Final Fantasy Age Setting

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A tabletop RPG setting written for the F
​ antasy Age​ system by 
Wally Zielinski 
Chris Giannoukos 
and special thanks to 
+Gerben van Eijk 
(​Download the PDF version​) 
No copyright is claimed by the authors of this document to any licensed imagery or similarities to 
SQUARE ENIX’s FINAL FANTASY Series, and to the extent that material may appear to be infringed, I assert 
that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright laws. 




Welcome to ​Gaia​–A
​ land of kingdoms and crystals, swords and magic. The denizens of Gaia are 
blessed by the light of the 4 crystals: 
The crystal of ​Water​ grants clean and safe rivers, and people pray to it when they need assistance with 
interpersonal relationships. 
The crystal of ​Wind​ ensures there is always a cool breeze which allows the ships to sail. People pray to it 
for matters of intellect and difficult decisions. 
The crystal of ​Earth​ provides bountiful harvests, and when people need help in their career or financial 
affairs, people seek it’s power. 
And the crystal of ​Fire​ means there is a warmth and light which can always be found, even in the coldest 
darkest places. It’s light is a source of inspiration to those who need a jolt of creative energy. 
Long ago, a strange and mysterious cult came to power, led by the ​Mage Hunter Dreggon​ and his lackeys. He 
claimed that if the Four crystals were brought together, it’s light would eradicate sadness, death, and fear. The 
world would be a Utopia beyond imagining. As his followers began to grow in number, some of the people began 
to believe their words, and war broke out. 
The followers worked in secret, infiltrated each Kingdom's security, and even killed their fellow men to achieve 
their goals, and eventually they began acquiring Crystals. Each time a crystal was taken from its temple, the world 
grew a little darker. 
These prophets claimed the Darkening was only temporary–That once all four were brought together, Utopia 
would be born. But the people began to fear. Townsfolk starved from lack of harvests, the waters ran dark and 
polluted, and the winds could no longer carry ships across the seas. Only the Fire crystal remained protected by 
the G
​ reat King Allag​. By the light of this last remaining crystal, he formed an alliance. 
The ​Allagan Alliance​ was a pact between the four kingdoms of G ​ aia​. Each King swore to protect the last 
remaining crystal and rend the cultists asunder. To that end, they fought in the B ​ attle of the Four Corners​, and 
finally all of the crystals were reclaimed. They replaced them in their kingdoms and per the Alliance, created the 
Allagan Forces​, whose sole purpose was to protect the crystals from ever being disturbed again. 
In the 150 years since then, Gaia has become a peaceful place once more. Blacksmiths provide weapons, but 
their use is generally frowned upon unless one's life is threatened. Merchants can be found in every corner, 
peddling wares and trinkets. Each kingdom is safe and protected by a crystal, and all is as it should be. 
But dark forces are never fully quenched, and a plot is unfolding which threatens the happy lives of Gaia once 
more. That is when the​ H ​ eroes of Light​ s
​ tep forth... 




In this realm, Gil is used in place of Copper/Silver/Gold. The formula for Gil is as follows: 
Gil = Copper × 10 -or- 1000 gil = 100 cp/10 sp/1 gp 
Enemies will generally have elemental weaknesses and resistances. The following table describes how 
to modify damage based on elemental attributes. 
Attribute  Modifier 

Weakness  +3 Damage 

Resistance  -3 Damage 

Immunity/Nullification  All damage of this type is ignored 

Absorb  All damage of this type is converted to healing 

New Class 
There is an additional core Class you may choose at character creation: the ​Mystic Knight​. These are 
warrior/mage hybrids with access to Magic and Weapons alike. 
In addition to the new specializations, please refer to the chart below and keep the new names for Core 
FAGE specs in mind. 
Old Specialization  New Specialization 

Knight  Chocobo Knight 

Elementalist  Arcanist 

Miracle Worker  White Mage 

Sword Mage  Spellsword 

Sharpshooter  Ranger 

Arcane Scholar  Sage 

Limit Breaks 
In addition to Stunt Points, characters in this world have the opportunity to critically succeed. This 
occurs when the two non-stunt dice on an ability test are both 6. When this happens, the player gains 


access to a new set of stunts called Limit Breaks. The number on the stunt die reflects the number of 
Limit Stunts they may use. Refer to the table below for Limit Break Stunts: 
Limit Break Combat Stunts 

1  Braver  Your Battle Acuity reaches it’s peak. Reroll the lowest damage die and 
take the higher and double the total result. 

2  Cross Slash  Make a second attack against the same enemy. If both attacks hit, target 
is knocked prone 

3  X Strike  You and an Ally move as one, and strike an enemy so quickly in 
succession only half their defenses can apply to either of you. You and 
an ally of your choice gain a +2 bonus on your next ability test against 
the chosen target. Additionally, you may each use the Pierce Armor stunt 
at no SP cost when attacking the chosen enemy. 

4  Lunatic High  The adrenaline of the battle sends your senses into hyperdrive. Your 
attack affects an additional enemy adjacent to your primary target, or 
within 6 yards of it if you are using a missile weapon. At the start of the 
next round of combat, you are moved to the top of the initiative order. 

5  Grand lethal  The enemy takes a severe injury preventing it from performing in battle. 
Replace The Target’s Stunt Die with a d3 when making Fighting and 
Intelligence tests.  
Limit Break Spell Stunts 

1  Riot Blade  Your Mental Acuity reaches it’s peak. If your spell does damage or 
healing, reroll the lowest damage/healing die and take the higher and 
double the total result. 

2  Star Prism  The power of the stars lend themselves to your power. Any effect that 
requires an opposed test against your spellpower is an automatic failure. 

3  Free Energy  You draw from the very flow of battle to power your spells. Decrease the 
MP Cost of the spell to 0. 

4  Last Resort  Your Spell triggers a reaction with the ever present magical energies 
around you. Your spell’s radius expands by 6 yards in all directions. 

5  Great Gospel  Your Spell resonates the very heavens themselves. All allies within 20 
yards of you heal the amount of your total roll and gain a +2 to defense 
for the rest of the encounter. 
Doom Points 
Similar to Limit Breaks, Doom Points occur on the other side of the threshold, when a character 
Critically Fails. This occurs when a player rolls 1s on the non-stunt die. The number of stunts generated 
is equal to the number on the stunt die, and players ​must​ use stunts from the below table: 


Doom Point Table 

1  Wiped Out  You are very much “off your game”. Replace your stunt die with a d3 for
1d6 nights rests.

2  Serious  Your injuries are so severe, you’ll never be quite as healthy again without
Wound  intensive care. The next round of damage you take permanently reduces
your maximum HP as well for 2d6 consecutive nights rest.

3  Slow Healer  Your wounds will heal, but it will take time. Reduce your Constitution by 1
until you receive three consecutive nights of full rest.

3  Prone  You not only failed to hit your enemy, the attack knocks you off balance.
You fall prone and take 1d6 damage.

4  Easy Prey  The enemy takes advantage of your weakened position. Add 1d6 to the
next damage you receive.

5  Demoralized  Your failure shakes your confidence. Take a -1 to your next Willpower

5  Off Balance  You don’t recover as quickly as you should. Reduce Defense by 1 until
your next turn.

6  Fumble  You drop your weapon and must use a minor action to retrieve it. This
effect bypasses effects that prevent disarmament.

New Actions 
Steal​ ​Major Action 
You attempt to pilfer something from your target. The TN and the items available to steal will be 
determined by the DM. 
Scan​ M​ inor​ A
​ ction  
You take a moment to try and identify potential weaknesses in a target. Based on the target, the test 
will be determined by the DM (Natural Lore, Arcane Lore, etc). The TN also will vary and the information 
obtained will be determined based on your level of success. 
Concentrate​ M ​ inor​ A
​ ction 
This is an action which can be taken by mages only. You take a moment and concentrate on the next 
spell you want to cast. You may add any relevant Arcana focuses to the damage roll of the next spell 
you cast. 




Class:​ ​Warrior 
Requirements:​ Strength and Constitution 2 or higher 
and Unarmed Style (Novice) 
Skilled martial artists, fighting with nothing but bare 
fists. These warriors are at one with the Earth. Their 
blinding speed and accuracy will make your head 
spin–if they don’t knock it off your shoulders first. 
Your fists are faster than lightning. You can perform 
Lightning Attack​ as a Major Action instead of a Stunt 
when using weapons in the Brawling weapon group. 
The stunt itself may be used in addition to this, bringing 
the maximum number of attacks per turn to three. 
You are at one with mind, body and spirit. Learn 
Chakra​, a Major Action. You can meditate 
momentarily to recover 1d6 HP and remove one 
Your martial skills surpass all. Learn the ​Sweeping 
Kick​ combat stunt. This can only be used when using 
weapons in the Brawling weapon group. For 4 SP, your 
attack affects all opponents in a 2y radius and knocks them prone. 



