The Sacrament of Matrimony

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The Sacrament of Matrimony

LINK STATEMENT  Marriage is a part of God's plan. In the book of

We are called to live a life of faithfulness. How do Genesis, we have learned that God blessed the
married couples live this value? union of husband and wife.
 At the wedding feast in Cana, Jesus' presence was
Proclamation of the Word of God a testimony that he blessed conjugal union.
 The Lord God said: "It is not good for the man to be
alone. I will make a suitable partner for him. So the In what way is marriage is a sacrament?
Lord God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while  The union of love between husband and wife is a
he was asleep, he took out one of his ribs and sacrament of Christ's love for his people. This
closed up its place with flesh. The Lord God then means that the married couple share in God's own
built up into a woman the rib that he had taken love and faithfulness; and is fashioned into the
from the man. When he brought her to the man, likeness of Christ with regards to his love for his
the man said: "This one, at last, is bone of my Church.
bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called
woman, 'for out of 'her man' this one has been What is matrimonial consent?
taken.  The Church further teaches that if consent or
 That is why, a man leaves his father and mother freedom is lacking, then it renders the marriage
and clings to his wife, and the two of them become null and void.
one body.  The priest who administers the sacrament receives
the consent of the spouses in the name of the
- Genesis 2: 18, 21 - 24 Church. The priest blesses their union.
 The spouses stand before God, before the Church,
 St. Paul said: "For this reason a man shall leave his and before their fellow men and women and freely
father and mother; and shall cling to his wife, and and publicly express their love and union to each
the two shall be made into one." This is a great other.
foreshadowing; I mean that it refers to Christ and
the Church. In any case, each one should love his What are the fruits and effects of the sacrament of
wife as he loves himself, the wife for her part matrimony?
showing respect for her husband.  One fruit or effect of the sacrament is the marriage
bond. The marriage between spouses constitutes a
- Ephesians 5: 31 - 33 bond which is perpetual and exclusive, can never
be dissolved, and is irrevocable because it is
Learning from the Message guaranteed by God's faithfulness.
 Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. The  Jesus Christ himself has declared, "What God has
account from Genesis proves to us that God wills put together, let no man put asunder." (Matthew
the conjugal union of man and woman. God 19: 6) Another fruit or effect of matrimony is the
blesses the marriage between a man and a sacramental grace. God strengthens the love and
woman. The union of husband and wife is sacred. unity between spouses. He also helps them in
The man and the woman are not anymore two times of difficulty.
entities but become one in marriage bond.
 It refers to Christ and the Church. Just as Christ has What are the requirements of conjugal love?
given himself to the Church, so must man and  The covenantal love between husband and wife
woman to each other in the context of marriage. has three fundamental properties: (1) the unity
 The husband must love his wife dearly and gives and indissolubility of marriage, (2) the fidelity or
the best of him to her and vice-versa. She must be faithfulness of the spouses, (3) the openness to the
loyal and faithful to her husband. procreation of children.
 Every family is a domestic Church. It strives to grow
The Church teaches us … CHRISTIAN CELEBRATION as a community of love whose life is centered on
What is the sacrament of holy matrimony? God. The family members pray together and help
 It is the sacrament in which a man and a woman one another. The family members help, too, in the
freely commit themselves into a partnership of mission of the Church through loving service to
their whole life. They also commit to bring out the others.
best of each other and to the procreation and
formation of their children. This covenant between
a husband and a wife has been instituted by Jesus
Christ as a sacrament.
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Christian Doctrine
 We believe that God is love. God is the source of
love. He has created us out of love. Thus, we are
capable of loving others. This love motivates us to
reach out to others especially to the poor and
needy. We are joyful when we are able to sacrifice
and serve others.
 When a man and a woman fall in love with each
other, they are willing to sacrifice for each other.
Their mutual love moves them to bring out the
best from each other. They desire to commit
themselves to an exclusive love which is blessed by
God through the sacrament of matrimony.
 We believe that married life is a call to holiness.
Every vocation in life is God's call to holiness. Just
as religious life and the single-blessedness are a
call to holiness, so is married life. Married persons
are called to a life of sanctity. By being faithful to
their spouses, by rearing their children in the
Christian way of life, by reaching out to their
neighbors, and by following Jesus' commandment
of love, married persons make their vocation holy.

Christian Life
 We have the duty in supporting and protecting
Christian marriage. All of us come from a family.
Thus, we have the duty of keeping the union of
husband and wife intact.
 In our world of today, Christian marriage is
threatened with many misconceptions and half-
truths brought about by trial marriages, free
unions, civil marriages and same sex marriages,
 Christian marriage and family life is also weakened
because of secularism, hedonism, materialism,
broken families, divorce, "contraceptive
mentality." and sexual revolution," etc.
 According to John Paul Il in "Familiaris Consortio,"
the society has the duty of protecting,
appreciating, and promoting the rights of the
family founded on marriage. (#253 Compendium of
the Social Doctrine of the Church)

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