DLL Math-5 Q4 W5

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DAILY LESSON LOG School: Mainang Resettlement Elementary School Grade and Section: 5- Aguinaldo

Teacher: Cristina M. Quiambao Subject: Mathematics

Teaching Dates: May 29-June 2, 2023 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 4th QUARTER


a. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of area, volume and temperature.
b. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, volume and temperature in mathematical problems and real -life situations.
c. Most Essential Learning reads and measures reads and measures solves routine and non - solves routine and non - reads and measures
Competencies (MELCs) temperature using temperature using routine problems involving routine problems involving temperature using
thermometer (alcohol and/or thermometer (alcohol and/or temperature in real -life temperature in real -life thermometer (alcohol and/or
digital) in degree Celsius. digital) in degree Celsius. situations. (M5ME - IVf -87) situations. (M5ME - IVf -87) digital) in degree Celsius.
(M5ME - IVf -85) (M5ME - IVf -85) (M5ME - IVf -85)

solves routine and non -

routine problems involving
temperature in real -life
situations. (M5ME - IVf -87)
d. Learning Objectives a. read and measure a. read and measure a. solve routine and non- a. solve routine and non-
temperature using a temperature using a routine problems involving routine problems involving
thermometer (alcohol and/or thermometer (alcohol and/or temperature in real life temperature in real life
digital) in degree Celsius; and digital) in degree Celsius; situations. situations.
b. appreciate the importance and b. appreciate the importance b. appreciate the importance
of reading and measuring b. appreciate the importance of solving routine and non- of solving routine and non-
temperature in our daily life. of reading and measuring routine problems involving routine problems involving
temperature in our daily life. temperature in our daily lives. temperature in our daily lives.
II. LEARNING CONTENT Reading and Measuring Reading and Measuring Solving routine and non - Solving routine and non -
(Subject Matter) Temperature Using Temperature Using routine problems involving routine problems involving
Thermometer in Degree Thermometer in Degree temperature in real -life temperature in real -life
Celsius Celsius situations situations
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials (SLMs/LASs) De Guzman, N. (2020). De Guzman, N. (2020). De Guzman, N. (2020). De Guzman, N. (2020).
Quarter 4 – Module 9: Quarter 4 – Module 9: Quarter 4 – Module 10: Quarter 4 – Module 10:
Reading and Measuring Reading and Measuring Solving Routine and Solving Routine and
Temperature Using Temperature Using NonRoutine Problems NonRoutine Problems
Thermometer in Degree Thermometer in Degree Involving Involving
Celsius.[Self-Learning Celsius.[Self-Learning Temperature in Real-Life Temperature in Real-Life
Module].Moodle. Department Module].Moodle. Department Situations [Self-Learning Situations [Self-Learning
of Education. Retrieved (April of Education. Retrieved (April Module].Moodle. Department Module].Moodle. Department
02, 2023) from https://r7- 02, 2023) from https://r7- of Education. Retrieved (April of Education. Retrieved (April
2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle/ 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle/ 02, 2023) from https://r7- 02, 2023) from https://r7-
mod/folder/view.php? mod/folder/view.php? 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle/ 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle/
id=13093 id=13093 mod/folder/view.php? mod/folder/view.php?
id=13093 id=13093
e. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning
Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens,
notebook notebook notebook notebook notebook
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous lesson/Drill Directions: Read and solve Directions: Copy the Directions: Copy and Directions:
the word problem. following on a separate sheet complete the following Below are the steps in
of paper. Search and encircle sentences by supplying a solving problems involving
Teachers need to print a the following words. word or words that will make temperature. Fill in the blanks
lot of learning materials for the sentence correct. A with the correct word or
their students such as 1. THERMOMETER device used in measuring phrases to make the
modules and activity 2. CELSIUS temperature is called a statements complete.
sheets for their pupils. Miss 3. KELVIN (1)________ . There are two
Santos bought a box of 4. FAHRENHEIT types of thermometer. The In order to solve routine and
bond papers. Suppose in 5. ANDERS CELSIUS (2) _________________ is a (1) word
the back portion of the box 6. LORD KELVIN thermometer that contains problems involving (2)
it says, 20 in ×18 in × 10 7. DANIEL FAHRENHEIT liquid mercury or alcohol. , in real life
in. 8. SCALE and a The (3) situations, we follow the (3)
9. GLASS TUBE __________________ is a . The steps
10. MERCURY thermometer with display in the four-step plan are (4)
screen to flash the , (5)
temperature reading. A (4) , (6)
__________thermometer is
, and (7)
used to get the temperature
of the air in a room or place
What is the amount of while a (5) _____
space that is enclosed in thermometer is used to check
the box? body temperature.