Class: ​Warrior 
Requirements​:​ Strength 3 or higher and the Pole 
Weapon Style (Novice) 
Built and trained to slay dragons, these fierce warriors are 
one with their Lances, dealing mighty blows to enemies 
who dare stand in their way. Practically aerial fighters, their 
jumping ability is not to be underestimated. 
Lances are an extension of your own body and d ​ o not 
count as an improvised weapon, even if you are on foot. 
Also learn J​ ump​, a Major Action which can only be used 
when wielding a weapon from the Pole group. You target 
an enemy within your movement range to strike from 
above. By the power of Dragons, soar high into the sky 
until the start of your next turn, then crash down on your 
opponent. On this turn, make your attack roll and generate 
stunt points normally, but deal ​double​ damage. However, if 
the enemy has moved 4y or more since you activated 
Jump​, you automatically miss. 
You are unable to be targeted by enemies while in the air. 
For the remainder of the round after you land, you may 
only perform Free and Minor actions. 
Jumping and falling from great heights barely phases you. Strength (Climbing) tests take half the time 
they would normally, and you can jump and fall up to 10y with no penalty.  
You can also commune with dragons. Learn Speech (Drake).  
You learn the stunt ​Dragonfire​ ​for 4 SP. When you perform this stunt, you throw your weapon at an 
enemy from above. Deal an additional 1d6+2 penetrating damage. 


Class:​ ​Warrior 
Requirements​:​ Perception 2 or higher 
Samurai are known for their fierce loyalty and thick 
pockets. They are well trained in the art of the 
sword and are renowned for their quick reflexes and 
expert maneuvers.  
You are quick to spot weaknesses in enemy 
attacks. Learn C​ ounterattack​. ​Whenever an 
enemy within your melee range targets you with an 
attack, you can make an attack against them as a 
reaction if your Perception is higher than their 
This is a free action that does damage equal to 1d6 
+ Perception (regardless of your weapon damage), 
but the attack roll does not generate stunt points. 
You can anticipate the flow of battle, and now 
generate stunt points on your ​Counterattacks​. 
Keenly aware of the battlefield and your enemy’s weak points, you are able to exploit weaknesses in 
enemy movement. Whenever an enemy moves in or out of your melee attack range, you can activate a 
Counterattack​, regardless of whether or not this enemy targeted you. 


Class:​ ​Warrior 
Requirements: B ​ lack Powder Weapons Talent (Novice) 
Based on your talent with guns, you can be 
significantly more precise with your weapon, and can 
utilize the added force for some devastating effects. If 
you roll less than a 10 on your attack roll when using 
Machinist​ abilities, your gun gets Jammed and you 
must use a Minor Action to repair it before you can fire 
it again. 
Black Powder  Machinist Ability 
Weapon Talent 

Novice  Leg Shot​ - Take a -2 penalty to 

attack. If your attack connects, 
the target’s speed is reduced to a 
number equal to their Dexterity 
(min 1) until your next turn. 

Journeyman  Arm Shot​ - Take a -3 penalty to 

attack. If your attack connects, 
the target loses one Major Action 
on their next turn. 

Master  Critical Shot​ - Take a -4 penalty 

to attack. If your attack 
connects, deal an additional 2d6 
damage. Target is knocked 
You are a sniper in the field, making it easy for you to attack targets at a distance. Extend the Short and 
Long Range of your guns by 5 and 10 yards, respectively. 
You are practiced in the art of preventing weapon jams. You may reroll the lowest die on your attack 
rolls, but you must keep the second result. 




Class:​ ​Rogue 
Requirements:​ D ​ exterity 3 or higher, and Thrown 
Weapon Style (Novice) 
Sneaking and striking with precision, Ninja’s are 
known for being unseen. They stalk the battlefield 
dealing powerful blows from the shadows. 
You are well versed in the arts of stealth and 
surprise. Learn F
​ lank​, an Activate Action which can 
be used when you are behind an enemy or in a blind 
spot, and the enemy isn’t currently targeting you. 
Attacks made while this skill is activated deal 
additional damage equal to your Dexterity. 
You are nimble and as one with the shadows. Gain a 
+2 bonus on all Dexterity (Stealth) and Dexterity 
(Acrobatics) tests. 
Weapons fly from your hands with deadly force. Gain 
a bonus on all damage from Throwing Weapons 
equal to half your Dexterity. (Can stack with Flank.) 



Class:​ ​Rogue 
Requirements:​ Communication 3 or higher, Music 
Talent (Novice) 
Bards are revered for their uplifting spirits and 
empowering melodies. You use the power of music to aid 
your allies. Although they are not mages, their musical 
talent is uncanny, and they can prove to be essential allies 
on and off the battlefield. 
Your tunes have the ability to truly inspire. Learn S
​ ing​. As 
a Major Action, you may perform a song for one character 
to provide them a 1d6 inspiration die which they may use 
on any ability test. When used, players roll a 3d6 plus their 
inspiration die, and discard the ​lowest​ non-stunt die. 
Players can only have one inspiration die at a time, and 
they expire after 1 minute (or 4 rounds of combat). You 
may inspire a number of players equal to your 
You learn to play music which disrupts your enemies. 
Learn ​Dissonant​ M ​ elody​. As a Major Action, play a song 
that confuses your enemies. All enemies must make a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. your 
Communication (Performance). If they fail, they suffer a -2 penalty on their next attack or spellcasting 
roll and generate -1SP on their next stunt. 
You are a skilled performer, known far and wide. When you perform a song for friends and allies, make 
a Communication (Performance) test to see how well you are received, and gain the following bonus on 
your next turn: 
Roll  Additional Effect  

3-10  +1 Damage 

11-15  +2 Damage, +1 Defense 

16+  +3 Damage, +1 Defense 



Class:​ ​Rogue 
Requirements:​ Alchemy (Novice) or better 
Swift pockets and nimble fingers, those trained in Chemistry make 
the most of every item. Sometimes they even seem to create them 
out of thin air!  
You learn the art of synthesizing consumable items, even 
transposing those items into exploding versions which can be used 
on targets far away. Gain the following bonuses based on your 
training in the Alchemy talent: 
Alchemy Talent  Effect 

Novice  You may craft Potions for 100 gil. Further, 

you may spend 300 gil to transpose a ​ ny 
Potion or Recovery item into a ranged Vial. 
Vials follow the rules of Grenades when 

Journeyman  You may craft Echo screens, Antidotes and 

Eye drops for 100 gil; Holy Water, Maiden’s 
Kiss, and Gold Needle for 200 gil; and 
Hi-Potions for 500 gil. 

Master  You may craft Phoenix Down for 5,000 gil 

and Remedy for 750 gil. 
You excel at making things go BOOM! You may perform the ​Kaboom!​ Stunt for -1 SP. 
Also learn V​ accine​, a Major Action. Use two of a single recovery item (like ​Antidote​ ​or E
​ ye Drops​ but 
not ​Remedy​) to vaccinate one character against the corresponding disease for one hour or encounter. 
Vaccinated characters do not need to perform opposed tests when defending against the vaccinated 
disease, it will never be inflicted. 
Characters may only be vaccinated for one disease at a time. Vaccination does not treat diseases 
already inflicted. 
You are full of surprises. When using any consumable item, you may make a TN 16 Intelligence test to 
see if you can use this item with extreme efficiency. If successful, you manage to save enough of this 
item for one additional use.  

