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JECE 1315 No. of Pages 9

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

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Co-valorization of marine sediments and construction & demolition

wastes through alkali activation
Kostas Komnitsas
School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University Crete, Chania, Crete 73100, Greece


Article history:
Received 5 September 2016 In the present experimental study, the co-valorization potential of marine sediments and construction &
Received in revised form 27 October 2016 demolition wastes (C&D wastes) through alkali activation is investigated. Specimens were produced by
Accepted 1 November 2016 mixing raw materials, namely marine sediments and C&D waste components (tiles, bricks and concrete)
Available online xxx with the activating solution consisting of KOH and sodium silicate solution. The produced specimens
were then subjected to compressive strength testing. The effect of the molarity of the alkaline activating
Keywords: solution as well as the percentage of each waste in the initial mixture on the compressive strength of the
Marine sediments final products was also assessed. Also, the effect of high temperature heating (400–800  C), immersion in
Construction & demolition wastes
water or seawater and subjection to freeze–thaw cycles on the structural integrity of the produced
Alkali activation
specimens was investigated. Analytical techniques, namely X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform
Compressive strength
Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used for the identification of
the morphology and structure of the final products.
ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction physico-chemical, mechanical and thermal properties, that are

suitable as alternative binders for the construction industry, fire/
Alkali activation of alumino-silicates can be accomplished at corrosion resistant materials or matrices for the encapsulation of
relatively low temperature and results in the production of hazardous elements [6–10]. Waste valorization results in minimi-
materials, called geopolymers or inorganic polymers [1]. These zation of the consumption of natural resources, reduction of the
cementitious materials, consisting of Si–O–Al bonds, are charac- volume of wastes that are ultimately landfilled and reduction of
terized by partially or fully amorphous polymeric structure, high the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) [11–15].
early strength and high chemical and temperature resistance. They Dredging operations in ports and rivers, in order to improve
are suitable for a number of applications in the construction navigation, result in the excavation of big volumes of sediments
industry and are characterized by lower environmental footprint that may often require special treatment and remediation [16]. In
when compared with traditional construction materials, such as Europe, 100–200 Mm3 of sediments are dredged annually to
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and concrete [2–5]. Although maintain efficiency in navigational waterways [17,18]. The
geopolymers can be produced with cost and properties compara- management of sediments in an important issue and has several
ble to OPC, there are some drawbacks such as loss of workability, environmental and social implications [19]. The most important ex
quick setting time as well as health and safety implications when situ remediation technologies investigated so far include phytor-
working with strong alkali solutions. This is the main reason why emediation [20], elektrokinetic remediation [21], bioleaching and
geopolymers have been proposed to be used mainly as pre-cast stabilization [22–24] and development of technosols through
concrete (in railway traverses, pipelines, hydraulic structures, pre- composting [25].
tensioned concrete structures etc), where the above drawbacks can Very interesting recent studies investigated the potential of
be easily adapted. calcination of marine sediments, in temperatures varying between
Today, most research efforts focus on valorization of several 400  C and 750  C, for the subsequent production of geopolymer
solid waste streams and the production of materials with suitable source materials and showed that increase of calcination
temperature increases reactivity of the raw materials [26–29].
Other recent studies examined the use of different types of river
and lake sediments for the production of bricks with high
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] insulating capacity or aggregates which are suitable for cement
(K. Komnitsas).

2213-3437/ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: K. Komnitsas, Co-valorization of marine sediments and construction & demolition wastes through alkali
activation, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2016.11.003
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JECE 1315 No. of Pages 9

