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Lecture 8:

Intro to Assembly
The MIPS Microprocessor
Control PCSource
PCWrite Unit

Shift left 2 2

[31-26] Registers
0 Instruction Read reg 1 0

Address [25-21] Zero

Read A 1
1 Instruction Read reg 2 data 1
Memory [20-16]
data ALU ALU
Instruction 0 result Out
Write [15-0]
data Write reg Read B 0
1 data 2
4 1 B
Instruction U
Memory Register Write data 2 AL
Memory 1
register Sign
extend Shift left 2
Intro to Machine Code
§ Now that we have a processor, operations are
performed by:
ú The instruction register sends instruction components
to the control unit.
ú The control unit decodes instruction according to the
opcode in the first 6 bits.
ú The control unit sending a sequence of signals to the
rest of the processor.
§ Only questions remaining:
ú Where do these instructions come from?
ú How are they provided to the instruction memory?
Machine Code Instructions
A little about MIPS
ú Short for Microprocessor without Interlocked
Pipeline Stages
  A type of RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
ú Provides a set of simple and fast instructions
  Compiler translates instructions into 32-bit
instructions for instruction memory.
  Complex instructions are built out of simple ones by
the compiler and assembler.
MIPS Memory and Instructions

§ All memory is
addressed in bytes.
§ Instruction addresses are measured in bytes,
starting from the instruction at address 0.
§ All instructions are 32 bits (4 bytes) long
§ Therefore:
all instruction addresses are divisible by 4.
Recall: MIPS instruction types

§ R-type:
opcode rs rt rd shamt funct

6 5 5 5 5 6
§ I-type:
opcode rs rt immediate

6 5 5 16
§ J-type:
opcode address

6 26
MIPS Registers
§ In MIPS is register-to-register (a.k.a. load-store) architecture
ú Source, destination of ALU operations are registers.
§ MIPS provides 32 registers.
ú Some have special values:
  Register 0 ($zero): value 0 – always (writes to it are discarded)
  Register 1 ($at): reserved for the assembler.
  Registers 28-31 ($gp, $sp, $fp, $ra): memory and function support
  Registers 26-27: reserved for OS kernel
ú Some are used by programs as functions parameters:
  Registers 2-3 ($v0, $v1): return values
  Registers 4-7 ($a0-$a3): function arguments
ú Some are used by programs to store values:
  Registers 8-15, 24-25 ($t0-$t9): temporaries
  Registers 16-23 ($s0-$s7): saved temporaries
ú Also three special registers (PC, HI, LO) that are not directly accessible.
  HI and LO are used in multiplication and division, and have special
instructions for accessing them.
Assembly Language Introduction
Assembly vs Machine Code
§ Each processor type has its own language for
representing 32-bit instructions as user-
readable code words.
§ Example: C = A + B
ú Assume A is stored in $t1, B in $t2, C in $t3.
ú Assembly language instruction: o t e : T h e re is a 1-
g for
to-1 mappin
add $t3, $t1, $t2 all assembly
d m a c h in e code
a n
ú Machine code instruction: instructions!

000000 01001 01010 01011 XXXXX 100000

Assembly language
§ Assembly language is the
lowest-level language that
you’ll ever program in.
§ Many compilers translate
their high-level program
commands into assembly commands, which
are then converted into machine code and
used by the processor.
§ Note: There are multiple types of assembly
language, especially for different architectures!
Why learn assembly?
§ Understand how code really works
§ Better analyze code (runtime, control flows,
pointers, stack overflows)
§ Make you appreciate constructs of high level
§ Connect your high level programming
knowledge to hardware
§ It's on the exam…
Arithmetic instructions
Instruction Opcode/Function Syntax Operation
add 100000 $d, $s, $t $d = $s + $t
addu 100001 $d, $s, $t $d = $s + $t
addi 001000 $t, $s, i $t = $s + SE(i)
addiu 001001 $t, $s, i $t = $s + SE(i)
div 011010 $s, $t lo = $s / $t; hi = $s % $t
divu 011011 $s, $t lo = $s / $t; hi = $s % $t
mult 011000 $s, $t hi:lo = $s * $t
multu 011001 $s, $t hi:lo = $s * $t
sub 100010 $d, $s, $t $d = $s - $t
subu 100011 $d, $s, $t $d = $s - $t