Class:​ ​Rogue 
Requirements:​ Communication 3 or higher 
Dancers are experts at weaving in and out through a 
battlefield, moving deftly from front lines to read 
effortlessly. They utilize their body to confuse and startle 
Your movements are like water on the battlefield. You 
may active S ​ word Dance​ mode as a minor action. 
While this is active, you gain +1 to all stunt points 
generated, so long as you are not wearing Mail or Plate 
Enticing is your middle name. Learn ​Charm​, a Major 
Action. By performing a successful Communication 
(Seduction) or (Persuasion) test against an adjacent 
target’s Willpower (Self-Discipline), you can​ C​ harm 
them to your way of thinking for a number of rounds 
equal to your willpower. If successful, this target must 
do as you suggest while under this actions effect. 
Otherwise, it has no effect. 
At the end of their turn, the target can attempt to break free of your hold on their will by making another 
Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs the original result of your Seduction or Persuasion test. If they ever 
take damage from an ally, they will also “snap out” of this effect. 
Your dances make waves on the battlefield. While S ​ word Dance​ is active, you also gain +2 to your 




Class:​ ​Mage 
Requirements:​ Intelligence 3 or higher and either Fate or 
Divination Arcana 
Astrologians derive their power from the stars, and use Tarot 
cards to aid allies and disrupt enemies. By reading the paths of 
the stars and patterns of the cards, they become in tune with 
nature and the bonds of fate. When you take up the Way of the 
Astrologian, you obtain a Deck of 78 and this deck becomes your 
Arcane Device (if it wasn’t already). 
Your spells are empowered by the energy of the stars. You may 
use the K​ nock Prone​ stunt as a spell stunt. Also learn ​Draw​. 
Draw​ a card from your deck of 78 (1d6). Gain an effect to 
immediately bestow upon ​yourself​ or an​ ​ally​ within 20y of 
yourself, to last until the start your next turn. Roll a 1d3 to 
determine the buff amount when necessary. D ​ raw​ is a Minor 
1d6  Effect  Value 

1  The Chariot:​ Increase Speed  +3 

2  The Moon:​ ​Reduce MP Cost (min 1 MP)  -2 

3  The Tower: R
​ educe the cost of next Stunt (min  -1 
1 SP) 

4  The Star: ​Execute one minor action as a free  -- 


5  The Empress: I​ ncrease Armor  +2 

6  The Sun:​ I​ ncrease Damage  +3 



The stars bless you with luck. You may reroll the result of a Draw until you pull a different card than 
before, keeping the final result. 
You begin to better understand how cards relate to each other. Immediately after drawing a card, you 
can choose not to apply its effect to a target, but instead use it to ​Empower​ the next card you use. 
Effect is based on card used to Empower. ​Empower​ is a Minor Action and costs 3 MP. You may only 
carry the effect of one Empowerment at a time; Subsequent E ​ mpower​ actions will overwrite any 
unused Empowerments. 
Example: I draw the The Sun, and use 3 MP to Empower my next draw. On my next turn I draw The Moon. I can 
now reduce MP cost for a friendly character by 6. 
Card Drawn  Empower 

The Star, The Chariot  Extend duration. Effect lasts for 2 turns 
instead of 1. 

The Moon, The Tower  Widen radius. Use the effect on all 
targets in a 6y radius. 

The Sun, The Empress  Boost effect. Double the potency.​* 

​ tar:​ Execute a Major Action for a Minor Action 
*​ S



Class: ​Mage 
Requirements:​ Willpower and Communication 2 or Higher 
In a distant land lies a special form of Magic where masters 
of a certain Arcana could call upon deities to perform 
miracles on their Behalf. This power has since been lost to 
the ages, however, those who know of its power seek to call 
upon it. 
You can now invoke the physical forms of Arcana. Learn 
Summon​, a Major Action. When you attain Journeyman in 
an arcana, you also obtain it’s Summon. Refer to the table 
below to determine what Summons you have received. You 
may only use ​Summon​ once per encounter. 
Also learn C
​ hanneling​, a Major Action. You can begin 
channeling a specific Summon. While Channeling, you 
cannot move or perform any other actions, but each 
consecutive turn you spend Channeling reduces the TN of 
the Summon by 1, to a maximum of -4 TN. Each turn, you 
may decide whether to continue Channeling or to attempt 
to Summon. 
Your Empathy with Summons has opened your eyes to 
other ideas and perspectives. Gain a +2 bonus to 
Perception (Empathy) and Communication (Animal 
Handling) tests. 
You are in tune with your Summons more intensely than before. You may reroll a failed Summoning roll 
and keep the second result. 
Arcana  Summon  MP  TN  Effect 

---  Carbuncle  --  13  Gain this Summon by default. Carbuncle follows you, but can be 
assigned another player to follow instead as a free action. While 
active, you can use this free action at any time to change 
Carbuncle’s designated character. All allies within it’s light (10y) 
gain a +2 bonus on all tests to resist spells. Can also be used to 
like a torch to light passageways. While you have Carbuncle active, 
your max MP takes a penalty of 10+half your Level (rounded 
down). You cannot Summon again until Carbuncle is dismissed. 
Dismissing Carbuncle removes the MP penalty but the character 
does not regain any lost MP. 


Air  Garuda  25  17  You call upon the bloodthirsty maiden of the winds to displace 
your enemies in a flurry of wind and feathers. Choose an enemy 
within 30y of you. Deal 1d6+9 Damage to enemies in a 5y radius of 
your target. Enemies affected may be pushed 5y in any direction. 

Divination  Cait Sith  30  16  A mischievous talking cat reads your party’s fortune. All Allies 
receive a +2 Bonus to their Defense and to all Attack rolls for the 
remainder of the encounter, or 1 hour. 

Draw  Siren  25  16  Plays a song that sings sweetly in your allies ear and spells doom 
for your foes. All hearing allies gain the effect of Drain Samba. 
For the remainder of the encounter, players restore their HP for 
half the amount of damage they deal (before armor). 

Earth  Titan  30  17  Stalwart defender of the earth emerges and erects a mountainous 
wall to defend you and your allies. Choose an ally within 20y of 
you. A spherical Wall with a 12y radius is erected centered around 
this target. It’s has an Armor Rating equal to your Willpower and 
it’s HP is equal to your Spellpower + Level. Enemies attacking 
allies in the wall will still make attack rolls vs. their defense, but the 
Wall will take any damage, until its HP reaches zero. While the wall 
is up and has HP, enemies outside it must make a Dexterity 
(Climbing) test vs. your Spellpower in order to move over it. 

Fate  Tonberry  30  19  A small tonberry with a gleaming knife waddles up to your target 
and impales them. Choose a target within 20y of you. Deal 
penetrating damage equal to the Target’s Defense+Your 

Fire  Ifrit  40  18  In a swathe of flames, a demon appears and spreads fire and 
chaos in its wake. Choose a target within 30y of you. Deal 2d6+8 
damage to all enemies within a 15y radius of your target. Affected 
targets who fail a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test vs. your Spellpower 
are also knocked prone. 

Gravity  Atomos  35  18  A towering disembodied mouth rises, and begins swallowing up 
everything in it’s path. Choose a target within 30y of you. This foe 
and all foes in a 20y radius of them take 2d6+3 penetrating 
damage and must make a Constitution (Stamina) test. If they fail, 
they are moved 6y closer to your target. 

Healing  Unicorn  30  19  A unicorn with a gleaming horn gallops into the battlefield to aid 
those in need. Choose an ally within 30y of you. This ally and all 
allies within a 12y radius are Revived and have their HP and MP 
fully restored. 

Heroic  Gilgamesh  20  16  Legendary hero Gilgamesh lands in the battlefield, wielding one of 
two blades to varying degrees of success. 
Roll a 3d6 to determine effect. 
≤​12  Excalipoor  Deal 1d6+Willpower damage to one target 
within 30y of you. 

13+  Excalibur  Deal 1d6+13 damage to enemies in a 15y 

wide, 10y long cone in front of you. 


Ice  Shiva  25  17  The battlefield chills, and out of icicles that form, a woman 
emerges. With a snap of her fingers, the ice shatters, leaving 
behind cold devastation. Choose a target within 30y of you. Deal 
1d6+7 Damage to all enemies in a 10y radius of this target. 
Affected enemies have their speed halved for the next 3 turns. 

Light  Alexander  40  21  A castle of stone floats down from the heavens above, guided by 
silver wings, unleashing a flurry of golden beams upon your 
enemies. All targets in a 15 yard circle you designate take 2d6 + 
Twice your Willpower penetrating damage and are seared. At the 
start of their turn, affected targets must succeed a Willpower 
(Faith) test vs. your Spellpower, or take another 1d6 + your 
Willpower penetrating damage. This effect continues until they 
succeed or until 3 of their turns pass. 

Lightning  Ramuh  45  20  Looking upon the battlefield, a bearded man with a large staff calls 
upon the sky itself to deliver judgement. Choose a target within 
20y of you. Deal 3d6+6 penetrating damage against this target. Up 
to 4 enemies within 10 yards of this target also take 
2d6+Willpower penetrating damage. 

Poison  Cúchulainn  30  16  An abomination from the depths of hades rises into the battlefield, 
carrying all the miasma of the dead with it. All enemies on the 
battlefield must make a Constitution (Stamina) test vs. your 
Spellpower, and if they fail they are diseased with F
​ ever​, ​Poison​, 
and ​Virus​. 

Power  Bahamut  50  22  The sky itself parts to call the King of Dragons. His breath leaves 
devastation in its wake. Choose a target within 30y of you. Deal 
2d6 + Your Spellpower penetrating damage to all enemies in a 12y 
radius of your target. 

