3 - Prescription and Labelling

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Jashore University of Science and


Course Title: Introduction to Pharmacy

Course Code: PHAR 1101

A Presentation on Prescription & Labeling

Prepared By
Submitted To
Group: 3
Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Session: 2020-2021
Assistant Professor
1st Year 1st semester
Department of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacy
Jashore University of Science Jashore University of Science
and Technology and Technology

•Parts of a Prescription
•Procedure of Processing the Prescription O rder
•E nsuring the compliance of patient
•E rrors of Prescriptions
•H andling of a prescription is eq ually important to
prescribe a medicine

Prescription is an order written by a

physician. Dentist or any other
registered medical practitioner to a
pharmacist to compound and dispense
a specific medication for the patient.
•Parts of a prescription

1. Date
2. Name, age, sex & address of
the patient
3. Superscription
4. Inscription
5. Subscription
6. Signatura
7. Signature, address &
registration number of
•The Procedure of processing the prescription order

Receiving the prescription

Reading & C hecking the prescription
Numbering & dating
Preparing the prescription
Documenting prescription process
Pricing the prescription
Refilling & renewal
•E nsuring the Compliance of Patient

Talk about side effects

W rite information
C ollaborate with patients
C onsider the financial burden to the patient
Assess health literacy
Reducing the complexity of drug regiment
Follow up patients
E ngage with community pharmacist
Using technology
•E rrors of Prescription

Name of the drugs
Strength of the preparation
C ommunication failure
Dosage form of the prescribed
•H andling of a Prescription is E q ually Important to
Prescribe a Medicine

Reading & checking
C ollecting & W eighting the materials
C ompounding, labeling & packaging
F inishing


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