SoE and SoS Exam Reschedule Dhulikhel Centre 06132023001

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Dhulikhel, P. u, Nepal
Tel: (01 l) 415 100,Fax: 977-ll I lerofexam inat ion s @ku. edu. np

June 13,2023


This is to notify the End-semester Examinations of B.E./B.Sc./B.Tech./B.pharm./B.Arch.

of School of Engineering and School of Science have been rescheduled
from June 25,2023as per
the request made by the deans of both schools.

I Examination Schedule : As per attached sheet (4 pages)

2 Examination Time : I 1:00 am to 2:00 pm
J Examination Centre : Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel

Prof. Ram Prasad Ghimire, phD

Control ler of Examinations

Note: Examinations wilt be conducted as per this schedule

and under no circumstance
the dates and times will be changed'unless the (Iniversity
published prior notice.
School of Science/ School of Engineering
End- Semester Examinations
Examination Time : 11:00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M.


ETEG 305 ENVS 402
EPEG 318 ARCH 425
MEEG 308
COMP 302
ENGG 111 CIEG 308
June 25,2023 BIOL 103 INAN 301
Sunday ARCH 101 BIOT 308
MATH 327
GEOM 315
ESEE 307
ENVS 335
ARCH 319
EEEG 202
MEEG 219
GEOM 201
CIEG 204
June 26,2023 CHEM 201 MGTS 302
Monday ARCH 201
MEEG 218
PHAR 220
BIOT 201
MCSC 202
June 27,2023 ARCH 215 BIOT 305
Tuesday ENVS 203 EEEG 309
BIOT 206
EEEG 320 MGTS 402
MEEG 317
MEEG 309
COMP 314
COMP 102 GEOM 310
June 29,2023 CIEG 309
ENGT 104
Thursday CIEG 341
ARCH 111
CHEG 305
ENVS 347
ENVE 311
BIOT 306
June 30,2023 EEEG 21 1
Friday MEEG 217
MATH 205
ARCH 203 PHAR 326
MATH 206
PHAR 218
BIOT 202
MATH 201
ENVE 204
July 2,2023 EEEG 221 SOCA 401
Sunday MEEG 206
COMP 204
CIEG 206
CI{EG 210
CIEG 241
ENVE 205
ENVS 202
BIOT 207
ETEG 303
ETEG 301
MEEG 318
COMP 343
PHYS 101 GEOM 313
July 3, 2023 PHYS 104 CIEG 310
Monday MATH 105 crmc 310
CIEG 342
ESEE 306
BIOT 3 13
MATH 325
EEEG 207
MEEG 213
COMP 202
GEOM 205
July 4, 2023 CIEG 202
PHAR 325
Tuesday ARCH 202
PHAR 204
BIOT 203
ENVS 209
EEEG 214
MEEG 202
COMP 231
CEEG 201
July 6, 2023 ENGT 103 CIEG 207
Thursday CI{EG 211
CIEG 242
BIOT 210
MATH 211
ENVS 205
ETEG 321
COEG 301
MGTS 303
COMP 304
COMP 341
July 7, 2023 CHEM 101 PHAR 219 GEOM 307
Friday CIEG 313
CI{EG 3 12
EEEG 33 1
BIOT 312
ESEE 309
ENVE 399
PHAR 327
EEEG 213
MEEG 216
MCSC 201
July 9, 2023 GEOM 202
Sunday CIEG 203
CIEG 231
ESEE 21 1
BIOT 205
EEEG 215 PHAR 324
MEEG 207
COMP 232
GEOM 204
July 10, 2023 CIEG 208
Monday ctfiG 2t2
ARCH 216
BIOT 211
ESEE 221

July 1 1,2023 EPEG 301

Tuesday EPEG 315
MEEG 306
MATH 101
COMP 306
CHEM 203 COMP 323
MATH 111
GEOM 306
CIEG 312
CI{EG 313
ESEE 310
ENVS 206
July 1 3, 2023 BIOT 208 ESEE 201 ENVS 306
Thursday PHAR 323
CIEG 232

COMP 101
July 14, 2023
MEEG 112
MEEG 126 MATH 208
Friday MATH 208
MEEG 141 ctfr}/4212
MEEG 156