Shadow  Diabolos  30  17  A spherical void swallows up all light in a 10y radius around a 
target of your choice within 30y, creating a dense fog of darkness 
that lingers for 1 hour or encounter. All targets affected (even 
those with Dark Sight) have their speed halved and must make 
successful a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test vs your Spellpower when 
moving through the fog. If they fail, they fall and take damage 
equal to 1d6 + (their Constitution ×2), and are knocked prone. 

Shield  Carbuncle+  --  18  Carbuncle functions as he does normally, but instead applies the 
effect of P
​ rotect​ and S
​ hell​ on all those in range of his light. 
Increase his MP penalty to 20 + Half your Level (Rounded down) 
while in this mode. 

Time  Chocobo  30  16  The forest bird emerges onto the battlefield and provides a 
blessing to your allies with a resounding ‘Kweh!’ Increases the 
Speed of all allies by 6 and bestows upon them one bonus Minor 
and Major action, which expires at the end of the encounter if 

Water  Leviathan  40  18  A sea serpent appears on the battlefield, riding a tsunami that 
engulfs even the driest landscape. Deal 2d6+7 damage in a 20y 
radius, and make the battlefield soaking wet. All enemies are now 
considered weak to Lightning damage.  

Wood  Sylph  25  16  Protectors of the forest heed your call and come to your aid, 
calling upon the forest itself to assist you wherever you may be. 
Thorned trees and plants begin to grow even in the harshest 


environments, and they damage foes in the process. Each target 

must make a successful Dexterity (Acrobatics) test upon moving, 
or trip and suffer 1d6+5 damage. Choose any ally to be healed by 
an amount equal to the damage taken by the target(s). 


Black Mage 
Class:​ ​Mage 
Requirements:​ Intelligence 2 or higher 
With unparalleled wisdom and wit, Black Mages use their 
knowledge of the different dimensions of the universe to 
enhance their spells. They are frightfully powerful on the 
battlefield -- If you encounter one, you better hope they are 
on your side! 
Your mind is sharp and in tune with the world around you. 
You may spend additional MP to improve your Spellpower for 
a single cast. Pay MP relative to your Willpower and refer to 
the chart below to obtain the bonus: 
MP Cost  Spellpower 

Willpower + 1  +1 

Willpower × 2  +2 

Willpower ​2  +3 

You are obsessed with magic, and are more likely to 
successfully cast spells and perform spell stunts. You have 
the option to pay an additional 5 MP to empower a spell you are casting. Roll a 4d6 instead (3d6 + 1d6 
stunt), and choose one of the non-stunt die to disregard. Use the remaining dice to determine stunts 
and casting success. 
(This cannot be used in conjunction with a Bard’s Inspiration die.) 
You learn how to call upon a version of yourself that hasn’t happened yet. You may attempt to cast a​ ny 
spell from an Arcana you’ve achieved Novice or better in, but you must pay twice the normal MP cost of 
that spell. 


Class​:​ Mage
Requirements​:​ Willpower 2 or higher; Intelligence (Natural Lore) focus 
You begin to understand the language of the planet 
around you. If you fail an Intelligence (Natural Lore) 
test, you may reroll it but you must keep the second 
Additionally, learn ​Nature’s Wrath​. When you are 
attacked with Elemental magic, you can counter with 
your own. The spell you counter with must have an 
MP cost no greater than 4 and must have a casting 
time of a Major Action or less. When using this 
action, the MP cost of whichever spell you choose is 
always 4. 
The whispers of the planet keep you aware of the 
world around you, but only if you listen. You my 
attempt to S​ cry​ on a person you’ve met or a location 
you’ve been to. This costs 5 MP and takes 10 
minutes. The DM will describe the visual clues you 
receive from the planet about what is around the 
object of your Scry at the time you cast it. 
You may implore the planet to aid you in your quest. 
Describe the assistance you seek, and roll 3d6. If 
you roll a number equal to or lower than your level, the planet hears your plea, and intervenes. The DM 
chooses the nature of the intervention. If you succeed in earning the Planet’s favor, you cannot use this 
ability again for 7 days. Otherwise, you can attempt it again after a full 8 hours of rest. 




Primary Abilities  Strength, Fighting, Intelligence, Willpower  Starting Healt​h  25 + Con + 1d6 
Weapon Groups  Brawling, and any two others as long as at least one of the following is chosen: Axes, 
Bludgeons, Heavy Blades, Light Blades, Spears or Staves. 
Talents  May take any Talent except: Dual Weapon Style, Quick Reflexes, Thievery, Scouting, or 
Armor Training 
Starting Equipment  One weapon, an arcane device, and Heavy Leather armor 
The Mystic Knight class sacrifices physical mobility for diversity in battle. These warriors are often seen in the 
form of Holy or Dark knights, but can be crafted in many versatile ways. They are allowed to take on a limited 
number of Arcana, but none of them are off-limits--they can even Master one, if they choose. 
Mystic Knights can be found either in the rear, defending the mages of your group, or on the front lines along with 
the warriors. Since they are able to wear armor without hindering their magical abilities, they know how to take a 
punch. However, what they gain in versatility, they lack in agility. These knights tend be cumbersome and slow. 
It takes great patience and determination to master both Might and Magic. Know this before taking on the 
Lv 1 

Arcane Token:​ Each Mystic Knight must have a small token by which to 
channel their magical abilities. It can be a piece of jewelry, an orb, a tome, or 
even a tattoo. Choose your Arcane Token before you make your character. If 
you lose your Token for any reason, you will need to spend an hour and 5 
MP recrafting or finding a new one. 
Magic Training:​ Study a New Arcana.​ B ​ ecome a Novice in one of the 
following ​Elemental​ Arcanas: ​Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Water.​ They 
are considered to have ​Spellpower​ equal to 8 + Willpower. 
Magic Points:​ Gain M ​ P​ ​equal to 10 + 1d6 + Willpower. MP will increase as 
you level. From levels 3-9, You gain 1d6 + Willpower MP on ​odd ​levels. From 
level 11 onwards, you gain only Willpower on ​odd​ ​levels. 
Starting Talent:​ You become a Novice in one of the following talents: 
Archery Style, Pole Weapon Style, Single Weapon Style, Throwing Weapon 
Style, Two-Hander Style, Unarmed Style, Weapon and Shield Style. ​You also 
become a Novice in M ​ age Armor Training​. 

Lv 2 

New Talent:​ You become a Novice in a new talent or gain a degree in a talent you already have. 


Lv 3  Lv 4 

Study a New Arcana​.​ ​Become a Novice in any new  New Specialization:​ You may choose one specialization 
magic talent.  for your class. You gain the Novice degree of its 
specialization talent. 
Follow-up​: You cast a spell after striking a foe with a 
melee attack, or vice-versa. This is a stunt that costs 3 stunt 
points. If casting a spell, it cannot have a MP cost greater 
than 3, and a casting roll is required as usual. If you roll 
doubles on this attack or spell casting roll, do not generate 
additional stunt points. 

Lv 5  Lv 6 

Advanced Arcana​.​ ​Obtain the next degree of  New Specialization Talent​: You gain the 
understanding in any of your chosen Arcana.  Journeyman degree in the specialization talent you 
  gained at level 4. 
New Talent​: You become a Novice in a new talent or 
gain a degree in a talent you already have. 

Lv 7  Lv 8 

New Weapon Group​: You learn a new weapon group  New​ ​Specialization​ ​Talent: You gain the Master degree in 
of your choice.  the specialization talent you gained at level 6. 
New Talent​: You become a Novice in a new talent or  Elemental​ S ​ trike​. For 2 SP, you may use an Elemental 
gain a degree in a talent you already have.  Arcana you have achieved Novice or better in to empower a 
physical attack. Treat all damage as Elemental based on the 
Arcana used to empower. 

Lv 9  Lv 10 

Absorb​ ​Mana​: Whenever an enemy deals damage to  Advanced​ ​Arcana​.​ ​Obtain the next degree of 
you as a direct result of a spell, automatically regain  understanding in any of your chosen Arcana. 
MP equal to that spent by the enemy. 

Lv 11  Lv 12 

New Talent​: You become a Novice in a new talent or  New​ ​Specialization​: You may choose one new 
gain a degree in a talent you already have.  specialization for your class. You gain the Novice 
  degree of its specialization talent. 
Magic​ P​ oints​:​ ​From level 11 onwards, only gain 
Willpower in MP on ​odd​ levels. 


Lv 13  Lv 14 

Study a New Arcana​.​ ​Become a Novice in any new  New Specialization Talen​t​: You gain the 
magic talent.  Journeyman degree in the specialization talent you 
  gained at level 12. 
Sinister​ S
​ trike​: You are an achieved spellsword.   
When using E ​ lemental​ ​Strike​ ​with an Arcana you 
have achieved Journeyman or better in, add your 
Willpower to the attack damage. 

