Minerals 2023
Minerals 2023
Minerals 2023
Environmental Magnetic Characteristics and Heavy Metal
Pollution Assessment of Sediments in the Le’an River, China
Shaowei Rong 1 , Jin Wu 1 , Jing Liu 1 , Qun Li 2, *, Chunping Ren 3, * and Xiaoyuan Cao 4
Abstract: Environmental magnetism parameters have become a useful tool in addressing envi-
ronmental issues. Due to the rapid, sensitive, economical and non-destructive characteristics of
environmental magnetism, the present contribution focuses on magnetism parameters as proxy for
heavy metal pollution, especially from their relationship with contents of heavy metal. We evaluated
heavy metals pollution and examined environmental magnetism in the Dexing section of the Le’an
River. The pollution load index (PLI) of Cr, Pb, As, Cu and Zn, as well as the concentration of other
heavy metals, were analyzed, and the magnetic indexes of various sediments were analyzed. The
results showed that the concentrations of all heavy metals far exceeded the local background values,
and that the average contamination factor of Cu was as high as 22.88, making it the element of most
serious contamination. The problem of heavy metal pollution near the mine is very serious. The
content of magnetic minerals in sediments of Le’an River is relatively high and the composition of
magnetic minerals is relatively stable. The stable-single domin (SSD) content is high at S1 and S10,
indicating that ferromagnetic mineral content is relatively rich here, which dominates the magnetic
characteristics of the sample. In general, it was found that environmental magnetism indicators did
Citation: Rong, S.; Wu, J.; Liu, J.;
not exist in the Dexing section of the Le’an River that could clearly indicate the concentration of
Li, Q.; Ren, C.; Cao, X. Environmental
heavy metal pollution. Only a few heavy metals can be effectively indicated by magnetic parameters.
Magnetic Characteristics and Heavy
IRM-20mT and S-ratio can be used as indicators of Cr, Pb, As, Cu and Zn, but they are not accurate. The
Metal Pollution Assessment of
Sediments in the Le’an River, China.
correlation between Sr and magnetic indexes IRM200mT , IRM300mT , SIRM, IRM-300mT and HIRM is
Minerals 2023, 13, 145. https:// significant, which can be used as an indicator of Sr concentration. IRM20mT can also be used as an
doi.org/10.3390/min13020145 indicator of Hg concentration.
detection and monitoring of water quality and thereby avoid heavy metal poisoning. The
magnetic properties of sediments are influenced by the type, content and grain size of
magnetic minerals, and can reflect a combination of information on the physical origin,
transport patterns, level of diagenesis and human activity relating to the sediments [6].
Environmental magnetism is a relatively new discipline that originated in many interdis-
ciplinary studies involving UK lake sediments, but one that has quickly developed into
an archive that can identify past global changes [7], with the basic principle of relating the
magnetic properties of mineral assemblages to the environmental processes that control
them for the purpose of understanding sediment or soil formation processes [8].
The study of mineral magnetism is widely used in geo-scientific research, such as
in reconstructing paleoclimates to adapt to the latest climate changes and environmental
risks [9]. In addition, environmental magnetism can also characterize the composition
of litho-units, and explore and describe sediment transport and sedimentary pathways,
diagenesis and the natural variation of rocks, etc. [9–14]. However, until now, no studies
have been conducted on the Le’an River using environmental magnetism methods for
sediment source-to-sink analysis.
Environmental magnetism can be used as an indicator of heavy metals, because the
presence of heavy metals in water may become fixed in stream sediments, participating in
absorption, co-precipitation, formation of complexes, and co-adsorption with iron oxides
and hydroxides or other particulate forms [15,16]. Thus, river sediments are not only major
concentrations of heavy metals, but also potential secondary sources of pollutants in the
water environment. Previous conventional geochemical methods for studying heavy metal
contamination in sediments, while highly accurate and revealing the intensity and extent
of contamination in the study area, are cumbersome, time-consuming and expensive, and
are not suitable for large-scale contamination [1]. The use of environmental magnetism in
environmental research was initiated by Oldfield [17]. After Oldfield pioneered this method,
many scholars around the world began to use environmental magnetism measurements to
replace and supplement the expensive and complex traditional chemical analysis [18–20].