C. Establishing a purpose for the When do we usually use this Have you been to Baguio? Why is it so crucial to check Why is it important to check
lesson/ Motivation instrument? How do you feel every time the temperature, especially in and monitor body
you go here? Why is it that public places like malls, temperature whenever you
almost everyone here wears banks, grocery stores, and have a fever?
a jacket? others, when Covid-19
arrived in the Philippines?

D. Presenting examples/instances Temperature may be Temperature may be There are times when we There are times when we
of the new lesson/Motivation defined as the degree or defined as the degree or find it difficult to solve find it difficult to solve
intensity of heat present intensity of heat present in real-life problems real-life problems
in a body, place or thing. a body, place or thing. We involving temperature. involving temperature.
We may use a may use a thermometer to Some of these problems Some of these problems
thermometer to measure measure temperature. do not actually need the do not actually need the
temperature. Temperature is often use of a formula to solve. use of a formula to solve.
expressed in degree All we have to do is be All we have to do is be
Celsius (Centigrade) or creative and devise some creative and devise some
Temperature is often oC in symbols. Imagine if strategy. strategy.
expressed in degree someone in your family is
Celsius (Centigrade) or having symptoms of fever.
oC in symbols. Imagine if Will you be able to use a
someone in your family is thermometer to know the
having symptoms of fever. body temperature?
Will you be able to use a Suppose you are planning
thermometer to know the to have a vacation in
body temperature? Baguio or Tagaytay. It can
be cold there during
Christmas season. What
should you plan to bring
or wear when your family
plans to visit there during
Christmas vacation? In
the said situations, we
can say that learning
about temperature is
important to us.
E. Discussing new concepts and Have you touched your Have you touched your There are different Have you experienced
practicing new skills No. 1 neck, forehead or armpit neck, forehead or armpit problem-solving strategies answering a word
recently? Do you feel hot recently? Do you feel hot that can help you solve problem involving a
or cold? You probably ate or cold? You probably ate word problems. Always situation like this? Do you
halo-halo or cold fruit halo-halo or cold fruit remember that not all know how to solve this
shakes during a hot shakes during a hot problems require a type of a problem? What
weather. How did it feel? weather. How did it feel? particular formula or strategies can you use to
strategy to solve. come up with the correct
Sometimes, you may just answer? There are
need to act it out or make different problem-solving
a sketch or a drawing or strategies that can help
some other technique. you solve word problems.
Always remember that not
all problems require a
particular formula or
strategy to solve.
Sometimes, you may just
need to act it out or make
a sketch or a drawing or
some other technique.
F. Discussing new concepts and Thermometer use to We may need a In solving problems In solving problems
practicing new skills No. 2 measure the temperature thermometer to measure involving temperatures in involving temperatures in
of a body, place or thing. the temperature of a real-life situations, study real-life situations, study
body, place or thing. Did the four-step plan to solve the four-step plan to solve
Did you know that it was you know that it was only routine and non-routine routine and non-routine
only in the 16th century in the 16th century that word problems below. word problems below.
that the first thermometer the first thermometer was The Four- Step Plan in The Four- Step Plan in
was invented? invented? With the Solving Word Problems Solving Word Problems
advancement of 1. Understand the 1. Understand the
With the advancement of technology, people can problem. problem.
technology, people can now use digital a. Identify the question. a. Identify the question.
now use digital thermometers. Some b. Identify the relevant b. Identify the relevant
thermometers. Some even even use mobile phones facts. facts.
use mobile phones for for knowing temperature.
knowing temperature. 2. Plan what to do. 2. Plan what to do.
Temperature is expressed a. Choose a strategy to a. Choose a strategy to
Temperature is expressed in degrees units. These help you solve the help you solve the
in degrees units. These are the commonly used problem. problem. There are
are the commonly used temperature scales: the different strategies for
temperature scales: the Fahrenheit, Celsius and There are different different problems. It is up
Fahrenheit, Celsius and the Kelvin scales. In this strategies for different to you which strategy you
the Kelvin scales. In this module, we will focus on problems. think may best help you
module, we will focus on reading thermometers in Below is a list of problem- solve the word problem
reading thermometers in degree Celsius or 0C. solving strategies that you much more easily. Below
degree Celsius or 0C. may use. is a list of problem-solving
We should take into Draw a picture or a strategies that you may
We should take into consideration that diagram. use.
consideration that thermometers come in Make a table or list. Draw a picture or a
thermometers come in different types, sizes and Guess and check. diagram.
different types, sizes and materials. There are two Write a number Make a table or list.
materials. There are two main types of sentence. Guess and check.
main types of thermometer thermometer based on its Break problem into Write a number
based on its structure: the structure: the analog and smaller parts. sentence.
analog and digital digital thermometers. An Solve a simpler Break problem into
thermometers. An analog analog thermometer can problem. smaller parts.
thermometer can be a be a thermometer with Solve a simpler
Look for a pattern.
thermometer with liquid liquid inside a tube that problem.
Act it out.
inside a tube that moves moves when heat is
Make a model. Look for a pattern.
when heat is applied like applied like mercuric
Work backwards. Act it out.
mercuric thermometer and thermometer and alcohol
alcohol thermometer. thermometer. Use logical reasoning. Make a model.
Work backwards.
A digital thermometer is A digital thermometer is 3. Solve for the answer / Use logical reasoning.
battery-operated or solar battery-operated or solar Carry out the Plan.
thermometer with digital thermometer with digital a. Perform the strategy. 3. Solve for the answer /
display. There are different display. There are Carry out the Plan.
thermometers for different different thermometers for 4. Check / Look back a. Perform the strategy.
uses. The following are different uses. The a. Verify if the answer is
some examples. following are some correct. 4. Check / Look back
The digital room examples. a. Verify if the answer is
thermometer on the right The digital room Example: correct.
shows time, temperature, thermometer on the right
and humidity. The shows time, temperature, Arjan was nursing a fever. Example:
temperature shown is and humidity. The By ten o’clock in the
24.5oC. temperature shown is morning, his temperature Arjan was nursing a fever.
24.5oC. had gone up by 1.5°C By ten o’clock in the
from his temperature at 7 morning, his temperature
AM. By 3:00 o’clock in the had gone up by 1.5°C
afternoon, though, his from his temperature at 7
temperature had gone AM. By 3:00 o’clock in the
down by 1.2 C°. But at 10 afternoon, though, his
Clinical thermometers PM, his temperature was temperature had gone
are used to check a Clinical thermometers again up by 1.1 C°. If his down by 1.2 C°. But at 10
person’s body are used to check a temperature at 10 PM PM, his temperature was
temperature. The person’s body was 39.5°C, what was his again up by 1.1 C°. If his
thermometer A below temperature. The temperature at 7 AM? temperature at 10 PM
shows 38.3oC. thermometer A below was 39.5°C, what was his
Thermometer B shows shows 38.3oC. temperature at 7 AM?
36.5oC. Thermometer C is Thermometer B shows
an example of noncontact 36.5oC. Thermometer C
digital thermometer that is an example of
uses infrared. noncontact digital
thermometer that uses

