Brem SST Rah Lung
Brem SST Rah Lung
Brem SST Rah Lung
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dE |p̈|2 q 2|r̈ |2
− = = . (9)
dt rad 6πε0c3 6πε0c3
This result is sometimes called Larmor’s formula – precisely the same result comes
out of the full theory. These formulae embody the three essential properties of the
radiation of an accelerated charged particle.
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Thomson Scattering
The electric fields experienced by the electron in the x and y directions,
Ex = Ex0 exp(iωt) and Ey = Ey0 exp(iωt) respectively, cause the electron to
oscillate and the accelerations in these directions are:
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Thomson Scattering
We have to take time averages of Ex2 and we find that Ex2 = Ex0 2 /2, where E
x0 is
the maximum field strength of the wave. We sum over all waves contributing to the
Ex-component of radiation and express the result in terms of the incident energy per
unit area upon the electron. The latter is given by Poynting’s theorem,
S x = (E × H ) = cε0Ex2iz . Again, we take time averages and find that the
contribution to the intensity in the direction α from the x-component of the
acceleration is Sx = i cε0Ex0 2 /2. Therefore
dE e4 cos2 α X 2 e4 cos2 α
− dΩ = 2 2 3
Ex dΩ = 2 2 2 4
Sx dΩ. (12)
dt x 16π me ε0c i 16π me ε0c
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Thomson Scattering
Now let us look at the scattering of the Ey -component of the incident field. From the
geometry of the previous diagram, it can be seen that the radiation in the x − z
plane from the acceleration of the electron in the y-direction corresponds to
scattering at θ = 90◦ and so the scattered intensity in the α-direction is
dE e4
− dΩ = 2 2 2 4
Sy dΩ. (13)
dt y 16π me ε0c
The total scattered radiation into dΩ is the sum of these components (notice that we
add the intensities of the two independent field components).
dE e4 2 α) S dΩ
− dΩ = (1 + cos (14)
dt 16π 2m2 2 4
e ε0 c 2
where S = Sx + Sy and Sx = Sy for unpolarised radiation. We now express the
scattered intensity in terms of a differential scattering cross-section dσT in the
following way. We define the scattered intensity in direction α by the following
dσT(α) energy radiated per unit time per unit solid angle
= . (15)
dΩ incident energy per unit time per unit area
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Thomson Scattering
Since the total incident energy is S, the differential cross-section for Thomson
scattering is
e4 (1 + cos2 α)
dσT(α) = 2 2 2 4
dΩ. (16)
16π ε0me c 2
In terms of the classical electron radius re = e2/4πε0mec2, this can be expressed
dσT = (1 + cos2 α) dΩ. (17)
To find the total cross-section, we integrate over all angles α,
Z π 2
re 2 8π 2 e4
σT = (1 + cos α) 2π sin α dα = re = 2 2 4
. (18)
0 2 3 6πε0me c
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Thomson Scattering
• The scattering is symmetric with respect to the scattering of angle α. Thus as
much radiation is scattered backwards as forwards.
• Another useful calculation is the scattering cross-section for 100% polarised
emission. We can work this out by integrating the scattered intensity (11) over
all angles.
e2|r̈ x|2 e4
− = sin2 θ 2π sin θ dθ = Sx . (20)
dt x 16π 2ε0c3 6πε2 2 4
0 me c
We find the same total cross-section for scattering as before because it does
not matter how the electron is forced to oscillate. The only important quantity is
the total intensity incident upon it and it does not matter how anisotropic the
radiation is. This result can be written in terms to the energy density of radiation
urad in which the electron is located,
urad = ui = Si/c, (21)
i i
and hence
−(dE/dt) = σTcurad. (22)
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• Thomson scattering is one of the most important processes which impedes the
escape of photons from any region. We write down the expression for the
energy scattered by the electron in terms of the number density N of photons of
frequency ν so that
d(N hν)
− = σTcN hν. (23)
There is no change of energy of the photons in the scattering process and so, if
there are Ne electrons per unit volume, the number density of photons
decreases exponentially with distance
dN dN
− = σTcNeN − = σT N e N
dt Z dx
N = N0 exp − σTNe dx . (24)
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• In this process, the photons are scattered in random directions and so they
perform a random walk, each step corresponding to the mean free path λT of
the photon through the electron gas where λT = (σTNe)−1.
