DLL Science-5 Q4 W5

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DAILY LESSON LOG School: Mainang Resettlement Elementary School Grade and Section: 5- Aguinaldo

Teacher: Cristina M. Quiambao Subject: Science

Teaching Dates: May 29-June 2, 2023 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


a. Content Standards Weather disturbances and their effects on the environment.
b. Performance Standards Prepares individual emergency kit.
c. Most Essential Learning Characterize weather disturbances in the Philippines and describe their effects to daily life (No Code)
Competencies (MELCs)
II. LEARNING CONTENT Effects of Weather Effects of Weather Effects of Weather Effects of Weather
(Subject Matter) Disturbances on Daily Life Disturbances on Daily Life Disturbances on Daily Life Disturbances on Daily Life
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials (SLMs/LASs) Pensotes,J. & Raquel M. Pensotes,J. & Raquel M. Pensotes,J. & Raquel M. Pensotes,J. & Raquel M.
Quarter 4 – Module 3: Quarter 4 – Module 3: Quarter 4 – Module 3: Quarter 4 – Module 3:
Weather Disturbances Weather Disturbances Weather Disturbances Weather Disturbances (Self-
(Self-Learning Module]. (Self-Learning Module]. (Self-Learning Module]. Learning Module]. Moodle.
Moodle. Department of Moodle. Department of Moodle. Department of Department of Education
Education Retrieve (March Education Retrieve (March Education Retrieve (March Retrieve (March 19, 2023)
19, 2023) from https://r7- 19, 2023) from https://r7- 19, 2023) from https://r7- from https://r7-
2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle/m
/mod/folder/view.php? /mod/folder/view.php? /mod/folder/view.php? od/folder/view.php?id=13096
id=13096 id=13096 id=13096
e. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity paper, quiz notebook or test
Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Sheets, pens, notebook paper
notebook notebook notebook
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous lesson/Drill Directions: Define what is Directions: As a learner, Directions: Answer the Directions: Answer the
weather disturbances? give at least three (3) following questions. following questions. Write your
Give its cause and effect. activities that can be done 1. What weather condition answers in your science
during good and bad favors safe air and water notebook.
weather. transportation services?
1. What actions do the air and
Good Bad water transportation services
Weather Weather take when the weather is not
1. 1. good? Why?
2. Why is it not good to
2. 2. travel by air and water
when there is tropical
3. 3. cyclone?
2. Do air and water
transportation services
depend on weather condition?

C. Establishing a purpose for the ICE BREAKER! What seasons does the DID YOU KNOW? Explain our country’s tagline:
lesson/ Motivation Philippines have?
1. Ask the participants to Approximately 20 tropical
stand up and face to the cyclones enter the
right. (AMBON, ULAN, Philippine area of
BAGYO MASSAGE) responsibility yearly.
2. Instruct to listen carefully
as the teacher read the Why?
forecast script that can be
modified as necessary: The Philippines is prone to
“Magandang umaga sa tropical cyclones due to its
inyong lahat. Ako si Darry, geographical location which
nag-uulat live dito sa Luzon generally produce heavy
kung saan panaka-nakang rains and flooding of large
umuulan, samantalang may areas and also strong
bagyo sa visayas at ambon winds which result in heavy
lang sa Mindanao. Sa mga casualties to human life and
susunod na araw ay destructions to crops and
uulanin din ng malakas sa properties.
Mindanao, dahil sa
pagbagyo sa visayas. Sa
Luzon naman ay patuloy pa
din ang pag-ulan dahil sa
habagat. Inaasahan na
titigil ang pagbagyo sa
visayas sa darating na
sabado, at mababawasan
ang tubig na dulot ng ulan
sa Mindanao at sa Luzon at
magiging ambon-ambon na
lamang. Back to studio.” 6.
Tell the participants to face
to their left, and read the
weather forecast again.
D. Presenting examples/instances of The Philippines is prone to The Philippines is prone to
the new lesson/Motivation tropical cyclones due to its tropical cyclones due to its
geographical location which geographical location which
generally produce heavy generally produce heavy
rains and flooding of large rains and flooding of large
areas and also strong areas and also strong
winds which result in heavy winds which result in heavy
casualties to human life and casualties to human life and
destructions to crops and destructions to crops and
properties. properties.
E. Discussing new concepts and Many activities of man Many activities of man
practicing new skills No. 1 depend on the weather. depend on the weather.
When can we do the When can we do the
following activities: following activities:
- Outdoor birthday - Outdoor birthday
- Hiking - Hiking
- Camping - Camping
- SantaCruzan - SantaCruzan
- Track and field - Track and field
- Assembly meeting - Assembly meeting
- Flag ceremony - Flag ceremony

What do we prepare What do we prepare

- Sunny day - Sunny day
- Rainy day - Rainy day
- Windy day - Windy day
 When can a  When can a
fishermen catch a fishermen catch a
fish? fish?
 When does the  When does the
farmer plant rice farmer plant rice
and vegetables? and vegetables?
 When can he  When can he
harvest? harvest?
 When can a sailor  When can a sailor
go sailing? go sailing?
 When can a pilot  When can a pilot
set his flight? set his flight?