Thermometer A

Thermometer A
Thermometer B Thermometer B

Thermometer C Thermometer C

There are also There are also

thermometers for cooking. thermometers for cooking.
They can be digital or They can be digital or
analog thermometers. analog thermometers.
Below is an illustration of Below is an illustration of
the parts of an analog the parts of an analog
thermometer. thermometer.

An analog thermometer An analog thermometer

may consist of a may consist of a
temperature sensor and a temperature sensor and a
scale. The temperature scale. The temperature
sensor is the bulb. The sensor is the bulb. The
scale shows the scale shows the
measurement of measurement of
temperature. The glass temperature. The glass
bulb is attached to a glass bulb is attached to a glass
tube with a number scale. tube with a number scale.
Alcohol and liquid mercury Alcohol and liquid
are the common liquids mercury are the common
found inside a scale that liquids found inside a
rises or lowers in a scale. scale that rises or lowers
Each space in the number in a scale. Each space in
scale represents 1oC. The the number scale
number below zero (0) is represents 1oC. The
written with a minus (-) number below zero (0) is
sign. Carefully read the written with a minus (-)
instructions before using a sign. Carefully read the
thermometer. If instructions before using a
instructions are not thermometer. If
available, ask a trusted instructions are not
grown up to help you. In available, ask a trusted
reading temperature using grown up to help you. In
an alcohol thermometer, reading temperature using
you need to locate the top an alcohol thermometer,
end of the liquid. The top you need to locate the top
end is the dark red, blue or end of the liquid. The top
silver line. Then take the end is the dark red, blue
reading of the temperature or silver line. Then take
by looking at the number the reading of the
scale where end of the temperature by looking at
liquid is located. Example the number scale where
1 shows that the end of the liquid is
temperature reading is located. Example 1 shows
20oC or read as “twenty that the temperature
degree Celsius.” In reading is 20oC or read
Example 2, temperature is as “twenty degree
-50C or read as “negative Celsius.” In Example 2,
5 degrees Celsius” since temperature is -50C or
the thermometer reading is read as “negative 5
50C below zero. In degrees Celsius” since
Example 3, the the thermometer reading
temperature reading is is 50C below zero. In
110C or read as “11 Example 3, the
degree Celsius.” temperature reading is
110C or read as “11
degree Celsius.”

