12 DND Subclasses

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Iconic Character Subclass Compendium

Got that one player who always wants to make a character from a movie or video game?
I've got you covered. Here's one subclass for every original 5th edition class, each based
on a different video game, movie, television show, or comic book character. Includes
simple lore passages to make them generic enough to fit into a standard D&D universe.

By Alexander Vigna
Barbarian Also at 3rd level you have learned to use your electric guitar
Path of the Fiendslayer as a melee weapon. An electric guitar that you are weilding
can be treated as a two-handed STR weapon that deals 1d10
Based on the Doom Marine, Doom (2016) bludgeoning damage, in addition to being your spellcasting
You were born for a single purpose: defend the material plane focus.
from the fiends that inhabit the lower planes, and the Nine
Hells in particular. You are not one for words or negotiation, Thunderstruck
always preferring brutal and swift destruction of those who At 6th level you can channel the electric energy of your guitar
would stand in your way. You know devils are crafty, and the into its damage rolls. Any electric guitar that you weild is now
longer they exist the further along their plans move. treated as a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming
resistances, and deals an extra 1d4 lightning damage.
Bloodbath Rage
Through contact and combat with fiends you find yourself Through the Fire and the Flames
somewhat changed by their dark nature, gaining a powerful At 14th level your playing speed on the electric guitar is
bloodlust when you rage. Beginning at 3rd level when choose legendary. On your turn you can choose to use your action to
this subclass, when you kill an enemy within 5 ft. of you while attack five times with an electric guitar instead of once. Once
raging you regain a number of hit points equal to half that you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
enemy's constitution score (rounded down). This feature has long rest.
no effect if the enemy killed does not have blood (i.e. stone
golems, skeletons, etc.).
Hellish Resistance Chaos Domain
Your experience fighting demons and devils has granted you a
natural level of resistance to their powers. At 6th level you Based on the Chaos Witches, Dark Souls
gain resistance to fire damage, and you don’t suffer the effects The Chaos Domain is concerned with the manipulation of the
of extreme heat, as described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. natural entropy of the universe. As such, clerics of this
You also gain advantage on checks made to resist being domain typically find themselves worshiping chaotic deities,
charmed or frightened by fiends. but can use the forces of destruction for good. This chaotic
energy typically manifests itself as fire, lava, or noxious
Shield of the Realm fumes.
Beginning at 10th level you learn to protect others from the
powers of the lower planes. As a bonus action you unleash a Chaos Domain Spells
magical battlecry that creates weakness in evil beings. You Cleric Level Spells
and up to 5 other creatures of your choice within 60 feet of 1st Burning Hands, Searing Smite
you that can hear you gain advantage on attack rolls made
against evil-aligned creatures for one minute. Once you use 3rd Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. 5th Fireball, Stinking Cloud
7th Wall of Fire, Confusion
Hell's Doorman
At 14th level your knowledge of fiends has granted you the 9th Flame Strike, Cloudkill
power to send them back from whence they came. You can
cast the Banishment spell at 5th level once, but your target(s) Bonus Cantrip
must be native to the Abyss or The Nine Hells. You also gain When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the
advantage on any CON saves used to maintain concentration firebolt cantrip if you don't already know it.
on this spell. The spell's DC is (8 + your CHA modifier + your
proficiency bonus). Once you use this feature, you can’t use it Chaotic Rebuttal
again until you finish a long rest. Also starting at first level you can cast the Hellish Rebuke
spell once without expending a spell slot. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
College of the Steel Strings Channel Divinity: Rapport
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
Based on the Guitar Hero series add a greater degree of chaos to a battle. As an action, you
You are a rare sort of bard who has mastered a unique can use your Channel Divinity to attempt to compel one
instrument, one that you call an "electric guitar". Its unique creature within 60 ft. to betray its allies. The creature must
sound has already made you quite famous, and now it will make a Charisma saving throw, and if it fails it must spend
make you powerful as well. the next minute attempting to attack its nearest ally. The
effect ends after damage is dealt by the targeted creature to
Bonus Proficiencies its ally. If the creature you target has no nearby allies, it will
When you join the College of Steel Strings at 3rd level you simply ignore you and your allies for 1 minute. This has no
gain proficiency in medium armor and the electric guitar. effect on creatures immune to being charmed.