2 K. Komnitsas / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

mortars [30,31]. Liao et al. [32] investigated the potential of water ignition (LOI) was determined by heating wastes at 1050  C for 4 h.
reservoir sediments, mixed with sodium hydroxide, for the The weight percent of each raw material subjected to alkali
production of lightweight aggregates after calcination at higher activation as well as the codes of all specimens produced are
temperature, ranging between 1045  C and 1085  C. Snellings et al. presented in Table 3. The activating solution was prepared by
[33] investigated the effect of flash calcination of dredging dissolving the required amount of KOH pellets (Sigma Aldrich) in
sediments, carried out between 820  C and 905  C, on their distilled water to obtain solution molarity 2–12 M and then adding
properties and reactivity and mentioned that alternative supple- sodium silicate solution (Na2SiO3, Merck, Na2O = 7.5–8.5%,
mentary cementitious materials (CSM) suitable for blended SiO2 = 25.5–28.5%). The final solution was allowed to cool at room
cements can be produced. In all these studies the pretreatment temperature for 24 h prior to use. The liquid/solid (L/S) ratio varied
step of calcination, which results in increased energy consumption, between 0.25 and 0.35 for each combination in order to improve
is included. Thus, it will be interesting to explore in the near future the flowability characteristics of the resulting paste. An indicative
cost and more energy efficient alternative routes for the composition of the starting mixture is (% weight): raw materials
valorization of marine sediments. 82%, H2O 6%, KOH 3% and Na2SiO3 9%.
C&D wastes represent an important waste stream and huge The produced paste was cast in cubic metal moulds of 5 cm
quantities are produced every year in most countries [34–37]. The edge, which were vibrated for a few minutes to eliminate the
European Commission considers C&D wastes as priority waste presence of air voids in the reactive mass and improve the
stream for reuse and underlines their important environmental properties of the final solidified specimens. The moulds remained
benefits as a result of their valorization [38]. C&D wastes are at room temperature for 2 h to allow early initiation of reactions,
mainly used as recycled aggregates in concrete, as additives in development of structural bonds and solidification of the paste.
cement production and as road base materials. The main factors Then, the specimens were demoulded and sealed in plastic bags to
that hinder the wider use of recycled C&D wastes in the prevent fast evaporation of water during curing and heated at 80  C
construction industry include the lack of standards and specifi- in a laboratory oven (ON-02G) for 24 h. After cooling and aging at
cations for recycled concrete production, the distance between room temperature for 7 days, compressive strength measurements
demolition sites and recycling plants as well as lack of confidence were done using a MATEST C123N load frame. All tests and
from end users for the quality of the final products [39]. So far, measurements were carried out in triplicate.
studies have been carried out to investigate the potential of alkali The morphology and structure of the final products was studied
activation of C&D wastes for the production of geopolymer binders using analytical techniques. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectros-
and defined their properties and microstructure [40–43]. Recently, copy (FTIR) analysis was carried out, using pellets produced after
it has been shown that two of the components of C&D wastes mixing a pulverized sample of each specimen with KBr at a ratio of
namely bricks and tiles, which contain amorphous/semi-crystal- 1:100 w/w, with a Perkin-Elmer Spectrum 1000 spectrometer
line silica or aluminosilicate compounds, can be successfully alkali (USA). Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis was per-
activated [44,45], while recycled demolition aggregates and formed with a JEOL 6380LV scanning electron microscope
crushed brick can be used for the production of geopolymers equipped with an EDS INCA microanalysis system with low
comprising calcium carbide residue, fly ash and slag as precursors vacuum, pressure 30 Pa, voltage 20 kV and 10–12 mm working
[46] and ceramic sanitaryware as an alternative for the develop- distance from the detector. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of the
ment of new sustainable binders [47]. raw materials and the produced specimens was performed using a
The present experimental study aims to investigate the co- Bruker AXS (D8 Advance type) diffractometer with Cu tube,
valorization of marine sediments and C&D wastes through alkali scanning range from 4 to 70 2u, step 0.02 and measuring time
activation, define the morphology and determine the main factors 0.2 s/step. The qualitative analysis was assessed with the use of the
that affect the properties of the final products. The study has a DIFFRACplus EVA v. 2006 software and the Powder Diffraction File
noticeable degree of novelty since so far very few studies are (PDF-2) database.
available in the international literature investigating valorization The thermal behaviour of the specimens was evaluated after
of marine sediments through alkali activation. heating them at 400, 600 or 800  C for 1 h in a laboratory furnace
N-8L Selecta. The structural integrity of selected specimens was
2. Materials and methodology assessed after immersing them in tap water and seawater for a
period of up to 3 months or subjecting them to 20 freeze–thaw
Marine sediments were collected from the ports of Souda in cycles, according to ASTM standard C1262-10 [48].
Chania, Crete, and Patras in NW Peloponnese, Greece. C&D waste
components, including tiles, bricks and concrete, were collected 3. Results and discussion
from various demolished buildings of the city of Chania. Both
sediments and C&D waste components were pulverized using a 3.1. Compressive strength
FRITSCH-BICO pulverizer (Germany) and homogenized. A Master-
sizer S (Malvern Instruments) particle size analyzer was used for Fig. 1 shows the evolution of the compressive strength of the
particle size analysis (Table 1). Table 2 shows the chemical specimens produced from single wastes, namely C&D waste
composition, in the form of oxides, of sediments and each components (tiles, bricks and concrete), Patras sediments and
component of C&D wastes, as derived from an X-ray fluorescence Souda sediments vs KOH concentration. Specimen codes are given
energy dispersive spectrometer (Bruker-AXS S2 Ranger). Loss on in Table 3, while error bars denote standard deviation of three
Regarding sediments, it is seen from this data that only Patras
Table 1 sediments can be alkali activated. The compressive strength of the
Particle size of the raw materials.
produced specimens increases from 8.5 to 19 MPa when KOH
Souda Patras Tiles Bricks Concrete molarity increases from 2 to 4 M, while further increase of molarity
sediments sediments (6 to 12 M) has no additional beneficial effect. Souda sediments are
size (mm) <120 <120 <140 <140 <190 only slightly alkali activated (maximum compressive strength is
d50 (mm) 9 8 14 7 10 5 MPa). This is mainly due to their lower content of SiO2 which
reduces the molar ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 (4.5 compared to the