G. Developing Mastery (Leads to Directions: Read the Directions: With the use Directions: Solve the Directions: Use the facts
Formative Assessment) temperatures below. Match of a thermometer following problems. in the table below to
the temperatures with the measure the temperature Follow the steps in solving answer the questions that
thermometers below. of the following in degrees word problems. follow.
1. 75°C 1. Princess Luz’s
2. 43°C 1. tap water temperature is 2.5 C°
3. 63°C above normal. What is her Elements Melting
4. 99°C 2. your neck temperature? Point
5. 81°C Gold 1 064.43
3. ice water (Au)
Lead 327.50
4. ice candy 2. One sunny afternoon, (Pb)
the temperature was Sodium 97.72
5. hot coffee 32°C. It then went up to (Na)
33.5°C.After a few hours, Aluminu 660.37
it was down by 3 times m (Al)
the temperature Helium -272.20
difference between the (He)
first and second readings. Tungste 3,414°C
What was the third n (W)
temperature reading?
1. How much higher is the
temperature needed to
melt gold than the
temperature needed to
melt lead?
2. How much lower is the
temperature needed to
melt sodium than the
temperature needed to
melt aluminum?

3. How much higher is the

melting point of tungsten
compared to the boiling
point of water?

4. Which among the

elements in the list above
has the lowest melting
point? What is its melting

5. Which among the

elements in the list above
has the highest melting
point? At what
temperature will it melt?

H. Finding Practical Application of When going to the mall, When going to the mall, What are some of the What are some of the
Concepts and Skills in Daily Lives and supermarket how can and supermarket how can different problem solving different problem solving
you apply your knowledge you apply your knowledge strategies that we can use strategies that we can use
on measuring on measuring in solving routine and in solving routine and
temperature? temperature? non-routine problems non-routine problems
involving temperature in involving temperature in
real life situations? Give real life situations? Give
at Least 5. at Least 5.
I. Making Generalization and What is the temperature? What is the temperature?
Abstraction How to read and measure How to read and measure What are the steps in What are the steps in
temperature using temperature using solving problems involving solving problems involving
thermometer in degree thermometer in degree temperature? temperature?
Celsius? Celsius?
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Determine if Directions: Copy the Directions: Read and Directions: Read and
the following readings of following on your answer understand the word understand the word
temperature are correct or sheet. Shade and plot the problem. Solve using the problem. Solve using the
not. Put a check mark temperature reading in AGONA. AGONA.
your paper. The first one
is done for you. 1. The lowest temperature
if the given is
in the Philippines that was
correct. Otherwise, put an
officially recorded by A freezer was set at
PAGASA was 6.3°C. It 0°C. Sophia reset it
mark. was recorded in Baguio
on January 18, 1961.The
to 8.5°C.Would the
highest was 42.2 degrees temperature in the
Celsius in Tuguegarao, freezer likely rise or
Cagayan on May 11, drop? By how many
1969. degrees?
What is the difference
between these two 1. What is Asked?

1. What is Asked?
2. What are the Given facts?

2. What are the Given facts?

3. What Operation to use?

3. What Operation to use?

4. What is the Number
4. What is the Number
5. What is the Answer?
5. What is the Answer?
K. Additional activities for application
or remediation
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction
expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the
purpose and objectives of the purpose and objectives of the purpose and objectives of the purpose and objectives of the purpose and objectives of the
lesson because the learners lesson because the learners lesson because the learners lesson because the learners lesson because the learners

VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the
teaching-learning process teaching-learning process teaching-learning process teaching-learning process teaching-learning process
when incorporating when incorporating when incorporating when incorporating when incorporating

A. No. of learner who earned 80%
B .No. of learner who scored below
80% ( needs remediation)
C. No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No of learner who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal /supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share w/other teacher?

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