1 Barbarian, Bard, Cleric

Burning Chaos Persistence of Weeds
Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell that deals fire You have become more attuned to the natural healing
damage over multiple spaces instantaneously (as in Fireball, energies of plants. Starting at 14th level, as long you are in
Burning Hands, etc) you can choose to magically conjure a direct sunlight and not currently suffering from any levels of
pool of lava in those spaces for 1 minute. Creatures who start exhaustion you regain 1d8 hit points every minute. In
their turn in a lava-filled space or enter one for the first time addition, you gain advantage on all death saving throws while
on their turn take 1d6 fire damage. The layer of lava is very in sunlight.
thin, and will have no effect on any flying or hovering
Potent Spellcasting Blood Drinker
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the
damage you deal with any cleric cantrip. Based on Beast Hunters, Bloodborne
Blood Drinkers are grim, dark warriors who use the power
Controlled Chaos stored in blood to enhance their survivability. They often
At 17th level you have learned to manipulate chaotic energy prefer lighter armor, as this allows them the ability to come
in a way that is much safer for you and your allies. When you into contact with more blood during a fight. Their lighter
cast a spell that deals fire, radiant, or poison damage you can armor also affords them more agility than most fighters.
choose up to 10 creatures, or 9 creatures and yourself, and
have them be immune to the effects of the spell. Chosen Agile Style
creatures will also not be damaged by pools of lava created by Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your
your Burning Chaos. movement speed increases by 5 ft. while you are wearing no
armor or light armor.
Druid Bloody Rally
Circle of Arbor Also at 3rd level, when you take damage from a melee attack
while you have a melee weapon equipped, you can use your
Based on Poison Ivy, Batman reaction to make an attack of opportunity against the creature
Duids of the Circle of Arbor find themselves enamored by the that attacked you. If the attack hits, you regain hit points
truly peaceful existence of plants, and seek to protect them. equal to half the damage dealt. Once you use this feature, you
In return, the spirits that inhabit dense woods grant them can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. This
power to aid them in battles against those who seek to feature restores no hit points if the enemy attacked does not
destroy nature for their own gain. have blood (i.e. stone golems, skeletons, etc.).
Empowered Thorn Whip Uncanny Dodge
When you choose this circle at 2nd level you learn the Thorn Starting at 7th level, when an attacker that you can see hits
Whip cantrip if you didn't already know it. In addition, your you with an attack while you are wearing light armor or no
thorn whips use d8s instead of d6s. armor, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage
against you.
Circle Spells
Your mystical connection to the plants infuses you with the Visceral Attack
ability to cast certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you Starting at 10th level, when you successfully sneak up to an
gain access to circle spells. enemy from behind and attack them with a melee attack, you
Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it brutalize them, and automatically inflict the maximum
prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells damage.
you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that
doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless Active Visceral
a druid spell for you. Starting at 15th level your visceral attacks can also be used in
combat. When you roll a natural 20 with a melee attack you
Circle of Arbor Spells automatically inflict the maximum damage, in addition to
Druid Level Spells having the dice roll doubled.
3rd Barkskin, Silence
Blood Rapture
5th Plant Growth, Create Food and Water Starting at 18th level, you have become even more
7th Hallucinatory Terrain, Freedom of Movement accustomed to absorbing the blood of your enemies. When
you land a visceral attack, either as the result of a sneak
9th Commune With Nature, Treestride attack or a natural 20, you regain hit points equal to half the
damage dealt. This feature has no effect if the enemy killed
Strength of Oak does not have blood (i.e. stone golems, skeletons, etc.).
When you reach 10th level, your skin becomes harder and
wood-like to the touch when you feel threatened. You gain a
permanent +1 to your AC, and proficiency in Constitution
saving throws.
Cleric, Druid, Fighter 2
You can also use this feature to spend 5 Ki points to cast
Monk Telekinesis, but your target must at least be partially made of
metal or stone. If the metal or stone part of your target is
Way of the Stone Fist weakly held on, it may break off (DM's discretion). If when
Based on Toph, Avatar: the Last Airbender using the spell you need to contest another creature, use your
Monks of the Way of the Stone Fist are known to train high Wisdom modifier for the roll.
on mountains or deep in caves. They see mountains as
avatars of perfection, timeless and strong, and always at Paladin
peace. Their fighting style is more rigid and grounded than
other martial arts, and they are renowned for their Oath of the Templar
survivability. Masters of the Way of the Stone Fist can even
magically manipulate stone with their Ki. Based on the Templars, Dragon Age
Templars are paladins who are trained for a very specific
Stone Within, Stone Without purpose: punish those who misuse the gift of magic, and fight
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain manipulative forces from beyond the material plane.
proficiency in Constitution saving throws, and have Templars who are part of an organized order may have full
advantage on saving throws against being pushed, grappled, control over the instruction and study of magic in their city or
or knocked prone. You can also cast the Magic Stone cantrip. kingdom. Lone traveling paladins seek out rogue mages who
might be making deals with devils and Great Old Ones, and
Stone Manipulation hunt them mercilessly in the name of peace.
Starting at 6th level you can focus your Ki to move the rocks
around you. As actions, you can spend Ki Ponts to cast Tenets of the Templar
certain spells. Templars despide two things: rogue, violent mages, and
unholy beings. Their tenents focus heavily on this fact.
Stone Manipulation Spells Misuse is a Sin. If I encounter a necromancer, bloodmage,
Ki Cost Spells or any other person using magic for a nefarious purpose, I
1 Earth Tremor will eliminate them. They deserve this punishment.
This Plane is Ours. Ghosts, Demons, Devils, Great Old
2 Stoneskin Ones, and other outside forces have no place in this realm.
3 Stone Shape, Meld Into Stone Easiest Path. It is unfortunate, but the simplest way to
4 Wall of Stone deal with someone possessed by an evil being is to simply kill
them. Saving them is rarely worth the effort.
Guide Mages. If I travel with a spellcaster I must
Stonesight encourage them use their powers to serve the greater good.
Also at 6th level, you gain tremorsense out to 30 ft.
Oath Spells
A Stone's Throw You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Starting at 11th level your mastery of the earth beneath your
feet allows to attack with it. When you make an unarmed Oath of the Templar Spells
strike you can choose to spend 1 Ki point to levitate and Paladin Level Spells
punch a stone, sending it flying up to 100 ft. You can do this 3rd Hunter's Mark, Heroism
for as many attacks in one turn as you like, but must spend
the Ki point on each one. The stone does bludgeoning 5th Hold Person, See invisibility
damage equal to that of one of your unarmed strikes, and 9th Dispel Magic, Counterspell
counts as a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming
resistances. There must be unrefined rock within 30 ft. of you 13th Banishment, Locate Creature
for this feature to function (underground counts). 17th Hold Monster, Hallow