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Expert version. The total energy emitted in the form of radiation is the ‘time’
component of the momentum four-vector [E/c, p] and dt is the time component of
the displacement four-vector [dt, dr ]. Therefore, both the energy dE and the time
interval dt transform in the same way between inertial frames of reference and so
their ratio dE/dt is also an invariant.
Gentler version. In the instantaneous rest frame of the accelerated charged particle,
dipole radiation is emitted with zero net momentum, as may be seen from the polar
diagram of dipole radiation. Therefore its four-momentum can be written [dE 0/c, 0].
This radiation is emitted in the interval of proper time dt0 which has four vector
[dt0, 0]. We may now use the inverse Lorentz transformation to relate dE 0 and dt0 to
dE and dt.
dE = γ dE 0 dt = γ dt0 , (28)
and hence
dE dE 0
= 0
. (29)
dt dt
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dE e2γ 4
= 2 2
|a⊥| + γ |ak| 2 . (34)
dt in S 6πε0c 3
I have shown how these relations are obtained in HEA1, Sect. 3.3.4. This is a useful
expression for obtaining the loss rate due to synchrotron radiation very quickly (see
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According to Parseval’s theorem, v̇ (ω) and v̇ (t) are related by the following
Z ∞ Z ∞
|v̇ (ω)|2 dω = |v̇ (t)|2 dt. (37)
−∞ −∞
This is proved in all textbooks on Fourier anlaysis.
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Parseval’s Theorem
We can therefore apply this relation to the energy radiated by a particle which has
an acceleration history v̇ (t),
e2 e2
Z ∞ Z ∞ ∞
= | v̇ (t)| 2 dt = | v̇ (ω)| 2 dω. (38)
−∞ dt −∞ 6πε0 c3 −∞ 6πε0 c3
R∞ R∞
Now, what we really want is 0 . . . dω rather than −∞ . . . dω Since the acceleration
is a real function, another theorem in Fourier analysis tells us that
Z ∞ Z 0
|v̇ (ω)|2 dω = |v̇ (ω)|2 dω (39)
0 −∞
and hence we find
Z ∞ Z ∞
Total emitted radiation = I(ω) dω = | v̇ (ω)| 2 dω. (40)
0 0 3πε0c3
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Parseval’s Theorem
e2 2.
I(ω) = | v̇ (ω)| (41)
Note that this is the total energy per unit bandwidth emitted throughout the period
during which the particle is accelerated. For a distribution of particles, this result
must be integrated over all the particles contributing to the radiation at frequency ω.
This is also a very good result which often gives physical insight into the shape of
the spectrum of emitted radiation.
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Bremsstrahlung is the radiation associated with the acceleration of electrons in the
electrostatic fields of ions and the nuclei of atoms. In X-ray and γ-ray astronomy, the
most important cases are those in which bremmstrahlung is emitted by very hot
plasmas at T ≥ 106 K, at which temperatures the hydrogen and helium atoms are
fully ionised. We use the tools already introduced to derive classically the
expressions for the bremsstrahlung emissivity of a hot plasma.
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p2 z 2e4
= 2 2 2 2
= energy lost by high energy particle. (46)
2me 8π ε0b v me
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Gaunt Factors
Notice how the logarithmic dependence upon bmax/bmin comes about. The closer
the encounter, the greater the momentum impulse, p ∝ b−2. There are, however,
more electrons at large distances (∝ b db) and hence, when we integrate, we obtain
only a logarithmic dependence of the energy loss rate upon the range of collision
The reason is that the proper sum is very much more complicated and would take
account of the acceleration of the electron by the high energy particle and include a
proper quantum mechanical treatment of the interaction. Our approximate methods
give rather good answers, however, because the limits bmax and bmin only appear
inside the logarithm and hence need not be known very precisely.