Thompson and Oldfield studied the relationship between sediment magnetism and
environmental processes, and the results showed that the surface soil in northern indus-
trial areas would have higher susceptibility, which would be caused by the atmospheric
deposition of magnetic particles generated by the combustion of fossil fuels [18]. Friedrich
Heller et al. (1998) studied the environmental magnetism characteristics and sources of
magnetic particles of forest surface soil in Upper Silesia, Poland. The study found that
unusually strong soil susceptibility was not caused by natural causes, but by deposition of
industrial dust and fly ash containing man-made magnetic particles [20]. High magnetic
susceptibility values in forest topsoil are often accompanied by the presence of potentially
dangerous heavy metals, such as Zn, Pb and Cd, as Strzyszcz suggested in 1993 [19]. Most
studies have shown that magnetic measurements are promising and useful for identifying
pollution types in contaminated areas.
The use of magnetic parameters as a proxy for quantifying heavy metal concen-
trations in river sediments has been demonstrated in recent years, with one study on
suspended sediments showing a significant correlation between magnetic susceptibility
and the heavy metal content of iron and zinc [8,21]. Magnetic susceptibility and saturation
isothermal remanence can be used as indicators of heavy metal pollution in estuaries and
deltas [6,22–25]. Zhang et al. found a substantial correlation between heavy metal con-
centrations and magnetic parameters in river sediments near an iron refinery in China [1].
These studies all suggest that magnetic indicators of sediment can be used as indicators of
heavy metal contamination in some ranges. However, environmental magnetism methods
are not suitable for the study of heavy metal contamination under all conditions. Knab
et al., after studying the Vltava River (Czech Republic), demonstrated that the applicability
of magnetic methods may be limited when the geologically genetic background shows
major magnetic anomalies [26]. Stanislav et al. studied the magnetic, geochemical, and
mineralogical characteristics of the sediments of karstic and flysch rivers (in Croatia and
Minerals 2023, 13, 145 3 of 14
Slovenia). They found that these rivers serve as local databases of natural magnetic suscep-
tibility background values. However, the Celje area of Slovenia is heavily polluted due to
mining, metallurgy and other activities, so the magnetic parameters are not of reference
significance [27]. This indicates that the relationship between magnetic parameters and
potentially toxic elements may not be generalized to all environments [4], so the correlation
between local magnetic parameters and pollution indicators must be studied before using
different environmental magnetism parameters as proxies for pollution indicators.
Located in the north of Jiangxi Province in China, the Le’an River is a major tributary
of Poyang Lake, China’s largest freshwater lake, and has important ecological, social,
economic and recreational value [28]. The Le’an River is not only the main source of
drinking water for local residents, but also the main source of water for industrial and
agricultural activities in the area. Since the 1950s, many mines have been built in the area
along the Le’an River, such as the Dexing copper mine (the largest copper mine in Asia),
the Huaqiao gold mine and the Chung Shan coal mine. In addition, there are many sources
of heavy metal discharges along the Le’an River, such as paper mills, chemical plants
and non-ferrous metal smelters. The discharge of domestic sewage along the river makes
many pollution indicators of the Le’an River exceed the standard. The pollution of heavy
metal elements such as Zn, Cu and Pb turn the farmland downstream of Dexing Copper
Mine into wasteland [29,30]. Even the bottom mud of Poyang Lake has a great negative
impact [31]. Zhang J. et al. investigated the heavy metal pollution from non-ferrous metal
mining and smelting activities along the Le’an River, and studied the distribution of heavy
metals in the waterways of the area and the potential threat to the aquatic ecosystem. The
study found that the waterways in the area had become heavily contaminated with heavy
metals due to mining activities. The concentrations of Cu, Cd and As are all at high levels
in the whole waterway and their sources are relatively complex [32].
In the current research on the Le’an River, most scholars only analyze the pollution
status of the river by traditional chemical methods [5,28,33,34], and there are few studies
on the indicator effect of heavy metal concentration by means of environmental magnetism.
In this study, we carried out heavy metal contamination analysis and environmental
magnetism analysis on the surface sediments of the Dexing section of the Le’an River to
obtain the contamination status and environmental magnetism characteristics of the surface
sediments and to explore the connection between them in order to obtain the connection
between the local environmental magnetism parameters and geochemistry. The results
of this study will provide an idea for seeking a low cost and high sensitivity heavy metal
pollution monitoring technology in Le’an River. At the same time, the research results
may provide solutions for alleviating the severe heavy metal pollution in Poyang Lake,
and provide help to ensure the stable water supply for life, agriculture and industry in
Dexing area.
Figure 1.
Figure Study area
1. Study area and
and sampling
sampling sites
sites of
of the
the Le’an
Le’an River.