Metalbender Channel Divinity

You have arrived at the epiphany that all metal is truly just a When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
special kind of rock. Starting at 17th level your earthbending two Channel Divinity options.
abilities are improved in the following ways: Disrupt Spellcasters. As a bonus action, you can speak a
Steelskin. When you cast Stoneskin you also gain a +2 prayer that makes it difficult to cast spells. For 1 minute after
bonus to your AC for the duration. you use this feature any creature attempting to cast a spell
within a 20-foot radius of you must roll a D20 before casting.
Wall of Steel. When you cast Wall of Stone the panels If the roll is a 3 or lower the spell is not cast and the action
now have an AC of 18 and 40 hit points each. used to cast the spell is wasted.
Shot Put. When you use A Stone's Throw the damage Prevent Escape. As a bonus action, you can speak a prayer
dealt by the rock's impact is increased by 3. Shot Put is that keeps your targets from escaping your justice. Choose
only active while there is metal nearby. one creature that you can see within 60 ft. of you. That
creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or have its
speed reduced to 5 ft. for 1 minute. If a creature's speed is
already 5 ft. or less this power has no effect on it.

3 Monk, Paladin
Aura of Antimagic Mounted Takedown
Starting at 7th level, you can dispel the effects of all magic At 11th level, when fighting a Large or larger creature you can
around you in a 5-foot radius sphere, as in the Antimagic attempt to grapple it. If successful, you jump onto the
Field spell for 1 minute. You use an action to activate this creature's back. A creature grappled this way does not have
power, and must maintain concentration to keep it active. its movement speed reduced. While mounting a hostile
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you creature you can make one attack with a one-handed melee
finish a long rest. weapon without letting go of the creature once per turn as an
action. You are unable to perform other kinds of actions,
Iron Will bonus actions, or reactions while mounting a hostile
In your career as a hunter of magical threats you've seen it all. creature. A mounted creature can use its action to attempt to
Starting at 15th level you become immune to being charmed remove you via a contest of STR checks. If you lose or tie, you
and have advantage on saving throws against being are knocked off and land on your feet in a space adjacent to
frightened. the monster. If you stay mounted for 2 whole rounds after the
one during which you first mounted the creature, the next
Righteous Executioner attack action you make will automatically crit, while also
At 20th level, you can assume the form of an holy executioner. knocking the creature prone and forcing you to dismount.
Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 hour, To explain it another way, first you use your action to
you gain the following benefits: grapple and mount the monster. On the next turn you make
one attack action. You do the same for one more turn. Then if
Your movement speed doubles. at this point you still haven't been knocked off, your third
You are wreathed in blue fire. Evil-aligned creatures who attack auto-crits.
start their turn within 5 ft. of you or enter those spaces for
the first time on their turn take 1d8 radiant damage. Master Huntsman
Your weapons disappear, and are replaced by a magical At 15th level, you gain one of the following features of your
greataxe that gains +4 to its attack and damage rolls, and choice.
deals an extra 1d12 radiant damage. Your weapons The Bigger They Are. When fighting any Large or larger
reappear when the effect ends. creature you gain a +2 bonus on all attack rolls.
The Harder They Fall. When an enemy you can see falls
Ranger prone you may use your reaction to make an attack of
opportunity against it with advantage.
Monster Hunter Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that you can see hits
Based on the Monster Hunter series you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the
Unlike typical hunters whose duty it is to protect people from attack's damage against you.
wolves, bears, and the like, Monster Hunters are charged
specifically with the killing of larger more exotic beasts, often Rogue
in small teams. As such, they are equipped with a different
set of tools and abilities to aid them. Blade Dancer
Special Equipment: Slinger Based on Bladedancers, Destiny
At 3rd level when you choose this subclass you spend your Like arcane tricksters, blade dancer rogues use magic to
next long rest completing construction of a unique tool called augment their abilities. However, the magic is of a more
a slinger. The slinger and it's ammunition are detailed further focused and refined study. Blade dancers enhance their
in this brew's appendix. If you lose or break your slinger it attacks actions through lightning spells and short-range
can be rebuilt over 2 days with 150 GP worth of materials. teleportation, and they enhance their stealth prowess with
You also become proficient with the slinger at this level. invisibility magic. They prefer melee combat over archery, but
can attack with lightning from a distance when needed.
Peak Performance
When you feel great, you fight great. Also starting at 3rd level, Blink Strike
while you have full hit points you add half of your proficiency When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn to cast
bonus to the damage rolls of your weapon attacks. a basic teleportation spell very quickly. As an action, you can
teleport up to 20 ft to a space adjacent to an enemy creature,
Slinger Upgrade: Grappling Hook and as part of the same action you make one melee attack on
At 7th level you spend your next long rest adding a grappling that creature. When you teleport in this way you do not
hook to your slinger. As an action, you can fire the grappling provoke attacks of opportunity. You can only use this
hook up to 30 feet. Then, immediately after as a bonus action teleportation spell when attacking. Once you use this feature,
you can swing on the grappling hook, flinging yourself up to you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
another 30 feet. You do not become immune to fall damage
after releasing from your swing.
Alternatively, You can use the bonus action to retract the
hook, propelling yourself towards whatever it latched on to.
The grappling hook can also be use to grab objects that aren't
being worn or carried from a distance (up to 30 ft. from you).

