Akali-Activated Cements Opportunities and Challeges

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Cement and Concrete Research 29 (1999) 249–254

Alkali-activated cements
Opportunities and challenges
Della M. Roy *
Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA
Manuscript received 1 April 1998; accepted manuscript 27 April 1998

Alkali-activated cements as discussed here are those with compositions falling in the Me2O-MeO-Me2O3-SiO2-H2O system. This paper
reviews their history of development and discusses their present status. Currently, there are major opportunities for such cements based upon
(a) substantial knowledge of properties and mechanisms; (b) good track record of field performance in various applications and; (c) future
orientation as environmentally friendly materials in accord with making use of substantial amounts of by-product and waste materials,
thereby consuming less energy and generating less waste. The equivalent performance to Portland cement materials is one target for these
cements, but, in many cases, the properties of alkali-activated cements actually are superior. It is important for assuring long-term durability
to characterize more fully the complex solid phases, including determining the combined state of alkali in the solid hydration products, and
of the residual soluble species in the pore fluids as a function of time. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Alkali activated cements; Acceleration; Pozzolan; Reaction; Durability

Building from a history starting in the 1940s, there have velopment of alkali-activated or alkaline cements has been
been many recent developments in alkali-activated cements based on activated slags [34–37], as will be seen there is
[1–33]. But the use of alkaline activators to stimulate the la- great potential for utilization of these other by-products.
tent pozzolanic properties of materials has an even longer At the other end of the spectrum, there is considerable in-
history; in fact, the initial use dates from at least the time of terest in utilizing such by-product materials in the synthesis
Nebuchadnezzar. Bricks in the city of Ur of the Chaldees and processing of high-performance cementitious materials.
have been found to have produced from a mixture of lime Recent advances have led to the development of new fami-
and ashes. Studies of the alkali activation of glassy blast- lies of high-performance cementitious materials, including
furnace slag have a long history in the former Soviet Union, very high strength (for cements) materials. Some of these
Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe [1]. The Trief cements and materials cross the boundaries of what have been defined as
F-cements from the Scandinavian countries [2,3] and alkali- traditional cementitious materials, and the term chemically
activated blended cements (sold under the trade name Pyra- bonded ceramics has been used to classify these new mate-
ment) are more recent examples [4–6]. In recent years, par- rials. Chemically bonded ceramics are defined as ceramic-
ticular emphasis has been placed on the utilization of like materials formed as the result of chemical reactions
industrial by-products in chemically bonded ceramics [4,7]. occurring at or near ambient temperatures [7]. Additionally,
In addition, the annual output of fly ashes from power these cements may be more durable than hydrated Portland
plants and other by-product materials is so enormous that cement.
there is a constant need to find new uses for them [8,9]. Ap-
proximately 49% of the utility wastes are simply land filled,
41% are contained in surface impoundments, and about 1. General background and status of
10% are disposed of by discharging into old quarry opera- alkali-activated/alkaline cements
tions. Increasingly, storage is conducted “on site” due to re- In this treatment, we will discuss both alkali-activated
duced costs to the utilities. This is to say nothing of the need systems and materials for which the “activator” becomes a
to utilize SO3-rich by-products. Although much of the de- more essential component of the product. The discussion is
organized as follows, with a major emphasis on the history/
background leading to the current state of knowledge and
* Tel.: 814-863-1196; Fax: 814-863-7070; E-mail: [email protected]. need for future developments: history/background, status of
0008-8846/99/$–see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 8 - 8 8 4 6 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 9 3 - 3
250 D.M. Roy/Cement and Concrete Research 29 (1999) 249–254