Please cite this article in press as: K. Komnitsas, Co-valorization of marine sediments and construction & demolition wastes through alkali
activation, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2016.11.003
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K. Komnitsas / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

Table 2
Chemical composition (% weight) of the raw materials.

SiO2 Al2O3 CaO Fe2O3 Na2O MgO K2O MnO P2 O 5 SO3 TiO2 LOI SUM
Souda sediments 29.10 6.49 24.50 3.62 0.09 1.34 0.68 0.03 0.31 1.10 0.38 29.20 96.80
Patras sediments 37.10 4.97 21.30 2.63 1.16 1.55 1.41 0.10 0.09 0.62 0.34 27.34 98.61
Tiles 70.54 9.80 8.78 5.39 – 4.46 1.37 0.06 – – 0.77 0.23 101.41
Bricks 57.79 14.95 8.79 6.00 1.03 4.75 2.80 0.05 0.23 – 0.85 1.89 99.12
Concrete 5.81 1.49 65.42 0.75 0.57 4.21 1.26 0.01 0.73 0.82 0.03 21.59 102.68

Table 3
% weight of each raw material subjected to alkali activation.

Code Tiles Bricks Concrete Souda sediments Patras sediments

T 100 – – – –
B – 100 – – –
C – – 100 – –
SS – – – 100 –
TSS10 or TSS30 90 or 70 – – 10 or 30 –
BSS10 or BSS30 – 90 or 70 – 10 or 30 –
CSS10 or CSS30 – – 90 or 70 10 or 30 –
PS – – – – 100
TPS10 or TPS30 90 or 70 – – – 10 or 30
BPS10 or BPS30 – 90 or 70 – – 10 or 30
CPS10 or CPS30 – – 90 or 70 – 10 or 30