Lv 15  Lv 16 

Study a New Arcana​.​ ​Become a Novice in any new  New Specialization Talent​: You gain the Master 
magic talent.  degree in the specialization talent you gained at level 
Brute​ ​Force​: You can substitute Strength for 
Willpower when dealing damage with spells. 

Lv 17  Lv 18 

New Talent​: You become a Novice in a new talent or  Advanced​ ​Arcana​.​ ​Obtain the next degree of 
gain a degree in a talent you already have.  understanding in any of your chosen Arcana. 
You may perform E ​ lemental​ ​Strike​ for -1 SP. 

Lv 19  Lv 20 

New​ T​ alent​: You become a Novice in a new talent or  Master​ ​Mystic​:​ ​Pick one type of stunt. You gain a +1 
gain a degree in a talent you already have.  bonus when generating stunt points of that type. 



Class​:​ ​Mystic Knight 
Requirements​:​ Willpower 2 or Higher, Healing Arcana 
(Novice) or better 
Paladins are blessed with holy magic and are the wall 
that prevents​ e​ vil from preying on the weak. While 
Guardians tend to defend on the front lines, Paladins can 
often found taking up the rear, offering aid to the mages 
and archers in their party. 
Become a sentinel on the battlefield, selflessly 
protecting allies with your body and shield. Choose an 
ally and enter ​Cover​ mode with an Activate action. Once 
per round, if your chosen ally is within movement range 
and is going to take damage, you may dash to them and 
take the blow in their place. If you are holding a shield, 
you may use half your Armor Rating to mitigate some 
damage (unless the blow itself is penetrating). 
Your aura radiates holy energy. When you successfully 
Cover for an ally, they restore HP equal to 1d3 + your 
Also gain the ability to ​Sense​ E​ vil​. Gain a +2 bonus on 
Perception tests to search for malicious characters or 
You are adept in the art of self-sacrifice, and learn to out-maneuver opponents even as you are dashing 
to your ally’s aid. You may use your full Armor Rating when using a shield to cover attacks (unless the 
blow itself is penetrating). 



Dark Knight 
Class:​ Mystic Knight 
Requirements​:​ S ​ trength and Constitution 2 or 
higher; Shadow Arcana (Novice) or better 
These fierce warriors tap into the darkness in their 
own hearts to cause equal pain to their enemies. 
They sacrifice their own life and well-being to this 
end, and thrive off the damage they do in battle. 
You earn more lethal blows at the cost of your own 
lifeforce. With an Activate action, you can enter 
Darkside​ mode. Lose HP for ​each​ attack or 
damage-dealing spellcasting roll you make in this 
mode equal to the number on the stunt die, and add 
the same amount to the damage of the attack. 
You are unable to be healed with magic or items 
until you end ​Darkside​. You can end D ​ arkside​ with 
another activate action.  
Your thirst for blood empowers you. While 
Darkside​ is active, you may use the ​Siphon​ ​stunt. 
For 3 SP, restore HP equal to twice the amount you 
paid for Darkside this turn (ignore the no-healing 
penalty of Darkside). 
You tap into the deepest depths of your tormented 
soul. Your D​ arkside​ gains a permanent +3 bonus. 
Note that this affects the HP cost to you, as well as 
the damage buff. 



Red Mage 
Class:​ ​Mystic Knight 
Requirements:​ Fighting and Intelligence 2 or 
Quick to utilize their full skillset, Red Mages are the 
epitome of a Jack-of-all-trades. Their signature 
move relies on switching to and from magic to 
melee, dealing fast and lethal damage. 
Stringing together magic and melee is 
second-nature to you. When you perform the 
Follow-up​ stunt, you may cast a spell with a cost 
of up to 5 MP instead of the usual 3. 
When you are motivated, nothing can stop you. You 
may now use the S ​ wiftcast​. You may double the 
MP cost of a spell to reduce it’s casting time by half. 
For example, if a spell is usually a Major Action, you 
can use ​Swiftcast​ to cast for a Minor Action 
instead. Spells with 1 minute casting times are 
reduced to 30 seconds (2 rounds of combat). 
Use might and magic with a particular flourish, 
chaining together melee attacks and spells with 
ease. You now generate additional stunt points on 
each casting or attack roll you make when using 
Follow-up​. However, each consecutive Stunt used 
increases the cost of all stunts by 1. 



Gun Mage 
Class:​ ​Mystic Knight 
Requirements​:​ Intelligence 2 or higher; Black Powder 
Weapon Group  
Mystics who have chosen to take up gun ownership are 
known as Gun Mages, and they are learned in the art of 
creating ammunition from their own mental prowess, able 
to channel their magical abilities through their weapons. 
Learn to create ammunition with your mental ability. You 
can substitute ammunition for MP at a rate of 2 MP per 
round. When using MP rounds, damage from your gun 
counts as magical. Loading your gun with an MP round is 
a Minor Action. 
Targeting enemies is even easier when you use your 
intuition. You can substitute Intelligence for Accuracy 
when using Black Powder weapons. 
You are at one with the elements in your arsenal. When 
shooting MP rounds, you may use ​Elemental​ ​Strike​ at 
no SP cost by investing an additional 1 MP per round. 
Rounds you have empowered with this method deal 
additional damage equal to your Intelligence. 


Class:​ ​Mystic Knight 
Requirements:​ P ​ erception 2 or Higher 
Experts of battlefields, monsters, and strategy. 
Tacticians use their superior intellect and calm 
demeanor to identify weaknesses and craft master 
If you are stronger, appear weak, and if you are 
weaker, appear stronger. The truth of these words 
resonates with you. You may reroll ​Scan​ ability tests 
and take the better result. 
The Battlefield is an essential aspect of any battle, 
able to tilt the battle in one way or another. Choose a 
focus: Hearing, Smelling, or Touching. If you fail a 
Perception test with your chosen focus, you can 
reroll it, but you must keep the result of the second 
You are able to convey your plans easily and fluently 
to those who would listen and follow. If you spend 
10 minutes explaining a cohesive plan to a group of 
people total to your communication, they gain a +2 to all ability tests for any effort geared toward 
bringing that plan to fruition. 




You learn to weaken your enemies from the inside out. 
Novice: ​You learn the spells F​ ever ​and ​Bio 
Journeyman:​ You learn the spell V ​ irus​. Also gain the focus Intelligence (Poison 
Master:​ You learn the spell F
​ ester​. You can also choose one spell stunt to use 
for -1SP when using Poison Arcana. 
Requirement  Poison Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Utility 
MP Cost  3  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  10  Test  Constitution (Stamina)​ vs. Spellpower 
You inflict a target within 10y of you with a mostly harmless yet fiercely stubborn poison for four turns. Your 
target must succeed a Constitution (Stamina) test vs your Willpower. If they fail, their body begins to fight it's own 
defensive systems, leaving them more susceptible to diseases. The target takes a -2 penalty on Constitution 
(Stamina) tests for four turns. 
Requirement  Poison Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  5  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  11  Test  Constitution (Stamina)​ vs. Spellpower 
Poison your target. Choose an enemy within 15y of yourself. The target must make a Constitution (Stamina) test 
vs. your Spellpower. On a success, the spell has no effect. On a failure, the target takes 1d6 + Willpower 
penetrating damage. At the start of each their turns, the target must make another Constitution (Stamina) test vs. 
your Spellpower, taking 1d6 + Willpower penetrating damage on a failure. The spell continues until a successful 
test is made or four rounds pass. 
Requirement  Poison Arcana (Journeyman)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  8+  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  14  Test  Constitution (Stamina)​ vs. Spellpower 


You focus your rot against your targets immune system. A target within 10y of you makes a Constitution 
(Stamina) test vs. your Spellpower. If they fail, they cannot be healed with magic or items for 2 turns, or until the 
target’s HP reaches zero. Player can invest an additional 4 MP to increase the duration by one turn. This status 
can be cured by an Antidote. 
Requirement  Poison Arcana (Master)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  11  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  16  Test  Constitution (Stamina)​ vs. Spellpower 
If a target is wounded, you can make their wounds fester. Choose an injured target within 15y of yourself to deal 
2d6+Willpower penetrating damage. If they fail a Constitution (Stamina) test, they are also diseased with ​Bio​. 
Bend the forces of space itself to your will. 
Novice: ​You learn the spells F​ loat ​and H
​ eavy 
Journeyman:​ You learn the spell W ​ arp​. Also gain the focus Intelligence (Gravity 
Master:​ You learn the spell D
​ emi​. You can also choose one spell stunt to use for 
-1SP when using Gravity Arcana​. 
Requirement  Gravity Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Defense 
MP Cost  3  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  9  Test  None 
You manipulate space itself to temporarily levitate one character within 20y of yourself 1ft. off the ground. This 
character ignores any terrain penalties, and stays floating for four turns or one minute. They are also considered 
immune to Earth elemental damage. 
Requirement  Gravity Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  5  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  13  Test  Strength (Might)​ vs. Spellpower 
Choose a target within 15y of you and strengthen the force of gravity around them. This target is afflicted with a 
-2 penalty to Speed and Dexterity, and increases Strain by 2. If the enemy is wearing metal armor, they must 
succeed a Strength (Might) test vs. your Spellpower or increase the potency of Heavy to 3. On each turn, the 
target can make another Strength (Might) test to see if they can break the effect. 