current knowledge, systems/materials, mechanisms, charac- and alkaline cements [2,3,5,10–33]. The formative works of
terization, properties, new methods of study, applications, Feret [10], Purdon [11], and Glukhovsky [12,13] have al-
needed knowledge, and future directions. ready been mentioned briefly as those that provide the earli-
The last century has focused quite properly its technol- est groundwork. Glukhovsky, in particular, emphasized the
ogy on Portland cements, those cementitious materials difference between the composition of traditional Portland
based on compositions in the MeO-Me2O3-SiO2 system, cements and the basic rock-forming minerals of the earth’s
concentrating on the development of binding systems con- crust. The major hydration in products of the former are, of
sisting of the high calcium content minerals, C3S, C2S, C3A, course, calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and portlandite
and C4AF. These systems have served well, but not without (Ca(OH)2), whereas the latter are more represented by
some drawbacks: synthesis of high CaO minerals involves zeolitic materials, containing alkalis. The formation of the
large fuel and energy consumption. Because Portland ce- latter should give rise to the probability of enhanced dura-
ment and concrete derived from it constitute the largest vol- bility. This is aside from the role of alkali-activated cements
ume manufactured material in the world, it is a significant in helping protect the environment through a) their utiliza-
source of carbon dioxide. This is the result of decarbonation tion of by-product materials in their manufacture and b) end
of limestone in the kiln during manufacturing applications in waste management [16,23,38–41].
5CaCO 3 + 2SiO 2 → 3CaO ⋅ SiO 2 + 2CaO ⋅ SiO 2 + 5CO 2
2.2. Earth materials/“soil cements”
and the use of fossil fuel in the kiln. The production of 1 ton
of Portland cement accounts for 1 ton of CO2. Furthermore, Emphasizing the “earth materials” association, Davi-
there are certain limitations regarding the durability of the dovits [14] developed and patented [5,18] analogous alka-
concrete products. Therefore, it is appropriate that now more line cements in which sintering products of kaolinite and
attention should be given to more conservative systems. limestone or dolomite were used as the aluminosilicate con-
stituent. These cements were called “geopolymers” and
have been put into practice under the trademark Pyrament
2. History and development and others. The “F-cement” in Finland of Forss [2] and
“geocements” in the Ukraine of Krivenko [32,34] fall
2.1. Earliest history
within this category, and the latter, especially, underline the
Table 1 chronogically summarizes some important refer- presence within their hydration products of analogues to
ences outlining steps in the development of alkali-activated natural minerals. The interest in alkaline aluminate, Port-

Table 1
Bibliographic history of alkali-activated and alkaline cements: Alkali-activated cement systems and alkaline cements (including geocements/ancient analogs)
Author(s) Year Significance Ref. no.
Feret 1939 Slags used for cement 10
Purdon 1940 Alkali-slag combinations 11
Glukhovsky 1959 Theoretical basis and development of alkaline cements 12
Glukhovsky 1965 First called “alkaline cements” because natural substances used as components 13
Davidovits 1979 “Geopolymer” term—emphasizes greater polymerization 14
Malinowski 1979 Ancient aqueducts characterized 15
Forss 1983 F-cement (slag-alkali-superplasticizer) 2
Langton and Roy 1984 Ancient building materials characterized (Roman, Greek, Cyprus) 16
Davidovits and Sawyer 1985 Patent leading to “Pyrament” 18
Krivenko 1986 D.Sc. Thesis, R2O-RO-R2O3-SiO2-H2O 17
Malolepsy and Petri 1986 Activation of synthetic melilite slags 19
Malek et al. 1986 Slag cement-low level radioactive waste forms 20
Davidovits 1987 Ancient and modern concretes compared 21
Deja and Malolepsy 1989 Resistance to chlorides shown 22
Kaushal et al. 1989 Adiabatic cured nuclear waste forms from alkaline mixtures including zeolite formation 23
Roy and Langton 1989 Ancient concrete analogs 24
Majumdar et al. 1989 C12A7 - slag activation 25
Talling and Brandstetr 1989 Alkali-activated slag 3
Wu et al. 1990 Activation of slag cement 26
Roy et al. 1991 Rapid setting alkali-activated cements 27
Roy and Silsbee 1992 Alkali-activated cements: overview 28
Palomo and Glasser 1992 CBC with metakaolin 29
Roy and Malek 1993 Slag cement 30
Glukhovsky 1994 Ancient, modern and future concretes 31
Krivenko 1994 Alkaline cements 32
Wang and Scrivener 1985 Slag and alkali-activated slag microstructure 33
D.M. Roy/Cement and Concrete Research 29 (1999) 249–254 251