respective 7.5 ratio for Patras sediments) and does not allow the
solubilization of sufficient amounts of Si and Al and the formation
of aluminosilicate bonds which contribute to the development of
matrices with higher compressive strength. Another reason may
be the presence of more amorphous silica compounds in Patras
sediments which assist the evolution of geopolymerisation
Regarding C&D waste components, tiles exhibit the best alkali
activation potential and under the optimum KOH molarity (8 M)
the compressive strength of the specimens reached 42.7 MPa. A
similar behaviour is shown for brick-based specimens which
acquire though lower strength (up to 25 MPa). For both tile- and
brick-based specimens, the strength increase is related to the
increase of KOH molarity which accelerates alkali activation
reactions and thus enhances dissolution of Si and Al from the raw
Fig. 1. Evolution of the compressive strength of specimens produced from tiles, materials. On the other hand, concrete exhibits lower alkali
bricks, concrete, Patras sediments and Souda sediments vs KOH concentration activation potential (maximum compressive strength acquired is
(specimen codes are given in Table 3).
9.5 MPa). This is due to its low content of SiO2 and Al2O3 (5.81% and
1.49%, respectively) as well as its high content of CaO (65.42%),
which consumes KOH rendering it insufficient for the dissolution
of aluminosilicates from the raw materials [44].

Fig. 2. Compressive strength of tile-, brick- and concrete- based specimens when 10
Fig. 3. Compressive strength of tile-, brick- and concrete- based specimens when 10
or 30% w/w of Souda sediments are added (specimen codes are presented in
or 30% w/w of Patras sediments are added (specimen codes are presented in
Table 3).
Table 3).

Please cite this article in press as: K. Komnitsas, Co-valorization of marine sediments and construction & demolition wastes through alkali
activation, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2016.11.003
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4 K. Komnitsas / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Table 4 Fig. 1. Table 4 shows the molar ratios of the oxides present in the
Molar ratios of oxides of the initial paste and compressive strength of selected initial paste.
specimens (8 M KOH).
According to Fig. 2, when tiles, bricks and concrete are mixed
Code SiO2 SiO2 SiO2 H2 O Strength with 10% w/w Souda sediments, the produced specimens show a
Al2 O3 ðAl2 O3 þ CaOÞ ðAl2 O3 þ Fe2 O3 Þ ðNa2 O þ K2 OÞ (MPa) slightly decreased compressive strength compared to the respec-
T 12.57 4.78 9.31 10.42 42.7 tive control specimens prepared from single C&D waste compo-
B 6.83 3.30 5.44 8.30 25 nents. A noticeable further decrease in strength is shown when the
C 9.01 0.11 6.82 9.76 9.5 Souda sediments addition percentage increases to 30% w/w. This
SS 5.85 0.56 5.85 9.59 5 behaviour can be explained by the decrease of SiO2/Al2O3 and SiO2/
TSS30 11.43 2.91 8.46 10.05 27
BSS30 6.74 0.17 2.22 5.32 10.6
(Al2O3 + CaO) ratios in the initial C&D waste component–sediment
CSS30 7.47 0.18 5.59 10.06 4.2 mixture. For example, when tiles are mixed with 30% w/w Souda
PS 13.47 1.53 13.47 9.08 19.1 sediments (TSS30) these ratios are 11.43 and 2.91, respectively,
TPS30 12.40 3.68 5.87 10.08 37 while when tiles are only used as raw materials both ratios and
BPS30 7.42 0.14 2.77 5.87 23
especially the second one are higher (12.57 and 4.78, respectively).
CPS30 11.37 0.25 8.57 9.80 16.5
A similar trend is shown for brick- and cement-based specimens.
Specimens with high compressive strength are usually obtained
The compressive strength of the produced specimens when when high SiO2/Al2O3 and SiO2/(Al2O3 + CaO) molar ratios are
tiles, bricks and concrete were mixed with 10 or 30% w/w of Souda present in the initial paste, as discussed in a recent study [44]. In
or Patras sediments, as well as of the control specimens prepared case the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio is low, such as in SS specimen (5.85), the
from single raw materials, is shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. number of alumino-silicate bonds is lower and specimens acquire
Specimens were prepared with 8 M KOH based on the results of low final strength (5 MPa), as also shown in other studies [49,50].

