EN ZenOn Programming
EN ZenOn Programming
EN ZenOn Programming
Tel : +33 (0)3 88 18 38 50 - Fax: +33 (0)3 88 18 39 21
Program instructions
for ZenOn
6.22 SP1 B4
Ethernet network
The memory image is built with Windows CE, the ZenOn 6.22 runtime, and VNC server
(used to realize a remote connection). Furthermore, library file (imgdecmp.dll) has been added in
WinCE folder. This file is used to make available image transparency of GIF files.
Open ''B&R eMbedded OS'' software then select ''CompactFlash'' in the item list.
Click on the ''Restore Image'' button, confirm the message, and then take the image file:
Copy the following files and folders on USB key then paste them on the "program files" folder
of WinCE :
On the panel, we need to validate the touch screen keyboard to type the IP address. In task
bar, click on icon, then choose the virtual keyboard.
In the ''ControlPanel'', click on ''Configuration Manager Properties'' icon, then ''Save Settings''
Enter IP panel, then select ''LAN'' for the type of the connection, then press on ''Connect''
With this button , choose the ZenOn archive, check ''Create new project'' and validate it
with ''Ok''.
.\2009-01-22_11-27-00 zn622_uc_sidel_00.zip
For example, the Order number follow by the city of the town of the factory (don’t forget to write ''HMI'' in the name to
differentiate the PLC and HMI software).
Before start the panel configuration. Take care about project option ''Project as start project''
and ''Project active''. Realize a ''Right click'' on the project name to access at those options.
Then click on ''General'' ''Remote transport'' to set the IP address.
Set the IP address of the panel and validate it by the ''Ok'' button.
On the computer, the icon realizes the connection between computer and panel.
When connection established, put the license product (see the PDF file).
When downloading is completed, click on ''Specify the start project to the Runtime'' ,
then ''Start Runtime'' .
''Ctrl+Maj+C’’ to copy the selection, and then switch on the ''Bkgnd_syno.jpg'' file.
''Maj+T’’ to adjust the copy size. Width: 580 and Height: 396
Now you need to multiply the float selection with the background layer, like below picture.
Start to select witch conveyor you need to colorized, with this tool .
Final aspect:
''Maj+T'' to resize the paste element. Check if the chain is not broken, like following picture.
Case 1, if width layer is bigger than height, then put 580 in the width.
Case 2, if the height layer is bigger than width, then put 396 in the height.
Text :
Text to adapt (note: replace field not used by emptying field).
Variable :
Check and adjust if necessary the variable to programmed running area. Use relink tool on
paste element.
Note :
'Stop the line to change the bottle format' mask is put on the ''zone_1_format_bottle'' area.
Only used if air conveyor is present in the line. Otherwise delete it.
Note :
It's possible to add a new format bottle picture if there is not enough space on only one frame.
Use ‘‘Page_05_Format_Btl_2'' frame. Adjust navigation tab like following image.
Graphic :
Check and adjust if necessary the variable to programmed running areas. Use relink tool
on paste element.
It is possible to create several "format pack" combobox for the same running area. So you
need to adjust the visibility of combobox with the bottle format.
(''ComboBox'' Property)
Note :
It's possible to add a new format pack picture if there is not enough space on only one frame.
Use ‘‘Page_05_Format_Pck_2'' frame. Adjust navigation tab like following image.
Note :
It is possible to add a new picture if there is not enough space on only one picture. Don't forget to
modify link object.
Note :
It is possible to add a new picture if there is not enough space on only one picture. Don't forget to
modify link object. Delete this tab if way selection is not used in project.
Graphic :
Adjust the listing with motors present on the line. Adjust index motor too.
(''ComboBox'' Property)
Text :
Text to adapt (note: replace field not used by emptying field).
Note :
Don't forget ''Pack Regulation'' and ''Control pack machine''.
Graphic :
Adjust combobox with the good bottle format index.
Graphic :
Adjust combobox with the good pack format index.
(''ComboBox'' Property)
Text :
Text to adapt (note: replace field not used by emptying field).
Graphic :
Adjust the listing with motors present on the line (DOL and FC).
(''ComboBox'' Property)
Note :
It is possible to adjust the font size project here.
Note :
If you create a new "Page_02_Layout_Opt_XX", don't forget to adjust the start function like
below picture.
Graphic :
Add motor symbols and adjust Target field in "Linking rules".
Add emergency stop symbols and adjust Target field in "Linking rules".
Graphic :
Text :
Text to adapt (note: replace field not used by emptying field or "Spare").
Note :
Don't forget ''Pack Regulation'' and ''Control pack machine''.
Languages list :
1 English 7 Russian 13 Slovene
2 Italian 8 Polish 14 Swedish
3 French 9 Norway 15 Serb
4 Spanish 10 XXX 16 Rumanian
5 Portuguese 11 Chinese 17 Turkish
6 German 12 Bulgarian 18 Greece
Open the correct text file (for example ''ENGLISH.TXT'') with notepad. And put the data
clipboard at the END OF THE FILE.