land cements, and their varieties [32] in which alkalis act as with aluminosilicates of natural and waste product origin.
activators and structure-forming elements has grown These studies prove that alkalies and alkali metal salts, as
steadily for the last 10–15 years. well as silicates, aluminates, and aluminosilicates, exhibit
reaction in alkaline aqueous medium when the alkali con-
2.3. Basic compositions centration is sufficient. Such interaction takes place with
Krivenko [17,32,34] prefers to separate the binding sys- clay minerals, with aluminosilicate glasses of natural and
tems into two main categories: Me2O-Me2O3-SiO2-H2O and artificial origin, in which calcium is absent, as well as with
Me2O-MeO-Me2O3-SiO2-H2O), although the composition calcium binding systems under natural conditions, and form
fields no doubt overlap. The alkaline zeolitic type minerals a water-resistant hardened product of alkali or alkali-alka-
are the potential end-products of the former, whereas mixed line-earth hydroaluminosilicates, analogous to natural zeo-
alkali-alkaline earth zeolites and calcium hydrosilicates and lites and micas. Wu et al. [26], Roy et al. [27], and Roy and
carbonates are end-products of the latter. Iron and/or mag- Silsbee [28] investigated systems composed of a variety of
nesium, of course, may be contained in both, to varying ex- activators with reactants [43,44] including fly ashes and sil-
tents. Use of gypsum-free Portland cement clinker is recom- ica fume [45–48], in addition to slag [46,47]. Malek and
mended when blending with other alkaline cement components Roy [48,49] emphasized metakaolin and low-calcium fly
is desired (see also Yudenfreund et al. [42]). Krivenko ash as major constituents, showing that the hydration prod-
[17,32] has done much to both advance and integrate an un- ucts possessed resistance to transport of certain soluble ions.
derstanding of such materials. Palomo and Glasser [29] and DeSilva and Glasser [50]
also investigated the use of metakaolin. Majumdar et al.
2.4. Ancient cements [25] again changed the chemistry, showing that calcium alu-
minates are effective activators of slags, or that slags pro-
Malinowsky [15], Langton and Roy [16], and Roy and
vide stabilization of calcium aluminate cements.
Langton [24] observed the durability of ancient construc-
tions in Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and Egypt. When repaired by
2.7. Characterization of hydration products
modern concrete, it has been shown that ancient mortars and
concrete have remained unaffected by severely corrosive The characterization of reaction products of alkali-acti-
conditions, such as flowing water and salt-ladenair for vated or alkaline cements, as in the case of Portland ce-
2,000 years, whereas a modern Portland cement concrete ments, is not trivial, as much of the product of hydration un-
used in their repair may turn out to be essentially destroyed der normal ambient is amorphous to X-ray [35]. Wang and
after the vicinity of only 10 years [15]. Scrivener [33], among others, have attempted to decipher
Langton and Roy [16] and Roy and Langton [24] also the products of NaOH or waterglass-activated slag, finding
found analcime in pozzolanic Roman cement mortars and CSH(I), hydrotalcite, and C4AH13, whether the materials
concretes. The presence of zeolites in different ancient ce- were hydrated 14 days at 808C or 15 months at room tem-
ments suggests that zeolites are a final stable phase of long- perature. They did not find evidence of zeolitic or mica-
term conversion of the primary phases to zeolite-like mate- ceous minerals. Richardson et al. [51] characterized alkali
rials, predicting the increased durability of cements of (K) activated blast-furnace slag pastes cured up to 8 years at
somewhat similar composition. room temperature, especially with respect to the C-S-H con-
tent, by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron en-
2.5. Slag-based cements ergy loss spectroscopy (EELS), transmission electron mi-
Much of the work on alkaline cements has been that of croscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. They showed
the activation of granulated blast-furnace slags by alkalis that Al substitutes for Si in the bridging tetrahedra of the
[2,3,19,20,22,25–28,30,33,35,37]. Such slags with the addi- dreierketten; the C-S-H also appears more crystalline than
tion of a source of alkali fall within the system Me2O-MeO- in Portland cement. The C-S-H was found to be intermixed
Me2O3-SiO2-H2O and appear to be hybrid materials be- on an intimate scale with an Mg/Al-rich phase, presumably
tween “alkali-activated” and “alkaline” cements. The term hydrotalcite. In an Si-NMR investigation of slag activated
“alkali-activated” is used by those who believe that R1 (al- with KOH, Jiang et al. [35] achieved results consistent with
kali) ions in such materials play a catalytic role in the early those of Richardson et al. [51]. Malek and Roy [49] found
stages, then at a later stage they are combined into the struc- evidence in the Si-NMR spectra of K-activated metakaolin
ture to form zeolite-like phases. Common reaction products blends hydrated 14 days at 388C, consistent with the forma-
of alkali-activated slag cements are mainly varieties of tion of some zeolitic structure.
C-S-H, (C,M)4AH13, or hydrotalcite and minor amounts of
C2ASH8 (strätlingite). 2.8. Alkali-activated cements in waste management

2.6. Other compositions Alkali aluminosilicate reactions appear to have a major

role in waste disposal. When used as barriers or for encap-
Glukhovski [1,31] and Krivenko [32] investigated com- sulation, they both may reduce permeabilility of the matrix
positions broadly categorized as a combination of alkalies and fix certain ions in the structures of the phases formed
252 D.M. Roy/Cement and Concrete Research 29 (1999) 249–254

