding collaborator (from both academic
and industrial perspectives), and has given his unstinting support
in every aspect of my career. My students and postdocs, I hope
you have been able to learn from me some fraction of the amount
6 Concluding remarks
I have learned from you, and I hope that my descriptions of your
work have done justice to it. My collaborators and colleagues, in
This review has sketched links from fundamental Melbourne, Sheffield, and all over the world (including RILEM
alkali-activated binder chemistry to the use of these TCs 224-AAM, 238-SCM, and 247-DTA), who have shared
time, expertise, ideas and data with me, this has always been a
binders in producing construction materials. These
22 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:11–25

pleasure. Among these people, particular thanks are due to Dr 15. McGuire EM, Provis JL, Duxson P, Crawford R (2011)
Peter Duxson, with whom discussions have always been Geopolymer concrete: is there an alternative and viable
thought-provoking, productive and fun, and have led (directly technology in the concrete sector which reduces carbon
or indirectly) to much of the science described in this review. To emissions? In: Concrete 2011, CD-ROM proceedings,
those who have given me opportunities—and particularly the Concrete Institute of Australia, Perth, Australia
chance to take on a Chair at the University of Sheffield—I am 16. McLellan BC, Williams RP, Lay J, van Riessen A, Corder
truly grateful. To the agencies who have provided financial GD (2011) Costs and carbon emissions for geopolymer
support, particularly the Australian Research Council through pastes in comparison to ordinary Portland cement. J Clean
numerous projects, and also Zeobond as a key industry partner in Prod 19(9–10):1080–1090
much of my work, I hope that I have made good use of the 17. Habert G, d’Espinose de Lacaillerie JB, Roussel N (2011)
money! Finally, and most importantly, to the person who An environmental evaluation of geopolymer based con-
proofreads and reality-checks all of my papers, my wife, crete production: reviewing current research trends.
collaborator, inspiration and partner in everything I do, Dr Susan J Clean Prod 19(11):1229–1238
A. Bernal—it’s all for you. 18. Duxson P, Provis JL, Lukey GC, van Deventer JSJ (2007) The
role of inorganic polymer technology in the development of
‘Green concrete’. Cem Concr Res 37(12):1590–1597
19. Duxson P, Provis JL, Lukey GC, Separovic F, van Deventer
References JSJ (2005) 29Si NMR study of structural ordering in alu-
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