F. Discussing new concepts and We observe weather We observe weather We observe weather We observe weather
practicing new skills No. 2 conditions for many conditions for many conditions for many conditions for many reasons.
reasons. reasons. reasons. - To set outdoor
- To set outdoor - To set outdoor - To set outdoor activities
activities activities activities - For planting and
- For planting and - For planting and - For planting and fishing activities
fishing activities fishing activities fishing activities - To forecast weather
- To forecast - To forecast - To forecast conditions
weather conditions weather conditions weather conditions - To protect ourselves
- To protect - To protect - To protect during bad weathers
ourselves during ourselves during ourselves during - Prepare goods for a
bad weathers
- Prepare goods for bad weathers bad weathers vendors to sell.
a vendors to sell. - Prepare goods for - Prepare goods for
a vendors to sell. a vendors to sell. Philippine Atmospheric,
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Geophysical and Philippine Atmospheric, Philippine Atmospheric, Services Administration or
Astronomical Services Geophysical and Geophysical and PAGASA,
Administration or PAGASA, Astronomical Services Astronomical Services
Administration or PAGASA, Administration or PAGASA, Effects of Weather
Effects of Weather Disturbances
Disturbances Effects of Weather Effects of Weather A flood is the overflowing of a
A flood is the overflowing of Disturbances Disturbances river or brooks or the
a river or brooks or the A flood is the overflowing of A flood is the overflowing of collecting of water over
collecting of water over a river or brooks or the a river or brooks or the places, which are nor normally
places, which are nor collecting of water over collecting of water over under water. Floods can be
normally under water. places, which are nor places, which are nor caused by typhoons that carry
Floods can be caused by normally under water. normally under water. heavy rainfall and by clogging
typhoons that carry heavy Floods can be caused by Floods can be caused by or poor drainage systems.
rainfall and by clogging or typhoons that carry heavy typhoons that carry heavy Floods can also be caused by
poor drainage systems. rainfall and by clogging or rainfall and by clogging or collapse of a dam or by very
Floods can also be caused poor drainage systems. poor drainage systems. high ocean waves.
by collapse of a dam or by Floods can also be caused Floods can also be caused
very high ocean waves. by collapse of a dam or by by collapse of a dam or by Effects of Flood
very high ocean waves. very high ocean waves. 1. Floods can cause damage
Effects of Flood to lives and property. They
1. Floods can cause Effects of Flood Effects of Flood can destroy houses, bridges
damage to lives and 1. Floods can cause 1. Floods can cause and farms. Many families have
property. They can destroy damage to lives and damage to lives and lost their homes when these
houses, bridges and farms. property. They can destroy property. They can destroy were carried away by
Many families have lost houses, bridges and farms. houses, bridges and farms. rampaging floodwaters. Many
their homes when these Many families have lost Many families have lost people have drowned in
were carried away by their homes when these their homes when these swollen rivers.
rampaging floodwaters. were carried away by were carried away by 2. During floods, dirty water
Many people have drowned rampaging floodwaters. rampaging floodwaters. can get inside broken pipes
in swollen rivers. Many people have drowned Many people have drowned and contaminate drinking
2. During floods, dirty water in swollen rivers. in swollen rivers. water. This can result in
can get inside broken pipes 2. During floods, dirty water 2. During floods, dirty water intestinal diseases like
and contaminate drinking can get inside broken pipes can get inside broken pipes cholera, dysentery and
water. This can result in typhoid. What should people
intestinal diseases like and contaminate drinking and contaminate drinking do to avoid these diseases?
cholera, dysentery and water. This can result in water. This can result in 3. Flood can cause soil
typhoid. What should intestinal diseases like intestinal diseases like erosion. Fertile topsoil can be
people do to avoid these cholera, dysentery and cholera, dysentery and carried away by running water.
diseases? typhoid. What should typhoid. What should
3. Flood can cause soil people do to avoid these people do to avoid these What can people do to prevent
erosion. Fertile topsoil can diseases? diseases? floods?
be carried away by running 3. Flood can cause soil 3. Flood can cause soil
water. erosion. Fertile topsoil can erosion. Fertile topsoil can 1. Plant trees. Roots of trees
be carried away by running be carried away by running can absorb rain water and
What can people do to water. water. prevent soil erosion. Leaves of
prevent floods? trees protect the soil from
What can people do to What can people do to being directly hit by the
1. Plant trees. Roots of prevent floods? prevent floods? raindrops.
trees can absorb rain water 2. Report illegal loggers and
and prevent soil erosion. 1. Plant trees. Roots of 1. Plant trees. Roots of kaingneros. Illegal logging are
Leaves of trees protect the trees can absorb rain water trees can absorb rain water people who cut trees without
soil from being directly hit and prevent soil erosion. and prevent soil erosion. permit from the government.
by the raindrops. Leaves of trees protect the Leaves of trees protect the “Kaingineros” are the people
2. Report illegal loggers soil from being directly hit soil from being directly hit who burn the forest to clear it.
and kaingneros. Illegal by the raindrops. by the raindrops. 3. Do not throw garbage into
logging are people who cut 2. Report illegal loggers 2. Report illegal loggers creeks and canals.
trees without permit from and kaingneros. Illegal and kaingneros. Illegal
the government. logging are people who cut logging are people who cut
“Kaingineros” are the trees without permit from trees without permit from
people who burn the forest the government. the government.
to clear it. “Kaingineros” are the “Kaingineros” are the
3. Do not throw garbage people who burn the forest people who burn the forest
into creeks and canals. to clear it. to clear it.
3. Do not throw garbage 3. Do not throw garbage
into creeks and canals. into creeks and canals.