Jiangxi Province has superior metallogenic geological conditions and is extremely rich
2.2. Sampling
in mineral resources. There are 164 kinds of mineral resources found in China, 153 of which
A total of 10 surface sediment samples (S1 to S10) were collected from 1 to 7 Decem-
can be found in Jiangxi Province, with more than 5000 mineral producing areas. Among
ber 2020 in the inner section of the Dexing boundary of the Le’an River, and the sampling
them are gold, silver, copper, tungsten, uranium, rare earth, and tantalum niobium; these
points were located using the Global Positioning System (GPS) during the sampling pro-
seven metal ores occupy an important position in China and even the world. Le’an River
cess. The location of each sampling site is marked in Figure 1. As much as possible, sam-
is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province. Adjacent to Le’an River, Dexing City has
ples were collected
the largest open-pitfrom
in of the as
Asia, river
welltoasavoid interference
dozens from
of large and organic
small metalmatter.
such as Jinshan Gold mine, Damaoshan Copper mine, Zhulin Gold mine, Toadofgold
Van Veen grab was used to collect sediment samples from the top 2 cm the mine,
bottom. Two samples were collected to measure the magnetic parameters
Huaqiao gold mine, Yinshan lead-zinc mine, Xijiang gold mine, Bashiyuan gold mine, and chemical
elemental characteristics
Fujiawu Copper of theGold
mine, Shibei sediment respectively.
mine and Yuankeng After
mine. Its the samples
mineral were
packed in clean polythene
are rich and varied. bags and transported to the laboratory in a cooler at 4 °C.
2.2. Analyses
total of 10Measurement
surface sediment samples (S1 to S10) were collected from 1 to 7 December 2020
in the inner section
All samples were of the Dexing
dried boundary
naturally in theoflaboratory,
the Le’an River, androots
and the the sampling points
were removed,
were located using the Global Positioning System (GPS) during the sampling
crushed with a wooden pestle and mortar passed through a 2 mm nylon sieve, and then process. The
location of each sampling site is marked in Figure 1. As much as possible,
weighed and wrapped tightly in plastic cling film and compacted in 10 cm sample boxes 3 samples were
collected from
dedicated the center
to magnetism foroftesting.
the river to avoid
Magnetic interference
field from
intensity was organic
applied matter.
with A Van
an ASC IM-
10 grab magnetizer
pulsed was used to(Sensor
collect sediment
Co., Statesamples
PA, the topand
USA) 2 cm of the river
isothermal bottom.
Two samples were collected to measure the magnetic parameters and chemical elemental
characteristics of the sediment respectively. After collection, the samples were packed in
clean polythene bags and transported to the laboratory in a cooler at 4 ◦ C.
2.3. Analyses
2.3.1. Magnetic Measurement
All samples were dried naturally in the laboratory, and the roots were removed,
crushed with a wooden pestle and mortar passed through a 2 mm nylon sieve, and then
weighed and wrapped tightly in plastic cling film and compacted in 10 cm3 sample boxes
dedicated to magnetism for testing. Magnetic field intensity was applied with an ASC
IM-10 pulsed magnetizer (Sensor Co., State College, PA, USA) and isothermal remanent
magnetization (IRM) values were obtained at room temperature with a Molspin Spinner
Magnetometer (Molspin Co., Oxfordshire, UK). Positive magnetic fields of 20, 200 and
300 mT and negative magnetic fields of −20 and −300 mT were applied to the samples
Minerals 2023, 13, 145 5 of 14
successively to test the corresponding IRM. IRM20mT (20 mT positive magnetic field for the
corresponding isothermal remanent magnetization) was used to indicate the content of
ferrimagnetic minerals, particularly multi-domain and pseudo-single-domain magnetic
particles. SOFT-IRM , HIRM and S-ratio are obtained from the above measured parameters,
respectively [18,36].
SOFT−IRM = (SIRM − IRM−20mT )/2 (1)
HIRM = (SIRM + IRM−300mT )/2 (2)
S−ratio = (3)
In the formula, SOFT-IRM is soft isothermal remanent magnetization, which can in-
dicate the ferromagnetic minerals content, Am2 /kg; SIRM is the saturation isothermal
remanence, which has strong correlation with stable-single domain (SSD) magnetite concen-
tration, Am2 /kg; IRM−20mT is the isothermal remanent magnetization for the 20 mT nega-
tive magnetic field test, which can reflect the content of soft magnetic minerals, Am2 /kg;
HIRM is hard isothermal remanent magnetization, which can estimate the content of an-
tiferromagnetic minerals in the sample, Am2 /kg; IRM−300mT is the isothermal remanent
magnetization for the 300 mT negative magnetic field test, Am2 /kg; S-ratio indicates the
relative ratio of antiferromagnetic minerals to ferromagnetic minerals, with high values
representing more ferromagnetic minerals.