874 C
718 1808 B
460 1420

796 1490

400 900 1400 1900 2400 2900 3400 3900


Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of selected specimens produced from C&D wastes, Souda sediments and their combinations (C&D wastes with 30% w/w sediment).

712 PS
874 1794 2364
466 C
712 1794

712 1420
462 T
780 1424

400 900 1400 1900 2400 2900 3400 3900

Fig. 5. FTIR spectra of selected specimens produced from C&D wastes, Patras sediments and their combinations (C&D wastes with 30% w/w sediment).

Please cite this article in press as: K. Komnitsas, Co-valorization of marine sediments and construction & demolition wastes through alkali
activation, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2016.11.003
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K. Komnitsas / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

Table 5
FTIR spectra band assignments.

Band number, cm1 Assignment References

3450, 2300–2500, 1800 H OH stretching and bending vibrations [51,52]
1490, 1420, 874 Atmospheric carbonation, out of plane bending of CO3 [53]
1050 SiO stretching vibrations and SiOSi or AlOSi asymmetric stretching vibrations [54,55]
460–800 In plane SiO bending and AlO linkages as well as bending SiOSi and OSiO vibrations [56]

It is shown from Fig. 3, that when tiles or bricks are mixed with Table 4 the values of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio in the initial mixtures are
10% w/w of Patras sediments, the produced specimens (TPS10 or quite similar for specimens acquiring high strength, namely 12.57
BPS10) acquire a slightly lower strength compared to the control for T specimen and 12.40 for TPS30 specimen.
tile- or brick- based specimens, respectively. When the Patras When concrete is mixed with 10% w/w Patras sediments, the
sediments addition percentage increases to 30% w/w strength strength of CPS10 specimen is 18 MPa and is almost double
decreases further but still remains at acceptable values, 37 and compared to the strength of concrete-control specimen (9.5 MPa).
23 MPa for TPS30 and BPS30 specimens, respectively. As shown in A slight further decrease of strength to 16.5 MPa is recorded when

Fig. 6. SEM images of selected specimens produced from Souda or Patras sediments and their combination with tiles.

Please cite this article in press as: K. Komnitsas, Co-valorization of marine sediments and construction & demolition wastes through alkali
activation, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2016.11.003
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JECE 1315 No. of Pages 9

6 K. Komnitsas / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Fig. 7. XRD patterns of specimens produced from Souda sediments and their combination with C&D waste components (specimen codes are presented in Table 3).

the addition percentage of Patras sediments increases to 30% w/w mixture used for the preparation of the TSS30 specimen (8.46 and
(CPS30 specimen). This result is related with the lower compres- 11.43, respectively), the compressive strength also increases
sive strength values obtained when the respective single (27 MPa). Finally, it has to be mentioned that the ratio H2O/
components were alkali activated. (Na2O + K2O) is higher than 5 in all starting mixture combinations,
Other molar ratios such as SiO2/(Al2O3 + Fe2O3) and H2O/ indicating that sufficient water is available in the reactive paste to
(Na2O + K2O) may be considered to elucidate the role of the allow initiation of alkali activation reactions.
mineralogy of the raw materials during alkali activation. As shown
in Table 4, if the molar ratios SiO2/(Al2O3 + Fe2O3) and SiO2/Al2O3 3.2. Mineralogy and morphology
are low (e.g. 2.22 and 6.74 for the BSS30 paste, respectively) the
final specimen also acquires low compressive strength (10.6 MPa). Fig. 4 shows the FTIR spectra of specimens produced using C&D
When both these ratios are increased, as shown in the starting wastes, Souda sediments and their combinations. Quite similar

Fig. 8. XRD patterns of specimens produced from Patras sediments and their combination with C&D waste components (specimen codes are presented in Table 3).