G. Developing Mastery (Leads to Directions: Categorize the Directions: Weather in our Direction: Answer with True Directions: What should we do
Formative Assessment) identified activities as to country constantly changes or False. Write your answer to protect ourselves from
when it is best to be done, from day to day or by the on the blank. typhoons?
on Sunny or Rainy/Stormy hour. For example, you ____________1. Trees
Weather. may wake up with fair help prevent floods and soil A. Before
weather, but it rains erosion. ____________2.
towards the middle of the Illegal logging is the major
Walking in the park day. List three ways to cause of floods.
Going to the beach
make sure of your safety in ____________3. Polluted
Suspending travel
Wearing thick and warm these changing weather rivers and lakes contribute
clothes patterns? to the occurrence of floods. B. During
Going camping ____________4. Poor
Wearing raincoat drainage and clogged
Cancelling picnic canals usually cause floods
Playing patintero or in rural areas.
C. After
outdoor games ____________5. The
kaingin system is a good
Sunny Rainy/ practice of farmers because
Weather Stormy it increases food production

H. Finding Practical Application of Why is not safe to wade in Why is not safe to wade in Why is not safe to wade in Why is not safe to wade in the
Concepts and Skills in Daily Lives the flood? What can people the flood? What can people the flood? What can people flood? What can people do to
do to prevent floods? do to prevent floods? do to prevent floods? prevent floods?
I. Making Generalization and Abstraction What is the effect of What is the effect of What is the effect of What is the effect of weather
weather disturbance on weather disturbance on weather disturbance on disturbance on living things?
living things? Cite living things? Cite living things? Cite Cite examples.
examples. examples. examples.
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Answer the Directions: Fill in the blanks Direction: Classify the
following based on your with words from the following activities to the type
Direction : Draw a
previous activity. discussion on weather of weather they are suited for.
happy face if the statement
disturbances. Use the
1. Describe the community shows precautionary safety
words in the word box to
activities during sunny and measures in times of
stormy weather. typhoons and sad face

if not.
_____1. Boil your drinking
water even after the
2. Are the activities done _____2. Ask an electrician
during sunny weather can tropical to check the electrical kite-flying swimming
also be done during cyclone appliances right after the reading a book
rainy/stormy weather? weather disturbances flood has subsided. board games
Why? water _____3. Go on a panic- playing in the park
equator buying spree of grocery watching T.V.
bad items so you will have biking
good enough food stocks at boating
home. fishing
Although weather camping
_____4. Check on your
disturbances are
family members who are
temporary, their impact on Fine Windy Storm
staying in affected areas.
plants, animals, livelihood, Weath Weath y
Determine if they need help
and the ecosystem is er er Weath
or rescue.
evident. 1.______ are er
_____5. When there is a
common in the Philippines
typhoon, stay outdoors and
due to the country's
proceed with your travel
nearness to the 2. ______,
which causes wind
convergence. 3.______ is
one type of weather
disturbance. Tropical
cyclones have different
names around the world
depending on where they
are. In the Atlantic/Eastern
Pacific Oceans, they are
known as hurricanes, while
in the Western Pacific, they
are identified as typhoons.
In the Indian Ocean, they
are recognized as cyclones.
Tropical cyclones form
when warm air moves over
the ocean's surface,
creating a massive amount
of 4..______ . Tropical
cyclones weaken as they
reach land, not because a
mountain or a building
blocks them, but because
the loss of their source of
heat, which is warm air
from the ocean, reduces
their wind speed. When the
weather is 5..______ , air
and water transportation
services are not stopped.
But when there is weather
disturbance, these services
are temporarily suspended.
K. Additional activities for application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction
and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the expectations meet the and expectations meet the
purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of the purpose and objectives of
the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the lesson because the learners the lesson because the
learners learners learners learners

VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the
the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning teaching-learning process teaching-learning process
process when incorporating process when incorporating process when incorporating when incorporating when incorporating

A. No. of learner who earned 80%
B .No. of learner who scored below 80%
( needs remediation)
C. No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No of learner who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies work
well? Why?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal /supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share w/other teacher?

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