Elements Cu Zn Pb Cd Cr As
Metalbackground 45 118 34 0.4 62 13
2.4. Analyses
SPSS software was used for statistical analysis of the data. Correlation analysis of
heavy metal concentrations with magnetic parameters was performed using Pearson
correlation analysis, with the significance level set at p < 0.01 (two-tailed).
Cr Pb As Cu Zn
Min <3.0 11.7 11.1 38.8 31.6
Max 176 1200 802 3360 4260
Average 104.91 193.94 117.81 1029.68 846.47
Cr Pb As Cu Zn
Min <3.0 11.7 11.1 38.8 31.6
Max 176 1200 802 3360 4260
Minerals 2023, 13, 145 7 of 14
Average 104.91 193.94 117.81 1029.68 846.47
The results of HIRM, S-ratio and SOFT-IRM are shown in Figure 5. The SOFT-IRM ranges
from 4.025 × 10−4 Am2/kg to 3.785 × 10−3 Am2/kg, a wide range of variation, indicating that
the concentration of ferrous minerals fluctuates significantly. The HIRM can be used as a
proxy for the concentration of the antiferromagnetic mineral hematite [43,44]. The mean
value of HIRM in the Le’an River sediments was 3.88 × 10−3 Am2/kg, with a high overall
value and a sawtooth-shaped high-amplitude distribution of the HIRM curve, indicating
that the sediment formation process in the Le’an River was very unstable and that various
pollution sources had a great influence on the sediment deposition process.
The S-ratio mainly reflects the relative importance of the ferromagnetic and antiferro-
magnetic minerals [36]. In the Le’an River sediments, the S-ratio varies from 0.73 to 0.93,
with a mean value of 0.87, essentially reaching saturation, indicating that the isothermal
remanence IRM is close to saturation under the applied magnetic field of 300 mT, and
with the increase of sediment deposition process and soft ferromagnetic mineral compo-
sition, the ferrous magnetic mineral composition becomes the main contributor of mag-
netic susceptibility. The same low values on the HIRM curve are found at sampling points
S7 to S9 where S-ratio is low, suggesting that the concentration of magnetic minerals is stable
at the headwaters of the Le’an River and its tributary, the Dawu River, meaning that the
presence of contaminants downstream of the Dawu River is increasing the concentration
of antiferromagnetic minerals in the sediment. Magnetite is the main ferric magnetic car-
rier in the sediments of river basins and reservoirs. The characteristics of magnetite lead
to the easy adsorption of toxic elements in the sediments of the Le’an River [4].
Figure 5. Other magnetic
Figureindexes’ characteristics
5. Other magnetic indexes’atcharacteristics
sampling sites in the Le’an
at sampling River.
sites in the Le’an River.
The S-ratio mainly reflects the relative importance of the ferromagnetic and antiferro-
magnetic minerals [36]. In the Le’an River sediments, the S-ratio varies from 0.73 to 0.93,
with a mean value of 0.87, essentially reaching saturation, indicating that the isothermal
remanence IRM is close to saturation under the applied magnetic field of 300 mT, and with
the increase of sediment deposition process and soft ferromagnetic mineral composition,
the ferrous magnetic mineral composition becomes the main contributor of magnetic sus-
ceptibility. The same low values on the HIRM curve are found at sampling points S7 to
S9 where S-ratio is low, suggesting that the concentration of magnetic minerals is stable
at the headwaters of the Le’an River and its tributary, the Dawu River, meaning that the
presence of contaminants downstream of the Dawu River is increasing the concentration of
antiferromagnetic minerals in the sediment. Magnetite is the main ferric magnetic carrier
in the sediments of river basins and reservoirs. The characteristics of magnetite lead to the
easy adsorption of toxic elements in the sediments of the Le’an River [4].
ARM is a strong indicator of V and Hg, and Zhang C.X. et al., in 2011, also pointed ou
HIRM havebetween
significantARM and V
correlation [1].SrIRM
with (p <20mT was
0.05), hassignificantly correlated
a certain indicative role. with
(p < 0.01). ARM/SIRM has strong indicative effect on Mo and Ni, which
ARM is a strong indicator of V and Hg, and Zhang C.X. et al., in 2011, also pointed out is consistent w
a strong finding that
correlation ARM/SIRM
between ARM andcan be IRM
V [1]. used aswas
20mT a proxy for Nicorrelated
significantly after studying
with the s
Hg (p < 0.01). ARM/SIRM has strong indicative effect on Mo and Ni,
iment of reservoir in Mexico. He did not study the relationship between Mo element awhich is consistent
with Chaparro’s finding that ARM/SIRM can be used as a proxy for Ni after studying the
magnetic parameters [4]. This parameter indicates Mo and Ni concentrations beca
sediment of reservoir in Mexico. He did not study the relationship between Mo element
ARM/SIRM cancels
and magnetic out the
parameters [4].effect of magnetic
This parameter mineral
indicates Mo andconcentrations
Ni concentrationsand enhances
signal caused bycancels
ARM/SIRM grainout
sizethechanges [47].
effect of magnetic mineral concentrations and enhances the
signal caused by grain size changes [47].