Requirement  Gravity Arcana (Journeyman)  Spell Type  Utility 
MP Cost  9+  Casting Time  Variable 
Target Number  14  Test  Willpower (Self-Discipline)​ vs. Spellpower 
Bend space and time to warp a target somewhere else. Choose a target within 20y of you. If this target fails a 
Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. Your Spellpower, they can be instantly teleported to a location of your choice 
within 10y of their current position. The new location must be on the ground (you cannot send a taget off a cliff) 
and you must be able to see it. Additionally, the path from which you want to warp one target to another must 
have a ​clear, unobtrusive path​. Friendly characters and allies can choose to bypass the resistance test. 
By expending additional MP, you can expand the radius of this spell and affect more than one target at a time. Pay 
an additional 3 MP per target. You may move a number of targets equal to your Willpower. The casting time 
becomes a Major Action if moving multiple targets. 
Requirement  Gravity Arcana (Master)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  10  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  16  Test  None 
The fabric of the universe bends to your will. Choose a target within 20y of you and roll a 1d6 + the target's 
Constitution to determine the percentage of their total HP to deal as penetrating: 
1d6+Con  Damage 

≤ 2  5% (1/20) 

3-4  10% (1/10) 

5-6  20% (1/5) 

7-8  25% (1/4) 

9+  33% (1/3) 

The mysteries of time do not elude you. 
Novice: ​You learn the spells H​ aste ​and ​Slow 
Journeyman:​ You learn the spell Q ​ uickening​. Also gain the focus Intelligence 
(Time Arcana) 
Master:​ You learn the spell T
​ imeslip​. You can also choose one spell stunt to 
use for -1SP when using Time Arcana. 


Requirement  Time Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Defense 
MP Cost  4  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  11  Test  None 
Share your understanding of time with a target of your choice within 15y. For them, time itself seems to slow 
down. Double their speed for three turns. 
Requirement  Time Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  6  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  13  Test  Dexterity (Initiative)​ vs. Spellpower 
Manipulate time to your advantage. For your target, time appears to speed up around them. Their speed is 
considered halved for up to three turns, but they may try and break the effect at the start of their turn by 
succeeding a Dexterity (Initiative) test vs. your Spellpower. 
Requirement  Time Arcana (Journeyman)  Spell Type  Utility 
MP Cost  10  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  14  Test  None 
Adjust the flow of time, and change the order of Initiative. Choose one target to be moved to the top of the 
initiative order for the remainder of the encounter. On their next turn, this character can take one additional Major 
Action than normal. 
Requirement  Time Arcana (Master)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  12  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  16  Test  Dexterity (Initiative)​ vs. Spellpower 
Your understanding of time develops enough to stop a target in their tracks. All targets within 10y must pass a 
Dexterity (Initiative) test vs. your Spellpower, and if they fail have their initiative order dropped to the bottom for 
the remainder of the encounter, and cannot make a Major Action on their next turn. 
Whip up a blizzard with deadly accuracy 


Novice: ​You learn the spells C​ old Touch ​and ​Icicle 

Journeyman:​ You learn the spell B ​ lizzard​. Also gain the focus Intelligence (Ice Arcana) 
Master:​ You learn the spell F
​ reeze​. You can also choose one spell stunt to use for -1SP when using Ice Arcana. 
Cold​ T
​ ouch       
Requirement  Ice Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Utility 
MP Cost  3+  Casting Time  1 Minute 
Target Number  10  Test  None 
When you cast this spell, you are able to create structures of ice, like walls or bridges, out of thin air. You can 
create a structure with 10 sq ft of Ice as material. This effect lasts for 1 hour and can be extended for 2 MP per 
additional hour.  
Requirement  Ice Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  5  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  12  Test  Dexterity (Acrobatics) ​vs. Spellpower 
Launch a frozen spear at enemies in a straight line. The spear’s reach is 10y long and 1y wide. The first target in 
range takes 2d6 + Willpower damage. All other targets in range must make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test vs. your 
Spellpower or take damage equal to your Willpower. 
Requirement  Ice Arcana (Journeyman)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  6  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  13  Test  Constitution (Stamina)​ vs. Spellpower 
A storm of ice assaults a 6y by 6y area within 20y of you that you designate. The blizzard lasts for four turns. 
Those who stay in the affected area must make a Constitution (Stamina) test vs. your Spellpower at the start of 
their turns. If they fail, they take 1d6 + Willpower damage and halve their speed for that round. 
Requirement  Ice Arcana (Master)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  12  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  15  Test  Constitution (Stamina)​ vs. Spellpower 
Wrap a target in a stone of ice. Deal 3d6 + Willpower damage. The target must make a Constitution (Stamina) test 
vs. your Spellpower, and if they fail are prevented from making any Major Actions on their next turn.  


Novice: ​You learn the spells P​ rotect ​and ​Shell 
Journeyman:​ You learn the spell W ​ all​. Also gain the focus Intelligence (Shield 
Master:​ You learn the spell R
​ eflect​. You can also choose one spell stunt to use for 
-1SP when using Shield Arcana. 
Requirement  Shield Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Defense 
MP Cost  4  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  9  Test  None 
A veil of arcane magic envelops a single target, protecting them from physical harm. Choose a target within 8 
yards of you that you can see. For 1 minute, this target increases its Armor Rating by 2. In addition, adversaries 
wishing to knock the target prone must spend an additional 1SP to do so. 
Requirement  Shield Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Defense 
MP Cost  5  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  10  Test  None 
You may grant the power of an arcane bubble to provide a barrier against magical damage. Choose a target within 
8 yards of you that you can see. For 1 minute, this target reduces all magical damage taken (even penetrating) by 
2, and may reroll any ability tests related to resisting spell effects (keeping the second result). 
Requirement  Shield Arcana (Journeyman)  Spell Type  Defense 
MP Cost  11  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  14  Test  None 
You may bestow a boon of temporary stamina upon a target within 6 yards of you. This character gains additional 
HP equal to your Spellpower for the next hour, as well as the Constitution (Stamina) focus, if they didn’t have it 
Requirement  Shield Arcana (Master)  Spell Type  Defense 
MP Cost  15  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  16  Test  None 


Surround yourself in a warped shield of pure mana which deflects magic. The next spell to target you ricochets off 
and affects the person who casted it instead. The caster must make any resistance tests against it’s own 
Spellpower, and calculate damage based on it’s own ability scores. 
Novice: ​You learn the spells D​ rain ​and ​Osmose 
Journeyman:​ You learn the spell A ​ bsorb Stats​. Also gain the focus Intelligence (Draw 
Master:​ You learn the spell A
​ ction Drain​. You can also choose one spell stunt to use 
for -1SP when using Drain Arcana. 
Requirement  Draw Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  5+  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  12  Test  None 
You tap into the magical forces around you to suck the life from your victim. Deal 1d6 damage per 5 MP you 
spend (up to a maximum of 3d6 for 15 MP) to an enemy within 10 yards and restore half that amount (rounded 
down) to yourself. 
Requirement  Draw Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  0  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  14  Test  Willpower (Self-Discipline)​ vs. Spellpower 
Your sheer will is strong enough to induce the mana powers from your target to be absorbed into you. Choose a 
target within 10 yards of you. If they fail a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. your Spellpower, you obtain an 
amount of Mana Points equal to 1d6 + twice the target’s Willpower. Otherwise, nothing happens. 
Requirement  Draw Arcana (Journeyman)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  10  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  15  Test  None 
Adept at identifying strengths and weaknesses, you learn to take some strength for yourself. Choose a target 
within 10 yards and an Ability. The target loses one point of the chosen Ability score for one minute, and you gain 
a point of the same Ability for the same length of time. A target can only be affected by this once, casting it again 
overrides and dispels the previous effect. 
Action Drain       
Requirement  Draw Arcana (Master)  Spell Type  Attack 


MP Cost  15  Casting Time  Major Action 

Target Number  16  Test  Dexterity (Initiative)​ vs Willpower 
Tapping into the natural magical energies of the world around you, attempt rob your opponent of an action. 
Choose a target within 10 yards of you and make a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. their Dexterity (Initiative). If 
you succeed, the opponent loses a Minor Action on their next turn and you may use an extra Minor Action in it’s 