Please cite this article in press as: K. Komnitsas, Co-valorization of marine sediments and construction & demolition wastes through alkali
activation, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2016.11.003
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JECE 1315 No. of Pages 9

K. Komnitsas / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7

of Si and Al which are the main elements required for alkali
8 M KOH, 80 oC, 24 h T activation, is high, indicating that Si–O–Al bonds are present in the
developed matrix. In SS specimen, Fig. 6k, Ca is the main
Compressive strength, MPa

40 TSS30
PS component, Cl is detected in the white areas, while Si and Al
SS are found in smaller quantities. In the EDS spectrum of PS
specimen, Fig. 6l, Ca is present while also some Si and Al which
have been dissolved from Patras sediments are detected.
20 Figs. 7 and 8 present the XRD patterns of selected specimens. As
deduced from these figures, specimens consist of partially reacted
10 or unreacted crystalline phases, such as quartz, calcite, albite,
muscovite, kaolinite and halite which were also present in the raw
0 materials. In specimens that acquire higher compressive strength,
Control 400 600 800 for example TPS30 and TSS30, higher Si and Al solubilization from
Temperature, oC the raw materials takes place that results in the formation of
alumino-silicate gel and subsequent hardening, in accordance with
Fig. 9. Compressive strength of selected specimens subjected to high temperature
the EDS spectra (Fig. 6i,j). On the other hand, mainly unreacted
crystalline phases are present in the XRD patterns of specimens
acquiring low strength, eg. SS and CSS30. It is also shown that
specimens acquiring high compressive strength are characterized
FTIR spectra are shown for specimens produced using C&D wastes by a certain degree of amorphicity [57].
and Patras sediments (Fig. 5). The respective spectra band
assignments are summarized in Table 5. The small bands detected 3.3. Structural integrity
in the region of 3450 cm1, 2300–2500 cm1 and around
1800 cm1 are assigned to stretching and bending H OH Fig. 9 presents the compressive strength of selected specimens
vibrations of bound water molecules. The doublet of peaks seen at subjected to high temperature heating at 400, 600 and 800 C for
1490 and 1420 cm1 for all specimens, except for T, is due to one hour. The compressive strength of the control specimens,
atmospheric carbonation. The band at 1420 cm1 is quite strong in which were not subjected to high temperature heating, is also
specimens that have a high CaCO3 content (C, SS, CSS30, PS, CPS30) given for comparison. It is evident that for all specimens, strength
and is attributed to the modes of CO3. The sharp peak at 874 cm1 is decreases gradually when temperature increases from 400 to
also assigned to out of plane bending of CO3 and shown only in 800  C. The best behaviour is shown for T specimens, produced
these specimens. The broad peaks at around 1050 cm1 are major only from tiles, while specimen TPS30 produced from tiles and 30%
fingerprints of the geopolymeric alumino-silicate matrix and are w/w Patras sediments also exhibits good structural integrity.
attributed to Si–O stretching vibrations of SiO4 and Si–O–Si or Despite the fact that the strength of both T and TPS30 specimens
Al–O–Si asymmetric stretching vibrations during alkali activation. decreases significantly (almost 40%) after heating at 800  C,
This peak is barely shown in SS, C and CSS30 specimens that compared to the respective controls, it still remains at acceptable
acquire strength lower than 10 MPa. The bands at around values (higher than 22 MPa) indicating their potential use as
460–800 cm1 are due to Si–O, Al–O, Si–O–Si and O–Si–O structural or fire-protection materials. TSS30 and PS specimens
vibrations. acquire lower strength after heating at 800  C (17 and 9 MPa,
In Fig. 6, SEM images of selected specimens produced using respectively), while SS specimens totally decompose after heating
Souda or Patras sediments and their combination with tiles, the at relatively low temperature (400  C).
C&D waste component with the highest alkali activation potential, The strength decrease after high temperature heating is mainly
are illustrated. The matrix of TSS30 (Fig. 6a,b) and TPS30 specimens caused by the decomposition of alumino-silicate bonds and the
(Fig. 6c,d) is more homogeneous compared to SS (Fig. 6e,f) and PS resulting deterioration of structural integrity of the specimens, as
specimens (Fig. 6g,h), respectively, indicating sufficient reaction of is also seen by the development of cracks and discussed in other
the raw materials during alkali activation. As also deduced from recent studies [58,59].
EDS analysis of TSS30 and TPS30 specimens (Fig. 6i,j, respectively) Fig. 10 shows the compressive strength of TPS30 and TSS30
which acquire strength of 27 and 37 MPa, respectively, the content specimens immersed in tap water or seawater for a maximum