Paladin, Ranger, Rogue 4

Double Jump Improved Mage Hand
Also at 3rd level you can jump up to twice the normal Starting at 1st level in this class you gain the mage hand
distance. At 13th level this increases to triple the normal cantrip if you don't already know it. When you reach 3rd level
distance. in this class your mage hand can lift up to 50 pounds instead
of 10.
At 9th level you have learned a powerful form of chain Search Feelings
lightning magic called an arcbolt. Also at 1st level you can cast Detect Thoughts once without
As an action, you throw a glowing ball of electricity to a expending a spell slot. Once you use this feature, you can’t
point you can see within 60 feet of you. From that ball a bolt use it again until you finish a long rest.
of lightning arcs toward the nearest enemy creature within
30 feet. Three bolts then leap from that creature to as many Guided Hands
as three other enemy creatures, each of which must be within The Force can influence your actions, allowing you be a
30 feet of the first creature. A creature can be targeted by talented warrior with less martial training than others. At 6th
only one of the bolts. level you gain proficiency with light armor, short swords, and
A targeted creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. longswords.
The target takes 10d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one. Deflect Small Missiles
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you At 14th level The Force guides your swordsmanship with
finish a short or long rest. such accuracy and finesse that you can use swords to deflect
arrows and crossbow bolts back at your attackers. When an
Cloaking enemy that you can see attacks you with a bow or crossbow
At 13th level, you can use a bonus action to cast the Greater you can use your reaction to block the arrow or bolt with a
Invisibility spell on yourself. Once you use this feature, you shortsword or longsword. If you block a missile in this way,
can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. you can spend 1 metamagic point to make a ranged attack
with the piece of ammunition you just blocked, as part of the
Arcblade same reaction. You make this attack with proficiency,
Starting at 17th level your mastery of electric magic allows regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and use your
you to combine it with your weapon attacks. As a bonus Charisma modifier for the roll.
action you can surround one or two melee weapons that you
are holding with a powerful electric field for 1 minute. Choose a Side
Attacks with these melee weapons do an extra 2d8 electricity The force can be manipulated for good or evil, and at 18th
damage. level you will receive different benefits based on your
Also, each time you activate this feature you can choose alignment.
one of the following optional variants: Good, Jedi Master. As a force of goodness and protector of
Fleet Footed. While arcblade is active your movement peace you gain the following benefits: You gain a permanent
speed is doubled. +1 to your AC. Also, you gain advantage on all Charisma,
Encore. Killing an enemy with an arcblade attack allows Wisdom, and Intelligence saving throws made against evil-
you to make an additional attack with an arcblade as a bonus aligned creatures.
action, if you haven't already used your bonus action on this Evil, Sith Lord. You are a master of evil, controlling and
turn. domineering. You gain the following benefits: When casting a
Hungering Blade. Killing an enemy with an arcblade spell that deals lightning damage, you can re-roll 1s and 2s on
attack restores 1d8 of your hitpoints. the damage rolls, but must use the new rolls. In addition, you
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you know the Cure Wounds spell. This spell counts as a sorcerer
finish a long rest. spell for you but doesn't count against the number of sorcerer
spells you know.
Neutral, Gray Jedi. You know that the true path to peace is
Sorcerer to step aside from the great cosmic conflict of good and evil.
Force Sensitive You gain the following benefits: you know the Protection
From Evil and Good spell, and can cast it as a cantrip. This
Based on The Jedi & Sith, Star Wars spell counts as a sorcerer cantrip for you but doesn't count
There is a natural cosmic energy that fills the universe, against the number of cantrips you know.
controlled by no god or devil. Most simply refer to it as "The
Force". It’s an energy field created by all living things. It
surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together. Warlock
Those who can feel the force around them can also Patron: The Shadow
manipulate it, using it to cast unique forms of magic. But the
force can also be a path to many abilities some consider to Based on Eleven & Kali, Stranger Things
be... unnatural. Your chosen patron is a powerful being from the Shadowfell.
It might be a powerful undead like Count Strahd Von
Zarovich, perhaps an Ancient Black Shadow Dragon, or even
an especially powerful lich. Such beings desire to spread the