Novice: ​You learn the spells F​ lash ​and ​Banish 
Journeyman:​ You learn the spell F ​ aith​. Also gain the focus Intelligence (Light 
Master:​ You learn the spell H
​ oly​. You can also choose one spell stunt to use for -1SP 
when using Light Arcana. 
Requirement  Light Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  3  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  10  Test  -Perception (Seeing)​ vs. Spellpower 
A flash of blinding light emanates from your body. If anyone within 3 yards of you is currently attacking you, they 
are blinded for a number of turns equal to your Willpower. All other targets within the radius must make a n ​ egative 
Perception (Seeing) test vs. your Spellpower or are also blinded. Each time a target is afflicted with Blindness, 
they gain a stacking +2 bonus to resist the same effect until the end of the encounter. 
Requirement  Light Arcana (Novice)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  5  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  12  Test  Willpower (Faith)​ vs. Spellpower 
Unleash a beam of holy energy from your arcane device that pierces all targets in a straight line that is 10 yards 
long and 1ft wide. The first target takes 1d6 + Willpower damage. All other targets in the area of effect must 
succeed a Willpower (Faith) test vs. your Spellpower or take penetrating damage equal to your Willpower. 
Requirement  Light Arcana (Journeyman)  Spell Type  Defense 
MP Cost  7  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  13  Test  None 


You bestow a target of your choice within 5 yards of you with enhanced spiritual focus. Until the end of the 
encounter, this target gains a +1 bonus to their Willpower and is considered to have the Willpower (Faith) focus if 
they didn’t already.  
Requirement  Light Arcana (Master)  Spell Type  Attack 
MP Cost  12  Casting Time  Major Action 
Target Number  15  Test  Willpower (Morale)​ vs. Spellpower 
Your connection to the divine culminates into a physical form. A weapon of your choosing appears and causes 
damage to a target within 20 yards of you equal to 3d6 + Willpower. The target must make a successful Willpower 
(Morale) test vs. your Spellpower or it becomes afraid of you, causing it to be unable to target you o
​ r ​move closer 
to you until your next turn. 




These are possible diseases you can employ in this Final Fantasy-inspired setting, caused by enemy 
abilities, traps, or dungeon mechanics. 
Disease  Effect  Resist 

Silence  You are prevented from all forms of vocal communication. All  Communication 
magic is sealed and you may not attempt to cast any spells.  (Persuasion) 
vs. Spellpower 

Blind  Your sight is lost to darkness. Attack rolls suffer a -6 penalty.  Perception (Seeing) 
vs. Spellpower 

Confusion  You must roll a 1d6 before performing any action. If you roll an  Willpower (Self-Discipline) 
odd number, take damage equal to the roll and lose this turn.  vs. Spellpower 

Poison  At the start of your turn (or every 15 minutes), make a  Constitution (Stamina) 
Constitution (Stamina) test with a TN of 14 (or Spellpower). If  vs. Spellpower 
you fail, take 1d6 penetrating damage. Lasts up to 4 turns or a 
successful test. 

Curse  You are prevented from changing your current weapon and gear  Willpower (Faith) 
and suffer a -2 penalty on all Spellcasting rolls.  vs. Spellpower 

Zombie  Healing magic and items have the reverse effect, causing you to  Constitution (Stamina) 
take damage instead. Actions are mindless and are made for you  vs. Spellpower 
by the GM. 

Petrify  You are turned to stone. You may not move, speak, or take any  Constitution (Stamina) 
actions.  vs. Spellpower 

Toad  You are transformed into a toad, and are prevented from making  None 
any attack or spell action. You can still move, but your speed is 
reduced to 3. 

Charm  A magical bind is placed on you, causing you to be compelled to  Willpower (Self-Discipline) 
act on someone else’s behalf. You must do as the caster says  vs. Communication 
(defend the bridge, attack your friends, protect me, etc) until the  Persuasion ​or​ Seduction 
effect is dispelled. Can be dispelled by taking damage from an 





The following is a list of consumable items found around Gaia. They can be used with an Activate 
Action, but items in the P​ otions​ family invoke the H
​ eal​ action’s penalty (Using one prevents your HP 
from being restored by items and Healing Kits again until more damage has been taken). 
Item  Price  Description 

Potion  200 gil  Bottle containing magical healing energy. Restores 1d6 HP. 

Hi-Potion  1,000 gil  A stronger magical force restores 2d6 + the Target’s Constitution in HP. 

Ether  15,000 gil  A vial with the essence of mental acuity. Restores 2d6 + Willpower MP.  

Hi-Ether  25,000 gil  A large, ornate glass of bright orange liquid. Restores 3d6 + Level + 
Willpower MP. 

Echo Screen  250 gil  Concoction that frees your vocal chords. Cures ​Silence​. 

Eye Drops  250 gil  Drops that restore your vision. Cures B
​ lind​. 

Antidote  250 gil  Syringe with antivenom inside. Cures ​Poison​. 

Holy Water  800 gil  Water blessed by a priest. Cures Z

​ ombie​ ​and C
​ urse​. 

Maiden’s Kiss  800 gil  Perfume with the scent of a beautiful maiden. Cures ​Toad​. 

Gold Needle  800 gil  A small needle which when used softens hard stone. Cures P
​ etrify​. 

Remedy  1,500 gil  Cures a target of all diseases. 

Phoenix Down  10,000 gil  Preemptive healing item. Grants a character the P ​ hoenix​ ability for the 
length of 1 encounter or 1 hour when used. 
Phoenix​ activates when a character starts their turn with 0 HP. Regain 1d6 
health and recover from dying status. Player may then take their turn. A 
character can only benefit from this ​once​ per day. 
Also gain a new U ​ ncommon Magic Item​ called M ​ ateria​. Each Materia is a shard of one of the 4 crystals 
and contains a spell. It can be equipped as a weapon by any class and the spell can be used with 
similar mechanics to a Spell Stone. Depending on which crystal the shard came from determines what 
kind of spell it may have (see below). Each stone has a limited number of uses, but they can be 
replenished by someone who knows the spell. 
Players must first discover the spell held within a Materia before using it. Master Sages and Appraisers 
are the only characters able to divine this information.  


Materia  Crystal  Arcana 

Ruby  Fire  Fire, Heroic, Power, Poison 

Topaz  Earth  Earth, Shadow, Wood, Gravity 

Aquamarine  Water  Water, Divination, Healing, Ice 

Emerald  Wind  Air, Lightning, Fate, Time 





Class:​ Mage (can be chosen as a starting Talent) or Mystic Knight 
​ ir, Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning​,​ ​or ​Water 
Requirement​:​ Novice in at least one of the following – A
You become trained in the art of elemental infusion. Learn E
​ nfuse​, a Major Action. Choose one of the 
elemental Arcana you have achieved Novice or better in and apply this element to one of your ranged or 
melee weapons. Attacks made with this weapon will generate damage modifications based on the 
Elemental​ ​Damage​ T ​ able. 
Effect lasts until the end of the Encounter, or 1 hour. 
Your studies reveal a new use for your talent. You may cast ​Enfuse​ ​on an ally’s weapon. This ally must 
be adjacent to you in order to use ​Enfuse​. 
You are an expert in the art of infusion. You may spend 1 hour to ​Imbue​ a
​ weapon with a chosen 
element. This weapon will become permanently enchanted, unless broken. Only one element may be 
imbued at a time. 
Classes:​ All 
Finding and handling Gil is your unique specialty. 
Looting always leads to rewards. Find an additional 1d6 x 100 gil in chests and bodies. 
You keep your coin purse shut tight in all discussions. You may reroll Communication (Bargaining) tests 
but must keep the results of the second roll 
Gil seems to be drawn to you like a magnet. Once per day, you can attempt a TN 14 Perception 
(Searching) test, and if successful find 2d6 x 500 gil cached away (even in the most unlikeliest of 


