Kucet Portion
Kucet Portion
Kucet Portion
In order to balance the load of the some of the subjects which are made in groups
(Physics/Chemistry, Engineering Graphics & Design/ Workshop and Manufacturing Practices,
Programming for Problem Solving/Engineering Mechanics, English/BEE), the half of the
branches of B. Tech course offer one subject of group in odd semester and other half of the
branches of B. Tech course offer another subject of same group in odd semester. In the even
semester the subjects of the group will be exchanged
3 Weeks Duration
Physical Activity
Creative Arts
Universal Human Values
Proficiency Modules
Lectures by Eminent People
Visits to Local Areas
Familiarization to Dept./Branch & Innovations
B. Tech. First Year
(Common to all branches)
Detailed contents:
Transformation of scalars and vectors under Rotation transformation; Forces in Nature;
Newton’s laws and its completeness in describing particle motion; Form invariance of
Newton’s Second Law; Solving Newton’s equations of motion in polar coordinates; Problems
including constraints and friction; Extension to cylindrical and spherical coordinates.(8
Potential energy function; F = - Grad V, equipotential surfaces and meaning of gradient;
Conservative and non-conservative forces, curl of a force field; Central forces; Conservation of
Angular Momentum; Energy equation and energy diagrams; Elliptical, parabolic and
hyperbolic orbits; Kepler’s problem; Application: Satellite manocurves.(7 lectures)
Definition and motion of a rigid body in the plane; Rotation in the plane; Kinematics in a
coordinate system rotating and translating in the plane; Angular momentum about a point of a
rigid body in planar motion; Euler’s laws of motion, their independence from Newton’s laws,
and their necessity in describing rigid body motion; Examples.(5 lectures)
Calculation of electric field and electrostatic potential for a charge distribution; Divergence and
curl of electrostatic field; Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations for electrostatic potential and
uniqueness of their solution and connection with steady state diffusion and thermal conduction;
Practical examples like Faraday’s cage and coffee-ringeffect.Boundary conditions of electric
field and electrostatic potential,method of images,energy of a charge distribution and its
expression in terms of electric field (8 lectures)
Bio-Savart law, Divergence and curl of static magnetic field; vector potential and calculating it
for a given magnetic field using Stokes’ theorem; the equation for the vector potential and its
solution for given current densities.(6 lectures)
Faraday’s law in terms of EMF produced by changing magnetic flux; equivalence of
Faraday’s law and motional EMF; Lenz’s law.(3 lectures)
Continuity equation for current densities; Modifying equation for the curl of magnetic field to
satisfy continuity equation; displace current and magnetic field arising from time-dependent
electric field; calculating magnetic field due to changing electric fields in quasi-static
approximation. Maxwell’s equation in vacuum and non-conducting medium; Energy in an
electromagnetic field; Flow of energy and Poynting vector with examples. (5 lectures)
1. Coupled oscillators.
Unit 2: Calculus
Fundamental theorems (without proofs) Rolle’s Theorem (algebraic and geometrical
interpretation, geometrical proof), Legrange’s mean value theorem, Cauchy’s mean value
theorem, Taylors theorem, Maclaurin’s series. Asymptote’s parallel to axis, curve tracing
(simple curves only), radius of curvature for cartesian curves.
(Sections 4.3, 4.10, 4.11, 4.16, 4.17, 9.7 of Text Book)
Unit 3: Multivariable Differential Calculus
Functions of two or more variables, partial derivatives, total derivatives, change of variables,
Jacobians, Taylor’s theorem ( without proof), errors and approximations, maxima and
minimum of functions of two variable. Scalar and vector point functions, gradient, divergence,
curl, physical interpretation.
(Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 8.5, 8.6 of Text Book)
Unit 4: Multivariable Integral Calculus
Double integrals, change of order of integration , triple integrals, change of variables, beta and
gamma function, line integrals, surface integrals, volume integrals, Greens, Gauss and Stokes
theorems (without proof) irrotational fields, solenoidal fields.
(7.1, 7.2, 7.5, 7.7, 7.14, 7.15, 7.16, 8.11, 8.12, 8.13, 8.14, 8.15, 8.16, 8.18 of Text Book )
Unit 5: Differential Equations
Differential equations of first order, formation of differential equations. variable separable
form, Bernouli’s equation, exact equations, physical applications ( Newton’s law of cooling,
rate of decay) linear differential equations, applications of linear differential equations (
simple harmonic motion, oscillating electric circuits ). (Sections 11.1, 11.3, 11.4, 11.6, 11.10,
11.11, 12.6, 12,8, 14.1, 14.2, 14.5 of Text Book )
Text Book: B.S. Grewal et.al, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 43rd Edition, Khanna
Reference: Erwin Kreyszig, Aadvanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition, John Wiley &
B.Tech. First Year
(Common to all branches)
UNIT – I (7+3)
DC circuits: Introduction, network elements (R, L and C), electric power, electrical energy,
Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, resistances in series-voltage divider rule; resistances in parallel-
current divider rule, series & parallel circuits, mesh analysis and nodal analysis.
UNIT – II (7+3)
1- AC circuits: Phasor representation of sinusoidal quantities, average and R.M.S values of
sinusoidal wave form, Form Factor, real power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor.
Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC combinations (series
and parallel), series resonance.
3- AC circuits: Production of 3- voltages, voltage & current relationships of line and phase
values for balanced star and delta connections.
Three Phase Induction motor: Generation of rotating magnetic fields, Construction and
working of a three-phase induction motor, squirrel cage IM, slip-ring IM, Significance of
torque-slip characteristic, starting and speed control of induction motor and Applications.
Single-phase induction motor: Construction and principle of operation, Capacitor start &
capacitor run motor, applications.
UNIT – IV (7+3)
UNIT –V (6+2)
Power Converters : DC-DC buck and boost converters, duty ratio control. Single-phase voltage
source inverters and sinusoidal modulation.
Text Books:
1. B.L.Thereja, A.K.Thereja, “Electrical Technology Vol. I & II“, S.Chand & Company Ltd,
edn , 2005.
2. Edward Hughes, “Electrical & Electronics Technology”, Pearson Education, 10/e., 2010.
3. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, edn ,
Reference Books:
1. K. Uma Rao, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Pearson Education, edn, 2011.
2. Chakravarthy A, Sudhipanath and Chandan Kumar, “Basic Electrical Engineering”,
Tata McGraw Hill Ltd, edn, 2009.
B.Tech. First Year
(Common to all branches)
Class: I/IV B.Tech., I Semester Branch: Common to all
Introduction to Engineering Drawing: Principles of Engineering Graphics and their
ignificance, Usage of Drawing Instruments, Lettering. Conic Sections including the
Rectangular Hyperbola – General method only Cycloid,Epicycloid and Hypocycloid, Scales –
Plain, Diagonal and vernier.
Orthographic Projections: Principles of Orthographic Projections – Conventions,
Projections of Points and Lines, Projections of Plane regular geometric figures.—Auxiliary
Projections of Regular Solids – Auxiliary Views - Sections and Sectional views of Right
Regular Solids – Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone – Auxiliary views – Sections of Sphere.
Isometric Projections: Principles of Isometric Projection – Isometric Scale , Isometric
Views ,Conventions , Isometric Views of Lines, Plane Figures, Simple and Compound
Solids – Isometric Projection of objects having non- isometric lines. Isometric Projection of
Spherical Parts. Conversion of Isometric Views to Orthographic Views and Vice-versa –
Development of Surfaces: Right Regular Solids – Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid and Cone.
Introduction to CAD: (For Internal Evaluation Weightage only)
Introduction to Auto CAD Commands, Draw Tools,Modify Tools, Text, Dimension Properties,
DIMENSION, PROPERTIES tool bar, Standard Tool bar, LAYERS.
1. Engineering Drawing N.D. Bhatt / Charotar
2. Engineering Drawing / N. S. Parthasarathy and Vela Murali/ Oxford
1. Engineering Drawing / Basant Agrawal and McAgrawal/ McGraw Hill
2. Engineering Drawing / M. B. Shah, B.C. Rane / Pearson.
3. Computer Aided Engineering Drawing – K Balaveera Reddy et al – CBS Publishers
Note: Syllabus must be complete in 48 theory hours, however theory hours may be converted
in to equal practical hours as per credits
B.Tech. First Year
(Common to all branches)
LO1: develop concept of force, reactions, principles of force and their application on
engineering structures and machines
LO2: introduce various kinds of statically determinate pin jointed structures and methods of
analysing the trusses
LO3: understand the importance of geometric centre, cross sectional areas of plane lamina and
moment of inertia
LO4: understand the behavior of particles in motion subjected to system of forces.
UNIT – I (6+2)
Laws of Mechanics: Parallelogram law of forces, triangle law of forces, Newton's law of
gravitation, law of superposition and transmissibility of forces.
Force Systems: Types of forces, co-planar, concurrent and parallel forces, moment and
couple, free body diagram, resultant of force systems, resolution of forces, composition of
forces, equilibrium equations of forces, Lami’s theorem, Varignon’s theorem, moment
equilibrium equations, types of supports, beams and loadings, statically determinate structures,
resultant and equilibrium of general force system.
Plane Trusses: Rigid truss, stability and determinacy conditions, basic assumptions for a
perfect truss, analysis of trusses by method of joints and method of sections of a cantilever and
simply supported statically determinate pin-jointed trusses.
Centroid: Centroid of one dimensional figures, centroid of simple figures from first principles,
centroid of composite sections.
Moment of Inertia: Moment of inertia of plane sections from first principles, theorems of
moment of inertia – parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem, moment of inertia of
standard sections and composite sections.
UNIT - IV (8+2)
UNIT - V (8+2)
Text Books:
• Tayal A.K., “Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics”, Umesh Publishers, New
Delhi, 14th edn., 2014.
Reference Books:
• Timoshenko S., Young D.H., Rao J.V., and Sukumar Pati, ”Engineering Mechanics in SI
units”, McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 5th edn., 2013.
• Bhavikatti S.S., “Engineering Mechanics”, New Age International, New Delhi, 4th edn.,
2013 (reprint).
• Basudeb Bhattacharyya, “Engineering Mechanics”, Oxford University Press, 9th edn., 2013.