Fig. 10. Compressive strength of (a) TPS30 and (b) TSS30 specimens immersed in water or seawater for a maximum period of 3 months.

Please cite this article in press as: K. Komnitsas, Co-valorization of marine sediments and construction & demolition wastes through alkali
activation, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2016.11.003
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JECE 1315 No. of Pages 9

8 K. Komnitsas / Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

period of 3 months; the compressive strength of control specimens Analytical techniques, namely Fourier Transform Infrared
is also shown for comparison and gradually increases with time. Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and
It is shown that TPS30 (Fig. 10a) and TSS30 specimens (Fig. 10b) X-ray Diffraction (XRD), were used for the identification of the
have quite similar behaviour when immersed in water or seawater; morphology of the final products. It was shown that the strongest
however, the strength is higher for TPS30 specimens. In both tests inorganic polymer bonds are developed in specimens acquiring
the strength decreases by almost 25% after 1 month compared to high strength, such as T, B, TPS30 and TSS30, when sufficient
the respective controls and it is slightly affected after 2 or 3 months number of Si and Al ions is solubilized during alkali activation of
of immersion. The lower strength obtained after 3 months is 25 the raw materials. Thus Si–O–Si and Al–O–Si bonds are formed
and 17 MPa, for TPS30 and TSS30 specimens, respectively. Fig. 11 while the matrix of these specimens is homogeneous. Unreacted
shows that the strength of the specimens subjected to 20 freeze- crystalline phases are present in specimens acquiring low strength,
thaw cycles, according to ASTM standard C1262-10, is decreased by as for example in those produced using Souda sediments or
16 and 22%, for TPS30 and TSS30 specimens, respectively, mixtures with concrete, indicating limited solubilization of Si and
compared to the controls. It is deduced from these results that Al from the raw materials.
the integrity of the specimens is negatively affected mainly by the Specimens acquiring high strength, such as those produced
de-polymerisation of the alumino-silicate matrix in extreme from tiles or mixtures of tiles and Patras sediments, show good
temperature conditions or after water absorption during immer- structural integrity during heating up to 800  C, immersion in
sion. water or seawater and freeze–thaw cycles, indicating their
Finally, it is mentioned that the anticipated leaching of potential use as structural or fire-protection components.
hazardous constituents, mainly heavy metals, from the produced
specimens is very low, given the fact that their degree of Acknowledgements
solubilisation from the initial raw materials is negligible to low,
as indicated in earlier studies [16,44]. The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of
European Commission in the frame of Horizon 2020 project “Metal
4. Conclusions recovery from low-grade ores and wastes”, www.metgrowplus.eu,
Grant Agreement n 690088.
C&D waste components, namely tiles or bricks, can be alkali
activated under the optimum activating solution molarity (8–12 M
KOH) and their compressive strength reaches 43 and 25 MPa,
respectively. On the other hand, concrete acquires a maximum [1] K. Komnitsas, D. Zaharaki, Geopolymerisation: a review and prospects for the
compressive strength of almost 10 MPa due to its low SiO2, Al2O3 minerals industry, Miner. Eng. 20 (2007) 1261–1277.
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Please cite this article in press as: K. Komnitsas, Co-valorization of marine sediments and construction & demolition wastes through alkali
activation, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2016.11.003

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