dark influence of the Shadowfell across the other planes.
5 Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock
Expanded Spell List As an action, you can target one creature that you can see
The Shadow lets you choose from an expanded list of spells within 30 feet of you. Both you and that creature take 1d8 of
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are psychic damage for each of your warlock levels. If the
added to the warlock spell list for you. creature you select is immune to psychic damage, it takes half
damage from this power instead of 0. If this damage would
Spell Level Spells reduce you to 0 hit points, it reduces you to 1 instead, and you
1st Silent Image, Feather Fall gain one level of exhaustion. After this power is used you will
be bleeding from your nose. Once you use this feature, you
2nd Detect Thoughts, Phantasmal Force can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
3rd Feign Death, Major Image
4th Phantasmal Killer, Locate Creature Pact Boon: Pact of the Clone
5th Contact Other Plane, Telekinesis Based on Noob Saibot, Mortal Kombat
Your patron grants you the ability to summon a dark
The Shadow's Hand reflection of yourself. As an action, you can summon a
Starting at 1st level you can cast a modified version of the Spectral Clone in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you.
Telekinesis spell without expending a spell slot. When you It has no free will, and you command it telepathically. If you
cast Telekinesis using this feature it is modified in the are in combat, the clone joins the initiative order right after
following ways: you. It continues to exist for 1 minute after you summon it.
You can summon the Spectral Clone a number of times equal
Its duration is 1 minute, instead of 10. to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain
When you target a creature, it must be medium or smaller. all expended summons when you finish a long rest.
When you target an object its weight must not exceed 200 The Spectral Clone has hit points equal to your Warlock
pounds. level times 2. It cannot speak, even if you attempt to
command it to, and it will ignore any attempts at social
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your interaction. With the exception of its hit points it has stats
Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all completely identical to yours, and will be summoned
expended uses when you finish a long rest. equipped with equivalent items. The items equipped to it
instantly dissolve if dropped.
Create & Destroy Portals Like you, the Spectral Clone can cast spells. It has the
At 6th level your patron grants you the ability to travel to and same spell list as you, and when it casts a spell it does so
from the Shadowfell as you please. You can cast the Gate using one of your spell slots. If you are multiclassing it can
spell once without spending a spell slot. When you do so, you only access your warlock spells, and gains no benefit from the
cannot use the gate to pull another creature to your current feats of other classes (such as the Fighter's extra attack). The
plane. In addition, if you aren't on the Shadowfell the only clone can also be used much like an unseen servant or a
plane you can target with this spell is the Shadowfell. If you familiar to perform various tasks. It can lift and push the
are on the Shadowfell, then you can only target the material same amount of weight as you, and retains all of your skill
plane. and tool proficiencies. If you and the clone are separated by a
Alternatively, if you come across a portal to any plane distance of over 120 feet the clone disappears.
(regardless of its age or origins) you can use your action to
take 4d8 psychic damage and close the portal if you are
within 30 ft. of it.
Once you use any one function of this feature, you can’t use Pact Boon Flavor Text
either function until you finish a long rest. The Player's Handbook notes that a Warlock's pact
boon will look different for each type of patron.
Master Illusionist The Spectral Clone is no exception. Here are a few
Starting at 10th level, creatures have disadvantage on any examples.
Wisdom or Intelligence saves made against illusion spells The Archfey. Your clone might have a faint
cast by you. You can also choose to re-roll 1s and 2s on shimmer, or appear completely clean despite
damage die used in your illusion spells, but must use the new bloody combat.
rolls. The Fiend. Your clone might have demonic horns,
blacked-out eyes, and/or red skin, if you don't.
The Great Old One. Your clone might be covered
Sacrifice Self in a thin layer of green slime, or its eyes might be
At 14th level you can choose to exert the full power of your black with a field of stars in them.
patron's magic on a creature. However, because you are the The Shadow. Your clone might be a completely
conduit for this magic, doing so puts great strain on yourself. blacked out silhouette of you, or it might have gray
or very pale, pallid skin.