W a
COMP 307
MATH 207 ENVS 302
July 16, 2023 CHEM 207 MATH 207 ENVS 345
Sunday BIOT 209 BIOT 314
GEOM 319

COMP 342
BIOL 207 CIEG 314
July 17, 2023
MATH 217 CHEG 321

GEOM 206
July 18,2023 CIEG 209 COMP 409
MATH 204
Tuesday CFMG 213

July 1 9, 2023
EEEG 204
Jl;Jy 21,2023 CIEG 201 CIEG 201
Friday CHEM 215 MATH 213
clmc 314

t. Examinations will be conducted as per this schedule and under no circumstance the dates and
times will be changed unless the University publishes prior notice.
2. Practical examinations will be conducted by the schools/ departments.

Course Code Title Course Code Title
ARCH IOI Building Science I CIEG 201 Construction Materials and Concrete Technology
ARCH IlI History of Architecture I CIE,G 202 Engineering Survey I
ARCH 201 Building Science II CIEG 203 Applied Mechanics
ARCH 202 History of Architecture II CIEG 204 Fluid Mechanics
ARCH 203 Building Constnrction I CIEG 206 Engineering Hydroloey and Sedimentolosy
ARCH 2I5 Building Materials II CIEG 207 Engineering Survey II
ARCH 216 History of Architecture IV CIEG 208 Strength of Materials
ARCH 319 Building Construction III CIEG 209 Engineering Geology
ARCH 425 Photogrammetry CIEG 23I Engineering Mechanics
BIOL 103 General Biology CIEG 232 Survey Architects
BTOL2OT Microbiology CIEG 241 Mechanics of Materials
BIOT 201 Microbiology CIEG242 Surveying for Architects II
BIOT 202 Genetics CIEG 308 Structural Analysis II
BIOT 203 Biochemistry CIEG 309 Foundation Engineering
BIOT 205 Cell Biology CIEG 3IO Reinforced Concrete Structures Design
BIOT 206 Molecular Bioloey I CIEG 3I2 Electrical Power System Engineering
BIOT 207 Immunology CIEG 313 Water Supply and Sanitation
BIOT 208 Developmental Biology CIEG 314 Hydraulic Machines
BIOT 209 Principles of Biochemical Engineering CIEG 34I Design of Steel, Masonry and Timber Structures
BIOT 2IO Microbial Bioprocess Engineering CIEG 342 Quantity Estimation
BIOT 2I I Environmental Biotechnology COEG 301 Control Engineering
BIOT 305 Bioinformatics COMP IOI Information System Technology
BIOT 306 Recombinant DNA Technology COMP IO2 Computer Programming
BIOT 308 Enzymology and Enzyme Technology COMP 202 Data Stnrctures and Aleorithms
BIOT 3I2 Bioinformatics COMP 204 Data Communication and Networking
BIOT 313 Research Methodology COMP 231 Microprocessor and Assembly Language
BIOT 3I4 Bioethics and IPR COMP 232 Database Management System
BIOT 315 Medical Biotechnology COMP 302 System Analysis and Design
CEEG 201 Basic Civil Engineering
COMP 304 Operations Research
CTMG 2OI Chemical Process Calculation COMP 306 Embedded System
CI{EG 2IO Chemical Process Technology I COMP 307 Operating Systems
CHEG 21 1 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics COMP 314 Algorithm and Complexity
ctffG 212 Fluid Mechanics COMP 323 Graph Theory
CHEG 213 Biochemical Engineering COMP 34I Human Computer Interaction
CFIEG 305 Modelling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering COMP 342 Computer Graphics
CI{EG 310 Unit Operation COMP 343 Information System Ethics
CHEG 3T2 Chemical Reaction Engineering II COMP 409 Cornpiler Design
CHEG 313 Mass Transfer EEEG 202 Dieital Logic
CFIEG 314 Process Equipment Design EEEG 204 Basic Electronics
CI{EG 321 Energy Technology and Natural Resources EEE,G 207 Electrical Engineering Materials
CT#,G 322 Safety and Waste Management EEEG 211 Electronics Engineering I
CHEM IOI General Chemistry EEEG 213 Network Analysis
CI{EM 2OI Reaction Mechanism and Stereochemistry EEEG 2I4 Electronics Engineering II
CFIEM 203 Organic Chemistry EEEG 2I5 Electrical Machines Fundamentals
CHEM 207 Organic Chemistry EEEG 221 Signals and Systems
CHEM 2I2 Quantitative Analysis EEEG 309 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
CHEM 215 Analytical Chemistry EEEG 320 Digital Circuits and System Design
Course Code Title Course Code Title
EEEG 33I Building Services II MATH 1I I Calculus and Algebra