Black Powder Weapon Style 

Classes:​ Rogue, Warrior 
Carrying as many pistols as you can, the smell of cordite and black powder urges you into battle. You 
use your pistols in close combat, and you dance to the sound of gunfire. 
Loading your pistols has become second nature to you. You may load your pistols using a Minor Action 
instead of a Major Action. 
Your aim in combat is impeccable. You can now use the Disarm stunt at range. You make an opposed 
test of your Accuracy (Black Powder) against their Strength (Might). If you win, the weapon is thrown 
1d6 + Accuracy yards away. This stunt may not be performed at farther than long range. 
You are adept at striking your target where it hurts. You may perform the Mighty Blow stunt for 4 SP 
instead of the usual 5. 
Quarterstaff Style 
Class:​ Mage, Rogue and Warrior 
Requirements:​ Trained in the Staves Group and armed with a Quarterstaff as a two-handed weapon, 
Accuracy of 2 or better 
A long, straight piece of wood is all that you need to defeat your enemies. 
Your staff is both shield and weapon. When wearing Leather armor or no armor, you may take an 
Activate action to gain a +1 bonus to your Defense, and opponents gain no bonus to hit if they 
outnumber you. This lasts until the end of the encounter. 
You have learned to trip your opponents. You can perform the Knock Prone stunt for 1 SP instead of 2. 
You can use your staff to gain an advantage over your opponents. When wearing leather or no armor, 
you may take a Minor Action to perform a Vault maneuver. Choose an enemy that is not directly 
adjacent to you. You may move in a straight line and vault over that enemy with a TN (13) Dexterity 
(Acrobatics) test, depending on circumstances. You must land in an empty space behind your 
opponent. The vault itself requires 2 yards of movement. If successful, you gain a +2 advantage to hit 
your opponent. 




v 3.0.4 12/29/2017 
i.  Machinist:​ Improved ​Critical Shot​ to balance its strength with its cost. 
v 3.0.3 10/22/2017 
i.  Machinist:​ Reduced the cost of fixing a jam to a Minor Action. 
ii.  Astrologian:​ Balance adjustments to ​Draw​ ability. 
iii.  Black Mage:​ Adjustments to core ability. 
iv. Geomancer:​ Added new ability N ​ ature’s Wrath​ to balance mechanics with roleplay a bit better. 
v.  Minor adjustments, descriptions, and updates across Specs and Arcana. 
v 3.0.2 5/01/2017 
i.  Samurai:​ Adjusted ​Counterattack​ mechanics to be more usable and removed the ​Gil Toss 
v 3.0.1 4/29/2017 
i.  Red Mage:​ Adjusted Journeyman and Master abilities for balance. Added ​Swiftcast​. 
ii.  Ice Arcana:​ Removed penetrating damage from ​Icicle​. 
iii.  Adjusted ​Carbuncle+​ to include increased MP penalty. 
v 3.0.0 4/28/2017 
i.  New Specializations:​ M ​ achinist​, D ​ ancer​, ​Geomancer​, ​and​ ​Tactician 
ii.  New Arcana:​ ​Draw​, S​ hield​, ​and​ ​Light​ – as well as their respective Summons: ​Siren​, ​Carbuncle+​, 
and​ A
​ lexander​. 
iii.  New Talents: Gillionaire, Black Powder Weapon Style, and Quarterstaff Style. 
iv.  Charm status added. 
v.  Added new actions ​Scan​, ​Steal​, and ​Concentrate​. 
vi.  Added ​Limit Break​ and ​Doom Point​ Mechanics. 
vii.  Removed maximum ​Potion​ healing penalty. 
v 2.2.7 2/20/2017 
i.  Rebalanced​ Gravity ​and​ Time s ​ pells to include tests to resist effects. 
v 2.2.6 2/14/2017 
i.  Mystic Knight:​ Clarified Mage Armor Training talent and denoted that Spellpower for Mystic 
Knights is equal to 8 + Willpower. 
v 2.2.5 2/6/2017 
i.  Mystic Knight:​ Rebalancing, mainly to shift around Arcana Advancements to allow for mastery 
of one at lv 10. 
v 2.2.4 2/5/2017 
i.  Dragoon:​ Noted that J​ ump​ can only be used with a Pole Weapon, and reworded the mechanics 
to reflect the ​Fly High​ action instead of specifying a height. 
v 2.2.3 1/26/2017 
i.  Renamed ​Sorceress​ to B ​ lack​ M
​ age​, and changed the alteration for ​Elementalist​ to become 
v 2.2.2 1/19/2017 
i.  Monk:​ Explicitly stating Brawling weapon group must be used to take advantage of 


specialization techniques. 
v 2.2.1 1/18/2017 
i.  Nerfed ​Materia​ to no longer have unlimited uses based on balancing recommendations. 
Ii.  Changed ​Enfuse​ Master ability to only require 1 hour of concentration to ​Imbue​ a weapon. 
v 2.2.0 1/17/2017 
i.  Chemist:​ Reworked around ranged healing ability instead of increase potency, due to overlap 
with Chirurgy talent. 
ii.  Updated ​Potion a ​ nd ​Hi-Potion ​effectiveness. Added G ​ old Needle ​and ​Petrify ​descriptions. 
iii.  Ice:​ Updated I​ cicle t​ o use Willpower for damage instead of flat +2. 
v 2.1.4 1/16/2017 
i.  Astrologian:​ Buff to ​Draw m ​ echanic amounts to better reflect their temporary status. 
Rewrote Journeyman to allow for rerolling instead of the R ​ eversal ​ability. 
ii.  Added ​Potions​ and ​Hi-Potions​. 
v 2.1.3 1/11/2017 
i.  Monk:​ Remodeled around Lightning Attack stunt as opposed to simply dealing more damage 
with fists. 
v 2.1.2 1/9/2017 
i.  Paladin:​ Reworked C ​ over ​ability slightly to be more flexible. 
ii.  Bard:​ Rewording to better reflect intended purpose. 
iii.  Sorceress:​ Adjusted MP costs for Spellpower bonuses 
v 2.1.1 1/8/2017 
i.  Ninja​:​ Rebalanced and buffed damage bonuses to be Dexterity-based instead of flat +2. 
Added language to stipulate that the player can only use ​Flank​ while they are not being 
ii.  Bard:​ Adjusted basic mechanics to be similar to Sorceress, and less constrictive. 
iii.  Dark Knight:​ Adjusted mechanics of D ​ arkside​ to use the value of the Stunt die instead of 
rolling an extra 1d6. 
iv.  Poison​: Rebalanced B ​ io​ mechanics and MP costs. 
v.  Reordered Changelog to show most recent updates at the top. 
v 2.1.0 12/21/2016 
i.  Summoner​:​ Rebalanced damage to be more consistent with their high cost. 
v 2.0.0 12/09/2016 
i.  New​ C ​ lass​: Added M ​ ystic​ ​Knight​ and it’s Specializations: P ​ aladin​,​ ​Dark​ K
​ night​,​ ​Red​ ​Mage​, 
and G ​ un​ ​Mage​. 
​ii.  New​ S ​ pecializations​: Added S ​ amurai​, ​Chemist​, and ​Sorceress​. 
iii.  New Arcana:​ Added ​Poison​, G ​ ravity​, T​ ime​,​ and ​Ice​. 
iv.  Summoner​:​ Balancing MP/TN. Added and adjusted Summons for new Arcana: C ​ úchulainn​, 
Atomos​, L ​ eviathan​, and ​Sylph​. 
v.  Minor text modifications to make “penetrating” language consistent with core rules. 
v 1.1.1 11/21/2016 
i.  Bard​:​ Rebalanced Novice ability to allow player to choose any test, not just Willpower (Morale). 
Also nerfed Master bonuses. 
ii. Changed the images for ​Bard​, ​Ninja​, and ​Summoner​. 
v 1.1.0 11/07/2016 
i.  Added​ ​World​ M ​ ap​. 
v 1.0.4 10/31/2016 
i.  Ninja​:​ Rebalanced ​Flank​ bonus to +2 instead of 1d6. 
v 1.0.3 10/23/2016 

i.  Adjusted description of ​Poison​, nerfed damage. 

ii.  Bard​:​ Changed D ​ issonant​ M​ elody​ to affect all enemies instead of one. 
iii.  Reorganized and modified the document to be more easily digestible.  
v 1.0.2 9/6/2016 
i.  Added ​Gil​ c
​ urrency.  
ii.  Updated ​Elemental​ attributes. 
iii.  Adjusted price and description of P ​ hoenix​ ​Down​. 
v 1.0.1 9/5/2016 
i.  Rebalancing based on feedback from +Gerben van Eijk 
ii.  Monk​:​ Moved ​Chakra​ t​ o Journeyman, added the ​Sweeping​ K ​ ick​ S
​ tunt 
iii.  Dragoon​:​ Modified ​Jump​ m ​ echanics to allow for stunt points. 
iv.  Ninja​:​ Replaced ​Sneak​ ​Up​ with F
​ lank​. 
v. Summoner​:​ Replaced O ​ din ​and Y​ ojimbo w
​ ith ​Diabolos​ a
​ nd ​Gilgamesh​, respectively. 
Removed insta-kill mechanics. 
vi. Added Disease-curing items. 
v 1.0.0 9/2/2016 
i. Story base. 
ii. New Specializations. 
iii. Items and Key Items (Phoenix Down, Materia). 
iv. New Talent (Enfuse). 
v. Added Diseases. 

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