[39]. The compounds that form in low-temperature clay- contributed a great deal of this knowledge. In attempting to
alkali reactions (zeolites and cancrinites) are large cage-like distill the current knowledge, it is inevitable to turn to these
crystals that can sequester ions or molecules of waste mate- sources. The classification of alkali-activated cements by
rial. Caustic radioactive wastes can be reacted with clays Krivenko [34] has been quite useful. He summarized five
such as bentonite, kaolinite, halloysite, and dickite and gen- categories: (1) geocements, (2) slag-alkaline cements, (3) fly
erate a durable monolithic solid. The soluble salts fill the ash alkaline, (4) alkaline-Portland cements, and (5) alkaline
cage-like forms, but these “caged” substances are not spe- aluminate cements. These appear to cover many of the ma-
cifically part of the crystal structure. jor categories of alkali-activated cements, although not all.
Many of the potentially useful silica/alumina-rich solids For example, silica fume, metakaolin, and a variety of fly
are available as glassy, fine-grained by-products that do not ash materials are important alkali-activated cement compo-
require grinding. For example, fly ash or treated clays and nents and may become increasingly important in the future.
kiln dust are common ingredients. Often in the solidification Table 2, modified from Krivenko [34], summarizes the
of a radioactive or hazardous waste stream, the waste itself numerous applications of alkali-activated cements up to the
is highly alkaline and serves as activator. present. Alkali-activated cements have found a variety of
Where alkali wastes (containing sodium or potassium applications, particularly since the 1970s, such as agricul-
hydroxide) are not available components, sodium or potas- tural, industrial, residential, transportation (e.g., railway
sium salts can be mixed with alkaline-earth hydroxides (for ties), mining, various high-volume applications, oil well ce-
example, lime) to form hydroxides of alkali metals. The ments, and water stop or sealing applications. There appears
most useful akali salts are generally the least soluble; for ex- to be much evidence for including alkali-activated cements
ample, sodium carbonate is a better activator component among those used to generate high performance. As dis-
than sodium chloride. Common products of Savannah River cussed, one of the major newer applications expected to
Plant alkaline wastes solidified in fly ash-slag mixtures in- play an increasingly important role is in waste management,
clude, in addition to C-S-H, zeolite-like nosean, hydrotal- including nuclear waste management and immobilization of
cite, and C4AH13 [20,23]. Glasser [52], who has written ex- toxic metals.
tensively on cements in radioactive waste management, has There are major opportunities for such cements based
made the point that some of the most durable forms use sup- upon: (1) substantial knowledge of properties and mecha-
plementary cementing materials. nisms, (2) generally good track record of field performance
Recent research has shown that effective radioactive and in various applications, and (3) a sense that these are future-
hazardous waste forms may be based on a nontraditional ce- oriented environmentally friendly materials in accord with
mentitious system that relies upon the alkali activation of future expectations that our society must involve in its tech-
aluminosilicate materials, where the components may be nological use of substantial amounts of by-product and
metakaolin, fly ash, or slag [52–55]. A number of the alumi- waste materials, thereby consuming less energy and gener-
nosilicate compositions may develop zeolitic products ating less waste, greenhouse gases, and other undesirable
through the reaction of alkaline waste stream with alumino- products.
silicate materials such as metakaolin [41]. The cementitious It would be inappropriate to close without saying some-
waste form not only has characteristics of low leachability, thing about the remaining unknowns, current research
but certain controlled compositions have the optional fea- needs, limitations, and, indeed, research imperatives rela-
ture of being vitrifiable should that choice be desired tive to the use of these materials:
1. Standards: Considerable effort will be needed to gain
more widespread development of the use of these ma-
terials through the evolution of more performance-
3. Discussion and summary
based standards and not necessarily those directly
It is evident that there has been extensive research on, derived from current Portland cement standards. Al-
and experience with, alkali-activated or alkaline cements though Portland cement performance equivalence is
beginning about 1940 or earlier. The extensive research of one target to aim at, it is recognized that even Port-
workers in the Ukraine, Russia, and Eastern Europe has land cements are not “perfect” and that, in many

Table 2
Applications to the present
Roads Agriculture Industrial Residential Mining Hydraulic
Construction Heavy-duty pavements Cast in situ and Acid-resistant buildings Pre-cast and in situ Oil well grouts; Irrigation systems;
cast in situ and pre-cast; pre-cast concrete; garages; floor slabs; concrete buildings; ties; sealing; break waters
reinforced storage foundations slabs; foundations prevent water
Nonconstruction Waste immobilization Bodies of machine tools Dies; molds Linings
D.M. Roy/Cement and Concrete Research 29 (1999) 249–254 253

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