Note: “hi” and “lo” refer to the high and low bits referred to in the register slide.
“SE” = “sign extend”.
Assembly à Machine Code
Operation Assembly

t3 = t1 + t2; add $t3, $t1, $t2

Instruction Opcode/Function Syntax Operation

add 100000 $d, $s, $t $d = $s + $t


000000 01001
rs 01010
rt 01011
rd shamt
XXXXX 100000

Although we specify “don’t care” bits as X values, the assembler

generally assigns some value (like 0).
Logical instructions
Instruction Opcode/Function Syntax Operation
and 100100 $d, $s, $t $d = $s & $t
andi 001100 $t, $s, i $t = $s & ZE(i)
nor 100111 $d, $s, $t $d = ~($s | $t)
or 100101 $d, $s, $t $d = $s | $t
ori 001101 $t, $s, i $t = $s | ZE(i)
xor 100110 $d, $s, $t $d = $s ^ $t
xori 001110 $t, $s, i $t = $s ^ ZE(i)

Note: ZE = zero extend (pad upper bits with 0 value).

Assembly à Machine Code II
Operation Assembly

t2 = t1 & 42; andi $t2, $t1, 42

Instruction Opcode/Function Syntax Operation

andi 001100 $t, $s, i $t = $s & ZE(i)


001100 01001
rs 01010
rt 0000000000101010
Shift instructions
Instruction Opcode/Function Syntax Operation
sll 000000 $d, $t, a $d = $t << a
sllv 000100 $d, $t, $s $d = $t << $s
sra 000011 $d, $t, a $d = $t >> a
srav 000111 $d, $t, $s $d = $t >> $s
srl 000010 $d, $t, a $d = $t >>> a
srlv 000110 $d, $t, $s $d = $t >>> $s

Note: srl = “shift right logical”

sra = “shift right arithmetic”.
The “v” denotes a variable number of bits, specified by $s.
a is shift amount, and is stored in shamt when encoding
the R-type machine code instructions.
Data movement instructions

Instruction Opcode/Function Syntax Operation

mfhi 010000 $d $d = hi
mflo 010010 $d $d = lo
mthi 010001 $s hi = $s
mtlo 010011 $s lo = $s

§ These are instructions for operating on the HI and

LO registers described earlier (for multiplication and
ALU instructions in RISC
§ Most ALU instructions are R-type instructions.
ú The six-digit codes in the tables are therefore the
function codes (opcodes are 000000).
ú Exceptions are the I-type instructions (addi,
andi, ori, etc.)
§ Not all R-type instructions have an I-type
ú RISC principle dictate that an operation doesn’t
need an instruction if it can be performed through
multiple existing operations.
ú Example: addi + div à divi
§ Move data from $t4 to $t5? add $t5,$t4,$zero
ú move $t5,$t4 à

§ Multiply and store in $s1? mult $t4,$t5

ú mul $s1,$t4,$t5 à mflo $s1
Time for a Break

Bill Watterson: Calvin & Hobbes

Making an assembly program
§ Assembly language programs typically have
structure similar to simple Python or C
ú They set aside registers to store data.
ú They have sections of instructions that manipulate
this data.
§ It is always good to decide at the beginning
which registers will be used for what purpose!
ú More on this later J
Time to write our
first assembly program
Compute result = a2 + 2b + 10
§ Set up values in registers addi $t0, $zero, 7
ú a à $t0, b à $t1 addi $t1, $zero, 9
ú temp à $t6
§ temp = 10 addi $t6, $zero, 10

add $t6, $t6, $t1

§ temp = temp + b add $t6, $t6, $t1
§ temp = temp + b (again!)
mult $t0, $t0
mflo $t4
§ result = a*a
mfhi $t5

§ result = result + temp add $t4, $t4, $t6

Formatting Assembly Code
§ Instruction are written
as: <instr> <parameters>
§ Each instruction is written on its own line
§ 3 columns
ú Labels
ú Code
ú Comments
§ Start with .text (we’ll see other options later)
§ First line of code to run = label: main
# Compute the following result: r = a^2 + 2b + 10

