Homework 3 in 18.06 Due On Gradescope by Sunday Midnight, March 5

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Homework 3 in 18.

06 Due on Gradescope by Sunday midnight, March 5

The first two problems (3.1.3 and 3.1.5, on page 89 of ILA6) are about vector spaces in
general. The vectors in those spaces are not necessarily column vectors. In the definition
of a vector space, vector addition x + y and scalar multiplication cx must obey the following
eight rules :
(1) x + y = y + x
(2) x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z
(3) There is a unique “zero vector” such that x + 0 = x for all x
(4) For each x there is a unique vector −x such that x + (−x) = 0
(5) 1 times x equals x
(6) (c1 c2 )x = c1 (c2 x) rules (1) to (4) are about x + y
(7) c(x + y) = cx + cy rules (5) to (6) are about cx
(8) (c1 + c2 )x = c1 x + c2 x. rules (7) to (8) connect them

1. (a) Which rules are broken if we keep only the positive numbers x > 0 in R1 ? Every c must
be allowed. This half-line is not a subspace.
(b) The positive numbers with x + y and cx redefined to equal the usual xy and xc do satisfy
the eight rules. Test rule 7 when c = 3, x = 2, y = 1. (Then x + y = 2 and cx = 8.)
Which number acts as the “zero vector” in this space ?
This is Problem 3.1.3 on page 89.
2. M is the space of 2 by 2 matrices.
(a) Describe a subspace of M that contains A = 10 00 but not B = 00 −10 .

(b) If a subspace of M does contain A and B, must it contain the identity matrix ?
(c) Describe a subspace of M that contains no nonzero diagonal matrices.
This is Problem 3.1.5 on page 89.
3. The columns of AB are combinations of the columns of A. This means: The column space
of AB is contained in (possibly equal to) the column space of A. Give an example where the
column spaces of A and AB are not equal.
This is Problem 3.1.21 on page 91.
4. (nullspace of A) Create a 2 by 4 matrix R whose special solutions to Rx = 0 are s1 and s2 :
   
−3 −2 pivot columns 1 and 3
 1   0  free variables x2 and x4
s1 =  0  and s2 =  −6 
  
x2 and x4 are 1, 0 and 0, 1
0 1 in the “special solutions”
Describe all 2 by 4 matrices with this nullspace N(A) spanned by s1 and s2 .
This is Problem 3.2.3 on page 100.

5. Suppose an m by n matrix has r pivots. The number of special solutions (basis for the
nullspace) is by the Counting Theorem. The nullspace contains only x = 0 when
r= . The column space is all of Rm when the rank is r = .
This is Problem 3.2.12 on page 101.
6. Construct a matrix whose column space contains (1, 1, 5) and (0, 3, 1) and whose nullspace
contains (1, 1, 2).
This is Problem 3.2.17 on page 101.
7. If AB = 0 then the column space of B is contained in the of A. Why ?
This is Problem 3.2.21 on page 101.
8. How is the nullspace N(C) related to the spaces N(A) and N(B), if C = ?
This is Problem 3.2.27 on page 102.
  1 0 1 2
9. A = C I F = C . C has 2 independent columns.
0 1 3 1
Find the 2 special solutions to Ax = 0 of the form (x1 , x2 , 1, 0) and (x1 , x2 , 0, 1).
Note : If Ax = b has a solution x = xp then all its solutions have the form x = xp + xn . Here
xp is the only solution in the row space of A and xn is in the nullspace of A (so Axn = 0).
This problem is not in the ILA6 textbook.
Questions 10–13 are about the solution of Ax = b. Start from the augmented matrix with
last column b. Eliminate column by column.
10. Write the complete solution as xp plus any multiple of s in the nullspace :
x + 3y + 3z = 1
x + 3y = 7
2x + 6y + 9z = 5
2x + 6y = 14
−x − 3y + 3z = 5
This is Problem 3.3.3 on page 111.
11. Under what conditions on b1 , b2 , b3 are these systems solvable ? Include b as a fourth column
in elimination. Find all solutions when that solvability condition holds :
x + 2y − 2z = b1 2x + 2z = b1
2x + 5y − 4z = b2 4x + 4y = b2
4x + 9y − 8z = b3 8x + 8y = b3
This is Problem 3.3.5 on page 111.
12. Construct a 2 by 3 system Ax = b with particular solution xp = (2, 4, 0) and homogeneous
solution xn = any multiple of (1, 1, 1).
This is Problem 3.3.10 on page 112.
13. Give examples of matrices A for which the number of solutions to Ax = b is
(a) 0 or 1, depending on b (b)∞, regardless of b
(c) 0 or ∞, depending on b (d) 1, regardless of b.
This is Problem 3.3.21 on page 113.

14. Find a basis (independent vectors that span the subspace) for each of these subspaces of R4 :
(a) All vectors whose components are equal.
(b) All vectors whose components add to zero.
(c) All vectors that are perpendicular to (1, 1, 0, 0) and (1, 0, 1, 1).
(d) The column space and the nullspace of I (4 by 4).
Find a basis (and the dimension) for each of these subspaces of 3 by 3 matrices :
(e) All symmetric matrices (AT = A).
(f) All skew-symmetric matrices (AT = −A).

Corresponds to problems 3.4.16 on page 125 and 3.4.27 on page 127.

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