Warlock 6
Spell Level Spells
Eldritch Invocations
Cantrips (0) Spare the Dying
Eldritch Spy 1st Cure Wounds, Healing Word
Prerequisite: 6th level 2nd Gentle Repose
You can cast the Scrying spell once with a warlock spell slot.
You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. 3rd Mass Healing Word, Revivify
4th Death Ward
Flash Clone 5th Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds
Prerequisite: 10th level, Pact of the Clone feature
You can summon your spectral clone using a bonus action 6th Heal
instead of an action. 7th Regenerate, Resurrection
9th Mass Heal, True Resurrection
Move with Shadows
Prerequisite: 5th level
When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action you Turn and Destroy Undead
can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see Starting at 6th level, you have discovered the magical
that is also in dim light or darkness. technique that clerics use to turn away the dead. As an action,
you conjure a bright light above your head. Each Undead that
Quickdraw Blade can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it
You can use a bonus action instead of an action to summon is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
your pact weapon. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as
far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a
Rapid Fire Blast space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its
Prerequisite: 10th level, Eldritch Blast cantrip action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from
You can cast Eldritch Blast as a bonus action. You can use an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to
this invocation a number of times equal to your Charisma move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses In addition, when an Undead of CR 1/2 or lower fails its
when you finish a long rest. saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, the creature
is instantly destroyed. The CR of destroyable undead
increases as you gain levels.
Resilient Clone
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Clone feature Wizard Level Destroys Undead of CR . . .
Your Spectral Clone's hit point maximum increases by 10. 6th 1/2 or lower
Retractive Blast 8th 1 or lower
Prerequisite: Eldritch Blast cantrip 11th 2 or lower
When you hit a creature with Eldritch Blast you can pull the 14th 3 or lower
creature up to 10 feet toward you in a straight line.
17th 4 or lower
Unseen Clone
Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Clone feature Efficient Casting
When you summon your Spectral Clone you can choose for it At 10th level you can cast any of the spells you have learned
to be invisible. from this subclass on the list above of 2nd level or lower as
bonus actions instead of actions. When you cast a spell this
way you must do so with a spell slot of the spell's original
Wizard level.
School of Restoration Overheal
Based on spells from The Elder Scrolls At 14th level when you use a spell to restore hit points to
Most wizards forego studying any sort of magic used to heal yourself or another creature and the healing exceeds that
wounds or cure sickness, but wizards of the school of creature's maximum hit points, the leftover hit points become
restoration see this as selfish. In addition, these healers are temporary hit points for that creature. These hit points exist
directly opposed to necromancy, viewing it as the antithesis to for 1 minute, and cannot exceed a number equal to your
their studies, and will make efforts to combat undead. Wizard level on a single creature.
Restoration Savant
Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you gain
access to the following list of spells. In addition, the gold and
time you must spend to copy one of the below spells into your
spellbook is halved.