# load up some values to test
main: addi $t0, $zero, 7
addi $t1, $zero, 9
# $t0 will be a, $t1 will be b, $t5:$t4 will be r
# $t6 will be temp
addi $t6, $zero, 10 # add 10 to r
add $t6, $t6, $t1 # then add b
add $t6, $t6, $t1 # then add b again
mult $t0, $t0 # multiply a * a
mflo $t4 # move the low result of a^2
# into the low register of r
mfhi $t5 # move the high result of a^2
# into the high register of r
add $t4, $t4, $t6 # add the temporary value
# (2b + 10) to the low
# register of r
Simulating MIPS
aka: QtSpim
QtSpim Simulator
§ Link to download:
ú http://spimsimulator.sourceforge.net
§ MIPS settings in the simulator:
ú From menu, Simulator à Settings
ú Important to not have “delayed branches” or
“delayed loads” selected under Settings.
ú “Load exception handler” field should also be
§ You should view user code (Text Segment ->
User text), no need for “kernel text”
QtSpim Settings
QtSpim – Quick How To
§ Write a MIPS program (similar to the ones
posted) in any text editor. Save it with .asm
§ In QtSpim select:
ú File -> Reinitialize and load a file
ú Single step through your program while observing
(a) the Int Regs window and (b) the text window
(user text).
  As you step through, the highlighted instruction is
the one about to be executed.
QtSpim Help => MIPS reference

§ QtSpim help (Help -> View Help) contains

ú “Appendix A (Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator)”
from Patterson and Hennessey, Computer Organization and Design:
The Hardware/Software Interface, Third Edition

ú Useful reference for MIPS R2000 Assembly Language

  Look at “Arithmetic and Logical Instructions”.
r = (2a + 5) * (7b)
# $t0 = a, $t1 = b, $t4 = r
# $t7 = left side, $t8 = right side
main: addi $t0, $zero, 7 # load up some values to test
addi $t1, $zero, 9
# calculate left side
calc_left: add $t7, $t0, $t0 # ls <- 2a
addi $t7, $t7, 5 # ls <- ls + 5

# calculate right side

calc_right: addi $t8, $zero, 7 # rs <- 7
mult $t8, $t1 # multiply b * 7
mflo $t8 # put result back into rs

# multiply left * right and put result into r

mulitply: mult $t7, $t8
mflo $t4
Control Flow
Control flow in assembly
§ Not all programs follow a linear set of instructions.
ú Some operations require the code to branch to one
section of code or another (if/else).
ú Some require the code to jump back and repeat a section
of code again (for/while).
§ For this, we have labels on the left-hand side that
indicate the points that the program flow might
need to jump to.
ú References to these points in the assembly code are
resolved by the assembler at compile time to offset
values for the program counter.
Time for more
Branch instructions

Instruction Opcode/Function Syntax Operation

beq 000100 $s, $t, label if ($s == $t) pc ß label

bgtz 000111 $s, label if ($s > 0) pc ß label
blez 000110 $s, label if ($s <= 0) pc ß label
bne 000101 $s, $t, label if ($s != $t) pc ß label

§ Branch operations are key when implementing if

statements and while loops.
§ The labels are memory locations, assigned to each
label at compile time.
Branch instructions
§ How does a branch instruction work?


main: beq $t0, $t1, end # check if $t0 == $t1

... # if $t0 != $t1, then
... # execute these lines

end: ... # if $t0 == $t1, then

... # execute these lines
Branch instructions
§ Alternate implementation using bne:


main: bne $t0, $t1, end # check if $t0 == $t1

... # if $t0 == $t1, then
... # execute these lines

end: ... # if $t0 != $t1, then

... # execute these lines

§ Used to produce if statement behaviour.

Conditional Branch Terms
§ When the branch condition is met, we say the
branch is taken.
§ When the branch condition is not met, we
say the branch is not taken.
ú What is the next PC in this case?
  It’s the usual PC+4
§ How far can a processor branch? Are there
any constraints?
Jump instructions

Instruction Opcode/Function Syntax Operation

j 000010 label pc ß label

jal 000011 label $ra = pc; pc ß label
jalr 001001 $s $ra = pc; pc = $s
jr 001000 $s pc = $s

§ jal = “jump and link”.