This is the simplest example of the type of calculation which needs to be carried out
in working out energy transfers and accelerations of electrons and protons in fully
ionised plasmas. The logarithmic term ln(bmax/bmin) appears in the guise of what
are often referred to as Gaunt factors and care has to be taken to use the correct
values of bmax and bmin in different physical conditions. Similar forms of Gaunt
factor appear in working out the spectrum of bremsstrahlung and the electrical
conductivity of a plasma.
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Outline Calculation
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Outline Calculation
where K0 and K1 are modified Bessel functions of order zero and one. This is the
intensity spectrum which results from a single encounter between an electron and a
nucleus with collision parameter b.
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The Results
• The spectrum is flat because the acceleration perpendicular to the line of flight
is a brief impulse. The Fourier transform of a delta function is a flat spectrum.
• The turn-over corresponds roughly to the frequency which is the inverse of the
duration of the collision.
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Thus, at high frequencies, there is an exponential cut-off to the spectrum
Z 2e6
" # !
1 2ωb
I(ω) =
3 3 3 2 3 2
+ 1 exp − . (49)
48π ε0c me γv γ γv
The exponential cut-off tells us that there is little power emitted at frequencies
greater than ω ≈ γv/b.
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Finally, we integrate over all collision parameters which contribute to the radiation at
frequency ω. If the electron is moving relativistically, the number density of nuclei it
observes is enhanced by a factor γ because of relativistic length contraction. Hence,
in the moving frame of the electron, N 0 = γN where N is the number density of
nuclei in the laboratory frame of reference. The number of encounters per second is
N 0v and since, properly speaking, all parameters are measured in the rest frame of
the electron, let us add superscript dashes to all the relevant parameters. The
radiation spectrum in frame of the electron is therefore
Z b0
I(ω 0) = 2πb0γN vK 0 db0 (51)
Z 2e6γN b0max
= ln . (52)
3 3 3 2
12π ε0c me v b0min
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For bmax, we note that we should only integrate out to those values of b for which
ωb/v = 1. For larger values of b, the radiation at frequency ω lies on the exponential
tail of the spectrum and we obtain a negligible contribution to the intensity.
non-relativistic limit is
2 1/2
" #
8 mec 1 + (1 − ε/E)
I(ω) = Z 2αre2 vN ln 1/2
3 E 1 − (1 − ε/E)
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Thermal Bremsstrahlung
In order to work out the bremsstrahlung, or free-free emission, of a gas at
temperature T , we integrate the expression (53) over a Maxwellian distribution of
electron velocities
mev 2
3/2 !
Ne(v) dv = 4πNe v 2 exp dv. (55)
2πkT 2kT
The algebra can become somewhat cumbersome at this stage. We can find the
correct order-of-magnitude answer if we write 1
2 m e v 2 = 3 kT in expression (53).
Then, the emissivity of a plasma having electron density Ne becomes in the low
frequency limit,
Z 2e6N Ne me 1/2
I(ω) ≈ √ 3 3 3 2 g(ω, T ) (56)
12 3π ε0c me kT
where g(ω, T ) is a Gaunt factor, corresponding to ln Λ, but now integrated over
Thermal Bremsstrahlung
The total energy loss rate of the plasma may be found by integrating the spectral
emissivity over all frequencies. In practice, because of the exponential cut-off, we
find the correct functional form by integrating (56) from 0 to ω = kT /h̄, that is,
where the number densities of electrons Ne and of nuclei N are given in particles
per cubic metre. At frequencies h̄ω kT , the Gaunt factor has only a logarithmic
dependence on frequency.
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Thermal Bremsstrahlung
A suitable form for X-ray wavelengths is:
3 kT
X-ray g(ν, T ) = ln , (60)
π hν
The functional forms of the logarithmic term can be readily derived from the the
above considerations.
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electron and is obviously the maximum amount of energy which can be lost in a
single encounter with the nucleus. We should therefore integrate (52) from ω = 0 to
ωmax ≈ meνv 2/2h̄ and thus,
dE ωmax Z 2e6N 1 Z 2e6N v
− ≈ 3 3 3 2
ln Λ dω ≈ 3 3 3
ln Λ (68)
dt brems 0 12π 0c me v 24π 0c me h̄
Note that the total energy loss rate of the electron is proportional to v, that is, to the
square root of the kinetic energy E: −dE/dt ∝ E 1/2.
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