7 Warlock, Wizard
Appendix A:The Slinger
As mentioned above, when Rangers choose the Monster Hunter Subclass they spend their next long rest finishing construction of
a device called a slinger. The slinger is an arm-mounted weapon that functions similarly to a small crossbow or ballista, except that
it fires round projectiles instead of spiked ones. Various types of ammunition can be purchased or crafted by smiths with simple
materials, making this a very versatile tool. The slinger is worn on one forearm, and thus cannot be worn on the same forearm as a
shield. To fire the slinger, the user must be proficient with it and have that hand free. The slinger's range is 60 feet. Firing the
slinger at a point succeeds automatically. Firing the slinger at a creature is done with a ranged Attack action using the wielder's
Dexterity modifier and proficiency bonus. Loading and reloading the slinger uses a bonus action. Theoretically, any fist-sized
object could be fired from a slinger. The effects of other kinds of objects are at the DM's discretion.
Slinger Ammunition
Ammo Material(s)
Name Needed Recoverable? Effect
Stone Stone (1cp) Yes Attack Roll: Hit. (1d4 + Dex Mod) bludgeoning damage.
Torch Flammable No Strikes a point, lighting a single space on fire for one minute.
Pod Liquid, Clay
Bomb Explosives, Clay No Attack Roll: Hit. (2d12 + Dex Mod) fire damage.
Pod (5gp)
Piercing Iron (1gp) Yes Attack Roll: Hit. (4d4 + Dex Mod) piercing damage.
Flash Firework Powder, No Strikes a point, creating a flash of light. Creatures who can see it break must make
Pod Clay (1gp) a DC 15 Dex save or be blinded for 1 minute.
Dung Dung (5cp) No Attack Roll: Hit. 1d4 Poison damage and creature must make a DC 15 CON save
Pod or be poisoned for 1 minute.
Screamer Steel (10gp) Yes Line: 60 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 15
Pod Dex saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 thunder damage on a failed save.

Appendix B: Other Items

Electric Guitar Longsword, rare
Musical instrument, very rare This item appears to be an ornate metal pipe. While
These specially modified guitars are each handmade and grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to cause a blade
enchanted by specially trained guitar makers. Thanks to a of pure energy to spring into existence, or make the blade
subtle electricity that runs along their metallic strings, the disappear. While the blade exists, this magic longsword has
sound they produce is louder and of a different quality. the Finesse property. If you are proficient with short swords
or longswords, you are proficient with the lightsaber. Also
Moonlight Greatsword while the blade exists it emits dim light in a 10-foot radius.
Greatsword, legendary (requires attunement) You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
At a glance, this is just an old and particularly sturdy this weapon, which deals fire damage instead of slashing
greatsword, and can be used as such. damage.
You can expend one of this weapon's charges, and as a These swords' energy blades come in many colors. If the
bonus action you hold the sword above your head causing a blade is random loot, roll on the table below to determine its
blade of pale blue energy to surround the normal metal one. color.
While in this state you gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage
rolls made with this weapon, which deals an extra 2d6 force Lightsaber Blade Colors
damage on attacks. It remains this state for one minute D6 Color
before returning to normal. 1 Blue
This item has 4 charges and regains 1d2 charges daily at
midnight. 2 Green
3 Yellow
4 Purple
5 Red
6 White

Appendices 8

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