ú Register $31 (aka $ra) stores the address that’s used when
returning from a subroutine.
§ Note: jr and jalr are not j-type instructions.
Comparison instructions
Instruction Opcode/Function Syntax Operation
slt 101010 $d, $s, $t $d = ($s < $t)
sltu 101001 $d, $s, $t $d = ($s < $t)
slti 001010 $t, $s, i $t = ($s < SE(i))
sltiu 001001 $t, $s, i $t = ($s < SE(i))

§ “slt” = “Set Less Than”

§ Comparison operation stores a one in the destination
register if the less-than comparison is true, and stores a
zero in that location otherwise.
§ Signed: 0x8000000 is less than all numbers
§ Unsigned: 0 - 0x7FFFFFFF are less than 0x8000000
If/Else statements in MIPS
if ( i == j )
j += i;

§ Strategy for if/else statements:

ú Test condition, and jump to if logic block
whenever condition is true.
ú Otherwise, perform else logic block, and jump to
first line after if logic block.
Translated if/else statements
# $t1 = i, $t2 = j
main: beq $t1, $t2, IF # branch if ( i == j )
addi $t2, $t2, -1 # j--
j END # jump over IF
IF: addi $t1, $t1, 1 # i++
END: add $t2, $t2, $t1 # j += i

§ Alternately, you can branch on the else

condition first:
# $t1 = i, $t2 = j
main: bne $t1, $t2, ELSE # branch if ! ( i == j )
addi $t1, $t1, 1 # i++
j END # jump over ELSE
ELSE: addi $t2, $t2, -1 # j--
END: add $t2, $t2, $t1 # j += i
A trick with if statements
§ Use flow charts to help you sort out the
control flow of the code:
if ( i == j ) beq
j--; else
j += i; block

jump if
# $t1 = i, $t2 = j
main: beq $t1, $t2, IF block
addi $t2, $t2, -1
IF: addi $t1, $t1, 1 end
END: add $t2, $t2, $t1
Multiple Conditions Inside If
if ( i == j || i == k )
i++ ; // if-body
j-- ; // else-body
j = i + k ;
Multiple Conditions Inside If
if ( i == j || i == k )
i++ ; // if-body
j-- ; // else-body
j = i + k ;

§ Branch statement for each condition:

# $t1 = i, $t2 = j, $t3 = k
main: beq $t1, $t2, IF # cond1: branch if ( i == j )
bne $t1, $t3, ELSE # cond2: branch if ( i != k )
IF: addi $t1, $t1, 1 # if (i==j|i==k) à i++
j END # jump over else
ELSE: addi $t2, $t2, -1 # else-body: j--
END: add $t2, $t1, $t3 # j = i + k
Multiple if conditions
§ How would this look if the condition changed?
if ( i == j && i == k )
i++ ; // if-body
j-- ; // else-body
j = i + k ;

# $t1 = i, $t2 = j, $t3 = k

main: bne $t1, $t2, ELSE # cond1: branch if ( i != j )
bne $t1, $t3, ELSE # cond2: branch if ( i != k )
IF: addi $t1, $t1, 1 # if (i==j|i==k) à i++
j END # jump over else
ELSE: addi $t2, $t2, -1 # else-body: j--
END: add $t2, $t1, $t3 # j = i + k
main: add $t0, $zero, $zero
addi $t1, $zero, 100
START: beq $t0, $t1, END
addi $t0, $t0, 1
Loops in MIPS
§ Example of a simple loop, in assembly:
main: add $t0, $zero, $zero
addi $t1, $zero, 100
START: beq $t0, $t1, END
addi $t0, $t0, 1

§ …which is the same as saying (in C):

int i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
Loops in MIPS
for ( <init> ; <cond> ; <update> ) {
<for body>

§ For loops (such as above) are usually

implemented with the following structure:
main: <init>
START: if (!<cond>) branch to END
UPDATE: <update>
jump to START
Loop example in MIPS
j = 0;
for ( i=0 ; i<100 ; i++ ) {
j = j + i;

§ This translates to:

# $t0 = i, $t1 = j
main: add $t0, $zero, $zero # set i to 0
add $t1, $zero, $zero # set j to 0
addi $t9, $zero, 100 # set $t9 to 100
START: beq $t0, $t9, EXIT # branch if i==100
add $t1, $t1, $t0 # j = j + i
UPDATE: addi $t0, $t0, 1 # i++

§ while loops are the same, without the

initialization and update sections.
§ Fibonacci sequence:
ú How would you convert this into assembly?

int n = 10;
int f1 = 1, f2 = 1;

while (n != 0) {
f1 = f1 + f2;
f2 = f1 – f2;
n = n – 1;
# result is f1

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