The Sacrament of Matrimony
The Sacrament of Matrimony
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Christian Life
We have the duty in supporting and protecting
Christian marriage. All of us come from a family.
Thus, we have the duty of keeping the union of
husband and wife intact.
In our world of today, Christian marriage is
threatened with many misconceptions and half-
truths brought about by trial marriages, free
unions, civil marriages and same sex marriages,
Christian marriage and family life is also weakened
because of secularism, hedonism, materialism,
broken families, divorce, "contraceptive
mentality." and sexual revolution," etc.
According to John Paul Il in "Familiaris Consortio,"
the society has the duty of protecting,
appreciating, and promoting the rights of the
family founded on marriage. (#253 Compendium of
the Social Doctrine of the Church)