ENGG I1I Elements of Engineering I MATH 2OI Advanced Calculus

ENGT 104 Professional Communication MATH 204 Analytical Geometry

ENGT 103 Communication Skills I MATH 205 Trigonometry & Analytical Geometry
ENVE 204 Chemical Process Calculation MATH 206 Applied Statistics
ENVE 205 Mechanics of Materials MATH 207 Differential Equations and Complex Variables
ENVE 3I1 Valuation and Cost Estimation MATH 208 Statistics & Probability
ENVE 399 Alternative Energy Technology MATH 211 Dynamics

ENVS 2OI Fundamentals of Ecology MATH 213 Analysis-l

ENVS 202 Conservation Biology MATH 217 Ordinary and Partial DifferentialEquatlq4!-
ENVS 203 Forest Environment MATH322 Combinatorics

ENVS 205 Geology & Geomorphology MATH 325 Analysis-I

ENVS 206 Biodiversity & Taxonomy MATH 327 Number Theory

ENVS 209 Soil Science MCSC 2OI Discrete Mathematics

ENVS 302 Aquatic Ecology MCSC 202 Numerical Methods

ENVS 306 GIS and Remote Sensing MEEG 112 Introduction to Automobile Engineering
ENVS 335 Applied Hydrology MEEG 126 Introduction to Design Studio
ENVS 345 Environmental Sociology and Human Ecology MEEG 14I Introduction to Energy Technology
ENVS 347 Agriculture and environment MEEG 156 Introduction to Hydropower
ENVS 402 Enivronment Impact Assessment MEEG 202 Strength of Materials

EPEG 301 Power Apparatus & Systems MEEG 206 Theory of Machines

EPEG 3I5 Power Systems I MEEG 207 Engineering Thermodynamics

EPEG 318 Power Electronics MEEG 2I3 Material Science and Metallurgy
ESEE 20I Environmental Laws and Policies MEEG 216 Engineering Mechanics

ESEE 2I I Environmental Pollution I MEEG 217 Basic Manufacturing Process

ESEE 22I Environmental Pollution II MEEG 2I8 Fluid Mechanics

ESEE 306 Urbanization and Sustainable Development MEEG 219 Metrology
ESEE 307 Applied Hydrology MEEG 306 Heat Transfer

ESEE 309 Energy Resource Engineering MEEG 308 Production Planning & Control
ESEE 3IO Environmental Survey MEEG 309 Hydraulic Machines
ETEG 301 Communication Systems MEEG 317 Advanced Manufacturing Process
ETEG 303 Data Communication & Networks MEEG 318 Machine Element Design & Processes II
ETEG 305 Digital Signal Processing MGTS 302 Business Management

ETEG 321 Principles of Biomedical Engieering MGTS 303 Engineering Management

GEOM 201 Introduction to Survey & Geomatics MGTS 402 Entrepreneurship Development
GEOM 202 Control Surveying PHAR 204 Pharmacognosy I
GEOM 204 Geographic Information System PHAR 218 Physiology and Pathophysiology II
GEOM 205 Topographical Survey PHAR 219 Medical Biochemistry
GEOM 206 Cartography I PHAR 220 Physical Pharmacy

GEOM 306 Land Adminisffation PHAR 323 Pharmacolosy and Toxicology III
GEOM 307 Theory of Errors & Adjustment PHAR 325 Pharmacotherapeutics I
Modern Cartography PHAR 326
GEOM 313 Quality Assurance and GMP
GEOM 3IO Cadastre PHAR 327 Industrial Pharmacy II
GEOM 3I9 Computational Geomatics PHAR 324 Medicinal Chemistry III
GEOM 315 Satellite Geodesy PHYS 101 General Physics I
INAN 3OI lnstrumental Analysis PHYS 104 General Physics
MATH IOl Calculus and Linear Aleebra SOCA 40I Sociology
MATH IO5 Engineering Mathernatics I

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