Figure 6. Plot
Figure of of
6. Plot correlation coefficients
correlation coefficients between
between magnetic
magnetic parameters
parameters and heavy
and heavy metal metal concen
(* p ≤ 0.05).
tions (* p ≤ 0.05).
4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
The concentration of each heavy metal element in the sediment of the Dexing section
Le’an River hasof
heavy variability in spatialin
metal element distribution,
the sedimentand of
the metal
Dexing sect
pollution is more serious; the average value of each heavy metal concentration far exceeds
of the Le’an River has great spatial variability in spatial distribution, and heavy me
the background value of heavy metal in the sediment of the Le’an River, especially Cu.
pollution is more
The highest serious;
value the average
of pollution value
coefficient of each
is 74.67; heavy
from the metal
pollution concentration
coefficient Cf can befar exce
the background
seen that the pollution degree of various heavy metal pollution is Cu > As > Zn > Pb especially
value of heavy metal in the sediment of the Le’an River, > Cr. C
The highest with the
value PLI, the results
of pollution show thatisthe
coefficient degree
74.67; of pollution
from is extremely
the pollution serious Cf can
at the points located near each mine, while the two points located in the
seen that the pollution degree of various heavy metal pollution is Cu > As > Zn > Pb > upper reaches
of the river are free of pollution, and the sediment pollution is better. The isothermal
remanent with the PLI, the
magnetization IRMresults showRiver
of the Le’an that sediments
the degree of pollution
is consistent is magnetic
across extremely serio
field strengths, and the SIRM curve is consistent with the IRM, indicating that the magnetic
mineral composition of the samples is relatively stable. From the other environmental
magnetism indicators, it can be seen that the ferromagnetic mineral fraction becomes the
main contributor to the magnetization rate and its concentration fluctuates more obviously,
Minerals 2023, 13, 145 12 of 14
while each pollution source has a greater influence on the deposition process of the Le’an
River sediments.
The correlation analysis between environmental magnetism indicators and heavy
metals did not show a significant pattern, with the S-ratio having a non-significant positive
correlation with the concentration of each major heavy metal, suggesting that heavy metals
are more readily enriched in ferromagnetic minerals. Overall, the magnetic parameters
IRM-20mT and S-ratio were indicative of Cr, Pb, As, Cu and Zn, but not strongly so. In
combination with other heavy metals, Sr had a more significant correlation (p < 0.05) with
the magnetic indicators IRM200mT , IRM300mT , SIRM, IRM-300mT and HIRM, which can be
used as indicators of pollution in response to Sr concentrations; ARM was indicative for V
(p < 0.05) and strongly indicative for Hg (p < 0.01). IRM20mT was significantly correlated
with Hg (p < 0.01); ARM/SIRM was highly indicative of Mo and Ni (p < 0.01). The
combination of environmental magnetism and geochemistry is an important method for
environmental assessment. In some areas environmental magnetism can be a good indicator
of heavy metal concentrations, but in this study, no single environmental indicator was
found to accurately and effectively reflect the concentrations of various heavy metals,
which also indicates that in different areas, due to the sediment formation process and the
pollution sources in the study area, the indication of environmental magnetism indicators
can have a large impact.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/min13020145/s1, Table S1. sampling sites; Table S2. Precision
and accuracy of each method; Table S3. Statistical analysis of pollution load index; Table S4. Pearson
correlation (PC) coefficient matrix of all elements and magnetic parameters in the study area.
Author Contributions: S.R. contributed significantly to the study design, literature review, statistical
analysis, and writing and revising the manuscript. J.W. was responsible for improving the study
design, literature screening, data validation, and review and revision of the manuscript. J.L. improved
the study ideas and revised the manuscript. Q.L. and C.R. were responsible for collecting data and
revising the manuscript, and liaising with the editorial team. X.C. improved the study’s ideas and
revised the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was supported by “the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universi-
ties”, No. 2022.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or
personal relationships that could have influenced the work reported in this paper.
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